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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1891)
EAST AHD-SOUTH, Couth cm Pacific Route SHASTA LINE.. Eanroat Train leer Portland Dally "' K Portland Albany Sa Franeiae Ar L T f to a r a s.i a a L Ar I : 4 Ab.,y train atop only at Mluwlng etotlno aorta al HVttoharf. tut Portland, Onra City, Wood urn. Balmn, A I ban r, Tencmt, RhouJ, Hate. Hr jaurg, junction wi, Iruaf , Kurn. aoassuae bail, bata. Kil TU Portland Ar 0li l (L Albany LT!t:0 vra Ar Hoeo horf LtISaB AlBAST MOAL( MM Uwn BTBAT) "B L Portland Arl WnAf Albany LrIKW4a taaAaoa uAca, llifilU Albany AkT I 4 a liira Ar Lebanon L I:t0ti (Mil L Albany Ar l:Mri t it 4 a Ar Uhtum Lo S:AO r a FilLLUAM EUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars. Par a seoaaaaaelatten at aeeood-Claaa PasooB aors, lUMtN M EvxproasirBtas TmI B Mrltlu. ETWEE rKTLAHa) A COBVAIXIS, Mais maiasaniCEsjoptSaaoay,) Nil tiora Lr Ar Portland Ar latum Uorrallla Lr 11 IS ra sirs at taaia bailt (Exeapt Sunday. ura t ra Portland UcMlaBlrlll Ar I a a Lr S.U a a Ar TlxrowgrU Tioltot To all solal EAST, A?10 SOUTH. tt fail ntoraatlo.i rofnrdlnt rate, aw pa. eaonmpaay Aont at ATmay , i. eOSULAE B P. ROGERS Manafor AaatO. F.aadF. YAQUINA BAY RODTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad T CO, BeeelTer. o Orsg-m Eeyelopasnt To's Steamers, Jlswrs Line t'llflsral. Ftrat-elaM throoa-h raaaonror and Velght line froin Portland and all polnta to tba WUlsmeU Valley to and from 8m franc loco, ui. Boa la make cloa eonneoUon at Alban &ta tralna of lb Oregon raelfi RaUrestd TIME SCHEDULE. eatopt Sunday., Lean Albnnr 14 to r. B, LeneoOortallia lOSr.a. Arrle Yaamlaa, IS r. a. Ln Taqaino, T:O0a,B uin vorTailM.lo.MA.i imn Albany, ii:js 4. O. A C. Iralaa oonnoot at Albany and CofTaJlla. Ttaa boots traina ooaneotat Taooloa with the Oregon DTeiopnnt Untnpany'e una or BteaeneniM between T equina and Ban Francisco, SAILIKd DATES . moo taoib. Wllliiilli Tailor, Jane aab, ISta-.tSod. saeo e.a raAocteue nUaawtt ValteT, Ma Slat; Jen SU; ISAaisTta Tha Oompaa roTei iba neat to baara Boiling dataa w'lhout notice. af. B. PaaaaoKera from Portland and TlllameUa Valley polait can make close eoaaedkm with the trrnlna of the Yaaalna ronta at Albany or Corrallte, and If dea ttnad to Han Praneiaoo abonld arrange to rrlTe at Yaoalna the evening before data fasuins' tTTuMafrr aa rrbt ralaa alttara Iba ttm lalr aaelr to A B CaaoaiAa,Wlfhtaa4 lakat Aaaat AJaABf v C. C. MOCI K. O. F. ap P. Aa . CarraLJa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 3. K. WEATHERFOatD, Attoroay t Lm. W1U ar la all ooort of U u'a. fllei FUaa aloea, Alhtmj, Omajua. w. B. BILYEV, Attumr at Law a41it. la Cbaaeorr. C'U tlcna aodoa all u. Loan aafttiat4 oa S anMataraM. Albany, Ongua. G EO. W. lYRICillT, Attorney t La,ml NuUrr Pulilie. Will practia la all onunaul Ihwvtta and in Um UnitoS Malea enono aarOnfua. eairt -fruat ronaM orar Bank ot Ofafua, A. bajiy, tg-B. II. C. WATSOWJ. AttoriMrat U. 3ieet-!a the Stnaaa Mock Bpatair. Albaoy, Oroyiaw D. B. M. BLACKB1TRM, lUonqrtl lyxw. Will praetieo la a' ol uraam, oimpt tba ooaaiy auort A J Quoin will raeolvo priMapt at If. BriMBDt attODUlM. eat -a ruor Tompaf, Alfaaoy, .Or J J. WHIT WET, Attornor at Lw, aol KjUry PublU. Albany B. J. L. HILL, riirdoiaa awl Snrvwrn. OrPICK-Cornar Flnt'u r"rry otraala, Albany, Orojcio. JR. . 1YAT40.Y HlSTOX, ' PhyaieUn ail 8 iroo. OPPICS-Oppodlo iMuu4T oICo, Albany, Oreym. JJR. W. II. DAVIS, aixi a-lrjon. urrCB-Uutlr In tha Htrmhaa bick i May b loan 4 at hi offlo day or , , A, VYIIlTJfEY, i f . i " irrii,. Oraluuaol Bi UrMtfad " mim. nmw im jciaJty. UiM at OFICK rrmivi block, Albany, Orogoa I nn r Heart stock of2t.d ;ooda In tbe Va or, ami (uo moat reasr .ale prioaa, both Ml K't- "lllDg. I bsve on hand FUOTUHE, STOVES, TINWARE TOXS, B33XS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCXFRY, ETC., ETC. L. COTTLItB . FOR SALE. Two j(od haxtf brse, and well oroUon, toothr with g o.l hok and set f d JUbla harnes. apply to J. JJaok ensto. rottldano cornar of Calaboola and Mn .h alroet. AD'nlHISTRATO-TS NOTICE. VJ-tiTICB l HEREIIT GIVEN TO ALL CREDI l V-ra and pwvwi In th MtaU of William Conn aad. that an th, Srd day cf Jus, 1831, 1 Slad ay Rntl kocount In aaid RutUsr In th co July 1 1 Una aouity, Or;nn, and that said nasi Sum d tk (hh day et July, 1831, at tk hear ol is l m, of atld day a th Urn (ar baarlnr aad ttlt.r all objMtion to aid imul aad lor S aal a tmtpt tt aid MUI,. .wdjaw. i. aux cosrr W Imi, Away. ALDANriOR. mmm & eulbset. beos, Real Estate. Agenti Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Albaor and Coryallis. HELPS, Job Printer, CJf C.!ro A ltinM II I NTS TO lIursEKt&PlKS It troubled with heAdachr, try tha lin- uluneoua application of lpt water to the feet and back of the nrck, It a rolton hat been acclUently (wal lowed, Intlantly drlak a pint ot warm wa ter In which hat been tttrred a teatpoon- tul cl lt and one or two ot mu Hard. halt-gtAM ot feet oil will render many poltont harmleta. A pallet-knife thould be used to tcrtpe pot and kettle. To tkln a h-cut a tSIn narrow atrip down the backbone, taking off the dortal On. Then open tha lower part hall -way down. Slip tha knlte under and up through the bony part of the gltlt.and hold thl bony part betaeen Ihe thumb and finger, and atria the akin off toward the tall. Then do tha tame on the other tide. Small fih, like mackeral and white-nth, when d retted tor broiling, should be tpllt thruogh the back. Many women complain that button thoet palit the feet more alter a month's wear than they did when first put on. E aminalion will prora In thete catet that by the stretching of the uppert the toot It allowed to slip forward, paining the toe and the skleot the ball joint. By resetting the buttons Judiciously the trouble Is over come.1 Numerous remedies have been prt- scrtbed for mosquito bites, but a German writer says that ordinary soap ts tt gooJ as any of them, lie always carries a small piece with him on his country excursions, and In case of a bite makes a lather over the affected part and allows It to dry- on 1 he burning is at once relieved, and all pain soon disappears. Should It return, as sometimes happens; it It only necessary to repeat the application . Fried flth is very good turned In salted flour, or salted egg and bread crumbs, and then put Into boiling hot fat to get brown For stewed codfish, cut a small cod lr to three or four equat-tlxed pieces, ath them In salt and water, and put I hem into kettle with no mor water than will cling tothem. Add a blade ot mace, a wine glattful ot white cooking wine, and two tablespoonfuls ot butter divided in halves. one of them having a scant tablcspoontul of flour rubbed Into It. And salt to tatte, and a Utile white pepper (powdered) at the very last. Let it cook slowly and well covered for fifteen to twenty minutes, and serve the fish and sauce In the same dish, Zinc U best cleaned with hot, soapy w ter, then polished with kerosene. If the hands are rubbed on a stick ol celery after peeling onions the smell will be entirely removed. Or unions may be pealed under water without offense to eyes or hands. Rain water, It Is well known. Is the best cosmetic. A good substitute Is to let some orange, lemcn or cucumber peel soak In water used to wash the face. This nted not be etpeclclly prepared lor every ab lution. Keep a wide-mouthed bottle or jar of It on your toilet stand and uie dally for tha face. It softens the skin and g-lves a becoming glow while hesthfully sllmu lating the action ot the skin. rUC LETT EH DKUVEUY IS CITIES. The enormous growth of American cities the past few years greatly increases the labor and expenie of the postoflke de partment, whirh by law Is required to de liver at their doors th mail of persona living In cities and villages of a certain size. pente of his free delivery Is now a large part of the cost of malnta lo ng the postoffice department. The Boston postmaster estimates that sixty additional carriers will be required to supply the In creased population of the city with their mail facilities.' All other cities are mak ing similar demands, and If these are com plied wills on the tst of nest July It will require looo additional letter-carriers in the cities of the whole country, and make the whole number n.ioo. Tbe appropri ation for the postoffice department made by the last congress do not warrant this Inceease, but ft did authorize the appoint ment of 4 so additional What congress says goes, and postmasters will be obliged to cut their cost according to the cloth rather than according to their own wishes, Possibly, If the present carriers, with 4 So additional, cannot do tbe work re quired to deliver and collect malls, other pec pic can be found to take their places who will cheerfully do so. ft la possible, too, that his extra work will Interfere with the letter-carriers taking a vacation nn pay as they usually d lit mid-summer. But In being obliged to work without a vaca tion they would be only In the same boat with more than half the community, who get rest only on nights and Sundays, with no vacation from one year's rod to an other. The "centre of population" was marked by due civic proceedings, and the erection o.i the loth Inst, of a monument, fifteen feet high, of polished limestone, twenty miles east of Columbus, Decatur Co., Ind. The monument has the injcHptlon, "Centre of the population of the United State. The following Is the location of these centres each decade since 1790. In 1800, iS miles west of Baltimore; In 1810, 45 miles north west by west of Wahlngton; In 1820, 16 miles north of Woodstock, Va. j In i8v. 9 miles west bv southwest ot Moorkfield, W Va.; In 1840, 16 miles south of Clarksburg, W Va.; In 1850, 23 miles southeast of Petersburg, V Va ; In 18io, 30 miles soutl.csit of Chillicothe, Ohio; in 1870, 43 miles east by north of Cincinnati, Ohio; In ibSo, 8 miles west by south of Cincinnati, Ohio: in iSoo. 20 miles east of Columbus, Ind. Dive s in the clear waters of (he tropical less find thst fi.h of diflerent colors when fnghiensd do not all dart it the same direc tion, but that each different kind lakes shelter in that portion of tbe submarine. growth near est in color lo that of the fiih. During tbe past winter the earth of tbe village of K.irnujjri. near Paja, Lapland, be came suddenly very hot, the ice snd snow melting imnvtdlatsly, aad the application of one's hand to the earth wss liable to result in sa uncomfortably warm sensstion. Gold coin is shipped abroad in five-gallon, iron bound, oaken keg. Each keg holds ten bags, and each bag contains f 5000, so that ihe value of a keg is $50,000. Gold f-om Ihe other side usually comes in boxes. w mm 1. The United States Navy desirinit to bay twenty modersls-pricerl wat:ho,iovite 1 tbslesdini American manufacturers to send, watches for trial and rating at tha Nayat Observatory iu Octobsraad November last. One hundred anl thirt)-eiiht watches of diflVeot makes weraaentiu. lt baa been oluuisliy anoonnwd that a Seth Thomas watch stood tirss in the trial and tha Seth Tninia watches averaged the beat. Phil. Time, Febraary 18, 190. F, M. French, Jeaeler, sgint, Albany, Dress Marino. Work neatly done .nd saiUfalion guaranteed. Room at Mrs J k. Carter', corner Railroad an Flfthstreet. Adelia Bubkhart. p! TELEQUAIUIIO NEWS lata VfaavlB. Rom, July Ditpslchcs from Ntples give meager de'ails of a terrible accident which occurred yesterday on mount Veiuviu, ly huh a Uraiilisn w rescued with dlllicully. Yetlerdy, In spite of the warning that it wss unsafe to do so, two lUszilian tourist. c- compsnled by a guide, mads the ascent. While gating into tha crater the party were sudutuly enveloped by a dense cloud of sulphurous smuke, which so stuputea the travelers that one of them ttnggered furwstd snh fell head foremost into the crater. 1 he tzuiile In the meantime csucht hold of the second traveler and half draped, htlf pushed .him Into a potition where the craters fumes couu not t licet him, thus saving the man's life. rhe victim was Dr Sllva Tardin. a huzhly esteemed journalict Of Kio Janeleo. He fell 70 icci into glowing lavs, Entered Ike Calaatbla Salem. July 1, Dr Alf.s.1 Kinney, health officer ,t the port of Astoria, has just sent his report to Governor Penooyer, civing a state ment of the number of vessels arrived at that port fiotu April 15 to June 39. There were nineteen sailing vessels, with sn aggregate tonnsge of J,i8j. Sixteen of these - were under the Knglith flag, two were American sad oneGetiuan. Twelve were in ballast ond came mostly from Chilian ports on account 01 host UK let in l.iat country. hovn brought carcoes of cement and coal from Great llr it- sin, which couldn't be uisjHtscd of In Chili, Aa Iowa fjelene. Boon a, la July a. Dispatches received here report a cyclone at Gray, Audubon county, laat evening. A large number of houses in tha 'rack of the cyclone were dc strojed, and a number of peo ple Injured. One man is reporttd killed. At llalbur there wss a neavv ttarm, doing much dsmage 10. Crops of all kind. Audubon also reHttsa heavy nsiiitorm, with stones as large Ot hen 1 egt, Areaiiia and the west skle aleo report creat oamsge. LjaehlBf tea tiooa Kioki'K, la July a. Albert rsmiuV shot and killed James Warner near Ulica, la, last night. The murderer eote'ed the room of Wsraer's sister aad made Indecent proposals. The giil refused to submit, wbcreupoa he shot her, inflicting slight wounds. Warner then appeared aad d"ove him from the bo use.- lie secured a rifle, returning shot and killed War ner. I.ynchfng parties are scouring the country. treat Hamate la CraU. Milton, Cal July a. During the pas: lea days over 10,000 acres Ol grain, feod and liml.erland have bcea bnrned within ten miles of this place. A Urge fire has been burning east 01 here since Tuesday, dumingeierytliing Iroin tlkhorn station south, towards Copptr opolis. So far it has been impossible to check Ihe flames. No opinion can be formed yet as ss lo tbe damage likely to be caused by the conflagratioe. foBBlatUa af Bejada aad Idaho Washington, July t, The census bureau today Issued a bulletin of the population of Nevada and Idaho. The population of Nevada ss shown lo be 45,761, a decreise of 16,505 or 26.51 per cent since 1S80. The population of Idaho is shown 10 be 84.395. which it sa increase during the dscsde of 51,775, or 1 58, 77 per ceat. rva-ow talawM W4 II London, July 1. William Parker aa emi nent civil engineer, residing at Tdrtmaa Square together with bis wife, two daughters, a 11- year-old son and three ladies visiting the family, were all pniaoned Monday evening by partaking of tome Salmon, which LresumabSy hsd been vitiated by imperfect soldering of tbe can in which it had been packed. All tbe victiaM were seized with violent vomiting, snd suffered great pain. Tha boy died after twenty-four hours suffering, and one of the daughters is in a critical condition, Tbe cook who ate some frag men It of the salmoa is also dangerously ilU The coroner has Ordered a searching inquiiy. Tbe salmon was from tbe Columbia river canneries. TboBght II fu Stocton, Cal, Jaly I r-A horrible a Use was committed at the insane asylum here this morning. One woman patient choked another 10 death. 1 be two women, Mrs t.Ilen b weeny of Alameda, and Miss Julia Potts, of Los Angeles, wese put in tie same cell last night, owing to Ibe overcrowded condition of the female ward. Neither was considered daa geroos, snd neither ss strrpped, ss is tbe I cotton with dsngerout patients. This mora ing it was found that Mrs Sweeney hsd been 1 choked 10 desth. Mis Pout acknowledged hsvmg committed tne dccJ, and seemed to think it fun. Kansas a row las la Bis. Atchison, July 1. The Missouil river cot through Doniphtb Point last nigh'., transfer ring severs! thousand acres of land snd water from Missouri to Ksnsas. Where Pleasant Littles honte was Monday is now the main channel of the river, and all that is left of Utile s big farm is a small Ulaai. BfarelSBsbe St Petersburg, July 1. The Novoe Vremya today, commenting on the renewal of the deribond, says unless France and Russia reply to this treaty soon by concluding a formal alliance, the centrsl powers of Europe win oecome too continent as to the ImDotencv of their adversaries, to enable the latter to counteract tbeir ambitious designs snd they win consequently oring abont events which will reader a European war inevitable. Bicycle KkllBK hamiltun, uo-, juiy i. ine niath an nual meeting of the Canadian Wheclmaa's Association took place her today. Tu city is full of wheelmen from U psrts of Csnada and the United Stales. . The rsces this after noon resulted 'n luwerins tbe .Ameru-an championship records. T Skerrer, of I Ismit ton, tn the hall mile ilaih in 1:17, and W M Carman, of MonUeal. tbe mils rare for ordinaries in 2:41, breaking the records for u.ote distances. The Dcw v;bAT will niehanire a'aawlno machine of aiy make dea:rl, etcmpt one or two, foraomnoak grub wood and Dart cash: or will etnldtr other broooaition 1 bv an on dosi.inga oaw ottcliin. Wbea Baby waa sick, we gave bar Csatorkv WaaahwaeCiabc4edfcCatoi1. Whan She beoatn ktlas, she elung to Castorkv. When ana had Cbfldran, aba gave them Ouaorlav ' Their Only Medlrlne Chest. William W B Miller, Deerlodge, Montana, writ! "I have been niing Brandretb's Pills for the last thirteen yesrs, and thoag I hsve hsd nine childreu, I have never bad a doctor lnthsbnto except thrse time, when w had an epidemlo of scarlet foyer, which we soon bsoiebed by a vigorous nso of lrandreth's Pills. I have used thcin fcr mysel', two or thrao a night for a month, for liver complain t.dyspspsis, t-nd constipation. Indurrhooa, vramps.winil colic, indigeotioo. oo 04 two Hrao'lretb's I'llis flxed the child ren st oece. A box of pills is all th madi-1 sin ehest we require in the honsa. We nso 1 thm for rbeamttism. cold, ctrh,li)iou- nea ami impara Mood. Tby ivr have railed to cure ait th above norofuaiots in r vsrv few dVs." Get a Bicycle. The New Mail Is one of the finest bicycles manufactured. It has no superior, Ohling & Wilson, with Stewsrl & Sox are agents, where these recycles may be teen. We ioiureagkiost tramp. TdWNSBND 4 Winoir. MAUKIKD. COIN CYRUS. At the residence of the bride's parents, In Sclo, Or., June 30, 1 09 1, oy nev u sperry, v is Uoin and Miss Janie Cyrus, both of Linn county. The happy couple have the Democrats best wishes for the prosperity and heppi ness they deserve. BOUN. DANNAI.S. On Friday mornlngjfuly 3rJ, 189c, In Albany, to the wife of Mr Oscar Dannals, a girl. , Weigbt.ia pounds. Mr Dannals and family will have a big 41I1 of July celebration et home, and we are (lad to report all doing well, am ma Two Mbsnv men owned a horse to- gcthec, worth ti co, more or less. Thev couldn't sarea on a price 10 Ihev shook dice for Ilia who e horse, and now one man owns the animal alone. The latt copy ot the Njw York World was an cstra one. Dill Nve's article was oinuico inm it, uis bald pate I be- coming a chestnut, something like hn.h inrce times a (jay. After the bate ball fames at Salem the manager ot the Salem club presented Mr Ala Marshall, of tha Albany club, with a bran, new Use ball labeled "The Hoys Own," and It Is now presented with con- stucrauie prwe oy me nrst baseman. There are some men In Astoila mean enough to begrude the balance ot the populace the air they breathe. No names neeu ;e mentioned as their business methods enable one to Identify them. Duuciin. uon'i aavertise. you see. Attorney M E Drink and ex-shcrlff ohn Ccsbs had a cotltalon on the base all grounds the other day, Jloth men were bent on cstchlru a flyer, and they ran together with great force, both being anocsca aown and more or It is hurt PrlnevllIeNews. A young man has been found In tsn Francisco who Is engaged to Co girls hat made the engagement business Instead ot dchticttiK hi dai linns He pay with nowers and bonbons he borrowed money and jewelry from each and lived luxujf outly. Rtl.l he was a busy man and work eu naru. Nearly all the members ol Co K. La Grande, are on the sick Hst today, and they only mustered eight members it roll call. there I considerable sickness among other companies, supposed to be caused by the heat and change ot water and diet. The Dalles T M. Perhaps the annual encampment is ine cause. Take Waemxo. A dUpatch from New York saysi "The Odd Fellows have Issued circular warning brethern through inn country sa;aini Harry u Watson, an e 1 pel led Princeton student, who has been swindling the collegians, Odd Fellows and others. He was last heard ol In PalUsde. Nev. Watson la 21 ycaro of ace. slender. tan, wun tair completion and clean shav e 11 avM The report is that at Eugene the de partment officers live In big style, with plenty ol convenience, white tbe privates have their tents pitched In the hottest and most barren place In the country, and simply rusticate according to program, cauainaT noine complaint. We hsve read of Generals In history who lived like the soiuirrs. One hundred dollars waa ta!d for a Plymouth IUk k cockcral.t'JU for a Brown icki'T" cockerel and .w rt'luseU lor a trio of Indian Game exhibited at the New York poultry show. It costs 60 to tM) cents for a common hen to eat In Al bany. So poultry seems high all over the country. The tenJency of biiUUnt mind to co off Into Intricate subjects, and by a too close application and tucsUtent study ol the one Idea, finally become unbalanced and drift Ir.lo actual Insanity, has msny examples. On of the latc.t is that ol the case of a young mlnlatcr, Rev Frank L Stevens, ot New I laven, Connecticut, who has gone hopelessly Insane over tha ad vocacy ot tbe Idea of Lieut Tot ten that Ihe world Is coming to an end during tlie present decade. Take matters coolly, gentlemen. It doesn't pay to get excited. College graduates In New York city are now forming societies, whose object Is to cultivate fi-iendty relailor.a between the "educated" and the 'uneducated,' and gradually uplift the latter by contact with the superior mental endowments ol the graduates. The benighted ones who have never gone to college and acquired the graces of rowdyUm, such as are frequent, ly exhibited at Harvard, Yale, si.d other Institutions of learning, It Is hoped, will duly appreciate this amazing condescen sion on the part of the "educated," though what material or moral profit Is to result to the "uneducated," It is hard lo tee. Oregon Stale School Journal , The State Insurance Co, of Salem, has dejpoaitod $50,000 In swtritles with the Secretary of State of Washington, in or der to do buaineM in that state nnder the new law, which believes In reci procity. The superintendent of the insane asy lum in Balera is feeding the patient on strawberries and cream. II anyone lias a desire to becomo crazy he or she should make a trip to Oregon. This is undoubt edly the itaradine for lunatics. The Dalles T. M. All of thetn are not in the asylum. We wonder w hy It is that some low in dividuals here can furnish news from here for Eugene and Albany rapere reg ularly every week, and still they are never able to furnish an item for their home paper. That' one way of sup porting (7) a home paper, and we must say that it is a little too common here. Junction Pilot, The annnal encampment evidently canned poor health in several places. The Asnianu Aiaingssays: 1 lie editor ol the Record is a member ot the militia com pany, but his health failed him about the time the company waa readv to net out for Eugene, and be took a trip over the mountaine to Yreka Thursday, corn ing: back with recovered health tha next day, after the troops had left. The board of commissioners of Snokane county have effected the sale of $ 150,000 in county bonds, each bearing six per cent interest, at a premium of 150. They appear to be happy over their Busuess, but after twenty years of interest tav- ments, $180,000 in all, it will not appear half so nice a thing.and then the 3160.000 principal has to lie paid back, too. The people of today have no moral naht to contract debts for the people oj tomorrow 10 pay. ine people ol today receive the benefits while the oeonla of tomorrow Inherit the debts. Pendleton E O., riTATB BALES), U S to Levi Anderson, 149.11 acres 12 K 2 : ...Patent U S to Winfleld S Iteese, 160 acres - 12 K 2 U 8 to David Fitzwatcr, ICQ acree U 8 to Frank Corman, 150.72 acres 12 E 2 ' U 8 toCharlet LGray, 150.75 acres 12 W 2. U 8 to David McFarland. 1 GO acres James Lyler to Martin Doughty, 77.00 acres, 13 W 1 . . . . . .7. . . . J P Schooling to Martin R School- 319.25 acres, 15 W 4.. II Bryant to Cnarlcs Mareh, lot 6 blk Hit's 3rd ad Francis M Miller to 8 M Hansard, fraction of an acre Lebanon . . 750 120 225 000 Total.., (1995 Chaise ef Baslaess. Notice la hereby given thit Vnoller & Garrett have eold to K J Ltnnln? their entire business, goods, wares, merchan dise, book accounts, fixture, etc. Parties Indebted to aald firm wilt please nail and sdtclo at ones with K J Lannini to whom all accounts are paya'ile. All outstanding indebtedaeaa wilt be settled by MuoUar A Garrett, '-' MUBLLBB A GARRXTT, IS J Lawmiwo, Albany, May 25, 1891. Bargains in choice groceries can always 0 reou "d of Alkei Bros,, Flion Block. New Carpets. A B Mcllwaln has one of the largest and best selected lines of carpets In the city embracing all new patterns and designs, and as he has made a great reduction in prices it will be to the sdvantage of caipet buyers to call and Inspect his stocjf and prices before purchasing, ciBttit coi-BT raacKBoiBa, The case of the Etnte of Oregon against Klltn Maxwell, trrcatod for incest, at tracted the moat attention of any caaa ot the term, probably becnuso of Its unsav ory nature, being just ilia kind of a case that uoei not enure to tna moral aa van tatte of aociutv. whatever Itt termination. The case wai prowf-nted by the District Attorney, Hon J K. weauiariora ami un txnded bv Jii.lun Whitney. 1) IC N i'.lackburn and Hon W It lU'.yen. It waa presnnted to the jury last Friday after elaborate addressee to the Jury ,nd acntentloui cliarnre to the Jury by judge iiotse that nractlcaiir eeitiea it. Aiier tioinir nut fifteen minutes the lury fironulit in a vnnlli-t of "not ffulltV. If All the evidonm intrrxlnood were true lt would prove that we had sm pretty totiKh citlsena on Albany prairie s but ail evldenco line to be taken with some al lowance. Iluel Cuiter va Margaret Custer j Dl vorce. On trial. Brldce St Beach Mfif Co vt Smith & Senders. ,To recover money. Continued. Almlra Miller vt Schooling St McDan- lel. To recover money. Judumcnt lor plaintiff for SjoKl. J B Stetson vs Smith & Senders. To re cover money. Continued. L B Tvcer et al vs Ina B Tycer et al. Equity, Continued. Alice McNeil vs John S McNeil. Dl vorce. Continued. A E Cuirle vt S P RR Co. Appeal frem justice court Judgment for plaintiff lor $171 00. Assignment of O W Smith, Continued. Susar Pine Door Lumber Co vs L 0 Knoactal. toreclosure 01 lien, con ttnued. Stewart & Sox vt T A Heard To re cover money, continued. E L Bryan vt S P R R Co. Action for damages. Continued. Mary Wood vs Frank Wood. To recov er money, continued. Maud Powell! set las P Poaell. DL vorce granted. In the case of the Stale against Charles Denny, the defendant was seatenced to five years In the penitentiary. If HBNORIAat. 1 1 all or Albany Lowi,No.4,10 0.F. Alb any, Or, July 11,1091. To the N. G, Officers and Members t a U l . . rf.clh Ik. ..- - entered the portals ol our order's home ar.d taken from our brotherhood an hon ored member, a worthy brother, a true Odd Fellow, a good citizen, a genial com panlon.aflrtn and steadfast friend. He had scarcely reached the prime of life ere God unloosed Id weary star. His was a suddun call. The silver cord was hur rledly cut In twain, the golden bowl quickly broken, and the peart dropped tront tne wasted sitcii, and tne spirit re turned to God who gave It. Brother James F. 1 1 all Is dead. The record of an exemplary life, though brief, is complete. It Is only another summons, and the wis dom that suggested It, and the power that eniorccd it, are alike the same silent. mysterious agency that choose the purest and Ihe best lor its purposes and then presses on unchallenged. Resolved, Thst we tender to the afflicted sister our heartfelt sympathy and con do I . 1 .LI. 1 J V , , I . ,1- wnce in inia ner uirt nour 01 aaa aiuic- Uon. Resolved, That the charter of this lodge be draped In mourning for the period of thirty days. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread at large upon the journals of this lodge, an enrolled copy sent to the staler ot the deceased, and copies to the Dailv Dkmocbat and Uerald for publication. Fraternally submitted, T.J.STITEn, J. C. WsATiiaaroao. J. F. Backenbto, Committee. TUB eUK. BULB KtlAAfL, ' Has a large and complete line of good, dolls, doll bnggiee,!boyi wagons. ve ocipedes and many other goods which got to make op a complete assortment, besides a complete line of Lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, flaw v. are. bird cazea. plush goods, such as albums, toilet seta, autograph hooka, scrap hooks, children's ABO picture books, and ail goods that are carried in a Bazaaf store, including Roger Broil. 1847 silverware. We wish to call tha attention ot the public in par ticular to the Golden Rnte pri baking powuer ana tea, pat np expressly for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have need both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the uokicn Kuie tsaxaar. fcacn package ol tea and can of hack ine powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. 110 sore to can, wtien in Albany, at the Golden Rale Bazaar, as yon will te sure to una what yon want, and will he shown over tbe store and lo treated kindly by toy clerk, Mr. Millor. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to an. Jt'Lius Uradwohj. Have You a Wife and ten children; have you any children; are you an old bachelor? whatever yon are yon can not do better than by baying your groceries, prouuee ana uaned gjous of raiser isroa. Yon want to save money and at the same time got good groceries, then call on them. Yon will get flret-elass treat ment and first-class goods Their baked goods are made in an experienced man ner, and include a large variety of eata bles. jr ionr. k ucnoricson can give you a r . aa large and choice stock of groceries, pro duce, frul;, berries, etc, to select from then their store Is one lo visit when wishing anything In their line. An exam, (nation of their goods will convince any one that there is no better place In the city for trading In their line of roods. Their prlcca are low, with good reasons for the fact. They Invite all to call and see them and learn by experience where the best bargains can be secured, both In prices mm quality 01 goods. Whereto Gbt Them. When wanting .n organ or plana call on G L Blsckmsn h-o you can select from a first class toe. Jost arrival a full line of ladies, ohil droos, men's and boy's foot wear at GW Simpsou's, which will be sold at bottom prioes. Have TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery etore is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, the very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they have it. Cherries, Berries, Cabbages, Turnips, N-iw Potatoes, ... Mothers I Caatoria is tecom mended by phvticians for children teething. It is a pnrely vege table prepsration, its ingredients ar pub lished around eaoh bottle. It is pleasant to ths taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves oonstipation, regulates the bowels, (quiets pain, curs diarrnoea and wisd oolio, allays ff verishness, destroy worms, and prevent convulsions, soothes the ehild and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Caatoria is the children's panacea tbe mothers' friend. 33 doses, 35 cents. , e are making a big drive on Kt .elopea, Paisley fe Smiley. New Sbino Goods I keep a full Hoe of spring and1 summer dress goods, in wash fabrics, prints, ginghams, seersuckers, etn, I hsve also a now line ot summer plaids, be sides other novelties In biges and all wool sritings. , . ; , Samukl E Youhq. TRADE AT THE OLD RELIABLE GROCERY STORE , of - - :'.' C E BUOWNELl, 'Good gsods, low price;: ind hoceat i.-iout. 'COME ONE, COM2 ALL. treft'- AND ABKOAD Til u hsd a r Esourslon tloksts on 8 P It It will be sood July 8rd to 7th tnolusive, It I ronnitfd that one of Albat v's bass lookloa butohars will soon lead to the altar a popular yonag woman of Linn couo'y. Two esrt of briuk srrlvo.1 by last niabt's trslght train from Albaoy, for the CbrtsU- msn brisk building, Eugene Hoard. No 2' ho ss team la oraotlalna evarv oven lag for tbe Kugvus 4tn of July c.lsbr.tltn, and will win the $150 if they malts ths fastest time. Karl Carr, of the Chloaso boot and shoe store, has made an saslaamsnl and J it Br. ana Daa been appoints! assiinsa. Liabilitisa 11900, aassta $470. Coivsllis Times. Last Vuaaday at Lsbaooa the sohool teaobeia dfasd tha business mn In a ball game by a score of UO to Ti, It Is reported to nave uses a goon gsm. Mosaoh ft Itoottoor hsvebaauii the tree tloa of Pfeiffar's sw brick, adjoining tbe botol. It will he two st oris.. The tint story will be occupied by Cdud dl UsndHoson aad the eaoond devoted to aloKaut suits of rooms for tne travellug pnbllo. Nest Saturday and Sunday the Fsrmr and Mechanics club of Portland will play the Salama, at Sslsm. Borohera, of ths Spokaoss, wiliplay with the former olub, aua oooupy the bos. On the loorotoe of July 4th a number of Albany people will ao to the front on the Oragoo Paolilo tor an outing, la order to aocommodsie tnm the train will remain an hoar Istor taso utosl and not start baok until 3 0 ulook. Tickets for the spools! train to Kuasna will be sold on mornUif of lh instat ol the 3rd aa formerly aunouuoad, and may be bad on 3rd ana tin lor an points reaehsd by r2' alar tralus esospt No 13. tha north bound Overland, for which tiokot will not bo sold. The Corvslii Timae pays the followina tribuUto Ja. F. Ilaih "Jas. F. Hail, a young man known to many In thl eity.diad at bis noma in Albany iat rriday and a oomhsr from bare attended tbe funaralou Sunday. Ha was a young man far above tbe ordinary hoooat, Indastrious. kind. JLn, as he waa familiarly knoo,otnmand' edthersspset of all who kssw bim. He wss a mamber 01 the K. of P. and Odd Fellow lod.- and be earned that frisndahio among his fellow members that shsil live 00 forevar. raiOAY. H A Matin, druggist, French's corner. Ssmaal 8 Howard has been appointed s ostcnaster at Heaiora. Jadg 0 N Donay will opoa a law offtos as rortiaaa on bia return to Uregoo. 7,000,000 pounds of freight were handled at tne Albany a v ircigbt depot in one month. The Dal l club d.fUd tha Riokroal elub a few days ago 40 to IS, sort of a cy Tbe Beat mooting of the Linn oouetr far mera alliance will la bold al Lebanon 01 the teal Salorday o July, 25th, at 10 a m Ne Democrat to-morrow evening. The glorious 41 Is oo day on wbioh a newspaper a aiigrta to anas ap snop, Fbir'jjroorrio atCoon Be llaodriosoo's. Froah vtables and borrUs every morn ing Drowneu s. Best aaaortmeat of teaa in town at C E BrowneU'a. A fine line ot eroukery ware at Conb!& tr iu Good veatilatod 'and rooms at Viorook's. sua lighted bath 8baviag, IS eenta, al Vieredk'e shop Closed onjSendavs. Drlak dalieion kse eold soda water EfUrownaU's. at C A lart aasortmsnt of garden aroU on ale at C K BrownoU's. K W Aoblaoa &Co are soiling monnrntBts al rortiand pnoo. Golden epportaniUes ar wasted every any oy not trading wua v z& nrowaeiL A sew line of window shade from 60 eonto to 11.50 each eosnplete, at Ssmaal E Jus roosivsd a One lavoioe of barber's applies direot from Iiladolpnla, by L viotaoa. At tbe eot ner of Broadalbia and 1st street von will Cod V E BrownaU always the lead in in grocery basin. For bargains in monnmeata, headatoaa to., go to E W AcbioooA Co, AlUoy.Orogon Freeh braad, cake, pios, ete., every day at the Dolmonico reatanrant. Letve yoar oraere. Keep it in year mind that Allen Bros 1 ot keeping the kind of groceries the peblie man da. Tbair a lock ts a line one. At VUrsck's shaving and bsirculting par Iota, ladies and children's bair eatliog a spoualty. Hoe W FilUad's lie of droos got da and sua oeiore oaymg aisewDere. M attache dyiag done 00 short notion with the renowned German instantaneous dye, st vi- 1. ' , twimtm o. Kontiah ehtrrios isext weok. Ordsrs left at C K Brownall's for same wiU be filed promptly. Sabbath Bebviceb. At the United Presbyterian chnrch ItevT J Wilson will conduct tne regular service at 11am. babbath school at 2:30 p tn, Y P 8 0 E at 6:45 p m. Dr Irvine will be at Halaev. Instead of the usnal evening service at :o p m mere win be a meeting of the Woman'a missionary society, at which several papers will he read and addresses delivered of general interest. . Wberb Will You Go. Today the principal talk is about where everybody will go on the great American day. More w 111 gv to cuKcuo winn but oilier piace, some will take in Corvallia, some will participate in 8cio'a live celebration, some will drink in the eood time to be had at Brownsville, some will hie away to the Bay, some be transported to Port- iaau, ana many win remain at nome ana listen to the occasional bans of the fire cracker. A Goon CoatPANY. Fanner J C Lewis, in "Si Plunkard," a Yankee comedy drama, appeared at 8naefer' opera house, last evening, to a large audience. The company is a strong one. and is. without doubt, the best Yankee show that ever appeared here. Mr Lewis makes an excellent "Si" and Miss Lettie Wright's "Dora" was a clever piece of acting. The specialties introduced by Milligan, West and Rice were good. Mr Lewis carries with him an excellent or chestra. One of the many pleasing feat ures ot "Si Plunkard" is the introduc tion, in the third act. of a regular work ing threshing machine. Canton Dailv News-Democrat, Oct 23d. At the Opera House next Wednesday evening. Base Ball. Yesterday afternoon one of the best games of the season was playad in this city between the juvenile nines ot Lebanon and Albany. The time of the game. 2 hours. 5 minutes. speaks for the prompt work done. The clubs were quite evenly matched, and at the end of six innings the score was 8 to 7, in lavor ot Albany, who secured an inning of fireworks and winning the game. Following was the score: ALBANY. a. o. . 1 s . 1 1 . s t tsstxo. Smtt, e.... killer, rf ...... Harly, Sb.... Potraon, 8b... Hlaipann, It,,, a. o, . s t . s t Koora, ..... waauanora, or AahbT, p ., 1 4 Ouaiek, If CamptMll, tk,. ......... 0 4 1 I 1 Mo4) I 9 e 4 iaria, t..,. 1 1 al at MeAUlatar, .. McDonald, lb rry, a -.. Baeklaman, p Parriah, s... S I 01 1 4 t Bttlimsahcr, lb. . 17x4 It IT ." STUrilMOS: . ALStirr S 8 0 9 0 1 9 1 IT Las anon ... t 0 S 1 0 4 8 1 S II Vmptrs-Bsa CbSLAHi Sound Advice. It pays to get the best: even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W It Graham has just received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, as an Inspection will show, and Mr Graham is crenared to make them up in the latest style with a skill his long experience has enabled him to be master of. Is ran Bpbino. A fine line of Blaier jackets for spring wear, in many designs, just received by G W Simpson. Also a large stock ot tne popular sou- pening cornet g. NoTiCB. All " person Indebted to E C Searls will please call nnd settle at once, as all accounts must be closed. i v. c r !, 0KIIV4M'C HO. IIS. An ordinanoe to prevent minors undit certain es from going abrosd a poo or rosming about any strsot or strettts of the city of Albany after certain hours at night, without a written permit signed by the par ent or gnardisa of such minors, or unless such minora shall be aocomptbiod at such time by his or her psroat or gusrdian, or have neoesssry business at such time on or about such street or Street. The people ot the city ef Albany do ordain a lui.owa 1 , . - Sei'Tio 1, Tbst boroaftor It shall be an lawful for any male minor under the age of sight 11 yeais, or female minor nndtr tbe sge of sixteen years, ti go abroad upon or roam about any strew! or strt of tbe city ot Albany after the hour ot eight o'clock at night at any time during the month of Jan uary, February, March, Uatobor, .November and Dooomber of any year, or after tbe hoar ot nine o'clock at nipht at any time during the months 01 April, my, jam, July. An gust sou nentemijfir ot ssy yesr,unis such minor shall have in hi or bar poasosalon at saeh tiw a written permit miiutd by bis or her parent or gasrdian allowing bim or ber so to be upon such street or streets at snoh Urns, or ahall be edoompnoied at snob time by his or her parent or gnardisii, or nnleMi uoh minor stall al such tint hsve tieoetsary onsioess upon or about suoh tront or street. Sstrnox 2. That if at any time the mar thai or any polio oflleer of asid ulty shall know or learn of ao male minor undsr tha age 01 eightoen yar,or temale minor andsr tho sg of sixteen years, brine or hayiog boon abroad upon or roaming about any street or stroots of said city alter the hour of sight o clock at night at any time during tbe mouths of January. Fabruarv. March. Outobor, November aud Decoinler of any ysr after tha paasait this ordinance, or aft'ir tbe boar of ninee'olock at night at any time during tbe months ot April.May.Jana. July, August ami KepUruW of any yr alter the passage of this ordinance, noao- eompaoied at sunk time by the parent or guardian of such o'oor, it shall be Ihe doty ef snoh officer to domsnd snob minor to show bim a written permit signed by hia or ber Krent or guardian allowing him or ber to so epon such street or street at 1 nob time, sod it shall he tbe duty ot such minor to show to such ohjoer a wntteo permit signed by tbe parent or guardian 01 such mtour allowing bint or her to so be upon or about such street or street at such tint, if such rumor bsa snob permit, and if snoh minor baa no sack permit then it shall be his or ber duty at such time to truthfully diavloee to such ofOosr any neeaary business which sock minor bas or bait epon such strsot ft rttreta of said city at sooh time. And if each minor shall fU to show to such oQicer 00 such demand sack permit, or shall at sack time fail to truthfully disclose t bim any neoeaaary bnalnea which he or she has or hsd on or about each street or streets, at snob timejoeh minor shall be deemed guilty ot a violation of the provisions of this section. Barrios 3. Any minor who shall violate aav of the provisions of Soot ion I and 2 t-f .t ' M : . - . . - ! . .' 1 tnie oroinanoe snail apa oonviciion tnerooi before tbe lUoorders fourt be fined not lose than five dollar nor more than fifty dollars, or bo imprisoned in tbe city jail not leajs than two days nor more than twenty llv dsys at tbe discretion o tba eon t. RstnoK 4, All ordinances and parts of otdinanos in oo0uit bcrowitb are hereby repealed. KacTtoji 3. This urdinsoe shall bs in fall for os and effect from and after it approval oy tne Mayor. Passed tha Coo noil Jane 21th, 1SSI. Approved Jane COh, 1891. W. F. Head kop tbe kwesJaaswtiaeBt of ary gboat la town. V - mm uuu,uirnii lit. 1 nave a very arge stock of the good, in qualities rsne- ng in price from tl.23 to fl 00 a pair. Tbry tre sxaoe oi,icainr i 1 very pair warranted. Kamvbx K rot no. f. a a?' r"-; OJVI$ JSiVJOYQ Both l!io nif iIhmI kiki rcatilu wliei. Syrup of Figs is Ukci: ; it is pleauant and refivoliing to the taste, and arts gently yet promptly on the Kidney, Liver and ItoweU, cWusia Uie sys tern afiectually, dtupels colds, head aches and fevers and cures liaoittial ennstipation. Fyron of Figs is the unly runicily of iu kind ever pro uuml, .k'bng to tlio tato ami ac c(Uhle to th rtom"xh, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial iu iu d'bi, its many excellent qualitirsi commend it to all. It is for sale in SCo and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. ttftNUFACTUSMB OMtV BV TVSR CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. louxnui. nr. mm tout, .r- rilDCC Ceugfis. CeUt, Influent. BreneWttls, Lonirnv, voiaa, innuonn, iHDncmil, HoartnaS. WhoODina Couch. Crswa. for inroai. Asthma, and ovsry afloctiun of ti: Vhroal, Lonjt and Cliotl, including Cnr.utpt!on. bpewJy aU pwmaaaut. Cauine aioed " i. Biuts," UUIILU CJTATB OF OREOON. O LAND DK PA HTM ENT. Balem, Orogon, June 1, 1891, The board of commissioners for tbe sale of school and university lands and for tbe investment of tbe fund mixing therefrom of the atate of Oregon, hereby Invite scaled application! to purchase tho following (lescribe'i lands, to wit; All of tho donation land claim situated In section 15, 16, 21 and 22, In Township 12 South Rango 1 West, known and described on tbe government surveys as the donation land olalm of Joh2 W afooro and wire, being NotlQoatlon No 2509, say Ing therefrom 18 acres sold to Jacob Newman .containing &0O acres. Also begin nlnar 10 ehaias west of tbe northeast corner of tbe northwest quarter of soot Ion xt, in xp 12 aouin iutnge 1 west, running thence east 80 chains; the nee aouth 40 chains; thence 'west 80 chains; thence north 40 chains to the place of heelnnlna containing 120 acres, all situated in Linn eonnty, atate of Oregon, and containing in an 41s acres more or leas. APDlloatlona will ba ononed at a rosmlar meeting of said board to he held Tuesday the 11th day of July, 1891, at 2 o'olock, &m. Tbe right to reject any and all bids reserved by the board. HAfOLEON DAViS. Clerk of the Board. ALBANY NURSERIES .... :.:rv -to riTE HATE ON HAND at onr nursery IT on the Corvallia road, one-half nils from town, as fine a lot of frail a-ees of all kinds as can be found any. where on the ooast, 1' you contemplate Ranting trees it will pay yon to ee onr lock and get enr prices. Catalogue fiee HYMAN BKOWNELL. CUy:;':-Restaniran' Having been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restauraat will bs made first, clas n every respeot. Tba pablio will bt given good ineals st all hours for only 5 ja. Evoryt1-""? neat and attraeSive, i ' ? t " In every st r'j. st"-- - erman 99 yrup The majority of well-read phys icians now believe that Consump tion fa a rerm disease. In other words, instead of being in the con stitution itself it is caused by innu merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there ana eating them away as caterpillars do tne leaves oi trees. A Germ The phlegm that is cousrbed ui is those Disease. parts of the lunts- which have trnawedoiT and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called. are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, ex pel Is them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump- Uves become germ-proof and well, ii J.18TKAY-!itryHl from toy premise 1 a brluht bav mm. six raara old. bntndnd with the figure of a pair of pooiaoiea on tert aneu'ier, itewara to anyonn who will notify rn at Albany p otwiiuos. a. a. u-ji u FAIS WAHKiHQ. BberlM Nreitpe;Xe Waalfsbe iWerM hmt km H4 Slave lb BVIIb ejaral Taxes. PheriiT Scott proposes to oake it warm for delinquent tax payers unless they settle at once. The following notice has been published several weeks; but it doee not work as effectively as it should: Cvordor ol the County Court I tra dl reeled to foree tba enlteotion of all taxes standing unpaid cn the assMsaaoaent rolls of this county. If such taxes are not paid luirmtdlaioly I shall proceed to levy npon and ae'.hbe property of delinquents to make collection. 1 mean bnatnoHt. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Linn county Now he proposes to enforce the collec tion of all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleaaantent business in the world, must be done. Delinquents sbonld come to time and pay np, thereby avoiding leiral tiroceedines. as provided by the law of Oretron. This is positively the last call. Look oat fur the explosion of tbe bomb. MEMBERS OF THE LINN COUNTY FARMERS' ALLIANCE: YOU A TIE HEREBY KOTIFlED that I bave contracted with Ihe weJU known firm of H to wart A Sox. at Albany, to supply you witn Lfaer. mowers, rakes, twine, backs, locale, wagons plows, etc, aa well as ail art'eir in tbe line of general hard wars. jrWr-JKarlnn county members can buy at ihe name place on I ho same terms, BEN. II. IRVINE. Financial Agent SPLENDID FASH FOR SALE. 40f ACREH. 110 ACRE'S IS HtXXf grain, 17 In ecro and roots, In tiiimii y. Well fenced and seeded to grass. Well watered; good grtvel. SO bead entile. bO hop, 4 horses, farm 1m plementa, larite houos, 4 large new ban, a, good school and eboreh near bouse, on plsoe: Fruit f all klartr miles to poatofflce and store, S mitea from Clayton and 2li miles aouth c btkn on tba Oiegon 1'enlGo raliixAd riarcan be dlvldm Into three or four farina with eonnty road to each. Place with evoiy thins: fit per rr. Terma easy. For further particulars apply on tbe promises at Mt Fieasant, Lion coat ly, or address If, 1. M1LLEK. Btavton, Oregon. (20) .ilKfiT NATIOXAI. n!VK( Or ALBAMT, oaKO.I, Praaldant.... Vis rVotldwil . Mar ... ...LFLTN!f H. BLYOl'SQ -K, W. LAM UPON nstnal AaxlUNTH KKKTmbhKVtoahork. StaU t BXCUAJiUK and tol Tmpbio traaatcr, sold Maw York. IUa Vranciseo. Chioin and t nUaad 00 XECTIOKt SAD Ion tavorahl Unca. stasoroas B. Ton K, W. Lssesna K Blais, L. Fuaa Kovaas I . Box. IXNCO NATIOXALRANK, I Or ALBAJIT OBBOOS. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. PrtwtUnl ,,,, t L OOWAtT, ' Mo-rrsoiuont...... 1 si kaumii.n 0-snlw ..Oao E CHAUHEKIIN, aax iaanMr ..u a akcuiuouu. T aapfoaa, J L Oowan, 1 sf Balaton, Owi I Cnamharlain, W 8 Ladd, W It Oaiin, i A Craw lurd and O A Archibald. TRANSACTS a eaowal banking- boalnaa. oaawtiiuui uKArrsoti kw Vwk. sn (l i-Ht I, ; OrefroB. LOAN MOWBToB K)pibrd sooortty REC. CI V dapoalu tub Wot chock. ank or oreuon. ALBAHT, OBBOOW. Capital. -f . Preddmt. Vleo-Iroaldot CaahW.. ....... ..H f KERRTLL . E f LAN.N1NG .JaT W BLAIK Tramaaela a amoral banklnar bnatnoaa: Eaoharvr bouirht and auTd on all th prlintpal etu in tn united stale I alo on Eugiuid, miand. Fnuia and Oarmany. Oullootiont mad at all aoeeaslbl point on favor able torma, lntaraat allaood a tims dfipooila. B ANK OF ACIO, SOIO, ORBOON. Praldont..Mn Vioa- Pridnt .. J B HRBIS ..Jnr ilraas O 8 Mav ' John Oalnes r O Smith. Caabior, Bisaeross: X Ooliu, J8M.rrlis U Brjrant Doos a soncral banklne snd smatnr bualnoaa. Slfht drafts iaausd ou Albaaf, Portland and San rranuaoo. PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK, roirrLAMD, orxook. Paid sp eaptUd . tMO.OOO Snrplus and profit SJ,00O Intarest allowed sa sarins daposlts as follows: -- aordtnarjnTineabeoks .... pereent par annum. On term aarinci hooka ....... S per oeat per annum, On eerUBoatoa ol depoaiu for three months 4 per oent per annum: For six months t per tent per annual Far tweirs moatha 8 per eent per annum; FKANK DKKUM, Preaiitent . D. P. THOMFSOH Vleo-Prealdont, H. C, STRATTON. Caahiorj ALBANY C0LLE8JATB IISTITUIS ALBANY, OREGON. 1890,1801- rtrat Teraa Opened September lOtt , ISM. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFID, LITERARY CLASSES. 1 (arsfla of ittudy arransrftd to woet tb et of all grades of students. S fecial lnancemenli offered to siu.h'tits from abroad. STRAIMEY, ......f eopriiToa of thb...... City liTery, M ail Sain -G T A B L E.- Ilavlnii purchased new rlts tun furti- lab first else tori outs al rail. relil attention given to transitu! sio k iioires boarded by the day or month. C'heapeet Itwlen in the CU. TeleDboDO ennnnrtlon with iba fct Cbarlea Jfotel, Telephone orders alvvn prompt attention. Fourth Htrtet. Utween ttlawoith and Street Car line. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor !W,ord andKerty fit, Albany, Os (2UP&RIOK work. goaranlMvl In ever ' try brancn 01 the en. tHTKnJ&iging c all kl!idMBpoinlly. PAISLEY & SE1ILEY. V boleaa'e Djaler lit TOBACCO - ard - CIGARS, fiPairtjisr ul A paciptiM of liihj-niattoB and sb- Mraetot ino inwa, sruoinf n to,; SAW". OfTOKtii. tmi trt.f - a-asuksi v tiO.frS' 3SI urammmmj, t.. ork- . C'sveata, snd Trade-Marks obtained, ar.d all Fat ot bomM rnndncted Uit Moora1 Frs. One Olke is Opsosns V. S. Patent Oftics. snd we ran eornre in teas tune tbaa thoa (emota from V ahmirton. bend mwli-l. drawing or photo with dierlp tlnn. we advia. If patetitablo or not. frro fit charpe. Onr few not doe tlil twrtmit I tramt. A Paaiohlcf, -How to Olrfain fatc7rtIt.' with name r art n-J ti lmt a In j our tttaia, eotiuty, or town, sect free Addrera, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oppotll PjttM 015 ce. tsrashlnstaa. 0. C E n is a a a h b a c i Tlih' CKi.EKJZATEI . . . SMITH & wesson a IU Urwa!edb 19 arrnear. v li cuRSBiLirr. W EtCEULCEef fatlrAD far ba A k.C u : r a B cofiveaiEM .r. h LOA&lhaand lAFETY, Boware of cheap iron Initationa.t, tg Send fsrCbstrtsd Cat'-rns asd Prk let ts - :vi 1 1 1 1 a. WLboOi!, ' KfnixoFiELi, .sr.s.B AGADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, aVLOANY, - - REGON Condnctod by the SUOsi f St. Benedict Tuition in select cUy sobool ranges from $3 to $10. Fartorma of Boarding Scbvd or any prticrlars apply attbe A-a'nro or id. adtaw Sister cjuperioreaa a7 a Av an u 3 Of5atirto rs:. ifretcet; .it fi ml a. h2. k I P-uu-. t a , , . s ... scut iu-uu jn rows. v ; j a FErlHY3etLoc.i.t-i. X 8. OSes, Conrad Me ver. -PROPtUffla OF- STAR BAKERY Comer BrcaaalMa aal First 8t8.t -DEALSR IS ! Fretila, IsVMiviare, rlearratilK, rebeeo, istarmr CoQee, Ete,, Cttoaerl Jieatit, QneeuKeticr, FS(itbiiw. ClRSt . Sp' , Teat. Etc., verythlng thst is kept tn Tand KTooery oro. QigheK f-t va ritatp iraldfor (tiLK.FiDS uf ROOUCE S500 Bsward I "E l!l rr DhoT rtvirj fnr n, r.v or Mt pmri.U't., Pick Ut.aiwiuu t,un.-ri,,t liAlionr Cort,vacK8 u rmumt euro w-itfc I,' eertl.;e,r n tiio d,ro-i.,. r .u-k-Ut -mhh-S with. Yhej are j;viy Vcput a?id nuvve H tC.'T antisfecliott. S,np,r' 1j, :re bom, Bt. m " " 1 tnc 2leW4i rf ruciMirfipita id In. r;M:H inftjntrucini va'.j bjf " MsllH l WV.Sr'lX.fcl'.Uilf. CiilCAOU, Uj. I A Canntiaa;, A teat FortmiKer fnri A -if. I -ri; gS' -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. arterial Embalming Dona Scientii ic&iiy. BLEATH IS WEALTH! 1.7 4 M i - I ft : . S a. i ti DR. K . 0. WEST'S Nerve and Rrii, T.f. - a siiannteed specido for Hyster a, Dizsintsa, (Tonvu on, Fits, Kerrou Neuraipia, Hoadache, benoa n. T . , ' rau8 r'J me usett alqohol or totweeo. Wakefulneaa, MunUl DcpregBin, Softening of the BraiB, resoltinsr in Insanity anu leading to miory, seeay vidilei.h, premature old po, barroiinexa Inks of Pol, t l.eauned. by over-exetion of the hritns Eaeh b. ?orilains one month tTvt,tmt,ut ai . or ix beaa lor 3, seut by mail repaid on'receija o WE OCAIHNTE5 six boxis to cms aw oaw. With each order niceiTed b r v for sis seoompspied with wo will smu the pin-. -r .i";' WHHtrl!tt! U rvf-lRd t" II '.ll-v :f (! . ... .." vK,i, , , nut t ., ,a, ( t.. , , . aiwuaaiiii.Maana.11. .a, i.' w,,,, n m MM c. . .W f - . '-g 1 The Finest Sncil Arm Ewr Huf,HnKd fl i'T "I .jWawMW H A . 1 1. EH