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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1891)
BTITL3 Ss HUTTI5Q. E4itr aa4 r?irlUH, KMOUTSOr LIBOB VSKUtBUCANJ. A disatca from I ailadciphia sayst General Vlartti Workmaa Powder!, of tht Knights of Labor, tonight mil public a Isngthv statement regarding the Controversy over th esaplayncat n( iat pi inters, lit begim with th assertion that the statements credit! to secretary Foster sre entirety and MKltuliRedly false. The secretary has stated that the matter was ot a subject of discussion at Msfiekl between Senator Sherman, Major mckinley and himself. Povnlerlv asserts the matter was discussed at Mansfield, and that a settlement was advised. Posntetly holds proof of thia over McKinlrye signature. June 30 Secretary Foster concluded an argument with Messrs Devlin k Cavsnagh to rotors the dis charged men, and even went so far as to write a letter to one of them, embodying the agree ment. That letter, Fowdrrly says, he doUm According to Devlin's memoranda, the terms weri That the seven men dropped from the rolls In the plate printing department shall be re stored to their farmer places, or places of equal importance and pay, and shall be treated with the same fairness and consideration ns the other plate printers by the chief and assist ants In the bureaus. That lfcur of them shall be restored witUn ten days, and the others within o weeks from date. Just as the knights were congratulating them selves upon the happy termination of the trouble, committee .of plate printers was calleJ in by Meredith, The card which pre ceded them said: "A delegation from the Compere federation of labor desires to be heard before an agree ment is arrived at with the Knights of Later. Continuing, Powderly in his statement says: These men have been drilled by Meredith as to their speech and conduct while deliber ating with the secretary, but MereJtth forgot to tell Iheas the nsme of the organization tliey were sapposed to represent, and gave the name of an association that docs not exist." After a short interview with this committee the secretary turned to Devlin and said, "If there is to be a Gght with this organisation or yours I dont know Dot I bad better fight yours.' Devlin retorted that the Knights ol Labor coald do some fighting themselves, and called Secretary Fosters attention to the fact he bad concluded an agreement, but Foster said he would have to send fur Gompers before he could arrive at a further understanding of the case. The advices of Secretary Foster have influenced him to so act as to give the contro versy such n coloring as to create the impress iou that it is a struggle between the labor orgaalxations. Such ia not the case. Foster has an undoubted ritUl to consult with Com pere if he pleases, but the fact sill remaios that none of the men involved belong to any organisation, but the Knights of Labor. IT H JLTKAID. A correspondent wants to know If the "Webster's Dictionary'' offered as pre mium by a certain newspaper la the real Webster's'' which cost from $10 to $11 In tht general trade. No, tht book now offered as a premium Is the "Webster' of forty or Cfty rears ago and bears no com parison to th genuine Unabridged now In use. It Is onh less than $1.50, and in comparison with the Latest Revised or the International It Is a fraud. Corres pondent will pay more than it is worth If he secures It as a premium. The Inconsistencies of "protection" or gans are too numerous 10 be counted. One republican organ savs: It Is no secret that government of Eu ropean countries seek to rr aka their peo ple Independent of our agricultural pro ducts. In some cases this Is done by pos itive esclu Ion. and In other by duties that are meant to be and are practically pro- filbitorv. There Is need that our government should do what Ilea In Its power for the protection ol Amcilcan farmers against tl.e injurious f IT rets of this etclusion poller. Indeed! Has any protectionist any right to complain of this Hnjurious policy" Do not protect bnlsta seek to make Amer. leans entirely Independent olall Euiopean manufacture) by either positive delu sion or by "duties l.iat are meant to be and are practically prohibitory?'' The Euro peans are mainly acting in aelf defenae. They have learned the lesson taught them by protectionists. Let there be no whining . like a baby overcome. At a meeting belt! In Trtmont Temple to welcome the venerable Neal Dow, con siderable comment was caused by the re marks of Prof John W Hamilton, who t.jok occasion to censure President flanl son for h!s lack of prohibition principles during his recent trip. In the course of his speech he said: ut have only respect for the christian gentle man who presides In the White House, and Ms action in holding religions ser vices In his car was worthy of a Christ Ian. But I aay when a man goes from one end of this country to another, taking his cup in the face and eyes of the young is an unworhtjr representative. The time Is coming when he will discard h! cups and yield to the force of the prohibi tion party." The Southern Interstate Immigration Association is preparing fcr ar. exposition of the resources of the smth. to be opened soon at Raleigh, N C. The purpose of the exhibition Is to attract Investors from the north and elsewhere and to stimulate southern Industries. A notable feature will be the colored department, to which 35,000 square feet haa been allotted. The association thinks It due t' e negroea that what they have done since they were made free should be shown to the world. Secretary Noble Is bar J at work turnlr.g over Raumfsm in the Pension Department. Every one who has ever been compelled to spend any length of time on the banks of the Chicago river Its hot weather will pity the secretary. The wr ft of a sewer cleaner seems preferable to the dut'ea of a secretary of the Interior under the present at'inlm. ration. Mr Rhine's s'ay a liar Harbor has al ready r)ine him a vast amount of good physically. He waHs about with firm tread and erect figure and there la a trace of rotor In his white face. He Is also able now it cover about two miles a day with out fatigue and he no longer ticeds the helping arm of a friend In "is walks. Mr U'.aine resembles his presMeaihl - boom to tin extent that be is said to le gaining strength daily. He is taking life easily at liar Harbor He goes out driving everyday takes a regular amount ol esercisc, has a food appetite n.t seems g'cslly to enpy his free dm from oflitiat cares. Occasionally he imagines that be is going to have an attack of illness, but that Is a weakness he lias had for niany years. The TrUuofr, claims that Jeff Myers snys MrKinley is not a man of ability. )-ff Myers says MrKinley is not the man of sbiUty he hi bten leil to believe he ws. tieiitienien n I ladies of the common wealth of Oregon, you pays your money, you takes your cltivC. Singular, "HUMS MC1UM KV l'ltlCK."." The Ortgiit under the above caption recites that one aslslant Secretary 11ns sey, (whoever he Is,) Informs the public that bid 1 for conti acts lor furnishing goods and supplies for ths Indians are put at tower figures than they ere before the passage of the McKlnley bill, and urges thla tact to show that prices have not ad vanced since the passage of that bill. Tht Orgvn,in cites tht fact that eight pound pair of blankets fre now offered for $5,3' that cost $136 a year ago. Now, does that paper for a single moment pretend to aay that this follows as a result of the passage Ol the MrKinley bill? . Let us see. The duty on the eight pound pair of blankets before the passage ol the McKlnlry bill was $1.00, McKtnley raised the duty on tht same blankets from $1.60 to JpjSo, Tht placing ot auch a duty would rntur alty limit tht supply ot blankets In this country, and limiting the supply of an ar ticle ordinarily increases the price. Hence the difference In tht price at which these blanketa art now offered compared with the price of a year ago Is attributable either to tht fact that tht manufacturer obtained his wool cheaper since than before the passage ot the McKlnley bill or that he has reduced tht wages of his employes and can thus sell cheafer. The 0re?i mm can choose either horn ot the dilemma. To attribute the Increase In the price ot of flour, pork and beef to the McKlnley bit la the unabashed act ot the demagogue. It Is too thin. The farmer can be no longer deceived by such nonsense, iioxfcaiUKtrs, The Sclo Prut approvingly apprprlates the arguments ot some "exchange" In favor ot the so called "borne market" theory put forward as an excuse for the Imposition ol a high tar I It tax on foreign Importations, Time, and time again has this home market theory been shown to be a humbug. "Home market for farm pro ducts" haa been the shibboleth ot repub llcan protectionists tor years So tar as tht home market tar wheat, corn, oats, beet and pork, which conatltutt tht main surplus In farm projects, are concerned, our farmer now and have always controlled this market and have always had a large surplus to send to foreign markets. We are continually told that the home maiketlsbettsr than a foreign. This Is true only when our fanners do not have more than enough to supply the home de mand. When they have a surplus above the amount necessary to supply the home demand, the foreign demand or market Is a God-send, a better market alwaya thin the home market would be without th? foreign market. Does not the Prtn know that the price ot wheat In the home mar ket la alwaya regulated by the market ot Liverpool . A speculator buying xbest to supply the home market will not ordi narily pay any more than he who buys to aupply the foreign market And If It were not lor the foreign market the prtc of our wlvat would still rule low er. The "home market" scheme Is an exploded humbug. AsHINUT0.1. (Praia our nanus ourrsMnisal.) Washington, June 19, tSol That Mr Harrison rss ever had the slightest Intention ot agreeing to any sy tens ol reciprocity that the Canadian gov ernment would accept Is not believed by those In positions to kt.ow his real opinions on this subject; therefore it Is not surprts. ing to bear that the Informal consultation which was sometime s;o set tor nest October mav trVe place at all. It la a leged that the administration feels grcat'y offended at the publication In an English "Blue Book'' of its part in this Canadian reciprocity business, which it the representatives ot Canada hud agreed, should be confidential until some definite agreement was reached, and that Isn't all It la also claimed that Mr Blaine and the administration are greatly misrepresented In the aforesaid "Blue Uook",which stales that the first overtures for reciprocity came from Mr Blaine. It doesn't mucti matter which side la right In the present contro rersy, but It looks very much as if it was to be mtLt the excuse for putting an end to even the limited prospects ot Canadian reciprocity that have existed. But no body need be surprised, as it was never Intended that the conference should be anything but a meaningless fstce. The right sort ot a reciprocity treaty with Canada would doubtless prove beneficial to both countries, but there Is nut much probability of our getting such a treaty until there is a change ot administration. This very American administration has contracted for eight gun carriages of Rus sian pattern at $1 1,500 each, to mount the twenty-Inch breech loading mortars In. tended for harbor defense upon. Senate r Paddock, of Nebraska, has been here appealing to Mr Harrison to help him in his efforts to get returned to the senate. It is said that he offered in return tor the help asked for, to guarantee that Nebraska would send a sjlid Harrison delegation; to the next republican conven - on. Mr llarrltcn was non-rummlttal, for several reason. lie has not forgiven Mr Paddock for the pait he took In defeat ing the Force hill at the taut session of congress, but that wasn't hi principal reason for not comrr.ittt.ig himself to (he senator's support at this lime. It has been stated to him that ex Senator Van YVyck, who Is In the field against Paddock, Is strong enough to divide the delegation if not tj be elected to '.he senate, and he wants time to find out, as his pro gram ia not to antagonize anybody strong enough to control even a part of any stale delegation to the next republican convention. Ex-Senator Ingalls delivered a lecture at the Glen Echo Chautauqua, near Wash. Ington, today. He has been here three days, but son.c how or other he has entire, ly forgotten to call on the occupant of the White House. Representative Mills, Crisp, and Alc Mlllln, the three most prominent candl dales for speaker of the house have all rc eeptsd Invitations to deliver addresses to the Tammany society of New York on Jur 4- It the republicans carry lotli Obio and Iowa this fall, it will be no more '.ban they did last fall when they carried both states. Sound Advick. It pays to get Hie best; even Shakespeare admitted thai. In thia connection it may be remarked that W It Urabam haa just received 11 it ek'Kant lint of suitings (or the spring and summer, never surpartMed in an Albany market. They are the bent to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham ia prepared to mate tlium up in the latest stylo with a skill his long experience has enabled liiin to b mauler of. Mothers I . . Castoiia ia i (commended by physicians for ohildren teething. It i a purely tx ttbla prepara'iop, it ingredients are pub lished arouud aach hottbi It is pleasant to ths taste snd a x.liittly hsritilews. It relieves constipation, rtyuliit.a tho bowel, quiets pain, cur- dmi rnoca and i id colic, ajlay feverUhnesa, destroys worms, and prevent oorjvo!sii;, soothes the ehi'd and gives it refreshing and natural aleep. Osstorta is the children's panaoea the mothers frier.d. 33 doses, 35 cents. stDMJM K NO, lit. An ordinance to amind sections 3, 7, and 9 of ordinsnre No ajn entitled "An ordinance to provide for the prevention and removal of nutsanres and to punish those who allow or maintain litem, and to provide how tht costs and expanses of abating such nuisances shall be collected and paid, and to define what shall constitute a nuissnct within ths limits of tht city of Albany," Approved by tht nay or Aptll 16, 1S91, The people of the el'y of Albany do ordain as follows Suction i. That Section 3 ol ordinance No too. entitled "An ordinance to provide for ths prevention ami removal of nuisances and to punish those who allow or maintain them and to provide how ths costs and expenses ol abating such nuisances shall be collected and paid, and to deilns what shall constitute a nuinsnrs within the limits of tht city of Al bany. Approved by ths mayor April 10, ISgl be and the same is hereby amended to at to read as loiiowu Suction 1. No person or persons shall permit, or suiter to accuntulatt in or upon any yard, lot, place or premises, or upon any strset, alley or s.i!ewaik adjacent to or abutt ing upon anv lot. block, tdaca or . nramlsea. owned or cuntrolcd by him or them, or for which hs 1 r thsy msy be agent or agents within ths city of Albany any stsgnaat or Im pure water, refuse vegetables, decayed or de caying substances, garbage, manure or filth of any kind, nor sutler such lot, place or prsra- tses to t-e or remain in men a condition as 10 csuseor produce or create aay noisome or oilensive smell or atmosphere, or, thereby to be, become or cause or crests or product public nuisance, nor shall the owner or owners or any person or persons In ths possession on control ol any lot or premises In said city 0 Alban) abutting upon any street Or alley therein, erect, construct or place in or upon. or sutler 01 permit to be erected, constructed or plsccd in or upon, or sutler or permit to remain in or wpon any portion of su.h street or alley so snutung upon such lot or premises. any building, or structure or thing belonging to or under the control or in tht pjsesslon of such person or pesos t whereby the public use of su:h portion of such street or alley is or may be obstructed or impeded; Prov ided, that no person shall be prosecuted for a violation of this section, unless such violation shall con tinue tor hvt days after he or they have ra ceived th nodes p-ovided for ia Section 7 of Mid ordinance No 109. Section a. That Section 7 of said ordi nance No 309 be, and tht same is hereby amended so as to read as followst Section 7. Whenever the marshal ol ssid city alkali be informed of the existence within the limits ol said city of any nuisance piohibited by Sections 3 and 4 of this - ordi nance, he shall immediately make or cause to be npde, an examination of tht yard, lot, strcer, alley, sidewalk, place or premises on which it is charged Inst such nuisance is suffered or permitted to exist, and if a nuisance s found to exist thereon, or to exist upon any treet, sidewalk or gutter adjacent to or abutt ing on any such yard, lot, place or premises, unless it shall be necessary ia order to abate such nuisance lo fill np or dram the property on which the same is situated, he shall forth with give lo either lbs owner aent or occu pant or peroa or persons in possession or contiol of such yard, lot. placs or premises or to ail of them, a notice to remove or abate sucn nuisance within 5 days of tht service of such notice upon such owner, occupant or agent or pcrsoa or persons in susb possesion or control, and if such nuisance is not removed at the end of 5 days I rota the service of such notice on such owner, occupant, sgent or person or ersoos in such possession or control, tbe marshal shall cause soch owner, occupant sgsnt or person or persons ia such posessioo or control, to be arrested for suffering or permit ting such nuissnct to exist, sad if he or they be convicted before the recorders coait there for, tbe marshal at once thereafter cause the same to be removed, snd he shall be and bt is hereby authorized to remove aay and all ob structions that it may in Lis judgment be Bkcesssry to remove in order to reach and rt nove or abate such nuisance. The expense ol the removal ol any such nuisance by the Mar.hal shall he paid by the city In the first Instance, but In case the author or continuer of such nuisance Is the owner or occupant or person in tht possession or control of the property whereon or abut ling which such nuisance exists, the costs and expenses ot the removal theieof shall be taxed to such owner or occupant or per. son or persons In such possession or con. trol as part bt the costs and expenses In such cause and be recovered by the cite from such owner or occupant or person or persons In such possession or control no tified a herein provided. The Recorder shall tax such costs snJ expenses as soon aa they are ascertained, and If auch costs and expenses are not paid, when so taxed agrlnst such owner, occupant or person or perrons in such possession or control, within 5 days alter such taxing, the Re corder shall forthwith thereafter enters statement of auch costa and expenses on the book of city liens; such statement shall contain the following mattera In re lation to the removal and abatement of such nuisance: I. A particular description of land whereon or abutting which such nuisance existed. 2. The amount ol the costs and expenses of the arrest and conviction of the author or continuer ol auch nuisance. 3. The names ol the owner and occu pant or person in possession or control of the land whereon or abuttl.ig which such nuisance existed. 4. The amount ot the costs anJ expenses ci the removal of such nuisance by the Marshal. Prom the date ol the entry of sucl. state ment on trie dock 01 cits hens, such costs and expenses shall be and constitute a lien on or against the tract ot land or prem ise described In such statement and such tlen sba'l be enforced against such land or premt- in the same mannsr with like efft-ct aa provided In the charter and ordinances of saldcliv for the enforcement ol lien on resl property In said city for aireci improvement. - Provided, that If any auch nuisance so found to rxUt, be In 'or upon the part of any street or alley In said city abutting upon auy lot or premises ownsd by or In the possession or control ol the author or conllnu'-r of such nuisance, the marshal may proceed in his discretion to abatt or remove tbe same In the manner in this Section above provided, without the arreet or coi.vlction of the authoror contlnuor of such nuisance, and the abating such nui sance by the Marshal shall be taxed a- gainst s-.ich author or continuer of such nuisance by the Recorder as soon as as certain'..!, and if such costs a r?3 expenaes are nor ratu wittnn s; days thereafter the Kccorucr snail fortnwitn enter a state ment of such costs and expenses In the book of city liens. Such statement shall contain the following matters and things First. A particular description of the.lot or premises abutting such street or alley wnereon sucn nuisance cxisieu. Second. The amount of the costs and expenses of removing such nuisance, 'I'L- I - .1 ft. . . . I i niiu. i iic i'miiic ui inr owner or occu pant rr person In possession or control of such lot or premises and who Is the au thor or continuer of auch nuisance. Prom the date cf tbeentryof auchtat- ment in the book of city lien, such costs and expenses shall be and constitute a lien on or against the lot or premises described In such statement, and such Hen shall be enforced against auch lot or premises In the same and with like effect as provided In the charter and ordinance of s.ild city for the enforcement of liens on real estate In said city for tbe collection of the costs and expenses of street Improvements therein. , Ruction 3. That Section 9 of said or dinance, No. 309, be and the some Is here by amended so as to read as follows: . . Section q. All accumulations In or up on any yard, lot, or pla:e or premise or upon any direct, suiewam or alley adja cent to cr abutting upon any lot, block, place or premises within the limits ol said city of Albany, of any stagnant or Impure water, refute vegetab!es,decayed or decay, ing aubstaiirc, garbtge, manure or filth of,any kind, from which a noli.ome or of- lensive smell oraimospncre snon anse,ana all buildings, structures, and awnings within lb limits of said city, which shall become so nuish Injured by tire, decay ot on tccounl of defective material used In the construction thereof, or from any pthtr as to be dangerous to sur rounding propert y,or in danger of falilnir, and all privies belonging to or appertain ing to any house, store, building or prem ises In said city, which are or shall be kept In auch condition or manner ts to cause a noisome or offensive smell or atmosphere to arise thereirom or to be offensive to de cency In any manner, and ny building, house or structure or thing' standing or being In or upon any street or alley In said city in such manner as to obstruct or In any manner Impede the public use of such stresl or alley or any part of either, are hereby declared and defined to be nui sances, Tbe notice provided for In regard li!1 JLl"IMUJI-i.1" y.yi'HI'J1 "iL"-J. J J!'."' to the abating and removing of nuisances In said city shall be in writing and shall contain a description as accuratt as may be ol the lot P" premises on or abutting which such nuisance exist, and also an ac curata description ot tht nuisance sought to bt abated, and It tht aamt or any part thereof It In or upon any strset or alley In said city, a description ot tht portion thereof where such nuissnct exists and shall command tht owner, agent, occupant or person in tht possession or control of tbe lot or premises upon or abutting whleh, such nulsanct exlsts.or all or any of them, to remove or abatt tht tamt within 3 days from tht servlct ot such notice upon any or ail ot such persons. Such notlct shall bt sighed by tht Marshal and shall bt served by him In tht following mtnnert 1. liy dsllvsrtnsT m copy thereof prt pared and certified by him, to such ownti, agent, occupant or parson In such posses sion 01 control, or to all or any of them. II such persons or any ot them can with reasonable dllllgence bt found within tht corporate limits of said tlty of Albany. a, II after reasonabla dllllgtntt the Ma'shal shall bt unabtt to find any ot tht persona named In subdivision t ol thla Section within tht corporate limits ot said city, 10 soma person ot the family, above tht agt of fourteen years, at tht dwelling house or usual placa ot abodt ot any or ail of such persons In said city, 3. When service ot susn notlst cannot bt made as provided In subdivisions 1 and 1 ot thla Section, thn Marshal shall serve the same by depositing In the post office, at tht city ot Albany (Oregon, a aopy ot such notlct prepared and certified by him self, duly stamped and directed to any or all of tht persons named In said subdi visions I and a ol this Section, at his or their place or places ot realdenst respect ively unless sush residence Is out ot she state of Oregon, and la that tvtnt such notlct shall be served upon sush owner, agsnt, oocupsnt or person In possession or sontrol ol such lot or prtmlse by publish ing the ssms at Isast ones a week lor four eonsecullvt weeks In some nowtpsper published In said ally and ot gsnsrsl elr culatlon therein and In Linn eour.ty, Or egon. 4. 1 he proof of the service of such no tice, or of tht deposit thereof In tht post office, shall be by tht affidavit of tht Mar shal. c In cast of service of such notlct by publishing tht tamt at provided In subdi vision , of this Stetson, tht proof thereof shall be tht affidavit ot the printer or his foreman, or his pilnclpal clerk showing the satna. Tht proof of tht eervlse of such nollse shall bt attathtd to tht original thereof and bt Hied In tht offlct ot tht Recorder ot said tlty where auch nollse and proof shall remain In tht custody of tht Re corder as a perpetual record . RtOTtojf 4. This ordlcanee ahall be In full forte and effect from and after five days from It approval by tht Mayor, rassed tht Council June 14th, 1891. Approved, June Xkh, 1891. TELEOHAPHIO NEWS lawyer right. Red DLvrr, Cal July 7, Great excitement was caused by a shooting affray in Justice Toller's coart this sfteraooo. P H Coffins a and C II liraynsrd were recently employed by Nrs Belle Laasfurd h a suit where some of ber property was attached. They woe the suit , but she failed and refused to pay tbem tor incur services, aad employed William and inaucsunagie to dciead the suit which followed. Today during ibe progress fifths uui irenueni woruy caontcu occurred, sad a personal encounter seemed imminent. Charles Ngl remarked that they (meanieg Brayeard and CofTmae) might win their cast if they were act trying to swindle a poor wemaa out of $100. "Doyou mean tbatr aaksd Comma Nagle replied that he did, wbra Coflmaa nicked up a chair aad struck at Nagle.. Will, lam Nagle started to kis brothers sssistance. when lheyaard pulled bit pistol aad begaa firing, four shotijeaiering hi victim. Charles Nagle rushed upo Brayaard, but escaped without serious injury, rrml f TfcM.Caaibra, July 7. Tbs funeral services of the late Hoe T E Csutbora took place Ibis afterBooa from tht opera bouse, which was prorasety draped muu too ruing aad flowers. The cask at waa covered with floral aAVfinva. Addresses, culoeistie of the nrivaia ttuiuiw snd public services of tht deceased were de- uverea oy nee t J 1 nompsosi. lit Atkins, Una 1 R N Hell a nit Wall.ra Nash. Aa . mease coocourse of people attended the cere nsonles which were conducted by tbe Masoaic order. Among the distinguished visitors I kl.l I.U. bMk.. 1 f v r- . m.. . j vmm-v una".., uvm j jk tucatntrioro. A Sawlbera. Basel, Naw OaLiaaa, July 7. L P Booby, editor of tbe L'Orlaana. and A 8 Camthra. tliterofthe Maeeat, foaght'a dssl lost serosa tht Loulalaaa state tin today. Jta- ptere were os weapon wsear intnag the eye, aad although tbe principal decided to . k. - j . . . wwm, hi VS.H1, isssnnous sums uwuin mnrmmA . - . L..u . - uil.S.J ..a . k - . wawr wan fcisus!, ana IDBl the two drrAri bad gives) saffidaot . . . I 1 .. . prom os sncir eeursge ana oigniiy, i ds wnauasa ansevqusssuy pocamo rOOOeila. A Tmbl Crelars. Baton Rouse, La, JaIy 0. A cyclone front a southwesterly direction passed ovei the lower portion ol the to a a this moraiug at (t'la oVLorW anrvftna kjtttaaa tartM0 mm Im mease trees and carrying pieces of wreck through the s-'r lor many blocks. Tbe boule vard, a wide st red!, was littered with trees thst were torn up by the wind aad also pieces of house tops sad other timbers. At tbe pen itentiarg tbe walls were blown down and tea r-"" . whv ..! j wvwiwit, . tm factory building was demolished and the bos- .:.! . .1 :. .1 . . f . . fnmi ,in psuiicauary are a snasa m ruias. is the cit no ana waa bl!U4 ihnunti uunl lwBa weTCgaeriousiy wjureu. aieaasee smt . ' London, July 6. IatelUcence bas been received that a large steamer was sunk off DOVer Soma lima riurina ! i..t.t Tl.. dispatches say that one mast of tbe vessel is Vllllil, .timt. Ik. Tt. ... Vi. ' . w .mw w n.i , s usj aivaiuvr twin- loch bas landed at Grsvesend a part of the crew- of tbe sunken steamer, which was the Dunholme, bound from MiddleborouEn to Rio Janeiro, jne svunnoime was suna at o'clock this morninr.. ton siIsium r.. a nl hsioa with the Kiokxh. Seventeen of the persons on Loard at tbe time of the collision pie aliasing. Mother aad Cttllsl rawe4 FORT Morgon, Colo, July 6. Fourteen- year-old Louis Yepson went ba'.hlng In a little creek yesterday. lie struck a washout snd was drowned. Ilia mother on ths bsnk tried lo save him. The bank caved la and ahe also was drowned. ' All leetrMewsesL , Si no Si no, July 7. Slccum, Smller, Wood the necro snd luelro were electrocuted successfully this morning, at 4:4a, 5:14. S:t8 ....1 -ll. .!..-! -tut v.w w ihjvk respectivcij. A IMsastfeaa Fir. La Grandi, Or July 5. Tbe total losses by Iht Crt ol Saturday night will run very close to 1125,000, with an insurance of about lao- 000. 1 ne names 01 me individual losers with the amount of their loes sre as followst JamesMtslop. ........ $ 800 S W Snoderass.... 3,ooo 6,500 3.5o Blue Mountain lionse, Gazette publishing Company, . . , , I K Komijt Electric Light Company CGBunte....... RE Bryan Newton & Palmer McKennon & Holmes , , . , . Young & Cart i Diamond. JCalboun Pacific Dxpress Company ,;. Esven&Co ?A Boskowits. , William Noble Mrs MshsrTcy..., 1,000 l.Soo 5iO"o 3.500 5,000 6,500 11,000 7,000 500 500 2,000 1,500 300 60O 2,000 350 1,600 7.000 4,000 I,0O0 750 lUUf fled Cro Lodge K of P. . Grsndy & McCreary . . . . , . Summer & Blum C S Dumpay , , Mrs V erlter , . , Mrs McBreary Baa late relisieei Tofeka, July S, Tbe celebrations in Kan sas yesterday were for the most part immense political mass meetings. Tbe alliance cap tured the day and made it a ratification of the birth of their new party at Cincinnati, There were in all 200 distinctive alliance celebrations One county celebration was held in each of the 106 counties in the state. Many of tbe counties held three or four. Mere Grasshapeers, Cr kyen) ft, July 7. Portions of fVyennt ocanty art being overrun Vy grasshopper, A strip of country ten miles !! and ex tending In a southerly direction, Is complete ly hid from view by ths lnUsets. They set tit oa tht railroad tracks and imped trains As ysl thsy hsys doss no damags to crops or grass, as thsy art ton young. Ily ths timt thsy art aUt to Hvjthey will be well out of Wyoming into Kausat. kleetrit Jasllre, ATtarTA. Oa, July 7. Fifty mouLtsd man, bsayily armed, broke into he jail at Blacks. Ga, leak nltjht, took therefrom Roland fro wo, a negro, who assaulted Mia Barry last lridy, took him to a spot ons mile Irom town, tid him to a pin sapling and riddled bis body with bullets. ' Tht Prxocrat does not wish to run down other states. It in not necessary. Recently Judgt Ilarntar, at Broken How, Nebraska, upon a motion to confirm a alt made by foreclosure, remarked: "Thla docket ft covered, pave uoon page, with confirmation cases. The last sum mer't drouth hat exhausted the farm tr'a resources, and he li unable to pay tht Interest upon lilt loans, Tht act of Uod, for which the people art not rcs Doneliile. bat reduced one-half tt them to almost beggary, and this calamity hall not be made worse by any act of mine. We are asked to turn one hun dred farmers over to money lenders, and lire iiunartu women ana ciniaren over to pauperism. It ahall never be djne In this district while I am. judge. The peo ple art not able to rt. and I will not asstiat in their robber. . Let us wait until a crop can be raised uud confidence restored and all will cotnt out all right. If a man is living on hit land or living off ot It trying to cultivate it lit should navt tut reward of ills labor. I will navtr confirm it sals In timet like these, if tht owner is trying to make a livlnu on tht land. When tht people art to ask aid to procure seed It would lie cruel mocaery to deprive litem of land to sow tht teed upon. I have a right to refit ao to confirm a salt when the projKtrty does not brinrr two-thirds its actual value. and In these case it hat not brought tut amount. Tliaeaia ia not confirmed." t'WlriRMEtS. Tht favorablt Impression crodaoed on th first appearaaee of the agreeable liquid fruit remsd Hyrop ot Pies, a fw years eeo baa beet) more tbsa confirmed by the oTtsaaat experience ol alt wbo have used it and the eaeoses of tn proprietors and nvsiiotacturers the Lai Fig Syrup fJompsoy . FurtmllUr It Irvine have some ltanaie saooa laoe curtains for $19 a pair, as finesa tnyinwg over saan tn in mty. They range aosra is pair, uinsr Uc ear tUs down to f I ot loss s pair. A sss car for the whisks' tahiti Or Livingston's Antidots for Ureal ettnoss will ear aa ess of ths Honor nahit In from tea to talrty days, from the sr odaratc drluksr to tb drank ard. Ths Antidote ess b alvso la s cap ol ooffe without ths knowledge of tba parson taking It. Tb Antidot ail not injur lbs bsaltn In any wsjr. Manufaotared lytb Uviofstoo Cham leal Co , Portland, Urreoo cr from J A lemming, o Sst avuacy. Boy j oar groorriosof Parker Bro TOTAL DEAF5ESS CllED BY ELEC TEICITT. J. Ltadtr Swears that Dr. Dan in Cured Him in Ten Minutes, Editor OragooUni 8:1 vsars seo 1 was asfortanst soaih to broom totally deaf In any latt oar. Ia tbat enedlUoa 1 bar pom solll Jans 20, whan I oajis to town to pay my taiss 1 naarj of Ur Harris's a-ansr 00s offar to treat tb poor fre of ehars. I applied to bias and was eared by sUvtrloity, ia soaaaetioa with otbar means, ia ten m la st, SO I oaa bear a Watch tick and a t ilia- par aeroaa tb room. I sm farmer snd ra- sl4 oa mil from Taylor ooatoffioa. Or. Pi paUiah this tbat oibara may b oarad. JOSEPH LEADER. 8aborib4 sod sworn to before me this SOtfttuy of Jon, 1891. K WILCOX. Notary 1'oblio for Oregon ------- w w srMSaSsvss V- V S sbaVs Editor Oicgooiaoi Jan. ISth a e.r.a pala sosiMsccd ia say bead, which was asaaua aowarBni sua COSUDSea 10 grow war aaiu a swilling au aoUer my r wbleb malted la a total dsafosas. l)r lm bas oard an of tb pain aad swel ling aad my dafna Is about gon. I am wall aaustlad wltb bis aaw ear with sloo trinity. I rssids la Parsnlngtoa, Or. TUOIf AS MADISON. Pr Darrln still oootlnnas fre treatment to at; from 10 to II am sily, snd tht willing a pay at hslf-pr 10 a in to 8 p m. naaaays. to to JZ. ( unSdenUal coo saltatloo by lttr or at th ofCc fra Aau ai ti . i . i vuio, wj tt aaningiAB sr.. rortland. and oargsass u stai, Abaraaao. Waab. Oiiastlon Llanka and Or Darrln traats all vnrsll prtvat, ebronie man aarvoo oissa, sacnlosl weakbMs, sort blood and skin disas, crrvoos ds- billtv. imnotatuia anit Af ksaP asiaLsisssaa.a aH. v r ""s rws)usn,f v maabood, tnmors snd trregalaritie ia wo men, ismsi weaknaaaw, te. joiB.STVsgs IT siat CON0CRN, All sfjL J"..? hTr,t, - thai av wlta, Baaala Kaaaail. aaa Un itk.M ... , , Tt all raanaaa ars ksrbr rtsnhar Hi sad not to let bar ksrs asjuiltiraa asr craUluaa 1 wtll Ml i . anv kV r tlf a Bb rv n -asua. . . FOR Choke Teas1 TRY LBAHY FiMTH C Has just raaslvsd a Urea tevaies at naw daatgnat fMof Shales ui Cnrtains, and asw and beautiful pattsrns la Wall Paper . WITS mi. Elegant Bordsrs to Match. 50c. SHE W hare th ht and prattleafla tb market. 'and a fine stock SPECTACLES generally, as ell as Jcaelry.W'atcbes clocks, etc, t 7 fT P.,.T fsfn I F. L. KEHTON. 11 . SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is tfio Largest and Most Complete on tho Pacific Coast, and Comprises a! I tho , . ' Leading Stylos of FOUttBmiNO TASRENGKU WA0ON8, SCROLL SPRING 'HANDY WAUUNS," 'TAYLOR OR TIIREK STRING WAGONS, IIALF-SPRINO WAC0N3, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAO- ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-UORSE V jr-j We Gaarantes Oar Vthiclea ths Best, Onr Prices tlia Lowest Quality CfDsiflorei Special Catalogues and Price list Mailed Free on Application taver a NEW MARKET BLOCK W.C.DAVIS&CO..A LBANY, OREGON. -:F. L. KENTON,: -Dealer In- GROCERIES Near tbo Post Ofilco, Cy OLD. Jo Lo? ts soli his laundry to O tn DndsrslRnod. 1 will eontlnuo tb buslnoasi to lb asm plan) on Lon atroet. i solicit a rtr snsrn ot .ii paintri g of tbe Ptililw. l will do goml wnt LUKU. Ts4TOTlCB.--Vbr, tisy wlfo bavin ion me wituout jaat oua r provo. eatlon. tbla is t notify tbo audita not lo truat baron toy account. a I slisll psy no OSLts or ner contracting. W D TltlTtS, Albany, June 80, ISVl.; IOST. Thrao rooerd books ot Tantfot iUK church, snatb, bMweett Tsn stnt and llrownsvllla, on tbo U'srd's Iiuita road, on June IS, .'SOI. Wiil pay onoerir sartnue. v? . u tiowaau, Tangent, Or. i'.stor TX't'NO -A suod nsnbmlia. Tlia U tulilslf I. W JT ImUaUartIr angraisd . lha haaia. As It Ml sua siasa ia raw s-aaoa uaaiar am () aatl S Iks fautsf ira and etaiai .rii. f OSET TO LOAN.-ln swall and IT JL large amount, from six months to Ova year, on good Albany and I.lnn county real eauin. Call orr or a4d rasa f E uorberson, First Ht., Altiany, Or. VBIO CUAatCK FOTt SOME BODY lo niak nionsy. Tba bast ravine rtaurant In Kugn flr sal, aa th owner Is going to roitr from basin for some lima. Any irsn cesirlnn lnfkir maiioo rgardiog this bulioa, (t n Dorrla, atturney at law. or J It Pixon prop, Kogona, Oresoc, spundio mu m sale. : 4 rt ACBrB. 110 ACP.K4 IN Hrsfllgrsin, 17 In asra aud moss, 40 in uinou y. it rcccsxt and swsijeit to sraaa, Well watarexi; good mil, bo rrvtl. So bad oattle, 0 hist. horafa. farm trn pUmenu, Isrg lioua. lata nrnr rr a good achoo: and ebnrch tiear bou. on plae: Fruit of all kia-ls S miles ta poatofnos snd star, S alin fruin Suiton and 2H talle aootb it Kings tuiiou on lb Oiagon 1'acltlfi rabrvaiT Plarocan b dlvldad n(o thrs or foor farm with county road to oacb. Place wiih avnry thing 2d por are. Trm easy. For further particular anolr on tbo rrani'.aos at Mt Pioaaant, Liou coat ty, or addroaa U, r, styiot, Orog;on. (xQ) THE ETATK AGBIGULTDRAL COLLEGE acas trirtaisiber ISilt, 1HBI. Canrasof stanr arrsaecd sacrassw to meat lha Bards of tba (arailng snd ruwiuaiilcal Intarmla 4 ths aula. lAnra, auasntlloas aad cll-vantllat4 bolli I nrs, Ths ooilan Is Suaaiad tn a ru'linted and sammsuiity, and en ol Uts bealuiltat tn tbe flits MILITARY lUAINI.N'U Eippnae-H need not exceed 0130 rr ike entire session. Tao or m:re trot sf holsshlps fiw eaunty. w riwr lor aaiaioBua to u, i. a h.iui.h, rras.. HOW DO YOU DO? Thar ia a doaht tbat NEW 8tok of R1LTERWAIIE. eorsisMi g o spoons, knlvss, rorks, fruit fllsliao, c. . kold and alivsr watohss. jawol y. tt, Is th largsst and best In thcl!y, ami I. y fan lie . bstever bronglit t Albaht. PRICES he Most Reasonable. Call and See thejGOODS yssa my nvanta fhr W. Ii. Dnnaias nhnaa. ir not for ant to roor plnca ask your nenlar le and fnr catalesae, aeour tb anev, and sat them fnr tuii. WHY IS THS 17. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE CENtTfrvlEM THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY f It Is a saamlras shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt Uia fn mada of tba best nne cult, stvilsh and aasr, and txoausa a make mors thon of thit eraas (Aaa any otntr manufacturer, it aauals baud swd shoss oosttua from S4.U0 to SiX). raes 00 tienuina Haad-aewed. the finest ealf shoe aer offered for 5.ti equals ireudi Imported shoes which oostfn)my.iih to SiS tW. Ksd 00 nd.Mewd VVI Hlio, flue eslf, j"e stylish, comfortable aud durable. The bost shoe arer offered at this prloe ; same grade as cue-tom-matle Shoes oostins from .0O to tM. 3 40 ?"'" S1"! farmers, Itailrosd Men a and Lettar Carriers all wearlhemi Suaoalf, seamless, smooth Inside, beary three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a rear7 lf 00 Bue cntO no bettor shoe ever offered al ?""a this prloe i one trial will conTlne those who want a shoe for comfort and aerrlca. CIO 8J.00 WorkliiBiiinn'a sho-s ysss are very strong and durable. Those who hsra glren them a trial wtll we.r no other make. nrtVfl' .00 aad ai.75 school shoes ar .y f . Wora b "e oojrs everywhere; thsy SOU on their merits, ss the lnrremtTift sules show. lSrilsrt 43.00, iland--wed shoe, best "-!. C liotiuola, Tery stylish; equals French Imported shoes costing from 4.liu to SCO). i.adlea !S.3, Si.OlJ and shoe for Hisses are the tiuat flue Doiigola. Btylish and durable. ( auilou. he that w. L. DoukIhs" name aod W. I. POUUIS, Brockton, Ma. a.u Leuijeu ou vae iKtum or feacn shoo. UrjSINESS WAQONS.ONE, HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. Jt Wiii. ?at All Pattih Wahtiho SPRINO WAGONS OP ANY INSCRIPTION lO CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH U8. Walker 5 PORTLAND, OREGON. Albany. Oregoi I til HA. YWu.ytxl from uiy premise I J a brfsbt bar mar, six sears old. braoded wltb the figure of a pair of aportacio ru irt atisu'fler, it warn to anyon srho will notify tne at Albany potiomoa. a.. ivjpu WfAVIEOs-To buy note and ttort l . nara II K Noblo. Portland, Or. room is, v oficoru moct, za atreet. Uf.lCER We wish to ssy to Uts paklle Utat w bavslust addd a larj planer to our mill and are preparod Ut furnish all kinds of lumiisr, araSKi or rougn, aa ia pur ebar may eboao, as good a tb bt, a J as cues p ss it oan o soia. Inpayment w will takaall kinds of proline, audi aa bar. Soar, arraln. bason butter, bean, lf by tb sjuatWr. ato, in fact anytUlrg tbat we ran ua. Plas ns before yon pareba your bill of lun.bsr, a w fast eonftdent I a at we eat) sultytu. Tou wilt alwaya And on of as at onr mill, is tuna iom iibnon, S mi'es ftonij Waterloo, on Hamilton ereek. Wlitr A RERHIOAW. Ibsnon, Orgoa C ITT Dill's? asTOHP. PfeiEer Clock, Albany Stanaid & Cusick, f rtarwaraaa -aastaas is Drugs, Vetliclcsa, ( Lsm'.cl, ,Fano ana Toilet attlcIeatSponge,Erasfaea. Porfomerj, f cLol fivxks, and Aril!' Suppllea. Pbyalclnnri preaerlptlstna art inlly ctniponndesse J. A. Cummitig. lruprH, ln.inti. Oils CarlZiHIS, JEtO., ALBANY. OREGON TP Fruit Raising in fa Paper, Ten and Twenty acre Farms, all in Cultivation and Baady it, within Seven ; miles . of Oregon's Capital, for $75 00 vor o Fruit ourth Cash, Balance in ana Cultivated Three Year3 for S175 psr acre. tion send foi Pamphlet to Til A Aroo tsn WiiiT a )J&&&-.-- . if AFnSalTtaSltRtt, is.;.'wUfe. (:.-. UaiO. . -0BE60M. VHO.ri. Hartaojroii,! BUGKEYii mri m reaper, Tbs Macb'MS tratoo 9tliUf,.u c ; i...-. mus-niliof firmersnave sett tnem ul epcak tt lien ;u : trr. t?7 r ta l7 Jforrestij Kaxhincs Wat Viil f:f ' . TiCS tJ ta pnrcbaser. FILLER'S STAR VllTHslO VnntSliER, "j .... r..,.-, 0T,n TrAnTffl!.J Ihmt A 5wi. '. i" Tbe moss IfXrjtlv rnsd tuceeatful Cj t-ri:j tt.: BUCKEYE win rua sVrrb Feature twtliir" UeJl'.Wr- " v P ml. r 1 1 I Jin I.Mim of Inaft. romMnad with Hs Xstraonllnary Mront'th ad j.,, nfi'! f; AmS ). tsktu.rn, ilw only (salty swi!(nl one yet known. W hove t.i'-, i. r. ft jAt t'5. Vr i& 1U1 t'tsttitsnn Kiudsr-tMb aaesliest kcitb raooinmciHled by btuidruf n- DUilUlALiSlJi SAM 111 Jli,S Cirriasos, Mistorc Top Boggis. DUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPt'.IM UOUNTAW WAGONS, BUCKEYE AHD SUPERIOR HULLS AND SELDERS. CORBIH 99t7 HARROWS, UODQES-HMES IIEA-JERT. HAfSH DAft3 WRZ E. THRALL, MANAGER, ALLEN BROTHERS. Wholesale s retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, I -, fliUP Jill He lias received a largo and choice stock of spring Dre&; flOOfls. TlfiW Rt.v'oa nnrl Rlmnlr-O WojIt foln-irK- rftneiclir.(Tr, -j aw at v aw" a M-v w sv f r A A J A JL j VilClWVl ginghams, scersuckerp, sateen9 and chambre. A complete assortment of white goods, flouneings, hosier', corsetel gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the pprinj; trade. A largo and complete assortment for men anq youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing goods, ar.c if you want the best bargains you will hava to call on hira f f We are the People ? Who carry the most conipleto lino of Hard- - 1 ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. J " mahhews a washburn phi lily THOMAS C3 the Willamette Fi r 5 f li) Osi j-3 Per Cent, on the Investment. Three equdl Annual Payments: or set on Land Company. bt ,:zr.. in n Fan lacliinery. ;;;!L,3i;;i;(:iij;Eii m the ' ; liriU I lU.i Li.UliiL, - 'j'..ut: - - ..t f;. Thrtshias Clraa'Jff .. :.'.r. td. irJE-aiNDERS. 7 ALBANY, OREGON CHOICE FRUITS OF All SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON, ALBANY, OEEQOU I 4 ste ?; It von rant iha ber 4a yand most durable fur a ture that is manufact n S ed in the city go to BRINK'S f Valley Pays IOC v I to set tc i per acre; onei to Fruit For Farther Infornia C2 " i ss -f i ; t. ' . . s . S A ' ' - . tl ...'-- -----. . 1 - j i i