The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 10, 1891, Image 1

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o a
Tho New York "World,"
. .
-: An Advertisement in
;"Tho -:- Democrat";
i "The -:- Democrat'
. $2.80.
: "American Farmer' '
; Reaches the Mont i
People and Brings)
iral.rew al Ik rt 001 re al Albany. Or, a aeeaad-Cla.s Hall Matter
fcTITM at NITTIiHrtibllker aad rrrlor
NO. 49.
i I
co hot csipi. Siena ca
Sim Con ran S.c Kf to wi,
stei ail inmnwi ivwifia TTtWI
led or ConattptiQ
V In. I'tvw-1 h 4 i tit i ri umc
aW i,. W.f .i-.. l.. iii
ea n1rty .iW-i1 u.t ih a
n rill nr l tv 1 uv dm, t fc
. . n. emmtr. 4i rl1l put up tn tmtw .t
M,h em t rnrtlK tn ft"" 1 A
trr n4 MhkM , HpmIm iHW
"frai"TwMrirl. HM fcaMtlet
. I ft HMK t4 UK Pth. fear I -"i-rt.
and tuicY Brm'i.iMih nnti.rr r r I
ft H KAi.TH a, lli;mit itHrMi(iiftii.uuI
While trying to Crowd then
Store, where the always have on hand
l tie large! 2tock aouth ol Portland, of
the latett Improved Rlflee and Shot
Guns; an Immense atock ol Fishing?
Tackle ol every description; Tenia,
Hammocks, Cam,? Chairs and thousands
ol other things loo numerous to mention
Jtepnir Shop
in connection with the Store, and one oi
e best workmen In the State to do any
md ail kinds ol work.
Come one, Come al. No rouble to
ihow goods. "Small profit and quick
al" Is out motto.
Manufacturer o
fr"(Xl situation ! o i palrlnc IL
daof oiacblnar
FaVrni Made on Short Rotiet
What is
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infant.
and Children. It contains neither Oplnm, Morphine nor
ether Karcotlo substance It is a harmless sabstitoto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' tzso by
imilons of Mothers. Castorlfl. desti-oys Worms and alLays
fcTcrinhness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatnlcney.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Caatorla Is aa excellent awdldoe for dill
dran. Mutbers bare repeatedly told ma of Ua
food off oci djkj tbelr chJIdrea.
Da. O. C OaoooD,
" Castor! U Uk! bt renxxlr for childran of
yrbUix 1 a n acquainted. I hope tba day la not
for distant vbca mothers vUleoosidar the real
tntrnat of tbeir cbJMren, and tun Castorla lo-Bti-ad
of tiiavarioua quack nostrum vbicb are
d tttroj-ins tbt-if tored onoa, by forcing opium,
tiwrphin, aoothlnf syrup and other hurtful
atfnnta dnva their Ciroota, tberehy
Uwza to j romature sraTea.
Da. 3. 7. Kraoaxtos,
Conway, Ark.
Tlio Costaar Compsvnr. TT If
A T.33 A
J. Joseph, Proprietor
Wholesale and Retail.
The lew York
-r-o Is tho Placo .to Buy
s ' ?. ., S
j. r 1
-a Aim
a MTwt cuac or
row aALr sir all
It rtan" ttw lavr snd Khtnm nml Stomach,
rnrr nniH'nM, rrvnirs aa Ap
lite, Ptitilclh Ln,mrv BmhhI, and
Th WaV strong
I M l f V
Caod ererrwhere. f I a'oUeslxforaj.
Tba best rnal at ffie la Uiity at (Joaia
4yr a. v
t aav bwa troubled bmut years with
dlaiaaa of thm kidnrya and Law triad
aaaay dlficml tvmedwa and kaar
aoacM akl Rvm dlflont phratctaat
wtlituat rriiet About tb ijlbolAprt!
I wma auucrinr (ram a rv violent
attack that aliaoat prostrated m in
aura a taaaner Mat 1 waa arat over.
Waea I at dowa k was alawat bnpoaaitite tuv vat
to ret ca akiaM, or k nut oa aiv ckjlbea,
kind rrwrUnn arut lr. eiealer. wkh l
bolcL I tauncdJatcly comiaeaccd
utlng I ha tea It bad aa aliaoat
miraculous effect, and to tke aatosv-
lahawut of aO-lUe aeau at tba
m a few darM am bapvf l state,
uat I waa a sew ua. Z wll
racommannl tba laa to all aJ
as 1 bare bees.
JTofaeWor OcrlclenUI Bolct.
" Oaatoria la so weU adapted to ehtldraa that
I raonmniand it aasuparior to any preacrtptioa
koowa to me.,,
H. A. Aacasa, X. D..
Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. T.
M Our physicnD In tba cbildrsn's depart
ment have spoken highly of their expert
enos in their outside practiea with Cutotio,
aad although we only bare amoejr our
medical auppUaf what la known aa regular
produeta, yet we are free to confess tlurt tba
merlta of Castoria baa won us to look with
favor upon it."
Uarro nosnral. ana DisronuaT,
Doston, Mass.
Alum OL Surra, Prrt.,
amy Stroot, Xw Tork City.
C. B. R. Store
Thycr Slioes
kotcL. e
aiicteJ i a
An E. O. Cvclon. On FtlJav oi last
weeks young rvclone traversed Combs
Mat, tearing down fences, uprooting
trees, and pin v lug havoc generally. It
struck the school house In which Charley
Lewis Is teaching and liftsd the building
off Its foundation, frightened Charley and
the children almost out ol their wit. No
one waa hurt, and the damage to the house
was slight. It appeared to be ol the old
fashioned Nebraoka sort, only not nearly
t destructive. It I the only storm ot a
purely cyclonic nature that hat vlsitrd this
county In our recollection. It was follow
ed by a florin of rain and linll I'rltievilte
URKUoit MwarArcNS. h newspaper
directory juf Issued reports - Oregon'
thirty-one counties at having 131 news
papers, fifteen of which arc daille,and
nearly all of the remainder weeklies.
Multnomah Is the banner county, having
fourdnlllss, and twenty-eight weeklies
and monthlies. Seven counties Crook,
t;urry, Josephine, Klamath, Ijike, Mal
heur and Sherman are leported at hav
ing out one paper each. There I no
county In the state without a newspaper
In Linn there, are eight, two of which are
published dally. Lane hat tla.Pulk four.
uenton Umatilla seven.
Kostuiao Ahead. The bids for city
bond to the amount ol $25,000 were
opened yesterday by the trustee. There
were several bids and the board I now
considering the time and will probablv
accept the best offer made, at their regular
meeting tonight. The rr.oat favorable
bid, we understand. Is per cent. If
there Is no hitch In the proceedings, the
money win soon te in tne cut treasury
and work on the city hall and aeweratre
system toon commenced. I'lalndcaler.
inesame Arm eaveo per cent premium
, . , . .
or cugene t Donas.
Knew Him Too LonoPo you know
the defendant," asked the Attorney of a
iuryman. In the case of the Stale against
hllas Mtiwell.
- rs sir, a lime.
How long have vou known him?"
"Oh, about fort r-four rears: we rrnrt
tne piams at tne time time, but hare seen
very little of him tlnce"
The man was excused from serving.
OOT LOST. CI Stuart, of this rll
Wednesday took a veloclnrda rtda nn IH.
i " nen opposite dcio ne 1
got lost, ao he Informs the Dimocrat, la
the high dofcfcnnel and weed, and did not
And himself until reaching Sclo. l
oocsn t know how he cot hame. He aava
coinpan are advertising lor looo
goats, aooo sheep and a herders to keep
ins TtANN ate evIJentl near ail
la eastern Oregon, for few are sera here
now. The PcndtetfMt Tribune savst MSe.
entten trampa tiding blind baggage
aboard a tingle train Is a prett v fair show.
Ing even for the wild and wool west.
tb. - St . I a . .
nat numocr were counted Dy spectators
on a passing train tins week. Train men
win soon need uat'lng guns."
Stole Tnt-spaaWhcn the sun. on
hU annual trip alontr the ecllDtlc. crosses
the tropic of Cancer and sends the ther
mometer a "silver pulse In the ci vital
vein" to yo In the shade, the wise man
puta aa a "bUer and the wise advertis
er puts im m "blazer"- of an advertisement
in me UCMociuTand his business Increas
es apace. on AlARVa riCAst, A party
r . a . .
ronauung oi nave U-born, Telt UurnetL
OC McClagen, Caleb l)avl, M I Erq
uu oi ?.ocs, went out to Mary's Peak
on a fishing excursion last Sundav. Thee
nave cnugw til tne trout In the creek.
or tnej orount nome s airing of coj aa a
reiult of the daa fish. Gazette.
faraa far Sale.
I bare lor tale ICO acres of the finest
arming land in the aUte. All In s
ugh state of cnltivation, no buitd
inga. bnt has a heautfnl .n:uiin l,-..
tion. Eight miles from Albany. !
mile from Tanirenl. on tha Hlnn
Terma ami price reason able. Call and
aee me on koconJ street, opposite Da
cmat office. 1). (J.AV. Mastos.
rArit, etc 1 nave just received I
a new line of wall paper and decorations. I
Have more than doubled m fn-iiiru ir,l
handling them, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall naner and hnriW t
match. Ueautlea. and much eheanor lli.n
aver before. Bamuel E You no.
Ar Fortmillek & lavixa's 160 dozen
window shades, Just received.
a targe ana elegant stock of 16th cen
17 bedroom acts.
VI jr i at I c 1 )ij I t l crp jh, m tny
e deigni.
Lace CtsTAiNl In great variety from
o u 1 pair, inese goods are
I f .... ... - - M.. ' .
ougnt irom New York Jobbers dir-
and cannot be excelled for oualitv. atu
at an A mi . AM. wa. '
m a
Take Notice. The deliver wasvm.
of U.c city will not be on tha streets nt
Saturday, the 4th. Let all
tel vet accordingly. Joe M tees.
Fortmiller & Irviou have soma KanAia-
aane laceeutUioa for $18 a pair, as fine as
anything ever seen in the ity. They
range down to 7 a pair. Other laoe ear
Uias down to $1 ot lesa a pair.
II your eves .m if u
French's and have tbem tested bv Tobnaona
patent eye meter, and g t glassea that fit yen
propane, uiaasas irotn Zd CSOU to 810.
II just rstalrad a lanj Ibvsls ot as daagnri i
Shafles anl (Mains,
snd new sad tssutlful ptttarns la
Wall Paper
Elegant Eosrs to Men,
W hsrs ths brst snd
prsttlsst li tba markat,
and a fine stock
generally, as well as jewelry, Watches
clocks, et., at
EI. 'French's.
t v A Shyi
A Cohu rko atiok a l Coli.eoe. lit Al
bert nrownell has returned from Tort-
land, where he has been attending a
inortlng ol the eomuiitteo for the cnUo
liHhment f a Congregational collotw In
Oregon. Ten ntcnilierB of theeouimittne
were present. It was voted to mULI'mIi
a college according to the instructions of
the association, and II Allen Kliorpv.
James Hteelo and V it Morrow were ap-
fiointed a cotnnutteo to receive proporti
ons. Mr llrownell tells the Dkmuckat
that it is nronoHud to establish a hluh
grade colleges, not a preparatory school,
so that whim a student graduates ho will
ne up with the graduates of the best
eastern college, and thinks Albany would
stand a good chance, on account of its
superior location, ami 11 is rouatiie a
proposition of land and money will be
iuaue iroui this city.
A Business Giau Peihtpt no child
In the country can thow a more theeplth
record than Hallle, daughter ol Cass Gib
son, south of Klckreall, snvs the Pallas
Itemlicr. Four yart so her uncle, T P
Ingte. ol Waluburir. uave her four bits to
DUV B little bank tnln wlilrh ln-r Vlii.ti.l
and friend were to be Invited to dvpoalt
their spare change. Boon she had $1,
with which her father bouuht a mother
tneep, and since then he ha been buying,
telling and exchanging with the proceed
ol that original half dollar until today she
ha SS old sheep and 40 lambs. The fleece
ol the old theep will be told and the pro-
ceeos laid out in ewea and her Mock will
toon again be doubled and trebled. I Utile
It already figuring up hrr worldly oet-
sions ana win occome a business woman.
Lxraxoh. -Mr Poud and family have
moveu to l oriiatni.
On Wednesday JudifO Miller took
charge of the Lebanon poatofllce. and
moved the same to tho red front. Mr
J FHydo It deputy.
rWaled bid for clearing the rivlit of
way (or the Ixlanon and Hanliatn cnnal,
will l received by the directors on the
Hth day of July.
Guy A Mayers and It U Hansard, in
(conformity with the new law
I circulating petitions for the si
have teen
itnatnres of
a majority of the voters ol Lelwnon, so
that they may be allowed to soil lioaor
after the expiration of their prewent li
cense. A remonstrance is also being cir
culated under the direction of the W C
X u ol Lebanon. hx prims.
Scto. Judge Win Ketacr, a Kalem law
rJ ni-.s...t.- til .iir.... 11.-
lion on the 4th.
Mra Tentland. formerly a resident of
Kcio. but who has Ik-en elsewhere 'or
several years. Is visitinir the familv of
a juorria.
John II Miller. late of Domrlaa
has located in our tnn and a ill own
eut a general merchandise atoie in the
building lately occupied by Fhclton lroe.
A few days aito Mr Tho tuns Larm waa
engaged tn riving boards fiom a large
tree. la one ol the lioard bolts that
came iroiu near the center of the tree he
lound a nail embedded. Mr Larue's cur
iosity waa aroused by this discovery and
upon counting the growth from the nail
to the circumference of the trc, he
lound them to number 1:3. Tress.
Licet Covaluh. The 150,000 stock
lor the Corvallia carriage and wagon fac
tory is all subscribed and the factory will
be built without delay. The stockhold
ers will bold a meeting this weekend
elect a board of directors, who meet Im
mediately thereafter and make necessary
priicary arrangements lor commencing
the work on the building, at once. The
tmuuing plans win be sanipltUnl and
acted upon, the site selected, and bids
for lurnishing material, etc, advertised
lor. Mr Sticker will start lor the east
next week to purchase and contract lor
the machinery . Uaactte. A DiwockAT
man was brought up near the Cortland
wagon works, which Mr Sticker repre
sents, and knows it to be s large and en
terprising concern. Corvallia is very
fortunate in securing the worka.
Aujahcs Elections. The following
Farmers Alliance elections have occurred
recently :
Crabtreo J II reerr.presidt'nt ; Thom
aa Allison, elce-president; E Taylor,
secretary; W F Elliott, treasurer ; Frank
Dickens, lecturer; John Com p ton, chap
plain ; C Uaines. eteward 2 F L Tinnier.
keener. Number of members 63 and 17
M tinkers T M Mankers. nresldent: O
W tlunsaker.vice president ; John mail
men, secretary ; Kobt Carey, treasurer :
0 I Brown, chaplain ; O W Munkers.lec
torer; Clint Munkere, eteward; 15 W
Munkers. doorkeeper: C W Trown. as
sistant doorkeeper. Membership, 38.
What it Did. One argument why the
board ol trade of Salem should continue Itt
advertising In the newtpapelol the eastern
tatet u found in the fact that since the
old contract expired the number ol In
quiries from home-seeker received by the
secretary of the board it small Indeed.
wnue these adsjwere running irom twenty
to thirty letter ol Inquiry were received
dally. The would-be immigrants wrote
to learn all about the country, and as a
direct result of Oil judlclou advertising
by the board there are many new famlllt
n :aiem today. statesman. .
Bids OfEXED. At s neetlng ol the
school board lat Tuesday, the following
bids lor boil ling the new school house
were opened. 11 Lindor, Junction, 5,
600; W II Fenton, Eugene, 5,650; T K
Kussell, Kugcne. tft.&H); l ri Kooncy,
t.-tKtulK. T V 111..-.. (
200 ; Moench & Kncttner, Albany, tO.MO ;
u Aicf adtlen, corvallia, ( The
board has not yet awarded tne contract
to either ot the bidders. 'Junction TiloL
TiixGovbkkob 8TOITID. Last evening
at 6 :30 o'clock Governor Fennoyer re
viewed the Second Kcgiment of the O N
O. The manual ol arms was gone through
euuwing aauaiaciory pronciency. Alter
the review Governor Tennoyer started
lor the officers' quarters but was stopped
v. : ...i.i . .i . . .
Dy a sentry, it was some little time be
fore the Drone r officer could be found to
impart the countersign to the command
er oi tne state forces Guard.
card or I n Ait ks. we extend to our
kind friends and neighbors in this city.
our earnest and heartfelt thanks, for the
grateful favors, and sympathy shown us
during the sore trials attending the re
cent sickness in our family, and the sad
and irreparable los ol our dear, little
daughter. May such kindness as that
bestowed on us. be the lot ol those kind
friends II they aro ever so similarly un
fortunate. c. l. jlee,
Jeknik Lks.
To Albany Mem. A Bond, ol the
"New Era," says the Corvallia Gazette,
last Monday sold ms entire stock of dry
goods and fancy goods to parties in Al
bany, and he is busily engaged in pack
1 s t I : a. it ... . r . r ,
ing anu snipping to mat city, jib win
in the future devote his entire attention
to the sale ot the Taclnc washing ma'
Ravettles la Jacket.
I have received a small assortment oi
novelties in ladies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles-of Blazers and Reef
ers, in cneviot, diagonal and worsted. J
expect to carry a full line of these goods.
as well aa all the leading styles in Ladies
Capes, beaued, crochet and in cloth
Orders taken lor special sizes and styles
but'Liu xovna.
Coming Event.
Wednesday, July 8, at Opera House, St
School Tax, Notice i; hereby given
that the school tax of district 5 It due and
payable. All taxpayers are requested to
call at once and attend to the name, at the
office of the clerk, C G Br.rkhart.
sot mi Ann rrxo4t(
C II Mueller went to Ysquna bay this
noon. .
I Hie v Ins, ol Tilnevtlle, la In the county
vlslilng relative. -
M.. lr Eilliand Mi Berth. Ellis went
to Kugcne ilil noon to spend everal day,
Mr Oscar Marshall, ol Alhlna, where
he Is employed In the carhopt, It In the
city lor a few dy.
John Diamond ol Coburg came up fiom
Albany Inst nluhL llo had bee t there at
tending circuit court on a foreclosure suit.
Guard, j ' "
Henry Ewert, fr hat accepted a r,ol
tlon tn okane Fall and will leave next
Monday for I hut city t J begin business
there. HI brother will succeed him In
hi fathers store.
Mr It G 1 lodges, a brother of A 3
Hodge, ot thi cllv, srrlvrd In Albany
Ut evening wllh hls lamily from Olympla,
Wah, whete he hts lxen residing some i
yeara, and wl.l make Albany or vicinity
Huperlntendent Jayne, ol the vVestern
wnion, passed throtign Albany this noon
In a special car, He travels In style In
hi elegant car called "EleeteJ," a popular
name, and live on tne topsneit
K W LangdonJcft this noon for Chica
go, where Mrs Lang don I now sojourn
Ina, and wilt be cone twentv.ftvedars.
during which lime they will visit friend
in Iowa and other placet.
Arthur Spaldlns returned to Corvallts
last week, accompanied by hit mother and
brother. He It much Improved In health
and It glad to get back. He says that
Aruona has no charms lor him and that
the Wiltmette Valley I the only country
he ha teen he left that I worth lly.
Ing In. Corvallia Timet.
WL Jester and family arrived home
this morning from a several week ao.
ourn at the Mud Snrlnetof northern
California. ihey left Mr J A Grass
there enjoying the advantages of that pop
ular mountain resort. Mr letter leavet
tomorrow for Yanulna bar, where he
wia remain .two or three datt and then
return for bu.lnet. He I greatly Im
proved In health.
Trot Condit went to Y equina bay this
Mr 8 M W Ilindman. of llmnrtr. ...
in un city touav.
1 ercv 1 ounar and Carlton Roc war at
naterioo yesterday, and renort tha
springs st that city In fine condition
Waterloo will only celebrate the 4lh by
tik vm in tne evening.
Attorney General Geo ECiiamhorlaln
ot Albany, waa in Eugene Wednesday
nvht. He intended spending the Fourth
here, but receiving a dispatch that his
mother was taken suddenly ill. be was
comptlleJ to return home. Guard.
W I Vawter and wife ofMedfordar
visiting relatives in the Willamette val-h-y.
and Mr Vawter will attend the A O
IT W grand lodge at VictorU. which con
venes Juiy 13th, before their return.
AahUnd Tidlncs. They have been la
Linn county several days.
Mrs DL Eke and little eon re torn. I
liome yesterday mum ln? from tha Wil
lamette. MrlUce will be in charn of
the railroad business at the AlUny depot
tor eoiiie tune yet. Asmana lidiags.
Judse Canfleld. exiitorol the American
Ut Kcgiater. ol ThiUvlelrhla. ia In the
city, lie is s gentleman ot considerable
legal genius, a long tim in the harness,
and were he to be In Albany long enough
could be induced to deliver s lecture, a
treat worth obtaining.
The boae race at Eugene tomorrow
promises to be s crack affair. Halems
team ol sprinters went to that city this
noon; also part ot ths ConralHe team,
with the Cameron boys, among the fast
est runners, in the valley, in the lead.
Albany's team will tro in the moraine.
and is composed ot some good local run
ners. Cha Scar. Frank Brccklnrklira 'and
Fred Fortmiller. returned from the bar
this noon and Joined their company at
Eugene, where the member are having a
pretty good time, anions the amusements
being that ol getting put In the guard
house. Anions those who have had the
xperlenec. were Edward Blodaett and
Mr MtMahan, two exemplary member ol
the company. They tailed to return when
their passports expired after a trip down
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
Hew ereant oheeee lust leoelved at Conrad
Mayers. "
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled Eloent
eigar at J aliaa Joseph's.
A Urge stock ol wall paper, with lat de
signs, at FortmlUer ft Irving's.joat received.
nave yon seen those parlor stilts that T
Brink baa just reoei ved I They are nloe.
Great redaotton inmsn's farnUhlae tfood s
for tbe next 30 day at W F Bsad'a.
J W Bentley, beat boot and shoe makerSn
city, three doors north of Democrat olQo.
E W Aohison k Co handle tae celebrated
Portland cement walla for aametery lota.
rhese walla can be famished at half the oost
of any other and are far aeperior.
Briuhten up voar old rubber and old
shoes and make tbem look as good as new
with WoiiTe Aoma Waterproof Toliab. For
sal at Hsmuel E Young'.
Dr M II EI1U. pbytloiaa aad sareeon.
Albany, Ortoa. Call made la oity or
Ladies eando theirbhoooinff in 8an Fran-
olsoo without visiting tba eity, and wit hoot
extra commission. Mia E J Barrow a? r-
cbatlog agsut, 1669 Oroya St, Oakland, 4)al
rreneh Taaty Wafer.
The wafer are a sure and safe tr tit.
for a klndsol female troubles anc w'P
remot all obstruction to the monii 1
period) no matter what the caute. Tl.ti
are ji it what every woman necdi . ai
i be ued with safety. For tale k tb.
Livingstone Chemical Co- alto iron u
tole agent, J ACummlng, druggist, Bl. n
berg bKk, Albany, Oregon.
A tare care for tbe whisky nab it: Dr
Uvineston'a Antidote for Urankennesa will
care any eaae of tbe liquor nabit in trora tea
to thirty days, from tho moderate driuker to
tbedrnukard. Tbe Antidote oan be feiven
in i cap of coffee without tb knowledge of
tbe person taking It. Tbe Antidote will not
Injure the health in any way. Maun factored
Ly the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland,
Uregon cr from 1 A Uammlng, tole agent
Albany, ,
Bay yoar grooeriea ol Parker Bro
One half dollar rod notion on every pair ol
Ludlow a one shoes. A Rood una of tbem
ata is Young s. .
Sorofulon. eroptloni, snob aa ilmple.
dlsoolotation of the akin, especially en the
faoe, are oaea by impure boodend will
disappear rpdly by using Pfaoder't Ore-
Htm juiova x uiuor.
leading Photographer A cany Oregon.
We have bongbt all theoegativtamade by
L W Clark and W U Greenwood up to Nov
15th, 1839. Duplicate can be had from
bem only of na at redooed tates. W haye
alto about 18,000 negatives mads by - our
selves, from which duplicates can be had at
liketacc. We carry the only full line of
viewt of tbia tiate and do enlarged work at
lowest rates for first slats work. We shall be
pleased to see yon at oar Studio In Promsn
block, ooxtdoor to tiaeocio lrraple. .
A WABNINflt ..;
Senator Brlce, chairman ol the national
democratic committee, ha written a letter
ol warning and advice t hi fellow mem-
be rt ol the national committee. The letter
embodies advice In regard to the ataocla
tlor. ol democratic clubs and the necessity
oi the national committee co-operating
with them. The senator begins with the
statement that the presidential contest It
near at hand, that the republicans are rap.
Idly preparing for It, and that the demo
crat cannot be too clrcumapest or too
twill In arranging to meet them. The
plan oi campaign of the republicans, he
tayt, I a colossal aytterr of club to be
maintained and supported by unlimited
means drawn from the po.kelt ol bene
ficiaries ol a menoptly policy. . Thlt ayt-
tcm, he urges, can only be met by an ex
tensive system ol voluntary democratic
clubs association ol the people In their
several neighborhoods lor the detente ol
their rights and interest agalnat tboae
banded to assail them. Drlce thinks the
approaching struggle I to be one mainly
between the clubs, and It Is greatly to be
desired that a uniform and perfected sys
tem el democratic societies throughout be
organised, and an Intimate atteclatlen
with each other thall be established before
the beginning ol next year, lie says he
examined the plan or organisation now In
process of successful accomplishment by
the National Association el democratic
club, and he fee! It the duty of every
member of the national executive com
mittee to give the club association hit
most hearty support, and he urges etch
member oi the nations committee to co
operate with the association to the fullest
extent. The work undertaken by the execu
tlve committee ci club Is absolutely nec
essary to be done.lo B rice's opinion, and In
his letter he ststes the opportunity ia now
presented oi hsvlng It sccompllshed by an
efficient Instrument at a minimum coat and
then distributed over so many localities as
to not be a burden to any one committee.
Brlce conclude his lettet at follow:
"An Important feature ol the plan Is the
selection ol correspondents In the several
states, Thla now requires urgent atten
tion tn your state. I would therefore, aak
you to confer with, the chairman of your
state committee at toon at may be conven
ient and arrange this particular part of the
plan so that you wilt do all In your power
to facilitate organisations, and la other
way thstou may think best
A dispatch from Topcka, Kansas, tayt!
Mrs Mary El tea Lease, high priest eas of tbe
farmers alliance In Ksntas, r peaking yester
day ot the murder of Coloocl Sam Wood at
Hucotoa last week, taldi "It ia the work ol
tb it Infamoe republican crowd who cannot
beat et fair, but take tbe assassin's work ia
band to pet as out ol tbe way. Jadg Botkln
it letaoatible for the murder of Sam Wood.
They tried to kill me aad failed, and bow I
tee by special dispatch they ar trying to
reach the mother through ker children. Three
timet have they tried to pat I beta oat of the
way wi'.b poisoned lemonade, aad three time
have they failed. Voa will find out that the
charge agaiost my son is false. Judgment
will yet overtake them for their in famous
work. Sam Wood wss sot the man some
people have pictured him. lie was a valuable
maa to Kansas. His astaaslns cannot ktl'
bit memory." Mrs Least tt fused to cater into
partlculartof the alleged attempt to poison
her, except that it was now being Investigated
hand at tbe proper time tbe whole affair would
be mad public.
It U reported that work It to begin on
the big bridge between New York City
and the Jersey short' in aeptem er. The
necessary capital, $100000,000. has been
subscribed. This bridge, about which a
great deal haa been said, will bejone of the
largest In the world, and will coat an en
ormous amount of money, but that there
ia a demand for It Is not doubted. Where
the public demand and general conven
ience are concerned, American capital and
enterprise are not long wanting with
which to supply It,
The fair men of both parties In the
Maatachuaellt legislature set an excellent
example In patting a Jutt congressional
reappointment bill, which Gov. Russell
promptly signed. Congressman Lodge's
attempt to secure a grossly unfair gerry
mander by applying the caucus thumb
screw to the republican members was a
wretched failure. , It served, however, to
show how low the Scholar In polltlct" can
stoop when he tacrlSces his conscience to
hi ambition and makes himself the ten
der of a boss like Tom Reed.
The crop of winter wheat promises to
be the largest ever raised In this country,
and reports from tbe spring wheat belt are
alto exceptionally encouraging. ' The Eu
ropean crops will be very short, hence the
demand for American wheat wlU be good
and at better pricet than have prevailed for
a number of yeart past. ' Wheat hat riten
to a very high price in Germany.upon the
continued bad crop weather.
Teaat reporti that they are harvetting
the early varletlet ot wheat and oats. Both
wheat and oats are unusually fine and bad
ttormt during harvett are now the only
danger to securing what now promises to
be a very One crop. Uarvesting- It likely
to commence In California about the n.ld
die of June. -
One of the recent ioventiona for life taving
apparatut it the Irvine pneumatic can for
throwing a line to ships la distress or to per
son in a burning house. The air ia admitted
fiom a reservoir to the chamber behind ths
projectile at a pressure ef 2400 poundt on the
square men.
Tbe camera abowa that the atar Vega, one
of the brightest atari in tbe northern heaven.
it apparently a double atar, composed of two
turn, each revolving around h point midway
between them. .
A Bauatesl Btosit.
Thi body of oars has been likned to
tenement. It often ha a haanred apartment
the ttomach, . Scared, by the eldnoh
prite. dytpepsia, dij;eatlon nir and lefasea
to return, vvnasoan urenKne apeu, wnat
can raise the ban laid upon the ebhaa-py or
gans? We antwr unhetitotinely, liottat
ter'a Stomach Bitten, and we are watanted
In tho response by the recorded testimony
of myriad, covering a period over a third of
a century. . A course of the Bitters, liegnn
in any itage of the affliction.aud peraiatenKly
followed, will terminate In cure positive.nos
partial.' Tba Bitter reafeorea toe to tbe
epigaatio nerve, renewi and porifie the
juice Binding from tbe cellular tissues that
act npos the food digestively, expela bile
from tha atomach and tbe blood, and pro
motes a regular habit of body. Halrria,
kidney complaint, oervoua.e, rheumatism
and neuralgia fciv way to fcHia mcHuine,
Some persons, though not actually tick,
keep below par in ttrcngili and general lone
snd I am of the opinion that fasting during
the long Intetvsl between tupper and break
fast, and especially the complete emptiness of
the ttomach during sleep, adds greatly to the
amount of emaciation, sleeplessness and gen
eral weakness we so often meet. I'litrsblocy
tearbct tbal in the boJy tlteie it a perpetuaf
disintegration of tissue, sleeping or waking- it
ia therefore 'ogical to believe that '.he supply of
nourishment iliouM be somewhat continuous,
At bodily exercise it tiupended during rleep
with wear and tear correspondingly diminished
while digestion, assimilatioa and nutiitive ac
tivity continue at Usual, ths food furnished
during this period id! more tbsa it
detiioyttl, and increased wsight and Improved
general vigot are the result.
All bcirgt eacept man ate governed by nat
ural instinct, and every being with a stomach,
except man, eatt before deep, and evco the
homao Infant, guided by the tarns h-. street
driokt ficnuenlly day and blgLt, and if itt
ttomach it empty for any prolonged perkd i
cries iong and loud. Digcs'ion requires no
interval of test, aad if tbt amount of food
during the twenty four hours it, in quantify
aad quality, not beyond the physiological
lluil:, it nukes no hurtful difference to tbe
ttomach bow few or short are the inttrvsls
between eating, but it doct make a vaat diff
erence in tb week snd emaciated one's wel
fare to have a modicum of food in tbe stomach
during tbe tiate of sleep, ibat, instead of being
Consumed by bodily action, it may daring the
nierval improve tbe lowered system.
I am fully talisfied that were tbe weakly.
the emaciated and the sleepless to nightly take
a light lunch or meal of timple, nutri'iout food
before going to bed for a prolonged period,
Bins ia ten of tbem would be thereby lifted
inio a better standard of beahb; oa tbe con
trary, persona that are too stout or plethoric
should follow an opposite couite. New York
AftJkot Jonrnul.
And where, pray, are the Increased
wage for American worklngmen prom
ised as a certainty to fol'ow the passage ol
the McKlnley bill t Hat not the trend of
wages been downward JThe strikes and
lockouta from one end ol union to the
other, almost exclusively In the protected
Industries, answer the question.. The
McKlnley bill waa framed to care lor the
fat-filed contributors to campaign funds
and the fat-tried are taking precious goo-1
care ol themselves with the aid ol Im
ported cheap labor, ruthless evictions,
deputy sheil.Ts, soldiers all warring
galntt organized labor. The better the
McKlnley bill It understood In Itt purpose
and working the more Intense the anger
galntt It. The cyclone of 1S90 will be as
summer gal to the storm that I rising.
The New York 7r5 claim that the
McKlnley bill I not "suppressing foreign
trades," and quotes sundry statistics to
thow Inttances in which more manufact
ured good of certain kinds were Import
ed thla year than last. In that case we
pay the highest duties, and, nevertheless,
get an Increased competition In this mark
et. rVe understood from the TVi'A last
year that the object ol the McKlnley bill's
Increase ol taxe waa to keep out the "pro-
ucttoi foreign pauper labor." Howl
It. anyhow?
V eldleaa tteel chalnt are being exper-
Imente J with In England. The chalnt are
cut from a blank after the' tame general
methods employed In cutting out a chain
from a tingle piece of wood. At tteel it It asserted that the weight can be
reduced one-third from what wat neces
sary la old chains ot similar strength.
Just at this time the eastern' portions ot
this country are tuSering much from want
of water, but what we should do II we
were blessed with no more rain than the
city of Aden I we alone can tell. A report
from an English officer states that rain
has fallen but twice In that city In twenty.
nine years, and then only enough to lay
the dust
Good authoritiet estimate that France will
require to import nearly f 100,000.000 worth
of wheat the coming agricultural year.
Ia proportioa to itt populatioa, Australia it
the largest tea consuming country, and Eng
land standi second.
A farmer at Derby, N II,
kat a yearling
calf that weight 665 pounds.
JLi dantg-ned, administrator of tha aaiate of
Charles T. stcFrlad,dceaed, has Btnl his al
aeuit In ta orAee of ths clerk of ths county
, I rl ...J .w -.1.1
isiarl haa ast tha 3rd davuf Auanst. ak tba hoar ot
TOin 1VII KMUm W14I..T. UICLUM. -u I . u. i
1 o'clock, p B. tba lima for hearing objections to
saia acoaunt, u any, ana to mut mua anaia.
This 17lh day ot June, 18M.
J. X, WaAvnaaroaa. AdruinUtrator.
Att'y loradnitnlstrstor. . io-xtj
11 tbe nnderstgned naa oeen amy a;
twlnhid aaatenoa of the estate of L
Hennoas, an insolvent debtor, and that
be baaquaanea aa aura ssaiguee iu mo
manner prescribed by law. All persons
bavins claims against sal a 1. i iiennesa,
ara harebv notified to vremnt the same
under oain aa taw, 10 m
nnderalgned at Rock creek, In Linn fio,
rtrac-nn. or to hla attorneys. Geo W
Wriarht and D R N lslackburn, at the
lawofflen of either ot tbem. in Albany
Oreiron. within three months from tbe
data nereor.
Dated Jane 9tb, 1881.
1.3. McCIiARY.
Geo. W. Wmoht, Assignee,
, Attys for Assignee. i iz)
th nndnralirned. thedulv appoint
nnallflftd ana actias executor of the
last will and testament and estate of
Prrnton Munkere. deoeased. has this day
fliari hie final aoaonnt In the County
Court of Linn county. Oresron, aa such
imiitor.snd that said court has appoint
ed Monday, the 6th day of July, 101, at
tha hour of 10 o'o.ook a m of said day aa
tha time for heRrln? objections to saiu
aooouut. If any there be, and for the se.
tlement thereof.
. Dated this 2tRh day of May, 1891.
Exeoutor of the lost will
and testament of Pres on'cd.
AU'ys for Executor.
i aealea Dius win oe reoeivea at me
offioe of the county clerk of Linn county.
Ore&on, op to 14 o'clock, noon, veanea
aav. tne Bin ci uiy, ioi,ior mo ma
attraction of a county bridge across ..'hot
ia known as Owl creek, near the farm of
William Vance, in said county. Kaid
bridsre to be of the followinsr dituemlon
to Wit; Forty foot spans, of the ueen
trass natterns Seventy faet approac
Bents for the approaches to be anchored
or construe; tod of oak piling and 18 loot
All blda to be approved or
tha eoncty court. if. P,
rpfeoteil by
Running Soree CovemI His llody nnd
jiean. uones AEfrcted. CoreL
by Cutlfttns Itemndlrs.
TiT.f!. m"n"' oUi '"ft tiMl f onr fHiti.
fraiMlchlld U.n u, swell, ami iwl
aaa ,f a Urs Uoil. Wsprilt,J i tut hi! I,,.,.
purtHiw,. About lira months after It Wi.i., . c
rwiolKg sora. ftooo otboraoroa frmi. l !..
1 IW OI UwtJI Oft
band, and a bis t.looj 1...
came mire and more Irm-r.
H took km Miaa for tr-rf-'m i
broslt out. A mte hm.v
tha chin, IxmcnUi th i,ra
Hp, wiiltb wan very o!7-i- i.
ill was tu n., i ,,.
dl hHtirnt a fet4iS. tu
M hi nmditloa et I Tit!
two month old, !nii 1
ittUxtk Uw earn of It -n, J
molhor hovlna ilh-d i, n
'? h4 w a nun mote is.n
of .tnw). Jfa aoiiM walk a llirli-, tut r- n ,, '
lt Hp If 1.7 Ml doWR, !! CHltd IM Mtf
l hvj, h..v'i,j i,o uo of hi hand. 1 )mi) . ,
iwiinm.erj wllii t: Cirrieuiu lltntmn, i, .
all frwly. riiia aora fur amrthor Iwtl.-J. a i
mti4r fiirmlny In avH naa ut thM fta h-i
)art l fi.rhciln, wduk wfmld r?i, i. '
wera taki ut; Own tby would Uul tm .....
t. of liuns Kty bona forfaoti 1 t-rr, . ,
A(u t..i!'. a fl .wso aud a blf bottle hi ...
ptoiy aati, M I nut, st ISia .( ' ;
atmt ml rvlly ehlld. Un.iL. H. . :,
Usr,l-M. . 1S 15. Clay M., lUaMl:U'.
!y (fraMiwa r -mala tarfiflly well, 7- n'.
semfut and ne or. 11a. K. h. J'l.l.
t'8. J, im. iHuonJ ii'iv
Cutfcura Rcsclvcr.
Tb nt w Cloud raHflr,iolmally (to et.
t,t !i Imouiitios wd i-otaonou e-nM-., '
thsi rriDOrs tb am), and CCTIcva, 4
rlu(' jr.,afd (,'uTin sa fcAr,sa atqul'lio ,
lSmi:lf'-r,eiirnally ( elrnr tha .km aiwl w
aad -ir tiuibslri.eura avary dlaaaid h ,
of tk kla aud blood, from ptiuplc to acibfi U.
S. .Id avaryw her. Tries, Ccrrrcru, f v. ; f 1 ,
fee.; MiwT, SI. l'mpand iiy to I'r
lSI' AMD f'Hiair.L CKKJAT10, iUltUm.
r Sod for " Uow to Cur lilood lna.."
CI pV'C filn and Ocalp purtSd and mt,Ui
DftOI 0 ty Cvticcba Soe, Al,;ui. t ;
In oata ntanta tha Cill!r-
faia Plwlv rclit rK.-trr.Jtil'
au. hip, kldwy, chMt, !
paiua aud traakot t'Tustr '
Embracing all the
Both in WOOLEN and
-To The
(o low
Mako a Specialtv of Ladies
,.... w
Ribbed and Muslin. My Pkices aro ti.e LOWEST
and my Goods the Best. Am sob f gent
. for the Celebrated
Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poison,
: To The Men :
Call and Look at My values in
F Tarnishing -:- Goods
I have a, Large Stock at the Lowest
I catry a til tine of the world-renowed
for wear ar i finish. Large stock of Eubboiderieb and FLouxcisGa. Car
and be oor ced that Albany ia the beat trading point in Oregon.
Acknowledged Monarch of tkc II bad
We carry a' full line of Hacks, Buggies and Carriaires: also Farm
Implement of all klnda. fSTCKll on us before purchasing Elsewhere.
Mitchell & Lewis Co.,
US1G -
-Xetlee ear
Palace and EarhofT Slonse Proof Orsaas, Guitars. Violins and
Small Xasttmenta a Specialty.
Agents for the Jfew nome, Kldrldsret B. and o?ber Sowing Maohlnts.
Supplies for all kinda ol Sewing Maohines. Wo guard our
customers Interests and guarantee satisfaction.
We alt earry a "full maaertmeat ef Kaale and Basle Baek.
Cor. Seoond and Ferry sts., (Send for cataloBue,) Albany, Or.
j -QW,J-V''-J$CTreJM)imT -mt-lt.f--r"ju -aTLjasajjajnt wsHBBBsaBMaaBasSBBaBaBB
m y .JiAx At. "iM3c3v?dt,"
?f 'i I NOTHING EtaS. I
Xtrat-TWif iiltiaaatfit. a. a.i --r'-fttfiii w - sag i r.. f.. i:ti.ii Ji "i" -rrt n - "ii wr- m- 1 n , mlf"-Ji netsttsasdSKj J
ra r."2
r A I,
Ci J 3 rj
r-. ; -v ,1." Jury.' i !.
S1 I ia-
eexefcaMi aa aav
lUngghtnml Booksellers
As u for Jobo B. Alden'e puillraiiornC
' bt'h we mil at pnbliaher rrW viiiZ
- ewgwuiiW. , ,
ALBAIff , OKR(,'J.
ri ft r.-vrt-t4
tlia Viu'Antz rirly trtt
iHtoorrhmt A
1 h onV rn.'y fr.r
I d-wt!; itsn1 b-1
aale in nyvrt)TiMiC;ij'gii
tv to bll S'lfTiW-i.
. 0C:II,ettr,"a A. 1. fcv'lOMIK. M. Tl.,
9v u.s. a. J.L J . lr Ti'a li.t.
, STANASB at (THICK, A scat.
Revsre House:
1 1 Ull I
k IWJl ivlfjlUli.
ripUtd no In Snd-elaaa sxv'a. Tah:
wppllKl with tb beat in the market,
tfie e'eplneaoartmenta. ample rooax
f.t oouiiHtrtjtal traveler.
saw rawma txoia arrtkioa yo rAwm-
Ajrn sacK&a m,
City Heat 51 arke
. EH0LT2 BHDS,; Proprietors.
yp m full line of aiear of all kin
tn a mot pltc, compltl y pr
teetod: and alway frmn.
lafvest Novelties in
Underwear, in
Prioea ever ottered iw the YaHey.
BROADHEAD goods, unexcelled
-Jlc-s',,--if-- .' . . .... ajse
Albany, Or?on
List r Plaa
The moat popnlar piano amongthe world's
famons Pianist.
I Celebrated fb U brilliancy,
finish and durability.
(The best medium priced plan
in the market, .
na p
M J' M
' J ' -
M' )r'nr In '.J
f .MrMil CM t. tj
Y't liwiwaiw.
tCjtiasaiisaaa-rya r..- . . "'"