The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 03, 1891, Image 2

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Kil tar mm4 lreariler
A New York film duplicate wed
ding presents.
A man at a hotel at ways speak
nl his Mil In the highest termi.
It U estimate J that it takes 0,000 torn
nl binder twine to do up the annual Amer
ican gi aln crop.
It hat been lound after elaborate exper
Imcnls that sewsgecsu be more efliiclent
j filtered through open tand than through
and covered with toll.
I El1 L ,'.,.! i
Seaweed la now made Into tough pa
per, which take the place of window
glass. When colored, the effect la similar
to a stained or painted glass.
Aa idea of the ia'.ense cold of parts of
Siberia is manliest by the fact that Yakutsk
is built oa ground that b perpetually Crocea to
the depth of 61a fret.
Th imports of wheat and flour as wheat
into France (or the nine months of the present
cereal year were 3J, 183,148 bushels, against
13,41 4,000 bushels the corresponding period
of isst jretr, an Ucreaie of 10,769,148 bushels
The I'nited State has a bllllon-dotlar
congress And it mey be a billion-dollar
country, but at present the treasury Is not
a Ulllon-dollar one.
The greatest cold official! reported In
the Vnlted States for twenty year I 63
degrees below ero F at Popular River,
Mont, In 1SS5. Since that intense frost
no equalt y low temperature has been made
The last census oi British India shows
a population of a 0,4 00,000 souls. In the
single province of Bengal, which Is only
1.13d the elxe of it United States the
population exceeds our country by 9,000,
00a Connecticut complains, because the Nor
wich lock manufactory m to be removed to-
Roanoke Va, where the tariff on coal is not
felt. New England will be a rampant free-
tratkf one of these days if something is not
done with that high tariff.
Texas crop reports are extremely favorable;
farms are reporting thirty bushels of wheat to
the acre, where there wss a total failure last
year, and scaiccly ha J cm, the two preced
g years.
The profits of coffee cultivation In Mex
Ico are very large. In the state of Vera
(.'mx the berry is produced at a cost of $7
per 100 pounds, an-1 sells for $11 to $13
per 100 pounds, and sometimes even
higher. The production has quadrupled
since 1SS1.
When a great party in a stats lite Ohio,
where intelligence is supposed to abound.
deliberately puts aside its John Sherman
for a discredited, tiicky.unscrupulous pot
lilcal adventurer like Foraker It la lime to
wonder whether the party haa not lost
moat of ha greatness and Its virtue.
The tomato is both a fruit and a vegetable.
The common distinction between a buit and
a vegetable ia that the former may be eaten
raw, the latter ceded. But a bettei diatinc
tkm, baviag fewer exception, U tht a fruit
is sweet when ripe, while a vegetable is not.
Pcrhis a combination of the 10 dirfinctiunt
makes the hsst definitions A fruit is sartct snd
may be eaten raw; a vegetable is not sweet
and need to be cooked.
The much-mooted question as to what
dltpoalilon should he made of the surplus
is settled. The old soldier settled It just as
he did some other questions once upon a
time. He just stepped in a, id corralled the
whole business and a few dollars more and
appropriated it. So the United States Is
virtually "broke" at present. It Is a queer
mathematical calculation, this pensto n
business the amounts seem to Increase
In direct ratio a the number of old
soldiers decrease. This Is the result of the
work of Tom Reed's great "business con
gress. "
The McKlnley bill raised the customs
tax on oatmeal from one-half cent a pound
to one cent an Increase of loo per cent,
and of course a trust is the result. No
protection was needed for a product of
which we exported 35,000,000 pounds,
against 1,000,000 pounds Impoi ted. Jtwas
needed for nothing unless to establish a
monopoly to raise the price tu consumers
rrwvit danger of Interference. The 'rutl
has bren formed.
1 he large Indebtedness of the Prince of
Wales gets other into trouble rather than
himself. First there are his credllor,who
lire In hope that soma time, when he be
comes king, he will have income sufficient
tu pay them. Now an English editor, rho
had the indiscretion to allude to the
prince's debts, has been discharged, and is
bringing suit for continued pay under his
old contract. He offers to prove that what
he has published is the truth, and asks that
the prince be obliged to appear in court
and testify. AH this does not add to the
strength of morarchlal feeling in England.
It has been steadily declining the past
thirty years.
There are possibly some reasonable ar
guments against rcimpostngan Income tax,
but the failure of its opponents to present
them makes us In doubt. But the extreme
of foolUhnesi In the arguments against the
Income tax Is reached by the Chicago Tri-I
lut In a recent Issue. It claims that such
lax would not be paid by wealthy capital
sis and manufacturers, but would be de-
ducted from the wage of their employes.
If thl were true there would be lea oppo
sition to this tax. Every other tax than
hat on incomes is assess I and paid by la
bor In some form, generally by a lessening
of the comforts ami luxuries that the la
bor r can enjoy. There Is scarcely any
excrptlon to the rule that working-men
live up to their income, and that their em
ployer pay no wage aave what the fierce
law of competition oblige them to do.
Hot water is one of the best among simple
reined it i, says the Ladies Home Journal, For
instance, hea!acbe almost always yields to the
simultaneous application of hot water to the
feet n l hack (f ths ne:k.
A towel folded several times, aad dipped in
hot water, and quickly wrung out and applied
over the toothache or neuralgia, will generally
afford prompt relief.
A strip of flannel, or napkin folded lengtb
w'se, sod dipped in hot water and wrung out
and then apptled around the neck of a child
that has tHe'croup,will sometimes bring relief
y ten minutes.
Hot fratsr taken freely hslf an hour before
ted time, Is helpful in the esse of constlpstion
soj has a most soothir.g effect upon the
A iiMet of hot water taken just after lising
h:fort breakfast, has cured thousands of in
d g-n'ioo,' anil no simple remedy is more
widely recommended by pnyMcian to dy.
The first railway of any kind whatever
constructed in the United State was kid
down with wooden rail In Ridley Town
ship, Pa. In 1S16 the first Iron rails were
laid for a distance of four inUcs between
Qutncy and Botnn,Mas., to carry granite
tor the Bunker Mill monument; the loaded
cars descended by gravity. In the follow
ing year the Maunch Chunk line was built,
with two tracks so gra.led as to carry coal
one way and empty cars the other way by
gravity. The South Carolina railway,
from Charleston to Augusta, begun In
1818, completed In tS'o, was tKe first rail
way In this ccuntry constructed to be op
erated by locomotive engines. The first
locomotive used In the United Slates was
bi'llt In England, and was first operated
Aug. 8, 1819, near Kopesdale, Pa. The
first locomotive built In the United States
was constructed by Peter Cooper In 1S19
and was first operated on the Baltimore &
Ohio Railway, between Baltimore and
Elllcott' mills, on Dec. aS of tha. year;
this line continue' to use horses until
The Japanese are a curious people. The
Japanese carpenter planes towards him in
stead of from htm. The Japanese horse
man mount his horse from the right side.
The address of a Japanese letter Is ar
ranged In strict accord with the progress
from the general l the particular. Thus,
a Jap writing to a countryman in New
York wouU place on the envelope: "Un
ited State of America, New York State,
New York, tVest Tenth street, 115, Iloe
Yank," A Japanese always gives a grat
uity upon his arrival at a hotel or restaur
ant,lnstcad upon hit departure. In draw
Ing a cork the Japanese waller never turn
the corkscrew, but whirl the bottle.
Th immigration from foreign countries
daring the month of April exeeeded by near
ly 21,1)00, r thirty-throe per eent, the im
migration during the ssore Mouth of th
previous year, and for tenpnontha of th tts
eal year, ending April SO, th number of
immigrants has been 401,23$, agair-st-313,
SIS f)r th same months uf the pieviou
fiscal year. Ilia aa anweloom foot thai a
eery large proportion of this inereas ia in
th bast desirable class of immigrant,
namely, about 17.000 from Italy, 14.000
from Poland, 9000 from Huts is, 6000 from
Hungary, and nearly a many from Bohemia
Bat a very heavy increase, more thvi 10,
000, also appear iuthe immigration from
Germany, and oyer 6000 In th immi(ratioB
from Sweden nod Norwsy
There Isn't the least doibt but that Cafe
Cod Is gradually being eaten up by the
greedy ocean. Less than 100 years ago a
light house was placed on the headland
by the government. The original deed
calls for a plat of 10 acres in extent. At
the present time the enclosure embraces
six acres. On a point just north of the
marine stations at Ulghland llht the face
of the bluff has moved In nearly 150 feet
In the last seven years. At this rate It b
only a question of time when Cape Cod
will be a thing of the pant.
The day before the Rey Dr Breckin
ridge died oi heart disease at Detroit, dur
Ing the Presbyterian general assemble, he
telegraphed to a leading New York life
Insurance company; "I am here. My pre
mlunlsdue. W 111 it be all right if I pay
Hon my return to the city?" To which
the telegraphic answer was: "Yes." The
next day lie was dead. Twoor three data
ago the company paid the Insurance on Dr
BrccklnrUge's life f 10,000.
Yesterday evening when the shade
of evening were falling -thick and
fast, and the tropical ray of old Pol
were yielJinjr, to the dominant influence
of the boreal breexe sweeping from the
arctic regions, there came a lapping (re
peat) at the door of yeeditor.which.when
open, revealed the presence of our genial
friend, C II Hchinklt and lady.who If It a
npply oi luscious Ice creaui which was
exceedingly refreshing. Thank.
The New York WerW la right. Boo.t.s
for the democratic presidential candidate
are premature. Ixt us see how New
York, Ohio, low and Massach j setts vote
this fall. Somebody may be eliminate
and somebody alse mav become a great
factor as th outcome of this year's cam
paign. If the democrats of Pennsylvania be
have themselves they can count that state
in the democratic column for the next ten
years. The Delamalers, Quay, Bardsley ,
Wanamaker, Marsh, Dunn, Lacey and a
half dozen exploded banks are too much
for even protection to protect.
Tlie Br'.lUh Museum has secured from
Thibet a copy of the Jangym, a monster
cyclopedia of Thibetan Buddhism. It com
prises 115 volumes, each of which is two
feet long and sis inches thick. There are,
It Is supposed, only two other copies of the
work outside of Thibet.
Another of the "beneficial effects of the
McKinley bill" is to be sern in Fall River.
where 21,000 mill operatives are to suffer
a cut In wsges. Napoleon McKinley, re
publican candidate for governor of Ohio
fn search of a vindication, will not dwell
upon this fact In his speeches this summer
and falL
A lobster recently caught in Belfast Bay,
Me., weighed twenty-three pounds anc
measured thirty-seven Inches from the end
of Us tall to the longest claw, twenty
inches around the hod, and seventeen
Inches around the large claw.
A vast "banyan'' tree.coverlng between
sis and seven acres, lias been discovered
on the liny Lord Howe Island, 300 miles
from Port Ma:quaiie, it Australia. It is
surpassed in size onlyby the greatest of
thoe In India
The surplus has ceased to be a condition,
and haa been replaced by another; called
a deficiency ; this will be followed by a
third, Increased tsxation. To a billion
dollar congress, run by a Czar, such trans
formations are extremely simple, .
Somn An vice. It pay to get the
best; even Shakespeare admitted that.
In this connection it may be remarked
that VV R Uraham lias just received an
elegant line of suiting for the spring and
summer, never surpassed in an Albany
market. They are the beat to be ob
tained, aa an inspection will show, and
Vlr Uraham i prepared to make them
up in tha latest style with a skill liis
long experience has enabled him to lie
master of.
In rut Bpeiso.A fine line of Blazer
jackets for spring wear, In many designs,
jnst received by O V fcirapson.
Also a large stock of the popular sulf
peniug corsets.
Notice;. -All person indebted to E 0
Sesrls will please csll and settle at once,
as all accounts must be closed.
E C Searls,
Lames Oxs-crd Tibs I bsv a very
srg stock of ths goods, in qualities rai g
og ia prlos from $1.23 to $4 03 a psir. Tbsy
11 mad ofjeathsr very pair warranted.
Fsmssi, E Yauii.
Get a BicvcLE. The New Mail Is one
f the finest bicycles manufactured. It
has no superior. Ohlltig Si Wilson, with
Stewsrl & Sox are agents, where these
Bicycles may be seen ,
Try Calumet Biking r'owder, the purest
on earth. C E Buownkll.
li i'.V i-vOL AUfi MADE,
UiicHwood U preferred. Th wood ia
first sawed Into sticks four or five fret long
and 1 even-eight ot an Inch 10 Hire incite
squat, according to tho size of th spool to b
produced. These sticks arc thoroughly sea
sonsJ. They sre tawed into snort block
and titled in a hot-air kiln. At the lim they
ar tawed, hole are bord ptrpcmlicuUrly
thinugh h block, which i let on end under
a rapidly r vol v ing, long-ihsnked augur.
Next, on whirl of each lilt! block a.slnat
torn little knives that sis turning at light
ning speed, fsthioos it into a spool according
to th pattern desired, and that, too, at th
1st of on a second for each let of knivt . A
row ef small boys feed th spool making ma
chine by limply th block in a ipout, select
ing th oett and throwing out lh knotty and
defective stock. Th mtchlnv 1 autcmatlc,
but there ire scni thinpVttmt it cannot do,
hence the ctnplo) mtnt of th tmsll boys
above mentioned. After the spools are turned
they are placed in a large drum and revolved
rapidly until they have taken on a ftm polish.
For tome special put posts lhy ar dyd yel
low, black or red, sccording to tsste. When
one sees (pool of thread marked "103" or
"joo yards," it does not signify that the
thread Las been nuiasurad, but that the (pool
ha been gaged, and I supposed to hav that
amount ot thread upon lu
The following dispatch "ha been sent
out from St Paul, Minnesota, by the as
sociated press. Our reader understand
these dispatches must be taken with a
grain of allowance:
The democratic meeting to occur at the
Nicollet house, In Minneapolis, Wednes
day, ia destined to be the mo t sensational
political gathering held in several years,
it has uveoped that fi lends of David U
Hill, the New York governor and senator,
sent an emissary to Minnesota two weeks
ago, and he Is resonslble for the calling ot
the meeting. The gathering will first at
tempt to down the "silk stocking" wing of
the party in this state, composed of P 11
Kelley, Willlsm Campbell and Michael
Doran, all of whom are for Cleveland, and
If this is accouiplUhed an effort will be
made to swing Minnesota into line for
The farmers' alliance, through. Presi
dent Donnelly, hss also Issued a call for a
meeting in St Paul, July 7. There has
been a conference between the alliance
men and the "free-silver" democrat, the
work of which la likely to show up Imme
diately after the two meetings. Ills stated
that an agreement haa been reached lor a
fusion on the electoral ticket, the demo
crats to take uve and the alliance four. The
fusion also contemplate the nomination
of Sidney M Owen, an alliance man, for
governor, and a union on the legislative
ticket,!! possible, with a view toeuchrclng
Senator Davis out of his seat. The state
senate, which holds over, stands; Fusion
19, lepubllcan at. In order to win this
fight, the fuknli must elect fifty -lx out
ol 114 members of the house. A senta
llonal incident In- connection with the
whole matter is the peremptory refusal of
the alliance men to treat with the Cleve
land wing of the democratic party. The
farmers ot Minnesota are for an unlimited
coinage, and urge that Cleveland's position
on the silver question preclude the possi
bility of considering htm In the propotl
llon for a fusion.
Jane 28,1891.
Last week wethouRbtof Brownsville
a having a democratic convention, but
it waa the M K church, south, conference
hence so many democrat in town. Bee?
The alck of this place, Wra Hunter, O
Pt'oshow, Capt Jaa Blakelyand infant
son of Joa lawyer, art all on the im
prove. The C A B R M A M Co have received
theihipping receipt for their mill, and
It is expected tonight. Then for a gold
brick soon.
Mr Hattie Carruther, of Astoria, ar
rived here on last Friday evening' train
to see and help attend her father, Wm
Kev Rouse, late of Pendleton, I a here
looking after a pastorate of tha Browns
ville church, and a Rev Brownson ha
completed his labora here, this church
hould eecore aotue good man aa their
Yon should tee Judge Dunn march hie
company of juvenile infantry ont on the
treeta, preparing for the 4th. They will
lock fice on Intir rirxltuce day.
Not a vacant house in town. Joe
Hansard iia two house for rent.
Time are doll here; money ia scarce
and hard to get, ao a goodly number of
uo bio nuuiii iirappeu.
Jane 21st, 1891.
Mr Jod Male and Bert Rolfe are ect
ting np a fine ball for the 4th of July, at
slower nous.
The mountain wagon road is terribly
cut up.
Mr A J Nichols has completed his new
Mr Frank Bteingrant expecta to start
to tne valley to work nnxt week.
Akolla Is going to have a blacksmith
hop soon
MrJaaKecney killed a fine bear Inst
On Jane 21st thcro was a general tear
op in Sweet Home. About 12 o'clock at
nigut some person took the teed stable
sign down and pat it np at the church
door. Thev broke a window liitht out in
the drtiif store and took about 12 oranKei
ont at tna window, ihey took the old
lady Moan' water backet and wired it to
her old cow'a tail. The next morning
the bail waa found hanging to her tail.
Jerry and (icorco Keenev eat hack
from a roH the mountains the other day.
Preston & Wedd eareexDected to start
their mill aoon.
Jim Uobnett took ud Perrv McOuecn's
hog for ruining hi garden.
. . e are making a big drive) on
KWelopes.rAlSLEY 4 SstlLEY.
Nkw 8m i so Gshjo 1 keep a full line of
spring and summer dress goods, in wash
1 a Dries, prints, gtugtums, seersuckers, eta,
1 hav alio a new hue of summer plaid, be
sides other novelties in bifres and all wool
witings. gAMUXL E itOVH.
Don't forget, Paisley k fimilsy, Printers.
. Good gI, low price jsndiooe it treat
A Uaaolest Ussiae.
Tiiis body of ur has been liknd to s
tenement It ften has a haunted apartment
ths t iiisch. Huared by the eldiioli
prite. riyperwia, diesllun Hies and refuses
to jeturn. What can break tho pe!l, what
can roii- the ban laid upon th uhhappy or
gs? W aoiwtr unbeaiUtingly, Ilo.tet
tcr's Siomsch Hitter-, and we are wsisuted
In the rej,one by thn recorded twtimony
of ni)riad, covering a pericd over a third ol
a century, A course of the Bitters, I eguo
in sny stage of the(lictjoo,abd persistently
followed, will terminate in sore positiveiot
partial. Tli Biticis restores too to the
tpigastio nerve, reosw and purifies ths
juices exudiog from the cellular tissue that
act npon tbe food digftUively, expel bile
from the stomach ai.d tha btood, and pro
motes a regular habit of body. Malrris,
kidney complaint, nervousness, rheumatism
sod neuralgia kive way to this medicitr.
The favorable Impression produced ou the
first appearand of the agreeable liquid fruit
remedy Byrup of Fis, a few years ago baa
ben more than confirmed by the pleasant
experience of all who have used is. and the
uocet of ths proprietor snd mauufscturers
the Cl Fig Syrup Company.
. klats Tearkcrs' Aaasrlatlss.
HJNitwport, Or June 30. About on hunJred
teachers cam in!o Newport today from vari
ous parts of the state, Kxtsnaive pieperstioni
ibvv wch uiativ 117 lav tiuArni mr in enter
tainment Of the li'ichen. The opera hsllm
which the exerc ses ere to be held. 1st llrttt(i
fully rlrcorstrd. At 7:10 this morning the
department of superintendents convened in
tha ball, with Pretidrnt 11 W trt. -I t
lilta county, In the chair, ana proceeded at
IMM ft. I M Mttt.. A..- . ! .. .. . ! . .. ...
v iui in, vnwing yssr, witn
me luiiowmg iciuiit
President D'W Yodsr,' of Marion county)
vice-president, C S Price, of Jackson county)
iccretsry tnd msnsner of th stat teachsrs
reading circle, W WeUeli, Multnomah tounly,
Crasy Train,
London, Jun 30. George Francis Train
arrived at th hotel Vlctotis this morning, and
we tonished not to find a crowd of reporters
there to greet him, in retponc to hi talrgrsm
trom France, inviting th press club to a re
past, in which tea newly brought from th
Orient by hlmrelf wss to figure as a bevernge.
It seems that th proprietor of the hotel had
failed to enter into the spirit of th occaiton
and th invltationi had not been estentled ss
desired. Ttaln appealed to heaven to verify
his opinion of lirilisli Stupidity and rushed to
ths Turkish bath acre tn road snd ordered
th shainpooer to rcmov the dirt of two hem
ispheres. '
Baslars Failures,
New Yoik, Jun 30. Th business fail
ure for th first six. montln of the prctsnt
year ar reported by H G Dunn & Co. to
number 6174, as against $385 during the same
period in 1S90, 'l l.s Incresae of 6S0 failures
is unusually large. The etent of the liabili
ties Is also exctutv. The amount owing by
the parties who have failed imSyt foots up
to foi,ooo,Oco, while for the saniu period In
1890 they were only t(,ouo, indicating
an increase in liabilities of tco-v-oo,
A Blah III si
Colorauo Sr-niNui, June 30. Th Tike's
Teak railway is now in successful operation.
Tha first nsasenper train r. I.,t it..
this afternoon. Th tower terminus ol tns
line Is 8400 feet above the c level and the
upper 14,417, Th distance Is nine mi'e.
Chicaoo, June 30. An officer of the
health department asserts thst he has discov
ered that the flesh of broken down, emaciated
and diseased horses is being mads into sau
sage meet and sold in the poorer Quarters of
city. An Investigiikm is being made.
An4brrt( ! la liasuas
ST Lot-is, June 3J,Dfitf dispatches frjm
several oints la Kansas and Missouri ar to
the effect thst snuther hurricane swept through
a wide section of tht stsies yes'erday, do
ing much damage to wop.
I'arwtvrs' Alllanee -
Salem, June 19. M V Kork, the nations
organizcrof the farmers' alliance, is in tbi
citv. He has been travtdin. tlnnuirkntii n...
goa lor the past few month, lecturing and
orgsnumg alliances, lie has oigsnbed seven
counties, snd in all there is a total nember
shipof perhaps 5000. The state alliance will
t lurtned m I'otUand July 8. Every coun'y
alliance is emitted to 10 delegates in th
convention and one for every too members.
b matilla is the banner county, Waaco and
Union folio in elosrlv. In i'maiill th
sre 1 100 alliance men. Seven alliance have
ju been otfunized in Polk. UroaUtla has 14
Union ao, Wahington 13. Clackamas 9 Yam.
bill 11. liaker. Coos Jacksce, Una, Une,
Marion tod Columbia are also fully organized
Wsseo's alliances are sit of a different brand,
being a Farms rs Mutual Ikacfit Aoctsik.n.
Or. Lane The man rr lit
Salem, June 59. A petition is in circula
tion smceg lit republicans of S-ilcro Lng
the appointment of Dr J N Smith as super In
tendrnt of the state insane aiylum by lb
board of asylum cf mm iasioners, cnoUtirg of
Governor Pcnnoyer, Secretary of Slate Mc
Bride and treasurer Mctschan. The term for
which Dr Harry Lane was sppointed (four
years) aspires July I. Secretary Mrliridc will
be home from California in a few days, when
sctioa will piobably be taken. It wss under
stood to be the Intention of the board to retain
the services of Dr Lane ss superintendent
nlil sfier th improvements under wsy are
completed. Two members of the board sre
republicans and Lane is a democrat, and as
the republicsos are ssking the sppoirtmcnt of
on of their own psrty the rcpte-t, no doubt,
wilt seanswerci.
A stating River.
St Joitrii, June J9 I h river ha rUen
steadily since Saturday morning, At noon
todsy it wss within sixteen inches of th beh
est roin reached ten years sro. The reiJents
of French bottom, north of this city, ar in a
stat of alarm and many ar preparing to
move. If the river should oveiilow the French
bottom It is expected a new channel wid I
cut, leaving many farms on en iatsnd and di
verting the main stream from the Kansas
shore two miles west. If the present rise
continues twenty four hour the stock yards
nd loo homes in South St Joseph will be
A not Wave,'
Sam FiAMCiicn, June 19. At a r m toUy
the signal service reports the highest point
reached by the thermometer her during the
dsy wns loo degree. This is 8 degrees
higher than wss reached yesterdaj ,
Salem, J une 28. Mrs I N Gilbert, one of
Oregon's pioneer women, met a sad and awful
death at an early hour this morning, or some
time during the night. Her body was found
this morning st ths foot of lh stairs with her
neck broken, she bsving fallen down the stairs
during the night. Mrs Gilbert csme 10 Ore
gon frcm Indiana in 1847, and was the wiHow
of th late I N Gilbert, She h a son, Frsnk
in Portlsnd, aud a slater, Mrs William Eng
land, in Salem. Mrs Gilbert's father, A Stan
ton, hves In Salem, snd she hss a daughter,
Mrs Sidney Sladden. at Encene. and a
daughter here. Mrs I aimer. When the body
was lounu it wss com ana rigid, showing she
must nsve rsiten about midnight, $h was
dressed in her nifrht clothes, havine no doubt
arisen from led to administer medicine to a
little grandson, who ia sick and living with
A Vlnully I'lhd.
Chicaso, June 28. Thirty skeletons wer
found yesterdsy in an old ke house, at the
corner of Archer and Hough placej For
several days numerous complaints have been
made to the health office and to the Deeiiog
street police, sn investigation was msde.
Vestcrrisy the mystery was solved. A- bad
odov was detected from an old ic home. The
searchers ripped up a part of the floor aud
were horrified to find rows of skeletons, 10
some of which shreds of flesh still clung. Who
placed them there is not known, but n de
termined effort is being made to find the
guilty persons. The theory advanced is that
some attaches of a medical college brought the
subjects there to bleach.
White airlker tied.
Seattle. June 38. A special bulletin to
the Tost-Intelligcncer from Franklin says thst
'he white strikers, angered at the action of the
Oregon Improvement Company In taking ne
groes to Newcastle, started to clean out the
negro camp tonight. In the scrimmage one
person wss killed and several wounded. Dep
uty Sheriff lien Stretch, who has been at the
scene for the past four weeks, hss called for
the militia. '
L'Miler a new law.
Portland, June 28. E M Carson presi
dent of the Baker's Union, has been arrested,
charged with boycotting, under the law passed
at the lost session 01 the legislature, and will
have a hearing before Justice Morrlaad in
Albina today. Carson cauied the isiuance of
a circular urging people 10 boycott August
Fink's bakery in Albina. . i
Just srrlvsd a full line of ladies, chil
dren, men' and boy's foot wear at O W
Simpson', which will be sold st bottom
W Inturssgsin sfitrsmps. "
Towjisusra 4 Wslsoh,
Naw Carpets. A B Mcllwaln has
ne of the largest and best selected lines
f csrpets In the city embracing all new
patterns and designs, and as he has made
a great reduction In price It will be to the
advantage- of pet buyers to call and
liunect hi stocf. and prices before pur
chasing. 1 . '
f7STRAY,-Stryed from vay premises
Vj a bright bar mars, six jeara mid,
branded willr ths igure of a pair of
spwctaoie on left sbsu'.dar, Ksward to
anyone who will notify mo at Albany
poatotiise. A. B. flONi)
At th tarn business bs taken lines bis
reduction of print. Hundred hilberto
unablt) to receive hi elpotrio treatment also
rrjnic at being all to go under hi ear
snd skill. It ha been mor than rewarded
by ihsrowds of people who havs flocked to
hi utile for fre treatment, Th doctor
has not nnlu hean doulilv reosld in a motin-
tsry sen, but In th though! doing good
to the sfilioted who ar in th detth of
dsspair, struggling with poverty and lok-
tift. ii onnunuia to trsai an classes, in
rich and poor alike, fit of charge, at bis
oflloo, 70 J WaahlriBtoD street, and Bargent'i
bote), Ahrden, Wash, frornlO to 1 1 a m,
daily. Those willing to pay, from II a m
to 8 p m, at half his former priues, II
giv free and confidential xmintions to
all at th eflloe or by letter. Thsdtotor
tieat all ourableehronie, acute aud private
diseases, nuh a secret error nf youth, in.
potnnoy, blood taints In short all disease
of th texual orgin, dfns, catarrh and
nervous debility. i of a privet
nature nsvsr published .' ao nsmss ned
only by permission of f .u patients. V
giv th nam of a few who bar not (hem
iator publication!
Robert Hardy, Etna. Warh Weak eyes,
Wm Tarrott, MlddleUn, Or Deafn
many yean, cured. s
E Andsrsna, Salem, Or- Catarrh tvn
years, euid.
Andrew Douglas, 85 Oak strsst, Fort
land Deafness cured.
J IV, Millar, Hubbard! Or-r-lW n cirsd
insight minutes.
Mr M E Day, Tort Madison, wash
Throat difli-mlty, oursd,
Usury Slocgh, Msolssy, Or Psafn
ft f two year, cured.
Wm Huutsr, Eugsn City, Dr Catarrh
twenty years, restored.
NOTICK.-..W here, my wire having
loft me without lnt oau or provo
cation, this ia to notify lh public not to
truwt heron my aooount. aa I shall pay
no dbta of her contracting.
W D T11ITE8,
Albany, June 30, 1891.:
t'ND -A im4 ombfotl. vlth U IntlUlal. W.
ImlutlncU irJ on th huiU. AsiStas
I tint to lit rainy Mwn Uxawtar will pUmt
Mil st IS lisaurxat oRlo an claim yapnt.
IOST. Threw record book of Tan cant
i M IC ohurrh. aoutb, batwesm Ten
irant and Drownsvllle, on tb Ward's
Hutts road, on Jun II. mi. Will pay
flnderfor trouble. VV. IL llovrano.
Tangent, Or. l'.stor
IONEY TO LOAN.-In small and
It 1 lanre amounta. from six months to
nv year, on good Albany end Linn
eountv real etat. Call on or addrtsa VT
K McPberson, Flrt fSt., Albany, Or.
to make runny. The beet carina-
rturiit in Kubsd for eal. aa tha
owner la going to retlr from business for
same time. Any prein dstrlng Innrr
mrtiion regarding this bualb, (t B
Dorrln, attorney st law. or J It Dlson,
"lirASTKO. Tobny not nd wart
f f gea II K Nob'. Fartlantf. Or,
room IS, Concord block, 3d atrt.
that I LavaoutracUl hb tb wll
koowo firm of Hiawsrt A Albany,
to supply you with blpdtra. nowsri,
rks. twin, harks, busglca. wagona,
rlow,t,a wall alfanlsUcta lb
Do of Korl biilwra.
"! a rlrrn ecunty itxrnbars mo boy
at lb rri f iacaen Iho ssm tsrma.
Klnaaolal Agot
aaalsMl bid will b rilvl at tha
AW of tb oounly o!rk of Do couoir,
Oregon, op to 11 o'olneS, noon. Wadne
day, lb liltcf July. ll, lor th coo
(traction of a count v brlJs aeroaa hm.L
I known aa Owl orack. nsar tb farm of
wiuiaaa vann In I4 oonnty. Paid
brlJR to baof tba foliowina: dlattnlon,
to wli- Forty font six tis, of th Uun
iruaa pmvimrnf nsniy it arproaob.
Ibmim for th approach to baanohorad
or cjRiroot(lof oak piling qj 16 jt
All bids ti b approv or rajsotod by
ia ruumy coars. jj. I. I'SIiii;
Ak sv ntuntm tt W. I latlaa Kb,
or I rr ratal wciri lb
II I t awilM alKai. wlik no tack or mi thread
Port Itto Itwii nuul of lh tmt Sn pair, m.
and r. and Svmaat m h)S man Mora o ihu
gmUthnn aay ntkrr uinKftnanr, 11 Mual Sana.
h. wd oilin frt.m At jii ii in
GPt VO ! Itana-aowrS, Ifca Amwt ralf
lin.lml nhnrt wblrb not tmm .( lu
5a Mrluii. and lur.l,l,'. l,bi
ab w offam! al llila pHraj hum prwla cu
J Holl'-a rhi rarm, Haiti
Mv and LIUrC rru.nsll uriiu.!
xamlrM, (itiwHIi tnai.i hravjr thra aula, alien.
...n !. pair will war a rr7
40 an raid BO U-ltr h. nr nfftrr l
1 tni. irrtrat 3aa trtmi will MMiriiM. iu.
wm. wait, a bu.iv hit wimniri ann anrvkia.
P,9 Warklnamaa'a ahna
r- .nry pu-i( ana auraiiia. thcm wbo
liava lvn thtim a uial will w w no othnr mak.
llnVfi' i.OO and mt.rH kbuI ibM am
-VJO w.n-u l.jrtho l.yrrrrwhrm tbutl
no ibelr merit, ao tl IwrKaniiu UM (bow.
I nrii" a't.oo nMt-twaa aba. ti
kUUiya Ixmnula, rrr.(.h,h maaUrra
tnirtw liic cwilhif tmm ,I m s.ul.
I.adlr." U.A. SVJ.OO aa hn ror
SI I.- nru tha b.t Ann l.itKMla. HtyiiNh auU tlurabla.
l'ailM. that W. l IxiuKlaa' sanw and
trlca uta tarnMl on lb bottom of rarb auoa,
W, U IxjU'JLao, liruckuw. Haa.
:i L. B. BLAI K
and a fins stock 0'
gnrally, as well as wlry, Watches
- clocks, ets., at
P. TtJ. French.
T -A. I X4 OUR
luit mad and repairing donatooidar
vwo imra ana jounu.on iyon st
Flu Just rMlTd a Urt iaTil nw daatfsrfa
WMow Shafles and Curtains,
snd aw aad baauiiful patters In
Wall Paper
Elegant Bosrs to Matsh.
Ll50c. SHADE!
W har th beat and
prettiafct la tn. market
Our Stock of Spring Wagons ia tho Largest and Most Complete
, on tho Pacific Coast, and Comprises all tho
Loading Styles of
We Ouirantes Oar YbMcles tlig Best, Our Prices tlie Lowest Quality
. . . m m . m was f t a ejaf f 1
cpnsiacr8ti, spocial oataiop88 ana mca mi mxm
Free on application
Star a
W. C. DAVIS & CO.,
: F. L. KENTON,:
Dealer In-
Near the Post Offlco,
at Corvallls, la ihs bt bar praaa la
narket. Ordara fr prsssAa sent to
Curvsll! will t prcmptly fliisd,
Aa jona tDfrioKina; on tli rtnt will
b proaaeafad to tb fullsst aint of th
....paoraiaToa or thi..,..
City liferi, Feel asi Sail
Iiavlng putcbas saw rl tan fu ro
ta b firal!aaa tortcut at oa!l. polI
atUotion glvso to iransisnt atock Kojsss
koardsd by tha day or month.
fes)attat Bmfm la Ik) CUy.
Tlpboo aonnsietlon wlik tb fsi
(Jbarlas Uotal. To'spbon ordars givsn
prompt aitanilon.
Fourth htrsl, Utwn Ellroith aod
W wish to aay ta th pablio that w
hav lust addi a lr planar toour mill
and ar praparad to famish all kinda of
lumbar, draaaad or rousb, aa Ik pur
chaaar tray aboaa, aa Rooa aa in uat,
aad aa cheap aa it eaa be sold.
In payment w will take all kind of
produce, sura ss nay. noer, Jjriun, uaaon,
lutter, beaoa, bar by the quarter, eta
In fact anvthlPK that w can uaa. Plesws
see us before yon parckaae your btU of
lambsr, as w fl eonftdent that we tan
nil yen. Yon will at way a And one of
ue at oar mill, I mil trom ibanoct,
mltee fnj VVaiarloo. on Hamilton
cssek. WIHT A UKKlliaAlt.
Laksaoo, Orsgoa
Atkfx ACRES. 110 ACHW IS
Hrllgrsln.lTloesra and roota, 40 In
IfVootl v. Welt feaoadaadsoededl to f raa.
Well watered; good kmvs). AO
bead ratUo. 10 beg. 4 borss. farm tin
DlernenU. lsres house. 4 lare new bam a
good eehoo! and ebarea boar bona, on
plaoa: Frolt of all kSmrtr I inllee lo
poatofflfle and atore. rrHs from Srajtoo
aod t'A eoiiaa south tf Kings swilon on
the Oiegon Faolflo ralmd plar can
be divided Into tbrse or fjor fartne with
oeontyroed to eeen. Plane with every
ihlnt 4 per acre. ' Terms eay. For
further particular apply on the prsndee
at Ml Fieaaaot, I.lnsi eeetty.or add
it, r. UI l.LUit. btayten, uregun, (iuj
There la aa doubt that
Btoek of SILVERWARE, ennalatlng e
sjioons, knlvss, fork, fruit dlshsa, tc,
gold and silver watebea, iswel y,
to, I the largest and best in
th oily, and by far the
beslaver brought
to A La AH T.
PRICES the Most Reasonable.
Call and Sea the GOODS
Pfeiffer Elock, .:. Albany
Stansrd & Cusick,
I PssraraTsas
Drnga, Medlclnss, (hsmlsals, jFano;
and Toilet Arllcles,Spong,Bruhes.
Perfumery, School Book, and
ArUt' Suppllea.
Pbyalelaua prescription care
fully rtmponnded,
J. A. CunimiDff.
Unigrs. PaintsulOlls
Glass,' JEtc.,
1 0
3 VJ
It WiU Pat An. Pattim Wahwixo
Albany, Oregor
Jl", the ondoralgned. tnoauiy appoint
d nuallrind and arli.itr executor of tbe
laal will and testament and estata of
Pre ton M linker, deooaned, ban thta day
fliad bla final arcouDl lo the County
Court Of Una oountv, Or(fB M ncn
cxMrnlor.and tbat aald court ha appoint
ed Mor-day. the oih day of July,
th boor of 19 o'o ock rn of said day aa
the Urn forbearlnv objection toaaia
aoeount. If any I tier be, ana lor w
Uement tberwor.
JDated thl ZtilU day of Mav. 1891.
Faecutor of the laat will
and taatament of hwon Munkers.ile'od.
Alt' for Executor.
is iwl(n4, adounialraler O lb aat of
Ck&rhM T. atcrarUail.JiieiMil. b4 BN4 nw Inal
ao.-oopi In ia rtiua i4 th drrk vA tteoun)r
wax fi Uaa ewanty, Oman, a4 tb. Ivtt'ii.4 aud
mm ba aet lh d dayoi AtMroat. al In bour4
1 a'eluck, p at, a lb. Urn. far boartnf objacltues la
M aeeavsi, u aoj, m to Ui aud ta.
Ibl 17U) 6f ol Jua,lSvl.
u. b.,
1. K. waaTtrasrnaa, A4inlni.tmir.
Atl'jr lot adouuUmtor. (S-2t)
1 tha undr'KUd has been dolvap
ik lot d aaalitoea of the estate of L T
llonnww, an insolvent debtor, and that
he ha qualified a aumh assignee lathe
manner prescribed by law. All tersena
having claim fCtnl amid L T Iiennes,
are hereby untitled to areaeni the eaane
under oath aa law, to the
nnderaliinad at ICx-k creek, in Linn f?o.
Oref.'on, or lo bia aUorneya, Ueo W
Wright and DUN Jileekburn, at the
law office or eltberol tuem. In Albany
Oregon, within tbreo mouths from tbe
date hereof.
Dated Jane tth, 18t I.,
Oio. tv. WaioHT, Assignee
II Jt. n. llLSrEBURir,
Altya for Aasigoeo. (S 12)
CorKwwnd a nd Ferry 8 1, Alt snv. Oi
O UfERIOK werk. (raaranteo.1 ia ever;
Il7 mwn i tea aru aa r.niaiging c
an biuusb apooiauy.
aeatod bida will be received aX the
ufllcf of tha county clrrk of Linn county,
Oregon, up lo l'i o'clock, noon, Wednes
day, the 8th day of July, 1801, for the
keeping of tbe county poor, for the tares
or one year from tbe let day ot Aasnsl.
All bid to be approved or rjotad by
the oount? ocurt. W. P, PaTnR,
Fruit Raising' ir.
Ton and Twenty acre Farms, all in Cultivation and Raady to set to
Fruit, within Seven miles
fourth Oash, Balance in Three equal Annual" Payments: or, get to Fruit
and Cultivated Three Years for $175 per acre, For Further Informa
tion send for Pamphlet to
Tho Oregon Land Company,
f ; $ iJ
ilartoo , Iron, Mi Farm Iclierj.
These Hachasa ara tx eli kifwfi t sm cirjs,;ai. roous-ads of farwera nnva
ascd them aaJ poalt ef therat .tn V.x. T5y are the only riarrctt.lfl'?
Machines that wlil giv I'iCTZOX t) Vm itircbasw.
im:u::,'t mn nmm i;.oi"?,
The mess Zffrjtiv and Caceesifal CtfiUaf. w f.THreahlag 1
Craia e-rr cosvtr4 Ud.
BUCKEYE tfEtL r whe T IV I N E - B I N D E R S .
aVrTke rsastire tl.t dwtlnt n lir t'.i 1 7- ' IKwIat U f Iii Vifi" trsit. it ;t
gslranollnsry ktrenetb and lr.i.ln. ..ri i' A; VAut''- Vm! '"''K "1"" T'"
M .4 kiimrn. We hiru t" lh. tUljt WKllSl-.- f.UUtut I'rstil.r JK !l Ci -
tatHinlt'4 y Iiundrui!i4 .tr...
sonniTLEE mm mmi st
us am
. -
Plinn Block, -:-
He has received a largo and choice stock of spring Drebs
Goods, new sty'es and shades. Wash fabric?, consisting of
ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chambro. A complete
assortment of white goods, flouncings, hosier', corsets,
gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the spring
trade. A largo and complete assortment for men and
youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing goods, and
if you want tho best bargains you will have to call on him.
-I the
iMillineiy and Fancy Goods Stars of Albany.
They carry all the I airt Stylca and NovelUee In th Millinery line, and
a complete sioclt of Ladies and Children's Furnishing gods,arid ready-made
garments. Goods the but, and prices the lowest. , Call and be convinced.
the Willamette
Per Cent, on the Investment.
of Oregon'a Capital, for
Trial, First 8.1 YIdr SlrttU",
ft t attat l
'fcvjr r x
. aL- i. " . . -
It ou want the best
anr? mnst. lnraTi1o fnrii!
ture that is manufactu
La y eu in tne city go 10
Valley Pays 100
$75 00 per acre: one-