She pciuorrat. FRIDAY JUNK 20 1891 LOCAL, HEOOHD. What is Daccaratv fn view of the Prlnc ot Wall having been a banker In a game of baccarat to mo people would like to know what It U: Baccarat lit played with three pack of cants, a banker, and any number of play ers up to twelve. 1 he banker shuffles th three pack and then deals two card to the right, two to the left and two to him elf. Half the player tit at hla light and half at his left. Should the Hum of any two cards dealt equal .tine the holder cle- claies hla point and win. Should eliher th player to the rl;ht or he left hold a i tpot or a face card it It counted as sero. So, 10 when the sum of any two canU I more than to the cipher It dropped, Thut a seven and nine, making 16, would count at a tlx, two tevent at four, two ninetat eliiht, and to on. If the aunt of the first two card dealt I let than five the player tmist call for another card, whlc l It dealt to hlin face up. The object it to make nine points. Which tver comet nearest to that mitr.ber, either player or banker, win. The tanker may win from or tote to loth tides at once, or mar win from one and lote to the other. The per centage to the banker It large. Moan Fkes AtvitHrisi!a. reoplo who read tho "cowardly" attack on Oregon, published in the Pemik hat yesterday, ni-any erery worn ot which llio trader of the 1kmm-rat have indignantly de clared to be la lac, will read the following spicy item ained by the author of the Nebraska letter with much amusement, an example of eall not often witnessed: "The editor of the 1rmo-kat came out yesterday in a cowardly attack against me because I have never blowed my money in on hit paper for subscription and advertising, and becuuse 1 am deal in); in some goods that his relation are. Arouiinent men-bant here told me that he was not worth noticing as ever one knows thRt the Pkmocrat is a liar. The land a;ont who instigated this landed in Albany with I2.50 and thinks everUxly ! is in the Mine- fix w ho cornea from Kansas and Nebraska." Thk Kncahi-mknt. Col I-ovel!, of Ka-li-m, of the 2nd Keginnt, O M U, spent Monday niht in Kugene, returning on this morning's local, lie selected and bad surveyed tho camp ground on the lUairfarm. The tents will cover about BOO feet square. The tenta and other camp equipage IU probably arrive hcra on tonight's freight. The Colonel says that the Monmouth cadets have conclud ed to take part in the encampment. This will make twelve con pan Its of in fantry, K'Bidea one company of cavalry, that will take part in the encampment. Col Lovell says that he will arrive here tomorrow and remain until after the Fourth. Kugene Guard. Halsf.y. Mr Foshay, of tin firm of Foahay & Mason, of A1 bony, was in the city Monday. F M Reinheart and L G Thompson have bought of V E Crawford the right to manufacture the celebrated Kllis washer, and intend to go into the busi ness on a large scale at Shedd, where the factory is now located. A family from La Grande were in town Monday and being unable to find a va cant bouse were compelled to go to llar risburg. Some of our local capitalists would find it a raying investment to put np houses for rent. News. Following a Train Jut after the overland train arrived In Albany Saturday night a four months old colt ruthed up the track on to the platform, after it, and was soon the center of a large crowd. A Pull man conductor was asked when the colt was first teen and answered at Salem. When the train left it took severat men to hold the frisky crittur,a he seemed bound to follow it It teemed to be a cats of infatuation. P. S. A man tetlding In the Eastern suburbs appeared and claimed the animal. 'The above U a good Illustration of how truthful railroad men art Case Hall. An interesting game of base ball was played Saturday evening between block 3 or the Stewert A- Sos .block and the rest of the city. The former nine consisted of: R Huston, C; Larlmore, P; Blodgett, ib; Chamberlain, ab; Watts, .3b; M-jclIer,s s; E Huston, Lyon, c.f ; Harr, r.f. The latter aras composed of: Smiley, c; P Marshal, p; A marshal, 10; Breckenridge, ab; McAllister, 3b; Wah burne, t.t. ; Lei inert, I.I. ; Mason, c.f.; Rennie, r.f. The score was 8 to 7 in frvor of the latter nine. K P Nutting umpire. Unlicensed. Wm Hunt, a young man Indicted for telling liquor at Mill City without a license, appeared before Justice Applegate and gave 4 ball bond In the turn of $300, wi'.h John Savage, sr., W V Hep burn and 1 not lownsend sureties. It it supposed to be a case of spite work. Mr V VV Hepburn who went on the bond to help a pei tonal friend and relative of the accused got into immediate hot water for doing to. flitfaml'y held a convention and read the riot actio him, so that he will get some one to go in his stead.- -Salem Journal. Six From Lanr Co. Lane cjunly last week tent tlx delegates to the state peni tentiary, A A Snow and Ostar Wide, got two years each for burglarizing the residences of Ir McCormack and W T Eakin; John IXvelln, gets one vear fcr stealing a coat; Williams and Martin two years each frr robbing a freight car, and the King boy who stole a shot tun from the house at Smilhfield, was sentenced to one year. A Siiippio Cextkk George Fisher and John Stewart will thlp 300 head of Lam county cattle from Millers Station, L,lnn county, to ?p!awn urns, in Yakima, Wash, the first of the coming week. Cars from Eugene eost iji each, while from Millers they can be had for $lS; hence they caa make money by dtlvlng them to that point for shipment Guard Another evidence of the aupcriorrtvof Ijnn county as a shipping center. Ou- frtljV ratet are inc best in the va:iey. 1'acikic ioabt cenktenial. I r"?ara- tVns are being made for the propi r cel ebration of the centennial of the discov ery of the Columbia river, by Cant Kobt Gray, the first man who carried the stars and stripes around the globe. As this will be the first centennial celebration on the Pacific coast it deserves general attention. The event will occur on May 11,181)2. Geo II llimcs, of Portland, is secretary 01 tne executive board. Bite Like Fish. All a stranger hai to do Is to stand in the street and deliver a floweryharangue to sell all the cheapjohn articles he can pack in a valine, ine rapid. Ity with which they fly is astonishing, Sometimes, though, the purchaser gets 'considerable substance, the fact is though, never without paying an enormous per centage on the value of the article, for they are universally of a cheap order .made to sell on "snaps," The Markets. W heat has descended to 80 cents a bushel, as reported by the Albany farmers (Jo, 1V00I it firm at 31 centt and censldera ble is selling at that price. One good feature about wool it that It goes on the first market In the long run It would be a good thing if wheat were treated like- Cutter Is ao cents and eggs 25 cents. Am Old Picturr. This morning Mr F M RedSeld received from Vermont by xpress. an oil painting of his father. painted in about 1835, before the days of daguerreotypes, by a great uncle. Mr lie J field had not seen it since 1850,whn ' he left home, ine picture is an heir loom to be proud of. A bank was broken into near Albany, a few days ago. Just how much money I was taken has not been learned. The Dkmocbat gets the particulars from Mr Denver Hackleman, who run across Hon lie railrosia" track near Albany. It was 10-cent bank, and there was no blood i it 10 inuicaie a struggle. Out or Court. Tho cae of Iva Tetn ton agt. Linn county for $37,000 ma"rs was called last evening. The de- -.c fl'.-murre 1 to the complaint and the nurrrr was sustained. The case will , .iMy b- ar;ea!(J to the Supreme HITS OBKVvX. There is no place like Oregon, to most of us. It is a wealthy state, considering its population. Not only has it never failing wheat fields, but for fruit and other products its soil is well adapted Its mineral wealth is considerable. Its timber is unsurpassed, both for building ana woou, in us cities are growing up gradually, manufacturing interests of considerable, importance. In .Portland alone, last year, the output was f 12,000, OtH) to tlS.tWO.OOO. The average yield of wneat, according 10 me report of 11 8 Pague, for 1800, was over 23 bushels to the aero. Our climate is the best. In the winter it rains tome; in the sum mer it does not. The total rainfall is about 45 inches. It docs not rain eon stantly in the winter, nor begin ti. The Writer goes to the depot at noon on a bicycle, and during the past winter onlv missed two or three tunes on account ol rain, ana oniy went in a iignt ram per haps half a dostn tiuus. Wo have no ry clones, and the health of our citizens is as good as that ol peoplo anywhere. lU'low we publish parts of a letter pub lished in the littievttt', ot Lexington, rsen, not having space lor tne whole let ter. The misstatement are barefaced ones, and will be interesting reading: Alrant, Or, May 28th, lStil. fiiHTOR li aiktte ; 1 consider it my duty to use my pen and influence to stop the people of Nebraska from coming to this country. There is not the slightest inducement for the mechanic, artisan, merchant or farmer to come to Oregon. The Willamette valley has a small por tion 01 good tiiiatiio land, but the major ity of it is rock, stone and gravel. A great portion of it is covered with a worthless fir timber that w ill scarcely make good fire wood. Thli valley is overdone with large towps only a few miles apart. These towns have nothing to support them but a few scattering farmers. Tho building booms have collapsed and everyone of them are dead. 1 have seen mure farm ers in I-exlngton in one week than 1 see in Albany in one month. Tho credit system prevails here to a greater extent than in the east. These towns are all overloaded with stores and nothing to support them. Portland is a city ot alxmt 50.(XX). has no farming country around it, and has nothing to suriKirt it but the railroads and emigration. There is no building going on this season. There is nothing to produce uionev in this country but wheat raixing. The farmers do not rvalue much from fruit. The markets is so overloaded and the price so low that many farmers do not gather their fruit at all but let their hogs eat it. The price of wheat in Oregon is about the same as in Nebraska, from 60 to 00 cents per bushel. The season for plowing and planting is in the winter w hen it la raining con stantly. Many eastern people who have come here lately, and are not accustomed to the climate, have ruined their health working in the rain. Crops are nearly as uncertain here as in Nebraska. If Nebraska only has a good crop once in fonr years it will produce more than Oregon will raise in ten years, for nine tenths of Oregon will not raise anything. There has never been found a paying mine in Oregon. Most ot th timber is unfit for lumber, and is of little use as firettood.I have been in twelve states and Oregon is the poorest country I ever saw. Most of the Kansas and Nebraska peo ple here are disgusted with the country and would go back if they could. As for myself 1 shall never spend another rainy season in Oregon. I think I shall sell o ffmy stock ami return to Nebraska ; it is tne Dest country 1 know of, and. is worth 40 such states as Oregon. Moun tains, timber and gravel do not bring tsade to tbe merchant or support the laboring man. I have studied this conntry for five months and there is no truth in any thing that has been advertised or claim ed for it. It is not a good farming, frnit growing or mineral country. If there is anyone in Lexington who has got the Oregon fever, they had bet ter write to me, and I think their fever will cool down and they will keep their money and stay where they are. Please publish this letter and if you want any more articles on this subject. notify me. Very Ilcspct'y, Mart L. Towxsexd. Crook Com-nr. Win Vhjle IM taken the Prineville Bums mail line and will take charge of the route on the 1st of July. There has been sold in Prineville this season 6000 pounds of alfalfa seed. Allow inz 20 pounds 10 the acre would be 300 acres that has been sown to alfalfa in this county during the spring. W T Porter lias sold his ranches and sheep, and has gone to Wyoming to look at the prospects for going into the stock bnsiness in that state. If not suited he will look over the grazing country of Col orado and Arizona. Wm Gage, an old and respected citizen of this county, died at Ins home near Mitchell on June Vth, aged 3 years. Mr Gage was an Oregon pioneer.having come to orepm in 1K44 and lived a number of years in Pol county. Thursday evening, just liefore dark. IJ I senhoot met A lien Henry in Tcmpleton's drugstore as Mr Henry was coming from inc prewripuon case, w nere ne had been talking with Mr Nichols, the druggiot, and fired a fhotat him striking him in the right side. After firing the shot, Iser hoot went out the front door and started to run. Iienuty FherifTF lay ton gave chase, overtaking him at the flume back of L nion churchjust as I sen hoot threw his pistol, a 3M-caliber Hinith & Wessen revolver, into the Hume. He took Isenhoot In charge snd lodged him in tbe county Jail. The wonnd is a pain ful one, but will heal in a short time, and Mr xunry will be ab.e in a few weeks to return to his home in California. Mr Isenhoot and Mr Henry have been en gaged in a lawsuit several years over the possession of some property on Heaver creek, and the trouble has somewhat up set Mr Isenhoot's mind, which is th probable cause of his rash act. Review. Corvallis. Dull times seem to be un iversal. It was never so quiet in Cor vallis as this spring, but our merchants have cause to hope lor a lively fall, ine farmer governs the country and his prosperity is everybody's. Lee Bee, a Chinaman, was united. in the holy bonds of matrimony at the court house one day last week, to Miss K. How, a Japanese lady. Judge Huf- ford officiated, assisted by Bush Wilson, Dave Osburn and Gil Quivey. The cer emonies were solemn and impressive. The directors of the public schools met last Friday and elected the following corps of teachers for the ensuing year: C E Blanchard, principal ; Mrs Calla han, vice principal ; Frances Harris, Diana Newton, Jennie Lilly, Miss 8 J Evans. Times. New MnfiKo Claims. The following mining claims have been filed with the county clerk, and the Dkmocbat is glad to observe that even the women are in the field Ollie Quartz claim in Calapooia dis trict, an extension of Anna Dora; loca ted by Mrs Sarah Averill and Mrs Ollie Btanard, on June tn; claim tiled on Jane 20tb. Anna Dora Quartz claim in Calapooia district, located on June 0, by George Fry ; claim filed June 22, Weber Gold and Silver Mine Quartz claim in Calapooia district, extension of Anna Dora; located June 9: claim tllid j une 'ci. Wiix bs Opekbd. Saturday afternoon Via Tktlei (rt9 n WAtntw 4 V a Vi11a n n. aus tha Willametta rivr at. this, eitv iii t, opened in the council chambers. The matter 111 te watcnea witn considera- ble interest. Albany wants a bridge and wants one Dadiy, ana we predict will have one. Dress Making. Work neatly done nd tatistatton guaranteed. Rooms at Mrs J E Carter s, corner Railroad anp t utnsireeis. adelia jiijbkhart. If your eyes trouble you go to P M French's and have them tented by Johnsons patent eye motor, and gi t glasses that tit you jiroj-sriy . iss irom j cants to iu. MONbAV. Mr Aich Blackbuin left this noon for Portland. Dr Davis was culled to ISarrisbiirg yes tcrdaj by telegraph. General Russet A Alger patted through Albany Friday night on hit way to San Francisco. Mr Roy Oallardleft for his home In Seattle this morning, after two or three weeks of great enjoyment with his Albany inendt. Chief Justice R S Strahanleft this noon for Pendleton, whtre the Supreme Court will convene on Wednesday lor a short session. Mr Orvllle Waggoner. of Daker Cltv.son ot Hon George Waggoner, ot Corvallis, packed through Albany Unlay on a visit to nis uier. , , This Isthe week when according to tra dition the lawjerscju. tho kernel and the clients the shucks. In Ll.m county, though this of course I not true. No $joo,ooo fees are charged here. Mr Combe, ot F.ugenc, who -had a tumor removed by lr Mastnn and DavU few week ago,wat sull'.t'leot'y recovered to be taken to het home In Kugene this noon. . ludge E N Tandy, of Harrlsburg, his just returned from an extended trip East, ami Is In the ci'v. He reports the people ot Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas and Mis souri at flourishing, meeting wih signs of prosperity on every hand. Mr and Mrs N Daum will celebrate the aoth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday evenlngjuly a. Portland WeU come. Many Albany people will remem ber their tin wedding, celebrated In this city ten years ago the and of July. Mr haum was county clerk of Linn county at that time. ' Tl!aOAT. Hon T II Tongue, of Yamhill county Is af.cnt.lng ourt. Mr Jason Wheeler has returned from hit trip to the soMnd. Capt E J 'canning It on the streets after an illness of a week or two. Judge I J Shaw and Til Fortl.of Salem. are attending court Sere, Mayor IVArcv, nf Salcm. has been In the city attending court. Key Louia Metayer, ot the Catholic church, is in Port'and, serious'y ill. J G Crawford has returned from Mon- uiouth. where he took the nictures of Die graduates. K C Searls returned last evening from a rip to Pnrtland.wherc he will locale about the 1st of July, Mr Ed Schuicer ha lust arrived from Crook county. He r mm everything In fine condition with bright piospcc!. j IVvl J U Horner was in Albany this noon 011 hia way to Salem. The Prof hat I iust been elected principal e-f the Roe burg schools another year. C U Allen, ot Kli Meadows, will start In a lew days lo the Vt!amette valley witn Ms wool. He will market it in Al bany or BrosrnsriSle. Kugene Guard. A P Churchlll.of Eugcne.passed through Albany from Portland on hi way home this noon. He reported the heaviest rain storm In PoitlanU yesterday he had ever seen In Oregon. S.Khnpp and P J Baltimore, heating of the marvellous catches ot fish at Hrown's mill, left tor that place to get their share ot the finny tribe. Prut Condon, of the State University, wss in the city today on his way to tiir vallls, where he will remain a week pre vlous tc going to Vaquina Ha v. Though 70 years of age the Prof only looks to be 50 toss. Prof Horner and two other- Douglas county pedagogues, passed through here this morning en route to Yaquins Hay, to attend the State Teachers' Institute. They are traveling in buggies and camp ing out. Eugene Guard. WEtXlAT. Sheriff 5 colt went to alcm Ihla roon on busiress. W H n.tber, of Junction City I In the city t'day , Prof McKce and wife left this noon for Calfornin, by way of I'a'inin hay, where they wiil spend their vacation. Mr II F Merrill went to Salem this noon to attend a meeting of t he board of truMeet of McMlnnrllle College, of which he it a member. Dr Geisndorfer has been elected presi dent of the new Christian Endeavor So ciety of the Presbyterian chnrch of Jacksonville, where he is now located. Mis Busts Martin has returned home to Ashland for the summer vacation, having been in attendance at the Albany college during the past season. Times. Miss Flora Mason went to Corvallis this noon on a weeks visit with Miss Maud Miss Hoffman ha accepted a position in St Helen's Hall, Portland, where she will have charge of the depart ment of physical culture and elocution. . Last evening Mrs F W Fesler received a telegram from her father in Portland to come home, as her mother was very ill and not expected to live. She left on the morning train. Mr Isaac Meeker and William Hale, ot Miliars, returned yesterday from a trip lo the Foley Springs on the McKenxle, leav ing there easier than intended on account of the severe ralnt. They had a good time, though, er.joyed he hot batht immensely, r?pirt fishing good ani Foley a splendid place for rustication. It takes between four and five days to maVe the Irln by wagon. A tiartv was given last vti!nr t ) residence of Mr D P Mason. Anetiiov- able evening was passed. Those present wero Mrs Oley Woodworth, of Walts burg; Miss Grace Piper, of Gray's Har- ttor; Mr Ueo Piper, of Seattle; Misses Marshall, Whitmer, Laura Vance. Lida Galbraith, Alice Moses, the Misses Ma son, James Wilson, Wm Co an, Fred Fortmiller, Dr Lienenger and Mr Lyon. That Coal Mink. The coal mine owned by Coll VanCleve. L K Blaln and other, says the Corvallis Times, was dis covered about 3J4 miles from Toledo, up urpot aioiign, ana tne quality has been tested In Portland and pronounced good. Thre are two veins, one of which is tlx feet thick, 41 feet below the surface: the other Is eight feet thick and is 75 feet be low the ground. Mr Crotno says there is no question about the discovery of coal in paying quantities and the mine will be de veloped at once. The company own 176 acres of ground where they have been prospecting and last Saturday they pur chased an aojoiaing 100-acre tract. Tu Fourth at Eooesib. Tbe excur sion train of the Southern Pacific, will leave Salem at 6 a m ; leave Albany at ! 40 a m. returning, leave Eugene at o p m. tare for the round trip, 11 75. Mr Rice, the ticket agent, requests us to say that those who wish to go on this excursion should purchase their tickets on tne evening of July 3rd, as there will te a rush on the morning of starting and some may get left. Tickets can be bad irom 6:30 to 9 o'clock on the evening of! tne isra. Trr UnrrsD Statis Navt desiring to bny twenty moderate-priced watches.invited th leading Amerioan manufacturers to send watches for trial snd rating at the Nsyal Ubservatory in October aad November last. Una hundred and thirty-sight watches of different makes war sent in. It has been officially announced that a Beth Thomas watoh stood first in ths trial and th Seth Thomss watches avsraged ths bsst. Phils. Times, February 18, lf90. F. M. Frsnob, Jeweler, sg-snt, Albany. Get a Bictclb. The New Mail Uone ef the finest bicycles 'manufactured. It has no superior. Ohllng & Wilson, with Stewarl Si Sox are agents, where these olcycles msy be seen. I the Spbino. A fine line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in many designs, mat receivea oy u vv enmpgon. Also a large stock ot the popular self- penlng corsets. m School Tax, Notice Is hereby given I that the school Ux of district 5 It d- e and payable. All taxpayers are requested to cast at once and attend to the same, at the office of the clerk, C G Bnrkhart. NoTiCB. All person Indebted to E C Searlt will please call and settle at once. at au accoumt must be closed. E C Searls, monk its tK t tax rstrits. Folio tug Is A list of tax payers ot this city paying taxes on f 1000 or over,accord lug to tho Rsiosmnont reeontty completed by the City Recorder : N II Allen 0,040 Albany Farmers Co ,.... . 0,000 Albany (Street It It Co. . . , 6,000 Altwuiy woolen Mill Co M.BiK) John It Baltimore,, 0,100 Hank of Oregon 17,000 LEBlaln ... 21,010 Fred W Hlti m berg. .............. 8.D32 Hen Brenner.... 11.000 CEBrownell 4,5.10 Mrs Henrietta Brown 4,000 Hub Bryant 8,070 Goo K Chamberlain .... 4,050 r 0,851 20,000 8,300 111,405 7,400 21,000 0,1'IK) 6.2.V) 6,:UH) 11,024 25,000 H,8tW 10,300 6,5(10 12.HM) 10,5HH) 5,000 5,500 21,000 10.000 7,040 7.4HO 04,000 4,470 0,700 6,500 4.HO-.I 10,850 4,1'H) 6.07H 7,300 o.aoo 4,600 8.040 u,925 4,000 8,140 0.2U0 8,3tK) 4,030 8,013 V,:iJ5 M,4.'M) H,3ft. 6,1.K( 5,500 8,240 ,41 5,ltx 8,700 e.wH) 4,1N!0 63,700 MrsKRCheadle.. Est Wm Crawford...... John A Crawford II L Cranor.... ... tieo 8 Coe, trustee. tieo S Cue. trustee. J W Cuslck H W Cundill'. W 8 lH'iibamv L Flinn , First National Bank.... John Fox...., David Id Froman Fortmiller A Irving. W 11 Goltra Julius Gradwuhl.... J J iirahom. . . . .... Ml less A liarkleman Wm M Hog ue Isom, Lanning & Co.. L1 I I I.... r. j sliuill. .....,,,,,, Linn Co National Hank A II Marshall Conrad Meyer Mitchell A Lewi Co Louis Miller A UMcIlwain... Est John Monteith.. Est Walter Monteith Heir Mrs CMcFarland Mrs M Madv Geo l'fau A Co Chas Pfeiffer Ash by lVarce rice A Kubon , . Wm lUlston W FKead Mrs Mary Haltmarli..' nemiers Merntmrg.. P W Ppinks Stewart A fox It 8 Mralmn , . , Sugar l'inn Ior A t.umlx-r Co. . . V Twcedaltf P Wallnrn TL Wallace A Co Geo p Warner. C E Wolverton , Jason Wheeler Wm Vance.. Will. Valley A Coast It li J K ft eathvrford M E Young MlstJIS The Portland Welcome says that the stoty alniut the turkeys getting drunk, which the DfMUKir credited to the Baker City Deuiociti, W an old German story several hundred years old, Russell Itarriwm I an appropriate name for a newspaper man. it would Kus-cll HarrlKoa or any other man lo meet the prlnteis Saturday night 011 some Oiegnn newspapers. Roselmrg Review. Ami some of them we have heard of fail to do so. J 8 Antonelle recently had hla partner ol last year, L It Doe, arretted and taken to Portland, charged with gross cheating at la. But Doe asserts his Innocent snd declares the offense should be laid at Antor.eltc'afcet, whom he charged with having taken the pauper's oath in a form er equity case, while he had $34,000 In the bank at San Francisco, which Ills wife se cured. The case Is gettlrg sensational. Where Is Fied Schawatka? In a rtcent note he writes: "Now we are on the Takou trail making tor the head waters of the Youkon river. I have my three white men and nine !ndlans,atl of whom I Intend to fir op a soon as the trail closet In, You will not hear from me again for some time, for I am golnij Into a country where the electric tele graph and niiidern pottottke may become facts H another thirty years." The Wasco Sun.speaklng for The Dalles challenges any "boom" or other town of not more thsn 4OJO Inhabitants, show a better record lor thirty years (or In pro portion, ol course, for yotnger towns) thsn this Five business failures In thirty years.and thieeof this five only temporary embarrassment, practically annulled by toelr continuance In butir -, There are 124 pages to the Chicago Times just received. Most of them, though, are devoted to delinquent tai payers. It is now in order (or cities seeking no toriety to offer purses for the Sullivao Slavin fight. Kansas City is now ahead with 130,000 up. One of the farmers who was in the Sa lem Statesman otflee yesterday said the recent rain have done 100 cents' worth ol good whero they have done one cent's damage. Then what are we kicking for? The price of shipping cattle bv the car irom Millers is I-'; Irom Kugene f.TJ.and not as given yesterday. The Eugene Gnard says a compositor ImU-hered the original item, and we made it worse. The list of tax payers published else where is an indication tif a thrifty poople among us. Albany is and has been a good business center. Men have pros pered hero who have had push and in dustry. A city tax list, though, only in dicates what property a man has inside tne limits and only speaks for a fraction 01 ins wcaitn. Here is a section ot the game law Sec. 0(1035.) Every person who shall, within tho state of Oregon, between the fifteen day of Nuyemher and the first day of September of the following year. take. tin ri .1 1 f . -- bii, injure, or uestroy, or Having in poo session, sell or offer for sale any grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, quail or partridge, except for breeding purposes, hall be guilty of a mindemeanor. The census of England and Wales, Inst completed, shows a population of 29.000.- 000, an increase ot 8,000,000 the last de cade. There will be a blir crowd of Albany here Saturday, and they are invited to take R look Rt our improvements and notice ur "gait. statesman. A Salem married woman got off this "Buy a trltvcle before von try a blcvle." And now It Is In order for the Welcome to pronounce this an o!d Grecian pun. An advertisement in a newspaper is I what counts because tbe people who read it, or at least many of them, pay for the paper in wnicii it appears, ana tney place yalue on it for that reason. There Is a pointer in it worth considering. Sr MsasawstB Those who tbink that the flea on the tail ot the dog of the wild man of Borneo has applied for a pension will be aston ished to learn that it is only the wife of tbe son of a cousin ot the president's grandfather who is after it and expects to get it. Fred Eeed.who escaped from the Lane county jail in May, 18U0, was arrested in Portland today by Deputy Sheriff Coch ran. He was engaged in timber land frauds, and there is an indictment against him for obtaining money under false Preen8e8; ",6 tie win oe orougni up to- was tne fellow Al bany police officers bad a chase after under the wire worxs. Our people are united on the fact that abridge is wanted atAlbanyj but they are not united in location. It is time the quarreling was stopped and harmonious action taken. Bids for a high steel bridge at Calapooia street will be opened on Saturday, when the future of the bridge question can best be told. It ia confi dently claimed the bids will be much less than generally estimated. circ bit roin'r smhi, The following Is the grand Jury em- panneltod at the opening! ol Circuit Court! Fran k Trites.rranK woisi, iwn norews. G B Hplawn, L F Smith, T F Smith, Goo lline. A i (MlMUl was ''ivi a-urw num. The following cases have heen dispos ed of i Oregon vs Jsmes Bannon j Burglary. Continued. v Thotnas Jefferson vs G S Montgomery j Attachment. Continued. B DlttenhofTer vs Perry Smith 5 To re cover money. Continued. Topllts A Co vs Mary Cougill To re cover money. Continued. C F Cronwell et al vs D K coney el ai; Partition. Continued. Geo J Braner vs Mary Cougill I To m- cover money. Continued. Mooney, Valentine A Co vi Mary Cougill j To recover money. Continued. The -Albany Farmers Co vs 8 8 Mo Faddeu : To recover money. Continued. C G llickok vs J 8 Antonelle; To re cover money. Settled. J S A it Lunelle vs Anna McNully ; Suit Inequity, Settled. Deyoe & Kolmon vs C Q Blahl j To re cover money. IVfaultj judgment. Deyoe A Ilobson vs William Heeves 1 To recover money. Dismissed without prejudice. Cnnltal National Hank vs W F Crosby : To recover money. Contlnutd Assignment of Blackburn A Peroni. Final account confirmed : assignors dis charged, 11 It Brigg vs Caroline M Brlggs: Divorce. Dismissed. Assignment of li 0 Warner. Con tinued. A I Houston vs Martha Houston: Ac tion to clear title. Settled : dismissed. E T T Fisher vs John Schtneer and Paulino L Schtneer; Foreclosure. Dis missed. , Stafford A Gray vs 8 It McElmtirry : To recover money. Settled. . T P Baldwin A Co vs Gold.H. A Hunkle; To recover money. Co '! KiX'iiigsbergey. Falk A Co vs J r - : To recover money. Settled. iloneyman, Del (art A Co v E Uct.k- er. To recover money. Default and jiiilgttiei.t. Assignment of E Becker. Continued. Knappjiutrrll & Co vs E Becker, E 8 Becker and Stewart A Sos i Sale confirmed Otto Fox vs John Maxwell. To recover money. Iave to Issue execution granted. Albany Iron Wotksvs Harold Bios To recover money. Settled. DlHenhotfcr. Hats Co vs G W Pugh and El la Pugh Foreclosure. Default and decree. And ew I Noble, executor, vs S W Moore and Man IS Moore. Foreclosure of mortgage, iieiauit and decree ol lore clo ture. Thorns Jefferson vs W G McDonald. To recover troney. Default and judgment. Matthew tt Washburn vsTlfcnness snd Ameilca Ellen Herncts, To recover money. Judgment against T Hennes snd non-suit 10 A E licnncsa. A M Tcinpleton vs Jat B Ceenev and S D Krcncy. To recover money. Judg mem and a'Uchcd property ordered sold. Mahata F Turner v I Thompson tt Sons. To recover money. Leave to Is sue execution granted. Assignment of T L Henncss. Conllnu'd Wm Rile v R R Hun nhrcv and C II Montague. To recover money. Default In accordance with answer of Humphrey. II Bryant, administrator of E B Hughe etat, v j B Keeney et al. To recover money. Judgment; attached property or dered sold. Albany St Astoria K R Co vs lien nets Bro. To recover ol money. Default and Judgment. John Diamond vs Margaret E Flndlev : Foreclosure. Decree granted A T and F N Gilbert vs P Ble vine: To recover money. Continued. W M Johnson vs Edward Johnson etal : To recover money. Decree granted. T J B!ack vs Wm Hunter, To recover money. UeUult snd Judgment. Slna Cummin v Frank Cummin. Dlvoice. Divorce granted. Ida Driver vt Ta W Driver. Divorce. Divorce granted. Iva Templcto.i vs Linn county. Action for damages. Judgment ot dismissal. Iloneyman .Dell art It Co v E Hcnnett et al. To recover money. Judgment; at tached property to be told. J F McKlnney, executor, vs Emily Mc- Kinney Jdtnlnlstrstrix. To recover money Judgment for defendant. Andrew Kan St Co vs Kwong WooKee. To recover money. Judgment for plain tiff for want of answer. T J McClary, assignee cl L T 11 en nest. v Lon Conscr James Collin and M Scott To recover money. Continued. Frank Snatinger v D C Pennlnger. To recover money. Settled. Cooley S Washburne v N B Slandlsh: Confirmation. Sale confirmed. Cr'j'e Si Stanard vs N B snd Jennie Stindlh Confirmation. Ma'e confirmed. B A Lander vs Tho L llrnneso. L Filnn, Albany H Astoria R R Co and Iloneyman, Dcllart Si Co: Foreclosure. Continued. The farmer St Merchant Ins C S W Eaulkner et al: settled. Davis Bros vs O T McDowell. 10 re cover money. Default and judgment. Davis Bros v Henry Ackerman lo recover money. Dismissed on motion ol plaintiff. John A Crawford vs N B Fry. To re cover money. Default and judgment. uen Fonc vs Kwong Woo Kee Co. To recover money. Judgment and default. Leigh tun Knox vs Adsm Slsemere. To recover money. Continued. Assignment of K unnv Won Km Co. Continued. SoMCTiiMO hew in the world is a ma chine exhibited on the streets, mostly for use by farmers. It boils water in IS minutes, dries irult in 40 minutes, Dolls potatoes for feed in short order, and does everything else in quick, boom time. It looks like a meritorious arrangement. Riciit to thk Point. Allen Bro. d their own delivering, promptly and cae fully. Fresli neat, itra wberrie, cabbages etc, just received at Allen Bro. - To get fresh produce, frut etc.,. ah way call at Allen Bros. Lack Curtain In great variety from S cts. to So a pair. These good are ought from New York jobbers direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. samurl k Youso, Nxw SyEiHS Geops. I keep a fall lbs ot spring and summer drsss goods, io wash fabrics, prints, ginghams, seersuckers, eta. I havt alto a nw line of sammer plaid, be sides omr novelties 10 bines and all wool sritings. . Samusl e iocs. TKADE, AT THE OLD EI LIABLE GROCERY STORE of ,0 E BROWN ELL, Good gsods, low prioesjand'honest trtat- snont. COMB ONE. COME ALL. Latter List. Followirg is th list of letter remaining in the post offiae at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, Joo 4, 1891. Persons calling for these letters must givel th date on which they were advsrtiasd. Albany, Esq. P - Arricfc, Mias Alit Brown, Frsd J Brown, Mis Looy Bird, Tbos 2 Barchlor, Chas (Jbsmbers, Miss oad'eUonaolly, r J Crowley, Thouiss Comfort, Mra Lea Friend, Mrs Mary F Oibsoa, J G Denny, B W Furnman, N F Hawn, J if Levy, J 8 Pierce, Eeq, John S patch, WW Swwart, J K Hadenreiob,Lswreno fiwi, Mra ttarba Shpsrd, II 82 Speiieey, Miss Laoy "Wlter,Mias Eaman'a Wheeler, Burt Wi.lson, Ancle Williams, 3 F T. MoiTTErnc, ?, U, n!tt1iest of 3 b LeAvesucf Ventre Sl S , . I, . , MOMDAT. Ths longest day otthsystr. Strawbsrrisssrs getting read to bid fr wll for 1801. The Grand Lodits of Good Tsmolsrs mt la Jefferson lost wek. Soto will ealebrat the 'gloriooi 4h in a wld spread manner. Wlllamatt Vsllsy arrived at Ytqaio at noon today, FasManrs and partsbabl goods will eon est tomorrow. Le Brawn has on hill of strswbsrrit bearing 403 borrla. If say one ean beat that b will plsass rise ap and 1st as know, Slay toe Times. A Building and Loan Astotrittlan has Ua orgsiilid br, with Dr W II f arrish, Prss) K n uattroa, Trj f L.Csmphll, Hso'y and Busiosss a7 ai.assf . Soooms to bom toUr- prise Moaetoetk Dsnmierat. Bv 0 O Btrattoe. D D. will ImIum ia tbe M R eksrob Vwuhs. I 's nu. Sa jaot. 'Oar Tim .ud is. Ntwis." N . sA. miasioB will be enargd. bet a hskt sol IsetMS) will be taa. All are iivitod. Albany Bogiua Co N.i 1 k is ttahl iwuly odsr ibp ow Qra arrnsmnt an4 Mr Ley keps hi h tm r.dy nvbr fir una io naa ef a a a m Tn -pi.-r'.'o fnt tbe two t!iii w i M ft I - Mb 1 r 11 1 . - . t ' T' r . t. i. mm d Th. L r- U.vs li -.i . . MltrtH. ...., ! 't lss for . -. , , PMtiw ibii ... 1 ill also To- t - .,:.: Gaard. Thirty FalscA'ioih.. A few months sgo womsn came to Albany turn Ne braska, opened a "racket" store snd dis tributed s few small po-ters around In th mud, never deignin to ps'rnn'i'' s newa. fMper office. She di4 no hii.lness, irarll cally, snd then s re set lon followed, and she began running the country down In a man ner to mske herself ridiculous. She also wrote a letter to ber home paper. Though not a very long article, by actus! count, there are thirty falsehood In It. Tomor row we will publish some of these as a curiosity. The women Is talking about going to Mcdford, Hlllsboro, or some other iirmon town, but we sd vise her to return f Kebraska. She will never bespprecl 'rd In Oregon, Altogether Oregon ho few. If any, equal In the U S In natural re sources. I. npieiudicra people wi.o have not made business failure pronounce It in many respect the best tat In the union, snd It undoubtedly ha no upcrlo. Hence hi mas ol misstatement will be read with Interest. TCDT. St; est ears kv hsgae rseniog is Eogsn. The elob wLlih will play Salem on Sstar- y bs sot ret bswa eoltlv ulcd on. Tbr I not as snaeb bswd tj tb arroecs- ourat as thtr abocld bs. The Tulde Coal Co. has -tooortors- Wsd with Ol Vast Clave. f Joose, C B Crasao, L E Bloi a and Milton Hale as in- enrpnratofs. CapiUl sleek 2d,000. Oee Albany lawyer is retained ia St eases is th CWolt Oartt aniUir 00 is 47. atv- oibsr is SI, sswrfhtT in 24, 20, te. I jut tvsning a lady's pwse was lost t First strosl anteawhre bwt) I ha Rvra HooaeaDd Bloekmaa' drag Nor. 1'Wsm rstwra to tbe Dkmocrt ofhee. Yesterday yetlog while splitting kind ling wood Francis Graham wss keoeksd ssesatoa by a stick flying into bar for bead, making eait a wound, which Dr Davis diessed. City AsMStwr Matbsws bas a boa I ensa- pleted tbe aaswesmeet ef tb eity ol Regae toe tb yr 1891 . Tb roll shows $ 1.7 10.. 771 of property sebjset to taxatiosv Ks- goe Ueard. A Co braeeb of Blaek KapablioM obar- nos was beaded tbe Dsmocrat ofios today by Prof CoodiL As thrs ia no politics ebarrios w aokeewlodaw tbe suUsndld qaahty of tbe eberrios. Tbsy or Urge sad tb limb U leaded with tboa. WKUxaaDAy. Oly Coaail to-oight. Show oast f w sal at Soarls. Only eee wk more to get tbe hartals at Sswrla store. . MUtea is to base a woeleu sailL tbe first in Eaators Oisgoa. Rurosmbs' tb . this I tb last waek th a yaoi eD itey e.t' loiahibrf at eost st Sari. Kentish ehrrM next wak. Order Ml C E Bfuwttotl'a fur aam will te Mtcd pioosotly. A w..msn fort eo teller aad attmlovist, rf ureal rrni, i- ioii -sri. (,..,, and bre r psoul wHi. wi I eooelt br oa futarity snaltar. Asblaoit'a enoaeil f"nl iri fir bnir propntt uae uf IkumIs f -r th imr into ot bailding a eaw eity ball. No inglo bid wsa pat in for tho houts. It ia no discredit to aayooa to raooh O"- gon with $2 fiO. t tb4n'Hiv kospa ifr..wi g Wbre tt loorMwea ta w,ejuu 1 utn a u-t for eoDgraUlatioe. E P Bogrs, O F St t agoot of tb 8 P. who bas boss oat oa bail fry vrl oioenho. ia la th eity. It will be remabrd that Mr Kogsrs was inrtlotad Jot disorlatoaUDg ia freight rates. Tbsltwe isnawsy I Port land boys that war bar last, were arreted on their return trip at Albany. Thty were wonted in Portland for tUaling some jwlrv. Guard. Thoro are only a boat 85 wild hnffalo in th U.S.? 304 in captivity and 200 in Tsl- lowstoos rant. K early S.wu.ouu bavt tea killed off in 20 yrs. Tbe Mascot Gun Club will hav a practice shoot Friday afternoon at 2 o clock, ine olub aow has three trap aod all will be esd. A letter reosived iu Albany from Mr Msnrv SDenoer. aow Is Canada, announced that Mies Helen was wll and BDioying br- lf bat Mr 8poor was ill. Tit tber- momtt wis 86 in bs sba. Mr L M Curl it interested in tb oouoty riebt of the raoiue Washing maobtne tnanu faetared by Baooh tt Williams, of Eugsn. Us will eaovaa tbe eoenty. Tbe maohine ia oodoabtadly a good on. Th grand jury has iodicUd Charles Dan ny for assanit with intent to kill. Tot is tb mo who shot at tbe young woman in sonmesrs stabls sort' tint ago for relating te marry btm. It was said jetWrday that Delia eitissns had suooedd in makiog alt arrangements for th astablisbioeot of a good ciscd paper mill in that city. Tb contract is sold to be all ready tor signing and the bonus I on d- potit in th bank. Statesman. Soma psrtle have arrived from Kaosaa bringing with them a printing outfit for nswspaper and Rob work. We understand that tney propose starting anotber weekly paper br. Thy bay rented en ef tb room in th room In th old Cherry build ing or Eighth street. Ecgaus Gasrd. At FoBTatnxia & laywo's 160 dosen window shades, just received. A large and elegant stock of iota een ary bedroom sets. AUri? 1 and e t ib I it o( 0 tr j) )t, m in e designs. P 6! Ir a 2 mm 1 Bred ia HilHcra cf IIp.t3 o Years the Standard. TJ, & Cov't Report, Auj. 17, t" 1, , UK All MTATK itLKS, J C Salttnarsh et nx to 0 A Elson, lots 6, 7, M 17, ll's 3rd A,Lel..$ 270 HobtCary etux to A A and OB Derthick, 120 acres in sees 15 and 22, tpll.SJtlw 1 Chas Marsh toAmericus A Doug las, 20.43 acres In tp 10,8 H 2 w COO L W GuIhs ct ux to Leornard Will. Hr, EJj'Hw qr hi 12, IDs 2nd . A, Albany 1000 GW.Uamiiton to NO Myers, 40 acres in tec 0, tp 10,8 li 1 w. . . 100 U 8 to Andrew llite, 164 acres, tp 11,814 w Patent U 8 to II Cushman. 100 acres in tp lI,SR4w ....Patent U 8 to Roliert Caiy, 320 acres In th 11,8 111 w.... Patent V 8 to Coyle, 100 acres in see e.tplO, 8K3E ....Patent Wm Kalseon et ux to Catharine Worth, tract In Ielianon 250 J M Dardue et nx to K E I)vi,lot 2. bl, ll's 2nd A, Allny.... 1300 Frank and lvl (i'Neil to C W Cat- laghan, tract in Lelanon . . . . . S Ed and Frank O'Neil to C ' Cal laghan, 100 acres In tp 12, 8 U2w. 6 James Anderson h al to F M Mil ler, 35 ares in tp 10,8 H 3 w.. ISO n 8 Miller et ux to J alio L Ander son, Si acre in Santiatu city. . 1100 $6761 Mots. June So h itfyl n f is repairing hl hi h use Jl 11 .ton returned from Puriiand t us.liir mul reports thing v rj quiri h-1 l.rt M. ttF buiUlirg of MesrWi'.hl ad ' teas- is progressing s fast SS the Wis hrr wii permit. The dance at last night was s very enjoyable affair. Every one had a goou lime. I he Kentle Oregon mist still continue to fall and tlie most crop la assured in bslmy Oregon. alca Eewa. Special to pmotiuf . Sai.xm, Or, June j. Arunswsy horse crsthed through the plate glass front in Murphy block, today, causing considerable excitement at.d some damage. It la rumored that county judge Waldo will resign. A strong petition In favor of Kaiser, attorney ,ha been circulated. WsUTBEot KCroKT. Oregon Wkathkr Bcrrau. Central Urncs, Portlaxo, Oregon. Croi- vt'BATHRR IiLLl.tTlN No. If, fOR THE Wrbx Ekoino Sati-roay, Jdnk SO, 1891. In western Oregon the weather has been cloudy with little sunshine. General rains have fallen the whole week smoun Ing from 1 to 34 inches, the tempera ture has been from one to two degree a day below the average. Light frost on the morning of the 16th in sections of Polk county ; no Injury done. Some holt has fallen In the northern part, but no in jury reported. Heavy r!n have hindered hay making. Fall wheat ha lodged to tome txtent and clover Is Injured. -Spring sown crop are generally doing well, though lunshlre and warm weather are greatly needed. Cher lie are suffering from rain, In some place rotting on the tree. Although the weather hat been too cool and rainy crop In general, with the exception ot hay, are doing well. Ths hop louse I prevalent In Marlon and Polk counties, but the crop I flowing finely. Ia eastern Oregon the temperature wat generally below the average. There wat a light ralu about Adla Walla on Tues day, and general rain in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, Morrow, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa counties, and couth of the Blue mountain. The rain waa ol great benefit to wheat. Hay hat been Injured to tome extent The acreage ol wheat In Union, Umatilla and Walla Walla counties, ha been Increased twenty per cent. B S'Paovr. Observer, U. 8. Signal Service. BlTt AKT. Died, near Knox Dutte, May aSth, 1891, of dlptherla and membranous croup, Willie Cox, son of Mr E G and Clarissa A Cox, at ed 8 years, a month and 8 dy. God tent this loving child on earth to comfort his loving parents. He wat the joy ol hia mother's lioart and the sunlight ol hi home. It was hard to give the dear little one up, but God thought best to let him rest In Heaven, lie i now a bright and shining angel, and he will be wai-dng at J the gate to welcome his dear mother home. He has gone to meet the dear one In ' Heaven. May God help the bereaved one 10 live and meet the little one In the sweet bye and bye. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt ympsthy to the bereaved ones In thetr sad amiction. We had a little darling, Who came to us one day, Ana ne maae us very happy. For we thought he had come to stsy. But he haa gone; he's now at rest, Fteed Irom all these earthly cares; Oh, no, we would not call him back, Where all It beset with snares. Then rett, loved one, serenely lest, in mat oiest nome atxve, Where death and sorroar ne er molest. Where all It peace and love. A Friend. ' Base Ball Excursion. The ateamer BentW will leAve Albany at 8.30 am Saturday, June 27th, lor Salem, with the Albany Base Ball club, who will play the Salem club that day. The Albania have never been defeated, and are to be assisted Saturday by the Burns Bros, as a battery, so their admirers will be sure to witness an Interesting game of ball. Tickets for round trip, $1.00. Tai Champions. Whoever the cham pions are in the base ball field when it comes to groceries and produce Conn St Hendricson will not be knocked out. They keep a large and fresh stock, and their prices are as low as tne lowest. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and all the standard groceries always on hand. Whoever buys of them always makes a good sttike. Naw Carpets. A B Mcllwaln has one ofthe largest and best selected line ftM leflyi embracing all new pattern and design, and a he hat made a great reduction in prices tt will be to the advantage of ca pet buyert to rail and ntect hit ttoc . anu prices before pur- hating. We iotare against tramps. Towssssre & Will?. Dak! i R SI 3 Da Ton fail Sin Mil? IF YOU CAN'T READ THIS Without being Interested.- Thero will bo for tho Month of June, a Genuftie OF SUMMER GOODS, IisJit Clotli. Slier ItaM Shoes, antl all Kiitls HOT WEATHER 18 Leaiiii Holer 4M llllaHllaHaBllaHlaaHaaallllBBIBH OBBBtMsBSSBBtBBBBBBVSBBBBSaBSaaSa -DKALEBS IX- Rnssell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stackers Osborne : Binders, : We carry noj'machinery that has not been tried in thii ocalitj, aDd found to be satisfactorj, and, as we represent actories, n responsible dtaler can give better terms. We are the People Who carry. th most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, flanges, etc., in the markit. MATTHEWS . a WASHBURN. PATR0KIZE HOME IXSTITUTUNS.- THE FARMERS & MEfiLHAfiTS INSURANCE CO., -Albssay, Oregea. W F READ, Preeideet. J O WRnNMtN Seeretary. 4 V COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F 81 MP8ON, Vtoe President. J DIEKgrOIts J L Cowan, Geo P Simpson, K FKead, J & vteatnerioro, Ksstrenan. j v wriuman. ALSO DISTRICT AOS5TS fO- Oakland TTome Insurance Co, Oakland. Cel. - Traders, Chieago, tth Ami.o, Philadelphia, Pa. Pbcsnlx. London, England, Norwich TJtiton, London, Eng London A LaDohashire, London, Eng. Guardian, London, Erg. Man- cheat sr. Manchester, Kn gland. Caledonian, Kdlaburg. Scotland. Weeehester, " Kew York. . ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. l"Jha id (SSfl3lB! Castoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Inf.nsts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotio substance. li is a harmless substitute for Parcfforic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its cuaranteo is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverisbness. Castoria proTents vomiting Sour Curd, eurcs Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria rcliorca teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tbe food, resTulates th'toiBaeh and bowels, giving; healthy , and nat oral sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panaea h llother'a Friend. Castoria. "Caeftoria la aa ezsaUsn mtdlcin for sfcU en. Hothara have repsatedly told saaaf its td sCes npoa Ur shildrea." Da. 6. C. Osasro, ;.. LovsU,MaL " r3sasr!a to fit basis swntdy fr oiuldroa of wUh I am aoauaiatod. I hope the day is as tat CMat wswemottten wfllMsAierswl fcisarset of feslr ehfldrea, ami asm Cnaseria fas tame t to mutatis taaslc mmtt urns hi A r enrtrarief thw kwtd etM y fswtiepliaBi, aaorpVhn, eoctuists; syMip as4 etar aar?XSl occoas eawa tbatr tsws, ISssHAy ssat if l ililn jjianaa." Ba. . W. SitesMsisi wir. 7la tt 80 ait MercM Met Mowers : and : Rakes. l r L Fo'ey, M Sternberg, J TT Bartistt. Castoria. " Castorta J wsll adapasd te ehWrea fcat I MOirarsswd U aaaopsrior toanry presariptioa kaewa te ate." .. x K, A. JLscker, K. Ill 8a. Oxford St., Eraohlyn, K. -. "Oar phyttdsn ia Oaa e!ii1ir"s dirws stsatt have sptM hlgbly f th-r enfrxi ease la tboir easoiae praa vita asaS dthoofit we mi W mat, c' awSteat mpylk a wfcat is fcrwrra a? stvrt,r priissm, y4Sa fsaa aenCase t&a4 ts swtsa sC Cafltt 4 ksot west m t Wc tmw itpai tt." '- Vmusia Kkiipjh I mm r.fcH-wcjf, -... W-.f- .. Acsmb ; 1 St Ciij