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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1891)
EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA Ccuthorn Pacillo Routo hiiasta" line. i Trains lea re Porn Daily .;" - . .TX I i r a Lf It in I Ar rUita Ar I at L S:tt A FurUaad Albany Ban Freaelsoe . A brain atap only at btitowlnf iuUom north 1 R..k(r(. Km pnrtiuut, Dnrm t'U, Ww4 Burn, Maiera, Albany. Taeeenl, ho.Id, Hal, Ur eaaetioa city, lrtlnj, Rcee. BSSSSSB Btlfc, 4U.V. l.S 4 I Lv Frwtlaa ATpTnosa l,ra(Le Albany Lllt:Mii t:Sra (Ar Roeebiirt; Lvl:WUM ALBAXV L04i( BiltT Bicart BTSB4V) I L IStrtlnml Ar .00 4 B SAr Albany Lv t oo A a aaaaaea sataca, I'M m Li Albany Ar ll4l Intra Ar Lebanon L 1:40 4 a TMtl Li Albany Ar :Mra Mil Ar Lebanea Lv 1 to r a PUIU.1AN EUFFET SIEEPESS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, ee Aseeaaaee-SatM et aeB4-4laee run Test BlSe Ktvl.lea. BKTWKES rTLAB As VOKTALLta, atta rsaissaUf (lU.wptS.UM4r.) Su 1 4 a I ra I Lr Ar FurllaiM. Camilla si :u r a H M ra 1: air-aest rotis u.r (Esospt Sunday. lira I ra 1 1" Ar Portland SloMlnnTtlle Lr I . 4 a 4 a TlirouLrli TloLcotH To kit points EAST, AFID SOUTH. tm rii lafuraealloj. reaardlna rates, Maps, ee iwrapan Axeat at Aivuiy . K. kORtiLKil Ka F.XOOBKB branee-ee AaslO. W. aad P. A YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oicgcn Pacific Railroad T I , Beeelver. o 0r82 Denlopment To'i Steamers, hart Lin t C'allforala. Flrst-alasa tb rough pasaenirar and 'reicht llnarrona point a in Tvuiammw vauy to ana rrom Ban rsaaeiaoo, im. Boats mek Ioaa eonnaoUoa at Alban with trains of Lb Oregon Facia Railroad T1MIBCHK0ULK. eet SnnJar.) Leave Albany U r. a, jLiare Tannine, T.i4,a uinwmiiH l:wr, .llaeaee Uarralite,10:Sta,a ,...w ma, r. mfv aiauif 1 1 i:u 4, O. et C. Irataa aoanact at Albany and Corrallla. Tb a bora train a coaneotat Taeniae with tba Oregon Development inauoT'iuMor Bieamanipa between , m i i ee,uiaa ana hu r luciwo, AILISia DATES . rasa vsevisa. wui.ixn TiiT, Jta ; ia : ti4. 'i!am Tkltar, May Slat ; Jaaa :h ; lath I Cth Tba CaatpA mth ifca neat ikac aaNiaa rfataa wtthoat noUca. . B. Paaaaagara fraaa Portland aad Tttteaaataa Yalta? polala aaa anaka eloaa rmiHia with ibatraina rftba Taaalna aaata at AJbaay ar Corrallla, aad if daa- aaad ta aaa Fraaaiao akoald aaraof ta rrtra at Tsaaiaa tha avanlnf bafora rfata raauiay MTaaaaagtr aa Fral rata alwaya tha Lawcat Far (alaraial 4rly U A B Caaaaiaa.Fraif at aa4 WIM Acrat, Alkaay, C. . Matltfc. f. 44 p. Afa . Cr4l.ta. MKIT HATIOMAL BlJfK, L OF ALBA3IT, oasaoil, .Lri.l!f .Vim rraaUUot mahUt 8. I. Toll Ml -K. W. rtASgACTO A OKNKRALbMktnt lrt BlOiiT EXCHAKUK 4I4 Irl Taphi Uuufer, 4 M rork, Hm Fransiaea. Ckidag aad r aUaad coxnrnoxr adeoo hntii K. Toeaa E, W. laaaaoa L. Fuaa S BV4W, K4al.ito. LI 51 5J CO SfATIOSIALnAMK, Or ALBABT. OBBOOH. CAPITAL STOCK tl 00,000. :.L t L COWAS. t'lM-Frai4at J M BAUSToH. Cahiw ....Umo B CHAMBKHLAIN, AH CMhwr o A AKC1UBOLD. Iaanoui,-i L Cowan, J II RalsVm. Um K Chmh-ltii, W 8 Luld, W H O-jIwa, 4 A Ormw lor4 aad O A Ardtlkold. TRAVBACTR tnmnl banklnf eaieat. bHAWHIUBlPKAFTSoa . fork. Baa tl i-n.f I. lOrwoa. LOAN MOitEToa aaWHty W.KITBtMIMiaila aufttnt B AUK OP OREGOS. albajty, oaiooa. rapitai. -f 9 FraaVftrt . . . a s . a T1nv-FTMidaat Caaht-r ..HFMRRRTLL , I J LANHINU .J.T W BLAIV i ranaaoj a fiwal aanklna aoal Vxctianca buoirht and a.ia aa all Wm prioatpal citiaa la Um United aiataat aim on Bofland, Iralaad, Frana and Ommoj. XlloctlntaiaJaatlll aeoasilbla painU aa brar akl Urnva. InUratt alWaad aj Um dapoalta. UK OF sUIO. CIO, OBEOO. PrMMant ... Vina- Praaidtmt .J I Massia -asr Mraaa O Mar Caaltr sixaerou: E Coins, J I M-HTia. II Bryant Jahn Gaines F 0 Smith. Sh Si s (antral banking and SKchtntre baatnaai. tight d raj la iaauad oa Alliuty, Furtland and Man rVaachao. ) (MUX AMI BAVINGS BAMS, or ruirrunp, ORsmoa. Paul an rapilal... .V,O0 fcarpJua auil proSta. oo,(mo Intaratt sltowad en earing dapoaits ss follows: Cinar-ltnary aatriiixa bouaa .... per aeiil par aauem. On tana mxlnt book .. par cant paraanam On aruAalS of dapoalt. f r thraa monllis .4 par aant par an nam: Vttm nvmth t per emt per sanura. Far tw: nKiiith.... Sjjar aant per sonata; KKA.NK liKKUM, rreeMent V. V. TrlOMPNO Vita-PraaiU.ut. U. V, STUATrON. Caatitar. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual. Help. ALBANY, - - REGON CondiinteJ by tha Mints. . f Nt. Bsnedlot Tuition In saiM-UUr school ranges from fft to 110. K t,r Boarding Keh ol or any f.rticr lr at p.y at the iltm. nJ. iaaa Sinlar lti peril. re 2nd Siitl a'.uck of' p9 ey, ami tlia mmt rnAtr col1in. ;ooia in Uih Va aia prima, bolb i have on hand ll I'l'a UmiUU STOVES, TINWARE reUHXS. BOOXS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CR3CXFRY. ETC., ETC. Jtr west of S E Youag'a oir" srfors L. CQTTL!!:D PAISLEY a GLTILEY, YV Iiolosa'e D.jtlers i.i TODACCG - ard - CiGIUS, AUMcny, Qrngvn X0NTB1N MEXICO- Characteriitlc of the Meilcan people U an Insatiable plon (or gambling, ) tit Detroit Fr I'm. V om the rlchett merchant or banker to tlie poorctt "lrba- ador" It la, with uiprlslngljr few eicept- lona, a nation of gambler. I have teen beggara, wrinkled, decrepit old n.en crouch all day with appcaltrg hand on the street corner, and at night seek the nearet monte bank, and, lolng the n.! ruble pit tance for which they had waited so patient ly, hobble ofl In the darkness, supperlcss to bed God knows where. Monte Is the national game. Ia glided palaces and grimy hovets in every Mcxl can city you may find the swarthymonte. dealer behind a table with a pile of Mcxl can dollars tn front of him. From a pack of cards la his left hand he draws the two topmoat, placing litem side by side, (ace upward, on the table. Let them be a trey and a five, you bet a dollar on the trey, and If a trey comes before a five you have won a dollar. Vice versa, you loose, lie may place other pair on the board, and you may bet on either of each pair with the same results. The percentage in' the dealer's (avor U so great that It Is only a matter of time when he will have all your money unlets you be exceptionally lucky Even then you had better not t'rpenJ on jour luck at any other time. The pack of cards and their dcnom'na tlons are the same as the ordinary euchre deck, but the figures are different. The spade" is represented by a two-edged sword, the "club" by a rough bludgeon.the "heart" by an earthen vase of Astcc pat tern, and theMdlamond" by a figure con slstlng of B series of concentric ringt.whlch is supposed to be aconventlontl repreen tation of the sun. The jack" Is a sedate courtier of the middle ages, the "queen' a fantastic princess mounted on a prancing horse, and hla majesty's full length figure Is arrayed tn a costume that mutt have been borrowed from a Romcn emperor at tha eastern empire, One night In the city of Mexico I wan dered down to the principal plaza and walked Into the greatest gambling hall in Mexico the great monte-bank sustained by the municipal government. Monte was oo novelty to me, but this particular ban was. In the hall a scml-clrcular bar de scribed a curve of some eighty feet. Io side the center on a raised platform sat man who deal', and called out his cards and about fifty dealers placed the cards he called on the bar. Several hundred men could then bet on the same "layouts." As I stood Idly watching this monster game an old man came in whom I had no ticed whltewathlng a stone wall in the rear of my hotel that morning, lie watched the asm 4 Intently fur a few minutes and placed 50 cents his day's earning, doubt less on a card and won ; he then placed the dollar on another card and won that. He placed his present capital $ 1, on two cards and won both. And there he stood for more than half aa hour winning every bet. The dealer's pile of silver diminished as the player's increased, until the latter had cverr tlaclo." The dealer wett back to the treaturer for more mine, but by the 'Imc he had returned. the lime-covered whltewasher hsd sent another dealer to the vaults fjr the same riurpooe. tty this time the interest of all in the house was centered on the lucky player. Those who were belling made their beta on the same cards with Mm, In another hour at this rate the bank would have been ruined, and the superintendent angrily closed the remaining games. The old white washsr counted out more than $3,000 fn Mexican coin and changed It into gold and notes. As ( sauntered down the street I saw him turn aside Into an other monte-bank. Curious to see wheth er he would tmpt fortune further, I fol lowed him In. lie begin' playing again, and lost as regular! a he had won before. Losses made him frantic, and he made larger and larger bets. Within an hour 1 saw him turn sadly away, without even the pittance for which he had toiled all day under the burning tropical-sun. The passion for the game is not con fined to the Mexican alone. It is equally strong with the cow b)S, herders, team sters, and .soldier of western Tex J. New Mexico, and Arizona. I once saw nearly $6,000 paid to a camp of soldiers In Texas. Within three hours a dozen monte-dealers had nearly ever dollar of It. Most of these In turn to neighboring town and loot it at other men's games. Laws prohibit ing the gme, providing severe penalties for their vlola'lon, are enacted without avail. The monte dealer flourishes, the frontelrsman Joe his hard-earned pay and turns cheerily to another month of hardships. Tco large a part of the great In popular Intelligence has been diverted to studying the wickedness andjevll rather than the good In the world. Mot news papers devote too large a part of their space to criminal record, giving to the superficial observer the Idea that wrong doing i enormously Increasing, when the fact Is that It Is oniy more fully reorted thtn formerly. A pleasant change would be to have the better Class of newspapers devote more space to the record of what la being done to help human kind. This I no less new than the record of evil, and It Is vastly more edifying. Tba World prin'.a a syopmia. cf inte - views with leading dimocratie politicians of New Jersey on their preforsnoo f r the dsn ooralicpretidentisl nominee. Ex presideot Cleveland seems to be much more (.opclir than Gsv Hill. n-)tli 1 lies niciliod nturrpsult3 wbci. Syrup of FigH u taken ; it ia ilensttni ami refrcHlilng tr the laete, nntt act wntly jet promptly on tlm'Ki'.lneys. Itver attl llowels. cleaitscs the sys J if;ni eiiuctimiij, riwpcis colds, licnd sdifB nti'l ft'Vfits nnl cures iin'iitun) c-oimt.ptttioH. fivrun of Figs is the ml remeilj of its kind ever pro ihiefyi, plcitgitig t tho taato ai.ilnc r-j-.tfiblc tn tho omnch, pron.r;t in it" tu-tion find truly beik'ficiul in iti -fl'-clf, 'its ni my exocllctit (jualitic 'iWimonJ it to till, it i.sf'-irKhle iu 'A; ni:-. tl Lottlea Ly all letuiiug is 1 rrgsfilis. ' ' . rACTURca ci:ly nv rut . f!& SYRUP CO '1. flAl, t'- .'j vonK. t'JiSViltl. I ". p.? -t- L. ; .. .J TELEQUAPHia NEWS A Bealh AaM-rlcaa aabnl. Lonixn, June t a. Over oo destitute fsmllies have arrived Bt Southampton from Buenos Arret. Lack of wark anp scarcity of money In the Argentine Kepuhlle compstled them to leave that country. There ar many Irish among the returning emlyrtnis. 1 bey port a dutrcuini condition ol aliant at prs- vsiltng in tha republic. Large Dumpers of iorelguers who went there on promises ol hln'ily psld labor are absohilely stitrvine. The Southampton authorities pre dying all they csn to provide tna unfortunates wi:h lood and shelter. The TkrvneShstira. I.oNtON, June 11. The stotm iking arouml the Trince of Wale l fast cuininc ln- tcntiiy, and endsngering his chances of suc cession to the throne, if not the existsuce ol t'.ng'.i.h monarchy. Na class appears to be ulrre l so dcertly ssthe grsot u.iil lle cists, the real tltsnc'-h ol the country, anil hiihetto the solid prop of the niunarttiy. Kciircssntstive Catherine, of religious Uxlictof Cungrrcalion- sl, MetliCKiist, lisptut, Unilarun anj t reshy- trrinn, have aireany rrcotueu their conocin- nstion. Aa Aalher Oylag. rmsuute, I'a May I J. A letter to a friend in Heaver Fa, near hnre, sayt that Ruilysid Kipling, the novelist, It dying of consumption, that aocesses nave formed on his lanus and at intervals ha cannot soeak above a whUper. l!y order of his physkisas he was two weeks tgo sent fiom Lond-m to Italy, a here it wat hoped the climate would Be ixneiicul. A recaliar Bait, roRTLANO, June ti. The Northern Pa cific Railway Company was sued today by Minti Crsver, a sccond-chsa passenger, for injuries sustained fiom traveling in a cold car last February. . She claimed that the fires la the car were allowed to go ottiosnd the tem- pcrsture wss down io frccaioc pcint. aad from lbs cot J and sufferings endured her beslt t wss irermanently impaired and her Jilt shortened by many yta'rt, Strikers Tlrlertea. Kaikiiavkm, June ia. Tha siiike of la borers against street contractors resulted in a victory lur tha former, the latier having con ceded every demand made. The laborers re- tumrd to work this msrning, and no further trouble is anticipated. ISrath efJHTaraer. rtNULBTOT. Juos 12, J II Turner, attor ney at law, died here this morning, sped fifty five years, lie came to Oregon ia 1S06, sad wss known 'hroughout the state, being prominent democrat. A Weaaaa Mardrrer. Canvonvilli, Or June If. Mrs Mary Booth, wife cf iufield Booth, living twelve miles south of bete, yesterday satally shot Samuel L Booth, aa eld riooeer. aerd 71 Tha trouble originated in the woman burning a heap of firewood Inst Booth had collected Tbey had some words about the matter, when Mrs Booth drew a gtia oa the old ansa. II took refuge behind a door, through which the woman hred. The shot entered tha left snoutucr, coming out m iront, and waa pro nounced ia'ai oy a pnytiuaa. A deputy soenn na icii me tne scene.h A Big FUedi I Oainksvillk. Ttajuae If. The rise la the ltd river is unprecedented. At Warrens snj Sivils Lends, twenty miles northwest from here, the drat ruction is widespread. In these iwo bends there were 10,000 acre of corn, cotren and small grain cultivated by about imp Unii.ics, All these are destroyed tnoM ol I he houses swept away and a Isre number 01 cattle, noes and cbicket s dmwned Al Yellowbanks terry, Mr Burtlone was drows ed while trying Io rcsch the sho-e ia an old lenyocjt. Aa laaaaraae Degrlt Rome June II. Iepi(e what have the sir of official denials it is a fsct that an inquiry is in pogrets st the Vatican in regard Io Ibe 6nant1.1l ntaruen.e-'t of the pope's alTairs, That a dclioit in ll c Peter's pence exists unoouuteii. r.stiraates Of the shortage vary 11 om 7,000.000 to 30,000,000 francs, it raoioica mat a special spjetl it being pre pares lor a nmvtrtai incitsse m the oliertnfi oi "is i..iwnui 10 wane cp tne lots. 1 lalal ilarrlraa,. EfftA PL5TM June II. A rerrillc hurri- cane causing much dsmse, pasted over east ern iisncu. iurine i.x stotm an enure forest was rartial'.y unrooted and the towha ol PodakaTnia and Prmkwa suffered considcrsbly Several ycople were kilted outright and num bers were injured by falling debris, Ttte Blageat A ppreprtaliea SraiNcmto. Jdne 11. Toe conference comorittee of the leeittature agreed today on tn appropriation of fSoo.ON) lur the Illinois exhibit at the a orld's (air The tenste adopt ee the report and the bouse will undoubtedly adept it tomorrow. BriDcbfobt, Cat June to. A few weeks ago Poker Tom, a Walker iijer Iadian, sod denly disppeared. Suspicion at once (ell upon a Chinaman, at whose house be wsa playing cards ahea last seen. Csn dieting stories also led Ibe Indians of Tom's tribe to suspect the Mono lake Indians, snd serious trouble wat tlir-etcned. Saturday the dedy of the mur dered Iadian was round in the river, horribly mutilated. The Chinaman was taken to jail at hit-own request and afierwarda confessed He feared lynahing by the, enraged Indians more than the slow process of justice. A Terrible AeeMeal. Baker City. June lo, A most chocking accident occurred at ihe ertg of this rity this afternoon. Cail,1ie 8-year-otd son of S II Yockey. went out in the fiasture to get bis pony. Not returning as soon ss his father ex pected, be went out to look for him. Seeing ibe horse in the corner of ihe pasture ha went to him, and a mosi'glissely sight met his gaze. At Ihe end of tit rope, which -was still attach ed to the hrre, lay the lifeless body of his son, a bleeding mass of wound. The body was entirely stripped of clo'hing, suve s small fragment whrre the rope was tied around bis left em. The boy't neck and left arm were broken, and his ears were lorn lo shred'. The story wss told. I'be boy had caught the horse, and tying one en I ol Ihe rope around the animal's neck, fastened "the other to his left arm. The pony became frightened and ran away, dragging the boy through Ibe field and ssgi brush with tha above result, . j Jack the Kipper Agala. LEEDS, Eng, June 10. Bsrbaia .Water bouse, a 5-year-old daughter of a quarrymaa mysteriously disappeared Saturday. Last night the police discovered her body lying in the street close lo the lown hall. The abdo men had been ripped open, the intettiees pro- iruueo ana tne legs ami arms hsd been almost severed from Ihe body. FAIR WARNiHC. BlirrllT Beelt Does Bet sTaat the WerM, bat he Mail Have tke Bella eat Taxes. Sheriff Scott proposes to make it warm for delinquent tax payers unices ' they settle at once. The following notice has been published several weeks; but it does not work as effectively as it should: By order of the County Court I m dl rooted tofarco tho collection of all taxes standing unpaid rn the assessment rolls of this county. If such taxes are not paid immediately I shall proceed to levy rpon and Seii: he property of dellnqnenta vi inane collection. 1 mean Dtisineta. . M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Lion county Now he proposes to enforce the collec tion of nil unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasantest basinet in the world, must be done.'. Delinguenta should come to time and pay up, thereby avoiding Ipal proceeiiaiajs, as provided by the laws of Oregon. Tliis is positively the last call. Look out for the explosion of the bolt ib. - SEAL FbTaTE BALES. Meditate Vandrrpool toJmVBn durpool, 11 X of BW U seo 31, Tn vi t) in w 350 Saino to same, r2 ncn?i in boo 31 , Tp 138111 W...... ......... 100 Edwin Indie to II llrynnt, iot4 llk II, W' ltiversule d O.'.O nt w Drown and nife to Mary A , Monarvcv. 1 acre In I-ebaimn. POO II A Btui J I McCnrtiH y to liomcu A Powell, K , i L t! t)I II A McC'ttrtncy 2 RoU JoluiB toTho Ttiomna, lots 5 and 0 blk U's 2na I Alt 700 UCuslar to I'arolitio Vox, lfi.uS acre pi Tp 10,8 KSW . 1 Alliti K rarritr to J V. Cooimr, Mi of Mi H aeo 1 Tp 10 H K 4 W 140 U 8 to Thoa lny, S W M bpc 10 Tp 12 H USE 400 Dan'l Lecdy etux to A 1) Lwdy.80 arret in D L 0 of Jaa Uore . . . 3000 John 8 mi tli to Mary,,35 acre near Albany Jurxi Total ttWt iiua A TVoMilcrful hi ll The following additional particulars are given the Dcmocrat In reference to Laura Ti., daughter of Hon A Dlevlns,who died at Tangent recently, at the age of 17 year, a mot ami 3 iiavs: "L.aura was truly a woruicriui cntut, comtuntng an the wonders of "the little people," without any 01 their vices. Her height was 33M inches, wciuih at pounoa, cu nropore tloned, and her beautiful auburn hair hanging a? inches, or nearly to her shoe tops, in Ufa she seemed to be perfectly satisfied wlh what kind friends bestowed on her, and In return always had a tweet smile for every one. Iter Ufa except the last vcar was spent on tne farm 01 ner stents, 1 mno west 01 iangent. miring rr sickness with measles she manifested great quietness and uncomplaining gentle ness which was B cnaractertsttc 01 her whole life, and titer a brief period of three weeks the brittle thread of lite was broken and Laura was called to the home pre pared by the Shepherd of. Isiael, whose love never grow cold, tenderly care for the Iamb ol Ufa own blood-bought told. Prepare dear Mends to follow her." lalatUet la iaharere. It tppcara that the surveyors of the lo cation of the bridge have not received their pay. Now the question would arise why the city pays a man from Portland and does not see lliat the laborers that performed the work did not get their pay when dis charged. In the first place the bill of the engineer has been withheld from the Council for 4 meetings, and after the bill was allowed the engineer concludes to let the men that done the work wall until he gets ready to pay them . 11 It takes three months for a man to get his pat (or sur veying the location of the bridge how long will It be before they get the money for building II On the other hand If an engi neer receives $100 looks reasonable to auppose that he la able to pay the men for their work. Onb or rni Sibvbvobb. CBaaaaaBaaa4kaBaiai.aBBaaBa Basb Ball. The game Friday afternoon between the north and aoutb Bidet of First atreet, between Broadalbln and Kerry, was ono characterised by In teresting play a. a grand atand affair. It waa full of fun from the beginning. Fob towing wire the club: obtii ""bovtu Chamberlain c McAllister Itorrla, V v Mark, V Lt-imert lb , I.yon Ielnengor 3 b leutn liulia 3 b rUitnnon VVhituev ia White .Noel 1 ( Iav Itorrit, V (I Mack J I-aFortut r ( Montague Hie acore waa Srt to ID in favor of the north At the end of funr inning it wat 20 to 7. early f;re wcrke doing the business. After tliat the aouth aidea made 13 to their opponent 10. At 8 o'clock a fine retwtat was nerved by Mc UheeA White at the City Itetaurani, pronounced by all ooe ol the beet yet eerred. At Corvallie Wetlnoavlay the Lebanon's knocked out the Corvaliia nine 13 to 6 in a good game. The Fen.lli-t'jn base ball club beat the Baker Ciob 1 to 0 a few day ago. The batteries of lxh club are profeaaiunala. .-e a 1 THE (iOLOSB ttl'LC All AR. Haa a large and complete line of good, dolls, doll buggiea.'boyt' wagona, ve ocipedee and many other good a hiuh got to make np a complete aseortment, besides a complete lino of lamps of every dt-acriptior. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cageti, plush goods, such aa albums, toilet sets, aatograpli.booka, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including It ok or Bros. 1S47 silverware. We wish to call the attention erf the public in par ticular to tbe Golden Rule pri ttaking powder and tea, put uu Vxpresmy fct this trmdo, which gives tie beat of satis faction, aa is attested by the -hundreds who have nsod both the tea and baking powder ever since Introduced by tbe liolden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backinspowder draws a prize in the sbape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when is Albany, at tbe Golden Itule Basaar, as you will be sure to find what you atst, and will be shown over the store and lie treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I hare but one priee to all. J talcs (Jraowouu A ssre care for the whisky uabiti Dr Livingston's Antidote (or urnnl enoass will care sny ease of tha llqoor eabit in from tea to thirty days, (rant tha trodorale driuker to tbe drunkard. The Antidote can be given ia 1 eap of eoffes without tha knowledge ef tbe person taking U. The Antidote wiil sot injnre tba healtn in any way. Mannfaotored Ly tha Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon cr from J A Commlag, sol ageat Alkwny. 1 1S1 ' , Beliabl aad Always tba Bants. e ' Brandretn's pills are tha oldest, safest and best bl od purifier and purgative known. Tbey are purely vegetable, therefore harm less. Tbey ar always the same and always prod ooe tbe same effeot, - Other purgatives require inoreaaed doses and finally cents act ing altogether. A eooras of one ot two of Brandretn's pills taken esoh night la a posi tive 001 a for constipation, beadaohe and all bilinas disorder. If yon east take them plain get them sugar coated . The fer a wafers 'are a sure and safe tin. klndsof female troubles ar.c w'! all obstruction to the tnonw I) no matter what the cause. ,T 1 1 1 11 what every woman neca' , at iked with safety. For sale i. th. Jj'emot penoa are jt can be Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron, u sale agent, J A Camming, druggist, Bn 1. berg bxk, A Ibsnv, Oregon. A serious TalU ' McMfNNVfLLE, June io. A F Washburn bridpe csrpentei. fell fiom a bridye at Whileton, a distance 0 thirty feel, breaking both legs. If will be taken to the hospital at Port.snd. His recovery i doubtful. V e are,jnaking a big driva on It' s elopes, PasiJy -fe Smiley;. Tata Betty was at ok, we gave her Castor la. When she was a Child, she rlsd for Cassoria. When she bcoacv Miss, sbs clung so Osasorla, When She hod Children, Am jave tbetu Oontoria, JlAKKlEU. MARTIN-SMITH. On June 10, 1891, in Ildlsey, by Rev. M. M. Marling, Mr. Walter B. Martin and Mies Ora J. Smith, both of IlalHoy. ' KOKN. MACK. On Wednesday afternoon, June 10, 1S91, in Albany, to the wife of William Mack, the barber, a son. imrm The two most dangerous positions known are those of the editor ot the Arl. sonla Kicker end Umpire (or a hotly con tested bate ball game. The llarritburg paper tayt thtl Jerry Rehoollng it up here to purchase (orty head of mules. This Is not a mule pro ducing community, and Jerry wilt have to take ca ruses, 1'tlneviiie Wci, The round-ur) ot hones throughout the surrounding country hss not been sailsfac tory to horsemen. In many places but tins. 1 percent); tne wttoie were glitt ered. PrlnevUie Newt. Even policemen ate not above suspicion! Policeman 1 lenrv f'lancv was arrested In San Fianclsco, charged by John B Serbs, a waiter, with hsvlmr robbed hlin on the public street of $15 In gold. Clancy de nies the charge. whv some newstianert so-called are allowed to live illustrates the mysterious. Ptirnoseless character 01 the trait caueu human toleration. Ex. That la what each paper sayt about hit neighbor parti cularly. Human nature, you know. It It a good thing the world It full of tolera tion. An ordinance hat been Introduced In the Cliv Council and will probably be passed Saturday evening, which will keep the boyt oft the street nights In moat caaes. Under It every minor under 18 wilt have to carry a written consent of hit parentt and guartiiant.ana etniuii 11 wnen requested by the police crneer. We pause at the wonderful nature of the following Item In the Corvallls Times, What a mathematician must rule that live papert Last week the Benton Flour Mills run without a single stop (rom the time of starting until stopped for Sunday, In this time her engine made 1,044.000 revo lutlont. Think ol the wonder of ma chinery. There are tome Needy people In Marlon county, according to the census 11& The following Item In the Woedburn paper Is llmelj.i An effort Is being made by the clilxena of Needy to change the naiue to something more suggestive 01 tne oeauty, fertility ar.d prosperity of the tuiroundlng country. An Item appear In the Yale Dally News, of June 3rd, giving a listed students who received a prise for debate In Yale college. Among the names Is that of Corwiit Sheridan Shank, of Canby. Or, who resided in our city (or some time, and was book-keeper lor Flllocn Bros. Oregon bovs are a Iwsys In the lead. The Dalies TM. It I a (act that Oregon boyt who go east to school almost Invar iably rank high In their classes. This hat barn peculiarly the case with Albany young men. Sevesal year ago Walter Kirk was lost in tne uiu Mountains wmis hunting and what became of him wss never known. A few dsva lis Frank liaird. of Henanar. discovered a man's skeleton in the neigh borhood where Kirk wis last seen, and It Is thought to be Ihe remains of the missing man. The skeleton was found at the toot (a cliff with the left side of the skull badly cruthed as If while stumbling along In the snow drifts he lost his footing and leil to lits tics tn oclow. rcndleton B. U The engine that run Into the freight tiatn was Ihe Dilated it 7 that ran In'.o Lake LabUh. It Is alosa kite have been In several California accidents. In L E Llaln'a store ia a place where lone armed men have measured their reaching wwcrt. Mr W If Ksmwy head the list, with a tecora id n icet 1 1 inches. As s rale, a show that is not welt adver ttaed Is not worth attending. Capital Journal. So It Is with buslnets firms. II they can't afford la make their bu.lness known, you can't expect to deal profitably wnn litem. t'lior. It is about time the Htrwt Car com pany extended Its line to the Orphan's llome.a we are informed was promised last year. A live movement in some di rection would be greatly appreciated by Albany people. Now is the time to do something. The Salem Journal man, who Is a con noisseur fn all matters pertaining to strawberries, has learned, with a loaded heart, that some of the boxes have raised bottoms, so that they only hold about 12 ounces of berries. Here onr gardeners are ail honest ana give good weight. The Democrat has always waged war for the superiority in size and flavor of l. 1 ! ... t I k straw uerrivs raisou in irus victr ny, ana always supposed that the one which fell into a well and got caught near the too completely closing it op, was the largest on record ; but the Centralia News tells of one of really immense proportions cays that truthful paper: "Yesterday at 4 o'clock on one of the liilli east of town the rain caused a strawberry to break loose from the vine. It rolled down the hill with increaains; velocity until at the bottom it demolished two houses and broke a horse's leg." . About 9 o'clock Thursday morning wiiiie pisying carus, zacti I'arsons. Fred Reames and one, McCowen, got into a dispute, w hen one of the-latter, parties granuea uie stages anu a general row en sued. Parsons was hit by some instru ment, unknown to himself, and knocked unconscious for a time, cutting deep gashes above and below his left eye, and cutting his lip somewhat. Dr Smiley was called and sewed ud the wounds. When Parsons came to the other parties naa nown. jteamsana juccowen went to Junction, and learning at that place that they were wanted in Eugene.return ed on the afternoon train. On their ar rival they were placed nnder arrest by Policeman Witter. Eugene Guard. One exchange takes another one to task for remarking that a movement was on foot. It was thought that in liv cities a movement should be on wheels. Hon W D Fen ton has entered the firm of Bronaugh & McArthur, in Portland, the new firm name being Bronaugh, Mc Arthur, Fenton & Bronaugh, Sixteen irrigation companies have been incorporated in Umatilla county under the law passed by the last lezislatnre. Total capital stock, $1,370,000. ranuing from 1500 to 1500,000. The new associate editor of the Flor ence West signs his salutatorv "vours for 1 health." He must bo a rare bird, as most editors are in businest for wealth. Before the big flood Johnstown, Fa., had a taxable valne of $2,000,000. Now it is $9,000,000, and the flood .happened only just two years igo. Why Would it not re a srooa iaea to get up a nrst-ciapa nooa m i'enaieton r , The Springfield Gazett is dead. The Salem Btatestnan says: "A while bnck there was a sort of mania for "starting" new hewspapers In Oregon. Now they are quietly passing in their checks." Several other sheets will no doubt be heard from within a few months. James Fogarty, the great base ball player, probably the best fielder in the U. S., died two or three weeks ago and was taken to California.hia former home, He died of consumption, really from ex cessive cigarette smoking. James Whit ney, another great player,, has also just died from consumption. , - " The Democrat has recelevd a copy of Brick Roadways, a Chicago publication. According to it brick pavements are used In nearly 200 cities. It is tje cheapest cf all pavements, costing up to $s a square ysnl. In Wheeling, Weit Va.,bHck pave ments were built at a cost of $1.05 to $1,45 a square vard. A big Item with this kind o pavme it Is that ft iloes not have to be sprinkled. The ul' ;:rt is one worth attention by Alisoy I o,",; -- TBI BISTF.SB EMTKBTalSMMT. The entertainment, given by the pu pils cf 'the Flrjtcrs school, at the opera house, lust evening, was a delightful af fair, greatly appreciated by the large audience present. From the well rend ered overture, by Misses L Brenner and K. hkeiiy. to tun neauiiiui laniuati, Ja cob's Iduuler, which cloned theenter- tertulntneiit, there wns something going on to please the audience, a nice feature of theee entertainments. Miss Nora Zeyta delivered tho saluta tory, anawernd with several bonnet. Ora 'bubruillQ same "My First Music Lesson," a bright effort. "Industry Trlmctdmnt." a drama with a moral to it.and teaching a good lesson, was presented by eleven young indies. Mlna Kb rot was uroilcleiit as tho teacher. while the rival students in ncr scnooi were well carried out by Nora Zeys.who learned at sight, and;Cora Barker, who. only through study and industry could get her lessons, receiving the prize not withstanding the eraft of her cousin. Miss Annie Ash sang "The Bridge," the effect of which was greatly enhanced by the performer standing on a fine brlduo structure crosslnu: the stage. Missus F and L Brenner performed "Kose deg Alps," on the piano, display ing a fine touch and genius for girls so young. "Grandpa's Birthday," an operetta, In several acta, was presented in a nice manner, it was a pretty auair in many respects, and showed what even very little children csn do well with excellent training, Miss Ella Hulllvan performed tha nart of "Uranclna" in a snicndlu manner, and she was fortunate In having twenty such bright granacuiiuren. "The Old Woman's Complaint' was a good illustration of the troubles of oia women who have ironing, cherry pica Ing, sweeping, sewing etc, to do. 'Life Ib What You Make It.'.' was one of the cutest exercises of the evening. Miaa Ella Hullivan made a troo I. s well as a fine looking, mother. Miss M Ben' tiers did the maid part well, and Ora Lrnbrullle and Lottie Ketchum are mar vels as little children, being completely at home on tbe stage. "The Soldier's Farewell" was present ed bv a class of small students in tasty military costumes, who displayed great proficiency in txarching and drilling. Miss 0 Warner delivered tho valeJic- tory with good effect. Interspersed were a chorus, "Honor thy Father and Mother," a duet by Muses K. Hkeily and D Blumberg, a piano duet, "A Boquet of Beauties," by Misses r Brenner and O Sternberg, a piano trio. The Three Bisters." by Missed M Sprenger, T Baumgart and L fetemberg, a piano duet, a military galop, by Misses LKiefer and 0 Warner, a violin duet by Matter Oscar Baumgart and Miss M Hunter, and a chorus, "The Flight of the Birds." all presented in a manner to show the excellent musical training re ceived. cacxtiL rBBTfciBtsca. Wednesday evening. June 10th, Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner, Treasurer, and f'ouncllmen French, Tabler, Burkhsrt, Garrett and Hawkins. The following bills were ordered paid I N Hoffman. $11. o; Albany & Astoria RR,; Geo Silmson, $c; E Lamb. S3. so: W B Barr.VtJ Geo Uurkhart.'J. 1 C Dickey, tl! Robert Stwthan,$t; Ktan- ard A CutUrk, Si ; S W Reese, $3: Mat thew St Washburn, fiooo; Mason lb. Strang, f 499.50; Electric Light Co, S282 Report on each of .V) itieral sewers was made by Surveyor Barr and filed. Petition of John II Wallace and ort that owners of property aojulning Main street he aiiowed louse pit Instead ot river gravel In grading the street. Referred with power to act and secret pit gravel in all case where thought best. The Mayor wit directed to appoint a ceinmlltce to confer with a from the Albany Fat mere Co In reference to the north cna of Jackson street. Com- ml'.tec, Councllmen BurKhart, Tabler and Garrett, Ordinance Jl protiding for an amend ment to the nuisance ordinance, was read twice and laid on table unUl next meeting, Ordinance Jit providing for prevention of minors running at large without written consent of parent, read twice and laid on table until next meeting. Resolution No 9 providing tor construe tlon of certain sidewalks wat read and passed. The Street Coinmlstlonir reported great complaint on account ot cow being tied to fences and sidewalks. The Recorder was directed to notify the poundmaster to enforce me ordinance. Matter of offensive water closets at corner of BroaJ iWn and Seventh streets and on Geo S Cc's property near corner 01 1 irtt and i.yon streets was referred to committee on itreets and public property, Tbey are still talking about the I2G0. 000 fee that was lately paid to Lawyer William N Cromwell ot New York (or his service at assignee o( Decker, liowell de ix., uie bankers ana nrokers who sus pended payment during the panic in Walt street last November. Mr Crom well earned his fee in six weeks, and in that time, by the exercise ot rare busi ness judgment, patient tact and shrewd ness, he paid to the creditors 100 cents on every dollar of their claims, which amounted to about $12,000,000, and handed over a handsome surplus to the principals besides. The remarkable thing about this big fee ia that tbe peo ple who paid it to Lawyer Cromw ell think he underestimated tne value of his services, and so they have preserved him with a magnificent silver service, in token 01 tnetr gratitude I - Will Bot IIobses. Mr II Branden stein, (rom Pan Francisco, will be at Albany J tine 20th, buying horses, of the following description : bays, blacks, and grays, age, 4 to 8 years, 15 to 16 hands high ; weight, 960 to 1150 pounds. ' Must be gentle to ride nnder saddle and gen tle ty WArlr arithAnl anj n A in every particular. .Also a number ol good carriage horses, weight from 1100 to 1300, and a number of heavy dr horses. Headquarters at L Senders1 stables. rarm for Bale, I have for sale 100 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high state Si cultivation, no build ings, but has abeautful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, twe miles from Tangent, on the BPBB, Terms and price reason able. Call an d see me on becond street, opposite Dux BOB at offlco. Da. Q. W. Mastos. Change ef Business. 'Notice la hereby given that Uueller dt Garrett have aold to E J Ltnnlng their entire business, (roods, warea . tnerohan diee, book accounts, fixture, etc. Parties laueDted to aald arm will please call and settle at onoe with K J Lanning to whom all accounts are payable. All outstanding indebtedness wilt be settled by Mueller A Garrett. MTJBLLKB & OAKBK1T, KJ Lanninb Albany, May 25,1,891. ' ' A 1 ding Photographers A sajiy Oregos. We have bongbt-all tbenegativt stsad by L W Oark and W H Greenwood np to Nov loth, unpiioatea csn be bad from hem only of as at reduced lates. W hays also about 13,000 negatives made by osr selves, from whlck dnplleates oan be had at Ilk istea. We earry the oniy full lin of viewi of this stat and do enlarge d work at loweit rates for first oless work. W shall be pleased to sea yon at ocfr Stndio in Froman't bleek,aextdort Mosoni Temple. The DxtreottAT will exoaanga a sewing machine ot any make desired, except ene or two, for some osk grab wood and part oosh: or will consider other propositions by ssy ene desiring a new maoaine. It cm e tuber Fa!Iey E'miley, Pricier rd'nnni .. ; 1 . H0E AUTO ABKOAB MrtThr.t Walls. tlm' First ward hss a hand 41 ott-.i wi u l..o erysipelas, which nhjla in nsegi-r ol losing. At ththrMtiiigeintest Tuesday the high est soors ws a follows, Onto! a pnaalble twenty-hvftt A W, 19. 0 1) Usbrtel- srm, 23, J 0 firimil., Si, Mr UsbrieUwrn wesrs the lunrtU for a in'oatb. Hniem Journal. About I o'alocik on June O'.h, In the m irn- liijr, W J f'nriiJ)iHtiir cf t' Mining J tsr bai, of i;uUi. J on., i shot atul inainntly kiiltd on al'iotiina s'reot. en his way wnm. Tb spot is as twh-trp-Kuted oue, and there wo no one near at test tun. I he shot wat heard h some one ho, running to th tt, stunibel over the ied biuiy. A msu s form was snon running away, uttoo oil for pursuit. A MinsioiiT FiRC.-About 15 minute after ti o'clock this mcrr.lng, the fire be'.t ranar out as if (or business. Tbe old br'jom (actory on Lyon street, between Third and Fourth, was on fire. When the engines reached the place ihe building was S nitss 01 Humes, water was sarted tn racing time, the department doing as oromnl and quick work a was ' t. I.. .... l a, I,. I,, fir- The fiamcs wet e extinguished, leaving the frame work of fhe old structurs standing. The building contained tome furniture belonging to U J Dillon, left over when he closed his buslne here, only ,pait ot which wat consumed, three heavy streams keeping the fisttict wen in the rear and in the second story. The furniture wat moved into the building about three weeks ago, and wat Insured In the Con necticut Insurance Co, W K McPherson, agent, on May 27th. for IU7. on furni ture stock, an J $25 on furniture toots. The building wss owned by Dr M II Ellis and waa not Insured. It was an old structure, and wss not worth very much, perhaps $scat. The fite wes undoubtedly Incendiary. A tna. who pas4d the building at 10:30 w'clrwk heard a suspic ious noie inside the bullying but thought nothing of ' It, Night wa'.chman Jones passed the building from his midnight lunch about 12 o'clock, but noticed noth ing out of the way. fbioat. Oregon had 140 newspstxr wbon last ngared up. A state farmers alliance is to bt orgaoizsd at Portland, on July 8. Tba Willamette Valley arrived at Va enina Bay at C:3I) last eteoiag. Lett Sunday the Seio Has Ball club beat tbe Mebama olub i to 17, 120,000 of Eugene City's bonds were sold tor A K Star at 6 per osnt interest at par value. Th game ot ball Let ween the Soda nsea aad White W Inga waa la prngreta aa w went to press. A Eager firm adsertiaea 21 dog ads ef sagar for f 1 00 and IS pounds of rtoe (or $1.00. Evidently a bait, as present price do net justify suab bargains Under th new medical law jaat twe er tibcetea have been Piled with County Clerk Payne. Th brat Dr K U Hyde, of Hoio. aad lb second by Lr 1 W Usury or Ualsey. Lest Wednesday a balloon man started to inflate bis balloon to give aa esbibitioa and paraebnta jump. 2 having been subscrib ed; bat in soma way th balloon eaogbton fir and Taa eoUre y Soto. All pspsrs in Ssntisao have been anp pressed except its two government organs, while only on paper allowed in Valpa raiso. A poor place ftr newspaper, except yoo are in it It Is reported tint buyers are etTuring 23 cents t tr bops to be raised the coming fa- ton. Hop raiTS ehuo'.d 00 toir on gambling. The arratieroent ia on sided an way, for many bop htsyere would back oat if hep went down. Commetioemeet eterciae ef the Aartcol- tural college, at Corvallit, legin nst Son- day, lies eUratton will Uvr the bco.i snrrate sermon. Prof Thos Condon will deliver tbe address. Tho commpneement exercise wilt take r.'soe at 2 o'dorJi on Wednssuay, Mr Henry Ebrrt, lite ef Allan?, who bought the Dalies bskerr, has eiiangtd th asm of that inaktution to the Phoenix Bekerv, and baa been thorouchly eleaning ep and lepairing the lace, lie will prob ably put his fl.-st worr out tomorrowDal las Ubtervtr, This evaning oceurs th closiog party of Mr H J flopkias' dsociog school One(th fostmras tf tha e veiling will be the Otfoid minnetts danced by the ch It is one of lbs most popular dances ot ths day. Th elaaa extend aa invitation to all their friends to Pome and have a good time. unarm marsn aV clock. There was a targe attendance at tba fan- ersl of His Alii Sohlosaer this afternoon. many desiring io psy a deserved tribute to on wbosa hfe bsd been pore and spotu Dr Irvin preached the sermon and T J Overman, James Callanam. D J Dobmille. M Sendera, Merrill Phillip and Walbw Farker acted aa pall bearer. A Small Collikios, When the over land arrived at Albany this morning two or three hours late, th. freight train was on the main track, with the caboose op posite the baggage room. The engineer of the overland did cot discover its pres ence until after passing the water tank, when lie reversed the engine ; but the air brakes refused to come to time in good shape, and the train crashed into tbe freight at a moderate rate ot speed, fast enoogb, though, to shake the pas sengers lip and throw some of them over the seat in front ot them. Tne caboose was elevated at an angle of about 45 de- frees, and the two next cars derailed, he engine of the overland had its cow catcher twisted somewhat. The fireman jumped from the engine and escaped un injured. The engineer, who remained at ins posT.,aiso escaped. t.veryboOy escaped. l ite Oamago was not very eer- ions, and in less than an hour Uie over land had left the depot. su rcanay. 1- Ruggles Oriental cirons exhibiud ia ITsrr risbarg yesterdsy. ' Ladies and children's gold ear rings for 80jts, at the Corner Jewelry Store. Tbs members of F Co ar drilling twice a weak in pmps-stlon for th annual encamp ment at Eugene. Dr W II Davis filed his certirteate from tbe State Medical Board, being' No. 3 tiled with tb Scanty Clark. ' T L Jones, M E presiding elder, is reap ing a rich harvest of tools in a revival at xainax agency, Klamath county. Recently h baptised 100 Indiana Ashland oord. Aa exempt Fireman's pin, N 121, wss lost, prcbabiy en tb has ball grou u d. Ths nnder will confer a great favor and be suita bly rewarded by returning th same to 0 II Mueller. rilPFC "aehf Colds, InBusms, BrortehlMt, uUril-U Hoarsenett, Whooping Cough, Croup, bora Throat, Asthma, and fcvery affection of the Threat. Luna mid Chett. inclu.lma rrMi.,im.H.H Speedy and ixnnaneut. Genuine tanned " j, BatU," Conrad Mever. -PROPKltSTflt OF STAR BAKERY 'Cower Eroadalljiii and First Sts., , --DEALER IN- tuned FrntU, tasBtvre, Ha Frait. an gar , Co&ee, " Etc,, Canned Sf eate, Qneenaware, Fegetablea, Cisara, Sp'.ett, ... . . Tea, Ete., eery thing that la kept la. rd "vand grocery ore, ' Highest. -i t va rV't p . 1 If your eves trouble yoa go to f M rnDa i auu oaya tnern tntu mv hi meuua a . I I . . t - . 1 . . , . . i J I. 1AHUH.a ' pstsnt ays meter, snd g t glsssrs that fit yon properly. (Jlasset from 23 cents to $10. Fsr.-rs fell th Dbmocsat that the re - cetiteool rsin had a finer fleet on spring whnat, and brighter vristieota were never enjoyed by them. High prints are bound to prevail aeonming- to prefit judications. Mr ft A Cranes', of Fort ITlamsth.hroscht in his wool this week sad sold it to th Aah laml wooinn milts, 1097,40 from a 'oa of only 400 bead Ashland iidtngt. Mr Jnny Nanin, reentlr of CorvalHt. has piirnhaaert the Orsnts Pass Conrinr. Mr Nnnan is an old friend of O W Wriuht.Eiri.. of ti tat ci' , ni,d is well spoken cf a a eews- psr man. , - Al Htiilln slrer of ibis ci't bitohed s' horse to a oart yesterday and was driviiig en Lyun street when a dog ran out from a resi dence near by and bit his horse oa th nse causing him to inn away, breaking tip the esrt and bruining op tbs borse eonsiderablj. A fow days ago a party of men loft Gales for Ihe pornoae of searching for the feniJus of Thomas Tucker who was lost last a inter in the mountains aoutb of that plaoe. Tbe I O () F lodge, of La Cmss,Wftbint'a,of wbieh be was a tnemtar. sent a party to sa litt in the sesroh, aal seenriag the servioea of VV T Clark ss a gnid they atarUl out and attf r several days of hardebip in tbe mountsius they telarned fidding no tine R,"f? !""'' '! a liullalc Dawson, dntFgftts. Fla groceries at Conn & lirnilricson's. Fresh tegtab!e!na berries ever (inort)- ingiirowneii s. Best assr-rtment of teat io town l.t C E nrowcon s. A lice lin f crockery ware Sit Couo & Ifeodricsoii's. Good vnntt at! and sua 'lighted baib roo ns at Yurcok's. Sbavicir. 13 cents, at Viereck'a ? shoo Close j on JSunds) s. Dtii.k delioiutt ice eold aoda water at C E BrowneU'a. A larg stsort-nent of gardes seeds 00 aleatCE Biownell't. E W Achlann & Co arelaeliing mouurotnts at fotttan4.prtoe. Gldn opportanilies ar wasted every dsy by not trading with U B tirowoell. A new lin of window thsdee" from 60 cents to ft CO each complete, at Setnael E Toangs. - . . Jat received a fia iivoioe of barber's supplies direct fra Philadelphia, by L Vietsek. At th co ner of B road al bin aadllat street von will Cod V r. lirowosll alwaya tbe lead ia ths grocery kosinees. For bargaiaa la monamenta, headstone to.,goto E W AchiaonA Co, Albany,Oregon Freak bread, cakes, pies, ete., every day at tb Delmonioo restaurant. Lesv year orders. Keep it ia your mind that Allen Bros pro is keeping tb kind of groceries the public Biands. Tbsir stock is a fioe en. At Vierttk's shaving and hajrealtiog psr tors, ladiaa and chUuisu's bair catting a specialty. See W F Read'a line of dress gocdaj and silks before baying eUewher. M attache -lying den on short ootio with tb renowned German instantaneous dye, at lereok s. One half dollar redaction on every pair al Ludlow's Co shoes. A good line f I tbeaa at3 E Toangs. ONION SEED tirswa Fratst Heleetesl Bs.las Early Re4.. kit Wetberafie'AM ,fr SI V - " 1 SO . " 1 - t Vellav lianvera, While Punojal. tn e.4DBarlnc pri naa peaea reeaaaaeer UmS above a-Maiioba tnc.aUt i'jettoa. ale Oar ReasI ss Tslttl. erieapoiiaeitos snueitad. TRUMBULL - & - BSEBE nrrcMivs, eaowasa ass saautae m Seed?, Trees, Mil uni Plants, Si (Mil. Baaaaae Bveael re. JSFV eatiea IDis aaeer. WANTKO, A PtWITiOrt.-Bytbenn. deraigned,to look after the bual nes of a store or warehouse, hs-vtng many past years experience at encb labor I reel aaxiafied tbat I oan tfvt general estlsfactlon at very moderate wage. HsFxaxacBs Any of tbe first settlers in atid around Albany. MILTON BZACIX. City Restaurant. ILtvu)g lieea entirely remodeled, this old and pnpular restaursnt will b mad first iasa a very respect. Tb poblkj will bt given good meals at all boar for only 20 sent. Ever) thing neat and attraoUve, Private bo is. 0 tiers In every style. FOSKAY & MASON, VVSLBLSM ABB BjnralS Druggists and Booksellers. Agei.U for John B. Alden'a piiblicailooa, bkh we Bfill at PMbllahee's priee with etagrestA.tV , r ALBANY. OKCVOX , t500 Howard ! WBm pay tbeabev r art for anj- eaae of l-e 'Mnr-ialtit. Djrapepaia, Slrt Meeaaene. hla-ttoe. Co li-OK. -tr CWiTeaeu we eannot eure wit Were .trouble LlT.rPIIU.whea tbe .rtvaaereariilr -otpUrd wltk. ThrreMtMMeljr,VMae.a4ae-er all to stre aatlcTaetloa. Sugar foated. Lanre boxea, -nte. "" St reaSt. Beware of eounterteits efi1 1 ea reaaaramarwa -aiy ar esaous tt wmcaTAJir,cjiiu40o,iu-. A Baa slag, ABt I r.. lT.. t.-,. P.VSl.Aln'w l fie llviiicii isii.jr,ciui,Tj tawiuaii Itsoeieatita. Bees ee aaei aeA fee sals s rail Ma at B4viea tar Jweiaeraaae waiaa-a, maaeine Beeea, awi-a, Bt, snltable tor evetT Baa 4 sneaet gpeeaaes Wart. SWhltstM , The UNION SIGNAL, " k BaMt teau-waaes aM Utereiw aaaer Ib tb eaaasnr. k ea aaa aBWa se Sewtsaeat bn valaakis Baner. FaiOt-et SSpee jrear ia aeraaet. Its eaaserjelays ars aaaeag She beet am hi beta bewlaaterea. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, aataaer far T.nag FeetJe, eaeeeellen toe let pa The YOU NO CRUSADER, tn CSttlarea. BeaS far aaaipU.' Bible BeaalafS, aeeeoeaiT aeaelaas, lab.. I Teatperaaee kaeeoae, rregraaaa rer Say aaa Ottoer Belerbtiaaaeata, BeeM (leatl far Cataleraes s4 Tanas, seal sll ereoie, te V'-wBn-e TBMraRAitca rsaueauiB abwui- I An5. 11 U Bah Street, bieage, 10. ALBANY NURSERIES Tf, 7 K II ATE ON HAND at otsr nursery IV on the Corral Us road, one-half nMe 'from town, aa fine a lot of fruit rtAa of all kinds as ean be found say rliere on the eoaet. If you eantemnjat slanting trees it will pay yoo to sea our leek sad get ear price. Catalogue ft. MTUAM BROWNBLL. City Heat Market. mmi BJOSa, Propriston. loep a fall lin of fflsats of all kla Ja a eeol plaee, eotnplstaly pr Utd: aad alwaya freab. HELPS, Job Printer, lst.St... Albany ASWIHSSTEATCrSKSTICE. TkJOTICK 18 HEBEBY GIVES TO ALL CREDI J3l tort and peruana in the estate ol WiiSiaro ( onn, deceased, that on ths Sri day of Juua. losit. I jSied Bf tiafl auciiiiMt in aa,ul matter In the fxmntr court lJrtn county, Omron. ami that urt ti.i ee tt.s d ti i v of J ii -, n '.a!, . ha ?n. of H.i itHVRi iha tuna fu : i? ' tllu,1 of it . tl ta-ce "A - - nt HOT How does ho fee!? lie feels blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed-in-the-wool, eternal blue, and bo makes everybody feci tbe same way August Flower the Hornedy. How does he feel? He feels headtcbe, generally dull aad con stant, but sometimes excruciating August Flower the Remedy. . HOwaooanoToeri' ne Iceis a violent hiccougbing or jumping of the stomacn alter a meal, raising bitter-tasting matter or what he has eaten or drunk August Flower the Remedy. How does ho feel? lie feels tbe gradual decay of vital power ; be uels miserable, meiancnoiy, hopeless, and lon?s for death and peace August Flower tho Rom- eay. How does he feel ? lie feels so full afler eating a meal tbat be can hardly walk August Flower the Remedy. 0 G. G. CREE.V, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, Kew Jersey, C. 3. A. WEAtnEBrottD, AStoraey at Uw. Will praetiie la all eourU of the nest vilua aioea, ioany, uregoa. U. BILYEtT. AUotnay at Law toi BoUeitar ia Chaaeery. CoUee ttona Blade a all aeata. Loame aegeuaVul (ar- eraMe teraas. Albany, Oregea. G EO. T. WRIGHT, attorney at Lew,aa K entry Poblie. Will practice la an eeentaettoiss'ate aad in tbe United fclate eoorte isrOregoa. strBort -Frunt rooms over Batik ef Oregea, Albany, Oga. H. C. ITATIO. Attemey at Law. am eel In tha fltranaa block apetairs. AiMoy, Oregon. D.B- If. BLACItni'IiS. AttoneyatLaw. W".H poetise laa'l th courtaof Orepin, autept the eoonty eotu-s ef Linn er-atity. AJ btsatne will receive prompt eltentiaa. o 111 eel wee reuowa- lenvu, aiuaii., ur. JV TfHITSfE T, Attorray at Law, aai Orecea. MoUry Public. Albany JB. J. L. IIILL, Fnreielkn snj 8,l-rro. OPTICS -Ccnxr K.-at an Ferry etreets. Aibeay, Ongoa. 0 C. O. sVATSOX ntSTOJT, Fbralaiaa aid flurrun. n-.-5-!iV. la tataut eCos, Albany, Oreijo. D" IT. H, DA !), Fbyneiaa and Soretoa. OrF.CE Cpatitr ia she Btnhaa b'o ; bt-r be fatwd at hi. eSoe ear or abt. AJ baa, Ortwee. D B. O. A. WIIlTffET, Phreleaa ani garri an. OraJoateef Be!Jeue Ued twl colee. Mew I City. Iheaaeee of women a speetalsy. omCaV-Frantaa b!ee. Albany, Oregon VfTVv. fe. V STEEL PEBS . 1SSa?rl I"ens :i!Troit parrems, ... S- M fe- I f. arte I Kii,.,-, Lot. sent post-paid ja receipt of iti i E: jasl FERRY & td .Icrcj. CaTeats, and Trsfle-St arks oMsIned. ami all Pat eat bnaineas condnetud for Moeerste Fees. Our Otic ia Opsetits U. S. Parent Office. aneweeatiMmre patent la less time than thos remote from Waahinrton. bend model, drawls s; or phntow, with dearrin Hon. We advise, lf tentahle or not, free ot chares. Onr fee not r oe till patent ia tecum.. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent," wita Bamea of actual elicntx htyourStato, county, or town, seat free. Adores, C.A.SUOW&CO. Orpoalts Pattst CltcsufYishLnotca. D. C. K::iaiB:;B::B::ia:::;E:" gjj THS CEISBXAIED . . . ,;ta "A SMITH & WESSON voi.y Ths Flastt Small Aras Eter stanyfacturas H FJ llni inliiiMi'aa nil i " ' i v HitcnAtl, E t l..tQKOtt Itv EXCELLt Jfip el U W0RKM4NSHIP sntj m C0iWENlEI.CE In -j i-umuiku an aAt-feiT. ". i- si " vi tneap iron imitation. I i O Send forllkistratcd CsW-eiio and Pries list ota y SMITH A WESSON, i f? . A-A.VGf fiZI, MASS S3 EiS'1" .wsBiitir"S3, gj E rj ! ,j Fortmiliet fit lm ner 5' f. ; -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dona ScientU tcally. flLBAai CQLLE5JA1E I5STIIUIE 1800,1801- Wrst Terns Opened Septet toer tett. littM. A full corps of ins motors, CLASw!C.'L SC'LiTIm'! LlTti.'.r.Y fliiiiiirn.l f i.iri v.. .1. I V . . . . VJ. fr.n r.i.l J a-;; i rr srl 'k'.I S ' " i . g i I . s. f n't" bit low er S . A pasopblet of HtformaMoe and - f J s. , tractor uie tawa.bou. llw lti V, 01 tela Parents, t'aeeaia. TraUe .- V AaSeae ISUHM A. CO.' & 3BI Breeslwey. C 4 w 2jsy H El re laS-teS rt