The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 19, 1891, Image 3

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    Slic Dmkm.
,..JUNH 10 1891
looaIj m;coni.
Cuook Coi'kty. On Monday of last
week loy namr-d Stone, 15 yertra o! aire.
ft brother of it 11 Stone, was drugged to by ft liorae Bt Siimmor late.
t i; bcxton, or inuur, who took some
liorncs to tha valley to aril, bas returned
ana buj-s there are ten tiorsoa to one buy
er, and borsos are cheaper in the valley
than they are hero.
If every sheep raiser In the county bad
bad as Rood Biuret's lambing this rpting
as did John Circle, the number of ehecu
vouM have been mote than doubled.
He 1 ad CO ewes and raised C."4 lambs.
Mr. and Mrs. SAD Porter, who wore
traveling from tho south toward l'rino
ville, were caught in the recent storm at
liutton Springs, where Mrs I'ortergave
birth to a child. ' There being no medi
cal aid in reach the child died, and Mrs.
Torter, who baa been removed to Silver
lake, is in a precarious condition.
John Circla camo down from Beaver
Thursday. Ho fays the weather clerk
changed" the order of thine Fomcwbat
on tha Uad of Heaver but Monday, In
ctend of a water spout they bad a snow
flotit. A cloud burst occurred !!ifw mi
uiai ute anil ne.iriy a loot or snow lull i
in.ti.hior Im'f an lumr. Mr. Tirol v.
tho snow fL-t! in almoi t a a.'ili.l nn.l i
white It wa i falling o completely filled
th air that sue could not dixlinulsh
objects Pity feet aiay, Ochoca Review,
Iryisb Call Wki:iixu. Ycdueslay
forenoon, June 17th, ISl'l, at the Prvsby
terian church, in Aliytny, by U.v. S. O
Irvine, D. IX, assisted by Rev K R Prich
1 W J V f T -.
am, f.iaj. j. it. irvino ana svat i.tnma
A. hall both oi Albany.
The erooni id one of tho risinir at tornevi
of the valley, is a prominent National
Guard man and is rant Grand Chancel
lor of the K. of r. of Oregon, while the
bride is the accomplished and well known
milliner. The happy couple have the
le8t wishes of many friends in Albany.
The wedding was a private one, only rel
atives and a few intimate friends being
prcaent. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine left on the
O. P. train for McMinnville, which they
will make their future borne.
Base Ball. A lire game of bate bill
m played Saturday evening between the
L. M-R S' and the C B II TV Vs. the
nines playing as given in Saturday's
Democrat, Marshal and Rennle consti
tuting the battery for the former, and
iVelch and Chamberlain for the latter.
The L M R 5' lead from the le ginning,
though the gap was gradually decreased
towards tbe eod ot the game. Ihe score
was ao to i6. In order to understand the
awful situation of an umpire, the local
editor of the Democrat performed the
ceremonies for the occasion, and pent this
item himself with both hands. The score
by Inning was as follows:
L. M. R. 8 S 4 3 1 4 0 0 1 t 0
C.B.U. W. Y 1I0I11II -m
The Youn f Willamette were beaten at
Lebanon Saturday, by a score of 27 to 3
They declare that it was due to the Leba-;
non boys unfairly playing some old Wil
lamette, and to the Uccilon of the um
pire. The Democrat l requested by the
lawyetsof Albany to say that they will
play the court house gang afier cl.-cuit
court convenes, for $500 a side, and not a
cent kts, and they are requested to "put
up or snut up.
The Salem beat the Chcisawas, Satur
day, 11 to 6.
Block 3. known a the Stewart & Sox
block, are making arrangement to chal
lenge all the other blocks and ball players
generally ot Albany, regardless of location
it be'ng understood that Larimore shall be
in the box.
The III Mi Tho Wallace, of the
First Ward, who ha been confined to her
home with a severe cat of bone erysipelas
fcr a week, Sunday had cne of hci fing
er amputated, Dr Hill performing the
Re T J Wilson I 111 with pneumonia,
having bean confined to hi bed about a
Mr W T Hearst is In bed with the la
grippe. Mr Jas F Hall is confined to l is home
with the fever.
Naw Mimso Claims. Tbe following
mining claims have been filed with the
county clerk :
The False Prophet Ledt;e. Ca!a,vxia
mining district. Located by the CaU
pooia 6c Blue River Mining & Milling
Co, claim filed June 1 1.
Bunker Hill. Ca!rwKia mining dis
trict. Located on June 2 by (rant
I'hegley. Claim filed Jnne 11.
Pikca Peak. Blue river mining dis
trict. Located on June 9, by. James
1'bcgley. Claim filed Juno 11.
Ohio. Santiam mining lilrict. Lo
cated on Jnno 1, by D W Ruubangb;'
about 2 miles southeast of the White
Bull. Cairn filed June,12.
Fight with am Antelope. Thi week
a W II Frazler and J C Abbott were com
ing in from their ranches In the easttrn
part of the county, they saw a band ol an
telope near Juniper Butte, and Mr Fra
sler fired on them, having only one cart
ridge in hi gun. He broke one leg, and
the animal allowed hi.n to approach with
in a few feet ot It when it turned on him
and made fight. It got one horn fastened
in Mr Frazler' clothe and wa proving
too wiry an opponent for him, when Mr
Abbott and a boy who wa with them
came to his relief and ended the animal'
life. The antelope was worrying Mr Fra
aler considerably, and he .think that It
would have got the better of him had the
battle continued single handed. As it was,
the battle only cost him a pair of pants
which the antelope entirely demolished.
Ochoco Review.
KiLLao ar Tate Cars. Mr Jo Misner
residing across the river in Benton county,
received . a despatch this morning from
Pullman, Wash., that hi son-ln-iaw John
Adam had been killed by the car. Mr
Adam wa in the employ of the railroad
company. The particulars were not given.
Mrs Adiroi left with the body this morn
ing, and will probably be In A! to
morrow evening. Mi Adam was hbout
40 year of age, and wa a man of 'eady
reiuDie naoit. ue leave a wue and two
A Serious Runawy Latt Fsturd-iv
Mr F M Rhlnehart and W E Crawford,
of Shedd, were coming to Albany in a dog
cart,hauled by a very young and wild colt,
The colt proved too much for the couple
and became unmanageably running away
and throwing the occupanU out, Mr
Crawford wa not Injured at all; but Mr
Rhinehart wa knocked senseless and con
siderably bruised, It being some time be
fore he wa brought to. He wa taken
home, where he Is slowly recovering from
the ettecls of the accident.
Pendleton's Citt ExrENB.-From the
record of claims prepared by Recorder
Lash for May, it is learned that tbe reg
ular city expennea for the month were as
follows: Oeneral fund, $707.74: water
luna.iiiu.m ; police department.288.80;
fire department. $211.1)5; street depart
ment. n.MV; liehts.ttMO: total.tlOH.-
24 This does not include the expense
of preparing the new ceinetery,$235.l.
A Good Selection. Prof DVB Reid
formerly of the Albany public schools
and recently book-keeper ol the Oregon
Land Co., has been elected principal of
the Eugene public schools at a salary of
siduu a year. 1'roi Jieid is one ot fl
bent and most thorough educators in the
state and that city is fortunate in secur
ing lna services.
Around tub Horn. ---Stewart Ac Sox
.have just received a car load of
Ing around Cape Horn, being the rirst load
received around Jhe Horn by Albany deal
ers. They were brought to San Francisco
In a sailing vessel, and thence to Alban
by rail.
KIUK-BI.AKt'.. On Wednesday eve.
nS.i '. June 17. tSoi, at the residence of M
A I );! ', la Albany, by Rev K R
i '1 ! iiiu .!. M r Hon Kirk arul Mt Alic
:,:!,.', ti,, of Albany' popular and
. Following ia the docket for the circuit
court, which convenes in this city next
Monday; ; '
Osrgon vs James Bannon; Burglary.
Oregon vs Caleb Gray; Selling liquor
without license.
Oregon vs K F Rogers; Discrimination
In freight rates.
Oregon vs E P Rogers ; Discrimination
In freight rates.
Oregon vs D M Hastings; (tailing liif
uor wiiuoiit iicente.
Oregon vs D M Hastings; selling llr-
uor witnout license.
1 J Porter et al vi John C Elder et al :
Thomas Jefferson vs 11 R Montgomery ;
B Dlttonliofler vs Perry Smith To re
cover money.
Toplits Co vs Mary Cougill ; To re
cover money.
C F Cronwell ct al vs 1 Keener et al :
(leo J Braner vs Mary Cougill ; To re
cover money.
Mooney. Valentino & Co vs Mary
Cougill ; To recover money.
The Albany Farmers' Co vs 8 8 Mo
Faddon ; To recover money.
C U llickok vs J 8 Antonelle ; To re
cover money.
Wiicl Cunter vs Margaret Custer; Di
. " ? ' " oun
TO .. .11...- 1 . e..!
ln e'i'''
(liven vs Uivcn ; Divorce
IVyoe A Robsott vs C O Stalil ; To re
cover money,
D F Lituinger et al vs Geo Rowell ; In
junction. Muriah A Rawaon vs Chas J Stewart;
o recover money.
Alignment ot Karl Race.
IVvoe A Rohacn vs D F Litsinger and
i c 1 arsons; 10 recover money.
Deyoo A Robeon vs William Reeves ;
10 recover money.
John Diamond vs Margaret Fiudley ;
Capital National Bank vs W F Crosby ;
m recover money.
AT and F N Gilbert vs P Blevins; To
recover money.
W II Ooltra vs Win Sharp and Elmer
Morris ; To recover money.
Assignment of Blackburn A Peronl.
II R Briggs vs Caroline M Briggs;
Assignment of R C Warner.
F II Williamson vo II J Sower: To 're
cover money.
J F Ilendrex vs Henry Boggs; To re
cover money.
A I Houston vs Martha Houston: Ac
tion to clear title.
Jennie Standiah va Nathan BSLondinb:
N Mills vs J C Lyons et al; Eject
ment. '
E T T Fisher vs John Schmeer and
Pauline L Schmeer; Foreclosure.
Stafford A Grav vs S II McF.lmurrv:
To recover money.
T P Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith A
Runkle; To recover money.
KoeniEsbenrer. Faik A Co vs J Groaa :
To recover money.
The American Mortgage Co, of Scot
land, (limited) vs F. Iwin Wilcox, trus
tee, et al ; Foreclosure.
W II Johnson vs Edward Johnson etal :
To recover money.
Goldsmith A Runkle vs The Farmers
A Merchants Ins Co and 24 other like
case, brought by eastern men and firms,
uereioiore penuing.
Ia F Powell vs Maud Powell. I) Van
Horn and SO Van Horn. Partition of
Bridge & Beach Mfir Co v Smith &
Sender. To recover money.
I C Boycr v Smith & Sender. To re
cover money.
Ja McHargue r J E McFeron. To re
cover mor.ev.
Assignment of E Becker.
Almlra Miller v Schooling & McDan-
L To recover money.
J B Stetson vs Smith A Sender. To e .
cover money.
Will Link vs Jacob Miller and Ella
Miller. Appeal from justice court.
T J Black vWra Hunter. To recover
Albany Iron Works vs Harold Bros To
recover money.
L B Trcer et al v lna BTycer et al.
Slna Cummin v Frank Cummin.
Dittenhocfer, Has Co v (J W Push
and Eltfa i'ugh Foreclosure.
Otto Fox vs John Maxwell. To recover
EE Mil!er v R N Morris and A B
Morris. To recover money.
Assignment of G W Smith.
Uoneyman, Dellart Si Co v S E Beck
er. To recover money.
Matthew Washburn vsTHennets
nd America Ellen Ilerness. To recover
Stewart Sc Sox ra T A Beard To re
cover money.
Iva Templetoii v Linn county. Action
for damage.
A M TeTnpleton v Ja B Ceeney and
S D Keeney. To recover money.
Honey man, Dellart & Co vs E Henne
et al. To recover money.
E L Bryan v 8 P R R Co. Action for
II Bryant, administrator of E B Iiuche
et al, vi JB Keeney et al. To recover
Albany A Astoria R R Co vs Flenness
Bro. To recover of money.
Davis Bra vs OT McDowell. Tore'
cover money.
Davis Bros vs Henry Ackerman. -To
recover money. ,
Mary Wood vs Frank Wood. To recov
er money.
David Metzger vs Otto Serfllng. Dam
P W Smith v Samuel F Waldo et al.
Ida Driver v Ja W Driver. Divorce.
iee sing vs at v uoud. To recover
money. t.
Andrew T Noble, executor, vs S W
Moore and MaryJS Moore. Foreclosure of
Cha II Dodd v Wm St Tohn and
Cynthia A St John. Action for necessa
Mahals F Turner vs I Thompson &
Son. To recover money. '
Thomas Jefferson v WG McDonald.
To recover rroney.
Alice McNeil vs John S McNeil. Di
Assignment of T L Henncs.
A E Currie v S P R R Co. Appeal
irem justice court.
Wm Rllea vs R R Humphrey and C B
Montague. 10 recover money.
J F McKlnney, executor, vs Emllr Mc
Kinney.admlnlstratrlx. To recover money
A J Houston v James A Crabtree.
Leave to If sue execution.
Sugar Pine Door Lumber Co vs L B
Knox et al. foreclosure of lien
Andrew Kan & Co vs Kwong Woo Kee
to recover money.
T J McClary, assignee cf L T Henne,
v Lon Conser James Collins and M Scott.
10 recover money.
John A Crawford vs N B Fry. To re
cover money.
Pauline Hegele v John Schmeer. To
recover money.
Yuen Fong v Kwong Woo Kee Co
To recover money.
Lelghtun Knox v Adam Sisemore. To
recover money.
j rut amun v x L.ratt. To recover
money. '. ,
Assignment of Kwong Woo Kee Co,
Frank Spalinger y D C Pennlnger,
10 recover money.
N B Conn and J B Conn vs L A and
N W Woodle. Foreclosure.
Rfceivrd $2000. T J Stltes.Recorder
cf Gaiety lxdge ftaJABU W, received
t'xiuy a warrant in favor of Mrs Len
K "r,, v.!fe of Lazarus Kline, decensed.f
: 1 .-r 1 . ... '.-. ,,-V hv r, Rm of ,
f tntePli-)lt thl noon for the
.Mem mine. '
Cocr ,
Major V elt lrtt tlil noon for Ha'
tey on a business ttlp.
Mis Amelia Sender I home from a
visit with Portland friend.
Mr, u P Coshow mumed thl noon
from a visit to her parent In Salem.
Mis Jennie Malln.of Portland, I In the
city, the guest of Hon L M Moi.tanye.
Mr. Thos Kay, manager of the Salem
woolen mill, wa In the city today.
Mr Looney left for Tillamook county
today, in the Interest ot E W AchUott,
the marble man,
E J O'Conner ha returned from liar
rlsburg, where he ha been surveying for
mat city new water uitcn
Mr Slg 11 Slndheim, wife and daughter,
are in the city, the guest 01 Mr Sinu
helm' sister, Mrs II (Sower.
Mr Burr Sloan Is home from a several
week sojourn In Monmouth, where ho
ha been bulKllnjr a residence for a clttxen
of tb city.
Geo 0 Blakely, of The Dalle, for morly
of Brownsville, once n aiplrant for coun-
trcteikkhip honors, was in the city to
day ,
Geo E Morrow, representing the Chica
go 1 lines, Is In the city, and arrangement
are made for ijo line of writeup
In that well-known paper.
Sj -
Mr. r M Smith, of Santlnm, wa In tbe
city today. Mr. .Smith I having a hand
some residence built on hi place by Mr.
toslab FoWter, of Sclo, who I atd to hive
ullt a many farm residence a any car
penter in tne county
Prof F M Mitchell, row wear a hand.
some leather badge just manufactured by
It Ewert for the Mascot Gunclub. It wa
the booby badge awarded at the recent
monthly shoot for tho poorest score.
L B Moore recently S. P agent at Hal-
sey, ha succeeded Mr Jo. Furdom a
agent at Oregon City. Mr PurJom now
being chief ot police of that city,
Dr Matton returned Saturday evening
from a trip to Portland. White thero be
saw conductor Conser on he streets with
both ot hi leg, neither of which ho will
Jason Wheeler and wife leave tomorrow
tor Portland, to attend the pioneer re
union. After thl Mr Wheeler will take
an extended trip on the Sound, visiting
Tacoma, Seattle and other point.
Eugene Larimore, on Saturday,! ecelved
the contract lor painting the new paper
mill at Lebanon, and left today fox that
city to make arrangements for beginning
work. Thl I a big job and It will Uke
Ave or six week to complete It.
The Democrat t Informed that tho
Burn brother have been tendered a po
sition In Albany, and will come to thl
city tomorrow to reside part ot their time,
while securing their !im in thl county,
near Mill City.
MrChtuncey M Lock wood. Western
Union operator, ot Salem wa In the city
thl morning on bicycle ride to Eugene,
where ho will spend commencement. He
left Salem at 4 o'clock, and arrived here
at 8:35. The road are a little muddy tor
very rapid traveling.
Dr S A Smith, who ha been In Utah
for some time past looking after some
mlr.e there owned by himself and Dr.
Geary, returned home last Saturday. He
I well pleased with the pro peels, and,
judging from the specimen brought with
dm, he has a good mine. ilalsej News.
U R Moore, manager of The News
paper, of Farmlngton, Wash , ha been In
the city the guest of his cousin, Mr Cha
Miller. He h also been visiting with his
uncle Hon I D Miller, of Miller and rel
ative in other part of the county.
A pleasant social gathering wa held at
the residence of Mr, J B Davl, In Syra
cuse precinct, Saturday evening. Came
and dancing wete Indulged ln to the en
joyment of all present. Among other
present were Mr. and Mr, r bpall.iger,
Misses Frona Newman, Calla and Sadie
Spalinger, Alice Lewis, Meun I Con
ner. u Cox. U Bpaiinocr and a t-onar.
Mr. F J Miller and family were in tho
eity yesterday.
Mr Jas Wvatt Is in tho city, tho eueat
of kit brother, J R Wyatt. after having
maoe trip to ienver, Col.
Mrs. D O Woodwfjrth. of Ellensburv.
arrived in Albany last evening on visit
witn iter parents. Mr. ana Mrs. Ant.
Marshall, and many friends here. She
was accompanied by Miss Lomallenton.
who haa been visiting friends in Ellent-
ourg, several weeks.
Mr Geo Pi"er. of Seattle, wm in the
city today, and went to Salem this noon,
to ree liis brother Ted married to Miss
eona Willis, tomorrow. Tho happy
couple, immediately on marriage, will
go to uray'i uaroor, their future borne.
President E N Condit. Richmond
Wheeler and J R Whitney went to Eu
gene today to attend the commence
ment of the state university. Mr Whit
ney is down on the Alumni program.
Tim f aafstm rj I V. la fiilw mm TW TtAvtn
of Portland, both Southern Pacific sur
geons, have made arrangements to Uke
their vacation this year by taking a
steamer voyage to Japan, and will sail
some time during July, from Victoria,
B. C.
Mr and Mr J M Ralston came up from
Portland last evening.
W C Davie returnei last evening front
trip to Portland.
Mr Robert Huston went to Corvallis
thi noon to be present at the commence-
ment ol the Agricultural College.
Miss Abble Wright leaves today via
teamer Willamette Valley, for Callttoga,
California, on a visit to her Uter,
John Isom. Sr. Cha. Pfelffer and Jefl
Isom left this forenoon on a hunting and
fishing expedUlo.1 Upper Soda going in
a prairie schooner.
Nlsht Watchman C O Leo was taken ill
last evening, with Indication of scarlet
fever, with which some of hi family have
been afflicted during the past week ortwo.
Editor Johnon, of tne tjorvaiua Timet,
and fcjherin Macaey passed tnrougn Al
bany today for the Portland race, and
Editor Hofcr, of Salem, went through Al
bany today for Corvallis.
Hon. Tho. Cautbern ia very low at hi
home in thl city and there is but tittle
hope ot hi recovery. Hi friend have
been expecting to hear the wont every
moment Corvallis Time.
C C Cherry, of Tacoma, passed up the
road to Eugene thl noon, where Mrs
Cherry and son preceded him several days.
Miss Adair, a sister ot Mrs Cherry, it one
of the graduates tomorrow from the State
Dr Gwvnne' family at the Presbyterian
manse were gladdened today by the arri
val ot two daughter who nave Just grao
uated from Iowa college, ihe young
ladle will be welcome ln caiem society
Mai. Tho. B Handburr. in ;harza of
the U 8 engineer of the North West, wa
In the city thl morning on a trip up and
down the Willamette on one of the river
steamer. He examined the Calapoola
treet location for a bridge (elected by the
committee, and pronounced it a gooc one
for a high bridge, which he it 1 in favor of
when possible to build.
. raraa for Bale.
I have for sale 160 acres of the finest
farming land in the state. All In a
hlrfi state of cultivation, no build
ings, but has a beauttui bunuing loca
tion. Eight miles from Albany, two
miles from Tangent, on the 8PR R.
Terms and price reason able. Call an 4
see me on Second street, opposite Dau
ecu at office. Da. O. W? Mastoh.
Keep out of Debt. A farmer in Al
bany today, when he came to the valley,
nearly broke, from Illinois, a year or
two ago, says that his plan has always
been to keep out of debt at all events.
Now he is getting considerable ahead by
attention to business, and it is only a
question of time when he will be in first
class circumstances.
Tha Nulmiem & Astoria K B. has kn in.
ioi !-.rntt.L This r'lad i to run from Hi'.la.
, Hiatus
In the matter ot educational facilities
Albany rank high. Uur.sehool are good
one, and deserve the best support of ou
Young people are obtaining consldera
ble satisfaction In making "not enough"
out ot tho word enough, It I done by
transposing the letter so that they read,
linn V
The next meeting of the Northwest
Firemen' Association witl be held In
Victoria, II C, September ay, 38 and g.
That I a long trip to make; $3000 in
prise will no doubt uke several team
thete. 1 he tournament Is becoming more
Washington than Oregon.
The Sllverton Appeal claim that a tour
legged chick wa hatched near that place,
but It did not live. That I almost equal
to tho two legged calf lit Woodburn, only
the latter lives -.-Salem Journal. He Is
fortunate In bavins considerable romnanv
In Marlon county. ,
The Albany rarer are now klcklna at
the prices good are sold tor In Eugene,
ii Ainany and Salem people want chesp
and first-clans good, thev can buv them
of our merchant. Guard. This Is fle.
Die remark wai made that it at pounds of
granulated sugar was sold there for ft, It
is a bait, at Albany merchant buy a
cheap and freight Is lower. There
I no kicking to It. It Is (Imply a matter
01 interesting new.
An Astoria panertavt'; A prominent
Union Pacific oiBctal. recently questluned
regarding 1 allrcad intentions of his com
pany a regard Astoria, sslJ: '-We have
no present appropriation lor that purpose;
our preernt plan do not embrace building
to Astoria, but, If any other road starts to
build down to you, you may be sure that
the U P will get there first."
A feature ot Euitane'a celebration will
be the pioneers with an ox team. Hon
John Whiteaker, attired in pioneer cos
tumeoveralls, brottan shoes, chocked
shirt, straw hat and yarn suspendeis
haa been selected to drive the three yoke
of oxen engaged for the occasion.
Tho Portland Welcomewhich baa one
of the bent theatrical critics in the N W
aays: ''The Eugene Guard isrlght,Mia
Carrington it a very tine singer. Nothlmr
ever satisfies Salem except local talent
and church entertainment, and nothing
over brings oat the crowd but an engine
eanirt, a, balloon aacension.or aouiethiug
of that inexpensive kind."
I II Tamer, the weli-known lawver. of
Pendleton, who died recentlv.once resid
ed In this county. SaytthoEU: "ln
1S63 he removed to W ashington conn ty,
Oregon, and In 1860 went to Italia, Polk
county, where) ho remained until 1M7
and then removed to Linn county, thir
teen miles from Albany. Ho studied
law under ex-Chief Justice Tha vr. and
completed his studies at Corvallis, under
iton it s Mrahan.prcsent chief justice of
the Oregon supreme court. In tho fall
ot 1H68 ho removed to a small village in
'oik county then called Dixie. He came
hero in 18.0.
Father Henrv Armstrong, who waaborn
Jan 1, 1S02, and became an Odd Fellow
at Uenesee, ri Y, in lK31,and ia undoubt
edly tho otdeet member of tills order in
America. 11 not in tho world, this moru
ing received an invitation to attend thl
next regular meeting of Woodburn lodge.
Formal resolutions were adopted, a com
nut tee appointed to wait upon the veter
an, and a check for f 10 endorsed to pay
hlaexpenae. The Woodburn Odd Fel-
wt entertain lather Armatromr luna
17th. Halcm Journal.
Yesterday waa a great dav for consoli
dated Portland. The entire consolidated
ticket waa elected, by majoritiee ranging
op to 3000, and Portland will bo in the
bands of her friends during the coming
year. Tho new officer are as follow,
tltt their politic: W n Mason (Kep).
Mayor; William T Muir(Dem). City At
torney; Charles II Carey (R), Police
Judge; WT Branch (!U, Auditor: James
r lower (l), Assessor; Itouglaa Taylor
(D), Street Superintendent : A Andemon
(R), Overseer street department; TM
Hurlburt (R), Surveyor; Frank Logan
Aij.rouce commissioner; M U Hayward,
l), Jriro commissioner. Councilroen
I rrank Wataon. (U). II B Nicholas. fin.
Fourth Ward; Peter Hobkirk, R), Ku-
gni Shelby, li). Fifth Wanl; John
Mvere, (D). William Iient, (R), fixth
Ward: W 11 MerrlckiD).!! ilan.en.fR.i
Seventh Ward;
Tiiia mornintr ten tramps and prison
ers were at workling rock and break
ing them to improve rjatm e reeta- These
meo are undur good discipline and per
forming useful work. Statesman.
The Corvallis Tim ea eeta off the fol
lowing joke on a newspaper man: "Col
Van C'feve, of tho Toledo Post, took in
tho colt show in tbit city Inst Saturday.
no it looking as young and frisky at
ever." . - -
Geo Marsh, tho abscondlmr President
of Uie Keystone National Bank of Phi a-
delphla, Penn., for whom f 1000 reward is
offered, la being teen in different parts of
tbe U S. Marsh is 45 yean of aire. 8 ft
10, weight about UK) pounds, has brown
moustache and hair, good teeth, and a
banged up base ball finger in middle ot
right hand.
Yesterdav afternoon st. Ttnllaa TT1
BJckenato and Frank Mairers came very
near capturing a live wild deer which
they chased into town from the timbered
bins near town, aayt tho Palem states
man. Tbe gentle doe ran into a yard in
the west part ot town and they thought
they would surely capture it there, but
beloro ther could collect the r wits the
affrighted animal jumped .the fence and
disappeared down tho road, making its
safe escape into tho country and the
A special meeting of the city council
was held Saturday evewW. In the ab
sence of Mayor Coan Councilman Burk-
bart wa elected mayor pro tern.
Ordinance 323 providing for the new
ewer system wa read three time and
The following bill were ordered paid ;
w Kitchen, bullcllne sewer, private and
public, $1307.03, Jsmes Hasler, $7.00
utto lay lor, $6,005 K Landet, $7 POj W
K. Clevenger, $7.00; G W Hughe, $8,75.
Fast TaotTiiio Last week at Tacoma,
rncemont trotted a mne in 3:26. Delai.
the oldest ton of Oneco, of thl county ,wa
note and nose -arith him in the heat, and
it wa claimed by many thould have had
the neat. 1 hough, not getting the record
ne maae tne time an the same. Trice.
mont I a full brother of Onect and Mult
tiomah of thl county. Altao, another fine
Altamont horse, won two heat in the
tame race. Delco will Hot In the Portland
race on Satutday,
A Lecture. Dr Stratton, of Portland,
a most eloquent lecturer, and whom Al
bany people had the pleasure of hearing
some time ago, will deliver a lecture at
the ME Churcb Mondav eveninc. Tuna
22nd. Subject, "Our Timet and Their
Needs." The citizens of Albany are cor
dially invited to attend this lecture. No
admission will be charged but a collec
tion taken.
Ice Cream Sociable. On Friday
evening of this week McPherson Post G
A R and McPherson Relief Corps will
gave an Ice cream sociable at the GAR
hall. Everybody Invited, and a good time
anticipated. Admission, including ice
eream and ctV, 1 5 cents.
Get a Bicvcl. The New Mail Is one
ef the finest bicycles manufactured. It
has no superior. Ohlltig & Wilson, with
8tewari & Sox are agents, where these
-Bicycles may be seen. .
Lahe OxroD Ties I have a very
atg9 stock of these poods, in qtialitif s rang
in price from 81.23 to ft 00 a pair. Thny
'" "' 'ir ; tvi:ry pair srrarttad.
V Jnnolfith, W01.
A new hridgo has rrcontly been built
acroMS Muddy at tho corner of tho
Thompson farm.
After a winter's sojourn with relatives
at bis old home In Michigan, Mr John
Young returned last Tuesday to this
hpitdiborhond, and will probably mil
uregon in notne mine tut lire.
. I . 1.. il . I ! T -
A aei lea of meetings la an noun end for
this week at tho llarger school bouse bv
liuv iiiiur.
Mr WU1 Hro ha Kane to asui! In brln.
ing a drive of Ioks front the McKunxia in
uouurg in in.
Dr Rice Holt la ex doc ted homm
on a
visit in tho near future.
Mr Jasper Purdy and Mist Motile Mor
row were married in htiueno luna 3t
and were tendered a reception that even
ing at the residence ol tils mother. Ouit
a number of young people- were present
aim a nice iiincn wa served, a lie newly
married couple have U'uun bousukeetWnir
J K Jones spent a portion of last week
in Kugene.
Several of our neighbors attended tha
pioneer reunion at Brownsville, and re
port nn enjoyable time In epite of tho
fievon 01 eight families wererenreaent.
fd by one or more of its member in Ku
gene last week, they beinir summoned to
appear as wltneases in a lawsuit.
Mis Noll'io Klieer istnakliiitan exlind.
ed vlhit at Hon John Long's.
Mies Orna Vaughn hat returned homo
from school ot Huluiu.
A atibecriptlon paper is being circulat
ed here to build a Cumberland l'resbyte
rian church at Coburg.
George Vondran.fyrtnerly a resident of
tho Boundary ,but now of Downs 8tatlon,
was here Saturday, having returned for
hla binder that he luft here last fall.
Mr ami Mr R A Ratnpy and Miss
Rampv, of ilarribtirg,wore visiting near
ties oini yekisruay.
John Howe, ot tho firm of Howe A
Ric. of Kugene, was in this vicinity one
day lut week trying to engage wool for
the Knlem woolen mills.
MrDiuwIddie wa quite tick with la
grippe last week, but la belter now. Ho
has concluded to give up farming and
will move to tho vicinity ot Halaoy this
week to live with hi relatives.tbe family
ot tho late James Wilton.
Mrt Clara Ktnmt ttfrom near Indepen
dence, ia visiting her parent and frienda
in thi vicinity.
Bsovr astute
Juno 13th, 1891.
Captain Jas Blakelv ot this tlac I
dangerously sick with little hope of hit
Mrs C II Cable Is quite sick.
Urtd Billy Hunter la 111.
alto tho Infant ton of Jot Sawyer.
Mr Leo and young Washburn, accom
panied by tome young ladies of junction
City, were in town on Saturday.
Prof L L Say and wife returned from
Pennsylvania to this place and will make
tho webfoot state their homo In tho fu
ture. Mr Hay will build a dwelling in
the Galbrallh addition toon.
Charles Howe hat moved into hit new
CH a v
Edttvti :
Tho O P R R eeeint to bo Albany's
great hobby. Why, for other towns all
through the valley have made great
ttridet and are stiil moving without any
OPP.ll. There are things which should
make a move. Ono it now in progreae,
that it, fixing our street ard sidewalks,
and another would help a great deal, is
our bridge. Also tho Albany Street R R
Co have a franchise worth considerable;
why not get a move on them, their
franchise for a line on tho county roads
wilt toon expire. I believe by making a
move in tome direction will not only
benefit tho company but bo a great con
venience to the cltixena living from the
center of town, and by to doing tho bust
neat ol any city can bo kept more central
than otherwise, what wo want la to gel
ready, a this fall will surely bo a good
one, at the crops and all the farmer bat
win be abundant and there will M good
pricti, which will bring better timet. A
move now in the advance will surely not all things muet have a start, why
not commence where most needed, turn
at extending the street car line toGol-
tra's addition, also ono To tne east end 01
town and another to the west end. I
think if all concerned would make known
their willingness toamist the company
they would bo willing to meet them. fk
other to come in and do for us what vir
tually belongs to ut first. L.
A haliaae.
Alsa!v, Or., June lClh, 1831.
To the 'Una Ball Plater or Alrakt :
The following nine from Stewart &
Box's Block hereby challenge you for a
friendly gamo of bam ball to be played on
Albany grounds, on Friday eveningjuno
1 0th. 1 $91, the game to be called promptly
at 4 o'clock p m. No postponement un
less raining: tThamueriain, Hioogeu,
Larimore, Lyon, Sower, Watts, Ed liut
ton. Van Wilson, Robt Huaton. With
Fred Nutting at Umpire.
It It understood In tbe foregoing chal
lenge that Larimore occupies the pitch
er's boxand that all men of the oppoaiag
club have resided in Albany todays next
preceding tho date ol tbit challenge.
K LABtxoiti, capt.
The following club hereby accepte tho
challenge published above : A Marshall,
Wagers, Kennie, Ureckenridge.r u Mar
shall, Leimert, Washburne. Young and
Smiley. jack smucr, vapu
Craage Ilea.
Tangent grange held a called meeting
on June 11th. There was a good attend
ance and we had aji interesting meeting.
The fiftit and second detrreet were con
ferred upon a class of two, and much
other business done.
The final report of tho committee ap
pointed to purchase an organ was receiv
ed, and the committee discharged. The
orean was du rebated of Will & Link, and
it one ot the Newman Bros. make. It it
a fine instrument and of excellent tone.
The grange is moving right along,
eaininir strength by adding new mem
bers. We can always make our meetings
interesting by bringing up question of
interest to the larmers.
At the regular meeting on tbe fourth
Saturday in June, wo will confer the
third and fourth degrees upon a class of
six. Meeting is set for 1 o'clock. All
members invited to attend. S,
Brownsville's Celebration. The
committee on 4th of July at Brownsville,
have, gotten up' a good program, which
consists of the following : Ch aplaln, Rev
CSoerry, of Brownsville. Keader, U
Coshow, of Albany. Orator, Hon.
Beekman, of 1'ortiand. frizes, amount-
Intr to some $72, will be given, at follow
f at man' race, aoo pounu ano upwaro
$5; foot race, 100 yds, ist $7 50, and fa so;
bicycle race, '4 mile, ttt $15, and $5; fin
est equipped lady and ' horse, 1st $10, and
S; most gracetut may naer, 1st $7 50,
2nd SC. 3rd fa so; lining on scales. 13 so
laziest man on the grounds, 50 lb sack of
flour. The plug uglie and the greased
pig will be there. The grove exercise
will end with a grand tournament, uranu
ball in the evening.
New Cakpbts. A R Mcllwaln has
one of the largest and nest selected lines
of carpets In the cliy, embracing all new
patterns and designs, and as he has mad
a great reduction in price it will be to the
advantage of caipet - buyer to t all and
tisect his stoc, and pricer before pur
haslng. , ' . i
Wa'stm). A place to do housework in
a family. Inquire at this- office,
In tub Spriho. A fine line of Blaster
jackets for spring wear, in many designs,
jnfit received ty G W Himpeon.
Also a hi'' '5 stock of the popular giilf-
ISgtMrt of n k LMreUojg Power.
B & L A Friday veuiiig.
Jim WatfII and partner hv made an
assignment lor tn beai.ot 01 ereditor.
YWrUy aftarnoon tha Stewatt nice
bust tbe TbomneoB oil in a oe tid4 aam
01 to 7.
TibktU to and from Yaanioa Bar are now
sold oa th Oresoa Paeilioat ioaision rate
en very day of th weak. .
Rails are new laid oa tbe Oiesoalaa rail-
road o Hut iiiofield. and vUrdav tk first
ngin steanisd ibte that eity on that road.
The rv Ibst Jack Pnin. inlurnt 1-v
th fall at Mr Hd'taa's hoa-n. th Dawa-
rsiT is gun tn repnr wm eufoumled Mr
ropyin t doing srsli.
Th Court Hoe has ball nine aeeet tha
rhslUnp of the eity fthr for a gstn ot
tM ball and will play thm tomorrow yn
ing at 4 o'.ilock. 15 on hsnd.
Mr J M lUsslsr. of Ltomb. todsv.
(nrca in dwit onto wtin a Dae last
yr nnah io a gooit stst of preservation.
To puhlioatioa of th Democrat will be
. ...
Tli folloa in arathe aradaatea eth.
liUrarv dnpartttnt of tb HUU Uaivarsityi
V.ln K Adair and Linoa k Holt. Eoii
8 KtaUvis,IIartlknr(( J Clarsoc Tssxi
Ull. Th eradaatiaa exareiana ocour
asat Tkarsday.
Fi iday i py day fur tbe Sioslaw rsitrsad.
ays lb Uaard. Tbi eompaoy'a py mil
this moots will aatonat to over flO.OOt,
vary owl of vrbicb will br dutribotod In
Lao county.
Oa Friday. Mr Job KUlioa. whaliva
nine mil eastnf 8sln, while eadeaverina
to cstcb a hnrso ia bi ptatara, wa klc-kad
oy to oerso in tn iowe par of tb abdo
mo, from th(VoU of whisk badiad Lut
evening at 10 o'clock Jotiraal .
The Lino Conaty Farmora AHlaiiaa ksv
MbMt4 Stewart & floi, of this eity, from
wnom w parcbseo far a maeblowry, br4 -war,
oto., and wo are iaforwMMt that tb
La oosaty JliMo msmbars will alo-d4
with tbam. aad many from Marion oooaty .
Oa Joly Otk a moo tbi v MblioAttmi will h
bgaa ia Portlaad davoud to taa IbsotmU
of bortioulUir aod fUtriooltar. It will bo
oadar tb editorial maoafaoat of Prof E B
Lake, ol tb State AgriMltoral Collego.
Tb name will bo Frail and Flower, and
D n StMrao will be pabiUasr tad proprietor.
Tb trobtieg brd lUHloo A I wood Broeso
wLl ttaod for Mrvioo al Tritao Broa. otablso,
aUbaay, 8aUrdyo a aid lartbor stotlee.
Ladioo aa4 ebildrM't gold oar rugs l
Wot a, at too Caer Jwlry Store.
Mr StabblefiolJ, of saalora Ore goo, is ia
tb city w'th somo fSoo Bono. Partkt
isbing to boy good aor should so him.
Joitg PipM will dIir tbe addr U
lor tb g4ta of th law school of tb
auivmitvof Oiogoo, ia Villard ball, Thurs
day afuraooa at t o'clock Eageo Goard.
Last eveoiog at a woetiog of tb snmbrs
of lb Alemni i.f tb Albaoy DolleglaU Io
atitat. Mr It F Merrill wa l.ud pttA'
dent, aad Mias I!tti J Miller, secretary,
for tb ooAttiog )ar.
L Sendr, tk Albaoy horso dalr, ia
bar tsdsy aoowdiug to bio aaeoooonot
buying burse. A lrg number bv bea
broogbt in from tbe ooootry far b.s tapc
tion. Eago Ooard.
A local beard of tbe Pact Go State Saving,
Loan A Building Association waa or-iiisd
ia tt Lioa ooonty oatiooal bank last v
oing. with J LCowaa, prasiJeot, S 8 Train,
vie president, 8 N Stele, ortary, and
Jadco Black borat a 'attorney , A loan of
$1200 was sead. '
Lowoo, who applied for a pooitioa on tb
oinb, I 00 w piteblog fur tk I tod I too
o'ob ia lb timrntmaot being plrttd botwoea
that eity, Wsll Wall. U Grand sod Ba
ku City. H i proving himsalf a good
mao, and ae a raU Podlton io ia the
load, bavieg woa 4 gam aad lost aoo.
Kllsalieth Bond to Jameo Bond et
ai, 100 acres, tec ,tp 12, 8R'
8 w 2320
C Baker et ox to James Cox, lot
8, bl 4, K's 3rd A, Lebanon. . 300
O Long et ux Jo D w Hardcn.10
acres in tn 12. li R2w 300
O W H' heeler etux to 90 Long.10
arret In tp 12, R R 8 w 600
T II Wallace et ux to K E Davit.
lota 1,2, 8, 4, bit, MAC A,
Albany...... 8Gb
uhn Morgan et ux to P M Cary,S0
acres, ace 16. to 13. 8 R2w... 30
W O Huston to John Huston, 100
acres tn teca 28 and s&.lp 14, S
RSw.. ,000
R Kothinger et ux tn R W Moro-
head, 20 acret in D L C ot Wm
M Picket! a 400
P M Carey to A P Blackburn, 20
acret sec 10, tp 13. 8 Kg w... 100
W J Stephens tol M Phillpott,20.5
acres in sec z, tp 10.H k 4 w.... . 60
W Faulkner et ux to J L Hill.100
acret in DLC of Jeremiah
Drigga 1000
B Cougill to M E Coo trill, parcel
inbl 111. He A.Albanv...... 800
Lucy A Woodle and but to Rose
Miller, lota 3, 4, bl Wo
RivewideA 10
Total for year. .
Harriehurg Land Co'f plat filed.
Th favorable imnression Drodaood on tb
nrt pparaaoe or tn agrbi liquid trait
rmdv 8yrop of Fig, a few voar ago baa
ba mors tbaa ood tinned dv tb pint
eapaHaoe of all who have nsad it. sod th
stseaM or tb proprUtor and manaUotorer s
ibo Ui Fig sy rap tJompsoy.
Have Xoa a Wife and ten children;
have you any children ; aro you an old
bachelor 7 Whatever you are you can not
do better than by buying your groceries,
produce and baked goods 01 Parker is roe.
Vou want to save money and at tho
tamo time set good groceries, then call
on them. You will get Brst-clast treat
ment and first-class goods Their baked
goods are made in an experienced man'
ner, and include a large variety 01 eat
Sockd Annex. It pays to get- the
best: oven Shakespeare admitted hat,
In this connection it may be remarked
that W it Urabam haa lust received an
elegant line of suitings for the spring and
summer, never surpassed in an Albany
market. They are the best to be ob
tained, at an inspection will show, and
Mr Graham ia prepared to make them
up in the latest style with a skill his
long experience haa enabled him to be
master ot. , .
Noticx. All person Indebted to EC
Searl will please call and settle at once,
a all account must be closed b the aoth,
and oblige EC Skaxls.
ANDERSON. On Tuae 14, 1891, In
Albaoy, to the wife of Mr George Ander
son a son.
He must be a pretty goad boy, because,
though residing just aero the street from
tho Democrat office the ntwt wat not
learned until today.
LlJ J Jll
. .-"5
- - Gov't Report, Aug. 17, t&lp
E4IM by AHwy W, C. T, 17
The mcmbtrahist .f fl.- Woman's
Christian Tomperamo Union in th
United Htates, for WW, an khumn by the
treasurer's rcnort. wa Ub.T27. ia ad-
dltion there wcro 14,1)70 honorarict;
20,212 members of the Youna Woman
Christian Tetnpcrnnco Union, nnd Ki-V
440 children In the Loyal Temperance
Legions, utaling a total of 320,11!).
The first petition for Prohibition in
Ibis country came from I'aiaconawar.
chief of the PeriHcooka, who lived on the
Meriimno. Ho wat a spacious ruler,
and seeing the demoralising effect of
Irink upon his 3000 braves. bcHonuhtthe
English government not to sell them
fire-water. In loan n English "truck
ing house" was openwl among the Pen
acooks, and the "drunken Indian" be
came so numerous that a delegation of
chiefs journeyed to Fincataqua to enter
their broU:et in nerson aunimit tho sale
of spirituous liquors to their triU.
Down south, since the nntlonal con
vention, even the birds have taken uo
the song, "The halootm uiunt go." A par
rot on a veran ia near Hie churcii wbere
the children rehearsed thir "Marching
Hongs," for the convention, caught the
patriotic refrain, and aliil aina to nasa-
ertby, "Haloons, aaloona, saloons must
too.' W CTU Bulletin.
The evangelists. Messrs. Crittcnton
and Carpenter, have been conducting re
vival aerviccs in Oakland, the btt few
weeks, with marked success. About 160
have .been converted, many reformed
men among tbe nuw ber. The WCTU
hat co-operated in these meetings, help
ing thereby to aanist in throwing around
these men an influence which will enable
them to stand firm.
San Francisco cannot be said to be
awake to the evils of intemperance, hut
her ey lid are trembling, and by and
bv she will be around, fur the dvnamiLn
of truth ia being placed under ber. The
pjutw cummimiun lias reiuaea 10 license
certain low divct for the tale of liquor,
and ther had to close up. Home tried
to def r the authorities and sell without
a license, but were arretted and fined.
OaxcoN Weather Bureau. Central
Orrica, Portland, Orcoom. Crop
vTeathkr Bulletin No. 14, for the
Weax Ekdino SaTuaoAV, Jlke 13,
(Thl bulletin I based on reports of 147
In western Oregon the temperature ha
averaged c degree a day below the aver
age during the week. Tbe weather ha)
been partly cloudy, or cloudy with utile
sunshine. General rain have fallen since
Wednesday, amounting from one half to
one and a half inches . I n Jackson county
a heavy down pour occurred on the loth.
Light frost occurred in several counties
on the 8th and oih, especially in Washing,
ton, about Cotneliu, and in Douglas,
about Cole valley.
Tho weather conditions were unfavor
able to haying, to cherries and straw terrle.
The froktbaiely nipped lender vegetation.
Garden hare been gieatlv improved by
the ratn. Fall wheat hat lodged In
place, but on tbe whole never presented
better prospects for a large k!l. Spring
wheat has been greatly improved by the
weather condition and premise an un
usually large crop. Warmer weather and
ucshtne would be of great benefit. Hops
are growing well. There i a small white
worm doing tome damage to the root ot
corn in Yamhill county. A lew aayt
tuashlne will ripen the chcrilcs. Beriic
of all kinds promise to be plentiful.
Thougn tho weather during Uie week has
been unusual, col clondy and wet, yet the
crop prospect bare been Improved, save
hy, and entire western Oregon is atsured
of good crops.
In eastern OteAon the weather ha been
cool, with little sunshine, and general
light shower have prevailed. In sections
here were heavy downpour, lenerany
called cloud-bursts, one especially near
Vancle In Urr.aMKa county on the lath.
Die rain w a ot great benefit to the grow-
ng crop. Ilmly rains have further no
proved the eplcnltd prospect. The hot
wind of Slav IK burnt considerable wheat,
but the rains have done far more benefit
than the hot winds did damage
B. S. Paour.
Observer, U. 8. Signal Service.
Saclablo at Taoseas.
The sociable given by Tangent grange
on Friday, June iath,wa a grand success.
Preparation were made to accommodate
a good sited audience, and at the hour ap
pointed the house wa well hiied. exer
cise commenced with a song by the choir,
followed by music by the o.xhestra, com
posed ot r M thajp, violin, 11 Jackson,
banjo, td William, cornet, v.n wc.oon,
tambourlne.wi hWL Sharp at the organ.
A program of considerable length had
been prepared. R L Smith read an ad
dress ot welcome,, recitation or ucna
Bridgefarmer, Maggie McMeekcn, G W
Klethe. Xelia Scott, Oilte and Elbert
Thompson, were listened to with much
interest and were recited with much credit
to themselves. A solo bv Charles and
Katie Howard, with Mist Bryan at the
organ, wa excellent; also a oio oy ca
William and irlxie morgan was nne. a
comic sonsr wa tune by Ed V illlams,
which ahowed he had considerable literary
talent. After the program wa exhausted
the sale cf the ladle basket took place
they numbering 39. J I Beard wa auc
tioneer, and every one Knows ne is eooa
at that kind ot business. He created an
immense amount of fun, and made good
ale. The price of baskets run from 50
cents to S: total for the whole lot.t53.60.
Evervthtntr naweaou ntceiv ana an were
well pleased. Good order wat maintained
throughout theeVenlnc, and the bidding
on the baskets was spirited, as some of
the boys hated to let the other fellow get
hi girl' basket. One had to give up and
let another take hi weetheart.but he uc
ceedtd In making a purchise afterward
and had a eood looking partner, if it wat
not hit first choice.' A cake wa voted to
the best looking lady present, Miss Maude
Beard being the winner. The pie was
captured by Mr J J the homeliest
man, but 1 thin mat was a misiaae.
Many othen claimed that honor.and were
exDectln? to sret the pie: but alas we are subject to disappointment
The sociable wa a grand success socially
a well a otherwise. n
Notice. From this time on I will sell
all m v cent' furnishing at greatly reduced
rate, tuch as 75c neckties for oc. $1.50
underwear for $1 per suit. $3 underwear
for 8 J.J? ner suit. $6 slia thirts for $4.75
each. $4.50 black silk shirt for $3.50
each, ar.d everything in the same propor
tion. The remainder of my dry goods
going for 50c on the dollar. Shoes at re
duced rates, lo reduce stock before re
moval. EC Searls,
June 3rd, 1891. Iilumberg Block.
Kaw SrBmo Goons, I kcepa fnll line of
spring and summer dress goods, io wash
fabrics, print, gmc,hms, eeruckers, etn.
I bavo alto a new line of summer plaids, be
tide other novelties in bifjea and all wool
tritiog. ' Samubl E Youse.
fl B A
iSU i al t
. '- .7 t. &
Da Yon Fail Mm Mi?
Without being Intarcetcd. There will la for
tho Month of June, a Genuine
Lijit Weiilt Clolli Smmncr Goads, Hats,
to, aslallMof
Wearing Apparel Now in My Store.
ft Leate Clelir
We are the People
"Who carry thi most complete line of Hard
ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market.
-AifestBj, Org;oai.
W F READ, rreldr. JO WRIT3MAS. Secretary.
J L COWAN, Treaurr. Geo F SIMPSON, View President.
J L Cowan, GooFS!mpaon, tVFBead,
Jlxn eaibertord, K S Straoan. J O vvrltaman.
ao BisntiCT A0C5it ro
Cakland Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cat. Trailer, CLlcago. lib.
American. Philadelphia, Pa, Phoenix, London, Kngland,
Norwich Uclon, London, Erg Ixindon .t Lanchaeblro,
London, Eng. (Juirdian, London, Ecg Man
choeter, Manchester England. C!cdonan,
Kdibnrg. Scotland. ?oobar, . -
" Now Y -.r;'",',.;
:F. L. KENTON,:-
-Dealer in-
Near the Post OlBce,
JlMul y yillllLnS'in't
What io
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for InCiiits
and Children. .It contains neither Opium, Morphine no?
other Narcotio substance It is a harmless substitute
for Paregroric, Drops, "SootSiinff Sjrups, ond Castor CiL
It i Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' us 3 ty
Slilllons of Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and
feverishneS3. Castoria prcTcnts vomltinjj Sour Card,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and fiatuleucy.
Cast6ri nssiuillates the food, regulates tho stomach;
and bowels, givinjj healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria ia tho Children's Panacea t'ae Blothar's Prlcud.
" Castnria I an cxcvIImus modlcino for efctl
4ren. Mothers have repeatedly toid e f It
good eCtect upon their okildren."
' Vsu Q. C. Ohoos,
Lowell, Uae.
" Castoria is the bei-t wruejy for cliil Jren f
which I am acquainted. I hope tha day is not
far distant when mother wflloonaider tho real
Interest of thtsif children, and uss Castoria in
. lc(! of the various quact cosirums which ar
aeslrfytng their loved oaes, by foretog opiaia,
BiorjyhinB, sothing syrup and othr hurtful
aifCEta down their throats, thereby sunaias
tua to prmeaturo graTSs." .
. Pe. J. F. IiscriRLoe,
Ooavaf, Ark:'
Tt) Csatsar Coastaay, TT
and Wail Tailor.
Br L Foley, M Sternberg, 3 W Earnest.
Albany, Oregor
ou want tne best
most durable furui
that ia marmfaptma.
La u eu in tne city go-to
3 I
" Cast aria is so wvll adaptvd to c!:H Jrtn
I rsaonLaacuI it scsuoriortoaa? prosor.fcsa
kaowa t ma."
U. A. Akcttka, K. l,
: 111 . Oxford St., Urooklf a. T.
... "Oar phTsioiaa ia Oa vuil.!ra s!t
nstact hi n tpoUaa kijHy of
cce ia Jieir outei.1 praetioa wnltt'ivtiui.,
and ait.oush nly liva -asadJinl
aupfilea arkat is known (w. r-.; ... .
fwodiiett.yBSwaar fra to cof..i t'.
marita o! QutorU lm w bs k Iw.k .-ft
tivw up m It,"
Xlorrwjr S r?t ?:?--
a rv i I I . . It H v J 11 t: