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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1891)
BTITE3 & HUTTIKO. EaUars aa lrasrleler fKOClKlNU t'OKKlGN LABOR. The London correspondent ol th New York WortJ forwards the following copy ot an advertisement from the vVelsh Hr- al.i, with the lUtement that similar adver tisements have been recently printed In other Welsh newspapers: Wantsd no slale maker i steady em plovment will be given and good wage will be Dald to aober men. Industrious and Inetnlou In alate quarries. For further particular Inquire at the office of thl pa per, or addrese the Vermont Slate Com pan r, Granville, New Yora, America. To those who are o deluded a to think that a tariff protect American labor thl advertisement ought to be an eye-opener. It show eiactlv how AmciLan labor I not protected. ' The Yermor.t Slate Co. I a combination ,jef Yarlou companlea which produce the bulk ot th elate used In the Cnlteil Mate There la not tighter lrut or monopoly to be found an v where under the aun. On certain grade ol late, the ei-grecn for example, It fiiea nrtce absolutely, regu late all commission, and exact bond of dealer to sell at schedule rate. The aompany furnUhe Tote and money for the republican party, and In return I le gally authorised to awlndlethe public and rob labor of fair compensation. It dis charged a number of worklngmen after the election of iSSS because they did net vote for Harrison, Morton, and high tariff It ha but one rule tor It employes name It vote a we want you to or work for somebody else. For It devotion to the republican policy ot taxing all for the benefit ot a tew, the trust wa given an additional benefit In the VIcKlnley act which Increase the duties on lle 50 per cent, and which, with cheaper foreign labor.wlll add materially to Ita revenue. On the heel of thl Increased tariff come the advertUement of the com pany for foreign labor. In iolng thl It violate all the promise mada to It work men In iSSS, and also defies the spirit It not the letter of the conti act labor law Having obtained all the protection It de sired. Instead ol employing American labor, or labor already here In great abun dance, the company advertise for foielgn labor at low cost, It possible, than It would have to pay by employing American citi zen, whose wage it pretended a higher tariff would protect. Has '.here ever moi? marked Instance and Illustration of protectionist fraud, false pretense, greed, and wrong? The outcome of the whole matter Is, a the Wotld say, that every one who build a alate roof will have to pay about 55 per cent more than he did before the McKIn bill became a law: the wairee of the workmen wl'.l not be Increased ; and the place of those discharged will be filled by Imported laborers. The slate companies of Washington county. New York, and Rutland county, Vermont, which produce nearly all the slate used in the United States, have, through the action of a pa ternal government, a corneron the Amer ican people in furnishing slate, enjoying a protected home market, and at the same time have absolute free trade In labor. By such mean men can amass wealth here, but the story ot Dive points out their hereaftri. Jackson Patriot. A MODEL rUOTECTlONUT, Warren B Smllh ot Yonkers, New Vork, I a model protectionist. He Is several time a millionaire, head ot the great Smith family of Yonker, and one of the largest carpet manufacturer In America, 1 a sorely troubled man In fact, he I troubled a he never wa troubled before. Thl shock tothc usually Imperturbable Mr Smith wa caused by t:ic Intelligence, he alleges, which wa conveyed to him yestetday that a man giving a similar name wa detected In an attempt to mug rla a trunkful of valuable coods. The Incident occuired on the North German Lloyd ateamshlp Lahn last Thursday.snd though the Yonker Smllh wa a cabin passenger on the same ship, he never met his namcsake,nor did he know that he was a fellow-passenger until after tbe inug gllng affair had been made public Deputy Collector Dielpa, who hrs charge ot the confiscated goods, said that the Yonkera cenllemen waa trying hi best to get out ot pretty bad position by giving tree vent to a vlv'.d imagination. 'Smith's talk ot another Warren Smith b rot, tald the deputy with much spirit,. "The man who tried to smuggle these good waa Warren B Smith, of Yonkera, and there I noe olhlm deny leg It." The declaration ot the passenger, a made to Inspector Charles II Toombt.wa hown to the reporter, ho discovered that Mr Smith gave his residence as Yonker, N. Y. He wore that there were In his pu session two trunks, two bagand one package, all containing articles for hi neracnal use and not dutiable. This he signed "Warren B Smith." "Mr Smith appeared greatly surprised,' said Inspector Charles II Toombs, who made the eelaure, "and when I asked him why he tailed to enter the article In hi declaration he aaid he dldnt think we ould examine hi trunk so thoroughly (Trues our iwittl sorrsspondsnt.) wv. 1u.M8ul. Ther.rUanIKIerU... ... , . I ...... tt - r I- . .. -,111 Ami an honest - PORTLAND. JUtl io, vompicie .ur... and conscientious republican who doe. not from yesLrd.y'. mulclpal election show that l, that the financial ooilcv ot the ad- canuiuar or. ministration I dictated from Well itreet. Well, pcrhap It Isn't, but appearance cer tainly give one that lmprelon. for lit- ttance: Secretary Foster sends out a cir cular letter notifying the holder ot the X per cent bond that will mature next September that they may be extended tb citizen ticket wu Isrue majority, Including tea Ti vot wni si follow) Mayor elected by a counctimen. W S Mason rllUens, 8,3861 George, renublc can. aooa. UHV attorney, v iwuir, cuusns H ttt.KD Watson, rcimtilicae, 3.744 Audi tor, W Hranch, cltUsti, 8,43o W N Carter, republican, 3,918. Overseer . atroct Cleaning Oeisttniiit,C Domineer, clllaona, 8,03318 FGill, republican, a.ajj. City surveyor, till eo,TMliurlburt, 8,1361 II D Graden, at 1 ortJ per cent interest. w - . i. ii;n-,mi.,inn.. Frank aa that letter I made public he goc , j,n rlli' ' i .... t 1. KrAnk. republican. to New York, where for four day he wa 4aj6. Assessor, James Flower, CliUtns, 8,a6o a truest of one of in Wall treet money N S fierce, repiumcan, 4,4"". s tm" ' ... . kings 4 he think that It will be Justice to the bank which already own about half ot the $60,000,000 of these bonds and which will take all that are sur rendered bv other parties, to make the In. terest a per cent, which w the figure mentioned by the Wall treet men. Doen,t that look suspicious. ELEOTRIOAL SKILL. I Atmast Hirariilen Kasatt Atlalae by the Kahili AReacy at" Etrelrlcllr. Tbe Jsllot.Or, June 8, 1801. Pr Darrin, Dear 8ir.-Thinkiog perhaps a review of my ease you onteA two yr aoo, will ) of lnrt to the publio and you, 1 will Ute that the onr it permanent. I wsa almost crsay lth paia in my bed and ear accompanied with ileafnesa and nuuii K h"le tor month prior toeallinion .T.i..1.iiii.iandnervounu. VVbto I vistUd you 1 bad ItUl expsotsllon of evsr relnruing home alive, kour electrlo and mcdital treat mnt h nd a w wan of mo. I furmwly lived in Dofnr,,bnt now at The Uaiio. u"u KUaey Trtnble and nrlftlea 'rtd Loog Crok, Grant CV, Or, June 12. Dear Vt Darrio. I Muh I am entirely well after yur leotrio and home treatment SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagona is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of JOUREriUNO PASSENGER WAOONP, SCROLL RPRINO V V J) -. T "HANDY "WAUONS," TAYLORj OR THREE SPRING WAQON8, HALF-SPRINO WAQ0N8, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PAROEL r '. Tr nt, Fnrt and Tine Streets. WH0LI6AL1 bZMZil it Vt .: Iav (c. A DHL! VERY WAGONS, ONE-IIORSK J1USINES3 WAG0NS,0NE.110RSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Wat Pat Am. Pattiw Wastwo 8 PR I NO WAGONS OP ANY ESCU1PTI0N 10 CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH UP. street. 1) WVTaylor. ciiins, 8,5v8l li O I., republican. 3.534- W commissioner, It Stettin. cUUrn. 8.1 Mi II U Holmes, re publican, 4,145. Al4HihwaM. Ellinsburo, June 16, The tac from for k'doey oompklnt aed olatio rbotim Wn.tche arriv.d two hour, ahead ot tint i -y oo.ymptoms 1 .iooa. - - . ..... M. 1 , ' .-W today, the none covered wun losm. ine .triw. Willi. m IImm. cvrllnllv 4nnounril n- tK. S-relr Foster Is Inclined tnst tha stsi'e hid been held up about noon Dr Darrln tiat all oorabl piivaU.ebror.. to Indulge In aelt glorlflc.tlon over the by a .ingle robber near Snmmlt. twenty-five .0 aud nwvon. dlc., a.cret Hood and Setth. can ae.l". government bond JnSTlI cTar lodJ on .. bearini a low a rate ot Interest a a per he mall bsc. after compeliiajf the driver to detHity, Impotence and other weakness, of . ii. j . .-11 k. .w. t.M. iK.m,,i. ThUli.r was oblk'eJ to matiboo.1. U correal wie rror ai jva .i.uw.... .v,. ..... -- r r,.... ..j ik,! ... . - ... t l. 1 rrauiB u nu hii idu d dui ini rvuiticTvu i ao.oiuteiy necear 10 . - .rK. th .no iwloiUt tha scattered Utters, end then detond .. .1. l-.IV. 1lt-tlLII. .T.. . - .,.1 L tuulff. securi.y lor u.e r c,reu..uun. . .. ... m w anver e 8? on. . . uv - cf t(lf bt,in Ma ,pioP, io. this tvspect has been on par wun nt try- oiaca ma:a anu a rT.T, ...u .... K- - aflUctioM eta,r b th. a . . ii.. t 11 .L.t 1L. I . ...Aax ar 1 si .. 1 ng 10 mike ine puouc dciicvc in. in i mmprtmi iui a w m . t t suli I w . t-l. I I ...a l and then following up hi. boast, with . nual meetino of the supreme loile AoVw f&&'.hJin!i?iZ call for $3,000,000 from the bank. In begsn Iwre tod.y. The report ol the .uptcme .uUeK.UKj t,y nDrcttt aad other iximoo which oovernment fund, are deposited. 'J"0"1 ' f54. WBee, "" 0u drug. Med in tbe improper trratmsnt ot H 1 ine mar nt i tin. mm DiPiiiuaiaiiiu. ji .uu it - . vr.i.r. mm. win rtn.l when he re- " " ' v "V" i .V : . . . ,.' orivaw aisoasw. . - -- - 1 nst inrreaui ior ine vesr 01 au.ns. ne- i . ...... . ... , turn, to duty, which will probably be thl. c.ilU (or the yesr, fs'l i7.3)5l expvnJilure., VRi lOli wwtt. i or.-.a. week..verymuchmUedpconlddonof j,.a7.Sto n nff ft rtft eipense. "d eitwltn. rtU ,0 ,WrM1 If Ul UaHl lU U UUll ALBANY, UKtUUIi. . I r ' .......... riKWiORic.juoeio. tnewng oiscusseo ..,,, so to f M I botlng contest between Take Kilrsln, oj 111- FrrnoVs and have them tUd by Johnaooa limore, and Frank Slavin, of Australia, for a pattnt ty. meter, and g t gls that rtt yon sou ACE.US m m, ;:;jn s;;THisa iDAno fob the BUGKEYF MOWZR JND REAPER. Tbeee Machine, are too srtll kos. t o- cor.-,'-. uae4 them and pea!i cf ttomv.;u i, Mv:. 'J7 Kacblnee tfcat will i.t L.nv t .. s;.i- TtMuaoada of taraera &&ve -4 are tbe only Harveatiac t J03 ta tbe pnrcbaaer. il, u correoi. me errors 01 j"iya . - . rt huh&"Sr Wa GaorantOB Oar YbMcles tha Best, Our Prices the Lowest Quality ir"cAithrt Consitoi. Special Catalogues and Prlca List Sailed l'rvwU ooBsuw.ptltn, heart die- wiuwmki "r" a Free on Application Staver S Walker, MILUR'S STAR YI3TATHI0 VHRESHEB, AiT?;r.r stw tractioh tsaiKE. Tbe 5 IBrJtlye aa4 Cucc.f-1 toSArlor. Ut TUraiblng a4 Cleaning v.tii; ttt-t cajftx 'ed. buckeye mum rwm e-binders. titnanllnxY tiinmeUt w l.rst, !J-t . T'.c t, Iff to i4 t!.t AwJu-j- ptrn, ih on.y imi.y maxaumm on r known. W h tw.)r-Uv. lwe."i!.T llil irf i.U U fj-Uorta iiiBiUf botn cli noomtunximi by biutdrstls A At-n. nnrmmmT vm niTiTr wi.liHTl T4Arn VXrvtum. TWrn SnUcT Flow. iiUilUiiljM IhMi. zlrt Top EuSKie, NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, affair. In. hi. department. Assistant Sec retary llussry ha. white-washed a crooked chlet ot a dlvlston In te pension ofnce,and Assistant Secrctsry Chandler It gathering tact, to prove Busscy's favortlsrn and the The Eood. e Ued Include a plaque ol the I crookednes. ot the aforesaid chief, and It Madonna and child framed In gold, forty- may end In one or the oiher ot the eight olld gold teaepoona, eighteen gold tant Sccretarllle having to go, Chandler coffee spoons to match, a olld gold cup, I an honest, straightforward ort ot a lel- embroldereJ table cover of great value, low, who believe that crookednes ought ilnesjewelry and a large number of other to be puni'tie1 no rrauer wno are ipe dutiable article. . friend, ot the crook; It wa..he who en Collector Erhardt declared he never w doied the paper. In the case oi young ...Mn- like them In the custom-house Raum'e "Immediate disposal, aawneoniy before, and thought he would be obliged agreed to let the disposition ot the case to get an appraiser aside from the regular made by Buisey .land when told that .uch . n . . i . i. - .. .1 ni .rh ir. i wen ine crucii oi oniiMi r ..vw.v. Stall lo Kive iiw iwium ww... w. - i ... ''iit i I . 1.1. i t. vv.l I r-U u nrinfuttv kieknl Lv a burse ftiwincr hvuu ir i nvun u, w r- ... .... . I . . - ..,....,'.. .. I ,.t v t. ii I ..u u. lli.rl.on in findinar another vic-l at lenerton tnw mornmE. ii was niucs is warren uomun was ... ,.. -a- ..7 ,V , tl head end uoconwiou. for Kveral yesterday. He Is president ol the Aieian- um , , Mu . hwn Th, wottn(1 lt paiof A bttt Bot Krk0,, der Smllh & Son Carpet Manufacturing pen..u . -kik... founded bv his fa- on all aide, that the head ot Raum will v'"- v. , . W..1... . m o . I . V. . l..w. ,.. mlllL I soon unu u nmj mm ii.s um. ww..- iinomiun "' I . .-.. fo.,r ihmiwnd oeoole. own body has kept a roc jrd ot the time Com . . .1 . .nr. K. i a i. I. wrw A rM-tion and nave I -- IIUUI1 .111. wuw - -" I ...... ( . oecame ine r.eso oi ine pension Bureau and It showa that during the nineteen 10.000 parse, touk place tonight at tbe club properly. Ulaaee from 23 oeots to 110. . . .. f. . ...i ... . I ooum 01 lite uranne aiiiicuc nnuv..un, Ilobokcn. Slavin ws. declared tbe winner in tbe aintb tound. Drwar4l.) Ike Weataeeai MaMiMNVtLLB. June 16. Chatlc. Link, brother of Serjeant Walter Link, of (hi. city, si diowned In the Im: reservoir at Tone's mill on the headwater, of the Nsstucca, hut eight wtiii handling toe;. A K.y KlrlMMi. I 1 IT ANTED Frank Reeves, a 14-1'!.....' Tl LADIES BAZAAR. I STRAY NOTICE.-0Strayed or etolen a from my place ur MudJy auilon, m iTatiil irrsv mar, e'.x year old, tH band hiRb, brand! on loft ehoutdar with tha teller DU. eombined. Will reward any one glvtoa- Information a to I her whereabout, t H my ptaoa May a, 18'Jl. Addrexa, Jiaisey. j tr Aiuso -I. the Leading Sal.m, June 16,. money In so many well- paying Institution that it would puzzle any ol t icm 10 uiaac a s-.hedule of their possessions. Alexander Smith wa. a leading republl Eighty ear. ago he waa elccied to cao. A UKE.lT VICTOUT- Tews, who p.u through Germany, are fur New York, aid receive ticket lur that city, it they have bo means to buy tickets. A committee from this city receive, them at rhailrttenburi; and ossse tbe lit on. to month, he .... been In office he ha. been fc Bremen. Jli .1 l inUtlltt .VS S asu mvw b-w - - absent 140 days, or nearly nan me umc. 0 ukt0 eh-4 ,f t, anotter eowmittte, lie ha. simply used the office as a tender to 1'fce Uteniton ia 10 turn the whole esoJua. .. L i.,t ..j Ui. tui.lnHi irkf mn ami It la not I which i street to amount to mtiuons, 10- congres. on a ,-...... r., , - - ---- - . , , A wbcr Hcmr, died when the new. ol hi. triumph was .urprung inai wun susn - uroict to blind eonveved to him. ""n young Kauin snou.u hit. n. Aintiicsns to the fact and prevent alarm 10 J I ... ... 1 Warren B., hi son and also 1 into the ousiness 01 setting sjifnto-.i inai lounuy. a stalwart republican. 1 o ottict and promotion. 1 11 al tMMa Wraibrr. He made a warm fight for an Increased The republican leaocr are oau.y Nltw YoRKf ttfBe , 5.ToJ4y i tbe honest taxation on carpets In the McKlnley bill, ened at tha prospect ol having the Knignu . K At two o'clock tliU liinoon dailoir It la wld. that the aubitantlal of Labor eolldly oppoted to the republican . ,hrmomeur recistercd oyJi decree. 1 .... . ... . . . .. .... iL. I . . . ... ... J campaign fund raised by the carpet man- tick! in un:owiyear 11 uuiomsi iw 1 Ktpotts now many poin' in iw .ngMo facturer. entitled them to some .hare In Kntghl. ot Labor through lu Eaectutlve sy the iwrmomcier rangeo irom o.o .1,. V-ni-fli. derived from a !aree:y In- Doa-d, which I. making a fight tor the re creased tariff. Ill brother-in-law, V F moval ot Capt Meredith, chief ol h ed in Coaaecikut. Report, fiom aU part, of v-Vr.n hr Is also one of the Arm. and Bureau ol Engraving ami rncung, naa New York state indicate miens neai. W M Law, another Ml' stockholder, .hare given Mr Harrison us ummaium, ano 11 w, r.rt aBgrir trswlagi that Meredith must be removed or every ANTED A six, or more ror house, wlib barn, to real. Leave wotd at Damocrat. offioe. T.iSTflATtniyiKl from my premiaee . 1 . a. . .1 . . . .1.1 Craodad with tbe figure of a pair of afantul.ta nn left, abautdar. Itawsrd to TkeBsii4Jewa aoyone who will notify me at Albany rttsiiM. lune it All the exlltd Russian postorfloe, A.B.BOND. 4 " - " I - bound Ninety and fancy Goods Stoie of Albany, . They carry all the Latest Style and Novelties In the Millinery line, and a complete stock of Ladle and Children' Furnishing ood,and ready-made ..rmnii. Good the bet. and prlcee the lowest. Call and be convinced. m BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRIHQ MOUNTAIN WAGONS, SUCKtYE AW SUWIOR PULLS AND SEEDERS. WBIN DISC i HARROWS. HODGES-HA'HES HEADERS. IIAISH BAP.3 Vim fVBEND FOH C PCULAH'l E. THRALL, MANAGER, ALBANY, OREGON V; ? v ' IITANIED. To boy noUe and ttort- gaa-ra. It K Noble. Portland, Or. roooi II, Concord block, 24 eireet. LOAH-ln email and m OXKY To IT I larce amounla. from six raonlha to five yeata, n good Albany and uon county real avuut. call on or adortaw E MoFberaon, Klrat IS;., Albany, Or. FIRST STREET, STATE or OREGON. LAND DEPARTMENT. Salvm, Oregon, iuae 1, mu n-uhetmrA ot aommbMlonera for the ..u of aehocJ and .olverlty land and for tbe Inveeunem or in iunaa risinB tharefrom of tbe aiate of Oretcon. hereby Invito aeated applloatlotu to purchase tbe followlnf deaeriWt landa, to wlu All of tbe donation land eiaim aitnaiea In oUooa IS, 18, 21 aod 22, In Townablp 12 booth RaoKO I Wear, known and d ecrt bed on the goverurnett aorveye a FROMAN BLOCK- fm tht ClruU Court or Linn County, Slat 0 Oregon.- W. H. JOIIKSOS, rialDtiff, 1 va Fdward Johnson. Matilel Johnaon.Bartba Johnaon.Kva ! Kavnolda and w. naynoioai ber boaband, and Byron I ) ALLEN BROTHERS, " Wholesale s retail Grocers; CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, INj LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEA30N. Jobcaon, DefendaoU. J the donation land claim of John W Moore To Eva RnoW, Md Waltor Reynolds, Fllllll BlOCK, and wife, being Notification So 250. aT two 05 Abova named defendant. -:- ALBANY, OREGON a BIO CHANCE iV to make money. Tbe The people ot Portland gained a great victory two weeks slnce.whcn they carried consolidation, but that waa Insignificant when compared to the great and far reaching victory gained by the decent and " conscientious of that city .Monday, over bottet and boulsm. Many in flu ence contributed to this result, but none wa so potent for the right a the Ortgoni o. The voice of that paper waa heard lung and loud In it great effort to follow op the victory of consolidation by an elect Ion ol officers for the city that would make sure til's fruit of that victory. It wa a great undertaking for thtl ?aper but it FOTt SOME BODY beat paying reatanreut tn Eugeoe for aaie, aa tha owoer ia going to roilre rrorn bosintaa lor nine lima, any person desiring In for roaiioo retarding tnta bnatb, tl B liorrla, attorney t law. or J K Dixon, ptp, Eugena, Oreg m. MEMBERS OF THE IIXN COUMH - FARMERS' ALLIANCE: 1TOU ABE HERBUY KOTIFlED I that I have contracted wkb the wall, ktiown Arm of Stewart A tfoz. at Albany, to supply yon wun nicaara. xnowera, ine or gooerai eaTMarion oounly tnembera can boy at tbe aaina place on tt.o same terms. .. . .......... 1SE.R. II. inil.lh Hoanolal Agent, ing ibereirotM in aoree aoia 10 jeooo !!lewman.onntaining awaorsw. am umiu Bin id ohalna went of the Bortbeat nnr,.,r of tba northwest nnarter of aoetion 21. in TP 12 Mouth lianga 1 HiH.ropn.iiii I hence aaal SO enain; uieneo mania w ehalnsi tbanoe wawt So enaina; tneno north 40 cbalna to the piaoa or rginnin oonlalnlcRl20aerea,aU altuaiad la Lion oonnty, atate of Oregon, and containing in ail 41. acre mora or IN THE NAM BOP" THE STATE OF Orturon. you are hsrebv reauired to aurxor and anawor tbe nou plaint of tba I tlalntirr .n tba above antlUed court, now on ills with tho clerk of aai l court, on tbe Ur.t day of tbe next regular term or aaid ooun.towiu 00 toe ttad lay ef Jaae, LSI, Sff Hffif & Ml, . . . I . . t tA.J aW. I Appltoattona will be opened at a regular 1 Ana yoo orouy J"- oTvuS d.7 o TriM ' borehy raHulrd. Jb. plaintiff .til P m. Tbe rtgbt to rejist any and all bide p'y to tha court for the relief demanded U reserved by the board in plaintiff 'a oomplalot, towlt: 'DEALERS TX- Clerk of tbe Hoard. Mr. Smith's polillcal viea. anJ have al- that Mereoun must De remoco or TCr7 roaT A-fuaui, Jae 15. Tbonu. Halo-1 rakee. twin., naeat, mw m,,i UfTirF fit IS VMM -,shttoin.tllhlgh.t.rIfl tCn.ghtofL.borlnthe.t.UotOhk, willl t, .0)1 W E BimaUe were today elected fMla.ialht ASSICMKS KOTlCt OF APrUlHI Ideas In the minds Ol meir womninien. rote sciion im itumiw ... (.uatiim.n g.d M tttovukM HWJ CUW 01 . .... !,.. I When in New York he live. atJNo. 2JJ, gubernatorial election. SecreUry roster, the third clai aeten councilmen. The city Filili avenue, and 1. a member ot the Re- who l-Jan adept Imhe art ol b.mbooxling U nr .-u -P publican, the New York, Manhattan snd relied upon by Mr Harrison to help blm t.oro. The Improvement several other cl jba. out of the scrape In some way, but he will of Frjnt tUec u cwnpie-ed. It eot i7.oo0 Mr Smith could not be found either In fed It very difficult. Central let fl Mka .a. . - S S I Yonkers or this city yesterday, but some 1 he tau about immigration wnicn ro K . . -uj j. vett 0Dened at the . - ... . ... .. ... ..... .-j 1 ' of hU employee ald that alter raw ma- puoucan. panicuiany tnose governor, aflic to Jay for buiiJidg tbe foun terlala had been reduced J per cent and with, or hoping to be connected wun I dalion and trnctar ol ih thr atory frame carpits had been advanced 10 per cent he I administration, ara now Indulging In I all nudent hall at the Corvaili agricultura rr a nnrrw.. Th.M was rrv Utile IR1. ! cOIIe. I na .UCCCSSIUI INHUCT on tnv iuun j-- - 1 I..."'..... a.u... 1..1..1. .. m..m.nt ma.U In nur tMidtfe Im- OSllun waa M v vicwo,, . To reoalre tbe defendanu 10 4nake con yeyanca to tba pUlnlttTof tba following deaoribnd real atte Tb fraction. eM H of tba K K M ofaontion t2i the N W k of aectlon 23; tha fractional N E Kol action 23, ail la Tp 10 8 R S W of tba Willamette meridian, In Llan county, OrKaon. and that aaid land be decreed to tAtirr im ITKREBY GIVEN Ttl AT I belonir to tba plalnUlT, and tha tha Rnssell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stackers Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rakes. SB. V t iha nndaralanad baa been duly ap defoodantsbe decred to bava no tntret Minti d aaalKne of tba aetata of L.T In aaid landa, and l L F.1BER. r tbe eoata and Hcnnaa, an Insolvent oeoior, anuvna. auooiaemeu io oa uo. be ha qua.ifird aa aueh aaalgnea In tbe puis antrmon ia a4rTed by publication manner praacrttad by law, All rorson by or 1! or of tha Hoa K i R..lo, Judge of having eialme againai aaid L T Henneae, Mij court, made at chain bors. on tbe ara hereby notified to proMint me aama i7lh j.y 0t Aorli. t91 nnder oaib aa law, to the JKWwTnEarattD, Wa wish to ear to tb pubilo that wa bavejnat added a larje planar to our mill cut wage 15 per cent undersigned at Rjck eraek, In ijet, r.o. OraKon, or lo ble euoroeye. Geo W wrlcnt ana v " (4 24) and .re prepared to furniab all klnde of " ffl nf ,UBert them. In Albany inmoor, orawiaa r xuugu, aa wi yur t,,.-0ii. SEAb FHHEKY AUKIKMEXr. proclam.J'.rtn 1 .a. The present ha. inued a Stalin j thst the siriymcnt for the okkIuV ri- won and It deserve the thank of every iendi between the govrroment of the L'oittd honest voter Irf the strte. Tht campaign State and tbe government of ber Britannic ..m.'.i k.. t.n irht h th I msiestv. in relaiWo to fur seal fisheiir in people ot Linn county with nearly much Intens.ty of feeling a by the people ot Portland and tl enthusiasm shown among the people here at the result show that Portland haa hosts of friend here, about. The farmer'a alliance In many section of tha counfy are refusing to endorse the sub-treasory scheme which propose that Hi general government shall loan money to farmera upon non perishable product and upon real e tale, at a rate cf Interest not to exceed two per cent per annum . Thl l wise. The more the alliance en dorse, tbl scheme the weakirr It will be. A writer in an exchange in hi. ehronkliog of everyday happening, tiad. time to remark : The klea of teaching hygiene to dots win their pocket full of cigarette., or girl, with their waist, distorted I o tbe form of an hone glass, is one oi the humbugs of oar present school educaiioa. Ilarrisburg Courier . Now, it would ippcar that, if any benefit is to accrue from teaching lha law. of health to Children in school, tbey should be taught to tbe very classes aamed above. Why teach the law. of health to those who aevcr violate them, Christ said: "I cai not to oil the righteous but s'nners '.o repentanre." tu 11..1U, Tn 11.3 ronlri.-IE arere mlgratlmi lawa by the billion dollar con. , . Jwo)k in V4 commvncmi at grew; but It provided lor a commissioner hlchEi 1 he republlrjin. of Kentucky have nom inated one of John Morgan's guerrillas for lieutenant Governor. It'b a remarkable fact that when the republican, do take a rebel In, it I. alway. one of the wor.t ele ment. Moby, the Virginia guerrilla, Jeff Thompson, the Missouri guerrilla, Forrest, the "butcher of Fort PIlIcw," all ftvoied republicans. It la strange, bat true, that with the single exceptUn of General Long street, that all ot 'he republican appoint ments of ex confederates, they have re-, sorted to the yery worst elerrent. Marsh, field S'm. One of the most remarkable-looking men In the south Is Capt Jame. J White, who .occceded Gen R E iee a', the helm of Washington and Lee University. Gen Custi Lee being more incline ! to a didac tic than tn executive life. Capt White I. abont six feet two Inches, teache Greek farms, auk lecture delinquent all the week, and helps take up thecol ection and lni bas on Sunday, Behring sea, was concluded o the flftecutB day of last June. It reads: For the purpose of avoiding irritating ditl- erence and with a view to promote a friendly settlement ol the questions pending between the two governments, touching their respective rights in Behring sea and for preservation ol ih sat tnrrlr. (he follow in? agreement is aaaie wiihont prejudice lo the rights or claims el either party: Her ,Majct)'s government will prohibit, nntil May next, sesl killing ia that bart of Behrine . rrinc eaitwardofa line of Jemukalion dejeribed in article No of the treaty of 1867, between the United Slate, aad Russia, and will promptly ose its bast eflTiMts to insure the xiWrvince of this prolib:!Wn'l)y Bri ish sul jecl. and vessels. ' Second The United State, government will al killing for the same period in the same part of Behring sea, an.J on the shore, and island, th-reof t ic pfopeity of the United States, in excess ft 7500 to be taken on the island for subsistence and care ot Ihe natives, and will promptly ose ita best efforts to insure Ihe observance of this prohibition by United Suits ciiizens and vessel. Third Every vessel or person offending against this prohibition in ssid water of Behring sea ontside the ordinary territorial liraiis of the United .tales rosy -be seized and detained by naval or other duly commissioned ofiicer. of either high contracting panics, but they .hall be handed over a. soon as practica ble to tbe authorities of the aa ion to which they respectively belong, who shall alone have jurisdiction to try the offense and impose the penal'y for tbe same.' Witnesses and pro necessary to establish tbe offense shall also be sea with them. In order to facilitate such proper ' aa her majesty's government may desire to mike, with a view lo the presentation olllie case that an agreement for arbitration may be ai rived at, it is agreed that suitable persons, designated by Great Britain, wilt be permitted at any time upon application to vwt nr remain uton the seal, islands during the present sealing seascn forthtt purpose. of Immigration at $4000 a year, Congressman Owen, of Indiana ha. fallen into, ano scnui..B a - . w f-,, 6 dfcrecs. There were rope ori a delightful ummtr tour for the I name((ni case of prostrarion, two resulting nmou nf In vraitif ailriv the sub- fitillv. Tbe iron mill were croipellcd to (4 F,.rnnDrHimii Grosvenorof Ohra. ht down thUsfcernooO. Tm OalTs Wark, PnTssuao, June 15. The temperature here today reached 6 dfgrec. who recently Insulted the foreign born citizens ot Wisconsin In a newspaper In- tervtew and then added cowardice 16 In discretion by denting the Intervicw.whkh he openly boasted of here, Is a me.nber ot thl commission. The Sjpreme Court of fennsylvanla hn .ti-hled that ti:e eovcrnor of that atate.and not the city council of Phlladei, has the right to appoint a city treasurer of fhlladel Jhla to fill the cane caused by the defaulting of trje rer;tiblican treasurer. ; Crop prospect ire poor In Germany, and Ihe Berlin Municipal Council den.and that cereal be admitted free ol duly 0 that Ihe p-opln can gel bread. These Berlin Councillor do not eem to under stand tha: the tariff U not a tax and that It really reduce the cost ot article upon which it is levied. t It they had mastered Mr McKlnley' teaching, they would a.k that the duties on breadstuff be Increased so as to cheapen thorn to the people and fliu.1 avoid a famine. We find from the "War of tae Rebellion, published by ibe government of the United States that tbe confederates captured 370,000 federals and that the federals captured Jao.ooO confederates: that 22. 575 onirn soldiers died In confe lerate prisons, and 36,436 emfeder ate. died in union prisons. Showing thst of tbe union prisoners in confederate piisons 9 per cent died, that of the confederate p??STS in union prisons 13 per cen', died, or in other word that Buffalo, Elmira and Camp Douglas were three per cent more deitructive of human life lhan ndersonville and Bell Isle. It hs. quite frrquently happened that po litical parties hsve nominated small men from large stales for president. Such was notably ihe" fact when the reoublican. nominated Hayes of Ohio nd Harrison of Indiana Tliere is quite an amount of talk among dem ocrat now of nominating a Urge man from a small state. We refer to Senator. Gorman of Maiyland. At the Utt ession of co.igress he showed. himself a great leader in battling down tha reoublican majority in the senate when it a was trying lo pass the inhimou force bill He would make remaikably fine candidate to run (gainst grand pa's hat. The United Stales supreme, court liasued a decree that Ibe property of the Mormon church, escheatej to the government,! shall remain in the hnJsof a r.'teiver, to be de vot c J to charitable purnokd, unless congress Khali olhctw'ue order. a-v .8 rwrr Tin Capital euriM. and its coadjutors in ( have "Rered" on protection so lonu !;tfe!i,t uicir ii.allipmntu al ami '.al they .-. Tt. 1 The national flag in na in tb army wU:,on and after JuJy 4 1891, consist of 44 star, in six rows, the upper and lower row. to bave eight .tars, and the second, third, fourth and fifth row. seven star, each, in a blue held. The new equatorial telescope recently mounted in Fari has i tube bent at a right angle, and the image of Ihe ky formed by the object glass i reflected to the eye ol the observer: It is the largest of its kind in the works, its optical power, being yery fine, and the images of tha planet remarkably distinct, Two marked improvement hayarecenU ly been made in the use. of Ba foi light house illumination. One U a process of enriching cas made ,rom ordinary coking c.ol by the addition of hydrocarbons and heated air. lha other Is the new oioptn lens. " '' Secretary Rusk's prediction that Harrl on 'will be renominated h regarded at Ut White House as by f.irthe l"-t cf the pro- . si trr.ii'al, A llanaled Boase. ' Tii ia bod v of rur has beoo likoed to Ui.nitti.t. I; 1 ft-n hsa a haouted apartment the btoinsob. 8arel by the eldrtcrt sdHU. dypopsis, duosti.m Uie. aod retnscs to return. What can break the spell, wbat en raiH ike baa laid opon the ahhappy or gan.? We answer nnhesitaciovly, Uo .tet ter's Stomach Bitter, and w ara warauted in the response by the recorded testimony of in) ria4i, covering a period over a third of a century. A course of the Bitter, liegnn in any stage of th am otioo.sta persiateauy followed, will ternstaata In our positive, not partial. The Bittors res tor s ton to the milantic nerve, renew aod porirle the iuiues er.a ling from the cellular tissue that sot npan trie 100a aigestiveiy, una from tbe stomach aid th blood, and pro mote a regular habit of body, Malrria, kidney co nplatot. nervousness, rheumstl.ra and nearalgia aive wsy to tbi medicine, . A Waaderfal prraltaa. KANSAS.,CiTr. June 14. A successful grafting ol skin sufficient to patch ap two legs wa completed here yeslerday.' A year afro A C Falkerson stepped into a vst ol boiling grease. Tbe ncih of twin legs trcm ine ances down was cooked away. 1 he oaiy method of repairing the damage wa. by grsnmg skin from other human being, uton ihs injured merot-et. Ooe hundred snd aixiy persons. Odd Fellows and Knlgntsof rythia,of which organization. Fulkrr. a wa. a member, con tributed portion. 01 meir anatomy 10 oo usru in piecing up Fulkerson'a wound.. "The grafts were about 1000 in numoer anu a majuiu w tha case, were .uccessful . FMlkersoa wa. out today enjoying the use of both limb.. . ISikke, June 14. A horrible accident oc curred on the Moenchen, Stein A Hale rail way today, through the collapse pi a bridge beneath a heavily loaded excursioa tram, crowded with people on their way to attend a mnsicale fete, Sixty person, were killed outrloht. while hundaed. were injured. The two engines and the nrst car piungen into ine tiqer, and all the passengers in tbe enr were drowned. Two oar. remained suspended from tbe bridge. AU the trainmen were killed. .. ,-.'' , A Van Accident. ' , Redwood City, Cal, June 14. While 14; year-bid Uzzie Kress and 17-year-old Albert Bron.wer handling a gun at the residence af hhe paventa of the girl.var San Gregono twenty.bve miles west 01 nere, ine gun was accidentally discharged by Brown. The charge .truck her In tke forehead, horribly mutilatino her face. She died in five minutei When Brown saw the effect of the accident he went insane with grief, broke the gun ia pieces and would have killed himself unless pre vented by others. Chinese Style. San Fkancisco, Jtide 14. The details of fifteen Chinese at Kowloon City, opposite Hong Kong, May 1 1,-wtre received last night Janeiro, Six of the men were pirates, who looted the passenger Steamer Tamoa on the Chinese coait. The fifteen doomed men knelt, in a row in the pub lic square, and tbe executioner cut off their be.ids.wiih a .word. It wa. all done in a few minutes, . mm better List. ' Followirg 1. the list of letter remaining m tha cost cllioe at Albany. Linn county. Oreiion, June 18, 1891. Person calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised ebr ntay eboae, aa good aa tbe beet, aad aacaoap a It oan be sold. In payment wa will take all kinds of produce, auob aa hay. flour, grain, baoon. Stutter, bean, bear by tbe quarter, etc. In fact anythtrg that wa can naa. 1'Iease as na be for you parebaae your bill ef lamber, as wa fool confident that wa oao anil yen. Yon will always End one of na at onr mill. 14 inltaa from Lebanon, ml tea from Waterloo, on Hamilton creak. WIKT A BKRKIOAN, Lebanon, Oregon. Oregon, within date nerenr. bated Jon Bin, 181. T. 3. ara. W. WaioHT, D r N. Bi-acKacn. Attya for Assignee. tbrse coomb from tbe NOTICE OF FIHAL SETTLEMENT. t sUaS tint Viiuin fi-iorl in tVtiai II tai J hu ma:iiiuvijf mat uas uvu i., ... j Att'y for via, locality, and found to be satisfactory, and, as we represent , factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned, the duly appoint ad qualified ana seU.iej executor of the last will and testament and e-mt of Preston Muoker. deoood, haa thla .1 . filed bla linat acoonnt In tha Count Court of Una county, Oragon,- a uvh exrvotor.and that aaid court baa aprxunt ad Monday, tbe Oth day of July, 1891. at tho hour of 10 o'o 00k a m of said day a VTOTICE IS HEREBY OITEJ THAT tbe Uma for hearlu objections to ail IX aaaiad btda will be reoalved at the I aocouui. ir any tbere be. ana tor in w. MeCLART. Assignee. . KCTICtTO BRIDGE EUILDHRS. .V tILBAHY FD BHITUBBcQ Has nst rscslvsd a lara s lavalM f bsw asatsa la WMow Shades anl Cirtaiiis, sad asw sad WsaUful psttaras la Wall Paper WlB ' Elf gant Borfiiri to Katil, oflsoa win county oiern oi ijino Oroaon. op to 12 o'clock, noon. Wedne-a- day, toe amor uiyiiwiiivr airMntinn nt m rwinntv brldce acroas rfhat la known aa Owl orOK. near om ira. tvuri.n. v.nn.. in aaid oonnty. Kald bridge to be of tbe follow leg dimension, to wit! Forty footepane, of the Qneen trnaa pattern-, Heenty leas spprewo. ttenta for tha approaches to be anchored or ccnatrncted of oak piling and It last !" . ..h. All was MJ DOVlUT... - tbe county eonrt. R. P. PAtWBj Wshsrsthskwt sn prettltst ii th marks ei50c. SHftDEI c UX OBCG fiTOBE TKE CRECOM KAY PRESS, I Tf. f ASUFACTCRED BT N. P. SLATE, it 1. at Cor va 1 lis, ia in cost nay prw im the market. Orders for preeaea aent to Corv sills will be promptly flued, Anyone infringing on me patent win be prosecuted to tbe fullest eitent of tbe law. - "i'O OUT. 200,000 pound of wool ntsd,for which th hiKbet mrkt ptica will b psid by A. Ssadsrs. sg.nt, who mey be found at the stors ot P. Cohan. tleiuent thereof. liatod IbU ii'Mh day of May. 1801 . TM MUNKcCHS. Executor of tha last wilt and teoUmantof 1'rm on Munkera,de'od. HEffllTAlKVISE, AU'ya for Executor. NOTICE, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN NOTICE IS HEREBY SJIVEN THAT eaiad bide will be received at tbe office of the oonnty clerk of Linn oonnty, Oregon, up lo 12 o'clock, noon, Wednes day, tbe 6th day of July, 1691. for tbe keeping of the oounty poor, for the term of one year from tbe 1st day oi Angoet. 1891. Ail bide to be approved or rojaeted by tba county court. js.t-.raifiK, Clerk. He has received a large and choice stock of spring Dres. ; Goods, new styles and shades. Wash fabric?, consisting of girighams, seersuckers, sateens and chambre. A complet assortment of white goods, flouncings, hosiery, corsets, " gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the spring j frnrla A larc and comnlete assortment lor men snev youth's. Boots, shoes, hate, caps and furnishing goods, and if you want the best bargains you will have .to all on him. Adams. A J Carbon, Mr Hill Clifton MrsAJ K rippers, Barney Lovelock, Mr W on Ritz, Miss Add Turner, Mr C.S Brown Eq, 0 W Caster, 11 Gray, Mr 0 Konea Esq, 11 Powers, Mis Georgia IUley, Mr B A Welch- It rs Mary T. Momtsith, P. M. .0 are making a big drive on E i elopes, Taisley 4 SsciLEt. ' Riuut to tub Foist. Allen Bros, do their own delivering, promptly and care fully, Kresli peas, strawberries, cabbage? etc., just re:elved nt Allen Bros. To get fresh praiiuce, frai etc ., ft! wnvs call at Allen l!i'f. Lace Cuhtains In great variety from 5 ct. to $9 a pair. l$ae good are boueht from New York jobber direct and cannot be excelled for quality, atyle and price, Samuel t. Youse. m a. aw 4 At Fobtmillek & Irvisq's 15( dozen window ehadea, just received. A large and elegant utock of 16th cen' ury bedroom sets. Alurga anl c'ntcj tot of carpets, many a detiigna. Wanted, to loan $40,000 on good frm security, in tho next thirty di. M.-cy raady, Take it Jwno can ir-..t i Pfeiffor" Block, if -: Albany I 11(1 1 p ill 5fi ia Stanard & Cusick, fasraiavea; sia is- PHOTOGRAPHER, CorSooond andrenySt, Albany, Oi rj UPKRIOH wrk. gnarantoad in ever; J$ branch of the aru jedTKnlaiglng c ail aiua a apeoiaity. J. A, Camming, ii Drues, Vedlcina, (Ismieals, ,rancy and Toilet Arlioles.Spongee.Brnshea, " Perfumery, Sebool ,'Books, and , Artists' Supplies. rhye!slBB' prencrlptlonn lolly esmpeeoded. car). all Paper, JLrut?B, Paints, Oll I Fruit JRaising m the Willamette Valley Pays 100 Per Cent, on the Investment. HOW DO YOU DO? albafiy, osiecoh There Is no doubt tbav Ten and Twenty acre Farms, all in Cultivation and Ready to set to Fruit, within Seven xnile3 of Oregon's Capital, for $75 00 per acre; one fourth Cash,-Balance-in Three equal Annual Payments: or, set to Fruit and Cultivated Three. Years for $175 per acre. tion send for Pamphlet to For Further Informa- NEW' Btoek of SILVERWARE, oonalstlna: of apoon, snive, fork, fruit fllsbsa, e'e, (.old and aliver watolie. lawsl Tt eto, la tha largaat and Lectin tbeeity, aud by far the boatevor brought to At.saT. and a fine stock o" SPECTACLE3 generally, as veil as jewelry, 'aUbtB. clocks, et., at - . . Tho Oregon Land Company,