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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1891)
Lii t T AND-SOUTH, -VIA cuthcrn Pacifio Routo Eilrs Train ! Portland DallJ "f Ntrtj Tf.rUar ArJ A Lt W 4 A I Ar lh InanT 8a Kranataoo LT,ir ' i-un e..p an It at Mlowtnf autlnn north H.ta.tHif.. Mil Portland. Orairoa CUT. Wood. , Mam, Albany, Taniranl, Shodd. II llar- (,iMuim v-isy, ir'tot;, tUfn. cm suit, tatty. I i 1 1 ' a Af Portland Albany Krxwlmry Art soots Lt I lt:flO LtI lOt ALI4f UCU( tl.T tTCSrT HTXtlT) Lt Af Portland Alhnr Ar0AH 1,t S:00 AM I kaauoi nun, r- a. r- f. AlWjr Ar itiii 8 Ar Lahano Lt ttflsa f L Albany Ar : n Ar Lharm Lt I:Mm mum Eurrrr sleepers. Tourist Sleeping Oars, Far AfraaaMlati ( an.4-Claa Paaaea r. uimMm fcy.rTrala. Tm aid axvlaUa. etweex ru tla At cktalli, Matt (VaiasauittiMptSiItraaT,) kill I Lt Portland Ar I 1 ttf M iaraAr Ovmllt Lt 1 11M ra airman tai uut Keip Bandar. tun t Lt Ar (WtWnd VoMlnnitll Ar I ;W a a Lt I . A rrhroiiR;U rTiolzetB To all fMintt EAST, AHD SOUTH. ri rut, iniormauo i rmriin ratot, aaara, o CmnpanT Ami al AiSaaT , H, (tiUUa K P.ROQKRS ( (aid. r. aaatr.At YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railrodd, T tit;, KeeelTer. 0 -Prjs rs.elopnBiit ros Steamers. Line tt CallforssU. Flrst-ctaa Ihroach IMMMnirar and 1 rwJcht 1 1 it from Portlaa id and all point I si tbt WUlaruottt Vallty to ami front 8so rimaoiaoo,utu. BoaU maka eloa eonnootlon at 41 ban r'ilh trajna of tht Onsgon Paclft Railroad TlMlaCtUUULB. pt gomUrrn.) Utt AlbuT li r. a, Lt OorraiUa M4r,a. trrlr Twaiaa, IJU r. a. tan YatiaiM, TMt,s La OurTaili.10.SSa,a mx AlWay, tl:l( a. O. A C. tralaa eonoaot as Albany and Corral Ue. Tba above traina 000 n act at Vaaulnewlth tba Oregon Davaiopnaaat ixDrny'suneor nimnipt between T equina and Man rranclaoo, 1AILIXO DATES . mom vatmwa. WIII.n.M. T!lr, Jw ilk l ltlh i Had. Toa . raAKciace WS Hf ValWv. Maf flat; Jaa txki UlkjfTi Tht Cmpaa 'w-wvep Lb ngnt to aaxifaalUnx date -"thout notlca. V. B. Faaaanirars from Portland and W Klamatta Vallar oinU aaa roaka oloaa ynentl jn with sbe traina of tba Taontoa aaa at A.Ibanr or Corrallia. and lfdaa- 4m4 to taao Ftanataoo abould avraosjato mva as xaanina snatvtning oerore (alt rtauinf WrMMiiw aa Ihwckt rale alwaia Uta awea4 IW lar-aMll kerJr le A a Chaawaa. rrtkl aa mm tutmt, aiaaar, c. . attrt, . f. r. Ana . CarTaUa. pxorESswyjL cards. WEATHER FOKD, 4uM ac Lw. Will prt!ti la all aoarta al the Mate. Mret FUna block, Albuy, Ongoa. "W. B. BILTEU, AttorwT at Law uwl S itlciUir In Chancery. Co!le Vn au.l on ail po'nu. Uiu aaarMtaud ea fav orably utrma. Albany, Or(oa. jjeo. vr. ernicnT. AltonMT at Law, 8ulkitnr la Clunoery, Praetor la Adniiraiity an4 Notary Public. Will practice la all court of this at at and in the United Histca CourU farorrtrem. edlrri Front ruoau or bank ol Urvfon, Albany, t yii. II. C. WAT.HU . Att4wy at Law. aMeei-:a the Blrahaa block apetaira. Albany, Orcfotw D. it. ar. uLtmnt'R.i, AtUwnayatUw. W(l praeUce in a l the court i( Onrrim, exmpt the eonnly euart of Una county. " win rvcciva pnwta at tan u on. -OtM ftliumtT Temt-, Albany, Or. J. jr. WHiTatET, Attorney at Law, anJ N'Ury Pnblle. A I amy JjR. J. 1.. HILL, Phyoelan and S snreoa. Or7I;e-Curncr Flrat and r arry wmh, Ainany, tjfnpm. J JU. Q. WATdte. TI iHTOS, riiy.-i-i ail Hv. OfiOK-O.o.wit tb l' ciT.lIi. AllMiiy, OrcMi. JJM. W. II. OAVIJ., Phyaiinan anJ Harvm. OCF.CK-UpaUhrj In tb Mtiaiian bl.ick ; May b f.iu-i 1 at bia otflo day or nitu. A'bany, Oregon.'t ' TU. O. A. WIIITJfEY, PtyaMan and Hjrnn. Oral. mi et Dj'laroa U l Il 0l . How V.irk Clti. Iiaity. OKICK-frnnvi Ul,iaaaa of woman a black, Albany, Oragoa PAISLEY a SL1ILEY. - W holoal.Da!ert In - and - CIGARS. Albany, )rca ALBANY OR. mnm & hulbert bros,. Real sUt Agants Karmt ami ftancbea for sal. Alan city broaerty in Alban and Coryallia. TOlVfiSEND S WILSON, ileal Estate g Loan Mm OfSlec B4LTIM0RE BRICK. 1lnr a fanaral Inituanr biulnaaa, oil i, In.'ir.iu will iu wall to soa thani. -aokxts roa- Arlns Inaarnnre Cant pan t, Inmrtnra d t nl ar tar ior,witial. ltw; paid in 70 y fetM). Alii,t9,7tiOJl6,U3, :Hrr.ll..n In, rumpnny, "I l'ni'ur., En!anJ C.r Ull.ilhhaii t 1. Capital, 5.0jaI,0i.iO. 'l owl I'l r ivJ uci 6-1,0 Jii,!. 4 m I lr Ins. t'uiiipanv, nl Hillad. pbl. ur r-i 1 lilO. Cah uu, J,4JI,w. , , . ii, ,i'l,.'J)rt -iHi. ; ,,. l-M I ii t frirlna Ina. I'l-wimti, I' ,) I !(;.!, Oc. A 4. h),hVl.t,t. '1 is vim Close itujcnls of history tsy that lh first trouble cucJ by a third paity oreurred in tht Gtrdta, of KJen. ill.. Takt the Pen lion iliarkt out of the republi- cta party and what a lrgt hole would lit left in it. Tbit is a big year for racinc, but wait till oa if yoa warn to set Tht UntciilficJ iliow hit heal. u a ... p. il'J William K Yanilerbilt hat built tht bic.eet hen houtt in tht country, tpendlng (150100 in tht ttructurt, and it it feared that ht in tertill to drivt Rutherford D Hayet out of tht C2 trade. If it b true that President Harriion it afraid to dismiss Raara kit ht should get a worse man In hit place, it it a pretty ttrong indication that ht txptctt to hare to go ovtr tht political field with a very fin gar Jen rake. I L LLi. Li! J Sob Russeli't newspapers art so noticea bly deficient of late in important political tips at to lead to tht tutpicion that something hat dropped in hit vicinity and ha hat heard it. Et-Sflnator lngallt hat beta "aoooding 1 warniog"ia a bttar to a ooa vtusion of Kant a tditort. lit ptedioU tht rtnomioaMoo of Harritoa and Crtyeland and tht overwhelm iog defeat of tht republican party "it dicker with popular error, eompromiaa with unprincipled 1 tadnt, aid net it honttt diffurenct of iudmant and opinion." Tba ti-Mnator ia ao daliaihtfally ambiguous that ha ahoald 'ioaod" another note txplaiaing what ha meant. I)oei tht tenator refer to tht Alliantt doetriuct and leaden, of whom ha hat been credited with a desire to be tht thief, or to MoKinlty and McKiole)iau, or Blaiot and reciprocitjt The tonator him- alf onoeaneereJ, then dickered, tken corn- pro mi ted and felt. Tliert it a matancholy rtminiaeonee of the past in the letter which it teen pathetic .TTIUTTWO RETIBUOXSTIIINC. Juat at tbla llme.wben republican organs arc doing their best to cry down and dis credit '.be 'people't partr,,, born rectntljr In Cincinnati, come two well known tx Congresamcn, whoae loyalty to their ptrty It beyond dispute but who have contracted the unpleasant habit of telling the truth regardlcat of consequence. One of theae It Ewtrt of North Carollna,who stubborn ly stood out tiralntt the force bill In the face of the admlnla'.ratlon and the oil garchy which dominated the house In the billion dollar coogreae. Speaking of the political outlook In the west he said: "II the Alliance placet a ticket In tba field neit year the democrats will carry sever aI western states. In the south the Alliance men will vcte the detnocrath ticket every time. In the west the Alliance men vote the straight Alliance ticket and the result will be that the demociatt Id gain what the republicans will loae, and that would mean the election, Ith the present out look conditions tie moat favorable to dem ocratic tucccat." Thia will redouble re publican appeala to the farmers to keep hands off. Mr E wart then went on to talk about presidential chances at follows: "While In New YoA I heard eome quiet talk about Cleveland. In my judgment he will be the next president of the United S aits. I don't tec how tbey can beat him tor the nomination. I can't help but ad mire the man." Thia 1 the talk of a cool, hcai'ed, courageous politician who hat been, and atlil la, loyal to the republican Prty. Another republican, this time an Indiana man, who is stirriag up tht animals, h con gressman Owen. As he is miking an active canvass for commissioner of immlgiatkra be very naturally claims tbat there it no opposi tion to Harrison's rcnotnination. With regard to bis reelection, however, Mr Owen is not so confident. He say very fiankly tbat in the west, especially, the prospects for republican access are rather dubious. While, In common with miny other republicans, be denounces the Alliance as a "deraucra'ic sideshow," he does not attempt to conceal his fear that they will succeed in electing the democratic candidate, Cleveland Plaiwdealcr, FA13 WARjyUi 12 aaverltr Head Dmi tot Waat the Warld, bat he Mal slave the Delia jaeat I Taxes. EherifT Scott proposca to make it warm for delinquent Lax payera unlesa they aettle at once. The following notice has been published aeveral wee-ka: bat It doei cot work as efluctivcly as it should : By order of tba County Court I am di rectad toforoe the colioeiion of all taxea standing unpaid rn tba aaaeaaroent rolls of tbla county. If suoh taxe are not paid Immediately I ahall proceed to levy upon and sell .he property of delinquents to maka collection,. I moan buxfnsni. M. BCOTT. Sheriff of I.lun county Now he propotes to enforce tho collec tion of all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasantett basinets in tho world, mutt be done. Delinquents should corne to time and pay ,p, thereby avoiding legal proceedings, as provided by the laws of Oregon. This is positively the last call. Look out for the explosion of tho bomb. TWO MEN AND ONE T.OY FOUND DEAD!! r- ;- While trying tx Crowd thcil WAV IKTO DEYOE & FF.OIAH BE1GS Store, whrre they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; "Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands f other things too numerous to mention Xlepnir hop in connection with the Store, and one of .tie best workmen In the Slate to do any tnd ail kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to thow goods. "Small profit tnd quick " Is oui motto. . 1m? n tTT7 VRli pit? t: -m'to-re rf-war-l f.-r .nr p if IJvw w.tini, lj-r.;wi i.t'ii ic Htvta.-r.fl, lii.i. '..ton Cvn iitl'n t i 1,. i. ftciw t.tittol w,in We:t'e ctr.fn! i.ircr 11 l. wj.f rt tho d .fiMtti'.rm rti tvtrMly itj ili d .K. T'-i' T are I tf:.'1.7 Vpr,i'i;, a'.tl iV, .11 1 ptv vti-at''!,. 3 ..m ' r.iai-ii 1 ac 'il Jlt 'r.ti' " . :s. j'.t,'V..r v,f fi'i'llti .ViW ' 't t'it iriikf uf t. ttir.?il im'.y -I- j-.- ' r ih..-am v, uiii.A-".) iu. 4 A t'aimunic, Ajrnt I.J- - .- . TlSLKaitAPHlO NEWS . . Ktuilr-Ml in Trouble, Boston, June 4. Tbit morning thirty prominent atuittntt of Harvard college, mem bers of the Alpha Delia Phi Club, whose roomi were raided by tht pollct this week and large leisures of llouor made, were fined 6$ tach in a CembriOiit court. Anions tht culpri't wert Arthur J Cummock, captain of the -University football team and first rottshsl vl the coming clau day eserctacsj Duuley S Dean, captain of tht University nine, Uo a class officer Times A Lowell, a son of fudge Low!l) J ick V entail, r, poet, and oat of tht roted ncicty men of the co'h'C', Ui'n'ii Tr(Tord, tl.e wrli known fullback of tht foot ball tenm and tiiii- haremnn of tht university nine. AstE.liurlalt. SAI.KM, Or, June J Tonight about 1 1 o'clock, L II McMnhon. editor of tht Wood burn Independent, shot Jap Minto, a promt neat cnutn 01 Mticm, throutn tht hand McMahon had published a sty ere criticism about Min'o, and tonight the parties met on tht street near the pottolTU-t. Words passed between them about tht articles printed and the parties came ta blows. McMahon drtw a revolver tud told Minto to stand back or bt wtuld shoot. Minto advanced and McMahon shot, tht ball passing through tht fleshy part 01 ftiin'o s lett nana. McMahon attempted to shoot acain, when Minto aeixed tht revol ver, getting bia thumb ctucht bet weed tbt hammer and cartridge, A Marderaaa Brother. Coulek City, Wash June 5. W 1 Downey came to Waterville front hit Foster creek ranch, twenty-eight miles from there, in twe hours and fifteen minute, on Wednes day the 3d inst on acoouut of a fatal affray between his dcighbors, the VooDreman bro's, in which Jikt killed hit brother Henry, mortally wounded bit brother John and left tie tceetoi the encounter toward the isrltuh line. Hut little as yet is known as to tht cause of the tragedy. Where did They San Francisco, Junt 5. Yesterday dis patches. In announcing that tht arms taktn from tht Robert end Minnie had been sur rendered with tht Itata, wert explicit la tut trg tnai tne property turned ovtr consisted 01 but 500O ritles. If this it true, tht Itata hat managed to dispose of luet that many rtlltt and , 500.000 cartridges, at tht number ol Remingfbnt landed on tht long wharf at Oakland wa o,rw, Instead of 5000. T.b. e Lead Iwladlera. SI'okakk, Jant 5. Two young swindlers who ktvt been operating ia tLU tecka, p ttndiag to locale men on good timber lands ia tbt Si und country for a small sum, were ai rested at Cheney last night upon a telegram sent from Cbkf Meni. These men art sup posed to have swindled their victims, most of whom are honest workingmen, out of more than f atoo in the short lime tbey itvt been ia thit taction. A Clever Eaeapa. Dayton, Wash, Jane 3. Louis Mayer, ar. rested some few we-ks tgo fjr burg lory, con fessed Lb guilt yesterday before tbt superior court tad wat to bt sentenced today. This morning, when Jailor McCtuley took Msytr't breaklaat to him in the County fail, be luund tb prisoner gone, a bent iron rod showing tbt place of Maycn rut. Mayer had oeea locked tip since Lis hut escape ia one of the I'auly steel tells, tad how ha cscapM is a tayslary, Tie moat plaueibl theory, and on generally tretlileJ now it that wbea McCaulcy went to gather np the supper diahc, Mayer slipped out 01 tne ceil and went into hiding, then, under cover of night, filed hit way to bbtrty. tie caiieti on bis wile and loM her a story which u abaut at above narrated in regard to uutscape. Haatrd for a DaMt relate. LOtiniNAL, Ontario, June 4. Narciste Laroeque was banged tbit morning for the muidc.- of Mary and EIu McGonacte last Ottobtr. The drcp fell at 8 05 o'clock. The execution wat probably the most rxi tditiout on recoid. Kxactly five tiiimi'e fiom tht time the hangman pinioned his arms Larocque wat swung into eternity, lit died without a word and without the tiightett sign of fear and made ao confession, Lsrornue met the girls on their way from school. After out raging mem ne comnaucd the murder, to at to cover ap the cnni:. tie,at Baaaaaea. l otTLANu, June 4. 1 be jury in the case of John B Rauh against the Soul hire Pacific in the UniteJ States circuit cour'., to recover 1 75-000 damages for injuries received in tht Lake Labish disastet last November, returned a sealed verdict, which wat opened when court convened yesterdty, and wat founa to be In favor of the plain! iff, a maiding Win damages in he sum of io,ooo. Eaatera t'ylai Cincinnati, June 3, The Commercial Gazette's tpecialt report serious storms throughout Indiana and Ohio this evening. At La forte, Iod-, King & Field warehouse was ujruofed and damaged to the amount cf 50,000. At Aeaa.'bilAdsipMa.'D, a storm Of rahrjfnd bail tnd wind, greatly damaged crop. Lightning struck the tchoolhouae, but no one wat tet iousij hurt. At Seymour, Ind, a tornado tore up trees, demolished an ice factory, tnd blew away the third story of the bigh school building, but fortunvely no one was injured. At Falmouth, Ky. James Austin's burn was wrecked and bis 16-year-old daughter killed. At Salina, O, a church and several house were wrecked. Minor damage reported from many other points. ratal Arrldrat. Chicago, June 3. With loud crash, tie frame buil.'ing a' No if". I West Jackson stieet, tipped off its foundation litis evening, buiying iu the ruins five your men, who were dous ing under 'he fust floor of the building. Tbrte ol (In m were in.taotly killed and the oKter two !..!' i.ti ired. The dead men were: W il!i..m Schaitz, George Scbwaii and John Caliill. The injuied are George Shine and Gus Schwartz. AM teal Mar Jen LX Gkakde, June 3. Word leached thit city last night oft stabbing affray which oc cuned at Butler & Johnson's sawmill, six miles west of llilgard, on the Grande Konde river, retailing in the death of A K Belden. The dilute which culminated in the death of Belden arose over a dilTerent.e oi 50 centa, Belden had lieen employed by Butler & Johnson at a alo;k herder, living by himself in a cabin near the mill. The Ragle Waalesi Hills, Brownsville, June 3. The annual re port of the Eagle woolen mills, of thit eilT, it very encouraging to the ttnek hold-it, at well at to all our citizens, a by it we see tbat the snug sum of something over f 34,000 was paid out here at horn for help, wood, haul ing, etc. Below is a detailed statement of the expendiluret of the company for the ptst ytarj Help, wood, hauling, etc $ 34.3 41 Oils, dt stuff, Insurance, inci dentals 85,836 58 Woid purchased. 45,22827 Maying cbihing at Portland.-. . . 12,175 74 Total .$137,61190 Judges of ibe horse have given it at tholr tpluian, that Titus, Blamberg'a black Perchoron stallion, stands at the heed In his data. lie Is In the bauds of Mr C E Barrows, an efficient and oxper iomud horseman, who will give his patron? every poetdblo attention. Titus will mik tho season of 1891, Mondays and Tuesdays at Jefferson; Wednesdays and Thursdays at Set ; Friday a and Saturdays at Albany. Mr Blurnberg Is also owner of the standa-d brod trotting home, Alwood Breoss j, (No 2863), who can be seen at the stable of Trltes Eros. The get of this borss are large and fine formed, and only need proper dgvoloptneht to show speed. rotUTt cotftT rnn ttsiive;, f D. R. N. Markhurn. 4uilr i B. W. Owi-or and Win, Mumbnuicti, CiHnnikwIunvrs.) Fee Intiucst of Autiupaugh, ucccftacd, allowed. Fee Itimfst of Cnrrlo 0 Voting al lowed. Kccs State vs Rliifiham ftlloncd. Feet State vt Tony ArnolJ allowed. I Ftrs Inquest Trueman DavU allowed. Iillis allowed 1 O P Coahow, aid Kltt fatnllr $10 oi G C Cooler, aid Mr Clark t 00 Cox Si Flnley.ald llcnderaon family 10 00 I.ane Aid soctctyitia uingntmny 10 00 W ECurl tainrv. 0333 DRN UUfkburn, fees 100 00 O V Ruaaell, feet 50 o L Fulev, acct por, . , 6 00 Frank Istclngrandt.bear scalp...... a 50 Feet State vtTtUord Paul S 00 Weatern Dyecrt Hook Mfj (to o 00 K U rhetps, itatitmary , . , v 75 C W Watta, stationery ...... 800 Albany fclectric i-igtu Co.. , ....... 37 50 I)r M II Klllt.lnsane.... 5 Ir Davit, Insane,.,, ............. 5 0 N PPavne.lnaanc,.... 4 x f II Dodd & Co,roadt a 70 00 Gto 1) Barnard & Co 19 7S N V Payne, feet. 33 t M Scott, feet. 34 50 O F Russell, postage.. 1 65 T I Stltea, examining teachers , .... 34 F M Mitchell, tame 34 O F Russell, tame 34 D M vert Si Co, acc't poor, I E T T I'laber, acc't road 34 S I Hart, acc't poor, 3$ McCullr Ray, roa.. S 3 Hugh Dunwiddle, road tun 30 dea W Youns. Marlon Co. to par hail ios 75 . , , lloult 11 roa, tame , II 75 O W Arnold, roadt.. ,.. 3 '1 hot Monteith, ttatlonary ti I-rank 1 rites, ace t intar.o a 50 John I'ther, acc't court house .... to 75 Trltet lire, acc't rwtda i 5 T L Wallace & Co, acc't Insane. ... 3 75 John Duncan, tun DUt JS, allowed li 00 feel lumber. , County Judge and clerk ordered to pro. cure 30 cords ol oak ana 4 cordt nr wooti. Clerk ordered to advertise forbids for keeping paupers. Claim of Mrs I I Davis for keeping Thot Kller, tisolluwcl. Sup. of road dlst 1 1, allowed, 5400 fect lumber. I B Thompson, tup. road dlst iS, re tigned, and M u Case appointed. I F Hyde appointed justice for Lebanon A Waadrrlag Alaaalaw YiCToatA, B. C Mat 13, 1S91. Klitor Dnmerat : Probabl A line from a stray Oregonla might be of Interest to some of the many readert of the DsMocaAT, therefore I pen 1 a tew linet. It It the first time In mr life i that I ever stepped beneath the floating j flag of Great Brl'aln, which almost chilled me to think of. Either tbat or the cold 1 caught between here and PortTow nsend did. Tomorrow being the 34th, her Ma- jetty Queen YklorU birthday, there it quite a tlUplay belug made today In honor ol tomorrow, as It occur thia year on fauntlay. iru aitcrnoou 10 many placet the at art and t'.rlpct were thrown to the brecae which mtd a fine appear ance, as the city la finely do .orator' and a great roncouraeoi people are here to wit hes P. A treat number of the old pion eers oi the J I admin Hay ttilpe, with kn?e breeches and caps on their hcadt.are here to rrtolceover the long life and prosperity of tho Queer.. It looktttrange and aounds mora so to hear them speak of things tht have taken place In America, Instead of saving Illinois, Iowa, California, O eon or vVaaliinton, but call It America. On Monday, the 25th. the war ships that are here wtil makjt a display. They are finely decorated and splendid to look at. Ylctorla I finely located and there are amall pieces of land near it that la good for carden purpovss. but the greater part of the country around It It ver; rocky and not fit for farming. The town list in ap pearance of being built a great while and many little Improvement! are being made no. c 1 tit a kh Aar raiaO Vraela". Oar Bodavillu correspondent talks as follows, on an interesting subject: It Is, perhaps, not very generally known that a vast amount of timber, grain and fruit land, ol tine Quality, abounds soutn and east of thia point that mutt, in the near future, be permanently eetlM by home seekers. And while moat land near hers is claimed, yet there are vast resources which will reached only where the great westward imnii (ration strikes this section. The witling and improving ol this land w ill add much more to Aibauy'a already flourishing trade, at all the pro ducts 01 ttiu secuon must una their war There are many men living In this vi cinity who own large tracts of land, far too much for one man to profitably han dle, which should be divided into small tracts tbat can be well improved and thus one farm can furnish good homes lor several families and the original owner, himself, do much better. But this ia already being done throughout the entire valley to some extent, and we predict that, when the email boy of to day is the man of the future he will look back in amazement and wonder, ponder and think ol the change; the great change that is now taking place among os. The VV illamctte Yallcy will be like a checkered piece of cloth with ten in habitants to one now, each man's farm will be like the village of todar, and Sa lem. Albany and many other vstllov towns and villages, will 1-e great bust ling cities and will bavo forgotten the prosperous now. This If all coming. We see it every day; but each passing event is lost in expectancy ci the next and thus we move from day to day and year to year. The writer ia a young man, but in his short years, he looks back to the time (and only a short time) when hcavilv laden teams wearily dragged the lumber ing stage-coach from Portland to Ashland and thence on to the Pacific metropolis : when Oregon boasted of 33,000 or 40,000 people and thought that good enough The Willamette Valley Railroad was an unheard of institution, and, in fact, nearly every road in the state. A small steamboat was only occasionally seen on the Willamette, and Salem and Albany little stage totvns. Let ns notice the change for ourselves. The little stage towns Have already grown Into prosper ous young cities with electric lights, street railways and many modern advant ages usually found in our beet cities. Portland is growing into a rival for 'Frisco, and railroads and motor, lines are pushing themselves into every sec tion of this etato. Oregon has 373,000 people within her border now. These changes have come in a few days, and yet the state is, all the while, undergoing greater ones. Each year adds much to our, rapidly increasing prosperity and Oregon will soon take her place in the front rark. ir . y- r r- Ta. .laWT-J-Saw 'J r"-3 flJOtC Couafis, Colds, Infltieeis, Ptonchltls, liUnHu Hoarseness, Whooping Coufjh, Croup, Snr Inroat, Asthma, and every eti'cctton of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including; Consumption, &pedy itnduerroancnt. Ocnuinc vintjii ' J. guttt,'' onion seed Growai From Selected Bnlbt Early Rod .. .........per il SO Kod WethrstieM....,. 1 to Yellow Danvers . i Wblt Portuf 1 " I In rnmparlnt pricas pleas remember that abov tailoni Include Ponuoa, dice Oar Mead m Trial. rTMpontUnc aollclted, TRU7.-.3ULL - t - BEECH IXTORTS, oaOWSM AS 9 DtlLBft IV Ees33, Trees, Eult3 ani Plants, tlS-ilt. Beaa-iutt St rru'.lr. UVUtn'Ain tkis arr. 62l-.f .!ri niHFite Oregon 1ia a new mcdlciii law, widt h la a very mixed tip nflalr, and, under It, it 1h htrd to tel whether cvrn a physlclnn H long ttnndli.g; ha a right to prartlce or not, at leant under thn iiilerprcitioii of the tncdlcal board, frurn which some pe culiar notions are cinlnftiina. Some who h.ard the Ct rineton Opera I Company ,t evenlfur pronoum-cd the entPitttlnmnt ns anod f.nyth!ti tl.ey have heard In Albany. The troup It composed of a much olaatof people man la found lit most companies. A curtoaliv mav be teen at the store of Horn ,v Paine, it Is a double headed calf. There aro but two ears, but there are two mouths and notes ami four eye, an pcr- tct, atantllng almort at right antics. Air ituaton tiront'i.t it in last ween to nave 11 mounted. The calt was born on the Coi?hcII farm and dled.and the bead was removed from the body. Eugene Reg ister. Yettcrdav morning at Mr A C Alex ander, of Kl.m'a Valley, was coming to thHcttv, be saw a beautiful sight on the curuwcii ntu, nve miiet west 01 ncre. tie wns drlv-lna; fllona unthoughtcdir wiien five large deer trotted up within 200 vnrds of hit wagon and then tcatrpcred of! into tne iiriuh unconcerncu and unmoiesieii, Corvallls Times. A Sa'em Journal man Interviewed Tar- beau. "We had delightfully tympav thctlc'audicnce at Albany," the said. The reporter bowed lilmaclf out, larbeau nearly paralyxcd the pencil puaher with a ton come and tee me alter trie pity." "nut 1 am marneu." 'Sa am 1 and Jarbeau polntetl to a heavy tet dark-mouatached gentleman In the corner. . W hen larbetu lett Albany the wat In tear. A Dkm'Kiiat man wat Informed abe and her hubby had been quarreling. Perhaps that tame kind of an invitation did it. Tho biggest strawberry is now in order. . Albany is iu a fair way now to have tome good sidewalks. We need theui John L Bnltivan ami party will leave for Australia in a few weeks. It tnluht be hoped that they would remain there, At a butler wareliu" In Albany voti can now gt four erratic he artic!e.l5. 20, and '.'S cent butU r. Our farmers should all strive to bo on the high price of the list. With tnoat people the qual ity is the only consideration in buying butter. The very liandtome floral fan at the 0xra House, reading "Welcome Bain," might be kept and utilised by changing the B. to It, at some opportune time to ie selected uy the farmers of the rotinty. Mr pain like Haln cheers the spirits of many. The lowest rale on record, Ave cents a bushfl, in now Udug rharged for carry ing wheat from Chicago to New York. Tho grain is taken by lake to Butfulo, then by tide water to the Krie rsnal. The lake boat get l. j cla., th P.uffalo elevator of a cnt and the Krie canal Iroats tho remainder. It costs alout twice as much in Oregon to carry wheat a tenth oi the dhttancc. A Jury at Spokane reported at tho end of twenty-four hriurt that they were atill unal.b i.) agree. SajH.rwr Judge Moore ordered them back to the jury room, H remain until they rtaclicd a verdict. He also instructed the bailiff not to (rive them anything to eat until they had found a verdict of guilty or not gulily. In ten minutes thereafter thi jury re turned verdict finding the prisoner guilty as charged. A pew trial will be asked for on the ground that the jndg had no right to coerce the jury. A correspondent of the Salem Journal shows that there Is at leant one person In 8a loin who appreciates a good thins, He says of Carnngton: "1 feel you have done her treat injustice: nerhami vou were a little prejudiced and aigravate-i, by her non-fuUlilmcnt of bringing her orchestra aud scenery and still cbanrin b'g priw. This everyone felt, hut aio ner ainjring It was prlecUy delightful and will linger long in my memory ; the iio, onus snu u-nor were also excellent It is ead we all grow old. but for i, aa lung at the voice htttt, there will be no lack at admirers. An opera Is to be heard. Of course, it is all the more enchanting.whcn youth and beauty aro com uined. When Mrs-Jones and daughter arrived at the insane asylum the other day they thought they were in a big hotel The baletii Journal puts it as follows 5 The saddest case of insanity on record has just been committed to tho hospital for the insane at Kalem. Sheriff Matt Scott, of Linn county, brought down two crasy women, Kebecca F Jones and her daught er r?aran Jones. The mother is accd 70, has hod continuous attacks for several years, uses profane language and ha de structive and rioruocidal Inclinations. The stiil condition of the women being neretuinry. mey are natives of Alary land and Virginia. Tho dnuehter is 61 yea old. Declining reason has made it necessary now to protect their families and neighbors. As stated by our correspondent several days ago Soda vi lie people are to build a motor line between that city and Leb anon and generally improve that bcauti- iui summer resort. Aiiany men Should stand in with the en ter; : . Pirt Is not the Journal's forte. It tries to bo enterprising. Salem Journal. And yet in writing up an operatic perform anc that paper, instead of connnlnz ll II i il . - . m itst-ii to trie merits oi tne penormers. attacked their teeth, etc., in insulting laneuui'e, which comes Pretty close to dirt. The Salem Klfltesman severely criticlz- 1 . 1. att.I 1 . T . Those who attended the opera in Kttgeno :tt mo Auuie varririKrrjn oiera trvutie. express themselves well satislled with the entertainment. Perhaps the Eugene people nave not attained the high artis tic taste enjoyed by tho cultured Saletn- ites. Huard. Hon Coll Van Cleve. of the Yaouina t'OHt, paid us a fraternal visit recently. Coll is on the high road of prosperity, and may soon be counted as one of the Solid Muldoons, of Oregon, having lately como into possession of a very rich coal mine discovered on land owned by him near Toledo, Portland Express. Coll will gut there on paper any way. One of the larce cities of the world, in territory, is McMinnville. According to its new charter the boundaries of the city read tlmt the survey begins at n stone near "the northwest corner of tho Oak Park addition and runs thence west 3000 chains. This is 45 miles due west and is in the Pacific ocean somewhere off Ti'.ia mook county. From this the boundary line extends south 10G0 chains, or a dis tance of 13 miles." This makes it a city of magnificent distances. Early this mornins deputy sheriff Wain was sent to North Salem to take in custody a violently insane woman, Mrs ii o McKUlop. He found a poweriuly built woman in a violent rage. Fhe had practically "cleared out the ranch" and when her husband interferred to save the 18 months old child, she slabbed him fiercely with a largo steel hat pin. It pierced his left sido, narrowly missing is heart ana came -cut at his shoulder. The man had to fight for his life, the children were scattering m all directions and the whole neighborhood was in terror- . Mr McKillop and his wife grew bu together in Ireland from childhood and are Presbyterians and hardworking peo ple. This is the third titrto the unfor tunate man hits had to turn his wife over to the authorities. She wan taken to the asylum Salem Journal. mKt-inaiiraaflfa roiKifk. rR'Kr.riHtiii. A npnclfil innAtini; ol tlie city Council wan licM Inst wrjtlt. " A lftrf;o mimW of blilj wero rncoived for tloiiift wttik mi'lttr (lie nilvo l lf-i'input feu-bida, according to tlmt nublinhed in tllfl DKMOt'iiAT. J TillotHon re?lvcl the contract for bulliUtiij JtJ-foot wulkri 011 -the stontli wldo . , ' j a . . I bntwetm hyon ttnd J'.aker "f1!1' eS-t tbe yropbtly llongui to w '' ""'i m "oaiot property 01 u in front uf A Cunnlgham Atxi 11 F Smith at 23 cents. O W Warren wiin (tlvon . contract to build 10-fiiot walk ttdjuinltig property of Harper i;rnnor atitl li li MonU'ttn, on i.yo niia HtHt strsetu, at centt per foot, nd 0-foot wnllt iu front of property 01 a mHUiriiuerac Al CL'IVM W Baldwin received tba con trnt for builtlmifall the idewlk for Col Hogg ana uuq 9 uoo. Eobt Brown and Mr Miller received contract for tmlUliitK C foot walk in front oi Hmilii Knox' at 22 U cunta T,er foot, and In front of Peter Kiiwy'i at lU.'i conw. Where thorn wero no bUlt tho eltt commissioner wat directed to build the walka. Streets are being worked. Good gardent and good ctopt Camp meeting It i.ow In full progress. Seven or eight hunditd people were on our streets minuar. Louis Baixee, real estate agent at thtt pltce. hat told about twenty lots during the week. A fine new building on main ttreet It almost completed, which will be used for a diug store ty Mr U Roberts. Six or seven new residences wKl be built soon on the lots jutt sold In the I L tun addition. Bodaviiie it rapidly climb ing upward. Mr Tbes McCuilocn, ol this place, It preparing U put up a grocery store, wlilti will iw !. running order m a le weekt at moat. The city marshal It havlug the atreett put In better order than ever before at a big expense. Several new sidewalks are also being built which adds ta the town. Among those from Alba ty on Sunday were noticed ur j 1 iiui ana iaoy W W Parrlsh, of tl.l place, It having discovered tome lime ago, perfected and the toda tprlnif on bt place, which was improved, ana tnjuia litis water te louno to be of as good quality at peopl here believe, he will build a suitable house over It and Sodavllie will have two first c!at mineral springs. Three thousand descriptive clrcutart have iuat been printed, setting forth the resources and advantage of Sodavllie. You will perhaps meet with tome of them In jour wandcilngs. A company hat been organised fcr the purpose of building a moiur line from thl place to Lebanon, and a t urvevor, accompanied by fiva other gentlemen, left early thit morning to commence Iheturvtyof the line. Thl company means bu!nes, and before many months health eckcrt will come to houaviite by rail atalert Kaletlatameat l-olU'Wiiig It the program lor the en- It ttaintiK'nt t 1 given by the pupiiacf t hir Irfi iyed l't rin tun! 1E"!j, at the r.iwra hottec, on Thursday evening, June llth : Overture, Othello, Misses L Brer. ner nd K Skeiiy. Salutatory, by Miss Nora iveyi. Jiy first Lesson, oca I fcola, by Mies Ora Jiubrulllo. v In lurtry Triumphant a drama tm- ler!!iated by Mtawes M Ehret, K Mack- ty. N Zeyas, C Barker, I P.luiubcrg, K Shelly, 5! Sprengcr, L Ketchum, C Budde an I M llunufr. The P.ridaa, Vocal Solo, by Mi An nie Ash. Bone de Alps, Instruinental Huet, Pianists, Mitaes k and L Brenner. Grandpa's Birthday an opcratt im- . i i r : v." . it; a rwrnounu-ti vj juiwi r. mini van, i lavis, K Howard, K Collins, K Warner, L Ketchum, O IhibruilJe. M and T IIoO- man, K Uotcliall, M Spremrt r. M Hun ter, L Bowen, A Zaches, F Murphy, A Havis, M Winker, and Matters A Cherry, u Meyer, Chas isowen and J itotiman. Honor thy Father and Mother, Chorus. Pchlittenfafirt, Piano Duet, Pianists, MiiMH's K Shelly and I) Biumbcrz. The Old Woman's Complaint, Chora. Bo om-1 of Bcatics. Piano Duet, Pianints, M isrica F Brttnncr and C Sterabfrg. The Sisters. Trio. Minscs M SprtJtiacr, T Baumgart and L Sternberg. Life is What You Make it a drama itnpersonatt-d by M Senders, E Sullivan, o imbruillo and L Ketchum. Militarr Gallop. Piano Duet, Pianists, Mlttt-t L Kicfcr and C Warner. Soldiers Farewell, Chorus, tho young violinists. Matter 0er Baumgart and Miss M Hunter. Valedictory, by Miss C War ner. Flight of the Birds, Chorus. Ja cob's ladder, Tableau. Closing address, by His Grace, Arch bishop uross. rarfrrfradaate Kalertalatneatt Following was the program for the un dergra luates cntertainrrent, taking place next Monday evening at the opera nouse: Orchestra, The Whistling Farmer Boy, i-horus. The Fairy Crowning, an operetta- Queen, Edna Price. Attendants, Mary Graham, Eva Bos- coo, Orpha Fisher, Lizzie Patterson. Mischievous Fairies, Leta Blain, Lucy Chamberlain. Lazy Fairiss, Bessie Merrill, Vida MaKton. Kindliearted Fairy, Francis Graham. The Flirtinir Fairv. V'esLa Ilenton. The Work Loving Fairy, Carrio Pricli- am. The Match Making Fairy, Emma Sox - Delsarto Gesture Drills Feather Move ments Oppositions of Arm and Head Gestures of Affirmation, Presentation and Indication. Attitudes Defiance, Reflection, Des pair, Familiar ltepoao, Respect, Indecis ion, Attack, suspense, Animation. Tableaux Movements Chain Dance, Battle 61 the Amazons, Watching for Sunrise, Welcoming the Risen Sun, Death cf Virginia, Home, Sweet Home. Left In Sikdit of Home. Center Our Heavenly Home. Right Farewell to Home. Shoemaker John, Chorus. Zanie, an operetta Sir Henry Olenviile, an English noble man, O Breckenndiro. Herbert, son of Sir Henry. J Clement Irvine. Mr Ringgold, an American eontletnan. Percy A Young. arrai, a gypsy, a Elliot Irvine. Robin, a messenger, Hugh U Fisher. Mrs Itingcold. an American ladv. Mary S Cundiff. , ,, i . - - Zanie. anpposed to bo a cvpsv. but the daughter of Mr Ringgold, Eva N Cowan. irene and bteiia.dauKliters of Sir Hen ry, Av Baltimore and Eva Simpson, llepaichore. a fortune teller, llattie Graf, - Zororo, a singiug gypsy, Mildred Bur- tnester. Florence and Emily, friends 'of the Glenvilles, Kina Galbraith and Lena McCormack. Stveltlet ta Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties ia ladles spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers ana Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line ol these Roods. as well as ali the leading styles in Ladies Capes, beailed, crochet and in cloth. Ore! ere taken for special eizes and styles. fcAM'l, X OUNd. Kenton' Adhesive Salvt for cots aaa! brais, 25 cents per roil. Wall Paper, etc, I have just received a new line of wall paper and decorations. Have more than doubled my facilities for bundling them, and will keep a much larger stock. W an paper and border to match. r.oauUcs, nd much cheaper than er before, Bamckl E Young. Hons AK ABKOAO THtlllNIAV. for yol I is will oohdiiato thn 4ih of Jn Pf..f W 15 yts,r.f Cotva'h", riUl to tbt bar yesterday. An Immense number nf loadvd fruit car past through Aioany dally for tht north. ri' ,' Tbt IUrrm tnd Ow!ll bane ball olubt " play at Lebanon tomcrrow. Two mm. two womett and two Lovs gave a eoooort nd trapesd t'fli'f'.'rrnaio Att mining the P.tVtrrt lloutl thil after linno, Out of them, a one h-t;ifd man, wat id Albany last year, IU ia t.n expert at bit liuinuss. A enrioaitv at tht dapot this boon wat a raj; coiiUlniiiK two lovt bird, a pietty birds t on idmu aeon, of a'cuant plumage and peculiar beak. Tboy wert owned by a lady traveler, and cost flfi a pair. Acaotis Tint M'JUNiaiks. Mr Frank WheHcr arrived hi Albeny lost n!ht from frlnevllle, alter a four days trip. The snow was entirely out of the rond, which wat in tooti condition. A fine rtln red visited Crook county jutt before he left and every body wt huppr. Last evening a mining agreement was entered into between Mi Richard Harris, ol Denver, Col., and the Golden City Mining Co., of this city, which wilt mean much for the future of the Santlam mines, In confederation of certain stock, Mr Ilar rbt, wlolt backed by Denver capital!!, and it well off himself, Is to put a ten tamo mill Into the comoanv'a mine, be tides a wire tramway and the building 01 roadt to the icdgrs, rri. iiting the expen diture 01 nearly $50,10. .ins ce.npany own twenty of the best claims in the Santlam country and their development with a large mill tpcakt ol business from the start. Under the contract the outfit U to be ready far opera'lon by Jan 1st ncx Sir llnril iclt latl niitht lor Uenverand remarked tbat he thought he would be ready to ship some of the outfit within thirty dayt. lie Is an old nd experienced miner, and titer prospecting through the Kantlatn pronounced these mines among tne best in the U.S. The bringing of outside capital Into the mines will do more to attract the attention oi the puuiicinan any tnave yet mtde. t'AaaisoTON. An audience af seventy- three attended the entertainment given by the Abhle Carrlngton Grand Opera Co last evening. Six people presented the Rose of Castile. All of them have good roicct, possessing different degrees of merit. Carrlngton Tut a voice, clear and tweet, with a good compass. She It a large woman but hat an attractive lace presence. MrTravener. as Manuel It an actor oi ability, and hi singing it Ol a high order, ihe entertainment pre- tented la a pleasing one, II you can keep out of your mind the price ot admlsalon and the fact that prand opera hat been advertised for tlx people without choruses or orchestra, even though the chorus may not be needed in the Kwe oi iastiie. Were the company to advertise just what It I and charge 75 cents or Si their tudlercet would alwayt be satisfied ones, though a etas of people do not appreciate U1 style ol cntertfilnment however e cellent In quality. The company at least hat enough merit so that it s'.ouid not have tuch a inaa of rotten eggt and mud thrown at them at wa done in very unjournalUtlc way by the Salem piper. I I MUDAY. Waterloo will have a 4:h t-f aly d-t, lion ibis year. , Lotting. lh hivtorUo, died yt.terdn Pcngukeepi. NY. A titer teuraioa will bt j,!vn from Cr vallta to Salom tomorrow. A gsmt of baaa l!t St la progress this afternoon b.twtca the Weatl)etf.rt nine aad tht tkdlrge buys. Tb fio Pre editorially cnmt oat io favor of a high a tool bridge at Albany, op posing a draw bridge. Tbt price tf Carringtoa at MiMinnvlil was advartiard at $1 at Ptd!eton it wilt btoacft and f 1.24. A eitme cf laae ball i ii be played ot tbt 12.h inttant between clerks and busi es men on the tooth aid of Fi-at ttreet, twtweea Firry and IIrm'n.!bin,nd thus on the opposite tid of the ttreet. Cotiddctor Cotiser, lojured In the Lake Ltbiah aecident. will pnbably let bit leg, it having bees about decided that amplia tion will bo nc&ttsary, a fact that will b ((net ally regretted ky bit frt cdt ail over tbt ooast. Mr Froomotit Davit wtt drowned la Horn citr Cieck, eipbt mile from Scin,laat Satarday. Coroner Farrtll, of thi city, went to tb tees of drowning and held ao inquest on Davu' body, Tht deoaat-d wat year f age tnd I ewe a w if aud three eh:idrn. A saver acsident kanttned near Sttvtau last Monday that will mike F 3 Thompson a cripple for bf. Mr Thomptoa wt work ing with an tder to a taw mill near Stsj -ton,aad in tnm manner bit liht hand etmt in contact w'.th tha acd hit hand waa badly Isetratwt. " The Btidd'w ftni:r was cot off entirely and the teeod tiuger cat off at tbt teeotid j tint. Sta teaman. Piovrers at BaowssviLi-E.-The Linn County Pioneer began a three day session at Brownsville yesterday with a htre attendance.' A fine time was being had, the meeting proving a great tucccat In every respect, though a light rain dampened mattert for awhile. Hon J K Weatherford, of this city .delivered the ad dreas, which one ot hit hearer tells us, wat a lincefTori.tull cf reminiscent and in teresting facU connected with the growth of Linn county, with which Mr Weatherford has become to famidar dur ing Ns lung residence here. With Bars Knuckles. Last even ing, according to an account given the DtMocaAT, a one round fight accutred across the river near the stone quarry of a very exciting nature. The combatants were two young weighing nearly too pounds at.d the other about 14a While working In the quarry they had had a dispute, which thev agreed to settle with bar knuckle. Forming a ring In the public road they went for each other, in pugliUth style. The middle weight wat too much for the heavy weight, knocking him down and out In the fraction of a round. While it lasted, our Informant ttatct, Il wat of a nature to have suited the most experienced sport VlOLATlNO TUB LOTTERY LAW. V G Gardener was arrested at Stayton-, yes terday, by deputy sheriff Wrightman, of Marion- county, charged, with violating tho U 6 lottery law. He was taken to Salem and lodged in the county jail uiere. ineiotiery was run as billows: lie had a stock of jowolry, knives, etc. He would sell a box of tooth powder or cement for f 1. The purchaser then drew eight numbered cubes from a bag. Adding the numbers the total was the number of the prize he secured. Thf. penalty is not less than six months nor more than one year, in the penitentiary, not loss than three nor more than twelve months in a county jail, or not less than $100 or more than $1000 fine. The lot tery law is now very strict. Col. Geo. W. Bain. There was a largo house last night at Col. Bain's lecture Rev J F Stewart read the scriptures, Rev Fisher olt'ered prayer, and two songs were neara cy tne Apollo club. Co . Barn's lecture was one replete with in teresting tacts and incidents. It was delivered with eloquence, the audience Doing new in tne closest attention until the close. A southern man, the Col. does niuct to bring the two sections dose together in a common flght on a great bondage, that of intemperance, in which tho south, now ia doinc tha niop.t effect ive work. It is a privilege to hear this speaker of national fame, not often en joyed in Albanv. The amount of the collection was $51: Sunday eveniueit was $17. ' v HArt'tlDAT. ttt Jot Purdom has boon elected chief of police tf Oreson City, and ha retired from the railroad office. Mi a Mary R Van Clove, mother of Coll VaaClovo, of the Toledo Post, died in Lot Angeles on M&y '26, at the age of 76 years. The excursion to have been made from Corvallis to Saldin, on account of tho bad weather failed to ruater'sliz, and wat given ap. . . Tho public schools eioaed yesterday after a successful year. They are in a flourishiug condition and in good hands. Iu tha matter of educational fioiiititss Albany make high. Mr Jay Blaia who returned from Salem last" eye-sic, re;-ort'd the rc and t'r.jtt- 'I'.iry flr being htdd thi-tf an artistie and creditable thow, Albany mi;!it well follow the Kfiod example and cio a like exhibition. Itl.t r0"'ivf,il a flnu invnloa of barber's iill" diroi-t trim Philiulnlpnta, by L V r-. . 41 'h 11, n t of Bnmdtlbln Andjlst afreet vou tll tiii.i (. K Browned olays the lead 111 the grwirry'rc. . - f-ur I aTsraifi In iriotintiiant, hea'latonea ete.,Kotn K W Aciiim.&&Co,AHnr,(OitKfn Frenh braid, cake, pies, etc., every day at tht l'.jim'iiiiijo restaurant. Ltivt roar Ptdtr.l . Keep it ia yrnir mind tbat Alien Broj pri es keeping the kind of groceriettht tiuMic mauds. Tlmir stock it a I109 on. Fresh veffetablesSsnd berriet verv! Uioro ing Brownell's. Judftt Shattuck. of Portlsnd. h decided tne Auriooltursl Coilegs esse, of which ti much hat been said, in favor of the M V. Church South. Thit will ctoe thsretma to tbat eburch orcsniration ,f all the Uud mat man on the Aznoultaral Uolieire farm on Fah 18h, 1880, unlesa reversed by tht oupri'itienurf, , . Tht mtnntr in which Buildinr and Loan Astocittiont are playing a part io tht ap- out.aieg or cities it well illustrated la tht former horn of the writer. Rochester, h Y, now a city of ver 135.000 population, bar -jng gained 50 per eent in 10 year. Ia it art ti(hty-fiv -f these aMociatuma, th weekly teceiptt in all of winch art Vi,Mi. A magaicina writer iu tpaaking of the fact says it b to materially affected tht aaloon busintat a to cause comment, woik'ng men potting their money into hornet intAdnf into wbiskey, Rochester ia tow es lid tbt "City ef Hotnet." tlnlfa & Dawaon, dmsrgwt. Fi.i growriot at Conn U H-ttdrcon 'a. Best tstnrtmtut of tat iiJ'wn at C E Drowr.ell t. RaedoaU for tale bvIW W Crawford, at laiiman. A tin line i f crockery ware 'al Coon & . . . - Gool vault atnl and tun 'iiichttd batb rnobt at vuri-ek t. , Shaving, 15 uoots, at Viareak shop Close I on rluudajr. Drii.k do'iiMom ice cold f xlt water at C R Biowneir. A far aa.trtment of carden aeeda en tsle at C K Brow cell's. Bargain in choice groeariea! can alwayt bt secured of Allen Broa.. Flino Block. E VV LCo art filing monomcBtt at Pott land prices. Goldtn oppnrtnoitiet ar wasted every day by not trading with C E Browntll. A new lina of window ahadet from SO eent to $1 CO aacb complete, at Ssmtiot E Yoang'a. BvDuen Dxath. Last evening about 5 o'clock, after picking over some goose berries, Mrs. F. A. Burthart, feeling un well, lay down on a sofa, at her home in this city. fhe called for a drink of soda water, and taking a single sip, fell over, expiring almost instantly. DrMaston was sent for, but too lata to render any assistance. He pronounced the trouble heart disease, with which she had been affected somew hat. Mrs Burkhart was alront 33 years A e acd leaves a hus band, child and many friends to mourn her death. Funeral services will occur tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family retst- d-jnec. Minn Ci'MUKAtt, a returned missionary a from Ivkin, China, save a very interest ing talk at the M t. Cburcu loxt evening, teliing of her journey to Pefcin,its inhab itantM. etittoms. etc. Also having many cnritwiti-a from far-away China. A Roman's Freia:o Missionary Society was orvauized w ith the loiiow ing otiicers : President, Miss Margaret Ceiaendorfer; Cor. rcretarr. Mrs J M Pollock : Rec Secretary.Miss May Rideout; Treaiqrer, UriBi', Memmger. Basis Ball. At Lebanon yesterday the club of that city beat the Corvallis nine with the greatest ease, taking the lead and keeinnir it. Score, Iebanon, 34 Corvallis, 22. The Lebanon boys treated me visitors royally. The game on next Friday between the north and south side of First street, Ferry to Broadttlhin, will bo conrposed of the following rattling nines : South eiders Mack, the barber, Htimson, tho express man, Isom, the soda man, asety ilon- teilh. Hodges, the rtruzinst. v tiite. tne restaurateur. Jack Mack, Harry Day and Walter Montague. North eiders Mayor Cowan. Attorney General Chamberlain, Dr Lieninger, Editor Whitney, Harry Noel, Eugene LaForest, Billy Miller, Druggist llultn. The challenge of the nine in Block 8 has been accepted by Block 3,anda game will be played next Tuesday at 3 o'clock. The clubs maybe something like this: Block 3 Van Wilson. Bob Huston. C w Watts, Will Campbell, Ed Huston, J O Writsman, Mr Sower, Ed Keed, lOUli man. Block 3 Jack Smiley. Bert Maz ers, Chat 8ears, Perry Conn, Erra Hor ton, Geo Htanard, Dr Jones, jr, L M Curl, k p Cutting, with aeveral alternates. The game of base ball yesterday resa't- ed as follows: eatheriord club, 40 Zaches-Sternburg nine, 12. We, the West Albanies. do hereby challenge the htewartnine, to cross bats with ns, any time desirable. C. Di'BRtnLLZ, Captain A match game of ball was played this forenoon between the West Albanies and the Stewart nine, and was decided draw by the umpire on account of rain ACADEMY -OF Our Ladj of Perpetual Eelp, ALBANY, - - -. REQON Oondnctod by tba Slat f Rt. Benedict Tuition In aeleet day school range from fi to $10. roriorais or Hoard iog Soh ol or any prUerlara apply at the an-ernw orttf. aaaaa siatr Su porter flout B'.oek of2Fjd par rooda In tbo Va ey, wd tbmotrf laiepiiees, both 0 V aellint;. have on hand FU JITU3E, STOYES, TINWARE HOTS, BOOXS, PICTURES CLOSKS, CHDCXFRY, ETC., ETC. -r wtatofH K Touts' ojr aort L. Vr.0TTU.tB mm si Tim cxlejihaied . , rs r3 Tha rt.. e.ti M Tht Finest Small Arms Ever ManufaetHHul. M ea Unnvalot. t - r 3 ACC0RAC y DUR.'.Bit M EXCEL Li vVORKWAN M cohvet Li LOAUiNQariB SAFETY. ft Beware cf cheap iron imitctlona.k J pj Send fcr Illustrated Ca'.:!ttiruo and Fries tiit ta d I SMITH & VVESSON, , ta .UZ&V"'. a..;tag-:yir" ; g-, ...g-,. y ibany R O l1! WO R ICS ' Manufacturers or 1EAM ENGINES CSiST AID SAW MILL WACHIN E3 Y IRON tMCHTS W ALL Y,Vm CF HEAVY km lioht vm, IN w Km mm CASTSOS. 'tpoclal attention ds of machineri slrt o . pairing ti PUnrns Kade on Short Kotioi TtfAIiTEI).-To buy notes f f castra II E Nob. .P. Er.. Itort- j, Or. t -.. room 3 : tnajw'' Store. . t.- B V . A' i ;i i wS M How docs hofeol? He feels blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed- in-the-wool, eternal blue, and fco rtiakci everybody feel the same way August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? He feels a headache, generally dull and con stant, but fiornetirnea excruciating Augusiriowertno ttemeay. Hovdoes hefeel? He fee!3 a violent hiccoughing or jtimpingof the stomach alter a meal, raising bitter-tasting matter or what he has eaten or drank August Flower the Remedy. . How does he feel? He feels the gradual decay of vital power ; he fetls miserable, melancholy, hopeless, and lons for death and peace August Flower tho Rem edy, Hov does ha fee!? He feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk August Flower the Famedy. a G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Vondbury, He w Jersey, U. S. A. .mr ft. ', a'ii t t, h'i' Mili.UhS - . i Manilla nt tnfirfitutioa tori . 1 atratta-ox iraa iawa,uv-a y.: , OW fca l'at;U, Tu. Traded X at waa. CrerrtshtM. umi fru.4 yx X. Aaanw wwriii a vv. "i Brsrafway. . 7IKAT ft ATIOSAL IIAXIt or albas r, oauoos, .LFLI!l!f a. B.Yovxo g, W. LA&UIXiX rBASftACTS A GENERAL Wktaatmao. AOCOt; KTH KEPT ttibjar l to b i . EldUT EXCitA'CE ani W Taptiie tnuiaf, w H roiit, aaa rraacUco, Chicago ft FnUand roea. CO AZGTIOVW CAPS oa fsvortM tem. Maaeroaa J. K. Tocx E, W. Lsmw L E Bua, l. rusa Cavatt t . Sot. LXXHCO. NATIOXAMJAXM, Of AtSAfcT, ostoou. CAPITAL STOCK (100,000. fraalatlt .....J h COWA!V, 1c Fmaidwit ..S II P,ljrjf. 0-!.;r ....,CS0 E CJlASRf.ULAlS, AjutCeabirr O A AUt.'tiliiOLb. P taaTwui. I t. Cowan. J it RJiVm. Gao K Cba;li.!ti, W 8 UuSJ, W II G ..S .rm, i A Craw hr& and O A. Arcuib-tid. TRASSAtTfH a etrtiar' hankirt lmlaci. LEAW isiOU'l i;i.M-r8 oa Votk. fcra ail !-Ur , ; Orwr-. LOAii ISSiin im a.idbt aacarttj tUU,lVEiipt-itsntLlsot cLeck, B ASK O? OREUOX. alba 71 T, oaaoo. Capital, -i- -i ess.eca. ..fl FMKBH'IX . E J I.ANN I N.J JiT W iiLAl-V Frldnt Vte-Pr!dat- CashW Tranaaet a entml batilcicr tt:.inef Eaehaci buuxht and id on all the lyrie-al eltis in tin L'n'.iau Biasost aU-ioa Etijlaad, Ireiaud. B nuie ar-i yrmttiy. CoUactttws mad at all aeoeailbi Doint oa faror- abio lorma. ananratH airavaa 94 aim apati-a. . B ASK OF AiCIO, no, oaEOott. afcaaUont VU freaidaat . J 8 Vstara .Jarr JSrna .....O 8 Hat Osaiiier. siaacr-.u: EQoiM, JSM.ttU. ti liryaat ' John Gain Dos a fsneral bankiae aaj xbse boalnen. Efcfat drain iarosd oa AiinBf, Portlaud aa4 baa (ranciaco'. POUTI.AXO HATIXCS BANS, OF POBTLAND. OKEOON. Paid op ear)tal., -tft.tOO - Sorploa and profits- I rtteret allowed on sarlng daeostt as follow: On o:tirtarT aivttt. b vtka ....4 iiercent pr aiinnm. ww .... ... .. i .. .vj i'vi cvn. (icranitv , Onocrufloa tdcpoiu rr thrro 4 par osnt par Fur aia mohUu t per cant r - rr llT awn'.ha e.rW ont L,". Jf- -KKA.NK PSKCM, lruXal " D. P. THOMPSON WProaid.BV V3 STEEL PEHS , sent PERRYaCJ.tos 810 jrctSva?. t; k. ALBANY -NURSERIES - Ur E U AVE ON II AND at our nursery on the Corvallis road, one haif alia from town, cs See i lot of fruit reea of all kinds atoan be found any rhere on the ooatt. If you contemplate -)lanUng trees it will pay yon to see our totk end get cpr prices. Catalogue flee. II VMAN BROWNELL. Caveats, anrt Trade-Mark t oMntned, ar.J all Pat ant butiinina conducted tor Moderate Fees. Our Offlct it Opposiit U. S. Patent Office, and we can soenre ptcnt inleaalunotbautiiose. rc-moto from Wanhinfrton. Send model, drawing or photo., witb dpscrip tion. We advise, it pate at able or not, ite ot charpe. Our fee not quo till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, '"How to Obtam Patents," with names of ct u-il clients in your Slate, county, or town, sent free. Address, 6,"oosit Parsrtt Oflica. Washlnrrton. p. C. Eevere House: ILBANY, OREGON nAS. PFEIFFER ?0PRIET0R, Fitted up Id first-cla stvlo. Tablea tpp""d With tho beat In the market. tsio eUpln apartmentt , Sample roorj-" or oomtnetoial travelers. City Meat I SHuLTZ BEOS,, P.'optlstore. Vep a full line of moats of J kin Sa a cool pla?, comil6tety pro tooted: aud alway i fresh. .-f- n Bit- ft 's ael:newJ?!irr?t '" -Trv the lee !tf r-.-v 1 ' Cvr--M In -.. I t-Ktttoir. A 4j Ii-, i T"i oA . ! "2 ao on'i m:o tei"T i;t , tit. a? .(- a-, to J eh tea or i l-v. 1 .ret cribe Haa-1 iet-l Vf,i(1it m 6fe :. . e-- it t .( , . g T, ,, n f '"-i to all t 1Sck r L i ' A, j. t Is '" T.T. P., 11 jjliftt.J j. . Vtoa rraardaiit 3stdt