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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1891)
She gfemfltrat. r RID AY. ...JUNE 12 1891 8TITES KUTTIXQ. ITAItart 4 Proprietor. LOCAL UECOU1). t Halsey Or Michener atteniiej the State Eclectic Society at Salem thN wenk. lie aa elected ecretary of the association, also as a t!! t tlc national associa tion -hl( h meets In Kansas this montb. Since M,tcb I, Kobcrt AnJrew lino toM arnj delivered from liaise? $14,500 worth ef tat stock. Un notable liiincnt consisted of a ttrulght train load of ycaii Ingt anJ two-year ciJ, anJ worth In round fure'$65oo, That llalscy It a good businest point Is quite apparcn. from the amount of freight forwarded and received. During the month of March there was forwarded from llalscy station 901,390 pound of freight, the charges on which amounted to $ioji. 30. There was received 1 53,7 to pounds, the charges amounting to :? J 10.10. The month of April makes a good showing with a record cf 808,375 Plu,u! forwarded, total charges ??1.JS. Freight received a3,55o pounds, with charges on the same amounting to $155.05. This amount cf business, done at a plsce of no more than 400 inhabitant?, speaks volume for liai se. News. A Revniox, Rev. Drand Mil Thomp sen are happy. The children are coming home and rneparatior-t are being made for a reunion. Tlioae alieadjr In Hie city are Rev K K Prichard and two children, of Albany, Or.; George II Ttiommoi) of Troy, ft Y; Mrs Mary Fortmlller.husbanJ and two children, c-l Alhn, Or.; A W Thompsen and wife, of Olimpla, Wah., MrsEO Sflmucls and child, of Tekoa, Vah., end Edith Thortipton. This em brace the family, children and grand children, except John Thompson and wife of Troy, N Y, Mr E O Samuels, of Tekoa, Wash-, Mr Geo B Thompson and child of Trop, N Y. It will be remembered that Mis Clara Prichard, the eldest daughter, died at Albany, Dec 311,1, lii. Corval . lUTlme. RcMARlADI.I RKSCMnLAKCK. lH-pUty Sheriff Croner went to Newport, Monday and arretted a person supposed to 1 Geo B Callison, who absconded with money belonging to the Fpringtield Ua sette. However, it proved to I anoth er person. The party waa only brought aa laraa Albany, where a man waa sent for the purpose, of idcntitleatinn. The only difference at all in tha description of Cal.ison and the man arrested, waa the expression of the face. The man bore a remarkable resemblance. Ku gene Guard. Caoon CoixTY. ZM Drown and turn ily intend leaving about the 13th for Southern Oregon. From there Mr Brown will go to Ariaona to look at the country, and if an i ted will invest in property in that territory. W kilo riding alter horses on Lower Trout creek, forty miles north of lrine ville, last Wednesday evening, Bruce IleaJey met with an accident which re sulted in the breaking of his right leg above the knee. If e was endeavoring te drive some wild horses out of his herd, and when riding at a rapid gait his horse fell, landing on top cf Mr Henley's leg, breaking the bone. Kevie". A Doo Cask. Aa interesting dog case was tried yesterday afternoon before Justice Humphrey. According to the testi money, as reported to the Ieocbat. on May ISth Mrs W Achison and mother w ere riding beyond the Calapooia bridge, in a new f 170 baggy, when a dog belonging to Mr H G Goariey, rushed out from his yard and began barking, fright ening the horse, which began kicking the cash board and, running, followed by the barking dog, going about 130 yards before being stopped. Suit was brought for $72 dauiagr-. Af:er hearing the tes timony a verdict waa rendered for $25 and costs. Two Womkn, evidently mother and daughter, are in the cf ty begging, though not bearing the appearance of beggars. These women, as nearly a we can learn are professional, who deserve a cold shoulder', A man in the slty says they were in Spokane Falls, when he was there recentIy,performing in the same manner as here. 1 A couple answering their de scription! were also in Portland, where they received tome complimentary notices from the pressi Do not be taken, in by them. What Izal Did. A B Seal.the travel ing salesman, wit In the city yesterday and paid to the secretary of the board of trade hi subscription to the advertising fund lor tfte past year. Mr Seal was so well sati.fled with the work of the board for the year that he notified the secretary that he would double his subscription to the board for the coining year. He say Salem ha experienced a marrelou growth the past year and he attributes much of this success lo the work of the board of trade. Statesman. Ajlrbstbo fob Embezzlement. About a week ago Sheriff fck-ott, on a warrant from Beadle county, South Lfekota, ar rested A B Shanti, at Brown's mill, on theO P, on the charge of embezzling! 130 as a town officer. Sheriff L C Teeter arrived in Albany yesterday and left thia morning with his prisoner. fbantj is probably the best man of the two. and there is every reason to believe is inno cent. There wag no excuse for the officer handcuffing him as he did. Look Out. Mr Gradwhol, insurance agent informs us that parties who have dwellings Insured should bear In mind that In case they vacate litem their policy or Insurance contract becomes vol.1. Insured dwellings may be tented and occupied and thus keep their contract val.d. Tern. porary vacation may be had by special permission obtained fiom the company or lujagcnt. I t ah f .-.u .o. nlu.Muc iuh.,!..,,, rcniosser ageojj y 7 m sus, uaugnter 01 Peter Schlosser. Allle was a girl of sweet temper and kindly disposition and highly respected by all who knew her. 8he w twin to Annie who aurrivet her. The parent will receive the heartfelt sympathy 01 an in their sad bereavement. 1 he tun. era! wilt take plaee at the residence of Peter Schlosser at the corner Seci 1 ! and Ferry St, at one o'clock Friday ailei nion. Albavians ik JsrFXRsoM. W 8 Achi son, representing the Allany marble and granite works, was a caller Wednesday . While in the city he sold a fine monu ment to Mr I M Martin. The stone will be pat up in Macleay. Geo Wilcox, the photographer, of Al bany, got a number of fine views at the picnic. They will, be lor srde by Frank Caldwell at the postomce in a lew days Mrs w 11 miyeu ana Mrs t'uri were visiting in Albany Thursday. Review. At Joedan. Thos and Strauder Fro maa, county clerk Payne, Martin Payne, 11.. r a r f. f 1 ... 1 . un.. v m mi,i,ii ..,,1 mui in were In jerdan, Saturday, attending the L,lnn county council, V of 11, which had a very tuccessful session there. One ct the men who had been in bahltof atUing by the O o'clock Catholic church bell in thl city, did the mine tning at Jordan, when the matin bell of the little German Catho lie chnrch there rang out in the morning un looking ai in watch he found It was only 4 o'clock, and of course retired agala. iney ao tnings on time there. Am O P Steaaier Injured. The fol- 1 owing dispatch appears In the Oregonlan "This afternoon the schooner Abbie came down the biy under full tall and crashed Into the steamer Willamette Valley.which had just discharged her cargo. The steamer Is damaged to the extent of $15.10 ind the Abbie $500. No one was hurt." Roseburo's B & L A. At the monthly meeting of the Douglas County B&L Association last night L D Howard bor rowed $?oo on 53 month interest In ad vance; Henry A ISerk $400 on 51 months In advance, and Mrs tliza Jones $1000 on 4 months. Kevlew. Towards the Asylum. An inaano girl was taken through Albany today from Drain to Falem. A man waa declared insane at Falem yesterday, and from all Tin he headed for the asylum. Tug Markets. Wheat has dropped a ,..nt nnd is now 81 cents: wool has also ,! ...-.-(i. from 21 to 20 cents. Consid- t ;'l,IAj in hvh-.s brought in. Bam Ball. The game botweea Block 8 and Block 8 last Tuesday wag not with out interest. For several Innings the Hcoro was closoj but it ended with Block 3 in the lend, at the end of 0 innings, by a scoro of 2S to 17. Following were tho nines : fliot'K 3. R Hnxton . V Wilson , K Iarlniore 111 Sower (1 W Watts W Cntnphell F.d UlodYett F.liiot lrtne F.d Huston ju,ock8. 0 T Smiley p It Mngers lb W Utites 2 b l" P Nutting 3 b UCStatmrd a L Jones If l" Conn c f W Mack r f J Klein Vf 11 Warner, nmpi A came otbnao ball will bo slaved Thursday evr-nint;, beginning at 5 o'clock, bctwen'thr I, M R H't and the remain der of the alphabet. The great trama of tho ooi.son will be that between the north and south sides of First stroct, between terry and Broadal bin, Friday afternoon. Utie of the bats used iu the gamo yes terday aiternocn was owueu by the fa mous Liuna and used in several games in the '70'e. It is now owned by Ferry uoun. The bate ball occupants of the Court House hercbv challenge the lawyer of Albany to a friendly game of base bull on ome day of next week. G K RcssiLL, ct al. The undersigned laso Vail club hereby challenge the Albany baao ball clnb to play a game of base mil at Albany on the afternoon of Saturday, June :M, and request an early response. Linn Uass Ball Clvu. $1 a SiMtiR. At a meeting of the di rectors of the AJlany Mining & Milling Co last evening it was voted to sell no more stock for less than f I a share. The prospects have Income so certain that this ts jnstificd. The stock is wcll worth $1 a share. It is liable to he worth $15 a share insidoof a few years. Are yon in it. An asay of rock plrked-promiscuously from a sock received frm the Bonanza mine, made bv ( Ivde A Hampton, of Portland, shows 5316.75 gold and 8.72 ounces of silver to the ton, and thia is the general run of the rock taken out. It shows that the rock is even better than has been anticipated. In the niece as sayed no tree gold could be seen. With such an outlook in view it is not to be wondered that stock is plawd at $1 a share. How Poks It no It. In th faoeof the following Item It ! strange how the Myrtle creek mining company can be pay. Ing such dividend as are reported. "Last Friday the Myrtle creek mining company contracted with a couple Chinese contract ors lo furnUh one hundred men to work on ditches hi the Myrtle creek mining re gion. Forty of the men were furnished this week and the balance soon as possible. This fore will be put tt work on the new ditch, whloh will tap several small stream and eventually extend to the east Umpqua river. It will be fourteen mile long. The old ditch will also be widened sw that the supply of water will soon be Incxhaustabte One giant I now running day -and night, and the company are much pleased with the result." There I evidently a big fu ture for these mine Mit a Bka. According to our Sweet Home correspondent, black bear are cc- taslonallv seen in that locality. A few day ago, while going to ace his best girl, Oliver il Ruttclt "met a large bear right In the trail, and a the road was not wide enough for two, Oliver took to his heels, making directly for home; but when some too yards or to awav he looked back and bruin was making off a rapidly at Rut sell. A John A. Thompson t-tys, had Mr Ruelt kept up his rate of travel he would hare been home In a little over halt an hour, as he was jumping teu or twelve feet every jump. This Incident is said to probably cxpUin why Mr Russell came to be iot iat fall while out with Dick More head and other. A Bnicnr Outlook. Mr E E Ua.u- mock, the well known merchant, ware houseman, Orejonian R R agent, postal telegraph operator and postmaster, of Tallman, who was in the city tody rcjorts I bright crop prospects. Wheat never looked belter, and prices will be bright. About aooo bushel remain unsold iu the wire house there. The Oregonlan RRti now In good condition, with improvement be Ing made dally, train run on time, and the track I not covered with dog fennell. A Eta Institution. Dr Harry Lane, who was In Portland on Thursday, ayt that the patient of Ihe Insane asylum nearly seven hundred In number will be fed during the season with ten ton of strawberries, rained on the state grouuds, a.ia inai witnin year tne Uregon asylum wiu oe one 01 the most complete establish ments of the kind In the entire orld. Welcome. Track Latino The S P R R Co, on Monday last commenced laying track from Coburg, and the McKenxle river, lo prtngneld. A torce ot track layers, car penters and graders are butilv employed land the extenslan work will be pushed ahead with all possible dispatch. Times. Th Cuampioss Whoever the cham pions are in the base ball field when it comes to groceries and produce Conn & tiendricson will not bo knocked out. i They keep a large and fresh stock, and their prices are as low aa the lowest. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and all the standard groceries always on hand, vt tioever duvs 01 itiam always makes a good strike. Notice. From this time on I will teli all my gent's furnishing at greatly reduced rales, such as 75c necktie for $oc. $1.50 underwear for $1 per suit. S3 underwear for ti.35 per suit. S6 slix shirt for $4.7$ each. Si co black silk shirts for St. to each, ar.d everything In the tame propor. tlon. The remainder of my dry goods going for 50c on the dollar. Shoe at re . . to reduce slock hrtarm r. mora!. C Skaal, June 3rd, 1891. Blumberg Block. New ErsiHO Gsoos. I keep a full liis of spring and lacnmar dres goods, in wash fabrics, prints, eioaauis, seersouksrs, eta. I bare also a new hoe of summer plaids, be tide other novtlties in bine and all wool sritmj. 8AMniL E iODS. Notice. All person Indebted to E C Searit will please call and settle at once, at all account! mutt be closed by the 20th and oblige K J Sxarls. Right to the Point. Allen Bros, de their own delivering, promptly and care fully. Fresh pea, strawberries, cabbager etc just received at Allen Bros, To get fresh produce, frui etc . al- way call at Allen Bro. the Spuisa. A lino line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in many designs. lUBt received by O W Himpson.' Also a large stock: 01 the popular Beit pening cornets. Get a EicrcLE, The New Mall I one of the finest bicycle manufactured. It ha no uperlor, Ohllng & Wilson, with Stewart & Sox are agents, where these olcyclc may be teen . T11AD1S AT THE OLD 'RELIABLE CROCK KT STORE of C E BROWKELL, . Oood gtedf, low price and hecest treat ment. COME ONE, COME ALL. New Carpets, A B Mcllwaln ha ne of the largest and best selected line f carpet In the city, embracing all new patterns and designs, and at he hat made a ureat reduction in price it will be to the advantage of ca pet buyert to call and ntiect hit ttoc . and prices before pur hasing. Colt Show. There will be a colt how In the city of Albany on Saturday, June 27th at 1 o'clock p m. All clases of colts two year of age and under will be admitted to the show. Each individual riiut,t show at least ten colts bred from the ame horse. W Rvals. K4HIAI. A rr.HMOIUL, Mr LT Brock I In the city visiting,; irieno. Mr William Cownn went to Portland on biiKlnes this noon. . David Fromnn I fishing In Flh Lake, bilng on hi annual outing. Pr E A McAllister It ft a few dry ago for Coos county health, Ml Bulltngcr, ot Portland, Is in the city, the guest cf Mis Mildred Burmester, I?r S G Irvine was In Portland ve&ter day,where he held ci vice In Rev Losm' church, Mr G L Iiackninn went to Portland this noon where ha will spend most of the week oi buslne'. Jack Dempey,th famous prlxe fighter, pnsaied through Albany Saturday on a tithing trip up the McKenxle, Judgo Pipe and family, ot Corvallls, went to Eugene this noon to hold Circuit Court, which convenes there this week. Mr Southrtd left this noon for the vi cinity of Port Orchard, Wash., wheehe has a son residing. lie will probably spenu tne summer ncre. Mr L 1 Sav, cashier ot the Browns ville Bank, was In the city today. Mr Sav ha recently relumed from the east being a ceo .n pa nleJ by a wife, Dr Maston informs the P smock At that the report that conductor Shan Comer would probabty lose hi hv I nol tellable He Ii doing well and the limb is gradually improving. Mr Maguie Bluckiuan, Ida Carter.M A Wcatherford, ftarah Barnes, Klla Hendric. son. M l btltes and Mr I r Uackentto left this noon for Junction City whte they go to organise a lodge of Ktbeksin Degree A U J T , s Mr Jame Marks, who I now rutialns the cheese factory near Lebanon, was In the city Saturday. Mr Mark ha secured the service ot a Srtt-clas cheese maker, end will begin delivering cheese In a few days to Albany store. Isaac Mceer, David Vandernool. Wm Hale, Drury Hodges and Tol Carter left this morning for Foley Spring, In Lane count v, where they go to test the curative qualities of that spring for rheumatism. It lsaid to be a certain curt. TCSSOAT. Mr Ted Parker, of Yaqulna Bar, I In the city. Mr C 0 Rawllrgs is now a deputy in the Sheriff's office. Archie Mason, the Salem sewer con tractor, is In the city. Mr Omer Hendricson returned last evening from a trip to Portland. D II James received a dispatch from Iowa that Lie father waa lying danger ously IU, and left on the noon train for his former home. Mis Iva lempletoii, who recently bad one of her legs amputated In Portland, passed through to Albany today oil her stay to her home near Brownsville. In response to a dispatch Mr Jas F Powell went to Portland this noon, and will probably be associated in business with Mr J B Antonelleon some contracts. Miss Crawford, of Salem, who ha been In the city several days the guest of Miss Tina Monteith, returned home this noon. Mrs Tames Failing and children, and Mrs l W Wakefield, came up from Port land this noon on a viit w ilh Albany I relatives and friends. Mrs Failing is at Mr Cat Rurkhart's, Mrs Wakefield at Mr L K Blain's. Chas Cus!caGcorge Morcho!W,Walt4?r Irving, Dr Kelley and wife. S 8 Train and family, i K Whitney. Mrs Dr Davis. Mra CCIIogue, and Hon K A Irvine and :atntly, returned last evening from the front of the Oregon Pacific. Chief of Police Hoffman and Policeman Lee wect to Salem today, having been subpoenaed to appear as witnesses li fore the grand jury of Marion county in the cafte of the State against the burglar recently arrested by them near this city. WfUSKHIMV., Mr Sol Stock, of Corvatlls, I In the city today. Mr D B Montchh wilt leave In a few days on a txip to the Coer D A line mines. Miss Mamie Jobn.ton. of this cite, la lying dangerously ill at the home of Itev S P Wilson, at Sulcni.with inflammatory rheumatism. Rev Meminger and wife are at her bedside. Prof J M Williams and hi partner. In the washing machine business, of kn- gene, were la the city yesterday on their way to Salt m. They have a fortune ahead in their machine, and Prof Wil liams baa given op school teaching. Mr C D Combes visited bis wife at Al bany Monday. Mrs Combes is rapidly improving, and expect to be able to re turn to her home by the first of lulr. Eugene Guard- Mr Combes Is the wo man who recently had a tumor removed by its Maston and Davis. A family reunion was held at tha mU dencesof Mr John Wile. In Benton coun ty. -those presc.rt were: Mr w A Wells and ton Otto, Mra Thos. Klrpa trick and son, of San Francisco, Mr II Brinkley and threechlldien.Mrand Mr V T Wile, 4 ana i-ue vn. A private letter received- at this office from Dr J C Littler, who. with bis estl- maoie wue, letta lew uav ago lor Uien- a. 1 . m m ... coe, in Washington county, where they went to renew the Drs health.states that be is feeling much better, gainingTapid ly and will soon recover. This will be welcome news to the many friends here 01 ine ur ana nis wue. BKAL rsTATB Martha McBride to Jas Carothers, iou acres ulu ol Klin more Kees t 300 Smith Cox etal to Martha R- Schooling. M acre in Harrisb'it 50 Essie E Harmon etal to D I) Her man, 10 acres in see 6 Tp 12 BR4 W I... 600 James E Hannon to Fred r.lum- hart. 38.61 acres in D LC 87. 1000 A C Guyer to L 0 Miller, tracts in KCIO O&CRRCotoJR Geddes, 8 W- 450 $of KW Jisec33To9SK3K 100 A J Hodges trustee to 1 0 Duedall, lot 6 blk H. Fairdale an to Alb 125 P M Smith etal to F M Miller, tract in Lebanon 800 U H to James Molvehiil, 161 acres ec Tp 12 K z JS 200 Total Sales , $3534 Salem, Or., June 8, a p in. The rail way commission met thl afternoon to es tablish rate on freight. Southern Pacific ha aubmitted reduced chedule for ap proval. Editor McCul!om,ot the Gervais Star, and Scott Taylor had a knock down this morning. The former waa worsted, and both were fined. Wasted. A place to do housework in a family. Inquire at this office. Have You a Wim and ten chHdren ; have you any children ; are you an old bachelor? Whatever you are you can not do better than by buying your groceries, produce ana baited g jods of raiker iiros You want to save money and at the same time get good groceries, then call on them. You will get firnt-:laH8 treat ment and first-class goods Their baked goodu are made in an experienced man ner, ana include a largo variety ol eata hies, Sound Advice. It pays to get th bent; even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W It Graham has just received sn elecant line of suitings for the sorine and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, a an inspection will ebow, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them tip in the latest style with a skill his long .experience has enabled him to be master of. Scrofaloos, eruptions, such a t implex. discoloration of tho skin, especially cn the face, are caused by impure bood and will dumppear rapidly by uting Pfuoder's Ore gon Blond rnrilicr. MAKU1EI). LEATHERMAN-DUNN Wednes day, June 3, 1891, by Rev Carpus iiperry, at the renidence of the bride's parents, in Brownsville, J tJ Leatherman.of Portland, and Miss M Edith Dunn, of BrownsvHIe. Aketa, near Sweet Home. " June and, iSof. Knowing the value your reader inch to the corrvrpondeiiU column, nnd the pleasure you take In turnlahihg neivs fresh and lively, 1 make my nicest bow, a a beginner in a "roust aoui" atter news I shall no doubt be a "Trojan" after I get 1110 "hang 01 it," Akola is a new pine to our render It I located on the Wiley Cteek, 3 milt; above Buck hcad,or Hie village niUuatncd Sweet Home. It is on the county road just north of John Glllilatid'. Akola Iiai a trlt mill ami will have a wmlll com pitted some time during the ytar. There arc now bcitiir built two dwellings, one by A II Yost, the oihcr by .teste nt. Just at soon a iunber can be had there will be at least a doxen other dwellings put up. There will be made an application for a post olilce a soon a thing are in the proper condition. Levi McQueen and family went to Crawfordsvltle Friday afternoon. Mr Muhtt and family came nvet the Cascade mountains, pusslng thl p ace Saturdy, May 3t. They were from Mooeow, Idaho. They ay the mountain road I In bad condition, . The Sweet Home school I in excellent condition. Prof Swan l a very tiicccnt ful teacher. The Lewi school It ait Institution worthy of it able teacher. Prof T L Klce ) thotouthty awake to the new education, Tho Concord school I under the effi cient management of Prof S A DeVaney. One of hi rule should be urged by every teacher In the land. It It this, on hnd just a well be quick at slow." Mr ('buries Calkins It at work at Bullet, villc, Marlon county, In a hip yard, A T Thompson, road rush log road work. Mr Thompson did ne wi.e thing thl year, that I he dl I not be gin work until at a time that the work would be permanent. Jacob Mencar hat a tplendld prospect tor a large crop. He It making some good Improvement and I a ruttler. Mr Peter I.cFrat.cIt hat the lrt garden In Ihe nelghborhocd. lie hat about fit acre ot bean. Eider Shea ha a fine garden and the best onion he hat ever had. I think the reason Is that he has one ot the most ex perienced gardener at work for him that he ever had. Peter Uensely Is the man. John Atkinson will hold foith at Lower Soda during the summer. Also Charles Howes and lla Reamer will spend the summer there. Our country show decided Improve ment, a every one I busy, satUlkd and happy. . The proprietor of the sawmill propose to begin active operation right away. Thcie I a good demand here for lum ber, and at there I plenty of timber on the creek above the mill the price of lum ber will no doubt be reasonable, which will faclllate butlnett to no Inconsiderable ex tent. A Ralston, at "Acme peach orchard.hat expended about $300 nulling out peach trees and cultivation already this soring. He I fully determined to push the truit business till success, financially, crown his efforts. He has land admirably adapt ed to the fruit and garden culture. There are other also who are Interested in fruit In this vk-ltilty, among the tnost active might be nam-d Levi Mctjucen Eidei Shca,S A DeVaney and E C Russcli. The firm of Hamilton & Andrews are doing a targe mercantile butincst at Sweet Home. Prof Hahn hat a largetupp! of drugs, paints, oil and a pfmeral stock of boos and stationery. L) Andrewt Is agent ot Wells Faxgo'expre. There are two hotels, a re. Went pliylcUn,an1 Orni thologist and Oologtst, and a number e-f new building to be built this tummer. A.G. Ais. Hiartia Saturday a labor day In Oiegon, but no one teemed to know It, Gertie Denton, of Salcm.coir.posed all 1 words out of the words "circulating li brary ."and icccive J a Webster't dictionary JOT Ik. Chicago set Albany a good example last year. It collected $,ooo in dog taxes. If Albany could da that It might drop a!l otlier taxes. I here t to be a city In E. u. some where with a population of 30,000 in the next ten years, so it ha been figured out. l here arc three live canohlate lor the 30,000, Pcndieton, Baker City end La- vtranue. Several men whose name becrln with L. M. R. S. have issued a challenie to play the remainder of the alphabet lit Al bany, in order that ihe public may know what they are about end not be led Into any trap by thinking it will be Larimore, Martnai, Kennie, smiley, etc., wt give the probable nine: Capt IS J f-annlng, E W Lsngdon.D P Maon,Dr U w Maston, Conrad Meyer, L If Montanye.VV F Head, r Keaneiu..ina m iiernou-g. Through misinformation, arising from a mistake or confusion with another excur sion, the Dxmocaat stated that the ex cursion from Corvallls to Salem Saturday wa given up. 1 he date ot the excursion was Sunday, and It came off with quite a crowd of Corvallls people on board. If such things were advertised through news papers instead of by post ert, soon lost and not long reme.nbered. people would be better potted about them.. The Albany Morning Herald ha die- continued it press report, the expense being too heavy. Eugene Daily Guard. Baker City script is laid to be worth BO cent on th dollar. The Denver ol Oregon, too. Sayt the Klamath County Star: "Por ter, the superintendent of the last census says 'the future of Oregon lies In the Willamette valley.' We take the liberty to differ with Mr forter. The future of Oregon is very much like Mr Porter. It lie in all the valleys." And yet after all uregon ooesn 1 ne very mucn. washing. ton does tne lying. The Carrlngton tronne. who were not good enough for the high toned editors ana lew Haiem aristocrats, delighted rortiana people who heard them. The Oregonian says : They came here almoet entirely unheralded, but before the first act was over they demonstrated the fact that the company was composed ofar tists, who couid both sing and act. Mine Carrington has a beautiful soprano voice, and she sings very, very well. The dif ficult aria la the Jlrst act was given most charmingly, the florid passages.nins and cnuuuzas ueing epienuiuiy sung. Earnum & Railey.the great show firm successors to r l Barnum, have written the IJemocbat a friendly letter.whieh in dicates either that some free advertising is wanted or that therejis a slight rivalry even in tho circus business: "You are hereby notified that certain agents of MeBsrs Hells .Brothers and Barrett's clr cus have and are now offering personal false and libelous articles for publication reuecting against ana intended to injure tbe reputation and commercial value of the liarnum & Bailev shown: therefore yon are by this timely notice warned not to publish anything of a scandalous, per sonal or libelous character that may be offered your columns either as readin matter, "local notices" or an advertise ment, derogatory to us or our show Legal advice h?been obtained upon this subject, and. while we have every reason to believe that any reputable newspaper will refrain from publishing such "bil lingsgate" matter, we shall protect our well-known , reputation and busineHS in tercet to the full extent of the law," Fresh poa. buans, gooseberries, currant radUhss, strawberries, cherries, baonts, ..ranges, eto, at Allen Bros, who - always Keep on hand tba latest and best groceries and produce la tbe msrktt. Dress Making, Work neatly done S and satlsfaUon guaranteed. Room at f Mrs J E Carter's, corner Railroad anp 5 FifthstreeU, Adelia Bui.-khart, t'OHMEKlKIIKJT, The commencement exercise o( the Alb iny Collegiate Institute began Sunday morning, with a sermon by RevGwynne, of Salem. The speaker took Christ as th example for young men to follow, and all through hit sermon cmphaulsed the tm portsnceof doing as well at preaching. lr G wynne Ii a clear headed speaker and merits the close attention his sermon re ceive!, In ihe evetdnrf the tame speaker deliv ered a sermon to young men, ctmtalnlm; many good thoughts, though he mltM wcll'liAve elnscn a better example ol n consistent christian than the one which lie used. TUB VXDEHORAnUATR. When the curtain arose on "The Whistling Farmer Boy," at the opor hotiite, an audience of five or six hun dred people fftcod tho twenty-one little boys in straw hats. This waa a gem that dtmorvttd the warm encore that followed. - The Fairy Crowning, a children's oper etta, was very pretiy aflalr. The solos and choruses were all nicely rendered, and a prettier lot m lairius are not often seen and heard than JLeta lilainand Lucy Olmmlii'tittln. the iniaclilcvitii fairies, liosIe Merrill and Vida Maston, the lxv fairies, Francis Graham, the kiridhea'rtad fairy, Vesta Himtoti, the llirting fairy, Carrlo Prichard, the work loving wiry, aud F.nuua 80s, the match hulking fairy.. Edna. Price was a bright queen, atwniei ny wary uranam, Koscoe, Orpiia Jt isner aim jtxzio l at- The delaarte gesture drills, by a class of about twenty young ladies in cream eolored Oreeinn costumes, was perhaps the prettiest exercise ever presented by hM-al tah-nt In AUany, eoofering great credit not only oh the class, but as well on their efilrletit Instructor, Miss Moses, under . w hom they are able to display such great proficiency in the delsarto movements. A proh prolonged encore fob lowed. Shoemaker John was long by a class of boys and girt and listened to with much pleasure. "Znle."an oneretU. wa pre ten ted with pleasing efleet. While young Zanie wa stolen by gypsimi from her American home, and taktn to England, growing up into teautlful young woman, thoagh apparently a ftypsy. Herbert, J Clement irytne, the mm of sir Henry uranvuie, F O Brerkenrido. falls in love with her and runs oft" with her and run off with the gypsies. Mr and Mr Ringgold,' Percy Young am! Mamie CundifT, the real parents aiiMar. and. with Sir Henry follow tho gvpslrs, recovering their children, and the operetta ends with a hak)py wedding scene. Choruses, solos. duet, trios, etc. are th order of the operetta, some of which were particular ly well rendered. Miss Cowan, as Zanle, did well, her tweet, clear voice pleasing all. Mr Cleui Irvine bo a very musical voice, and he fills the part of Herbert in good style. Hattie Graf presentation ol the gypsy fortune teller took with the audience, and the support wo good. AKVCAL APDKIS. Tho annual address on "Invisible Forces," by Hon Geo II Williams, ol Portland, was a very scholarly affair. The wonderful powers of elecUinty .beat. coit, sound, settle, etc., were illustrated and the logical conclusion drawn that only an intelligent power can make the law of nature and that Ood rule the universe. The address is one full of solid nutter that can Ihj taken home to re llect on. Previous to the hxture the DeUarle ftsturo drdl was repeated and again Jieartily encored. CXAUt'ATlNU OBATtoN. Though a traditional Oregon mist pre vailed the attendance at the cotutnenee- ttu nt exorcise proper was large. With nature at her bt st, in the matter of flow ers and plants, it was t flowery affair.for the tnorl ol the three young graduates were In keeping with tbeir environ menu. AfU-r praytr by Dr G wynne and music vf mw votive? ortncsir, caeltun kowaeo box i.rm-Minced an oration on " Public Opin ion." The time baa been when tbe ap peal to the emotion wa areatcr than that to tle intellect. Once the people of the world bowed to the orators of Delphi. Now the main Question is, what it public opinion. Tht t the rule in polities.and as well in social matters and in fashion. "One ciiiilit a well lie out of the world a out of fushioa." Today public opin ion stand out a-!ut oppression of oil fkind. aiid the arm of warfare cannot charge it. The increased power is due to better Iacii;U:i l )r iutrHminunM-a tion and a widespread press, 31 en who advajee great ODiiiiou a a rule arc Ufl appncittteJ. Uuhlco, CoHtmbu and John Uruwn are example. Men are more eaaiiy inlluencea by passion than by principle. The public conscience should rule events. Lducation la of vital Im portance to public opinion. Atone time orators ruled the public sentiment by their it i the plain state ment of facts that reach the intclloct.and the prt 8 and pulpit are the great educa tors, rub.ic sentimect is like an aval ancne. it is o:ten ruled by the pre, which too often is corrupted by politi- cans and gold. The oration was well and distinctly pronounced, and displayed goou thought and research. A son bv an Aoollo onartet. W II Young, i'rof McUee, O II liart and Trot Iee,foliowd,and wa heard with marked pleasure. 1-EttCr ALTUOCBX VOt'KO then pronouncetl an oration on "E tion." Through the early and all Educa- age there ha been a reaching out for some thing new. J-lach fiiccesHive age liavi offered greater reward forthote advanc- lng. in all ages man' best atudv Is human nature. Io law has yet tMn found to bring out the poesibllitlei of the intellect. The acquisition of knowledge ho many pleasant features, giving one the taste for better things, not a tost for liascr things. The path for those seeking a higher education I well beaten. Lamest, persistent and continued effort will sain the urea test results. The necea- sity for physical development should not be lost sight ol in the securing ol an edu cation. In securing a higher education the weiitht of authority give classic the preference. There are good reason for this. Most important of all is th cultl vation ot a strong moral nature, In secur ing an education. A larsre per cent of those engaged in lawlessness in thia country are the illiterate scum from other countries. Our universities new are giving particular attention to distinct lines of study, which will tend to fit o for the business industries of life we in tend to follow. The oration, of which we civo but a short synopsis, was pro nounced in a nice manner, an off hand buginefis fctyle characterizing the effort, one containing some excellent thoughts Prof E Q Lorillard was heard in a piano solo, oue of his beet and most artistic c Hurts. RICHMOND WUKF.LBB pronounced an oration on "Environ' merit," displaying a thoughtful mind and a careful preparation. The way in which success ia accomplished will often depend on surroundings. Men prepare themselves for diilerent occupa tions by a desire to bo of use to their fellow men ; but by far the greater num ber have wealth m view above all con siderations. Tbe dog fed on raw flesh will become vicious, ihe horticulture- list can produce almost what he wishes t. .ur.,, Ti. bv cultivation, ine pnrenoiouiBt can tell a man's diet from the appearance of his face. Tha wheel of destiny has three spokes, heredity, environment and will, Circumstances cannot make a man, but thov will assist in developing him. We iMuat sow good seed to reap a bountiful harvest. Tha strongest care should be taken in the development of children in home life. Some one has said that this aire creates large fortunes but small cul ture. The enlargement ot our faculties should apply to our physical, moral and spiritual natures. We are responsible lor tne opportunities which we. our selves create; in fact, for those thrust ppon 'us. Environment is intended to deveiope character, and not destroy it, There could be 110 excellence in charac ter if there were not stumbling blocks to overcome. Tha maa himself must be tbe predominating power in the devel- opingof'his environment. On! v such B'irnis should be developed aa will placa us on a firm foundation. "Press CD; and thou shalt reach a heaveiily harvest lor thy to: nifhest of oil !a Leavening Power.- twL ovrxBtwos. , Each orator was presented with a pro lusion of tiorai ouerings in artistic ana attractive designs, deserving tributes to throe bright young men, starting out with high moral as well a intellectual attainment. Rev Prichard wa then heard in voca solo, accompanied by II (I Hopkins with violin and Prof Lee on piano. Mr Carlton Box then delivered Till VALSDICTOnV, In till a farewell wa tendered to teacher nnd follow students, and kind word to friend for support and sympa thy. It w as a sensible effort, showing that the fact was appreciated, the grad uates had just begun life' battle and had them to fight Tike other people. The diploma were then presented the graduate and the usual congratulation extended. Mrs Welth Young Box wo Presented with silver cud (of blnasino) for or tenting not only the oldest eon of a graduate, but also the first graduate of a graduate of the College, in a very happy speech by President Condit news AMD ABKA MOXDAT. MuMsbon' cirott exhibit at Hepvoer neat saioruay. Several Albany vonne men went to aalara VMUrday te tee th bus ball sane between tat Stloma and F ft M store nine, of Pott- taaa , J ds lonrttrjroa easily , It wa tb Corvallls WOTB tAaanloa from Albsn to tbe Bay that fa'tad te eat rialta Katerday. On'y six tiokets were sold from Albany ami four from Cor vi lis. Prof Aabrty, of Eibt Mil, informs es that four Lead of bono b loosing to J L IWysMt were streak by uabtaios? darica tbc storot of last week. Two were killed rat rlgbt. . Tbe animals ware standing near a oaro wire lunoe wttea strnck. Hepner uBsestsw Loots Meyer, aa aeeoaat of wbeaa aaaana 1 root ine )au as uaytea, Wasb, wa gives) ia iaet Priday's Dkhoooat. it now trsatpircs wa the saats UmiM Matter who aae worked lor I'arbar Bro. of tbis eity, hay log pre ift!y tr4 to eonasit saiotde ia Corvallls. He aUo resiJsd at Solo. Hi wif is dsagli terof Mr Ed Qoioa, of that etty. Mayer BMnaa a vtry r4ckird ottd aoaavory career Mr Sbsllv Morcaa eanae back fmsn a Rh- lag eseenioa lo the tali at Oregon City, yeaterday, with a handsome ehieook sal- stn weighing S3 poeada, wbioh be esnght rilh spoon. After lUvln tbe n.h boet half aa boor n was bsiriniilna- te dssosir of tasdieg it whaa an lodiaa esme along with a dip aat aud took it in. This bslnved te & ta largMt Pan eyr caeght at tbe fall with a pMn. Oregoaien. Yes, bet it was oa-bbi with a atneoa eoLat. TCESOAT. Jtffarsoa will celsbrsUtb 4tb of J sly. A gsoi of base ball ba bo arranged be- twsea tae Albany and Kaleei eluba, to Uk plat in bales oa Sstarday, J aae 27th. To W astern Uaioa niaht jervLw baa been diseoettaesd at this city, tb ofite Closing a s o eiuoa. A good snacy Albas v neobla will en tn Rageea oa tbe 4th. a spectsi train going fa tbe tnoruleg aad retumlDg at night, making tb trip eeaveaieat oee. Tbe 8uu sn- eampmeot tb e is tbs ebif attraction. 00a worth attention. The craad lode of Maaotia asruH in Portland tomorrow. Tbe Royal Chan ter wa is total tbere ywUrday and tltct d the folio wins: efheerti Moat eminent grand high pnswt, J Tsttls, of Astoria; aapuiy, uo K I'hambsTlsm, or Albany: mtotot king. O McD Stated, of Portlands onbe, W C Crawford, of Corvallls: caotaia of the boat, J M Uodaon, of Portland; pric- etpai joemr, J u Irvine, of Pertlaadt treaterer, U r Masoa, of Albany: reoorder, K P Earbart, of Portlaed, graad ieetarer, TboiBA OIo. of To Pall. ACeaet Youmo Maw. -Lost evening Emll Wenland, was brought from near Lebanon m this city, examined by Dr Hill and EUit,and comenlued to the at lum. w wmcn piste ne was uaen tiu morning by Deputy Sheriff KawUac. The cant of Wenlaml Insanity is seif-sbutc. lie Jt a native of Germany, ao rears of see. t vci imon tan ana wcigns 1 50 pounus. ... a u. .... . , " v WEDSESDAT. Bids for f 20.000 ef Ediniu't &tv banits will be optotd tonight. Tb City Coaooil was AdioarnaJ U.t vealog eatu toaighl ' No I. Tol I. Of tbe En Ban T)il fln.rl baa appeared. It UrU eat with good pro. sso it a ereait so Kegea. Ill trottioff biwd t:iioa Alsnxxl TWu win staan lurservic at Trite Bros, stables. A it.. K3, a ... ... . biiwij, rasorasys eaui larmsr nottos. Arrow Bro. bay aatmctl Miltumili 1 or ins 9 mioat rse at ilia eomins- itata fair, tb only ea from Lino eoanty repotted. lo a font rae last Soodav at CLm.U fn $200 a aide, between CbaritM Braithwait of iBden. Bdeae and WuAv Yoaaa of CorvallU. . L . , . . ' so larawr wosi oy DO loot. J 0 aad J II Wilson, sou ef ear eoanty 'r purchased of Job Bro. last Friday. tb ni" ounamg ana r rounds. Tb place I wl" " i""ioca nmss. I Yesterday Obliag at Wilson sold Mr E A 1 8chiflUr. a blab srads Dew mail hi. ojole, and bow tbe popuUr tailor i patting I in tbe best effort of bis hi In karnies to rid. A nee sample of the work dona tv Riebards ft Pbtllipt. may ba mm in the Poatcffioe. It display considerable genius in workmanship, and alto speaks for the fa- -111' -A..-., . at r euiuos ti sue urm ior ooing soon work. Yesterday afternoon tba Ma- oat Qan Clnb kd it first shoot for the elab's gold medal. woicu win oa potiiaslsa for monthly . rol towing was toe score, rred Blount, 1S WmJoBe,17 Phil Baltimore, N; Frank UaoDals,I4t Frank Wbeeler.lS; L W Deyo. 12 WS Baker, lit Jame Blsekbaro. ft. end Mr Miteball, g, oat ef a possible 25. V a uontattb made 20, bat net bieg a memoer 01 to oino tilt eor did not eouot. Fred tilouot Will west the medal barbie fane. . rnaeral at Oakvlll. t June 1st, 1891. Within the past six weeks four death have occurred at Oakville. -On April 13 we laid to rest Mr Ann McBride: on May 20 Mr Wm Andrew McBride, son of Arthur Mciiride, ana son-in-law of Mr Washington Pugh : on May 28 Mrs Eva Farrar, wife of RohtFarrar and daughter of Chat Pattison. These were all mem bers of the Willamette United Presby terian church, and their loss will not alone be felt by the family, but by the church and community. In the death of Mrs McBride and Mrs Brown, aged 75 and 79 year respectively we have an instance of the gathering. .Z18 nocr ,cAom' n ln I that of Mr McBride and Mrs Farrar. each 28 years of age, we see an illustra tion in the ''flower cut down." Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." A. Lai-IBS Oxpokd Tibs, I have a very srge Stock of these goods, in qualities rang- eg in price rroui fi.'io to $4 00 a pair. Tbey v d'Ads ot leatner ; avury pair warranted. Bamcsl E Yeniio. JT ill i m f w 1 t 2 1 I - '1 I X I IT. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 8Sj, 7s fi o 1 j v n 1 s m 1 VTKATBES RCrtlttT. Onkoom Weatiikr Burbau. Central urricE, PoaTLAJtn, Oreoon. Caor- f eatiikk Buli.ktix No. 13, ron THE Week Ckihnu Hatvimy, Jvvs.6, 1891. (Thl bulletin Is bated on reports of 155 correspondent.) In western Oregon cool, partly cloudy and cloudy weather with occasional show ert prevailed during the past week. On Msv 30 quite a heavy thunder storm pre vailed in western portion of the Willam ette valley j em the 4h, 5th and 6ih show er were general. There wa an absence ot bright, wrm sunshine. The weather condition have been ex ceedlngly favorable t. cere!, causing the prospect for harvest to be extraordin arily good. General reports indicate the hay crop to be unusually heavy; wheat and oat to be In better condition than for many years. If ever better, at thl eson i of tbe year. The cool weather and rain have not been favorable to the strawberry crop, which I now ripening and berrir plentiful. Stone frtdi will not be an aver, age, especially In the Willamette valley. The warmth In January, the cool spring and froMs, which, at the time were n.t suppotee' to have done much damage, did really so much damage. Fruit I falling off, tome tree dying. Cherries and piunes are etpecclatly Injuted. Cherries are be ginning to ripen. Better report In re gard to the fruit I received from portions of Douglas and from Josepbln:, Josephine and Curry counties. Corn acreage ha been Increased and doing well. Vinyard are unusually thrifty t clusters are form ing. Hops are dong well, In rome section lice are reported ; In others, especially about Lebanon, Linn county, no lice are found. fn eastern Oregon a lower terr peratnre than the previous week, together with partly cloudy weather and general ralnt prevailed. General crop prospect were never bet ter, at this season of the year, than they are at present throughout this section. Formers are jubilant over tbe excellent prospects. B. S Paoux, Observer, U. 8. Slgnsl Service. The tsssell ( Jraa . At on early hour on Saturday morning June 6lh, 1 SOI, might be seen several Iiarties headed for the noted Jordan val ey grange ball, for the purpose of at tending the Lino county business coun cil of the ! of II. On arriving at the ball we found sev eral member present, aud after a good, oclal Ixnd-shakfng, the Worthy Presi dent, J Bryant, called the council to order. Tli choir of Jordan grange furnished the music for tbe occasion. The secretary read the minute of last council which stood approved. Bro M Miller, the financial agent, made 1 report in regard to trading places for the beucfit of patrons. Bro R A Irvine offered a resolution concerning the purchase of twine for the coming harvest. Considerable talk- was bad on the right of nsing certain words to admitting members to the council. The president declared a recess of an hour to feast on the good things the sis ters UAi prepared to sustain tho want 01 the inner man, which was immensely uperb. Tbe council resumed business, and Bro Dawson introduced a report in re gard to Mr Schmidt' dairy farm. A vote of thank wa tendered te Jor dan grange for tbe use of their ball, the isters for tbe repast furnished, and tbe choir for the music. Bro Irvine reported the number of nat ron in this Jurisdiction as 30UC. Good remark for good cf the order by Bros Irvine, A Leady, Dawson and Payne. ihe next meeting 01 the council was set for the first Saturday in October; tbe president to nx tne place. Tht Jordan valley erang extended a vote of thank to tbe council for meeting with tueto. ' '".,' Bro Darby rci ri f poetry for the IttnefUof all patrons w hid za: direct and pointed, and made remark on the same. On motion council adjourned. J. xtrtltlag tar th Kneaiapaoeat. Headquarters F Co., Second Regiment Infantry, o. . U., Albany, Or. June 8th, 18U1. General order la 17. Commencing June 8th, 1801, all mem bers of this company will assemble at the armory each Tuesday and Friday evening until June27tb, 18'Jl, for drill and instruction, 1 hi order is made in compliance with order from regimental headquarter, and only lawful excuses ill be accepted tor the absence ofany member. Tbe men will return to the armory any arms or accoutrements they may have, including, the wooden wiping bucks, iney win also see mat their uniform is in proper condition for the inspection. By order of UKO. L. ClIAVUKRLAIN, Attest: Capt. Commanding. W A Hdmpbbet, First Serg'W .Letter JLIsi. Following is tbe list ot letters retnaioini ta the pott offioe at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, Jane 10, 1391. Persons calling for these letter must gte th date on wbioh they were advertised. Andrew. D A lieu. Louis A Atehiaoa, Mra E Bryson, Mrs Martha Baaoh,J M Baker. L A rtarnos, frank Callaway, W J Duncan, C A Doran, ET Fitzgerald, John Oenwinioe.MiS A Hill. Wm 'Unlets, John Hays, Mr Lucy Liggett, Lawxtt Mai n, rhrt Mappiit,(jeorva MoKoraon, J C! Moiherlv, Uobett Miller, J It OttpHaot, Oeorge Phelps Edward Rico, J D Robertson, Gnrday lligu: Leary Smith, W A Shaw, Sherman T lawyer, W F Spain, Jesse Stewart, Mr Fl r Pevesie, Mrs Mary Carson, Andrew W Dorr, Mr M K De Yaol. DL Goodwin, TC Holaton, Katie Harrison. Ueo Rasliug. Prank B Kenecott, Elijah Msno, Call Murrinsn, J F . Mattoon, Kid C IP Munroe, M L A Morgan, Mra Flora Mothtrn, Robert Pitman, Mrs J ulia Parte & Sou Radaok, Johsu Ricks, Mrs Lyd Riddle, Mrs P Smith, Mrs FA Wangle, MiKt lionise Snckon, ileory Stewart, Mra Mary Shaff, WD 1'winer, A Tohiason, Mr O Thompson, W J Taylor, Mist Mary Wright, B) Wersobknl.Mrt D Wetherald, Clayton TuriichiT, Miss Laura Tidsle,Mrt Mary Taylor, M P TJken. Lonit R VVilet, Cba Whit'Mrs W E T. Moktetth, P. M. Boy your groccrioa of Parker Bro r . e are making a big dnr on t! t elopes, Paisley & Smilkt. 1 1 si .113 3 1 I A a. tri . a nil uau r n w f Da Yon Want Sonmier GlolMiiE? IF YOU CANT READ THIS Without being InUrtsted. There vill he for tho Month of Juno, a Genuine n ii UlJffjl OF SUMMER idirJbt weittt cttL 0 s, -EHOT, WeaHng Appaiel Is Mg Glolr unni We are. the People Who carry tin most complete W - f-k, i ware, fctoves, Kanges. IVIATTHEWS PATRONIZE HOME lHSTlTUTiaNS. THE FARPAFRS X MERCHftHTS IHSURftHCE CO., Albany, Oregon. W P BEAD, PreaideaL 3 O WRIT3MAN. Secretary. 4 L COWAN, Treasurer. Geo P SIMPSON, Vice President. . - DIRJS0TOR J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Kesd, T L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Earner. J K YYoaihortord, K S Straban, J O Wriuman. AUO DISTRICT AOEXTS TO Oakland Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cal. Traders, CLicsgo, TIL'- , AniprlAo, Philadelphia, Pa. Phcenlz, London. Eneland, Norwich Uclr.n, London, Eng - London A Lanahahir, London, Eng. Guardian, London, Eng. Man cbester. Manohettr. Etig!and. CaiedoDlaa, EdUburg, Scotland. Weacbas:er, New York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IH ALBANY. -a- t,'-BtK?BaM LEADING A Ti"R ATTX DRUGS. MEDICINES TI LADIES -I tb Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, They carry all th Latest Styles and Noveltle In the Millinery line, and a complete stork of Ladle and Children' Furnishing rood, and ready-maa garment. Good the best, and price the lowest. Call and be convinced. FIRST STREET, What io iiiiifilkiii'il xvitAsssasstojt, Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine ao other Narcotio substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Caster Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by trillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms end al!aj3 feverlshness. Castoria- prevents vomiting? Sour Card, cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is tho Children's Panaeea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Oaatoria is an excellent medicine (or ebfl ana. Mothers have repeatedly told in ot tt good effect upon ttietr children." Da. Q. C. Osoooo, LoweU,Ksaa. OBfltor!ia tho beet rerasdy for ebildraa cf which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not tar distant whan mother will oonsSdar tlta real kxterm-t of their children, and use Cantoris In stead of the various quack nostrums which sJ-a wTrfci their loved one, by forcing opium, BBorphii. soothing syrup and otlwr hurtful across down their throat, thereby sandius; tiia to pratn&ture gravea." Da. J. T. EiHOHicca, Conwfif, Ark. CaiAis Company, Ti so ill I ill l GOODB, aMallM of WEATHER E- Now in ail line cf Hard etc., in the market. St WASHBURN. DRUGGIST OIZTiO-OXT STA1 10HARY.&G BAZAAR. Leading FROMAN BLOCK, U J A v 'i i r j ! if n ahi ski IrX Jai sih riA J----- - - -.- a Castoria. Oaatorta is c well adapted to cMJreo &et I noominend It ! auporlor toanj prefer!pfica kaowa to n." : H. A. Ascent, K. P., Ill So. Orford St., Brooklyn, J?. X. v " Our phyaict - ia the children's daper ment hava apokeo liIgMy of liioir i-sre.i-tnce ta tbelr oais!de prac-Heo wiibCaria, and altboagb o cnJy bava an-.f,sf ocr medical supplies via is known aa ra'jLir prodnota, yet we rxe fr3 to confess tiit Ct merit cf Castors baa ca vs loSz irl.i favor upon it." Usraea Hoerreii ss ttrc.- ... &mvz, llm, Allkt C. Sssrrs, frn., ESavrray Ebest, 5fw Tsi My - ma7jr m. Mirclail Taler.- n1 JU!