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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1891)
,-( wxs&ioxa l ca rds. U. UC.lTtlCKrORD, At'.,itfT ! X.xm. Will praml.- In ill court ot th A!lirnT at tjtw ui.t Solicitor In ChBirr. m.l on all pn'iit. l,on. n.fitiatad i lutii Atuaujr, Orayua. n tar- G fcO. W. W RIGHT, nt'Tiwy tl U flollaltor In Chaniwr, Proctor In AJmir;ii ami Notary 1'iihim. Will 'hmIm la all f U ' mod In th United HUM coarU 11 m. wmrvi -r rout room ovte nana Orfiu, Albany, I'gu. II C. sYATAOltf. Attorney t few. tnwi-li th Slrahan block U'ilr. Albany, Onarua. D. Ii. M. ULAtKIIl'll, lumMjIU. Will aracUtt la a't Mi eoortaol Or-trim. atrpl th county ourt ol Llna vottnty. Ail IxiMkmi will no! prompt attention, AMI -Otld fallow' Tampl, Albany, Or. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney at lw, anJ Notary ratal. Albany TK. J. I HILL. H.fileUn am Siinreun, O rFICK -Corner Ft rat n a I 111. RUWM, AllMMiy, TfpilL I) It. O. IT ATI OX .MA9TOX, r-hv-ir-Un aft Burg.. Or'FICB-OjipittU th I'm.K hat aim, Albany, Orogon, W. II, DA VIM. rh' ticUu and Rttrvthtsv Orr trV .)'.M i. Himhui b.vk; Mf b fund at hit xBc dy or U. A. WHITNEY, Oralntl at Bit. Mad omcK-1'r.imtn block, Albany, Dragon I'hTsMaa and Sox wit. fcsal C"l ejra, N Cilr. apavuuiy. 1MRST NATIONAL OIJIK, . or alahy,owooh, PrMant.. Vic PratiOant , CmIiIw., a. E Torso -, W. LAKUDON nJAJtSACTS A GENERA I. banklnfbtal . ' ' ' ' ' nnr I vnojai, 10 UKI, FIGHT KXCHANOK and M -raphl Waaatar, Jd ram. CO .LECTION! HADE on tatanhV Mm. Toca K. W. Liaaaca . i.. ruaa Ittiul. Hot, AfANTED SALESMEN arat V II . ahna' IVml ui - - Uilal la rprmnt a rallabl Iraa I bat ap rant aacarrr nook Crat-elaaa and tra to MBM. W 1 1 R IT All. TUtf VVIB J Jto-jd par to anorour Bn. Anulr qnick. acau.( TIi. MAT- ate O O nwji(i, riorwta aad bmimra, rl, ' aba kaa naixxialOa.) TOVVIISEflD & WILSON, Reaf Esfafe g Loan him Ofllee. BALTIMOhK BRICK roln a tMral Inntiaiw burin. TanU " W Bill t, wilTtO aoiiits ro chmar pr,liia. U mij ETJ A .rDtiinii saw, rnitAhKi.rnu,My ao. J4,lm lU.J.Icy. ex-citjf treasurer of TliiU-ieluhia, wat r- rnRa in wiirt loilay to uniwcr th trlpl charce of ntiMpprOpriiiUng Ij9,ooo tUj money ll tmbezitemen; ol $400,000 and upward A butterfly raptured in VhVsteriM m 'JiTIu ttoUUng hla There were J64S emlgranU who lctt Germany for till country durliig Jnui)rjr and February. old to the Smlthaonian Institution lor $1500. It waa an Individual ol a fotatt peclci, tuppoied to be ex'.lnc. The government ol Urcat llritaln and Spain have accepted the Invitation to make a diaplay at the World' Columbian Ei potltlon at Chicago In 1893, The number of locomotive In the United State on June ao, 1S90, U dated by the Interstate CommUtionera' atatlatU clan at 19,036, and the total number of car of atl kind at 1,097,571 . For the want of rye, wheat or potatoe the peasant in the Ruutan province of Karan bake bread of acorn t. It produce cellcs awetllng cf the limb and distention ot the abdomen. The disease! fatal in many case. J 1 .11 L,l There are 15a iiriilsh peer who be tween them own 1529 place where Intox icant are cold. The list I headed by the Earl ot Derby, who la the owner ot seven two drinking place. Next come the Duke ot ltdford with forty-l(ht. The average soundings In the open At lantic give a depth otlwb or thrre thous and (aihoma. The sun's rajr Illumine this mas of water to a depth of two or three hundnd fathom only. The greater part of the ocean bed U thus pitch dark. Thev have a way In China of teiling the time bjr looking at pussy' eye. The pu pil ot a cat eves, It Is expluhev', are largest In the morning, gradually growing smaller the lluht Increase, reacliioir the minimum at noon, then widening a- galn until at night the once more become large. For a given number of people who can vse railroads, Austria prorlde more train than India, German more than Austria, England more than Germany, and the United State more than England. Each concession to the public convenience In this matter Involve a loss which must be paid for somewhere. CaaMtaa la.. MlablwlMd 1.4,1 paid star H,(Ai.aX. ""y, London. Knrlaad P"I. t5.0U0, Totul '".''""J!',?:..'" r f-r. of T-SIUd, pa U Calaaahla rire 4 Maria faa. '.a.a.r Orsron a b-M jama "mm out EAST AND-SOUTH, Oouthora Paciflo Route SHASTA LINK. A French physician ha discovered that the cause of articular rheumatism la to be found In specific micro-organism. This microbe Dr Bonis ha Uo'ated and culti vated, and has Injected It Into carotid artery of a rabbit. TI.e effect of such in jection I observed in Inflammation ot the lining of the heart, accompanied br vege tation upon the valve One important measure toward maktnir Sew York and Brooklyn a united city has been accomnUshed In removal of toll tor foot passenger over the brldjje which now connect them. The bridge I really a public highway, and to exact a toll on foot passenger ought never to have been tub ml'.ted to. The toll on horses ane vehicle still remain, but are very light, not much more than enough to pay expenses of run ning the bridge, but even these will prob ably have to go ere long. The only railroad In operation In equa torial Africa ha just been finished from Amis In Low Ambaca, 160 mile in the Interior. It ha been built entirely by native workman, and dal.y train run over the line. The construction occupied four yearn. The iiallve show themselves so friendly to the new Institution that the road is to be pushed several hundred miles Into the interlon. The Portu gese Government Is thus getting a new ho'.d on the territory which was fast slip ping away from it grasp. interest. The district attorney rested his esse, and aid a 1 was unanl to prove kxUy tit charge of perjury, h askd that it be con tinued until lune. llul was rtxetl at JKfA.ttfin on the chare of raiMPiironrUtinn of cilv funds, 1,15,000 on t t charge cf emheizting state funds and (5000 on the charse of perjury. Taraed atatrs LvltSeare Walia. Walla. MTf ao. Lata this .v- ing It was learned One of the soldier confined in tr.r county lull charged with th murder of A T Hunt on the irlcht nf Arll ..... tst 1 evlilence and hi testimony hud been taken by th prosecu'lng attotney in writing and sworn to. So for as could be learned the testimony cf the informer implicates more soldier than are now confined, and informa tion on good authority this evening was that the soldier at th gsrrUon had been Informed and a ros<iiliiv existed nf an ail.b Att I Hat jsil. To be on tht safe side the officers doubled the guard, now numbering lilty, Bassel Dacaa't liaaw. New York, My 30. The Sun'a special from Chicago says: Benjamin Harrison will not be a candidate for the presidency ot th United State In 189a, so srt hi son KutseU He came to Chicago today. During the alternooi he received a great deal of attention from politicians. Kusstl like to talk ot politics, and when he declared hla father would not be a candidate to succeed himself a president, the men to whon he w talking paid th closest attention. aaaday Breaker Arrralrd Tacoma Miy 39. Three more arresu were made today of saloon proprietor! for keeping o en and doing business on last Sunday, II I Ttnnison was the complainant this time and h cau.ed the atrent of George Sawyer, of the 1 Warwick; A J Wattles, of th Reception, and ohn Scho.l.of the Dsmlino. They all give loo bonds to appear for trial before the municipal court on aext Tuesday. Tenntton is a caipenler and an auive member of th Antl-Sunday Saloon association. Baal fteilltaa l Uniom May 39 G W Hunt arrived hcie this morning, and is settling up bis account in the valley. He had nothing to say upon hi future plant, lit it working now to aettl up II his accounts. Deals Lynrhrra. Valla Walla, My a8. The arm that Sheriff McKarland tck graphed to Governor Ferry fr were rectived this mornins from Capt Jobn Carr. of company D, second regl. went NFW.ol Dayton. fc When ludge Upton, of the superior court, came to the couthouse this morning he held a short conciliation with tbe sheriff, He then Ordered the cletk of the court to issue a war rant for the arrest of Bernard Mullrr, of TiOop C, Patrick McMcnamon. Charles E Tram- no.r. Tlinm.. rliMi A . 1 u.i anu v- j v.uucr anu ames (.vans of Troop E chareine them with Whethet In the original or any other TtRckairP. whUkv la a ilm.i.mi,. ihi i i t J ' -."aVIVU. 11IIIIM U ool with, Salem Journal. Editors Democrat .' I notice In your paper that you call at tention to farmer about beet teed to be had at your office. It would be very do. Irabte that a good many availed them ot the opportunity so as to ascertain what Linn county could accomplish In that re pect. Theie I some doubt about whether beet growing can be made profitable for the sugar Industry, and It is of general Interest lo have Hit small experiment carried on all through the valley, There It no trouble mu;h in carina fur the bout and they grow very willingly and to gom! Ue. It it not tho quantity but the n, 1... . (p""y aooui wnicn were is a queiiuii, ?. J. ' gc,, U,c ,oll "K To g-t Ihe required iHsrcenlaKe ol sujar a..M..luu..l I - . . A.. 1.. . -J A m'titiort alrn! Umt iU V f A tour r nv member ol Ihe Albany club .L. kf . . . manager covin no to pmy ua.e ball for money, Al Lawson, who Is to pitch tor the Seattle. Is also engaged to cover the box for the Pendleton. La son Is evidently a man capable of covering hundreds vt mile of ground at one time. 1aa aaatat . The cute compliment for a Salem pauen The Capital Journal, of Salem, sayst "The mosquitoes In the newspaper business do not excite the journal." It U a wnli es tabllahed fact that mosquitoes are very annoying to large animals, even to ele phants, but are In no way troublesome to Insects. Fruit dealer In this city are dally ,i receipt ot order from dealer in Oregon for Imlt.ali of them slitting that the yield of small fruti In the Willamette valley I very small thl season, and If Walla Walla cannat flit the demand, they will have to ship fruit from California. The txprcst company Is dally shipping from two to three ton nf fruit and vegetable to Mon tana, Spokane and sound point. Walla Walla Statesman. The sporting editor of ITerpcr Weekly In writing about the coming Intercol legiate contest , In mentioning some of the entries tor the too yard dash, thnt William has a good freshman In Lee. Now Lewis E Lee. of thl city. I a fresh man at Williams, and either there Is an other freshman named l,ce there or else Lewis has learned to run since leaving the Albany campus. District Attorney George l( Bingham received a messane thl afternoon as fol losi Marlon, Or. , May 37. There was a man killed neat here, apparcrtly by the cr. The body was found this morning. From letter discovered on hi person we judge his naire to be.George Howe liar lis, formerly of VlcMii.nvli:c. K IMtuth erford, J P. An Inquest wa beun atl p in today. Inquiry rvvral Ihe Ia that one George Harrl left McMlnnvllIe few years ago, absconding as an embessler. Those best posted believe the bod to be hi. The inquest was In accordance with the fact In the first telegram. Salem Journal. il Gilfrey U peruana the beat known Orcgonlan tt aahingtoD. A Baleuilte was walking along Penns-ylvsni avenue when the Oregon man waa attddenly nccoatcd with : "Hallo Henry 1" The apeakcr to aJdrewi lihu was Treat dent Harrison. Journal. Probably no where In the UB. i the Salvation army treated well na In Scio. lu Intluenee there ia gradually the erima of m,i i' 7T" ? T'i" I rj,TOn' . 1 . y "Th warrnnt. e.i. . " . ..'"L. f"'vu?n Armr " prepared lor ihei mediately,.;?.-,!,.- V ZA VJJTJ I!,?. ?wn., iU J Terrlir klaraa. HiNTt.Ncroy. Or Miy 28. A terrific wind ttorm !reck Tayette, Idaho, thirty-tix mile east of here, at 5. 50 p m yesterday, demol .h Ing the Urge liveiy barn of William & I'aine Ten bead of horses jnd tevcrsi men were in me nam at me time. One of ihe men, who was asleep, was afterwards found anconscious " - -.-" -- nf.t, 1 capacity of above twenty pcraona. They nmke frequent excuriot to varloua points on Sundays, holding eervicea at the plaree iited. Lat Sunday Stay. ion was uvorvu hy a visit from them." Next Monday tha il slat if Phrttn,l Kast Portland and Albln will vote oil the attention r.f city uniting in "the connolidatlon nc- l lalerent to farmers. .. . .' . 7 7. . 7 -- uwum.ivua I hit uniiin hiVr. k -.ill "l ':)U vul ,M. cording to its individual vote. The , . -r " p i "net ronswiuatt 10 ttiat the btAte "d hl? " prori 0 ke5P t.Wini will have a citv that in .1. a. lln .. ocve-aipeopi. wer. slightly injured. The Commercial imt,rlan III - . " damage wa about f 5000, Mewl rualag la be Ma4. WASHINGTON, May a8.-Th. nmmi this afternoon received a dispatch from minister uncoin al Londdn utmn rr,..:.i : . 1 teen given In commons I list a bill would be nironuceii on MonJsy 10 authoriae the queen to the state. fide by side in the glimmering tw iliiflit. rawianging senuments ol the spring time, when a smack loud nnd strong wa heard a block awav, and the young lady AM,aaLn.l lift! I s . . ' ,"u, you near mat pop, and 1,7 r-:T . " "m remarked "Via yot in the Beh,inz sea. "FhV 7.. W wtn. wl,hlng point considered ws. h. advi.i. t. " ? 5 the genentl leve::;cX-r! r a ' 1111- seai, ta case a blmed season is decided upon A Terrible Eistaloa. ra ASKfoRT, Ind.. May 38. A botu. In the SAwmllt of P E k'r.m,r ..r.1,1.1 Ila Train lot, Portland DUy 7:r. .'f lft Ural L l'J:lf-a a Ar P'lruabd" A I K . o Sao l'rtn-rlro I North ArBM aa L I a a a i. I ? r a ' 3 a a I U IWlrs Lr sos in a hail, bailv. Portland Albany H'laebors Ar 4:04 r a LT I 2;00 00 r )rt aLsaar local( oaiLv axcarrSmaT) Alliiny ' j'.isrsr 3 Ura I Lraaaoa aaaarn. Jr 0a m UIIJlOi Ar 710 a a I Lr t . Jaa I Ar Albany Lobanoa Albany Lebauoa w Lv Ar Lr :25 a a S:40a 4:26 r S:40ra PULL?sfA!i BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, I """ d""" eB4-Cla raaac ers. -...ciii sTa'aVersTraV-.r" BCf flCES Mail rTeal aide Mvlalaa. roKTLAS A Oil M r a Lr Ar .AiM sail I (Except SuDoay,) Portland Corral li Arl Lvl 6:30 r m 66 ra txratst tsaui eaar (Exempt Sunday. ira 2 ra Lv Ar Portland McMinnrlll Ar I Lv :20 a S.46 A a Thponifh Ticlcetss To all point EAST, Af!D SOUTH. 101 fail luformallo . . KVUH ut ai mnj . A despatch from Topeka, Krnias say: Jeteph Bennett, who bought a frm In Washington township borrowed money from a Jewell City Grin to make the first payment and put In hi crop. When the note fclf due, Bennett did not have the monev to take them un. and hla r.lare uraa . nl I I t. . .. 1 :tt ti. - . f 1 . 1 possession anj was ejected. Joseph Kin dlesberger then occupied the farm a a I tnanf riff th nnrrh.i.r. lU.n.l I I . . member of the farmers alliance. Thirty or fortt marked men, with Bennett at Ihelr head drew up to t,he place Sunday niht and requested the new tenant to leave. He refused to do so wheieupon revolver was drawn anu was told ttut he could either leave at once or hi dead body would be carted off. Bennett wa then reinstated, and still holds the place. Klnd.ctberger has the names of the leaders of the mob, anrl fwlll In.llliil rtvll nl - tmfnal ceedingt aga'.nst them. Tnt officer In UU county are all farmer' alliance men, in cluding the pro-e'euting attorney. This it a very unsafe way for men lo secure relief from any Imaglncry or real wrong, but where a man entered openly ana wiuinply Into a contract It I a crate 7 a crime to undertake to set It aside by mob force. Farmer alliance everywhere should br resolution condemn such nro. ceedlng and not premit such thing to be seemingly aone in the narre of the order" w a request so that if the remark is heard uie auuaiiun will be understood. A for Jar lum l,i. Il .m.f...i! .U'.l'il . I . 1 . . ! I ..Tm , --. )muucu j hum Bit, n aniienrs in aitnoat L''mnIon;.Itra"k BullamlEdKunte oxen diflerent guises, now in short were killed Glenn Swearinger, Wllilam lrts, now in long ones, and flnatlr In UttlS Hid two som n( Rn.ln... Il,.ll .11 CI..I... i.. . .. -.- i . . ww. wee i o n rpriiiiiiy a .elie fatally Injured. Harver Hutchinson and Lossan and as artistic a manv I'ari- uen ivey were dangerously hurt and the aian celebrities. Henry Irving' tribute "an an int. to his en Company ... i OKllLKS Vanagar K P. KOORRS s'tO. F.and P.Ar YAQU1NA CAY ROUTE. GfEjori Pacific Hailed, T HOCfi, BeerlTer O- CKgon D878lepa8nli ro's Steamers. Hhort I.I ne to Caller a la. rirt-;lai4 throufrh pmmii irnr snd l? : tr0'u PortI-'i and nil points at A llln.iintf Vailoy to -ml from Han H it r rnel n ..o. nonnollon st Alban " t t-in -,f ibuOregon Paolflo Kailroad l : . iff - - ' ., ..... ' -vrv -a. if ? - - v ; "i I1 :j"t"fl,E. axc,.tBUn.lay..) A lb my 15:2 i . - v........ . - k .. - . . ' ' ""wm v"rain.,iii;SBa, a A-rl t Vanal ,.. .n; krnr, Albany, , r' V.ririil V rriitaa rrinnnrr ar - - - - i.iunujr .DU ."vm,is, apoT traina oonuectat lrt-jfi:, with Uih Orooii Development u-. ;m-.v , ,inir SUtainshlpe between " in rn l sn Prancloco, Vt 1 1,1 MCI ATC) . raoa Tji'ii. ilia:naf Vailoy, Juna 4th ; Uth ; 22nd. tana tK ra. m.-a n'tj.ti V'all.r. May Slat; Jan D4h i IHth7th 'l: Oorops'tv i-jiivtynii ttj8 rigtit tTe in:linu ilnt.n r'thnul nniu. to 11 ll nn ha r, . ""M,-,vi iiu rurutna tna 1 1 i.,t.'n Valla- Aolnle oan make clone - v r.n .n with the lrlos nf the Yaquina H' Albany r Cjrvallla.aDd irdes l U Hn Fntnt-iBio should .arrange to ! V vn!na tbe ovenlng hofore date ' i'l in i'.'jui- ijrf an ri-'uht rales always lh i'.r Uf Mhi anair t A K Chapman, Fr.tght and i't Tt, A'btny, V. V. 0. P.aaitP. Acn . Corral. Is. Jadges of tbe horse bays given It as their cploion, that Titus, Blumberg's black Percberon stalliOD, stands at the heed in his claw. He Is In the hands of MrC E Barrows, an efBctiit' and ejper lencid horsoman, who will give his patrons every possible attention. Titus will mk the season of 1891. Mondara and TtHsdriy at JefTurson; vedneda)s ana Thuraday at Self Fillaja and Satnrdiys at Albany. Mr Blumberg le ais? owner' of the alan.U'd bred trotlln hofn. Atrnri engineer and fireman on a passing train w-re painluliv hun by flying brick. The mm a complete wreck. Dmppvtl tra. ' uurmg a uebate oa the report of tbe committee in the case of Dr 'gg, in th assembly this afternoon. Judge orecacnriUfc. or .St Louis' fell dead with heart disease, while speaking. His last words were: "Now gentlemen, I feel I have dit Jhargea my duty and wih to he txcuied from further sptaking." Reselling for a class 7 ii uuu:nl7 ew up hi bands and lei! ui Ihe floor. Th aaomrli. -.i - . ..... . . , wim ad journed for the day, and instead of the ban quet assigned far tonight, prayer sneering was Barbonr's Matwerers, ineiollowing dispatch was received r,r,. Butte City, Mont, Is: evening: UlTTE, Monf, May 37. Detectives TUrr. no urmm win leave hy ihe 315 tiain for tort land arh the 10 men. Martin and Will- iam. arrrsisa lor ha biiif .ml w w 11..1 i. .1 - uti injur in Portland, April 16 Bany trkced them in 1111s oiieciron on itie Union Pacific, by dia rnonu ring, belonging to Harbour. whL-Ii on of tbe pair wore, and which wat observed by .....,...:. xan 1 jum inrm doing time in ytd when he arrived here, for vagrancy, and when their time was up he and Detective Gnflin place! them onder arrest for Ibis crime mere is no question l ut what the men nnder arrest are the right one, and the cnncts are that Hie murder of beaveng;d. . . Aa Ore- Oeluae, to Hichari! Min.n..t.l ringers' ends" may t varieti'to fit jarueau. This is proven by he- versat- instance. She preserves the true sparkle of a French song." The spirit, flnesre and abandon with which aha dm- n song from "(iasjiaron" linirer in the memory. Great pains has been taken In the afloat ion ,A ll.a ? . , , vtiMpaiiy, ar- beau always has a good company, but this season it is above the average. At tbe opera house Monday night. fthouM ffotolp, OoMiplng ttorle c loot relic J Ofl. On. Irinnuh sKni.M n well, that eve.i Ibc ttorlca of g(Hip cn- II F (l.hfr ftf tka CnrvmUtm flv. - - - vwt visiiisi tmui i'K mill, purchased the first of tht week, I7.000 buahela n( a hnil ! lt....K. l i... uciitcicu iree on oosru 01 the boat at ne I ... I ..... . - uu.iici. am vtiii aeep M mi: 1 tunning for a little while Gazette hits sncclnl precautions I to bo observed In the growing ot beet. The chemical snalysl have hitherto not been very favorable for thl region and It It quite likely that beet growing for sugar pro duction will be eonflnedto special selected localities where eptclnl the toll I not to heavy, at.d In nil case must there be se lected toil with good natural or artificial drainage. Anybody intending to grow a little patch of these beet a an expcrl. ment should bear In mind that there pro bably will be given a chance to get same analysed free ol cost. In this connection I wish lo call the farmer attention to fodder beets; It it vet time to sow beet teed. Several store In Albany keep good seed, snd it is of the greatest Importance that everybody who u Interested st all In the dairy Inoustry should plant just a little, so a to learn the frrnt value ot this most desirable stock eed. Anybody who desire any Informa tion about beet growing wilt be cheerfully furnished lth tame by addressing the un dersigned at Albany. C H Schmidt. Many doleutes were already on hand Monday mousing at the opening of the convention. Knrnent prayer was od'ered by Mrs Spangler. While the crodvntla! rommlttue was preparing their report the following ladies from abroad were called to the rostrum and introduced to the convention, Mr Hturtevaut, Pres dont of Northern California, and Mrs Spencer, her Cor. Hecrrlary, also Mrs fcmlly Pitt Mtvoris, ol Alineda, Cal.,who for several months has been tahorlntr in Oregon : Mrs II L Adams, of Cleveland, Uisto, whom many in Oregon have met and IxM'll benefited hv her nut, In wnrk Mrs Vnruk and Mrs Cox, recently ol tvansait, out now 01 uregon, tola ol the trrnri.t tlfia nf ftp.ttit1.ti i.... In LT-......- told of how they had gone through the fight there, and were rt-ady to help bring about the same result In Oregon. The report shows that 103 delegates are in attendance. The address of welcome was given ly Mrs Additon and rtpondcd to by Mrs lloxter In well chon words. Miss Fannie Gotsbat! and Mlas Minnie i-rucior gave report concerning the "Oregon White Ribbon." a neat little paper recently started with a su Inscrip tion 11st 01 3,0. ymie a number of sub scribers were obtained in a few minute iy lames psmg through the convention. W trust this paper will soon l found on the tnlitlt f nvrrv ttil.i r.1 U' l' T II t nd many others who are not now white ilW. ... . . t...k u I. ..t . t I t uiwmtrt, uui una auouia im. In answer In a rn!tit il. mU .11- gales present who were engaged in work in their icspective churches should rise to their feet. None lemalned sitting. Mrs NarelssaWlilto Kinney.of Aelorla, Mrs L II tV,ii, of Mnro, Mrs Henrietta r.rown, of Albany. Mrs Morris, of Ash land, were elected delegate to allsnd the Pactlld Coant conference. The convention aceepted an invitation w uivet ps AsiuriA neaiyear. A I'SLfcOATE. Mtisiiti MmiiiTa. Decoration services, nndtr chargn of the CI. A. K. and W. H. C. occurred to day,according to llie nroitram heretofore puuimiieii in ih'tai!, an l were or an lntcr eating order. The prortmion lormed in IrontOl the li A It Ifall on L'arr ilnarl and marched for the cemeteries at :30. headed by F. Co. and followed by the U A It, old soldiers, W U C. Sons of Viler- bua, K-hool children, etc., loaded with flowers. At the rllv rnmotorv tha hanal decoration srvict- were oberved. Im preseively carried out, and the graves of A..ft.m .... I ...I II.... -.7. . v.. w i niuiTin iii wui reiiieierirn, were strewn with flowers. Judge D It N lilackbiirn delivered the address, a patriotic one, containing many thoughts ui r s m in ir siiistiii ii in sa at m iiipii r aa . cewtion raformed and returned to the city. To-night a public entertainment will be given at the Opera House of an inter- t n til..vM .1 ........ I .. . I . . . ..M.u.v, vii v uncii iiiic ai lanrrj m . . . i . ... i . . tfitlclant. .r.i.1. gram as heri'tofore published. StEAfc rsTATK StLCa. lot Kojt rt A Kampv. trustee, lot e. block I. llarrlnlmr c W Churchill to Geo Butler. M bUx-k I. 11 lrrlahitrrr Miles Csrey to Slias Hamilton, '400 acrcn 14 w 1 , W M Moore to Frances A Sei fling 145',' acres 10 w a G L Hlackman to Msrv A Sullivan, lo 1, block 3. B'.sdd ., . M M snd C A Bills to Nisgsra Mill Co, 40 acres 9 E 4 and saw log, etc G S Brown to D Berdan. 300 acre 10 w 1 Delia E Drown lo Adda F Berdan, aoo seres 10 w 1 Pro- $ loo 40 4000 aoo lJo. 7S 300 $9otj 9 r, . a . . t.llEIIIBWB inillBH Wi n V. I Kaa .... a formed A nob! Art nf rharltv mm -ssAtJ to the Journal. A man living on French Prairie lot hi half-hrrri tr- .- .... day. She left Mm a family of nine chll- A,- TI..I. I.ji..ii.i' . .... vii, HIGH lliu in uinna rmtll Ih.m Irt livliim In tVtm . v n 1,15 I , ' aw"cl niiicni inuian uarbour will scnooit, and they have promptly been aoopteo 1.110 the Chemawa home where they are cared for aa well a they would oe in any home Journal. Br.est, (No 215), who can be seen at tbe ,nK? ...K!-r .u... o... " .... nxout lo lalk aliout hi suoieor TilUisBrcs. the get of this horse sis large and floe forme J, and only neea proptr deveiopmeLt lo show ipeed ARLINGTON. M-Jt 27 Al 1 ...... ilav a r Inn. .A.M.....I..II..I .... . from ihe .muh ..hi. ii.i, . ' K . Vhe cont"' Portland over con.0,1 demolishing .er.l I iu;";. ? f n p.urPMl" ".vthlng.ln the hlatory wl-i." "ur "f ner,,f ' every city, who be in the store at the time.' 1. " . " Zr'? ' .monef PPe tricated af:er mai.i,.,.Ki. am 11 .IT. om .cmsn motive. In wat ditcovered lhat Mrs Sprintle w'at injured internally. Mr Baird has tuitained tevtre itv- lunes 10 nia neaii inri i.n, 1. ar. c :-.i- - . nil tllllllll fortunately escaped aith a few brniet, but it considerably thiken. The huge building used as a tkating rink and opera house, owned ny l. j Kslslon, is in ruin. This is the worst cyclone known to have occurred in (his Section of Ihe country. ' li i U,.A ik.i j - ivmiiu 11, r.j 1 1 sulerable damage bas been done throughout- me country. ... numla lulsreast WASHINGTON May 7. AlltlOUirli Poal- master-cene-al Wu the San Francisco pontnftke ice he is alwaii ITRICTDR E! Ptnnii"tlr tiirrd trlth.-nl Cutting., flurnlnr rr 11U lailn A rfcctly p. in lew traattnant and a tutrnn eur In OTenr j no tnati.r m Ions- .tandi r Tlila treatment, riir Hvric'.a a. ot Dr Boxali'a ,1a lh yfctaat diitoorary known to m.Jiclra. it ili'aaolrcs S4 eumplatalr ramorc th Btrktui without anni.j- Pacific coast trip, In an interview he said; I thought I knew something of the growing counliles before I set my face toward Ihe set ting sun, but I found before I got ta Sar Diego, that 'he weM wat doing mors than I conrelved, Bsfore we got on tbe Union Pa cific toad i return and after we had spun around Wathiugton ttate I wat amazed. The west mu't have better mnil facilities, fatter mai!, more ol idem and better poitofTice faciliiiet How q.iickly llipy mike a big city in Ihe wes, WTth fine Luiiding', large factories and beautiful streets and ail that rertainsto a motrop"lis! There are no tiens of hord times ou. therd. Evervthinir ia nmnr.ii ...I ... ninCrttrO fir P.A.flUl1 r . nqe me people sr.o. what raonuar vj inairoex, an i not propar to nam herr Including; all lh -aa delkvta InflrmltiM and Weak' nnw9, wniin iimy wiiuia annns ironi di-cliia:nir to thair (aml.y hy.l. ian, pvrmaurntly curwl In e.a tint man was ever anon n 10 Menicin l elnrfl, bv lir Josell's"NawSTtni o( Trent ment." Itrnjiivenalii bnllo-unrry organs ami makes wak nianatriinir "" !"wi-, i i. i-wijn ucti in ciui ior pcrnnnal vnu;iaUiti and .peciul cxan.iii.ll'in. Hut thot vho cannot twianihlf nail, ahoulil writa, atating-their mm fully. MKitcne atnt by mail or aiiirami, sealed, Iraa from eifioaura, to all ( arttnf ths i'scitie Cuaat' AcMreaa, Wm. A. Doxcll, M. I). SI Taal l lapeaanry, rnrfland. reca. Cornrr Firnt and Pin treete,joverJl'ottlaud Katiuual Bank. Mr Wannmaker has hern linnminn tVi. ...i and the Pacific coast ih this manner evsry day since his return Brnliltl,lfe , Seattle, May 27. Henry Henke, an 11 year-olil boy, fell out of a dugotif into the bay hjilay snd sank before help ciuld reach hnn. A'tir being under (he vater at least five min utes he was fished out apparently dead. He was rolled over a barrel until he showed signs of returning consciousness. Physicians were summoned who then took charge of him and after working several hours succeeded in saving hit life. - - ww...... iiiinnci, in tUCn t flairs nprtonul rnni;lr.iir.. 1.1 X -. .IV. I IIIUUIU nnl .,,1. Umatilla count ivl,l.nii- 1. . fine boy at the fallowing from the East ureoman will iirmriniirii.i hi? wt Rlcl.ardson ha a si-.j earild son, Clauds Claude Is never narnit r man hn a..uiin- m. rik , , ....... ,. 1 iiuiii ,11 his work, snd i Industrious bevjnd his yesr. Ihl prlnr, with a ulkey plow, nun narrow atiaciieu, drawn by three nurses, ne plowed 150 and harrowed 350 vrc. it 1 oeiieveo that Umatilla county ean lay claim to possessing th. youngest . -inujr in uie norm west. the Jjliowlng from the West Side show what one man can do. Tacoma slipuld erect a monument to the man mentioned. Mr E C Penliand Informs us that he I In the mly line of busines where an opposition it a benefit." The more real estate agentt there are In a town the more business each orie does provided they work for the common good. When Mr Penliand went In tn th i-ao! estate buriness In Tacoma In iS8r. there were onlv three firms and vrrv llltln U'a. being done. His firm set the example of extensive advertising. Within a tear there were 21 firm and hu-lm. h.rl in creased IndivMuallv In nronortlon Turn Kr three more live real e.tni ni-i. would be a bene fit to Indent ml no harm to present men in burners. C loak at cost at W F Head's - TBADK AT THE OLD RELIABLE GROCERY STOKE of ' C E BUOWKELl, Good god, low prices snd honest meut. COME ONE, COME ALL. treaf M .SC0Bf Of Miss Laura lllevins, who died In Tangent,, May 20lh, 1801, sged 17 years, 2 months and 3 dnys. Darling, since you went away, Miftdow full acrosi my wayi Had days into months have grown, Months into long years iiave flown ; And our house is not ihe same, Where we love to speak your name, Where the shadow round me creep, Darling sineo you went to sleep. Litlle flowers Rrn blooming still. By th cl.;ttr and shady rill Those In life you loved so well rUIll are blooming in the dell. Other eyes their btwill, spy. Other hands lu kindness vie , Lovingly your memory knp, Darling since you went to sleep. Is our faith shut out by tears, Faith to tiook hoyotid Uh-nu years? When the mists have rolled away, 1 ''!' into perfect day. Wo shall know ag we are known, When tliis night of doubt has flown ; Wake no more to waUih and ween, Dariing, when we too shall sleep. Otisj Kniomtkn. Albany, Or , May 2fUh, 181)1, Dearest Laura you have left us, And your loss how deep we feel ; God it is who lias bereft u And He will our sorrows heal. J 11st one week since she has left us, Oh, how lonely now are we, But we know she's gone above us To a happier place than w. Oh how suems the days to loiter, Wnce no more her form we see, No more hear her gentle laughter. No more hear her songs of gk-o. Our hearts seem near to breaking, As we lav her things away j He her drenses here are hanging, Here her shoes and stockings lay. Oil how can we stand the trial, father help us now to hear them w e are praying, hoplntr, ever trying To resign ourselves to Thee. Lt-'LIS KxiQIITKN. Albany, Or , May 23th, 1801. ariTK w. c, t. r. K-lilort Democrat : a The ninth annual convention of tt Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Oregon convened for business May 23th, in Portland. Prayer meeting and executive meeting being held Saturday previous at the Ubsrnacle, Mrs MsJ Scott gave a very Interesting add rets to young people Sunday p ru. Practical thought couched In beautiful word. lteport of Cor. See., Mrs Henrietta Brown, wafuli and complete, showing that a vast amount of work has been done during the year. As we listened to the varions reports how we longed that tho who think W I! T U i not doing anything could liavo heard them. We now iiav a memhcndiip of ITSM, an In crease of "2tf, No. of nonary members, 6sn); Loyal Temperance Legion, 218. Amount ot money received from state dues, s25; amount raised by entertain ment. $2411. Wmnv l.av. bit t ,. ' T - . ' - . .... v . .r iuiMII-, 28 new W CT U'sandU Y's. The repoiU -"new ' w a u sanao X's. Tbe reports isra-iwi at r.agtne 1 ity last even of the different departments show atrgres- e0-1: the street to be lillwl witb msd. sivo work, treat rrmlu in minv hl.n M v n.,. ,.1 .. ... .u:i. . - . , .-w I...V-I M ai WW sivo work, great result in many place Col Bain and wife were introduced to the convention and received Uie Chau tauqua salute. The Col addrcHscd tha ronvention briefly, complimenting tbo W C T V on their progress and the effi cient work they are doing. He thought every man should be proud to have a w ife who is worthy to be a member of the W C T V. Other prominent worker from abroad have been Introduced. Ktcetlon of ofljeem resulted as follow: President. Anna It Itijtgs; Cor. Kec.Mra roDtl-r. lif I'rirt-iiu.ltl), - lliu SI. XI II J Shane; Trvaaurer, Mrs I. Ihlyeu. A aaury of Wi was Totcl the Picsi-deut. TBE (.OLffKS Kru. S.ASA4K. Has lance and etimnlrtn Una nf goods, dolls, doll buggies, boy' wagons, ve ocipcaes ana many other goods which eol to make un a nimnkt. ii.,ri,ui beside a complete hue of lamp of every uewnpt ion. China crockery, fancy uccoraic-l ware, elassware. b rd earit iiiuaii FfMHm. Burn aa . hin,. ..itt w. I . , - w-w -...fu...r., buiii-k vein, antcMrrarili limitia . tu.i, ,i.ii.i-.i. -- . t K -i' , i,iiv.ivii ABC picture bot.ks, and all goods thai iwwar store, inuiuuing KiMrcr Itrria. 1 47 nit t'- ..L W call the attention of the public in rar t i. ..i. . ii.ti.. i , . .i. ""! to ui" ttoiuen itnie prixe risking TMltt lllr a II. I In. vine nn -.-..-.1-. ... this t-ade, which gives the bent of satis- lui uuii, aa i aui ny me hnmlrtHls mho have used lHh the toa and bakimr powder ever since introtluced be tha i I..I I .. . . ... . - T vjoiuen it uie itaxaar. J.acli -package of tl'A 11,1 rfln nf lule.lnif ruiurj.- - - - , . viltliiwi tllnvivai prixe in the shape of a fine piece of glass- " " iw uie w am, wm-q in Atuany, at tha ( inlilnn Titlta Itavaar aa nH -..III be sure to find what you wltat, and will v tmuw ii uver 1110 more ana no ire tea kindlv IlW tnw ftnrlr lm XI - . . '--j w. i. .... ...ii.. . ... r fffwl rn atl tnAflra.1 In -.lain I' .... w. .... ..... .,. fiHiii i'ni in inj aa no. to tiiiiive) anvnn. mt.t t !.-.- t... - - - . . w " .. . ... w , .. a , . v nut viiiu jirite ui Bit. JTLifS UaADWOUJ. m ths e p mm Asa abroad TllPUSlMr. A flos tab ttnrm ttday. The 'thdlio tdlioul will be held Judo 11 at a lino entertainment it uromlaed. usm trer, a wnll known clothier, ol Walla Walls, ha failed. Liabilities shout $15,000. Next Saturday the Rhsomatio and Malar fa! are to play bass ball at Walla Walla. A eliuneo for a cornr on quinine TitB,LMAwof Ditch Co ws oigan Ixed in that cily yesterday with the following director! L Foley, O II Ral- iln, J L Cowan, M A Miller, 1 I Swan. ra, Frank O'Nell. Thecapltal W It Dtm ttncK ws. plseed st $U,ooo, ut which 7oo was tubacrlUdst once. The canal an ast,-eu institution. Honnmi Bai's Sroaa Also. Hilly William snd Billlc Martin, the two hobo who robbed Hchmtdt & Co' tlore at Turner, were he'd to await the action of ihe grand jury of Marlon county. They slto robbed the store of I Bcstn, ol thi city. Marshal Hoffman being notified by Sheriff (:o!.in thut geod were found In their poaitcBsion which were taken from Mr Beam's store.and which he will bring to Al'iany tonight, on coming here after the gtayton burgUr In the jail. At tiik Bay. Mr Karl Unco, wlio re turned from the Bay yesterday, reports the government work progressing rapid ly on both joule. The nort,h jetty is now out U00 feet beyond the point, and will lie extended 1000 feet wore, and the south jetty about the same distance. The former lctty has already incre4d tbe depth of the water four feet. The last lilametto Valley came in easily at low tide, and there Is now no question that aijuina Bay v. ill become a first chtsii harbor. The channel 1 gradually deepening and becoming permanent. ssioav. CO twiit it I-;-,, paid for in Albany The BiMrul 3iri(iii eoinpauy tier rtd lt bight by k 'd auiliene. They gave a very fsuKhslile.euterUiMi.-n . 8erl of thetiodpar cautuavaiit thoir h.a and lh mushi is Unt-elM. Ytsriy afternoon whit ehoppi'ig wood seross tbe river Henry Liojro w bit witb hi as between ths knee and foot, cntiing a dp gash. Ha wa to AlUny laat. veiling wbsn Dr liitl drsd the w uud. Dkclasko Issax. Melville Hull, who jnove-J from Halem to Albany with his family three month ago, wa found in sane this forenoon, on examination, and this noon Sheriff Hcott took him to the asylum. Hull wa a member of (i A It, tht Albany lodge taking care of him for several weeks. General debility eemed to 1 the trouble, though he waa aflhcted with chronic diarrhoea, on ac count of which he get a small pension. NAre BOAT. The bate ball over hs struck ths whole Korhstt. The over! snd from fcn Francisco wu six hoars late today. An army recruiting xffiecr has beta thronich the valley. itrs'nati at J-.ane l ily last even ne tttaage r Baslaes. Notla is hero by given that Vus'ttr St Otrmuhavesjldtol. J Ltnn'nf ihi.r nllra tuialneai. rron la. win, n.M.. . dl-e. biolc aeeotints, fixture, etc. P rtlet lauoLieu leaauj urm win pieAJteoaH arnl settle at onea with K J f jtnnln in ,,.. ail aco mi ta are pay ahia. -All tmundng Indebtodnex 11 SMtled ty Muelltir A (Jarre tt. HI uSIiLRh it UARKKTT, EJ LAisniNa , Albany, May 2a, 1891. Tha DavrtOKAT will a-nVi. -,. . maohlos of any maks desirtd, exoopt one or two, h r a ims oak grab weod and psrt eash; or will ttsidrr other nronoaitinn. K ... en dctiriiiga dsw msehins. W, K. Road kerpihe tt aaoortmeut of ttty f ri! in tow ii. A Cell lie driviiiff hnr.n. 7 i ., l.l . . .1 . ' , , vii. muw cckI traveler, fur al eh. -n. L,,,.;.. ,.i e A Hulin, druggist. Ws inroie agaiust tramps. Towksf-nd & WlWO", SOCKD ADVICB. It Rata tn aft th i - j - - --" best; even Sliftkesnre admitted that. lit th. .miat irtll it nisit Ivab Mmasla.1 a f ....wa- t ty tW IVIUni SiV'tl that W K Graham haa jut received an eit-Kaiiii une oi suitings lor me spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them up in the latest style with a skilt hi long-experience has enabled him to b master of. 1'rraeh Taaay trrs. The wafers a?e a wire and safe t- cis. fer a klndtof female troubles sr.. w".t remot all obstruct lont to the mom i It period no matter what the cause. Hit are jt it what every woman need , at . can be ised with safety. For sale I th Livingstone Chemical Co, slto fron ote Seent. T 1 Cummlnr. Hriiorrl.i Hi berg bixk, A lbsnv, Oregon. The best tfial t ei ft'i a in ft a riltt -I I1. .... J IH1J III. . Farm Tor ISale. I have for sale 100 Acres of the finest farming land in the ttate. All In a niih state nf X. I V It.lUII) - -e UUIIU" nga. but has abeanifiil tmilili no lrt-a. tkm. Eight mile from Albany, two miles from Tanirnnt r.w 4.n U I T) T lerms and price reason able. Call and afia rru e.n UdAn.,.1 . . . . . . . rawiiu utiBBt, oppriaite USH oca at ofllco. Da. O. W. Mastoji. Wanted, to loan 10 1 H Ml nn t,A r.- . T - B .-.ill aecurtty, in the nxt thirty days. Monev ready, .aka lu while jou can net if. UN SrxEtB &Co. lioity. FRllXI On Mat. 1r In lh. II I fn Mr m I rom a ten pound boy. . CRAFT On Sunday. Mav 24. to the wife of Wm W Craft, near Locomb, Or., a dautrhter.. wftfuhr. a nnmut. nin: was seen on the streets of Locomb yes terday with a ntir nf -molt .i,.,l in tended for a baby wagon says a corres- ponuen.. DIED. FARRAR.-At Oakville. on Thursday morning. May 28. 1801. Mrs Jiva. wife of Robert Farrar, aged 27 years. The de ceased was a daughter of Mr Cliae Tat teraon. Tiostinnstpr nt. flaVt-illn . ,.l 'I " " x 1 . I V , ,1 ij V , leaves a husband, three children and many friends to mourn the death of a good wife and kind mother. v.. t ding Photographer A any 'regos. Ta htm Vtnilnrif .atl ttianrn.tlu. . ..I. t. L W Oark and W H Ureooaood tip to Nov l.ta. Liuriticaraa ian tia i.a.i imm ham onlr nf oa at radnnart lataa U'a haua also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at likeia-e. We carry the only full line of viewi f thi state and do enUrgi d work at ioweitrte ior lire Class worn. v e snail tie Dieaaaai to aa tnn ae nuie Mittriin in'a 1. 1 i. .J . . B , i. rt i uiava, auxiaosir so uissonio lemsiie. ' - a at in Exeltemeat Rant high in' Albany tt Foshay k Ma sons arne stora ever isvatnm iidiMu everybotly is esirg it fer 'atarrH et the Btemaoh, Dyspepsia Conttipaltoo and Im nara Klimrl. Trw . v . t-ll nnn r.i-J. ' , , ' J 1-,. J IUQUUI Boou.ii a itmstt sottvtswenttrtnl merits . t. . . t , . . . . wnnn 'i tpoaa weu st ii FOR DYSPEPSIA and ! (war lnmrdamt - -- , von nava a tirlnta onarantaa an tmttla ui.ii.ti. x'r...,. -- : i umiuuji y ivni-r. it never tans to r, reanay e. Maas, a(tj. - Xavellles In Jarttets. I hflvn rprfivpit a .moll t....lm.l , . . , ...... . hcdu! IrtUCIlll Ui novelties in ladies snrinu iackpt. mndn i,n the latest styles of Blazers and Reef- pra. in pnpvint rimimnai an,t n,-0in t , --- ,(vu., ,u CTUIBlGUi A expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the leajing styles in Ladies PflDPM. HpfsV-!! PmPshof tnA i nlr.lh , - " v w.- st.VA Ail IvIUU. Ortlers taken for epecial eises and Btvlea, o...i. u i DAM J. il, IOUNO. Buy your groceries of Parker Bro' CATARRH CURED, health fand ws breath cured,by Shiloh't Catarrh Remdy. Prio SO cents. Nasal Tniarttnr fraa IV. shay & Mason, agents. . !.. In all d iaeasea oi the stomach, liver and kidnoyt,, to the exclusion of all other mediciofs, Nature's own remedy,, Pfunder' Oregon Blood Purifier Al r. itotMia. r I aa am. It.r - dent of Albaot. rratiira.1 tha Iwu.l.u . tb ttate loarnsairnt. Mi.1 City want bridge aero th Ssottam at that city, to be for jjintly by Linn and Marion couulic. Tbe Georifia mir stials la.t even'eg were givo th tmsJIaat boa of the aoaton, there bain only igbt-a in t'de dram circl and a mall gallery. Tbey are said to have given a good perfurmaoc. Th g Mpal sw.ifM of the Y M C A will he held in tha W f'TI! II. n .. . trri.oon at 4 o'clock. Rty Mr Dili of the rirat BaptUt cbnrrb will addrtrss th meet ing. Ail ar enrdially invited. Th team of Ml (Je Reed, of Mitlr-.. ran away this f..rnoon, Urtiog on Fir-t Street. Snd atnlrtiina naar tKa r.,... u.. .i lh oorocror 2nd and Ferry trt, where thay war beaded off by a .irowd of men. Ko datnatf. F Co wa oat bvst evening gva a pebiie drill on the bine bail ground, ntvtot ing svera timet at so itnatf tuary eunrtiy. Tha On I well drilinl. aad tb maanaaver ot lha tnaitthari. .I...... ..I ' . . . : .. t 1 . . k VI .,'S-I Chamberlsio weie watched with interest by tarfia crown, Frtwh getsb:t ana berries every morn ing Bro . r Drick drtioioa le cold sod wstr at C E Btowneir. 'ltl MM list a tl,a. liaat lm. taaaat at. t a, t. - CltV bv ftint OP OH Aft Is afxl firts in a a a ' -w v -.wat. mww vvuu- ik The WatlRl ak.f 1rtiVl, a ml A t-xxt k tinu A - r.r,-i aiuiliwiiiiill J l call at Beonicks's for tB !et ic cream lu trie cltj. tya be bad bt pint or quart Hallo & Dawson, drorgita. Fiae grootirie at Coon & Hdricarm'. Beat asanrtmant nf taaa in ina. 1. 1 f Brownell'a. 8otd oaU for aala ht tW W r--r....t .t aauuiaa. i Kenton a "Sea I.inn Kilvar Tli-k nx oent per box. A tin lin t,f crockery war at Coon tt vhmi IVWU a. g Good vrnti'atnil aurt aun ,li,iVita.l nw nt it vtareea. Shavinir. IS nanta at V ..L . -. Close I on Sanda t r. Lsdiea for x nnr fit f,n A ti nA .. 1 1 1 t. ... I . ' ...... . . atrcyi a ouniplBl lino at IV let L a. A Inrtr awmrltmank nf ,B-rt-r. ...A. - - it " u sai at J ts Bio nell'a. Barin tn ehniein orvieiai.!aa b leenrt d of Allan Bros.. FlinrUlock. K W Aoluson KCo ar selline nonsinuili .4 11--, I t v luiutau uriwti Kenton' Adheaiva Rates for milt anrl braise. "5 cenU Per it'll. - Oilldan Ann.trlnniliMB . .. u..i.J . . r 1' " -.".tit wvfj tty vj tins irstimg Willi j is iJrOWDell. Mnstaehe X ins .rna nn iWl nAll. ;tt. - j - - - vm .-.n , . ,1 the rrnntinrtl Oeimau icatanlanenna rlva at Viaseck'a. . ' jAt Vierick's shtvitlS and hairpntlina n.e. lo . IkdlCS and ehildien'a hain. millmr, a tpefialty. ' See W F Ibsad'a !ina i.f r1r. crnr.l. tilks befor buying elsewhere. Just reoaived a tine invoiot uf b.ihr't applies direut frint Pbiladn'pnn, by L Vieieck, For liarssin in monument, liai'-.t..iiB e to., o to E W AchisouA Co. Alliiy,Orri.on A new lioe. of windnw ahade from 60 eenta to ft CO each complete, at Samuel E Yi'Ung', Fresh bmad, cake, pies, etc.. everyday St the Dtilmonioo restaurant. I n.r. r,n... orders. f . . Keep it lu your mind that Allen Bros pro- SMI a L nit. it 4 Kat 1? In A nt tL. t 1 BtXiVUIIIH a,iD & Ull U W I lltiri IPB lit III1H mauda. Their stock is a line one Harlbnrt A Edri. of Eacena. ara in tKa Altv In tntrnrtitna tKa Tr.iK tT..l.: 1 1 chine invented by William A Bunch, of that city. It i highly endorted by the leading citizen of that place. . Ladie of Albany are rennaatarl tt t.L their washing to the oEoe of Hurl hurt & Ell I if. next doi,r In nunrmin Un.i.J. saddle and haroesa shop, to teat the merit of the Paoiflo Wahinj Machine. Com at once. BaPTisT CiiuRCifr Regular service Sunday at ii a in. Preaching by the pnlor. Sunday school 12:15 p m, Voung People' meeting 6:.1o p in. Evening service will be omitted and the congrega tion will unite In the Union Temperance meeting to be addressed bv Col Bain at the opera house. Church Noticks. Services st the Christian church tomorrow morning at 11 a m, tubject, "An Etample In Addition." Evening services wilt het tUml.rt inr Col Bains lecture. t There will be preaching tomorrow at the l'tenbif ti'rlrtn rhnrr-l. n( nam t.ior-t of the sermon, "For What Purpose?" The sncrameni 01 ihe Ixird s supper will be Ohaerviid in ri.nniiltiin :il.l- ...ui,.- -- 1111. n.. , . l v , The tendon of Ihe church wi'l meet In the leciure room s 10130 a mfor the reciptlon of new members. Sabbath school at 1 J:ij pm, Y P S O E at 6:45 p m. There will bn n innrieal pinfnn 1 .... I Inn - , ..... .-,.. MHIVII Ullrtlllg at the Opera II on no tomorrow evening to iinr ui. imui, me giiieu temperance Orator, all the tmatiira iitrinrr itn ll.ul- evening services. Evangelical Cniacii. Rev L S Fisher, the newly appointed minister for the Evsngellcal church In thl city, ar rived yesterday from liast Portland, hit former pastorate, snd will preach both morning and evening in their church to morrow. Mr Fisher I a brother ol Rev 1 B FUher, who has just doted hi ministry In Albany, and now move to lefferton to act at pastor and oresldinir elder, at ordered by the late Evangelical confer ence just held at Hpokane, Wash. FAIR WARNING. 1 i -".j Sherlrr Until Dor Nat Waul tbe VTarld, bat he Haul Have t'.e Delia , qarai , Taxes. "Serman 99 J. C. Davit, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church, Eulaula, Ala.: "My soa has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians which failed to relieve him, he has been perfxtly restored by the use ol two bottles of Bo An Episcopal schee's German Syr up. I can recom Rector. mend it without hesitation." Chronic evere, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long standing cases that Boschee's Ger man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note oi this. J. p. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it far less a superior. a a GIvEE:-.', Sole Manfr?Woodbury,SJ. f ' X I "7 I frr?t tTrm,mr-': A ( w SiMii.ios J tvJy iii "V Apamiftl-tof Infonnatloit andtb- r ' !L .f V- Siit X J t tral tlwt lw.t.nii. li'rv lof J " J T Olrtalo r'nta. f araaia. 1 rua,Y , jf i I Mars. Oiprrtoliia, tnt 1rt. f r t,U, I V-V AAixm KUNM St CO. I I 341 UrtraSttay. wiwai.i I't7 wiaiaaiajaraar-" I w . . FlieriiT Pcott proposes to make it warm for delinquent tax payers unless thev settle at once. The following notice has been published several weeks r bat it doe not work as cflVctiycly a it should 11m t..... I il,. f-. n. -r Jl 'J . ... . r . v. -' m , r i j v. u . until j ibvku wirfiiw .nn K"'i'pvii'ru ui ail lllQt j aianding onpald m Ihe aiMteaatrent rolial .i.i- .. .. 1 1 t. . . . . i i'i piuiiij, ji .urn i-r-a ar null f .1 I .. .. ( . . 1 T .1-11 I aiu aiiiiHtiuiBicij j m auait jirrntwi IXI levy 1 nfton snd sell . he property of delinquents ta Vt a 1 k t.llaa lla-xa I na.M -..( . a. 1 WS SSIS t v IOIIW ati'lAr A tVifSII (JfSjf Sheriff of Liun county Vn 1. r. H.m 1. n I. ...n 1.. ..11... -vw mv rivrm.- vvr 11 lJI tc Vllt. WIIW tlon of all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasautest business in the world, must be done. Delinmient houtl rnnw to time and pay np, thereby avoiding itgai proceeuinga, a provmeu oy law of I Irtorin Thia la r,rwit ti..ln last call. Look out for the explosion of sue uomo. a s z a s c.a a-c vt m TltH CELEMIATEU ...... SMITH l vEssari Th Finest S wall Arm Erer tCanufectured. 13 bar aa Li CLKStilLiTV, TT tactLlLICEel B VVftBKMSriSHIP an , L0ADI6arjj JAFEfV vturanll -a IT r la Bcwar of ciitao Iron i-iit.;n.. Seed forCai:tr!i3 CataWy and prKt t,U Hiri al at . a a. . Wllri & WE5307i. a ti MM 'iatiat; a- it 3 z a BPtttSariKl.D, 5iASi. lit Wcmea's Temperance Pablishing Association. T-r oa b! trfl lor aal full Hn of Staple ft- TvmiraraiAx WrirlianStitHHudinx Biruas, Laatlaw, tamparaiw rnoiin Tho UNION SIGNAL, STEE r f. ft 4 C Samplo IHi. t!Tsr5Tt pattern, m w saai ia ix at t rirftc 4 J3 r.i4 c2 lot 1.." XS. scat poatr-id PErtaY&C;,tar.i5.:..:r.:. 9. OtJea). 10 xanknt. r- ntk. .ACADEMY -OF beat wrttar ia buth bau.tai.bin. I - . . . Tlie OAK AND IVY LEAF, Uar Ol'.ierpWlUl Help, Tb Ararat arnriia sail lllmry rPr hi I auaatrv. KaatM ran affnnl So i.i xthmit 'Ki K-tl eurrar jaar thta VaiuaHta iiariar. in ad . aiMa. It Anntribalura a aiU'iu.7 i 'lV fr Tmrti- Ftut ta. un'l t'T lis par - - - IHr 1 1 i ... ll , v i. mi raw. Tho YOUNG CRUSADER, st Cbildrao. Snui furatmplas. O- . aasdlnt. Ratrwitalra RaaJinn, StuuUy Itbaal Tarorwnuiae Ltaauua, frutram tut SpaauU 1 O f. rv.. j . , . r . . n. ' .-riiw ... i mi, ana a. I OIUUIB, u SrirMtS.N TEMeiaiANi'K IfllLlaKINO ASSOCI- .-i a nana nr, VOtaao, III. NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. N'trTICE IS HEHEtlV GIVES THAT THE fS Osrarrml. ailioinuitratrl ft ibe tatat of Alar. u.n ini lo'-l. ha nicd hrr fl'.al aecnunt in warMncaui trie oMini elark lorUtinrmr.Omran, ami tr- lu.l. i it.- . u - , - . ' - . H " . . V . 'H . .V .III V "li Hi , . Ssl lb. i.b J ul H.y, twi$, at the boat al I oVoeS m. Sir tbe hmrtur t objectinna, if anr. to aid ao- ltl.,t h.1 .1 . ... : . . . - ... . .. . ..... ...Mnunai in t r 1 1 taum. Tbit Uw trii da ul Aunl. lvil h a rait I. i rprn . K. WArnro. Admioiatratrix, i tor aaounuiratnx. (I-W ALBANY. - -" OREGON Oondnoted by the Sistti, t St. Benedict aaTU,i'.n ,n ,e!ect dayarcbool range from to to 110. Fortarui oMioariliigScb cl or any nrtlpc lata nn. .t n,. i .J dw Stater Superiors . nn ;&V3T Qfnra Beat atoek of2i.d jr f, anil tha moat reaar .t.i.. .tr..1IJS. -II aijus .ootia in IBs Vt- prieeti, both 4 have ou banil NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HERKRY GIVEN' TO ALL WHOM . - tuv H imiUBUHl WIW1W tTAttlC tli .ka aaatlattaa aaf J.i. SJ . .. ., ... -(T7 m trt,v as uaarv tXtXmJIOA, BM rt J I aasHu KMrasB, n tnrj cuoiiiy . ; w"vn, ktsj imi (ne ra in of syarus lAJasi uxej 9-am wo aay at luu, lHJl, mA ia h(Mir tsf 111 AL art ir m an .J a.Ll a .t- L . i . . - - s. asiu taat. w mo atn w itc4 thi Ui div of A II BIFt P. tf. W R Bitnv, Admiui.ttrix. CO. NATIOXAI, RAXK, M vr ai,BMT,OtgOO!(, cat: tax stock sioo ooo. Mca-Pnatdaut t u D I C .j ........... ..... . . , w . nnidiv.l, -...0o E CHAMBEHLAIH, I) ataV-WtaYsl T T a n . mn m it arcmtuia. TRANSACTS a inral banklne btnlnpat. onawBiOHl DRAFTS ou Nw Tork, 8a tit ri.'.itr t, jiVirfroB. LOAN MOrfEY oa snnioraj saeorit &EC.eiVdpoiuabret chock. FtfiiNITUBE. STOVES. TISWASE mn$t BOCKS, PIUTB3ES CLQ3XS, CH5CKFRY, nc, ETC. - tfoor treat of S S Toaag'a oir xtnr L, OOTTUfcB City Meat Slarfrct. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. S.ep a full line nf amett of all kin d ;" "i pie, completely pro looted: and always fni. PHELBS, Job Printer, 1h Sf. trs Alt, ITtiSl'ATS. juaxasttat at w 1 B ANK OF OREGON. A LB ART, OREQO.M rapllal, -1- r!(r ft tt neVnorrMpnT thp l.-miiri!: nintlr fo ""Of rhows A W. Ta iooly raio retrwilj for lreaeorrhnraiorU iiit. I rrescrit it and Jel a aamt Isat H - I n i , a. TwtltOMttr-t! To to all Htfenr. Ocmttl,0jl,-aa A. J. bitXKK. M. D.. , 3 . . iiw ATI-a. Ihz j So'fl TrT llroi-a-faii. 1 I'Stit ls 81.00- STAJIAKB t CI SICK. Ata. : S)M,f8. ..n r MF.nRiiiL . E i I.ANXINO ... JT W BLAJLN Pouitry Wanted. Ahkioila of tvuilirv. - .k a at th Willamette Piekina- rmm..i. stoi. Albany. OreircK. . 1 Praal.lant Vi--PrsiienV.!I!.....rr,'! Cashier.. Transacts a vana-al Ktibir.k.,.i- . K.nliKiiu I.. 1 . ... . ..i i . . ' . . . . i . . tXillanLiiin. Mi-.l-.1 .11 . 11 . . aliia irm. waniun point oa laror- lutariut allowed 04 Um deposits. Vi-tra B IKK OF CIO, Three Linkers. t-ast evenlno- en campment member to the number of 65 irom oaiem, ivings Valley, CorvalH and other points, including mernbr nl a i. banv convened In tDecial aalnn at tt-,. Odd Fellowt Hall. thi occasion helnrr ih. confeilng of the Patriarchal, Golden Rule and Royal Purple degrees on six candldotet. Among the -visitors were Past Grand Master II II Rltfrv. nf Wa.k. ington City, D - From Salerri were Past Grand Master CI TT ck.Ai .. w.i, UV11WUI Superintendent D W Yoder, Dr William son, first assistant superintendent of the Cretron Insane Asvlum. Wm Wutir,it T O Barker, John Knight and others ' At eleven O clock thu inrimnmHil oti journea to tne w t; i v hall, where a moat averill-nt: anrl hnnntlfiil nnni ... n. spread by the lady members of Beulah ReVwkflh Hacrrrt lnrtira A Ennnr-h rf u 1 ' - ' . --j.. ... q, v 1 - come by Past Grand Master! F Backensto 111...-.! V... t. . . . 1 Burnett, and Hnn II II f;lfr featu res of the occasion. But ths most Interesting and enjoyable was the repast to which ample justice was done. Alter whirh tha mmharfi rpnolrart lit iViaI t.ll to complete their work which extended to rive o'clock this morning. Praal riant VIPrsiaiit u8Mor J 8 Morris, U ll0mt SCIO, ORKOO.V. emcsRa: siskotom: tOoins, ........Jarr Urssa O a AUr John Oainos r o Smith. IVE UKXB ON HAI? ocr nursery T ? on the Corvallis road. olle from town, as fir lot cf fruit a-ees cf all kind aa can ba fonnt int. fhere on th const. IT lanHngtrpe it will pay you to re our 1 a. JS . vt tea get our prices. Catalogue free. nYMAN a BROWNELL. DftM MttSMl Via.vit - .. 1 a w " tret tin. 1 wjr U1U IGDRIin niiuni Htifht difu iasud on Albino Portland and San t-itKiunvu, . PItTI.Ar S4TI2VGS BOB, ot ttnttTr.AMTt 1, 1 . Paid up eapltal Burulua and profits... ..2,000 Intereat allnwarl r.n (..... .I.-.-!. - . v.. 1 1.. 3 UIIVUH a. lllliOW. un ordinary vinp book ..,.4 pcroent per annum V"WMU insf wwaa w,.o pr coat pjr annum ' " uvuvat rr thre months , .4 per cent par annum ror tix months 5 per (writ per annnm! Fr twel raoiitht e wr eeiit per annum. KKANK ltRKUxt, Preti.lent D. 1. THOMFSOJi Vica.Preaidant HVC, STKATT0N. Casftlarj WFlvill i.v IV.. .V. ... , r ... onip.wnt, Dvaiiepala.Stekneaclaclia.liHliira.tieB cm. Iimtion or ContmrMra w ennol ea wim Wwt C3i t-.blai.lnr Pi: Is. t. lien tho dlmtlont arrir-t!r tnnlic rl aifh TKi ... . . , ' , ? I--.-I7 . triAciti anu never 1 to FlrtM action. Supar fot tej. Ijirp iKiioa -ma ' "-.Uraati. n... r f Tr. .. . , II. 4 A Cmiaatin. 1...1 ty ASSIGNEE'S NOTIQE. aVN THE 2STFT VJ 1891, V. Beeteor daV of march. nf 3,.IA T i At. ' Oretrf.n, made an assignment for tha ben' fit Of his nrtit.ors. Tha itnrlu.u(...i the duly appointed and miiilfin t mn,;n.. nf air) Ronlrai-'a .11.1. nJ. , 7 J . j . rv 1 1 pilot) (l g bavlnt? Oiainis aartinst the sal I Becker are hereby notified to pras nt tbera to the undersigned, verified as requited by law, within thre months from the date hereof atShedd, Linn county, Oregon. Dated April 2, 8f I. B.C. Watson, . Awif-nee. Atty fr Atsln. (4 CROUP, WIIOOriKG COUUII and Eronth:t;t imniodiattiy relieved by Shiloh't It rreata, and Trade-iark obtai? red. snd all Pat- rwn 8 c,0nct8!i for Mod. rale Fees. .Our Office it Opposite U. S. Patent 0c remote from W ashington. eira ?wTr M' H Ijatontaola or not, free ot !et , n!?w t0 obtafn iJateutB," with names of aetu-J eiints in your St tte. cotmtT.or town, seat frae. Address' " :C.A'.SttO7LCG. Opposlt Patent Cna.JWatfnniW. AMY .:. 7tZAi: - liTAff Who 1st raftering, eithfflf la his mind ot body, from ili iujuricrei or weititjtiiL ell acts ot his own truer it (oh iea, aVsiit aad axcessea cr b quie dy aiiti pnnu& rif-ntly curvd, Papers fr itnf). Dr. Cole, iua oia junctor iisij i&a iy y-'nrs ...... ex;jnw) in euriiigFrty, ,t JUtwnl," - voi is and Sikh 1. pisKWK. ft'nt-e i-vVi-. dry --" fte!!'