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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1891)
She gjcuwrmt. FRIDAY JUNES 1891 STITE3 & NUTTING. KJIIr ami rrirletr. LOCAL HEOOllD. Crook CorxtY. Kastern Imyets have bought 80.000 pouiuli of wool at Peudl ton rf-cently, thoy having raid ,s cents a pouna ior it. Mac Sctnmervill ii espcctwl here iu a few day with 400 yearling and two-year old Weuioot steers, lie la inking tlicm touie south tors, oi joiin liay. Jerry Schooling arrived here Bondsy from Harrisburg, coming by wav of the McKeiuio route. Snow extended about live miles each aide o' the summit when be crossed. Frank Wheeler arrived here from Al bany Inst Thurtday. lie will remain w ith us only a few days. reached Willow creek with his baud of cattle last week. Mr Head brought the cattle iroin the Ulametto valley by way of the Santiatu route. MrsW II Peck, of Haystacks, while coming to ton hint Mouday, encounter ed an army of grasshoppers extending along the road for a distance of four miles, just west of Lone Tine. The hop pers were very numerous, almost rover ing the ground. They were traveling towards the Haystacks country, and the farmers of that section are alarmed at the prospect of having their crops des troyed by the hoppers. Ochoco Ueview. Y M C A Note. The regular monthly meeting of the board of uirectors of the Y M C Atccurs on Friday evening of this week. A sociable wilt be given In the Y M C A room next week. Rer.Mr McLeod will aJJrettihe young men at the WCTU Mail rext Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The organUatton tf the ladles auxiliary to the Young Men's Christian Atoclalion wit completed Monday afternoon. Thirtr-elht were listed at charter mem ber. The following I a lUt of the ollicer of the auxiliary: l'reddent, Vi E Ir vine; cccrefory, Mr M J Uridgeford ; treasurer, Mr II W Young; vlceprcU dent, MU Rhoda Hall, MUaTir.aMon Kith, Mr .Sherman Tnomrwon, Mrs W U CundtIT, Mrs Harry Chip nan, Mr George llochatedler, Mr E C Searla. Mrs LW Moench, MUs Belle Worlcv, M Us Mc Laughlin, Ml Adella Burkhart. . SscatTaar. Aft er Two 1 iars About t wo jear ago Salem was visited by a red-headed beggar woman who made a house to house canvas of the city. She vklted the house of Mr II Staplcton one after noon, and, while Mr Sapleton was pre paring to give her some clothing, the' woman managed to steal a gold watch belonging to Mr Staplcton and given her by her father, Louis Wtstacott. years ago. The watch n not mlscd for sercrsl hour, and when the officer were notified the woman could not be found. Jame Rom, then city marshal, ut diligently at work to recover the watch, as It was highly prized by Mr Staplcton. About a month ago he noticed in the Tscoma papers that this same aroman was under arrest tor larceny in a dwelling. Heat once corresponded with the officer at that place and wa surprised to hear that among the plunder found on the woman wa the watch that had been stolen. Mr Ros continued the correspondence, and yesterday morning received the watch that had been lost for two year. Mr Stapleton I now visiting in the East and will be delighted to hear thit her valued prize hat been found. Statesman. The Tax Qcsstiox. The Orecon State Grange, at the annual tetslon just closed at Hillsbora, adopted a resolution appointing Hon R P Boie, of Salem, Hon J Voorhees, of Woodburn, and Hon R A Irvine, of Albany, a committee to formulate a bill on assessment and taxa tion and report not later than September 1st to the executive committee of Slate Grange, and the executive committee wa Instructed to print and send copies to each sub-grange ir the state for consider ation, and their action to be reported to the next annua! session of the State Grange at Albany, and the bill a formu lated and adopted by the Grange will then be submitted to the people during the next political campaign and to the next session of the legislature. Sugges tion are requested from farmer and other Interested in this subject. Ad dress communication to the chairman of the committee. f?y order of the Oregon State Grange. W M Hilleary, secretary. From the Mr eh. Geo W Harris and 0 brother arrived in Albany last evening from the antiam mines. The latter is s resident of Co'orado, and has simply been prospecting. He is highly pleased with the outlook, and anticipates a big future for the mine. The former is in the employ of the Albany Mining A Mill ing Co. and brought down with him some large specimens of ore for the com pany's new office, some concentrates to be sent to a smelter, and some crushed rock to be sent off for assay. The out look continues to brighten. The Albany mill is running daily, doing considerable in a small way. V hen the new mill is pnt in results will be obtained on a large scale that will insure the mines as a permanent institution of a paying char acter. It will be the purpose hereafter to keep on hand at the Albany office speci mens of the mines as they are developed that will keep our citizens posted about them. Two Ixsaxe Women. This forenoon on complaint of neighbors Rebecca F Jones and Sarah Jones, her mother, resid ing In Pipe's Southern addition, were taken before Judge Blackbu'n, and Drs Maston and Wallace, declared insane and takerrto Salem this noon bv Sheriff Scott. VVm C Morgan and Mr Dalrym-plc. They have been the terror of the neighborhood, and it wa only by some m&neuvcring that the couple were Induced to go. They (upposed themselves on another expedi tion until Ihcy reached the asylu-n. Notice. From thl time on I will sell all my gent' furnishing at greatly reduced rates, such a 75c necktie for 50c. $1.50 underwear for $1 per suit. $3 under wear for i J,2 per suit. $6 silt shirt for $4.75 each. $4 50 black silk shirt for $3.50 each, ar.d everything in the same propor tlcm. The remainder of my dry goods going tor 50c on the dollar. Shoes at re duced rates, to reduce stock before re E C Seaels, Btumberg Block. June 31 d, 1S91. WiriiiM 100 Vaedb. Thl forenoon Chas Sear, of this city , was arrested on complaint of Geo F Burkhart, of. Spicei, charged with violating the law In reference to riding bicycles on country roads, and on pleading guilty was fined $10 and cost a total of $19. The offence happened a couple weekssgo, resulting In Mr Burk hart team, while the wagon wat loaded with children nearly running off, doing several dollars damage to the wagon. A Good Entertainment. The G A R entertainment Saturday evening at the Opera House was carried out according to program. It wa a creditable affair and wat highly enjoyed by a large audience. The closing part, the exhibition of the muses, was particularly of an artistic and attractive nature and was well gotten up. Officers Elected. At the last meet ing of Albany Lodge, No 4, 1 O 0 F. th fol'owing officers were elected: G F Russell. N &. J C Litt'er, V G. . R L Burin, R S. J Gradwohi, treasurer. Head Quariers for Miners. J V Pine, secretary of the Albany Mining & Milling Co. ha moved lido hi new oflice in the Pipe Block, which ha been nicely Bitted up for the occasion. I he comoany will be i.eard from. The propect brighten dally. Granite Under Albany. In blasting tor a sewer in front of the residence of W Anderson, a fine peci:nen of granite was uncovered. Perhaps there is a granit :i;irry ursik'rn ath,lhon;l there has never lu'.jif any notifiable Indications of How itEnmd. At the time of going to press Saturday evening the score In the game of base ball between the Albanlet and the Llunt stood to to 4, the end of three Innlr-gt, In favor of the Albanlet. In the seven succeeding Innlnu the At bar.le only adJ-d o' to the score.the total remaining 10. The Linn added t In the 4th inning and t in the 7th, making a total of 7. It wa the best game ever played In Albany, the feeling being Intense In reference to it, resulting in tome kicking at the umpire. The Burnt boys did effec tive work, and showed themtelvet to be expert players. The throwing of Larlmore wa very effective, and tew bate hit were made In the came, on either side. There Is material in the two nines for making the best amateur nine In the valley. Frank Brcckenrldge, of the Albanlet, wa hit by a wild throw by Burn, In the temp'e, and knocked senseless, Washburn taking his place. He was taken to J E Urown 1 and I gradually improving "Jumbo" Over did tome !rood work on trtt for the Linns, but wa unable to hit larlmore. Had he gotten In a tquare lick" It wa thought lie ongiegattonal church would have been In the way. Nearly $1000. It 1 estimated, was wag ered on tue game, oestue tne si 00 tor which the game was plsved, which wst turned over to Mansser Cowan, by the stakeholder, Mr Watts, In the evening. It wat a remarkable pitchers game on both sides. A record kept by I U Mar shall show that Larlmore "fni.ned" 10, of whom Smiley caught out 14, mlislng 5, most of them costly error. Burns struck out 14, hi brother getting all of thetn.not malt.g an error, and si no doing splendid work in throwing to basi . After the ball game Mr Earl gave the member of the Linn Bate Ball club an elevant turner at the St Charlct,and later In the evening T L Wallace both dub one at the Delmoiilco restaurant A Brownsville Challenge. The following letter was picked up on our streets and handed ut for publication. We give !t verbatim; Mr bur as you have overstepped your bound cn last evening I therefore send you this challenge that you meet me at anv place you may iiesignase and we win fight It out with Pistol, Hlfle or knife. take your choice of the above named weppons choose your second and I will choose it Inc. wo will fiht this evening or when. I come back from tre mountains. Time. Societt Electiox. At tho regular meeting of Safety lodge No 1 J, AO U W, held ednesday evening, tho following officers ere elected for the term com mencing July, 18U1. J Ally man, M W, I- r. Gray, foreman, . - W E Kelly, Overseer, T J Ptites, Recorder, E A Parker, Financier, A Savior. Receiver. A II Martin, Guide, M Cowan, Inside atchnian, John Kantz, Outside Watchman, A II Martin, Trustee, Drs J L Hill and U W Maston. Med ical Examiners. Will Bct Horses. Mr II Branden- atein, from San Francisco, will be at Albany June 20th. buying horses, of the following description : bay, blarkr, and grays, age, 4 to 8 years, 15 to 10 hands high; weight, 050 to 1150 pounds. Must be ecntle to rule under saddle and gen tle to work, without blemih and sound in every particular. Headquarters at L Senders' stables. Basket Social. Tangent Grange will give a basket socul in the Tangent warehouse, June 12iht 8 p in. The program wilr consist of singing and speaking. A cake wilt be given to the prettiest lady, and an excellent pie to the hotnliest rran. Girla look your best; boys, look yonr worst. Salems B & L A. The directors of the Salem Building and Loan association met ast night at the office of the secretary and loaned $4000 at eighty-one month' In terest Inadvance.and $100 at fifty month. They ordered the tecretary to notify the bonds men of all borrower with their houses unfinished to see that they are finished at once. Statesman. Notice. -There will be no prayermeet- ing at the M E church on Thursday evening. Mr Coshman. a returned misnionarv. will lecture in the M E church on Friday, June 6th, at 3 pm and again at 8 Dm. The public is cordially invited to hear both lectures. Appropriations for the World a fair were defeated bv Arksnaaa. KanaaaXew York, Rhode Island, Texas and Oregon, ana no action has been taken by Dela ware. Kentucky, Maryland. Michigan. w t . . . . . - - aiiesissippi anu evaaa. New Caepets. A B Mcllwsln has ne of the largest and best (elected line f carpet in the clijr, embracing all new salterns and designs, and a he ha made a great reduction In price it will be to the advantage of ca pet buyers to call and ntiect hi sloe . and price before pur- nasing. Get A Bictcle. The New Mail Uone f thfj finest bicycle manufactured. It kas no superior. Ohllug & Wilton, with Btewari & Sox are agents, where thete stcycles msy be seen. THE COLDC BILE BaZASB, Has a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve oci pedes and many other goods which esides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird: cages, piusn goods, sncn as albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's AUv pictnre books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Boger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticnlar to the Golden Bale pri . baking powder and tea, put up express. lor this t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, aa is attested by the hundreds who have used loth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Bule Bazaar, Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be snre to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Bule Bazaar, as you will be sure to find what you waat, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Ji'Livs Gbadwohi, At Fobtmilleb & Iavrxa's 150 dozen window shades, last received. A large and elegant stock of 16th cen- ury bedroom sets. V large and choice lot of carpets, many i uesigni. iadiei uxroRO ties.- I bv a vsry ergs stock ot these good, in Qualities ran s nj in pne From l to (4 UO a ptir. They is mad ot leather (.very pair warranted. hamcel K Yovse. Crawford k Paxton aow have at tbsir gallery the largest and finest oollectioa of stsrecpticon views ever gotten oat In tb Northwsst. Tne re is no finer scenery in tb world, .at these views qaickly demon' strata. Change f Baslaets. Notice Is hereby el van that Vue'lsr & Garrett have sold to E J Lsnnlnz their entire business, troops, wares, nerchan- dine, book accounts, fixtures, etc. Parties indebted to said firm will please call and settle at once with E J Lanning to whom an account are payaiie. All outstanding indebtedness win bs settled by Mueller A Garrett. MIKLLKS A U ARRET T, E J Lahmixo. Albany,' May 25,1891. The Democrat will extfaanr, a sawing machine of any make deiird, except one or two, for tone oak grub weod and part eash or will consider other propcsiticnj by aay ene desiring a new machine. iM Si' RHILOH'S TITALIKBX i .wbat yoa aed for Ceasbipatiea, Los t Appetite, l)ia Knms, atii all sjisiptorns efDjspm. hrie J if snd 75 ceiit per bettl. MISFIT The Salem Journal ia prodding the paraaitea who do business In faleni and advertise in papers published outside the city, Such people are no more good to a town tnan a oeiinnuens ias usi. me Aatorian. A man, a woman and child have been In the clt v on a professional beirslng tr'.o. Reports from different parts of the valley Indicate that they are the worst kind of dead beatt, though, many are touched by the appearance of the woman and child and attltt them. The election in Portland. East Port- land and Albina yesterday was an im mense victory In the interest of progress and public spirit. The mossbacka were completely "snowed under." tor con solidation, Portland, 7,100: East Port land. 1.823: Albina. 1,138. Total.lO.llM Against Portland, 1)54; Kant Portland, zt8: Albina, 463. xotai, i,7i. A vole so etnnhatio aa to make the result prac tically unanimous. The first election under the new charter will occur June 31, raa Male SJraaas. The eighteenth annual meeting of tho Oregon State Orange met in the hall of Uillsboro grange May 20th. A large deb egation present. Called to order by W. M., Ii K Hayes, at 10 o'clock. Committee on credentials reported who were entitled to seats, and after a pleasant meeting adjourned for dinner. At 1 o'clock called toonler.and formed in procession, headed by the Hillahoro band, marched to the Court I louse.where public eaercisea wsre held. The address of welcome was delivered ' by Msvor Bailey, response by 8 A Sample. The annual address of the Master was then delivered- Music was furnished for the occasion by the choir and band. Grange called to order at 7 p ni. (Com mittee on order of business reported the hours of calling to order 8 a in, 1 and 7 p m. The evening was consumed In the report of committees. Second day called to order at 8 o'clock. The roll call found all delegates present uunnree. luereguiarorueroi business was taken up. Invitation of the mem bers of Hillsboro grange to give us all a free ride through a portion of the Tuala tin plains at 1 o'clock was accented. Much business was transacted, and at the hour of 13 adjourned for dinner. 1 o'clock the members of Uillsboro grange arrived with their haeksand bug gies, and we took a fine ride for about 15 miles. There is some One farms and beautiful residences In this part of Washington county. Everything seems to be In a prosperous condition. Saw the grade of the Astoria K K ; considerable work has been done, nope to hear of ac tive work beginning toon, also of Its early completion. Vt returned to the ball and at 4 resumed oar work. The members seem to be earnestly consider ing the work before them. Evening session convened at 7. The lecturer exemplified the unwritten work, when the regular order of business was taken up and much work was done. Third day convened at 8 and opened in regular form. A large number of resolu tions were referred to the different com mittees, and many reports received. Afternoon session, called to order at 1 o'clock, when the question of where the next State grange would be held was taken up. Albany and The Dalles were nominated. Vote taken by railing the roll, 41 votes cast, Albany 21, The Dalles 20, when Albany was declared the choice of the two places named. The regular order of business was gone ovtr and much work done. Evening session was taken np in con ferring the Slh and 6tb degrees ,54 taking the 6U1 degree and 85 the (ith. After the degree work wat over a fine social time was bad, eating oranges, nuts and can dies. A few speeches from several brothers was listened to with interest. Fourth day. 8 am. several resolutions and reports of committee amending the by-laws wai passed. Several of the del egates took the morning train for Port land, as their business compelled them to go home. The temainder of the day was snent in the work before us, when at 3 o'clock we adjourned and wended our way to the depot, and took the train for our homes. Would say Uillsboro is a nice, nulet town and its business conducted in an orderly manner. The hot ei accommoda tions were Insufficient to accommodate the crowd, bat the people of the town opened their doors and bid us welcome. A more social toan is hard to find. The members of the State grange were treat ed with the best of respect, for which they have the hearty wishes of all those who partook of their hospitalitv. I un derstand the saloon keepers said there had been 300 grangers in town for four days smd they had not sold fifteen drinks. I think that speaks exceedingly well for the grangers. I think the State grange meeting m any town ia a fine thing for it, for many go to such places who never would be there if they were not interested in tbe grange. No doubt there will be a large number in Albany on the day the State grange meets, and every effort will oe pat lonti to make it a success. K. t Following is tbe jury list drawn for the Circuit Court which convenes at the Court House, in this city, on Jane 22nd : Johnson TV bite, farmer.Orleans. J W Gardner, farmer. Fox: Valley. Orlando Pickens, farmer.Sweet Home. T F Smith, farmer, flataey. 1 r conn, mechanic, west Albany. Geo Cline, farmer, West Albany. Frank Moist, farmer, Lebanon. David Burkhart, farmer, Albany. L F Smith, merchant, Tangent. W K Temple, farmer, Center. Jos Elkins, farmer, Lebanon. . Cord Titus, merchant, Scio. J W Swank, farmer. Center. 1. Frank Trites-, liveryman,West Albany. Konert Andrews, merchant, llalsey. L White, farmer, Brownsville. W W Parrieh, farmer, Waterloo. John Dennr. farmer. Lebanon. Enoch Shelton.farmer.Franklin Butte. John 8iimmerville,farmer,Uarrisburg. Mark iioibart, farmer, Orleans. Thos Butler, B B man, Albany. If An y I KltAM favmA fiVttkAA Hon S M Pennington, farmer, Albany. James Hunter, farmer. West Albany. Wm C Davis, merchant, East Albany. J w tiisnop, farmer, Waterloo. G BSplawn, farmer, Brash Creek. C K Rockwell, farmer, Brownsville W II Pugh, farmer, Orleans. 'A L Cannon, farmer, Peoria. Weather 8anuiary of Meteorology for May, 1801 from observations taken at Albany,Linn Co, Oregon, by John BHggt'.voL observer for tbe Signal Service, U 8. Army. Highest barometer on th 1, 29. OS. lowest barometer, on ths 4, 29.69. Mean barometer for ths month. 29.86. Highest daily aversg of bar., 29. 95. t Lowest daily average of bar., 29. 69. Highest temperature on th 22, 83. Lowest temperature on ths 8, 35, Mean for the month 67.4. Highest daily range of ther.on ths 22,41. Lowest daily raogeof titer, on the 20, 4. Mean temperature at 7 a, m. daily 54. Maa temperature at 2 p. m, daily 70. Mean temperature at 9 p. to. daily 64. Prevailing directions of wind, S & N ' Max Velocity or fdree, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 2.49. Depth of snow at end of mouth, 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or mors rain fell, 7. Number of days of cloudiness arsrags 8 scale of 10, 13. Of 31 days observation 15 were clear, 13 cloudy, 3 tair, 0 figgy morning, 5 rain, 0 hazy, 0 overcast, 0 smoky. Frost on the morning of the 8tb. Temp.-f 3 4 on average of 13 years. Rainfall, 0 09 on average of 13 years. Tab Champions. Whoever the cham pions are in the base ball field when it comes to groceries and produce Conn & Hendricson will not be knocked out. They keep a large and fresh stock, and tneir prices are as low as the lowest, Iresh vegetables, fruits, and all the standard groceries always on hand. Whoever buyg of them always makes a good strike. OttAL A KID rCKSOftAL, MONDAY, VIr Will Lee. of Portlnd. incnt Sunday In Albany, the guest of hit brother, Prof W II Lee. License hn been Issued for the mar Huge of E A P l.uFollcti and Annie K Guliltord, Uev Crawford, of Medford, at one time pastor of the Baptist church, of this city, passed through Albany today for Medford. Capt Chidwlck. the well known steam boat man, with the long moustache, of Ysqulna Bay.watin the city this forenoon. Mr E A Parker wa taken seriously ill Saturday evening. He I now Improving., and it 1 thought will not uc kept ut homo many uayt. Misses Ina Robertson and Mntlio Par- ton, of Waltsburg, Wash., both former Albanians, arrived In Alimnv Saturday evening on a visit with relatives and friends, A special term of Clicult Court con venes in Corval'ls this afternoon. There are rumort ot tome Important railroad buslnestt but what it wanted row I facts and not rumor. District Attorney Con don passed through Albany for tout place thit noon. Mr lames Curran, who hat been a resi dent ot Washington for tome time, ha been engaged by Parker Bros for their bakery department, and will arrive in the city In a few day to begin business. Mr nenry feuer, who has bought the uaiist bakery, will go to that city to morrow. Tt'ESDAY, Dr E O Hyde, of Sdo, 1 n the city. E C Searl list been In Portland a day or two on business. Mr Samuel Sinead. ot Corvallls, wa In the city today. Bishop Becker pasted through Albany thit noon going south. , Mist Kittle Green It hi the city the guest of Mrs B Woolen, Mr Ed C Robert snd family of Leban on precinct, are in the city. W Rice the wU known commercial toit.formerly of Scto, I In the city. Mr I W Shumate, of Eucne, Is In the Uy the guest of her slsier Mr Jo Kteln. Mr Levi West and daughter arrived In Albany this noon from the Sound, where they'have been tetlding during the pt winter. Mayor Canterbury, of Rcdland, Cat ar rived in Albany yesterday for a vWt of a week or' I wo among hi former fellow cltl sens. Prof W N Hull, tormeily profetsor In the agricultural college, ha been elected first assistant teacher In the Washington state normal school at Ellensburg. Tho VanScoy hs resigned at president of the Willamette University. It l -pec'.ed thst he will trsvel a year and then appear at chancellor of the Portland Uni versity, L V Deyoe.W E Baker and Mr Newton relumed thl afternoon from a trip to Goose Lake alter an ahtense of a week, about two day being spent at the Lake They caught 400 trout, and brought home part of them. FUhlng was a vcrv enjoy ab'c pastime there. A Ilackleman and Geo Knox will leavs tomorrow for Crook county with 150 head of cattle, going bv wav of the Lebanon Wagon road. Mr Knos cipectsto be gone about three weeks, while Mr ilackiemsn will remain longer. WCOXkttDAV. I P Conn and D C Shell left thl noon northward bound on business. Gen James A Varney, state fruit in spector, was in tbe city this forenoon. C P Burkhart returned jesterday from a visit with hit two daughter In Tscoma J H Antonelle wa In the city today on business, at will be teen by tne real estate ales. Mrs LBilyeo and son, of Kugene, are in the city on their way home from Portland. Mr Ben Wheeler and wife left thl noon on a tilp to Nebraska on a visit to hi parent, hi mother being III. W G Yer, Commander In Chief of the G A R ot the U 8 U In Portland, and wlil be given a recvptlon tuol(ht. The Ealrroount S 8 aero the river wit) gtve a picnic nevt Saturday, to which the member of Albany S 3'twlllbe welcome. Mr Alevandcr, recently of the Lebanon Express, left this noon for Eugene, hrre he will stop for awhile before sgaln golrg into business. Sheriff Scott and Attorney J It Wyalt returned last evsnlng from a trip to the front where they had been on a lumber citing expedition according ta law. J ii Morris and D D Da) to.i, of Scio were In the city today. Mr Dayton 1 president of the Paint Co. there and had Some good specimen with him; One, a ign painl-d seven years ago shows what wonderful wearing qusUUe It has, the wood wearing more than the paint. scat 1 state a 4 li a. II B Fprenger toParah L Cooper, 7.ti2 acres 12 w 3 $ 83 David Rhodes to Elix Carwine, 6 acres 14 w 2 220 Annie and J 8 Antonelle to Nanny T Blain, 25 feet front r imlSi,, Albany 8 Antonelle to W 11 Btlyeu,power of Attorney IJ Keeney to Geo W Keeney, 320 acres 14 w2... B Keeney to Jerry B Keeney.l'S1' acres. 14 w 2. . . , 4400 20OO 1500 2250 40 fV0 100 120 F M Powell to II U Powell.lOO acres 13 w 2 and 3 Lorenzo Long to W 8 Thompson, 2 acres 12 w 4 W Grimes to Alice J BilyeoJ lot, N Brownsville 0 k C E R Co to H F Brodeker. 80 acres 9 K2... onathan Wassoia to F E Marks, lots 1,2, bl 3, W's A.Lebanon, onathan Wassom to Myra Marks, 2 lots, W'a A.Ixsbanon 120 1200 V II Roblnett to J C Davis,40 acres 13w4 S I Ouiss to Henry Kbert, of lot 6, bl 4, V's A, Albany Sara (luinsito Henry Etxrt.lot 2,bt 4. V's A J B Keeney to Jasper II Keeney, 100 acres UKl... 4000 3000 200 P J Baltimore to Lodge No 7, K of P. lease ol ball 10 years J B Cox to J C Baker, 2 acres, 14 W 1 - C B Harniah to Wm Meyers.K lot 3, bl v, li s 3rd A David Shane to 8 T Flsener,40 acres 175 10 w 1 700 $20,230 ..$470,200 Total for year. 1Iat Yoo a Wife and ten children ; have vou any children ; are you an old bachelor? Whatever you are you can not do better than by buying your groceries, produce and baked gxus 01 rai er iros. You want to save money and at the same time get good groceries, then call on them. You will get flrst-e.laas treat ment and first-class goods ineir baked goods are made in an experienced man ner, ana mciuue a mrge variety 01 eata bles. Lace Curtains In great variety from S ct. to $9 a pair, inese gcoas are Voucht from New York johber direct and cannot be excelled tor quality, tiyle and price, Samuel L Young. Wall Papkr.etc I have just received a new line of wall paper and decorations. Have more than doubled mv facilities for handling: them, and will keep a much larger stock. Wall paper and border to snatch. Beauties, and much cheaper than ver before. (jamuel ii touno. aiSKay Barest. t7bst (aU4S.i - - Buttsr Ms prt. fggs 1st Hay-14.04 to ls.4i. Pot toe ate per basRsf Beef on foot,t,4 te S Pork 5 'Ae per It' Jrsi ftaer.rt bams, It thou Idem 7s stdM.s . t ,rd J 6e per lb. " Flour-6.I6 pe.r bbl. 'Mdcketia 4 SS per Sz. ill Foe"! bran, per Us shorts, Su. seiddliaif, 4. . Ciscr. is. rut Kiota. tit rariu, Timber, Sawmill, resale sad Pleasure. May 31st, 1S01. Wehavo been a week In this section ot Linn county, among the sawiuiils,log ging camps and stock farms, and find it a pleasant place to spend one's vacation Here 0110 hits good trout, fishing and bunting, plenty of good substantial food and lots of genuine lun-lovtng people. J'orti Ridge, as this particular locality is called, is about 10 mites northeast of Lebanon, 7 utiles southeast of Hdo and almost clue east of Albany about 20 miles. Tho Kidgo" is covered with timber, brash, fern and splendid stock farms. Grain grows to perfection in the good Soil found here. Fine timber abounds here and along the numerous streams. among which are Crablree, Beaver and Koaring Hiver. tiented on the above named streams are no less than five steam sawmills andtwoshingle mills, all within a radius of live miles. Clark llros.Down ing Bros and Cyrus & I'itchfurd have lust ertcn'u new aisaiii uims in some 01 as tine timber as ever stood on end. These mills all llnd a ready market for these products in Lebanon, Scio, Albany and the surrounding country at very good ugtires. lAcouib, the postofflco of this neigh borhood, consists of a smal! general store and a blacksmith shop, Mr Wm Tur nidge Is the postmaster and merchant. The source of supplies is Scio and Albany. ft lock do splendidly here and need very little feed during tho winter, finding shelter and browse among the heavy timber. Prospects for fruit and grain was sever better than this season. The fruit trees are bending almost to the ground.and we find wild berries in great abundance and of excellent flavor. "Biii ttirla" are also very ulentlful this year and of splendid qnnlity, being stout and healthy. Most of them can handle an ax or plow equal to a man. And when it comes to cooking, they are surely "in it." Excellent flshinz is found In all ths mountain streams. Hunting is good and amo very tlrrtr. A couear was killed at Clark's Mill about a week ago and was said to have been a very large one. A ok'nlo is to be held near Iicomb on Saturday. JuiieClh. which ttromiaws to be a splendid aifalr. An extensive uro gram, consisting of speeches, races, KSiues, etc., and a basket dinner, has been com pleted. Everybody it invited to attend. Soeiety hero Is very good, the people being all honest, hard working farmers, who know how to appreciate fun. Rev Norton lias been holding a series ot meetings near Lacomb the past week. Having spent an aoyab!e week here among the woods and mountains we feel ready to return to our daily vocation ot "jerking antimony" with a renewed vigor and a feeling that our vacation has been well spent. P. OiatVILtK. - aaasias The Btigtl of death has again r Isited our community and taken from us one of our most aiulable from friend. Mrs Mary Eva Fan-ear departed this life on tho morning of May sUi at 1 :20 o'clock. Eva was born In Lane county, Oregon, April lllh, 1W13. At the time of her death was 2 years, 1 month and 17 days of age. Hie came to this county with her lathvr.Charlea Pattison.ln the sprhig of imt, and wss married to Robert II Farrar, in Noveailer, 1!h2. In the fall of HMO she with hi-r husband went to K&ntern Oregon, where they remained until the summer of ItiW, when they re turned to this county, where they could enjoy the advantages of school and church. Hie united with the V P tharcb at this place in Itwo, of which she has been a consistent member ever since. Although deprived of church privileges while in Eastern Oregon, her example commanded respect, and it cart be truly aid of her, "she had not a known ene my." he leaves a husband and three small children to mourn her loss. And again the dark angel has been among us, this time an aged toother. Mrs lU Ukah Brown departed this life on May the hour of 2 o'elock.aged 79 years. Mr Brown with her aged husband came among ns In the fall ot l(i9from Missouri, and have lived to gather lifty-v,x years. Hhe leaves a large family, of which one son and three daughters were with her at her death. Mrs Brown was a true -christian mother, had been a member of the U P church from infancy and was prepared to meet the summons when it came. A Kiev. IV UrJMORUH. At a called communication of Thurston Lodtfe. No 38, A F tt A M, held at Har risburg, Or., on June 1st, lite following resolution were passed: . Whereas, The Supreme Master of the Universe has called from hi earthly la bor to the Supreme Lodge above, our worthy brother, Henry Kalvl Schooling; therefore, be it Resolved, That In the closing of the earthly work of Brother Schooling, we recognize the Mandate before all mutt bow in humble submission, and realise that In the ripeness ot year our brother ha but yielded to the inevitable law of nature. Resolved, That the Lodge room be draped In the usual mourning, and that these resolution be spread upon the min utes snd tent to the county papert. S S Train, WW BatoGS, OP Hyde, Committee. OBITIABV. 1 Henry K Schooling was born near Louisville, Kentucky, Sept 18, 1815, and died Saturday. May 30. 1801, in his 70th year. He was the uncle of lion J P Schooling. He came to Oregon in 1852, and took up his donation land claim near Harrisburg. Or. which he owned at the time of his death. His remains were conveyed to Harrisburg last Sunday, by bis nephew, J P bchooling, and were consigned to the earth on Monday, Jane 1st, with the Masonic ceremonies, under the- auspices ot Thurston lodge No 28, A F & A M. of which lodge the deceased was an honored member. M. A MYSTERIOUS POWER. I'.lec Irleity A Tf aderfat Remedy tow th r reseat Ags-Dr Parrls atlaars I J ilea lih tha People With Elec tric Care. Eleelto Magnetism, the wonder of tb ag, and ths mods of treatment is tbe sojie of perfection. It penetrates the teoret am- tut-h ot diseases sod exterminate it, root and branch, for ever. p. remove mors sconv snd tl'tr.t iofTeriDg than tongue can toll. It cures the most bnp!et esse snd relieve seute pains that every known means have failed In, wbioh can be sosstaDttatea by the evidence cf thousand of person who hsve been cured by Urs Dsrrin, t 70 Washington t, Portlanl. The Doctor treat all curable cbreoie, scute and private diseases. Examination free from 10 m to 8 pm, dally. Read th fol'owing! Cbrenle Catarrh Cored, .DrDairini One year sgo you trested me fer catar-h in ths bead and threat. Your Electric and Medical treatment permanently curtdme. I resldo at 313 H street, Tort- land. K. WETTEUMARK. Besfoes Pcrsaaaealty fared Maclkat, Or, May 28, 1891. Dr Partins Dear Sir You wish to know if my bearing ( all right sod if 1 am satis fied with the treatment I received. Z answer by this that I can hear juit as st 111 1 well now as I could directly after you operated on me and that 1 tsinfc it perfect cure. HENRY 8LOUGH. MARRIED. LOKILLARD OWENBY. On May 26th, 1891, at Vancouver, Trot E G Loril lard and Mies Sarah Owenby, of Albany, liev F Wheeler perfoi ming the ceremony. DIED. BROWN. On Sunday, May 31, 1S91, in OakviUe, Mrs Wm Brown, of Sagrippe at the wge of 79, nSjhett of ftll la teareoiag Iowr ABS02JUTE13f mJBB HOW AMD ARROiB MONDAY. On a merit u ths A O U W order this month. At least nee scabbed uote retailed from Ha'ardays hoi's hail game. Next year tha Mtsle sraa.a will b hl jo Albany, in May, the first time, we be lieve, it bat svar been located at this oity. Th I.s4is Aid KooUty wilt meet with MrOCKlly. Tnesda afternoon. Jar.a 2nd. A full attendance is desired. Kom Cue. a Oeleatlal ssho wsa a,S of Albany ia 1873 9, who will be remem bersd hy a Dsmbt r, has been in th oity a few da j. The contrast for hull.liim the U P ehureh hatlson Istto Cougls&Cann, who a ill hStfln work ia a few itav. The sand tub done on the M K church U stifles to tlitr workmanship. Ths eon trout was originally let to I Conn, bat owina to an imtx.ttant error In figuring he withdrew his bid, and ths next lowest bidders received ths con traet. Was in Ir. This afternoon a traction ngino while being navigated on Ferry street near Stewart & Sox's, fell parti ally into the ditch, voina? tbrmiirh tha decaying timbers covering the ditch, and It was only by skillful maneuvering and the assistance of 318 men that the en gine was gotten out. Col, Uaim, the great Kentucky temper snce orslor, wss greeted at the Opera IIoue last evening by sn Immense audi ence, the building being peeked, fol. Usln Is sn eloquent, forcible peskrr.hold ing his audience In rapt attention. His addres ws replets with argument, em bellished with Incidents snd Individual etperlence. Impressing the audience with the truth of hi statements. The lecture wst not only a strong one on the subject of tewpersnce, but It wss an oratorical treat Col IUI11 will be here again on Thurtday nlKht, when he will lecture at the same place. Admission tree. Nxablt Fcll.- Yesterday quite an exciting Incident occurred at the O P railroad bridge. A girl about fifteen rears of age, wbo recently came to Al bany from Philomoth, was walking along tha trestle on the north ot tha bridge, with Jessie Whitney, when in stepping back, attracted by a remark behind her, she lost her balance and fell backward. As .he fell Frank Watsoa who wm near by sprang forward just reaching one of her knees and saving her from falling a distance of about forty feet, almost certain death. There was large number of people on the bridge who witnessed the narrow escape. TPSSBAT. t'osnt) Court eaavsoe la Albiny to morrow A vl sisl eadieuo greeted JstUaa last evening. A yery tsshsble entertain ment was presented, slm t an solid Uob, HssiJes a moderate amoaut of tight ihii. Sevsral of tbe tronps are wtnodisos cf con sideiable g'oie. A St aoiCALOrsBATtoa This forenoon a very delicate and skillful operation was performed by I Maston, assisted bv Drs Iavi and Kelly, at the residence of J Ion L II Montanye, in the removal of a ten pound overvarion tumorfromMrsAuriila Combs, of F.ugene. Mrs Combs is doing as well aa can be expected, with fair pro peels of recovery. Ktaos DACoitTtaa. Following; ia tbe program for the entertainment to be given by the Kings Daughters this even ing at the M K Church. Admission, 10 cents. Hong by class, "Welcome." Hong by clasi, "Kaise your Hands." lUcitalion. "the Little Maid who was Hictt " Myrtle Chamberlain. Duet. "I will Hhfne for Hod" fClma Parker and Jersi Clifton. Recitation. "Three Kisses" Pt,.t Crowder. -folo.Kdna Miller. If a.wi . 1 ..... , iveciiauun, me Ageu i risoner aiiss tannic Akin. Hong, "Home Sweet Home," by class. Kecitatiun. "The Collier' Dvin Child," Lotie Brown. Duct, "lair aa the Morning Edith Chiswell and Maud Hirtkurt Recitation. "Hi it's Uose " Edith lUn- kin. Holo. "BurT me Under tha Room." V It! " , - inline rarn-u. Rcitation."The Worn Pennv "Xnrra McCIain. " Song, "Farmer's Song," by class. Holo. "Allie Uay," Miss Maud Crosby. Recitation. ?'A Law Airiif It." m;.s Winnie Chawberiin. Bong, "There is a Fountain," by class. wanxssDAT. Dancing tohool evenieg. A th' is tbe last lossoo ths social ti'I bsyia at 9; 30 e'olock. Moencb ft Ku-ttnor have received tha contract for building a seo.ind story to the brink owned by t'bss I'feitler adjoining tb never lloasa, bich will be coon-oted with the hotel and elegantly fitted up for tbi basin. City Council. A special meeting of the city council was held last eveninr. Several resolution were pasted providing ior sewer wor. Keguiar nonces was ordered published requiring: the arravelln? 01 rirsisna iron streets snd the tilling ot 1 aV . . ..a. noic. , n. contract ior Duiidina; latterai ewer connecting with R R St sewer, as sdvertlsed for, was let to Jsmes Kitchen, we lawesi maaer, at 03 cent per foot. A number of bid were opened for building tidewaiks and grading stmett, when the matter wat. laid on the table until a special meeting 4 nurtuay evening. Becamk Obkckkb. Jutt at -the City Council closed last evenlne Marshal Holtintn appeared before the Recorder with one John Doe, probably E H Board man, arretted for using obscene language. Bwmnun naa lauca 10 pav lor some drink coming to $1, bought of M Blum- gart The Marshal requested him to go to Baumgxrt't and attend to the matter, retuiting in eoardiiian: becoming some what obscene in hts remsrks. His exam ination before the Recorder wat full of interest. He showed that he wat not without considerable experience In such matter, tie was fined Se and costs. total df $14.50, which not having he was taxen to tne cattboose. Boardman is well dietsed man, wore a buttcn hole bouquet and claimed to be in the railroad business. A friend wa making arrange mcnt ior ni release tnis evening. .... . lRfo)fo)f Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the StandariL H LADIES BAZAAR. -Is Millineiy and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, . . They carry all the Latest Stylet and Novelties In the Millinery line, and a complete nock of Ladle and Children's Farnishtng goods, and readv-made garments. Good the bett, and prices the lowest, Call and be convinced. FIRST STREET, - TJ. fi. Gov't Report, Aug. tj, t5 1 R:i(m.sTiti.r.. Fourth of July celebration at Browns-' vine. Mrs D Rounds and five children, of tf tt til . . ..... aioiioe, in, arrived bere last Friday, In tending to make this her home in the future. Her husband will soon follow. Mrs at is a daughter of Mr John Cush man, of this place. Pioneer picnic on Wednesday. O P Coshow will be CO years old on the 4th of July. He savs he supposes that la the reonon we want to celebrate in such grand style. Mrs W V, Hiiiilli Is quite sick at this writing. A goodly number of our citizens re membered tho dead on decoration day by attending to their graves. We should visit the city of the dead oftener. Dr O B K.-ce went to Gold Hill on professional business, one day last week, In answer to a telegram. MrsJM Jaeger and son went to The Dalles iu anrwer to a telegram stating that her father, Mr fctone, was not ex pected to live, and on Thursday Mr J. left for the same blnce to attend the fun eral ot Mr Mono. The old and the young are going. Taaxeat tira) liemct Tangent grange is still flourishing. Applications continue to come in right along. Many seem to bo taking an ac tive interest in grange work. If a per son Is of a social turn, the grange is the grange Is the place for biro ; if they wish to educate themselves it is also good, for experience teaches os what we cannot learn otherwise, and here we find it. e expect to have a good time at our social, to take nlace on the evenimr of June I2th,at 8:30 o'clock. All are in vited, ior there will be ample room for all who wish to come. The ladiea are especially Invited to bring their baskets wiiu inctn. We hold a called meeting on June 11. at t o'clock, to confer degrees, and will also arrange the building for the social on the morning of the 11th. The editors of the Dkmocbat are cor dially invited to meet with ns. UeroKTtR. Tangent, June 2nd, J801. PROPOSALS FCr. CRIDSE AT AL BANY, 03EC0M. Notice I hereby given that the Com mon Council cf the tit) of Albany. Ora tion, wl I reive seiia bid for the txiildlnir if a bridge acr the Wlilatn- et'e liver iioui the north Unt of Klrnt atreiet at the junction ofnAld Firat atrM with Calapooia ftrt. to tha north alda rf said river. In acnordanca with the plana. tpsedflcatioris and survey now on file in th, .file of 1 ha Kenrdr of the city of Alban;; aaid brldgo to ba 1320 let In length, and 29 feet wld In tha clfar and o-mooaed of six 0) spans: th approach s to be roprUveiy 3 0 feet and S4S foot in lenirin and SO loot wldcs aucu bid may also tx acor mpsnlo.1 with plana and sruKrlnrwitoiia ollli blJdr, whi.-b will le corn.l.ler.i by tha eounoil. ftld will be reoelr-d far an all itttd bridge, and must be aeyroprdd by drawing showing- plana Mid bUvattonaot both ubetrun lure and anpertttruciur; diagram of a'reses for spans of different eng;hs,and tun tptcjncaiiun or me mtr at stud workmanship of the detail of such brldga lints mux be tied wttb the Kv f.rder of said city on or before tho hour of 1 o'clock put of tbe STih day of Jane, tH'Jl, and tru it be accompanied by cartl fled check for five par cent rf the amount of the hid Tin e;nirae!or to whom tha contract w be awarded will be required to enter lnt a writer, ajreemeni and vOKtraet, and to give bond totbe c ty cf Albany in double the amonnt of tha eon tract ptlro for the conatruetinn of auch bridge, and for ths ttlthful and sulci perform .ueo of the contract in all Its terms, conditions and details. Work mu-it be commenced witnln SO dars from execution of contract, and t ootnpktod to the oeife t aat-fetion of tbe engineer in cbareecf the work and construction of aald brtdga and of the Citv Couoetl. on or before the 1st day of December, 1891. Hid will t publicly onened on the 27th day or June. IS'Jl, at tbe Council Cbsmber In tb city of Albanr. between tha hours of 2 aud 4 o'clock p ni of said dav. Tbe Council herwhy reserve the rla-ht to nj-ct any and a'l bids. rub!ined by order or Ue Council roadu May 2kb, 1MH N. J. HESTflN, Kerordar ot the ehy of Albaoy. Albany, Or.. May 2.h, 1891. TATR OF ortEOrtN. 5 LAND DEPARTMENT. Sat,sv, Oregon, June 1, 1S9I. Hi board of eommlMloners for tbe aala oi aebool and n vrlty lands and for tbe investment of the funds atlalna tharsfrom of tha stuts of Oregon, hereby invn aoaien application to purcnase tne followlr.o; (ies.'rit)H'i lands, to wit: 1 All f t tbe donation land claim aitnated in sections 15, IS, 31 and 22, In Towoahip 12 South Kanco 1 Wot. known and describa-t on tha eoverLmet t nrvasas the donation land cl aim of Jobs W Moore and wife, being Notlfloatlon No 250. ay ing tbsreirom Is acres sold to Jsonb Newman containing SOoaerea. Also beirla nlng 10 ohalna weat of tba nortbest corner of tbe northwest Quarter of section 21. In 1 p 12 South llange 1 West, running tnence taut st) chain: thsnee soutn 40 chains: thence weat 30 ehainr: thence north 40 chains to tbe olaoa of healonlnt 120 acre, all situated in Linn county, auto of Oregon, and containing in ail 4is acres move, or less. ArtDllcationa will ba orxined at araanlar mealing 01 saio ootra to tie nwid taeaaay ids 14th day of Juiv.lisyi. ak 2 o'clock A m aslsvKt a wi (ia anw wrt4 sail Kls4a r a iiv trv a vuvs au anu eaia wiv is rsservea oy tne ooara NAPOLEON DAV7S. Clerk of tbe Board, Sound Advice. It pays to get tha best: even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W It Urabam has just received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to matte them np in the latest style with a skill his long experience has euabled hira to be master of. Tha best roast coflie in the city st C m ad Miyrrs. the Leading- .FROM AN BL.OOIC, SHERIFFS SALE. tn (fie Circuit Court oflU Slate ofOrtgtm for tin County at Linn JUHH it. lUAWiUflD. 1 Plaintiff. . vs. -F V, Kobifctou I' (id C K f ti, his wife, L K Wnt and R i Vet, Lis wif, C U M nailer, H Brunner, J t-i M yr, It V Ms rill s tro.tee vA II Alihi.usfl, N il Allen, PA O.widtthi, J A Mcl;riI aud K D Moy.r and 11 B Mover, partners, dn?ng business antler tho firm nm r.f Mover rr., 1 fptiilsuu. ) NOTICE I: by vhtu tela isiuul HEREBY G1VKN TflAV t4 an executiou and order of issutxt out of tbe aoove earned eoort ?u the entitled action, I will 00 Sieadar, Ike Slh Day ef Jaac, I8l. at tb court boats d or, in the city of Al baoy. C, Or. at the bonr i f 1 o'oiocii. p m, of said dav, sell st bttbiid attctbin for castj in band to tba high bidder, tbe real nioperty cescniieo in said exeration and or. dor tit sale as follows, towiti Breinuina st a ooint on tha south hnnnd- ary line of block No lit), ia Hacklemao'a siMitioo to ths citv of Albany, 100 feet estt of th aoethwest corner of tsid block 100, and runiiiog theate easterly on said so nth boundary of said Mock, la the southeast eoroer of said blojk, tbeac northerly along the eastern boundary line of taid block 100 to the Willamette liver; thenc no said river to a lin pasting through the place of iliiniiior. parallel who ilie east boundary lioe if Said block ; therica sootberlv to th place ef beginning, la Liuo coonty, Oregon. Also the north half of tb southeast qostUr snd the ooitb half of tbe sou t barest noirtcr of section 2, la Tp 15 8 R 1 K, of tha WU- laniett meriiliao, in Uan coantr, Oregon. conUining ICi seres. Also tbe soatheust 'lasrter i, th southeast quarter if seet'on 33, la Tp 14 tf R 1 K, iu ctioty. Ore goo, containing 40 acres. Tbe proceed arisina from tba sa'eof the real property flrtt herein duecribed to be so plied i Flksr, to tbe tisvment of tba sod di-bnrssmenta of suit tsxrd atf4G 10, and it's eosts of aod apoo said execution. Kkcokd, to tbs jisjmeut ft tbs demaRd of f A ti(.o.iD. auioabtnie to tl.e ion .if .'o0. Third, to the payment of plarotiffs claim, amoouting to the son of $4 1 15, aod seeming interest thereon at tb rte of 10 per cent per annum. Fot'KTtt, to ths pay ment of the defendant, B Brenner', claim. amonotintf to (52 CO Firm, to the pay ment of the clsiin of defeodaot. H F Merrill, a trnste of S II Akhouse. t'O 10; and tlieu tb claim of Ihedefetidiiit, C 11 Maeller. ainoootioa to t (Xr2 24. Sixth. to the payment of defendant, ft'over iiru. i claim, amounting to f2G0 91; and tb over plus, u any, to pay over to said defendant, r E ltobinsoo and L E West. And the proceeds of tbe sale of tb remainder of said teal property, bercia deacribed, u be ap plied: rlturr, to tba payment of th o.aira of tha plaiatifT. John A Crawford, and thereafter to the payment of tba several claim of tb defeodaote in tb order above stated. Dated tbi 27tb dsy cf Apiil, 1891 . M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Lino county, Oregoo, B D. S. Smith, Deputy. (5-1) ONION SEED Grown From (selected Balfcet Karl Bee........ H4 WtbsmBe!M " 1 SO . " 1 Yelloei Diaiin While turtu(tl. . . S latxasparinx prises B esse emsa.ber tLat akon auUUubt tneiud rTaaa. Glee Oar )! ss Trf svl. rrap6Sae olleite4. TRUMBULL - & - BEEBE isrosrs, eauwasa a aLaaa or S89d, Trees, Halts acd Plants, 419-421. BsnauBsa .B&b Wrmnmrm. aWMntka this aser. paisley & sriiuy. - holesa's.Dealers lu - ard - aistaay. )rsgea albany :on. WEITSMAS & EULEEET BEOS.. Peai Estate Agents Farms and Ranches for aala. Also city broaerty in Albans' aod Goryaiha. J. A. CaramiDs:. Paper, Drufrs PnintB; Oilii Glass. lti: 9 ALBANY, 0RCGGF1. PHOTOGRAPHER, Corfacond andFeriySt. Albany, Ol UFEHIOK werk. guaranteed in ever branch of tbe art, JBaTEnlaiRlnK e all kinds a specialty. 'OOlli. 200,000 ponnd of wool -sn ted, for wtlch th hioheit market nrlca will ha naid bv A Seodtrs, gt? who may befoaodatths store of r. Coaja. T1ROFESSIONAL NURSE - Inquire I t te v-oener of Fifth and liaker streets of Mrs R Campbell. What is f Z y s.r V"v n - Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription lor i and Cbildren. It contains neither Oiiitni, Morphine us? other Narcotio Bubstance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aiul Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guaranteo ia thirty years uso hj Millions of Mothers. Castoria tlcstroys Worms ami allays fOTcrishncss. Castoria prevents vcmitins Sou-Cur 3, cures Diarrhoea ami Wliul Colic. Castoria relicre? teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates .'-'tho 'food, regulates tho sioraata and bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Cas toria i3 tho Children's Panacea tho 'Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mother have repeatedly told me of its food effect upon their children." Pa. O. 0. OsaooD, . Lowell, Jlass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is cot for distant when mothers will consider tho real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the rarkmsquaek nostrum which tro destroying their loved one, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby rending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Krxc.itsLOK, Conway, Ark. Tito Centaur Company, T? HOW DO 4iU l. There is no drml t thti NEW. Stosk tt SlLVERWAltR. e--.r.;Vir 1ooiis. snivel, for, fruit -disei. gold and st!r wator.e. i.e v ete. Is tha largest and the city, and by far tbe best ever brought to ALBSMV. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See ih GCQ Dnia KTcnr. Pfeiffer Block, Alls' Stand k Cusick, rssrsisrsM; CruRS, Wedlclnee, (lfm:, ts and Toilet Artlcles,Sfnse. r:rt"i 'Parfoniery, t-ofcool ,1V-, ar.d Artists' 8upp!Iea. Pbyafelatia preeerlptf one e folly aermponoded. TWO MEN AKD ONE EOY ' FOUND DEAD While trying to Crovd tht: Vf4T INTO j DEYOS&FnooArjcat Store, where they alway s have on 1: the largest Stock south of Portland, c the latest Improved Rifle and 5 Guns; an Immense stock of FisUr. Tackle of eery decrlptlons Te Hammock, Cam,p Chairs and thoutar. : el ether things too numerous to ment: : Xlepnir Sliop j ta connection with the Store, and or.e he bet workmen In the State l do ;j tnd all kind of work. j Come one, Come al. No rot:bis j .how good. "Small profit ar.d , 5 is oui jnotto. A. STRAM! .rncpaiKToa or thb Cit? Iiier?. Feei as! SI -OTABL E.- 1 Ilavlnz purchase! new ris can far isn flrsuctaa tun.outa al call, f1; ts ; atlennon bIvpo tT transient :oclc tior? boarded by the day orraontu. Cheapest Kate In tie City. Telephooa connection with the Cbarlea Hotel. Telephone orders t'" : prompt attention. Fourth Street, txtwetu EIi'ctt! su i treat Car line. ! Assignee's Sale!! j Forty acres good land net' Lyons, Inn Co.; on line i O. P. R. R. Private bids fj same received to May 20, ''i Salem, Or., May 19, '91. j J. M. PAYNE, I A fanner Dorrancts F.; a- and a fine stock SPECTACL 0 generally, as well as jewelry, "Watd; 1 r i F, 51. Stench's WANTED-Tna nndersigcea wra?. m hnv r!hlnk r.hfiassnfc tcr Bring them to the grocery stare tf J Kenton. WS JOHN r- - -sjnr ' Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted toclii'.lre:; J: I recommend it aa superior to any prescript;, known to me. - , II. A. Ahcheiu 3L V., ill So. Oxford Et., Brooklyn, " "Our physiciacs ia tha chitdrca'a df; s; once la their outside practice with Com.. and although wo only have cu e:: ,- c medical supplies what ia knorrn as r. prod lets, yet we are frco to conftws t;;i mcri s of Castoria has won c to fow.': v favoi' upon it." Usited nusprrAL isn Di.-r-s? -- - . . Eos-:;:, : - Ams C4 Smith, Pre., Ilsirr&j Eireti, l.'ew