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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1891)
ntOFESSlOXAL CARDS. ,T.K- ur.TiiKuroni, Attorney et Lsw. Will nra.Hlo In all eonrts ol ths state, onirei Flltin block, Albany, Uregon, yy it. uilyeu. Attorney l Ij vn.l H licll'r In Ctianoery. Co'les tlura ml vn ll p'nu. I. wis ne,-Uld M tar. torioe. Albany, tngim. QEO. tr. HIUOUT, attome at Law, fcillollot In Chenrwy, lmoor In A.linlrailly nj Notary I'uhlKi. Will nraotloe In ell wui4 thie .! imd In lb United statos eourte f, i rrr,n . Mmi -Croiit twnu em Dank of Urqroo, Albany, .'k-a. II C. WATSON. Attorney a', IHeri In the Strahan Mock uixuira, Albany, Orwtfou. It. N. IILaVlKIUKJi, Attorney et I.v. Will practice In a'l th court oi OiKffon, ! the eoualy enrt ol l.ioa eoimly. Ail bn.lnM will reostre prompt attention, esatrel tKid t allow' Temple, Albany, Or. J J. WHITNEY, . . Attorney at Lv, ani N tfary lullo. Albany Oregon. JU. J. I HILL. Fhroklan ami 8 'IT!, OFFICK -C wast JFlret Vr"1 rN rjr auwta, Albauy, uripia D n. O. W ATI OX rtn-slclan ail Stirfe-m. OFnCR-Oi!slls th ls.aTocs, Ailuny, Oregrm. D It. XT. II, DAIS, Fhrsidan and Siinraon. OFFICK I' niialr In III Kirahao b'lvk : May b fu ail at bia orft.-e day or nijjhk A: bail, Orejw. TU. G. A. WHITNEY, ItiveMaa end Sjrymn, OraJmia et BVleroe Mad leal Oil af, N Yore. Cllr. Di ana ol women a aoectalty. oyrlCK-haiMWock. Albany. Oraaon F 1UT NATIONAL BANK, Or ALBAHT.oaKClOU, FtsMoI.. TUe FTeauleut , 3aahier.. .....Ln.t!f . K. Tol'SO .K. W. LANUDOX rTSAH'ArTS A ORXKRAL banting Vast acvol jits Kerr eubjoit to eaect. aiOHT EXCHANGE and tei rephie transfer, soM a'ew York, Saa Frsacleoo, Chiosf-a and t a Haas reroa. CO JJCtTTlOKr SAD lost taterable lain, staeoroas . . Tocae E, W, Unm L S Buu. L. Fuas Essau I . Sox. INN CO. NATIONAL BANK, i or AlBAkTi OMOOII. CAPITAL STOCK tlOQ.OOO. J L COWA!, t ce-Preeidkt i at RALKTON. tVehier ...Uao K CHAMHKKLA1S. Aaat Cashier O 4 AHCUIBOLD. n aavroas, J L Cowan, J a Raleton, Oan K Chamberlain, W 8 Ledd, W H dulra, i A Craw lord and O A Archibold. TRANSArTAatwnaral banklnf bnalnaaa. l.KAWBl'.iUl DHArTSoa N.w fork. Ua ! -lit 1,-lOracon, 11A" unyilun iMord awaorlty KCCElVEdapoaiUBubraek cbaca. B AN It OP OKEUON. ALBA9T, ORIOOS. rapltal. Prwat.iwit Vk-President-CaahKr H f MERRILL E i LA.SNl.Mil Jal W BLA1N Trmtav-U a enwa) binkinr bminaaa: Etrhana b-nivht and a-Ul oa all tha prloWpal citiaa in th l'n.i.1 Hcatoai aiao oo Ung laaJ, Iralaad. Frana mni Oorniny. Coiiacttma atada at all aco tibia pointa oa faror abla lotml, liitaratt alt.. -.i lima ilapoaita. It 4NI& OF CIO, , acio, oRroof. Praat'liHit i Moaan Jr Mraaa O Mat Vir- Kraaidant ., f..l,.. , lllf Btaax-TtiKf: EColna, 1 1 M..rrla, 11 Uryant John Calna r 0 Smith. Do a ranral kankina' and axekan( boatnaaa. Kltrlit draftt lamed on Albu, rortlaod and San Franciero. 1)ORTLAN fl4VINGN BANU, OF roPTLASD. ORKOOW. Paid np capital. Hurpiu and pruflia.. a,040 In'.xraat aMowix an aarirsyt dipoelu a followa: On ordinary avin4riiika ....4 iiaroant per annom. On terra Miinc;f bika ..m.O par eant par annual On rrm'V.aioa ef depoait. Far tbreaintniba...... 4 par eant per annum: Kr ait mouUt i percent par annum! Far iwe'ra month. I par eant per annomi FB AN K lKKCU, Pmidant V. y. TU'WHO Tice-Preaidaai, U. C. STRATroX. Caaaiaa-i WANTED mmw Laral anal Trallag A food aha oca! lun'l miaa it! Tou aaad aa eap Hal to represent a reliable Arm thai war rants aurwrr atoek trat-claaa and true to nam. WUU ALL THE TEAR, and (ocd pay werkly tn aaeratle men. Apply qotok, t'tini aa. Xa. Xs. HTA.V fiB OO Nanrrymea. t'loriata aad Hrdaa, St Faal, K la a. (Tbia booaa it) raaponaiLl. Permaiiantly eared wfthaal Cattlnf , Bornlnf rr Di lating A neriectly painleaa treatment and a inaraa ted care In every 3ae, no natter how long; tiandinr. Tbia treatment, lor H'.rictn a. of l)r Boseli'a.ia the a ataat diacirary known to medicine. It dieeotree nd oompletelv retnorca the Mtrietara without annoy- i or fiain to the patient. DISEASES OF fvlE.1! Peculiar to their Sex, an I not proper to name here, iDclwHinr all thae delicate Inrlrmltiea and Weak nw( tliey would ah rink from diacloainf to 1 1 m r fmuii'y physician, permanently cured In leae - time than oaa erer known to Medicine before, by lr jozeU'a "Sew Hratem of Treatment. " It re)ueiiataa he aenito-unr ary oncana and make weak men atrona When possible. It ia aiwaya beat to call lor personal niati!tatiun and irpecial examination. But those lio rannot piesiblr call, ahonld write, BtaUnt their ate folly. Medicine eent by mail or expresa, sealed, lr4 from cuiwtura, to all parta of th VaciflcCoaat. Add", Win. A. Boicll, Me D. H raal R lapeaaary. rartlaael, Orecaa. Corner First and i'lr.e ttreeta,oTrJ'ortlaDd National Uaik- i i 1 1 r Juilot of Ice home bar given it At their rpirj3. Uit Tl'tm, D!uHibern's black iVrch'iron suliiun, sUnla at Ibe heed In h rlaao. lie It In the-band of MrC K Btrro etHclant and exper (fln'Kl liors't'iun, wh- will give hit patiom cvry pi-.ible t:nllin. Titus w.h m.k 'i'iof 1891. alondtTS ftnd Tn a lijsa, J tTuraoD; Vv(dr:edjs 'Ihilmdaya at VcJ j F.I Inn sttd latiir-l iya at Albany. Mr lVum)rg in .!. owner of tlie blanda'd trod irottlnj horae. A wood hm x i, (So iSfll), who cn be seen at tbe htfctjloof T.'ltcs Erca. 1ho g(rt of tbia homo :o Urj;,-) snd fine furmoi, and only nood pmpfr iJfivoloptnLt to sbowipeed. iiv Scat Marlicl. XJLTZ mi, Proprietors. ri fu! 1 Ihic uf ninal of all kind 'n a cmil pltcw, roifif)Itiy pro I 'im!-. mill alnav frnali. IIBriPS, Job Printer, 1 C I (. CirwTa Albany ,3 'si, STRICTURE ! MOXIY T11U0WN AWAY, In tplte ot the repeated warning which have been sent out from time to time by the United States legislation at London and by the press of America concerning the fraudulent character ol so-called English estate sgents In America, recent developments have shown that the warn lngs ha r been unheeded, and that the number of dupes Is Increatlng Instead ot de creasing. During the last tew weeks more letters vhan ever before have been received from America Inquiring after Imaginary estates of fabulous sums awaiting the writers In the banks of England. This correspondence, as far back as Mr Lowell's time, grew to such enormous proportions that all letters ot this description had to be sr.awerid by prlnledclrculars. Mr Lowell, tn his circulars, said ; The pretended prosecution ot thee pre. tended American claims to English property Is carried on with such persist ence and Ingenuity by the men engaged In It that we dtspalr ot being able to make their credulous victims understand what an utter Imposture and delusion the whole business Is. I can not too strongly advtae you, since you have addressed us on the subject, to have, nothing to t'o with such schemes,and especially to remit no money to their agents. In the case of many eststes, such as the Jennings, Lswrence-Townlev, or Chase Townley, llyde, Heme, Bradford, lledgts. and others, special circulars had to be printed to answer the numerous applicants. The plan generally adopted by the estate agents Is to Insert advertlaements In the country papers to the effect that a large property hra been left by a person of the same aame as tiiat ol some wen known family of the district ot some exceedingly j common name likely to occur anywhere. The modua operandi usually adopted by these agents Is to ask first for a remittance of or 3 to cover the cost ot copying the will upon which the claim purports to be based; then a larger sum for the ex penses ot Instituting Inquiries, and at each successive stage mot e blackmail Is levied, the correspondence being so cleverly con ducted that several years frequently elapse before the fraud Is discovered. Daring Mr Lincoln's term of office as minister here nearly all the lettera have come fiom small country towns showing that the agents find them the most profitable field. Texas, Kansas,Iowa, and the far west seem to be especially productive of them, although letters are received from all parts of the United States. Among the letters recently re ceived at the legation are communications from claimants to some thlrtv rive estates. Of all the claims Investigated by English solicitors not one has been found to have any validity whatever. In every case the legation here l uttery powerless to help claimants or even Investigate these cases, as unier pcsltlve Instructions from the state department no one attached to the legation can take any part in the Investi gation of claims of this character, and Ina report drawn up by Mr White, secretary of legation, It Is plainly slated .that the L'rre of anyone wishing to prosecute claims will be wasted by addressing the legation on the subject. Claimants should alo bear In mind that sv statute of limlntatlims fixes a period wllMn which unclaimed estates revert to the crown.aod this fxrlod la twenty-year. The limit within which action can be brought, for the recovery of real property Is twelve years. There are no Urge sums ot money awahing clrimuuts In the Bank of Eng lannd. There are very few amounts of i,ooo, and none exceeding that sum by more than 100 or 100. The amount of money In chancery belonging to unknown heirs is altogether less than f ,000,000. Senator Quay .has had another row with the president. As officially announsed In the Pennsylvania boss' organ, Quay made an appointment with the president for a Ion conference. The president, however, received a special Intimation from other friends that a conference with Quay would r.ot be a very politic thing at this junctu-e.and he therefore sent word to the Pennsylvania senator, postponing the in terview. Quay divined the president's attitude, and replied to the White lloure that the Interview could not bo postponed but might be declared off. No answer was returned to this message, and Quay packee his grip and left for Philadelphia at 3 yerterdar afternoon. The great republican party has things "down fine." If the consumer buys foreign goods Ids tariff tax goes Into the treasury, from whlcti it Is taken and squan dered by republican congresses. If he buys American goods his tariff inx goes into the pocseti of the manufacturers, who then contribute a part of It to the re publican campaign fund A despatch from Toledo, Ohio says that the Democrat of Springfield and the Ntwt of that citv and four or fit e other paper are out for Frank Hurd for governor solely on the tariff grounds. It is urged that the dissatisfaction among the farmers would cause them to support Uurd on a free trade platform. . A Florida widower Is devoting himself to a peculiar and life long revenge. Some years ago his wife fell overboard in Jupiter Inlet and was ewten by sharks. Since then the bereaved husband has spent all his lime on the waters of the inlet, and up to date his killed 3 sharks. He pro poses to follow tnem until he dies. Mr Harrison must not think that he is do ing sll the handshaking that is Deing One in this country. Mr Cleveland fhooU hsnds with 2,000 people at his iiuffalo receptio:,. Tennyson is ssid to make $30,000 out of bis poetry. He mnkes do'lirs out of it whencthers can'l mate sense. We iii.ui Bkaiukttlkllipa TOWNKEND & WlMOX. rp. , . . ... I The Iwtt c . 10 tbe city st Conrad J III, - A to Car for tb whisky 'isbit: l)r Liv:cftoti'a Artidotafor . innl eoneet will car suy a rif th llqnor nabit in front tat to thirty days, from Ilia n n derate drinker t th drauksrd. Tbe Antidote cn ha giyaa ia 1 eanof wflVe ithat the knowledge f th person taking it. The r ii'.idota will not injara ihs bealta in ar.y way. Maonfactared l.y lh Livingston Chemical Co , Portland, Oregon tr from J A Camming, to! gt Albany. V'.g CI H neknowlwlcaal t!m IcaiMnaT renie!y lo' Jeaorrtioe 4k .let. 1 hnortiv nam rmriv ft.- Lcurorrhira orWhitut. I iirrwi rlbe it and fowl irr rale in reMmmeodlngU I oasiasaTI.O.r'a A. 1. ETON it. M. D.. wua,r,i'.n to sit Funww. V o-a. a. J,. i IiOTATtia. IU r,at.v"'- a.ik, i'iiii'a vt.O-A TANAstl at CIHICX, Aciiaie Pouthy Wanted. Alt kind of poultry, a'lve or dressed at tbe Willamette l" tcking Conapany'a store, Albany. Orepri-. y'cilr-s'livl jTo61AY'.M S lJosrSBtiMl Bit, is J I-'. I MM TKLsEGltAPIIIO NI2WS A !Kew Coafr-istna ef fsltU. Detroit May ia. The rresbyterlan gen eral ainemhly met at 9 o'clock this morning. After a teuton of prayer and confidence the minntss were read and the standing commit ters announce J, Th staled tlcrk read a list of lha Presbyteries that voted on the pronoisd change in th stsnJsrd. ' Nneiy-one voted ay seven nay, Six refused to retxirt and fourtcei hsd not reported. Th teport of th commit les on confession of faith was read by lite chairman, Cev William C Ruberta, president ot tn Lake Forest university. After reading the report it was moved It l sent do a .tn Hi I rethytcrlei ai leccmmcnded by th com mittee, Th motion was unanimously adopted and the great debate Is over this tear so far at th general assembly is concerned: A Caaaly Alliance. Salcm May aa. The fatmet't alliance met in th city today an peifeclsd orgnnixa lion fur a county alliance. Thei are fir alliances In the county now, with a total membership of 134. The meeting was secret today. National UrganUer Col was present and nelped to organize. Th county oflicoii elected arci PreiHent G V Weekat vice pieatJent, James Taylor; secretary, TC Davidson, treas urer, Charles Miller) chsplliiti, K S MsttersuB lecturer J II Daniels) steward, K 12 Downing dsorkeepcr, II C Libbf) oiganitcr, J U lienninger. loa Mltttwaywaia. SroKANK, May aj. The people near Raih drum, Idaho, ajs terrorised by Ion high, waymanj who ia operating a few miles east of that city. Yesterday afternoon three men wer stopped at different places on the high way, one of whom went to Rathdrum, six mile wy, and nutified th authorities. A posts of citurns at once kit town and are now scouring I he country in search of him. No trace of him had been found at last accounts. Th robber carries Winchester rill and wea-.s a mtsk, and has been in that neighbor hood fir some time. If hs is caught be will probably be lynched. latent l et Washington, May a J. Commissioner Raum, cf the yensitn bu'eau. today ap?roved and ticnee a pension certificate In favor of John G, formerly ot company K, First Michigan volunteer infautry, lor 916,520. Data Hill fcotlvca t. Takis May 21. I A Siegle today reaffirms the truth of the reported Itata agreement, aad says tbe Chilian steamer will be taken to a United States port and an embargo placed oa her. Cjalrk Jaellre, Louisville, May at. Tit atory of n brutal ravishing, murder and swift vengeance come from Fa at em Kentucky. Near Sandy Hook, Maud Fleener, a beautiful young school teacher, was met, while riding through tbe woods by Ueorpe ana John w tlcox, re' iected suitors. They dragged ber from her horse, breaking her Irgs in the strvggli They took he to a lonely cabin, drew kits as to which should have her and demanded ihs agree tn marry John, to whose lot she fell. St'e refused. They tried to a.t the broken limbs, and kept ber a prisoner in the cabn, chained to tSe wall. When found bf ber brother and Intended hutbaod she fold the story, aud said the hid also leen brutally outraged. Tbe Wilcoxt were captured and shot lo death by tbe brother and lover. After Ike tiraaa Lasts. 1'OKTLALD, May at. An effort I being made to scenre the annual convention of the sovereign grsnd lodgr of Old Fellows it this city in September 190a. Aa invitation was evtended to the sovereign grand lodge bv the grand encampment cf Odd Fellows of O rgoo Tuesday, and by tbe grand lodge of the state yesterday, and all that remains 10 be done is to tuppliment Ihete inviistiont by iavitnliont from the Portland Chamber of Commerce and state officials, and assure tbeneccsaary accom- moda'ioas to ihoae who may stlead The tcvereigt grand lodge of O'd Fellows met in lopeks, Kan, last year, and will meet in St Louts tbu yesr. The Tela ael Blaaseal. Walla Walla, May ai. Th fourth day of the investigation by lie sourt of inquiry at ?ort Walla Walla was quite sensations! in some respects Colonel Compton was put ia tbe stand. He ia the commandant of the fort, and upon biro seems to center Ibe blame for the lynching. He ssyt he has not received jutt ire from the press or the people, and that it will take twenty years lo overtake the false reports that nave gone out. A CaUece Mile. ri'LLMAN, VU May 31. Pullman b at a fever heat over the action of the Pierce county court in granting a temporary order against the college. The people here are ready to furnish an indemnity bond of $500,000 lo carry out Ibe stork. White Ibey do not fesr that PuUmao will lose the college, they will take the necessary steps lo protect Ibe sit. Prominent attorneys will be employed, and Judge Tmner of Spokane, has been telegraph ed 10 isxe ciiarge 01 the case. A ftbwatlag Serape. Salem, May an. John W Smith hat been living witn hit wife and family a boat a mile and a half northwest of Wbcsiland, Yamhill county. John Brooks, n bsrber and tinhorn gambler, well known in Salem, had been working for Mr Smith os bis' farm. Smith became dissatisfied with Brooks, and especial ly du actions toward bit (Smith's) wife and discharged biro. ThisrauseJ trouble between Smith and bis wile, although they bad before lived peaceadlp together, Mrs Smith tsme lo Sslem the first ot last week and met Brook here. Her actions while here were not credi table to a sane wife and moiber. Smith came lo Salem and the reaul was s me lively shoot ing. When Brooks s Smith be pulled bit piatot and commenced shooting him. Smith returned the firr. Smith fired ihrye shots and Brooks two The men then clinchhd and bad a battle with clublsrd revolvers ss weapons Brooks soon got the worat ol ihe fiuht, an begged for his life and Smith let him alone. Smith was shot in the enter of the forehesd at Ibe roots of his -hair, Ihe ball making a scalp wound and corninj? out on the lop of his head. Brooks was shot twice, one ball entered his left check and cam out through his lower jaw, Ihe olher entered bit Cheek, cutting the roof of his mouth out and going out at ihe back of bit neck. Sheriff Warren of Yamhill county arrested Brooks and took him to Mo Minnvillc for trial. A Fatal ( yeleaei Mexico, Mo, May zo. A terrific tornado passed three miles njrth of Ihit place this afternocn; in the vicinity of Bean Creek, So far at heard firm fifteen house! in the vicinity of that place were destroyed, ten or twelve persons killed, and equal number fatally in luredanda large numler badly burl. A mowing machim was carried about loo yards and torn to threds. A large iron lolltr, weighing 1200 pound-, was taken up and broken to pieces. T is lornado paused on east, passing Rush 1 1 lit, one mite north, and carrying deitructiun ever) where. A New Parly Cincinnati, May 13. A liiile political giant was born into the world today, and a no mote wonderful exhibition of lung power at a natal event wn ever beard. From early in Ihe morning, when the great gathering eager ly voted for ihe formation ol a national x ecu'ive commi'.lee, the rcsiijt wa forcgon;, and all doubt was removed late in the nfter noon, when Chairman Ignatius Donnelly, of the committee on resolutions, announced that j the committee ai a unit lor ttariing a third r"11 wmioui mii iiinmii wai cnred for p. .:.t 1 s delay. No name For lama hack, r r.e'e chess, tit 8 Ml oh 1 Porous Plsitr, Price, 25 cents. Sellable aatl Always the 8am. Prandreln's pills are th oldest, afi-t and beat bt od pnrilitr and purgstivs known. They ar purely vegeiabli, tnorefore harm' lta, They sr. tlstji the same and always Droduc tlm ssni irTict. 'Uin r purgative reouire increaaed doat and finally cease act ing altogether. A cnarsa of on or two of lSran!i clii's .i U taken e(;li bight is a pes -tivetutefor constipation, besdache sod all bilious dirordeis. If yro cant take tbcm plain get them sugar coated. MAUU1E0 MILLER SIMMONS.-In Albany. at the ('alholic church, on Wednesday, May 2fHh, 1891, Mr Conrad Miller and Mint, Mary fcimmont. BOKN. , WALLACU. On May 20th. 1891, in Albany, to the wife of T L Wallace a f?011. HIAFITi Th gambling debt ot the Prince ot Walct amount to $1,000,000. Poor fel low, . Hay can be bought In the Harnej sal- ley for $a a ton, caused by the hay foraa 1 :vcre winter being kept over, Snakes have been found In the water! furnished fainltlctby n private r.orp iration In Tacomn. in tnnit place tlu'y ate 1 found alter tpreet. Pat Iliadv, the well known railroad contractor, hat Just built a flh ladder at lirowns Mill on the nantiam, which I a succets. Mr Brady would be a good man to put one In at Oregon City, an Instltu 11011 that would be a great thing lor the Upper Willamette. The total value ot taxable property of Rugrne Is $1,300,314. Increase over ifoa, $60,000. The tax this ycai will bo tf.- 801.94, Increase ot $300.27 over 1890. The taxable property ot Albany I about 9400.000 more, a fact which speaks lor Uscll. Durlnir county court last week A W Chat Hon, ex-sheriff of Lake county, gave h la note for $300, which he considered due the county on 83.'-$ percent fees col- Iected while In otllre. lie relunded this amount voluntarily, as he was under no legal obligation to do so j and probably the county could not have recovered tlie amount should It have tried. Mr Charl ton la a son ot ex-sheriff J K Charlton of this county, and like him does things on the square. Ilairlson went when he trot home lo Indianapolfa Ills tear were tears ot joy. No more "little one-horse towns" to ston a', no more shaking hand with the crowrj, no more pelting with bouquet, no more riding on street cars, no more parades in the rain. He was glad It wa all over and he had got aafely back to his I loonier home, where he could sit down quietly and enlarge his mind by reading his tl'.k copy oil be Telegraph. Happy men! Seattle icicgrapn. Prof G M Miller, formerly ot Philo math, who run on the Prohibit Ion ticket In Oregon once or twice, hat been present at the at ioui convention, which is organ ixtnt? a new part v. and leaves his record as follows: A California man, G W Miller, wanted to thrust before the convention a resolution pledging the new party to the prohibition cause The convention cm phstlcslly did not want to submit to any such process, but it had to. Miller refused to be downed. He worked his jaw with out erasing, though every syllable he uttered was tost In a hurricane of jeering and contumely. Miller's grit carried the day. and the people's party, before It wat an hour old, was forced to go on record upon ha resolution. It took revenge, however, hy kicking the resolution into the kingdom to come with a suddenness and vigor that must have surprised even Milter. Tonight It I reported many member of the national reform organisa tion, headed bv President W W Jones, of Illinois, will withdraw from ihe parte, be cause of the defeat of the resolution. The Detroit Free Pre 0f May 3rd con tained 64 pages, the Urgeat PIer on rerord. Too large to read. The race home ia tmall, but get there. Lyon street, traveled the most of nny atreet in Albany, except First street, la in a very bad romii'ion, and in not touch of a credit to the city. It need a general Improvement. Fasting con teats are hrntal aa prize fights if not more to. The I sun's at was one of the first paper In the world to throw cold water on such a contest. We mention title fact on account of tv eral of our exchange along the ci ant hnviog claimed the honor. II Y Kirkpatrkk lint again a tuned charge of the Lebanon Kx press. We un derstand liia brother-in-law, Mr Cobb, will be associated with him. The new proprietor will have to rustle to get up a good a paper an Adam A Alexander have been giving their fubmrribcri At a meeting of the Linn County Hill Club held in Ibanon hurt Saturday, M A Milter wan elected president, E J O'Con nor secretary, K H Barker treasurer. J L Cowan applied for tnemlwrihip, but hi preference being for Cleveland he wne rejected Iebanon Kspreta. The following advertiiement appear In a Salem paper: "Today and tomor row we offer a fine line ol our own make all wool men's suits at (0. No fake, come and see for yourselves. Squrfre dealing, goods guaranteed to ive entire satisfac tion or money refunded, fc'alem Woolen Mills, 2V Commercial street." This is to announce that the weath er in this i this spring has been without an I since the morning sang together. In consequence of which ti are scarce in this office, and we are obliged tothi opportunity of urging our patrons to svy in what they O, as wo have lenme tired of standing with 11 in ourCtlfto keep our creditors from forming undue attachments about our sanctum. Ex. A difgnstlng little law suit is being tried here today. A . sixteen year old urchin named Wm White has been ar rested by Kamnel Teropleton, charged with stealing a boat and taking it down the river to tn's home at Independence. Tbe boat is valued at $!J0, and the a flair f romires to amount to about f 100. unction Tilot. Here is a new way to trot a new a min ister, as cone by a N 1 City church. The committee wrote to It O Dunn & Co'a agency. A letter was received. It gave the clergyman s age, his general build, and the color of his hair and eyes. It said that he had presided over his present parish for years and was liked by the congregation. It gave the amount of his salary and the average length of bin sermons. His family was desci ibed briefly. William Merchant not long ago sued the board of trustees of Monmouth col lege for damages for expelling young men alleged to have been guilty of con duct unbecoming gentlemen Quite a scandal was connected with the affair and it created much talk ana comment at the college. The boys have been vin dicated, the jury awarding $50 damages. The trial occupied four day in the Polk county circuit court and the verdict seemed to (five general satisfaction. Mc MinnvilleT. M. s Young men riding bicycles in the country should always be careful when approaching teams. One Albany bicy clist seems to t3 fated for causing trouble. He nearly canned a runaway a week or so ago near Spicer, and the man con sulted a Justice, first insisting on dam ages amounting to several dollars being paid. The same young man ran over a Celestial in Albany last winter. There is no danger from bicycles when the rider is careful. They arc as much of a vehi cle as a wagon, but the owner should always use good judgment in navigating them. The Mascots,-of this city, have re ceived a challenge to play the Sweet Home base ball club. Forepaugji is coming, for certain. The Demochat is in receipt of marked pa pen showing the excellence aud magnitude of the circus. It will have new features, and isdivided into three sections. Among other things is a performing lion in a circular cage, a Wild West show.with the famous Bogardus and his sons.tumbling, riding and hippoilromo races, etc. A niflstodon aggregation of startling per formances.. . Wild men are next to sea serpents in the list of curiosities. Tlie Ashland Record is trying to work up a boom ai follows: A wild man has been seen sev eral times of late iu the vicinity of John Obenchain's, near Big Butte, Jackson county. Ho is naked and takes to the woods every tinio he sights a human be ing. The nearest he was seen to tbe haunts of a human being was at a coun try school hotine, where it was supposed he was prowling around for some waato lunches left by tho school childten. T, M. . A, The Y M C A forth Pacific Northwest convened in this city this afternoon. The afternoon - meeting was called to order In the Y M C A Hall at 3 :30 by the Traveling Pecrstary, J A Pummctt. 8 N Steele of Albany was elected Vleo-I'resl-tlent and A I) Mtiiier.rVcrctarr of the East Portland Y MCA, Hecretary. Ilesides the Albany delegates only ten or twelve outside dolegntos were present; but the quality was first-class The afternoon was spent In hearing report from dele gates, and In dieciiHHlng topics of Interest in the great work of the association. At Friday evening' session a service ot song and praise was conducted by II M Young of tho Albany association. Vlco-Preslilont Bo presided at the meet lug which followed. Traveling Secretary J A lhtmmctt delivered an address on th young men of Western Oregon, full of in teresting facts and suggestions. Kev McLrod of the Congregational church of this city was heard in a twenty minute add reus on the Y M 0 A and the church. Among other things Kev MeLeod gave the Interesting information that he had been for twelve years pastor ot a church organised In 1704, v, hlclv had brim ftiiuou by hiitorlcnl charaeters of too-day of Benedict Arnold. II A Townsend, of 'ortlnnd. took up Noul II Jack's theme. Mr Jack being in Han Francisco, What the Young Men's Curlatlan Association propose to do for them, and had a good point for each flngWon his left hand. Delegates present aici rrom Albany, Ir O C Awbrev. ti 8 Achlson, W Forte miller, C II Hart, W II Lee, II F Merrill, B F Sox, 8 M Steele, 1 1 W Young, From Fast Portland. A I) goper. From Mc Mlnnvllle, K S Harding, W D Klelry, J L S'ratton. From Portland, 1) G Bender, I M Taylor, J A Uumnilt, state orgar Ixer, II A Townsend, physical director ot Port land Aaooclatlop. I) 8 Buterbaugh, from Attorla. Saturday morning at o o'clock toe tes- tlon opened with dtvotlonal exerclaet conducted by II A Townsend, after which the tubiect 01 buatneas management was handled very ably by (! L Stratton, of McMlnnvtlle.wha also holds a position on the "executive committee" ot the Pacific Northwest. Interesting discussion fol lowed the paper read. After this the or der ot the program was set aside for a short lime lo give place to some business of the convenlWnjifter which It was again resumed with the psperon the foundation work ot alt other association effort, via, The atudy ol uod s word, the Bible, "pre sented by A I Soper, of East Portland. It also was followed with much discussion and questioning. The remainder of the mort.lng was spent In the presentation ol the following subjects of Interest: "The Young Men's Era," A I Soper. "Secre tarial Institute," II A Townsend. "Cor responding Members," J Uuminltt, At 12 o'clock thu delegates again ad journed to the W C T U lor collation and to hear in an Informal way expreaeluns Irom the association worker ol exhorta tion and experience. Convention convened again at a o'c'ock when the following program was entered upon lor thi aitcrnoon : Bible reading, Mr Dummltt Disc ua ilon, ' I tow to get heat results from our goapel work," J L StraKon, W U KWtry anu II t Ucnder. Woman's part In Y M C A work," ira I a Uun,ttill Uoeatfwn Drawer, Mr. J A Dumrr.ltt, rat m ix mot b is.. Tuesday, May 21, 1801. Special meeting to consider street Im provements. Present Mayor, Recorder, Street com missioner and I'mi net! men French, Haw kins, Tamer and Burkhart. Notice lo Win Ifoag, and notice to property holders, heretofore published in ine I'txioi mat, were rcu. In the matter of the o1t ruction be longing to W m M Honir. atty in fart, on Lyon si ret t, a special ordinance wat or- Ucreti prepared. The matter of street Improvement was dierupsed and postponed until the regu lar meeting, no one appearing lo remun erate against the proposed improve ments. Tlie matter of the notice to 1 tattle Hess and others, waa postponed until Tues- uay evening. Tlie petition of F. F Sox and other asked that t he grade on First and Second street and Salem road be lowered. Ke f erred. 1 ne recorder stated that tie itad re ceived a check for tlTO 35, balance due on iu:isboro not. Mr Ncsnuth addressed the council In reference to a chemical engine, Hollo- way mae. jteierreu. Ct FsTATK ftAlf. C E Nicholsen lo J U Wilson, 10 acre in u L, c ol II Bond ... aioo A K McKlnley ct us toj McKln tcy.3JO acrco, sect 30, 3, tp 1 j, SKIL 1500 i) u uayton to i a Johnson ct at. parcelt In Sclo 600 Mary A Welch to M A acrea, near Lebanon 1303 unto w m scouriifiti, js w qr aec 20, ip 10, SlKlE , 400 c 1 s-anning et ux 10 r f uought- on. lott 3, 4. bl uo.ll's A 1600 Lee Bilyeu to E O Holdiidgc. tract In Scio 800 U S to U F Williams, N w qrsec 30, 10 10, K K 3 K 400 u a 10 Aiex fsavarrtne.too aciet In sec 32, tp 10, S R a E 400 j m Kaieion et ux to Joseph liuhl, bl 4, In K 1 4th A, Lebanon.... 750 onn uieringer to uiara Ulerlnger lot 4, bl 103. ir A 1 E G Beardaley to II F Merrlll.lot 1, bl 3, P'iSA i7S $10,029 Fine. WoRKMAK8itip.--The Albany Iron Works are just .completing a con tract for cljht pilaster and other iron parts for the new Gray block In Salem. Ihe pllaalcrt are of a new design and rather surpass anything; ever built In the valley. They would open the eye of an ancient G-eclan. The company also have ihe contract for a new brick In Corva II. Mr Holrnan proposes to send out only tuch work at will be a credit not only to tin. company but at well to Al bany, Eahiiour's Murderers. Two men have been arrested at Butte, Mont., charged with the murder of William M Barbour, of the firm of Barbour dc Dal gleish, of Lebanon, whoso body was found floating among the logs nt l'en noyer'i mill in Portland on Sunday, May 3. Barbour disappeared on April 10. Thn particulars ot tbe finding of.the frwly will be remembered by the Demo crat readers. It is to be hoped the right men have been captured. V.i 1 ding Photographers A 1 any Oregon. W have bought all thenrgativt 1 made by L W CUrk and W II Oreeunood up to Nov 15th, 1889. JDuplicatea can be Lad from ham ouly of us at reduced tatta. W have also abont 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from wbics duplicates can be had at Ilk ia;e. We carry tbe only full" line of viewi t this stst sod do enlarged work at lower t rates for tirtt cists work. VVeshalt be pleated to tea yon at oar Studio in Fromans blsck, next door te Matonia femnle. e- " Exeiceoneal Rant high ia Albany at Fothsy Si Us- ton t drug ttor cer Kystem Guilder, a everybody is ntirg it fsr PaUrrej at the Stosrtssk, Dyspessia Cesati nation and In par Mes4. Try j 1 tell year fries! stoat it as it asset M.tswaasrfal sssrits- wbsn al tnssk well f it SHILOh'S VITAL1ZKR is wist von ated fiH Coestipatios, Lett at Apnetite, Dis ciasM, sai sll sysaptoms fDytepia. I' fit 10 as a 74 stats psr bottls. SHILOH'S CUKE will iramedistely re lieve Uroup.Whooping Cough sud Broudiius, Fojhay & Mston; spdU. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Miserable by that terrible coagh. Khiloh't Car is the ICemf ay tor you. Bate Ball, Mrnlrs, ete The game between tho Mascots of this city, and tho stars, of Lebanon, termi nated in favor of tho Stars, by a score of 28 to 21). The Mascots made i3 In the tith inning, the Stars becoming rattled. Marshall did good work in tlie box, and with three or four changes the club would put up pretty good ball. Mager' playing at first was first-class. l'ivecar leads of excursionists left Albany at 8:30 o'clock Saturday on a base ball and picnic excursion to Lyons, well loaded with baskets, bats, base-balls, babies, etc. A game of base ball was olayed In the afternoon between thoCorvaltls and Albany nines, made up of the following player! COHVAM.IM. Tenneclifle iHmman ALBAKY. ' Smiley I.nrluipre Marshall lllodKCtt Mager Wilson Ielniert Young - Welch. wnt lecelvcd at fV 2 b 3 b If cf rf Bryant Wilson Allen McFarlnml Nash Nash Cunningham The fallowing dltnatch we went 10 presst Lvons, 31 p,ni Nine Innings, Al bany 21, Corvallls It. Welch knocked senseless in the tixtl, Inning by a ball un der the eye. WnlU umpire. The rasnatis Trent, Tho Florence Weit has tho following takeoff on tho basket of trout presented to President Harrison: . A man named Clay Went out one day Upon a ramble bent. A Sunday deed H did not heed Twas for the presidsnt, II found a nook, Bated hi hook And cast it In the lake; Ho pulled it out, Took off a trout. Say lie,"ThI take the cke.M He next day went, With people blent, Unmindful of the rain, 'Mid shot and shout, Basket and trout Gave porter of the train, I-oud pealed the shout For Ik-n to come outl Hut Benjamin never came ! Train sped on Trout were gone! I While they stood tn the rain 111 Some were mad, And other glad A telegram by Tucker: ' "Send back the trout Over some route. And wo will send you suckers '. A Wet Kxperiemce. Mr O A Cheney of Albany, while on ft visit to this place had ft narrow escape from drowning and iHfcoming tool lor the liaiie that swim around Mill City. While out fishing, in company with ye editor of tho Gazette, and walking on a largo log mat lie near the Iran lie suuiienty became uixiy and full from tho log backward into tho river near the dam. After considerable floun dering around in the water he managed to rencu ine ton ana saininK position astride the log cast ft woe iwgone expres sion towaru the snore where we were 1 calmly watching proceed in;r. We do not know whether Mr Cheney taw a big fish in tho water or whether he discover ed tho tar famed McGinty and made an attempt to bring linn from the iiottom where it i rumored he resides. Suffice it to say he had no fish and as the old saving goes, he had fisherman's luck.ete. Mill City Gazette. Isr iu Shoes. On Saturday there arrived In our town ft couple of travel ing sewing machine repairers ; by the time that old Sol had retired, they wre well primed with "bug juice," of the "red eye" brand, and after meandering in a slgzag course, finally brought up at the depot, and retired to rest upon the platform. Upon awakening in the morn, one ot tne platform lodger dis covered that some nocturnal prowler, had dispelled him of his shoes. Being without "dust" the bare foot dec's pie of tho "ruby," applied to Mr- Button, who kindly furnished him with a pair of shoes. Brownsville Times. ill tho Albany sewing machine repairer please come forward and give their tide of the story. A Bio Mill. Tlie Albany Mining & Milling Company, are negotiating for ft ten stamp mill with a rapacity ol 30 to 40 tons of ore a day. With such ft mill tho company will be able to secure some result producing :a large and perman ent income tor the stockholders. The Santiarn mines have a golden future. Are you "in it," Teaehera' Easatlaallea. Notice Is hereby given lhat the reeular public examination of teachers, for Linn county, will take place in Albany, com mencing on Wednesday, May 27th, at 1 o'clock p m, and continue until Friday noon, May 39th. All teachers mutt posi tively be present at the tlmeof commence ment as no one will be admitted to the examination who Is not so present. , OF Russell, Co, School Supi . SHILOH'S COUGH and CoosnmpUoa Cars is ssld by ason a cast sitae. It cares eaiawptisn. Kuahsy & Msaoo, agaa Wood Wanted. Those who w ish to supply ut with wood on subscription should deliver It at once. Oak, ash or body fir taken. At A Iarao's 150 dozen window shades, fustr received. A large and elegant stock of I6th cen tury tiedroora sets. A large and choice lotot carpets, many fine designs. Right to tub Point. Allen Bros, do their own delivering, promptly and care fully. Fresh peas, strawberries, cabbages, etc., just received at Allen Bros. To get fresh produce, frul etc , al ways call at Allen Pros. Avoid tub Rush Call early at Muel ler & Garrett'a each day and buy the leader to be given to the cash trade of this city. Money Is king. We Intend to sell bargains for'cash. Mueller & Garrett. W. Y. Head keeps the best assortment of ancy gfeda in town. Wanted, to loan $40,000 on good farm security, in tho next thirty days. Money ready, Jalca it whilu you osn Bet it, S K Steelb SCo. A gentle driving horse, 7 years old sad pood traveler, for sals cheap. luquiiaofS A UdIio, drnggitt. Sound Advice. It pays to get tbe best: even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W It (Jraham has just received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the beat to be ob tained, as an inspection, 'will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them up in the latest stylo with a skill his long experience has enabled him to be master 01. Just armed a full lino of ladies chil dren!, men's and lwy'a foot wesratQ W Simpson's, which will be told at bottom prices. . f resto. Taasjr Wafers. wafers are a sure and safe r r:i.' klndsof female troubles ar.ov'lt all obstructions to the mont. l no matter what the cause. Tm it what every woman need , ai 1 The far a remot period are h can b ned with safety. For sale I th Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron .v tole agent, J A Cummlng, drufgt, Bit berg bock. Albany, Oregon. . WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia tod Li.r Complaint? Siuloh's Vitaliser ia jjiiaraotc'! to cure you. BCX8 A Kit ASKOAI TnPBSPAV. Read tbe W C T U eolumu on th onrth pus. The N W Y M C A eonvenss ia Albsny tomorrow. A Eugon bskrv boast of baking and tolling 410 loavt.s of bread on day reonntly . A apart)! mastiog of th City Council will h bsld tonight to consider certan strnet iniprovsinents, A drntiktn man it Bosm't groeary ttor ystiday dshbcratsly jammed one hand of Mr Baam 'ston through shov ease, shat tering th class One .f th deaoou of the ehaitsli of Christ of Lorane, has aent tlie Eugene Itetfitter a notice, signed b tweuty-lhrtm tnembsrs of th church, stating that It Dutv has hatn dUcbnrgsi! from the church heoauaa of his disorderly walk, and they warn tbe publio si!niiit him that lis uiy not impose uym thsm. ' Mrs Schmidt Invites all ths families in Albany In corns and try hr spl-ndid ice t'fBsn., 10 eenta a dish, A nsnl fir Fint atresf, oppoaiu te Lsdir Bastar. l'artiea stippliad with in oresm at 43 cents a quart j by tb gallon. 40 eent a ,urt. On going to his store In Ihe 3rd ward this morning Mr I Beam learned at once that hit haj been robbed in a wholesale manner. During the night some one had entered the store by tlie rear door. (Jut ting a hole In tho panel the burglar reacnea through and unlocked the door Halt a cheese, eggs, sugar, bacon, tobacco. cigars, etc., and a shotgun were taken. 1 here were tracks of a dog cart at the door, and the Indications were that enough wat taken to nil tbe cart, eatables being whit the burglar or burelars were evi dently after. About a o'clock a Desiocrat man heard a rig sounding like a dog cart past hit house towards tne west, and It I possible It contained the plunder. 'SI DA V. Harrtslerg propose to have wshr canal. Rslera will probably not tvlebrst tb 4;b et July. Most of tbe citwaos ssy no. The poster for tb Enan 4lb of Jnlv celebration are already out and May be seen sronnd oar street. Tb amount of deposits la first Nstionsl bank of O rant's Poo 1 f 30,045 19; loar t and discount, td3,4yi.67 Dr Irvine, of this city, delivered th ad dress before th State Snnday sohoul 000- vent.oo in suigeoe yssieraav. Th Right Key Bishap Morris will bold serriee and preach in the Eieo . at thnreh, corner Sixth and l.voo street, Hendsy even ing. May 24, at 7.30 p m. Dr Negns, tf L-a saoo, -aosordin Kipraas. has just inbsnuxl 116.000 t f 1 WQ from an unci in California, fDlxjO . f wbivb will be caah. Just a yesr from now, to a minute, Linn eonnty will ba tbe sosmeofa lively cont-t for eonntv offices. Baa ides all the th-e offloea a new county jndg will be elected, Mr Will White has purchased a half I a- lets in th city rastaurant, sod the firm will be MeUbeetV White. It is omoossd to improve tbe restaurant generally. Ia tbe prise fiht between Corbett on! Jackson at San Franoiaet lost night a draw wsa dschued at tba end of tbCltroond. Corbott showed bimaalf tb better man: The last thirty rounds ware vsry tame. Not enough blood for tbe average sport. Last evening while at Spring ililL Mr C II Stewart discovered a boat with soms fooda lo st and notified Mr I Beam.! o.with a, -a . 1 . a -a twneiao.a naranan, secareo the goods, which proved to be those stolen from Mr twa-n Wednesday night. A man on tb bank actad in a mariner to aho that he was interested in tbe boat. A Base Ball Game. At press time this afternoon a game ot base ball waa in progress between Charley Mueller' Mascot, of this citv. and Charley Hock. leman's Star of Lebanon. Following were sue nine: STARS. MASCOTS. Rennie, Marshall, Magers, Huston, Mueller, Walker, Callahan, Macs. Washburne, (lolway, O'Neil, e P lb 2b 3b If ct rf s Klklns, Peehler. Klliot, Klepper, liarnett. Hcott, Brash, At the end of three innings the score was 7 to 3 in favor of tire Star, who seemed to be outplaying the Mascots at nearly every point. stAfDRDAY. Work has begen on " "ng'soe's street ear lina. Tba Guard, ofEogeai. will beeio tba publication of a daily pap r oa Jaoe 1st. Yoa csn have tbe bast ic cream in tbe city by ptat or quart by calling in at Beon iks's Another F.agsne man has invented a waabiog tnaohioe which bo clairna solves tbe problem. From Jsrrv Khr-a w lesura that travel over tba W V k O M WAgoo road baa al ready eomn.enoed. A I Lawaon, the Florida pitcberj who ap plied to tba Albaoy clab for a job, has signed with she Seattlsj. Theaa warm afteruoooa admonish yon to call at Beonicke's for tn beat ioa cream iu tbe citj. Can ha had by pint or quart At a meeting rf tba Albany Building As sociation (npers Imnse) lion Geo E Cham bar tain resienrd as Treasurer and Ur Jahut Gradwobl was elected. Complaint la mad that fish ars being killed in tba Ssntiam river at Harxtsrsnn brde with tiisnt powder. It should be stopped. Lillolln & Dawson, druggists. Bay your groceriss of Parker Bro , Fisrooariea st Coun & Uendricaoo'a. Best assortment of teas in town at (' 1C Brnwiieii s, Setd osts fur salo by W W Crawford, st Tslhnsn. Kenton's "Sea Lion Silver Polish," 25 cants per box. A tine line t f crockery wars at Conn & Oendriosoa'a. J Good vonti'atsd and aun lighted intb roo r.s at Vivrtek'. Sliaviug, IS ceuts, at Viereck'a ahnp Closed on Suodajt. - Ladies for j tor Oxford ties go wkera ibey keep a complete line at Klein's. A larir assnrtotsna of garden aveits on salsatCE Brownall's. Bargain in choice groosries ear always be teenred ot Allen Bros,, Fliun lilooh. E W Aohiaon &Co are aelling mouuramta at Portland prices. Kenton' Adhetiva Salve for outs an! bruises. 25 cents per roll. Golden opportunities ar watted every day by not trading with C E Brownell. ' Mutt sole ing done on short notice w itb the renowned Uermso instantaneous dye, at Viateck'a. : " At Viereck'a tbaving and hairoutting par Icna, ladies and children's hair cutting a specialty. See W F Read'a line of dress goedt and silks before buying elsewhere. ' Just reueived alius invoioi of barber's tapplios direut inn , Fhiladnlprjia, by L Yioieck. For hargsins in monuments, hsadatonea eto.,gotoK W Aohtnnn& Co, Albany, Oregon A new iine. of window shsdea! from 50 cents to $1 60 each complete, at stmuol E Young's. Freeh bread, cakes, piee, etc , every day st the Delmnuico restsursnt. Leave your orders. Keep it iu your mind that Allen Bros pro pose keeping the kind of grooeries the publio mauds. Their stock it a line one. IOO F. At the session of the Grand Lodge I O O F that closed yesterday in Portland the following grand officers were elected : Grand master, PP Gates, Lafayette ; deputy grand master, A D Heilman, Ashland; grand warden, W T Williamson, Salem j grand secretary, A N GambeU, Portland ; grand treasurer, J G Wright, Salem. The next session 01 the grand lodge will be held at Astoria. S3IL0H S CATABBD REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Foshsy & Mason, agents. A NiSAI IhJECTOE fre with each bottle cf bhtloh a Catarrh Bmely. Price C3 esista. .Fohay& Msaoa, ager.i. TE.nrCBA.CE t'OU H.1, Edited by Albany W, C. T, V Col Bain, Kentui Uj'a trrcat orator, !s having fine audiences in Portland, The people of Albany will have the pleasure of hearing him herein the near future. The stale convention of the W C T U will convene In Portland next Saturday, May 23rd. Program for that day belntr the same at ibe first day last vesr, prayer and meeting of the state executive. The convention nroocr will convent Monday morning, at 8:lo o'clock, contin uing until Tuesday night. Monday even ing will be occupied with adihcwi of wel come, response and annual address of the president. Tuesday evening will he Y" evrnlnir. with an adJreas bv Mrs Maj Scott, a mem ber of the W C T U National Lcc! tire Bureau, There will he school of method dur ing the convention 1 1 char e of Mrs Nr- i elaaa White Kinney, of Astoria. Immediately following ihi convention, beginning vVednesday mornlrp, a Pacific Coast Conference will open. Delegates to this meeting are reported a coming not nly from Oregon, but also Washington, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, California, and poanioiy irom tjjioraJo and Montana. The dav seaalons of the conference wli! consist of addresses and diacu.ious by del egates, The evsnlngs will be occupied with mast meetings,, addreed by Ol Bain and lady delegates. The National CorrcapondlnK Secretary, Mrs C I! Hut If, 01 l-vnnsion. in, aud the Treat urer, MUs Esther 1'ugh, of Chlcsiro, will beln attendance. Alo Mrs Emily Pitt Steven and Mr II L Adams, two organ izers, who tor sometime ha rwrn working in uregon, lecturing and organizina rcw unions. A grand, good lime la In proapect wMch we nope win icsuit in much good,; TOWNSEND & - WILSON, Real Estate si Loan hkn Offlee.-I3ALTIMOKK BRICK. Dolnf a generst Innrrane traainaee. I'artle wlilef Inanraor will o stall to see than. AORSTSFOa tslas I ataraar ritneisr, Irenrivra til etttrut perpetual. In ,s.i ia JO a 0a,JOO. A ta.rJ,i)Jl!l.UJ. Caarstlaw laa Katebliahe.1 1 'aeMar. f I1t.. P.iifland uuniisiic-i is i. i, ta.ww.wo. Tot4 tuaa fv-il orc f4,UJtf)D. aerleaa Fire las. 4'aras star, i.r Ilillad hta, Oryuiiaeit IHIO, Caan easeta, i.(ili,ri). , , aid, VJA,W6. slasskla Vrm A Msrlae laa. ( nriipasr, f irtianrl. Or. AaaaU, iJiJ,s;i.B. This is irne Oregirti s best euaituiea. KOTICS CF FINAL SCTTLEME.1T.- SOTICE W IIKRKBV GIVEN THAT THE CS 11 driKMd, alminumtrix A An awla! af Mar tin Werta, dersard, has ated l.rr fi- si aeeouot In j the oBW( the eoanl c'.rrk 1r Unn cormtrrrtiron, aoa toe jnife of tbe opart ot said has I al themh das af May. at the boor til I ,VVk a aa, r-r the hsarir.s ol objtsctwna, it any, to said ao-1 cnwnt and fitrvhirr arulctmnt -f aatd estats. Tbia Uw trd day o Atni'., KH, SAUAH L. IXfKK . a. wsavrrsaroas, Alm.niintrtx. AUJl .jT Adiun-ulra'-rta. (4-10) KDTiCE OF F1HAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICK 18 Ili:i:KiiT !VES T) A1X WHOM it easy eoiiwrn. tltat the ut; tenifned admittia-1 tratrla tal the atat ol Jad niorer, deessed. has I him ser nnal aocMint to aa.d aetata, in tbe county euurtot Lina etny. Orrirut'. ai..i that the Istnd sidenart haa flsed the Ctri il.r of Jiion. lstfl. at thi h'mr of 10 oVtork, a ra of said Ur, lor tbe henri tf I n all ol.jartlum to ski final aiiMit, aud the sa'.Ue- j aw at ine eanw. tstted Uua lat day of Vij, 1 1 aw rrovr.n. W K Bn.vsr. Ailmioiatralrix. Attorney; .) ALBANY NURSERIES W 7 E If AYE ON U AND at ocr nnfserv on tua Corvallls marl, one-hail olio from town, aa f r. lot r f fruit rtes cfallkloda as csn he found any thereon the coavrt. If jotT contemplate slanting trees it will pay yontoeeonr tb etui srt .tr f (atalr-gve fir HMAK BROWNELL. 3500 Bo-ard ! 111 tleso-t TT-H f.- ar r-"- l.!-f empii:. l ;ijrti. h ks lte3p!M iai4K-titi-CcQ Iii;t -r ut Ke.iera e ,ent cure van vt -,i's itil,i.',ri is.1! tfce al-rarikuis atTy arnifj with, Terr are tar: Vt;sia..s. a.'..! irr sll jie f k-,r( onivi Ijtffssatsa "aa' " s rente, ftswere af rtiiii.sec:-a is se aala naRnfater i-y JCS.t V. WlTlX.rA.1T.CEli;0,tU. J 4 aasatsag. Asaat Eevere Hon ILBAHT, - - , OREGOI! 3HAS. PFEIFFElt I'ROPRIETOR. Fitted on In C rat-class style. Tabiee supplied with the beet In tba market. Nk Bleeping anart meets. Sample room r eomuiemial travelers. ASSlim'S NOTICE. ON THE aTH DAY OF MARCH, 1891. W Beekor ofShedd. Llan Co., Orep.n. made an aptigrtment for the ben Ot of his oredifira. The nudxraigned is Ihs duly appointed and qn llln 1 assigned a .id ' iickira Ail pr.ions hvi j si .1 .i.ji.i ttionsii I T.'K-ker r b-r( u t pros nt tlietn to ths uitde-au'iied, v,.nfled as raquiid ry law, withio tlire nioniiis from llie date hereof alSnedd. tdno county, Oregon. Dated April 2, 18fl. , - JOHN W. PUQif. X. C. Watsow, Aasishes). Atty fsr Assignee. (4 SJ The Women's Temperance Publishing Association. Kecrs on haod ami for tale a full lira of Sup,iea fo Temiieranaa Workers, tnuluuinir Uouks. Luf lets. Etc., suitable lor every phsjw of Uuaiel Tempenuiaa Wjrk. l'uUlishes Th9 UNION SIGNAL, Th flnrat temperance and literary vapor in ths country. No one can afford to do without tbia valuable rler. PK1CE 51 ou per year ' in silanoo. Its contributors are amvuv tl.o beat writers in both hciuiephcres. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, parwr tor Yonr.p PeorK unexcelled tor lis pur pose, , PHICE 25 acuta par year. The YOUNG CRUSADER, Pel Children. Sand for samples: Bible Rsadinirs, Responsivn Raadlrxr", Sunday SpeeW School Temiwranco Lessons, Program lot uay anu umer bateruunmeuts. Send for CaUlrwiiea atift Terms, and all onlpra, to WOMEN'S TMPERNOK PUBLISHISO ASSOCI ATION, 161 La blis Street, Chluajro, HI. PI'P? Ceiitirss. Coins. InflucnTB, Eranrtittls, llSLu HriarL-unesa, Vihoofiiug Cot'nli, Croup, era inroat. Asthma, and every ahootion of tits Throat, Lungs nd Chett.raclndmjr Conaumptlse. -rtly grid ivmuancut. Ueauinc u.tU.'' amy. y;cak-- ha Vi'bo is swfferinsj cither ia bl mind o? body, from tit injurious or weftiteuaig ei;?tH;tl his own liiiioiTint foluta, ibhutt) a i k . "w cn qui k j J jfiinir fe I a Wwi Imtlj- i,4r. iia old lxKor ft ta i-o t-h--i' t f i 1st t i - a -st- "Sermaii fN 99 Tlie majority of well-read physicians- now believe that Consump tion iJ a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con stitution itself it is caused by innu merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. A Ccrm The phlegm that is coughed tip 13 those Disease. tarts of the lunzs which have been gnawed ofT and destroyed. These Utile bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to oe seen witn tne naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and tntcr the body in our iooo, in tne air wc breathe, and through the pores of the ftk in. Thence they get into the blood 2nd finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with fright, al rapidity. Then German Syruj comes in, loosens them, kills them, expclls them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump tives become germ-proof and well. t$ I ir . ri i- v 1 P " S n . ; v - , i"i ti f VJ- A 1 1 F--i 1- 4 ti K' t' A I fit- UtX ir,- Ail i i .lllfii'- A patr-tAlet of rfttoatVrl and ' j ' . ra!tr the laws, !,'. mil ll' tn" 1 11 ti n I'MeMe, areata. Trad w M-rss, 0'i'rir!ita. sen I '' ssa-Mi munrs as vw.: IOI Ui-ewwwsiy, s,v . . Tin: cr.i.i:stnATizi . w Ths finest Six;:! Aires EsrUsBii.-,' ti v. 112 4!W-ar-H.liT, ",ti.-i r M fiv-sirfiis BbAI i J CTf. II, mail j iff &J ftf VxstnfjA CstiVas t4 l tlAU rj ' smith & y;r:;sof:, i; a s s -" t;.is -jj 2 a 11 .".--- l i- .i'- rt:&: i J-1 . .. i , . 4- . 0. S. CS;. EAST AND SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacify Routs SHASTA LINE. Epnt TrW.ii leave Portland Djity eW.fa.J 7:0o?. si. I L " U.:Si r Lt l-.ifa a Ar I'ortkwd . Attnny Ssn F.nueco r j S :ii a L 1 t it s a Lt S ; r a t aiot rt-4 only at Mbitiii iuium north ot .eitrj. Esat ForVand, Orc i:iiv. Wood. euro. Salem, Albany. Tangent, S'nodd, llaijey liar ul.urf, Jamaioa Cuy, Iriiuit, Eaj'ene. ' a.ssK-sa ha:l, ssilt. Till"! Lr"" P..n"iail Ar " lS0 r a L Albanr ,e ( li.oo a :; a jAr E aebary Lt 1 20 a a sisasr iocai( ilt sic.rr Srsoar) Mrt! tv Poriland Albany at sv a a vw j fc.uo a u uuni saascc. a l L Albany Lehanoa A litany Lebanon &r 9:: lta lra mi a a I Ar Lv Ar I i a-iii . h Arl 4:t6 r a Lv I S:s r a PULLF.!Ah" EUFFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping- Cars, lor Arremnsodalinsi of Srroad-( lass Patsta gcrs. altachest is Cxprcas Tralna. Kid S.iTlslna. t Oh I LA a AM ( OETALL1S. BCTtTEE ssiKDim C;-ptSunay, au a a fLT" t:10 r a Ar PiltanJ Corv ll.a Arl k M r a 12 Si ra axratssTtsri osav Exc--p; Sunday. Sti r a I 1 raj Lv Ar Portland VcKmm',': Arl a a i ts a a 1 EAST, AND SOOTH. ( f ol lot. lufoncatloj re carding rate, soaps, s on Company A rent at Ai'isnj . ) Xlat..'ci s-sa'tO. F.andP. AsT YAQUIXA BAY KOUTR. o Oregon Pacific flaitad, T E ntGC, Becclyer. 0 1 Orsgoa DsvoIcpmenS To's Steamers, Short Line to California. First-class throurh passenger and relsilitlinefroia Porllaaa and ail pointa D tho YVaimett Valloy to sad from San Francisco, Cat. v - Boats maka doss, connrwtlon at Alban ith trains of the Oregon PaciUo Railroad TIME SCH KDCLE. arcept Sundaya.) Lttva Albany 15:i. r. a.jLJava Vaqiuna, 7:V0a,a reaveCorvaliis. l:(3r,H. Leave Corvallis.l0:35a(a Arr!- Vaquina, :3S r. a. Arrive Arjany, 11:18 . a ... O. A O. tralRs connect at Albany and I'orvallls. The abo'o trains connect at Yaouinawiih tlie Oregon Development Company's Line of biteauitt'uipa betwaeu Vauma and liaa Francisco, DATES , ro TAarixA, Willametts Valley, Mty Tth; 16th ; 14th ; 31t. FROM a AN rSANCIitCO W U!ar.( its Valley, IE ay srd ; 12th ; SOtti ; 2Stlu Th Compsnf .a-KviTea the n?nt to lasufiosiiiiiuij ut.t.ea w icout notice. JN.B.- Passengora from Poriland snd rrinamette Valley pointa can make close sOMeoUon vrith the trains of the Yequir.a rout at Albany or Ccrvalli!?, end if lies ansd to San Franciewx should arraneeto rrive at Yaaulna tbs evening heforo c'ate r ssuirjjr ri'astenerr aa ?rgot ratos alsiajs the .- Isiweat For iarrmti i aiinlr to A R CliaoaMn. Freight anil !VkstAst,AJajlj--. C. RrK, U I". ai-d t? Agta . ALBANY : GOUISJATB IHSIITUTE ALBANY, OnEGOfJ. 1BOO,1801. "irat Tcrot Opeaed September lett, lP0 A lull corj s of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCiEMTlFSa, UnZ'.::! !aC?..kEuCi L AMD imim SU'tSSES. Conrsos ot rtudy arransod o 1 of aU grsdas oi atudems. Special SHaucetnti is afrrt.-l h trow .ciroa-t. I