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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1891)
r Fill DAY., .MAY 2,9 1891 STITE1 & NUTTIIJQ. K.llUr aad fraprlrtor. LOCAL iUI-:OOHI. StsPtNDBi). The Albany Journal ha up en JIJ publication. The editor, i genial gentleman, my. J plainly that coin mcnl I not nvccMarr t Owln to finan. clal embarrassment and a Itick of a ttitlktt-nt support to vcn live, the Journal will take a rent until matter can be atltlcd up. II those who have received the paper will be kind enough to par lor the time It has oeen received, ll will enable up to pay our board ami, perhaps, ettle w ith the very few that have oveipalJ. The Journal ha been run.iln; behind about $Ch per month since starling, with nothing tor tho pub!l-hcr. We could afford to work for nothing for a wl lie If we could make enough out of the profit oi the Institution to pay our hand, but a it Is cannot. If there la anything that panic need that I in our possesion, will ell for cah or turn It over to pav debts. Drvourid bv Cricket. J U Luckey, Indian agent at Warm Spring wit in town the first of the week, and reported that the cilekot had destroyed nearly all the croin and garden on the retevation, and had also eaten tnoit of the grass on the range, They made their first appear, ance on the reservation about the middle of last week, coming from the northeast, and arrived at the agency Sunda) mor ning. From the agency the crickets are traveling west into the Cascade moun tains, where they will probably be froaen to death. The army of cricket I about eltfht er ten mllei long and from two to three mile wide. Mr Luckey said this raid made by the cricket will leave the Indian without pi ovltloii fr the net year, and there will be considerable suffer ing among them If they have to rely on their own resources for provision Och. oco Review. No W'oxnKR. On Wednesday a family with a car load of stock, etc, from North western Kansas, Arrived in Hilverton mvs the Appeal. From them we learn a little how people get along in the land of fcrasshopper and cyclones. Th outfit consisted of 5 horse, 3 cow and 2 calves, plows, harrows, wagons and household goodg. The reason that ail this stulT w as brought to thta state, I?, that not a thing could be sold in Kansas. The gentleman Fays last rear he planted 90 acres of corn and when harvest came he had 23 bushel on the entfre DO acres for his trouble. He also sowed SO acres of wheat and noa stalk made its appear ance. Cattle would not bring anything. It was almost impossible to get nionev. He says if he had oilcred to work for '-3 cents ierday with Lis team he could not have got it. Tho wagons are covered with a sort of white mud and the whole oat Ct looks rather forlorn. Albany Illvhtratkd. Mr L P Terry Is in the city delivering the illustrated Eamphlet, The City of Albany, gotten up y B F Conntd.and engraved and printed by Lewis & lryden Printing Co., of Portland. The front cover is handsomely gotten up, the illustrations are all local and tho pictures of our prominent citi zens particularly are good. All together it is considerably the tx-st work yet pot ten np on Alltany. The illuitrations consist of pictures of Judge Strahan, May or Cowan, JK Weatherlord, Ir ti W Maaton, Geo E Chamberlain, E J Lan ning, C i tturkliart and W F Read, First street from the P.latuberg Block, the M E Church, Central school building, residence of Mrs Walter Monieith, Court 1 louse, residence of J L Cowan, Baltimore Block, block occupied by Stewart A 8ox, residence 8 E Yonng, Sisters school, the 8 P depot, French's corner. Oregon P.ank building. Red Crown Mills, W C T U Hall. Flinn I'.Iork, and a map of the Northwest, with Albany in red letters. Y M C A. At tho fMC A conven tion Saturday evening II A Townsend delivered an interesting address on the rhysical part of the work. Re f Ceo W I ill talked on the benefits of local asso ciation wort, giving some splendid ideas on the united efforts of church people, regardless of creed in the com mon cause. Secretary lhimrnitt gave a short sketch of the different Y M C A's of the Northwest, and Mr. Stratton, of tho executive coromitee, of the McMinn yille National I'.ank talked on the needs of the association, and a collection for state work was taken up. Sunday a fellowship meeting was held at 0 a in, a men's gospel meeting at 3 p m, and a farewell mass meeting at 8 o'clock. This was participated in by most of the min isters of tho city and the delegates pres ent, closing with a circle of Christian young men, reaching around the hall. Considerable interest was taken in the meetings here, which did mnch to add to the life of the local association. A Good Joke is told at the expecse of a mould. -r in the A'.bany Iron Work. A few day ago while having a visit with the cook at hi boarding house, (you all know the progrrm.) lit accidental! v pulled tne cupDoara, wnne tne door were open. over on hi head, which went completely through the back. Dishes were mashed. jelly and other eatable mixed up pro miscuously, making a great rroise. The other boarder rushed in, thinklny there was a firc.whcn they found the good look ing moulder in the midt of the cupboard, looking somewhat like Horace Greeley on his famous Colorado trip, a told by Mark Train, when hi head went through the top of the stage coach. Damage, $5 to $ 10, promptly liquidated. The Colt Suo at Salem Saturday was a great ruccees. Absut eighty colts were in the parade. E L Burkhart, residing near this city, received first and second premiums on two year old Percheron colts, thoroughbreds. They were sired by Deo and weigh 2300 together. This is qnite a feather in Linn countv's cap. one deserved. There were four Oneco colts in the exhibition, a, least It A Witzela receiving a prize. It is difficult to tell from the Salem papers what colts uia get tne other prizes. ANOTnEB Casal Mr E J O'Connor, the civil engineer, has received the con tract for surveying the new Harrisbnrg canai, ana win leave tor mat place in day or two to begin business. The canal will be about 1 miles long, and will be a great thing for that city. Mr O'Conner is one of the best surveyors in the valley, understanding such work thoroughly, and his estimates may be relied on. Thanks Accsftsd, The junior editor of the Dkmocrat accept the thank of the Mascot who wrote the card of thank published in the Sunday Herald. No sarcasm was Intended. The challenge wa shown the Democrat man straight enough, it was not learned by him until afterward that it was a fake challenge, and wa not a very serious matter in any event. Corvallis Extension. E P P.oeri.pas engr and freiuht agent of the S Ptailroad at Portland, ws in town for a few boar last Tuesday. Iu convocation with host Olbion be tiprasaed bis relief that the Cor valli Jcicotioo railrosd would be completed this summer. Officials in a tigh position a Mr Koger do not givs an opinion with ont soma basis fur support of the fact. Wast Side. Around Spicjsr. Several important sales of land are reported in the vicinity of Fpicer. Bud and Jesse Swank have purchased 1 10 acres of the Henderson farm of x, W Langdon, for 33 and $35 an acre, ana it is reported that lion Allen Farkr r and Moses Parker have purchased tho Humphrey farm. liURCLAR uaptured. the two men who burglarized the tore of Smith & Co at T irner Monday night, were arrested at Salem yesterday. One wa "Kid Hobs," the other an Italian. After a Thief. Sheriff Noland, of Eugene, U in the city looking after the thief who stole J F PhillipPs 600 pound stallion at Coburg a few night ago. The horbC, a pony, was worth about $60 e nra making a hia drive on i: iT'jIopcs, Paisley & Saixn. Tita State Sitcotv-The State shoot ing tournament closed at Salem Saturday evening. The Albany Nlmrcdt report good treatment and a fine time, Satur day's contests were a follow : No ., ten tingle aad Ave pair Peoria blackbird. Fletcher made best shot, J 3. Of the Albany men Wygant mads 14, De j oe, 8. No 6, team match. Salem, 34: Port land, aj; McMlnnville, ai; Polk county, 11; Albany, at, (Jones 6, Wygant 9, Deyoe oj; u rooks, 19. No 7, Hunters Arm company contest. 1 wentv-nve slnele, t'eorl blackbird None of the Albany men entered. Best shot, Glenn S3, Kauert 32. No S, ten single and three pair Peoria blackbird ltrst shot. Child. IK. W L Jours of the Albany club made ia. No 9 twenty single Peoria blackbt.'d. Uet shot, Fletcher, 18. No It, Wlrchester Repealing Arm Co. Contest: Mx unities and three triplet Fletcher, Glenn, Long, Jones, each 19. The last wa a special shoot, the prlae contUtlng of $ao offered bv Cant Htlev.of Portland, to be ahot for hy hoe who had neither won nor divided moneys won In purse. The purse wa divided Into foui part 40, .to, jo and 10 percent. The core wa llcrren, ft: Kaiser, 6: Conn, J Rohr, 9t llarrltt, 5; Deyoe, 6; Jones, 5; iiustrim, 8j rogue, 9. The highest general average prise, life iae portrait, won bv J L Fletcher, McMlnn ville. The second, a family lilb!e,won by C L Glenn, Salem . The third, a dosen photographs, by C E Hughei, Portland. 0 W Smith, of this city, has made an assignment to J W Cuslck, for the bene fit of creditors. The inventory shows his assets to be: N W ta. block 112. IPs addition to Albany 1 2300 Lot No 7, block 4, Pipe's addition to Albany, subject to life estate of Rebecca F Jones 200 Personal property.... , 0 2700 His Personal liabilities are iriven as 101 lows: ,1 A Tripp. Lebanon I 1500 00 JobC Smith, East Portland.... 1530 00 At Memburg 1500 00 Kstate W II McFar and 1500 00 Linn County National Rank. . . 1500 00 The John Purrett Co 83 00 17613 00 Senders are Liabilities of Smith given as follows: Pudge iV Plocb, St Louis, Mo. . J It Stetson. San Francisco.. .. J C Hover, Portland Goldsmith & Lowcn burg, Port land II D Chase 1121 87 810 01 416 20 158 10 214 07 $ 2721 24 Total liabilities $10334 24 Teachers Examination. The fol lowing teacheri are in attendance at the public examination now being held by Prof Russell, county school superintend ent: Oscar Goodman, Fred II Wlencken, Mis Lena Williamson, E V Crossett, Albany, WL Jackson, Plain view, J A Wilson, Mrs W 3 Elliott. Lebanon. Miss Mary Lorett, Eugene. Robert C Michael, E R Mc Daniel, llal.ey. E 11 Denton, Sweet Home, W W Curda, F Lough bottom, Harrlsburg, John E II rooks, Tan gent, Minnie Perry, Mrs Nellie Tunison, L'lvssa L Creecr, Sodaville, Roa New land, Francis SmltS, E A Keal, F P Flynn, Brownsville. Albaxt Colleoi Cohmencxhext. The year will close on Wednesdayjune 10th, when the oration of the senior class will be pronounced in the Opera House. The graduating exercises will begin at 10 :30 o'clock a m. The class consists of Carleton K. Sox, Richard Wheeler and Perry A. Young. The annual sermon will be preached on Sabbath, June 7th,at 11 o'clock a m, by Rev F II Gwynne, D I), of Salem, who will also deliver an address to yonng people on Sabbath evening. All tho commencement excr etes will be held in the Opera House. The undergraduate entertainment will be given on Monday evening, lone 8th, and a lecture on Tuesday evening. Noted Orator Comwo. Col Bain, of Kentucky, a lecturorof National reputa tion, is now making a tonr through our state, having already spoken in Portland several times to large and appreciative audiences. He is engaged to speak twice in Albany at an early date, which will be given a soon as determined. His '.cctures will be free to the .public, and most entertaining and instructive. It is said of him by a competent ctitic: "lie is a fearless advocate of the troth, yet one who never offends. He is the Chrysostom of the temperance reform for all his words are golden. We have never Known any roan with such a power vj sway an anuience." A Good Example. Polk county evi dently considers bachelors to bo an unprofitable part of her population. The Polk county Itemizer says: "Lilwrty school ha fonr young bachelors, all of whom are abundantly able to support someDoay. uieir names areuari, John, George and George. One of the boys lens us mat notice nas oeen served on mem 10 eacn laxe a partner within a month or vacate- the community. He hardly knows which would .be the bitterest pill." Excl-kmox to Newport. Sunday, May 31st, a special train will leave A I bany at 7 a in, arriving at Yaquina 10:30 a m. returning leave Yannina at 6:45 p m, arriving in Albany 10:05 r m. thus giving the pleasure seeker all day on the beach. The tide on Sunday, Mar Slst. at 1 :30 p m will be the lowest of the season, giving a splendid opportunity to gather rock oysters. The (are has been placed at tne extremly low rate of $Z lor the ronnd trip, including boat fare to Newport. Alliance. Sweet Home Alliance will meet next -Saturday at Sweet Home at one o clock 1' M . me omcert are : W B Thompson, president, lohn Kirk, vice president oseph P Orchard, Secretary, 'rank Burnett, Treasurer. James Wood, Doorkeeper, John Burnett, Chaplain. Not ix It, In the item about the as signment of G W Smith published ye terdav, the liabilities of Smith & Senders it given i $3731 34. Mr A Sender, who was a memoer of the firm ay that he doe not owe a cent, notwithstanding the item in tne inventory filed with the county clerk. Get a Bicycle. The New Mail I one f the finest bicycle manufactured. It ha no tuperior. Ohllng & Wilon, with Rtewarl & Sox are agent, where thete bicycle may be teen. At Fobtmilleb & Iaviso's 150 dozen window shades, just received. a targe ana eiegant stocK 01 lota cen tury bedroom sets. A large and choice lot of carpets, many nn? uesigns. Ia tub Speinq. A fine line of Blazer Jackets for soring wear, in many designs, yasi receivea oy u vv himpson. Also a large stock ot the popular self- pen mg corsets. Fob Sale. -One pair of white rats Inquire at this office. Tb Stat WCIU bar eleoted th following ollioersi Mr Anas Bigiii, presi dent; Mr 11 J bban. recording saeretary Mr Beli;', treasurer. Right to the Point. Allen Bros, do their own delivering, promptly and care- luuy. . Freh pea, strawberrie. cabbaze. etc.. jui receivea at Allen Bros. To get fresh produce, frui etc., a! ways call at Allen Pros. At tha f oa will lead in tb ot B.-oadsiuii 5 Browaall rybasines. rj i ti Nbwt Epeiho Goods. I keepajfull lioeof spring and summer drea good, ia wash fabric, print, gingham, leeranckera, eto, I have also a new line cf summer plaids, be side other noveitie in bige and all wool Baitings. Samukl E i'ouna. i Buy your grocerws of Tarksr Pro A HIS M JT. Ill Caaatjr BaesVfcy la Tepteta fs WW. Laat Saturday evening a su!t was brought sgatntt Linn county by Ml Iva Templeton for $17,033. Hon M 0 George and Cake & Cake appear for the plaintiff, Judge Dlackburn, I K Weatherlord and Geo G Bingham will defend the suit tor Linn county. The complaint sett forth in detail the boundaries of road district 40 In this com, ty, describing the road running from Mc Dowell taw mill to Urownvliie across the Calapoola creek, and state that ald county constructed a bridge aero Cala poola creek, and failed ami negiec ted to use and exercise due and ordinary care and reasonable diligence in keeping said bridge In repair, and. by and thiough It negli gence falltd to appoint a road supervisor for .tld road district, and negligently suf fered and permitted said bridge to becutne and remain out of repair, defective and worn out and rotten through use, lapse of time and the natural action' of the cle ment,othat by reason thereof on the ttlli day of July, and for a long time previous thereto the same had beioine unsafe, dangerous and totally unfit for the public to travel thereo.i and a nuisance In the said county road; thatonjuly It, 1 890, while plaintiff was lawfully traveling over said county road she attempted to cross said bridge In a nearly empty wagon, drawn by a team of horse, and the said bridge broke down and tne plalntlff.wlth- out negdgence on her part, was precipi tated luto the said Calapoola creek with the wagon and team of horse, tailing a distance of thirty-one feet. Uy reason of aid fall the plaintiff was severely and permanently Injured, towlti One arm was broken In two places, and two teeth were knocked out and her gum badly cct and face permanently dMgured.and plain tiff received a compound fracture of the left thigh so severely a to causa the bone thereof to protrude through the flesh and clothes, necessitating the amputation of said limb and rendering plaintiff helpless and crippled for life, and plaintiff suffered severe cut and bruises on the face, limbs, body and permanently disfigured plaintiff, that plaintiff wa thrown Into the water of the Calapoola creek and rendered helnles and Insensible and wa compelled to ie- main therein for a long time exposed In said water, where the received a severe huck to her neivoussvsten and perman ently suffered great pair. In consequct ce thereof That by reason thereof plaintiff ha been pcrmarently rendered an invalid. and put to great expense, being damaged In the turn of $37,033. The case U every Impo. tint one and will excite great Interest through Oregon on account of severity of the accident. IKstADSX. From a two column wrlteup of Lba. non In the Salem Statesman we clip the following: It Is surrounded by fine bottom lands. Southeast ait fine sods springs. The streets of Lebanon are wide and well graveled. It has a good spaper, etc, A Urge paper mill has just been built and a big ditch U to be constructed Lebanon la a eood town for business. In fact it Is one of the liveliest town In tHe Willamette valley. A prominent business man of that p'ace who is In a cood posi tion to know, estimates the amount of business done In that city In 1890 at $350,000. Uy actual count there were built In Lebanon last year. 114 business and dwelling houses, and thus far in 1891, IS more nave been added. This show a rapid growth in buslnet and material advancement. In tboo ten Ion of Oregon grape roots were collected and shipped to rortiand worn the vtclnl'y oi Lebanon, aveisglng a cost of $iou per ton. Ir. the same year 310,000 pounds of Chlltum bark (cascara tagrada) were shipped from Ihi place, netting to the shippers the snug sum of $7,450. Tne city government consists of I A Beard, mayor; cnuncllmen, G W Cruson, G M Westfall, Jos Elklna, Jaa Matchett; recorder, W C Peterson ; treasurer, J A Roberta; marshal, S li Co vie. Th fire department has the following elHccrs: President, s M Garland; foreman, W C Peterson: secretary, John U Hope; treas urer A Robert. Ih following lines of business are represented: Paper mill, three general stores; five grocery stores; three hard ware; two drug; one hotel; two restau rant; two harness; one bank; one siove and tinware; one jeweler; two livery stables; three barbershops; tw saloon; two millinery; three plaining mill; one flour mill; two butcher shop; one real estate sgency ; two boot and shoe shops; one tailor; two blacasmlths; one foundry and machine shop; five doctors; two lawyers; two dentists; one photographer; one newspaper; ore laandry; one grain ware-house. This city has five churches cganlxcd and four church buildings, ' a follows: M church, pastor. KevT B Boyd; M E Church South, pastor, Rev OS llanielter; Cumberlaln Presbyterian church, paror, Kev 1 1 horn p an ; rirst Presbyterian church, pastor to be supplied; Baptist church, pastor. Rev Lamar. All the churches have flourishing Sabbath schools. The Baptists will build a new church the current year. lne lotto wins secret societies are aio represented, via: Lebanon Lodite No 47.IOOP.WC Pe.eron. II G. Leba non lHlge No 44. A F & A M. W M.J Wasaum; secretary, F M Millet. Honor Lod're, No 33, A O U W, I F Hyde, M W. The public schools arc taueht bv Prof R N Wright, principal, Mrs Fronk and or.iss unery. A BttLD riCLAET AT STaiTOX. Word wa received at Albany by Satur day evening's O P train arriving at 5:30 that a very daring burglary had been committed at Stayton. Before 3 o'clock Saturday morning two burglar entered the store of Whitney, Elder & Co, and mew open tne sate, mere were two ex plosions. On the first report A u Gard ner residing across the street rushed out with a gun. Seeing a man crawling on his hand and knee in front of the store he fired three shots at him, but failed to hit him. Then a second explosion oc curred, and in the face of the shots, the two men rushed into the store, secured $150 In cash and some valuable papers represcntating several thousand dollars In money. $400 In cash they missed, so 2 rest wa their hade. Leaving the ror they escaped from the town. Mr Whitney had also appeared and the two men were well sized up by him and Mr Gardner. One was tall and the other rather short and heavy let. A day or two before $$00 In the safe had been taken our. - The CaaafPioKS. Whoever the cham pions are in the base ball field when it comes to groceries and produce Conn 6c Mendrtceon will not be knocked out. j They keep a large and fresh stock, and tnetr prices are as low as the lowest, iresti vegetables, fruits, and ail the standard groceries always on hand. Whoever buys of them always makes a gooa striae. Wall Papkb, btc, I ha ve ju t received a new line of wall caper and decorations. Have more than doubled my facilities for handling them, and will keep- a much j rarger tock. Wall paper and border to match. Beauties, and much cheaper than ver before. Bamitxl e -y 0010, New Carpets, A B Mclfwaln has neof the largest and best selected line f carpet In the cily, embracing all new pattern ana aesigns, and as he has made a great reduction in price it will be to the advantage of carpet buyer to rail and usoect hi stocjand price before pur- naiing. Aikasy mars. TTbat-l5i Oats-489. Butter Me pri. rggs-ifx Hay 10,00 t Potatoes) 4e t par beaksl Bf on foot.tH to PorkiWe per In unions Baexms ham, 11 shoulders 7 StdM.0 Ard 10e per lb. ftcmTr-l.tb par bbl. ''Vlekona 4.M par St HI Faodbron, SS.Mpar UsV aaortfl, tx :ddjsi, 61j CT, M, . BOtiAL AXtl rr.KKOIAL, sssssxstssfsssssaw MONCAV. W II Garrett went to Portland this noon on business. A Y Smith, of Oalvtllf, went to Oervais this noon, 0 II Hals ton, cashcr of tho Lebanon Bank, was in tho city today. E C Phelps and Or Mluhener, of Halsey, were In the city today, 0 W Ayers, the owner of the plnrcr mins on the Cnlifornla line, is in the city. Mr Burgess, recently of Providence, It I, I In the city, ard will locate In thlt county, Robert Porter, the census man, was In Portland the other day. He would not be safe in Sulcm, Attorney General Chamberlain went to Salem this noon, w heru he will ro mnin during tho week, - orgnnixliig the olllte. II Kekulea, telegraphic correspondent of the Humlny Mercury, of Portland, is In the city, 011 his way through tho valley. Fran E McMillan night operator ut the W U office has resigned, and left l.i.t evening for Chicago. He ha been suc ceeded by A W Todd, F S Harding, oi.e of the edltoi of the McMlnnville Telephone KecMer. ha been In the etly attending the Y M IU convention. ' ' - Gene Rcltxko left this noon for Salem, where he will spend a few day with his old neighbor, Mr Wagner, of tho Willamette. Mrs 8 K Younif. Mrs K V Sox and Mrs T J Wilson, nent to Portland today to attend the state W t'T V, which will Iki in session until Friday. Mm FM Garrett, residing In Maitnn A Chamberlain's addition, w ho has been ill fur three month, tho Democrat is glad to see out again. K I) Cuslck, of Salem, was In the city yesterday. .Mr. Cuick may posslibly return to Albany and accept n poslton In the Linn County National lionk. Mr Rudolph and child, of Hun Jose. Cat. have been In the city visiting old friend of Mr Rudolph, nee Alexander. She will leave In a few days for Pendle ton where her father, Pr VtT, and tUtcr, ur rtova A'exanuer rrsnie. T!st0AV, ' (lalbiatlli went to Jl' Portland this noon. K K Montague, of Lebanon, was In the dty today. Mayor Elect P.urnt It. of Corvalllw. was in the city today. P B Marshall, of tho Albany Farmers Co, went to Salem on burtness today. Geo Dickinson, of the Oreiron ljmd Co, went to Salem to-day. A pleasant birthday party was given at Mr Thus Hopkin's last evening. Miss Mattie Baker, of Albany. U visit Ing her parents in this city. Appeal. Mrs Thos Jones and son went to 1'oa- sill to-day, with her brother, on a few weeks visit. Mr Bowles, of Portland, arrived In Albany yesterday, and was accompanied home today by bis family. Mr Weatherlord. a prominent farmer ol Dayton, Wash., is in the rtty on a visit with his brother, Hon S K Weath erlord. E C Sea. Is. Phil Baltimore, and I It Montelth left this morning for the North Santlam at Mill City, Salmon (rout being reported very plenty there. esttrdav a CorJalll man captured a fifteen pound trout with a common fly hook. L W Heyoe. W E Baker and Mr New ton, the well known Davis sewing machine man of Portland, left this morning for Goose Lake. Ivlmr under the eaves of Mary's Peak, with a wagon load of provisions, guns, tents and so forth. They wil. return when tbeycomo back. and it is anticipated with an enormou supply of trout, of w hich Goose Lake is said to be full. Invitations are out fur tho marrlaire of McKinlev Mitchell, of tiervals, to Hattie, daughter of Mm Hannah Hcheler, at 3U3 Washington street, Han Fran cisco, at 12:30 o'clock, Wednesday, June tutti. That is real good ot Mi Kheier to marry McKinlrv after bia recent failure, and is a good evidunro that mar riage at least will not be a failure with them, nor wilt business in tho long ran. WKDNrsDAT. Peter Smith, of Scla, was In the cltv to day. Mr Earl Race returned this noon from a visit ! Yaquina Bay. Mr Richard Neil, of Portland, is in tho city, visiting friends. CW Avers and family left today for Portland, where they will reside. Eugene LaForcst ha just returned from a trip to New burg, Yamhill county. II M and E M Palmer, from Hastings and Elridge, Neb, are here with a view to locating in this vicinity. Mr Henry Ebert, the populai baker, took a spin to Dala yesterday. He will open a bakery there, beginlng bnslnes next Tueday. Jo Klein, the shoe man. has Inverted an arrangement for getting articles out of a hor window that I quite Ingenluti. Mra Frank Wlillaiwon and mother-In liw, both former resident of Albany, but now of Corvallis, have len in the city to day. Sheriff Crolsan, of Marlon county, wa In the dty last night. Sheriff Mac key of Corvalli wa also In the city , Recompens ed bv I K BcrkRord, all to see about tne burgular captured, having been telegraph- en ror, (Idea Wedding. cla a K-a icif ar uh. 1841-1891. Married, May 26th, 1841, In Princeton Illinois, by Rev Albert Church, pastor ot the Congregational church of Princeton, Ml Joseph S Clark to Mis Harriet Rich. ard. Their golden weddiug wa celebrated yesterday evening by a surprise party at the residence 01 tnetr son-in law, ror vv a. Cox in this city. The venerable couple to make a second appearence on the floor and received the hearty congratu lation of friend and children present, l ne table spread by M- Clark bore the con ventional turkey and brtde cake ot tne first wedding and In addition tee cream, flower and delicacies, nut known to the plain people of half a century ago. Mr and Mr Clark have been the parent of eleven children, of whom some have been taaen away, ana only two ot them were present at'the golden wedding. Some fine music aa furnished on piano and vioiira and the happy company departed not in the "wee smar hours" but In the broad day light of our long summer evening. wishing (or the venerable couple that the "evening time" ol their lives might oe light - Among those present were V A Cox: and family, Mr and MnDS Smith and family, Mr and Mr A T Curtis and fam ily, Mr and Mrs Frank McKlnley, (not 15U1) and family, Mr and Mrs 1 J uavi and family, Mrs A llackciman and Mr and Mrs $ G Irvine. After the elder had dined tbe second" table was filled with happy little grand children and their friends of whom four teen were under ten year of age. G. In all disease oi the stomach, liver audi kidoev. nee. to the exclusion of all other medicine, .Nature a own remedy, i'fUDier a Uregon Wood t anner. Rubber bo, Mtthw AC Watbbarn. Iawn sprloklers, Matthews & Wxthbsri. Lawn mowers, Matthews & Wasbbarn, Water closets, Matthews Si Waihbara, Bath tabs, Matthews St. Wasbbarn. Pumps, . Matthews k Wasbbarn . Oaaolin atovss, Matthew & Washburn." The best of everything, Matthsw & Washburn. Dress Making. Won neatfy done and estimation gnaranteej. Room at Mr J E Carter's, corner Railroad and Fifth streets. ... Aimui. Uckkhakt. A tUKtlAB CAtTl BED, A TtnltllialFxperlease la the beteetlv IJuslnees, Tor some time it had beuu suspected by Marshal Huffman that n gang of thieves were camped fn the thick woods east of the city along tho Willamette. Tuesday Marshal Hoffman i.aerod Charles Spaght 10 if he would locate the camp for him. This young Hpaght, who is familiar with all tho country- around Albany, having hunted great deal.itartedouttodo. He la (earless youth and did his work well. Utinnlmion two men, he know at once that he imd tho right ones. They were cittuped and lying in their blankets, taking things easy, Spaght claimed to be iilucon bunting, mid pointing to a white farm house u the distance, just seen through the trees, said that was his home, putlititf tbemj off their guard. Returning to Albany last evening he notlllwl Marshal Hoffman, who with Polimimtt A W McUUiu and 0 O Lee, and Young Hp-tfht, all armed with guns they returned oward tho camp. One of tinmen tbvij runicioss short dis tance from tbe camp.utid covering him with th weapons of warhegave him self up, and said he would lead them toward the camp. Instead he endeav ored to guide thein away from it.gulckly delected by young Spaght, who pointed to the right I'lace, when McClain took tho lead for it, finding tne other man lying on tho ground. He jumped up and started to run, when MeClaln shot at him. The man fell to the ground, and said ho was down, evidently playing "pusHntu," for it threw the ofltcer off his guard. Then the fellow took advan tage of tho situation and sprang for the bushes, followed by couple of shots. He made his escape through the thick bushes, and was not discovered, though he was seen passing farm house alter ward. All he bad on was a pair of pants and shirt. The ofllcer returned to Albany w ith the man captured, and their outfit. Two watches were found In the man's possession, one with a chain and locket used as a charm, label ed "presented to U Whitney by San tiam Lodge No 23 A F & A M.' This was stolen from the safe of Whitney. Elder Jt Co, blown np at Stayton, and wilt undoubtedly convict the man. The man also had forty dollars in money on bis oersm. The burglars outfit consists of all the appliance for getting Into a safe, ten drills, fuse, powder, dynamite, tulx-a, etc, beside three first-class re volvers. The olllcera have done a good job in even getting one of these profes sional burglars. They are probably the same men who robbed Nolan's store at Corvallis, but probably had nothing to an Willi the Beam burglary, as they are of a different class of burglars, being safe crackers. ma oTiien max auit oveb. When tho construction train next morning was coming south past trestle near Marion, the remains of man were discovered on the track, all cut to pieces. He only had a shirt and pair ol pants 011, and aiuweml tbe description of the escaping burglar. He had un doubtedly la-en run over by the over land train, being caught on the trstle as it passed, meeting a horrible death. His "pard". in the jail says he often stated that he would never bo taken live, ami wa a genuine tough. Mr Thin Callahan, with J M Nolan, of Corvallis, was in the city, and thought one of the watches was one stolen from Mr Nolan's afe recently. It had been in it several years. An Independence man, who came to the city, was coufl dant two of the revolvers were stolen at that city from a safe blown open there. The man killed wa Uenniied by a letter from hi brother, who h recorder of Yamhill county, as a young man named llarrlxin. The letter requested him on account of his bad character to leave the country, a he ws a disgrace to the family, lie also has a brother in Salem. I Just ai out had time to get to the long wood pile, one mile this side of Ms. ion, as joe overianu s opped tor wood, in I Ing to get on the bte.k btm a the train slatted, r Is probable he fell under ,1.-1 wheel, 'the man at the county iall arreted refuse to g'e anv Information to Identify the man killed w ith tne one who eseapru our oir,eeis; but they are probably the same Mtstn A darkey ha been around giving con cert on stlek and a wire, plavlng tune with considerable skill. There are not many thing a darkey cannot get tune out of. tne man who 1 in trouble always ap prociaic tne value 01 the newspaper. From tne efforts ho use to keep hi name I out lit, trie editor tee1 (or the time being a If hi drculaiion wa a million 2Th Fowler A' Wells Co, of New York srnn u a copy or "Getting Married and Keeping Married, by one has done both.' Price 10 cent. The Democrat men are already In the swim, w ithout pat Ing any- tMng lor the Information. the pamph let, tnougn 1 an Interesting one. The work of nuttlne the cisterns of the city in condition has been begun by the council and Chief .Engineer Stewart. A Utile girl in her nraver antlv illus trated the value of advertising. In her inr oeenee aho said : "Ird. make me pure, absolutely pure, ut like baking- powaer." The memorial services at the M K church yesterday were well attended, and were of an interesting order. Rev I B Fisher preached the sermon, a pointed, well arrainged effort. The base ball excursion patty returned from Lyon Saturday evening at S'3o,and reported a tine time. The ball game wa a good one. Albany outplayed Corvslll from the start, the score 3J to 11 telling tho general lcry, 3 of the 11 were made on a lost ball at that, i t Corvalli men fruitlessly struck three times st Larimcre curves, ti of which Smiley tock.oneof the others capturing by a throw to the first ineyare as good a battery ss there U in the valley, in the evening Mayor Cowan eave the club an oyrter supper at the Delmonlco rettaurant, a nice affair. Mr C W Vattt, umpire, presented a live toast to the Mayor.who was unablo to be present. in three games tho Albanies nave scored 80 runs to their opponents j r.ey will probably play the Chemawas Until 1 at. Tun. rf 1, wi li wtll .Ktw their standing as a club better than any games yet played. The wisdom of the Salem business men who advertise in outside minera but not at home is only equaled by that of tho ostrich which only conceals itself by hiding its bead in the sand, Journal. Albany ditto. The following live advertisement ap pears in rnnters ing, ot Xsew York city, embellished with a cut of a man falling trnm A. Iifillnnn laVulnl nAroivAnian 1 ' and headed "Not In It:" "Many men of many minds" Dut ail advertisers up to snulr' happily agree that on the the Worth I'acitio coast tbe Oregonian ia the paper the one great paper and the man who neglects to use its immense circulation is, unfortunately, like the man in the picture, "not in it." Adver tisors who have tried it are safe and in it to stay. 7,144,900 copies printed and sold for the 12 months ending October SI, 1SU0. It ia a marvelous fact, but none the less true, that the Oregonian is more largely read;in proportion to the number of copies printed, than any other paper on the face ol the globe. Daily average, 17,400 copies. Sunday average, 17,600 copies. Weekly average, 14,9U8 copies. mm 0 0 1 BH h r- t nana and abkoai MOKDAy, The murder of Mr Baibn-, of Lebanon, are alio wanted (n Nana, V, where ttWO reward is tnrd them. Sheriff Woolary of Seattle and tMretivs Barry will get th money. TUESDAY. Th survey of towntli'p 10, 4 east, bat Lseo tna in tl.i oounty by a paity of governmsut surveyors. Vv II Warosr and J II Kel'ey brought ttrswlmrrik to ths eity from their Bantoa oounty gardeos, Thsy start la st S? cent a box, Mr Win Paseook came to Albany this morning with ths tlrsi tame strawberries of lha wrasnu. Ths Dkmiwrat aokoowladges the tecelpt of a box of thi lusoioos berry, a great omitrast both in spsarauc sad llsvo'tci th California btirv. Deputy United States Attorney C E Lookwoud and IVpn'.y Marshal Mill. ) terday arrested Mr F.nitna Spaotdibg, who bvr near Eugene, on a charge of seeding ohscrna rriittr through ths maih, Mr Spaulding waj xamind before 'United Ktst.s Conimissiuuer Walton atid bound over to await the sotioa of the grand jury. Congressman Lonnida 0 ilonok f Ten run?, dtsd at Kooavill in that suu yestarday frrm a dose nf aisaoio l.y mistake, ii asked a ding cleik for a glass of fee water, whih lha dark plsord on th connlsr Iwfnra him, Mr lloutk tO-tk up th wrrng glais, 000 containing dissolved l t(!il. , BraoLAar at Tummcs. Last night at Turners burglar), who seem to be run ning thing through the valley, entered entered the store of Schmidt A Howe, and stole quantity of clothing, two dozen silk handkerchiefs and some knives. Sheriff Scott was notllled. RcrassEitTATtvEs Electer. At the regular meeting of Safety Lodge A O U w held last evening, A D Barker and T J Stiles were elected representatives to tbe Grand Ixxlge of that order, which will convene on the 16th day of July at Victoria, British Columbia. . A II Mar tin and A li Woodin were elected alter nate representatives. JlisuiuM, Pioamv. This morning s warrant was Issued 'out of "Justice Humphrey's court lor the arrest of Moses C Dingham. Marshal Hoffman arrested Mr. Uingliam in Iebanon, where he was working at his trade, and brought him to Albany. J K Wyatt appeared lor the state and D It N Blackburn for the de fendant. Mr. Bingham waived examin ation and was held under $300 bonds to await tho action of the grand jury, which convenes neit month. A certified cone of the certificate of the rtunty clerk ol Altwna county. Mich, in the hands of the district at torney, shows that Moses C Dingharn and hlizatieth Smith were married, in Alpena. Mich, on Jan 23. 1873. he beina 3& years of age and the bride 28 years It is staled that no divorce has been secured. A marriage ceremony was performed between Mr Bimrbam and Hannah A Warren, in this city, on Feb 23, lB'JO. It looks now as if nothing can keep the defendant from year or more In the state renitentiary. Mrs Bingham will leave Alpena In time to be here at the meeting of the grand jury. She baa two children the fruits of the marriage, n '.an iny lid onder her care. The defendant at released on tumlsh li.g ball, hi Albany wife and F M Red- ntid, acting a curette. WfcOSItSDAV. Wool has begoa arriving ia Albsa. DrirkdaticiuesieeecdJswla water at C E lirownoll'a. A vtlnsble atstiioB was stoWn net t f a bam st CoUorg Saoday nibt and tskea off. o can have tbe bst Us cream in the city by piat or quart by ealling in at Boo ut a Tbrso wain afUrnoous admonish too to eall at Beoeicke's for tft bt ice ereatn in tbe city. Can be had by piat or quart Mr Fred wrick Goal, formwlv of Prl as- ?iUe. ba porekaacd tha salooo of B FJWio m.. Mr Wineman baa a',d JLim ae . . .: PBiiMaiiIt laf ntellntf in I lM.m Jo: a pretty, spark Una and rblo as ever. M is Verouaa Jai brae sid bar etr com pany will appear at lha Optra lions May 27th, ta ber aver ropelar mnsical comvdy 'Starlight,' w bleb baa bco infused wuh new rnssia, nw sorgs. elcver basioaaa aad ksodsom eoatetnt. which maka it oe of th brightest aad Uoababl play on tha road. Misa Jarbcae ia aagraoofol aa asylpb in ner aaoe ana br vole was ecvsr betur sh acta, too, ia ssoh a sprightly fashion lost sh istmi like a ray of aoimatod sao shine on tbe stag. Th fecial tie in"Ur I light" ar all new aad novel 00 d vreil done, creating mqcn lasgbtar. ELECTRICAL FLUID. Drelrlrliy raMaHl Wit ttarelcal aaa Me4sealTrelsweatlerfaisa WasideiTal rarcBr tfcsrrla 1) Wasklaaloa Ksreet, rr lined, mr., tisenl Ik fltwlegi SALEM. Or.. Mar II. S1. Vt Parrln Uoar Mm In reolvio vonr favor asking for statement f mr enrw of ratarrh.wbieh you pert or mad three years ago, will say I am cured and th oar re main prirMnl, after ufJ Ing from tbe disagreeable end loath so in a a mini Inn eight years. My w Do ws l-o eumd by you or diea peculiar to her tex. E. ANDERSON. Itps a raacer fared; PERUYDA LlLFolk Co.May 25. Pr Darrln Sir; I am happy to say our sleet rle end medical borne treatment has been tuemftful in nay ease. I nave had polypus In In now for Tears and you cured it. Mrs J M Dckv of ciherl- aan, ur.,wno cvnnHd you.rejolcoa in a perftct cureof a scrofulous and canm roua growth in her mouth and cbek- If thia win oo anv locd publish it. Tours gratefully, WILT JONES. Crass Ej Tared 1st 0 Minnie. Dear Pr Darriai I was glad to bear from you. Aly ys ar doing nioejy sod ar perfectly tuiiilt ad do oot bother ma at all. I am iry mach pleased with th treatment and aot msoy ptople can tvl 1 which ey it was. , lour true friend. MISS MAGGIE SYNHOEST. LAO RAN DE, Or; The Importance of a bridge la well .Il lustrated by some figure given In the Oregonian in reference to tbe Willamette iron bridge, tor one year that paper say: i he total expenditures were ,535 -5. receipt $51,413 45, making tne rront sj), That t why the bridge company oppose consolidation The expenses for operallng'and repairing me oriage weie $20,000.35, s 1 . Change ef Easiness. Notice is hereby given th at Uueller k Garrett have sold to E J Lannlng their entire business, stood, wares. oerehan dlse, book accounts, fixtures, etc. Parties laaeoted to said firm wilt please call and settle at once witb i& J Lanning to whom an aooonoM are pay am. Alt outatanoing indebtedness will D3 settled by Mueller A Garrett. A1UELI.SB dt UABRK1T, 13 J LAlfUlKeh Albany, May 2a, 1891. ' TRADE AT THE OLD RELIABLE GROCERY STORE of 0 E BROWN ELL, Good goods, low price and honest treat ment, COME ONE, COME ALL Don't forget, Paisley & Smiley, Printers. B0KN. BAY Nil. On Friday, May 15th, 1891 to the wile of George Bayne, a girl, weight ti lb. " fnifCp. Icing W J C.J "v-J? Li 3 torn (it rit .tisca. Tuesday evening, May 20, 1801. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal; Street Commissioner," and Cotincllmen French, Hawkins, Tabler and Burkhart. The following bills were ordered paid s F II Roscoo, 1M't P A Anderson,$3.60 Mr Barbour, 8.75; J W Warner, H.7S ; John Maxwell, $17.50; A U Lacy, $7,546; Paisley A Smiley ,$10.25; Stewart & Sox, 112.31 H W Ross, $2.W; Hopkins Bros, $2.50; Albany Hose Co Np 1, 5s John Ulblin, $1.50; Mechanics Band, 30; Hose Co No 2, $5 j K Lamb, $3 60 ; W li Parr, 1.50: Robt Brown, f I 60; ,KA Claik,8; JohnCleln,2l; S V Ross, $15.75; John Jones, 170; VV A MeCiain, $00: J W Anderson. o5; Olaf PUil, sur veying for bridge, 16W, The comtnlttee on strMts and public property recommended, In matter of pe tition of E F Sox and others, that the grade on 1st, 2nd and Salem road remain as now establulicd. Anopieu. A larire number of street Improvements were ordered mad according to notice published In tha DeMor iiat, to be done within thirty days, the Recorder toad uartiaa inr lilita for all Of anv tmrt: the council 4o adjourn until Tuesday night next to open bids and lor general oui ness. Mr French ol committee 011 fire and water reported cisterns being cleaned. City Recorder reported that the upecl fkations for bridge were on file. llleriort ol street commissioner recom mended several improvements. Referred. The committee on fire and water recom mended that arrangements be mad for horses for the two engines, tho purchase of necessary harnesses, eUr.the necessary expense lasing estimates ai ...w per month after once established.the esti mated cost of harness, etc, is hkj. a contract was ordered tnado with A Lacv and t W Burkhart for ono year, they to furnish and care for boms for bouse rent. The time for receiving bids lor Willam ette bridge was ordered extended from Junel2toJune27,2to4pm. liecorder to insert advertisements for bids at onco. The succeeesful bidder is to begin work within twenty days after contract and i complete work before December 1st. j Mr Tablcr stated that city engineer had 1 Informed him that ot three miles of lat Ural sewers to run into Railroad street sewer only half a mile bad been built. The Recorder was directed to advertise lor bids for latteral sewer across Railroad street between eth andfth streets. The matter of bidding for main sewers nnder the system prepared by Surveyor Barr was discussed and deferred nntil Tuesday evening, when system will be adopted. Licenses to sell liquor were granted to J E Munsey and Frederick Goulet A meeting of the board of equalization was ordered called for June 10, at 2 p ta. FAIR WARKiNS- Sberltf Brail e Msl Waal th W.rld, at ke Mast Bay Ik Delia Sjoesst 1 Taxes. Sheriff Scott proposes to make it warm for delinquent tax payers unless they settle at once. The following notice has been published several weeks; but it dues not work as effectively as it should ; By order r.lthe County Court I em dl recu d to fore tbeenbeetion ofalltaxe standing nnpidJ rn tbe . irtnt tolls of tbla couniy. If euch taxes ar not paid luimiidU'oly I aball proceed to levy i?ps and e:l . he. prrprty of doltnquents t- make col.etlion. 1 mean tosin. M. RCOTT. Shsrlff of Hun county Now lie proposes to enforce tbe collec tion ot all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasantest business in tbe world, must be done. Delinguenls should come to time and pay op, thereby avoiding legal proceedings, as provided by the laws of Oregon. This fa positively the last call. . Look out for the explosion of the bomb. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WARNER 1 CRAXOR, Imscss and XaBagsr ustCDeNightJhursday, May 28th. SPRAGl'S COIBMS. Presenting Uislr Latest Oowdy Soeesas, A SOCIAL SESSION On of lha Fanniosl Pluvs over writUn. Replet with Biniftnj, Osncinasnd KiwslklUas a SKIIIIUI bleiuUnc vt leiieUus Uumnr, bpsrk ing Been, Sjor'. I'opulsr Music, bristling with Uit Uvslinst son ot Faany tfituailoo. A Conilnauus birrsra nf Lsughtcr from bratonlua so od. LAUGHLNU FUKl'OSES 0NLT. Aooomm Of vtm isiuaus BLACK HUSSAR BAUD, Msi-iillosntlr Uolfcrmed aud ElegssOj Equipasd. Renderlne In an exquislt manner a class of Musis ourer beiora aitrojia oy aoy almtlsr arpuusaiion, T3ib EenresGiitatlTB TraYslinff m SSSl ! Under tbs Isadershln of ths Tslsntsd Touog VirtiMMo, EDWARD E.NICKERSON. OUR STAR ORCHESTRA. Evtar llaaaaa Evaar Sounsv A notour. I Ail Aansr. Oar Grand Band Farads occurs from the St Chsrls at li a clock, sharp. Conosrt from 1!:1U to 12:M, and la th srsnina mm 7 to T:90. Prlosa, lower Sour, 11,00. Admiasioa, 60 coots. Beats aa Hal si Will a Links. , i. s ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Wiaxta A CaaKoa. . 1 . Lme and Manser. ONE KIGFIT ONLY. Monday, June 1st. THE CELEBRATED COMEDIENNE, mm vepjiofia R BE A: Iu her Brilliant Musical Comedy, STABIIG' Sunoerted bv Htr Own Company cf Csmedy Jiasic&i iieni. EVERYTHING CHANGED. New Songs ! New Faces ! New Dances ! New Costumes ! New Music ! New Sayings I New Funny Situations! V " N EW CAV0TTE BY Handsome Girls, Beautifully Costumed, THE HITOFTHE SEASON MISS:JAEBIAFg."M:SOMS "WINK THE OTHER EYE." "It's t&B Same Thing Over Apia." Jeff D. Bernstein, Prop'r and Manager. :Seat on sale at Mill A Ltnlc's musia stor. IIavs You a Wtr and ten children-; tave you any children; are you an old acbelor 7 Whatever you are you can not do better than by buying your groceries, produce and baked goods of Pai ker Bros. Vou want to ave money and at tho same time uvt good groceries, then call on them. You will get first-lass treat ment and flrst-class goods ' Their baked goods are made in an experienced man ner, and include large variety of eatables. Lamm Oxford Ties I have a vry la'gs Wk of those eoods, in qnalitle rg ing in piioa from k23 to 4 00 a pair. They ar 0 ade nf ttton and 1 very pstr warraoterf. Pahvel K Yovna. Illgneat of all la tcaveiiiag iower- SHERIFFS SALE. In tlut Circuit Court ofth BlaU,oOrrgm for (m County of Linn JOHN A. CRAWFOKD, Plaintiff. vs. F K Robinson nd C K Robio- snn, Li wife, U K Wost and Rosa West, hi wits, V U Moller, B Brenner, J M Mo ver, II V Me. nil as trustee of 8 If Altboa-, N H Aileo, P A (i.NNlai-. J A Mellrido sod E D Mo t aad II B Moyer. partners. doing tosioess uodVr tl.a firm nam of Meyer Bros., DoffiJatiU. J NOTICE li HEREBY CIVEN THA.' by yirtu f aa xoutio aud order of aal iasuwl oat of lbs auoy named euurt 'o tb abov eatitlod action, I wit: 00 Haaday, Ik Slh Day mt Jmme, IS91. at tbe court boos door, ia tb eity of Al bany, lion Co, Or, at tb boar of 1 o'clock, p m, of said day, sell at ptblic aaction for cash in Uaod to tb highest bidder, tb real property describe, in said xratiou sod or der of sale aa follows, towit: Beginning t a point on th sooth bound ary tin of block No 10, io Hacklemao's addition to tb city of Albany, 100 tort at of tb southwest corner of aaid block 100, and raooiog tbeate eaaUrly 00 said loath booudsry of said I lock, tj tb sontbmst corner of said block, tbeoc northerly along tbe ess Urn boundary ho ot said block 100 to th Willamette river; tbeoc op aaid river to a lin paaaiog through tb place of baglaniog. par! 11 wilb tb cast booodary lioaifaaid block; theoo oootbcrly to tbe plac of begiooiog, ia Lion county, Oregon. Also tb north half of tb sootheast qoarter and tb ooitb half of tb aootbweat uoarter of section 2, lo Tp 15 8 R 1 E, of th Wd Uroett mendiaa, ia Lion coooty, Oregon, oootaioiog 100 acre. Also tb soatbeast qoirter o( th anatheaat quarter of section 33. la Tp KS ft I E. iu Lino eooty. Or oo, eootaioing 40 acrt. Th proceed arising from tb so! of tb real property tint htreto described to b an -plied: First, to tb payment of th oot sod disbursement cf so it tavd at' 4 5 50, and tb cost of aud apoo ssid eiecatioa. Sacoso, to lb pay mc ut of tb demand of f A Uaotitin( amounting to to sum f5o0. Tntan, to tho payment of plaiotiffs olaim, amoonting to tb aura of $4115, and accruing iuterest tberooa at tb rt of 10 ptr ceot per aonom. Pockth, to lb pay mett of the dcfeulai.t, B Breonera'. claim, amoootioK to 52 0 Fifth, to the pay ment of .he claim of defrodaot. II t Mernil, aa trio-tea of b II Allbooae, amo mUnff to f-'i0 It); and then tbe Claim of thodefetidaiit, O 11 Mueller, anoanting tv (6X12 34. itxra. to tbe payment of defendant. or Broa, claim, arooanting to 2G0 91; aad the over plus, if any, to pay over to atd d. feodaota. t t. Uobinson and L. E West. And tho 1 proceed of tb sol of tb remainder of aaid I real property, herein described, to be. ap-1 plied: 1 1 kkt, 10 the payment of tb cairn of th plaintiff, John A Crawford, and thereafter to th payment of tb several claims of tb defendant in tb order above stated. Dated tbia 27th day of April. 1891. M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Lion county, Oregon, Ey D. S. Smith, Deputy. (5-1) 200,000 poo ud of wool .anted. for which tha hiuhest market price will be paid by A. Sosder. agtat, who may be fonodat tb stor of P. Cohen. A. STRASMEY, ....PRCPBlITOB OF THK.. City IiTery, Feel ail -STABLE.- Baving purchase' new ri s can furn ish firs t-cl aaa turnouts at call, fpactrl attention given to transient stock Uoite boarded by the day or month. Cheapeat Rates 1st the City. Telephone emneetlon with the St Charles Hotel. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and Streetcar line. JOT and a fine stock SPECTACLES generally, as well as jewelry, Walcbss clocks, etc., at F. .'JU... French's. JJ UKEVU, O? I X O JEt Bolts made and repairing dou to w der, jsetweea 'intra tea Konnn.on i.yon at PAISLEY a StflLEY. Wholesale Dealers in- TOBACCO - ard - Albany, Orc and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEtf THAT J the underaiened. tbe duly appoint ed qualified rna actios executor of the last will and testament and estate Preston Muckers deceased, has this day filed bia final account in the County Court of Linn oounty. Oregon, aa auc executor, and tnat said court baa appoint ed Monday, tbe 6th day of July, 1891, tne Lour of 10 o'c ock a m of said day aa tbe tune for hearlnt objections to aaid account. If any there be, and for tbe se- tlement thereof. Dated this 2tltn day of May. 1891. XM MUNKKKS. Executor of tbe last will and testament of .Pres-on'od. HKW1JLT & IRVINE. Att'ys for Executor. Lace Curtains In great variety from 5 i-ta. to $9 a pair, lhese goods are toueht from New York jobbers direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. Sjamuei, Young. Xiemetnber Paisley & Smiley, Printer H veil tea la Jaekrts. I have received a small assortment tf novelties in Indies spring jackets, n-n ' in the latest styles of I'.lazers and Krti ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry full line of these good a as well as all the leading styles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken for special sizes and siyk s. Sam'j. E Yovso. I hav a few tboosand feet ef idwlk lumber, which !i!ltell cheap to close it oat. T L Wau-ace. alslsy b Saallar.Ta Printers, Pltaa Bl3 :.- ie,-M U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, t Ms L E.BLAIN'S C0LITMK Wt are dow ready for Spring trade wi'h the largest and best 6eleeted stock of Clothing that will bo shown in tho county this season. All varieties and patterns to most fastidious. of styles please the Wo have many fine makes including - TMttslB IliiiTi Then we have the full V alt 1 ine 01 mens , youtns ana boys' clothing in the Albany Woolen Mills goods, that we specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock cf Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn- ishiug Goods partment full. -every de-) Have used cash this year f during tight times east! 0 ..- t and caii offer genuine bar-f gains in all my departments, " . The merchant tailoring department, under charge ol Mr. E. A. Schiffler, is well stocked with suitings of latest patterns. First-class work guaranteed. It will pay pat- rons ol tailor snope to sec goods and get prices. L. E. BLA1N. i of at ALCANY :OR. WEITI1AI & EULBSET BB; : Real Estate Agents Farm and Handles ur ss, AI to city broterty i n A.V... aod CVryaL't-!. ft-. , -" , - n j --1 a n - 13 Yct3