The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 22, 1891, Image 4

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Southern Pacifio Rout
Ktnnwe Trains leav Portland Pally
s .mh f
I : 4
Ban r'ntnoteen
in v r
I" 14
;o r a
Alxiv train tl only at lot lowing atatlon north
i.l Heehiin. Kaat I orllaml. Oreiroa ritv. Woml-
wn, Helena, Alliaiir, Tenirwt, Hhudd, llaleey Har-
latmrg, J uiH.'Uua City, Ir.tiiz, Kuftne,
,H1 4 I I.V
I? ! a I Lv
-Mra Ar
Arl Wll
Lv I M: M
aliasv kri ailv Heart araaav)
Lv .
Ar I .)
kiumi Mum,
i s rii I Ar
t vl 4 L
I 4 Ar
: 4
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
ee Aeeataaaaxlanavat fi(-'UM FlUfl
irri, MummK uprtuirtuii
eVeal le Bvlvlelaa.
Htlli .SAisSAIlMRljeolSuonay.)
l A a
io r
a so r
ttrtsasrtAia usuy (Exopl Sunday.
t rn
:) 4
MS 4
Through 'XMoUotM
To mil point
fni fui. hifonnetloj regarding retoe, Br.
on Company
A feat 41 Albany
k r. mw a its
UttU. r. aad r.A
i o
Oiegon Pacific Railroad,
Oregon Eevelcpmeiil fo's Steamers,
Short Liu to CallforaU.
nrst-clais through naa-nB:e.r and
rsltrht tine from Portland and all point
b the WUUmotU Valley to nl from Han
Franclaco, Cal.
Boa's mak clos connection at Alban
a-lth trains of the Oregon Pacifio Hall road
T1MBSC1IKMULK. excel knailays.)
LtveAlbaBV lii) r. H,
Leave Corraltis IX T, a.
Arris Yaquina, :Si r. a.
L.9e Veqniue, (Wl,a
Un C' Ma.b
Arm Albany, 11:1 4. a
O. A C, traias connect at Albany and
rorvallis. The above train connect at
Yaoulnti with the Oregon rtoveiopnient
l'nnFtiir'i Line or Steamship! lietwen
Viuna and San Pntuciaco,
rna TaoriBA.
WlllameUe Valley. May Tib; lath ; Still ; SUt.
riOH e.S r4NC1C
W jh It Valley, May wd ; 12th ; Join ; Isth.
The Compsne vr(TM tho ncut lo
ihance Militia dtiM vthoiit notice.
N.Ii. I'aHoeiiirar from Portland and
'fUlametle Valley point can ntakecloa
manoctlo-n with the train f the Yaqulna
root at Albanr ir CorTallla, and II de-
tlned loSn Francisco nhould arrange to
rrlre at Yan-jina the ernnlng before tAte
Atrraurairr aa Frgkl ralei lltiji Ike
For lnfrll - iilr '. A R Chapman, Frl(bt and
kk. Anal, Albaajr, f. t. CI k,
o. r. r r. Art. .
3iitsr RINK,
or Al.BAnr.oitKo j.t,
... t,ri.iK!t
a. K.ya no
.Y.. W. LANOI-oN
Vir PraaUaul
rRAJHAfTS A OP.NKKALtiaiilllfCbi
Al l OCNTH KKPT nll Is ahack.
KltiU r EXCIIANOB aad U rmat tranatar. M
N York, lUa r r.iK.laco. llia aat P nxkuti
UXE.T10Nf aADEoa aorhl tanra.
J. K. Tocaa
K, W. Uaaav.a
L. fuaa
L B Bum.
eWA I. Hot.
Pr i.l-ot ... J h WW,
O ahwr ...0O K t'lUM HKUI.AIV,
0 lanoaa, l I. Ci.wan, J M Halatmt, Uan X
Chaifiliarlain. W La.l l, VY II tlirira. t A Craw
t4 udtlA Archihuld.
TK.N1ACT a raaara) haakln hna4rtaa.
DHAWHIUH'I I'KAPrHoa X,w York. aa
til i-.i.i . I.Oracoti.
IXX MOrfEVmi aftcva aaeqrlty
h(.eiVXapaail4)iuttal ebata.
Tranaacta t ffinw-al trUiklnr hotln
Exrhanaa la1it and ald on all tha prindpal
niiaa in uia i niwi staM aUdoa fcnguod, iralaad.
FraiKa and Germany.
Cll;kHia aoada at all keeaiiiblt puioU o farof-
ii Mirma,
Intamt alloaad 94 tlma denuaiU.
ak or CIO,
Vina- PrvaUlant
.Valirar ....
J H Horrla,
II llryint
. t M-ai
Jarr Mti
O S Mar
E Goinf,
John Galnaa
r O Broith.
ll.w. a ren-ral banking and aicbanir bnainaai.
isrlit dr(u iaauwl mi Albinr, Purtiand sad Haa
I'ald lip .ltal . .
.Horltw and iiroOia....,,.,. w.......
liiUnaat allowed on aarlna ilanoaiu aa Mlnwa:
(In or ilnary niiinlka ....4 iwreanl par annnan.
On term a Intra bk ..f par cant per annum.
On ecrllAisita. of dapoall.
kar thrrc inontli 4 per cent par annum:
I. ail woitlia t ftur eant per annum:
Iwr taelva in.a(h. lM fHir ent par annum
PIIAXK I'KKL'M, I'realdeiit
J. P. TIIIMWM Vkv-Prmidant.
It. C, MfKA rro.t. Oaaklari
& WlLSOfl,
Real Estate it Loan him
I). .tin- a r'rl fii-manra blinlrf-a, I'arlla
niilnif InaiiraiK-a will ' aell to tea II. cm.
.1 . ' '
Aena iHaaranrr ( umpaaf , Inc'iriHint rd
i h trLr H'rNitii.kl. Iea iald In 70 y
OMiKKl. Awla,ll,7),715,.1;
Ka irdlau Ina. I'tmpnar, ct 1hmI.i-., Roirland
K.iiIlIi...! I. I'H.ilfil, t:KlH,ti.. -Intol a
loa ia a .1 oval &,)),(.
Auirrlrae Fir lua. I'naipaar. '' Plillaila phla,
ilrKiinv.l mm. Caall aaacU, i,(!l-,,0J'. , .
I..I.I, (HO flnM.
CalriHitilai l ira A Maria In. 4'ampaay,
i' .ri'.nil, Dr. Awala, tiM.HH.UJ. Tina una
Oiri'tma l .at eoniiailiea.
lTE It A VIC (IN lUMIitiiumumrf
y I on iIih (.'i-rvxll In road, mm bail
nllr. ft nil town. fine r lot of fruit
,rM fa1l Vim! s otn be found any
t hor 1.11 Ilia 01 mat. IT you contemplate
!uiiliinr ti l!l.lpy yon to ee our
in '; 1 1 1! 1 1 1 i t. r plus. ( ia! gue fine
KiioitTsiciiTKi) oiuojsitEriiKitna.
We are auured by Judge Lawrence that
he formed the wool tchcdule ol the Mc
Klnley act. When It wat In the hand ol
the way t and mean, committee In the form
of a bill lait summer Julj;ft Lawrence tatd:
We demand protection tor the wool In-
duttry equal to that accorded to the moit
favored manufac'.tircr of wool, to that In
due time American wool grower will
tupply all wool of every kind required for
contumptlon In the Unl ed Slate." Th
duty w fixed In accorttance with hi
Idea. He got all he atked. Jutt what
Judge Lawrence meant by "In due time"
I problematical, but the law In which hi
demand were embodied ha been In oper
ation even month and a good opportunity
U prevented to thow the remit accom
plUhcd, bearing In mind that the wool
schedule wa drawn by Judge Lawrence
htmtelt and that dometlle wool and Ohio
wool lnparticulr were given all the pro
tecllon which thl mott uncompromUIng
of the hl)(h tariff advocatf thought nece
Accordlntr to the llotton CommtrcM
Unlit! im Ohio fine fleece ha dropped In
price I cent a pound tlnce laat year, Ohio
XX ha fallen iX cent, from 33i to 31,
and Ohio X 1 cent from 31 to 31. Michigan
X has gone down to cent from 30.
The Bullrti points out that the Boston wool
market I no much larger than any other
In the country that It quotation are
fair Indication of .any alteration In den.and.
During the flrtt three month of 1S91 the
amount of Ohio and Michigan wool old
there wa 1 j'per cent, let thnn during (lie
ame period In the preceding yar.,
a regard the demand for Australian wool
the following table tell the story,
1891 1S90
Stock on hand Jan I ... . 871,7001,83,000
Total Import 10 April 1.9,436,334 a,by3,659
Total supply for three
. month 10,298,084 4,760,659
sal to April t 5,887,000 a,sx,ooo
Slock on hand April 1. 4,411,084 1,915,659
Stocks weie much larger and sale were
greater than a year ago, but Judge Law
rence' highly protected Ohio wool found
a contracted market and lower price. On
Jan. 1, 1S00, there were on the Boston
market 7469,000 pound of domestic wool
of all ktnd and during the three month
following 3,163,100 pound of Ohio and
Michigan wool (X and XX) were sold
No-?, on Jan. 1, 1891, the domestic stock
was largely Increased, to 8,697,500 pounds
and the total sale amounted to only 3,'
789,100 pounds, a very material decrease.
With larger stock and larger sale than
year ajjo, the bet Ohio wool finds a nar
rowing market while the Australian pro
duct which It wa intended to keep out by
loading on whatever tat the Buckeye
l.epherd demanded, sell more readlly.ln
larger quantities and at higher price than
in the day of the old tariff. After having
their every demand gi anted, Lawrence,
Ilarpster and clano find that in spite of
the wool schedule which they had made
to order, they ran aell lets wool at lower
prices than before.
We need not look far for the reason.
The Ohio wool grower prepare hi wool
for the market in a caret, slovenly
manner. This I the universal complaint
of manufacturer. The fleece 1 full of
dirt, tag And string and mutt necessarily
be rjected by makers of the finest goods,
those goods fur whltlPHJs the boasted
intention of Ohio producer to furr.ish the
material. The manufacturers take the
Australian wool, in spite of the monstrous
tariff, because they can use It to be'ter ad
vantage than domestic wool of the same
grade. Australian wool yields 85 per cent,
and Ohio 55 per cent, of what the manu
fsc'ureis term "fine sorts" which they are
obliged to use. The foreign wool mite
better with the coarser and Is put In far
better shape than that raised in Ohio. The
manufacturers cannot use the Ohio mi
terial and must buy from Australia, no
matter what the tariff tat. This Increase
the consumer of woolen good must pay
and the inevitable results are to raise the
I price and curtail the consumption. The
wool grower of Ohio by the selfish and
senseless course in piling up the tariff on
wool have struck a serious blow at con
sumer of manufactured good and oper
ative In the factor Ira and have not lined
their own pockets, as the figure from the
Commticinl Valletta amply suffices to show.
Cleveland I'lmndtaUr
Thl tin exaction, like Ihe whole of the
McKintey tariff, will r.ot be found on ex
amination to be a cunning dtvlce, under
the specious cry of home market" a id
such Inferential assertion of perferyid
patrtnism, to swindle the American con
sumer, and gather all the enormou ad
vantage of an unheard of tariff rate a ex
tra profit for ihe plutocrats. The "home
maket," which means the American con
sumer, I thirl out from chance lo buv ex
cept from the home maker.wMle the home
maker Is carefully relieved of the tariff
when he want to sell abroad
If, Mr 111 line says, protection dlgtifiet
nd ennoble labor, it iliould certainly be
seen in Pennsylvania, which get the lion's
share of protection. Yet nowhere is Mr
Ltlaines aisertion so completely refuted a in
that state. The coal and coke regions pre
sent a scene of Ihe most abject poverty and
distress. Thousands of peopl are on strike,
bloody itots are frequent, and hundreds of
starving women and children are being evicted
from their home. Men who have struck
gainst starvation wage are Intimidated by
i'inkerton hirelings, and fresh importation of
Huns. Italians and Slavs are filling their
places. Thi is protected lalior labor driven
j to desperation and hunger by protected bosses.
Best ' oclcof jr ;oo1 In the Va anl tlm newt mane iai prices, botii
to b , niHiiitf. 1 hay) on band
11 k!Hw.
Fu.uiiTim, srovES, tikware
fo -r wat nfS K Young'
Conrad Meyer.
Cower Broadaltin ana First 8ti.,
ttaaett 7raittv
tier Frail,
'atstueai Ileal,
W Kr.
.4 .
o rVet p
verytbing that la kopt tt A ,
and grocery oro. TIlgheM
raid for
htu SSI.aaJ VJ Ui a a 4 w
The treat Kaltroattrr.
Union, Or May 15. Yesterday l)r JB
Mthtna, president and manager of tha Single
RH and Saddle Car Rsilrosil Company, of
this city, arrived In the city after aa sbitnce
of several months la th east In the inteaests
of lb new system of railroad. Aateelingol
the bor J ot director wat liekl last niyht
andtorttp, at which the manager showed
tnat me system nod been c really lmituvtl
since leaving hre fur Washington, liere he
went to secure rstenlt on lb invention-
Four patento, coveting the entire system have
been secured, and at a meeting last night were
formally turned over to the company.
recea will ttalltl It.
ronUAND, Msy 15 Tii" Unlfed State
attorney goner) having decided against the
expenditure of th mosey of the nation
government for the conjunction of a tempo-
ry portage around tl.e Cascades, the atat
of Oregon has decided to build. At a meet
ing ol the board of portage commisaiotnyt p
pointhd by by the legislature at Salem, yes
terdsy, th conditions imposed by 1 10 cci(
tary of war were accepted, and the clerk was
Instructed to notify Major Hnnnliury, of the
United States tnl'unter corps immediately and
to telegraph the action of the board to Senator
Uolpu at Washington.
Ja.l Uke lrli t Ighlert.
DKNVtR, May 15 After the performance
wa over last nigh John L Sullivan, who Is
play injr in th city, went out to have a time
with th boy, lie ttound up in Murphy's
tchange where he met Pat Allen a CoJorudo
pngitiat. lie asked him if he thought he could
tit bt ard without waiting a reply spnxeeded
to "do ttp" Allen in the moat approved s le
The men were sepersted, but not before Allen
had been knocked down twice. Sullivan was
taken home by Mends.
Will tkrathl
San Fanciix May 15 An officer of
th Omaha make a ttattmrnt of tome Interest
in connection with the louibto movement of
the Itata. 1 la says that te Itata took on
sufficient coal at San Diego to carry her lo
Chili, and lliera is no reason, thereto;, why
she should out in any pert short of Chili.
A t'ablael Banter
WAtitlLCTON, May 16. A tumor which
bat trortthtn the ordinary credibility in such
matter, say that Senator Edmunds will be
md minister to England and thai Robert T
Lincoln, bow in that petition, will be made
secretary of war.
rhlllaa Atralrs.
New Yoke, May 14. The Herald tayt
engineer contractor, just arrived (com Chill,
say nearly all the cabled account of battle
in Chili, between government frircet ami in
solvents, are doctored by the EnclUh. The
insurgents have not gained a tincle battfc of
any consequence, he said, since the tebellion
begsa. rhe only lenl'ory controlled bylh
insurgents is that of Iquiqui, and
two other place. The people there tie in
sympathy with ihe insurgtnrs. The insutgcnU
have no foothold in Chili proper,
Many tteatilale
White Cloiu, Man May 14 Rains
have subdued the forest fires in this vicinity
Hundred of families are destitute within
iweuty fire milt of here, and many kundieds
will hsve nothing to eat lave what charitable
people give them. Some of them are badly
rrlaler Lack
McMiNNvtixE, May 14. Wirt Gardner, a
printer in the Telephone office, had bis band
crushed in a job press this afternoon. One or
Iwo fingers will bv to be amputated.
At laataweaae Wladfkll.
T atom A, May 14. Mr Lcpsttecki, re
ceived a letter this morning dating that be bad
fallen bcirto fto.ouo.ono. Hi brother-in-law,.
Jobs Duke, of Jrdotowlcz, cbamberUin
o Ihe e-nperr of Russia, chevalier of the
grasd crosa of St Andrew and of Sr George,
died April 7, in Kusaia, Iravfng a fortune of
140,000,000, of which $10,000,000 are lo be
delivered to Mr Lopatecki.
Tk talapeeda Nlara,
Brownsville, May 14. Monday lst
Messrs Robe, Bradley and Riggin departed
lor the Calapoola mine. They took up a
wagonloaJ of anppUet and will immediately
begin operations for Ihe erection of a mill oa
Ihe Poormaa claim for the lSrown.ville com
pany. Word jutt from the camp hat been re
ceteed here. The lunnel of the Empire
Cotnptny it being energetically puttied and
the ore I luproving. Snow hat entirely left
lb Lucky Boy mine, and opca'iont there
will begin (gain toon. The tunnel of the
Tacoma Company is in a diMaacc of 160 feet,
and is being rushed night and day. The ore
is laid to improve eveiy foot that ihe tunnel is
advanced, and the compny is jubilant, r'nra
all indications now, it looks t if there will be
looa met, in Ihtsc mines Ibis season, and a
lively camp is looked for.
. Maalaaa style.
Helena. Mont, Miy 13 Lst Thursday
at Demersville, in the Flathead county, a gam
bles known a Jurgen, alia Perry, alias several
other name, wsntonely killed a rancher
named Bum, when the bitter hsd bit bark
turned. It b conceded that the gambler bad
been hired to kid another man, and made a
mistake in bit victim. At a preliminary bear
ing be wa rckrascJ in the face of overwhelm
ing evidence. I-ast night he wa taken from
the officers, carried ibree mile into the coun
try and hanged by the enraged people, and
the justice who discharged him was given
twenty-four hour to leave town.
Kaadagrals vfarfc
Hepnek, Or, Maw 13. Ed Whittle, a
stockman of Malheur, say that a few days
ago Mr CUrk, postmaster at Diamond. Har
ney county, ami an old German lady on the
way to Huntington were held up by road
agents. Though th lady bad $Joo on her
person, the roht er secured only 13.50, all
that Clark bad. The set was committed in
- Bawl Waal ! k ttaidler
Peidleton, May 13. The effort to enlist
Umatilla Indian in Ihe United State army
was a failure. Lieutenant HarJman left the
agency yesterday with the troop-r to return
to Fort Sherman. The Indian y that a
Ibeir cllotmeat will oon be nvlu they do not
wish to mis their chanre to secure land by
becoming soldiers. ''We want to live on our
land among peaceable people, and be at peace,
Mid one thief.
Etfllar Arretted "
Pendleton, May 13. New came in this
evening that D J Anbury, editor of the Grant
County Newt, has been indicted for libel.
The entire newspaper fraternity ol Grant
county is row under undr arrest.
Am Experiment "
ROSEBCEG, May 13. Roscburg now has a
free postal delivery. The miil carrier made
his first round this morning. This is done
an experiment.
A canvass of many counties in Virginia ha
recently been mtde, and the Richmond States
IDem sajt: "The result shows, hi the Statet
hat atsrrted from the first, thai Cleveland is
the choice of an overwhelming msjotity,
Over 40 counties nearly half the state have
sent in 17a replies, and the summing up show
133 expressions of opinion in favor 0f tariff
reform, gsinst only 38 for free coinage, with
II nndccii'ed. That settle it, Mr Cleveland,
5 Virginia endorses you." " '
Th bigirr-sr; fresh Jwater fishes, the ar
spsims, of the Amsz)n in South' America,
which grow to ix feet io length, ht tr eth
and ita tongue, aa that the latter resemble
th file and i nsed as such. Some kind of
trout have the same peculiarity, Fisha,
that swallow their prey entire hava their
teeth to supported on flexible bum as to
bend backward, but not forward, in order
that thfir victim shall not eceapo after they
hay been eizd.
' Two yeart tgo," says the rittsbtirg djs
ps'ch (rep), "the trouble was lo find means
or getting the money Out of the treasury, end
now there is doubt whether the lart $54,000.
000 of the 4j per cents can l.e met nt ma
turity. That is a sufficient measure cf con
gretional extravagance, without heavy droits
oa the imagination of democratic organs , to
make matters appear worse.
FOR DYSPEPSIA and liver Complaint
ynu hsv a printe guarantee on every bottle
of hiloh Vitalixsr. it never fails to cure,
rothy & Mason, sgenta.
A Portland prper refer to a ' oting
man as ihe lunir-necked, lantern-jawed,
bnndy-slmnkrtl, blockhead who IkimsU ol
his p rpoxe to poe as a b-l ood and an
all round b-nd man.
Victor I'.acbe, of flm tntrt, put a loaded
gun In his mouth nmlblc bis bead off
about biill a mile from town, Walla
Walla Statesman. A king blow, Did
Mr lincbe cvei llntl his head, tlntt is tb.e
The Albany mine will be heard from
Ibis summer. A ten stump mill ol llrt
clai make will be put in and run stctdlly,
bilnglui; actual results. This part oi
Oregon In all probability will receive mote
prominence In tun near future from theie
mines than from any other source.
Editor lioshardl run a paper In Gotha,
Germany, and the paper ha run him Into
jail. When he was In a playful mood one
day, Brother Ito.hnrdt remarked in cold
tvpg that "he could do the little governing
Bulgaria required n!t;r buMncs bouts,"
That wa all, yet It resulted In Iloshtrdt
being incarcerated in jail for nine mouth.
it that is uermanv stylo pleat excuse
ut from running a paper there.
Tne report of the First National Bank
ot Salem show Ihe following: Loan
and dUcounts, $107,637,1, j apcclnl, on
band, tuA7.0. Tie total resource, are
$187,603.09. The capital stock paid In U
?oo,ooo; surplus tunrt, JF'j.nooi umllvliled
pnillta, SJ.a73.3n; Individual dfpolt,!f84,
6J7.JH; demand certificates, $4,15.30.
Hon J II Mitchell Inform an F.x.that
the rumor that be and hit family v.11
spend the summer in Europe Is Incorrect
On the contrary, be expects to return to
(trrgon early in I no summer end look
after the interests of the state and fortify
himself for the strong fight hp expVCia to
make in ncr bMiait next winter, Mrt
Milrhclt Is advised by her phyalclan to
take treatment at Aix ta Main, in savoy,
r rnnc, and It is not Improbable that she
and her daughter may jro there for a thort
More than any other acricultural in
dutrv hint Dow Linn county ncvila the
eitabiinhiHcnt niut development of aumll
fruit farm.
Xlit should be made an
There nro people who will have their
heads examined by itinerant phrcimio
giU, laying 1 therefor to see what I in
iiit iii, who cannot 1 induced to pay
their nnwsiiMtier, grocery and meat lull.
What they tied is to have their pocketi
esaiuined and then ordeicd pinned up
A family arrlycd here from Iowa last
week w ho had abipiietl a car load of
irKHli ami rrctil tho frtiiuht rharce
The car U now hU at ri-rtlutid for i(W
additional freight char??. The reason
i the car, when ahipped, was billed at
Su.OOO pound but when ikuo1 was
found to contain Xi.iXK) pound, and the
charge arc on the extia 13,uuU pound.
f.ugece uejjisier.
J M McCollutn, formerly of Jonelion
City, hut now editor of the (5rvai Star,
recently tmblixlivd an articlo reunrding
tho lynrhing ot Hunt by soldier at Walla
WalU, and stated that most oi the I H
sublier arc low bred and vK-ioun. Ho
ha receivwl word from the "vigilanre
comnnttee" of Vancouver, Wtuh., that
he must retract Iris stattiiient and apolo
gtre or they will uo him up."
Freiuently people como to Albany
with cheap John stock of good, tijH-n a
store, scatter a few Cxs pouters armiiid in
the inurl, shunning the newspaper clue
liko poison, and fn a week or two U gm
growling alout the city being dead, and
they didn't do so hackeat. In a month
or two after having sold to worth of
good a week, they shakt the dual of the
citv off their feet, with a face a mil long
ami leave rureing the town. This i alao
l the experience at Kakin, Eugene and
The commander of the Clurlest&n, Geo
C Remey. It a coualn of Mrs A F Cox, of
Saiem, w'hkh will add to the inlereat over
the great race of the Chsrlc.ton after the
Probably the largeat steer In Oregon 1
owned by Dan. Cronemlller, of Fort
Klamath The annlmal I nineteen band,
high and weigh aioo in hi bare feet.
Come to Klamath, the land of mighty
steer, colossal egvs arid n.jctic babies,
The suit against Marion and Polk
counties by Uol'man & liatte, the bridge
builders, has been thrown out of the
court in Polk county by Judge Boise sus
taining the demurrer of tin defending
attorneys. This was a surprise to the
plaintitr and their, attorneys, who
thought the content would bo between
the two' counties to s?e whicli would be
compelled to pay the balance of $11
Kent Thoma. the leading man of the
Caroline Gage-Keene troop, recently in
the city, and Mark Drum, the advance
agent, on the 11th instant, had a fracas
at Eureka, Calif., resulting In Dram be
ing stablied six time with a knlfo in the
back by Thomas. The latter, whose w ife
is a member of the company, was iealous
ot Drum, and it is said would nave Einea
him but the proprietor of the hotel came
to his rescue and saved him.
The following from tho Eugene Gnard
is a brazen falsehood: "The official
count of Albany aa just given out by the
census office, shows that city to contain
3,07'J inhabitants. Where are the other
3,000 people to make the 0,000 people
that Albany haa so confidently claimed?
They are missing from the census books."
The population of Albany, according to
the census is 4072, inside the actual city
limits, and over 6,000 in the precincts,
which is tho way Salem and many other
- .. . ... 14.
places are giving their population.
A high school girl at Monmouth, class
A, being told by her teacher to parse tho
sentence, "lie kissed, me," consented re
luctantly, because opposed to speaking
of private affairs in public, "lie," sho
commenced, with unnecessary emphasis
and a fond lingering over the word that
brought crimson to her; shrimp-pink
cheeks, "i a pronoun, third person, sin
gular number, masculine'gondtr: a gen
tletnan pretty well fixed, lives in Inde
pendence, universally considered a good
catch. Kissed is a verb, transitive too
much so regular every evening, indi
cative mooti indicating affection, first
and third persons, plural number, and
governed by circumstances. Me Oh,
everybody knows inc." and down she
went like McGinty West Side. .
A so- cars for tho whisky osbiti Dr
Liv,initton's Aotidatafor .'rnnl cur.oi will
cor soy ess of th liquor nsbit in from ten
to thirty days, from tha rr odtrate drinker to
th drnnkard. Th Antidot can be given
in t esp of coffee without th knowledge oi
th person tsking it. The Antidote will not
injur th bealtn in srty way. Mann facta red
l.y th Livingston Chemioal Co., Portland,
Oregon cr from J A Curamiug, ole tgeat
Albany. j .
Bsa'l a off Brfare Yon ar? rady.
Particularly en a' long jourt.ey. BeJ fully
prepsred. You r to sy,
otilessyo are "ecomprjied with th travel
er' od tou ist' fruit mecum, ,'loseettors'
titomanh'Bittei. most ijinial cf appatizer.
seclirnsttzra and promoter of -diKestioo,
Aajalnkt oasiuknes, malaria, eianip and
colics begotten ot badly c lolled or unwhol
some food and brackish water, tiorvontncsi,
iucreaied by travel, chronio biiiou. res and
conaiipttidii, tbr Bittsrs ita sovereign pre
t en ti ve. 1 1 impart a rolUh for food not al
together to yourtsstt, and prevsot It from
dissgreeing with yen. Never wa there such
capifal thins forth unfortunata dyspep
tic who stands in dread of th best cooked
mesl. Mom.chio troulln cr.std by ill
prepared visuds aboard ship, on steamboats
and rations hastily boiled at raiiwsy ros
tanranU, U'eoou remedied by tho Hitters,
which givr-e a qaiiitus alao to rhsutrfUimn,
I kicioev trouble and it somnia.
tub ir.!n Miriiti;.
-tame MeRsallwttat Feature In II.
Corcner Farrell and fttstlce Humphrey
returned on Thursday from Slicdd, whers
the Coroner held an Inquest over the lody
of Mrs. Cnrrlc Young. The Jury consisted
of J W Ellison, J W Burton, Jt R Davis,
Wm Miller, Ja May and Oco 11 Burnett.
Three wltnctset were called, F K Admni,
Geo W Davl and Dr Gaff. The testi
mony showed that Mrs Young was lit the
habit of getting up at 6. When 7 o'clock
cntne Mr, who was working for
her, lapped on her door. Mr louna'
little trtil told him to go down stab.
Thinking something was the matter Mr
Adams called ou. Geo W Davl and the
two effected an entrance Into her room.
Mrs Yonnir wa found lylniicn her left
side, with a 3J caiiucr revolver at her iclt
temple in her hand, and a bullet hole at
the point of the revolver Tha bullet
entered the cranium an inch and a half
back of the) orbit, going through the pari
etal bone, und lodging In the upper cde
olihe 1 i tie i ix 1 1 1 remain
ed Id the weapon, A letter addressed to
tirriiioiiier, Mrt Cooper, asked her to pay
her debt, ntve her a decent burial, and
asked, if she hid been cro to her, to for
give tier, n the hoped Uou to. Also to
Klvejrt ring on her finger to George E
Hack bury a kcepsnke. the jury found
that she fame to death by a pUtol shot
fired by her own hand. Two letter ad
dreaaed to Jack Andrews, East Pol Hand, an
S, V. railroad freight conductor, were also
found on her stand, with postage stamp.
A bottle of chloroform and a botileof ha r
oil, though labclcd polson, wete near by.
I he little girl wa stupefied and the indi
cation were that the mother had endeav.
ored to smother her v. lib chloroform, a
saturated handkerchief being found, her
husband recently having tried to get the
child. Had the letter to Mr Andrew
been opened. In alt probability they would
have reavejted the cause of her death and
per lisp added aenastlon to the affair.
Uuring the lllnes of Conductor Huston on
the Koaeburg local Mi Andrew had
taken hi pluce, and the Democrat I In
formed that Mr Young went to Koae'jurg
fur a day or two, going and returning on
hi train, having only returned a few day
before the tragedy. Just what thl signi
fies It of course speculation until the fact
In ihe care are learned, if they ever are.
Obaervallatt af " broatc SrimHrr,"
Rowland, May io, iSot.
Editor DfMMrat: Thinking perhaps
that a few note from thl part of the
commonwealth might be acceptable, I
will pen a line or twotoyou this morning.
Yesterday wat a gala day with Harrlt
burg grange, it being the day appointed
by that grange for n open or informal
meeting, the hour for meeting being u
o'clock. By that time quite a goodly
number of Patron, Inettirr with several
that cre not of "Iho household of the
faithful," had congregated, and the meet
ing was called to order oy the worthy
P M. E E Uamyer, who stated briefly the
object til the meeting. He alao stated
that the meeting would be addressed bv
some of "our ablest speaker," which
sounded more like sarcasm from the fact
that the first one called wa ltic"Crum
bier." But Ihe object of thlt wat obvious,
lot ihe nest speaker called was Hon K A
Irvine, of tour cily, who held the audience
In rapt attei.tlon for sonethins tike an
hour, with one ol hl characteristic grange
tpeeehea, the contrast between the two
being to marked that Bro Upmvcr's ar.
cami slop., out In bold relief.
tiro Ir.hte set forth in glowing termt
Ihe struggle and triumph ot the grange
for the !ai twenty, tour years, together
with the obstacles that the order had lo
surmount to reach the proud dlatlnctlon
that It claim today, t-1 being the foremist
order for Ibe cleva.loi and advancement
of the condltiott of the oiicvitur!
giving due credit to those other ordrrs
and aaaoclatloaa for the part they re tak
ing In trying to ameliorate the condition
ot the laboring fnd pfodurlng cIasmts. .
At tlm cto of Bio Irvine' remark
the suter ol ilrriburg grange an
nounced dinner. It I not neectry to
elaborate on this, a It was well it was
a grange dinner, and nearly everybody
know what that means.
After dl.incr and an hour of social con
verse, the house was called to ordet.and
Bro Wm Power was railed out and made
some veiy pointed remark setting forth
what the grange bad done In a bu.ines
At the conclualon of Bro Powers' re
mark Bro Thomas Frornan, of Grand
Prairie No to, wa called out and stated
In glowing term what the gra.ige had
done In an educational way f jr the far
met, Illustrating the point bv hi own case
saying that when he first joined the
grange V could not say "Worthy Master"
without trembling In hi boots, but now
Bro Frornan ha'dly know whereto stop
when he get started.
Sister Poweis, of Oak Plain, read an ar
ticle on the political situation that wa
terse and to the point.
Rev Potter, of Pleasant Hill Lane Co.,
was present and remarked that he believed
the dinner the sister had prepared wa
'musty," a after eating one grange din
ner he must have another.
After remark bv Bob MU!er,of Charity,
and various other the meeting adjourned,
all eemlrg to feci that the day had been
we'l spent.
Charity's Chronic Grlmiiler.
ellakle Bast Always lh aaswa.
P rand ret n's pill arc th oldeat, safe-1 and
best bl od puriliar and purgative 1 own.
They ara purely vegetable, therefore 'tarm-
!. They r alwaa th am and i iws
produce tha same fleet. Other purgative
rerinir increased dose and finally cea act
ing altogether. A eoar of on or two of
Brsndreth' pill taken etch night i a pesi
tivtcur for constipation, hesdach and all
biiiou dn orders. If you cant Ink them
plain get them sopr costed.
positive cure for Ctarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker-Mouth. Fosbay & Mason, agent.
SHILOfi'SCURE wlil immediately
lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis,
Fo-hay & Masohi agent.
SLEEPLESS N 10 UTS. mad miserable
by that terrible cough. rihiloU'tQore i the
Kemrd) for yt.o.
For Umo back, or aid cheat, as Sbtloh s
Porous Plaster. Price, 23 eet.
A NASA! TNJKCTOR fro with esch
botti i f Shiloh Catarrh Remedy, Price
60 cot. Fohy& Mat on, KatiU.
Cloak at eoat t W F Read'
At th oorner nf Brosdalliia and 1st
yoa will find C K Brownelt alway
I met
Tha Democrat will exchang a sewing
maclilu of any mak desired, eioept eneor
two, for some oak grub wood and part cash;
or will eoosider other propositions by any
one desiring a new machine,.
Rloaey to Loan,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real estate security, on two to five year
time. Call on u at our office, opposite
the Hevere house.
Just aribel a full line of lad ins chil
dren, men' aud boy'a foot wear at O W
Simpson's, which will ta sold at bottom
Brooehiti immediately relieved by Shiloh'
CATARRH CURED, health land we
breath secured, by Shiloh' Catarrh Remedy.
Price 60 cant. Nssl Injector free.- Fo
shsy & Mston, sgent.
F.HILOH'S COUGH nd Consomptjoa
Curt is n!d by nson a t,-arBte. It cures
comampiion. Foishay & Mason, tgen
rreaek Taasy tTafers.
wafers are a tare and snfe i "i .ib
lindsof female trouble'l'
all obstruction to the tr.or.ftl
no matter what the cause. Tn
it what every woman need yati
ued with taftlv. ' For sal I ' th
for a
are jt
can be
Livingstone Chemical Co., also frori. . v
sole agent, J A Camming, druggist, U.i ,
berg bnck, Albany, Oregon.
If. Ml C, A,
Following Is the program for the Y. M,
0. A. convention of tho Pacific North
west, in Albany this week : j
ritinAV, may 22.
Opening session, 12:30. Welcome re
cetitioii, Devotional eercio, tbem,
"Tho Year Before Vs." Organization.
Iteports from association and unorgan
ized towns. "How to put the tn at Re
sults from our Gospel Work," D 8 Btttnr
baugh.Ucncrnl Hecretary,Asloria. "The
Physical Department of our Work " H A
Townsend, Physical Dlrector.Portliind.
Evening Bnssion. held at Opera House,
7:30. 1'iaiso service, H W Voting, (ien
eral Secretary. A llmny. Adtlrestes,"The
Young Men of Western Oregon " "Their
Relation to the Future of tho Hlate," Mr
J A Dnmmett, Traveling Secretary.
"Tholr Hetntlon to tlm Futurn nf th
Church," Rev T K Clnnp, Portland.
"W hat the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation Propones to do for Them," Noel
II Jacks, General Secretary, Portland.
BATlKOAV, MA V 23. ,
Morning session, 0 :0t Devotional ex
ercises, J M Batcheller, East Portland.
"Business Management of the Associa
tion, C h Klratton.McM'.nnvllle. "Bible
Class Work," A D Soper, General Score
tnry, East Portland. Innovations,
"Young Men's Era." A D Soper. "Sec
retarial Institute ' N II Jacks. "Cor
responding Members," J A Dummett.
Afternoon session, 2:00. P.i bio read
ing, J A Dummett. 'Woman's Part in
Young Men's Christian Association
Vvork,"Mrs J ADummett. "Ideal Com.
mitttmWork," Mr Wallace MeCamant,
Portland. "Extension V'ork,"N H lacks,
Portland. Ouestion Drawer, conducted
by the Traveling Secretary ,J A Dummett.
Evening session, held in opera house.
7 :."MJ. Praise service, conducted br N II
lacks. Address. Prof It Allen Shore v.
uymiiastie exhibition, conducted by II
A Tiittliinml I. ... 1 ....!.... .1
. '.-" ... I ' J r. 1 .... I Mil VV IVJ 11 , . r t ,,M.
asited ny members ot the Portland Y
M U A gytnnaslum.
sunimv, mat 24. '
9 a in, Fellowship meeting. .1 n m
Meeting for nan only Meeting for wo
men. 7 .30, Mass meeting, held in oi,ra
house, Addresses and Farewell exercises.
The secotiil game ot base ball lietwecn
Ixbanon and Albany was played last
Saturday, with the following men in
Gnloway, e Hennie,
Cunningham u Lfttiniore,
Wright, ih Marshall,
Niekerson, 2b Huston,
Ia Is, 3 b Young,
Beard, s Wilson,
Manfore, If Reltaske,
Klepper, cf Welch,
Shaw, rf Leimert.
The game was called at 2:23 with Leb
anon at the bat. Beard fared Iriinore
and knocked out on first. M on fore came
next and went to first on Ronnie's rml
ball. Cunningham knocked out.Wrlght
knocked to Larimore. Out to first.
Marshall appeared for AUntny. Took
his tint on illegal delivery. Marshall to
second, steals third. Keilxo takes I -ate
on four ball. ibton first on illegal de
livery. Marshall steal home. Young
out. lU-iUe scores. Wilson scores on
Welch's safe hit. Welch runs out on
second. Iwirioio-e goe first on illegal de
livery. Htcals n'cond, thence to third.
Scores on a steal. Itennio goe first on
short hit. Steals second. Also third.
Iiriirt take first on dead baiL I Id "ton
failed to hit Cunning, Galowny holding
tne nail, it Kiepiicr laii tohillJirimore.
Ixtwis out on II v to Larimore. Shasr
after allnging hi bat at l-nriinorc strikes
Marshall again faces the ex-San Fran
cisco league pitcher, now f the Corval'.is
nine, knocks to Srd.out at first. Keitcke
fouls out toGaloway. Wilnyn Hies out
to Lewi.
Nickerson out at fit on Kcnnie's
throw, alter three strikes, (iatoway
knocks a pretty one to renter. Beard
ditto, Welch muffed it. Manfore struck
out, Cunningham hnocka fly to Heitxke
wito captures it.
Young knock to third, out at first
Welch ditto. larimore goes first on
Galoway's passed hall. Steals second ;
pors third on balk. Ronnie knocks to
Heard who fumbles it; larimore goes
home. Itennio steal third, I-ei inert
maket a two bagger. Hrnnio scores
Huston and Mamhall go to first. lei
mert score. tM not on scores on RciUke'f
uaisy. Marsnaii scores, iceitzse out at
home. Score at end of 3rd inning, Al
bany, 0; Lebanon. 0.
The above will show how the thing
was done. Af pre time tho score was
as ioiiows
.4 TO I t 8
.0 o o o a e
Lanss-!'. U. MsraUU.
May 13, 1891.
Wm Titus and Win Iladden have open'
ed a butcher shop at this place in con
nection with their vegon.
Wm Hammer moved upon Mr Mc-
Lain'B place the first of the week, and
expect to remain mere ait auniruer,
Mr llenson ia build in it m rhotouranh
gallery in connection with the hotel and
expects to have it ready in a week or so
when ttie people ot this vicinity will le
furnished first-class, work at a reasonable
Jini Berry has gone to Green Basin to
take charge of the log hauling depart
ment of the company,
Hon O II Irvine, of Albany, passed
through this place on Tuesday, on bis
Madams, on legal business.
Geo McLain has returned from Coe
ami reports everything all OK, but the
people are getting rather anxious for the
surveyors to commence work. Cob,,
JasTNave toJas F Itucker. 40
acres,insec3i,tpll,BKlK 200
W II Wrenn et al W A Wrenn.101
acres in tpll,8Rw 100
I W Bilyea to W J HIgby, 197.01)
acres, tp H,8 K 4 w 6500
State of Oregon to FA Rosenkraus,
240 acres in sec 8fi,t.p 10.K R 4 E 300
John G Eaton et ux to A M Whit
ney, lots 5, 0, bl 3, E's A.Leb.. 133
Peter Schlosser et ux to M Scott.N
w or bl 2. E's A, Albany - 450
J II Waters et al to It M Bradley,
lots 3. 4.9.10.W e..H's A.Nortli
Brownsvrlle 200
E C Phelos to Louisa V Phelps,
tract in Il'g 3rd. A.Albany 10
J S Morgan et ux to Mrs F A Mil
ler, parcel in bl 111, IPs A to
Lebanon 800
Total .sale.
Nuvellle la Jacket.
I have received a small assortment of
novelties in ladies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of Bliiaers and Reef
ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carry a full line of these goods,
as well as all the leading styles in Ladies
Capes, beaded, crochet tand in cloth.
Orders taken for special eixes rnd styles.
Sam'. E Youno.
Teacher' Examlnntton.
Notice Is hereby given that the regular
public examination of teachers, for Linn
county, will take place in Albany, com
mencing on Wednesday, May 27th, at 1
o'clock p m, and continue until Friday
noon, May 39th, Al! teacher mutt pou
tively be present at the timeof commence
ment a no one will be admitted to the
examination who 1 not no present. '
a G F Russell,
Co. School Supt.
New- Spring Goods. I am now re
ceiving my first invoice of spring novel,
tie in wash goods, prints, Blngnams, eer
suckers, etc, 1 have also just received a
new line cf all wool summer plaids and
beiges, . Samubl E Youno.
WHY WILL YOU oosgh when Shiloh'
Cure will give Immediate relief. Price 10
cents, 50 cents sad f l. Foshay Jt Mason,
Fullowine r tbanewotriams of the board
of Hr iil'vtp L M Curt, l'ri.i(rnlj M
II rhillips.WonreUryj lvid I Jnk, Tressnrer.
Thepnpl In the prinoipat cities of Chill
ara mi tha verge of oonseriienot
of the rvte of war. Flour is $50 pur bar
rel and br( $2 per pound.
A biu 4th of July celebration will heboid
at Gatcaville. Allmoy should not bn out
done by that foolliill city. Lot na fatten
tha eagle to that ho will screech at the proper
time .
At the Onnreia lined entertalnmunt lost
evening at tha Opera Unas there wer
Dumertine ttrc,tiun for the rnuamen ' f
tha U(iirriu3. A vot was tkeu mi th
most popular woman in Alhaay.
J II Campboll, t.f AlliKti), hsstlra eon-
tract for building a fin ttisidenc in thi
city, tor Mr Waidren, and wotk will I hi bo
Ltin ih last of thi week or the lirstof uen.
Corvtdli Time,
Si.vti yr.tma men a Silvertiu with saw
and i s:twl sil split a htttn onniility ol
wood for aidow in iioor Giruuiritficc, a
grwi.l wy totrtat widiwe, and Albany Iwiys
wiU tak iioliosaitil biilow suit tirr tbsa
throw t'.i,oa at their hoiuo. tulit i t fright
en them u a fe.. h i ljn k:nn'ii to dn
WlfKAf. Yesterdity Mr S E Youns; sold
l6cw bushelant wheat stored at thl city
for ti7 cents, t be highest p ice of the sea
son, and high considering the San Fran
cisco market. Very Utile now remain In
Albany. Good price tave been offered
n order lo clean out the warehouse.
A Small Clazk. About to o'clock
last evening a fire wa discovered in the
wood shed In the rear of the old Young
store, now occupied by the Juvenile band,
nd Die department was' called out. It
burned some under the H.ior.and was ex
tlnguWhcd without much trouble. Ap
pearances Indicated that It was an accident
some way, lust how Is not known. None
of the btind boy had been in It during the
evening. The door to the shed on the
alley wa, ea.ily entered, offering a good
place for tramp to lcep.
r TuensoAY.
B& L Atoniiiht
Th Csbitnl fhurins mill at Salem, idle
to long, ar to b started up.
Dr W H Davis was called to Harris
burg yesterday on medical business.
A J Achlson ha opened a fruit and ei?r
stand c-protit th Ifnss Houi.
Light Uir bsv deserted from Wall
Walla gsrriaott.prcbabtmurdtrer of Hunt.
Th GaorKia Reed enmenian have bein
offering our citizen a week of fun, with good
house every nigbt:
A gun elub is being orgseixed in Albany,
nd a team of Albsnv'a beat shot will 1m t
tha Stale tourosment at Salem on Msy 22od
and 23rd.
Tha Raenrdor' o'Sc l baiog (renerlly
imotoved with paper and psint. Reoorder
I Inetoa, who baa sarved tk city faithfully
for long, is eitti led to nt qaarter.
All members of th Womtu's Belief Corp
are requested to b prvtrnt at tha regular
meeting on Saturday the . lilh, at 2 30 p ra,
to (smut in the arraignment a for Msmnrial
day and veoing.
A Hck!ma bat lot tha outrsct for the
erection of a raaideuc in th grove nesr hi
place. It would be a great thine for Albany
If thi srrove wer msd a psrk and tret
ear ran to It. VVfcy not
Mi Towwend, running a slrro in the
Strahan boiblina, opp'wi'e the Jilumhf-i
Block, is retiring Xtuva busine. ,d tort or-
row Aocttonetr Dickey willtfftr fur vale
her good.
The Portland physician iv leior.-
sbrs ted that Koeh'a lympn ia no longer an
experiment when aned onder fsvotat.l e. i.
di'iona. Two iMririannt cere hv
effected wilh th lymph treatm-t in ih Kt
irtcetil tiftspiUl. and that l loorarhim lb,
! art land phtsiciantever aotieiptted or bad
resvuia to expect.
Ther wtra to lire alarms last evening
in quick aocow sie. th first tot a smail
l.)s,9 in Harlan lialtvrt' lutra at C'.h and
Jack sou street, easily extingasshad with
bucket ef wsut. and the M oud for fir ia
tha wufcl shed in tb rear of tl a Journal
efSoa, nsl to th hd in which a fir
started Wedutsdsy fclbt. B.t't evidently
th work cf firs bug.
A Wheeler, prouritor of the S; tlnc.!il.l
saw milt, i c4idicg out from two to four
car load of lam! r to hi Albany od Salem
lumber yard d!'t lide thi he ha hi
hsr.ds fall ia lonkine after hi locitmK eampa
in tha tiver. Mr Wbealer haa put in a
fifty-hort i over boil.r and cngio -Spriog-field
Steambb Arrival. Tire steamer Wil
lamette Valley arrived at Yaquina this
morning at 0:30 and the freight was
Iran ferred to the freight and will be
brought in tonight.
A Tttixr Arrested. -A roan passing
along by P Cohen's stt re thl afternoon
picked up a pair of overall on display and
carried them, off but John Hoffman with
the high of a beagle" uw him and carried
him off to the ell y jail.
Back Fbox Eckope. Capt Chadwick
and Albert Ray, of the Bar, were in the
city today on their way to Portland. Mr
Ray recently returned' from a trip to the
East and Europe, while gone sidling 125
Yaquina lots to people even in France
and Germany. lie found that nearly
everywhere people knew about Yaquina
Bay who never had heard of tSalctu, Eu
gene and Albany, owing to its being the
terminus ot the Oregon Pacific. This
road, and the men who have it so far,
have flone more to advertise thi part of
uregon than any other single thtng, 1
fact not appreciated by many.
a throat.
Tb Lino count v pioneer's anaociatmn wil'
rnet at Brownsville beginning Juj 31 and
jqbl'aU) for throe day.
Mrs Schmidt' io cream. First Strae'.
opposite Ladie Bazaar, mad of the purest
and best material. Da not fat to com aid
try it. lOeeot a dish. Children, Scent.
E J O'Connor, of thi oily, hs been mak
ing a complete survey for the Lebanon
water ditob, anl expected to b able to
jmake hi rcpurt this week, (bowing sbm
ted cost of the ditah.
Th progtsni for decoration day ha been
prepared by J I Miller, Kobi Brown ar.d L ti
KlouUuye, tb ectnmitte of the GAR. The
Democrat wt.J publish it dnriog tha week
before deooratloa day, which e-iinea on
Sstorday, May 30..
The Cvniuiercia! Bank ha
brooght unit iu the circuit e?ut t asaintt tb
West Siinro publishing company on prom
iaory not for 110,553, to t cur which a
mortgage wsa given upon the entire plsnt,
lui-soription list sni book aooounts of tho
Wst Shore.
Ba bt'l playing ! cot all poetry. Lait
evening Mr El Blodgett, while practicing
on the Broadalbin street gronnd, was hit
with a liner and a finger nail wa driven up
through the flash, so that it protruded. Mr
Bladuett will eesaa playing for ometim.
II is No 3 oot cf th Albany elub with a
banaed op band.
Tb Ijwties' Aid Society ot tha Christian
church of Independence will eivean excur
sion to (Smith's Grove,hout two mile above
Coryalh, oa Saturday, May 23rd. the steam
er Hoag having been ohartered for the ocoa
ion. The Monmouth band will b on board.
On the return trip stop of one hour will be
made at Corvalli and Albany.
Ella Ilicglnson, former y of tha West
Shore, ha assumed the associate editorehita
of The Paoitio Magaxine, published at Seattle,
of which Le Fairehild 1 the editor. This
oomDinauon assures tne northwest a maga
zine or great worth, as mesa two writer are
able of thamselve to mske a first-claa Dub-
licatlon. Th pries of The Pacifio Magazine
i only $2.00 per year. Subsorib for it.
Hulla & Dawson, druggist.
Buy your grooerhw of Parker Bro
Fiaejgrooeries at Conn & llendricson'a. '
Best agsortmcbt of teas in town t C E
Set d cat for al by W W Crawford, at
Talltnan. ;
Knton' "Ssa Lion Hiivcr Polish, 25
cents per box.
A tine line if crockery ware at Conn &
Qendriosou'. J
- Good venti'tted and -sua lighted bath
roo.n at VUrtsk', ".
Shaving, 15 cent, at Viereck'a ahop
Cloee.1 on Suoda,
Ladies for jcur Oxford tie go where they
keep a complete lioo at Kleiu's.
A larg assortment of garden sesd on
sale ss CE Bro wcoll'a.
Barga'iBS ia choice frocwic can always
be secured of AUen Bros,, Fiian Block.
E W Aohiaon &Co ar telling monnmtnts
at Portland price.
Kenton's Adhesive Salve for cot and
t-rulse. 25 cent pr.r roll,
Oolden f; pnrtiinitic nre wasted every
day by not trading with C E Browne!'.
Mnhtatle lying dene en (.oitnoti w4th
the rrimvtiiil tier man inctaotaiierna dye, it
V lii'(!k',
Al Vierenk's hvira and bairunttlrisr par
., ladie and children' bir euUinsr a
See W K f!d' im ill dr gf tin tl&
silk before liui:x f-le'hrt.
Jut reoeiv!,t jt flu invni of b
flppilH direct iVm Pblladnlpbia, by L
Vioicek .
Vbt brtiri in nmuirient", headif nra
to.,goti E V .;liioiu&t;o,Aibriy,Cr gca
A ne lini. of ttiiifb.w )iw!h" from M
cunts to 81 GO; w,e h complete, at Stmui F
Freah hiead, cskit, pie, Ho , every d.y
at the Itlnionii:o rfctUuratit. Liuveti-ur
Kiep it iu n.iiol t hat Alien Bros pro
pose keeping the kind of jffocrio th poblio
maud. Thair stock s a into one
15 & L A. At tho monthly meeting of
the Building and Loan Association last
evening fHiHl was bwned to Mr Cap,
Phillips at 00 itionths interest in advance.
The application of WA Monleith to
withdraw IH siian-s from the firet series,
on account cf contemplated removal to
Portland, was granted, w hich Account
for thn size of tho Joan Ix iisg smllcr
than usual.
Tub Meahkkt Max. At t!;e (leotgia
Heed entertainment last evening; Mr A B
Seal trjk the prize for being the meanest
man in .Albany present. Several mean
men were not present. Tonight tho en
tertainment closes. Dr Clark has dis-
Kittnd of considerable Paradox medicine
tsidcH givim a show full d fun. Mes
iiieriin and a new program generally
A Boys Game. Yesterday on the 3rd
w ard groundn a game of ball was played
in,-iwet.n in, roiiowing iioys euiot; jsnrK
hart nine Walter Farrt'l, c; Owar
.eyss, ; Henry Zaches, ss; Fred Mc
Donald. Mb; John Talt,' 2nd b; Ed
hears, 3rd b; Sam 1 f ; Chas
raimer, r i; John Chiswell, c L 3rd
ward nine lioeky Willis, c; Fred
Wtatherford, p; Jos Flernburg, s s; Al
bert Senders, Istb: Harry Cusick, 2nd
b; Wa!e Davis, 3rd b; Robt Ashby, 1 f ;
Frank Lay ton, c f; Ed Zeyss. r f. The
score, after a hotly contested game, was
13 to 0 in favor of the 3rd warders-
As Kxi-Losiosi. Last night at 8:45
o'clock an explosion Mas heard in this
city by nearly everybody, so loud as to
make the windows rattle. People rushed
their windows thinking perhaps some
gunpowder plot had l-:n carried out,
perhaps lictwet-u bridge disputant.
This forenoon the affair was the general
topic of conversation. Ttie query was,
what bad le m blown up. Kome aid it
was a meteor exploding, a it struck
terra Crma after a long flight; others,
that a couple prominent citizens had
coino together on the bridge question.
It had been heard in Tangent and for
four or five miles around the city. It
was finally learned to have been the
blasting of an immense fir stump, by R
L Burkhart, junt east of the city, several
sticks of dynamite having been used.
The earth was in a favorable condition
for the vibration, hence the rattling
Jadgo of tho hot so hT given it a
thoir cpinion, that Tiltsa, Blumberjc's
black Percheron at a! lion, utania at 'tha
Im-d in hi ciasc. He U in the hands of
MrC KBirrots.aa!t and oiper
lenetd horseman, who will givo his
patron every pjoiblo a-. entij.T. Titus
vriii mtkii th Bjaaonof 18U, Moednys
and Tnoadtys a'. JcfTt-rsin; Nvednetdaja
nJ Thursdays at Set; F.ltajs and
Saturdays at Albany.
Mr Blum berg 'a!a owner of tb
Klanda'd bred irotUng bire. Alwoid
Brttxi, (No 2SJ), who can be aon tt the
aUblaof Tiltes Broa. Ihe pet of this
horse are large and fine f .rmoJ, and only
need prop r deve!cpnet,t to show speed.
1 Coast!, Co'dt. Intt'tcni. Bmnchltt.
Hoarteneta, K hoc-pirn Couoh. Croup.
Ear lhrot. Asthm. and every ar.cnoa ot the
Thw.'l. Lti";nJ VC- ,ir, iK;nCoesu!nptloB.
I II I Loeal aaal Travella. A good
li 1 chancel lxm't mb,a iif Y-.u uectl nocitv-
till ital to represent a reliable Grin that far-
ji ti mil nnnery Mock Hnt-eiaas and true to
-name. WORK ALL THE YKAR, and
jrivnl pa? areekty to afcertretle men. Apply quirk,
atatiu a,ra. Xa. Xa. IVI 3S CJO
Nnrarryuieu, i'luiim and eetlmeu, al faul,
HlaB, (litis buuae is reapunaiue.l
Attorney at Lvr. Wilt nriHlca In ail eouits ot th
sta-o, waleei Mtun blocK, Altunr, Orrg-on.
Attony at Law vnd Solicitor In Clwncsry.
Uoua mcje 00 all no nta. Ivtns neiMliatni
Ci' lee
on lav-
ontlila tiirius. Albauy, Oixjun.
Attorney at La. R,tlcitar In Ch.nrwrv. Tnv,l,kr In
AUiuiraiity and Notary Public. Will Wactioa in all
court o this ' ate and in the United htnun couris
tor OrejriMi . . III re I -Front rooms over ItaukT ol
Otegnn, A bauy, t'a.
AUorngy at Ls. O Meet tn tha Si.rA.hsu block
upstair. Alb tny, Oraat,.
R. N, ItLACKItl RX, "
Attornayat Lw. Will praitioa In a't tho courts ot
Oreiron, exnept tho county court ot Linn county.
Ail busiiieH will receive prompt attention. Vllteet
Odd Follow' XemplB, Albany, Or. ,
a .
at Liw. a:U Njtsry Pu'ilio. Al!ny
J. t. HILL,
Phyclcian and S ireon. OFFICB Corner "1'lrst 'and
Ferry streets, Albany, Oroson. "
Physician t S trom. OFf ..;i
Daaotiatf ost'oo, Albany, O.-ejin. ' '
1-V .! 1-.
ruyaiuwn and Burireori. Of t'.VU - 1,'pstiirj in the
Strahan b'ocki May t fouad at hia olfioa Unv or
night. A'biuy, Orcifon. i ,
Physician and Piirjwn. O.-aa-uw st Bj'Iovu Mod
leal Ool eg. New York- City. li-.-.-n.s of a
C. Tr-ZJ
5 r
W-?15 "
For Dyspepsia.
A. Bcllanger, Vropr. , Stove Foun
dry, MoMagny, Quebec, writes: "I
have used August Flower for Dys
pepsia. It gave me great relief. I
recommend it to all l)yspeptics as a
very c:ood remedy."
Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer,
Iyauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes : "I
have tsscd August Flower with the
best possible results for Dyspepsia."
C. A." Harrington, Engineer and
General Sciith, Sydney, Australia,
writes: ' 'August Flower has effected
a complete cure in ray case. It act
ed like a miracle,"
Geo. Gates, Corinth , Miss, .writes:
" I con iider your August Flower the
beat vetnedy in the world for Dys
pepsia. I was almost dead with
that di case, but used several bottles
of Arru.;t Flower, and now con
cider ijjyscl f a well man. I siucercly
recomn end this medicine to suffer
ing liui.ianity the world over." (t
C. G. CRECS, Sofa Manufcctarcr,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
a- -5
5 y trtiu vi u w
f , A paaiphl of tnlormatlflfl od -.d
V. atra itot rr iaw,?jwiii; Hoar t,
Ot.alo rosenta, .aveai, jraow,-.
: AaVMM SflUK) S WW.
, 3 til Brcnuway.
r era. .
.a-.Ei..a:.a a a :a- tsrm:
1 Tb FinfT1 Soil! Arret Enr tfenuft ctureil.
ril UsrleiV
OlifTllMl I
1: tiUKAii ir.
si :xc:itt:;cf
. V.'OitiiW'h-HlJ' r-.l
w CMtti'5 ia
ftcwsrc f I'mi? Irea in-itatfee.
pj t'M fa JtsiUat'tf Cala'oew: tM ftiu V
1 .1 t fctf r.:5
5". iA
f " -Cii '
4 ff Sacrrto Pea. ctCcwst T!err!?, sa
6 staa hi. t' J -.. I 5;attn Hat,
eeat post-jaid ja nxeii t i 1 J t--' 'th-
4. diwjfned, adininiauatrix c otate of Mar
tin Werue, .ti-r-i-.jl, h fikd her II -si accrnt in
shi atic ol toe emuiy clrk lor Linn ommty,Ors:'.o,
and the Jn-isre ol ihe oourrly eourt ot tusii counly. haa
tiled the tKfc iU; d ttar, tsI, at the hour 4 1 e'e':k
a in. lor ihe imui t tH oblwtiofia, if any. to sa-d ac
ot:tit and lunhrr arvttctitrnt 'l e&id estate.
Tfiia th. trii day A April, 11.
SAltAH U ll'PER.
. K. Wstmtsro!.or
Atty t-jt Ad'tunistratrix.
Adro aiatrairix.
N otice 13 n::nrB? civex tj all whom
it m.y concern, that the un leraiied adminta
trAUii iif the eeiaM ckl xb rio'er, doceaved, has
Sled her final aerount ia aaid ftitate, ia the equity
court trf Linn county, Orexne, ar d that the ju ice ul
aaid eourl baa filed the 8th diy oi June, at the
boar al 10 a'dock, a m ol aaid day, for the btari i;
of ail objrvtiona to and Sual account, aud tb aettle
tuent of the aaine.
IV I: Biuret-, Administratrix-.
Attorney. -)
City Meat Slavlicl.
EHULT3 BS03 Fropiistois.
Knp a full line of meats of all kind
!a a cool piece, compltiely pro- -tected:
and always frenl.
"rjHELPS, Job Printer,
jCl st. St. zl Albany
All kinds cf poultry, alive or dressed
at tha Willamette P icking Company's
ctote. Aibauy. .reget.. "
Eevsre House:
Fined un in first-class stylo. 1atda
tuppliod with tha bot ia the mar Let.
&ic slcplnEapar;menia, Hixeplg roouy
er commercial travelers.
vw eaocstss slovb seTKRtoa roa rAvn.ta
AJfD BAKSR8 5?1.
City Eestaiiran
Htvtaa boon entire!? remodeled, this old
and popular restaurant I wiii be made first-
class n every rospeot. The public will be
given good meal at all hoars for only 23
ofints. Every thinir neat and attractive.
Priyat boxei. Oysters io every style.
-or -
Onr Ladj of Perpetual .Help,
Condnoted by the SIstu f St. Benedict
5to tuT 10 9,6Ct djT ch0yl rnS?a from
nTCa orBor31nKSch;ol or any
prtict lar appiy t the Acalem or id.
adesa Sister Superiores
"-Mauufactur-m t'
m mm woek, in
Tny f.5"n !? .. -5
t;io'!inl attention ihUX o
da ot machinery
n aicrl
jV-jai-s-'T-ifa 'JC'JS a. 1