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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1891)
EAST ANP-SOUTH, Gout ern Paciflo Routo siiasta LINE. , Etprsa 7iir. aTI L ! n r a L 10:16 Ar i Train, lea. re Portland Dally TNorth Hlsirtland"" aMh.n- ArTS X em 4 &-ui Franolaco la I ;o r " " Aln. train. t..p only al tollowln: alatinn north o HenurY fcan i nnueitu, i"-ro i u, mim. H.!om, Albany, Tainrtnit, Hhodd, llalaey. Har tattur;, Junction City, Irvine, Kutfcini. OUIL'U kUlla, ILT. fn ri i. fy tu r ( la Portland Albany H.wobtirf Ar 4 out L I H: Ll H:0u alsikt aocAiat stutT axcarr Sihmi) ?o a or la A.' Portland Alhaay ArT ;00 . I I. t:M aaaaaoa aacn. r r T a ss L Ar L Ar Albany la haitOai Albany Lebano) Ar I. Ar L 6 a a :Mll .tt a i 4u r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist SleGDinff Oars. rr Atewsaswaalaii'. at .4-riu I"." era, altae.! m.prwm i rata a. aniN?niiami BET EM rWatTtAS. AS CBTUlaV 'sUta fai taut (fajayHaaaajJ So a a 110 r a Portland Orvallla Ar :so r a 13. Mr Ar airaaa. taint u.T (Espt Sunday. 40 r a 1 ra It Ar P. art land MuMlnaUI Ar I : A l.T . A rriirowp:U TicUotM To all polnte EAST. A?1D SOUTH. roituu InfonoaUoj reeardlnt rates, aaar, oaOowtpany rMl al A1"T . i- ...kui.kii K P. ROGERS aJaaafar Aaat O. T. aad P. Ac YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oregon. Pacific Railioai), 0 ' Oregon DeYelopmen. IVs Steamers, Short Lin te Calltvrala.. Flrst-claM through paaaenfrer and rolshHinofrotu Portland and ail polnu tie Willamette, Valley to and from Han rrandaco, Cal. Boats make eloa connection at Alban !ts tralna of the Oregon l'aciflo Kallroad TIME SCHEDULE- exeat SamUra.) Imt. Albany 14: . a, j LJa Yaqoina, 7:00 Leaae Cortatli 14 r. a Arrif Y equina, l:!W r. B. Lear Corrallia.10 S4,a eVrnra Aiaany, u:i a. O. ft C. tralaa connect a Albany and CorTallla. The above tralna con hoc t at Yaoulna with the Oregon Development Vi:Epny'i Line of Sleaoishlpa between Yaquioa and San Franclaco, MAILING DATES . roa Tri. WillanKtM Valley, May 7th; ltth ; th ; SUt. raoa aa raaaciac W ll-anxtt Taller. May ard ; lh : tOtk ; th. The Cora pan ranuiTee the ngnt to hanfceMiliug date 'lhout notice. S. B. Paasenirera from Portland and Willamette Valley polnta can make close aonnection with the tralna oftbeYaquina roate at Albany or CorTallla. and if dea nvl to Sao Franciaoo ahould arrange to rrSve at Yiaalna the evening before date feaiiiny f rrauaraxf r aa rrabl rale, alwar Ihe Law ral Fir Inl irmiti n appljr to A R Chapman, Frvltrbt and Tickot ADt, Albany, C. f. H.IL. O. r. aa-al r. Aru . Or ALBAVI.OaEOO., F-eajflant...,, Vara Praaiilanl .. Cashier ., laRlS 8. E,Y'I X1 ,.E, W. LASttlaON ISA(TS A OENEfULbankirtaaliMaa. At"'iK;T! KEPT rabjeil la alieck. BIOHT KXCUANUK aad irl raphi iraaatcr, U K Vork, 8aa fraiteiaoa, Oiicajra a ad r" itUad raroa. CO AXTTlOSt HADE am btarahl Una, laacroaa E. Ton E, W, Lammb t K Buia, I,, fuaa Kaaaaa I . Hox. LI3IXCO. NATIONAL BAXK, OF ALBAKT. OBKOOl. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. Prea4dnt... J L COWAIf, 1 bw-Praaidmtt 1 M BAIjTuV. t-ahter ...aao K C'MAMUEKLAIN, AaMCahir O A AKCU1UOLD. T aacroaa, - L Covan. i M Ralaion, Oeo E Chamberlain, W S La.1.1, W U Uola, J A Craw tvri and O A Archlaold. TRANSArm a ranaral nanklnr buftnaa. DhAWsioUl liKAPTSoa Maw Tork. Saa LOAN MOifETua appicrad aaenrit BiU.i.lVKdepaalta aubtvei cbaca. B A3IK OF OREGON. ALOABT, OREGON. rapllal. Praaiilent , Vlea-Praident Cahlr t H r MERRILL E t LAN.N'INIl i1 W BLA1H TranaacU a rnnl bnkln? btninm: KxchaiHr boiiKht and a.,Id on all tha principal eitiea in the LniMd MUteal alaooa Enirlaod. Irelaod. r ranee and Ciramr. CallaUona mad at all accewible poinU on laror- Inla at allowed aa lima deposita. B ASK OF CIO, acio, OBicoo.t. ofncatu: Prerf'lent Vice- Prcmlent i 8 M :aa Jar Mraaa O S Mat John Cainaa P O Bmith. Caahltr J S M-WTia, II Brjant aMUcTCU: EOolnj, aI!.,.", .binkln' n,l eohnsr biuinea.. HiKlit draft IwueJ on Albun-, Purtland and Han pOKTIaANO MATING ItANK. Paid np capital burplua aud priiflta.. tHiaS.Oryi ... 6'J,(W0 Intereat allowed on aarlnn deroafta aa followa: on ordinary aarinir. book .... percent per annum fin ta,rtn h tin ir kwa ' : - ..0 par cent par annua! On oertiflcatea of depoait. For three monthj for eix month Por tarclre monthi .4 per cent par annum; 5 per cant par annum'. I'KAMK laVUfTlaT bli.. a per cent per annum; - . v . . I I 1 Cllb V. P. TMOMmojf Vlca-Preaidrat. Dent u. v, oi i&ai Aujs. caaniari Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturer o' 1EAM ENGINES CHISf 4JiD SAW ItLMAGHKiEfiY IHON rrtSNTS AO ALL Wn OF KEAW m light mm, ih IRON MID BRASS CASTIMCS. ll -.i-ihI aitaauiion hl(1 o .frlii( all AKft ina-liiiier P.V.u-rri3 Made on Short Notiut Conrad-Mever. -PROPKlKTra OF STAR BAKERY Ciu-usr BroadalMn ani First Sts., PEAIJia IN '.unfit Fruita, rii Fruita. 1 OtrKCCO, Ofif Ciaaned Heal., Qcenawartf feKctatrlea, Cigar , p' a. Tea, tie.. . 'erjihlng that la kept In ,n ii vs lr.d grocery ore. nigbetM n rtr.t j rld for ;J 3 3 Jfr &j . i4 i 6fo gfiMwat. UOV, HILL. A detpttch from New York to the Chicago aCrvaiMr rt ay that Governor Hill hat another turprlae for the poliiU cinnt, iiq it taid to nave unraveled 10 Tammany leaders 'a program which U InicmlcJ to land hi in In the Whltu l!oue, or at K-aat Jo in ach to ex p J he hi clalmi to recognition at an available candidate, Flrt of all, he will not change hit pretant posi tion regarding the tenatorthlp. lie w'.ll neither axept nor decline It. Nor will he determine what to do with thlt office until after the election of next November. Nest he hat made up hit mind that the emer gency com pl him again to be a candidate for governor and It It now hit intention to force the party to nominate hi m for a third term. It he it elected he will at once tummon a apeclal tetilon of the prcfint legttlature aid tend a mettage to it de clining to accept tne office of senator and will atk the legislature to eject tome one cite. In hit place. If he it not elected gov ernor he will then accept the tenatorthlp and rttlgn Ihe governorship, so that he may take hit teat In the tenate on the first Monday in December next. Thlt program meant that the gover nor hat definitely dedlded to be a candidate for the presidential nomination. It mutt be Accepted by hit par'.y at tuch announce' ment and he to Intends it. Governor Hill bcllevet that after the approaching presi dential election the party will turn no longer to New York ttate for Itt candidate. The manifest alliance of western and southern democrats will by 1S96 make It Impossible for any democrat who lives east of the AUeghenlcs to receive the nomination. In Governor lllll't opinion. It Is, therefore, now or never with him lie believes that it he cin be elected gov ernor of New York next fall and by a suffi cient majority to Indicate hit strength that this single circumstance will outweigh any consideration the convention may have for another candidate. It will demonstrate that IIIU is Invincible In New York ttate and will therefore, In hi opinion, make him the most available candidate. . The Teffertonlan spirit stems to have animated certain Irresponsible persons of Eugene, who are said to have tent an In sulting telegram after the president be cause he did not get up and show himself to them before sundae. This it clear demonstration of the fatal contagion of a bad example In public nnnnert. Vrtgo niam. Indeed, 1 wat. The good people of Eu gene had gonj to great trouble and ex pente to receive the president In that manner peculiar to Oregonlant, laying an example of good manners worthy of being followed by old and young, those high In life at well at those who fill humble stations, but the presidential party Ignor Ing thlt example carried off "them trout without to much at a "thank you" from either giandson, great grandson or the man who raised the four hundred thousand dollars corruption f ind that made Bcnja min Harrison president. Thlt bad exam ple of the presidential party resulted at might have been expected sending the following telegram after the president: "ElT.xNt, May 5. Send back the basket of trout and we will send auckera Instead. , Indignant Eigsni." Yea, indeed the presidential party now knuw that a bad example It contagious. Many of the Italian, German and Aus tralian newspapers contain advertisements of lottierirs.and under the law Americans have made for themselves are- not to be carried br or deliveid through our mailt. Hence whenever a mail tteamcr arrives from thos countries the paper are duly examined, and those that contain lottery advertisement are thrown out. Immi grant from those countries have quite a liking for lottery gambling,and thlt action of the United States government will probly keep in the country much money that would be squandered abroad. While it k true that there I a diversity of opinion a to whether the governor should have gone to the ttate line to re ceive the president, there can be no two opinions as to Ihe fact thn the local com mltter! of arrangement! at Salem made asset of themselves In attempting to pre vent the governor from making the re ception speech at Salem. Every republican protectionist "Who favor reciprocity must go square back on tb-ir long talked of "bome market" theory. To favor reciprocity means to hoot Dp a foreign market for our products instead of fostering our bome markets. Br protection we were to the bome market and not trade in a foreign market. Oh, the numberless inconsistencies into Which men are forced by attempting to establish the self-contradiciing scheme of protection. The definite announcement that a farm er' alliance ttate ticket I U be placed In the field in Ohio this fall it of Krrat im.. porta nee, coupled at it i with the state ment that a vigorous attempt will he made to capture the country legislative districts. There are now 35,000 nr embers of the al llance in the state and the order is grow ing radidlv. ' "On behalf of the people of the ttate of Oregon, I do, a ittfhitf executive rjficer, ex tend to you, tkt frei'dent of tht United Stales, a most cordial welcome.". Jeffer son timplicity in every tentcnce,tin;, word and letter, fully preserved. It was well said by the governor. HEALTH IS WEALTH! Da. E. C. WEST'S Nerwrand Brain Trutiawitt s ruarantetd anroiflu for Hytria, Irizzuwaa, ona done, Pt , Nertou NeuraJicii, Headache, Kenan ProatraUon caused by th uaa at aluihol or tobaesnv WalrofulneM, Mental lxtpaaaainn. Boltoning- of tkw Drain, reullln in Inaanity and leading to mteerv, iVca; id death, prematura old are, barrenness. Itoew af K ' . caused by over-xertiun of the brain Each La. -sontain one nionth'a treatment, SI a hz jr els bo r for S sent by null prepaid oa receipt mice. WE OUAEANTEB SIX BOXES TO CURE ANT eaae. With each order received br u for aix boxes, accompanied with $5, wa will eend the purchaser oar written guarantee to refund the money M tha treat, ment doee not effect a aura. Guarantees iaaued otdjr by i, A. Cummin;, Druggist, tol atrent, Albany, r. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ON TIIK 23TII DAY OF MARntl, 1891. W Resknr ofSbedd, Ialnn Co., Oregon, made an assignment for tha ben fit of hia orodltr. Th nni-nlgned la Ih duly appointed and qualified aifalgoee ot aald backer' A-AMe. All praon having CiBima again at the sal I Becker ar bereLy notlHad to proa tit them to the underalgned, veritied at requited t y law, within tbre moo'.tia from tbe date hereof atSbedd, Linn county, Oregon. Dated Aprlt 2,1 8tl. JO UN W. PUQII, II. C. Wat bon, Asulirnee. Atty tor Aaslgnee. (4 3) M J3; avV FOSKAY & MASON, wniaBi.AliB aa aavAib- Druistsand Booksellers A(?ot.ta for John B. Aldon'a pUbllcaLlocD, tich wt V1 a publisher' prirwa witt ALBASr, O.'Sf'GOS. TELEGRAPH 10 NEWS An Evaaajrlleat CsalVreBre. Spokane, May 8. The annual tet- lion of the Oregon conference of the Evan eliral Association of North America met in tintty church in Sivokstit lliia morninif. Bishop T I I.aher presiding over itt delibera tions. 1 he conference was divided into two districts, and Kev J B Usher wat el-cled (residing elder ol the Albany tlintilct. Port land wii selected a the place of holding Hi next conference. After trAssactitig routine busineu the confertnee adjourned until to morrow. aleraallaaal qneallaa. ' Wasiunoton, May 8. Tlio question ct tha right of the United Statet to take Ihe Itata, the Chilian iteamer that left Stn Diego, on the high teat, it not altogether settled. 1 he ttate deptrtment peop'e are inclined to doubt Ihe rit;lit. The whole question arises from a dispute as to the character of the vet-l Were a pirate or a vessel of American register engaged in acts la violation of treaty stinu unions, thr ease would be a simple on i, but the it merely a Chilian vessel engaged in the transportation of a tutp:cted cargo, and there is giave risk involved. A Horrible ASTalr. SEKLiN.Msy 8. At Sarnedeck the wile of a Dlacksmlth, while poaessed with a relit? tout mania, dresse J her two children In wh ite held them over a vessel aad cut (hair throats, letting the blood flow in the receptacle. ren me wat extinct the endeavored to cre mate the botiies, apparently with the idea of making a taciifice. She was discovered It (ore the could carry out this purpose. The V . Caadarl Rome, May 8 L'ltslis tsyt the Italian govesnment I- about to address a circular to the European powers submitting the conduct of the United States government in the New Orleans afialr te their judgement. Italy will thus be the initiator of an international sirrce meat to compel the United Statet to find meant to guarantee the protection of foreign tuojecis. A vYaaa.le.afan la.w , Rosalia, May 8 It it snowing generally throughout the r louse this morning, there being an inch and one-half at Ibis point raruertgeaerely are jubilant and say good crops are assured this fair by ttrtt snow lull . Hard Tlasra, Aberebn, S. D.,My 8.-The Western Farm Mortage Company, one of the oldest loan companies oi this vicinity, has as signed to It secretary and treasurer, I L Drown, of thlt cltv. The company' au thorlzed capital I $150,000, over $236,000 01 w,titcn wat paid In. i Barbaras t"aatl. San Francisco, May y.The sleep-kit lag contest which began a wtek ago with twenty entries, ended in W C Woodforf, tht only contesjant who remained awake, peing forced by the management to retire at 9:4s this morning, lie had been without sleep for 13S hours and 45 minutes, lie broke the record of 14S Ivwurt and So minutes, which wat made in Detroit. Woodford tecelved ICO, and Jackson and Harris, who remained awake over 96 hours, a and li resiect!v- ly. Hartshorn waa thrown, in Woodford's face, his hand burned, anj other barbarous methods taken to keep htm awake. Waal aaelber Cablaet OMrer. Washwctos, D C May 7. The Amcri can Medical Astosiatiua elected Dr II O Mary of Boston, Among the vi rrcai denu Is Or W E Taylor, of CalifoiuU. Th committee appointed to petiiien congte lo create a cabinet officer lo be 3a lied tbe secre tary of public health, mape a report setting forth reasons why such tn officer sl ould be appoiuted. la t'catral Asaerlra. San J i an Del Si r, Nkarapue, May 7 From official source it is learned that April 30 a conspiracy wasditcovced in San Jose, Costa Clica, to overthrow President Rodricu quex. 1 he governor immediately requesteJ aad received peimivaion from the permanent council lo suspend the constitution, and the conspirator were captured. Everything is avow buict. From other source it is teamed he revolutionists allocked the barracks ia San ose, but were repulsed, five btirg killed. A Lanstaa'aeaaallaB. IaONEON, May 6. Ed-nuad II Veroey, M P. for North Buckingham, after a reliminary examination at the Kow-street police court April 30, wat held for trial, but immediately released ou giving bail in tbe amount of $75, 000 for hi appearance to answer the charge of having instigated the procuration of the young lady govcrne, Mis Nelly Bracken, for immoral purposes. The sensation of the day ia the sentence of Captain I lope Verney. It is ;he grestest disgrace the English aristoc racy ha encountered in this century, for the Verney 's slthough ennobltd within the centuiy are of ancient decent among tbe landed gentry, are distinctly connected with the Calvens, of Maryland, Klraek by Llthtalni. Salem May 6. Today at 1 o'clock a light ning and thunder storm occurred, lasting about three minutes. Flash lightning struck a large f.r tree nesr Lake Lat ish, four mile from tLe city, tearing the tark off irom top to bottom. Jobn Assein standing about thirty feet from the tree, received a bad shock, knock ing him senseless. He could not speak for half an boor, but recovered and it all right. He wa walking along the road at the time. It it the first occurrence of this kind (hat ever happened in the valley. ' Tfa to Ulll Coald . New Vork. My 6. Inspector Byrnes hat arrested a lunatic, who expressed bis intention of killing Jay Gould tiniest bought off. Hit name la Charles A Dixon, and be come from Pueblo, Col. Inspector Byrne wat sent for yesterday and informed bv Ir Mnnn, Gould's physician, thaf Dixpn had corre to him wish letter of introduction from a Pueblo firm. He told Munn be wat a member f an organiza tion known a "Christ's Followers, " and had been made a deputy 1 y the arrh council lo kill Gould. . A Itanawajr Arrldrat McMinnville, May 6. Mi Thomas Ow en was throwt. from from,her bnggy and re ceived rerious injuries. Her horse became frightened at a passing bicycle, tnd whirling around, upset the bui;ty and drscrcl her some distance, bruising her Lire, breaking her thumb and otherwise injuring her. The horse ran until the buggy and harness were demolished. Mr Owens is the wife ct an old pioneer, a well-to do farmer living near here. SHERIFFS SALE. In tin Circuit Court ol Jul SUilt of Ortyon for th County of Hun. KNAPP, BURRELL & CO , Plaintiff, . E. Becker, K Bee',., and C U 8'twart bil E Sox, part ner, doing bnsinnt under the j Hrm came snd itjlaof Stewart j k Sox, Defendant. J N0TICF. U HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtu f an execution aud ordrr of sale, duly i-iued out of tha arrivi- nsined court, in tha aboru-euritltd ttn, I will, on a ., Monifar. Sit: tills Ray of June, 1891, at tha court houso doo-, ia the eity of Al ¬ bany, Lion coudM , Oregnn, at the hour I o'clock, j tn, of .nil dsy, sell at pnbli anction, f. .- cash in hand, to the higbeat Did der, tha itsal property described iu laid exe cution and order of tale aa followr, to wit: Lot 12 in Mock three' (3) in tba town of Rhadd, io the county of Linn and ttate of On goo, save and nxcept tweuty (20) feet off the east enl of raid iot which ha been deeded to M E Uearo The proceed arising from thi tala r.f taid rM.l proprrt) tn be applied a f-'Mows: Flli ST, To tbe payments of tha cost and rhirget of making taid talo, Secokp. To the payment of the cost and diburtmnti of aaid suir, taxed at $33 15, anrltha aom of $50, attorneys fee. Third, Totbepty- meiit of plaiatitra cbtim, amounting to tne um of $512 80 with interest thereon frem the lOkb day of March, 1S9I, at tha rate of ten-per cennpiir minor; audi he surplus, if any, alter the payment above-nsmed b made, be applied to the payment ( f $50 o attorney fee in favor of the defendant, Stewart & Sox. and thn balance, if any, be ' credited 00 the note referred to In taid exe cution, in fsvor of Srewsrfe & fox and xehinst the defendant, Fa Ranker, of October I4-h, 1300. for tba sum of f 147 50. Dated thia'.h day of May, 1S9I. M, SCOTT. (5-8 Sheriff of Linn county, On-unn, '( MtsriTa ' - The residence ct the man taking land up In the foothills it where tr.e land I. One ot the mysterlci of the sge I how some men can make the proof with a clear conscience, An examination of the large and flnrly executed map of Albany, hanging in, the City Recorder's office, will reveal the fact that a high bridge at Calapoota street would not past over Oil. ipooU crr-:k at all. The beat free trndd editorial In the Portland Tclrgrait. are stild to be written by Harvey Scott. That the Telegram continue to be a part 01 the Oregonlan Publishing Co' stock, It very plain, from the manner In which matter It Inter changed. J P Wigcr, formerly of the Pendleton la. U , 1 now a reporter on the Telrkram, of Portland, and, we are Informed, wrote the highly exaggerated Interview with Gov l'ennoyer, in order to get even with him, on account of tome slight during the session of the Legislature. It It a fortunate fact In connection with the new dog ordinance that having the consent ot h matter I not an excuse for the canine to be out without a tax collar How would It do to make the boy ordi nance provide lor having a badge of con sent on hit contwiicn out after 9 o'clock p. m. a In the1 County Court proceeding at Walla Walla thu following Item appears, which might well b duplicated here: A warrant for $ to per month wat ordered drawn to pay for sprinkling the strctlsiur rounding t;e court house square. An li. later n tuustraled journal hat a picture entitled, Swinging around .he Circle." In the center la President Har rison dancing, while a number of beaut I tul young ladles hand In hand are circling around him. On each I some article characteristic of the ttate. California bat gold and grspes, while Oregon h a tiring of salmon alone. Had we made Ihe plc- tuie we should have added sheep, wheat, prunes', pear, big red pplcs,an J a nugget irom tne aanimm. The Interference of W M Hogg of Cor vsllls,ln the matter ot a bridge at this city wat very untimely and out of place, and It not generally appreela ed by Albany people. Mr Hogg should put hi energies Into the management at the Oregon i'a- clflc.and not mix up with etir local affair, because hit brother It Interested in tome property here, which, according to hi own admission wat not affected, practically showing by Ids remarks before (he court that public policy and personal preferences, governed hit action. Wananiaker'a bright remarks crop out wherever he went. In Portland lie re ferred to tha "little town of Salomon tho boundary ct ttio state." 4515, you know. Where was Albany about then II talein was ou the boundary. The Seattle paper run every thing Into bate ball. The Telegram ay,comparion are said to be "odoriferous," as It were, but candor compel the statement that Deacon Wanamakrr made a fine rhetorical base hp. Heated strife over local matter Isa mis fortune to any city. It Is to be hoped that the bridge question be settled with as little of it a Possible, the good i-f Albany a a whole being the main object In view and not particular localities. The Uncle Tom's Cabin company will appear at e-mail opera house to-night. An accident bannenetl to the tent while at Pendleton com pf t ling its being left behind for ret-air.Walla Walla Hiate- tuan. Whtnat Albany about one irpliyr wouUl have knocked out the whole rot ten concern. The Albany Democrat cal la the Slates man "the biggest liar in Oregon on its city'e population. Thin call for fight between the Democrat and the htatea mnn'a citr editor. We auggest cold boiled potatoes at Imndred paces. SUteiumn. Our remark was imply reciprocity, which we practice. If a paper hits us we tut it on the same cheek. A duel with the live editor of the r-tatestnan (a hereby accepted ; but we decline anything in tho eating line as the weapon. A young newspaper man, who last spring found himself in Whitman conn ty, Wash., S00 miles from the base of hi supplies and "broke," hired out to a farmer.- He waa set to plowing wil h a pair of horses, but both man and beast being new to the business the furrows looked aa if thev were tbe result of an earthquake rather than of design, so crooked and zigzag were they. At the close of the day the farmer rather testily criticised the job. The newspaper man felt that hi doom was sealed, but must ered up count go to reply : "I know the rows are rather cronked.but the sun was extremely hot today and it warped them." The answer turned away the farmer's wrath, and instead ot being dis charged the newcomer was given a much easier and pleasantcr job and Is now the farmer's son-in law The fall at Oregon Cl'.y are ia feet 4 Inches high, a fact that will surprise many people, the appearance being much less. Another lynching eae occurred In Walla Walla. The contracting parties were D J Crowley and fcarau Lynch. Georgia Heed's Comedians are playing here this week to large liounes. Hose burg, Or., Kevicw, Aptil 3C, ls'Jl. "Where aro you going, my pretty maid?" "To gee Georgia Heed's Come dians," is all she said. AdinisHion, 26 cents, lie served seats, 35 cents. Thn Salem Journal showed good met tle and independence in its treatment of Gov l'ennoyer, after the recent Telegram interview. It was a caso where one should not go to any extreme. MY WIFE Insists on buying her groceries, produce and haked goods, of. Parker tiros, bhe says it IS A well-known fact that all goods are as represented and no HUMBUG! That all goods purchased ot- them are freli and of the bist quality to bo se cured. - Teachers' Examination. . Notice Is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers, for Linn county, wi l take place in Albany, com mencing on Wednesday, May 27th. at ( o'clock p m, end continue until Friday noon, May 29th, AI! teacher must posf tively be present at the time of commence ment as no one will be admitted to thu examination who Is not so present. G F Russbi.l, Co, School Supt. FOR DYSPEI3IA and liver Complaint you have a prints guarantee oti every Lottie if Shiloh( ViUlizsr. It cover fails to cure, Foshay & Mason, agent. Novelties In Jacket. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers and lieef- ere, in cneviot, diagonal and worsted. 1 expect to carry a full line of these goods, bh well as all the leading styles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Ordera taken for (special sizes and styles. Sam'l E Young. A . big enfc in prices on ladje Dongola rhoe iu altrtyl-'-a for the uxt 30 datat Kltin Mro. We mean business. Wanted, to loan $10,000 on good farm tecuiity, in the next thirty dayj. Money reaily, Tak itw hil') you can pot it, S N Steele EC Co. Paisley EnUIey.Tii Printers, FiisirJJloes. " TCit.,T. There It entirety too much rain for ttie farmers to get In their ciopt. Mnpy have not town any grain yet. The fall train I looking well, but the rain will cause It to turn yellow and alto retard It growth. The fruit promUer well) cherries aro a month later t'tan common, they will ot bo ripe before the last ol June. If the cod H.i moth will let the apple alone there will be plenty ot that kind of fruit. Garden will be late at the ground It In no condition for planting. There teems to be a good many people votnhig to our part of the country, We hear of farms changing hand qul.e Urequenlly. The health of the country It fairly good Ith the exception of messlet. The school at fa igent hat been closed, and In l'ist No 27 many ot the scholars will toon be down with the measles, teacher In cluded. MrW II Churchill, who lives 3 mile southeait of Tanirent. ia verv low with a complication of dUeaset. Hit chance of recovery are very doubtful. It I supposed that John Cnnavan It happy alnce he can now be called paps. A J OHn has been Interested In a cae ot mump lor tne past week. It It tbne tor everybody to do their toad work, for they are In rather a bad con dition, to many Jeep mud bo'ct It I little pleasure to go out for buggy ride. Come boys, get to work and Ax up the roads, then your sweethearts will be glad to go out riding. Are not the cltlxent of Tangent going to get un a picnic, or something else tor amusement f III time thtt something of tne ktna wat tartca. jsix. remit reim- ratoci:t.ii.t.s. 11 a 1 team I j t Pay Oae-ffalf Ibe Caatafa Brlifa at etlawerth ar Lye Rlret (0. R. X. niaa kburn, Judir 1 B. W. Coojaar and am. Huiuoaugu, taommtaaioiiar. In the matter of the application of John Duncan for a new bridge acroa Muddy I'recx, laommiaaioner uoope1" s appoint ed to examine the old structure. In the matter of a bridge at Albany, It waa ordered that Linn county Jpay one halt the coat ot a bridge at Ellsworth or a,yon atreei. cooper and Kumbaugh uniting on mai proposition. Billot I) W Rumbaugh disallowed. Application for powder to blast stump in public roaoa, continued C D MonUgue. aid poor $ S O P Coahow , 10 t CtaOoley 6 CoxAFlnUy jo GW Crawford 8 .Ladle Aid Society ......... to W E Curl, county treasurer, aalary 83 33 U K n Uiackburn, salary. 100 A Wolverton, accl road 94 M Scott sheriff 60 38 eal istatk stir. Henry DHalght an t wife to Frank t Haight, 1S4 acres in tp 10, 8 HSw 3000 400 CO o,K)0 1 s 200 200 200 200 4805 600 1S50 Jason Wheeler to Mary F Walker, 3.40 acres in w tiome farm.. Brownavillo It A L Aun to It N Windle, lot 3, bl 2, U's A to N Brownsville W 1 Kltunre and wife to M O Cnr-, S-i"! acres In to N.S It 3 w J Teal and wife to J N Teal.sundry tracts ia tp 15, 8 It 2 w J Ll'Bvrn! and wf to F M KUer. 20 acre in eec 29,tp H.8 HSw U 8 to C I) Bate, S w or sec 20, tp 10, H It 3 K U 8 to G v Wallace, 8 K or tec 20, lplO,8H3K U 8 to I A Huyck, N K qr sec 2, tplO.SHSK U 8 to Htrphen II Taft, N w qr sec 2H, tp.O, 8 It IK C and F Harrows to J It Barber, 1-VI.3 acres in tn 12, 8 H 3 w. . M I) llogan to A W Moaes.tots 5,6, bl 6, B's A, Tangent W M Ketrhum to It W Croaker et al.trart in H's 3rd A.Albany.. United Statee to Jamrs II 15mm- well, 159.41 acres In see 30 To 13 S It 3 W ratcnt BFrulkr and wife to Casper Kropp, tract in Allwny . . . . .. Hobt A Foater to J N Mullan.W i ot W S' blkM Albany L C Miller to A C Gtrver, 120 acres sec 23 Tp 9 8 B 1 K J W Cusick to (Standard Oil Ot of Iowa. 8 E U b)k im Monteith'q 8 aid to Albany 600 1S00 2000 1100 F II and Emma L Moreland to Henry Kinder, 2s0 ia Tp 1 1 8 K 2 W ..... 2fj0 Geo Patterson et al to A B Griggs, lota 7 and 8 bU 23 Hack's 2nd add to Albany 1G00 L K Hanon and wife to M J Hew itt, our hit in N H 1 J. C of Joliii Iyton 45 State of Oregon to W C Cumnlna, 8 WaecSOTp I0 8K2K.. 200 Gabriel Miller etux to Dan Bridges 17.20 acres in Tp 0 8 K 2 W... 613 ToUl sales $24,171 TotaHor year $306,747 W fu'ur agsiukt tramp. TowaKxu & Wiuox. Souso Advice. It pays to get the best; even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W It Graham has Just received an elegant tine of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them up in the latest style with a skill his long experienco has enabled him to be master of. rarm for Rale. I have for sale 100 acres ot the finest farming land in the state. AH In a high ttate of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeautful building loca tion. Kight miles from Albany, Uo miles from Tangent, on the H P K It. Terms and price reason able. . Call on d sue me on Second street, opposite De m chat cilice. Db. G. W. M ASTON. Whereto Get Them. When wanting .n organ or plana call on G L Blackman hc-e you can telert from a first class tot,. s.xrllemeait Runt high in Albany at Foshay & Ma son's drug store cter System Builder, at everybody it otirg it for f'atarrli if tht Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Im pure Mood. Try it rcd tell yon r friends about it as it must potactswnnitrfnl merit- when a I speak well of it CATAKItll CURRD, health land weet breath secured, by Shiloh't Catarrh Kemedy. Price 50 eenta. Nasal Injector free, Fo -thay St Mason, agent. ft HILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cur it told ty uson apnaiantee. It cores couiorrj timi. Foshay & Mason, agent, Preach Tansy fvaTert. wafer are a sure and snfet" cifi. kindsof female troubles'! all obstructiont to the ii.onti 1 no matter what the cause. 'Ifti 1 1 what every woman need , art laed with safety. For tale t th Thj for a re mot period are ji can be Livingstone Chemical Co., alto fron v tole agent, J A Cummlng, druggist, Ba . berg bKk, Albany, Oregon. MAURI ED. BALTIMORE BYLAND. At the Cook hotel, Salem, Wednesday, May 6, 1891, O L Baltimore, of Sficer, Linn county, and Lurena By land, of Wood- bum, Marion county. Ihe newly married couple will make their future home at Spicer. They have the Democrats bett wUhe for long life and prosperity. DIED. CIIUHC1IILL. Friday morning, May 8th, 1891, of consumption, Mr Wm II Churchill, after a lingering the age of 50 years. Mr Churchill recently went to Arizonia for the benefit of his health, but rer-eived no benefit. He was a pioneer of 1853, from Iowa, and was a man of excellent character, highly re spected by all. He resided six miles southeast of Albany, lie leaves a vile &ni four el'i' l.'fti. H6a AN AHROAB TtltflSDAT. Mnellar U Oarratt reooived two ear loads of choice grooeries yeatsrdsy. Had. while and 1)1 11 1 i a Sulonihd thing for a H(ii bat it spoil a dwpNir to be printed in uoh ool u. 18,000 pound ot marble and graait Wat th anioun E W Aoliinon & Ca reoo vad on th last tteatner, about one-fifth of all t he freight for Atbtiy. F.uann City hat beau kaleoted at th lo- oatloii fur tha enoi'npmoji of the 2 id regi n eot, that city having raitad $!2JUto atit ill paying expunsoti, ... This morning's tvnrUml pttsed Albtov lu two sections, owing to a large tiSstanuur list. as well to tha fact that C F Crocker with a oonpl speoisl and four fruit 01 1 wars be ing taken north. Th travel is large. Th Wt Shore has sustiendad. In it lit it did much fur th North! 1 but bad financial nirtgemnt.t wa th grind stunt that drowned it. Itt dvmlae U to be very much regretted. , A meeting of th alums! of the Albany Culh'giat Institute will be held to-morrow evening at tbe retidanoe of Mr DP Maion. All member ar requested 1 1 b prnt. Th 9 o clock luuaJ last evening ran lato n unknown horse at Montgomery att-eet, cutting off on ofi la teg Marshal Huff man lint tha animal to get bim out of mis ery. Owner not yet learned. YAquiNA Items. John Palmtr, brake- mar, on the O P express, tell the Demo crat that yesterday evening about 5:30, n and tnree otner men taw a monster of ot some kind partially rite up out of the water, opposite me dock, making a long enough disturbance of the water to be a sea serpent; othei thought It wa prob ably a targe shark. Tho Cornelius, at OystervUle, ha dis covered a coal mine, with a narrow vein at the surface, but gradually enlarging. which, It wat thought, wat the cleanest snd best coal yet found st the bty. SglDAV. ' . a We will have a bridge. East Albany hat a os of the maaale. Th Marsha! ot Junction gU $10 month. The Dailt D km oca at begins it fourth year in good health. Keep the tact ia your mind that we ar to bv a bridge at Albany . The Peak Siater gav an en to. taiomeat at Uakland, Oregon, a low day sg. A gentle driving borse. 7 year old and good traveler, for sale cheap. Inquire of 8 A llalin, druguui. The body of W M Ba'bour, mnrJ-red at Portland, will be aeat btnk to his old borne at London, Ontario, Th Junction City Pilot bat beta ').! to Albert II Moore, and will net beeoncolidat d with th IlMrUharg tnpr. Tbe WUb-mette at this city it 13 feet above low watar mark, th recent rain having vent tba aaow from the inounUit. into the valley at a rapid rate. The Weak Shore, of Portland should be revived by men 11 bo know how to ma such a Journal, fiewtpapem. like any other eon orrn should be ran within people' means. The W R C of Albany are getting up an eutrtinrotit wbieh promise to be a local treat, in program will eootaiu a va.-i.fty 01 leaiurt to pia me public taste. Prof Buck, of Eugene, is organising a ebotr ia Spriagtield. Mr Buck thoroonbly Bttderatanda bl buaiooaa, and nuder hi in atructmn ih ebotr will adyane rapidly, Hpringtieid Gaatatte. Th Willamette Ui.lver.Uy Band of Sa lem givva aa exeertinn tn Albany tomorrow, atail will b bore abodt 12 o'clock. Meet ttarn at It whatf . Amotion topurchaaea fit e alarm )tm for KaUm was lost at tbe meeting of tba City Council last evening, o Albany and lro will be to the m boat. 8Attl raised $2900 t tha f.reaiJ. at' reception. That waa shout $300 an hoar for eaeh hrr of the preaident'a viU. Taoo ma paid $750 an hour fur eaeh ef lb two boar th president wa there. The largest salmon caught this eaaaoa waa netted yesterday In Micbcll St Co'a tih abasia, ea-t pf this city, ami aaeaaerad 3 feet 9 iaches, and weighed 90 ponnd. It ean be ei at O P Jaauer' provi.ton .tor. Tbe Dalles T M. Da.Ua ta consoled lo tha following man rar: Dall-a ia to b visited by Prtatdent aad Mr Ilarriaoo text Cher- nngton photographed Ihcm at (talent th tthor day aud will have the photo a nat ural a life on exhibition here next Thars- Several little incident tranauirad ta mar tb pleaagra of the preaideulial party in 6r egoo, but thoa rod portrait tkctoliet ef iU meotoer wiiioh appeareit la a nnmber of tb tPer" after their departure, . pr the n-.o-t onkioe'eat cuts of all. The ladies of the party wtii never forgive at for tho. G tetle. A Bale. Yesterday It Veal and others by the Oregon Land Co. agents, sold to A B Gricgs, recently of Polk county, two lots near the Christian, church, being on the northeast corner therefrom, for ioov. Mt unggs will build a residence on the same this summer, and make Albany his home. Bare Ball. The Linn Base Ball Club, by F K McMillan, manager, offer to play the Albany Base Ball Club at some time after May 2Itt for 50 a side and one dozen league tmlls, chest protector .catch er's maxk and mils, or the Lebanon.Cor vallis or Mascots for t'0 a side. It is understood that the money, if the game is plaved between Albany clubs, will n-o towards putting scats on the balg rounds iiu generally improving tne same. Following will compose the nine tor tho Linn- base ball club, which is a county and not exclusively, a ci.y club: A Wilcox, e; Q Dickinson, Seio, p; Mr ""'unii wt mc a wian, let, u; mr Ia-W1H. with L Viereck. 2nd b: E McMillan. V U night operator, 3rd b; Mr Mason, printer, If; Mr Osborn, Sclo, c f ; Albert rnerniwrg, r i ; narry iiarr, 11, Itst evening while practicing Jack Smiley, catcher of tho Albanies, had a tlniternail torn off by an up and down, inside and outside curve drop thrown by Larri more. It will be sometime before be plays ball again. ha r can at. E C Peuttand will opoo a real estate office In Independence. The Oxford Minuetta that I creating tuch a furor ia the East will be taught at the danoiag school this eveniug. Dr E Duga is cow a full-fledged citizen nt Shedd, he having purchased the exten sive practice of Dr Gaff. Hariisburg Courier ' Sherman Pearl, of Tlaisey, has purchased a Cruiaur hioyele of Oh'iog & Wilton, mak ing three bioyole told by them within a ooupla wnkt. Tbe Alumni of the Albany Colleglat In stitote, ata meeting at the resilience of D P Mason, lost evening, decided to hold their reunion at the college this year aud not give any public entertainment. . The reor-rt that Mr Zacbet, the tailor, would leave for California to locate, Mr Zsche inform it not true. Tie will be at hi place of business, opposite tbe pottoffjo, ready for bus in ear at all hours, Luther N BurteiiBhaw, a lawyer at Ash land, whose parcntt reside , in this county, was arrested yesterday, charged with Me- hauding a widow named Mary J Moore, It is claimed that he collected tn iusiiracce of $1200 on tho the life of a ton who died a few month aeo, kept $G00 and turned over the other 5500 to Mrs Moore, claiming he had only collected the ?G00. Suspicions being aroused the matter was investigated result ing ia hltarrett. At their meeting last avening, tho mem bers of the OAK began making airange mcnts for decoration day. L H Moutanye, J B Miller and Hobt Brown were appointed a nommittee on general arrangements. The union tervioe of the churches will ocour on Sunday, May 24, at the M E church, the preacher of the memorial sermon to be se lected by the ministerial association. R Fox S S Train and L H Montauva were annnint ed a cetnmittne to secure came of aoldier buried in unmarked craves, ao that suitable toces may be erected by the government, j A E Wheeler ha completed bit contract with Lace county for the furcishinir of a complete abstract of the lauds and maps of tne county, witn present owners' name. The book contain 627 pages, 13x14 inches, on fine linen paper . The abstract of prop erty it type written. Each township map 1 made separate, and shows the exact shape and description Of each piece and parcel of land, and the owner thereof. The oik is a credit ta tha compiler and will be of on told valua to tba officers aud people of Lsne C')iM:i-f, En tmne Guard, Hulla & Dawaoo, droggtst. Bay your grooerie of Parker Bro' Fla'groeries at Codo 5t Hendricaou'. Best assortment of tea in town at ! V. Brownoll . Hetd Clt for tal by W W Crawford, at Tallman, ' Kanton' "Sea Lion Silver Polish." 23 cent per box. - A fin line f crouktry ware at Conn & llnixlrloaju', , Good venti'ated and sun lighted bath roo n at VivreckV, fttiftvini. IS oetitn. at Vierrck'e alioo Clooi ou Sunday. Ladie for your Oxfair! tie to where they ke B a oomplete lino at Klein'. A large assortment of uardon aed on sale at C E Browne) i'. Bargain in choice icrooirie can always bt socurr d of Allen liro,, Flinn Block. Sum fin Burhaiik fofttoe for reed for sale by J V Pipe. E W Acliiaon &Co ar aelliug monuments at Portland prices. Kentoii'a A'lbe ive fjo for cuts and hruiw . 23 cent per roll a Goldoit onDortunilio am wanted every day by not trad'og with C K Browuelt. MuUeclie dying 1)1 i.e n short notice With tha renowned Geimtn irsianisiMtu dy, t Via.eck'. At Viertek'a sbsvingsnd hsircuMing par- lo.a, ladle and children' hair catting a ptxialty. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 0 cent cigar at Julia Joseph'. A large stock of wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fortmiller k Irving's,just received See W F Read's line of dress gocd! and I silk before buying Jolaea hero. Just reettived a Que invoice t,f barbei'a tapplie direct fnsi Philadelputa, by L Vieitck. Dr M II Ellia, tbtsimao and eurucoa, Albany, Oregon, Call made la city or country. For bri si n in monument, lieadatine tte.,goto IS W A:hinA Co, Albany, Oregon On half dollar reduction, oa every pt Ludlow' fiot shoe A good boa of a B K Xoung. Fresh bread, cake, pies, etc , every day at the Delniobioo restaurant. Leave your order. Keen it iu vour mind that Allen Broi bro- pos keeping th kind of groceries tb public maud. Their itoctt la a line one. Ladiot dan do their thoppiog in San Fran etaoo without visiting U city, aud without extra commission. Mist E J Brrow . r chasing ageut, 10u9 Groye St, Oakland, Pkieosi Shootdso. W E Baker, Nick Soremrer. Mr Welirant and I F Powell yesterday, in a few horns hunt, killed 112 pigeon. As the number is small the story may l believed. Pigeons are now theNlmrods target and hunting parties are a dally occurrence. Shad ih Albaxv, I Ive or six yeart ago a large number of small ehad were placed In tbe Willamette at Albany, and in the Upper Columbia. To day the first result ol It were seen In Albany, Mr M Hyde receiving ten two pound shad, caught In the Columbia, all going at a rapid rale. They are a delicious fish, and if a fUb ladder were In the falls at Oregon city we would hare them In abundance al our own door. Wueat. Sot cents is offered for wheat by buyers In order to clean up tbe 7,000 bufhela remaining in the ware houses. The market in San Francisco, though, has fallen 5 cents- Mr John Conner a tew days ago sold about 3OO0 bushels for 63 cents. Those holding do not seem to care whether they sell or not. when itwa 80 cents they wanted 82 cents, when b'2 cents, 05 cents, tie. To tis AatPVTATKo. Mr and Mrs Tero- pbton. parents of Miss Ivn Ternpleton, injured in tbe Crawfordsviile bridge ac cident a year ago, went to Portland to day to be present at a very important operation lo le performed on Miss Jew tle to n, now in the city hospital there. The case has excited general attention among Portland surgeons, resulting in a general consultation. The injured leg was placed in plaster of Paris for several weeks. On the removal of the plaster a few days ago, it was found that the in jured leg waa fairly rotten in places, and it is thought it will have to be amputa ted, lb is win be decided at a general consultation o: surgeons. Bass Ball. Tho Albany base ball club left for Letanon about 12 o'clock today to cross bats with the club ot that city. Following is the makeup of the nine to piav tins atternoon. to begin nlavinz about 3 o'clock. Ala Marshall, c; K Larri more, p: Alex Rennie. letb: Kd- ward Blolgett,2ndb: Percy Young 3rd b; Van Wilson, as; F. KieUke, I f ; Wm Lcimert, c I ; Wm Welch, r f. The challenge of the Linns will be ac cepted by the Albs.ny club, we are in- lorineu. C II Mueller, of the Mascots, waa lint in the nasal proboscis, last evening. The Knox butt club btiat the Lebanon club laat Saturday, yery easitv. It ia re ported thst the Lebanon charged the Knox butt cetvher 10 eenta ao ioolog for the nee of their mask. It so it offers t case of base ball courtesy not often equalled. At the lime of going to Dress tho earue ot base ball between Albany and Leba non, at jueuanon, was as follows : Lebanon, 1st inning, 1 ; 2nd Inning, 1. . 3rd,0; , Albany, " 5; " 0. 3rd,0; Relioioi o. The services at the Tres byterian church tomorrow will be as fol lows: Preaching services at 11 a m and 7 :30 p in. Sabbath School at 12 :13 p m. The subject of the morning sermon will be "The Right Decision." The evening sermon will be preceded by a short ser vice of song. AH will be made welcome, Services at the Congregational church as usual tomorrow. Subject of morning diwonrse, "Christian Growth." Subject at 7 :30 p in, "Does Keligion Pay." There will be a union meeting of tho Y P S C E in the Preabyterian church tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock. Please be present promptly at 6. Y M C A tomorrow at 4 p m. Trot Shorey will address the young men ot Albany in the W C T U Hall. As Mr Shorey always has something good to say, especially to young men, it is hoped that every young man in Albany will be present. 8pecial efforts will be made in the line of music. All men are cordially invited. Fill the hall promptly at 4. Regular services tomorrow at the MaptUt church morning and evening. Preaching by pastor Rev Geo W Hill Annual of fering lo Home MItslort at the morning tervice. Young Peoples meeting at 6:30 p m. Strangers made welcome., would roiaiuEKiM.. F. M. French keep railroad time. New cream ohoese just reoeived at Coiirad Meyer. Have you cen those parlor suit that T Brick hat just received! They are nice. Great reduction, lumen's furnianing goods for the next 30 dys at W F Raad'. J W Bentley, best boot and shoe makerio oity, three doors north of Democrat office. Wasntng, SOo a di-xen. mending for men Mrs Kincs, jhst east of the Democrat omoe. Will & Stark have just reoeived a largo and elegant stock ot silverware, watches, etc. never before iqualled in thit city. W Achison ft Co handle tne celebrated Portland Cement walls for cemetery lots. These wailt can be furnished at half tha cost of any other aud are far superior. Brighten up your old robbers and old shoes and make tbero look at good a nuw with Wolff' Acme Waterproof Polish. For tale at Samuel E Young's. The ONLY plaoe ia the ty where East ern tiokets can be purchaa it of W. L. Jester, at the Southern FaciSo Co' ticket offlee CROUP, WH00FINO COUGFJ and Bronehitis immediately relieved by Shiloh't Cure. NOTICE OF FIHAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM It may concern, that the unlemlirned adminis tratrix of the estate of Jacob Htovar, deceased, has filed her final account iu said estate, in the comity court of Linn county, Orecron, and that the judge of said sourt ha fixed the Uth day of June, IS I, t the hour of 10 o'ciocir., a m of said day, for the haariiis of all objections to said final account, and U,a suttie ment of tha aame. y-iio) tins lat day of May, ISD1. AW-1 r-l W KI' -y-r.n, fit x ftORB atftn ORE. The Slnesf Ever CsblMM-a 0ere. Mr John Hazelton, th expert saperin tendent of the Albany mines, and Geo V Hart Is, came in from the mines Ian I Friday alter supplies. They brought some as lino specimens of free gold ore as ever the eyes of the wont experienced gar,ed on, creating an enthuaiaurn ul.iong tli'me Interested in the mines not yet equalled here. Messrs ilazelton and I larri report tho mill as having been on a steady run, Tho men at the mint s bad l"gun a rlean up when they left, with fine results in view, the pnq ' Is in creasing with every additional ton of ore dug from tho bowels of the mountain. Co ninny unfounded reports are aiway circulated about new mines that peoplo get skeptical ; Xut there is no doubt at all any longer that ihe Albany Mining Co. have one of the richeet niineslti the United States. . There is millions in it and much for Albany if pushed with the machinery the quality and quantity of the ore entitles it to. Within a year Alliany will Ijo His center of a big min ing excitement, and thousands will be here to se for themselves. Tbe application of the microscope to mi-chine-sliop practice, for the purpose of proving whether surface are true, is pronounced by expert as being the tet method for obtaining acruracy ihut far uggeed, - 1320. Koport of the Contlltlon OF THE TO C0L5TY KAT10.11L BAH, AT ALHAN V, l! THE STATE Ol? O-IKOOS. a, the eloae of btuinem, May 4i h, 1 1,11. Besotireest laoanssnd discount .... .. 202,1.?8 4,Ou,'SS SS.Cl'W.OI. 33.77..S7 S.OKS.M ll.ts..M 15,000.00 X.S4&.MI, -cord and aoaa ored I!. S. Honda to aetmre drcuiawon Ktocks, aacufltl, rlalm. etcM.w..,.a , . Ilua Ifatn ewrovaal reaerva a tram hue I raw eia laaiaka and banker. m. Ihuikln- tv um. lumilur and Scturo... Current asiHanar and la at paid ........ Premium on 1 n. In -ooa. .......... ;........ Ctia-cka andotlirr raau Harm......,....... H-ll. of other bank Fractional paper currency, nickel, eenta Speeio. ........ CUSaOO 11.83 liMM 1,125 XX) lrf-al tender tuAm. Kwlamptlon fund with If. a. Treasurer, S per cent of eircolatlut.)...- Tutal.. .......... Llanlllllr.i fapltaU aVitk paid to........ . i;divlkd tafoflU . .......... r-W,n7s.U lJ,hl.44 Rational bank notea ooutauniintr... Individual !( mite ulect trt (.Wk Itmuu)l ertincate of duixaeit ttu to atat baoka !d banker ..... ritf.74.CO J.7i4.0 i.WI.31 Tcdal f3lC,V74.n Irrai or Oasooa, County ot la'.nn, 1. (lr. K. Ciitr.r, eaahierof tho iWi- aatnrd bank, do aolemnlr awear that the above atato- BMnit I true lo th Bwsof ana Koowieujr ana beiici, CEO. E. CUAMlIKIVLAI.S. Kobacrthcd and wot lo befur trie thiaoth dayaf lUv, VOU T,J.T1TK, (l Kotary l ublie. Coaaacr Attat: J. I.. COWAW J J . H. HAIJfTOS , MrccUar. O. A. AltUIIBAMM The Womca'a Temperanec rcbllsliing Associalio?. K ep ' band and for tale a full Hr nf ttapfuea for Tnnaea-aiM Wortera, inelodlna; It-xaka, Laj-.!rt,, aoitaabSe for racry haae f Ot;l Temtxiranc Work. 1'abtiabe , The UNION SIGNAL, The Snret teairraua and Rimr? jiar-ar- In tbe e.atinrir. V. one can aff-ard to d- without thu aaluabte arr. PHK K-f I O0er fear In ad-aiiee. lia a-lrilml.-m are anaonx O . boat writer lo both beiuiaf bira. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, 1 aaaer for Yf.r Pr le. nner:id f e it pur aje, I KK E :5 cenla jicr jor. The YOUNG CRUSADER, Fat Children. B-iid foraunplv. -O- IUI4 RiWdlnt. rteeraxndv ladii!e. Sondajr Kchool Tetneranro la-aotia, l-rogiam liar .):csai lajr aad Otbaa- halcruiomanu, , O (ySewd f. and T-rma, and all em'a-ra, to allr,N TKM rr.KA tz It liLIMIIIAii ATioS, ll La 1 buret, Chkaaja, 1U. CORES S? tor l.'iro.l, i eet0i. Colds. IrRuenta. BrerKUtS, rioarssBOS, fwnooping voun, vronp. al. Asthma, and eerv Scuoa of the throat. tur.qsaHd thest.inclng.nar Cetumntlon, tpredy aud ucruuusent. Celiac ataed ' I. Sifj." KOTICE CF FiHAL t'EnLEMEKT. SaTOTICR IS HEREBY GIVES' THAT THE TJS l3l denaiiroed, adminisintrix of .bo 4 of Mar tin Wpna, deeeaaud, ba Oled h-r S al account In tha olUoeaf the count c!crk for Lli.n r.nit.rroo. and tn j'Klira of the count v court of -aiJ eouata, ba Ssed the tth day of May, Isal, at tbe bout of I oV'.erk a tu, for th haarinr of objectiona. If any, to aaid ao- omint and aoUlentcnt nf .aid atiate. TUta Um led day of April, lt. Is A RAH L. LITER , K. WlATtl. aviso, Adra niatrairlx. Aty lor AdmuiUtntnx. (-10) Judges of tbe horse bays given it as their cpialoa, that Titna, Blumberg's black Percheron stallion, Btands at the heed in hi claso. Ho 1st in tho hands of MrO E Birrooia, an efllci jut afid exper- ienecd horsatnan. who wilt clve hi patron every pjst,lb!e atientian, Titua wm rak tie soason of 1891, Mondays and Tuesdays at Jelferson; Wednesdays ana Thursdays at Sci F.ilajs and Saturdays at Albany. Mr Blumberg ia also ownor of the atanda-d bred trot' In 5 horse, A 1 wood Brt ea i, (No2S(3?), who can be seen at tha atableof Tiltes Pres. The get of this horse are large and flue formed, and only need propf r developmeLt lo shtiwrpeed. r.!j- o i.i neknnwMsefl tho lea'Un;' remedy fo, (lot:ortbo?A & !(. Tho ony mio remeily for Xaeneoi-rExaa or Whites. I t-rescritie it and leal safe in rtvM anmeuding it mi to all sufrurer. A. J.eiONER. M.O, '1 liEOATt'a. ux. MT.tM.tBO at CJ SICK. Agenfs $500 Sov7iiril WKwill rvt t ORt;Ktiit. lJVVrsl.'.. .ijiu;; . r t t 'cii epct .oio 1.1 r ; ! k. 1 - c.vo oi 1 irci iI: iitiiu.ii.':ip ti t wo c.niiot euro wita Vvutli lien hn oafTiioiia ar a-trtotly uplift, with 7.WV ere i lr .:"tJi'j:, on i r.evtr and in , EedCrownMills 80M, LANNIN8 & C?).. I 'tlOPIVS. uw rnocHss rLous sctkkiob ok rauiLia AUTO BAKKBS SJSB,-'- x - RESTSTORAGF FACILITIES. All kl ads of pjultrv, alive or dresned ' " WlUanofto f-tckia Cotr'"?y'i AU'R!--, Orf-.-.t. ' ' . W.. a-a 1 r rr I i I.Bf Corwi tiii .ItosI.AYS-V p.. ; Ouarani-aal at to V '' J aaiua Surlotw. f 1 Mrs oaij ir fc-.S. Tut EvAHaCitcy X CSHCIHNATI.O c 'German Syrup": For Coughs & Colds. John V, Jones, Edom, Tex., mites I have used German Syrup for the past hix years, for Sore Throat, Ccmgh, 0Mi3, Pains 111 the Chest and Lutigft, and let lac gay to any one wanting Mich a medicine -German Syrup is the best. B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville.Tenn., writes i I have used your German Syrup in my family, and find it the bci.t medicine 1 ever tried for coughs and colds. I recommend it to every one for these troubles. IL Schmalhauscn, Druggist, of Charleston, 111., writes t After trying scores of prescriptions and prepara tion; I had on my files and shelves, without relief for a very severe cold, whicH had settled on my lungs," I tried your German Syrup. It gave ne immediate relief and a perma nent cure. G. C. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, Kcnr Jersey, U. S. A. .Sat-rS 82 ?J . THM au akat m CKtr.nnATEt . GfvlSTH WESSON r T!.s RiiKi $!!! Arms Er Blai!cfttared,U ri ACJM. ''1,'J.Y' ti EU-fUliCSet1 mm a ... WCI.ait.Cf;!P snd m t0VtsLfCC lo I ft .!': arat 1 TCTV Ia-'Jtacraa tit C h!ifl V: C . I 'C.l? la-.K . 1 .f. I -J BJ Seal fsrt:'led CstalcirM sad Pfi;j Li-.t toji CM ITH & WESSOM, fcf Hinisoi-Jt.i.n, m ihsM ia 2 ift -.r"ai;f3-jjf2--a jj HORSEI W ate prepared lo fjrnUb your pooUrs ft i 1851, la tbe best afyle. Alfo any other printing detlred. E. C. PHELPS, Book and Job Printer. Tureeda'e Block orer Weill Fargo A t'a Express effl. ALBANY -:- OREGON. STEEL PEH8 A tr Par.ip'e P!s, c!f7erent patterns, to S ta .M. St' l 1'iafi-1 I-re; ft tt.ii, ta& laoet-paiu ja of 1 J t-STi FELHY S C't lens's;. -.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. K. WEtTnEUFOaO, Atuifiev at Liw. Will tnZr In all eourt of fa ata-e. aantret PlitiB block, A'banr, Or-a. K. BILYEUa A'-tom-y at Law Jii S la Chvts!-. li.i'.a mail on all po nta. i.nn n; Uii. J orabic tern a. Albany, O.-cyoa. Co'alee on fr- QEO. W. WRIGHT, attorney at Lw, S- Kcitor In Cianwy, Proctor in Admiraiity and Kotary lnb!ic. Will raetice in alt court of this and in th United litate courts f-arOrrjoo. eglrri -Flroat rHn orer Bank ot Orea-oo, Abany, t-gn. II. C. WATSOSJ. Attorney a'. Law. OM.-ei 'n thi Slrahvi block U;fir. Albiiiy, Orcyja. D. R X. ItaVlCKHlItlY. Attorney at Liw WillnracUce ia a 1 tbe eoorUof Orexoa, exceni Ura eouaty court of Linn county. A.l buoioo. will receive pronpt btiotiou. O HI ret Odd Fellow- Tea, do, Albany, Or. WIIITXEY, Attorney at L nr. ait 25ttry Orvyoa. Palic. Albany JJR. J. Ia. Ill tala. Phrcician and S jryron, OFFICE C.-roer Rrst and Ferry streets, Albany, Oresrivi. JJU.O. "ITATSOX HtSTOX, Physiciaa ai I 8tr,feoa. OmCE Opposila L&mocj,t otf oo, A'.bwy, Orejoa. to D K. T. II, DAVIS, Physician aih! Sureeoa. OFF CE-57,ijl,rrnStL V Btrabaa block; May ba f.uil at h:a otB-.-a day or night. A'bany, Oregon. jQtt. O. A. WIIITXEY, PhyaiolanandSjr.M. O.-il ixtacf Shi leal Col ea, N w York Citv. Diaeaio women a specialty. OVl'lCK Fruuw block, Albany, Oregon. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and ill Ft em business rontinctcd for Moderats Fees. Our Offic is OpposHe U. S. Patent Oftce. ; sua we tun sec -t re patent iu lens time titan thoe remote from Wamhmeton. Send model, draw in i; or photo., with deseefn. tlon. W e adv se, if patentable or not, free ot charge. Our foe not dne till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent." with sanies of actn-tl ciienta inyour State, cotmtT.or town, eont free. Address, ' c.A.srjow&co. Orposlt Pttent Cfflcs. Washjicton. D. C. ANY WEAK MAFl w no is nureruig, either tn hi sliii tr bw y, from the Injurioua or weaksuiuf IeSicta of hi own iijuorant folliea, abuas and exoesM ean be quickly and penua Baa tlyourrd. Patera free (sealtHl). DP Cnli J,34 1hlrdBt, w5" lY5iSey Portland.Or. "ia vrti x-w:Hr fiaiB aan x yeara Xparionoe in cisrijiaTpritrntrt. lih- ji x.-. wv-t j ami KLin 1 . t : . - a . 1 ... Btllabl Remedist tent privately to any iddress. TOWfJf Real Estate g OHice. BALTIMORE BRICK." Doing a jjenwl Insurance baslncss. Tartie siring insurance will t'o well to fee tfcein . -AOEb'TS FOR- Aelna Ius.ii ranee Com pun t, Incorpora ed etiarter pcr(etual. Losses paiu in 70 vo Wd.OOO. Asset, $9J70,il5,63, Caardlan Ina. C-itnpnny, of Londoi., rneland Established 181. Capital, .i.0iW,0M3. Totul iosatss paid over f. l,ft)0,lKXI. Aiuei-lran Fire loi. Cmiipnav, of P!ii",!e phii, th .r;i''.':l 1810. Uab acLa, , . . i mm a iviLson, Loan Bitkei r