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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1891)
She gcuwrrat. FRIDAY. MAY 15, 1891 ....... i 8TITE3 Sa NUTTING. KilUert aad rroretor. LOCAL HliCOUI). Cam) Covntv. O.i Monday evening Rev O 1$ Whitmore. grand official in etntctor of the A O U V grand lodge of Ornwn and Wanhinirton. tioi-vereu an Intrreating lecture to a largo audience at the court house. A li Lvle, o! Hay creek, was in town yesterday. Mr I.yla U one o( the largest cattlo owner In Mio county, and i of tho opinion that the outlook tor the cattle ImainvM it better now than Ik hai boon for many years. The Poindexter 3ro visited the IVe- chtttes river lant week on a fishing trip and caniured about 600 head of trout. Thie ia'tlhy" fact. Married, at the residence of the bride'i parent on Crooked river, Sunday, May 3d, twi, Just ice M H IWH ottioiating, Mr Ken r Zell and Mis Mary aney. Mr Joseph Connor, a respected eitiien of the iNiimw crreek neighborhood, thia county, died of la grippe at lua home on Sundav, tho aJtUi ult, IVccasoit was born In Indiana in 1S31 : cmiurated to Orruon in 1S.M' and settled in the Wil laiiivtte valley, lie t well and favor ably known in Kenton and Linn counties w here ho resided a number of years. l'rineville papers. A Good Siiowixo. Yesterday the an nual meeting ot the Albany Woolen Milla Co. was held at the oltlce of the company in Uii city. The following directors were elected : J M Mover, F F Croft. V T Cochran, K D Mover. ;The directors elected the following officers: 1 M Moy er. President: J P Ualbrailh, Secretary and Treasurer; FF Croft, Superinten dent. The report of the becretarv gives the following excellent showing for the closing year, tno nret luit year ot me milt here : Wages paid $20,107.84 ool purchased 40,413.42 Other expenditures IS, US. 73 Total expenditures (03,609.00 The amount of goods manufactured makes a flattering showing tor the work done by the mill, which have had a steady run. RrrvaxiolIoxK. Twenty years ago a one-horse circus passed through this country, and after its departure John Welch, of Beaverton, Washington conn- trv, ruisaed his 15 year old son, Martin Welch, The boy had run away with the circus Nothing was heard of him, and the old folks long since mourned liiui as dead. Last week a heavily bearded gen tleman of 35 walked into the Welch home at r.eaverton, and called Mrs Welch "mother.' SSho did not understand, and told th book agent to go. "I am not a book agent." said he, "I am your runa way boy, mother." That settled it. A messenger was sent out for the father, who came home to welcome the son back. Martin then told how he had gone with the circus and followed the occupation of a rider. He had been all over the world, but is now back to stay, though he let the circus behind. Statesman. Tut WiiEBtroat. W R Kirk, presi dent of the Eagle woolen tnil!s,of Drow Ne ville, publishes the following card in the Ochoco Review, of Prinesville: "My attention has been called to an article in the l'rineville News, in regard to some of the wool growers of your county bring ing their ool to onr mills in L'rowns fille, in which the writer fails to see why the wool buyers of The Dalles cannot give as much for wool as we do. I think it is pretty plain why prices are better here than at The Dalles. We buy for ourown nse and will consume 30O.UC0 pounds, mostly eastern Oregon wool. If we buy in The Dalles or lleppncr we have to pay the freight from there here. If your people bring their ool to na we will give them Ialles prices with freight added from The Dalles here. Further more, we will sell them all kinds of woolen goods at wholesale prices, so a to make it pay them for coming here. Fine light woofs command the best pi ice with ns." A oiiears Accident. Saturday even tng Ml Nettle Dlackman wat clipping some lilacs, lih a large pair of (hears, while standing on the fence at MrOL Blackman's. Losing hrr balance the started to jump-L but her dress caught on a picket and she fell, striking on th btunt blade of the shears, just above the heart. The blade hit the third rib and glanced toward the shoulder, going under the sVIn and flesh three or four inches; but fortunately not entering the cavity. The wound bled profusely, and at "first the wound was thought to be a dangerous one; but MU Nettie is now doing welt and out of danger. It was a hair breadth escape though from a fa! it I accident. Ahotiieb Foot Racb. Albany, will'at least be able to get a name for unique foot races. The race of Mr Ingram and theitranger over plowed ground was nearly equalled this morning by one be tween A Milnerand Jos M union. Man ion, who is a railroad man. chose the ground, in a half a mile contest, and se- lected the railroad track across the river on the Oregon Pacific. The race came off at 5 o'clock a. m.. Mr Milner orovimr the most adept at rnnningoties,coming out ahead with ease, w hen the ttakes were promptly turned over to him. WjllThet AcCEirr-The Albany Ease Ball club should either accept the chal- lenge of The Linn or pull In their stun and fall back to second place. There It quite a dispute among the playert a to which 1 the better of the two. The only way to find out is to play. Thl will probably be Ihe greatet1. game we will have in Albany this season and the boy 1 should by all mean arrange the game, fcPORT. The gamk of base ball at Lebanon, Sat-" urdav afternoon, resulted in an over whelming victory for the Albany club. the Lebanon beine unable to "cet onto" L.anmore not curve. The (core wat at follows: Aissst .. t 0 IS 1 0 1 4 31 Lsao 1 10 t 1 0 0 0 7 UmnB P. B. Mtrhsll, A return game Is to be nlaved on the Aioany grounds next Saturday. GAR Sksmom. By request of the G A R Post of thlt cltv the ministers held a meeting at the M E Church this afternoon and made the following arraignments for "Memorial service 0.1 babbath. May 24 The service will be a union service at the M E Church at 4 p m. Rev I B Fisher wa selected to preach the sermon and the pastor of the church to arrantre tor the music. " Atla" fAMa WiiiTjiA!. Joe. a well- known Cliinpao innf raitlA, ll.n tltiinti . Z u.:. . ; IS 1 n fnrmixl hn, ".jlrlrir.o.1" '-I1a ..m. ' . v v"? v vn"' Ipav ntr Tinmppona 1oIh iu nr u uiwuiniii ssvaau vii v w st a va uifuvw llttlwli M ttullav Mm flassnii - A fnnk man and others, and several Celestials from whom lm had irri mnn.if irorn wnom lie Had twrrowed money. Huch orenrrences ere not frequent among Celestials. -, wa M' VS jb VIUI I tbkt n I iaiB 1U J ' . . " . . . Will Locate w Albaxv. J E Adcox, the lewelcr.who was formerly doing bunl ness in Kaleiii, has decidea to locate in Albany. Mr Adcox went to Fair llaven and was there robbed of almosthlnentire stock of jewelry and watches. This was a bard blow on him, but with Ins energy and pffir-innt .if, k o r.nir .n,i aL enair er he will soon recover from the loss. halem Journal. Lost His Teeth. A gentleman pre enl at the council meeting became to In teretted in the bridge motion being made and the attendant excitement, that he lost hit false teeth, jutt how !t not known, but It it thought lie absent-mindedly placed hem in a pocket, and that a friend or foe played a joke on him. Invitation. Mrt Schmidt invket all t'iC famlliet In Albany to come and try her tplendid Ice cream, 10 centt a diih, 5 cent for children. Flrt ttr!et, opposite Ihe Laillet IJazaar. Tartlet supplied with Ice cream at 45 centt a quart; by the gal lon, 40 centt a quart. A Dividend. Ihe O r building at KOiiailon hat declared a dividend of $1 a than.', the third tince lnt fall, payable on 4 tieamrcr. J, . tmtt. rBrtista. Bias Ordered Arfvertlwrf for, tar a Blah Bll Bridge. Tuesday evening, May 12. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Superintendent, Chief Engineer and Couucilmen Hawkins, Uurkbart, Tabler, Smith, Uarrett, French, and a large number of cttiaens. Tha following bills were ordered paid ; N J lion ton, (75; Smith A Senders, (7; Win Wright, (73 50; J W Kcocp, (3; A J Anslyn, ('Jtt; Clms Mulxgor, (t GO; If K Townaend, (2 fit); Foahar A Mason, 111; W It ltarr, (5H; Cost dills, (14 75; O 1' Diuinala, (15; (ieo Hughes, (I ; Kloc- trioi Liaht Co, (182 03; V O I, (70; freight bill, 80 ceuli. Rill of J A Warner, (43, disallowed. All obstructions on Lvon street from 1st street to Willamette river were order ed removed, before May 21st, at 7:30 p m the time lor hearing objections to said order. Further time was granted in matter of city jail ; also on clenniug of cisterns. The committee on fire and water rec ommended an arrangement with A It Iju-v and Frank Purdom for haulinir the two steamers to (ires niuhti and on Sun days, for rent of houao to rvsido in and the furniahiiig of lire harness, at a per manent cost of about (23 a month. Re ferred to committee of whole to report at luxt meeting. The surveyor submitted the follow ing report on sewerage system for the city ; Rv request I submit to vonr honorable body the follow ina approximate tatimate for the completion of the sewerage sys tem oi tno city: Three arwenitit Wti portion of elly, IS, in nun im-n fiw, wtia aeoeenr uiaii. holm, wok scoi.oa . trsot so Qu mailt oswrr through bumnna portion HIT, Is Inch 'ti. Hot fort, U 10 per foot- ........rri( VXt foot S ie Ulktrsls t TO ctnu utw On it kin Mtnr en Mtuiieoa. stmt, IS Imb pip. lm l TO pmt !4........4MJ 40 11SO fcit inch humh n TO mi tM nwln Mirr on ttak tnM, li Inch tips, fw St 11 SO POT lOHt -- inn, PM hot S bull bitumlsst 70 mt............. . . V3 On mtr, luucks 13 and li. S luck u Multnult.. 4t0 lUpalring OtlMioia stmt .....,.... tt JO This does not include any sewers al ready contracted, or any the construction of w -liicli has been ron'.raeted for. Respectfully eubriiticd W. It. lUaa, City Surveyor. On motion report was placed on file. Latteral sewers connecting with Rail road street icwer were ordered built ac cording to notice published. Petition of A HacMcman and 608 others asked that the city unite w ith the county j n the building oi a Midge across the Willamette river at Kllsworth street, as provided by the action of the county court. Mr Burkhart moved that the petition be granted. The mayor declared the, motion out oi order, ua motion the pe tition was placed on file. Ordinance bill No 220 establishing cer tain grades of the streets of Albany was read three times and passed. Councilman P.urkhart ciTered a reso- ution providing for a special meeting on inlay. May Ja, i.vji, for the purpose of taking a vote of the cituensot Albany on the location of a bridge at Kllsworth or Calapooia streets. Mr French moved to lay the resolution on the table; aye French, Tabler, liarrett. No Hawkins, nil th. ISurkhart. The maror voted ave. laying the resolution on the tabte. The committee on streets and public property made numerous recommenda tions. On motion adopted. See notice hereafter published. On motior it was oidered that when the council adjourn it be to meet on May 21, 1801, at 7 :30p rp. Mr Garrett moved that the recorder forward at once to the secretary of war at Washington, the plans, aa prepared bv the engineer, for a high steel bridge, as provided by !aw, for approval by the government. It was 'moved by French that the re corder advertise at once for bids for the construction of a high steel bridire at the location oi the site selected by the pint committees, bids to lie opend on June 12 from 1 to 2 p m. Aye 3 ; no 3. The mayor cast the deciding vote in favor of the motion. Mayor Cowan, on voting, Mated that ho had the assurance of one of the county commissioners that in case of such an action, he would stand in with the city in constructing it. Cheers for and auainst were freouent during the different bridge motions. A latteral sewer was orocred connecting with Calapooia street sewer; also latteral sewci connecting with Railioad tircct ewer, to have hearing on list lnt. a Bad holes In streets from which dirt was recently scraped were ordered filled with gravel. A Serious AcciDii.-T.-Yetterday after noon, about 4 o'clock, Mk Mo'dle Lude- wick, residing with Mr George Ciine, across the Calapooia, and Mis Frankie Taylor, a stepdaughter of state printer. r V liakcr, of balein, were com In a alone Vine street, Miss Taylor driving, when In I turning east on Fourth slreet at the ditch. being interested In a passing conversation with a couple young men from Salem, the horse, a gentle one, wa allowed to take hi own course. This he did by running one beei;of the sulky inlwhich thev were riding, up me ratling ot ".he bridge, tipping me ngnt vehicle over, miss lay lor wat thrown out away from the sulkr, not be ing injured at all, but Mis Ludewick wa caught In the seat under the sulky. The horse sprang forward and dragged the unfortunate voung women about half a block "rectly Into a large pile of limbs, iutt trimmed from tome maple trees In front of Dr J L, II ill', where the wa left, the horte (topping on the other tide. Mis JUude wick, covered with dust and badly bruised, wa carried Into Dr Hill' and promptly cared for by the doctor, who wa at home. Her tight arm wa dislocated at tht elbow, but veiy strangely, other than tome bruises, no Injury wat done. In the evening Mitt .udcwlck wat taken to her brother-in-law', Mr Hill, residing oppo- ue Mr cine s. Our Sewers. An examination of the report of City Surveyor Barr ehewhere, giving the new sewer ytem of the city, '111 show that the whole city Is well covered, and on the face, it look a If the surveyor had done a good job. The cod of (ewer up to date ha been approxi mately $27,000. To omplcte ihe system it wllf cost about $25,000 according to the report, making a total cost ot about S52,- 000, a very reasonable price for a vtem lor a city like Albany, A Fine Atlas. Mrs Talt, of this city, has shown us the latest revised edition ot Cram's Atlas for which she is now canvassiner. This is a book of 208 pages. Among the new features are SI maps of the 31 principal cities of the V. 8. The maps 01 the severa. states ana foreign countries are enlarged and perfected. A iiidwit ui junuuiiuuiucvnim;a tiis formation of the government. The sta- I 1- il 1 4 V 1 1 .1 11 muicb nivur; aiv "yiiiinio untrj ft,iu ir- i HIB WW. HCIO wD llttVO tHI UUklUIC I ttt 1 ' r g 1 t . . 0 I r.l tlia ltfa fit aastt nraailanr Hata ff alot. u.e iiie oi eacu presmenx. aate oi eiec- tion. time of service,with date and place r v-lrth and death imnortant inventions 01 D . . , aeain.imporianiinvenuons, exemption laws, inteiest laws,, religious denominations, railroad milage, bikihest mountains, longest rivers and many other tables too numerous to mention. I alien altogether it is a most valuable publica tion and should be in the hands of every family. tT...--V.. . Wr.. -..J inn .l,!Mnn . .... , , have you any children : are you an old bachelor? Whatever you. are you can not do better than ty buying your groceries, produce and baked goods ot l amer iiros. You want to save money and at the same time cet good groceries, then call on them. You will get first-class treat ment and first-class goods Their baked goods are made in an experienced man-. ner, ana include a lage variety of eata bles. Tub Leapehh. If there is anything good wanted in the way of fruits, vege tables, staple or lancy groceries, you can always find just what you want at Mueller & Garrett's, the cash grocers. I, T ANTED, a Puhll iON. By the nn. ff dersigned, to look altar iba busi ness of a more or warehouse, having many past years experience at eucb labors i feel satisfied that I can civ, Kenerul patisfaction at very moderate vtagM. K h r fc Hi . r ks Any of the first Bbtuers in atd Broom! JuUuiy. A UOOD ALBANY WBITKir The following hem appcai In the Ar- kansas Traveler, of May over the signa ture of Mr G W Wright, president of the Albany board of Irado. It Is self explana tory! EJ. TratfU". About one year ago your traveling agent wat here, and did a nice buKiness for your paper, '1 he article on I Albany, owing to a mlsunderstandlng.wat not as inn as it migni nave ueen. une oi our moat important enterprises the Al. bany woolen mills was unintentionally omitted, l'lease furnish me space to sup plement that article by saying, that the woolen mill here Is one of the greatest manufacturing corporation doing uunlncvi In Oregon or on the Pacific coast. The large three story brick building, filled to the titmoot capacity with the CJUieH and most modern macnlnert -represeatlmr an In vestment of overo..e hundred thousand dollars and running tiar and night, manu facturing the finest and most substantial woolen khk! l a p. We and ornament to our rapicly growing city of jooo people, The woolen mill employs nearly a hun dred hands, and tinder the experienced guidance of Mr I M Moyer, president, and Mr J l' ualbraith, secretary, ha taken ihe lead In the cc-ant. wooien mill of Ihe 1'stliic While Albany ha many manufactcrle roller flour mills, Ice works, electric Mght system, street railway, national and private banks, water works, furniture tactile, Minn and door factories, Iron foundry, churches, colleae and fine pub lie school, two daily newspaper, etc, etc. and the finest county In Ihe world, the great Wlllamelto valley surrounding It she hat not been Idle In lnducing railioad to locate within iter borcers, and today Albany not only lay claims to being the 'Lowell" of Oreeon. but at well, the sec ond railroad center In the date. Steamer laden with passenger and freight ply the beautiful Willamette, and land at her wharves, and her many natural advantage are but awaiting further Investment of eattcrn capitalist to make her blossom like a rote. Eastern capitalist, will you come to a sunny clime, a city and country teenlng in natural wealth, which but need your capital to yield you a large and aounuani nirvcstr uto. w, WaiuiiT. V. M. C. A. lUtes. MCA District Convention will be held in this city on theC2d, 23rd and Mm oi una month. The meeting af t he W 0 T U 1 fall Sun day was well attended. The address and me music was especially good. At the association meeting last Friday evening eight new members were taken into the association. President W II Lee has appointed the following membeis asdolegatea to the coming convention : r. r ox,s N Steele, Ueo Hochtdler, Win Fortmiller, K M nonon, n c itierrui. Committees have been appointed as follows: Collation committee, K F Soi. JBCougiil, W II Lee. Entertainment, O 11 Hart, J O Littler, W T Hearst, Ueo Acheson, U F Itusacll, 8 N Steele. Reception. Fred Fortmiller, Chas An derson, Ed Blodpett. Allen Chamberlifl, Chaa Cusick, 11 M McKee, C K Sox. Pulpit, E M Horton, W II Lee, II W Young, ( C Anbrey. W W Crowder, Jack Smiley, I) W Myers. Music.8 K Fteele.C II Hart.J E Miller. We are glad to learn that already some of the committees are laying their plans for solid work That ia right, nothing but complete snccrsa will answer for the Albany association during the conven tion. Let every man assume his person al responsibility and carry out the plans already made. Sacrifice a little time it necessary and thereby lend to the success of the city, the association and the reli gion you profess. SacaETJtaT. A MatteaUota, JUot Democrat: If the building of the bridge is delayed, one thing It certain, something will have to be dene to reduce the expense of fhe city gov ernment. Tl.l would be done by reducing of electric light, during sis month of the year, at least one half, which would save the taxpayers $i7oo. Dispelling with one night watch would ae 7J, Abolishing street com mlmioncr and adding $250 to Hoffman's salary a marshal. The work needed will goon jutt the same, making a total saving of vio per year and no taxpayer will be inconvenienced or damaged by making this change. The amount thus saved. with what can be obtained by subscription, would enable u to run a free steam terrv. in case a bridge should fall. But the peo ple voted lot bridge ind should have it. 1 . ion EN. BCAL rSTATK SALES. Tho lirandon to Vm Patrick, 14 Int In 160 acre In sec 20 Tp 10 S R 3 E ... O St C R R to Henry V Nave, N J4 jn w n and lot 1 and a Td 11 S R 1 E , 17 c u i-auison eiu to lonn maurer, . T r. . . f . .. ' no acre tec 30 Tp u S R t w Coo Frank 1) Haleht etux to Henry D Halght, 126 acre In Tp 10 S R3W 3000 M Hyde etux to u E flyman, parcel in nix 4 west add to Albanv. . 1000 Jas A Irvln etux to Geo B Shepard o acrs in K 4 ec 19 Tp 13 S K 4 W loo Henry Stewart to W W Scully, 17 acre la U L O Of Martin Payne.... 850 Total tale In all diaesse 01 th stomach, lirer and kidoeyt, us, tothe xolusioo all other modicinea, Ksture's own ismodjr, Pfuoder' urfgen uiooa runner. Sockd Advice. It pay to get the best: even Shakespeare admitted that In this connection it otr be remarked that W II Graham has mat received att elegant line of suitings tor the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and ir uraham is prepared to make them np in the latest style with a skill his long experience Las enabled him to be master of. Suddex Death. Mr Cannon, proprfe- tor of the Occidental Hotel, at Corvalli. died from heart dlseate last night. He was well known through the valley, and hat been a resident of Corvalli a good many year. . ' Avoid the Rush Call early at Muel ler & Garrett's each dty and buy the leader to be given to the cath trade of thia city. Money it king. We Intend to sell bargains tor cath. Mueller AC Uarrett. Will Make Rome Howl, The tpring tcaion belni; o .te In opening up, n being overtiocked In ladle Oxford tie we will for the next 30 day, tell them a geatly reduced price. We mean ju .ve over 3o different styles to ",,, J001crcniiyiw at Klein Bro. exclutlve thoe , , ' hat we tay. Call and cet price. We elect from. tore. New Caepets. A B Mcllwaln his one of the largettand Pest telected lines of carpets In the ell y, embracing all new patterns and uetignt, and a he has made a great reduction In price It will be to the advantage ot carpet buyer to call and iutoect hi ttock and price before cur- . natmg, Wanted, to loan $40,000 on good farm teeiirity, u tin ui vuinjr May. JVIOBey reauy, uwune juo can get it, A STEELE Si Uelty k CsiUey.Tti Printers, 711 en Ike In tub Spkwo. A fine line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in many designs, jaet received by u vv bimpson. Also a largo stock ot the -popular self- pemug corsets. . m 1 Lace CuaTAiNr In great variety from 75 ct. to $9 a pair. These good are ought from New York lonbert direct and cannot be excelled for quality, ttyle and price. . Samuel E Young, Dress Making. Work neatly done and satisfatlon guaranteed. Rooms at Mr -s I E Carter's, corner Railroad and Fifth streets. Aeelia Bcbkhart, BOClAt ARt) reKMONat, MONDAY. Dr Amm and wife, ot Portland, are In the city, HI Kcherman, of Buliy , Malheur coun ty, Is In the city. Mr Geo C Stanard and family are In Brownsville visiting relative and friend. Rev S G Irvine re'urned this non from Portland, where he filled the pulpit of ivev 1.0 (jan. . , Miss LUxle Bryan, of Tangent, hat ust returned from a visit with relative In Denver, Col. Jullu Joseph went to Yaqulna flay to day with hi cigar grip, He hat a goo.l wholetale trade between Albar.y and the coatt. Hon J K WeUherford went to Ashland last evening to defend L L Dortenshsw. arrested on the charge of dcfraudlmr a widow ot $000, Mrs Capt Powel. children and Miss Powell, ot Ihe MUslstlppI Valley, are In East Portland the guests ot Mrs 11 W Free man, They will be in Albany in a week or two, A D Sanson and wife, of Portland. spent Sunday in Albany, the guest of Hon R A Irulne. Mr blauson returned home today.whlle Mrt Slauson will remain until Thursday. Mr Dune Rankin atrlved home a week ago from Coos llav, ard during the past week ha been in Portland. The contract for building the lighthouse there were not let. The bid were opened though, nd Mr Rankin will probably get the contract for part of the work, though not for the part he desired. Twsspav. . Mr Geo le Vane v, one ot Sclo's leading merchant, wa In the city lo-dy. E G Cameron, the will known sprinter, ot Corvaill, wa In the city to-day. Thia afternoon at 4 o'clock, a birthday party was being given at Mr Martin; Payne's, in hwor ot the olxth birthday I of Frankie Payne. A large number of ! children were having a gay time. Mr John Riley, who resided opposite Alt l L I nuxuir, m iwnion county, several years, selling out to Win Peacock in 1 '-. la in the city. Mr Klley has been a resident 01 me Maktyou country lor four or five ycara. Mr. Jay W. Dlatn returned thl morn. Ing from Southern Oregon and Mr. E. H. Barrow will be home to marrow. They took up timber claims twcnlv-tcrcn mile from Central Point. Mr. lilatn report having teen W. Kirk Price, formerly ot Albany, on hi farm at Toto, Ree Hanna, formerly of Corvalllt, re cently of Washington, went to Kueene thl noon, whew he will resldt, that city being the home of hi two daughter. Kev Manna ha been fortunate In real es tate speculation making $1500 oft a f Jo deal at Gravs Harbor and having desirable property on hard at Setttle, Port Town end, Ellcnsburuh and other Washington citle. WBPKUU1A1T. Mr Arch Montelth. of Portland. U In the cltv. Mr G L Savage ard family have moved to Salem to reside. Mr W D Wright went to Portland to day to visit friend. Mr Olaf Plhl, the civil engineer, came up from Portland last evening on bridge luslnes. Mis Jessie Davl. ot Sllvertort, tUter of Dr W II Davit, of this city, returned home todar after quite an extended visit here. Mr Henry Allen, ot th- Corvaltl ball rtub wa In ihe city today on hi way to rortiand. tie report lit club anxiou lo play any Albany club. They have Usued a challenge to any club In the yaUcy, atarir A new word for it la grlppesoo'.lc. StavcrAc Walker. -of Portland, have a bate ball club. There It not much danger ot at least one or two ot their competitors doing likewise, at It might advertise them some. A msgsxtne, to be known a th Occi dent, I s4id to about to appear aa the uc. cettor of the West Shore. Mrs Dunlwav I to have one of her finger, probably her thumb. In It.whlch will speak for It future failure. A mtjoilty of Orrgonlan hid Iutt a lieve Mr Dunlway would relde In dahoor Alaska, An attorney named John Trumbull has been arrestee in Port Townsend tor en gaging In the business ot furnishing false certiiicates to Chinese entering thl coun try. These crrtlficales are said to have been offered fot sale In Victoria for (30 and o each. About the price attorneys generally charge tor fake divorces. V aawaassaw One of the notable feature of the Pres idential parade wat the Mazxlnl society, composed of citixens of Italian birth, who turned out 200 strong and engaged Cor dray'sband at their own expense. They demonstrated that the Italian ot Portland are loyal to then adopted country ana were glad of thl opportunity to do so. Their conduct wa appreciated by their American fellow citizen. welcome. Let ua have a bridge somewhere. The game of base ball at Salem between the Salem nine and Staver A Walker's club of Portland, was a decidedly live one and a good one. Four error were made on each aide, Staver & Walker winning 3 to 2. The summary was: Earned runs.none ; two base hits.Hmith ; stolen bases, Bellinger 1, Stanley 1 5 runs itniiru 111 vj ijsdo nun, civsrw i, nuuni 1; bit bv pitched ball. Baxter: struck out. by Bellinger 8. bvLeveque8; wild pitches, Bellinger 1. Time of game,l :40. A big scene occurred at Burlington, N J when Father Tracey of the JBt Paul Church, In hi twenty-fifth anniversary sermon, (aid: "I will grind to dust," he shouted, "the rotten htaed devil ot the congregation, and hold their wretched characters to th light of day. While I am not a great a man a Mote, I have The outburst wa a turprlse to msnv In the audience. As the priest continued hi tirade, many men and women arose in in dignation and left the church. The sermon I the talk of that town. Here is an interesting fact. A few years ago five Loan companies held mort gages on Linn county farms amounting to about tNHj,otxj. INow they only carry about $100,000 in this county. That certainly makes it look as if our farmers were Improving in circumstances. The excitement over the bridge is small compared to what it promise to be over the Hantiam mines within a year. There is a high gold bridge in these mines lorAiDany thai win make this the cen ter of attraction for the Worth west coast l'eople will cross over here from ali di rections. An inspection of the free gold ore at W F Head's is enough to raise the .1 f - t . V . T eniuumttBiu 01 even a 1110 nuacn. n.eep your eyes on the santiani mines. FSESICKNTIAL PARTIES, Olid all Eindt of parties snd people, would do well to buy tneir Grocirlcs and Produce of Conn Si Hendricton, who carry firtt clatt ttock of the best and frethett ln the market, and, an examination of their prices will alto provn, the cheapest. Prompt attention, good goods and full weight it their rule. . Wall Paper, etc. I have just received a new line of wail paper and decorations, Have more than doubled mv facilities for handling them, and will keep a much larger ttock. Wall paper and border to match. Beautiet, and much cheaper than ver before. Samuel E Youno. Fob Balk. One pair Inquire at this office. ot white rats, We are making a big drive on Envelopes, Paisley & Smiliy, W, F. Read keep th best assortment of aacy gocd intowo. . Don't forget, ris!eyd.JSixiHey, Printers. TAXPATKafS LETTER. Editor Democrat i The people of Al bany were very much astonlahid when thy read in your issue ot yesterday a letter from "Taxpayer" taken from a littlo paper up at Brownsville. It was written by an Albany gentleman and the statements made were ao reckless and glaringly false that it will not do to let it pass without an answer. In order that the people of Linn county may under stand the situation 1 shall undertake to give the true statement of the affair. To begin with Albany wants a bridge and "wants It bad." Our citizens have been paying taxes ever since the county wa organised to build bridges in other localities, and now we want the county to assist us. From the names we see on our petition to the County Court we know the leading citixens and taxpayers ot all parts ot the county are wllflng to grant our request, . in the tint place we knew Albany would probably have to bear the greater part of the expense, and to be able to do thie the city would have to create a bonded indebtedness, This matter was nut to a vote and our citixens voted al most unanimously in favor ot it. and the legislature granted ua the privilege we aaked. The cltv then employed Mr T M Rtw art. the Chlot Engineer oi the O P R R. a civil enu neeroi large ex tier enee. to 1 . v . . ' survey tho river and determine the loca tion oi a oridge, ami tin report recom mended Calapooia street.glvlng four good reasons to Justify his selection of the site. There were objections to thie by some nroticrtr owners in the lower Part of town, and as the responsibility of the lo cation of the bridge was greater than the members of the Council wished to as sume, a resolution was passed unanl mously instructing Mayor Cowan to appoint a committee of citirens to work In conjunction with them, to consist of one representative man iroin each ward. The communication referred to above makes the cowardly statement that the Mayor and two of this committee ap pointed bv him were directly Interested in having the bridge located on Calapooia street. This Is as false as the remainder of the letter. At a publie meeting held for that purpose Mayor Cowan first ap pointed Judge Fiinn, who was known to favor Ellsworth street. Judge Jr linn de clined and 8 E Young was sppolnted.and as is well known this must valuable property is located in the 2nd Ward. Dr Maaton was then appointed from the 2nd Ward and A Ilackleniaa from the Jrd. The bulk of the property owned by May or Cowan and Dr Maaton is located away down in the lower part of town, and neither ot these men had expressed themselves as to the location ot the bridge except in favor of a high bridge and at a point to be selected by the best engineering talent to be obtained Mr I lark Ionian on the contrary was in favor of Ellsworth or Lyon and nowhere else unless further down the river. The Counril and the citizens commit tee then appeared before the County Court and asked that body to work in conjunction with them in locating the bridge and determining the style otitis It was exrmctel they would assist In building ft. The Court concluded to accept the invitation, and a new survey was then agreed noon and the services of Mr O Pibl were secured, this gentle man being recommended by Ma J. Han bury, V. S. whom the plans would ultimately have to be submitted. Ills survey confirmed the previous one made by Mr t lewart. and said that Cal apooia street was the only location for a high bridge, lie also reported that a draw bridge could be built below on al most any street, but the citizens had never been in favor of a draw bridge and it was never thought of until it was as certained' that a high bridge could only ue uuui at one particular point. On the 22nd of April the county court. city council and citizen's committee, forming a tribunal created for the sole purpose ot beating the bridge and de termining the style of it. met for the purpose of hearing the engineer's report and deciding the matter. The motion to locate at Calapooia street was carried by a vote of 7 to 0, vxu 1 ad - aiumoMt. Mayor Cowan then moved that the bridge to tie constructed should be a combination bridge. Mr Burkhart oh- ill niSMSMal If HhAHl.t 1 lected, saying that bv all means it should be a steel bridge. Commissioner Runt- uauHH mmj niaue it-nginy apeccn advo cating the building of steel bridge, saying that as the county was expected to assist In building it, he wanted a bridge put up that would be a credit to our propte, and one that we could point to with yride The motion was then changed and a vote taken on a steel bridge, and was carried only fwe Va "tir fe Messrs Hawkins and Cooper. "Taxpayer" willfully misrepresents facta when he says Mr Knnihaugh voted otherwise than as mentioned above, aid it he would give his name would be called to account for his falsehood by our wniiy commissioner. The communication says the engineer's report was ignored so far as the cheapest and best location was concerned. The mo . . S facts are that the neoole unanimously wanted a high bridge and the engineer was instructed to survey for a location for that kind ot a structure, and he only reported at all on a draw bridge to satisfy two or three parties who are bow raising an in is commotion. I cannot close without calling atten-1 tlon to the dirtv fling in "Taxpayers' letter at our councilman who obiected to a draw bridge, because he did not want to saddle the expense ot operating a araw bridge upon the people. "Tax payer" says it will not cost over (500 per year to operate it, when we know the O 1' It li Co pay out, as salary to the men ope ratine their draw bridge in thia city, the sum of (265 per month, without sayins anything about repairs, which are considerable. The councilmen will be commended for bis action by anyone who is not prejudiced, and by anyone who lias traveled enouch to know that a draw bridge is never constructed when a bign bridge can possibly be built. Bear In mind one thine The matter of hrldrlnr.HnK..i..-r-..uK.,K- minion appointed for that nuroote. It wa settled with due deliberation and calm- ne, and finally w ithout a dltsentlng vote, and now the clllaen of Albany atk that the Council go ahead and advertize for bids for the work. Do nst lets few Indi vid uala play the "dog In the manger" set to succeitfullv at to stop this much need- cu wora. CITIZEN. THE BBlDSa QIESTIDX. Editor Democrat; In todays issue of the Herald appears an article signed by -jsiany umzens," wuicti also needs a little correction. There is no use of set ting abusive in this matter, and every taxpayer should be allowed to express Opera Hoot last evening was greatly en his opinion on this important Question I ioyd. Tb memrim of two voung .neo without being attacked in an abusive manner, Every good citon who take. nu iuwimk i4 mo ncuRU? U9 com- xnunfty lid uvea la should express biseooQd xo-uifcbt iome more lun Antnltna inAnlv arti4 whofoa I.4 Ha I VliUiwuD vvwmi j 1 att ntlVVUCI l IK" ul r t t a t a . wrons. lie Bnouia ue ijc&ra. The Democrat only did its duLv when it copied the said correspondence bv re- liucob. jJisi yuiwftv Jin two BlUcS. Bo lias the bnage question. Had the said article favored a high bridge all would have been well. Now to come down to the cost of ooer ating a draw bridge, the writer is of the ooinion mat mo same wouia not mucn exceed 11000 per vear. and not a.tfsotv the Doatinir season oniy lasts about five . . , , months during the year, daring which time 11 wouia require two men to oper- ate the bridge, at all other time one man would be sumcient. The difference in the cost of a lush bridge and a draw bridge is so great that the interest, on uie investment would more than pay cost of operating the the difference in the length of an eleva- ted bridge over a draw r bridge is about !)0 leet. ana to ren ace th rlnntino - " . . K? . - nve or six years, 01 unis part 01 an eleva ted bridge, is also a very expensive 1 . . . " . mawer. As to the sentiment of the people In regard to a high bridge or a draw bridge it would be a very eaay matter to decide by a vote. Let it be left to a vote of the taxf avert to decide the style and location cf a free wagon bridge at this city, and there is tio doubt that a great majority would favor a draw bridge. The council should put this matter before the tax payers to decide upon, end let the m- ioritv rule. Ws want the bridge if POS' slble and without regards to the wish of a few, be these on either end or in the center of the city. As far as the engineer's report is con corned, in regard to the njost fuwrMt poi, to locate me linage, mere couiu ue statements brought from the moat com petent engineers who are familiar with the course ot the course of the river, that would contradict the said statement fa voring Calapooia street. The question now is : "Bridge or no bridge." If our cltv council will not stand In with the the county commis sioners, and accept their liberal offer our cnances for a bridge vanish, and that we cannot allow to tie done. If the majority decide for a high bridge at the place selected bv the council and engi- gecr, all right but. if they should de clare themselves for a draw bridge at any other point, then let us have it by all means. It Is the taxpayers who put np for the brldgo and they should Ins heard. Let us have a vote on the matter, and by all means let's havs a free wngon bridge fin ished before the close of Imii . Also a Taxpavk8. H ASS) AMttwAB ISOX DAY. Georgia Itesd't Comedian tonight. Bsgular mooting of the Y'a Tuesday after noon at 4 o clock. Let members attend. A Democrat mta who ha tried it can vouch tor tht good quality of Mr Bahmidl's toe crosm. uppoolU itdies iiixttr. . Usder a new law all notary publio have to III their eommuiiMis with the Canny Clerk of theoouuty In whloh thy reside. The law goes into effect os May 20th. fiyraes allUnoe, in Linn couoty.U grow ing. KoortonD aw mambar wtr ttkxn in Saturday. April 25th, and five more bay bees rivd (tno. Thit makes 47 tnem bcia. FEHoJakio, assistant Stat Traarr, bat let the ooDtraet for a new residence at Salsm attbe contract prios ot $4,139, Jobs Orsy Mag the Inwt biddr. Tb bighatt bid wsf,803. There is a possibility that tb 1 of Con ductor Cootor, its j a rod la lb Ltk LaMth accldtot. will hv to b amputated. Th matter will be decided la two months. Dr Maaton of this eitv has (aioed la oa or two eoMtilUtiotia over th matter. Throo band rod and to ant act al UnA itsated la elot proximity to Jnron, thit county, Uing port ion of the K II Bllingr stete, wa sold yesterday by W T Rigdue, at th eoert b-.,to J C JohMoo.of Hlm, tba pries paid being IS 75 per acre SuUs- Tbe Baptist S 8 e.&ntlon. h:eh m.t ot Oregon City lost wk. tlocUd th f jlywio oOloarat Prosidtrot, Doacod V I, til. of Eat Portland; vie pridnl,Mr L L Wbit oomb, of Hillsbof( oorro ponding saerstory, IUKO WbwUr, of Portland) recording Mercury, IUv Uto vV Hill, of Albooyj sta tistical ert.y, R C A Woddy, of Pott lad( trwarr, Mr I) C Ltortt,of Ort- JoaCityj ieoattt eommittc, DoaooeN 8 'ra't, cf iWtladd, A 8 Drwr, of Or.on City. Will Brooks.of halsm.J G VonnhLoL of Kl Pertiaod, A &n4rt(itf McMionvtils, A Rooaraa Fioht. Xesterdav In the western suburb of Albany, a fierce rooster fight was Indulged In between Shutlx Uroa bra back and Witt Emerlck's black breast, the former winning in twelve round,hen the black bre ist wa loo weak to appear. It I reported a bloody and cruel contest. each rooster losing an eye and being badly cut up. A Uaiiow C, E. At tin Presbyterian church last evening the tour Chd.tian Endeavor Societies of the cities held a meeting, with Mr W II Young, district secret ry. In the chair, and organized a union curktian Endeavor Society for Albany, with the following officer.- Miss I fettle Miller. President: U E Promt, of the Congregational, Fred Fortmliler, ot the Pretbyteriao. D W Meyer, t the ChrlstUn, and C E Sox, of the V P, Vice- rresidents; Mis Annie AH house. Secte tary, and Chas Cusick, Treasurer. A committee on constitution i.d by-laws to report at a meeting at the U P church Frldav cvenlno-. was tnnAlnlxl onn.t.tln. of Mia tJh VII.. At. hou.e, Ml Flora Mason and Mr Mjycr. Tt'tSPAT. The street sprinkler began this mnralog. Building od Lnaa Asoociotioo next Fri day svMteg. Eight Wall ofdir have Ik-j arret ltd fur labicg A J 'Jaot. The eolaro n of tb DsttocaAT ar opea fcr all id of th bridge q4atito. 8 J Chadtfick. formerly of EaJem. wa letd may Mr of Coifax )trday. Cram Atlaa. bw td-ti'io cf which i just oat, giv Albany papulatioa at 6.872 ana Ktun i at w,vx. A vtrt flsaby yllow ear w:h picture of autraalt, and tba n-m of Natl Uutve on it, prsawt Dortb tela moraisg. A (sir h'io was present hist eveaieg at th Optra How, Oeorcia Hoed and her traiead doc giv a 6ae ntrtainmDt and I tb eomtdiae ar good. Th company will I , N here daring the wk. ' The Mill City G.a-tta. four colua o folio, ha appeared, with O A Cl.oey a proprietor and b U Dorris aa editor, aud pablithcr. At a meeting of citixsu at Breateobritb Saterdty it wa decided to petition ihe gov- ram ant for a arvy of Itad there, so that will be open to ettler. Th funtrtl termoa of Or Mori i. who died Mveral wlrs asn, will b pret.olid oext Soudar at It a mat the Chrwtian I church, by the paatur, Rov Ja F Stewtrt. A Mkam fatcx. At the Bay latt night ome one pulled all the coupling pin out of the car In the O P's yrd snd threw ihem l.i the Bay evidently for spite. The company, we are Informed, owe employees tince iecemter, and our Informant thought wai migni oe ine reason, Tub Albaxy Mctna Co. Last evening the directors of the Albany Mining & 2 D? ,V.! "EE? 'n,1. " v icx reBiien, r v w Maston. Treasurer: J V Tips. Secretary. being the same as the old officers except secretary. A ten stamp mill was order ed purchased. J W Hazelton was elected pertnaneat superintendent. The com' pany means business, and propose push' ing mining matters. WED9EHDAT. A meetine of th Albany Bate Ball club will be btld thit evening, when th ehallcoa of th Lion will be acooptd, nd a cam r ranged lor fan a aid aca parkphermaba it win os a not one. Rev G B Douglas, of Dayton Waablneton. editor of the Baptist Santinal, pablithed at that place, will preach at Oak Creek Baptttt church, tcven mile south of thia city uext Snndtv mornine. Tha Dublin ara tari3il! invited. . .. t r i Tk- n. i. t--i .K ..... : & l ... WM 0M exnimtton of wbat ean be (lone in Ztoll .w I tha &nnd loo tin fir d ivsrt m&u twimt t n ma I 01 rt - rn a. aX I T'K 1 a mrtwninr KIiawiiT BnAf ( KAfioitrtyl ilt i mvhw ywi. ivntu vv wuowing aispatcn from Bhedd : Mrs Carrie Young found dead in bed I ftv.v.ftifcij' duiviuc, lit ftiniQ ui the justice. Bend (Joroner. I (W Davis. Coroner Farrell was sent toinveBtleate - ! the matter, and had not returned at press time. The case is about like this 1 accuruiuK w um;ib kivcu tu me jjumuvkai a I About a vear atro Mrs Yountr secured a . , , , r. I divorce irom uer uuauanu, run k. xj Young, then section boss at Comestock, now m me same posiuon ax uregon jny, One child, a girl, now eight years of age. was retained by Mrs Young, and ttie eir baa since been living most of the time with Mrs Young's parents, Mr and Mrs A r uooper, a lew nines irom bueaa, w.r Young giving her an allowance. Mrs Young has been in the dressmaking busi- " 1 i a' 11 Z a 11 18 cla med by some that Mr oung had I or. A Mnim srt lion lAtnln m nhttiM SAa Ilia 1 iibcvuvcw jib, icicijr, uo JIDVVUtVU ICtUVI J ) UtSaVlIK 4VI ttW mueraoie; nut wis is aisputea dvo triers She evidently contemplated sniclde, for she recently toid a gentleman, now in Albany, that she had rather die than live. Mrs Young was about thirty years 01 age, ana was wen naea in bbeaa. New Spring Goods. I am now re ceiving my first Invoice of spring novel tie in wash goods, prints, ginghams, seer tuckers, etc., 1 have aleo just received new line cf all wool summer plaids aad feciges, Samdei. E Young, TARtiEltT. May 12th, 1891. MrMD Ilogan and family will move to Lebanon one day having traded his Tangent property for four lots In Lebanon. Our Tangent Library society met last Friday eveatng at the scnooi nousc anu an Interesting program was had. The subject for debate was, "Resolved, That the woiiuin should have their right to women suffrHge." Following were the Indgea, Mrs Nancy Hulbert, Miss Ada Cnjghten tind Mr LB Ln per, and of rourse thev decided in favor of the ladles. The society closed, to commence the first Friday In September. Mrs htevcnu. of California, gave us a temperance h-ntore recently and organla ed a W OT V here with 20 charter mem ber. Officers: MrsN K Olln. President; Mrs Nancy Hiiibcrl.vice-prcsident; Miss Katie Howard, secretary; Mrs Adams, cor. secretary; Mrs M L ilawley, treas urer; Mrs Dome Turner, juvenile worn Mrllvan. father of P W Rvan. of this place, has just anived on a short visit from Iowa. The member of tho M K Church rioulh gave a basket dinner on taslHunaay near their church building, to which quite a crowd partook. The granger are making arrangements to l.ave a lmk(.'t sociable here some time In the near futuw. Farmers are still sowing tlmir spring grain and if the weather continues good some will ho through this week. Mr Alfred lUcvins is shipping 40,000 bushels of wheat from the Tangent ware house, it will take some time to remove all o: that amount. Mr 1 1 Beard tells us he intends build ing a new hotel before long, he having so many boarders that he cannot accommo date every one that comes. Next Sunday w ill be children's day at the M K Church 8011th. end alo at the M K Church the 1 Hh of June. L. E.BLAIN'S COLUMN. Wh aro dow ready for Spring trade fit ho largest and best selected stock of Clothing that will bo t-hown in tho county this season, v All varieties of styles and patterns to please, the most fastidious. , We have many fine makes including to. Then wo have tho full i lino of mens', youths' and s' clothing in tho Albany UOV Woolo" Mills oods, that we specially, recommend to the public for trial, The largest fleck cf Mens Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes. Hats, from Stetson's bes down to a two hit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishinfr Goods every de- partment full. Have used cash this year during tight times eas and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments The merchant tailoring department, under charge o Mr. E, A. Schiffler, is wel stocked with suitings of latest patterns. First-class work guaranteed. It will pay pat rons of tailor shops to see goods and get prices. L. K. BLA1N. mm mum Reveilles la Jacket. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring Jackets, made In the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the k-rJing styles in Latlita Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken for special sixes and styler. Sah'j, E YoiiNO. rjighest of all in Leaveainj; Powers. .T5 : F. L KENTON, : -Dealer GROCERIES Near tho Post Office, We are the People Vho carry tho most complete lino of Hard ware, Stoves, flanges, etc.," in the market. IilATTHEWS & WASHBURN. SHERIFF'S SAIL Ilit Ctrcuit Court of the SlaUoJOrtgo fir the VourUy of L,ar t JOON a. CBAWFOBD, Ftaiotiir. vs. V K Robioaoo and C E Robin- n, bit wife, L K Wt and Roaa Vt. hi wife, C I! M seller, B Breooer. J M Mo yer, II r Meinll aa Unite of 8 It AlibooM, N it Allen, P A Goodwin, J A afcBride aed E iloytr and 11 li Mover. partorra, doing beaine aadet th firm nam of Mover Bro Defendant. 1T OnCE U HEREBY GIVES Til At" by viitot i l an execution asd order of li ai iiwutril oat of tb aooy named ouurt ra tb above entitled action, I viU on oaday. the Mh Day mt Jaae, ISS1. at tb coort boot door, ia tb city of Al banv. I .mo Co, Or, at lbs hour of 1 o clock. p 01, of said day, ac!l at publie aaction for oath in hand to tb bibett bidder, tb real property cencnbcc in ai execution and or der cf tale a follows, towit: Bff inliire at a point on th sooth bound-: ary hoe of block No 10. ia i!ackIcmi.V addition to the city cf Albany, ICO leet eaat of thi southwest corner of said block 100, and mooing thmie easterly 00 said toath boeudiry ot said I lock, to tba aoutbeaat corner of taid b.'ock, tbene eor'.bcrly alor c I be eatt'rn Loandary line ol taid block 100 to the Willamette river; tbecc cp aaid rivtr to a line pitting thiougb the place of bKiauiatr. ptr'lel WHO the eatt booodary lice tl said block; tbeoce aoaVhnrly to tht. place cf beginning, io Linn county, Oregon. Alto th north hnlf of tba tooth eatt .quarter and t,he noitb half of tb tontbweat qoartar of section S, lo Tp 15 8 R 1 E, of tb WU- lamette meridian, in Don ooaoty, Oregon, containing 10O acre. Alto the tootkeatt (jnartef ot tbe tootheaat quarter of section S3, In Tp 14 8 R 1 E, iu Line coaty. Or goo, containing 40 acre. Tb prvoeed arising from the ra'e of tb real property first htrtin described t be ap plied : Fiest, to tbe payment ot th eoata ami diaburaemeot ot nit tesrd at .'46 CO, and tb eotta oi and npon aid etecntion. Second, to th payment ct tbe demand of t A Uooilwio, amounting to tbe sum ! 550. TniBU, to the payment of plaintiff claim, amonnting to the nm of S4U5,aod accruion interest thereon at tba rt of 10 per eeut rr annoui. Focrtu, to th pay ment ot tbo ociesuact, 15 tsrenner . claim, amountiae to J52 50. Firrn, to the pay ment of ibe claim ot defeodaut. li F Mernll, a trntte of 6 H Althoute, amounUns to $50 10; and then the claim of thedefecdaot. 0 II Modler. amounting to JC02 34. SrXTO. to the payment of defendant, 1 oyer Bro, claim, amonnting to $-G0 91; aad the over play if any, to pay oer to raid duendaoU, r Kobioton and U IS Wett. And the prooeedt of tho rale of the remainder ot (aid raal property, herein described, to be ap plied: First, tothe payment of the c.tim of th piaiBtitf, John A Crawford, and thereafter to th" payment of tbe aeveral claims of tb defendants in tha order above lated. Dated tUs 27th day ot Aptil, 1S91 . M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon By D. S. Smith, Deputy. (5-1) 292 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TBI FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IN THE STATE OF OREC10H At tb elnw of butinets, May tth, 1S91, Kenoarcet 1 Loan, and di9coutits.......,....,,....l79,816.T4 Ovenlntlt.aecured and uii8eeureilJ,.. 8 7S7.2S U. 8. Uondt to tocure eirculotion. 80,000,00 Stocks, ecuritoo, claim, otc iM.bO Uua Irom approved reserve kna...nw Due from other National Bankt . 2,010.88 Due from Bute Baukt and bnker.. 0.W8 15 (Urkinz boutw. lurnltuie, and nxturea. . . . 15,000. (W Current txpenwt ami taxat paid 83 rreuiiuma on u doiki. ........... a,tz.oo Check. and oltwr own lleuit bCH.73 Billt oi other Bank! KXW.1I0 Kmctional paper currency, nlcklet aud centt X3.4U Specie . 89.678.S0 Legal tender notes low.ou Rwiumption fund ith U. S. Treasurer (Sve per eeut 01 circulation.)...... wju.uo Total... .S398,KI2,S8 UabtUUe 1 Capital ttock paid in.......... .... IHlruluf fund . . , ., S50.000.00 10.000 00 Stt,S44.06 16,000.00 Uiidivuleu prontt National Uiuik note outstanding... liidiviuu&i aepoMta gUDjeet to cbot-K. lemond ottrtiAoateaot depoait..... Due to other National Baukt... ..... 1U.060.8S C8.621.0i , .00 Itae to Klato Baukt and baukert, , , , S6S.S1 Total...... ....... 4393,(92.34 Stath or Orbgox, Copntt or Lins, sa I, E. W. Latgd-n, Cashier ot the above nam td bank do solemnly swear tba'. the above atatement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . E, W. LASGDON, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me thit 13 h day'ot Mtf, 1S91. t R WYATT, Notary Public Correct Attest ; . L. FUNS S. E. TTOUNO. VDlrectort. L. E. 11LA1N, ) TO CELIKUENT TAXPAYERS. I! y ori!er of the County Court I am di reeled tofoico the collection of all lazes standing unpaid cn tha assessment rolls of this county. Jf such taxes are not naid iii.iiiidiHi!y I thnil proceed to levy upon and sell .he property of Uellaquenta to maKe collection. 1 mean Du.mnoss, M. SCOTT. ' Kaenff or Jjica coiiisty, 0000"0SO"WOOOMSIOBOOOOMOIOWOiOBBgwtf . Teacher' Examination. Notice I hereby given (hat the rrsrui public examination of teachers, for Li. county, will take place In Albany, con mencing on Wednesday, May 27th, t ; o'clock pm, and continue until Frit! noon, May 29th. All teachers must r; lively be present at the time of comment' ment at no one will be admitted to il examination who I not so present. j r iv u k i. C-, School Supi. : U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ln- Albany, Oregon; Albany Cigar Fad y, J. ifcsepfl, -:- Prcprietcr. WHOLEsiiia BsrSR July While 1 abor Employee and a line stock SPECTACLE! I generally, aa well as jewelry, clocks, etc., at F. M. French's. II. GDEUC, TAILO Tl Poll made and rc-pairloR don to 01 drr. Betwea 1 bird t nd Fourth, on Lyon ALBANY :OR. WSITSIAH & EULBEEf BIOS,, Real Eststff Agents Fmj and Ranches for tale. Alr. city broerty in Jtlbacv and Coryallia. J. A. Caramisg. Wall Drvigrs, Xa.intH Oils Glass, Etc., ALOAHY, OltEGGn.i FINE DRESSED CHICKENS Mueller & Gaekett. ec?c PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor Sermrid andFeriy St, Albany, Ci CJUPERIOK werk. guaranteed la ever J O Dranca 01 tne aru SrKuiaigicg c alt kiude a specialty TQCXKOLDERS MEETING. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN Til AT ? the annual uteeliiig of tbe stock bolderi of the Albany Farmer Co, will be held at the office of said corn pan.-, iu Albany, Oregon, on May 19th, lS'Jl, at 1 : o'clock, p m. otsaid day, for the purpose ' of electing seven (7) Directors, to eervs the entuing year and the transaction 01 auoh other as may properly i eome befor saUl ineetine. Done by or der or the board of directors. M. H. WILDS, f Attest: P. B. Marshall, President. Seretary. Hi 4 UNKY TO LOAN. In smail aai! IT I Inrce amounts, from six months ta, from six months to five veaia, on good Albany snd Linn ; mnntv real estate. Call on or address W i E McPberson, First St., Albany, Or. ? C h KEKT. E.tbcr for cilices or rj i ce, th tcilcirjt tf I vericir.u 1 1 1 1 jiiiu l;i tic line him i 'vvFARF.1 FOR SALE.' A farm of acres of land 2H' mi'es rff Bt of Mtl.'ers Station on O. & C. K 11 All fenced, 13u acres In cultivation. Sj o es alufched. crocd house and barn end shed lor stock, well wat-red, good, youup orchard bearing all kinds iruit, Oooii gram ra!-m. r:entv tiro bsr. CUARLES WETZEL. VV 7 ANTED Tbe undersigned wai,t to buy Chinese pheasant esm Bring tl em to the grocery store tf FI Kenton. WS JOIIS. PAISLEY & SKILE tl i Wholesale Dealer I.t- HCCfl - ard - CIO: A3iin7, Ornaita A GE-NIS V'AMi A a. T jot r-o.i - i il'.-.';".. , 6 Zj t-t ....... . . , -' Paper,