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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1891)
She s3wit Whatever irresponsible tcribblert may tn sinuate, the Democrat i in favor ol bridge Of course, Wsslilngton couldn't lie. Cut he never had hit farm UiJ out Into town lots. It ia difficult for a drinking man to' hplJ hit breath; It it generally too strong lor him. The world it full gf people who enjoy teeing tin pan tied to the tail of tome other mu', dog. The winning man In th next presiden tial race will stand on thla platform Icaa for the public treaturjr and more for the private purse. t--JJ L.JLB Senator Hoar ia frequently taken Ix a nuniiter of the gospel. It ia perhr.s neediest to say that thb ia done only by people who do not know him. To multitude of people there is bitter irony in the recommendation to uat warm woolen clothing as a preventive of grip wiia the aver age tax on woolens nised to the neighborhood of loo per ceut by the McKinley tarUT. The Washington lst wants to know whether DayU B llltl would let go of hla governorship and hla aenatorahtp to selie the presidency. The Pint ought not to attempt David so recklessly. Great Britain's debt la four t'.mee it large as that of the United States. If Foster's financial views are valid Great Britain ought to be thankful. When Farmer Ingalls begins to pluck the festive bugs from his potato vines he will have the melancholy satisfaction of reflecting that there Is no material differ ence bteween his potato crop and the pol itical part which he has but recently parted. The statement that Von Molike wat universally beloved by Germane Is strong ly contradicted by the statement that 516 original poems were sent to hitn upon his nineteenth birthday last fall. When tha farmers of thecouniry res J the provisions of the new Spanish treaty tbey will te puzzled lo understand how they "are in it.' They can set where manufacturers of machin ery cxne in, and where alto the Standard Oil octopus Is to be benefitted. But as lo fiim products they will searc t the treaty in vain, and thea will be asked to glorify Mr Ulaine for his teal in fostering policy that shall make larger markets for farm products. It is intimated at Washington that Justices Bradlev and Field of the United States Su preme court will resign next fall U they do Froident llarrUoa will have two more im portant judicial positions to fill, aad if he has not been misrepresented be will make those appointments subservient to Lis ambition for a rcnomiaation, lie will not, therefore, as guessed, appoint Senator Edmunds of Vermont to the bench. Senator Edmunds hat contempt fir James G Blaine and would not be a ser viceable cog in the Elaine Harrison roach'oe. Moreover, if '.he reason given by the Vermont senator h r resigning his seat in the icnate be valid be cannot reside ia Washington. "Over too toots and processes which are marvels of Ingenuity and scientific knowl edge," sa rt the Rochester (S W) Demo crat, "have been Invented by safe burglars. A recent burglar's outfit, captured by the police, consisted of a little g!ant knob breaker, a diamond drill a id a high explo alve of the nature of dynamite, but put up In the form of a powder. It would open the strongest bank safe In a half-hour, and without noise enough to disturb people in the next house, while the entire outfit could be carried In the pockets of an ordi nary coat." The young men who are giving fresh .vitality to the democratic party in all the stales speak the language of sincerity. They are not old enough to get tariff ideas from Pennsylvania mill-owner and hta on appropriations from log-rolling special interests. There is to them no eloquence In vindicating prohibitive tariffs for the benefit 'of rich manufacturers, and Billion Congresses for the benefit of the minori ties who "stand in." The young men have not had t ine to distort their tense of justice or to spoil their lessons upon the functions of government. Toey cannot yet agree that politics must be conducted with falsehood, bribery and subsidized newspapers. It Is strange thst the rra of prosperity which ihe McKinley bill was to Inaugu rate for worklngmen should be opened with bitter conflicts between employers and employees. Mr McKinley and his friends certainly.sitld that the bill would enable employers In protected industries to make greater profits, and thus enable them to give better wag?a to their men. (las it fai'rd to enable the protected employers to make (jiealer'profiu, or have they failed to take advantage of the opportunity Ihelr Increased profits afford to pay better wages? Can It be possible that, despite the magnanimity of Ihe government, em ployers tnnUt upon paying their workmen no more than they are compelled to pay under the law of competition? There nut have 'wren juggling unmewtitre, and tn erplanation Iron McKinley Is ile fclr.iblr!. A M,ANEfc. Thouvimls of acres of the lMt agricultural in l'ie Wei foot country that have been til lel sre today lying Ml and growing up lo wecJs. They were mortgaged lands. Their oilyiml owners ninrtqjge.) iliem, and. being unaMe to meet ihe indcbtedneis thus incurred i.y the production and sale of cereal crops, they suffered lbs inevitable Kansas result a foreclosure. And then they came to Eastern Oregon where they hsve since prospered. The Willamette valley is doubtless one of Ihe best agricultural regions on Hit fare of Ihe earth; hut it ii heavily mOrtned all the ssme, and in ih t rrtpeel its situition is very mu. h skin to Hi) best (grjru'.tiiral ilis'ricts in tbe midJIe west, 1'rinevillc AVws. There I a!ou' ai miu.Ii f.'school in tlx above can be crowded im that many iline. There ari no thousands njsny acres that have leen tilled w l)ing idle and growing np In .weeds bcc-iute tbey had been mortgaged. T'ne writer of tbe ol-ove evident y set out to see how big a fiVli.xxl he could pen an I print an the result t-lirms that lie bat prodigious powers in tint line L'l us Ionic into facts Ac the March term of ihe ci'cuit lor Lnn county there v. ere over 1 10 rates on the docket Four on'y of these re foreclosure mi's. At the Ortolirr tiim lEyotlien were Io3 cases lour of wbiili were foreclosures. , At :be March lerm 1893 there were 75 cases on the docket and only one foreclosure suit. At tbe October lerm 1889 there were 78 cares on the docket only one of which was a fore closure suit. Af tbe Much term 1889 there wtre 85 cases J ot which were foreclosure suits Here we have a showing on the sub 3:cl of fo-edosure of mortgages in Linn county fur the lust two years with the following result: Whole number of cases docketed- 461 . Whole ritinil er of foreclosure suits 17 Wh.ii i!irii:ultuial rounly in it.e United S'.iu-s cn ni ike such a showing? It would only hi j t sti.-l Ii--.n r iMc on the p;.rt of the l''.i')t".:i'c AV-:'tn :i--nUe'J e ninv'tdzliono ablt bf" ';'., rr. .; . ;i I"idih Ktu'etiien: aliout the Williiin.-'t.- i'iiKiT. -LLDISSATISIKD., Under the above caption the St Louis AVaMc hat a despatch from Washing ton city aaylng that tha democratic members of congress who have been over In New York tor the past few weeks, and are now sojourning in Washington pre paratory to starting tor their hornet, bring a good deal oi political gossip from that state. From ,ll accounts David B Hill It very much dissatisfied regarding hit pres ent political situation. Mr 11111 tried to ptay a very fine game when he accepted the tenatorthip, but things did not work hit way and he It very much put out about It. At the ttory oes Mill only wanted the tenatorthip for the prestige It would give him In a national way snd had no Intention ol ever qualifying, lie fully expected that Harrison would call an extra session ot the senate lo confirm his judical nominations, and then Hill Intended to resign and per mtt the present legislature ot New York to elect Smith M Weed to the senate. Much to HiU't disgust, however, he dis covered within a week after the adjourn ment ot congress on the 4th of March.that Uarrison did not Intend lo call an extra tetslon ot the senate and then, to ute Hill's own classic phrase, he found him self In a hole. Hit Idea wat to resign the senatorshlp and run for a third terra as governor. The failure ot Harrison to call an extra session ct the senate deprived Ui'.I ot his opportunity of resigning the tenator thip. This cutt him off from running for a third term for governor, at the next leg islature ot New Vork may have a repub lican majority and Hill dare not face the country by declining to go to the senate and make room for a republican. 1 1 U I f eel t w hen he su r re nde rs the go ver nonhlp ot New York he will lose hit hold on the machine In that ttate; that he wtd be lot! tight ot in the senate, at there are teveral democrat! to muchf bigger than he it ihere.and by the time the national con vention meets next year that he will be nonenlty. He feelt reasonably certain that he hat tuck control ot the machine that If he desired another nomination tor gover nor he would get It, and that with a solid support of the tstpon and whiskey ele ments behind him he could be re-elected, but the senatorshlp It In hit way. He hat got It by the tall and he cannot let go. If he thould let go ot the tenatorthip th next legislature might be republican, and, of course, would elect a republican. Glv. big away a senatorshlp like this would forever damn Hill. The next' legislature ot New York will be democratic, but the convention to nominate the next governor ol New York will b held In the fall, long before the elections, and Hill, as a demo crat, cannot afford to run any chances ot giving the senatorshlp to the republicans. UKK I ALHK UUWMNO, Now that rll farm products are creeping upward In price, and the manufactured necessaries of life are becoming cheaper, our alliance friends are called upon to ex plain the situation but cannot. The alli ance was organized to give the farmer cheaper manufactured products and sell his own at a higher price. The object hat been fulfilled without any action on the part of the alliance. Who'has been keep ing prices down? Why have the organi sations of farmers had such an Influence on the markets? The question will not answer itself and until we see how per manent are the prices, we are not c'pable of answering with arty certainty. Wt! SiJe. This Is Intended to show that farmers are benefited by protectionism. The ar gument Is that increasing the duty on farm product has enable the farmer to ted hit products tr belter prices. At the same time It Is said that Increasing the duties on manufactured neceatarie of life enables tbe consumer to buy them cheaper. But the farmer Is no longer lo be deceived by such false reasoning. TlUSfGlRTAUirr. Isn't It a trifle rough Ut blame the repub licans and protectionists for the existence of the sugar trusts. In ylew of the fact that the McKinley bill has removed the duty from sugar and placed It upon the free list? S. F. Ckronitle. The trouble with the McKinley bill lies in the fact that McKinley saw fit lo dis criminate In favor of the sugar refinert of this country by putting raw sugar on the free list i.nd protecting refined sugar. This enables the re fineit ot this country to or ganize and maintain their trusts. -WOEUV." Wilt the Democrat at readily publish our denisl that we are a usurer and would-be whukey seller, but on the contrary for the past eight years have opposed the violation of these laws verr vimrouslv? Nortkw&.t ft- form Journal. Of course we will. The Dcmockat made none of these charges, and hence leaves Ibe Woodburn Independent, that did mike them to prove them or back down, But it not the Journal asking a good deal of the Demockat in view of the way it treated th Utter some lime go? It said, without the semblmce of a foundation upon which lo predicate such a remark, that the DEMOCRAT was trying lo discredit the alliance and sending forth Ihe inference that there was dissension. We showed then conclusively that it bad no reason for making such a statement and asked it lo publish our tenia!, hut it does tot appear that it hid Ibe fairness to do it. Will it roso now? The Dkmockat office lias a supply of sugar l-eet seed left with us lo bire in tbe hands of those f aimers who w ill make a test of growing beets in this valley. The purpose is to as certain whether beets may be thrown here sufficiently successfj to justify th establish ing of sugar making plants here. Those ds iring a small amount ol seed thould call at once. 'lb ere are two important questions in regard to national finances now. Is the government spending more money than it receives, and who it responsible for the Increaseed expenditures and reduced rev enues? The people of the country are studying these questions and no fluntmcrv of book-keeping can keep Ihem from find- trig the correct answers. In 1K05 nearly ail the silver coin In England was debased by diminishing the weight of the metal, and to suJi an extent was this kingly art put Into practice that In the reign of that delicate monarch known a Henry VIII. the profit In ex changing silver for gold was 355 per cent. MUn Mary Breckinridge, daughter ol Congressman Hrerkinridge.of Kentucky,! not satisfied' with bring a social belle at the capital, and has begun the study of law In her father's office. Miss Breckin ridge Is pretty and popular, and it goes without saving llia bo U a cn-illc girl and will make a good lawyer. jl.-'U xing, 1 "JLiag? A permanent and durable joint can be made between rough cast-Iron surfaces by the use of mineral subettos rr.fxed with sufficient white lead to make a very stiff put' v. This will u.Ht itnv amount of heat, and Is unaffected by steam or water. It has been tvnuloycd ftr mendln- or clo-.big jtmcUs In caH'.-iron rotnrta, ufd Iti th distillation of oil from cannel coa'. A French authority estimates that cats rre respontihle far thirty pT cent, of the cases of common conUgio'.is dheases. ntlCEi UNDER IUU1US01. A warehouseman on the Wtllameltee Is making $300 a day the past month by advance oil wheat alone. Till It one ct the commercial facts of a republican ad ministration. There are not many men who much by advancet on grtln or anything else under the Cleveland admin istration. Thin will be an unpelalablo statement to democrats, but there Is noth ing unpalatable about the way farm pro- aucis generally nave advanced. It Is not wheat alone that hat gone up. That would be explained by il.ort erupt In France, India and Russia. But short crons do not explain the advance In oats, rom1 oaricy ana an along the line ol produce Meats have gone up and before the year It over wool will be ptettv apt to advance Sheep are advancing and the clip ot 1891 will be apt to feel the Imnulse. Feed on the great ranges hat run down and flocks win do more profitable. All along the line the farmer begins lo feci encouraged, Capital Journal, , Doe 1 the Journal undertake to tay that the advance In the pi Ice ot w heal ha re sulted at the effect of increasing the duty on that article from ao to 15 cents a bushel? It dare-not tay to. It would be Impossi ble to Increase the price of whiat by In. creasing the duty on Imported wheat. We already raise more wheat In thlt country than can be consumed here, hence the market for wheat It fixed tn Liverpool. Before McKinley Increased the duty on wheat ther were Imported but 1155V bashelt for the year ending June 30, 1SS9. So, all this gush about 'to commercial fact ot a republican admlnl.tratlon'1 la the sheerest tomfoolery. The farmer can not be protected on wheat bv any duty large or small. The tame may be said ot oats ot hlch for the year 1889 there were Imported but 11,314 bushels. The Increase ot the duty from 10 lo 13 centt per bushel had noth ing to do with the advance In Ihe pricft of oatt thlt tprlng. The tame I true ot corn. During the j ear 1889 there were Imported 3383 bushels ol corn. How could Increas ing the duty from 10 to 15 centt enable the producer to get a fairer price this year than last year. The truth U short crop Is the real cause of the advance In the price ot wheat,corn and oatt. The same It true ot meata. None of these articles are Im ported In any considerable quantity, he nee protection It Inoperative. !. . . . ... CUCKANUUA1.U The republican parly is fplcnJIdty or ganized for business, as a ptlltlal organi sation. It was able lo agree on a tariff bill and on a silver bill. It passed all the principal measures to which It was pledged. The billion-dollar congress was also a bus iness congress. The result ot It labors will set the w heels of commerce humming. Already the producer Is srciling at the in creased return ot hla labor and the laborer for hire la looking up with a more hopeful expression. Capital Jjnrnal. Indeed, It It. The result ol the scheme of Dudley's Biocks-ol-Five arrangement o&ed up a It sit by the $400,000 raised by Ihe goody goody Wanamaker .to carry the election In Indiana and New York show that it was splendidly organized tor buslncsi, as a political organization.'' The billion dollar congress wat a bus! net congrcs." Indeed, It was. It wasted one hundred million dollar, the bard earning of the taxpayer vf the people, The '-laborer for hire Is looking up with a more hopeful exprcs.Ion.'' This I rich. When the associated press bring us news dally ol strikes all over the land aud the militia and Pinkerlon detectives called out to drive labor people Into submission It Is refreshing Indeed lo be noncl alantiy told the "laborer Is-looking up with a more hopeful expression." BISHOP BOWMAN EE.tTtS. Judge Schuylei ot Eastern Pennsylvania ha handed down the first legal opinion rendered In that ttate upon the Bishop Bowman trouble, which have shaken the Evangelical Association to it foundation for more than a year. At the East Pennsylvania conference, held in Allentown in February, Rev. William Wieand was appointed by Bishop Bowman to the Bangor church, which ap pointment was given to Rev George Gross by the an'.l-BowmanUe. The former re fused to give up tbe church records and suit waa Instituted to compel him to do so, the Issue turning on Ihe legality of his ap appointment. Judge Schuylet held that the Bowman conference was without legal authority and that In consequence It appointment were Illegal. He based this opinion on Ihe fact that the Bishop had been tried for immoral purposes by a lawfuilv constitu ted conference ia Chicago, and by that conference suspended. In those circum stance he was wholly unauthorized to make appointments, and at a result those he did make were null and void. The opinion closed with an t.rdr on Rev Wle and to yacate the paisonage and hrtnd over all record within twenty days. A feaasrlvaaia Fire. Oil City, Pa, May 10. Four gas wells, eight oil wells, cxtral lanka and about live square miles ot forest have up to this evening been burned by the rarest tires wiucn started yesterday morning between the Coal hill and President. They boke out afresh today. coveting three square miles this afternoon. Gangs cf men from the surrounding rountry have been sent to fiht the fire. No estimate of the loss csn yet be even approximated. - tetter lit. Fnllowirff I the lis of luUr r.-nmininii in the rt office a A!ho-, IJ.nt cuuty. Oregon, May 12, 1TOI. IVr railinu for thea letters muss mi mm n-i wuitii they wer advertUed, Anderson, E K Aodorop. W V Kail, J , Unon, Clia4 V. r.ilytu.Mra Margin Dibr, JJ.mi-f II Bailey, Mil n; W HreinhnM. Mr V. R Itrenuer M T l rinsn. H'ni.j!i Huakirk. Mr Frank l'.rwn Mi-aDiiy Buskirt, Mr PS I'.uice, Mr La Bunions, K T B, Mr WilUr Bcory Mr J H Uaily, Mr E T Cannon, Mis K Crider, John F Custer, Bool 4 0--giove, Mr F H Crsnier, ltoyal Drumnr-nd, F R Drnmmond.Mr h A 4 Davis, Mum, ft ;rtio Dnore. John 2 F.yrrsn, Mr Joo Kugkofrr, Benedict V Klfiu & Bi.bllo KsulUei.JS Flareo, JM foser1 J II drool, J 3 Givon, O Oordman, O K Grave, O O Hanlwiugrr, Jo Hminifto.', Mii A'ics Harrison, Mr George H'lley, Mr C S Mr y, Mr Cisila Hill, Mr Henry Howard, Oiborn llolif-an, Miss Julia J Ilulhurt, Mua H Hnlhurt, Albon 8 2 Hulbnrt, Mi?s h Hal hurr.. Warren Holinsn, if U Julia T IthwiNHl. Keilx . lUy Djvii Lnwii, Miia Lulu Lang' ot, Jsmrs A VfcMpekin. ana Mcl'hercon, Me Millar, J II 8 McKiriuy, Jofm ilcCrsr, Wm , .Miller, Hntviy Mouilroif, henry Alarib, R Malte, Gcaeppe Mat.o, Mr CI Man aek. Mis Annie Mar-hl, Cha Maion, A Nwri!r, Bl-i d Neil, Bob VoMofl J J II Parker, Mi a M Prrv. L V Put Lid, John J PauUen, I til. in M f onrr, CM Prj cr, Gc ore ,T iUii.nau-r, Mr L lt .im, Mn Mary Romer.MissCs'ri W ltildr, Oto Bead, U H Rilry, Eiaard' milb,Mr Martha A SnvM, MrLor,i. Sbact, Mr A H Hi w, John 8edert-n, Fred . 2 ftbeimrd, lli;r.ry Say lor, Hp hi.Mur. Civ Sikmiflt, JaiimC Young. Mr Mary Tavner.J E ' Tnrtiri.1i.Mr& Mtt J U.lrny, V IV VW, iiitt M nni Vnlt. M'V W.-l!'c.r. L Mrs Wilk. r. L W-'tnoi. J-i,ii V !!, J W.'vw, J J 2 VV:,,.., M,a I, V VVi!iiir., fr nTS Vrt!h. H l 2 Vnur.g. CO Hi !f'jit. Sijj r'ct C'vii, B pj.-u,, ei arte r,f Sccr iii' if. T. .VO.VTKITH, P. M. WEATHKK BEPOUT. Orrgom Wkaihkr BURKAl'. Ckntral UrPICB, PottTLAKt), OrttOGPt. CHOP- vVkatiikr. Ucixitim No, 9, for Tint Wbxic Ending Satuwuay. May 9, 1891. . . . , WBtTKKN OWBOOS, The temperature lias been about the average for the week, while the rainfall has been In excess from one to two Inches, tn southern Oregon the rain was unustiaU ly heavy, general rain prevailed from the 4U1 to 7th Inclusive. J.)n the 6th a thunder storm was experienced, which, In Benton county, especially, was accom panied by high winds and hull doing sllzht damage to cabbnjre ami ryi'. Hall tell in section oft the 7th. Llht trout wet general on the 7U1, 81I1 and h, dolnij no appreciable tlnmntte. iVmnt sunshine prevailed ott the 3rd, tSth and 9M1. The Increased warmth ha been of great benefit to crop of rll kind. The growl, l remarkable. Winter wheat Is, In places, quite-rank. On low land spring seeiilng Is not completed owing lo the r'.lns and wet toll. Some rye Is heading. The hay and clover Holds are remarkably promis ing. Hay wilt be a blir crop, the rain be Ittjr very bcnclictnl. Hops are pole bluh already, and so far are very healthy, Corn Is being planted. Garden products are up and growing well, Mrawberrles are In blossom and the fruit formed. Grape vines are being rained on arbors 1 Vift es are about fully formed. The vines are thrifty and cluster forming. Fr ill treet re heavily laden. The troot has not pruned out the surplus fruit, hence con siderable fruit pru'ilng will have to be done by har.d else the trees bill be broken done. The prospects for all products are unusually promising. In Eastern Oregon latd spring grain is In need of more rain: unless mote mois ture I toon had the spring grain w ill be a short crop. Pall grain promise unusual, ly well, , B. S Paour, Observe.-, U. 8. Signal 8?rvlce. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A 'al Nawbtted N'kw Orleans. May ia. Consul Cutcz bat received a dispaich from Komi intruding him lo return home and ittfoim the govern went of lh fact concerning the recent up rising. Cortes says he will return a soon at hit government has obtained all desired in formation.' This evening ihe grand jury re plied lo hi recerl letter, ayingt "We find the tenor of your communication not con sistent with the official dignl'y of Ibis body, and it it therefore constrained lo return the document witoout further cowmen!. rcamsylvaMla flee llAtxtsittRC, May li Mountain furs liav been raging north ami west of Harris hurg, but ihere bss teen no damsg near the city. ailroad men report duusirou fires near Tvtoitt and Duncannon. At Huntings ton over 4000 tcryi of valuable timtr lands tn Durninff, Ibehrtb beyond til human conltol srwt can Cnly bo eatinguisbed by rain fall. Lock llavett is oveihueg by a heavy cloud of smoke caused by the txnl fues A t'ablnrl C baaa Ciiicauo M4y li Mr C KCole. a lea line cuicaof Mtant and one of Helen rkheat men.ieceived a letter fiom Washlngtan ioi whkh stataJ that awiftafi. '..l,t ..ut.t , sin in a coutde of Bi-wtlis, and that Thomas II Carter, of Helena, would be the new sec retaty ol the Intciioi ttstlllag far Balsem Saji Dikco, Cal May ia The tieamrr Crnsccnr City. jJjring to Cetros UlneJ, off tlie Ixtwer California coast, for a mining rompai.y arrived this evrBmc She slithted lb Charles ton about 6 o'clock MonJay evening, eighty mile south of here. Tbis indicate lb Chsrlestoa is making eighteen knots an hour, Tbe Itata I expected to transfer tb a urn po from Ibe Robert and Minnie to tbe Esmeralda at Socora island south of cat e St Lucas Son day evening. The Itata took aboard about six hundred Ions of coal here sn l. i: is claimed. can steam (outlets knott on thirty loot per oy. The Klrfciaaa lire. I.Ul'lKGTO.w, Mich, May 15. Some people who lived In Walker ville before ihe Cue attack ihem have aniued here In a wretched ata'e They tay it is imnotsible lo tell how many in habitants escaped alive, but they fear many dleJ in ibe wood, whert they fled for safety Tbe village had 800 inhabitants, and ao one knows where more thse half of Ibis number ar at present. Rumors t4 Urce luaa of hfe al other points come in, but vrriueaiton i im- posible. 1 bis entire country will be swept uwcaa rain come looty nerseit UiM Slgnt. Skattle. May 12. Usiie IiuOmeU, the English gitl who sued W E Williams, of Se attle for $10,000 for seduction under breach of promise ol mairiafe, got a verdict for f 10,020 la tbe superior couit today. Tbe case had many sensational features. Williams met Mis Busbncll on Ihe ateamtr while crosting Ihe Atlantic a year go and led her astray. This criminsl intimacy was continued lor several month in England, and tbey were constant companions. She sayt William promised lo marry her atd led her into the intimacy. A Terrible Etprrleare. Com deri roar, Pa, My 11. Tonight tb little lowot of Austin, Costtelln, C a let on and Moore's Run, in I'ot'cr county, are on the verr of a panic, two erecially. heme ibteat- ened with annihilation fiom tire that seems to form an impenetrable wall on every side. At Moore's Run, on the Slnie-Muhoning road, a trab-load of seventy five men was sent ont Irorn Austin Sunday and have been fight ing ba tk the fire by every conceivable means. They were caught in the fl.mes and teveral perished It is known that Superintendent Badger, of the Sienne-Mohening Valley rail road, who wat in charpe of the train, went down under some of wreckage, end wat un doubted 'y burned to death. Six ethers also miserably perished t once or died soon after ward, and thirty others of tbe rartv were badly burned, many fatally, having Inhaled tbe flamee. Seven other cf the party are missing and their fate unknown, though tbey j TU 4ttr J WMOLIBALC 4 - . - T-tfftM tsiti ntl Hardware, Iron, Steel antlFarm Haclery, SOLE ACEXTS FOB WASUINCTOM AND MOBTHESN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER, Tbeta Machine! srs too well knewe to nee- comtrfent. Thousands of farmers navt used thorn and tpeak of thorn with tlio. ley ar th cnly Harrettlns Hacblnet that wlU giva EtiTls r..T:3F ACTION ta ths paronaitr. MILLER'S STAR VI8RATIH0 THRESHER. AULTFiTflH'S STAR TfiAGTIOH EHfllriE, Tne mosu Zffritlvt and Successful Combination far Threshing uiCleanlsff " Drain erer conatrocted. BUCKEYE URAMETWINE-aiNDERS. tSTho Feature that Jlstlnaulihci this T'ie-BliKler Is th tightness of Draft, combined with It extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Limler ia of tlis Appleby pattern, tha only really suooosful ono yet known. We have two style, the Elevator Binder and tfas riatform Bindur both exoalluut both lecorumended by hundreds of patrona. SOfflJITLEE FAEI TOOIIB BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-sPilWQ MUUNIAIN WAUUNS, BUCKEYE AMD SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, . CORBIH DISC HARROWSr HODGES-HAWES HEADERS, s HAISH BARB WIRE, are probably in (be charted wood of the train Tha remainder of the party saved thettsetces by lying tlowu in a creek, Alalal drfhlent. Astoria, May II. A terrible accident, which cost Albert Byrd hit life, happened at Seaside yesterday afternoon. A number Ol young meu had collected to witness a horse race, th course neing the road In front of Judge McGuir' hotel and postoflice. Byrd who was one of thp judges, w standing par- naiiy in ttont ol lhaiie LioniK, ana wtt holding to Looniiee's cost and leaning out over the track 1 Someof tl.e crowd yelled to nun, and Loomis liied lo drug him back, but the warning came too late, Tht horse struck him on the rStjt tide and breast with terrific force, throwing him over thirty tret before lit struck the ground. 11 wat picked up and can ltd to hi mother home, but died in shout twenty mlnu'cs without isgaining toatciout nes. A TnHible, Marsi uli, April 11. This morning at Qo'clmk, whlb John near, a liveryman, was driving a two-horse wagon over the bridge at this city, the. horses became frightened an j jun.fied head first over the bridge, at this city .taU.ig the driver, Ave passenger and the wagon with them, about twenty feet to t'e ground. Bear was sciloiml v Injured, but the others ev- ciprJ with slight bruUcs. The wajon wa a complete wreck, but the hosse are not reilously Injured. A Desperate Flakl, I'KNVer, May 13. A desperate fight look place in iht city park at 10 o'clock today be tween F N Duvis' N I) Davis (white), and Tom Davis. W E Penis, J W Smith, J Black bum(co'.oretl), on one side and torn fifty or more strikers on lb otbe'. Two men we-e fatally shot and twelve wounied moie or less tctiously. tM4nau POKTLAN'ti M.iy 10. forllanJ slaughteted Tacoma yesterday and maintained it lead In iht penasnt race. Seattle won easily ftora Spokane and still holds second place, Ti e record, inclusive of ysterdays game, li I lajcd. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Portland 14 a e .64a Seattle..., it 3 c .6if Spokane 13 67 ,461 Tacoma . 4 4 o .385 A ratal Klta . Aluanv, N Y, Msy 10, By an cxptosioa tmiight at Breakcrt island seven men wet killed outright and a number were wounded. ESCIUEGKG EARS. Dr. Darrin Submits the Following Extract of Utter From Grateful Patient. Tlliamook. Or. May 7. Dr Parr In -Hear (ili: Your iMr ak ! iu v comMiloii, rtco'vinl. Would nay Ibal nty dlacbarKtiijiear of J rats' lB!!ri(t ha bltl i.J It enUrelj- wvil, thank to your iralrjieut," Youra iruly. A.LEiCilEn, Mr IIcIk r U In ll. Jvlry I nilnM In 1tilamo.k, and i.ue of lha solid root) of lb piaco, and on whoa word en Im rpUo-J on. Ir r-ar.ln Irr-ala srllh o!tetj-!o'ly mulMuo al) rurablo cbrvitlc, aut nnt 't'c '11 ttoorl lain, l' or tnanliw d, n rvtuadrtIUiy,(nrt rl rror, rr ricMtts In old or joinn, laa 0 ininiorr. tltsa cusd by lottcury in Hi iir rrctr lrt-unn;t of plvaio illis' ih urij rtevrr tib.ttid tn tha tmra I'IMpo "OW H'ashlnetfin al I'ortlaua. Or II. ma 0 A. M. lo P. M . dally, r'xm !u:ln frm and oonfldvnlial, iCrMlon l-U'k and oiroulara sont ami tua-y addrmw, failnta cnrid at lioma a ir cn vii-H lo tlm dt ptnr'a tn'n-o. Mdl (ISM aunt 10 any ttddroaa talthout lha ilmurn nam tr lnx. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd then WAT IXTO DEYO&FBG?.1AfJBnOS Store, hcr ther alwatt have on band the lartfot block south of ruriland, ol the talrt Improved Rifle and Shot Guns: an Immense stock of I-lulling Tackle of every descriptions Tent, liarnmocaa, lam? v.tuiirani tnousanu of other thing too numerous lo mention Xtopnir Shop in connection with the Store, and one ol he best workmen in tbe Plate to do any ind ail kinds of work. Come on'. Come al. No rouble to mow or,d. "Small piofir Mid quick W I out motto. LBANY M1TDM Cj Ua Juct recslrsd a tarj,- 1iijo of new dalns la WMow Skates ani Cnrtains, and rt and Wailful rUrrts ia Wall Paper Elegant Sorters to Hatch. :50c. SHADE! hats 1 l.o htm and rinrltlcol 11 tha siarkat GUIS. D. DODD & GO. a Ml t ircm. t mi ana vine eirccis. . PORTLAND. OREGON DCALCRY IN Doera Plows. Deera Sulky Plows, I Carriages, Phaetons, Top Buggies -V, .S '"C?- f j i p V SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagon9 la the Largest and Most Comptoto on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the " . , - Leading Styles of . FOUn 8PKIN0 PASSENGER WAaON,- BCttOLL 8PRIMQ "HANDY WAU0N8," 'TAYI.OU' OH THREE SPRING WAGONS, 1IALFSPRIN0 WAGON., EX PRES4 AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAG0N8, ONE-HORSE We GnirantoB Onr VdMcles tha fost, Our Pricos tho Lowest Quality Ccnsidoroa, Special Catalogues and Piles list KaM Free cn Ipplkatlon Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, W.G. DAVIS & CO. , ALBANY. OREGON. ' SUMMONS. tht Cirult Court for Linn County, Hint 0 Oregon: w. 11. joiisson, ruintiir, va Fdwtrd Jobnwia, MsttU JFobnon,Brtha Johnaou.riva Koynblda arul W. hojnoiUs her husband, and Jtyron Jobnaon, iHfumlanLa. J To Kva IUynold and Wallor Itoynolda, two of tu avuova uuiU ueit-iniaou. IN TIIK NAMK OF TIIK STATK OF OioKon. you arc btrb rcoulrcxl to attar and anawer lb rwinplaiul t, tb ptainilff.n tb above entitled court, now on file wHU tb4 oierk of aai! court, on tbe flrH day of tbe next regular term of atd oourt.towlu on tbe tla4 Pay f Jmt, tatl. And you are bereby nntlfled 1 bat If you fall to appear and anawar said eontplatnt a hereby required, tbe plalnillT wlit ap f.'y 10 meoauri lor tne rei)r aemnaei n plaintiff ooin plaint, to wit: l'o require tbe 'Ufondsnla to nuke eon vsyaoca to tbe plaiotiiT of tbe lollowlod u4tniiDi r-ai entaies inerraouon. at A of the N K k ofaeoUon X: tbe N W U of smotlon ZV, the fraotioual N K ) of action V3. il In Tp 10 8 B W of Ibe Willamette tiifridian, In Linn oounty, Ure:on, and that ald land ba dcr4 u tielonir to tbe piaintilT, nd thai the drotlnu be devreed to bave no Interest In mid land, n 1 fur tbe ooaut ad dubuiaeiiseuta 10 be taxed. T'Jbt urrinona I mttxptl by pabiloallost by oider of the lion K f Itl, jddttn of mm tour;, m ta at cuaruuer. on me ITibday or Aprl?, 3L J K WsUTilKBrdltD, (4 21) Att'y for l'iff. SHERIFFS SALE. tht Circuit Cunrt tft!ui StixU 0 Orryonftr Linn C0nif. C II Cable and C K VUnarJ, pirtoera. Coiag bualn' M nn tlt-r ihe &rta name of Crble A htnrd. I'UtnUU. y H D Kundish and Jotile (feandltb, Dofeadanu. N0T1CK H llEHEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an exeoutton and order 01 aie, is'ii4 out or in above nmed oonrt, tn tbe abavw entitled aoUon, I win on Kaiartfar, Ike in day ml May, l3l. at the court boua door. In tbe city of Aioany, t.inn county, ureifon, at tne bourof 1 o'clock, p m, of aald day, anil at publle atimton, for owsb In band, to tbe hltcbrat bidder, the real nrooeiiv dae- cribo't In aaltl exocuiion r.nd cider of :e. a follow, to wit: I-rH No alz, (6), of a cortalo pteo of land In Lion eounty, Oreicon, tnd firmer) t!onaltia to tbe eUt of KiWb (Jrilll li. deeased, a will apir by relnrenne to plat of ld pleo ol land anncxwl o tne return ana report or atfiniiitxtrator' asie, rno-ie 1119 R iy or September, 174. A I), nown fl 0 In tbe Linn county eierk'a oRloe, In tb city cf Albany. oounty of I.inn and rtste of Oregon, aino iota ro nre, tx aeveo and eiKnt all in bioek No 4. In tbe town of lirownkvillf, in Unn county, mate 4 Oregon, a will appear by rfitrenoe to tbe plat of aaid town in file and recorded In the county elrrk'e cilice. In tbe city cf Albany. In . tbe a tld county of Llnu. and late of Orf-f-on. A No lot No 2. lo block No 1. In Klrk'a addition to the town of Brownaville, oounty of Unn. and aUie of Orfgon; said lot eatendlog 60 ft on Calapooia atreet and nlnoty-r.lno feet on Front atroct, The procoa.?a arlalng from the aale of aid premuev to bo appiieiti first: To me payoinsoi sue com or ana upon eaiu estoutlun.andlbe original eoataof Mid aailon, taxed at 120 oO; itooudi To tbe payment or I'lainiitra, o:aim amounting to tne sum or ill Sii, interest tbereop at the rate of 8 pr cent per annum from Ortotxir Itkli, 1WJ. and tbe further sum of t7i 01, with Inlerext thoroon s.1 8 ner onii por annum irom f eoy atu, iswi. tmioii this 7tu aiy or April, ihui. M. bCOTf. Sheriff of Linn jaunty. Orpgon. isy jJSMMiiB, I'vptity HOW DO YOU DO? Here Is uo'doul t Hat PTE W Stoek of S1LVEIIWARE. ennaUtlnK of Al-com, knives, rorka, fruit dlahea, etc, gold and silver watchew, jowel y, . tto, ia the litrgt st and bflst in Iho oily,- and byfarthf btnt evT brought to Albany. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. C ITY DRUG STORE, Preiffer Elock, Albany Stanatd & Cusick, - FSJI'RIKTOHS: -11EAI.SR8 tS Drti, t' ( t) rir.s , 1 1 m'rslr, FeiiCj and '1 ol!tt A rlielca.Si (vt,rH. Frushcs. rirunur.v. f'tfool Hdf Kf, and Allien' SuppMt. t'lsjalfian' irc.fri;ii!iis cars. DITSINES WAGON3,ONE.HOR8E 1I10N AXLE WAG0N3, ETC. It Will Jtir Att, Vkmvn Wastiso SPRING WACUNH OP ANY DEFSCUU'ttaN IO CALL Ul'ON Olt CORRESPOND WITH Vi. SKEfflFFS SALE. lit Ctrtnit Court of tht State (f Or gon,or Lin County. Oeo C Cooley and 1 II Wash burne, partnea. doing bul homi unJor the firm rameand ly le of Cooley A Wasbbnrne, Ptaintlffs Nathan I) Stand Isb, Defendant NOTICE IS I1EPEBY GIVEN THAT by villus of an xeeuiion and order oiaaie. isxurxi out or me aoove named onurt. In tbe oove ttitlilwl act on, will on al untax. Ik ef T. t tbe court bouae door. In tbe city ct Albany, Linn ouoty, urmron, n tne hour ol 1 o'clock. P tn.of d da?, noil at public curtion. for rash In band, to tbe fciKlital bitiaar. me mat troierty aet- crlbed In Mid esecntion end order of wale, follow, to win Iot Vo (A), cf ov rtain p'wee cf land in Unn county, Oivkob, and for merlv Nilon-tnu o the f.aiof Kkbs ir!flitii, docad. a wilt appear by inf erence to or aaid t itrt or Jn J an nexed to U, e turn ud rnort of admin Mrator' Ml. txaoe lit W.b day of Sfttombor, 1073, A I), now on tl e In Unn oounty clerk 'a ortlce In the tltyof Albany, ouujty or unn ana slate or Oregon. Also lot No tlva. x mea and elubu all In block No 4. In the loan of I'.rowna villa, In Linn oount, r uto cf urrgnu, a win appear ty rerorence to tbe ula: of Mid town en file ami recorded in tne ooutu v o!ork' ollloe. In tha city of aiimot, in tne Mid oonniy or tton. and !at ol Oregon. Atao lot No 2, In block No 1, la Kirk' addition to the town of r.rownavtllo. county of Linn, and sute cf Oregrin; aaid lot aieod.tie (H It on C'a! poodi street, nod ninety nine I til on rront aueeu 1 he prooretla rUlntr from Ifce tale of aid preiotaea, 10 00 ppiiett. nrai: loin tiurbt or i tie roauor au.i upon aaid execution, end tbe ortir'.nkl cu of aaid iWKin taxed at fx! eeoond: "lo tbe payment of p.alr.tjfT'a ciaim amountlnx kj mo aum ci u,, si no imcrosi tunre on at tbe rate cf 10 tr eent tr annum from Kebruary lltb, 1601, nedtbe lurtber itn of l , rMrbie i-ttorney' ree. Lttrd tLU "ib day of April. lyi, M. hCOTJT. SuetlfT of Linn county, uregoc, t 10 ii) tiy jj exiTii, wpwy NOTICE CFRXAL SETTLEMENT. N'oncKH civcv to u.wiiom It nuny mmrtx, that lb amkntgiinl ad mini. Iralrix ul lt) ,.UI al Almoa Monr,itMao4. has Akd bee finai axptunt In aaid aMaia, tn lha emintjr umrt ol Una cunnty, Oireun, sn4 tb. IikV. ul aaid mM baa Rued ttw CUi da ot Juna, at lb ttvur of II o'cl.S n mid Jar, I" buiB ul all ohJcdtnM to nld tnal accvttnt and lbs KUJa lrtoft nf th. name: itotad tbta lrf day U May V t. ilAKV J RF.ARD. W R llursf, AdmlnlMrateia. AUuraar, (M) TOWN OF LEBANON This Beautiful Addition to the Town of Lebanon is Now, for the First Time Placed on the XJarket, at Prices to Suit the Times, and Terms to Suit the People. We would much prefer that al' who. wish to purchase lots in this addition, would comtl and personally inspect the grounds and learn lor themselves the many and varied advanA tages this addition presents to the public. By a personal inspection you Avill discover V the followin facts: Ltbanon liaa a population of 1500. . Ono hundred nnd twenty-five new suliKtnutial houses were Imilt here during the year. The Lebanon and Snntiatn Canal Company Ii.ts been incorporated, and work will bein thereon ns soon as the iK'cesary preliminaries can bo arranged. , -It lies along tho route of tho It is platted with wide level 1. 1.. .II . 1. 1 eacu 101 may large enougu lor we sen no lots that are unsuitable tor buiMing purposes, and give This addition joins tho beautiful Isabella Park from which it d which, will afford to residents Ail lots are GO feet front and LET THIS The price of all theso This property will be shown to parties desiring to purchase by ' J. E. & H. Y. Or by Peterson & Garland, Lebanon, Or. W KM III I) I Full Chilled Bottoms. Taran Square 5 . 5. -j x. 3 S ta .2 o - f - J J: z 1 iV r-:- a 1 FVH Are --tho '--BEST.- Wheeled - Plow mmm io in ii v-orv " Ho haa received a large and choice stock of gpr'.ng Dress Goods, new Biyo.s and nhtdca. Yah fabricp, consisting of gingliams, ecersuckergj.gateens and chambro. A complete assortment of white good, ' flouncings, ' hosiery, corsets, gloves, ladies and ehildreri'a ahotJS. Clothing for the spring trade. A largo and complete assortment for men and youth'H. Boots, shofrt, hats, f you want the hcetj bargains 23 Dlinnbfrs;S Block, -:- mIa'w, - , WILL .&' -LINK, US1C -Satire eer nY? "If TT T TD f el1 if IX lJ 1 i Yjt It, 1 J. It AUK It & VOSE & SON rrr-J"1 Palare and KorbnlT Monae I'roef Orzwus), Gnltars, Viollos aad hintill Inaltinenls a Npectalty. . Agent tot the New Home, Eldi-ld? St. sn-J ojHcr fewia Maclilw.. I?uj p!ii for ail kii.d of Ssw'n Mutbiici. W e guard our f usu.mi r ItitcrcM and guars nee Mtbfaclion. W al.e rarer fall -srlit f Unsle and Ba.le Book. Cor. Second and Ferry fita., (endforcotUgu.) Albany, Or. Wholesale Retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AMD KIND?. IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block. I'M LADIES -I tle Mil!ineiy A Fancy Goods Store of Albany, They carry all the Uest Ftjlct and Novelties In the Millinery line, and a complete stock of Ladies ano Children's Furr lshlog goods, and ready-made garments. Goods the best, and price the ion est. Call and be convinced. FIRST STltEET. TO THE --5 -ISTO'VT' 3POB THE Lebanon and Santiam Canal. avenues; tanted with most t .1 ! a comiortaDie resuiance, ana in the addition beautiful recreation grounds from 232 to 185 feet deep. FACT BE 11EMEMBERED: lots will bo advanced 25 -M" -- - -S- Ill n&vom wmw til Corner With & ani Ltniog llio Vlaw cut Af '--' 'Cr', . V T ; . . '..i-rr-i-: ' " m 1 1 Si 'Oil JU0U1.IS 111 Ii.- r4l cap and furiishing goods, and you will have to call on him. .L 2E 13 s- Sals i Sbopx. FlHST-ClltSS GOODS, Eeasonaw": : Prlcez. - 0 A compJcto line ol CJ en lurniHlii'igM Albany, Oregon. eaiers, l.UI f llssss- The m1 poprjlar piano among be world'a famous I'UoiaU. D CO. i Celebratc-d for its brilliancy. flnUh and durability. lano CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. -:- ALBANY, OREGON BAZAAR. Leading- FItOMAN BLOCK. This canal will give eteady work to hundreds, and will fur nish mill-sites for many manufactures, and the town from this and other advantages will b a city of 5000 inhabitants. It has nearly doubled its population in tho last year. A $150,000 paper mill is now completed and work will be begun thcria this July 1st. beautifut vounsr shade trees: . I" O ... ' each has a natural drainage. a clear title to each. lot. derives its name and per cent, after May 15th. " Kirkpatrick, Extra Hardened Steel Bottoms. mTBF AND tbe Cronml - ? 3 v. 2 -'-! o V ' k 5 3 ? 3 nil Tilp.iflt ! -1 E. THRALL, MANAGER, AL0ATJY," OREGON