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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1891)
1 fOl a r New York World, "THE DEMOCRAT" and the American Fanner, all ono year FOfo 82 80. r i An ad. in the i. "DEMOCRAT" Keaebes tlie MostPeople,andbrinK BIG RETURNS.''' Weekly 3tte Rights Dcmocr,$a 00 por year. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1891. NX) 41 Entered' at the Post Office at Albany, C egon, as second claea mail matter. t "1 7 ...J JpMLITTLE y? pills. DO ROT CRtPI, 81CKIX 08 CQNSTIPATf. NfABICMt. eriaiaa frees aoe a in TV (to-a (Mia fca airily a.lit,d loautl l Ha c, a aepillea Knt too ferae aaea, Kr to ukm aiMckawu, eiliauteta ainw( Whlc ae brarrla4 la vat f'K-k- 4 fcraM Immm a a. la t.a..l..a aa4 ImImm . kaaa m atifc. mm. - avaa aaa PRit auua af la M TI g D. MAHTlr IWON'TONIO. V tTmnira i i rmnHTaa uml J 11BXVH..I .-.Tmii,, h(IUTlTll V, ta UKALTH aaa nloam aaTHKNitru THi 08. UAJtUI ME0ICINEC0.ST.L0UIS, MCV flnti a'.ock orShd fV ;od In tbe Va T, antl tbe moot rv taie prices, both 'A b . mIIIiik. bare on band 41 k;-M FUtNITUHE, STOVES, Till WARE TRUXXS. BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CSOCKFRY, ETC., ETC. jfoor w.t ofS K Ynnog's o'.i enr4 L. COTTUiB City Restaurant. IIrios bee a otirely remixldtctl. tbia old aad popuUr ritaarnt" l mv'e tirwt clua n every ra pre t. . The joll.o will K4 (ivao gvl meal at all hoar for only S3 ents. ErerjthiiU ntt aud attrertive, PiiTate bat. Oyttrre lo vtrv style. STRICTURE ! Perreai.aatty rar4 without Cultlm. Bumlof cr Di lating- A rlrctly pinlav UvaUiwniaMd a goaraav taatl cura in ary j aa. no ciaur how lone atardtr e Tbia IraalRKfit, (. 8-.rlcto a. rf Ir Boieli'a tlx g- 'ataat diacorary known mediclK. UiUwlvaa d aonpUtalT raTca lh Btrivtui wltbontauBoj' t r ftaia lo th patHrat. DISEASES OF ivlEN! Paealiar t Ihotrtiri, an t Dot jumper to mum hara, iDclmlme all th'.aa dalkata liiArmltlaa ami Waak mini, whk-b tbaj would ahtink (rum diadisina lo thatr lamiiy ptiirian, permanrntly rami In Ira Mom than m erar kuoan to Mrixtnm laiura, by Lnr 3X(U'a"Nw 8atrta M Traalmrnl." It lv)uat hatantto-artraryorvanaaud makaa wnak mfi at ptmc Wbaa pamltla. it ia alwaya bewt to rail lor rarv.nal mnaoltatWn and vpactal axaxuinatum. Hut ilvat aba cannot pnanihl call, ahouM anla, atauoj lhair aua tally. Mmlteina aant by mail or ainraMi. araied, Ira (nna ax poaura, to all .arta ol the nnltc Cnaat. Addrraa, Wm. A. Boxcll, 31. D. at real D lapeaaary, rartlaaal. rrwM. Corner Fint and l'uietroU,eijeoitlui(i N.twoal Baok ACADEMY -OF- Oar Laly of Perpetual Help. (LDANY, - - - OREGON CondnctoJ by the SiU f St. Benedict Tuition kn eelect dj.Ttbo.l rangfefrom fJ to $10. Forteraie of Coercing Scb 'ol cr say prtiocleraappiy attbe A"A 'nriw nrjda adeaa8istor Ma(erlorovi The New York V v Son Cost res tct V a ell trovbiea J. luu.ntrpathetlnmi.l A pamphlet of Informal k and b- Ira.tul M lawa, Alu.ain II. .w to ' f V OMaia friwte, t aeaata. Trade ' V alarSa. C.-rvrlabl. ami frae. , VV kt-m DUNN A CO. , J1 Braar. O ( 2nil jw Store. the Place to Buy Their Field Thycr Shoes. MoFarlandlBlook,- ABLANT. THY A t 0 and get lilORE POWER and use LESS WATER Write for car New Illiutraiod Cat.-iloKiio of 1K01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. Ei1Flft".l& tia i r m "G. L. BLACKP.1AN,-'- LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS, iyiEDICHSES V s Mi n " II II 1J DMAS t f 1! axrw-l E1W VEGE1 BLE PANACEA NCMK!D FROM .WTHi: CUNl OF ' AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO ROM A DISORDERED STATEotthe STOMACH ON AN INACTIVE LIVE R. f-OR SALT V ALL nOMTTTT a rrnrnii rraiaaa X yl$Tlftznder:r-' a? USE IT I IT T TTTff TrT? Ti TtDTCTN'r!. It tK- l.i ad K'.rv v ni Sitw ich, cum ll- i.lili Ivmv- tt, tr-M.ri i:n A, tito, I'jii'u.Uw Ln.urj Jtlmai, und taeJ ereryaThere, l e'xKtlcUfor3. THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. 7-TY BKCKl TOP IT NOW, SOON IT Wilt tC TOO IATC i nave l troaniM manr mi irawiih of lb kkiDrra ami hav trtni tan dlflrmit rrmrtlira anil ha aouifht aid ftura ditlrrrat phy.tclaaa without rrlirf. Alnut the lybof Apri,' I uttering; from a Wry rktlrat attack that eloiuat proatratrd me la oca a manner Uiat I araa tent mr. When I at iknrn it waa almoal IrapuaaiUc (ur m to art t.p aUic. or to put n cluthra, whr mm iTorhtrnc rut r. llrulrv, wit UHKCU.M KIUNKV TliA, to my bulcl. I immcUiatrly cotamcticnt using the tea. It had aa atmoat miracsloua cSrct. and to the satoa iahnunt of aU the eucst at the bolcL ia a few dart.! am battr to atat. ttat I was a Dew man. 1 wiu4 recumrarnd toe tea to all till kind a 1 lute brcn, C. A. TCPPER, J'toprlrtor OrrMceUl Uctel. fcanU Kuaa. Cal. PHELPS. Job Printer, Ist.St.-iio Albany LBAHT C0LLE5TATS IHSIITU1B ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 18Q1. Irat rer Opeeerl ftcyteatwer lett, mm A lull corpe of InKtrucU.ra. CLASSICAL, SCIEHTIFIC, LITERARY :COEBClAL AND KCHMAL CLASSES. C'oumeu 01 tudy arrantced to uieet lb' oJ ofa'.k ?rJi ofatudenta. -S ptcittl tuaucemrnti ojerttt iaJeutt from airjoJ. RCV. ELBCET S tOXBIT Eevsre House: ILBANY, :i!AS. PFKIFFEII OREGCM t'fiOPiUETQIt, FHlud uo In ' Oret-claMt atylo. Taltlr HiTp!iKl arltb tbe txyit In tbe market. ((In aieeptrKauartiTiecta. Ktmple rortav or commercial travolera. Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, (or only (3 a cord Leave orders at l' V HpiLks' lumtwr yard. C. B. R. Store Lai AMY iADAGHE 'W!i!!3YcaWall,w BUT CURES ' NOTHING ELSE. OEEGOIT- STATlOilARY M It yon want the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur- U ea in ino cuy go 10 HPFU NDErTS ..: 1 tee l 4 11 WHEEL BRINKS T.OGAI UEOOIU). A ViooHom Ut n Mas. Wo often'read items alwut vigorous old men. The fol lowing Is equal to any yet reported. In order to add lo Us interest an Incident of fortvfour years ago will bi appropriate. In the CavnsD war of 1847-8, near Wnlla Walla, Mr Ureen MelKmald and Mr Jaiion Wlict-lor were botli ahot on the r-ametlay, Mr Wheeler through one of his tlilghsovliilethe Indian bullet pamid into one of Mr McDonald's lunge, first cutting a copper button In two, going clear through and lodging under the akin, making a bunrh nearly ns big a a hen's Tg. Mr MelKuiJlld walked up to Mr Wheeler and remarked, "'Well, they've gotiue this tluie,"thinklng bis time had come. Mr Jos Karl, residing In the Third ward, was present at me ttmu. a lew days ago Mr Wheeler paid Mr McDonald a visit at Ma homo near cio. xsoiwun standinir the bullet's trip though hi lung he was alive yet, and, more, though 73 yenrs of age, w as splitting rails wttii the euervr of a Lincoln. lie informed Mr Wheeler.on beinn taken to task (or a mau of bis aite to lie in such an occupa tion, that a couple days previous be bad cut the timber ana split 1 .11 oak rails diual to aUmt twice tlie number oin rails. He quit bis rail splitting for the time and the two old friends, talked of the events of bvgone days. Do the Naders of ties Dkmocrat know of any umre vigorous 73 year o)l gentleman in urogon, revamless oftnuian bullets. Im New Omlsanh. A member of the Salem Htatennan force has a letter from W W Skinner, ngent of the 8 Pat Falcm, written at New (Means, April 30th, in w hich be says; ''Enclosed I send you a memento from this place in the shape of a piece of oak cut by myself from the tree upon which one of the 'Dagoes' was hanged. This tree was orluinally over a foot in diameter. Now it is not over four or Ave inches. Everybody takes some of it for relica. The lamn uoat baa been taken to Chicago. The iHigos are keep ing very quiet. I have been trying to find I'arkinson to shake with him. We viitited the tomb of Jefferson Davis. He ia buried at Mutario cemetery, located near the citv. It is the home of the Confederate dead, and many beautiful monuments mark their last resting place." Libaxo.". MrPtowe, an attorney re cently from Dakota, thinks Letmnon a desirable location for a man of bis pro- icftsion. Another carload of paper mill machin ery arrived lat week. We understand that the freight bill of the company, on machinery alone, wilt foot up about HU00. The city of Seattle bus extended Its limits so as to include Wassotu'a addi tion. Linn county men who bought lots In this addition will know by this that their property is now in Seattle. Died, near I -acorn b, April 28, William Tucker. MrTnckercame toOregon from Mineonri in Io2. and after residing in different portions of On state located near Lacomb eight years ago. He leaves a wife and eight children, all of whom are grown. Kxprees. War ifc WtxT. Recently the Demo crat mentioned the (set that Frsnk C Baker, atate printer, had gone la the Sandwich ((lends, lo vUlt hi brother. The Woodburn Independent says the rea to.i was that "Raker gvt on a tear, blew lo over f 400 one night, defied Ihe Salrm police and ratted Cain generally." A Salem paper aald a prominent officii! ws arroted and fined for drunVenrta and tlap plng hit wife. The Independent says he maahed every piece of dUhware In the houae, and lamp, vat;, mlrrora, chairs acd tablet, until Ihe house locked like a Kjnaaa ctclone. lie atao cut bis wife' eal aklrt cloak, allk dretaes, etc, up. He l prettjr Bttod fellow, but. if the slorv la true. It tlmply ahows what liquor will do ancn tt get hold of jtne men. Poetic Wakamakbr. At Salem, in the course of his remarks, Jonn IVana maker.the national naaeby, showed that he appreciated the situation in the following poetical remarks: "fheae great hills of your that are about u gorgeously ar- rarea in their summer beauty, round about them orchard sweet, apple end peer tree fruited deep, fair aa the garden of the Lord, and your table lsndt and sloping valleys with the rstn falling on them thU morning sre laughing snd saying, come back to ua In toe vintage and join In our harrcat aong.' " Thk DiFtiaiKcB. Eugene Is rapidly gslntng a reputation a a ttaiftng center. Guard. Albany has long ago shed Itaclf of such frontier charsc'erUllc. Not a Iage goes from Albany. Inttesd there Is a railroad In every direction, north, east, outhesat, south and we.t, covrrlng the whole field. Railroad are much better than stages. To be a railroad center amounts to sonr.eihlng. To be a stage center is decidedly backwoodl.h. Good Advice. Wm Uber, from Dallas, Marion Co, Iowa, who recently pur chased the Jos Harrison farm, a few miles southwest of tow n. called on as yester day. He informed ns that he is more than delighted with Oregon and her cU tnute, and would advise all those living In the cyclone and graae-hopper sUtcs of the east to come to this coast. Such is the verdict of nine-tenths of the in mi grants. Brownsville Times. Calapooia Mixes. The regular sn nual meeting cf the Ca la pool 4 & Blue River Mill & Mining company was held Tuetday afternoon, in Urow.ivlllc, and a large per cent of the stockholders wete preent. The following ofltcers were elected for the coming yesr: Directors, C 11 Eiswlck, W B IManchard, N B Stan dl.h, O P Co,how and W W Rcbe; C E Standi.h, secretary; C II Coble, treasurer. By unanimous vote of the stockholders empowered to levy an ataea.ment of two per cent, If deemed necetsary, on the cap ital nock to enable th;m to put In a pros pecting mill this coming eaon, Lebanon's Fbkioht. Tbe S P agent at Lebanon reports tbe following business for that city during April: Total No tons freight received, 120, consisting of the following articles: Lath, 10 tons, brick, 10, lumber, 20, paper mill machin ery, 10, miscellaneous merchandise, 70, Total No tons forwarded, 491, consisting of the following articles : Wheat, 394 tons, potatoes, 24, sand 30, hay, 10, grape root, k4t miscellaneous merchandise, 74 . Total No tons received and forwarded. 1 617. Exclusive of the above figures, the company shipped from this station for use at other stations for themselves, ii cars ot locomotive wood. Dblisqukht Taxes. -Linn Is not the only county with a largo delinquent tax list. According to the Register Lane is also in the lict: From Sheriff Noland's semi-annual report, iust comoleted. we glean the following: The delinquent tax rouior id is; lor 18HU, 3G44.80: for 1887. eMOe.lO : for 1888. $4827.35; for 1889, f 18,176.25; total, 27,- ine casti on band Is f8221.3G. t Recovebed $5000. J W Eubank, of Tacoma, Is In the city. Mr Eubanks has been having his hands full of a big lawsuit since in Albany last. While breaking on a train running into Tacoma, on Chriatmas day, on account of a dilapi dated coupling arrangement, be met with an accident resulting in tbe loss of the two smallest ringer of his right hand. He sued the company and recently, after hard legal fight, recovered $5000, which lie will receive in cash In month or less. $350 EewabdI The citizens of Cor vallis will pay three hundred and fifty ($350)doliars for the arrest and conviction of the person or persona who entered J M VAl.n'. IK. ninht Vf n Kill and opened the sale, bigned, Many CI tizens. A notice of the above was re ceived by Marshal Hoffman today. An Oil Warehouse. An examina tion, of the real estate sales will reveal sale to the Stanard Oil Works, made for 1 site for an oil warehouse. It is la Monteith Southern addition, Efworiii Liaoue. At the DUtrlct Epworth League.hejd at the M E Chuuh last week, nine Leagues were represented. The following were present t Delegates 5 1 iiunn and ns K v Seamed oi I'.u gene; Mls Ida rsgenkopf and C II llempstrect, McMlnnvlile: Ml.s M M Aunllii snd Mix Addle Elliott, Dslls; Mis Addle Mmpnon snd Mlt Narsh Went, Lcbanoit) Mr II (ioutd and Mm J A Winter, Jeftcraon ; K Moore, 8s,letn( Mr rrrttn, Uaytont G lluntict, Ilrown vlllei Ml Emma Couglll snd E M llor- toa, Albanv. Minuter Kev I) T Sum. mervllie, l)allat Kev Thomas Uoyd, Leb anon) KevsS P Wllion i.nd U K Cine, Salem; Rev Elworthy, SlieJJ; Rev II Gould, Jefferon! Kev L A Water. Eu gene; Kev Chs McDonald, Ilarrlaburg; Kev a it, Memingcr, Aiuany. ..11! 1 .-I. 111a iuihi v nig uifiutra were eicvivu Pretldent, Elder SI' WlUon; ut vice, pretldent, Ml Ida Pagcnkopf ; iJ vice prcaldent,MIe M M Auslltt t 3d vice pres ident. E M Morton j 41I1 vlce-preldent, G llarrlaon; gth vice-prealdent, EH Dunn; correondlttg ecrelary,Mia M M Auatln; recording secretary. Ml Margaret Gel endorter; treasurer, Mr G Ilcnnett; dl tilct organiser, Rev I) A WMer. Exe cuilve commlttee.Kev S P Wilnon, Mic Pagenkopt and Austin. Committee on program for next convention, oior of M E church of Eugene, Rev Mcmlnger end Rev Boyd. It wa decided to hold the next meeting at Eugene. KevCKClme, olNalem, delivered an able dlacourse lent evening, which clocd the convention , ui.sNiNu Acci&KKf. A young man named BUI Evans was accidentally shot and instantly mi lea last nigbt on i;oui spring, near r.cno, says me l'tnuieion h. U. He bad been out on a rabbit bunt ith Lincoln Hwaggert. On returning he went to the w agon to place in the bed some powder and shot, carrying bis gun in his band. The hammer ol the icun caught on the wagon in some manner, causing the weapon to explode. The en tire charge 01 snot struck me uniortunate hunter in the abdomen and ranged up ward, inflicting a horrible wound and causing instant death. Hid Evans was seventeen years old. He came to this country about two months ago from Bpringtleld. lane cotin try. w here his tar- euU now reside. Cuor Paosi'KCTs. lo Its report of crop prospecU from different parts of the state the Oregonlan gives thelollowlng: "The condition of crops In Lion county up to the present baa never been belter, and the outlook ia flattering for a bountiful yield of grain. Reports from various parts of the connty show that recent prolonged rains have flooded some fields of growing grain From thU cause slight uiuiage iias ueen nine 10 w ucai on tow lands, but should fair weather follow soon the damage will not 1 appreciable. Over an avenue acreage has been sown. and present prospects are that the crop 01 ibvi 10 L.inn county win ue heavy. Likh County la booming generally. Tbe Lebanon Ixpres says: "Since Sweet Home baa a dally mail In addition to an express office, Kdaville has ft tel- r.i.pu liuv h aiiia 'iatT, tta&criMV ia w .... u t. . ,1.1 .i ti . i t . iave a woolen mm ana possibly a motor ine, Whitcoinb is Increasing in popula tion and prosperity, and la strong in tbe hope of Iwing connected with the out side world by means of a railroad. ltno behooves the inhabitant of Lacomb to build telephone line to Lebanon and by being within bailing diatance of the mother town there is no danger of your being outstripped by ambitious rivals." Craaga Heeltag. At the regular meeting of Knox Dutte grange April Zotli, Ib'JI, a class of six persons were Initiated In the first and second degrees of the order, and one ap plication for membership was received. Knox Butte grange is on the up grade gain. There will bi a third and fourth degree meeting ot the grange at Knox Butte on the fourth Saturday In May for the pur pose 01 initialing ana conierring the de grees on the class, also talking on sub jects pertaining to the best interests of the grange Bro. It A Irvine and others are expected to be there. A resolution was introduced and adopt ed asking the State grange to let tbe representation to the State grange re main as it Is at l.resent. Also that the Htate grange economies In the expendi ture of their finances in paying members their per diem and as to have aa much money aa possible to keep the worthy lecturer in the field as long as they can in vlsfting different granges and organizing new ones where necessary. If ine members 01 tne granges won id spend a little more of their time in attending the grange and working for tbe good ol the order they wqyld be in a more pros perous condition and all members would be more benefited thereby. 1IIK C)UKSJ BILE BAXA4K, Has a large and complete line ot goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedea and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment. besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as Albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's A It 0 pictnre books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Koger liros. 1S47 silverware, we wish to call the attention of the public In par ticular to the uoiden Kuie prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by tbe hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a tine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, wben In Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, at yon will be sure to rind what you want, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk. Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to an. JULIUS USADWOHT. Hoaey to Lean, We have plenty of money to loan on real ctate security, on two to five years time. Call on us st our office, opposite this Severe houe. Bt'RKHART S E8.NEY. Jut armed a foil line of lailiea, chil bey'a foot west at O W wilt be so!d at bottom Arena, men's and Simpton's, which price. .Sellable and Alway the Heme. P-randreth'a pill re the oldest, tafect and beat bl od purilUe and purgative known. They are purely vegetable, therefore harm less. Lbey sr.. alwatithe tame snd always produce tbe same (Sect. Other purgatives require increased doses tnd nuslly eeaie act ing altogether, A ooaras of one 01 two of Ursndreth pill taken eaob night 1 a posi tive caie for conitipstioo, headache rod U bilious disorder. It you cant take them plain get them sugar coated. ' SHILOHS CATARRH REMEDY a positive ears for Catarrh. Diphtheria sod Usnker-Moutb. Fosbsy K Mason, agents SHILOH'S CURE will immediately re lievs Croup,Wbooping Cough and Bronchitis, troshay Maionj agents. WHY WILL YOU coagh when Blrilob's Cure will give immediate relief.' Price 10 eeota, 60 cunts sad $1. Foahay & Mason, agents. 8LEEPLES3 NIG UTS, made roi.ersbl by thst terrible cough. Shiloh'j Cure is the Remedy for yoa. For lame back, or aide chest Die Shiloh s Porous Plaster. Price, 25 oent, ; A NaSAI INJECTOK free with each bottle tf Shiloh Catarrh Jlemedy, Price J 50 coots. Fo-shay Mason, ejects, ... MrClll, AM rMSONal, TUCkSDAY, Mr and Mrs V II Pfelffer.of Portland, are In the city. . Mrs II F Hollenbeck ha returned to Albany from a vUlt with friend ai Eugene. Jay W Illsln and S E Barrows left Tuetdsy evening on a trip 10 Southern Oregon, on bualncM, Miss Larena Ryland, of Woodburn, and O I- Baltimore, ot Albany, were granted a neene to wea iousj oy ii. county clerk iein journal. Mrs A l Barker and daughter, Miss Maggie, left for Ios Angeles Isst night to pena me summtnor ine oenent 01 the Health ct Mls Msggie. Mr W S Peters lett on hut nlelil" overland for her home in Sen Lfsndro, uani. we nope to ne ame to report the permanent return of Mr and Mrs Peters to Albany. Tuctjiy evening the Epworth Lessue ot the M E Church had a very pleaoant experience. After a meeting of ihe Dis trict iesgue a social gathering was held at ine cnarcn ana a nue repast served. Claud Msnafleld csme down from his mountain home beyond Breltenbu.h. Iat evening, lie nss a line taruen. with sev eral different kind of vegetables up and in a nourikiitng condition. Wm II Cowan went to Portland this noon to meet MU Amanda Prather.sUter 01 RUM Uce Prat her, who will arrive In Portland lomorrow.on hei way to Albany, to tpend the summer with her relatives here. M B Go'dleln. the well-known theatrl cal manage, was In the city yesterdsy and made arraignment for the appearance ef the Harry Brown Comedy Co., In Albany at Ihe Opera IIoue,on May iK, 19 and jo, when three very popular plavs wilt be preented, -Rip v"sn Winkle," " ITe New Ifomestesd" and "Under the Gaslight," oiicrtng our citiiens some llieatrlcal prlv lieges not before given I hem. A COL&IM wiublKO. A very merry party met at the St. t-narie isat even nlng, the occatlon beini Ihe celebration of Ihe eolden weddln 01 Mr and Mja brlvanu Race, the parents of Earl Race. Many happy retiintccncr were Indulged In. The happy couple were the recipients of nearly congratulations, as well as aeveral very handaome presenis. An elegant supper wss partaken of atfer which mulc was In order, the guests de psrtlng at a late hour. Among those preaeol were Mr and Mr L (' Marahall, Mr and Mr Geo Knox, Mrs J E Knox, mr ana airs iiau, mm t v crosseil., raiDAT. F L Such and wife are in the city. Hon T J Black, of Halsey, is in tbe ?lty. ChArlcs Parkes, of Tacoma, la In tbe city on a visit with friends, D C Currle, who has been ill or tome time, is on the streets again: N tl StandUh and R N Thompson, of Brownsville, are In the city today. Miss Fad is Cohen, who has been In Portland several months, la in tbe city Visiting friends. J G Gross, of Waterloo, wss In the city this fmenoon. According to the Leban on pspcr, Mr Gross offer his hotel for sale. Mr Geo Turrcll, the ahoe drummer, of Stn Franclaco, father of the TurreJI Bros, formerly of Albany, has been in the city a day or two. Ralston Cox returned on Monday last from a three weeks' visit to New York, Philadelphia and other parts of the East Mr Cox wears bis accustomed, smile, having evidently accomplished tbe ob ject of his visit. He is convinced that Oregon ia all right Corvallie Gazette. The State Sabbath School convention ol the Baptlat church I in sewlon it Oregon City, Tho preent I'ora Albany are Rev O W Hill, Fred Dw.on and wife, MImcs Annie Eosbsy snd Esther Warner, who went yewerday, and Mr O II Hart, who went this noon, with guitar In hand to att In the mu.lcal part of the con vention. S ATI' t PAT. Mayor Cowan, went to Portland this noon. . riatt D Elderkin and wife, ot Seattle, are in the city. Mrs J O Writs man and daughter went to Corvallis today on a visit with friends. 11 Lampman, traveling agent of the Osborne Binder Co, has been in tbe city today. C K Wolverton went to Dallas, tbia noon, to attend circuit court, v. bich con venes there on Monday. E J McCaustland la temporarily city surveyor of Halem, daring tbe absence of tbe regular surveyor, Mr Ueaner. The Christian Endeavor Society of the U P church, gave a social last evening at the residence ot Judge Flinn. A fine time was had. m Miss Amanda Prather arrived Ira. the city last evening from Mississippi to spend the summer with her sister, Miss Lee Prather, at Mayor Cowan's. I)r M Linton, of Westville, Nova Scotia has been in tbe city, festerdav he mir- chascd a fine mounted Chinese pheasant at I'eyoe ol t rotnan Bros, and shipped it by express to his far off home. Oua hundred twenty rive men, women snd children earns front Baletn today on the Uaiveraity Band exonraion, headed by tbe band, arriving here at 1:30. Tbey 1 sported a Hoe lime on tbe trip here. After seeing tbsaighU olth gem city cf the vallsy tby lett at 4:30 on I heir return trip. Amon those od board were E Hofer. the ao comyliahad editnr of tbe Salent Journal, sod family, snd E C Pentlsad and family ot Independence. 'A sars care for the whiikv bsbitt Dr Liviouaton's Antidote for ttruokencess will care any cats of tbe liquor nabit ia from tea to thirty days, from the moderate driukar to tbs draokard. The Antidote ean be given in 1 cap of coffee without the knowledge ef tbe pemoa taking iv. The Antidote will eoi injur the healtn in any way. Manafaetared ty the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon cr from J A Camming, 10I egsak Albany. , Tbs best rnat coffee in lb city at Cowad Meyers. V11 r tltng Photographers A easy Oregon. We have boasfat all thenegati v t made by L W dark sod W II Oreeowood np to Kov 15th. 1889. Duplicate ean be had from bein only of u at reduced late. We hay also about 18.000 oeuative made by oar elve, from which duplloates can e had sfe llkeiajes. We carry tbe oniy fun He el viewt i f thin atate and do enlarged work at tnM t rats for first class work. W a ka)l b pleased to es yoa at oar studio in rroaeiui m I . , . , jn i blook, nextaoor so mssoDia xrmpia. SiIILOH'8 VITALIZES is what yew ceed for Constipation, Loss ot Appetite, Pia sine, snd all symptom ofDyapepia. friest 10 and 75 cents per bottle. ii - For road carts made pt.cially for oraMioaa osil on Kntpp, Burrell & Co., atcemer ef First and EUawortb streets, Albany, Or. Cloaks at oot st W F Read's At the oomer of Broadalbln adl 1st street yoa will find C E Brownell alwaya in the lead in tbe grocery business. The Dkmocbat will sxebsngs A sewinf machine of any make desired, except one or two, for lome oak grub wood and part easb; or will consider other proposition by any one desiring a new msehisse. WILL YOU SUFFER with DynpepsSa sad Livir Complaiist! Shiloh" Vitalizes is gaaranteed ta tare yoa. "VASHINOTOM. (frum our raeuiar ormtNMidant.) Washington, Msy 4, 1891 Secretary Foster's recent alleged free nd frank dUcunlon of the condition ol the trestury of the United SisUs Is the fore runner of some rtpubllcan juggling with the figures purporting to represent the condition of the treasury that will probab. ly Uks ptsce as tocn as Mr IlarrWoj re turns to Washington, that Is, In the next statement ol the public debt, which will be msde public June 1, Mr Foaler propoe to chsnge the form ol that statement, for the evident purpose of showing a fictitious amount ot cash available, It will not be the first time by many that the condition ot the tressury department has been fatal fled by official figures. Old timer will recall fie congresalons! Invettlgstlon which brought out the fact that during one year, 1870, I think, nine of the treasury ledgers showed 3,5:7 ersure and several entire leaves were cut out ot two ledgers, all caused by the efforts to make the books accord with the falsified statement, pre pared to mystify the public. I shouldn't wonder if the House of the Flfty-tecond congress didn't do a little lnvetlgtlng ot Mr Foster's figure. The tressury department offers to send ail Ihe smstt silver that the banks U. any section ol the country will take, free of carriage, which, lithe banks take any con siderable quantity, will be a mighty fat thing for the United States express com pany ,0! which cx-Senstor ( too") Tom, Piatt, ol New York, U the controlling spirit. Perhaps Mr Foater did not think ol benefiting the New York republican boas when he hatched up this scheme.and then again perhaps' he did. This mixing ol business and politics is a striking trait oi the republican party. This ssme thing, mixing business and politics, has brought about a disagreement between Secretaries Blaine and Foter. Mr Blaine doesn't wsnt the catching of seals stopped for a year, because a number ol his personal friend, Including "Suve" j Elklns, have Invested their money In the North American Fur company, which is the present owner of the sealing privileges Behrlng Sea, and Mr Fotter,who believes ihe sesls are about to be exterminated, would like to have it stopped.. Ia the meantime the Brltlah MlnUter la huUtlng thst Mr Blaine do something definite. Taken altogether this matter I In a very Interesting stsge snd It wilt surprise ru one here If It develop son.e highly sensa tional features before long. The payments on account of Ihe direct tax an to date amount to $9,184.73 80. The pretence ol three candidates for speaker Me;s. McMlllin, of Tennessee; j Bynum, of Indiana, and Springer ol 1111- nols made a good deal ot talk around the hotels luring ihe last two days. Mr Mc Mlllin has been ti a veiling In the raatern slates for several weeks and 1 am told by a friend of his that he secured pledges of support from quite a number of represen tatives In that section. I hesr that Kerr, of Pennsylvania, has a dead cinch on the c!erkhlpof the Home, having received pledge enough to make hi nomination by the caucus certain. I am Inclined to think though that many of these pledges are contingent upon the election ol the speaker. Representative Edmonds, ol Virglnlc, who is a democrat farmer's ablan:e man, was In town long enough Saturday to com mit himself to Cricp lor speaker. The oddest freak In the way of a rumor that has turned up here forstme time wss the one thst wss hatched out, from no where, Saturday afternoon, to the cfiect that Mr Harrison had somewhere, at some time intimated to somebody that he did not think that the bench ought to be con structed on a pronounced political basis, and that he proposed appointing three or four democrat when the nine new United States circuit couit judgei were named. That's very rich! When Mr Harrison nominates a democrat to a judgeship the mlllenlum will certainly, have arrived, and as far as the strongest glass can see there are no signs of It yet It Is expected that '.he national associa tion of democratic clubs, wht:h, its secre tary tells me, is booming, wilt shortly es tablish permanent headquarters In this city, and It Is hoped that the national commit tee will do likewise. When Secretary Proctor gos Into the senate I shall not be surprPed to see two new cabinet officers, as It is known 'that Secretary Noble would gladly lay down his portfolio If he could get one ot the new udgeahlpt, and that Mr Harrison would like to have a better politician at the head of the interior department JiO APOUMiY. The Guard will please note the fact we hsve never pretended even that bilU ap propriating money fcr roads wss constitu tions! In Oregon. Our position ha al ways been that money set apart by the legislature for building roads does .tot con form to a constitutional provision, then the appropriation of $60,000 for a portage railway at Ihe Cascsdes Is plainly In vio lation of the ssme clause In the constitu tion. This sort of inconsistency lit the governor signing the Cascades and veto ing the wagon road appropriations and the legislators ftr supporting the one and op posing the others, we have condemned. We have no apology to make. West. .But we think the West must apologize. Sec. 33, Art. 4 ot the constitution places an Inhibition on the legislature,from pass ing a special or local law on the subject of laying, opening and working on highways while there doe not seem to be any provision of t' e constitution that prohibits the appi oprlatton of fund to make- a portage railway. Tbs Capital Journal says nearly rli ths strikes now bsiog ci rrieJ on throughout the oouutry are for higher wage. Tha truth i very many of them are against a redaction ot wsges, but if the Journal is correct it dor a not help that paper oat ot iU awkward tariff attitude. Ths labor peop'e if the country had been taught by the "proteo tlonUts" that an iooresse ot tariff duties meant an Increase of wages. McKinley gave ns an increased tariff but whern is the in- oreate of wages? Labor people were! credn- lous enough to believe that thess promises of higher wages were made to be redeemed aad hence (if the Journal u light) ask for what tbey have been promised. Out of the unseemly and unmanly ef forts of certain bigoted persons In Salem and Portland to make political capital against the governor on account of hia rs. futal to obsequiously hie himself away to the confine of the state to meet tbe pres ident comes the usual result the governor comes out 00 top. There Is no fact more deeply Inbred In the minds of the masses of our people, than the one that we have no royal blood In this land cf ttvo free hence, thei e i no call for a governor to psy homage to any American citizen ' however ex&Hed he Kia le. fJOfc IT 1KCKEASK PBIClsJ Tbs ptlce of larm product sre much higher man lor many year, 1 lit ia probubly what n been so long l.i.i at the door of the Mo KMef til!! by tl Iree trarle pupcri, In lliefr foretelling what dire effect would follow the sdoption of that law. lit aid Vsfiniftwny such Item st the shove going the ruuiiilt of ihe republican press now sdoj. The de!i;n I to make '.lie farmer be ieve that he is really Unefnted by ihe tariff. But the rrpuliicsnt are estopped fiotn saying that tl.e tariff incieute ILc pike of product for ever since the patwge ol the Mr Kinley Mil they have been vntlfbioutly swelling (hat the tariff doe cot Inaeane the pilceof en article upon which it it levied. Our republican friends sis driven lo the necessity of saying, wben sddrcising the consumer, that the tariff doe not Increase the price of product, sod when talking to the manufacturer or producer they declare with equal earoeitness it does, Tbs suiluJe I hey are forced into i an wk ward one but, it U the inevitable result of ar erupt ing to sustain a fabe premise. When sn arti cle has to be Impott; to wholly or partially supply our home market, pissing a duty on such article raise the price in tbe home mar ket, but placing a duty on aa article which it not imported at all to supply Ihe home mar ket , will not increase the price. At f ex ample: The United Slate produces millions of bushct of wheat more than it tteccstaiy to supply tbe home demand, hence the placing of s duly ot sny amount on wheal will not sid anything to the pi ice the farmer receive for bis market is nhroad. Herein is the attempt made lo deceive Ihe farmer, but he is on this little racket snd will be deceived no longer. In tbe case of waolcn good and wool it it different. For we import more than one third of all the raw wool used in tLU country besides we import over 50 million dollars worth of woolen good stnually. Tbe New York World bst nade tbe follow ing fateful estimate of the cost of the late congress: It will take all the golJ snd silver produced ia lbs world for four years to pay tbe appro priations made by the billion dollar tongrets. All the wages of all tbe workers in every protected industry for three year. AU Ihe wage of all the workers in 1,005 cotton mill for twenty yearr, Ail the wages pild in I 999 woolen mills for forty yesr All the wsgst ptij ia a',1 tbe glass industries for 1 10 year. Our total wheal crop for 1890 wilt only pay One third of it. Our total corn cop of 1890 will or.!j pay two-tbird of it. CoJ help the surpluir It it God help the wotklegmrw. The statement that republican politi cians In Washington are beginning to ssy that Mr Harrison witl be rer.ora!natcd by acclamation recalls the old story oi the uni versal (bout to attract tbe notice of the in habitants of Mar, pcrhsps It wa some other planet, but Mars will answer. It wa deckled that If ol a given moment every body on this earth unite In one grand "Hello r the resultant body of sound would certainly carry far a our neigh bor, and perhaps provoke a response. The world wa noticed by advettltement and proclamation, and the given moment came Singularly enough a stillness at of death fell.over the globe terrestrlal.except for the shrill cry of one old deaf woman up in the Hebrldres. Everybody else had held hit breath to listen. Tbe democrats have for months been en-- dcavoilng to crests be imprctslon that the president wss st heart opposed to reciprocity, but all their carefully built theories have tumbled back into nothingness from which tbey were created since Mr iUrmon made that ringing reeiprocit speech at Galveston, Texas 'totvaiits Uavuii. Is our coteoipcrary conscious that when it boasts that Harrison is in favor of reciprocity that that it tantamount to boasting that he it a free trader simple and pure? Is it tb that protection u m is to be deserted? What will the country rcme to new that so distinguished a republican ss Harmon turns free tradei? Surely, (as the old darkey tau'), the world do move. units. Earnestness of purpose i tbe secret of success. The best teachers of humanity are the live of great men. Great hearts alone unJe-nanJ how much glory there Is in lieing good . Neglect is the nut of the soul that corrodes through all her liest resolve. God's poems are best printed In the brave and silent duties of common life. The end of man is an ac'.ion, and not a thought, though it were the noblest. When death, the great Reconciler has come, it w never our tenderness e repent of, but our severity. - Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the mcst massive characters are seamed with scars. Every day comts like a burst of music; and thou shalt make of it a dance, a dirge, or a grand 'life march, an thou wilt. SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL PR0GKESS. la no other way is tbe gener! progress of tbe south more fully illustrated tban in the ad vancement of her public schools. Ths census bulletin containing statistics of education show a wonderful iucrcate in the public school en' roliment as compared with that of 1SS0, Comparing tbe old southern state with the old northern and eastern states, we find a result full of promise that the south w forging ahead to place herself in line with the best educational sentiment of the country. From 1880 to 1893 the per cent of increase of those who attend ttchool in Aikunaa was 106,10. In Massachusetts it was 17.33. In Louisiana it was S3 S. I Mama the decrease was 7.3S, In Mississippi the increase was 47.90- In Ver montthe tiemate was 10.43. In Maryland the increase was 32,85. In New Hampshire the doorcase wm 7. SI. In South Ca'olin the in- ease wa 50 89. In Iowa 15. SS. In Vir ginia the increase was 5507. In Ohio 5 98 Ia West Virginia tbe increase was 3442. In Pennsylvania it was 1.50. The above cr m- Darison shows that the south it rapidly putting her school system on such a basis as will drive out illiteracy from that section. If designing politicians could be induced to let lhat section alone it will soon 'solve the race and . illiterate problems. , The Statesman says Governor Hill of New Yoric draws pay as governor and United States senator. The World says that a senator does not draw pay as senator until he is sworn in as such, and that any one who says he does is a liar and the truth is not in him, Goveinor Hill will not be sworn in as senator until the next congress meets in December. There are now 9400 lodges of OAd Fellows with C$5,000 members, and 75,000 Rebekah Te member. RAW AS BEEF-STEM Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin Disease) Coverlo Kntlre Body Cored by Catlcant. Vy baby ws 1 taken vary sick when b wa three eumUM oki, and In a (aw day bagaa braakinc cot. Wa employed both of til borne doctor, and ttwy eonlil da DoUiln for him. THmi w aant for to twat doctor la Ketoa liapld. Mieb., and h de vitea nua lor two wm, and b p-t wore all tha tlmr; and that, 1 took bl in lo Jackson, to a doom wboattandacapacisily to ekln dleoaer, and th0 be cot worar t bars ever. Then I told my htwband wabad letter try tha ClTKlaa KsasiiU any way; did Dot bar any Hi Uiry would do n.j aood, but lo la u 11 two mm tha from tlu Mms w na fHnf tbatn to him ba waa eutir j) w ill, and not a spot on bits. Ill bail Ik v r " -lnn rticht off, and w tbonirbt ha wot. id al .' ba b.ld-beaded. Tbnra waa not a in-,ot on hi wlKila hly, face, and bvad.oniy li, 0ta and . b'lt what waa a raw a bewf-etaak. Ho poor t.i'ire wa not anything but bow, and as weak r eo.ll I rata nHtrvr band nor haad. Mm. ii.VJ'K UAUH& tT, Wwfteld, Midi. Cuticura Resolvent Tha new' bloo4 and fikln ParlfW, end frtet of lienor tiMnwiUai, clean Ibe blood ot all iri,uI U i and potaonoua eleownU, and tbua romovua II" 11 ia, while VvrwouA, tiie akia enra, : jrri'.x-aa HoAf. as txjuUii kla beaatirW, eka t i t a. In and eralp, and raUra tha hair. Tim. t:. t;fi"i?A IUHr.rrs euro etary anectnaof lu-binn b ir.ii.'i . tualy, pimply, and bbxeby akin,aili, ai M ,j uivttmm, from fninploa to arrofiii, ir.xa iii(-Jcy W a, Wben tbe boat pbyeteUo fait a -ill every whnr. Tiin, Crmcmu, Me.; Boa r, !' .'.; UsauLVSMT. (j, I'rnparad by Uw Potts 1),: 1 au nai' At, CoKPOMSTro; ttoatnn. t - nviA Ua " Uow to Cure Blood Iriaeaara.'' Bl DV'C snd Kralp irarifled aad beautified .', J I O by CiTiiUin UtiAe. Abaoiutciyptire. RHEUMATIC PA'N3 In one mlnnle tlioCntlnm An'U rln) I'inm'rr roller rlj:tna!ie eri-pt'.rth-, l l tney, clHsat, and moaeolar -OF- Special W.'. P. READ. My Spring stock . now the latest ress D Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Kkit Ribbed and Muslin. My Pbices aro ULe LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am solatgent for the Celebrated . S. F. HOSIEET, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, I have Large Stock at tbe Lowest Prices ever c8erm) L. tha Valley, I cat r j til line of the worU-renowed BROAD HEAD goods, unexcelled Gbish. Lsrg stock of Eubhoideries and Flouxcisgs. 01 ced that A.Uia- y ix the beat trading point in Oregon, for wear a' and ba cor 2:26 2:23 12 Coal Blac!.-, vrKIs Ksustll start 1 vnroriuaiiosi II ii breeding Is the seme of early and exlren speed, years; .wu, z:cjij, at two years, alta nakUiga Jr, :i7,, In three aUaight beat. Sired by Altamoxt. wagon record. 2:261 : sire oft alta, x:$, aau aevtn outer z:wi perto.-tBera, and a Boat oi outer cwi iroucr. Altamoxt by Amovr. that ha over three hundred descendant tn the g:f0 lia, including Hsu. Uamuk auu jim.Na, aouoie, xua. Del Narte' dam ia Tocooaii by Stubbs. Ca-I DEL KOBTR wa bed by Jar Beach, at Vancouver, Wuh on of lhUl at Ttitet Bro tlable. Albaur friuar mile nortbeaat ol Shedd. rermii Season, ifSO; Insurance, 130. BARROWS BRO So O DKT a3 C5 ItECOiCO S IKE ONECO Is standard by all rule, and waa a trotter at every age. tie is tne only none in the Northwest to All the requirement of tlie triple teit of Fedi irroa, eriormauce and . I'roseuy, ext-ept hU airo, Aitani'Uit, and hi received ibe eroau two ) ear j ouujtir. He will be kept th coming leason at home Mannay and Tuesday at Alhanr Svtuidaya. Independence W ediiea- dav. saleui rnorsii i5 f and Fridays, and lowed to aerve mart: at fall, to iuaura. MCKNIGHT BROS. PATR3NIZE HC?.!E INSTITUTIONS. TIE FftRMFRS .& MERCHANTS; INSijHAHCE CO., Albany, rgon. W F REAP, PresSdeat. ' - JO WRITSMA.N. Secretary. J Li COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice Presidsnt. PIKKOTOBn ' . J L Cowan, Goo F Simpson, W F Read, Tr L Foley, M Sternberg, J Vf Burnett, J K Weutheriord, R S Strahan, J O 'Vrltsman. ALSO DISTRICT AGENTS F02 Cj.kiaDd Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cal. ' Traders, CLicago.Tj!. American, Philadelphia, Pa- Phoenix, London, Engluud, Norwich Union, London, Eng London A Lanohasbire, London, Eng. Guardian, London, Ii g. V. n cbostpr, Manchester. Ergtend. Ca edon'.an, . Kdijburg. Scotland. Wesobaer, J'ew York. cxly stes3TLy v::'r' : z:nziM mf:,?.- lAffAHTED'SSM' ill. Uftml and Tmvellna A f. I I I cianna! iJtm't mia It! You need no e I I Hal to raprment a reliable firm that, J rant nnr-en etock Brathae tnd Uurf Bme, WORK ALL TUB YEAR, . KocH pay weekly to er.r't4e mm. Apply nii tatiri aif. Xav. Xa. 3VE A.TET mUt O . Kurar-rymeB, i'loriata and adiBn, at fa-.. Miaa. (This bona 1 reaponait.).) ; " r - Fort miller & liraa, t -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalmhio; Dona Seienlii lcally. a City Meat Market SHULTZ BEOS, Proprietors. fmp a foil Hoe of meats of all k .nd :n cool p'.ncv, completely pro tected: and always fresa. ALBANY NURSEEIES; 2 : 1 IITE HAVE ON HAKDatocr narwerv TT on she Corvallis road, one-La.: aite from town, as fine a lot of frnU jrees of all kinds as ean he found any- ' shere on the eoaat. If yoa contemplafc jlsnting trees it will pay yoa to eee our tcl tr d fit car prkta. C stair gue fsm, IIMAK dk EROWHELU Announcement Complete, Embracicg all Novelties in Goods 9 34 -:'. 2:30. alaet 1st faaltleaa la Breedlug, ana Action. ss proved by his fu'l sister Beulsh. S:4T, st two reeuni el nut iXX, defeaUru; Uanmbal . sits st. .Clay, it ti, (air ol DroAirao, t ts and U ARUJT Cur, i:23) ) Seventeen ot hi daughter have produced nineteen S:S0 performers, including Mam SRiKO Bat. 3:2, who aired tbe datnaot A.Tu,S.12at i ;ear Ajbuumii, 8.13, at tour year, two ol tha tallest stallion Id the world ot their age. Tscoah, dam by ISruexuH, t:ta; sire ot the daat ot K lis Wiuu, 2:iiJ, aire ol Ouvsa K , S:1GJ. Foaled in 1SS8. aWill make th and Saturday : th rest ot the time at our farm, thra 2s 12.- 2;20 3I. OP DELCO, 2:23 1-2 jr. AXTAGO, 9320, three jear old record 2:42, ton ot Altamoat, 2: snd Mag?! Arnold 1:33. wil b kept at C irvallls Mondays anJ TueadAys snd ttio rest (.( thj we-k at home. TViun, $3S to itiiurj, due wben more la known to be with tl or removid from tbe eountrr. . a. Will he glad loaUo J stock any day cxca:t bundky, MoKNiatiT BU03 -