The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 01, 1891, Image 2

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    ids ejawnat
A new paper called Urn ;AVrme has
been launched a. Central Point, Jackton
Von Moltke, the great German soldier,
died suddenly ot heart dlteate at Berlin,
the 24th Inst.
Chauncey M lirpew, the great railroad
king, says UarrUon will be renominated
and elected. There, now.
The most unalterable of water colon baa
been found to be fellow ochre, terra ticnom
sepia and and bluet.
Tudga Bird ot the seventh judicial dis
trict has resigned on account of continued
111 health. Governor Tenndjer will fill
the vacancy.
The German Empire, by tit lust census,
Las forty-nine and a ball millions of popula
tion, Prussia having of these thirty millions,
and the next division, Bavaria, having five
and a half million.
Republican papers are congratulating
Secretary Rush tor securing the removal
ot the embargo placed upon the American
hog by Germany. It well to bear
In mind that the secretary has undertaken
this job but not succeeded jet.
United States Senator J M Reagan, ot
Texas has resigned to accept a position on
the Texas railroad commission. Governor
l!ogg has signified his Intention to appoint
Horace Chilton to succeed him.
The following plan la aJopted in the Paris
LaboratoryJTitr testing the comparative dura
bility of paving stones. A sample of the rock
is placed upon horizontal plate rotating
around a verticle axis, and pressed against it
by suitable contrivances. The wear is then
compared with that of a standard material
under the same conditions.
The tariff bill of McKlnlcy waa enacted
that our laborers might be full jr remuner
ated by good wages. Well, now, there
have been more serious strikes In the last
three months than for a long time, and all
because err plovers have been reducing
wages. It's a sham and a delusion. The
real purpose ot that bill was to benefit the
few protected plutocrats at the expense of
laborers and consumers.
The FrtmJtnMut and the Ytt Ft tit
Prtssr, published at Berlin in Germany, In
commenting upon President Harrison's
speech at Galveston, agree thai the Eu
lopean xollverein lathe only answer to
American protection. The FremJentlutt
uggests that the European nations look
to Africa and the Asiatic colonies for
goods which they have hitherto brought
from America.
Linn county has fifty-eight school dis
tricts and 714 1 children ot school age. By
the apportionment of county school money)
there Is a disbursement of j4.r0 per capita.
In Marion county the per capita this year
i $4.30; in Multnomah, about $9; and In
Clackamas, only about $1.70. Statesman.
The number ot school districts In Linn
county is 10S and the number of pupils is
There is still a profound silence among the
advocates of a high tariff as a meani of mak
ing things cheap in the matter of explaining
why, if tbe reduction of the tariff on refined
sugars bas made that commodity cheaper, the
increase of tbe duties on woolens will alio
make garments less Costly. The plain people
of the country understand that tae annual cost
per citizen of sugar is lets than $3 75, while
that of woolen goods is many times that
amount. If the McKinleyites can, they should
immediately turn their attention to this problem
trs . 1
An artkla on tbe maladies of the Bona
parte shows that all the members of the
great Napoleon family bare suffered from
hereditary srihriiis. Napoleon's father died
of cancer of the stomach . Napoleon himself.
Lucien Bonaparte, Puline Borghese and her
sister Caroline all died of the same trouble.
Prince Pierre, Napoleon III, Prince Napoleon
and King Jerome all manifested arthritic
Nine years ago Dr Sketchier of California
imported the first ostriches from Africa, and
from these birds have been bred 468 ostriches
now is the state. II B Perry, who runs an
ostrich farm in Santa Monica, and bas forty
five birds, says that each bird yields $200 a
year, making bis gross revenue $9000; deduct
ing expenses, he has a clear $3500 on $15,000
There is a popular idea prevalent that
trie mi.iute letter M" to be seen at the
base of Liberty on the face of the present
Issue of silver dollars atands for "VI hit,"
and la an evidence ot the genuineness of
the coin bearing it. But this, is a mistake.
The M" siands for Morgan, George T
Morgan, who Is the originator of the design.
Upon the same side there is another "M"
also the Initial of the detlgner, . This U to
be found h the wavin locks of the fair
goddess, and Is so cleverly concealed in
the line of the design that It can only be
seen after a long scrutiny. A p.'c inineut
'mint .IT,cla', in speaking of this ether Ini
tial','' said that he hai had It shown to hlrn
scores of time, but coulj neycr find It un
assUti'd 'I he associated press now very kindly
h.forms us that there are $751,000,000 In
the United States treasury -of which $w
000,000 is "trust money held fur the re
demption o gold, silver and currency
ccrtiiicates, and the balance, $26,000,000
belongs as absolutely to the treasury as any
property which the jovernraent owns.
Immediately following this despatch
comes another telling of Secretary Foster's
scheme of Issuing new bonds at lower
rate of Interest to take th place of the
$43,000,000, of per cent bonds which
beco:ne due In September People will
naturally inquire why the secretary does
not redeem these bjn j In September if
there U so tnu-h money in thj treasury
Instead of I'tuhig nsvr bonis to take their
place. Evident! ll t rj is a screw loose
some li?e.
Piciident Harrison tells the Texan that
the prjvUion of the McKinley law con
cerning reciprocity U that
We have placed upon our free list suzar.
tea, coffee and liide,and have shuI to t-iose 1
nations from whom we receive these great
staples: "Gives us free access to jour
ports for m equivalent amour. t of our , re
duce In exchange or we will retmpese
duties upon the article named."
The people of Texas arir probably aware
that tea, coffee and hides have been on tiie
freu list for years, and that no party or
president would dare to reimpose tax;s up
on any of these articles, no n. utter what
Brazil or any other country might do in
regard to tlx lug our products. This I
not the fit-ht time that the president lias
liovyn Lis lack of knowledge a co what
me provibnin-s 01 me larni law were prior
to ths paafiie of t je McKlnlcy hiil. On
another o'.Cii'diKi li; undertook to sav thai
t!vi Mi'K-inlry bil, put ten, coffee and hides
on !'. e !-!. lii FU'.euient
vt'.t.i .1 bio, id j nil
ovtr the
The Onsoitn despises "riggers" when they
tell their inevitable, unvarnished fale of frtcta
against that schema known as protectionism
by wlii-.h the many are robbed to enrich the
few plutxratic nabobs of the country. Every
tbns a ptotectionisl uses 'figgeiV, (as our co
temporary docs some limes,) they turn their
potentiality against him every time. The
Ortfvm'an tells us that "it will surprise mo1
persona to learn that the McKlnlcy tariff law
which was denounced as a Chinese wall builder
a blow at ioreign trade, and an Influence tend
ing to check importations from abroad has so
stimulated foreign trade that tHa Imports into
the United States for the first six months after
it want into effect were nearly fjo,ooo,Ooo
more .than for the corresponding tix months of
the previous year." From this teat it preaches
sermon to show that "the McKinky bill bas
served the double purpose of ttimulatiag for
eign trade and protecting American Industry,"
Just ho an American industry can be pro
tected by stimulating the importation of the
foreign product of that industry, tbe Qtgouit
very prudently omits any attempt to explain.
The Orrgonian, know ,( but it hat sot the
ordinary fairness to aay sc) thaf the protec
tion theory la bated on the idea of restricting
importation. Any legislation that results in
the increase in In.forlation of Ioreign goods of
like character with those upon which we have
placed a duty lor the purpose of protection, is
subversive ot the scheme of prottcllon. But,
notwithstanding there bat been quite an in
crease in importations during the six months
following the passage ot the McKiuley bill
over that of the corresponding six tnontht of
the previous year, this increase bat been wholly
an increase in importation of goods that are on
the free list. But the Ore ronton in its seal to
make a point fur the already damned MVKin
ley bill resorts to the worst kind of deception
to make it that ot falsifying the facu'io ihe
case. That paper submits the following I title
showing tbe Imports for the months of October
November, December, January, February and
March following tbe passage of the McKinley
bill, and the corresponding months of the year
- 1SS9-90.
1 68.794.155
October I
December. .....
March, N. Y....
Total I374.061.853 t35S.995.3o
From this it will be teen that there bas been
an increase of imports in the six months since
tbe pasaage ot the new tariff law over the tame
months of the previous year under tbe old law
of f 18,166,443. It also gives the following
table showing the proportion of dutiable an I
free list goods imported during the two periods
above named:
1893-91. lSS-9".
Free imports. . ..t5J 470,50a 115.876,091
Dutiable imports 211,591,351 130.II9.31S
Total $374,061,851 l35S.99S.4lo
From this it will be seen lliat the gain In
ia importation was entirely io the free list
and not ia tbe dutiable list. This stimulation
of foreign trade, then, is the result of the nat
ural increase in business and the great law of
supply and demand. The OregonUin ia
simpl "kicking again1 th prick" in attempt
ing to stop the tide of public sentiment against
tbe wanieg cause of protectionism.
The opinion la expressed by some who
think they understand Mr Cleveland's at
titude with relation to Ms party and the
sliver question that the trouble with the
second-hand Interview on the subject,
which has be.-n pvbl'shed and in part rc
pudlited, Ilea chiefly In the form ot ex
pression. It Is well known bv all cf Mr
Cleveland's Intimates that he prides him
self upon his frankness and entire free
dom from any disposition to "trim" for
political advantage; he would rather be
bold than appear politic. He would rather
be misunderstood than to run the risk of
appearing timid In an explanation.
It la believed that Mr Cleveland's atti
tude on the silver question was very near
ly described in the New York Interview
with Mr Stephens, but that Mr Cleveland
in giving utterance to substantially the
same ideas would so express himself as to
give no room for the suspicion that he was
trying to placate those who had been of
fended by Lis former declarations. .
A few days ago Representative Tracy
gave an interview. In which he aald: "Lie
(Mr Cleveland) has decided convictions In
opposition to trying the experiment of
free coinage at present, and it is belter
that he frankly make them known when
circumstances are calling for a statement
of hia views."
On reading this Interview Mr Cleveland
wrote to Mr Tract, staling that the inter
view correctly represented his attitude.
' Democratic politicians who belle e that
Mr Cleveland ia going to be the party
nominee and that his on the
silver question are not go'r.g to hurt him
In the least, declare the belief that if lime
should, prove that tree coinage were deslr.
able, Cleveland, belnjj president, would
not veto a free-coinage bill . Thry do not
for a mcmer.t pretend to doubt the slncer
ity of Mr Cleveland's opposition to free
coinage at this time, nor that hi opposi
tion would continue the same if the con
ditions remained the tame, but they think
that if, as they believe will be the case.the
,;th and stability of silver as money
metal should be demonstrated within the
next two or three years Mr Cleveland
would be free to recognize the fact.
Trie opinion Is expressed that Mr Cleve
land, when he wrote his famous lctter,had
Ihe question of party policy In mind as
much as he had the abstract question of
coinage of silver, and that even If he had
been personally favorableto thjfrec coin
age of silver as an ultimate result he would
hare earnestly advised Again it any com
mittal of the party to a fiee coinage policy
so long as a division on that question
threatened a division of the party and en
dangered Its chance of ever being in a
position to handle that or any other ques
tion successfully .
Entirety aside from hi convictions on
the silver qaestlon he I said to be opposed
to running the rink of a party division on
any question of pohoy until it has made
the figh' U a fir.lih on the tariff issue in
which he expects hi party to win Hav
ing gone into power,, to that what it might
4p one way or the other would be of some
consequence, then, it is eald, he bejeves It
would be time enough to decide upon new
Issue and to try toputa future policy into
Many of those who are in perfect st 111
pathy with Mr tlevehmd in all matters
aside from the financial question believe
that it would be ver? aiiwUe to divide the
party, and probably (Meat h, hy loading it
all at once with more than it can cat ry, for
if It keeps itself permanently out of power
by sentimental politics it will not be In a
position to secure free coinage or anything
else Its leader miy have their hearts on.
It is believed that Mr Cleveland would
have worded his si ver letter differently if
he had had the oportunity a ftw hours af
ter he sent it loth i Itefor.r. i:hr!, but Uvil
he would have expressed biibst-inthilly the
-;iine fenii'iient't, and that if he were
! pl-ced In the same position today tie would
! occupy the ame atiitu.h-, an 1 that he will
occupy the same attitude 1 nt'l the condi
si ns are eucii as to 3 rant the beliei that
free coinage of silver would be safe.
Whether these conditions v. I1 1 come about
between now and 1891 or 189! Is a thing
which time nlone can answer. Chicago
(From our ratulnr o-irrr-p-niatnl,!
"VVAatttNciryv, April ;o, iSyt.
Re pi esentntlve Springer, not to he behind
the other candidates for the speakership of
the house, hs given cmt, In the shape of
a newspaper Interview, a statement ut his
position upon the various questions now
before the country. Neediest to say Uat
he stands upon good olld democratic
ground, Just as ho has done.lo these many
yeart. Mr Sprlngei'a opinion on New
York politics, expressed in the tame In
terview, hat excited much Interest here.
He says that Representative Roswell P
Flower, who was the chairman ot the
democratic congressional committee last
year, will certainly be nominated tor gov
ernor of New York this year, and that" If
he Is elected by a phenomenally large ma
jorlty, as he thinks he wilt be, ho will be
the president's!' nominee of the party next
Such promlneut South Carolinian as
ExGovernor the dcmociatlc
Civil Service Commissioner, says that the
telegraphic reports ot a'.movcmcnt In South
Carolina for the desertion ot the demo
cratic party by a large number of white
men who will act with the republicans In
future Is newt to them, and thry all ex
press themselves at not believing such a
movement possible In tha. state.
The tact that Mr Harrison is jcaloti ot
Mr Claine has long been apparent, bii a
story that I accidentally stumbled upon
makes It out even a worse case than I
thought It to be. Rustcll flarrUon, ac
cording to my Information, who is now
travelling with the presidential party .took
occasion before leaving Washington tj
Intimate to several people whom he
thought to be unfriendly towards Mr
Blaine, that he tliought It was a shame that
his father, who had been forced to almost
resort to compulsion to prevent Mr Wu'-ne
taking steps towards conciliating the l'.al -Ian
Government should be deprived ot the
credit for the Arm stand taken by this
government in that matter, when It was to
him, and to him alone that it was due.
Russell also tald that "Father may find It
necessary to break with Mr P.lalnc.ln order
to place himself In the proper I'ght before
the people." Poor things!
The republican post office officials are
indulging In a great iWl of self congratu
lation ever the establishment of post oflkes
on several lines ot ocean steamers tor the
distribution of matter In transit, which 1
exploited as something entirely new, and
due to the fertile Wanainaker brain. A -ay
back in the Buchanan aditdnissratlon sim
ilar post offices were maintained on the
lake steamers that ran Into Chicago and if
brother Wanamaker will examine the re
cords of 1.1 office when he ges back to
Washington he may be able 10 get some
useful pointer on the conduct of steam
bjat post effices. The steamship pot of
fice Is na excellent idea, but It t'-id n?t or
Iglna'e wl:h Mr Wanamakr r.
The grip has got Attorney General
Miller, which compelled the government
to ask for a week's of the Say
ward case, which was to have been called
up In the supreme court to-dav. This case
it will be remembiedl the one which
bears updn ihe Dchring tea dispute. "
Secretary Foster having returned from
hta political trip to New York, he and
Senator Sherman put their heads together
to make a little fun for Ex-go ver no- For
aker in Ohio this year. I akcd Sena'or
Sherman if It was true tint he Intended
rclMng from public life at the end cf his
present term, but I am still waiting- for the
auswer he talked about the prevalence of
the grip very freely, but of politics not a
word. However, its dollars to wood tooth
pick that John Jjherman never wildnglv
Secretary Proctor has gone ioVcrmont
to look after his maible quarries, and In
cidentally to look after the bargain re I
believed to have long ago made to succeed
Senator Edmund. ' I should like to know
exactly the number (t days that Mr Proc.
tor hat spent in hi office In the war de
partment since he became a member of the
cabinet. No cabinet officer in my time
ha ever touched hi record as an ab
sentee. When Secretary Trace's order for an
alleged competitive eiaminjtton in the
New York and Norfolk navy vard wa
Issued Representative flowden.or Virginia,
who live In the Norfolk district, carne (tost
haste to Washington to find out what it
meant. Before having a talk with Secre
Tracy he was very Idue.hnt afterward he
was all smiles and said ' Oh, all of my con
stituents wil pa Ihe cvaminatlon and be
reappointed." I!d Tracy let him ei the
inatde of the humbii"?
PEtj.t cot, v.
It is aurprisiu tht t j-.nriial li! (he
Dl MOTH AT tbat so deVrrr.ii.Mdly inrint that
th UrilTis a tax kh"iitrt dvre'te rho e
tshli'hmrn of a dirv wleu bntttr and
eheimecoul-1 heprioi'-e l to tno h chnspn
from I'aiiad t if it wore tot fo- tbe Ur.ff l'lu'if
For the pn f iur . iti rnp'jrry
wa would ssy thai f .r 'Am ye l!''t. and
before McKinley jitit bis ru cent a pnntid
duly on I utter, th. r . wirn imporU-d into
this eon-;try 9l.2"3 i"n id i. This t CO
centi per pound in tLeeoiint'y from whi. b it
wasimpor'a-d. TliinU if i' 1 Ninety one
thousand pound a rf l.oUvr i.n;r'rt-d. Of
eourte our butter niakeir hid to l ave pro
tcctioi from this M.orniMsa.-Jionnt of but a-r,
the pr durct e.f rlisp f.neij'tj Isb',r. tl.-re
waa 'ioug'l pvjp:r 1 sl r buffer iinpnrt'jd to
one J er t-i supply tha 270,009 fjini'ln
the city of New YcrV. for ft whole day. flow
could cor bntttr makers s'.and uich eompr
tltior, Ttit Plairidralrr must Ik proud of
l-. little bxllocn.
JJ! 1 -J S-UJ-SJ-J-S-.O'
A far n of J2tno ei)f lan.1 V4 mi'rs
,rst of Mlllnr Htatlon on O.ilO.KR,
All fjnre 1.13 str- In cultivatloti. 20
so,e siasho t. T'X"hI hon and burn md
shod lor Hioo-.w)!i wtt -rnd. frootl, yo'ing
orchard bearing all -kin la irult, Good
grain firm. V e ttv ti-nbi-r.
t'icr wi l b an Hiinnal ire -tirKO
lh s,to.-kl oldprn of tho Albany Woolr-i
A ilia Con pany, held st thrlr odlfn ii.
Alt-ariV, (ripon, on Ttietd'ty 12tl
ry of y. 1H91. a, tho hour of 1 o'elors
p m of ahi (i-sy. for tho pu-posa 1. left
in f ar tirotorn to st rvs for onfc er
:nl fie tana t Ion of suoii othsr bus tinns
as tn-.y logliy conie hofore au?h moi
1TS.OU SALE CHEAP. Pointer puppy,
; 5 imrifhs oh'j ia tho mnklnv of a
grand tield.r If t.t:y r-p n in Aibtrif
wants ft good dog now ia your chance.
Write to . V. ranifrnu. Coivallis,
Oregon, jr further inforaiatlon.
JJN the n nun it! rROPllr rf 1h hiocSt
hod r- (if tlv A-'irtnv f'..rmrr Co, v.ij
i)i) be'il at tho rdili-rt of rstiiil o:)inpn- , h
a inanv, Oruron. 0:1 May Unti , LK'JI, it I
o'o'os'it. t m. f daw, fi 1U1 'purpose
of olt r;i j.ijf -vnti (7 nireo"o:, lo Wry
tlirj eti'tilrift .ir hiitl tho trani'itBil..n ii
suitli oth'-r tn.!nia nit may prororlj
oiiw) tn.f r ii l inn."ttr)i. Ixiny by ut
lt-r tfli' : II iikV.IV- ; I it I ! I i-l .IN
j ' M !I,--V(Lns,
iU(;xf:P. Ii MAUsn.j.r., rrt-Mdttit.
Oregon Wkaiiikk Bukrau. CftNTKAt
vYsUTIIKIt nULLRTtXt No. 7, roit THK
Wkrk Ehdino Satcwdav, April 33,
(Thl bulletin Is based on reports rccclv.
ed from 1 17 correspondents.)
In wes'ern Oregon cool, cloudy weather
with rain prevailed. There were general
light froU, which did n diunng.', on the
tyih and lothi tome tinli lell on the 23rd
in various sections doing no damage.
Along the coast and in the Willamette
valley fiom one to two and a half Inches
of rain felt. In southern Oregon lets
than an Inch of rain tell.
'the rain was very beneficial to crop on
upland. On the lower land seeding I
not nil done and It will now be further de
layed. Fall sown wheat and oat have
fine growths, and tn sections It l being
pastured down. Spring grain that has
been sown-U doing line, i'he fruit crop
Is thriving. All trees are generally In
full bloom. Present Indication point to a
phenomenal fruit crop this year. Hops
liave good growth s thry are from one to
two feel above the ground, The hop
acreage ha bren,tnereard. More pota
toes than Usual have fern planted, Sit raw
and other small bcrtlcs are coming on
finely; berries promise to be unusually
plentiful. Lam'is are doing well. Prep
arations nro bt infr made for shearlni;,
which will be In full blust prvt week. The
week close with favorable prospect
lor western
Oregon crop and produc-
In eastern Oregon the weather ha been
more cloudy duiing the past week than
for a Ion while andllght rain wcie gen
eral. Over one half Inch fell throughout
the section.
The rain that fell was needed, for Ihe
soil wa becoming dry and late town
grain wa not germinating. The rain
give renewed vltfir to grain already up,
and greatly assist that mil yet appearing,
Observe., U. S, Signal Service.
The Oiikyillo horticultural rosU ly will
meet on Tuesday, May 6th, at 7:l!i p in.
A Kol rfk'raiii has bwn prepared. Mr
John iu White will real a rapor on
"Fruit raining va Grain rniriinif.'' Mr II
L Smith, a paper on "Commercial Frslt
Ilaining." 1'hero will lo other tapera
read. Prof Kobb't gleo club will
iurutah the u.uaic.
Mr John Griilln, of Woodburn, ha
bought iW acrta ot It L Smith. Mr G ia
a school teacher, a crank, anil a U P.
There are a few othera here alllicted w ith
part of the lisea" an;i thy maw to ho
doing Wfll.
Ir G W Gray wa on tho street last
week with farm clothe on. He umy
learn the art of f.irmlng yet; but beta
too goo.1 a toothpuller to ever bo a ginxi
A 111 hum f.iado iro awful nttatakca iu
hia litnt ilt iiiH. In speaking of the last
irteetitig of the liortieultural roeiety, he
says : "A Y Smith read the Iwst paper of
the evening and wa greeted with ap
plause, and flowers were thowered upon
iiiui." Now 1 wai an witnea to tho
nflair, and I raw no flowers ued. Mr
Barton read tho lea-iiii paper of the
Mr V A I:vijj it tcicLiug th rprlux
term of school here. Pakkt.
A ft la fiir.
Okk.;.om Cirv, Aj-slt aS. A!fU ia Ht
l'aul't cbuicUof I'm ciiy came to a livt'y pass '
yesteiUay when the vestry tent a carpenter lo i
put ne bouk and pa lies. is on the door and !
ordered tbcm locked. They also bad the
clamxr tod io!c removed fiom the l-cll to that
it could ntt be utetl lo call services etcrpt at j
tne vet ry orilcrtd. V lute the earpentcr. A )
W Jiame, i tncnile of the votry, wa put- j
ting the hsckt cn, Re J M Donaldson, tie I
missionary in charge an J stout whom alt the j
trouule has originate:!, came into the (.butch j
and tcfased to go out so a io alio the build
ing to be kicked. Hot words speedily followed
slier a libnral exchange t f wlucii Mr Frame
locked the church leaving the diviae on toe
inside whKe he waited wlf vttli the key ia his
This morning; warrant were issued for tha
erre-t of Vestrymen (,;ia .Oil! an I F'ame for
aault and I ftttery, M; I)jraidtn being
Complaining wi'nets, her ipj-iric, it It claimed
being scveic biaise and a partially diskvated
slioiisder. A warrant if arrest w ako iisced
for Kev Don'aMton on the tame complaint at
"al-cve, and tbe wLo are iiiisjeiUsl claim lli.t
Mrt DsnaUsott abo is to le arretted. Other
arret! are threatened. The Hut of Messtt
(ibsij oul and Krautc hat Urcn fiwt f jr tl.e
iSth of May, and ihv have given bonds lor
their c; j
A lossrr tturarrrd.
AuroktA, Apiil sS. Jamtt Mcfatoth, a
logger, who ha been workidg in McFarUnj't
Ictinp, at Witt;ort, wat slabbe 1 at Wood"
lain ing, thirty mile above here, ihi tl:er
njn, icceiving tiiteen woendt, by a logger
j named Copeland. The man immediately
lied end lilted a t-uat l.oin a iiilierman. and
started across tlid liver to Cathlamct, Wj-.1i,
piesunubly ith the intention ot taking the
night boat ficoi this city. Sheriff Smith char
tered steamer and Irlt Here i tits evtning for
the Kene of the tragedy, M-lntot,h wat still
alive, but cannot rceovcr.
Csv. rranojer tiproks,
Sam Fkancihco, Aptil aS. Af cr reading
the perverted ttccoiin't of the. I'cr.noyer inci
dent in the newspapers, the pretijei.t wat
sgrechblp surpiiwd morning to receive a
very courteously worded telegram horn" the
g -vetnor of Orrgon, expressing sympathy w ith
him on accounted the acciden. to Mr liaton
and assuring him that Ihe feoj;!e of Orrgon
would regret any change in his plant that pre
vented his going to that stall-, where, the
governor deciaie t, a very cordial welcome was
piepared for him,
I'rumpl Jnstlre.
Portland, pril 27.-11 is n t vcrj often
that a burglar is ih A down in hit tracks, but
turh a violater of the law nut death in the
tviintnr It! lr,u,li.1-,M t''m,. V.
lo3Secjndstreet,lrtwcenMor.ieon8iid Yam-
Hill.' A -tiiitttasr r,l f .ls..!, -1.1
htil, nliou". a quarter past 5 o'clock
Mm, Iron, SttiOanii laclery.
These Machines aratsowellkncu int,cJ coraweni. Thouar.adt of farmers cavo '
used them and speak of tttem v;tc. tltso. toy are the only Harveatlni
Kachiaos that wiu elva EJ.TJa, i ... iSFAtfriOH to the purchaser.
, The moss ECV )ilve and Buceeasful Combination foi Threablns aai Cloaatcs
. ': Crala ever conutr acted.
tZTTht Featuro tliat rlistlnguhhc this T'.tie-C!i.ler is tho Llifhtnes of Dralt, eotnbined with its
Kxtraonllnsry Btrenph ruid Durability. The Liticter is ot the Appleby pattern, the only rcilly suixusbIii!
one yet known. We have two styles, th Elevator Dlmlor and tne l'latform Ilimler both excellent both
lecommenilod by hundreds o( patrons. , .
The burglar was Willisin llayc, and he
died at tho hand! of All .SlrowUidga, who
was guarding the store ami found it necessary
to empty a thai go ot buckshot into the intrud
ers back.
A UriiaUe Invettlttntion.
Wau.a Walla, Api it S7.Inspector-Ccn
cnal S' S Sumner it lit the city for the puipte
of Investigating the action of the soldieisof
the FtwitU civ.ihy in lynching A J Hunt Fri
day night for shooting pi vale Miller ut I) I roup
Sun ncr called on Prosecuting Attorney llland
lotd ann Super. Judge Upu n and informed
them that he had coma to thoroughly investi
gate the trouble, and wished to assure tnein
that ii would be 110 1 ut a rigid in
vestigation. He avsreiicij.
COKVALLU. Aptll 27.A Vc!inrn, an
insane patient from Aluea, in charge of Deputy
Sheriff Crowford mad a desperate attempt lo
reguin his liberty and for a time succeeded.
During the prngtess ol the fire he wat running
bout the streets nearly naked and vellint! at
ihe top of his voice, ftiquenlly calling on the
Almighty to stun the lite as it wai burning up
his clothing. After considerable trouble he
was rccuptured and today taken to the asylum,
A ratal I Ire 1
Napa, Apii! aO, At four o'clock tits morn
ing a fire wat JiscuveicJ in an outbuilding in
the renr of the California bakery, Adji-iidn
nooiirn buildings, owned hy f,f Kilva, and
to other small bmiillnj; were paitiiilty con
turned ' Over one of these, toons wetc let to
lodgers, lienry UoUclttein was burned to
death. 1 1 wa awakened I y the firemen and
tafceuout. but went back after something.
1 he origin ol the fire U not known. The to.
tal loss on the property is ix), partially io
suied. Had ilicre been a noiili wind the
whole town would have gone.
X Bemarkable 4rll II uy
Jr Pacl, Aptil ad, Kepwi from all over
Minmwita and Dakota indicate llmt ytttrrdiy
wat the warmest April day in the histoiy of the
country. Tbe highest point reached wat 91
at Aberdeen, H I). General fear l expressed
that the excessive heat w ill be followed lf a
cyekinr, at happened at Kothcatcr In iSiij,
and at St Cloud in I S,
A treat turners!.
llKRLItf, April 26 Count vou SwlilciUln,
General von Moltke't successor a chief of the
grnrral Uaff, who died Saturday, has publish
ed in the name of the general statT the follow
ing tribute:
Fur fifty. five years the deceased belonged
to the e.neinl staff ol the Cetman army, for
Jhirty-one of hkh lis headed it. la that
opacity hs be not taken a place among the
forrmosi romn anden ol all lime.? Thus has
he impacted, not only to our stuff, but to '.hem
ol ailother armies, a character, the preserva
tion of which it ah arduous ;u ituw be
qtteatHtd to us.
A rttsrf tile Age. t
Sr Lot l, April 36. A ca!iooal cow-
hiding took place on Fourth street yesterday
and Mit Georrje Uncard, an actrestt, wield
deb the whl.tsttd'f .H Svm the victim.
S.'ott, it is alleged, sent ah insulting not to
Mi !. in gm dusking for an a; j uttlmer.t -She
kept the aj'j ointmcri with a rahide and in
viic'iaoma t,f hef (hcimIs 10 be iitscot.
Among othei was a photographer, who wts
on J i;tt a rimers, Wt v. first 00
tne trtne and ihtn came Misi t.irgard aud
MteAIIjn her friend They Wliij pel Scott
until ibe bUwd (Wet and he fied into the
An-'- U for John It. Atdnn's lltatlrirai,
Dire SS;U. VK-ltmlt fU. V:t2
.'jijfC-.t.t..r '
Ai.aASf. t:o.
nmmi & eulbeet beds..
Real 3Ut Agents
Farn.t and lUnchss for sale.
Also eity brosity in Albacv
and tJiiivalli,
aiul a r.itc Ktcirk
s;t nrrally, os well as jewelry,
"clocks, etc., itt
. 31. Frentli'.
m v mtvu sToiii:
FfehTer tlock,
Slaoaid & Cusick
-ntuLins tx-
J)rt:ps," Mcult lecs, f I r D-.lcalc, l arxy
snd Tollnt Art!t-Ie,.SporE,B!l;''t",bf-s.
IV rlumtr. tclrr l 'Itcclr, i,l
Aitlstis' tKuppliis
ltillv tfriiinfundd.
" - .
FrcHt, Firs! ana Yiinj Streets,
Our Stock of Spring Wagons 13
on tho Pacific Coast,
Oli 'Till 1 KM fcpntNfi U'Artnvi!
Wo Cairantca Our TtMclcs tha tut,, Onr Prices t'L'jwcst; duanty
Ccnsidaroil. Special Catalogues and Pries Li;t bailed
FrcB on Applluiitloa
van m
W. 0. DAVIS & CO.,
In the VlruUCott'i for Llm County, State 0
w. 11 juiinboj. JiaiKtar.i
va I
KJr.l JoHnwrn, Matllo I
J.iUiiMn,t;,.rt!ia J iiiimrit,. i'.v
I'.oi u.'.lil and V. t-loj U 1
ber bustauil, mill ftynui I
Jolmsoti, l,f..iJi.Ui;tH. j
To Iv Ileynold and Waltor JtoyriolJn,
44 two ot lUa strove iiatuej tlefouilatii.
Orison, you are I i.u required to
aitpoarauil tl.o oinf latut cf (be
jilalntiiT .n the stwvo etititlrja court, now
on lilo with iht cinrk of haiil noun, on
the ttrt Uy of tho nr regular lrut of
sai4 court, tuwttt on the
find Umf af Jane, ISSI.
Ami yio r Ufreby ijAUflatl tht If you
fail to appear td ntuwar taid r'.niiiUlut
st hereby required, tho plaiiuitT will s
I'y to tba fur tlm leiwf demanitcd
in plamlitT 'a ooinpUliit, towlt;
T rerj'ilre the '!ef.ntlnia W tri4k eon
vayatvee tj lt.e rilaintitfof the loilowioii
(l-sMiibo. r-al j.utc: 1 bo fraction r.avt
H of tt SKJj of ;-Ua lh N W U
f miction S3; tho fraciloii! N H M ut
ruvtirm .n in Tp 10 H 3 W of the
Wii.mni-ue tJi.?riiljti, In Linn county.
Ortson, and ititsil land la d. rrt-o I in
toii.nrf lit iuj jiinniiitt, sttiil iltttv the
'iefcuiUm Ihi dtk rnftct Ut uvn no Interest
In .il landts, an! for the eou sad
duWi.Vjtdoau to to t iat tl.
T'.ila u?i mon U s re4 hv puhiieailoat
by or:. of tltt lla it Uil, Jadji.f
iwi.l iwn, ma le at cut tubers, on itio
litttaay of Aprl jlH il.
J K WKsTllttsrjrirr.
(4 21) AU'y tor fiit.
UitCirca't Cuvrt of tkt &Mt o Orr-jimnr
C II Cable d 0 K S'.tur,l,1
psrtner. rt'tln biliincs nw
dit tho tVrm nni9 of Cr u' A
SU&arJ, risll.tid'e.
vs ,
N Jl X! in ;'. and Jrnitl-i j
i.1 by virtue of art ts -rjtifm Mtil nnlrr
t n!e, f;i I ottt of XU ainvc u-runl
wm on
alai-.liy. tit 9ib stay sf Hay, IS3I.
at tht cnnK homo dwr. In ihe city of
ntuAny. r.inn Rnrjnty, trregotr, at Ion
honruf I o'clock, n in, of DtUd dar, an II
at publie u ttion, f asH Li hand, to tbe
liutwt i-ti'jor, u: Mai prowirtv tls
oritMsd In a!d ejt.nukia i.nd urdt-r of
sale, M rollows, to wit:
I.t No t.Ix. (C), of a o'rtaln jileet of land
In l.tnn ooupty, (tretton, end rrmrlv
be!onfilr.g to ttm Uto of f&lnha Orillltti,
rtpintnscd, s will apiir Ly i-fferonr to
of I plrtc cl lund annr z4i o
tb return and rr-jiort of ni'mlnnstrator'a
!, mado tha li'i'.rs rluy r f S..:oi!iter,
A 1. now on li e In the Ltntt rotinry
eltsrk'a ora-, in th tlty Albanv,
county of Linn ami tslo ot Oregon. AIwj
lot No ttv, ix rwven and oigbi all In
block Ko 4, in (do town of Ih-ownavllle,
In l.inn enunt.v, rstato ,4 Orejt-on, an will
ftiar tV r termor) to tha plat t.f
town in IHoand nKtnrdtnl In tho enunly
e rli' offie. lo tti niv ct Albany,
in tha a dd county of Unn. arid
'at- .f Jr-irn:i. Aln lut J' 2 t
bor-k No I. tn JCirk's stiUitlon to I ho town
nf IlrownsTillo, f Linn, and
t-t of Untgiin; snld lH extnndlnir 00 ft
on t'alat-ootn sireit and nint-ly-jiina fjit
on Front ntrtx-t,
Ths prncon .ti arit-lnir from tho la nf
said prerxili-oi to bn spr!iotl llrat: To Ihn
pyti.nt of the ootla of and upon oaid
rx- cttUv.n, and 1 he r-rlftlnal oowa nf aaid
ac;lon. laxod st ?.0 HO: (c-ttn.d: To the
payment of I'lalntitrn, c.'alni a mounting to
tha turn of 7l h0, w.lh intt rost iherour
M tho rat o.r8 pr cent ptr annmn from
01 r.itp JOth. Iv.S'J. and the further sum
of 173 Oi, with imornsi thai-eon .t 8 per
cvnt per nnnnm from Feby 27ih, 1M)1,
naw i lt;) 71U a.iy or April, 1SUI.
hcr!ffcf Linn oauntv. Oregon.
Ky D S SMiiH,"rpnty.
180I.K Botrkrir ofShmld, Llnu Co.,
(trcftt.ti, rn.ide an asicntnnnt for t ho ben
fit of h! creditor, 'J ho undsrsiKnod 1
llw duly appointed and qualified assignee
o said IVckftr'ii oitatp. All p-risona
having 0inltn alnst iho aai't Hooker ari
hcri;y iwtifltfd tt pras-.nt t,btn to tho
umlorHl'tif-d, vprlttsd as requited ty law,
within thit montihrt from the dale hereof
otStm ld, i,lnu unurity, Oregon. ,
Isa-tod April 2, 18E1.
11, C. Wathon, AsalRDse.
Ally fur Assignee (4 8)
Permaiiently care d tthont Cuttlnp, Bunilnjf cr Dl.
1st ing. A ;:ertrally tnci- treatment snd yimrsii
terd curs in every wso, 110 matter how lone; inin!it ir.
t'tijs trntment, for Siriotu e, ol Dr Ikixcll1,! the
g stent discovery known to medicine. Itdlnolves
nd oumplutelr reinoTcs tho Strlctuio withoutsnnoy.
1 or pain to ma rstient.
Pccaliar to their Ucx, n not proper to name her",
includinir alt ttuse ticUcnte lniirniittes and Weak
nomcs, r.leh they would shrink from dischwlna to
ittulr (.sniily j-hvii-tisii, permanently cured in less
time than nae ever knon to iUiiioino before, by Ir
Joxcli's'-Kew B.vstran o( Treatment. M Itrejuvenules
i u enito.urtr sry orsns aud makes weak men strong
When irtssitilu, it is aiwuya best to cell tor personal
mnsuitation and npecial examination. But those
ho cannot poixibly call, should write, ststlng their
e fully, Mediuine sent by mnil or exiiress, scaled,
k-oe froui exposure, to sli jiarts o tho i-acitic Coast.
Win. A. BoxcH, M. I).
Bt rnni O tMicmary, rortlnml, Oreaon
Corner Firs t and I'lr.eitrcttSjjovtjrJl'oitlaud
Ndtiuiial UuIjU.
Who Ir rTuiTyrlnff, ellhop ia bis mind or
body, from thu liijuriouii or wiiL6uing
etiijutB of hlsowB ignorant t'tillioa, alnmo
ami ttxctM n oua lti Quickly and tHrttuw
' rictitiy cured, r&par frtw (i?eal'(U.
ifirt 134 Third St.
1 t -orllanrt,Ur.
. 'V Thia old lector Um had SO veat-a
- vtiits aad hm IHwaseii". Write tfMliiy,
R'i'j rT),Mt .r',,! privao.y to any a 4 ire 3.
tho Largest and Most Completo
and Comprises nil tho
Styles of
V07lViA Xr; tiXTJ
lav -rj- f t i Ti m jsj 1 r t --J 1
vjagoxx, one . t : 0 n.-r:
Jt Vim. Pav All I'ATritB Vastiso
Oil co::ijn ?roNi) with iu.
q f
tirfirrfs ri
In (he Cirrui'i Court (j the Stole tj
gon,for I.iriH County .
tSeo C Cnoley end J Ii Va h . 1
hurnn, pgrtrm.rr. ti,l,-if t.iisl "t
. iiii.iiT Die Crtn r Bin -tnd j
tyiof t?cu'.Ky& Wa-hbyrno
Nathan RKtsndlvh, I'r-'endityl J
XTt)T!t K I'1 UPAiLl'.Y (HVi-.S TUAT
I1! by vntHt? ot en rxrtulion an I ,r(t-r
of al( isisiii-.U r.tiir.f tlm 'uors tisrr-ed
court, lit U ahnvo utiiltd act .?n, J
ratsrttay.llie StU tJay .f yar lQt,
at tho con 1 1 hnut-a rhior. in tha city :A
Albsny, i.lna v;tiuty, Or- t-fm, M ihn
llOUr . 1 'C:IH it, )4il,, f-uid Cty SiJ.I
tt publle tcttlon, f r ca-li In h-uid.'to ti e
il!.i bidder, tin) resi pr;r-frty d-;-eribcd
In said cxtruiiwii i!; I otdtrof
na', as foil'.tyr, to t'.:
I,ot N'n fc's, (trj, of ft ruin p:5 -,f
land in l.tnn county, Orf-ifi, ojul Ut-t:-rlv
teton U f ,o the exist!- cf C I tm
tJru'lHh, ticcrssi d a tvli; sp; -car hy ef
frence to a plat r-f Mid ! trn m !iI rij-lii-x.d
b tha mturn nd r- j .rt of adinin
Utratcr'j 1'. ii.nio thu iOtli d ..y r,f
Hi4pmlr, A I, now r-n ii o Sn
Unn erntnty lerk.'( th st v tf
Ait.any, c-i.ity ,f Inn slid i-.Uto" r.f
Oreirin, AliH foU Jin ji -,. iu m ven and
eigl.t, all in Uloek No 4. !n the to n f
itiXiWniitviUc, tn Linn cvtuutv, s.-.:t- A
urtTn. a will cpjr by r.-fc.-cu.'A to
tbe pjai of swtid t.wn n Hi ann r-crdd
tn irt (Mams' clerk'n ofli w, In tho ciiy of
Alt ativ, in the stud eaan.vof tnn. m.: d
StAttOl Orffio. Alar b.t iio 2, tn bUt. k
No I, la Kirk's addition to th. ton-a of
Itrowimvillo, county cf Linn, sn 1 sute d
Oregon; said Joi extand.tis it on Caln
fKio.i e:re.t, and cisv-ty tlu-i ln on
Kront stieet.
1 ho procs-oi's suhinj ffm tie tali, of
aald preminea, to bci applied, frrv: lo tS;
psyinolit of Hie i o U of nis i tipnnfteid
esecation, tnd tbeorlSna! cost., t.f cid
setlon taxed t. fli-Ui; sreunr.': iu ihn
payment of pialetiff's claim fcu.otmtinjs
lo the nun er J5i 63. with tr.!-ro- t UiKra
on at tt rat of 10 per 4it t fr'nntiuui
from Kt-hruary U-.h, iyi, nndtlte tsuibir
sum off Hi, rrHstinaLtc . ltrr-' t'tr;
lMU'd Ihtw 7-b 5ty f Aprtt. "iKH.
Stiijl i;T r f c'tsimv, t 'tp jt.
(I 10 25 l'y DShstTiil-Tpiay
XJOTH-E IS lltfiKtiy GIVt .V THAT 1,!E t S
drr. -iHiU, sdiiiiulsllatris rrf ,. t.tils ,J itir.
Ua Wont, rtr.rai., bs ltll h- r rlnnl swn.i:t in
U .wtirc of tiiff -.unt,vc-c:rs f..r Lint, --; iit .t'lTgnti,
twl ' pl-i,- itt tlie thAlnt V curt ut HluI t.-ui.S , b
ttt tib daj t. Msy, IMi , ut tte hour f 1 Jvv
in, lur ttw Hoirll.(! l if till . lu .! st.
ctinl t4 iintir sitti.meiii t ssi-l titiU
Toil the Jr.t da) vl AjTtt, I' M.
Is. '.UAH 1. LflKS
, K. trsATnssmas, .'. iniii...rtr-x.
Alt) l AJmiiii4rotr!s. t-l )
Fui.t. Ciiir.u:i
Terns a rr.nat e
9 X
re - tho - BEST -; Wheeled - Piow - on - Earth, y
Vox aal.) Ivv
s Eoautiful Addition
vm fn Suit
aawvs S.W
Wo would much prefer that
P MS, fef fiC i-: aa
and personally inspect the groundsind learn tor themselves the many and varied advan-1
tages-tliis addition presents to tho public. By a personal inspection you will discover
uiu luuuwm liicis:
Lebanon lias a population of 1500. -
One hundred and twenty-live new substantial bouses
were built here during the year. ,
The Lebanon and Snntiarn Canal Company baa been
incorporated, and work will begin thereon sa soon aa
tbe necessary preliminaries can be arranged. ,
It lies along the route of the
It is platted with wide level
eacn xot iitMy large enougii lor
We Bell no lots that are unsuitable ior biuLung purposes, and givts a clear title to each lot
This addition -joins the" beautiful Isabella Park from which it '-"'derives it r"-"
which will afford to residents
Ali bis are GG feet front and
iLs'""'-' .
The price of all ''these
This properly will be fhown to part
Var ic Declared, not
y 0 iy
u IV! Hi ' tM
t UJ W"i W U Sj vs
iUrs uov tt!au m iMr ,r tin.
Si Stiii M;n;l IcKfi ttn,
t ;m-iU
n'"'U"l Viiihtlti tun
t'. i S !!.U
" Ws- iiihli. i. UsUuVt
J'.y i.r !(, i.l; ui( ;- a! 4atif Jfr.oay and it wis sry s secoe'ekri
; t.i..' i ut H'i.riyr.Ji r. vU.' tnvM' .ar.d wo er.ct ven srsin U-ia
ir , f. s
" iuV,, T-'ili.
- f
r'.'.n 5
t" . I 1 . ...
. imiy niiH sr if;i i ta;ior.u !;
tr.d'.r lfM(Ii' kiilt WijH.ii V.I; J '
i..r Iti Ij, tx-j nuii v.iY r:ii).l ;i to
ly jour ...rKliaut tail'-.r, er;l llw
. ti.ft:-r.
i""5fs est.t ninr-n r r-f
' lvfy V M:tfdir-t t,.U.t t i l,Ai
AV, v n I iK -,!. rl i c . ;i, sti-nt u, r, "lur.g arid tl.'oi nn, and all
i iir jtnptu v.ho rrur l.v Urrihllj t' (rnt a reydy madx tv'.t to f.t,
li.itii't c-a! and .-a.iu;i- 'fr trnuu U)Stne( Mvtnjno .'cave jrur n
wah!i rmi ta-rchrct -ti'tn, fr mo eialea jncti!tj d rrcb r4s
i.1 1 Kll lit At:' lllSII ill fct v Ll:1 ,f
War 02 Higli Price?!,
Th r!oi t,f the flo't Uili.r
, nifidn svalt rartg from (i-l t
izu. Onr '.-'( t.f trtcii'tt tun.),
in -i1t is iiiurn !. aud ho
j fir-' from ?7 69 to til. A f..ij
:in t f Albany v.micn tniti
r' K -O'J l'-r utttrr, Lys A tiSjiliifyn
o War tn HiaIi Tmv,
t)!?rioy snd childrnu's
t (u'iim nu sr oenpiet, iate-i.t
r-iyio irSiti; ht'j A larn end tno
ns;e a-iniripiit of nsn .:!
rw-jttljt-- st.ifts for spring aud
r-tiujtiir-r '.vc ar.
n III ih Prises.
rn t
jit i
m Great
mem mmmm,
wsvtMssw, , IiUuk'-u, nvu
Piinn BlocI:
are the Peoms
Who carry the most 'complete line of Hard-
ware, Stoves, ' flanges, etc., in the market.
n n r K-opas
r C7j
'So? ts'a
1 tl'.lll9S3
; f a ir r i h i l a i r .i
Hill IIS
urnrr V. tl!i out LirtinK t!:- Pltw oct
IlCIIIr.lL, LEWIS CO., Albsiny, Or. J
gwssestnmcss xjiurjacgappissraBSMi
to the Town of Lebanon is
Placnd on the A1n.rl?At,.-fl.t.
M TiniAs niiii Tpims fn
WU A iiAAVU j (.VflU.- JLVtUlU IV
all wlio Avisli to nurchase lots
herin thia July
Lebanon and Santiam Canal.
avenue's; planted, with most
a comiortabip resutanee, and
in the addition beautiful recreation m mimls ":
from 232 to. 185 feet deep.
- J? Crr. I'3K , It KM13MB1SRED
lots will be
advanced- 25 per
i-bat:ebv ':
us ti mi;i
to pr.ri
by Italy hut by
V- iti n n
tle t and lar
!r rt; f S; til
ftt hi .fare ini ht. in Alhane. At!
tt fire i B.b.'i in til t. !'.tit
i.iw, In.ivl., Ii.lcs stfks
ntfti r n
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Ki.d lvq lior.ffl f-f.o
i-rt- rd-jtct, to 5 e f,r tept-r-ths
y a i,-rl?jr ti.'vveta4i
are I tain CO to 73 erntit
uv.r if :. fit ir.d lir.Ll. r.f p-,.A
o carry ra'ebrato-i
.... -
( HA NAN )
sht-e, end l.ate ite '!
a?,- ncy fcr tMs cttj
War a High. M
ut iit
fs t!;p br.s,t f2.CD she Srt,
tho market, 'i r :t
pSTEvtiy hoy wlo J-Brt ha o
i. l;ritia tr.ii of us w tl lfl
;rt M iiK-ri wStit a pl? ir.s'
itigne b.te twt'.l and bit
and IknffA
t,rtoiCE FRUITS ' CF AttXl
SSAGOfi. .-, j
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;ews; a wa
1 SalSsV
Extra Hardened Steel!
of Jfce (.raan.J.
5 ?In
No for tHo First Xi'
Suit tha PaabU
MUlll IUU I.UVjjlUs
ill this additinn . "wnnl.-l pomfi'
. . ..
. hia .?n? ''! give steady work to hundreds, and will fur-
Dirh nnh-Bites for manr majiufucturies, and the town from,
tl.sis and other advantages will be a city of 5000 inhabitants. '
. It has nearly doubled ita population iu the last year.
A $ loa.000 paper mill is uow completed and work will be ;
begnn therm thia Julv 1st. -
2 CO) If
beautitu Von
shads trees;
each has a natural drainage.
i . ;
cent. 'after. May 15th.