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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1891)
I: T Til New. York World, An ad. In the "DEMOCRAT" Keachea the Most People, and brings BIG RETURNS. 1 THE DEMOCnAT" and the American Fanner, all one year FOll 82 80. Weakly '.Sia'n for yar Itl-ht lt ijoru,J2 CO VOL XXVI. VLUA.NY, OUhC.ON, FRIDAY, MAY l, 1891. WO 30 Enter! at the Poet Office at Albany, Or egon, as second clan mall matter. J. J ,. I !j r-i h si ?i hi 1 R Ik i f V y r i r f I J ISA.- ;;;- Ln a a Lb h f .. " '-- U w l Li X h Li L I.: 2 u i v t V in I h I I ... I lr.: V i 5v T1.-i.t- UK! , ArlsrUl Err.brvlmi i. ica'.lv. Cam Sciciilil i,V."' C ,- ' r r 14,. t -1 .1 shuiu Fa u 'i 1 . ti i 3i VP a .''.;!! in co-)l ! C, in: : All J .'. t? I;, (-n. MoNKT T I.OA Isfi.-!) aui ,n' f.- -I, an! n in 1-H V fire V'" x, 'tl f .'- i Ail.niiV conn'.r ri'.1 :,i -. V,'i in i K Mi'l't cr.-o:i, 1 r.-t St , A:Uu . ' r , Or 5 f 1. A '1 c. V - ' 1 Tlieir Y 3. i S J .11 M 3il -:- IJlumcerc'x IMack. J3L, mum t nnnnnn r-i n q i i ,1 A S3: C QIS2 S2 21a S a V , v -' " ' -. ' fax. LEADING :.,V-s-. : pi f??pj 1 Jcsesa. Proprietor. -r---lZ Z - Lc uf n PR L 1 1 r- 1 r!- "71 v7 A YEGE1 BLeT PANACEA .rD ALL OTHER DJSEASES AR1SINO mOM A J'SORDLaED STATE efTHE STOMACH OK AN INACTIVE LIVER. row SALT r ALL IJ CUGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS J 7H CHY OF MILLIONS OH. E57ICKI TOP IT NOW, COON IT WML C TOO UTL dimw ( lh kiUiirv. n.( trml uu.rr dilWrtu irntnlir. .tut ti Mti-).t u (rum UiUrrml jhrkui. without relief. Ahuul Ih nth ol Apn' I tai .ilVtrtnsf lrm crY Klcnl Lttailc (Hat mliuuet ir;rat.l tt.t la nTTi .in ha niiiiiiier tul X whi tul inter. lU.wti it iiftlmtM itiu.tKc tur in? to -.t i p nitric, ijt l t.ul on niv cU.tlu., iih- 1 1'uvi.Srmii will Mr. Hrurvt ruil , l i r.iX.O.N K1UNKY TlL, to my t tcL 1 Imiurlintctr cninicri ii . UK tlie Ui U hud t. Iini-t uincu!vii: f.'.txt, nti.l tu the mtoo- uiti't ibe riiwu nt the hutel. tfc"' ' tea to !) i.a'ii.tni C. A. TI1TKU. user:' TlTr'Tf.-T:, .1 Mt. rvn-i. 1 1 . i. ti ,it L'A...rj !J..kk1 Mild j,i-o-,'-rt y','y.F''f'"'T;T -pHIILPS, Job Printer, A ice to Buy l A l Iiyer Shoes. JL. J.1 V:. I 9- fas 1 s 15b Stow LIcF.arland Block, ABLAN. EcasDEalla :s Prices. .V :iinlctJ lint) t Cj! cn .s lyiii-niKliitJfcjH .A. C-A.XjXj. -zr? 'Albany, Oregon. CTOH-3SS U 1EADIGHE BUT CURES NOTHING ELSg. DRUGGIST OHU3G01T- STATIONARY fiC r: ri It vou want tlio bcsl it 1 An1 v-i L- f 1 n o V.1 r Ctt i S i o ture that is manufactur Li t:i3 Jed the city go to BRINK'S Albany Cigar- Fact y, - l UIi!f llllilU UUUI L.IIIL11UJUU Hi 1 VJfiiCLL l i, r " y "-m . . , ... f r--.-. .-i f- 7 r"V"-nvy t f i i Ihi lino. U'i. r .1 hnn 1 n ci'.u quiry l:t the itmitor v iU ny lin1 ; iirty Mrs M-!.'o, Mrn l:mr::vU. Mr -tii-l M. I'U.'Ml-ll IliU Ti'MIII, t !H.'. ! - ! ( i "'- n U ii;Uiinkor. iirt! !ul !; , it lt. r uti Mrmlffiw W liov.t.Mr K f T.-.i't !t.lho rri'sulinit h hti'Hinnii.l.i ;,: na '!iv' r. Ki'llHtiNo ofvai'll wi tin .rv' a "iv!ii!iv.,ii,i. Ow ititf to tin-il!i;r,in if .Mr ilt!' U tlia I'rivntt' Si-rivtarv in inl in tin" r u'y. TIh l'rrn'ntcttilnl train fuiixis lit ( ritw, l.tlii-lid "1 lm i-rt'niiSi'itt'o ." -i t iiil." Tli'o litit tar i(intiiiiift th l'a:.'!',.i-,".' i! JH-rlhlialih kihhN, nlfii) iidiiMiDt; l.', ;'i!t luont nii.t lilTitiy nii'l I jtr'M r, tu st i tl. diitiiijl mom rar, f!!y rqntfju'il. tin :';, ot Jut tliini-l foidiiiiliiij I.); WiIhi i . 'lit ft , f n 1 1 of cli'i.'o wiiit!-, ( Mri tliivi i woiiM nvr liitvt nliiMvc.l tliut.) Ti.o l'i ik'iit'i car i next. Tin-it tliu !t - - j i 1 1 ; rr for tla nnmtnili r of tln .uty,:i.S -it the cuU, tlie rt-i-t'iiti-.ft uhI t.ln'ivatit.u car, front tltt t-ovtrvil t iiit tf vvlilih tliv apcccliri nro untile. K tlu sc f.u-t.-t tit vattr iiitml. and yon will know tvlicn; tu Iwk for ttiiiiKM. I.KBLXON. M;ji FSt.r.i ft in f riaift- !'.iir-.i;ir, vitiw, wt-krkiiii; in tiio uti.ic Albany, Hon I K VV'eHtlii-iforvl w in i:t Li. t'ant.ti Tucnility. C A Klson, of Albany, lum loail.; nr-ran-jt-iiifiiti to Uvotuu i-iti.-i;:i of LnU ttitott. Utfttill uiKov tiin f.tit.'Jy Mist ntk. I'rof 1'aviJ T-rKt .f t!i. i-'.uiJtatu Acaik-niy wrnt to -Vib.'.oy .M.iihi;ty, in baviiiil "U-t-ti tttat;t .l lo'ti.ti-ii in thu CoiU ytitte ln.-tiluU' f,r a n itj- o. Mra llii:.liiuio at:.! niv-.-v r li'i.t'l f .! it t' iu' !:..,.il!.:ttl, wtttv t ' a t h.tji lift Alimiiy Saturday. ia itiui li itnproved, i tKr Ms Iilit 111 .UOiStlV. w..- rt Urt'a.kd ilit iiff lajiripji-.' ; i nt-ovtritt. t.s.prt. . 1'ink Coa.N.Mr C S.i. mar Uaklii t.i I,.t.l on our t..M.' a .ample of known mtl'C!t ; corn, wl. kl, for o sali-y ttl quaniitv. rc- trlnds ootf .f tt.e palmy cor a avi,f J;:i noU ami Iowa. On nvrr hottoAt !.,sul in- raUcd f" btiithctk wr acre lat '. :tr. Mr Smith ii.f.jrm u t'.i it i: nwiki r- vcrv fine meal for brcaJ.,r uiu.'-.t: ij ot- laln omc of IhU n-rd cto bo ti!. plied by caiHoj at .Stewart .St.'' 'ore, tn tliH city. Ki'oexs a St ii-our. If tlioyowi i..att wlio U writiiij; thw 'Mnrant te'.ryMn'-for the On-con ia ti from Ki.;;nio t'ity would only take thts trouble t etudy't im.t tera on whiclt he wri'.tu, lii at.iteifttta would i-arry moic weight. he writes aluiut Kuycrte acrurinv a d.-.-p .t a outlfl by buil.liii!- a road t-i t!.J SiuhUiw , be di'p'.aya alut a- murli i.-nojum-.-n Nat Vttlv, of thu late I'ortlaml Si-h , t'u 1 when he wrote a doublo-h mh d iti. u;;.! alxmt roaitin cl.o)iKrri h ii ilw wheat at Walla Walla. K.tts;.-nt' a a ;'ti.l town ami when he ia hi.tktn fr n ih v x- out let, her citizen uti K'uitrt hiiiii,1i tu know that Astoria or.4 an I tc'-if-. an-the-otllv p!:iv tli. v cuu rvLti.A.ti;ri.. r.uikihi. CI.... It'eV I fai-k i.-, of Si.); M K court n, pottin, h con.t'icrir!.' H Of rt-iai i:i-"titi)H at t: V, , ..r:r. it m thin ciy this wie. JH t.h-ddya l-;to U Hi I !:..!ov.l r principal of th Sciopul Hf :t . .. f ,r !L i i;u:n tch-fd yri.r. hi.i'.tji . in iiivneii.j htxt fpt iulfr. Th)tiriu,f Dfvar.i v Fhtltoii lsivve didsolvn! p.trtn'm!.ip, Mr 1 vfin v r taiiiintt tho Ltisine-a at the old tt.ind. M V I'ilyctt a few dava tt.") co!.l h;a mining interet in the Suntiatu (ii-itrh t to Sttlt-m partits, n eeivinK for it tlOGOcaah. l're. IIvisotii-m. Thin Mlhject, whifh i now atlraclinK Mich wiU-Kpicfid alti ii alut whii h ther Mit-h a ditlerence of opinion, is rom-id; iTd xm th-ally in No 3, of the i'o-vler .'4 Wi Vm library, tmdei tho title of. How to M;irf netifte, or Mcstiierixm atsd Clairvoynm f, practiral tr-atitie on the choice! mam afincnt ami capabilities of aiikj"tts, with instruct ion.i on the manner cf pro cedure, by Jarma Victor WiUon. I'l i.-r-, W ccnta; addre?!", I'owh-r & V.' il, 775 Iirradway, New York City, N. V. f reef i.atokh arc eirciilat-r.-; t!irou!i the country tryhir to Mitrnrti ti.ii vear'a wheat crop. ''nc farmer told v. he had been ofrered Go t-enta in advance- W e were told of another intiance where a farmer had Wen ol'-red 7't ceiita for hit crop. It ue hope that a better era is dawning upon the farming cla;wi. Es pre?. J'on't eell. Xever contract before- haml lor tl.o sale of wheat or hot.; hut when -on can (r' tajjood prii eiti OetoKcr or Covt-mlier, it i.avi toe: II. tn.'i::''.i ime- tirnt-H, as 510V. tins firicL- n-iv . - The contrary ia the. ru':'; a Uhim-ic. The jn h;:r :md commi.shmert. of Maiio.i cnusitv v-tiit to pffcr.oh, where fiev were by the Linn county ccnur.h cr.d proceeded lo the Green bridge that .p;tr. the north folk of the .Santi-.m riv-i l: . tween the two coun'ieR. 'I In ir t.hjctt wa to make an eximhiatiott of the Mrur.ture. which ha been rOiith-mneJTni h. ln' in a dangerotm condlilon. One of tiic pk-rn U partly-wshhed avvav. "1 he fclrncture U a covered one and i sco feet long Mtatt- man. - Leiia-vox vs. Ai.nA.NT. -The Albany haw hall club ims received a challunpe from tho Lebanon club to plav a Fcriea of live frames. The challenge "lsas been accepted and the first jrama will be iiayeil at Albany baturdav afternoon. May 2. tho next tame a week after at Lebanon, etc. Lebanon has a good club eo that Boras interesting guinea may be expected. A Loko Coi'Niy. Our own .Marion county ban a greater length east and: v est, than any other county in the Un ion. In deneribintr her rotithern l,ont. ' dary, Hill's code liaa the liue running op tlie Santiam river and ita north fork to the lagcade mountainH, and "them-edito eat to the eummit of the Iioclty motm ....... . . ... . lama. niAieeumn. Mr. Jay Goixn, of New Yorl, (Jit ..will visit the Pacific Coaat next summer, and wlil no doubt slop off at Albany, the rUI -road center ojt Orecon. Mr CJotil.l is t-Ud to be quite rich, la fact it tuts h' ;n liined out by ome gonitis that If Attain had 'lived until now ami I tad saved jjio a vexr, and not even invented 1.. lav wo :iil he much the richer of the two; but Jav G. has only been (tavina hid .1 L'w veara. 't he thought staggers un, . , , No 1 op Vox 1, of the Albany Journal, h. on our table. Though a republican in politics the editor Intends to b-s Indepen dent, lie ay Albany Is big enough for a third paper, and di&palys a kind, frkntliv feeling towartlt hi new cotemporares that is pleasing In a newspaper. The Democrat wishes the Journal micccmi, Here's our jrsT Mal-e Foutun"bs. The dispatches from 5an Franc! ,co tell how ntveiid (inns there made half a million do'lats apiece, on the recent rise in the wheat market. Albany men did not make as much a that, but the Democrat Is informed that Mr V 11 Goltra made H,ro,ooo to $20000. or.a ti v ci . I in. fi w . oi.i.istiii utuiiji .is iiiueii. i The majority has said 'a ' Ithdi teo bridge.'' The minority and eyervbody else should now put their nhoulders to the wheel and woik unceasingly until one I up. Jt will be btnit this vear, 'There i. no such word j TlIK i'llKf ! NTl.M 1'AV.iV Wl'.t li RrtftviJ ly vi ry iictuh fruit in Xu ; liiiiK'tU, vuiiiiiiit t llu- l:iav' tin' jliut ii-il urc i-t ii'i'-v v-'i iott-t wit; i ti1)iili !.ui(''! of li iv. i iM rtu ! ! i 1 ii'-sr I ninl j.!:'!tn, mil'. In n 1 'u-v .-, it -! 8wi:;:it ixo l 'K.-Tm) vh'-'i wfl lyo'i-inii'il lv tli tiHiiiil rtniuln'r of t-tit- it ;. Hi.'' I' 1-ifi', lult I to !,.!. ),,.- A tMi-r.'vn!"i t tt ri-uiitl ..' : ,1 . , . itol tiiiu'li vnr-'i! th-.di tlo t fraint Tiif t Jntri t.xt-I'l-.ii to I -.i liiii i.nmv v" M. .'.. . . f (V - c ii ,. i l . .Hl in. III. i iv-H ftiul eui-li "'ili lirH W'iis J'iuici nt' i.t tviuiMiin-f t:. i- .':.'!( UiHl1, ill.l in tl'l' full mo of It I utriiin-' (Min.'f.jtUi.ll the a f- lv. in V.i t (mo tlirt tl" !' ni'iit t.'l- litl not Intvo 'S'V tl.iha lit l;U OHri-H ill. ,llu0 J!!!'.un ! ii.iv Hmt iiiiioiiot of tuoiiry lii;- p. ii l,i-f held It in hlH f aho. IV -iiy t liiit twn turpi'!.)'! nt ti i- ti;iiir.f..rittfiHnit if ttin ( to poi it iij l,t. TJt t -l!.! wile tivcitiinii'il, liU v ' -1. v fin fitru. W ff.iiii liclow thriiwinn tlit' ;'i,! i hi llii. t', iH'ti-ru! of tlit t-iifil Hit II toist'i'ti !ii;ii itl'.. 'jliift."! !nt it ti'd pi urt tl,", tutil whi n thlHKH Jnoiit'y JtR'l tlU;tj A l..v: t r.r-;;f.vitV. Tlio ;tf k! tu ral iiKirchaittllKL .! U Wlui, -..!., r ujo ttl t ri.'KWr!!, W.t t''i:.IV it1,.. lit .:;..ti tt a'M.rt v: l l in , H ii..wn ojw-ii iy . l'iliur;: l.iy ijipht, it! I't'itn-il, i nt t!.o lint I 11, ;t. i- ill,i OHt PU1IK" ..-;.r .Hi.! jute. ! vpvn ih.? icm nuitr, t! i;:t a -.i,t.n4 mi t iitriitic". l-'lonr wnti piK'.l almut tlt oaf., to ii. nli'!t tho t-X-pl.;.)is, a tmlii iliilltil 1 1 1 ! . t t i-! t tdediKir, t o r.! r iniroilu'itl and vhu door blown out. rioutt htiivta aini otlu-r nrtitk-o irt Hlc.t iiiis.inf; from tlio Horo. Thru l.tiiuh t-1 .f tho iiiotit'v l.i'loiijrt-t! to It I, f -.iu, to J II n hiU'ultir and tl m ri'iitniti.lcr t oilu r purtU-n who had J J; i.,f ifi lv, na tht-y thonht. i, it;ai!. Tusi Viix-.i: do IV.-1 isuli t. i)r. On-set. The T..le i ttto arrival at tho h-iktat Indian rcecrvstion. in IVntott eonnlp. f Juhti S AJavliU.hea. Mr .Mavl.O"!..-. i Jipeeul ni;i tit ..i the f..vt rntnetit and bin btiBim -t nt Sikti at thit time U to allot to tut? Indian of the .Siku reservation, 1:1 f.-vernttv, the Uxtul to which tliev an, tnt lOlt! till. :i t o tloite li 1 x,eUit- a-t po-ijohi,., o( rottrac, in justice to f i-ti r.iu', it tir in) h ttjr irasoti, a l-.tvii J..ji;i n.M patiently aaaitrti t. tht-c, luoht important evrrst. r tii' ti-.t!i:ti:-rt h ivo ti'icitcil thti- I It t t.h.ire, ihtro wfd l over '")i).tK!i) t ci land b ,U;,-u,4ftl of, ctubr.ic- t:!ii!r.'.I, fruit. ff.;si;'.-. coal, aunt .... r i.ui f ! .Sri uk.- ilifij-rircrfttl low ot' vts.-rcd Ut-t tiflt-riMH.-it 5 the foriti-r r'H.u over it '.'5 cet:t j-nmeof Ui. Th!.-e w.t ro;iith .-rable excite nivrit iu tt.o f.r a ehort lin, iifl tio? three pi ciiiM''d in the i,:uf?'!1 ,t'iacii catutj out of the mill with 1 juy :i(,ii-!ir,.,i tares. Atlhouth t.-.e olhi'er were called in to fjtlell tho to- tu.-Utu-!, tho comhatanta were p.l koved their fm-doiu without cenauraor pun 1 w-hmt-rtt ior difttirhhijj thy jioncc and atii!j the city ordinance.' while at viu tiif .tttj. time1 a ptN.r (trunk it arrested aitd ciiiehei i".i lijset'e. Jon lloun NK8'ii:t;.t K-at one of Albany's street Jvadlju into thr country nhoilld I J.t in tir4t-e-a-j! cooiU.'k.n, o fust won ith on lu.ra.-i v.iil haven phi.--j win-re ti..-y tvis them W!t when they 1' t hi the MsUmi-s uud .:. what Ih ey ir,!i .(.., r.nd ti;!.t Heie the roada nr .t;. Albany jt.'nrratiy f.hould lie iiif t-ruit il. "i in y fhould l.-t) in tt condition l;ia w;il lt n i to th eotinty when " i over u.i :o, 1 lu-re h iitaa n h! f. ft n our t i! y i trtt tn. I" iJ-iOVH.. tu: y.r Th. Hon A s in the city 'trs l'.:ik" r, . ! I A Cm -ttiiK- v,.t 1 ii, Torirand thU I'oon oct bt.:' in- i. Tvl TKiM!ip.:, .; -.?-r.t of the ( oi.'.i .ftiti ! inn Co.. ot New Yoik, U in liic cly. 1) r Wy man ts agent, !akt:n fox, r.f CorvalSfi, ba t;one to New York on a bitn.;n trip. liU father l 3lil to he ioi!e v caUhy , . 11 F ) .horn hp o!d bin prpertv on Uit corner t-f l-fttvrenrin.d Ht venth Mice! to Mr T l" lh, truer, of IhhioU.tut former-It- a jth:.'.-iO'f ii,! t'.f. The cctftdcra o "ti ItJ'i L;4, .' r ) K!;ir ti i ii.oviiir i I.U )!! ;o .1 I. ..... !. . !.! , ... v..( ... , . w.. v.J. - i.i '"..(W U .11, w'terehe ha engaged hi liii'-ir cim. hu t;ene U' jiis'.er. MrXJ'htiru ban ncvcral relative (st AlHane. Mi tnburn l hi the city today.ilte j-ue-.t of Jay W lilain. Mi'.t I'h.ra Ma.-oi, rtttiriied thij noon from is. triji to f-ulem. l.oto ton "'oohii.'il I'aijfv at WOT IT Hall, tonight. ' Hon JviT Myers w as in thu eit Roir.jrfrom In re to ro.-tlamJ. Fecial," y, JIoii i'l-ymour t'oitdon, district utfor- ney lor tin- second judicial In tho city today. district, waa Mr Tjtke Iorti,who ban Iteen clerking for S'imphon t'i ( V., nt t.'orvallia, for a coupjo yettr.-i, hna r i.-iiftitd bin xtition there ami w ill make Ali-nny ids home. ' Thirty .Alhat-.y Odd I-'ellowH went to 7 i ' .'ioji to-day lo ntti-nd the O. I', ct-lc-hrattofj h--re, for which jrn-at -rt'iara- tiotit had ),:;ii imulc, 'r Hid W'eih. the ('orva)liH wheat hover, who isi wtUitijr to contract for next fa Pa wheat at75centf, in In the city. Mr Wells in a vfry judicious buyer, and v lieu l,el).:j.lay t hat amount of confl-den-j.; io t!; win :it outlook it mear.i fOtnethinj;. a.VTfeji.tV.. v Miss Noli t;rav,lanhtcr of L E Gray, l.s ill with tyfho!d fever. . , Mi.--ft 'Jenbio I hi via. of Fllverlon, U in the city, the gtieot of her brother, Dr AV II Iavia. Jtidsre Ki rah-an in in the city. On Mon day lie will bcj.dn bttfiriess with theiiu preme court at rendleton. Messrs CHnnd II A. Stantg-d nml J K' MeJIarjrue, of Brownsville, are canvass ing tbia vicinity for the Challengo churn power. Stayton Tunes. ' Mr WO Youn. advaitea m-ent for An- ma lirmin mid John Jack was in Albany today, makiii arranaenientu for tho ap pcaraneo ot tiieat? ol.l favoritea nt the opera Loase cn May . Thcv will r.rc tti iit the mytholj-ieal play Gafuto.t. . Lttku Hotri-i, w ho lias been emclowetl at fiileHiiian for tho pnst two years in the hardware Vtomof SimpHon, ioguo& Co, ha. roHij-rc-d his poHition, und yesterday went to Albany. He w ill return to this city within a few weeks, however, when he will en'i-e in a like hutia;nes with another Prm. Leader. -lJecontly Albany' had adonhV. birih day party. -Salctp now i-ottiea forward v. itb a triple birthday pnrty, Dr Jemmm Mrs Itojrers and JcK-stip htranif, lieinj tho heroea 1 of tht (Mteai-ion. A (iuidrup!o party ia now in oiuer lor Aitiany. iUM iiujju j,ef'per, 01 Mietitl. was lit the city today. Mr.and Mrs 1-eeper will move to Taeoimi in a few days, where Mrs Leeper's brother in law, H C Clem ent, is one of tie wealthy and prominent eiwicemi The "Zoological, pansy" social, at the v O i U hall, lust evening, was a very nu t. auair. 1 nu " attendance waa good and tht eniovment had merited it. .!'.- j sidea other games the zoological tranio wtta played. Twenty four animals 'were drawn on a blackboard by young people selected from the audience.whileal! pres ent, each with a numbered curd in hand, ncH0tl what the animals were. Misses Mamie Cunditl and Lizzie Starbuck each guessed 17 correctly and were presented viUi gome wooden animals. A rennnt. of i ,Vi 1' irched corn was served. A larc-o ditt- iay of nansies was a feature of the eve- 1 l,'lat pi-eseot Lein decorated with a boqttet of them. . I , t r I W- I'i.'-'i'MiVlA and iiver Complaint ! 'm '-:-v" ','i -.'uur -r.tee on every bottle i u never fttil to cars, liBIn!V(e fit. HID, Anonlliincct'cretttellnt)lTiCofui'er I of ,lr!U ni toJcflnehU duilr. to piovlde for anJ re)iilale tlio -itbtlli- tji'-i.t loul ullcrnlUm of Hid gr-ule ot utii'tMn anil sllcy or any fait thereof, unil prt' vl Jin; fur the graillng of trceti and a!lcy . "r il"v l"rt toeivor, ami for tut cotutruct- , tun. Inuittivi-iiicnt and rcpalrlnu of iUlts- 4lKii, pavcinrtitit, utrtvlK, allot , acwer, tbalnr, biltlj-ci and Bqufduiitt within the limit, of the city ot Alimny, when, In the jud-frti)t of the cominon coui.cH of aUl city, .uch work It neceitary, and to provide for the oinc.uneot and collection of ihti toitK and cxpcn.c. tlicreof, and pro vldl.'j' tor the recording and enforcement of ilcti. tipo.t tSe property adjacent to auch litiprovcincnt. The pojileof the tlty cf Albany do or dalit a toilow.; ! t'r.ei lo.M t . it h!l be the dutv of the council of ...LI city to apjiolnt a .ulttble peri'ti to ..-rve a. niirrintendent of MrvcU, hold hit ollk-c during; the pleas ure 01 toe council ana tnait receive luth cottipcn.atl.m for I.I. crvlcc the coun cil may direct. SncrioM a. It khall be the duty of the .tretrl. to Uvrlnlen. lend the i:rttllnn and graveling, Improving and rrpaiihiK olall ttrccU and alley ,nd lo ee that ths tame are graded and graveled, Improved and repaired in accordance with tlie order and otdlnancet of the council providing therefor, and to superintend the con.trn" lion of allcrutvlk, trdi;e, cul vert and aqueduct, and the conduction ot ill drain and sewer and all repair thereof ordered by the council and to ee that they are cor-.true'ed and repaired In accordance with the order of the council and ttio ordinance of ttte city yovcinln; the conM ruction end repair of uch cro wttlkt, bridgoi, culvert and aqueduct, drain, and ;wert, Stcrio 3. A'hen, in the judgment ot the become nccewary lo c.tau ll'li or alter the gratle ot any ttreet or natt thereof, or of ony alley or part thereof, or to tradfi any Mrect or "alley or part thereof, or 10 construct or improve any sidewalk or pavement, or to Impsove or repair any street or alley or any part thereof, or to construct or repair any drain or sewer within the street or alleys of tald ctty at the coit a 11 4 expense ot the adjacent property owncr,orowner,!he council shall by an ordjr duly made and entered on It journa', upcetfj a follow: Firu WUh convenient certainty, the Mrect or part thereof proposed to be Im proved, or of which the grade I f ropoaed to be established or altered or the kidew-alk or pavement, street or alley or part thereof pruiroscd to be improved or lepalred or the drain or sewer proposed to be constructed or repaired and the kind of Inprovcmrnts w hkh I proposed to be made. Second. A time when the council will hear and determine alt objection or re monstrance which may be made by any iitj.itenl propetty bolder or taxpayer thereto. The period Intervening between die d ttc of the making of such order and the Mme specified therein for such hearing shall he of suilkicnt length to allow not !. than seven full day notice to be given thereof fly the amn order the council hall direct the recorder to give notice of the time specliicdihcrcln for such hearing. At least seven daya notice of the time of tuch herhtjf shall be given by the re-.-order and such notke shall be given In the manner, and contain all the matter and thlttj- required by Section. 1 and 6j of Chapter Vti ot the' la.t Act of the Leg islative Assembly of this stale Incorpora ting said city. t hen Ihe time specified for ut.'i hcaiir. arrives and It appear to the sitlSttfaclton of the council that dun notice has b"en given a herein provide.!, lle council shad then proceed with such hear. m, strictly In accordance with the pro vision of rice t Ion 63 of said Chapter V11 of tald act and determine w hethcr the pro posed improvement or alteration or estab lishment of grade or Improvement, alter ation or repair specified In tuch notice shall be made or not. Sxcrio 4. After the hearing men tioned In Section 3 of thU ordinance (hall be finished, 11 the council shall determine by resolution that the proposed Improve nnnt, or alirtatton or establishment of gratieor repair specitWd In nucb notice be made, it shad then provide by resolution or ordinance, tor the time and manner of doing the work thus ordered and for letting the contract therefor. Skctio 5. In case tho council shall tu. Uc-take to establish or alter the grade of any street or part thereof, or ol any alley or "part thereof, or te grade any street or alky ir part thereof, or to construct 01 ! improve any sidewalk or pavement or to construct or repair any drain or aewer within the street t,r atleya of ld city at the cost and expense of me adjacent prop erty owner or owners, all such work shall he carried on and completed under the su pervision of the superintendent it street! whrjse duty It shall be, under Ihe directions of the committee on street and public proticrty, to tee that ail the resolution tnd ordinance In regard to the same are faith full carried out. And it thail be the dutv of s'uld superintendent to caue tuch work to be done without delay, and if the same Ijc dune by htm be shall present hU bill therefor to the council; and tald bill shall specify particularly the lot or lot or part or pai ( of lot or lot or parcel ami tract of Und adjacent to the work, done, the name or name of the owner or owners thcieof and actual cost of the work done on the portion of the street, alley, grade, kldewaik, psvement, seer or drain adja cent to fcuch lot or part thereof or parcels or tract ot land tnereoi and tne uata when such work wa done and by whom. Section 6, When the work shall have been completed, whether by the tuperin tcmkiitv ot streets or by a contractor or contrac'.ors, the council shall ascertain and audit In a summary manner lh actual cost of die lmptovemcnt or work. When the total actual cost ot the Improvement has been ascertained by the council, the council shall proceed at once in strict ac- cot dance with the provistont ot beciton 63 and 66 of Chapter V11 of the city char ter to assess dv resolution eacn 101 or par cel of ground with It proportion of such cost, and every provision containea in saia Sect ons 6? and 00 tn regard to tucn as sessment shall De strictly puitucd. Section 7. As soon a the council shall have atccrtained and determined what property thall be liable for the costs cf uch improvement.the proportion there of to be paid by the owner of each lot or parcel of ground, and snau nave assessed tinon each lot or parcel of ground Its pro portionate share of such costs, by resolu- lion as required oy saia occaun 00 pi me ctty charter, tlie recorder snau immediate ly and w ithout delay enter a statement in the book of cityJitns of such assessment In stiict conformity with provisions of Section 68 of the charter of said city and from the date oi tuch entry lo such book cl such assessment upon any tract of land the sum soentered shall be a tax levied snd a lien thereon whether assessed to the true owner or -not, to the extent and effect mentioned in Section 69 of said city char ter. And said book of liens shall be at all times kept by the Recorder in a safe and cecure place so as to be safe from de struction or Injury by fire. Section 8. If the council should at any time authorize the owner or owners of any property abutllog on any street, the grade of which Is already established, to cut down or fill up any street in front of such property -according to the established grade thereof at the expense and cost of such owner or owners such work shall be done under the supervision of the superin tendeut of streets and the committee of streets and public property, and the aid superintendent shall see that such work is done In accordance with the order and di rections of the council in regard thereto. Section 9. When, in the judgment ofthe superintendent of streets and the committee on streets an-l public property, any street or alley, sidewalk, sewer or any part thereof, shall be so out cf as to er.ihmiyr the of streets, under the direction of Ihe romiiittri on streets and public property, slisll Immed iately repair the tame tml if the cents 'lirrenl bs not paid, on demand by the street super intendent, by the owner or owners ol the shutting or adjacent nrnpstty, the siiperia Irnihmt of streets shall present I lis bill there lor to the city council, such bill thall specify particularly lots, lot or part tlier-of, adjacent to the repairs so made, the name or nsmrs of th owner or owneis thereof sad ll.r actual cost of the repair made an that port of the street, alley or sidewalk and th date when tuch repshs were made, and the costs of such repairs slisll be paid by the ci'y out of Ihe Suction 10. If the owner or owner of sny tract or parcel of tsnd situated within the li-n- l.s ui ssiti ci.y, BgsHi.i wiiicn any iiuiemeni sssesment or delinquent tax shall be entered In the book of city liens under the ptOvisiMn or this ordinance or ol !hs charier ol said city sht II pay to the treasurer of the city, within tlie time provided by said charier therefor, the sum of such astettment or tax to entered ot docketed against or utmn any tuch Und, to getlier with ihe cost or fcs of the recorder for docketing the same, snd llirn present to the recorder th Treasurer's duplicate receipt theiefor, the recorder thai1 at once cancel such lieu upon tbssaid lien docket by enteriue there on full satisfaction 01 such assessment or lax, signed by hint in his oflicisl rapacity. Hut, it sny such owner or owner shall fail or refuse to psy to the city treasurer any tucb assess ment or delinquent tax together with the costs or iees 01 docketing the same in Ibe hen a reset ol tne city, within the time provide! by said charter. Ihe council shstl ititnedlatelv after the etphatkin of such time order a war rant for the collection of such assessment or delinquent tax to issue and forthwith tttere sfter ihe recorder shall issue such wsrrsnt di ectd to the msrshall of th e city commanding hint to forthwith lew noon such Had or par cel of land upon which tuvh assessment or delinquent tax is still nnpaid. Such warrant shall contain all the matters and thine re quired by Section 71 of the cbsiier of said cite and also a copy of the statement entered in the book of Hens of the city creating such lien up on men trect of land. Strrioi 11. Within 69 dart from the re ceipt of the wsrrsnt provided for and - men tioned In Section lo hereof, the msrsbsl shsll levy upon and sell the tract or parcel of Und sgmst which such wairsat is lasted. The levy shall be made by deli vet log le the owner or owners thereof or to Ihe agent of such owner or owners a copy of such warrant, cer tified to by the mjishsli and in case ihe marshal, after do diligence is unable to find any owner ol said land, or any agent or such owner who hat the poscuion or control there of, within the said city of Albany, he that! then levy thereon I y posting a copy of tuch warrant ia a con.pkuout place oa said prem ises. Immediately after levying upon such parcel or tract of land s afore sail, the mar sbal shall give notice of Ibe time and place of sale of such premise in ttikt conformity with the provisions of Section 73 of the charter of said city sad shall state in such notice that such premises wilt he told at public auction 10 the Hif hett !4dder for cash in bond in gold com oif the United States of Ameiica. When the hour ot sale shsll have co ce the sale shall be made by the marshal In strict coofmmiiy wish all the provisions and requirements of Seci ion 74 of the city charter. Immediately after such sals the maisbal shall nuke snd esecute a deed to the purchaser for such prem ises ia conformity witb Section 75 of said charier, and shall stale therein that the prem ise desciilied in snd conveyed by such deed are subject to redemption at any lima w uhio three years in accordance with the prov.wor Of chapter VI I ol the charter of said chyof Albany. SxCTIUM u. If at any time wit tun the period of redemption mentioned in this ordinance, the city lieuurer shall sell, and transfer all right, title and Interest of Ihe city of Albany, ac quired at marshal's sate, in or 10 any premise sold by him under the provisions of this ordi nance or 1 he charter of said city, the cs pease of the execution ot the deed to ihe purchaser shall be paid by such purchaser butj in no case shall the treasures or said city make, execute or deliver any other then a quit claim-deed for sny tucb piemises sold by said treasurer unJer the provisions of this ordinance or the chatter of said city, nor shall the city of Albany be held liable for the failuie or partial failure in any way of the title to sny tract or parcel ol land sold as hereinbefore provided. Sictioh 13. If any property when sold a s foresaid shall bring more ihsn is enquired to pay such Biocurrent und all interest and ac cruing costs anil expenses of such sale, the surplus shall be paid by the marshalor person making such tale lolhe treasurer of said chy. and Ihe tteasurer shall execute 10 the msrsbsl or pe-oa making such sale s receipt therefor. StCTIOf 14. Il'hen the marshal bss in all tilings completed sny sale of lands under the provisions of this ordinance be shall immedia tely psy Ihe proceeds uf such sale lo ihe city trea'urcr and the warrant by virtue of which such sale was made together with the treasur ers receipt for the proceeds theieof he shall at once return to the recorder with all his doings in Ihe premises endorsed on said warrant. StUTlOM 15. The treasurer shall keep all monies psid over 10 him by the marshal under the previsions ol Section 14 of this ordinance sepsratc from all other money that tnsy come nto hi hands from any other source, and shall pay over the same to the person nr persons entitled thereto npotL the presentation to htm of a warrant therefor drawn by the recorder under an order Irora lite council. 1 be treas urer shall also keep a book in which he shall enter each sum of money so psid him , the lot or parcel ot land irom lite sale or which the same was realised with number and location ofthe block in which such premises srs situ ated and the name ol the owner, 11 known. Section 16, The officer heretofore known by the title of street commissioner, shall bereaf ter he known by the name and title of sntiertn- tendentof sine s and thall bold his office during Ibe pleasure of the council snd until his sue censor shall be elected snd qualified. Section 17. All ordinances and parts of ordlnsaces in conflict herewith are hereby eepealed. Section iS. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its ap provsl by ths mayor. Passed thecouncil April 14 1891. Approved April 16 1891. TI1K TARIFF ADVANCES PRICES. Eastern O'eeon wool cannot be produced with a profit for lest than 15 cents per pound; to mis add 2:b2 cents tot transportation and there must be a price of 17.6 cents per pound. The tariff civet at least 0,9 of a cent per pound to every pound of wool grown in Oregon. Let the tariff be removed, ami Oregon cannot compete with foreign producers, hmue the wool market of America will be dictated . by the foreign producer. CapUal Journal . . . McKink, Harrison, Reed an-J all the pro tection organs of the country have been labor ing with great zeal to prove to the masses ot the people that the duty placed upon an arti cle does not increase the price. But the Journal makes a "mess of it" by turning republican theories topsy turvey. Here is an open admission that the duty oa wool does increase the price, and in fact the Journal gives the increase ss the reison why the tariff , duty should be levied. That is candid for there could be co ether reason for it. It is one of tlie amusing features of the whole tariff argument made by protection propagandists that, while talking t3 the wool grower they soothingly inform him that the tariff enables hira to get a better price than he would with out it, and when talking to the consumer of woolen goods that the tariff does not enhance the pnee or it but quite frequently causes a reduction of prices. Bat the people are rapidly opening their eyes to these misleading, sophis tical dodges and hence the desertions from the sinking ship of protectionism sre to Je num bered by scores daily. It all comes from the campaign of education. Of coarse the routh gives the president a hearty reception. This is ju.t what might, have been expected. But they have some thing they will not give htta, vote rsv-rvf J f-.r nTlur, Their clectovf HMfilSEIh "The I?ftMo AT Sustained" Is the way the Albany I'r.MorMT JieatU the news of the decklon of the Oregon supreme court In the I illainook w;;on t oad case, which, by ihe way, It clion from ihe Slutrtmiin't columns wHiiout credit, i bis Isaiinost p presumptuous as another equally ocscure paper cl timing ti.e credit of obtaining ttie pa.sage of most of the bills by the last leg- IslPture Atiietttfau, The reason the Ukmqchat claim to be sustained Is, that prior to the meeting of the legislature in 1SS9, when the fact crept out combinations were he! 111 formed lo loot the trcasuf of the slate by passing a dozen or tnorti wagon road bills, this paper was the Hr.t and t.nly one t.t protect against the passage kI them on the ground of their unconstltutloanllty and specifically leferred to subdivision 7, Section 13. Ar'l- rie 4 of the couctltutlon, as Inhibiting the passage of such laws. This protest was mdj saftht by tho Dmo-rat when the late legislature was about to convene and It became apparent that similar comblna lion were to be made in the Interests of wagon toads. During the two sessions of the legislature referred to ihe Dkmot-kat continued to protest lit the name of tax payers agahnt these unconstitutional bills So far as we know the &'uteman never uttered am such protest but let the whole scheme go 'on to consummation without raising li voice against it. It wa in this way that the position of the Das-oca at was sustained. A to not giving credit to the 5ct, we have only to say that a syllabus and decision of a supreme court are common, and public property and no newspaper I required or expected to give credit for ihem. The Slitzsmzn In the first place took the decision from the re cords of the supreme court without giving credit for them. HtTAN-STlll MS INOKr.UON rOMTft. The Marion countv granser havi en tered a protest sgsln.t the president filling tne federal bench from the ranks oi the corporation attorneys, who meddle In pol itic and use the politics! machinery ol the state to advance the personal Interests of the stock-watering managers. re people know to what extent Hie fed eral patronage was used dating the session of the late legislature to corrupt represen tative and senator, and defeat people measure. All cood leulslalion iliat was secured bed to be ohtalncdga!nt the lev erage of this Immense power, wielded by a few unscrupulous politicians, whose on ly motto I that of all plutocrats: "The people be damned." Cafital Jiwrmil, This step cf th grangers of Marlon coun.y I one In the light direction. We trust their example may be followed by every coun'y council in the state. People of Oregon term to be unaware bow deeply Important is Ihe matter cf Ihe new circuit judgeship created Sy the late Congress. Shall we have fur that place a corporation lawyer whose dccUions would tend to strengthen the hold of wp-itatbn upon the people.or sha'l we have a law er known to be uninfluenced by-thc potent presence of corporations orthe mcnacesof anarch ism and corrvmiiotsn? Per pie should bear In mind that the appointment I made for life. So far a the Dfmocrat Is con cerned, It expects the president to appoint a republican. It would not ask for a dem ocrat, but having Interests common with republican and democrats we do Insist thsCa sound, safe', capable lawyers above described be appointed. No fitter appoint ment could be made than that of Judge Lord of the supreme court. AVe trest re publican papers of the state wilt as one man cry out against the appointment ot that torporation lawyer whom the politi cian of Oregon fiave selected for the place. The Oirgjm'au has unearthed a "promi nent New York politician and a democrat at that," by the oan.c of K Rotenstock who on being interviewed said: "Of course j ft is eatly to talk about the presidency, but there are a few things on the surface which are worthy of noie. James G Blaine K in my opinion, the most available candidate the republican have, and it he I nomina ted I think lie will be elected. David B 11111 is the only democrat who can give Pdalne any .kind of a race. Hill h pnz tllng all ot tis now. He is governor of the state and Unlt.d Elates senator.and to save our lives we cannot make cut which office he will keep. If he goc to the senate he will be out of the presidential race. There Irno doubt of '.hat. Many New York peo ple think he wid resign the senatorship and be a candidate for governor again. IIs can be nominated and elected. "Cleveland seems to stand wed tn the wet, bnt he could never carry New York. Tammany llall rules New York, end Gro- ver Cleveland has no standing w ith Tam many. It knifed him lo death in iSSS, and will defeat him again if he Is nominated, No demociRt ran be elected without its In fluence. Vou will understand this when I tell you that It controls 1 13,093 votes, to 60,000 for the republicans and from 90,000 to 80,000 for the county democracy. All Tammany wants Is the control of the city government of New York and it will trade everything for it. In 18SS It traded Cleve land to save Itself.'' This man is evidently far more prominent" nutstde of New York than in New York, else he would not say many cf the things which he does In the above Interview. He says "we" can not for our lives tell which office D B Hill will keep, the governorship, or the United States senatorshlp, .Now, it Is safe to say there Is' not' an'-intelligent man in New York that does not "know that Gov. - Hill will continue lo act as governor until the congress shall meet which will be in De cember, uuless convened eatller than that by ihe president. The gibberish about Tammany going backon Cleveland in tSSS is all bosh. In iS3i Cleveland had 45,084 majo-lty in New York City, (where Tam many rules Rtipreme,) and carried the state. In iSSS he had C7,i?4in New York City and lost the state, thus showing he hkd an actual gain in his majority In the city In 18SS over of 14,110. Hence his losses were not to'be found among the Tammany voters but among the cheap voters In country towns and villages where f they were bought up In "block of fiye." The Oregonian has suffered itself to be im posed upon. - ' Wsteraoa of tho Louisvillo Courior-o'-ai says the nomination of Clevelaud depends upon Now York , If that state appears in tha next national convention for him he will be nominated. If is rppeara against him or seriously divided, then ho wiH cot bo ' la that case aa tho patriarchs fh;j, "'the L rd will provide." Ths farmer who pprays his spplo tiee properly and dastros his enamy, tlia co-ldn math, will rooiive greiter rofio on hi out ly of money and labor than he who devotes ioh t'tre torais.-ii' whwit. Lst nrc.. de- RIM AS BEEF-STEAK Kaby Fearful ButTerlng from Skin Disease Covering Kntire Body Cored by Cutlcura. My by wo. tattra vry sick whan tw u thrcw ,...,.... .w in m lew ony. beicjui brmkioa out. W tnapioyad both of th Wwtluetor, suj the said U tKrUjine hl.o. Ttarti wa Mitt tut Urn (Mat duster la it-tua liupids, Midi., and t d,. soreo aim lor two works, sud ho got worse all tho time; and tbra 1 took him tn tSw-jMOfi, to d.xl'.r .bosltolxl.Mpec.lly to kta dt.tM, .Ml Shea ti rot worn than vr. Tlti I Uiklmi biislwad wshsd krUe'r try the Cum uaa ldeasiiia any way; did not bo w.y klr Vhrf would do B'.j cnod, bntta ImsU. t two nnmhl Irtnn It.. ti m v Win ftrtne thorn to kits h WM ot.iir.-ir wjII, i-J nnt ot, ,M His bmit if f- u -'!!) riiiht off, mk! wa thought bo woult. ol iy t I. ild-h -wlcvl, Thsrr Wim 't a til tn, hit vital) fcily, fact, ut haad, only i.l. .4! )l,WhHn Uoel-ouuk. tsMt t . t-i wm tioi .v, tin-in Lut Ixmrs, and o lw euji'l rtua n-iiHr h-,nd unr Iwttwl, Uas. jrtuic ii.umu.rr, WToOcid, itith. Cutlcura Resolvent T!;. now bloo4 rod Plda PnrtAW, and cmtost r-.' ii i:a .r limuMluu, clcoam tiM tluud of all im;..:-'. .n snd ;. n-oi.-.flt.l-.nijU. oinl tboa muunon ' ei lit, wiiilo Cent cm, tho (rant Ma ourt, , V tn -tin. HOAr. so eoeilaito .kill beMiUiW, i t 1, 1 1 . J.'.n and ..-:ilt. and tamum tho hnir. 'i'kn. 1. C;t: Itmr.i.ic. cure rtwy .pacta of li.-'rt h 1 nil j 1 ; tiy, ritmly, blotchy Un,wi! ., . hi -. I i',i.wi!4, frosa Jl ni.i.- t.i surwfuLi,' liva. i-i.'.i to ago, wba thu beat pbyakiajM Jail. P-.M ovorywftM.. Tries, Ctrrtctnu, 50c.; B'.sr. i ' ; Ul.kt. 1. I'rvpsrod by Uio P.artii I'll r.'ueiir so Coanrturm.1, lijirttn. tsfitaiul iat ' Uw lo Cur Lijwl VuHMtm.- P 1 5YN? ' '!9lP Porlflad and btntm.Cad J jt 0 1 Ccri.-raA t-e. AuajUsiy p-jie. r-1 ir.i f. r.tittA p. ii tro-i-vrtlniifolheCBlitni-t, lt "'" '"- r t-lif-s tiitmail' VA . ' ; 1 1 '". Oinet, I nci I S ' tf'. 1 An U lii: Miliar -OF- Special W. F KiEAI My Spring slock now the latest Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WA3H FABRlCr. -To The Make a Specialty of Ladie3 .... Ribbed and Muslis. My Pbices aro tike LOWEST and my Goods the Best. AmsohCgent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. :To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, J have a Large Stock at the Lowest I cat ry p II line of the worU-renowed BROADHEAD goads, unexcelled Cuiah. Lrge stock cf Exbboideries and Flocncixcs. Cal ced lbs. A!bat y in the beat trading point in Oregon. W..P.1633AB. tor wear at and be cor 2-26 2:23 12 Co&l Blotelr, with small atari Tei slaet la fiaultleaa lat Breeding, Con fOrmstk tost tssstl Action. Hi breeding la the arms of arty and xtrsnM speed, aa proved by hi f a'l sister Bealah, i t, at two yean ; CtMueU, ;;Si, at two year, and Basking a record f 30 laat July, detoa line Hannibal Jr, 2:27, ia three straight heat. Sired bv Altihoxt, waeon reocrd, S-.!0 : lira of) AkTs, suu seven uuier saw perro.-aaera, and HUK w .utw CO.! ITOHWI. Altamokt bv Aihost. that haa oror thr-a hnnrtrol deawidHiiU in the 2:60 list, tncludtaf Uau Uixw ana diaTiMt, oouoie, xua. Del Norte's dam ia Tacoaau by Stsadss. Cash ttfX KOKTR was b.ed bv Jav Boaah, at Vaneoumr, Wash. season of lsiil at Trites Bros slable, Albany Frtdav uiilus northeast ot Shedd. rerms Season 9 $SO; Insurance, $30. BARROWS BROS. WILL & LINK, usic - Dealers -Notice ear II. F. MILLER J. BAUER & VOSE & SON Palace and EarUatT llanae Proef Orsstna, Gaitartf. Vlollus and Small laattmeaf a a Specialty. Afreets for the New Home, EIdrldre B. snd ojher Sewing Machines. Supplies for all kiuds ol Sewing Maohicea. Ve guard our customers Interests and guarantee satisfaction. ITo also enrrr a full atsortment er Music and Hauls Bexika. , Cor, Second and Ferry sta (Send for catalogue.) Albany, Or. PATRONIZE HQ THE FARMFRS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., -Albany, Oregon. W F READ, President. JO WRT?SMAN. Secretary, d L COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President, PIRSOTOKa 1 JL Cowan, Geo FSlropsoD, WFEesd, TrLFotey, MSttrnberg, J VT BarneK, J K Weathertord, R S Strahan, J O Writsiaau. ALSO PISTE1CT AOKJCTB TOB . Crkland Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cal. Trtdera, Chicago, III. American, Philadelphia, Pa. Phosnfx, Lon.ion, Ecpk-tid, Norwich Union, London, Fng London I nchahir, London, Eng. Guardian, London, Eng. Man chester, Manchester. England. '-Caledool in, K'Jiabnrg, Seotfand. Wesehester, Kew York. ! bt.ti ir , - ... V ... it. I W J w . 3.1 ACADEMY -OF- Oar La3j of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by the Kiauta f Rt, Benedict a Tuition in eelect day school range front I- .IV, For lor m 4 Boarding Sch'.1 or atss mrs -r p'j as me a?a eni orjd' adewn Sister Superioress, Wsj fa aefcnori4 tho lwilne rem-'tT In4 oaorrlx-a A aUtii. 2 neoiily sa-e remrly tor tr-4 I tirtwrrtoo ltn4 (ml X?A - M.)Sf sale In rrtnmDdix)ij S Twt:sn6tt)i'if,'l to all sorTf-T, ft inil:vsi V ot asn,er"33 a. j. i UcltA try brosrtrUtas ii vuivnttutuj. TASAKB at CCSICK, Aaeal S. W. Paisley Alfcsar, )rs;m -VV110LE3 ALE DEALER IN - fobaccoaiii Cigars. ALBANY KURSERIES Ir E HAVE ON HAND at ocr enrwry TT on she Ccrrallia road, one-half nlle from town, as fine a lot of frnll roe ofa'lkloda aaeaat be found any ebere on the coast. If 70a contemplate slantinir trees It erlil par 700 to ree our lock sr.d get ocr price. Catalcgce free H vm AH BBOWNELL. dr Oor-s Inf j ivUAV.j Annomcement Complete, Embracing all Novelties in Ladies,- Underwear, in Knit Price ever o&eied iw ibe Valley. S-4 2:30. aSS- mi af. Cur, Jr tX (sire of Dtbaxoo, !B ad Bsaav Clat, 1:23 ) Seventeen ol hi daughters hsro produced nineteen 8:30 perfonuer. including- Uah skixo Bat, S:Set, who sired lb dams of Axntb, 2:12 st t year; AlAKSTt x, 1 13 at fotir yean, two ol the barest stallion In th world of their age. Tacoasn, dam by IlRioxon, t:?9; aire of the dsn of Huts WiULia, fcSili air of Ouvbr K , i:161. bv Jav Boaah. at Tanaounr. Wash. Foaled in IMS. CTWill msk tha and Baturday ; the rest of th time at our farm, thra list f Flan- iT;rra;sp,rr'n,'l e world's CO. fc finish and durability. brillianoy. f The tst media ut priced 1 In tha marknt. piano E 1HSTITUT10HG. - - r "" - IM' t '