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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1891)
EAST ANP-SOUTH, Gout cm Pacific Routo H II AST A LINE. Kiprea Traina I we re Portland Pally North f :ss a a i, TX" Forlland Albtny San ,'eaniiaeo Ar lv a ); a Ar l.r ;o r AKe trains atop only et allowing etal'ona nortti a R.iaetairf. kul Portland, t'lly, Wood van, miu, Allnnr, Tviiml, ShodJ, HalM?. liar- timr), jumwum city, iMlnf , Cugaaia, aoaaet a BAIL, SlILT. fi 4 B IL Portland ArM w " . - r ( L Albany LtlHmlB HrB Ar S.,urf l.el 0l AU4T ueatf Aii.r stcerr 8tmt) P . a I Lt Portland, Arl;O04B yt AlhM; tl 4 B luasiaoa Baaaca, rTTiTTT? Alhwf Ar Sttsa Uf lhiv. L l0 i t a I Lt Alhwf Ar 4 r 4 a I Ar Uhano tt : KllUkH EUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Bleeping Oars, Tar AeaBswe4ataw ( aoema-rtaas Tmurnm Cr. BttacSa I aUwrwaa Tralaa. SIS' tHvlalea. BKTVt II! r 111 LAI Aa CVaVAlLla, Mill. .4il4UI(KunltDa4J) kin I Lr tidrk Ar Portland Oarrallie Ar I 6 v r 1 I llttn unw rails baut (Kxpt Suaday. ira t r I lr Ar Portland MeVlaaTUI Arl V)4B Lt I a. 4 a Tliroiieli TicUt T All point east, mm SOUTH. r ( laforaaatlea retardina ratee, asapa, on Company Ami l Albany . K. aOKHLES B r. ROGERS Uaaaaar - tal0.f,u4r.Ai YAQDINA BAY ROUSE. o Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon DeTelopment ro's Steamers, Short Uam t Cssllflsralst. First-class through paswtnrar and Vslirht tins from Portland and ail point to Lb WUlamatt Valley to and from aao r raaolaoo, uai. Bosvta make eloaa connection at Alban !th trains of lb Oregon Paolflo Railroad T1MI8CUKDCLS. except Sunday.) En Albany H.J r. Camilla i. krrlre Yaquina, :U 9. Laaee Van, ulna, 7 :l0 4, a Uan CorraJlie.lO 54 4, B Antra Albany. U:l A. a O. A C, tralaa oonnoct at Albany and Core! lie. Tn above, trains connect at laooina with tha Oregon Development Company's Une or Stesunsuipa between T equina and San Francisco, AiLixa dates . n T4snni4. WUUomiu TAlUr, lUnh lla ; lata ; tMa. rsoa sin rsAnciac. ncatt Vtllsr M trek 3rd ; 13th I 114; SOth. The Company ckv tos th ngnt to aailiua date w Ihout notice. U, B. Pamenrara from Portland and WUlamsUe Valley points can make close aannoctl jn with Ibe traina of the Yaqalna ton la at Albany or Corvailia. and If des- stned to Saa Franciaoo ahould arrange to rrtve at Yaaulna tbe evening before fit fssulnf awrassesiter atn rrcht rales always the .west. Fw Infnnnitin splf bit Chapman, Frvlght ta4 Tkt AXat,AlD, C. C. IStl L, O. t. B'4 r AM . IKST NATIONAL. B4SK, Or ALBAT, OBJCOO.X, BrMMaii. PnakUat . B. K.YUL NO -t. W. LAkUDON PRAJMACTS 4 ORilEKALbuihlns VsriaMa, 1 NTS KEPT rabtact ta slMefe. BMOMT KXCUAJiOE M4 Wi nhM trvufw, scjd w Tork, twa rrancHMO, Clikam aad P ntitMti CUUJEmOKf sUDEga hwiMa tyma. . K. Tens KtW, LABeaca L. ruaa L K Bu, ESVAAS I . BOX. IXM CO. XATIOXAL BAXK, I OF ALBAY, OltCOO.f . CAPITAL STOCK 00,000. rrwidBt.... , I L COWAlf, lrrunl t M BAUTTON. hir ...ClO I CHAHHKRLA1M, am iruer u a aucuiuolo. I sanoBs, -I L Covsn, t X Bslston, Oo OiAmbmiAin, W 8 La44, W H tfottra, t A Craw ora ana u a ArciUBuui. TKANB AfTB s rmnl hmaktnv hf wtnmt DMAWeltiUl liKArrSoa Kav Tork. LOAIf MOffEToa appicraa saeorHy KKi.Klva dapoatta auotaeS B A9IK OF OREUOJr. albaut, oaaoo.t. ravtlal. -f fraridant YiFraUo- WitY H P MERRILL .. E i UNS1NU .JT W bULUi TraoateU s gmtnl banking baalnaai: Eirhi.( boarht and snid oa all tha principal aiUat in tha Cnitad Stataa I also on EosUod, Inland, franaa and Germany. ColtaeUona mada at all aeocasibla points oa taror abla larma. Intaraat aTViwad oj Una dapaaila. B AUK or rttio, scio, osEOorf. Prat'laot..w ,w Tiaa Praauloot anhiar i 8 U-irtH, U Bryant 1 8 Muis .Jsrv sfrsaa O 8 Mai wrictoas: E Gains, John Oaloas P O Smith. Doat a fonsral bankinr and axehantra bus! nana. I1?ht dralia iaaued oa Albiar, furtUnd and 8aa r PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK, Or PORTLAND. OltEaoH. tald apsapltal . ...M,000 Burplua and pranta., ... 0,000 Intaraat allowed on sa rlnir doooalta as (ollowa: On or Hilary aariiia books ...A percent par annnm. un urn earing) o.K.aa On aartifiaalaa ef depoaiw vhrea mon rtie Ft aix inontha , Kor iwt'.f months .4 par cent per annum ...4 per cent par annum: . . t per cant peetaqnum'. . . ? per cent per annum: FRA..1K DKKCM. Preelilent I). P. THOMPHOJT Vica Pratident. 11. C, 8TRATT0N. Caahian EedCrownMills SUM, LANNINU & CO., LOPR'S. kw r&ocRns Tuvn irXKios toa pavimi AND BAKIRA 58E. ESTSTORAGP. .FACILITIES. City Restaurant. IKvin l.en entirely remodeled, this old Sad p"p.i'r raatuurant wiil bs man first olaaa a every rerpect. Tbe pulil.o will he fiven gm..l meaU at all hours for only 23 crista. Everjthiox neat aud attrao4ve, I'riva'a l..ia. Oyatera In every style. o :s 'a ".av a ss biwjbtb": injE CELEBRATED . a. II ii 11 n :uoluers j, , ass Mas mm aaT KaaV Ml Mbhaf ial B fct" ' ' The Flnert Small Arms Ersr Manufaxtursd. H 1 3 Upriyleo-i r "'?,?'?' (j El ACCIiRil it rxc 1. aiTr. Ll LltCE ot ' mi( and 'MSI Nfe In ; . LOaoi(s i and SAf ETY lieware of cheap Iron imitation. ; f ! Send f.)rl!!t5tr.i!cd Catalnfrus snd Pries List to J.MIIH & WESSOTJ, ,i SFttlxarutLD, MASS. ' 1 fj - 3 a S. v7 . Paisloy, AS l!ny, Ort n m ! f.u.r, pi: ilk?, iy, She gmorrai. PODOINUTnKTAX. The effect ot the McKttiley bill, which hat made Itself (ctt In various localities throughout the country, will soon be felt further by the bearing It will lu.v on tt-e various Industries using tin in any way. Owing to the charge In the tariff on tin plate, which goes Into effect on July t, the Importers of tin have been making bltf preparation to take advantage o( It nd get all the possible benefit from It. The have been importing enormous quantities ot tin and stacking It up In the warehouses. To te an Idea ol the Increase ot this lin (tort t Ion, a few figures fron the books of the Custom House authorities will make the matter plain. In January, iSSo, there were Imported to this city 7,374.185 pounds of tin plate. In February the amount was and In March of the same year 9,456,781 pounds. In Janurrj, 1S90, the Importation of tin plate was 7,071,163 pounds, In Fcburary 9.789,090, and In March 8,345,471 pounds. In December of last year the Increase In tin Importation began to be noticed and In that month the Importation reached io,- 440,111 pounds. In January and February the Increase kept up, and that li Is still continuing is sbown by the figures for March, hlch are 13188,131 pounds, the greatest amount of tin ever Imported to this country In the same length of time, and about double the regular monthly Instalment ot that class ot merchandise brought to this port, From Information that can be obtained at the Custom House, the importation of tin for April will almost double the figures of March. Two steamers due at IhU port in a tew days have heavy cargoes ot tin, one having on board some 36,000 ar.d the other 44,000 boxea of tin plate. It la supposed that this hear Increase of tin Importation will continue until tha Mc- Klnley bill goe Into effect. The tin is be ing stored by the Importers and will be unlcadfd on the market when the advance In the price will pjy at big profit on the investment, The effect of the high tariff i n tin will be verjr tar retching, a thousands ot at tides of dailv use will be affected by It. One of the first Industries to feel the effect ot the increase In tin duties will be the canning awtabllshmcnt Philadelphia lltxahl. Is It not strange that the most serious labor troubles which disturb this country occur in the state which, more than an other in the union, enjos the blessings ot "protection to American labor" accot ding to the republican regime? Pennsylvania is pre-eminent! the slate of high pro tection. Here, then, should the blessings ot the high-tariff misnomer be most ap parent. But the labor situation la Penn sylvania Is well exemplified by yesterda'e blood riot at Mount Praant, in which nine workmen were shot down. 'Pro tection' protects even In Penn!vanla, but it protects those who need protection least and gives no protection whatever to those who need it most. The Kcstone millionaires insist upon protection for their products, but demand free trade in labor. Between the two edges of the shears is the American worklngman pauper.imported iabor competition and low wages on one side; high prices, enhanced by the tariff, on the other. Eastern journals are calling attention to Majnr McKlnle'a Inconslstenc. At Toledo, on February uth, he accused Cleveland of "dishonoring one nf our precious metals," of "discrediting silver" and endeavoring to stop the coinage of silver dollars. Ai Boston.six weeks later, he sneered at the demand for "the free un limited coinage of silver" as angerous. At Toledo he wis a silver man; at Boston he was a gold-bug. A bookkeeper In a Wall street banking house has made the discover that ink stains can readily be removed from the Angers with the head of a parlor match. Moisten the ink-stained spot and rub it gent! with the head of the match, keep ing the skin wet so that it will not be burn ed. The atain rapidly disappears. The match should not be ued where there is a cut. Violet ink s'ains can often be re moved by rubbing them with rough woolen cloth. A coat sleeve answers very well. Medical authorities now say that sleep ing with the mouth open is a freq.ient cause of deafne. When this subject of pening the mouth is more thoroughly will be seen that it is re sponsible for the larger share of human I ills. It might have been thought that an pc.i mouth at night would be less harm ful than at any other time, but even then it Is not innoxious. Keeping the mouth open to much destroys teeth, and by breathing through the mouth Instead of the nostrils diseases of the throat and lungs are sure to follow. No wonder Senator Stanford wants con gress tn pass a two per cent land loan bill. His Central Pacific Railroad owned last year 9,310,843 acres of land. If half f it is worthless and the ether half but $3 per acre (ihe average price for lis land sold in 1889 was $3 65) the present worth would amount to $14,000,000. on which the Central Pacific wou'd fee able to bor row f 7,000,000 at two per cent. In addi tion, Senator Stanford's Southern Pacific Railroad owns millions of acres more. Bells were invented by Paulirus, Bishop of Nola, in CamplSgnia, in or about the year4CO. Thry were first used In France In 550,in Greece in 864, and in the churciiea ( of Europe In jw. In Switzerland they first appeared In 103.0. The first tunable set of bells known in England were used In Cropland Abbey, Lincolnshire, In g$-. Sixty-eiht democratic members of the New Hampshire icgWlattre responded when asked to name tnc best man to head the democratic ticket In i8?J. Slxty,three f the number named Grover Cleveland. ene William C Whitney, and two Harry Bingham. The largest teleacope lens ever ground in the United States Is now In course of polishing at Greensville, Pa. It Is to be ued in a refracting telescope.and measure 30 Incites In diameter and sH Inches In thickness. It weight 1 300 petind. A new roofing paper is msde ' y t-pplriog to the paper a composition of boiled linsnrd oil and pnlverizsd charnoai. Tlin paper so prepared is said U be perfectly air and w atir proof noder all circumstances. Australia is the jdIj- country in tho world to which laminating animals are not indigen ous, and yet cUt'e ai d aheep of various breeds thrive tboto nT8zinely. Lee's army surrendered to Grant April ?, 18C5. New Yjrk was iricorpcrated a city in 1GC4 j TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Terrible Latirlvpe. North, Yakima, April 17. Tlif report la brought from tha Indian sncsmpmsots hsrs aliouta, that the aborigines sra being rapid ly dcoimatad by la grippe. At White Bluff., wneratnare u a small imiiaa st'ltlemorjt, nine died In one day. and frotn the Moaaa aud Yakima reservations the ilsath rate la sppaltiuff. Il is not the disease so much as the treatment that oucs tile great inut tal Ity. The Imliaue afflicted get tutu a sweat box and from there jump into a cold stream ef water, the result of wbioh la thrl onea - mama seta in and carries tlitm o7. The I mi Ian question in this aeolion is bains ran- idly settle.! in this way. The treat tiermaa. FRKDEatcnxftrtHE, April 17. Prloos Bis- marak, in receiving a deputation ol Kiel 010- esrvatlves. said. The emperor would do well to aestti trom eonoenioit further reforms, and revert to the ennservativa policy main tained by bia prandfather. Prince Htsmarek imiered upon his riht to express an opto too on current affairs. This speech iiersAuea the indomitable onnoaitiuu of the formnr chaocellor to the governaieQt. A t'lrens Raw. KoxvtLL8, Tnn, April 17. A small oiroua which sxhihitel here yesterday gave a poor show, and at the evening performance Ilia yonoR men In the started a counter show, la a minute everytliinir was in an uproar, w umeo screamed and mid aroau ran tor tie exita. Many weie knocked down and trampled upon, but none seriously hurt. Several of the circus people wore osAiiy 1 eaten, their property destroyed ami ina-eits torn oosd. ihotr las was oodsideratU. An ladtaia AealMtl PEMDLETor, April 17 Agent Moorhouae. of the Umstill 1 reservati e, ia io receipt ef a letter requestius his rea unation. whiuh haa tXKn forwarJeU, to take fclfcct Miy 31 . The unarKe BKarnsi mm is snai irte Indians are retrograding nadir Moorahou.e s rosaaue- neoi. UaaeTeaaaTenrwaaseal. North Yakima, April 17. The hoe teams of the aklma fire department held a tournament toda,whlch resulted in hose team no 1, carrying ou the silver cup and medals, t he conditions were running 600 icci, ia; ing 300 lect 01 noae and Retting first water. 1 he beat time was made by team No 1 in 43 seconds. There la some UletatlaJacUun with Ihe result, and considerable money is staked on another coniesi. ATaaader Ball. Trenton, Mo, Apiil 16. William Hoff- man, William Ferguson and Fred Sllmson sought shelter trom a storm this morning ur. der a tree. Lightning struck tbe tree, in stantly giliing HolTman, ho was lesniirg ainn u. 'erguAon Aq liuj hand on Hoff man s shoulder and wss knocked sentlcea, tailing in a pool of water. Slimton was par auzed below the knees, but managed to pull "'!,' uino me water, and men crawleJ mile u town (or asautance. Ferguson ia to tally paraiued and will die. Tbeonly matk on llollinan was a blue spot on bis forehead waafcbarne Elected. Chicago, AprU 16. Tbe official csnvasi of the tlrction returns fot mayor was practically eo-pleted to.Uy ia twenty-nine of the thiity lour wsrds of the rny Tskin" the offic al count ia these wards and the ciiy hatl snofno- wu mums lor me remaining 6. Iha reau t ia a plurality of 1,034 0tes for Ucnpstead Weah. ourne. (Kept, over the democra'ic ineumrwni Cregier. la tbe official canvass the 'are in several precln.ts tre still subjt to rev'uinn, but it it bclievtd there will be little or no change Irorn the figures above given. Blaine Ijeraaeo'. jsew ,ork, April i6.Tbe Ilerald'a Watbing'on special says: "Secretary Blaine is known to be thoroucli.v incenaeJ at art..i he bad not hesitated nrlvatelv 10 rhaaarie.l as the contemptible and indecent behavior of iuc iiauan goverment. ilia note indicates bis pen has felt Ibe numerous communications re ceived about himself and other numbers of tbe c-umei siru-e :ne uipiornatM controversy began A aar vTeasan. CHICAGO, Aprd 16. The strife between Miss Phoebe Cuuzins, secretary of the board of lady managers ol ths world's fair, and the executive committee of tha: bod, has taken a new phase. When she reach: J her office ibis morning she found it locked, and the Janitor informed her he bad been instructed not to permit her to enter. Miss Cousins thereupon look poscttioa of an adjoining room and an nounced she wouid told poae.aion of it day aed night nntll the trouble ii settled. She con tinued to hold the frf, and this afternoon sent out for lunch. Jaal far . Cincinnati. April 16. JT'lileO Myrti was standing in the grand hotel yesterday J M 1 1 ill, the well known theatrical manager, came up behind him and cutting his arm around his neck and gave him tbe stranglers hold. Tbe strain was so sudden that it rup tured a blood vessel. A doctor was irrmed -tely called, and afier receiving attention Myres was taken home. The injury was not thought serious, but this afternoon Myres had another violent hemorrhage, atd tonight Ihe doC0rs consider Lis condition very criiicsU Rerveat Maw Blahs. Helena, Mont, April 1 5. Six comely young women, two of them armed with stout rswhides and all of (hem ablaze wild righteous indignation, walked mto Billy Hnrtwig's bar ber shop, under the Montant National bank, at 9 o'clock tonight. Their names are Geor ?ie DeLanev, Beie Siamler, I .on Bohv Mary llarklcy. Annie Ikvilt an.l Fr.nkU Pearson. Advancing 10 the chair at which Matthew Raa worked, the leade- Miss Ceirgie DeLaney, exclaimed, "You have been slander ing me long enough." InMantty her stiong riuht arm wielded her cutting lawhide, and Rau beat a percipitate retreat t!a coiner pur sued by the engaged ladies. A second lady Miss Uohy. added to the chastisement by her rawhide, while the other four formed a half circle to prevent a ruib for the coor. Blows heat hard and fat upon the head snd body of the ditcomfitted ahaver, and his appeals for a truce that he n.igbt explain things were not heeded. At last arm-son and exhausted, the whips were allowed to rent. lastantla'Btlled Marsiifield, Or, April 15. VII Smith an American about 26 yeats of age, employed clearing the right of way for the Coos Bay & Eastern railroad, was killed lasteventng. He was employed, with other, in felling a large tree, and as it started to fall his comrsdes shouted to him to look out. He rlarle.l to ruu with the tree, an I was caught before clearing ihe necettaiy di dunce and crushed to death. The young mnn as. a newcomer in (Ms couctry from Missouri. A Bcmarhable Event Portland, April 15. Old Tortland is not asleep, Manager Glenalvin's team of gladia tors put on their playing clofhes yesterday and nu'ht royally drubi ed the Spokane pennant winners of last season. Folly 2000 people saw them do it snd were immensely pleased. Op pcrtime batting ami splendid fielding won the victory. The scoie was: Portland, 5; Spo kane 3. Rlanmrel Defeated Berlin, April 16. Forty districts at Gees temundegave Bismarck 32I3; Sohmalfield, sociiliat, 3264; Ar"oIfFjcisinnige, 1630; Plate Guelph, 1391. There will probably be a re ballot between IJiimarck and Sohmalfield. The result of the poll at Geestemunde bat been a great surprise to Bismarck's friends. A Tramp Elftht Eugene, April 15. A lively Airmish took place at the depot early this morning between train hands nnd rramps. Vhe tramps into a frjijjht car and stole a case of wine. The trainmen found them and a general fiht took place. The night police were called and with Uiffiicuity lodged the tramps' in jail. . - 8HIL0HS CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Fosbay & Mason, ageots. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livr Complaint? Sbiloh'a Vitalizar is guaraateed to care you. W. Y, Read fce pa tho l,nt t teortirent of fancy gocdi io tow 11. A NHSAI INJECTOR freo with each hoitle . f feliiloh Catarrh Remariv. Vrinf 50 cents. Fohay& Masoo, agents. taaeal Bepert Ot county school superintendent G F Russell. Number malek in the county between the ages ot 4 and 30, 33501 females, 33501 total, 6600, Number persons enrolled In the public schools during the year, males, 1919! fe males, 37501 total, 4669. Number persons enrolled under 6 years of age, 16 J ; aver age dully attendance, 3745. Number teachers employed In public schools during the year, males, By i fe males, 701 total, 159. Number teachers holding first grade certificates, 40; second, 83) third, 83. Estimated value school houses and grounds, $95,309, furniture, $9584 ap paratus, $30981 amount ot Insurance on school houses, etc, $3497St verae amount of salary paid male tcachuri, per month, $47 i female teachers, $40. Amount ot salary paid county superin tendent, $850. Whole number organised districts In county, 108. Average number ot months taught during year, In the county, Q. is umber scnoois itirnianea witn weoeiers Unabridged Dictionary, 63. Number le gal voters In the county for school pur poses, 3334. Schools vUlted during year by suptrln. tendrnt, 33, Average length of time to each vtait, a rumr. One county Institute held. at Albany; number lose tiers present, 300. isumuer ocal Institutes, 4 : number present, 134 Held at Albany, Brownsville, Lebanon ana iiaisey. Amount of school funds In hands of district clerk, first Mon day In March, 1800 ,. S.3768 Amount raised by dWlrict. , . , , 3.91794 Attount apportioned to districts from county fund. , 8,74349 Amount apportioned from Hate school fund. Amount raUcd bv rate bl'ls. , . . Amount received from alt other 7,980,66 814.08 sources, 650.37 47.3S.5 piid tor teachers wages $35,534 99 rent scnrx.i rooms 33.00 repairs. 1,11963 school furniture . . , 03 94 fuel and Incidentals 1,63340 clerk a services. . , . 901.97 apparatus, etc .... . 1 ,3i. 1 1 school ttouae sites.. 0077 school hotiaes ..... 3,01 7.3S Insurance 1 14.5s all other purpose, . 1.713 56 4S-9.J7 Total cash tn hands clerk, March 5. i9 $ Amount not In hands of clerk, March 5, 1891 ............ . 1.304 98 39-.5 OBDIfAM Z 0. JIM. An ordinance declaring It to be a mis demeanor for any person or persona to keep any bog or hogs within the limits ol the city ot Albany, and to provide a pun Uhrr.ent for such offense. The people ot the city ot Albany do or dain as follows: Sectio 1. Hereafter any person or persons who shall keep, within the cor porate limits ot the cite of Albany, any hog or hogs, shall be deemed eutity ot a mtademeanor and upon convic tion thereof, before the recorder' court, ahatl be fined net less than $$ nor mure than $ 3k or, be Imprisoned in the city j.ill not less than a days nor more than 10 days or, by both such Arte and imprison ment, at the discretion of the court, SfiTto i. This oidlnance shall be In full forcj after Its approval by the mayor. Passed the council April 14, 1891. Approved April 15, 1S91. rsHSMt PBatCaEBlitB. Friday evening, April 17. Present Mayor. Recorder. Street Commissioner. Marshal, and Conncil nien French, Table r, Hawkins, Uurkhart Tbe recorder reported all tha new or dinances signed by the myor. Water street was ordered (traded and graveled between Kherman and Harrison streets, to be done within thirty days. A communication from Wm M IIoaK. of the () P, in reference to the removal ot the old uuilUina- at the foot ol Lyon street, so as to open it tho river, was read and ordered illed. A sidewalk and crosswalk on Flrat street, between Hherman and Pine sts, were ordered bout within ten days. Ferry street was ordered graded and graveled Irom Lightli street to eity lim its. Ninth street trom Vine to Droida! bin, F.levenlh street from Washington to terry. ork to be done in thirty days. The recorder was directed to notify all property owners between Thmston and Lyon streets ard 1st and IHh st.who have not, connected with the Railroad street sewer, to do so within ninety days after the city has completed latteral sewers across adjoining streets, if not then done the city to condemn the right 01 way ami do work at cost of property owners. The street commissioner mado several recommendations, referred to committee on streets and public property with power to act. BKAt, f 8TATK aiLl. Lorn K Hay to David 8 Bosey. 4 acre in Harrisburg. ......... .$ 50Q Mary Hardman to W H Hard man. lot5, bl5,lnhodavillo........ 100 W II Hobson et al to F 8 Ilolwon, lots 1, 2. bl 15, H'i A.Mill City 60 Paul F Minzenmier et nx to Tl Cundifiand B R Pendleton ,200 acres off west end I) L C No C3 10,200 John Cushman to E H Marsters,) acres in tp 13, K B 2 w 200 A Cowan to Jessie CnrroM.lot 3, bl 3, in Lebanon 100 ME ISilyeu to A OGuyer,two par cels in Scio COO O A C R lt to Wm Coy, N E qr ot BEqreecS, tplO,HB2K... 100 II C Kleppleretux to J I Walton, bl 25, J M R'e A.Lebanon 5 II Bryant et ux to Edward Harris, U2 acres off w end of 8 E nr sec 3. ti)H, 8R1E ISO RSClark etux to J C Johnson, 207.61 acres In tp 9,8 Itlw... 3500 J L Cowan et ux to E li Case, lot 7. bl 2, C's A, Lebanon. . ..... 100 Elisabeth and Mm Millhollcn to J Fred Yatc, 4D.14 acres in I) h 0 0! Pleasant liobinett 10G5 $17,700 ,..$323,803 Total for year. MfSt IT Scandal makes a pitormeal. Albany and all other cities are better without it. Albany's stieet car.line should be ex tended. Lebanon is setting a good example to neighboring towns in the way of push and boom. Mrs Stevens states that the biggest collection was taken up at Brownsville, at her meeting there, of any held in Ore gon by her. . Albany's pogtofilce should bo made second-class within a year. A few hun dred dollars more receipts will do the business. 'Children Enjoy The plsas-jit llavci. ifientle actum i.od tooth ing efltuts ef cifrup ot Figs,tSlt need tf a laxative and it ths fattier or mother be costive or lmiou the most grarifying results ollowing itt uso, to that it is ihn best jars y rrmed- known and tnery family should M e a bi it e . For Jtm back, or nue chest. 1 te Rhlloh s Porous Piaster. Price, 25 cents. CATARRH CURED, health Wf. weet breath iecured,by Shilob'a Cstsrrh I'-emoly Price CO cant. Nasal Injector freo. Fo- thsy Si Mon, sgents. The ONLY place is the ty wherejEast crn tickets can be nurchaji is of W. L. Jfatcr. at ttio Poutiern I'e.'ifio Co' t "'set ofHce A rutZK AT, Following ! the csasy recently awarded hs prize of $j by the W, C. T. U. for being: the best among those presented by the pupils ot the public schools. It was written by Mitt Winnie Clutmberllnt .ALCOHOL AND MAN. Alcohol Is the intoxicating ingredient Intoxicating liquors, lt Is in all pure made up ot rour parts t;sroon, Sis pans Hydrogen and Two parts Oxygen. It may be obtained from any substance containing sugar by a process called fer- menta'ion. Alcohol Is useful as a solvent. It will dissolve a ereai many different articles, but a large quantity Is unnecessary for this purpoae, at It may he distilled back and used a great many times. PHYSICAL ErPRCTS. Alcohol when taken Into ths mouth burnt and Irritates the mucous membraln and passing Io the stomach It congests and Inflame the tlasues and enlarge tne uioou vessels. In the case of long continued use It cause ulceration of the stomach; It so-dissolves the pepsin In the gastric uicet, to that dlgetloit It hindered or en tlrely stopped. Krem the stomach It enters the blood snd Is run kd to the heart, Irritating It and quickening Usrf circulation, unaliv causlne: fatty deiretieraiion. r rom the heart It I sent to all pattt of the body, aflectlng more particularly ihe liver snd the brain, tdlhouuh every tissue It Injured more or less. In the liver It chanire the character ol the bile and har Jens the tis sue, causing a condition called Hobnailed liver. In the brain It thicken and har den the delicate structure of the organ and owing to the inceased circulation Irritates the membraln around the brain and often cause the dlteate called dcler lum tremens. Alcohol weakens the muscle, unfits a man lor phvstcat labor, and by it action on the nerve system often caues a dUrtae called atrophy, 11 irritate the mueou membraln lining the eyes, causing too great a now ot water and enlarge the blood vetacls. A large portion of the alcohol taken Into the ratem I thro vn out by Ihe lungs. In the efforts of tho body to free ttaeit from me poison, to a drunk ard may alwar be told by hi breath, as well a by wi rra note and blood sitot eye. Alcohol irritates lite terminal nerve 01 the note.causlng too great a flow of blood, terminating In a dUcaae commonly called rum bloaaomed nose. IN f KLLKCTttAL EFfECT. ' At the brain it Ihe t;at of the Intellect and alcohol hat such an injurious effect upon It, we would therefore expect the Intell-ct lobe injured In proportion. At first it blunt it, the mhtd become Inoc currate and unbalanced, the will it not so ready In cjmmand.and the drunkard often limes, it he woutd, cannot control it, and In a abort time the Intellect will become blighted. At first thl will be only tem porary, but l.i time will become permane ent, and a I often the case wilt end in insanity: MORAL rPRCT. Morally it ruins him. hl contcience be omr scared, he wilt tell a falsehood as readily a the truth, he will steal If neees tary to procure lit liquor, and when dl redly under it Influence wilt abuse hi wife and children, and even murder thoae ho anger of oppose. The Influence of alcohol upon the home t dcmotallxlng YYhvr First, because the mmcy which thou'd go to cuppoit the home. lurnKh comfort and plraeurca I (pent tn the M'oon buying that which dct'.rors tuxh body end sotti, Second, the children often tnher.t dl- ease, scrofula, deformity, feebleness of mind and worst of all.att appetite lor liquor, Third, it destroy the happlnc of the home, the wife la afraid ol her huabtnd, the children ot their fathe they dread hit comlne, often hiding f mi him. At tention Is, dethroned and home mad miserable. Fourth, opportunities and privileges ol education are often denied the children of the drunkard: they are unable to r!.e in the world and obtain poaltkm of trust and Influence, In conaequence of the father t tin. Therefore, iud.lnw of alcohol by ttt effects, we would, It cannot be afe- ly ued a a beverage, on the contrary it use t veiy cungerou. Old l'pcr do not drink because they like Ihe Ute of liquor, but to satlaty their craving tor the stimulus, and many would gladly clve up the habit, if possible, but It ha obtained such a atrong hold upon them that they are wholly unable to d to, consequently many dealrethe prohibi tion of alt Intoxicating liquor that tbe temptation my be removed from them and they enabled to reform. A Phenomena. On the farm of Blair Forward, in the Waldo hill, lias been found phenomena. On this place is the lately discovered coal mine, above which Mr Forward has sunk a well. In sinking the well, hen twenty-seven feet nnder the ground, hundreds of pcrfci1y formed shells ere found,amongt wliith were clam shells, perfect in form, but examination proved that they are com posed of beach sand. It is supposed that after the clams died tho shells filled with sand, which took the perfect shape of its cover, when the shell decayed. The indentions and creases are as well dcfitu'd in the sand as they are on a clam shell. The sand is distinctly of the ocean type, but how came it and these shells in the Waldo hills, covered bv twenty-seven feet of soil? These shells are not lets than 250 feet above the sea level.and tbe surrounding country, unlike Eastern Oregon, gives no indication of hnvtng been once an inland sea. Wood but a In dependent '" ' ' LTexa. - The son of 0 C Mulkey, living near Mahama. who bad bis leg cut by the saw at llennes' mill, Feb Glh, bad the limb amputated on the 15th. Drs Hun ter and Kitchen performing the opera tion. Mr Chns Cusick, of this place, who has lwen stiffertng . for the hint two months w ith Rright's complaint, died on the 14th at his-sisters near Woodburn, and was brought up and buried near here yesterday. He was only 23 years of age. The mail routo has ltecn re-established between Stayton and Mahama. Geo MeClain, who has returned from bis fathers and sisters timber claims, this side of Coe, reports the snow nearly all gone and claim jumpers busy doing their work. Peoolo here who have claims up there are going np as soon as they can to defend their rights against such workers. . Kept Busy. W R Graham, the mer chant tailor, started to decorate hi win dows; but the rush at Id shop was too greathence their Incomplete appearance. He reports a live spring and big de mand tor his fine llnf of imported and domestic suitings. . . . . WnsRETo Gst Them. When wanting n organ or piafta call on G L Blackman -he you can select from a first class tot. Cramp of ttio 91 a tries Cared. John I Wood, of Stratford, Out., wss cured of cram r In the legs bv wearing All cock's Porous Planters. Mr Wood says: "Some three months ago I was taken very icR. with severe pain in the f mall ef back over the kidney. The pain was excruciat ing. I applied an Alloock's Poron Fluster over tho afl'ected region and had reli f almokt within an hour. At tho tame time, in con junction with this troublo, I had very great nervou disturbance, fTotinr my l?ga with cramp eo I could scare! sleep. Jdrotiu with uch ucok with my back I applied planter under tha knee on each Ug, and In three day was eomplotely cured, and have uevcr ben troubled in either way since " 1 WHY WILL YOU eoagh when Rbileh's Cure will give immediato relief. Frieo 10 cents, 50 sent aad $1. Foshay & Mason, agents. KxcKement Runs high in Albany at Forimy 1 Ma son s drug stora oer riyetem ruiJ(ter, a everybody is Dticg it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dvtmepsia. Const! potion and Im pure fdood. Try it md teli your frieudg aboutit a itmnst )jOB8tswoaatrlal merit when ad speak well of k Till! hi Of 1. HAIX DKim-ATI'0. Tho new K of I' ball, in the Bulllmore block, is a credit to Albany, ns those who attended thq dedication ceremony last week, universally testified. It was elegantly docoratud nnd fursilnbed at a ooHt of overt 1500. The ball Is rich In Pythian emblems. The ceiling, inpered and frescoed by Mr F Engots, Is one of tho finest pieces f work in the vitllcy, and tho cuHtloa and other arrangement diiity went titsle. Tlia rooms were brilliantly lighted by electricity. The audience was called to order by Chancellor Commander, W II Parker, who delivered a flno'y worded address of welcome. An opening ode by all the Knights wits followed by Imposing dedi catory services under charge of 'Grand Chancellor, A A Cleveland, of Astoria, assisted by O II Irvine, as Vice Grand Chancellor, ' Geo Hoey, ns past grand chancellor, Geo llouhstedler, as grand prelate, Jas V Ilaihns grand tnatcrat arms, ltobt Johnson, as grand keeper of records and seals, and 1 3 Imbrutlie as frand master of exchequer, while l)r J L till and A I Churchill were censor hearers, all in tbe rich uniforms of their several ranks. A cornet duet by David Link and 8 N fUecle wilt nrtintkaiiy executed. Grand Chancellor Cleveland then delivered an oration, telling the beautiful story of Damon anil Pythias in eloquent language. ana 01 .ue loumuiiou on iricitumnp, charity and benevolence. A vocal solo by Rev E R l'richard whs greatly appreciated. Miss Eva Finpon recited "Robert di Roma," displaying superior cxprcaston and splendid stage action, receiving many compliments. Altera well tendered song by Prof f-ee, 0 W Hears and Fort miller tiros, Miss Helen Crawford recited "Barbara," in a voice full of richness and w ith splendid effect. The program was closed with a song by the quartet. After a short social tho comoanv repair ed to V Go's armory, where a sumptuous and spleiididly gotten up repast was served In good style by the members of itio iJtdies Ala Roeiety. A plcaning feature was the present tlon to Grand Chancellor Cleveland, by Oil Irvine, on behalf of several friend, of a fine pair of taxidcmiUlicated Chin- cue pheasants, In a nice speech, feelingly responded, to. Among those treet froui abroad were E A Swops, C II Richards, J P Ken nedy, Frank otl r, J A S addell, R M Murphy, Frank Hail, Jlenry Marx, Geo A Hevis, Wm Smith, of Portland. (Jeo 0 Will, Geo liny. C 11 Monroe, of Salem. A V Churchill. (5 L Winter. K i Me- Clanahnn, Geo Fisher, J O Watts, J N Bunch, V It liuck, of Eugene. Harry Htauard, s I Larger, 0 F Hancock, J 1 Itim, of P.rownavilie. Geo L Suther land, Dr E a Hyde, J W Shelton, M V r.iiyeu, Price siunkers, J A r.iiycu, v J P.ilyeu.G L Khettou, T W DHley, A W Ha?ey, Edward UUkey, Wm Miller. L W itrottim. T L Dot'ger. of fceio. Rdi Johnson, O L FUli, Peter Calahan, Dr Applewhite, Jeaste t-penrer, M P Burnett, ('has Toting, K P Permit, A W Rose. W E Paul, I II Dupuy, Jessie Foster, Ben Job and tx-msyor J O Wil ton, ol Corvaliis. nsontatiLLi:. April I lib, ' Lrowflsvilie is moving alng at aliout the usual pice, and some improvements are in prorvM. We notice "ha Howe is btiildiug a neat brue ou bis property in the Galhraith addition, slo an - largement to the Red Front Baaar. Jas Warren passed thruugli town yes terday with a Land of .horses, on his way to tho upjur Country. We bear that Nate Kirk, w ho is work ing at the McDowell tnii! above here, while banting lumber, ens da v lat week, accidentally ran over Mr McDowell's tittle boy, and at last accounts be was not expected to live. . We see Mm Jeff Myers has been hold ing a goodly number f interviews of late and In one be is made to say, "1 guess Mr IVnttoyet; has a life lease on the of fice of governor.". We think it doubtful about bis saying any such stuff, and would suggest that someone read the constitution, Art V, Sec 1. We etc considerable about our next legtsiii'jre tHung democratic, Roa our next U S senator being a democrat. We would SV that J N IWtili, fudds the fort uctil the 4Ui of March, ISuS. TOR tomi. BlUt BtXitB. Has a Ilarge and complete line of floods, dolls, doll bugics.tboys' wagons ve ocipenea ana many otner goois wtncii eol to make np a complete assortment, besides a complete lice of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird caces. plush guods. such as albums, toilet sets. autograph iKHiks, scrap liooks, children's A li V picture itooks, ami au gooeis mat are carried in a Bazaar store, including Ker Brim. 1847 silverware, no wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize bilking powder and tea, put up expressly for this tade, which gives the lest of satis faction, as ia attested ly the hundreds who have used loth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Gulden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws prise in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Etilo Bnxaar, ss you w ill 1 sure to find w hat you want, aad will be show n over the storo. and lie treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jii.its GrtADwour. uoKiti cimiosimo. F, M. French fceap railroad time. ;iw eresm ehceao juat leoetved at Cot,rad Mayers, ' lUveyua seen thoso parlor tails that T Drink ha jut received t They are nice. Ureat reduction in:na' furoiahiog god fur the next 80 day at W F Head. J W Bontloy, lct boot and shoe maker ;in city, il.ree door north cf Democrat oihee. Wasnlnjf, iner.dii'g for men Mr Kiut:,j'ist eatt ef tbe Ukmockai cfiicti. Will & Stailt hsvejni.t received a lame tnd elifai t ttock of nivcrwnrft, watches, te., never beiore 1 qualltd in this city. E W Achiton & Co handle tne eclubrated Portland cemoot wall fur nemctery lot. Those walls can be furnished t half tlie coat of any other and ara far superior. ' Tirilitr o up yonr old rublit-r and tId eho.s and tnake them uok as pood at onw with Wolff's Anne Waterproof Ptlinh. For tale at 8 mutl E Younij's. V 1 ding Photographers A any I'rrgon, W have bought all theni gativi t mado by L W Clark and W 11 Ureocood up to Nov 15th, 1881). Duplicate cn be 1 ad from hem only of us at reduoed late. We have alio bout 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had st like ta. We carry the only full line of view! i f this state and do enlarged work at lowoit rste for Crt class work. W e ehaW he pleased to sea you at our Studio in Froman' block, next door to Masonic Temple. SLEEPLF.rW NIOUTS; miU reiaeral.le by that terriWo cough. fcliiluh'jCuro i the llempdy for yc u. 1 Kor hatfjain in monuments, beadatones eto.,Krti E W Achisou&Oo.Albaiiyiesot) Fresh brciiid, cake., pies, etc., every day at the Dclmoiiico rtgtsuraut. Leave your orders. .Jott received a fine iBvuicn of b.-nbei's sjppli(! direct (run FhttadKlptila, by L Viuitck, For road carts made r picially for stallions callouKnapp, Burrell & Co., at corner of First aud F.ilawortb ttreotB,. Albany, Or. Lfldic cun do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting tbe city, aiid without ra cominii'aion. it", 1 " l 1 1 Mint K J Uarrows jf,'t GtOVO none asd auboao TUUIISIUY, Wheat 1 SO oeut. . . Ths Supreme Court ha daeided the road laws bnuntitotiotii, will settle the fu are of ell'ort to seaure tnch law. A correspondent write a h og arlitd on Chines pheasants, giving city (.(inters a hve ahut. ItaliMill b tcQompanied by aslg nature to iuaurs nubliontion. Thn nun t the Thomas Kay Woden Mill at Httim baa bcn chanod to the Hultia V,.ol)t Mill." 'J'iio Ky has been cleeted Prasiiteiit. R II t'ushow Secretary snd W 8 Wallace Treasurer. Vwo Iti'iioway fir tii.nih'). s have hea plsond on ths Hook iV LvM r truak. Tsey work like s charm, and wilt be a val Bble J C(p:iitio,l to tho departmebt, only ths e should bo mors ef them. At the eotinnil mcnting Monday evening at Ktigens R EEstlad was appointed niar thai for the enaning year, E li fSkipworth city tttorncy, C M Collier sirmy;r. W II Matthewt saesfi, J T Wittr mghtwatch and Geo Cmtier fire warden, T strat eointiii-4l.jinT Iwa ut lcim spp'dtd, ltgiter. BtTTfeftS l)t Ir A MicK Indian-was arretted lat evetdu for being Mmnk snd placed In the call'('. (li wife wa wltn lii'rt ami fjiiawi'ti linn to in.! j.hi in ttrccdieg lii behalf. l!K t drunk on bitter. Uoiiuiito Ur AoAis. -The Dkxiocrat docs not like lf .Ivg tha membei of enc family more than their ahare of notoriety. but aa a new gatrurer It has to fclve the fact. Of course thl reur to the Ken dall. Last night though only married a day Mr and Mr Kcmbtlf, are rcpurted to have, had s very serious faintly cireus and thl muriilng each appeared before licputy DUtrlct Attorney rVyait for the purpoae of having tbe otne r arrested. Mas Emilv Pitt Strvsj, of Califor nia, U in tho city. She I doing g'Kd work for tbe cau of temperance bi Oregon Sines heglnnlnij her lour, starling st Ah- land, over seven hundred have signed me pledge, and a number ot new W C T U' have been organized. On the I3'h Int ne held a veryaenthulailc meeting at Shedd. On the 14'h at L;banon, a!c added 38 setlec and 31 honorary member to the roll of the union. On the 15th she organized at Sodavtlle with 35 active and 5 honorary member. She t a bright, enthuaiaatic tpeafer, leave a very favorable linprcalon wherever bo gfe She will le-ture to the lack of the W C T V of Albany, on tomorrow afternoon, st the hslt, and tn the evetdng to the pub lic, A cordial invitation to at'.end her meeting i extended to thcfublicln general. . Tne Prksbvter v. -The luine meet ing of the Willamette Presbytery yester day conlicd of routine work. The over ture from the general assembly on the creation of a dcacone wat, ou motion, l.t. One on amending or altering the farm of government, book of discipline, and rofi(clor. of faith, wa pancd. Rev A F Lot wa stationed at Independence, to be installed by Rev Day, Condit and r-idcr White. Mr M M Klce wa recom mended to the board of relief tor Stoo, and Mr lu! E Lee, by the committee on education, for aid to the extent ot $ioo. Dr uwrnne, Kev t,ondlf. Pilchard, Day and Scott were appointed a permanent committee on examination of candidate. J II licaiy was examined s a candidate. It was not sustained, but Mr Bcaiy wa II cettacd f.)r one j ear, with privilege of an exan.ttiation at any time. Hie home mis sion committee recommended the follow ing amount; Mchama, f'jo; Pleasant (irove. Aurora, nd Marlon, $550; Craw fordavl1c,$3oo; Yaqulra Uy, $575; ttb anon, 55505 Gcrvai, f 300. ' The follow ing coinmiatlouct were elected to the general aa.embty, to meet al iJctroit. Mlniatcr, Rev eo (Jlllcaple, alternate, Rev li N Condit. Elder. J 11 WiWot, alternate. J M Gibaon. Rev 4 M Rlddcll, ol Eugene, preached an able tvimon In the evening. raioAY. Ths long cecd Mid on ion at tevuo & Frnman Brot 1 a iietiou. It wa kiltad near Koox'a Butt. The church bell tiug ftr aa audience, sad tiv basinets toe advertise for en audience. It i ail the same. Foreman McFernu, t.f the H & L Co, baa appoinud Van Wihu.o and Merrill Phillip take charge o.' tha aew tire extintuuheia, witbQ E l'rupttd d DiuSclie'.laaaUcmatt. Vim will (;i to hrar the All Hey wnotl and I'utr'.e.a l'.;i j-rt Co., probably tii bri-t ever in Aitan, A tnuslual treat of rare wtrlh. At tho Of-ra House Saturday cveu ior, April 5th. V.'arosr ii ('rr,ur are t n ttlUd to gicss crtiit fo. brinj-tng tuoh a rc Gne l Ulcotixl con'poy toAlbatiy. At tho meeting of the WilUtnett" Vrfaby tery yeatorday, S EYotmr. JC Powell. F M RedrMd. L Fiion. W tl Idne.M S Rid dle. F 11 t.wione aud M J Sf tub ware reoomoteuned ss tru-sUr of the Albany OoHcso. Tho repart ef . Preatdeot Coodit ehowed the Icstitute to L iaa giiod caudi tioo. ToMesTTiiK FaKMOSNT. The Statei Board of Commerce 1 making prepara tion to receive President Harrison In Portland on hi trip tn the northwest and will face him In a bodv. Drltaatc will be tent from alt the city board of trade. At a special ineetlnot the Alban v Board to day PreV.dent V right appointed S E sounir, lay W main and I ti Tow nacnd delegate to go to Portland to meet the rrcjlilce.t wllh the State lioard Xf Com- inerce. SA rCBDAT. Klein' fa ho knock them all oat. I idi p.MHici.cj hat a btoye'o cr I'ojs aie 13 ceuts at Ttooma on new oontract. The finest thiiia; out, thnsn cloth top,piing heel shoe, for inie sad clti!dreti,t Klfia Hr..r. Salnu. will paye five at.d a half blocks cf Comrwrciid ttreet at a coat of nearly ?5D,0lX , That' buaioes aud w ill pay the ity well. Mifcsr Wheeler aed Crawford liav rli snlved partncrtlil,,, and Mia Crawford will teach a limited tu nbor of pupils at tt-r home cn Oth sirevt. Just teceivrd a corritilato line of iniaes nd chilcireo's cloth top, patent Kaltn r tiv peii'g neti no, allisjs and widil:.,at Klein B101. The n eetini; at the Y M C A Hall at 4 o'o'eck t morrow srill he cooduoted by Mr Bostan, cfOherliu College, Ohio. Mem ber!, invite your fi'ieuda. Trtolosm sere mdd by the rluildios & Li: a 11 A'toi'iation laot evening, each at (10 moiitha iutertKt in advanoe, one t Mrs W N Phillips for SSO'J and tho other to MrOr t m for 3-100 The tvornid and last half term of ' t II J Hopkins' danciug school btios this eveoinit t 8 p m, A number of thj-lateft tluiea in tlaccinjj will bo introduced. J3e sure aud attend. Uuliu & nwt.n, draffiists, Ued ajhwl houto thois at Ktein'r. Buy your groccrioof farker Bro Fiae groor ru at Conn & llendrlcson. The best $3 ahoa for uieu at Soar) shoe tor. : ".. Best aaaortmoot of tea iu town at C E Browuoll's. Sold oats for sale by W W Crawford, at Tallman. Klein's 52 tike the !ed Jdic dougola button thoe A line of the lutcet ladies at Klein'. style lace shoes for Kenton's "Sea Lion oenta per bcs. Good vnuti-ated and roo us at Viurcak's, Shayinj, 15 esnts, 1 Close ! 011 Sundajs. Silver Polish," 23 sun lighted lath it Viereok's shop Ladiea for your Oxfoid ties go w here tlisy keep a complete hue at KWtn'd. ; A . large assortment of pardon seeds on sale as CE Browncli'. The fir ctt Hue of $3 thoca for men ever shown in Albany at Searla' slice etore. The laiso fcilt loot ttlls j r a win r Klein Bios exclusive Loo cod thee eUre la located. Golden opportunities aro wasted every day by not trnd'og ith C E Brownell. Mattscbe dying dene on short notice with tlierenowDed German instantaneous dye, at Vieteck'a. At Viercok's .having; ard haircuttlng pjj. lo a, ladies and children's hair catt n a spetulty. oiiioke thn coiel)i'atd ETavaiia fi wi'ir at Ju'i J i 1; h'i. Ah' lr(k rf i 11 , ir v ) 1 5 Ct Bargain in choice grocerio can alwavt b teenrtd ef Allen Bros,, Flinn Block, Some fins f!urbtik t ofatoct for. teed for tale by J V Pipe. K W AoUUon 4c Co are talliog monamtnl at Pot Hand price. Khtoii' Adhelve Halv for cuts snd bruise. 15 cent per roll. tlO.000 atill left to loan on good farm e- cunljr by 8 N Stoel&C'o. A Polk Co. Bckolahy. At Sheridan, Polk county, T It Blackerby'e safe was blown open ami aiiout seventy dollars stolen alwut 2 o'clock this morning. No clue to burglars. It was probably the work of professionals, as the front was neatly and completely torn off. Several parties stopping near beard the report. A Harp Fought Cask, The cac of V,' L Vance and Gto H Keener against Frank finished at Oirvaliig last evening, after a three day trial, the jury bringing In a verdict t-f "no cause id action." The plaintiff claimed the rlj-ht of poel.m to twrntv acre of land cio the river, under title; bJt the drlendant proved ownership tinder statute of limits. tlon at Wat, resulting in verdict a stated. HflALT IS WEALTH! -7','T fir, m. B.C. WEST'S Kceva r..l P,ria Treatment a tftiara,tt.fl aM;iS tir 11 Valeria. Pirjti'.aa, lrt,vul iiia, ti n, Kervuna Neuralgia, ilnulaeha, Nmoua er.Mtratitm eauaed l,y the uae of alenrml or tuhaeeo. WkfulnwM, slentai Iwirnwl'.ii( Sf4tMiiii i4 tbe Krai re-ulutiic In InaaiiUy and leading; to uiiaery, teraj, rwetisaMre ulil ae, Barrenneaa. I. il I-. t-'i-f.'i hf icr-fcxrtum of Ibe I'ram KiM-h -rt.taia one riH.nth trralmeiit. SI te.s ar atx bo. f s"i, tit by inU prniai4 011 rciit e (Hue, WE r.lMIUKTKK SIX HOXKU TO CUE!! ASY nun. Wiibewh nr.ler ran!!,! by n fr K bose, ar,-'.mnlij. with ire Hl aetid tbe HirrnaMir oor WfHuu -uaii to rrfutMl the w5 il 11 treat mei.t d.w ti..l tBMit a curs, Ouanuitce IwhubI only by 1, A. Coii.n.11.4. Oruzi(it, aule sjrent, Aibwi), Or. lbs Bsad to Cssset b ssecewfully Imlat wlrV eut eoed seaJta. T reach wealth er soy eted posHioa la til rsanlrts ths full rosseatio tad cperallca ef all lbs (so l,!tiS kiss Bator ha sadow4 SS wHh. Tbm cewTltlonsc&snot sxlcf snlesstbs y'??tieal bring Is la ptrttd wortlrrj w'iitr, sod this Is Impotilblt whts Us ttttf sad tetets are torpid, tiuuobtlroct tea V tacctlon. eaatlng trntietsttsa and dnpetla. wlik alt ef tfeslr aeoesta ftajlaj borrcrs. LEY'S Eng!l Dandelion Tcnlc cxtrt a t . lie hSstses avsr ttt lhr, rjc!.e It healthy action, resohes lit c rente taargtBient, aod s-roaot the ttorstlce ; cur Indiaettlea and eenttl I ett'oa, sharptss the apprtlts, ten bi & ,.ni?. mtn a4 ariu I!Ia -..,.,1. " . Weaie prepared to Lirolah yi-ur poafcr fnisil,ln ths bent style Alvo any) ther prirtitig cctind. E.G. PHELPS, Book and Job Printer, fiW Tweed! Block over Well Fargo A Co'a Id pretne fllj.. ALBANY -1- OREGON. Revere House: .LEAKY, OHAS. PFEIFFEH OREGCJt llft.'lT)i)trTAT 1 iv'H Hir.iun, F'ws-i no in firMt-ta.a Biyle. 'fable tu-ni.tsl with the) boat in ths market. a't;jtni t"tir:Mior.ts. Miinpls ioorr' ir eoaisuorciAl waveicr. ILB1BT C3LLE0UTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OP.EUON 1890, 1891. Strat Terns Wpaaei Sra-lent Ber ISIt. ISM . A tall corps of lntroetjTa, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY "Civlf.'EF.CIAL AND HCHJ4AL CLASSES. Courao of atuJy arranRod to ueettb' -d of a!l itradas of students. Spruit inamcemfntt ojertd lo tatfetrs from abroad. ' - KKT. F.LBERT rlUT r S j asar j rtm w . fi ll V .iSl.llI .fldlriill. a' SHULTZ BEOS,. Proprietors. woep a full tine of oinata of all kind tn a jojI pifcc, mpletely pro- lOCUrt: anil always frs,!. AfJAtlTED kiimm Leeal and TravrllBS. A rood ehan! lVn't mirt it! V iu neet nocip. al to represent a reliable flr.n that war. J rants nuwery atock flrt--iai.a and true to Rime. niFitu all lue., ana good pay weekly 10 er.erif tie men. Ap;ly riuick, autinit aj.u. T. 3C, IWCLTS? Sis OO Nursery inru, 'loristM ami eeilmt H, M t'aul, Mian. (Tlii huues is rcayuiisli 1c.) UKAL KSTATK FOR Al,E I have a farm or z noro, near Lowaorj depot, on tho Is arrow tlauo, 10 miles from Albany. AH in cultivation. Fair honas and bai O.. for sto- and domaaUo pnrpeo. Fine oak gr 1 AlMoaaotherfarm ol 128 acres, threr . -i froji Litiiiooa, All In eultivall Fair house. Goud water. Both r wheat la-ros. Also house and ttv.c .ots on Fifth and Joffor;tt stroota, Albany, For furth er particular cat 1 on A. Umphrey,Centi preetoot, oro Hewitt Irvinn. Albany, Z A UMPHKEY. 2nd teat stock of 2i.d ,ey, and tha mot roasr In I, sollicg. ;oods lu the Va isie prices, both 1 have on hand til K'.llua FU iNITUXc, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, FIUTUHES CLQ3XS, CRSCXFRY, ETC.,' ETC. fo r west of S E Young's bit' utort L. COTTLSIlB m, tf miTt Csi-yha, Celt's. lnHuena, EroncKMIs, IjUriiCO Boarsepess, K'hoopiati Cough, Croup, Sara flirtist. Asthma, and every afisction of the Throat, Lane and Chest, ineladin; Consumption. Sjiceuy .ia cnuausut, Ocuuiua s.-utU "I, BiiUa," Custo-jChopping. We hiave cm band at sil times 'hay, oats, Bml tv, sr. i wi 1 si! n qian V to su XI,V W,V 66 Ahot The Hon. J. W. Fcnnt'more is the Sheriff of Kent Co., Del., and lives ttt Dover, the County Seat and Cap ital of the State. The sheriff is a gentleman fifty-nine years of age, and this is what he says : "I have " used your August Flower for sev " cral years in my family and for my " own use, and found it does me " more food than any ether remedy. " I have been troubled with what I " call Sick Headache. A pain come.3 " in the back part of my head first, " and then soon a general headache "until I become sick and vomit, " At times, too, I have a fullness " after eating, a pressure after eating " at the pit of the stomach, and "sourness, when food seemed to rise " up in my throat and mouth. When "I feel this coming on if I take a "litl!? August Flower it relieves " me, and is the best remedy I have " ever taken for it. For this reason "I t kc it and recommend it to "others as a great remedy for Dys "pepsia, &c.' G. G. CREEX, Sole Manufacturer, ' Woodbary, New Jersey, U. S. A. s - ttiUl IXMl Sut'l ?r.2t. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T K. UBATIIEUIOKP, Attorney at Lw. W.B prA in alt ewit of to sta-a. aailjret -Fiiua tluv'k, A'ba:iy, Or m. HILVF.r, Attorney at L ni 8 !i.-lta- in Cfciaffery. Uum nuds on all it , nt. I.aa a jyiiiat-il ort! term. Alttviy, Ortgoa. Co : tee on lav- QEO. IT. VS RIGHT, attomev at Li. SAiziine ia C'i''7, Pnetir in A4nura'tity and ?S ,U-y Putiiw. Wilt ,rciiee in ail court, ol Uiiss'ata an4 bl iha L'aitel fttat..- earl f.irijrejrnn. ffle -1'rjat ri crer bail of. Oregon, A,baBy. vn. II. Attorfey a' to fit EHi'lMt b!..rk Aibviy, Ornr. J. J. WIIITXEY, Attorney orrgau. at anJ Kutary PoWic. AJ!ey Da H. X. EtLKKIIL'KX. AU,imjTat Li. Will orwiic Io S t th tnnrU of Oreswn. axeept the owiaiy o-ort of Una emimy. A.I tal'aa will receive .rrm;l af.enl,n . o til ret -Odd r!iloa 1 am.X-, Albany. Or. QR. G.lVATSGf! fJASierJ Physician and Surgeon. . Of3cs oprjHe tho lejprH-rai. Of. IV II. 0AI3, Physician and burgeoi jfcr:tT3oo np stairs in "traban's TAoa Vay he fount1 st his iiiie oay sr.d t:l : 03, G. A.HITH2Y, Piiy3icir.n an3. Saraoa. Graiasts of Bolleva lToettal .Medical rfolt.'ga Kow crk City. Diseases cf woaiae a spt-sialty . tTOCj rvMisn' Brick, Albany, Or. La Hill and Surgeon, and Ferry Street, Physiciai OfSce or, f' ALBANY- Caveat, and Tra la-Marks oMained. and ill Tit ent bueine eon Inctmt for Morierate Fees. Our Oific I Opaosite U. S. Patent Oihca. and we ran eemrt- patent inlc umetiuui liiot remote from Washin?tun. head model, drawins or rtrto with deaertp tlon. We adviee. tf patec'iabls or not. trv ot ehsnre. Onr fee not due till patent i sveared. A 'Psmnfclet, '-Jiow t Obtain i'atents," with T.anicns of actird c.tenta inyourilttts, county, or town, tent frre. Addros, O.A.SIMOW&CO. OrsotS Pattti OSc. VVashLiateB. D. C. Fntiiiiillei & Irving, - " - V.V .... v- - ?, 5. . . -FUNERAL MUEOTOIsS.- Lrterial Embalmin.?; Dona ScieutU ically. Permai.enHy cured -t hulCiittln?, Burnlnsr cr ktlng. A perfectly pilules troatT.wnistid (jisnrauT teed cure in overy asse, no matter how lonn stardiT'j.v Thja treatment, tor ST ot 11 e, uf Dr Boxclt'a ,is the t ateat discovery known tu medicine. Udiesnlvc nd completely remove the stricture tritlioutanpuj'. I or pain to the patit nt. DISEASES OFTil Ell! Peculiar to theirSex, ar.1 not pniporto nanie here, inelndine all those deiluate Inlimuties and Weak, neaaes, which ttoey would sUrtule from lit.-loUi(r to their family phynician, paruiaucntly cured in less ttuie than wa evur knosr a to Medicine before, by Dr 3oUVNew System ot Treatmea." It rejuvenate tie enito-unr ary orsransand makes weak men atronn; Whon poasible, it i ahrays bt-at to call lor personal nntultatian and apecial examinatiou. Ent tho vho cannot possibly ea 1, should write, statinj thciy awe fully, Mudioiue sent by mnilor exprtiss, acaled, a-e from exposure, to all part, of tha Faoijic Coaat, Address, Wm. A. Boxell, M. D. St Tanl I laiteaaary, Portland, Oresan. Corner First aud Pins streets, overjPortfami National Dank. Any wi:aic r Who Is ml? rrlng, either la hia mind 09 botly, from tho injurioua or wealmt.lutf i effects of hi own ii;uor&nt follies, huw I voueioesrtf loan b ctun-Kiy anu vnui- reutif cure L Fapers ini isajotif. W.. '.! 1341hirtlSl. A I a VUIC. Portlnl,i-. A - Tills nbl TVw(j, haa hod 30 eenra ' . exuerieiicoia enriurriftt.i. JUood, .Is-r- "-.'--.s: ;'-"-. von and 8k n TOseaaea. Write Ballabl Remedies sent privately ta ami address. ... ACADEM ? v. r 4 of : Our Lady cf Perpetual y, - - - or: l0R.!l!ir! Si In. f . i-lowep" IBB STRICTURE 5. ft eewnsp f '. (ti or t 1 it - ' SHILOri'S VITAUZKR Conimpl5on need fm Conrtipation, LiM A" shet "ei ife. 1 1 j FHILOH'S COU(;il and ( !ir is .!.) bv us en s tnane 1 1