The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 24, 1891, Image 3

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    , .APRIL 24, 1891
K'lliir rrnpilrtnr.
local kkcqiux
Bk C.RFi-t rarmers and people
generally should keep their cje open and
not bite at every sotl rmp proposition
presented them. There It lot of money
thrown away bv taking stock lit Ihlnj;
that appear ail rlaht: but are really poor
concern. A "Co-operative" company It
working tho valley, nU at'nt lor It have
tmt becun oicrUon tn l. inn county.
Members of U rv c, which Hve thetn
the privilege of buying good of all kind
at Ijclory price. lleiKuartert,l'ortUnil.
Good advlco In most such cac,and proba
M v thin, U to keep the money ami buy of
JLlnn county men, ana you will i.nt only
ave your $? but condJorablt bct-idea
It ey to make promise but It la an en
tirely diuercnt tiunj; it keep mem, it 11
notorious f.tct that Linn county buidnet
men tell l'ooJ ol all kind cheaper than
Portland houses, anj there It no likelihood
at all that member of such a co-operative
association woulJ get good at factory
nrlec. It may be predicted that by the
tlms freight and Other expenses were pal l
good would cost more than where secured
In this countv. Such concern are tinl
versally run for the benefit of the propria
ton, and it fa sate to leave them alone
Animals Wanted. Tho Agricultural
college at Corvallis, Is getting up a muse
um ol y.oolosMcnl specimens, and will pay
a fair price for different kinds of bird and
animals particularly rare species. A lrge
series of specimens of "llaploclon, Mouiv
tain Heaver, are desire!, and If In good
pelage 75 centa each will lie paid for ten
or rrore. The same I true cf "Lajiomy,"
or Little Chief Hare, Flaa Hare. Starved
Rat or Coney. A lUt of price paid fur
mounted bhds and bird skin w 1.1 be sent
on application. Representative mammal
as prairie d(, wolf, coyote, deer, cougar,
jack rabbit, etc, and pood specimens of our
water Iov ana land btriis, the venomous
and non vecmoua snake, turtles, etc, are
n1eetl.1i; was held at the Council Cham
bers Saturday evening to make arrange
ments fer receiving President llrrlon
and party on their trp through Albany on
the morning of May 5th. Mayor Cowan
was elected Chairman and J K Whitney,
Secretary. On motion the following re
ception committee nappointe' : J W
Ctisick, L Flinn, W C Twecdale, J R
Whitney, L E Blaln, M Sternburg. U F
Simp on, Or Jones and A llackleman.
The Presidential party wl!l only stop at
Albany a few moment. On their arri
val at San Francisco they w ilt be formally
extended the hospitality of our cltiten by
telegraph from the Mat or. There will,
and should, be an Immense gathering
Present to show the proper repcct to the
President of the greatest nation on the
earth. The hour of the arrival of the
party In Albany will be IcarneJ In due
time and announced.
Speaking or liars, the editor of ihe
McCIcud Rlvcr, Oal., Pioneer, need nol
take a back seat, lie say: -'Some day
ago a shake maker, who was making
shake at Iiltfck Cox mount ln, north of
town, cut down a bit; five foot'sugai pine;
but alter telling it discovered to be hollow
ome forty feet above the butt. Gazint;
Into the cavity he found it lobe chuck
full of bears five black, seven cinnamon
and three prlzi'iej (he animal having
holed up for the wlntfr. With great
presonce cf minj, the man split off some
slabs, sawed off the hollow part, nailed
the s'.ab over the hole and started the
log down the steep mountain toward ltd
place where It arrived safe and sound.
'Ihe hears can be teen tiiroun cracks la
th slals tying In a state of semi-torpor."
A Lt'CKY Miss. Ayounj lady of Port
land one cf the typewritU's In Slaver &
Walker's establishment (truck a bonanza
the clher day when she h eated and pur
chased from the stale some school land In
Linn county, seven rrl'.e from Craw
fordsviile. the paid tf rer- dollars per
acre for a number of acre cf It, and when
the land located came to be looked up It
wa found to tc a fire farm in a perfect
state of cultivation. It wa all cleared
and bad lecn cultivated for tear and
cas always supposed to have been part cf
the conation land claim of Harvey Field
The ycurg lady ha been tfferrd fzo per
acre tor her land. statesman.
Heywood Coscebt Company. The en
tertainnient (riven by the Alba I lev wood
Concert Company at the opera house last
night was one of the uiopt enjoyable af
fair that Santa Itarbara haa known fort
long time. The niemliera of the compa
ny are al. artists. The concert was a
varied one, in which the humorous pre
dominated. Alb Ileywood aa a person
ator has few equals on the stage, and his
support is first-clans. S'anta H.irliara
Press of March 14,1801. At Opera House
next Saturday eveiiing.
Lost Mosey o Potatoes. F J Denny,
who lives in the southeast part of this
county, ha 400 bnidiels f potatoes
w hich heoirers to sell for 2) cents a
bushel. These tame potatoes last fall
could have been sold for 50 centa a bnsh
eb Some have made money in the past
by holding potato's over winter for bet
ter prices, but such is not the general
rule. 1 he opposite lias been the prevail
ing outcome when men have refused 50
centa at digging time. Capitol Journal.
A Cherry Ball One of the prcttir
lght ever seen is a rherrv tree In the
yard of Hon G Crawford. It Is an ab
solute ball of blossom, and I so attractive
that Crawford & I'ax'.on have photo
graphed It. Nature now is fab ly howling
with joy, and it I no wonder the old
reader said, "spring is the pleasar.test
season of the year." Thi Is peculiarly
true of Albany, whose yard are now
blossoming with a kaleidoscope of beauti
ful color.
MisrNO I.vreKBNTs Hold. E L Rhcpard,
of Mill City, ha sold to I J McCaustland
for $1000 his interest in the Corrience
Extension, Hantiain district. 8 E Mc
Caustland ha I sold to E J McCaustland,
his interest in the above mine for $1500.
W F lierk has sold to Harvey Maswtv his
ft of ,i interest in tho lied Bull mine.
Consideration $1800.
A Great Horse. Jay Beach' Alta
mont, ayt a wrilter In the Breeder and
Sportsman, I one of the only three trot
ling stallion owned went of the Rocky
mountain, that haveclght representative
fn the 2:30 list. The other two are Pied
mont and Echo, the former being 20 year
01a ana ine latter 35, while AUamont I
but 15. One of the 2io horse Is Oneco,
owned by McKnight liros, of this county.
Bai.e Ball. bass ba'd fever Is being
worked tip In Albany, and a good club
miy be looked for lhis season A ub-
scription I being raised tn put the gtound
In good condition in front of the court
house. Feats will be provided for audi
rnces, and some of the livlicst base ball
will no doubt be "put up" in the history of
the city. Thi Is correct. Our citizen
should upport thi greatest of national
Tee R. R. Guilty. The case of Jullu
Kumll of Eugene, against the Southern
Pacific company, which ha occupied the
attention ol the court lnca Tueday
morning aa submitted to the jury at 11
o clock Saturday forenoon. After being
out about two hour and a half the iurv
returned a verdict In favor of the plaintiff
lor $1500 ana cost. Journal.
A stage line from the end of the O
track lo Prineville, would be about 75
miu long, the uemocrat Is Informed
and it is urged that an effort be made to
secure ore. Some claim that a good road
could ue Duiit, ana some that It could nit
A the distance i about half that to The
Dalles, such a line would pay.
A Clack Eye.-An Albany busines
man carries a blck eye, t privilege ome'
lime enjoyed by most men, said to have
been secured In a lestive game of pedro
If he had not been restrained it is proba
ble there would have been at leant one
other black eye.for he Is a shoulder striker.
Postponement. Dancing school will
be held Monday cveiiiii of next Veck in-
nv.d -f '1 buud;.y cver.irg of this week.
JI J Hopkins.
Tho county court, cltUcna committee
and council committee, met at the
court house, Wednesday, with a large
number of citiacna. Judge Blackburn
called tho meeting to order, when the
report of Ola! R 1'ihl, civil engineer, was
read, chow lng so plainly the situation
and the utwer location of a bridge here.
that no reasonable citixen ran oppose It.
The substance of the report li as followe
Avcroua singe water at Callapooia
street, 1200 feet, gradually contracting to
Ellsworth, where H la uuu, ana aoout
samo to () V bridge. The channel rune
rlose to south bank of river at
Ellsworth, while at Calapooia it la in the
renter nearly; at Ellsworth the distance
from noth line to First street is SW, at
Calapooia, 750 feet, over double. High
water mark above tea level la 134 feet,
Thero must be 40 feet clear between high
water and bridge. The elevation would
have to lie 177 feet above aea level. At
Ellsworth it is 130 feet, at Ferry, 137, at
Calapooia, 139. At Ellsworth the grade
would bo 1 in 8.5, at Ferry, 1 in 10, but
at Calapooia it would be I in IV. That
1 in 15 should be the niaxium la gener
ally conceded. "Therefore." he eays,
"I am compelled to report that Calapooia
street is the one posssible location for
the Digit bridge."
For a draw bridge the channel span
might be thirty feet lower, which would
make a site eligible anywhere from
Ellsworth to O 1 bridw, without any
choice from an engineering standpoint.
The foundations would bo good at any
site. At Calapooia it could be made
Cerfectly secure by rlprapping. A well
uilt combination bridge ia good for
thirty veara before wooden members re
quire removal. A steel bridge will last
an indefinite time. He recommended
for high bridge one through epan of 300
feet, over channel, two deck spang, on
south side of channel, of 250 and 100 feet,
thtee deck epan on north side of channel
of 250, 30 and 1 10 feet. Total 1320 feet ;
approaches, 300 feet on south bank, 345
on north bank, 11M5 feet in all. Cost of
steel bridge $U0700,cnmbination, $73,COO,
A draw bridge at JW Is worth, would re
quire a draw span of 325 feet, two 70 foot
spa is on south title, ana two spans on
nor;h side of 2.V) and 80 feef : 7U& feet in
all. and approaches, makinir 1 UK) feet.
Cost, $:5,no6. Substructures to be cyl
inder concrete piers, resting on grillage
supported lay piles cut off close to bed of
river, to I protected by guards and rip
rap ; 20 feet in clear for bridge and
feet for sidewalk. Class C has been
adopted tor proportioning members, be
ing seventy pounds per square loot lor
spans ol 100 feet, sixty pounds for 100 to
-K0 feet, fifty pounds lor 200 to 300 feet.
These plana have been made to conform
to suggestions by MaJ llandbury. Ac
companying plans explain the above
more fully.
At the evening session a high bridge
as decided on by a vote of 7 to , and a
steel bildge by a vote ol 9 to 3,the motion
to build a steel bridge being made by Com
missioner Kumbaugh.
DMttn ft, til.
An ordinance to amend Section 19, ol
Ordinance No 133,entitled"An ordinance
to provide for the prevention ol fires and
the protection ol persons and property
endangered thereby and to provide a
penalty for the violation ol said Section
I' by the following ordinance amended.
Tho people ol the city ol Albany do
ordain aa follows:
SeciionI. That Section 19 of Ordi
nance No 133, entitled "An ordinance to
provide for the prevention ol fires and
the protection of persons and property
endangered thereby," be and the same is
hereby amended so aa to read aa follows :
Section 19. That no person or persons,
company or corporation, nor any person
aa the agent, employee or representative
of any other person or persons, company
or corporation, shall keep lor sale or on
storage or otherwise, within the fire lim
its of the city of Albany, more than two
hundred gallons of coal oil, nor more
than 10 gallons of gasoline, nor more than
10 gallons naptha, all of the same to be
securely kept in metalic cans or tanks.
And no person or persons, company or
corporation, nor any person as the agent,
employee or representative of any other
person, company or corporation, shall
keep for sale or on storage, within the
corporate limits ol said city outside of
the fire limits thereof, any coal oil, gaso
line or naptha unless the same be kept
in metalic cans or tanks inside ol a fire
proof building.
Skctiox 2. And any person, either as
Lis own representative or as the agent,
employee or repre cntative of any other
person or persona, company or corpora
tion, who shall violate any ol the provi
sions of said Section 19,aa hereby amend
ed, shall be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined not less than $V1 nor more
than $100, or be imprisoned in the city
iail not less than 25 days nor more than
50 days.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in
lull force and effect from and after its
approval by the Mayor.
Passed the Council April 14, 1891.
Approved April 16, 1891.
Take Notice The undersigned who
has charge of clearing the Albany Ceme
tery ground of grubs and rubbish and
resetting the stones that are eut ol place
find that a great many of the base that
the marble rest upon have decayed and
crumbled down and should be replaced by
new ones ociore uecoration day .
Wall Paper, etc, I have jut received
a new line ol wall paper and decoration.
Have more than doubled my facilities lor
aandling tbein, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall paper and border to
match. Ueautle. and much cheaper than
ver bclore. Samuel E Youno.
Another Cab Load. Fortmlller Si
Irving have just received another car load
of furniture from the east, embracing some
01 ine nnest goods ever brought to Oregon,
inciuuing a nne variety 01 parlor sets up
holstered in Wilton rug, elegant bed room
set, noreltie in stand, rocker, chair.
etc. Their atock 1 always a splendid one
o select from.but It wa never better than
Bear r Mino. That Conn A Ilendric
son keep a first-class stock of groceries
produce, etc.
1 hat they do their own work,
Consequently their expenses are light,
And they can sell at bottom prices.
Large lales and small profits.
Courteous treatment to customers.
Best goods in the market,
And the freshest in the different de
Are the rules they go by.
New Millinery Store. Mrs C W
Clark has opened a milllr.ery store In the
oiranan uioce, wnn Mrs Sherman a
manager, and ha a large and stylish stock
of fresh good In stock. Her goods are
already opened lor Inspection, and she in
vite the ladies ol Albany to ca'l and In
pect them.
At Fortmixleb & Ikvixo's. 150 dozen
window shades, just received.
A large and elegant stock of 10th cen
tury bedroom sets.
A large and choice lotol carpets, many
Ine designs.
Gbt a Bicycle. II yon want the best
safety bicycle in the market, not sur
passed by even the Columbia or Victor,
call on Ohling & Wilson, at Stewart &
Box's, and get a Steel Cruiser, without
any fancy prices, in fact remarkably low
considering the quality. Full ball 'bear
ing, splendidly made.
need foi Constipation, Lou ot Appetite, Vixr
zineis, and all symptom of Dyapepia. Price
10 and 70 cents per bottle.
Cloak at cost at W F Read's
TiuJ.cU tor ALL, e.istert
AN V ri.uta, for saleby W,
the S.P ticket oflia, -
points, over
L, Jet t jr. at
0a vf !,,
M Jack, ol Brownsville, U in the city,
Dr G W Maslon went to Portland this
noon on business,
Dr W U Davis went to HarrUbusg Sal
urday evening on professional business.
Mr James Keenev, ol Portland, I In
the city, the guent of hi brother, Geo II
Necney. t
Tho Motttelth hat received hi commit
ston a Pot Master, and will assume the
dutlc of the oilke tn a tew days,
Mr Anson Burwell, a prominent hard'
ware merchant of Seattle, spent Sabbath
In Albany, with Mr E F t-'ox, a former
associate In business in Seattle.
Mr J S Antxmclle, Ihe railroad contrac
tor, wa In the city today on hit wav to
Portland. He will return to Albany In a
week or two for a few days sojourn'herc.
The V are making every preparation
posslole lor their "Zoological 1'ansv ' o
cial on r rlday night, April iiUi. A nuM
enjoyable evening is promised thoe who
Mr llanna. the Portland
mllllnerv drummer, 1 In the cltv. and we
understand he I always rejoicing when
ne reaches the gem city 01 the valley
which has many attractions.
About a doien M E minister passed
through Albany today to attend a Minis
terial meeting at urvauia 01 me Salem
district. Among the number being; Chan
cellor C C Stratton and Rev 8 P Wilson.
Rev Memlnger went from this city.
Mr Willis (lillett left forRosoburg this
noon to work lor Mr Eagan in his marble
Mrs J N Duncan isatSodavitte.svcktng
health, after a serious illness of several
Mr Watt Moiiti'ith went to Pari land
this noon, where, in partnership with
c red Keis, he will open a saloon. .
Miss Marv Schlosaer hac returned to
1 ' . .
iicrnonis in tuis city alter a several
months trip to Southern Oregon,
Mrs A B Paxton returned thi noon
from her Eastern trio, after a pleasant
experience. Mr Pax ton met her in Port
land, The celebrated Georite Waxhlnntoii. of
Newport, was in the city this forenoon,
being examined for a pension.
County Commlasioner William limn.
Laugh is in the city ready lor the snecml
session ol the County Court, which con-
cues tomorrow.
Mrs Hueh Cleek earns down from
Roawbunr this noon to ioin her hualmnd.
working lor Brown the barber, to whom
she was recently married.
P Cochran and w ife. olTamrcnt. have
moved to town and will reside with his
mother. Mrs It Itrowu. Woodhnm In
Judge Whallev. the well-k nown film.
rod of Portland, came op on this noon's
train on a snipe liuntimt expedition.
bringing along a fine bird dog.
Mrs W L Vance. Mrs Chloman n,l
Mrs TJ Stites went to Portland thi
morning as delegates to the Willamette
Association ol the Comrreirationnl
churches ol this slate.
Edward O Witman. aaent for Ihe Mu.
lual Life Insurance Co . ol New York, is
In the cltv.
D C Schell went to lunction and f II
Cougill to Shcdd, today, both looking alur
bu'.ldlng contract.
Vr Orvllls Wauconer. son of Hon Gj
Waggoner, wi In the cltv today ou his
way from Portland to South America,
where he goc to buy land.
Col. Loved, ol Ihe Jod Rrilmcnt.natrd
through Albany yr.tcray for Newport, to
ee about holding the annual encampment
J S Antonelle came un fiom Portland
last evening. Mr Antonelle was recently
In Mexico, where he had a big contract.
The prevailing price for laborer there wa
about 40 cent a day.
Semi annual report of the county clerk
of Linn county, state ol Oregon, showing
the amount and number of claims allow
ed by the county court of said county,
for what allowed, amount of warrants
drawn, and amount ol warrants out
standing and unpaid, from tho 1st day of
October, 1x00, to the 31st day of March,
10m, uom inclusive.
County Judge, salary and Ices. .$
Treasurer, salary
Clerk, leei
Sheriff, fees, Ac
Commissioners p'rdiens
Acc't ol Assessor
School Superintend t and
School . . .A '
Coroner. . . .
Diet Attorney
Mi fg
14U7 24
1I2H 45
C7 2 35
9.T0 10
13,513 48
3M (15
.446 80
ICO 20
, Roads and Bridges
Courthouse and Iail.
Stationary and Printing
Incidental Expenses . . .
Fuel ;
Witnesses in Crim Canes
Petit Juror 822 5'J
Grand Jurors
17 W
100 80
Witness' before G'd J'ry.
Viewing and Surveying
Road Supervisors
Preliminary Kxatninat'n
1635 82
417 15
341 30
Total amount claims allowed
anddrawn $25,471 35
Outstanding unpaid county war
rants on the Slat day of March,
1891, drawing interest to dote of
publication $311
Estimated interest accrued thereon 20
Outstanding county warrants in
nands of county clerk not called
lor March 31et, 1891 694 45
Total amount of unpaid county
.$905 45
Interest. . . .
Ftatb or Obkqom,)
UOCKTY or LDtft, )
I. N. P. Payne, county clerk of the
county ol Linn, state of Oregon, do here
by certify that the foregoing is a true and
correct statement ol the number and
amount of claims allowed by the county
court 01 saiu county. lor the six months
ending on the 31st day of March, 1891,
on what account the same were allowed,
and the amount of warrants drawn, anu
the amount of warrants outstanding and
unpaid as the same appear on the records
01 my onice ana in my omciai custody.
Witness my band and the
i skal V seal of the county court of
"-r said county this 8th day of
April. A I) lwl.
County Clerk.
Semi-annual statement ol the county
treasurer of Linn county, Oregon, lor the
six months ending on tin 31st day of
March, A 1) 1891, of money received and
paid out, from whom received and from
what source, and on what account paid
Amount on hand from
last report $ 319 05 $ 1097 71
Amounts rec d from -
1890 taxes ........ 37,778 09 32,4.50 15
fines 155
Licenses . 70 85
Delinquent tax 564 20
Other sources. 43 95
$39,777 04 $34,302 88
Amount paid out on
county warrants. .$35,324 30
Amount paid out on
school superinten
dents' warrants. .
$1007 7
$35,324 30 $1097 7J
Stat or Oregon,)
Count? or LinnJ
I, W. E. Curl, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct state
ment of the amounts received, paid out
and remaining; on band, in the county
treasury of said county for the six months
emLfig en the 31st day of March, 1891.
?.v hand tl
Ml 41 IT
Dakcr City must be a very bad place,
The principal talk In the papcrl there I
about the seven devil.
"Cleveland' Colotsal Colored Carnival
Mlntrell" read Farmer Wayhack, a he
sioou in mint ot the Dili uohui ; "anu ty
gosh, to think that I voted for that man
onct for president t 'Ea.
The Slusiaw Eastern Railway Com
pany Saturday made a proposition to the
cmzcnaoi fciuene. to nulla the road and
for the share dt that city lhev exnect free
right of way, depot ground and $100,000
In cash a a bonus. The amount I an
extortionate one, and I morelhau the cltv
can raise In alt probubiilty.
The carcass of a snerm whale nlnetv-flve
feet In length wa washed awhnre on the
beach near Cape Arrago below Empire
City a lew day ajo, Jt wa promptly
located by It discoverer and preparation
made to secure "he oil and iKine. The
head gave 8o f allons, and the remaining
portion no barrel f oil.
A Raymond A Whlicnmb excursion
party cf 100 members I to co north
through Albany, Jun 3d, In a peelal
train, trom Portland it will be conducted
thrnuirh the Inteiestlnu nortlon at Alaska
and adjacent Island, returning to it start.
Ing point. Ihmton, via the S, P. A second
party will pass through two d.iy later,
alsj In a special Iraln.omllilng the Alaska
The failure of Oregon to make any ap
propriation for the world's fair is resulting
In Item like the following: "There Is a
town named Fossil In Oregon. Comment
I unnecessary ." Spokane Fall Review.
"And the mou rose I to be dclgnaled a
the Mate flower of Oregon." Port Town
send Leader. Nevertheless, keep your
eye on Oregon, It will not down be
cauresome of It mossback were down at
Salem recently.
For some reason or othci the ptrs of
the slate give these blotting pad, canltot
building and other kind of tramp adver
tising scheme professional a "ulaek-eye, '
Hra 1 one from the Welcome! "Oreuon
City Isthe last place to be taken In bv the
advertising fakir. He had a picture of the
canltol at Washington j sold space around
it lor io a pinch to sucker and "skipped
with the boodle." There are evidently
merchant In Oregon who don't read the
paper any more than the lay who bite at
gold bricks."
IJelng a member of the City Council it
not a enviable a position a tome Imavlne.
Jut no particularly this U true. The
new city ordinance are being enforced,
and the result I tome live klrmUhe.
One citizen say he wilt have l.locd. and
then there I a man with six gun and
four or five revolver ready for aelL n.
There i no telling what a day will bring
iiiriu, ana uie coroner win please be ready
for business.
Ljlng" was Ihe subject ot an Albany
minister yesterday, handled In an Inter
esting manner. He gave a one example
Ihe purchasing i.f 34 pound all wool
mattress, (for probably $ 4 or $$, which
proved U be simply dfrty old rags, cut up.
Anyone who buys an all wool mat) re
for antrthinir le than $tcai count on
being humbugged, elty nVuredout when
It I remembered that wool jnt off the
sheep la worth about aj cent a pound. It
I something like being humbniM:ed by a
circus. Some go:d, five dig on lying
are needed nowaday, in this age when
nearly everybody He but nepajcr men
It ia said that A Knder (Botwy) wants
to return to Prineville ami again engage
in tnsincss, Ochoco Review.
Elsewhere will be found the new nuis
ance ordinance. It has some strict rro
vision that should be enforced.
Seattle patters claim that the btiildlmr
record this year will foot un to til.000.000.
and give nearly that amount in sight.
nothing very quiet about that.
The rinzina of the curfw bell at 0
'clock nights is a great convenience to
our cltba-ns generally. That U a good
ume lor people generally to leave the
The second highest price paid lor 160
aereaof Umatilla reservation land was
$4723, nearly $30 an acre, situated near
VlAtiiH. The prevailing nrico is mat h
The I'rineviilu papers are waging a
personal war, which for venom ha never
been equalled in the N. W. The editor
of the Review now accuses the editor ol
the News, in a long article, of trying to
outrage Airs Salomon,while tier husband
was dangerously il. and at another time
a twelve year old girl, daughter of a
widow. Next week's News will be
watched with interest.
Insists on buying her groceries, produce
and baked goods, of Parker llros. Khe
says it
well-known 'act thnt all goods arc as
represented and no
That all goods purchased of them are
fresh and of the Oist quality to be se
cured. Nkw Carpets. A D Mcllwaln has
one of the largest and best aelectcd line
of carpet In the cliy, embracing all new
patterns and design, and as he nas made
a great reduction in price it will be to the
advantage ol carpet buyers to tall and
nipect hi stock and prices be lore pur
Lacr CiraTAtN In great variety from
75 ct. to $9 a pair, these good are
ought from New York jonbers direct
and cannot be excelled lor quality, style
and price, oamurl K
Kor Rent. -A new, hard finished
dwelling house In eas'.ern part of the city.
inquire ot .d K M Carter, ath and Kail-
road street.
Nsw Spring Goods. I 11 m now re
elvlng my Brat invoice ol sprinjj novel .
tie In wash goods, prints eiugham, eer
tuckers, etc., i have also just received a
new line rt all wool cummer plaids and
beiges. Samuel E Youno,
Notice. All persons indebted to
Thompson & Overman will please call
ana seuic. sir liiompston navmg re
tired from the buainess it is deaired to
settle up all old accounts.
Good Work, Low Prices, Putfilcy & Smiley.
Patrjuir.a Paisley & Smi'ey, Oor Prinlers
A new line of window shade from 69
sent tn $1.60 each complete, at Samul E
On Sept 13th next there wilt be a big
celebration at Oregon City over the 40th
annivenary of thn establishment of the
Mist Worshipful Urand Lodgoof Misons in
a late nana jFHoix hates.
The Corrective Properties of the
Jnleesj of California's Vegetable.
Alteratives Almost Sensational.
A lady formerly of 1221 Mission Bt, bwt now
of 400 Haye Bt, & F., write to the Edwin W.
Joy Ce, as follow: Mr. II, T. Uoverly, ot Se
attle, resided with me last winter. She had long
been a sufferer from dyspepsia and waterbrasb.'
Iter stomach was so weak that for month at a
time s'.io lived principally upon milk and the
white of eggs. Among other things he tried
one of the mineral larsapariUas only to find that
itgftvo berpaln in the bead and weak sinking
ipclls. Having taken Joy' Vegetable 6ftrsapa
rilla myself with great benefit lu gtomach
trouble, I Induced her to discard the potash
preparation and try your Vegetable compound.
It began relnvigorating lier stomach jiml in a
short time helped her astonishingly. It int.
j.rurod ier appetite and strengf to that extent,
t: t-t Jtst tefore she- left, she-
atuooL ArrtrmsacsT.
Following is the April apportionment
m a t t . J . . aa
ot Bciiooi iuiius lor Liinn county, ine
pro rata is i iu per capita, ana me to
tul amount is $32,177 20.
No No
No No Ain't
Hint, sold'
rs lteo'd
Dist. achl'rs Uee'd
flH5 HO
273 50
207 3b
73 90
420 90
'203 20
242 70
447 70
193 50
220 30
312 40
212 70
349 30
IS!) 40
2.14 00
31!) 30
222 20
1141 10
1K0 K0
3sil 50
104 M)
320 00
21 10
513 30
2.'H) 40
201 70
123 80
220 30
225 50
234 50
242 70
203 60
JJ1I1 0)
4.-19 50
205 80
2ti3 20
193 50
C73 20
902 80
ItX) 70
ilH) "0
201 70
100 70
150 00
205 80
15(1 (10
845 40
240 80
44)0 70
219 10
2li3 20
152 60
$100 70
275 50
17" 10
230 40
103 90
177 10
242 70
234 6C
222 20
304 20
390 80
103 90
433 40
259 10
18 90
205 80
250 90
8 90
123 80
119 70
111 20
189 40
233 00
181 20
189 40
1S8 90
144 30
209 90
820 00
103 90
197 00
mi 20
152 50
193 50
127 00
140 20
115 00
185 30
203 80
21 40
April 20th, 1891.
News came to this side on the evenlnar
ol the 15th that Joe Hawyer, a citizen of
the Hooth town, was demented, and, with
paper and pencil in band, your corres
pondent started in quest of the physician
w ho usually attends the family in case of
sickness, and gleaned 'these facts. That
on that day Mrs Sawyer had given birth
to a 10 pound boy, and that Joe didn't
cut down any ol his fruit trees as report
ed, that mother and child were doing
well and Joe would recover in time, that
one who acts as Joe did in Tennessee
would be classed as a man from Mossy
The town was thrown Into excitement
again the next day by the repot t that a
wild man had been seen on the hill near
tow n, but on examination it proved to be
a drank. Since the sj all has been quiet.
Mr J C I'.ilycu, of this place, is lying
dangernuaty ill. lrlli!l, of your city,
has been to see him twice during the past
Alliance man Colo has been here and
spoke to us on the evening ol the 15th.
lie is a good talker and told a good many
truths and a tot of good yarns. We
don't see what is tle matter of the all!
anee men. If we were to talk like Mr
Cole did here wo would come ont flat
footed and say we were a democrat. We
do not know what they are pleased to
term a a platform of their principles,
but if it Is on the line of the talk we
heard we should say good, but if they are
going to take in the universe as a pana
cea for alt our ills we should doubt it.
CKStanarl went to Marion county
today in the interest of the firm ot Cable
& htanard, to sell Challenge churn
Itev 3 Howcrsox nrtached hers on Sun
day last.
aefumiB sews
Messrs Pecry A Tcrliune are making
some important changes in their large
livery stable on Main of which
is a bran new front.
Now (or some new sidewalks and luv
pro red streets.
Prol W W Crawford has been employ
ed to teach the band. Mr Crawford la
an old and experienced band man and
tne boys are proud ol their teacher.
Rev and Mrs flashor will start east on
the 27th inst. Mr It. goes as a represen
tative of tin Dunkard church.the conven
tion of which convenes in Maryland some
time in May. Mrs It. will visit many
friends and relatives during the trip.
Tho Soda Literary Society closed on
Saturday evening last, after a successful
series of meetings since last tail. It is
now laid on the table till next October.
People have begun to come in already
to the spring and we hear of some fami
lies that wilt move to town soon. We
are expecting a great number of people
here during this summer and fall, as tire
resorting here increases rapidly from
year to year.
A cornet band lias been organixed iri
our little city, consisting ot ten pieces.
Those who are resolved on becoming
musical are : HI) Klum, James Pound,
Will Pound, Joe Ifaupert, Ala Fairish,
Everett Parrish, Will Smith, Lawrence
Peery and Louis Barzee. The boys have
their instruments here, all paid lor, a
good teacher employed, and, in lact.they
mean business. We predict that Soda
villo will have a good band. Yes, they
will play this summer on the streets.
On the 19, Inst, to the wife ol G W Mc-
Elhoes, a daughter all well.
Fara for Sale.
I Lave (or sale 100 acres of the finest
farming land in the state. All In a
high state of cultivation, no build
ings, but has a beautful building loca
tion. Eight miles from Albany, two
miles from Tangent, on (he 8 P It U.
Terms and price reason able. Call and
see me on becond'street, opposite Dux
ocr at office. Da. G. W. M a stow.
Xbveliie In Jacket. .
I have received a small assortment of
novelties in ladles spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef
ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carry a full line ot these coods.
as well as alt the leading styles in Ladies
uapes, oeoueu, crocnet ana in cloth,
Orders taken for special sizes and styles,
Sam'l E Youno.
At the eorner ot Broadalbin and 1st street
you will find C K Brownell always in tbe
lead'in tbe grocery bueiuess.
We in.ur sgtiait tramp.
Towssskd & Wilioit,
lloaey w Loan,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real estate security, on two to five years
time. Call on us at our office, opposite
inn severe nouse.
RICE. In Ashland, Sunday evening,
April 19th, 1801, after a lingering illness,
M rs. Dr. D, B. Rice, aged 67 years. Mrs
Rice came to Albany from Monmouth,
111 , in 18C5, afterwards residing in sev
eral places in Oregon. She was a woman
higln esteemed by all who knew her.
I)r Rice preceded her by about five years.
Mrs Rice leaves a son and daughter and
many friends to mourn her death
McEL?,II7ItEY.0n Monday evening
April fib, 1 1 ffrn I'lcn t incn C 1 nrc'i,
! t i ' 1 ry, , i 1 -,
Llao was the Gist eoanty ia Oregon to
bave a County rarn.srs alliance.
Tbs Furks of the Hantiam was vlslteu by
a big thnndar storm rsovntly.
A freight ear will hold tweuty three Bala
wgns, when soiectltloally packed.
Albany people wilt hr a srsst trett In
tbs lectors of Mrs Clara Huffman, the first
of next month.
Seats are going fast for tbs Alba Hay
wood sad l'tel las Concert Co, Saturday
evening. Tbs attendance promise lo is
large, Ilaulon wa killed at Portland
Saturday, while running a grha&e wagon,
Wa OBderttaud he wa th James 1 111 Ion
who formerly reaidml at All.aoy, and who I
will be remember art by a good many.
Th report of tits rsoeiuts of th Eugsns
?nto(!l)e for tbs yer ending April 1st,
HOI show th receipt fur tli pat year to
ba SO 049 00 lor 1893, $5,180 18: lomttf,
111(3.41, being nearly 17 per cent.
0ulah Rqliean Indg of 'this city his
prantd Mr J Ksekaasto with a gold
hekiled usn. blah wilt 00m In good o
daring hi dauliiiing years Mr Bauktealo
might be called th father of th lodge.
Mr Loui Z ihlsdorf, a welt to do former
at Knox Hatt, purchased one of thn ilea
II r Millar pi son Hatarday or Will Si
Link, These pisnus tand anaxoalled in th
market. Call, ssamiae, be e nviocad acd
buy ene.
John Williams, one of ear Llun county
farmers, has been quite unfortunate of lata,
bavlog bad fie good horse killed bt-ctuia
they hay tbs gleet. Two ol - thm that be
paid $100 apises for wara valued at twenty
dollar tach. Jefferson Ksview.
A department drill will be hi Id tomorrow
night at 7 JO o'clock. Firemen will please
tsks notio.
Tbs roof of C O flurkbart's rosiJenoe
eaoght fire this sltercon from a Has. The
department responded but was not Deeded.
W F Read returned on last evening's
O P train from the Bantlam mines, after
a absence of about three weeks. His
trio Irorj Quartsville to Gateville. a
distance of 22 miles, was made in about
1U hours. Leaving the former Discs at
4 o'clock a m, on snow shoes he had not
traveled far when the shoes broke and
he was obliged to continue the trip on
foot. Two miles ol the distance con
sumed two hours. There was about one
and m halt feet of snow at the mines and
seven at the summit. Mr Head ap-
C reached within a mile and a half ot
atesville when the train whistled. Iiy
running the entire distance, and as the
train stopped to wood up. he lust suc
ceeded in boarding it, the most tired
out man in Oregon.
He report the prospects better than
ever. On Monday, April 13th, the mill
began running under charge ot Mr
lluclton, a thorough mechanic, and had
been running nitrite and day since with
out stopping. The appearances were
good lor a fine cleanup, though only the
common ores have been used. They in
tended beginning on the best ore Mon
day. The ledge had widened out and
was about eight feet tn width, ana is un
doubtedly the main ledge, showing up a
uniform grade ol rock. Three tons ot
rock a day was being crashed. This was
running pretty well into concentrates,
though there was a good amount of free
gold on the plates. $50 a ton is a fair
estimate on that run during the week.
Mr Haxelton pronounced considerable of
the rock remarkably like that of the fa
mous Cotustwck. and there was a general
enthusiasm among the miners over the
prospects. Ms hands were being worked
and the mill, now working in splendid
shape, will be kept going continually.
Mr W S Dirk ens died at his home in th
forks of tbs Sao tiara laaUvenia t. Parti -
oular not secured.
Mr Cbaa Ffeiffer, of the Reer Hoate, Is
mskioa arrangement to add soother story
to tbs brick occupied by Cotiu A lleadricsen.
On account ut rain tbe drill announced
for this evening has been Lia P Chief
Kneinest Ktawart has been request I to
send 2") fir bate to Portland for tbe Harri
son reeepttos) paiads.
Mix GBtrri. The WCTU Hall was
literally packed last evening, on the oc
casion ot Mia Lucia B Griilin's appear
ance here, alias urinln was Heard in
ten or eleven selections, displaying a ver
atile talent and wonderful powers as an
impersonator, that being her lorte. he
is particularly strong 10 tier children
parts. Mnsic was furnished by the Col
lege orchestra, which is always good.
A DaLiCATsOrtRvricN. Lat even
ing Dr G (V Maston. assisted by Dr W II
uavi performed a tracheotomy on ihe
three year old daughter of Mr Nectand.lT
Ing In Ihe Third Ward. The operation ws
Performed t cileve the child 01 mem
braneous croup. After the operation the
child wa Inr mediately relieved of being
chocked to death by ihe windpipe filling up
with membrane. The operation consists
of opening the windpipe and Inserting a
tub for that purpose. The child Is doing
well at this writing.
A Bask Ball Cliu. Lwt evening a
base ball club was organized In this ci'.y.
to be known as the "Albany Base Ball
Clnb." Wll!iam Cowan wa elected Man.
ager, end William Welch, Captain. Mr
Welch will select a nine from the player
of the city, which will probably be about
Use this: Ale Kennie, catcncr.ur welch,
pitcher, Mr Morgan, ot Morgan Bros-
change pitcher and fielder, Van tVilson,
short stop, Ed Blodgett, Jack Smiley and
fercy Young on the base. Mr Kletiky
and Harry Barr In the field. This will
make a strong club. Butpractlce together
and circumstances may change the make
up 01 it materially.
Ffeiffer Block,
tad! Cusick,
Drugs, Medlclnrs, (bcmlealr, Faccy
and Toilet Artlcles.Sponges, Brushes.
Pcrlumcry, School ; Books, and
Artiats1 Suppllea,
rbysleinns' presrriptleus care
fnlly ecmnonndftf
J. A. Caramioff.
Wall Paper,
Dnxjrs, XalntH, Oils.
Glass, Jilto.,
and a fine stock
generally, an well as jewelry, Watches
'clocks, etc., at
HEAL ISTaTC gilts.
James B Rodr to E N Tandy, j
acres In cc it,, p 15,8 R 4 w, ,$ 3
U a to Frank I Isbcll, N w jr sec
3J, fp 10, S R 3 E Pnent
Parthcna Calavan to Chatand Deb-
by A Jeffrey, 310.86 a:res In D
-. L C of Joll Calavan , 6400
S O Long to G W Wheeler, 1 a acre
In ton. ijRiw 6,r
J K Klrkpatrlck to F W l'arker.l.t
11, til 1, K and A, Lebanon., go
Nancy Bone and bus to Leorard
ffaas.tot l.sec 24, tp tl,H K 150
J 8 Amc to Maitha RoweMJatfJ
tp 13, 8 R 1 E 50
'jj 7 J
A ILaiiy Market.
data. 45
Hay10,fW t? IHM,
Poutoo-- 0 put buwl.ti
Isitus Seaiwo. A lino line ol Blauer
jackets for spring wear, in many designs,
just received by J W Kimpson,
Also a largo stock of the popular self
peuing corsets,
W are now ready for
Spring trade fit he largest
antl lx-st selected stock of
Clothing that will bo thown
in the county this season.
All varieties of styles
and patterns to pleaso the
most fastidious.
Wo have man' fine makes
Then we have the full
ino of -mens', youths' and
boys' clothing in the Albany
Woole Mills poods, that" Ave
specially recommend to the
public for trial,
The largest stock ef Mens'
Shoes in tho city, including
many celebrated makes,
Hals, from Stetson's best
down to a two bit straw.
Cannot enumerate Furn
ishing v Goods every de
partment full.
Have used cash this year
during tight times teast
and can offer genuine bar
gains in all my departments,
L. 13. BLAIN.
Ponil? Wauled.
Ah kluJa of pjuliry, alive or dressed
at tbe VVUUmatte Kicking Conofiany's
atoie, Albany. Oreget..
Real Estat? rents
Form and f!
tb SUm Statesman mentions a twelve
pound ovarian tomor A being a monster
tamor. In fact it is a smtl ens, Dr Mas-ton,-
, thi city, ba taken oat several
weighing ovartwioe, If not three times as
much, within a er or two.
A Put stock of laoe enrtains for 8) oents
tof 10 to suit tbs customer, at Fortmiler Ac
lrriBg g,
Chkap Wood. Good fir wood delivered
to any part of Albany, for only 3 a cord
Leave orders at W Bpinks' lumber
Visiting Csrds, BO styles, Paisley SmiWv
Highest of all la Leavening 1'ower.-. TJ. . Coy't Report, Aug. 17, xl
: F. L. KENTON, :-
-Dsaler ia-
Near the Post Office,
-Is tbe
Millinery and Fancy Goods Stoie oPAIiiany,
They carry all the Latest Styles and Noreltie in the Millinery line, and
a complete stock ol Ladies ana Children' Furnishing goods, and ready-made
garments. Good the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinced.
He haa received a large and choice stock of spring DreJ
Goods, new styles and shades. Wash fabrics, consisting I
ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chambre. A eompk
assortment of white- goods, flouncings, hosiery, corset
gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the fpri:
trade. A large and complete assortment for men a:
youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furbishing goods, a:
if you want the best bargains you will have to call on hii
0 3 C5 0 S b 6 21- I
--UECOIiO 2;29-4..
S IEE O DELOO, 2:29 1-2.
ONECO la sUtxUnl by
sll rul, and vaa a
trotter at every aire.
It is the only bone la
tbe h'urthweK to All
tbe' requirement el
the triple UMlirf Pedi
gree, feriurmaiKe and
rtngmj, excep hfct
sire, Aiumont, aad ka
received I be crow a
two years toungrr.
He ri I be kept th
cmuitif seaaon at bocu
Mondays and Tueeda
at Albany fcaturdsir,
ludrpeedeaee Wtdne
date, Salem Tbursdave
sihI Fritle;-, and al
loered to serve mans at
i..0. to titsar.
slac all it Superlative Spleader.
Tbe Grandest 1 The Greatest 1 The Beat! I
Grand Free International Horse Fair
Kniarped to Foar Times Its Formsr Slse!
A City ot Tents 1 A World of Wonders 1
fAn Airaaing GalaXy ot Crowned Chsmploa
Aremo autre. ,
The Mammoth If asiv
Mastodon, the Largest
animal known to history
a Donderous movinff
mountain ; weighs 5000 lb mor than any Elephant
ever eoeu.
Weft Wek Europe Greatest Curioeitj,
a " Vs xxa jlls ih wosnast
Au all f nature show! Mor absolutely sew acW
than oid and new In any other exhibition
in America. Nature's mamls and
apt artistic supremacy nnrlTal'd.
Branl Jatiles Occasion For All
Doors open at 1 and 7 p m. Performance one hour
X dTFor parliculsrs see Bulletin Boards; Lithographs
and the various adrertiuiug madiums, Loeatio
ot lot, near thj depot.
Cor Smoih1 andFeny St, Albany, Ol
UPEEliQK work. s-'ua-fTitee.l in ever;
(3 branch of tho art, ..JMSalaiging c
all Isluds a a-eoilty,
spal tbs Impurities la the tlno !
give strength to tbs system before Is
ef warm etbef ars felt, ate Ifun
Oregon Blood I'nrirldr.
itter List.
Followirg 1 the list ol letters rema
in the post office at Albany, Linn cos
Oregon, April 23, 1891. Persons ca'Hn
these letters mut give the date on v
tbey war advertised.
Chapmae, MrsFC Carrell, Rt
MeDewiU, J
Morris, L M
Wither, John f
R TnoMpojf, F,
Msrtio, A O
f Albany, Oregc
A ;
ALT AGO, 9520. tl.
ear old tteati 2
on of AlLamoat, &:
ad Maji Arn
U. be kept
Corrsilis Xaodsys -Toesdars
and Ua r
ot th week at ho:
Verms, (35 to lrr
doe voea mare ;
knows to b r!ih f
or removed from t
euuntrr. '
stock any day c-.
While trying to Crowd the
Store, where they alwaja haye on ha
the largest Stock aouth of Portland, c
the latest Improved Rifles and S
Guns; an immense stock of Fishin.
Tackle of every description ; Tes
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousand
of other thing too numerous to rocntl
JEteimix Shop
in connection with the Store, and one
.he best workmen In the State to do t
tnd ail kinds of work. f
Come one, Come al. No rouble f
ihow eoods. "Small profit and ni
aW is oui motto. ;
There is no donbt that
Stoelc of SILVERWARE, consisting
apoons, knives, forks, fruit dishes, e
gold and silver watches, iawel y,
etc, ia the largest and beM in
tbe city, ana t yiartn?
be:t ever broagbt
to Albany.
PRICES the Most Reasonable.
Call and See the G00
We hsive on hand at all times b
oris, and chop; acd wi'l sell ia qua
tity to suit. Alio wieat bong
and sold.
jdrjfcrinera, bring ns your wheat,
an i h y. Highest cash price paid .
XCTorri3 & Kcuv '
Corner First and Baker street .
foshay r:r,z
'A ."!-. a ' - r r " "i
Wis Mi