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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1891)
die utmmt iodg es the issue. The OregoHia It juttly entitled to be called.the Samuel Welter o( Oregon Journ alitm. It hat persistently atterted that the McKlnley bill wis framed In the In terest! of farmer and producer of the west while the Mill bill wat framed In the Interest of the manufacture of the tast. This, the Dkmocrat, hit pec id-! cally dcnled,and now specifically reiterate thu denial. In order to call out the proof bearing cm the ltue, thu raUed.the Dem ocrat, a few da; ago, asked the Ortgvni- the following question and called upon It to answer them In an honest, candid, tarightforward manner: Did the Mill bill provide for an Increate or a decrease In the then existing rata of duties on manufactured woolen goodt,and If to, how much? Did the Mckinley bill Increate or reduce the duty on manufact ured woolen goods, and If to, how much? Had that paper answered thete question w ithout any juggling or lack of candor the whole question would l.ave been settled. How honetljr It met them may be een bjr what It said a follow : "Such question can be answered accu rately only by careful studr of leparate Item. But It may be said that the Mill bill did propose some general reduction of duties on woolen goods, yet no reduction equal to the advantage which manufact urer would obtain through tree wool; while the McKlnley bill ha made tome Increase of dutle on woolen good partic ularly !n those line most Imported for person who want foreign good of high finish and value." No greater juggle In word and doc'glng of Issues could be Indulged In. Out It was just what w expected the Orrgtmian to do when we put the question to It. It sar uch question can be answered accurate ly only by careful study of separate Item. Now, that I Just what we wanted that paper to do. We wanted It to make up It answer from a careful study of the tep arate Item In the several schedule of the tariff duties on wooled good. The Dkm ocrat ha made a caretul ttudy of the separate Item or schedules at to woolen goods In the tariff law, and obtain the fol lowing general result: The Mill bill made TtJua'ioi on all manufactured woolen goodt from an average duty of 6S per cent to an average duty of 40 per cent while the McKlnley bill make an itcrnut of dutle on manufactured woolen good from an average of 68 to an average duty of 91 per cent This is Indisputable, and the Orteonixtn can not deny It. It I not our purpose to permit that paper to dodge this false Issue upon which it Is attempting to make its main detente of the robber tariff scheme of McKlnley, Keed, llaniton & Co. In the McKlnley bill there are eighteen clasace cl woolen goodt upon which dutle are levied. Taking the Im portationa of woolen good, a shewn by report of customs officer for theyear end- ed June 30, 189, a a baait, and com par Ing d-iliet paid under the old law, with that which wou'd have been paid under the Mill bill had it heroine a law, and the. dutle provided for in the McKinley bill and we get the following result: First data, old law,6o per cent, Mb It bill 40 per cent McKlnley bill 1 19 per cent. Second clatt, old law, 69 per cent; Millt 40 per cent; Mckinley, 103 per cent. Third clatt, old law. 70 per cent; Millt, 40 per cent; McKlnley, 95 per cent. Fourth clatt, old law, 64 per cent; Miitt( 40 per cent ; McKinley, as per cent. Fifth clatt, old law. 71 per cent; MUlt, 40 per cent; McKlnley, 102 per cent. Sixth clatt, old law, 54 percent; Mill. 40 percent; McKinley, 85 percent. Seventh clatt Jd la w,6o percent; Millt 40 per cent; McKlnley, 82 per cent. Eight clatt, o'd law, 65 per cent; Mill, 50 per cent; McKlnley, 89 per cent. And so on through the other ten ctattet, there wat a unifoim reduction made b jyil and a uniform increate by McKin ley. Thtte figure demonstrate beyond cavil that the Orrgomian$ position that the Millt bill favor eastern manufacturer while the McKinley bill doe not is an er- roneout one. The truth It thac McKinley wat throwing out a bait to catch "tucker" farmer by pretending to give them tome of the benefit(twag, for the whole scheme It robbery,) of "protection" by placing a duly on wheat, potatoet, ege, and etc. But while he wat doing thlt he wat like wise Increasing the dutle on woolen goodt, tin, glassware, paint, oil, cutlery, and nearly every manufactured article which these tame farmer have to buy, thu heaping burden upon them far ex ceeding the Imaginary advantage that they are to receive by placing a duty on wlteat,corn, potatoet and egga. To t!ie statement that the Mill I ill pro vided for "no reduction equal to the advant get which manufacturer would obtain through free wool" we have this, to say that when Mills Introduced hit hill, the then existing avenge duly on wool was 34 per cent and the then (listing average duty on woolen goodt w 70 per cent. The difference then in the duty for the wool grower and the eastern mtnufactuter wai 36 per rent in favoroflbe manufacturer. Mill put arool on the free litt and reduced the t uty on wooleo goods from 70 to 40 per cent lie tliut cut off 32 per cent protection from the wool grower and 30 per cent protection from the eastern mauufacturtr, a difference of 2 per cent in favor of the east ern manufacturer. Now whit did McKinley do? He increased the duly on wool, (tverage duty.) from 34 to 40 per cent and increased the average duty en woolen from 70 to 91 per cent. , T hut Millt made a change of 2 per cent la favpr of the eastern manufacturer while Mc Kinley give the eastern manufacturer a net gain of 15 per cent over the woo'grower, thus showing that the McKinley bill wat more favorable t? the eattern manufacturer than the Millt bill. The Orr.iroman dwell upon the idea that free wool ought to mean free goodt, but Mc Kinley did not follow thlt rule any - more than Millt. Thu McKinley provided for free riw tugtr and protected refined sugar. He gives tlit m inufjeturer fice r.iw jute tod the farmer a jute sack taxed from 4 1 to per -ent Why doe not our cotcnipoory ctll far fiee tacks with free jute? McKink-y put jule buV., maaiila. tital grart, tunn, etc on ths f ee list and retained protection on the manufactured product. Thut it it that the defender! of pro. tectionism aie driven to the wall at all. points along tl.e line of discussion of that subject. Our rclemjiorary will tee by a careful ttudy of tp irate items in tiie woolen goods schedule tliar the Democrat fully sustains hi position. '.list the McKinley hill is moie favor able to eastern manufacturers than Mills was. . All the postofficet In Italy receive money on deposit, allowing Interent at the 1 ate of 2'A per cent per annum, and a div idend paid every five years. The factories of England, France, Ger many and Holland produce about 87,000, 000 pins daitt. It U said ths Farmer's Alliance find prohibition will cut quite a figure in Iowa politics this vear. Union county hat outstanding and un paid warrants to the atnountof $10, 105 10. it U reported that a French inventor it W, ;;n,f,t t-.ititr paper from hop vine. TUB PRICK or l'KCS 810.1 It. Just now every protectionist journal U cackling over the benefit conferred upon the people by the cheapening of sugar through the removal (I the tariff tax. Vet only month ago Mr McKlnley wa telling vhf people of Ohio that "thl cry cl cheapness 1 not new It rang through England fifty year ago In the voice and the philosophy of Cobdcn." It did Indeed. And a a result thu work ing people of England have since that time had bread unburdened with Uxct. The McKlnley bill ha done for sugar what the agitation of Cobdcn did lor the poor man' loaf In England. And the party whote leader declared In the campaign that he 1 'despised cheapness" 1 now glory ing In cheap lugarl Free tugar It well, but the American people know the fearful price they were called upon to pay tor It. The law whlsh abolished the tax on raw tugar rwiW tht taxtt it) twy other tariff tfW ttn ttxvr- A part of the cost of tree tugar the duty on beef, mutton and pork wa raited 100 per cent; on building (tone 100 per cent; on Ingrain carpet more than 50 per cent ; on woolen clothing over 50 per cent; on flannel the tame; on glattware and lamp chimney 50 per cent; on handkerchleft nearly 50 per cent; on tlnplatc no per Cent. A nd ao on through the litt higher taxea and ttlll higher through all the tchedule. BLAINE HAS 1 UK CAM Representative Dortey of Nebraska ha completed a tour of several thousand mile embracing the New England and Western state. He I a clote observer and hat paid great attention to the political com plexion of thing In the tectlon through which he traveled. "Thera I really but one presidential candidate whom the re plicant should nominate," tald Mr Dor sev. "Mr Blaine la h:ad and shoulders above any man in the party and, a an eligible candidate, outrank them all President llaniton' tour In his elegant train will not do him much good among the farmer whose crop have failed and whote property I heavily mortgaged. On the other handMr Blaine' proposl'lon to Increate the market for farmer' pro duce, and so ratte the price which he can receive for It, It hailed with joy. If Mr Blaine will allow hi name to be used In 1891 it U certain that the Harrison people will fail to secure a delegate from the state of Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas. "If Mr Blaine will have the nomination, he can .ret It. notwithstanding the vast patronage of 'he administration for liar rlton. It I universally acknowledged by republican that Harrison ha made an ex ccllent president, wise, conservative and ale, but western least, are look ing for change and reform which no re publican candidate except Blaine promise to bring about," GREENLAND KB A3 A Hit; II WAY. For more than ijoyeart the Inland Ice of Greenland hat been a source of Increas ing Interest and speculation to traveller and (dentist and especially to student of physical history of the earth. How much longer It hp been ao object of superstitious horror to the scattered Eskimo who in habit the narrow ttrlpof barren mounulnt Intervening between It and the Artie seat, there I not even legend to say. The re sult of the various attempt to explore It leave Utile or no room to doubt that the Interior of Greenland it entirely tub merged beneath fie accumulated froxen preclptation of ages. This great congealed reservoir hat at" area of tome 600,000 quare mile, equal to about three time the area of France or the German Empire, and twelve time the area of New York State. It frozen aurface In the centre l 9000 to 10,000 feet above sea level. Mount Blanc buried In Jt would lose two-third It height, and two Mount Marcys, piled oce upon the other, would scarcely break ita turface. from every point along il s circumference, where gaps In the Titan dam of muuntatnt that hold it In check, permit, issue retittlet flacler s'reamn, some of which are larger than the entire I glacter ylem of the Alp Thl unique , phenomenon is extremely interesting both per se and in its relations to the glacial epoch in this country and in Europe; and further effortt for It exploration and ttudy will continue to be made, and will yield valuable retutt; but to me it great charm I that to the proper party, properly equipped, it la an Imperial h'ghway, the like of which exist nowhere else under the un. GeotfTafhkat Magaiint. A earefal tarn liny of the apeichet rrndt by president Harrison on hi jacketing trip reveslt do practical rcbem proposed by him at head of the oation, by which the depress ion ia tgrienltar and kenrrtl business of the eoantry may be remedied. He generalize toe and then about retaining oar mttkrit by meant of tht protective tariff, lot tbo farmers cao no longer be dioeived by inch demagogy. Tny have ljaroed by 1 in ex perience tbst thU proU .sa is merely vot- estchisg teheme, worn out and thr-a hare. The pretideut ill losru that vhe camp" inn of education baa b.ou worsiog wonderful ehsogeiu thtmiads of the farmers of the notthwest, and thsttlie !) be say about the beauties of the tariff, the more will bit cbauoe for atcariug another nomiastion be imp-oved. We offer this frie'idly ad rice from a motive that it ioipirrd by the hope that tbe president may cap tare the nom nation. Suppose England, Germany, and other cduntrlee makt new treaties with Brazil and tecure access' to the markett of that country on term similar to those we have obtained. What benefit, then, will the advantage we have just obtained be to us? Of the twenty-three surviving widows of soldiers of the revolution now on the United State pension rolls three live in and In Wlndorcounty, They are Etther S Damon, i'iymcuth Union, aged seventy six, Lucy Morse, East Barn, ard, aged eighty-six, and Hatiie Richard- ton, East Bethel, aged eighty -nine. Finland,the northwestern most province cf Rust in, it a country 700 miles long, and on an tverage, 200 mllet wide, embracing an urea nearly 1 timet that of the British Islet. It hat a commerce of considerable Importance, several interesting towns, a university enrolling 1700 ttudentt annual ly, a hardy, thrifty peasant population, and tcencry peculiarly and characteristical y iltown. - Mai thai Pai on the D-nvcr k Rio Grande Railroad, 10,851 feet above the tea lev el, is the highe t point crossed by any railroad inside the limits of. the United Staves. Il it usually tald that there are but te ven nine-lettered monosyllable words Jn the Engtlfch language, viz , tcratched.stretched, crunched teranched, screeched, tquelched ttanchd.' A despatch from Bjenot Ayrea sayt that Infor.natlon received fiom the Rio de la Plata district thowa that locusts and drought have reduced tl,e 'iiaize J:rop to a quarter of what the ttcp was in iS'o. OKJilVlM E so. sea. An ordinance to provide tor the pre vention and removal of nuisance and to punish those who allow or malntaht them, and to provide how the cott and expense of abating such nulsancet shall be collect ed and paid, and to define what shall con stitute a nuisance within the limit of the city of Albany, The people of the city of Albany do or dain at follow: Suction i. No butcher or other person shall kill or tlautthtcr within the city limit, any at.lmal or anltnalt, the limit of which It intended to be sold or offered fur talc; and no pernon shall keep In any yard, pen v-r cotial. within the city lltnlU miv ahct-p, beeves, twine or other animals, for tale or to bo tlaugh'.ercd tor a longer period than three day a. StCTiON a. No person ot perioni thnU catt or leave or keep In, orfcdjolnlng any street, ir.e, aney, square or public place, or.ln any yard, lot, block or prrmUea, with in the cltv limit, or, In the Willamette river between the cast boundary of the cltv and the wett boundary thereof, or. In the iniapooia creeK at any point where tald city abut upon tald ceck, any bone, putrtti, unsouiui, unwholesome or refuse beef or meat of any animal, whether salted or otherwise, or any bidet 01 skint of any kind, or the whole or pattot any dead an imal or fish, or any stagnant or Impure water or unsound, putrid, or unwholesome tubstance or the oflul.gat bacgoi the offen sive part ot any animal or animals. SxcTtoM 3. JNO person or persons shall permit, or tuffer to accumulate, In or upon any yard, lot, place or premiers, or, upon any street, alley ,or shit walk adjacent tour abutting upon any lot, block, place or premise, owned controlled or occupied by him or them, or for which he or thev may be agent or agentt within the city limits, any stagnant or Impure water, refine vtg. talk's, decayed or decaying tuusunccs, Itarbage, manure or filth ot any kind, nor tuSer tuch lot, yard, place or 'premises to be or remain In tuch condition at to cause, produce or create any no'tome or offensive tmclt or atmosphere, or, thereby to be, be come or cause or create a public ruUance; provided that no rcrson thall be prosecuted for a vlola'.lon of this Bection, unless tuch vlclatlon thall continue for 5 dayt af'cr he or they have received the notice provided In Section 7 ot this ordinance. SECT10X4. No person who It the own er or occupant or In the control of, or, the agent for any house, store, or premise, In the city of which privy or water close1, shall be attached or belong or appertain, thall uo or keep the sa one In such condition or manner at to cause a noisome or offensive tmell to arise thcrefcrm so a to become a nuhance. Stcnos 5. It shall be unlawful for any person or peitcnt to construct or cause to be constructed, or uccf, any pi Ivy or cess pool under any sidewalk In front ot or ad joining any property owned or occupied by him or them; and every day t.ich per. ton or pi rsont thall use or permit to be used, tuch privy or cettpool, after receiv ing the notice prut Wei lor In 8e tion 7, ot this ordin nee, shall be deemed A new and separate effense and vln'atio.i of thlt or dinance. Siction 6. Whenever In the opinion ot the committee on fire and water, and the Chief Engineer, (or a majority of them.) any building, 1 tructure or awning, within the city limits, thall become so much In jured by fire, decay, or, on accovnt of de fective material used In the construction thereof, or from any other cause, at to be dangerous to surrounding property, or In danger of falling down, the tame thall be deemed a nuisance and thall be by them to declared, and thev shall f nthwlih file tuch decoration with tl.e Recorder, ho thall forthwith thereafter furnUh to the marshal certified copy of tuch declara tion, to be tcrved by hint upon the owner of tuch property, or hi autitorUcJ agent in case the owner theiect I absent from the city or cannot be found- therein. And any owner of tuch property pr building, or, In case of the absence of tuch owner from the city, hit authorized agent, who thall neglect or refuse to remove or re pair tuch building, structure or awning for two data after being ordered to to do by the marshal thall be redeemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the City Recorder, shall be fined $5 nor more than f tooor be Imprisonedln the city jail not lct than 2 davs nor more than 50 day; and each day' that such building, awning, or structure shall so stand, after inch convlc'Ion, shall tie deeemed a new and separate offense. Sectioh 7. Whenever the marshal shall be informed of the existence within the city limits of any nuisance prohibited by Section 3 and 4 of this ordlnanre, he hall Immediately make, or cause to be, an examination of the yard, lot, street, alley, sidewalk, place or premises on which "it is charged that such nui sance I suffered or permitted, and If a nuisance Is found to exist thereon, or 10 exist upon any street, sidewalk or gutter adjacent to or abutting upon any tuch yard.lct.ptace or prcmltc,unlc!l thai! be necessary in order to abate such nuisance to fill np or drain the property on which the tame Is . situated, he shall forthwith give or cause to be given, to either owner, agent or occupant of such yard, lot, place or premies,or to all of thctn.a notice to re move or abate such.nuUance within 5 days from tbe service ot tuch notice upon tuch owner, t;ent or occupant, and if tuch nui sance I not removed at the end of 5 dayt from tne tervice of tuch notlca on tuch owner, occupant or agent, the mar.htl thall cause tuch owner, occupant cf 01 agent tq be arreMed for suffering or per mitting such nuisance to exist, and If he or they shall bo convicted before the Recorder therefor, the marthrl shall at once there after cause the same to be removed, and he shall be and lie U hereby authorized to remove any and al. obstruction that It may In hit judgment be necessary to re move in order to reach and remove or aba'e such nuisance. The expense of the removal of any tuch by the marshal shall be paid by tbe city In the Mist Instance, but In cair the author or continuer of such n.iHanee U the, owner or occupant of the property whereon tuch nuisance exists, the xpente of the removal thereof thall be taxed 10 tuch owner or oc cupant at a part of the col and cxpermet in tuch cause and be recovered by the city from tuch owner or occupant notified at heicln before provided. The Recorder shall tax tuch costs and expenses at soon they are aertained, and it such cottt and expenses are not paid, when taxed against tuch ow ner or occupant, within 5 day after the laxlng thertcf, the Recorder thall forthwith thereafter enter a state ment of such costs and expenses on the book tf city Hens; such statement shah contain the following matter in relation to the removal and abatement of sueh nuisance: 1. A particular description of the tract of land whereon tuch nuisance existed. 2. The amount of the otls and dis bursements of the arrest. and conviction of the author or conlinuer of tuch nuisance. 3. The name of the owner and occu pant of the land whereon such nuisance existed. - 4. The amount of the costs and cx pensci of the removal of tuch nulsunce by the marshal. From tl.e date of 'he entry of tuch state ment on the book of city Kent, such costs, disbursements and expense hall be' and constitute a lien on or against the tract of land described in tuch statement and tuch Hen shall be enforced again&t tuch land in the tame manner at provided In the char ter of tald city and the ordinance thereof for the enforcement of lien on real property in said city for ttreet improve ments. Section 8. Wherievtr ihe committee on health and police shall find that any stagnant water txistt cn any lor or lots, block or blocks within the limits ot the city of Albany to such an extent at to he a nuisance or to endanger the health of the citizens of said city residing 01 pasting within the vicinity where tuch stjgnant water it situated and that in- order 10 remove the same horn such land, it it nec essary to fiil up 01 drain the same, said com mittee shall report tuch fact in writing to the council at their next meeting, together with a description of the lands upon which such stag nant water is situated, the owner or owners of such propertj together with their catitiate of the costs and expense of making such fill or ditin. Thereupon if the council shall adopt such report, they thall declare iy ordinance that such stagnant water is a nuisanc; and that a necessity fur tuch h!l or drain exists, and state in such ordinan e the reasons therefor. Immediately thereafter the lecorder shall do liver certified copies of such ordinance, declar ing the necessity lot such fill or diatn to the marshal, who shall foithwilh serve ihe owner Or owners ol such land or his or their agent or agents with a copy of such . ordinance, n nd at thes'eme time notify snc'n oter or ovuic;;, hit or their agent 01 agent to Tilt or drain tuch premise within a tin. specified in tuch notice, which sit id time thall be fixed by the council, In Ihe ordinance, declaring the necessity for tuch fill or drain, and if tuch owner or owners, hit or their agent or agent thall fall or refute to make inch till or druin within the time 10 fixed by the council, which time tlull nut be lett than five dayt, then the committee on health, and police flirt II let the contract for tuch work to the lowest bidder alter fust giv ing five day notice poaud iu three public place in the city, of the time and place tif let ting the contract for tuch wotk, the contract it let tbe wotk shall be dons under the direction of the romtnitte on lien It It and po lice, and it shall be the duty of the superin tendent of ttrects to tee that tuch work it litiishe.l at rapidly at punslhle, When tuch wotk is finished, the coats and expenset there, of shall be iuimedhttcty entered by the recor der in the book of rlty liens Iu the tame man ner at provided in the chatter and otdiiiancct lor entei tug 1 lent for ttreet Improvement, and such entry thall constitute a Ken salnst til of the lands upon which tuch ittgntnt water existed, and tuch licniliall be enforced against tuch property In like manner and with like eilcct at a lien for street Improvements, section 9. Ail accumulation in or upon any yarn, tot, place or premise or upon any street, sidewalk or alley adinccnt to or ahtitt ing upon any lot, block, place Vjr premises wi.lilu the hmitt of the city of Albany, ot any stagnant or Impure water, rciute vrgctable, decayed or decaying substances, garbage, manure or filth of any kind, fio-n which a noisome or offensive tmell or atmosphere thall atite, and all bulldinc. ttructare and awn ings within taid city hmitt, which shall become to much I nj 11 ted by lite, decay, or on account ot defective material used in the construction thereof, or from any other cause, at to be dangerous to turrountling property, or in dan err ot fallini, and all pttvles belonging to or appertaining to any bouoe, store, building or premises in laid city, which are or thall be krpt in tuch condition or manner at to ctus a nutHime or offensive imell or atmusphire to ome there (mm or to be offensive to decency iu my umnncr, are hereby t'rftncd to tic ouisnticcs. Skctiom lo. If any perron or psron!iall vio'att any of the provut nt of thu ordinance he or they shall be uccmtd guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon convlcttoit thereof be fore the recorder, shall be fined not lest than iS aor more than f too. or Imniitoncd in tbt city jail not Uv than a dayt nor more tlutn 50 days, or by both tuch line and imprisonment at 1 tie discretion cl the court, tnj in all easel of conviction under this nrdiuance the costs ol the rase, together with ihe costs of remov lug or abating the nuisance, lhall be taxed against the defendant SKCTION it All ordinance and parts of oruinanett in cot.tlitl ticrcitti are hereby repealed. KKCtlox 11. Thit ordinance shall be in full foir and effect iiora and after five day fro 31 lit epproval by the mayor. Tawed the council April 14 1S0I. Approved Aril 16 1891. . -TTKiTtira BcroaT. On ; Wkatmkr Birkai?. Ckvtuai oi-rivr, I'tini'LAxo, OrntooN. Caoi- vtKAHI 1U i.i.vti Ntt, 6, roR Tll kck Lxntsu Saturday, April is, 1591. (The following bulletin It bated on re port rcctl.ed from 163 correopondent. uk ing to me entire nuiereuce between western and eastern Oregon, thl bulletin will In future bt- divivded Into two part, one will treat entirely of that section west of the Cascadts, the other of that section cast of them ) . WESTERN OREGON. WKATIIKR. The temperature ha been from a for mal condition In the to-itht.'rn art to 3 de. giee above the normal In the rorthern fart. The actual Untperslure ranging rom 40107s degree, hliower occurred on tevsral days, on the 13th Bi.d fth thunder serotnpanvlntt them. The wind have been liht tofre-h In force and vari able in direction. No frost have been re ported. C'oudy and partly cloud f weath er predominated, with warm, bright sun shine at Interval. CROP. Marked growth In all vegetation during the week hat been reported. Fall wheat has had rapid growth. Early town spilng wheat Is above the ground and growing remarkably well Oat are healthy and equal wheat in growth. Spring seeding hat been rapidly pushed and con.lJiraole pros; rest ha been made. The acreage hit been largely Increased. Fruit treet are all blooming and leafing, generally tome bloom Is falling. Fruit prospects were never better, Garden are coming on. Early sown seed showing above the ground. 'Strawberries are In bloom and small bet lie?, slxo ot a pea, are formed on early varieties. Sheep shearing is In pro gress. Hops are being trained and grow ing rabidly. B, S Faovr. - OUerve. U. 8. Signal 8;i vicc. tttnT?uwtii.Lc. Mra Pteplicna, of California, traveling in the intereutt of the W C T U.tvMrvsa ed the people at lis it place on last Sun day evening nnd organised a iooiety. Mrs H. hna the happy faculty of being pleasant to every one and, unlike many temperance lecturers, dors not tprml her time in alumc of tlioau who do not join or even thoee who differ with he. Hhe triee to w in nnd tucccede. Her fprech waa replfte with matter to the point. Cadets of Temperance, Bonn of Temper ance, the Temperance Reform, Alliance, Blue ItiMioii nnd (Jood Templar have alt ariacn, floiirUlifd for a neason nnd died, but tho WCTU lias come to itay. This organization, ngi;rei!ive,earnet and persevering, will no doubt succeed where all others nave failed, and in connection r ith the church will accomplinti much good. Woman can here put in tier work and win her laurels where men have tailed. lit all lend substantial help. A small son of Mr Wm McDowell full from a loaded wagon and was badly hurt by the wheel running over his body. Cougars are doing much damage to sheep in this section. Mr joaUlt Weddlo loot about twelve and Mr John Chance aKut five. Mr A A Hull lias Htartcd a nursery on Ills place. He has planted several bush els of peach atones and propone to graft them, and supply prone trees ad infin itum lie lias also commenced making cheese again. Mr Hull understands the iitiHiness thoroughly. The building boom is about starting here. Several nice dwellings are to be erected during the season that will add much to the appearance of tbe village. ISS ODTOALT TESTED IT. A New Cure for Consumption and Bronchitis by Electricity A Young Lady of this City Treated and Cured by tha Subfile , ' Agency. -'-vs sy V M IW3 t ? nnjr tli rough your vaimble papr whatlr Dnrrln ha.) done for 010. For th" iad unvan T V. .. n 1 , ut I . ... ed with bronchitis and heayy eotigtt, wnicu (iBvoinpea hiio an organic tlti-ction of tbe right lung. All treatments failed to euro toe, until two months ago. when Icomnflnced treatment by e ectrlciiy, under Dr I)rrln'n supyrvlaon. Now J tin cured and r-jole in perfeut In health trtfl Plltl t-lA ILArl ,1 l&.L.k.n.(nM stroct, room 85, PortUcd. I if v tiTTrn tt! r., Xelui, a Htvede, Teotifle lo the I'.fil. nicy of Electric Treatment. TotTon OnooiAt: For a rear pr'or to coining under Dr Darrin'a Kiectrla and nied cil treatment I hid bean gradually loeslng my health fiotii various causes, I wai troubled wi'.U nervous debility, sleeplessness, etc. Dr ')arriu has -cured run o I fxol as well ever in my life. U:tfor to rre at 14'i O street, Portland.. My llui Mr MoOrew, of tbe above address, was also cured by Dr Dnrrln, 13. NELSON. Dr Dar i-i troits with electricity and mr-dioino )1 curable chronic, aoute an i private dueati;. blood taiiiU, Io-a or failing manhood, nervous debility, effects cl errors, or exoexsea in old or jo. n, loss of memory, diseases caused by nuTcury in the improper treatment of pi ivat oiseave. uud never pub.ished In tho jupers. ("tllea 70 Washington ht., Portland, or. Hottts 9 A. M. to 8 l M., daily. r5x urination free and confidential, tjuebiion bUt'hs and circulars Hunt jrra;.iy toftiy addrew?, patients eurtd at home a;t(-r one visit to the doctor's t'filoe. Merit ctnes it t- any add re uhettt 1 !io doctor. fitting ei'i'i-'inn'f. TELEGRAPH 10 NEWS Danrrraat Raslariti Skattlk, April ai. Wlihout doubt the greatest steamboat tact that Pugcl sound tvir witnessed occurrfd today between ths flyers Greyhound and llstley CsUert, tht courts being lioin I scoma to hcattls and return. tn Um iirat half nf tliA rnursa from Taefiftia (n Seattle, the Gnl.crt ted in I lit lace by fully two lengths, but both steamers touched their re spective docks at almost tne tarns moment, In the second hall hi ths courue, to 1 acoma ihev Or vhmtnd ermihcd the lead, held it all 'he way and arrived at Tacoma, sudd the greatest excitement, ahead dr the UaUert, hratirg her handsume rival a full minute and a hall. A He vengeful Judge, 'Tort Townhkni. Wsih. Antil at About a mouth ago Chy-Maglstrate Kfeots wat fined 533 by Judge Saclu for contempt of court, bit nflcnse cantistiug in asking the court not to tpeak to him. At that time Judge Hacht had an order made that Judge Khoda ' should zjy iiimsuii oi wit contempt, Nothing mors June shout the matter till today, when Rhode aguia appeared in cottit at council. Sachs refund tu allow Rhode to argue until he should purge himself of tbt old contempt. Hot wordt paued between them, and for a time a lively teens wai imminent, Rhode finally rethed. Made I'srlaast. Sax J'aANcnto, April si. Tho big ii in pike hat brought correspondingly large prof its to California operators who had Judg ment, meant and nerve '.o buy before ths boom came. In this matket Georce W Mo- Near, admittedly the grain king of California it taid to le ahead of ths mrmt. Hit nrohtt are estimated to be about (500,000 at the present time. Nett to McNr coins Starr & Co, tbe great milling firm. Their profits aie taid to have been nearly $4000,000, NeM comet William Hrctboch, Mr Utetbach made about 9 25't,ooo in wheat chartett befoiethe uig Ikmjiii came. Tbe aid Rs la. FutsMO, A pril 21 . S) lytr T.rtdo and Fiaocltoo Olivet fought a du! yttteaday at Cantua canyon, eighty miles tram Fietno, Olive, wat killed aod Tirade has Veto ar rested and taken ts i'rtsuo. Ths men owned adjoining ttcthma of land and had auniirout disputes ahjut trespataiog cattle and Dually agrmd tht ths next time they met they would fight it out. Ruin wetc armed with revolvers and commenced firing at each other at ot forty yards. Tbcy ctowd in and at twenty yards Tirade ml a bullet through Olivtw sock. . ttvalaaa UeelUas. HcLssa, Apiil 21 Full reports fiom lbs Montana municipal ilrttlous thow ths Tv pttblicans bava tiled every city in which party lines ware diawn etcrpt ia Itutto, her the d. mocrU ekcUul tm mayor and a majority of ths eoansil. A DartRR ailrtnbt It rap. Sai M, April 3o. One of ihe most dating attempts ewr tmaae by a convict to escape from the state penitctitUry wat made ty John Case here yesterday morning, ft'hils ihe prUoneitofbit ward were tiloul in the yaid and cKand tor th-ir weekly thtve and exercise. Cat jumped in a coiner and climbed np ihe water tana lower, jumping from there to the main building, from which, with a rpe he bad made flow an old rug, te twung hiwV.f horn the main building into the fiont yard. He bad donned ciiUcns clothes and would have escaped bat lost bit bold on the tope and fell 30 feet. The fall d3d him and he wai captttrtd, A vtalU Walla fire. Walia Wauu, Apiil aa Exactly at noes today fr slatted in the kitchen of Mrs L Genevay, on Main meet, between 1'ourtU and Fifth, ami in a few miaste tbe building wat a mast of flames. Soon the adjoining huilding, cceuj led l-y Rotert 0 ltutte.- at a htacksmiih stmp, caught fire, end after that Kirk Ilros, livrry ttahlc. Tl.e buildings were all of aol and heme I with such tapilii that, although the fue dcpattmcdl wstijukkly on 'he trene, all effortt to extinguish it etc futite, asl in half an hour half a block sttt a mass of smoldcittig ruina. The iotact tad Utterances are aa futlowt: Mis Genevay, rettturtnt and lodging bouse furniture; kwt iiouo, insurance f45a, John Latigt, reotaurant builJing and blatk tmith si lop; kttt 93000, insurance flOoo. RoUit Kiik, livety stable building; 1 l35oo,-intuitm:e f looo. StrrltreHjr, Malrii), April 30 The tecipiociiy con vtntioo U twees Spain and the Uniied Statet provides ia return (at the privilege of fiee enttry into tht United Statet of Antilles sugars molasses, coffee and hidea, and Ihe reduction of the duty 00 lea, America will obtain ex emption from duty on most of her raw and manufactured prod acts, and a reduction of the tariff on cereals and Dour. A Ufa bitrfa. ' EU-essBCium. April 30, A new ditch company bat been formed btre lo build a ditch about thirty milct long, to catty about 15.000 inches of water, tad to cover about 35,000 acres of land. Thf water it lo be laden front the Ytkima river. Tbe col of Ihe ditch it estimated at 9 1 So00 to 300,000. The promoters have the sssurtnee that their bonds will be taken at toon at ready forVae, After a Aprri Sackamekto, Apiil 19. A terrible tragedy occurieJ here thit af ernoon. John Hugger I y aixty yesrt of age and a tailor by trade, mur dered bit ton, John Haggerty, Jr. 30 years of ge, in com owoj, stahoiag mm to ihe heart with a pocket knife. Ths, father it now In jail and the I oy lie on a ilab In the morgue, 1'he old man deniet that he did it, but two daughters and on: Wareack, who wat vUiting the Haggerty dwelling, taw bim commit ihe terrible deed, on ihe ton with hit dying hreath accused bim. The old man it just recovering fiom a prolonged spree. Disorder thai affect the ILtdaeja Are am rg Ihe moa formidable knowo . Di tbtttes, Tright's disease, gieycl and other complaint of the nrleary orgatit arw not or -diirily coied In tever cstc, hutthi-y inty be V! iU,t by timely mediUtion. A neuful tlimuUbt i,f the Uiinary clamla hot ever br n fooDC in Uotlettor'a Momach JSittera. a medictou which not only alfordt the r q sisits stimulus when they b-come inactive, " " v.- ca iiioir vinr uu aeoreuvfl pow er. Ily increasing the activity of tht kidneys "i.uu-i, innoiuiuej nss toe taninnti sl effict of txpeltiDg from the blood impur ities bit-It it it tbe peculiar oflice of thcte organa tn eliminate aod pats off. The Hit ters it a ao a J uritier and tlrengthener of tbe boweU, au inviorator of tbe ttoinaeh.aod a matchlttt remedy for biliousness and fver and igae. It Bouiiterattt a tendency to pre mature dectv. slid sustains r,d nnn, fni(. il.u aged anpielirm. CU on the Albany Purniturt Co., Raitlicore block, (or of kinds. tJ Tho stock ts large Jan J complete, Tory a'soTJJt tW lave flnt lilies o( .bsbycarrUgcs, cai- TJj tST pots, ,walt 1 spor, and iratiW tarnayeHier, all for st t at bedrock prlco."64 DISSOLtfTlON NOTICE. The rrt nerablp heretofore txisting between V Engols and W Id Headly, in tbo painting and paper hanging business, has this day been disaoivea by mutual oon eut, y Engolg retirinsf. The busineas will he serried tin by W H Headly, who wii' pay all debts owing by ths fl;-m and collect alt outstanding rtcoounts due the firm, W H UK AD LEY. K KNUOLS. Daled April 13th, 1891. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe annual mooting of the atook. bold-;- of the Albany Farmers Co, will bo hold at tbe office of said oompanr, ja Albany, Oregon, on May 19sh, iS'Jl at 1 o'clock, p m. otesid day, for the purpose of electing seven (7) aireetora, to servo the ennulusr year, and tbe transaction of such other business aa may properly coma 6aid iu"k'.vi. Do ho by or der of tfati boafd of dimtotR. Youd Better FURNITURE PLOYSI PLOY8! Staveri NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, ARK IICAlKjUARTKHS IN Til MOBTUWKST FOIt- Plows of Every Description, tnoMPEWiNa J I fiSSP Wood-Beam Corn TIows, Stubblo Plows, Hazel U. i. UilkJU piowg Grub ilowg Iload or ora(ling riowg Timber Wows, Sido Hill Plows, Stocl Beam Walking Plows. JAY EYE SEE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS. XTTX Lltttls Giant walking gaog plows, Triumph tbrse wbtel tulky plows, wood and iron frame harront, riding and walking cultivators, and everything aetded by ths tilling ef the soil. All dealers and fsrmsrs will find it to their ad van tags te write to at for terms and pilots before parchssiag else wheis, as we can make it aa object for tbemtedaat with at, while giving a larger and more varied stoek to seleet from than any other Arm on tbe 1'aolflo eota. We carry tbe Largest and Most Complete Stock on tbe Pacific Coast of Mncliincry-i-aiul-:- Vehicles -:- of -Evcry- Description. tVatl far t'ataloiae a4 rrtee List. IV. C. DAVIS k CO., SUMMONS. I Ms Ciruit Cot rt for Limn Countff, Stale of W.1I JOIISSON, rialntlff, rs Kdwtrd Johnaon, Mattls Jnbtiion,Itertba Johnson, Kva Heynoids and W. Reynot da her husband, and Hyron Johnson, Defendant, To Kva Iteynolds and Walter Reynolds, two 01 sue suox ntnta aeienaanu, IN TUB NAME OP TIIE STATE OF Oiegon, you are lj-eb r. quired to appear and answer tbe corn plaint of the plaintiff ,n tbe above entitled oonrt, now on file with the clerk of said oonrt, on the first day of tbe neat regular term of said court, tow iu on tbe tla4 Iter ef Jane, ISSI, A nd yuu arw hereby ifHlfled that if yon fail to appear aod answer tald complaint at hereby required, tbt) plaintiff will ap- fy to the noun for tbe relief demanded n plaintiff 'a complaint, towiu To require the defendants to make eon vtyanoe to tbe plaintiff of tbe following derlbtl ral estate: 1 be fractional east H of ths N K X of amotion the N W H or aeetlon 23; the fraotioual N E H of s.Uun 13, all In Tp 10 8 It 1 W of tbe Wiliametie meridian, lo Linn county, Oregon, and that said land be decreed to belong to the plaintiff, and that tbe defendants ba decroad to have no Interest In said lands, and fr the cost mad dUbuisementslo be taxed. T'aU suirmons Is served by publication by orde of tbe It on It Bdse, Judge of i4 (ourr, inane at caawbers, on tne l?Utday of April, 1H9I. J K WaTiisarjnr, fJ2t) AU'y for t'iff. SHERIFFS SALE. It tlmCirtiM Cvmrt qfthSlat4 0 OrtJcr LUn Couatjf, . C II Cable and C E StanarJ, partners, (icing busineas nn dr the firm name of C'rbte A f-tanard., PlslnUffa. vs N It Mtaudish and Jennie Hrandtab, Defeadanu. NOTICE M HEltEBY GIVES THAT by virtue of an exaauiion and order ol sale, issued out of the above nmed oonrt, tn tbe nb)v entitled ae'Jon, I will on aslanls. the ttk stay r Moor, IS9I. at tbe eourl hoti.e door, la the aUy of aiuany. Mn county, Oregon, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock, p m, of said day, sell at ptihtlo mrulou, for ejh In band, to the hlifhest bidder, tbe real property dee- enbtrl fn tald tseoiitioit r.nd order of sate, as ioiiows, to will IM No six. (tf), of a oertala pteoa ofland in l.lon aauoty, Oregon, and firoattrl belonging to the &tUU of El lab a Urlfllth", deward. s will appear by reference to a plat of said ple ot land annexed o th return and if port of administrator's sale, Made the 2.1th day of September, 1S7J. A I. now on fl'e In Ihe Lien county elerk'a oniee. In the city cl Albany, county of Linn and state of Oregon. Also iota ,o nve, mx seven aod eight all in block No 4. In the town of Brownsville, In Unn county, state 4 Oregon, aa will appear by reference Co the plat of aatd town -to file and recorded in the county elrk'e olfiee, In tbe city of Albany, In tbe a -lid county of Linn, and state or Oregon. Also lot No 3. In block o I, In Kirk's addition to the town of DmwoaviHe, county of Lion, and state of Oregon; aald It extending 60 ft on t'alspooia street and ninety. nine feet on f ront street. The prooeeis arising from the sal of asm premises to be applied first: To tbe payaqniQ tut ooaM or ana upon aatd execution, and tbe original costs of aald action, taxed at tad 80: leookdt To tbe payment of Plaintiff a, claim amountlngta inoauuioi tn on, interest tnereor at the rate of 8 per oent per annum from tVtolier ltlib, list), and the fnrther sum of 72 01, with inlereat thereon s.t 8 per oant per annum from Feby 27ib, 1891. Dated this 7tU day of April. 1891. M.KCOTT. Shoriff of Linn oounty. Oregon. , By USSmiib, Teputy. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ON THE 28TH DAY OF MARCH, 1801, K Beoknr, of Sbedd. Linn Co.. Oregon, made an aaslenrjuent for tbe ben lit of his oredlt"rs, 'fhe undevslicned is ths duly appointed and qualified assignee oc saia lucKer's eitate. au pereona having catm against the said Becker are hereby uotirled topretkut them to tbe undersigned, verified as required by law. within three mouius from the date hereof atSheJd, Linn oounty, Oregon. Dated April 2, 1891. JOHN W. PUGH, II, C. Watson, Asslguae, Atty for Asslgnoo. (4 8) m ONKY TO LOAN. In small and 1 v JL Iar8 amounts, from six months to five years, on gooc good Albany and Linn county real estate. Call on or address W K MePberson, First St., Albany, Or. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there will bean annual mectltigol the stoektolders of ths Albany Woolen Mills Company, held at their office in Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 12th fay of May, 1891, at the hour of X o'clock p in of aald day, for the purpose o. e lect in k four direotors to serve for one year and the tra&saotion of snob, other but, ness as tnr.y legally come before euoh mem ng. J. P. OALBRAJTH, Seoretaryg IOB BENT. Edher for offices or reel ; dence, the bnlldloK of L Verlck.near corner of Btcadalbin and Third streets. DISSOLUTION KOTIOE. The psrt nersbip heretofore existing between A Slraney and Q Nagley, in the livery business in Albany, Oregon, ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. A Stranty will continue tho business at the old stand end assume all debts owing by tbe firm and collect all accounts due the firm. April 1.18n. A. ST BAN BY, . Ji AGLSY, FARn FOR GALE..-.:-.-; A farm of i28 acres of land 2li miles .est of Millers Station ou O. & C. H R. All fenced, 13j a.-res In cultivation. 89 eeies slaeboil, good bouse and barn and slit .1 tor Ktocrk, v. i, ' -,o:i, your-" on-hard btari-j e'l ' i , (,- , PLOYS! PLOYS! falte, AUKSTW ALBANYt OREGONs SHERIFFS SALE. Ik Ctrtuit Court t,f tht Stat of Ore gon, jor lla Loamy. Geo 0 Cooley and J II Wash borne, partners, doing busi ness under tbe firm rameand atyte of Cooley A Watbborne. I'ialntiffa yn Nalban BSUndlab, Defendant NOTICE 13 IIEPEBY GIVEN THAT by Tit tne of an exeeutlon and order of sale loaned out of tbe above named oonrt, in the above entitled act 'on. 1 st ill on atartlay.laie Hot day ef May, IU1. at tbe court house door. In the city cf Albany, una county, uregon, at tbe hour at t o'clock. Pia.fl said da?, aell at publie taction, for cash !o band, to tbe klebtst bidder, the real property de- eribed In aald execution and order of stale, aa follows, to wit: Lot No alz, (6), of a certain piece of land la Linn county, Oregon, and for' tnerl r belonioK o tbe estate of E iha Onflltb, deeeaoed, as will appear by tef ere nee to a plat of said rleoe f land an nexed to tbe return and report of admin Utrator'a sale, a sue the 2Gth day of Heptember, 1873, A D. now en file in Linn county clerk's office In the city of Albany, ooujty of Lino and state of Oreiron, Also lots No five, t ix aeven and eight, all la block No 4, in tbe town of Brownsville, In Unn count), stale cf Oregon, aa will appear by reference to tbe plat of aald town en file anri rH rd-d tn tne eoutue clerk's offioe. in the city of Albany, tn the aald county of Linn at d state ol Oregon. Also lot No 2. in bio It wo I. ia Kirk's addition to the town ot Brownsville, county of Linn, an J tt t Oregon; aald lot extend. ng CO ft on Cala poo.a street, aod ctnty niae Itet on Front atieet. 1 he prooreds arUtag from tbe tale of said promisee, 10 be applied. Aral: lo lh payment or the sosuof and opon said execution, end tbe original eosu of said action used at 3i S3: second: To tbe payment of p.aintltT's claim ainountlna- to tbe sum of f 823 63, with iotereat there on at 1 ne rate 01 10 nor cent rer annum from February llth, 1891, and the further sum ortsj, reaoonable attorney's fees. Dated this 7b day of April. 1891. M. M.OTT. SuetlfTof Linn county, Oregon (410-2) By D S Smith, Deputy. NOTICE CF FINAL b'ETTLEMEHT. XJOTlTt IU HEREBY OIVEX THAT TfiX CS. 1.1 aWnifiMd, adiuinMrmtrix ot Um wUM ot Mar. Un Went, Aaamcd. hat Olcd brr Snal aaxxmt in Um ottcm at tut county clerk lac Unn county .Orrgon, obS Um Jutg ot Ui eatiaty eoan est said countr. baa Aatd UwwaiUjrat May. lAJl. Kt th bour uf I o'r'.vrk a m. tar llw tMaHof of objeetiuaa, tf any. lo tald M mmm ana runawr tvuiwtMmt '4 aaM nuu. TSM Uw tnl day f April, l t. SARAH L. LrPKR. . WaaTnatmaa, AdmiBistntHa AWj Um AdtuinUtralrlx. (4-10) tTOWfNT OF LEBANON This Beautiful Addition fiaucu uu luo uiiu&cii, au Prices to Suit the Times, and Terms to We would much prefer that al' who wish to purchase lots and personally inspect the grounds and learn tor themselves tl.S.. .1j:i! j. it.. T-- tava lilts UUUlllUIt prt'StJUlS the followin facts: Lebanon has a population of 1500. One hundred and twenty-five new substantial houses were built here during tbe year. The Lebanon and Santiam Canal Company has been incorporated, and work will begin thereon as soon aa the necessary preliminaries can be arranged. Lf9 m!ilm HES It lies along the route of the It is platted with wide level each lot fully large enough for which will afford to residents Alii Swt.s All nrsaro uo teet irontand LET THIS CC?" The price of all these This property will be Bhown to parties desiring to purchase by J. E. & H. Y. Or by Peterson & Garland, Lebanon, Or. Full Chilled Bottoms. Tarnt a a P i5 ft 60 o 0 War is Declared, not by Italy but by If 1 1 0 LEADIIG ALBANY. was on r.!CH pp.ioesi Have now &iipyi in their ttmo the flnwt aed lanent etr.ek f Spring Clothing ted Furoiihing OmjJs eter Ix fore fcre'jj;ht to Albany. All Oooda were ttlrct"l with tl e greatest eare ai d tmbrace all the latest fstylit and Spring Novtltir, .WAR GHimn PKICES! By car (rest clntine out tale 6 or It, Jtnaary tnd I'twnary w toccctdrd clraijing oot nearly all wintf-r tlotljin, and we greet jen tfaia this spiing as s did last jail, with a f ew, then stock, latent ttj Us and lowest prices. WAR OH (i!Gr! PPsSCES! W carry a line of biMy tailored clHb:r jc, ar.d have buodrtfit tf tsiler msds taits which we gaataUf ia tw rwpect, to be fir acptr ior ia fit, style and workmanship to tl,oi that yon K-cerallv have made by yoar s..rehant tailor, and tbe pik-tr are from SO to 73 ercf tit cheaper. WAR 03 lliCii PHICESI Wsdtfy ss merchant Uiloi to leat cor styles, fit and flnuh cf All yoa bif men, shirt fat on-rj, a toot men, long scd slim men, and t,ll etbr people who tevvr bare bten sHa to get a ready made suit lo fit, tboold call aod xamit;e our mamwotb stock before jon leave yonrmrsir- are wun soma mercnrtui tailor, vir ar:u can many man lit any aino or war on Eiga Prices, The Hereof these fine tailor made suite range from $14 to Our Ux-k of inen'M buat. nenssnitata Immense, and ihe price from 17 to to 114. A full line of Albany woolen mill goods for men, bye A children War cn High Prices. Our boys and children's de t art menu are eompiote. Latent CD o 03 style spring bsts A large and nne assortment or sua and negligee auirts for spring- and tuinmcr wear. War on High Price. PACKARD tjrfW T. L. WALLACE & CO. The Birthplace of Great We are the People Who carry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. S1ATTHEW8 1 VASHBU ALLEN Wholesale retail Grocers! CltiARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN, LARGE ICR IN THEIR Flinn Block, TO THE c- to the Town of Lebanon. iu mo puuitu. -ICTOW OOEi THE- st.0- Lebanon and Santiam Canal'. avenues; planted with most a comfortablo residence, and s that are unsuitable for building purposes, and give a dear title to cacli lot f joins the beautiful Isabella Park from which it derives its name Alt cf in the addition beautiful recreation irrounds. 1 a . . tJ . - trom to lb5 teet deep. FACT I3K TilS3XEMIJEI112rs lots will be advanced fil i eii n a. t s m h is s i m 14' a i t S t(ij I III I li &ar aTr il I iu! ill imm u Gt.fa): i a! i.i.nt . Sqaare roraer M'ltta w ent Lining tae IMew oo ef (be Crot ad. -J CLOTHIER o d- Hi P we make a apectaUy ol tnch greds '1 a suit Ve crry th-j ce'e'jrtto 1 V Pi t4M. fine tiiess WarcaEjga Prices, Oi Is tbe bt st sbce ln tbe tnattktt. J ry it t&TJZvtry boy who j,ur.haes ote tpritiir snitof n wi;l h prefcentedwHb a -pu!dii:g's league bise ball and bstt,.&? Q o and IhmtX Grgaiss.1 1 CHOICE FRUITS OF SMALL QUANTITIES, vEASON. ALBANY, EE? is Now, for the First Tims t Suit the People. J in this addition, would come. the many and varied ad van- J t ; i?- mi t- t r- . b CD ' O T s 1 AV (manan) shoe, and Lave the inle iin agtncy for this city. j OREGON I SOP - 5 . i t -- 1 By a personal inspection you will discover f : ? ..... i Jhia canal will give steady work to hundreds, and will fur-1 nish mill-Bites for many manufactures, and the town froraf this and other advantages will be a city of 5000 inhabitant i It has nearly doublet! its population in the last year. f A $150,000 paper mill ia now completed and work will It begun therin this July 1st. f i beautim vounf shade troos each has a natural drainage - per cent, after May 15th."C V Eirkpatrick, Extra Hardened Steel Bottoms. Z- - -r '- 4