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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1891)
1 ! 71 rcn: New York World, "THE DEMOCRAT" An ad. In the K ! ! i' fl DEMOCRAT" and the American runner, all one year l aches the Most People, and brings BIG RETURNS. ion so. Veskly "SU'e-Klgbt PemocMt.ia 00 VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OKLGONv FRIDAY, APRIL 34, 1891. filtere d at the Poftt omco at Albany, Or egon, as second o'ass mail! matter. J! 1 cf r; ft. i f per your. i - ) i t'l THE CWTH'JE rOPE Pi U 5 1 y v Hi Will rsriiy ii vuA tvtpn!,T tV l.. I ll.r., , r.... H i, 1 "4 el HMIlk t .l. ( ')Lit Niti'l tt AMM's v., hvi,. i..r (.ii Iii. k. Ai,! i . ittrl'r, t:i '.,... - 1 .'-I n-.rr mmmmm t . t !, I . 9 ,il-.- n't , c ts III jr. iuktskm Li rn II!. .'.'... ,.!. Or. has n rt w.'iCicif. 3 P. iCSiiii, ...... 1 t i V I II . L . i nrsa nyj glvon U thoir cplr.lon, that Tl!u Ulnwbsrii'i blck lVrchcron ti!ion, atom) kt the r'.iiali:;la'K). lie id In of Mr C K Harrow a. aa efTiclnt n. xppr ien-a tor.oiun, ho will give M ptron ev.ry puIb! ::eution. TUut will enko th eon or IodIv nlTu.R.!jat JiiTcrsor; Mdnedaa .naTl.uiiK!ayat C. rv.l l ; IM.'a-, nanJ KaturJaya at Alba 117. Mr niumbcrg la a..j onrr f the alanJa-d bird trotllDf lior-, Alwood Ertta v, (No IS63), who can be ecn kt tli ut!ecf Tiltea Ere. Iho got of lbl borso a: lari; and fiuo f .rroeJ, ani ouly mcJ prrpr tfevclrf ir.tkl lo bow typed. i i-arorrfcT-a.T Wl - J AwNWri. 1 lf V .,1 Tut tCm-' C.r ll,U t- 1 -v L.a.. io. rait la rwvfii meiwliog it "51 A. J. fc . i v Kit if. T) tUU4 ri I K. Actia HELPS, Job Printer, lst.St.E Albany YEGE1 BLE PANACEA ro .mce Ulricas. ."thi: cunc or ' AND ALL OTHER DISEASES AR1SIN0 mo MA DISORDERED STATE ormSTOMACH ON AN INACTIVE LIVER, row s Air r au. i CmJCClSTS & GENERAL DEALERS Js:. J?ftinchrtir' ' 'TwV HFAITIJ ,5rrr.ior'i k US IT IT IT TTTR TTI? T, MfpTrT7y. It tnn- Ih liv it-t KUI'i. ir!S ri u'i, curri II jJkIi . Iiv.n i, rr :.i.n kit .; bit, iu. i.i- i.w Im, .r.- IJ .K'i. uiut Twrl wf.ntliiTN CI ;iU.iIjfor3. i i.r i. ! .j. 1 .. i r' l toirivr XL jn.l l i-.n tru tEf -, r never F. . rw1.... VI llllv 111 ! IUM HHJ ; BlrAur tb !, flowing llw to.'f k V 1WM MUNM A 3(il Urmt The New York C. B. R, Store Is tho Placo to Buy FOOTWEAR TBT Tlieir Mold Tliyer Shoes. HeFarland Block, ALB AN f. I 11 p-'5' 1 1 v r, r- AflY iADAGHE 'White Yea Wait; cur cures NOTHING ELSE. 238. O- S 23 -X2ESI0Ls S3 FISST-CLASS GOODS, AT B Ecasonable ? : Frice3, JJlumbcrs'x Illock, -:- .A. complete lino of C on 4h lnrniHliing: -A. O jfi. X. . JAlbany, Oregon. Albany fer feci v, i ) J. Jesepn, -:- Proprietor. Only While 1 abor Employee 3i ay y P3 n It you want tho best i Wand most durable furni 0 ture tliat is manufactur- Q ed in tho city go to THOMAS BRINK'S LEADING DRUGGIST OBEGOIT- "AT10NAS1Y 5tC DRUGS, FtlEOlGSn 0" h ;t n nn 1 I "Which m Tuuk.Ih Atuvver to Hn Kem In tho Dkmochat that rortlaml powple neinl Imuiigranta to tho Souinl, tlu Ore Konlan auya, in part: "The statenumt that "l'oitlaiui iicupla tle pain lo etnl ncacomen to I'UKi't ton ml rather than to the Willamette" in aWimlly falsa ami falnrly alurd, rortlaml hart worked ami ia working iitlinltelyinorefurOnvon than for anliinjton," Wn wiulJ lika tu hrliovo thin true; hut tho ahmu't uui veraal verdict of pvpU v'lHitiau I'orlliuul, who innke ohm rvationa on tiio mutter is ilirertly iho opposite. Tho Ule Konian takes oeeanion to write a nrumn from the Iri ni, awrtintf that "ii Ik true that tuillioiiH of dullnra uf Cortland's cap Ital liave In-en aent Into Wanhlnulon fr investmciit, but thin U lieeanne Wah inton iuvitea invetment,whilo tho lawn o( Orem are mot unfriendly and nn- lavoratilo to tho iilaclnir oi money n e loans tr in bnliiei cnterirlf e.M If tl Immijirant ia to ho rinciicd hy cmirmouu intcrcat. u be gor there, then why nm' he not c(me to Oregon hero our law protect tho farmer ami borrower gener ally, i tint 8 w hat Hurprtnew ua In refi r- cnc io thla particular matter. Mvr tuelvas wc aro KettinK a heutthv gnition, ami lomu day tho Willamette valley wil Ih tho moat ilenxvly iHJtxiui' ted aeetion of tho l'acillc Toast, regard less oi onr usury awa. I.ijm Oocvrt Aluaxok. A Linn Coun ty Farmers' Alliance was organised ftt Solo by D JColo. JaoobN'pwtnan wan secretary of tho meeting.' The six local anions were renresenttnl as follows: San tiiun I'nion A (Hlirisman, W M Haley, JTFollis, It It Irvine, James Lelller. M linkers T M Miinkvrs. A 1 llarons, F J I fenny. Ilawv Hhelton, J tJ M linkers Hock Ifiil-J W Wilson, II U Towel), A I' JUackburn. Oeorgo lealio, 0 l Meen. Syracnoc J C Cox. J It Davis, F M M0- er, a Jones. Jordan 1 r Crabtree, A M Shelton U T Frost. John F.rvant. A J Shelton, J I Devtnport, J IIuler, Hainan Shelton. 8r. Hamilton Crvek John !w.inon. J W Iliahotj. I K Twaddell. la. cob .Newman. The tollowinsr olllovrs were elected : rrea dent. T SI Munkers vice presidvnt. C I Stm-n : secretaiy.A f v-Mieuon ; irtaiurr,i' .m m nier; ehapialn, Hit Irvine: lecturer. Fl Deurv: stew ard, lieoriro Ia's'io: cloorkw-iK-r. J A Jones; a.t U.jorkeeper, W .N lUylm. A t fiifuun was apjiointeii rounty oran iir. Meetimr of the nilinnre will tx bld at fc'cioon atarday.May 2,at 10a m. A llimxt CtrTAiN. As the steamer I loan ca mo donths Willamette river. H'edliesday. tha ratit.iin il!-,iv-irii.t small lmml of shcp huddled together on the edge f the river this side of Inde ponco. The hank was so prccipitons.aml they had only a very small Ink tn stand nnoti. that any effort to turn around cr ctiiiibup ouli surely liave inrown uiem into the water, where the current was almost a torrent for a half mile below, aaanist the'steen bank. The captain etopjxd hU Umt, turned around, new ner nge tip to the bnnk.iirdercl his men out witli.the gangplank, and had them cut n tath down in the bank so tho sheep could get out of their tight place and onto terra firma above. This work delayed the boat considerable, but every iininger was intensely interested in saving those sheep. .The captain has run the river eighteen years, and only his sham evn cotiM hmn l. i..i t.-.l tl.a danger the x'lieen were in. lie deservra a medal. Journal. Was Nor a Ghois. Ltt Tucwlay ieorge Kaer!. Wilt Rotwra and Tlminai Large started out for a grou-e hunt. titer hunting for some time and not earing a hoot, they became separated. ieorge, being a man t f experience in unting grouse, conclude I to climb a arge tree and cinmcncf-d Imitating the rd, thinkins it would start all the rnuxe In tiie ooU to grunting. Alter noting for half an hour he attracted the attention of Large, who came creeping through the underbrush, hocir.s: ono oi Ueorgc'a leet, which is about the of larue urouse. he Ied. nutlimr alx nbot in his foot and leg. The wound is not a serious one. Just as Tom fired Ueorge was in the act of hooting.but he changed to tho soOnd of a calf, which so frighten ed Tom that he threw away his gun, ! shrieked "Cougar 1" and lias not been found ainctvSclo Press. A Natcbal Hihtobt Iscwtxr. It is as ' natural for a cat to devour a rat as it is for water to run down hill; hence the following incident may be considered a remarkable one, one of the most remark- tie we have ever sen reported in nat ral history. Mr K W lioas. of tliia rilr has a cat with two kittens. Vent In a i Recently the cat returned to the box itti a hall grown rat by the nane of the neck, which she placed in with the kit tens, and since treats it like one of the family, and in fact is partial to the strange bedfellow. If the three are placed away from tho box the mother will take the rat hy the neck first in every case and return it to the box. The rat, though full of life, seems to take to the situation and enjoys its domestica tion, nursing the cat the same as the young kittens, s.l of whom are living apiuly together. Tho r.rocress of this remarkable family will be watc hed with interest. Tub Pa bsi dent. Under the prercnt arrangements President IlarrUon and party hI'1 arrive in Portlat dTuctda; ucon, ia 5m, ana nence win prousbljr pans hrouim Albany hi the morr.lnsr cil that a.v. It U not ollen that wc have an op portunity to see an acting President of the U. 8. Ii IJ Hayes being the only one o far, at thin city, hence Albany people will turn out enn;ac, and an effort will be made to have the party stop a short time at Albany. It U pro'jabte thev will t-btaln their break(at here, when the popular bout and" hoMciis of th depot hotel will have an opKirtuutty to show the Wanning tonl.ins what can be done In Oregon in this line.and perhaps secure another watch- L Kli.vb Dead. In San Francisco on Wednesday evenir.g. April t. tSoi. Mr L Kline died at the age of about fifty-two ear(. Mr Kline came to Albany from California In 1SS71, and resided here about twelve years, when he removed to Seat tle, and thence a few years ago again to California. He was In the general mer- handise business here, buildlnz una ood business and a good reputation eg an hon orable businessman and citizen. He wa twice a member of the city council and In the December election, was beat en for mavor by David Froman. Old resident oi Albany, who kuew Mr Kline, will hear with much regret of his death. Odd Fellows 4iUIlmtt'R NO. . An ordinandi relatSiu to certain nni mala running at lurijo within the limits of the city of Albany, and providing for the. taking np, empounding and sellltitf all mich ultimate, when found so running In said city, aud to define whatshull colt stuute a running at largo of any such tuihmita In said city, to regulnto the driv ing of such Animals through tho streets ntul alleys therof, and to provide for the election of pounjmnstcr, and to regulate his fees and duties , Tho pt-oplo of the city of Albany do or- uaiu as 101 icnvs Hmmiok 1, Hereafter no horse, mnrn jitek, jennet, mule, sheep, cow, hclfcrj hull, calf. hoi:, or any kind of rut 1 In shall U allowed to rtiu at large, or to lie herded In nny of the street, alleys, or public places in the city of Albany, or mmi twijr (m ivsim premises therein, ex cept those of tho oaner or owners of such nuiiim!, tiiitcsn, when Wing driven through said city for shipment or other pnrposfs, as provided in Heetiou ', of tins ordinance, unless the owner or own er or person in the poNm-mion or control of such animal or animals shall first ob tain permission of the owuer or person in the control of such private, premises, vi ma lih or iiieoccupuut tncreoi, . A . fKtTios Any person or persons may drive any of tho animals mentioned in heel ion I.ol this ordinance, thromrh any street or alley of said city, for the purpose of shipment or for thu iinrmuni 01 moving such animals, iroin one Dluec to another, takinit care, however, thni such animal or animals are kapt w ithin ,1. . , .. ... o . . " iiiti ur tiiifja 111 HdH) city, wuen heinir so driven or moved therein. Ai.,1 If any person or persons shall drive or move any such animal or animal through said city in such a careless ami negligent manner as to allow such ani mal or animals to do any damage to any person or property therein, such iinun shall bo deemed KUlltV tf a Ulisdcnifannr and upon conviction thereof, before the rveower a court, shall I lined not less than $.5 nor riore than i. or lmiri.m. ed in tho city jail not less than 2 days nor more than 10 days, or lie pttnish ed by both such fine and imprisonment. at tho discretion of the court. Hkition X It is hereby madethedntv of the council to elect a suitable person to fill the otllc of pound master, who shall hold such oflieedurinir the tilt-amim of the council, or until his successor is lected and qualified. SllTloN 4. Ii any of the animal nun. tioned in Section 1. of this ordittan shall, at any time, he found running at large within the limits of said city, the ame shall be taken tin bv tha tun.l master, or any other oflicrr or rermn in the said city, and delivered at once to to the pound master, and shall be kept hy the pound manter in a i'iuJ n,l safe place. iscTto 5. It shaU be the duty of the ihjuiiu inunier, aiier taking up 01 any such animal, as hereinbefore provided, to ImmedediaU-lr post up notices ia at least three public places in the city lor five successive tlavs. uivimr as rnrrrri d.n rii.tioii as may be of such animal, in. eluding natural and ariticial marks there on ami its color, sue and apparent age. Said nut ires shall also contain a state ment 01 the tinm when aud place whrm sueh animal will be S"ld. aud upon wltat lernia turn mno iu lx? oia.lw. 11 not claimed as ht-reinaftsr prvited, lut such sale shall not take place within lese than six days from the data of pouting such notices. Huch sale shall be for cash in hand, in Cnited (States gold in, and said notices shall so secify, and to wie iguvsi niiiaer at pul-lic auction. f-rc-nox C. If. before sueh aale Lakra place, the owner of such animal shall rove the same to W his. or that lie is cnti'lej to tho possession thereof, he shall be entitled to take the same upon paying to the pound master theanutof v. j.. . .. . . . . . .. 1 .1 , vvi.u.1, j o ,or cavil uay ue snail have kept such animal, after tha takinr up thereof, and h) feea for posting the notices of such sale, and one dollar for such taking up. FecTiOM 7. If such animal remninai unclaimed until'the day of sale theref or if tho owner or terson entitled to the possession there'll lails or refuses to nay 11... 1 . .... .1 .1 ' loiiuiji iimnu r inc viinrKea ngainsi OUAf. A rt-KSONAL. TiitmsnAt. Ashby left this lor r3n ij i3:li ! WsiiliLL J t. 4 t. . -J 11 w-9 w "V 9 V II 1 . ' ." " , ' ANKIV1.R3ARY. The following Is the program of the releb.-a lion of the 72nd anniversary of the Instl tu'ion of Odd Fellowship In the United States to take place at Lebanon, Friday April 2ith: Members of Lebdncn Lorlge, No. 47, I. O. O. V., will meet at Hall at 8:30 a m nhrrp. Procession to form at I O. O. F. Hall at 10 a m; march to gauunds. Annnlverary ceremonses. Oration. Mu sic by band. Recitation. Vocal music, Recitation, Vocal rouble. Recitation. Vo cal rmibic. MurIc by band. Centtlicdon Dinner. Music by band- Toasts and re. sponges. jives on oaktiam. as soon as the snow leaves the ground there will be prospectors in the Santiam mining conntry from all over the coast. Already two or three are here from San Francisco, one from Colorado, and several Portland men are watching the first opportunity. There promises to he an excitement that will completely eclipse the recent triple sen. eationul social canes. And Albany ts the center of supplies. t A Farm Sold. Mr Thomas Cundiff, a cousin of Mr B W CundifT. and B R Pen dleton, who arrived in Albany from Illi nois two or three months ago, have pur chased tho fine farm of Mr Paul Mincen mier, four miles southwest of Albany, paying $10,000 for the same, consisting of 1 200 acres. They will take possession of it at once. MlkS Jin r All Ashby lett this nooil Portland, where she will reside, Mrs LE tllsln unve a dinner vest sdsv I10011 for Kev and Mrs Hays, and Mint Ada rtdlllpps of Uflliburg, and Kev and Mrs Alter, of the Warm .Springs, to nhlch several Albany friends were Invited Mr John Holman, of the Albany Iron Works, returned this iron Kalein, where he secured the contrsct for the castings for U W Ursy'm Wge new brkk. and several other good niders, l he rep illation o( the Albany works spreading anroad. Mr King, of Hie lccplcs Laundry" re turned this noon from hugene, where he was examined on an spplicatlon f.rr pension. The cxamlng board found se-ven defects in Mr Kings physical structure, so that there ts no doubt on the pension question. The K oi I- dedication occurs to-nhrht. Different parts of the state are re presented and the event promises to be one long to te remembered by the Nnnjht. Ursad Chancellor Cleveland, and wife of Ant'.il. arrived on the nam train, seven from Eu gene, among the ncmoer being A I Churchill, toriMetlv editor of the t'orvalll C&sette, J O Watt and J N Hunch, Geo. C Will and others from Salem and Other cities.. TWO AMNIVKKSARUS, Lt eyenlntr a number of the friends of 11 Woodln and Mrs Dr C U Kelly met at the residence of the former '.o celebrate the birthday oi these two worthy eltUrns no had each arrived at the age ot 57 vests. Probably on no other occsoion la this city has so much genuine snclst pleas ure been enjoyed as was the let of those who were gathered there. The crowning future of the occasion was the presenta tion of a gold headed cane to Mr Woodln by the friends piescnt. a delicately arrang ed, delicious cake by his itrr,Mr Martin, a stiver case antie ny mis warncr ana Mrs Woodirt, and a silver makh box from Mr Kelly. Mr Kelly was the recipient of a handsome cup and ssucrr from Mrs WooJIr.. Whlwt nd other eames and a repast added to ike pleasures and comforts of the evening. The following were ptes- nt; Mf and as" Dr M anion, Mr and Mrs II Hcllt. Me and Mrs F M French. Mr and Mrs t W Cu.lck. Mr and Mrs N II Allen, Mr sn4 Mr If A Warner, Mrs Vance, Mrs W ft aaiveu.Mrs U 1 rttewarl, Mr A If Martin, Miis Kelly. MU tlertle Martin. Mrs A B fcoil. Mr Fln, Mr and Mrs Dr Kelly. Mr and Mrs S S Train, MUshtcwart, Mr and Mr II J Hopkins, Mr Walter I'ariitet.Mr and MrK lluMon, Mr and Mr Tro4ipkln, Mi and Mr J II Turner and air and Mrs T J Stile. KTtUtAX. the the ram?, as herein rrvided in Sec tui (i, of this onlinance, the pound master ball proceed to sell such animal or an imals at the time appointed for anch sah.', in tho manner sinxilied In such notices, and after deducting Ida legal fees and all eote and expenses of taking np, keeping and selling the same, lie shall pay the remainder of the proceeds of sueh sale to the city treasurer and take his receipt therefor. Hkctuix 8. If the owner, ornerson en titled to the possession of any animal so sold under the provisions of this ordin sin e, shall,al any time within six montln after the date of such sale, make satisfac tory prool ol Ins title to such animal r animals to the city council, he shall tw entitled to receive the proceeds of each sa'e on deposit in the city treasury, tot if no such proof be made within six months from the date of such sale, ettch proceeds shalj thereafter be the property of the city of Albany. Ssction 0, A runnlnor at large o any animal mentioned herein, within the limit of the city of Albany, fir ail the purposes of tills ordinance, t hereby de lined to be the running or being, unre strained, of any such animal In any street or alley in said city, or 00 any premises therein not owned by Or nnJcr'lhc control of the Owner or keeper or person I rt con- 1101 ot sucn animal. Sictiox 10. AM ordinances and carta of ordinances In cor.tIlr t herewith arc here by repealed. Skctjon 1 1. This shall take effect and be In full force and effect from and after lis approval by the in ay 01. Passed the council April 14th, 1891. Approved April i6lh, 1S91. Mr and Mr A1 Chare), of Pcrtlandire In the city. Mr R V Winetnan returned last evening from Ida trip lo Chicago. David Froman and Jaa V Powell left this morning for the country on a hunt ing expedition. MrABWoodin went to Kalem Uslay to make arrangemnsiUi with the other members of hi mining firm in reference to putting 11 mill in their mine. A whit party was given on Wednesday evening aLihe'rewldence of Mr Co'l Van t'leve In honor ot the list birthday of Mr Bert Van Clcvs.a pleaant time U reported. Mr S E Harrows, the tnaurance man, yeatcrdsy pslJ hi first vMt to Ue Agri cultural College, at Corvslilt, snd reports himself as highly fdcae4 w.ti the man agement and surrounding. There are now 150 atudent in attendance and 160 acre of land In a high stats of cultivation. The college off er every Inducement for new scholar and sets an c sample for other colleges In the low rale of thing for students. Itoard W only Sa.ic a week and tuition only $15 a year. A young man csn get art education there lorf 150 a year, wiikii t remarkably cheap. raioar. Mr CL Broth, of Portltnd, It In the city. Miss: Pauline May, of l'arriabarg, is in the city. Mr W B Rice, of Ashland,! in the city, the guest of Mrs C J Stewart. Mr W II Garrett relnrned this morn ing from a trip to Han Francisco. MUs Gussie Lay ton returned to Port land ihls noon, where she U working in an office as a reporter and typewriter. Mr McCaw.the Portland architect, Jiav. ing ci targe of the proposed U P Choi ch, was io the city to-dsv. The contract for the church, will not be let for a week, or two. Minn Van Horn, w ho has been teaching temporarily In the College, for vet al weeks, left this morning for Portlan-d, ami will go In a few daya to her homo at Farilfou, Mian. Mr 1 Rank'n returned this morning: from st trip to the mouth of the Umpqua, whero he went to bid on the new light houo there, rt an estimated cost of $60, 000. The bid will be opened next Tues day. The light houso will be near one ot tho tartest saw mills tn Or.'fon, t roploy lti about rights men, and will be on an elevation of over one hundrtd feet. The old one was on the beach, and I now a ruin. Akkual McKTiNo. The annual meet ing of the Albany W C T V waabcld last week at tho Hall. Th e opening exer cises consisted of singing by the audi ence, ecriptnre reading, prayer and a fanely rendered duet by Oil Hart and C W Rears. Mrs E F Sox, thei retiring Presideut, read an ably written address, showing the Union to m in a prosperous condition, with only $50 now due on the uuiming 01 inn nail. Mra Emily Pitt Hteyens, of California, delivered an ad dress, full of enthusiasm. Portravin in strong language, aided by many pathetic inuiueiiiB coming nnuer ner own observa tion, the evils of the drink habit, Mrs Stevens is a pleasant speaker, holding the closest attention of her audience, who beeama enthused like herself Twenty new names were received to the Union, now numbering ll5. The W C TU, under its ablo and harmonious a credit to Albany.where it lias excited much influence for good, Tin: Monabcii Mabtodok. Quen Jam bo will soon be lure at Albany, 011 Friday, April 24th. The announce ment of the coming of McMalion's circus heralds the advent of the largest animal known to history, as well as many new interesting arenio textures destined to create quite a furore. The arrival of the mammoth elephant in New York was the all absorbinK topic and subject of much newspaper comment, xiie car nrrangeu to bring her majestic majesty from the Atlantic 10 mo raciuc was tound to be too low, causing a few days delay to en able the car builders to raise the roof and lower tbo floor between the wheels. It was then doubtful whether the car could go through the tunnels en route. The movements of the big one across the continent being telegraphed from point to point caused much enthusiasm among the people along tho line, immense crowds gathering at the stations only to be disappointed as the weather was cold and the mastodon could not be exposed. LanANos. An alliance was organized in the McKinney district, east of Leban on, last week. County Surveyor Fisher was platting an addition to South Lebanon this week, B IIP. . 1) 1 1 r tor vvrn itaiston. One of the section bands on the OEy met with a serious accident Monday by falling through the trestlo below Spicer. He fell a distance of 20 feet, alighting on his left arm which was broken below the elbow; the elbow waa also disjointed. E B TCnapp met with a painful acrf, dent Wednesday afternoon between Leb anon and Tallman. He wa riding a young horse which took fright, made a tew mmps and lull down throwing bun and dislocating the elbow joint. Mr Knapp intercepted the trail at the Leb anon Junction. Dr Booth set the dislo catJ joint. Express. Cheap Wood. flood fir wood delivered of A I h- l- a cord BoARDKBti "Wanted, for table and'one room. Inquire at Democrat office. Paisley & Smiley, Tne Printers, PItaj Block I'reneb TaanyA Wafers. wafers are a sure and snfiet- clfl. kind sot female trouble ar'c iv1!' all obstructions to the- mom. 1 no matter what the cause. Ti t it what every woman iveec ai 1 can be ied with safety. For sate t th Livingstone Chemical Co., also. Iron v aole agent, J A Cummlng, dnsggfc, Bn . berg b;ck, Albany, Oregon. The for a remot period are it SVABJUNUTON. . (Froia ear rwruwr urrKm!efit.) Washington, April 13, 1891 Mr Harrison would gladly, It Is believed. absndon the vote hunting lour upon which he starts to morrow tf he could consistently do o. There are several rea ons for this condition of rrlnd on his part. When this tour ws first suggested he expected to bo able to carry with him a prominent psrty, Including a majority of the cabinet and several senators and rep resentatives, but as the lime drew near to stait he has hed the experience of the bib lical character who gave an entertainment all had excuses to p'event their going. Mr McKinlry, for whose special benefit the Canadian ' reciprocity talk has been postponed, would hsve made a star at traction for the parly, but Ids own presi dential aspiration are so fully developed and he has such an exaggerated Idea o his political importance that he would not con. sent to play second fiddle lo Mr Hsrrlson Hut, perhaps, what worries Mr IlarrUon more than all other causes Ii his over whelming jealousy of Mr BUIr.e, who he thinks has already gained more notoriety than he is entitle! to through his connec tion with the administration, He fears that Mr Blaine will do something while he I away to Increase that notoriety, and al though he ha Mr Blaine's promise to stand alde and allow him to be renomi nated II he can be, he doubt his sincerity and I afraid of hint. It Is believed that Mr Olslne Is fully aware of the state of Mr Harrison's mind, and that he enjoys It The evident Intetrttoai ot Mr Blaine to surround the present condition of the Italian question with aa impenetrable air of mystery is having a tad effect. He re futed to give out any Information, even to stating whether he had cnt the answer to Rudlnl's last dispatch. From other outer It I learned that a draft of that answer was read at a cabinet meeting last week and approved by those prcient, but if It ha been ent it went by mall to our mlniter at Rome, because, if ft had been ' cabled over the Italian papers would not persist In saying that Rudlnl had notified ! Mr Blaine of his Intention to break off all diplomatic relations with the United Stste if he dIJ .tot get a tatUfaciory answer by Tuesday of tl.l week. This last of course I a bf. of buicomb that I feared by no body. Neveithele, Mr Blaine's refusal to make publk that dispatch of Rudlnl's has caused many reopl to believe that It was not of such a conciliatory nature as w had been led to believe ft was by the cable synopsis of U that came from Rime, and which, by the way, is all tha Information wc ever got concerning lu Americans are not fond of mysteries either in their public or pttvate affairs, and Mr silalne would better Ukt them into his confidence. Mr HarrUon's attempt to placate the dis granted negroe Is not a brilliant ucct. lie appointed a negro. If G Parker, of Missouri, to le alternate com rulna loner at large for the Columbian cxposition.but the negroes arewcre thancver,because,at the same tlrne.he appofricd a white man, R W Furnas jot Nebraska, to be a commissioner at-large. They ar that If Mr Ilarriton wished to recognize the ngrj he should have appointed him xeamlioner and the white man alternate as taws negroe had no representative on the eosartllonf and the alternate Is simply a fifth wheel, unlet for tome reason the commissioner for whom he Is alternate becomes unable to serve. Republicans wink krowlngty when any body say s any thing ab?ul Secretary Tracy, declared Intention of conducting the work ing forces at the various nsvy yards with out regard to partisan politics. Mr Tracy may be perfect) honest tn hi Intention b jt cither the republican do not believe It or they think they can out vlt him.' They certainly do not anticipate gtvlng up the navy yard patronage. The London Lancet deprecates theprac llce of remaining bareheaded at funerals. It commends the propriety Of cutting ettort the burial services In cold and tnclcmet weather, and suggests that the hats shouU be kept on the heads of tfeore In attendance. These suggestions should certainly be ap proved of, for a funeral ceremony, a at present carried on, hi wive much risk of contracting grave Inflammation of the rep!ratory organs. The presidential ukase gainst "farther aviation of the ta-iff question" did not deter rbe signers of tbe call for a free trade mass meeting at Cooper Uaion oa Thursday evert ing next, to be addressed by Congressmen Simpson snd Johcson. As Cur Reed is oat of tl country and Major McKiuley is doing roolderable agitating himself It is not likely thst Mthe troops" will be csllcd out to preveat she meeting. mmmmmmmmmmm Judge Lord's able opinion, itedkrlng th wagon road bills unconstitutional, sfhows that Mtat gentleman adheres to the old time wot ion tthst constitutions are made to hefobeyed. It is a sign ful) of hope thst the time is retarassg to Ms when the constitution will be regarded aa he measure of power to be excreired by live legislature. : Tbis decision is an additions! 1 and strong res ion why Judge Lord should fee ; appointed to the circuit judgeship lately swe-i ated by congress. Unfortunstely tot (be bet interests of the people that place tuvd beet I armed out even before tbe bill hid passed. In the eitimation of the'OregeaiVw, tbe fact ' nhat this s'.ate received a good rU,h slice of the ' 'immense appropriations made by the Billion Dollar congress, is sufficient reason why the ! people of this commonwealth should endorse I t'.e course of One nf tbe most corrupt and dis- :tolute legislative bodies that tver bad an ex i istence. We suppose we must accept as thst I 'paper's standard of public and party morals, 1 but this standard is not creditable to that pa j ;per's claim of public honesty nor to thepoliti .csl sagacity of it editor. wilt The Ore-onfaa suggests that Blaine mot swing aound tbe circle from the Atlantic to ihe Pacific in order to build up his presi- Ths bettroatt eofTr in tbe arty at Com ad Moyrra. Notice to Fahmekb. Wasted at once chickens, ducks, geese, tarkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of fffrm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash cr ia exrhangefor goods. G. W. SImpson, ' Albany, Oregon CEOUP, WIIOOFIJIO COUGH snd Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Sbiloh's Cure. I Hlentisl chances, but wiU leave that to Gov Hill, j -Aow ss Gov Hill is not making any such tour we would suggest that Mr Blaine leave that j business to the man with a big bat who is now I :making fuUome speeches to tbe people. ; TE.-)r.r.KHr,KtH1AIMtU. The Supreme CourV of the Mate, on Wednesday, decided that the law passed by the legislature at it scroti In il-8; appro prlatlng funds from the state treasuiy to build a wagon road in Tillamook county I in conflict whh stibJlvlslon 7, Section ii, Article, 4 of the-constitution. This bill was one of the well known wsgon toid bills that drew fiom the treasury about $130, 000 all of which sums have been expend ed and can not be recovered by the state. The following Ii an extract from the de cision; SrtLAs vr Theact chtiilcd "sn act lo appropriate $10,00 j to aid-Tillamook county In the construction of a wagon road from the Nchskn. river In the north end of ssid coun'y to (he Fuqua toll road In the south end of the county and to tse one thousand dollars of said appropriation In a branch road from South prahle to Netans bay and to create a board of com rrlstioner to construct said roadj" ap proved Feb, 18, 1889. It f in coriflic' with art 4, src. 23, subdivWon 7, of the constitution, which declares that the "leg islative aembiy shall not pass special or local laws In any of the following enum erated cstcs; thsl l to say' for laying, opening, and working on highways, and for the election or sppolr.tmi nt of supervisors. " The said act I not a gen eral law, but a special and local taw within tne meaning of that clause of the constitution. Judge Lord's opinions In this opinion, which is of considerable length, Judge Lord ssys ltd I an action to recover from the defendant, Tillamook county, the sum of fSyS for tcr)tcct alleged to have been rendered as superintendent of construction of a public wagon road from Nchalvm to the I'uqua toll road In said county, with a branch from South prairie to Netarts bay. The complaint allege, In substance, that by virtue of the provision of an act (men. tutjtd In the syllabus) the commissioner named In the act duly employed the plain tiff as superintendent to superintend the stork on said road at an agreed compen sation of $5 per day ; tlutl under said em ployment and under the direction oi said Commissioners the plaintiff rendered ser vices a superintendent upon and about the construction of laid road for a period ol 170 days; that the commissioner so re ported to the county commissioner and that thereby the said county became In debted to ihe plaintiff in thi sum aforesaid ; that '.he court examined the account an J Ordered a warrant drawn on the treasurer in ihe sum of f joo. The opinion of Judge Lord gov on to, 1.. tay that tne main question to uc ucier mined I to the validity of the act under which the service were tendered The contention I that the act I special and local and as such is in contravention of the constitution, which provide that the legislative assembly shall not pa special or local laws, etc , (a quoted In the syllabus.) The opinion savs: ItM be admitted, If this aH i a special or local law, mat then It come directly whhln the prohibi tion of the clause of the constitution cited, and never had any validity wha:ever, for the legUIature had no power to enact It But to determine whether an act I special or local U is necery to ascertain the meaning to be given to the words special or local as used in tne consuiuuun. - Th Inhibition is directed against both, and ss laws may be sped end not loca:, or they may be local and not special, it Is neceary that each word receive it ct tlnct and peculiar slgntncattow. Jt J not eay to define with precision the distinction between a general law and one that It social or local. In general language a loca! statute may be akl 10 be one illiat 1 operative only within 11 portion of the stale, and a special statute is one that Is applicable to particular individual or thing. Statute ace oufcctlmee ,ditm- gulshed as gener al or local, according to whether they are Intended to operate throughout the ent!." Jurisdiction, cr only Ithin a tingle cour. ty.or other division. or nlaee. A law whlrh S8Mica on!r (O a limited part of the stste and the Inhabi tants of that place, ts locaf, "There can be 00 oikcr ilia a eacrsl law easjdted. Heace, if the act in vueuan 1 loca. Or -sjuscial-obr.oxious to either ijaeuat-tbe legWlatare was without power to enset it, aad tl;aot is without any validity. Theact ia qsesuoa sppk'e snd optisiet ex tJaieljr ia Tillamook wounty. It confer on that county special benefit?, at the expense of the general jiuhUc. not conlerretl upon the- other countiesot the state. 'The parpesc of the constitutional r stric tion upon tbe legislative power, in the cases enumerated, was obviously to require that these specified subjects should be regulated by (,'en ersl laws of uniform operation throughout --he state. Ia the execution of this was intended by this restiirtion to prevent un just distinction from the operation of local laws between different localities, and to prevent like distinctions from the application 0j special laws lo particular individuali, counties, or things. This act vlohtes that principle of this constitutional restriction, snd embodies the mischief it was intended to prevent, and cannot be upheld. This is the giour.d upon which we declare this ac to be unconstitu tional. ' ; "While it is true, that evary court approach es with gravity the question of declaring a law to be unconstitutional and never exerti it power so to do while doubt exists, yet consid erations of eravitv stand for naught when ils incompatibility with the constitution is shown and nothing remaius for the court but to dis- chaige its duty by declaring the law to be un constitutional. It may be that m this county, at in some ether localities of the sttc, where the population is rpatse, snd the funds of tbe county are limited, that such roads, built at the public expense, would be of general ser vice to the people of those localities, and tend to the development of their interests atvfl pros perity. If this is so, and a change is desir able, tne remedy lies with the people, and not with the court. Thero was no error, and the J judgment of dismissal must be affirmed." filO.RTlR SPOTTED SKIH Covered n it h Venice. Awful gpeetnele. Cored f.i I'iva Week by tbo Cutlenriv li' iiirdlcss Alimil ifidirt tit A hul I nnftfMt ini r-l pirn Ji1i. II k ruining 'ml ! owr my Uxiy, !, UmuzM iHifliin tf It uijlil until linn) l.itft ( tt, w hen it -.n look lik j !jf itiwinr iult j im, m,' (, h .imu iff S t t..y-f B?"t.ij.t,,;.i uh)t it, I WuuiJ s radii vvvrjr vi-rt.t iini-l 1 wi rw, tlu n !) ( aiiiw.t n'.- I.. !.,.!, K Unni il rn'iinwltlla frB wst'JicI tH av ti't. In ruin did 1 f.iult ut lli durto'a In lite enwtiv, 1 nt vll!,nl si.l, Al'tf )rtvltt"!Bil Iki- tit imi, 1 t iiu. .M, ia ""nitslr..ri;?itt,'iii tn Utv in '-. pm aijoitl ymtr fi"t - );-, iril,4, pi ,.rrli.. (! tT, frn.ii my lii:n,',. , Mini li ' ii,.u almivt ItttitiiiHi t r. lii t. ) I. t-iti tt iitlti- lh;l tiN-iMii,tv rrtt(rfiifn rr!lfi illy t)rip,'il hit t.l .!i t,. twill cl (rut ly tjw, lltil;) I I. i ..11 tltl . fit . Ii. I l..,l t:, .1 . r?i (Mfm-a pumtlrt lii.-s I ltm txl.ihv t H li', uvA 1 1 f-iitr or wm-t. m ;pi. if rjjt.'il. Ky d,i.,tMt Mum vvtr,n aitti pwr'i U. ktf.w if ti I lintiy fcl o l, ,te !,. k- r!ts, fir. :;! . I - t'-r 0, Ittsu :nivr ui tht.i,. V' 1 ' "'' ' l-l -Mh iv y fciup. U'l;l '1 I ' '". f li ' .'I, Hl"t W'Ija, I vt!trl vr.!i-rt S.y t'.u.i .t i i ; . ti. y,y t-ttf i wve il-i -.if , fcittl I v pi ra-fiil t-naeiv to lint my shki !'., i. t um a Jmiiy-n, UKo. ftffc'V, UrrUI, Wis. ij s V ij ' Cutic ira Resolvent T!ir.r VA hA K'An I'u-Wir Sit4 s-ri-atut of If ti.i. if Ii,,. !-, Iii:i-ttiljr lmw tli l.i.ic.1 ol ttU ittif.iiti'i. f irt,tl lint rmm Itur ttiM-1, at.4 t-'CT.n:, Uhi ti'itl hhin I'utc, anil CffKtua rt-Mf, a rn'i'il-ii Ua Iv-atttilkr, tirtt!ly (to ti. r t't S!i i.!.'l scttl;. mid r:-er Um fcnltl, r-uit rtr-ry :-.-t -4 nf kmoiMi.. It. Ui.jf, l urMsttr. r".-, w. j l'ii",. 4ea.s ! tu kiu, ttu'nt, mI Uixsi. P, 1 i-v-ry!, .-, P.-i'M., ':rntTKt, fe.j Kr,i, 2-;.l i;:;.! s.',T, 4.U'-i, 'i,,.ri hyil -ir;Tta Jib;;-i s;i CitKi At ("iir.fiKTiiii lutt. r-H-!. f r"ll..rlo On- KLiis 1'irTuaM,' M ptk , Ifi lUlll;t.iMr, Still li AU-ilMW.iAiM. P'UtXF..t Urk.ha1t!ln-d,rmteh,4t4,sd Itrl a')' !-; rtl b ti lit ; ua Cuai-. 1 PfifJT R3C8TUC . tt ....J ,.... I' .. i,it.(r (niitti, Anitima, I'tearUf, ;... - '" i iaHitiiuiioo nttunrra In dm i- ti.linti- l,v itwt nilrarm Aati.l Piasuir. K'Mhiaz like tt lor Vt'eaS Lustra. END -& WILSOfl, Real Estate g Loan Mm: CT. OOIer.-BA LT1M0BK BLICK. Polnif a (tT.rr si Immatir tttttrfm, tiri'tt tailing Inrtiln.ts (o Itll lo Ma tl.lnt. aoksts roa aelaa lasaranre Cam pa a f , Ii.txrs td ehsruir pcrtitiul. Itimn pstn In 711 ) e ewoo. caaria Ins. rlsillhd II tuSM 'a over 9t,(tAMiQ- ts:,liW IS 1. Csi'ltal, (S.OUO.OOO. Totut fir Assrrlrsa Firs fa. Ompaar. Ttiilsd!fibla, OrvsnlSMt 1S10, Casli aassta, trtflttftM- Umt paid, iiooe.m Calnaal-la Ftre Marias Ins. rnipay, e rut nut, Or. AmI, This ta cb ot Oratrsn bs aonqmaisat, ALBANY 'HTJHSERIES' I1TE HAVE ON HASDat ocr eoraery Tf on she Corvallbi road, one-half nil from town, aa fine a lot cf fruit rees cf all kinds as can be found any rbnre on tbe count. If yon contemplate slsatlntr trees It wl.l psy you to see onr i k at d get tvr jikts. ( shgce free HVaiAN A BBOraELI Special .mouncei eat -OF- W. FKEAI3. My Spring stock now Complete, Embracing all the latest Noveltiesjn Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Ladies Ondervea,r, in ,Ksrt HiRBEO and Musliv. My Pbices are tie LOWEST and ray Goods tho Best. Am sob f gent for the Celebrated Y. S. E. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison - : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- rooas J have a Largo Stock at tbe Lowest Prices ever offered i tbe Valley. f eiry a for wear at -and be cor i Una of tho world -rroowed BROAD HEAD goods, uosiac'ied finiaU. Large atoclt cf Embroideries and Flocscisos. Csl cediat A'bar j is tha lest trading point in Oregon. J u 5. t art hed a full line tf '.-us, f :' s; (I Lev's fvKt i ladies, chif r ear st O W i st bont! " A nre cnr- for the whisky habit; tr LiviDRaton's Antidote for uronhtsimcss will -cure any case of the liquor nabicin trcm tent to thirty days, from the rrodcra' e drinker t o tha drunkard. Tbs Antidote eta be gives in I cap of coffee withont tha knowledge cf the person takinjr is. The Aut'.dcte will not injure tbe hca'tii in sny waj'. Msmi Uctar ed l.y the LivinitstoB Chemical Co., Portiae.d, Orison cr frosa J A Cemmiiejf, tr,!e sge t According to Ilerr Japing, the hourly Tate of 'water falling ovei Niagara Falls is Ioa,oco,ooo itonsrepvesenting 16,000,000 horse power, and I Uhe total daily production of coal ia the world i -would just about suffice to pump the water J 'back again, i ''..- gST...... -LJ-lJiU1 : About head of distillery fed cattle in Cs nada have been purchased by Chicago par tis s at Si to S)( cents per pound. They will bo forwarded to European markets. lit southern Oregon there is a forest 16,000 If senatorshlps are to be bought," rays the New York Continent, -'let them be sold for the lxnefit oi the taxDavers. If a' man is willing to pay $1,000,000 to call himself sena tor he should nav it into- the Unite d States treasury, and so relieve an overburdened pec pie." . M WILL & LllWr usie-'Dealers, jfotlee ear list r Ptaaoa H w-, - sr-TY X T?T I The most nopulsr piano among'hs world's . F MILLER I famnosAsnisU. J ' J. BAUER & CO. : VOsSK SON nzZtT1" ?tio Ia1m sssssl EarbMir Mouse Proor Organs. Guitars, Violins anl - at 1 a St asi am KnaMtlall V Accntsfortb) Sew Home, Kldrlda B.snJoiher Sewlnt; Macbu.cs. &ir&s for all kinds of Hewing We Ruard our . ufltomers intereats and guaramee satisfaction. Wa also as 4U assertmeat r Mnsle aad le Books. Cor. Secondhand Terry sts., teno .or.uv., uy, 2:28 S-4 223 l- 2:30. . tar Km1 slaet 1 ftsultless In Breeding, Coal Blaclt, lt: Vr,l!TJio. and Aetlon. . , ,,Pem .nosi! s proved bv bis fu't aisters Beulsh. 2:4TS, t two lilt brooding is tho ( JTZi rii t:i )sUu, U.-.'eaUni; Usn.tibal rmil ? t'miuala. Xll.'t, v tr-" 'jr. iu thrOTSiraigW s"- Sir by Altamost. Alia. txal. aotl sevi otter 2:30 !f.meni, boat ol ether toll trotters. ALTAMOST by AlMONT, that bM aud Jusiins, double, a 1. irrofiasii bv STSASKit. XAS- Det Korte's c IKI, on ol 1 tuilea northeast ot Shetlrt. TermsSeason , sn- M CiT, jrS2, (siro ol PniAxao, S SSI and Uakrt Cuat, 4 2SJ ) Seventeen ot his asu;hter Itsve produced nineteeii 2:S0 performers. Includutfr Mas 11K150 Bav, i, who sired Ihe uains of AxTi 2:12 st S ver; ALl.Kat-K, 2.13J at fr vesra, two ot the lAStostsUiliutit in th world ot their ages. Tscorah, dsio by Briuscii, 2:3; sire cf tho dass ol K ma VVibKSti, t:2, sire ot Ouvsa K , 2:16J. Foaled in 1XSS, tTW ill make ths - . . . - Wclt KORTK was boJ by J? Bea.n, ,l .t the rem ol the time s ur farut.Uirs aeaaon ol lbtll at Trites B s ataWa. AlWy -"I THE 20; -Insurance, 30. . ;'-VBARltOWS-BROS. PATI50HIZE -HOME lslSTIT0TI0.4S.- tRMhfiS &: MEilCHftMTS INSURANCE CO,, AJfcany, Orcgon.- AV F BEAD, Pre iidaaf. Jli COWAN, Treasurer: To make an Munermeable clue, soak ortli- nary glus in water until it softens, and remove it before it has lost Us primitive form. After shis, dissolve it in linseed oil over a slow fire until it is brought to the consistency of a jel'y. The who'e . number of pestoffices in the mEics io cxient, with an estimated amount of. United States on Dec 13, IS90. was 03,137, , ,,.?,, fW timhw nf feet I nf which 60.S2.I are fourth-class offices. The At f to per tooo feet the procej';s wo1 I t pay state navic ae largest aumoer 01 pt!s;oi;; ' ., which bf.s 4617, J O WKlTSilAN Secretary. Geo F SIMPS Oi, Vice President. TITT1K0TOK8 ' - ' !T1UCT AGESTS FOB ' v.b-i.rt.ral... Trader 1, CLicsgo, I'll.. uki aiiomniH. r American London, J'.i - I. Norvncb Union,' Lcndor,. EoR tn Im Mtn- ' tpaon Entr. Guardmn, ItOuuon, I ng isn LOBS t. Manctotr. England. C..ledou!au, Ediabur C!'IY STEICTLY im:;:::::e cffiss va tv