The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 10, 1891, Image 4

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Oout crn Paciflo Routo
Empress Tralnt 1mt Portland Dally
1 North
f 1r. a.
It? rWlena Ar
rT-s Is"
1 ( tt 4
iflll Ll AIImiiv Lv
B:l4 a Ar Ra Kr.n-lseo l. I ,1 t B
anare traiiia '! amy el n lowing; .taiiooe "wm
I Haeehurj. Km lortland, (rva ('lit, '!
ua, Saiem, Albanv, Tatitprnt, Nhndtl, ltal.y Her-
mni'llf HDqmN Irving, aUgVUV
esTTLv Porllna Ar tnorB
UBjL Albany llll:t
iB Ar R.whurf Lei W
uut tocL( ar stcsrt Brt)
3?L Portland Arl:004 B
fn Ar "j"t Lt1:00 4
1440 SaaacB,
f'lralL Albany At illii
ia Ar Lehena L
! Lv Aihenv Ar Mr
!- Ar utNuxtt L or
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
rr (tMBiMOlin aeeaBd-Claaa reaeea
(era. attataeei la stiBeeee araiae.
jr.i aids MiIiIm.
etwee rn.A ab,
kUl. ia4ia4UT(KMflaaaayJ
Carre I II
Ar It.Wra
t 1 11 Sara
1 1 r a 1
airman mu imt (xjf Btaday.
or a
I Lv
Ar I 4 a
Lv 1 S
TliroiiRU TlolxotM
fo tJX points
fw fail lntervjtl t resrardtn talea. Bear, a
M Onmpenr A seat at AlnnJ .
11 , uimlii B P. ROGERS
ajaeanr " O. F. Bad f . Ac
gon Development Company' Steaia
Lu by any other reJU.
Flrat-elaa through paantr and
l(tht Una from Portland and all point
B Uia WUlameUa Valley to and from Sao
rranciaco. Cat.
Boat make eloaa connection, at Alben
arlth traina of th Oregon Paelflo Railroad
T B. . UlTf.
are Albany !: r.
b,;lmt Y equine, I:1 4, a
Leave CorveUie lcar, b
Leer Corvaiiia,iq:a 4, a
4R1TI Albeay, 11:1S 4. a
ArrlreTeqalo, fc .
O. A O. tralaa eonneoi at Albany and
Corral Lla. The a bora traina oonnecl at
tea ulna with tha Oregon Development
Company's Una of Steamships between
Y equina and San Francisco,
vaea vaerm.
WlUaoMiU Valley. MarenStai Mtatttta.
r aoa aa ra.noiaca
WiCaMts ValUr March Ird s ltU I lUt; 10th.
The Oanapaa rawer vea tha light
Ossora aalliut dataa wtbont nolle.
V. B. Paaaena;era from Portland and
fcTLHamette Valley polala can make eloaa
aoaneeMon with the traina of tha Y equina
teateat A-lbaoy or Corrallla, and if da
Aned to San Franclaoo ahould arrange to
rrlre at Yanaina the evening before Ute
M,r aa r.eltht Bat., alwaya te
01 appl to A R Clipma, Fralcbt and
Aitunr, c V- aaviL,
O. r. ar4 P A(.a .
war aiiDat r a v r ku jii
PraMlw4 ....
8. K.TI)I N1
mASAACTS A OENKRALamnlrlntaaali
A(XXt NTI KKPT robtoct to atMck.
w York, Baa rraaciac. Caiaaca aaJ P lUaad
COlXEOTlOKr lADBea araMa larasa.
. B. Tone
B, W, L4MMia
L. Fuji
L B Blau,
Bav4aa f . Box.
op ALaAar. oaaxiox.
PraMa.... mmm J L COWAJC,
Tlca-Pnaiilat J M RAlJJTOff.
t-abiw Gao K CHAMHKKLA1 V,
raaoToaa,-f L Omraa, i aT Uaon, On B
bwalMrlwii, W ud4 W H Bolwa. i A Craw
tort ud O A Arcbiaakt
TRA KB Arm a rami aaaklnc analBaai.
DBAW8IUU1 lKAPT8aa Maw Tor. Urn
Am I t - nm 1
LOAM MOrfETua apnercd aasarH
Capital. f
TraAwui rM- Wiklnr balnw
Esvhsnv bourht and sold cm all tb priori pal
UiM la th. fjniiad Butasi alao oa England, Inland.
FrmnM and armwijr.
Collations Mia it .11 aseetstble points aa favor
4k I. Urmn.
Inlerart allnaad J time dapasita.
VU Pnaidwl .
. I Maaait
Jrr Mr .
O Mat
John Gal dm
P O Bmita.
J B Morris
11 Bryant
Do a rmaral bsnklne and sxcaanga btnlnan.
BkM drafta lamad an Albinjr, PorUand and Baa
Paid op aaplUl....
Surplus and proflla
InUraat allowad on tarlnn dacoalUi at lollow.:
Onar.linarjrMrincbooaa 4 par cant par annnra,
ira nm WTinr. ootms ....
On amiHesM. l deposit;
ISnr thrM inonUia
tmr six moMtU.
,. par amt par annum.
.4 per cent par annum:
per emt par 4nnunV.
4 nnr cent per annam:
twivi;n sxnuii 0 rwr emt per
It P. THOMr'SON1 Vlre-PiariJant.
U. C. Si'KATTOX. Caahiari.
VitkKU UtU11M D.ui.tu.t
Wr are prepared to f jrtilch your posters
fIlSJ91,In the hst rtyln Al-o
anyfi thr prUtint; clrirfd.
Book and Job Printer,
TTw-d4'a Block over Well. Fargo
A C'o's Kb press cfllor.
Eevsre House:
f'lMni dp iu flrst-claea slyle. Tables
ijpplk'J with tbe beat in tbe market.
U'tP sleptnz apartments, Hainple roonv
r ousujeruial 'travelers.
-v. Who Is snflerlnf, either la his solnd or
A 3k boclr, tmm the IniurUm. or weakening
., 1" rfVm:U ot ble own tguorint follies, abiue
)' end exomere can be quickly and penoa
Ul niitlr eurr.L Papers free (sraleo).
K, r- fnln 134 Third Bt.
1,1! ' -aJfa VrOIC. lortUnd,Or.
i Tills old Doctor has bad 90 yean
' y., '3eiKerience la curing Prlrata. Blood, Ker
u and Hkin IMnnuml. Write to-day.
RcHsbls Benidt sent p'lvalel; 14 sny sadmss.
tt, ). rilllTHHY,"
cy An! Connsollor At La?
. ND-
itotnr -
0I1C Sciuotrat.
Thoma Jcffcron, the third preUcnt o(
the United SUtc. wat born at Sludwcll,
Albernmrle county, Virginia April a, 1743,
one hundred and forty eight year ago to
day. M 5 yeart tf age he wat placed In
tchool and at 9 commenced the udy oi
Creek, Latin and French.' At 17 he entered
WlllUin and Mary college. He wat pop
ular In the polite circlet of Williamsburg.
He studied intensely, totneilmee at much
at 15 hour. a day. After two ycart of
college work he took up the ttudy of law.
In May 1765, he wat present In tha Vir
ginia houte of burgcMe and heard Patrick
Ilcnry deliver hit celebrated speech In op
position to the stamp act. In two years
after he began Its study ,he began the prac
tice of the law. During the flrtt two years
he had 100 suits the fees (or which amount
ed to $3000. In 1769 he was elected to t''
Virginia houte ol burgesses when he In
trod need a bill empowering the owners ol
slaves to manumit them . On Jan t, 1 771
be was married. When the new reached
the colonies of the passage of the Ikwton
Tort bill by the English pi liament JefTcr
son and a few associates dratted a resolution
proposing June ut as a day of "fasting,
humiliation and prajer." The houte oi
burgesacs promptly patte-l the resolution
but the governor dissolved the body. In
1776 he was made chairman of the com
mlltee to draft the Declaration of Inde
pendence. He was selected to make the
draft which hs did with a few verbal alter
ations made by Franklin and Adams. This
document made Mr Jefferta.t one ol the
greatest men of his day. In 1S00 Mr
tefferson was made president and re-elected
In 1804. Ills administration was noted
for Its great simplicity and devotlan to the
rights of the masses- He was the first
president to deliver a written message to
congress. It was a remarkable document
setting forth the. "essential principles" of
our government as follows:
"Equal and exact justice to all men, of
whatever state or persuasion, religious r
political; peace, corrmerce and honest
friendship with all nations, entangling al
liances with none; the support of the state
governments In all their rights as the most
con.petent administrations for our domestic
concerns, and the surest bulwarks
anli-republUan tendencies; the preserva
tion of the ceneral government. In Its
whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet
anchor of our peace at home and safety
abroad; a sealous cre of the right ol elec
tion by the people, a mild and safe cor
rective of abuses, which are lopped by the
sword of revolution, when peaceable rem
edies are unprovided; abaolnte acqui
escence In the decl.lor.s of the majoi Itr.the
vital principle of republics, from which
here la no appeal but to force.lhe vital prin
ciple and Immediate (parent of despotism;
a well-disciplined militia our best reliance
In peace, and for the Crst moments of war
till regulars may relieve them ; the suprem
acy of the civil over the military authori
ty; ccinomy In the public tsoense that
labor may be lightly burdened ; the honest
payment of our debts, and sacred preser
vation of the public faith; encouragement
of agriculture and of commerce a Its
handmaid; the di fusion of information,
and arraignment of all abuse at the bar
of public reason; freedom of religion, free
dom of the press, ani freedom of persons
under the protection ot the k,ilmi cjrfut.
and tilal by juries ImpatlUIly selected."
These principles form the bright con
stellation which has gone before us, and
guided our steps through an age of re vol u
lion and reformation. This, iy all odds,
fa the best synopsis of the essential princi
ples of our government ever put In print.
Jefferton died July 4th i3j6. To-dav will
be celebrated all over our land the anni
versary of the birth of Jefferson, the pro
foundest and greatest leader the country
has ever produced.
cajTmutcTauhv lyoiASt.-
Uoitad States Senator D W Voot lieee oi
Iodiaoa who is at Hot Springs, Aikanaaa. to
recruit his health, was interviewed a few days
ago Ly newspaper man in regard to a ttata
meet made hi Senator Harris of Tanneasee
in opposition to the nominal too of Cleveland'
Mr Voorbeea said:
"Such an eipresslon from Senator Harris
means a great deal, for his long experience
as a politician and his great influence
throughout the south will have much
weight with the democrats. The next
democratic convention will certainty in
sert a free-coinsge plank In the platform
and permit of io doubtful or uncertain
declarations on that subject. The demo
cratic party will then comlnate a man who
ill stand upon the platform. The party
cannot afford to warp Its platform ot prin
ciples to suit the personal qualifications of
the nominee. No, sir: no man or party
can be elected who opposes free coinage
of silver."
"Do you think Mr Cleveland will
chanpe his views after hearing the echoes
from his recent antlcoinage letter?'
"No, 8r. Mr Cleveland Is as stubborn
as a mule. No one can change his opinion.
The late Daniel Manning once had me go
and see Mr Cleveland and talk to him about
a matter of vital Importance he (Manning)
was about to give up I took quite a drive
Lnd had a long ta'k with the president, but
accomplished nothii.g whatever. I am
satisfied that Mr Cleveland could not carry
Indiana on his recent ar.ti-silver le'ter no
matter what might be put in thef lulform.
As I said In a recent Interview, I have
the greatest respect for Mr Cleveland, but
It aould be at difficult to carry Indiana on
a platform opposed to free coinage of silver
at It would be to carry the state of Ohio on
the nullification principles ot Calhoun
The soldiers are against him and will not
vott for him They voted against him in
18S8. Mr Cleveland made a great mis
take in his vetoes of pensions and only
saved thn government about $47,000."
'Will Indiana support Cleveland In the
conven'lon ?"
"I hope not. Indiana should stand by
Gov. Grav . He is ex cent l nally strong In
Indiana and there is a warm democrjtic I
pulse for 1,'tn tlin ughout the east and
south. I think the party made mlatake
In not putting Gov. Gray on the ticket in
ibSS. Indiana cannot.and I think, will not,
Ignore his national tticngih and availabil
ity. Ike would mate an excellent presi
dent, and wr of Indiana want him."
How about Gov- IJill, of New York?
Isn't lie In the race?"
Yet, Gov. Hill is in the finht and will
go into the national convention vith as
solid a delegation from New York State
for his nomination ever ot! Shelby
county went solid fir the late Thomas A
Hendricks. He Is to New York what
Ucmlrkks wat to Indiana, the idol rf the
democracy. lie is a man whose friend
may go to l?ep a nlht ami feel that the
country and the rights of the pcop'e, are
safe in hit keeping, Vnausc he never makes
a political inUtake."
Runs hih in Albany ut l'ot.hy & ,Jj.
son's drug stor cer BvMem linilder, a
everybody ia usiig it for (,'atart h tif the
Stomach, DyiHpin. Coontjpntlou and Im
pure floid. Try it . i.d till your frieuds
about it as it most pos, woo lei ful mcrits
wheo a I speak well of i;
Troable reared.
ScoTTtULK, Pa, April 3, The sttikers are
centering in Scottdala tonight to attend the
funeral of seven of the ten victim!, who are to
be buried In the Catholic ceinetar; there. A
'on j trench it already prepared to receive them.
The ttriktrs rrs gathering here already In surh
numncrt mat py tomorrow fully 1 0.003 will be
!. resent at the funeral. A specinl train has
imt brought in 700 armed mili'.ia from Mount
Measant, and Other companies will be here In
:ne niornliir, si trouble It reared from the great
boily ol tinkers when they see their fellow
strikers hurisd, whom thry sny were simply
nniruersa. Ma) or t el Is, of Scoltdale , ordered
all mlocnt close J tomorrow.
Down with the MaBa.
ISew iorx, April 3. The details of a
butchery b the Mafia Is reeeivad hare. Bel-
gie L ovsraeer for Mi Treacbsr. who is
ereetfng a large numlior of new outtagea cvar
AlMrnia, in tbe Aitcentloe ltpubliokio anms
way offended the Msfla. February L'3, at
daybreak, the bouse Helglerl occupied ass
found to be partly barned, and lislgiari and
bis young wife disoovered dead on the floor,
their bo lies were horribly mutilated ,
A WasbiBBtea trlke.
QSeatti.e, April 3. Sccrttary Lvntb, ol
the Knights ol Labor state assembly, letura
ad from Black Diamond tonight, having been
there oa business relating to the nuuers
strike at NewoaeUe, lie said the miners st
lllaok lhamond qiit wotk Thursday moro
iutt ia supixirt of the Naweattla oieu. Their
ol.joct is to stop the Oregon Improvement
Company's radioed from earning from tho
ooal trsfTio, aa this ia the same company
optratiug the Neweatile mines.
A Drlvlag Asaeelailaai
Ecorie, April 3. A number ofpicuii-
nent huts ownais has oiitaaissd and Gled
artiolea ef intorp ration for a dtlviug asto
clstion in this city. They have secured good
grouuds where thhy will train a number of
Hue uorree this season. It is the intention
to h Id periodical races add toutnamsnts
tbe lint to be July 4,
BevelatKiaary BaMsors
Taicama. Atril 3 Rumors are Ufa la
all the towns o( CaU Uica that subaeqaent
to the octlee crop having been gathered, a
general xcvolutianarv movement will be
made throughout the republio.
BeveBgalal Kalian a.
Pittsuuro, April 3. Whatever ol
truth there may be In the le ports from
Newcastle and'lY heeling aa to an attack
on Pitaburg In case of trouble between this
country and Italy, one thing is certain:
for the pt week an unusual number ol
Italians have been arriving In thlsiltv
daily, and today squads oi twenty ant
llility were unusually t.uir.eroua. The
police department has been quietly at
Keaervatloa Rale.
riNDHTON, Apiil S, Today is the second
asy 01 inc retcrvetion sasc. rtity-one pieces
of land were oflered and 9nly five told, and
this at prices only a lime above the sppr
value of from $1 :J( to $J an acre. The land
hi h met with no sale is rocky and steep
II will be several days yet before the fine egri
cultural lands ate reschad, when bidding will
be (putted.
A Baa at prepaelllea.
WashinctO!, April a. James T Sweet,
of Bouider, afont, telegraphed the acting sec
retary of war today as ful'.ot.
v e hereby tender you too mountaineers
from the county of Jefferson, state of Montana
In case of Bar with Italy.
A Daagereaa CleaseBl.
New York, Asril a. Supetinlendcnt o1
Immigration Wcter says immigration from
Italy is mpidly increasing, Ia fact she is lead
ing all other cuuniiies. The figures for March
are: Italy 7.S60, Germany 7.0S71 Great Bri
ain and Ireland, 4.3S6: Hungary, 3.589; Aus
tria 3.454; Kuasia J,oy. Total 39,317. Six
tetn bundled ami seveb Italians landed at the
barge office today.
A Blaaghler.
Mr Pleasant, Ta, April a. Omiuont
signs of the gsthertng of a storm in the coke
region have been observed for some lime. At
3 o'clock this moroieg it burst at the Morc
wood plant. Two rounds of cartridges were
fired by a bend of six iy fire guards and lor)
of Ihe charging mob of strikers fell dead, while
at least forty others were wounde l, how badly
cannot be definitely stated, as the were all
akea away by their comrades.
Cswllag Dawn,
Washington, April 3. Secretary Itlaine
U-transacting routine butiness. There is no
thing new in the Italiaa situation. Ilaron Fava
has not yet made spptication for bis paneport,
nor has the Marquis ImdcriaH ai:knoln)ged
tbe receipt of Mr Elaine's letter sent yesterday
evening. Among the caliers on the secretary
were tbe British minister and Sir Charles Top
per of Canada, who talked with the secretary
an hour presumably about the aeal fisheries,
reciprocity and other matters foremost in the
minds of the Canadians.
Ceneral Pike bead.
WAaiuxGTOK, April 3. General Albert
Pike, grand commander of Scottish rite
Masons, of Southern jurisdiction,, and
chief of the royal order of Scotland for
this country, died th'.s evening. It Is said
General Pike has appointed foklah II
Drummond, of Maine, as head of the royal
order of Scotland, and It Is probable his
successor In the Scottish will either be
Surgeon-General I M Browne, of the
navy, Thcrnaa II Caawel, of Callfornla.or
Thoman 8 Dudley, ol Kentucky.
An April raelJehe. I
Washington, April 1. Tbe complications
with Itsly was the only matter discussed here
toils y- It is the general opinion of all the di
plomats in Waihiogtoa that Itaiy has put her
foot in her mouth, so to speak, and made a
break that wiit make her rediculout before she
ttraigetens it out. It wat the 1st of April, I
and the practical jokers were ont wit.. April
fool stories during the greater part of the day. i
The one that struck Ihe lonrett and spread '
with the greatett rapidity was that ex-Sn-aker
Keeu was caught in Florence: despoiled of his
passport and sent to Jul.
A Sweet tfeaepeljr.
San Francisco, April 1 The combination
between ihe Spreckela ami llavemeyers is com
pleted. The new oreanizatlon is known si the
West Sugar Itefininc Company, and the
arrangement is I hat ihe two local refineries 'hsll
work alternattly. When the American refin
ery is shut down the Spreckela cxtablishment
will be working, and vice versa. The removal
of the du'y on sugar today had but little effect
in the prices. Litted prices of Americas and
California refineries were alike in every respect.
Circling the Cilobe,
Baker Citv, Apiil i. it has just been
learned a icliablc source that Mr B M
Lombard, a prominent but eccentric citizen of
linker City, also well and favorai ly known In
Portland's business and social circles, is at
present attempting 10 beat the record of cir
cumnavigating the world that was made by
Miss Nellie ly. tie siarted from Baker City
March 10, and a cablegram iust received bv a
fiiend reports him six hours ahead of time.
His progress is being anxiously watched bv his
friends in the northwest.
The 'ale
Peniileton. April I. The sale of reserva
tion lands began toJay, The first excursion
to the ipency started this morning, as sdver
tised. Only one section of land was offered
fur tale this forenoon, l)ing twelve miles south
of Pend'eti and known as section I, town
ship 1 soiui., range 32 eait. Tbe first quartei
offe'ed wai not taken; the second waj sold to
l'OIcnforfi89;theihirdto Charles Cun
mngham for $1006, end the fourth to II C
Viiughan for $936. Bidding was spirited on
the last two The land sold was appraised at
$1.25 pur acre A large c.owd was present at
Ihe sale. The sale will last forty days or longer.
Jndge Lynch Knocked Ant.
Mount Sterling, Ky, April 1. A mob,
of thirty tren attacked the jail this morning at
3 o'clock, in an effort to lynch ihe two Wfg
gimons, father and sen, charged with poison
ing William Ferguson and B C Watts March
5 last. The jnilor had brer, apprised of their
comii g and with a guard shoAed fighl. The
inn!) uai repul&ed, A number of Minis were
fired hut no one was killed.
Children Enjoy
J The t L'Hssnt (Uvci, gentle action arid sooth
log t fleets fr syrnp 01 ig sj f n in need of
a Uxative t nd if the father or mother be
criMi ive or liiiouethn moer jitatifying results
rdlowioi; its ut", to that it is the htet fara-
y 11 if. 1 dj aucwn etd e nj funiiiy thculd
sve a Is tt e.
Corporal puniiliment, was dtaciiaacd
In an aniutatod manner by Prof Wright,
VttnSeoy. Jewett, Dnlrytnplo, rhifirm.
Mrs Clrublie and others, tho genera) seu
timcnt being Bgainat It.
Prol read a good paper on the
relative importance of the timelier and
parent in the fonnatbtt of the elilltis
Several mirjcimitneoua (mentions were
The opera house was again packed to
overflowing. 1 He program presented was
a good one. rrot van mcov. 1 1 lite w 11
lamette university, delivered a fruitful
desteitatlon on look making and the
reading oi books, cotitulnlng some excel
lent advice. A piano solo by Ml Etta
titration waa an artistic effort. A Sptlng
song bv little girls of the public school
was a pretty atiatr. rrox u a waiter,
prhiclpal oi the Albany school, delivered
an able on "School Discipline,"
bringing out some splendid thoughts on
that very important branch ol education.
Mrs (J U Lee ssng 'When the Violets
bloom again," with line e fleet. A fan
111, bv girls oi the public school, was
greatly appreciated. MrWm Wrlgut.the
artht, snng "Monarch of Ihe Woods," tils
playing his rich bass voice to good ad
The subject tit School Management was
taken up A valuable paper was read by
Mrs Nellie Lamoson 01 kock ureca.
Pro! Dalrymple ol Brownsville next In'
troduced Ihe subject School Discipline,
this subject was dUcusaed by other
teachers. Prol McCourt believes In
thrrough organisation at the beginning.
Prof rietcher ol the Agricultural t-olieg
In reply to ttie queatlon whether pupil
should aid In hearing classes, thinks In
solid woik the teacher had better hear the
classes himself.
Alter a short recess the stibiert ot
Teachers' Examinations was taken up
A paper was read by V A McGhee ol
the btlo public school. Then the que-1
tlon was opened to general dltcusston.
Pro! McGhee thinks our school law I un
just In Issuing only one certificate ot the
same grade, and in requiring teachers' to
pay an examination lee. Prof uarace
thinks that our school taw is a good one at
under It teacher aie compelled 10 make
progress and laise their standing. Prol
Mtcnener thinks when a teacher Is once
proficient, he should not be required to
pas examination scam, trot Kucii
thinks that the law has soma defects, but
as a whole it Is very good.
At the beginning ot the sr-sslon a num
ber ol question arising under the school
law ot Oregon were naked by teacher
and answered by the elate superintend
ent. Special diacuaalon, scope of common
acliool work, was opened by Trot llar
Und. ot llrownavillo who rend B very
ably and carefully prepared paper.
Object leaaona, oy J 11 Uilmon, the
paper was ably written and well read.
Enrolled during the day : Miss Annie
Dunn. Kow land, Or. Mia Lnra C'aiup
111, Altwriy, Miss AnnaFcrreii Albany,
Mia Mellio Colby Albany. Mia Martha
Brown Albany, Mi Mnsrgie McKnight
Munkera, Mian Mary liioiint Albany,
Mta Ida M. Uoea Lebanon, Mim U L
Albany; M lasts Nsnnte Sedgalck, El
len Sedgwick, Ilattle Ball, MarvJ Parker,
I) W Kutherforrf, M M Laughtln, ttorena
Marshall, Kate Utilnn, Jane Morris Eva
Bauett. Mar; DSedgwkk, Flora Ked field,
itBhei uray. t.iara uuaro. bupiiemia v
Croa.ett, Abble VH3h1, Bcnha Walton.
Zena SkecU, Eva Williamaon, Mr Kate
M Aiken. Mrs W J Steele, MrG F Uus-
eil. U M lirymley, U A Walker, S A
NewUrry, F M Mitchell, W A McGhee,
J A Bilyeu.
Lebanon: Mles Abble Frv, Clara
Rllea, Cora Cox, Mrs R M Wright, Mr O
II Wllkr. R N Wright. A M WIIMam.
Z r Tmelove. A T Grtigget, W I. lack
son. J B Marks K V Jackson, J C Hardin,
jotian oideon.
HarrUburg: MUse Ellen White, Nan
nie McCartney, Maggie McMceken, Mrs
Elizabeth jewett, Mr Jay II Jewett, W W
Curtla. .
Halsey: Mi.e Ida Maxwell, Llnnle
Ramsey, Mattle C'ros. Mr R E Mlchener.
Shed'd: Olive Iong, Ida M
Porter, Mr J G Gibson, W A Robb.
Tangent: Mr Chas R Howard.
Sodaville: MUse Fena FJora, Ida
Jackson, Mr W L Jackson, Everett Parrlah,
Louis Barxce.
Salem: MUct Flora Catterlin. Luti.ha
Wanes, Mrs S A Grubbe. Mr U W Vod
er, E B McElroy, T Van Scoy.
CorvallU: V A Datla, XV Yatea, Prof
Tallman: MUs Julia Swank.
Turner: R G Brown, J J Hunsakcr.
Stajton: Will II Ledgcrwood.
Coburg: E E Oiton.
Oakland: J W Reece.
Dayton: J B Still well.
Howell: J II Ragadale.
Jordan: M T rhllllps.
Hubbard: W C Alders un.
Scio: Mine Laura Myers Jane Cyrus
Roa Perry, Mr Geo Sutherland,
rry, ir ueo Sutherland. V u
Gobi, C u Brown
Eugene: Mias Mary Loretz.
Alrlie: Laura E Williams.
Millers: Isabella Bodlne.
Rock Creek : Mr Nellie Lambson.
The subject of truancy was opened by
Prof TrueJove, ot fcihedd, and caused
some disctiftsion.
a live discussion was indulged in on
the subject of school exhibitions, closed
by Prol Condit.
An exhibition of geographical maps
irom trie lirowmvute puonc schools at
traded considerable attention. (
Again the opera honse was packed to
overflowing, long before the exercises
began. Some fine orchestra music was
furnished by the college orchestra. An
iiiatraiiiental trio and song without
words, by the Misses Richard and Wil
ham Richards, was a bright affair. Two
songs by tho Apollo club, on tho pro
gram, were gems of vocal music.
The address by President Erownson,
of McMinnvillo college, on "Arnold of
Rncbyand Wayland of Brown," was an
elaborate and ablo historical effort. A
violin and piano duet by 11 J Hopkins
and daughter, cntilted ".Nymph of the
Mountain," met with great favor. Miss
Alice Moses, of the college, was heard in
a recitation, well rendered in her popu
lar manner.
A dumb bell drill by school boys
showed thorough drill ami was a pretty
exercise. Mrs Bumey Howe, of Browns
ville, was heard in a recitation, display
ing fair talent.
The song by Mies Grace 'Riley, of
urawiorasviiie, was one ot the best things
ot the evening. Miss Riley has a re
markably line voice, well controlled.
Mies Graco Love, of the pub'.ic schools
was heard in a recitation, well received.
The audience w a very appreciative
one, every piece An tho prograijj lieing
encored, and all but one responded to,
that ot Miss Love.
Friday, April 3, 1801.
Institute met at 0 o'clock. Prof Mc-
Court, of California, explained his sys
tem it teaching the metre system, deci
mals, and weights and measures, by
means of blocks.
Mr Barzeo made a motion that the in
stitute pans resolutions endorsing his
methods. Institute voted in favor of
the motion. Remarks were made, by
Miss Gray, Mr Michenor, Mr Barzee and
Mr Brown.
Return certificates were distributed
and teachers enrolled.
Prof Michenor rend an interesting pa
per on the topic of the "Common Kchool
llydra." lie spoke in favor of graded
country schools, and pointed out the de
fects of the psesent unsystematic wo'k
in our country schools." Rea-arks were
made by Supt Russell, Mrs Lambson,
Mr Brown, Profs Walker and Van Scov.
All epoke in favor of graded work.
Prof Van Heoy, of Jefferson, read an
able paper on Physiology and Hygiene.
Mrs Wilson, of Albany, made an ear
nest appeal to the teachers to lend a
helping band in aiding the W C T U.
ami the mothers, in combating the evil
influences which surround the children
of our homes.
Prof Walker read an Instructive paper
on the topic, "Fubjoct v Predicate."
MiBci'iianoottg quoHtioiig were rmnwer
eJ by the teachers, ( '
aptehnoon ikhrion.
rrot, Wright, of Ibitnon, read an In
teresting paper on, "Do oar Public
Pciiooi meet the rcaaonauiv wanta ot
the Community In rKrd to tenchlng
Morals and Manner.
Mrs Grubbe, of Knlem, read a paper on
the subject o(. "Kending CtrclcB and
School Journals." .
The suiect was ulHCtiaed try Prof Con-
clit, (ollowed (by A lengthy explanation
ol the working of the uie reading cir
clr, by Prof Horner, of Itoseuurg.
I'rof Condit adviicttted the formation
ot the teachers reading circle. I'rof I lor
ner reviewed the work ot the rtte
Teachers .tending Circle and was ful
lowed bv others.
Prof Mckoe (ilactiB"ed the siiblcet of
penuiRttslilp, giving some striking liiutf
tratlons. .
I'rof COndit Ulfcuaaed the siibteet 0!
Blunders in Knglish in an interesting
Mini Ames, ot the Willamette Univer
sity, gave n talk on conducting reading
The following resolutions Vierepaaaed
That every teacher should give hi In
ftuenee and Ids vote lor the prohibition
of the liiitior trafllc.
That the existing laws prohibiting the
sale of cigarettes, cigar and tobacco to
minora, should be rigidly enforced.
J B Horner, M It Ilrown and Mrs B A
Grubhe wero appointed a committee on
The total enrollment vna about 150,
Those enrolled during the day were
Carrie Blioetuakcr, of Jeflerson, Sadie
Williamson, : ol Irlanon, Htellit Anus
J II Geddes, ot Hdo, E II Denton, il
Millers, O O I e, of Sheridan, and J 1
Horner, ot Roseburg.
Superintendents McKlroy and Uunsell
maiieafiropriaie remttrks and the lusii
tnte closed after a successful aessiiin.
Superintendent McKlroy made an an
nounceuivnt of tho' State Institute to be
held at Newport neat aummer,urgiiigall
teachers to be present.
Resolutions thanking Superintendent
Russell and McKlroy, the school direc
tors fur the use of the school house, th
81' Co., etc., were read, a hen the pro
gram was ojiened with a violin and piano
selection ty it J rtpkttts and daughter
encored and answered.
Mr M R Brown, of Turners, recited
Paradise and the Perl. -
The Kindergarten class g.ivr a march
Ing and singing exercise. "Choosing
Partner," which was prettily done an
Prof J ! Powell, of the Monmoutl
Normal school, delivered an add res on
Patriotism in the School. Prol Powell
was born in Linn county, saw the drat
stars and Btripc In Albany and received
hi schooling in this county. He urg4
the teaching of a love ol one's country in
all schools. During his address be tok
occasion to lash a Polk county editor
who attacked a school picnio mid nt
before election ueeause politics were in
trodueetL. characterising the man as an
ignoramus, uregonian editorial ciippt
A Clarinet solo by William Richards
with accompaniment on the pmiiu ntu'
violin ly the Misses Richants.was a fine
mnsicai eiiort, enthusiastically encored
I'rof J II Horner, of th Roseburg
choolsdormerly of Brownsviile.dtliveml
an address on charat'ter in school, lit
gained the attention of the audience st
once, by saying that there was not a Im J
toy or girl inOfgon.which he explained
The addrea contained some extvllru
thoughts. Hi suggestion that nil
teachers should be married U not prac
ticable except with mm. Family ntfuir
would keep most women at homo four
davs out of the five.
The Apollo club received a double en
core, increasing the splendid reputation
it ha obtained. The club is an honor to
the city.
Mis Ames, rf the Willamette Univer
sity, waa Ixard in two recitations ami
was encored.
One of the best features of any of the
evening's programs was the fan drill by
b ctass ot girls in eostume. They dis
played remarkable efliciency, going
through with a large number of evolu
tions with great harmony and precision.
The exercise clused with another song
by the Apollo club. - .
A jewelry audlon I In progress lit Al
bany. By the way, we have three good
stores here to stfey", run by men thoroughly
Identltied with Albany. Da vou 'Hatch
- Capt. (?) W. W. Saunders U alowly re
covering at the penitentiary from a severe
illness ot spinal lever, lie ha some
hopes ol getting out soon and a petition is
naw being circulated amount the news
paper men In Portlond to that effect.
Corrallls lime.
Engineer II B Thlelson, who has bce.i
In the employ ol the Astoria & South,
Coast railroad tor the past two years, su
perintending Ihe building el that road, ar
rived lit Salem thi, mornl.ig, to begin the
work ol surveying the route of the electric
line extension to the lair grounds. Work
will be begun at once and pushed to an
early completion. Journal.
8ome oi our citizen have received
copies oi tho Canadian Queen, contr ining
diver propositions, a chance In a frt 1 ride
to Europe, etc. It is the grandest fraud
on record, our subacrlbrrs are w trned
not lo bite. The Democrat gets a prop
osithn every few days to run their adver
tisement, but doesn't eare to associate
with such low trakh. In the prlxc contest
the one who svinsand everybody who
puys the Collar wine is the loser, extra
conditions cinching them. -
Last Sunday morning John T)unton and
Mrs. L. J. Weaver were arrested by
deputy C M, Charlton, near Bcai Creek
Butte, upon a chargtj f adult ;ry, nnd
brought to this city says the Prlneville
New. The examination occcured before
Justice Boll at 1 o'clock Tuesday, and in
anticipation of some racy testimony, the
court room was crowded with men and
boys. G. W. Barnes appeared for the
State and M. E. Brink for the defendant.
After hearing the testimony the court
considered the evidence Insufficient ti
hold the defendants, and they were accor
dingly discharged, and tho costs taxed
againfct the private prosecutor.
The Democrat, pub'lahed at A'.banv,
where sixteen horses participated in the
annual stallion show for Linn county,
held there a few days a;;o, has thene word
foi the Salem parade: "The stallion ahow
st Salem Saturday was a great success.
Forty six horses were In line seven less
than in Albany two years ago." There
were forty-elght horses In the parade at
Salem tl.ree times as many as at Albany
a few days before. Statesman. The Al
bany atiow was not advertised nt all;
Whereas that at Salem was heralded tor
weeks ahead In long articles. There waa
no head to the show here this year. If
Linn county men are going to hold horse
shows they should doit In a business way.
Two year ago there was some style to
the display.
Tho foolkiller necdn'teotne to Albany
just yet. Our citizens didn't bjte nt the
jewelry auction enough to hurt, and this
morning tho outfit departed for other
"Tho emptiest kettle makes the most
noise," is aaold saying, which a teacher
tells us sometimes applies to participants
in teachers institutes ; but there ore
hardly any in the present inatituto
Hon J P Wager, - formei editor of tho
Pendleton E. O., will walk across the
continent, beginning at Astoria April 15.
delivering lectures on the way. Wonder
what Wager has been eating.
There are four inconsolable fellows in
the city jail, says an Oregon. Ex., as an.
example of liuman nature, and their
complaints arc many and long drawn
out. ' They want air, fire in the stove,
and more food. One is troubled with
nervous prostration, another with cold
feet, and still another with a wart rn hia
nose. After they have worked ota the
Btreets a lew days, they will undonbteiiiy
leel more comfortably and contented.
The Democrat Is informed by aa old
cltlaen that a well-known contractor, on
account of (seriotts tromne witn a went
ber of tho City Council, has applied for a
patwport to ! ranee, and thut we may
iook lor a neeiarauon 01 war at rtny time
between Albany and France. Fortifica
tions are being raised on l'erri winkle
reek, and rireiinrations are being made
for an active campaign.
Albany Odd Fellows who were In Lcb-
non week will appreciate the follow
ing by "Oregon Traveler" In the tixprcs:
'Twa In the City ol Canals,"
The place b us sj dean
Some friends came o'er from Albany,
And Brownsville too. I beat.
Tl.ey had a "little" supper
Of oysters tid and rare
Fifty cent was sit it cost i
This was the Bill of fare
A bowl ol crackers hard and dry,
They stayed right In your throat:
A soup plate there before you sat
i.ue a Mississippi 0001.
Two oysters In the center swam
Amid the mllkey whey,
And wavelets tolled from side to rldo
Like a wild goose at pluy.
To our slater city you alii go,
Anu w ill not go aionc,
Perhaps jou'll get your oysters ra'
jut like you do at home.
Tho Holumn hns soi l bis ferry bont
at Salem fur I'M hi. It will im taken to
the GowhU river.
Tho Reform Journal, of Portland, con
tains a picture of (J 0 Hogueof Corvallis.
Mr Hoguo has heretofore bad an 'excel-
litnt reputation.
Charley McDonald, the ex-enginer r,
and at present saiv mill man of llarris-
utirg, also wen unown as a preaeiter,
lib Italics the follow in it poem in the
a banon Express over bis signature. It
stamp McD. as a pott:
Look up, the cloud are breaMtii?,
The darkness disappears;
Atxive the dim horiaon
The Morning Star appears.
Look upf and claim the promise
That "Whosoever will
May cniiio" unto this fountain
1 hat cleanses from all ill.
Look up. the harvest whitens.
The laborer are few ;
The Ird to you hath given
A work none tltse can do.
Look up tor strength to labor
Our help is from nttove.
To God we give the glory
For all bis woudrou love.
a cntOTfd mrriM.
The following from the Pcud!;!on E
Oh shows the waller of acmcnt In
Oregon t3 Iw a very uncertain art jlr:
Assessor llrannln, who has been indus
triously making litquliies 10 dUcover the
basis of assessment in other counties of
the alate, hands us lor publication ttm fol
lowing statement oi value the different
atacaaurs heard from Intend Butting; on
property this year. It I curious as allow
ing the Inequality which It appears Is tt re
suit of the inability ol the assessor to net
In concert:
Joacphine too per cent. '
Columbiareal eatate, same a la,
year; machinery, 59 per cent; alt r.tock,
7$ per cent; mortgages, 5" per cent;
money and account. 100 per cent.
Polk 75 per cent.
Ik-n'oti inn J, 53 per cent: money and
mortgages too per cent; stock and iner
tl.anJUe, 75 per cunt.
tens-wm' 1 tr teni,
lkiiigiaa k than 75 per cent.
Graiit ich per cent.
Linn time st last year.
Lane 70 per Cent."
Washington 50 per ceo'.
Morrow near j per cent.
J ackaon higher than last jear,
Multnomaii to
on tcalty ; mort
ggea, jo per cent. ' -
Clackamas neany 50 per cent.
Cnltn average.
Waco ur.dcclkd, but will atc st
too per cent if tSe people will not oppose
Tillamook higher than !at j ear.
The Yamhiil county efSwrwriieaMr.
Brar.nln tliat the average vl the above
near 63 per cent, and he will endeavor U
asscat at that value, except money and
mortgage, which he wlil at J per
AacMr Bmntiin intend placing a vaf
uatl(3of fc6?J per cent on real estate and
mortgages ir. thi county, and wlU uasea
money, note and account at their laca
t'rou Ihe Fork a
March 27th, 1S91.
The meAsh-a are all the encUomtatt
now in our vicinity.
Milton Morris has returned from Typf
valley, w here he wert to Kwk for a bk
farm. He intend to locate there.
Mrs M V Iowning has atartcd for )r
home at Dayton, Wash. She has Irten
spending the winter w Hit her brotlier,v
8 Smith.
What has liecoiut ot Amicus and the?
Canadian Wife. We tlon't know wire
thev are nor care, but we like to read
their items in the Democrat.
In last week's Democrat wo noticed a
piece written about Uncle Job Crabtree.
and calling lncle Johnny a name. It its
a mistake about Undo Johnny being-
married twice. He is now living witir
bis that and only w ifo and has been liv
ing with her over Ctf years. He will be
lli years old tlm 20th of June, and is the
father ot l children, ot wiiora 10 are nv
in: he has ii grandcliildren and 3-
great grandchildren, and all that are old.
enough trt know black from white are
liko Uncle Johnny, wideawake demo
crats. He may live to help elect another
democratic President.
Uncle Johnny's Baby.
TUt tHBlt Kit BAEAAtt, '
Has a ! largo and complete line, ol
goods, dolls, doll lmgg!cB,;iioyB' wag ons,
ve ociicdc and many other goods w oich
esi.l ma)(iitn n rti.i til"i t Mh fleBivrn uint
Btft in luisnt; V J a t,uuiuit,IO ucnui wtllt.
besides n complete line of lam ae of
every description. China crockery, Lancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird, ejtges,
plush goods, Btich as albums, toiiefc setsr
autoj!raih books, scrap lKoks,f.hildren'si
ABC picture books, and all good that
are carried in n Bazaar store, inelading:
Roger Ilros. 1817 silverware. We wislt
to call the attention of the public ia par
ticular to the Gulden Rule, prize baking:
powder nnd ten, put up expressly for 1
Il.l . . , . VI..1. .Si .U 1 . I I
iuis t'luitf, wiucri given iu uetsv ut satis
faction, ns is attested hy the hundrcd
who have used lioth tho tea and bRkinir
powder ever since introduced by the- j
Golden Kulo Bazaar. Lach pturkagc of
tea and can ot bucking: powder draws a, y
prize in tho slutpo of a line piece of glass-!
ware. Be sure to eall, when m Albany.
at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will.
be sure to find what you want, and wilt :
be snown over tho store and te treated.
kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. Mr i
godds are all marked in plain tigiiTes so- it
as not to deceive anyone, and I nave nut. ,
one xrico to all.
Jiaifs Gradwoiit,
Cloaks at orwt at W F Raail's .
BMDchitis inimedia'.rly roJievodbv Slii'.t;hrw
SHIL0H7F. CURE will immediately re
lieveCrnnp,Whooping'ongh and Krouehitisu
Foahay ci M.iaon; agftDta.
f a.viiitiKD. .
SHANKS TIN DaLL. -On- Marehs
31, 1891, at the residence of A Shanks, by !
Elder A Shrinks, I.evl Shanks and Lcis-:
LTindall ioth of Linn county.
PIIILLIP:MOniHR.-Thuredfty eve-1
ning at 0 p in, nt tho residence of Mrf
Geo HatTis, this city, by Rev Jas F
Stewart, Mr M X Vhiliips and Miss hn-'
phene Morris, both o this eonnty, .
They left today for their home ia the i
eastern part of the county, where Mr,
Phillips is teaching school. Their manr ;
friends beat wishes follow them.' . ' ,
THRALL. On March .
l&m, in Al-
all, lonnerly
a, a eii-1..
liany, to the wife ot K Th
of the Albany public nchoi.
Mr HI!er5 Towinond big started B
Express wagon for hirmolf .
The Oregon Paeifio boats now have the
upper Willamette praotiiully to tlmmseivoa.
The Willamette valiev arrived at tha Biv
yesterday, and the train today brought over
a urge quantity or iretghe
We ar Informed that II A Cleeli has trn
ofT-sred fflOO an acre for all the real estate
he ovroa on the Dtschutes tiver. Henry
Mrnly tniss hi tnsrk in a llusncial speuu
lairm, 1 rmcviiio mws.
Sheriff Croisan sold the bank rout atnnk .f
M Mitchnll, at Ofrvai. hat Siturdav. Itl
was lK)itht by I R Dawson, the mortgage I
fifrfj,500. if is now eiigagod aoiling out
the goods. Woodbura Indeueedent.
tf as a J ' a . 1
Ths aiitl-IVminan cotifermiae of tha
Kvarizodcal cliarch is in sesaiint at Lafay
Crawford & Paxtoo took soma fine views
of the teauhwrs yesterday, wbkh can be sc
oured at inetr gallery
Albany p'auerer get their supply of sand
by Ih car b'd froci l.-ebsnnn. Tber it
eoosiuerauie trade in this conirnnlity
Who does not renumber!died rchoe
bounf f hi yoiithfril i!v? And who will
loon f'ireet the lUd School Honso shoe if he
on 00 wears a pit tt tl.eto. Kept iy Klein
A gsittieman from llwniiti iafo.ioi the
DxMiKitiAT that Mr OA Cheney wlil nl.o
Start larmer Mlian. a ifvrr at that city
with ona of hi plants recently recuivad here
irorn UiiSota, ,
1 ettrdsy a shuft 5ro! in at h Woolen
Mills, eompoiiing the n.illn to gtoo wcrk un
til a new tutt cu bo built, wbiela will U
scyeral days. As tbe mi'l w working nights
as wen as uaj to meet trusir fl a t ordjre
the accident was ver untimely.
The Social eion Dramatic Company, 1
one of the largest and brat on the road, wilt
play in Albany the lt .f the month. A
Night Oil," by local talent of galem. will be
net u a woor ir two, on a nvor exurioa
and will prKiit their draa, which made
big bit in eUlitm.
Judgs-D R N I'.Iavkburr), whoso card :
pear Uelnri, will e--titinu to be f iu'id
at lit former office In the Old Fellow build
ing, prepared to ftttend to legal busineas en
truWU to turn, lite .'udii has hna In
praetioa here a lon ttmn and ha built uo
repatstlon at a rehab! lawyer, who mav rw
d.-(!i'lt 00 to giv all l.ueii.rsi prompt aad
careful attrution.
Wheat. Totlay we are able to quote
wheat at 75 cents. About 15,000 bushel
were sold out of the Tangent warehouse
at that price, leaving the warehouse prac
tically empty. Only about dXK) buaheli
remain in the Albany warehouse.
An Aastv of Editors. What has Al
bany done. WIthout.any warning all of
the editors of the surrounding country
armed in upon Albany today, and the
city has been st their mercy. Mr Alex
ander, f the Lebanon Express, Mr C A
McDonald, of Ihe Anti-Albany bridge
Times, of Brownsville, Mr F LI)ug?er,of
lite H-tixi'm. the family of tl.e editor 01
the New of MaWey and Courier of Harris,
burg, and Editor "Lvon. of the Station
T imes were ail In the city, which added
to the Albany ink a'lngcts'made an army
oi "public opinion representatives".
ri!R DAT.
UulittA lJwiu, dratst.
Bay year groceries of Parker Bro'
rimsiowiM, hi,odii en iirtur c . 1
PiepUnt roots for sale by J II T.-wire-M. j
M u'a x at eort at th r.a Y k C ft R-j
stnre. j
White hirl at cost at tha N Yo- C 1
BRtr i
tVu's uoiUraear at cost at th N!i"ir.
CHKsute. "
The eoUbtattd "Rtd School House" he 1
at KUIn Bto.
The net to t,inht t consUt r
the ferry ptojcititm.
Hr articlo on a tew enterprise. Model
Dairy, en tbe e-Jitotial paje.
Sttii'k the eeloUratrd Haviua fiilwl S sent
cife-ar at Julian Jujtpli'i.
A Urge tf wall psper. with l4e de
signs, as Fnrtnm'lcr t Irvii's.j jtt reotived.
Hit b at martiet pihe pud jar eg at the
New York C. 15. U. Store.
See W F Ret, Vs line of lrs g Kile aed
silts before Ln)i. ; e'sewhtre.
Katcsir: in e'xice groyne! can aiasya
be aecurtd of AHi n Bros- Fliuo ti!ock.
E V Ae'iieon &Co aro eeiliug monomtats
ai roitlati4t'f"C'.
t lO.WKJ tiin!l to losti on good faret ae -eortty
by K J,' S:) & Co.
Now fc free bridiji' al piir of Rexl
Scliwul lloaas hoa,tbe: ttr at KKjn Uroa.
It i a ftcr. Thti Usu Schtxd li. me shoe
can be bad ryht here in nva i.t K!ru Bror.
For tar?ains. in itiout Tenfer, headatynea
etc., otto E W a.liioni Co.Alletuy.OrrgoBi
Frreh bread, r':e, pict, eto.. everyday
at th Deimobico resuarvnt. Leave year
You never bsve eoM fert if yen wear tie
"Ud iboi-1 Home'' thoo kept at Klria
Threw well brrte uxen.ach ciitirg seven
fwt, for ai. Call oa Koox llaight, at
E R SUtp worth and J J Wa'ton have
formed a partnership lathe taw business at
Board im1 hiduiti by tha day or week at
A L Lambs, on l.vpu street, between
cd and 3rd.
E II Denton, of Milb rshasbeen appoint
ed Farmer ALHauceorraoixsraud will work
principally i l.inn county.
A epecial meeting oi the Y's will be held
Monday aften.ooa at 4 o'clock, to hick all
members are earnestly requested to be pres
ent. Ladies oando their shopping in San Fran
cisco without visiting tbe city, and without
extra coinrmioiioti. Miss E.J iUrros Jftir
cbssicg sgeut. liG3 Grove St, Oakland,
Becsure thx uiombacki in tbe Legislature
rclimi-d to sixwopriate aoythiug for the
World'afair. lresoni now elwsed with
1 Arksn ami Tu. tha bpIv ether itatnn
t doing the eanu tkiog. Too bad.
! Mr F B Haart f FortUnd. .stallkhod
I a Wells Frgn C. Kxpre.s oiii;o lu re lust
week, with Coorg Fintey aa nvn.t. This !
will lill a long fult need. It will bo 4 treat
advantage atmu!; andicg ell" money. Cor.
Time. I
Ciawford Si fasten hay nciyeil so mo
back ground seenei painted by the f.nnous
Lafayette Keavy, of Jiew York, which are
very lice. Thoir gallery ia cow ono of the
best equipped in Oregon.
The lirst issne of tho Sunday Te!cseope,
to be printed by C W Watts, will appear
ooe week trout to-morrow. Tun pnbludi
ers say the paper is not to be of a sei s&ti-wa
nature s reported.
GeoS lVUy, Geo L Walker, L DurbMn
and J D Hurt liave been appointod direct, r
of tho Oreijou B,)rd of Immiiriiou. A"
are young men and mstlera. Mr Walker of
Staver& Walker, has several relatives iu
law in Aihanv who will cxptut him to uk
his it fl neuco toward build 111 g up this part
of Oregon.
The beautiful storeroom of T L Wallace
& Co., Altany's leading olothiers, ' inov
full with newepi'ingoloibin'gand forniahing
goods. Never before has thero been such
a large mid fine line of goods brought to the
eity. Tho new firm i enterprising and de
serve the pitrenege of tho people. Their
prici-a are low, thoy do not make a largo
profit on a suit aisome smallur dealers do,
and it ia only the immense amcuatof busi
ness that they do that mukss thbm proepet
Cnt. They havo hundreds of new, nobby
and atytUh spiing suits now on display iu
their rcom, whch everybody i iuvited to
calland examine. See their ad. on top of
local tage.
Taxi,s Collected. During the week
about $14,000 have been paid by Linn
county tax payers into the Sheriff's
office. S E Young was among the num
ber, with $1405 for himself and wife,
whiph knocks out Mr and Mrs Jacob
Kees, Milton Hales bill was $1137 and A
Iiackleisian's ?001. About $95,000 have
been collected in all, leaving a delin
quency f about- f'22,000, The Sheriff
will beann copying the delinquent roll
on Monday.
A Small Fire. ThH afternoon ;. the
residenco of E D Barrett, occupied by
Wallis Baldwin, caught on fire iu the
roof from a flue, and would have burned
down but for prompt action by the fire
department.the II & L Co forming a line
of buckets and extinguishing the fiamea
by hard work. Damage about $50. In-1
Riired in the Farmers and Merchants Ins
Co' of Albany. The company Lave tit'
il building already repaired.
Leo Br?kkn,- Yesterday afternoon a
stepson of Mr Ves Cannon while riding
on a load of hay fell o!f, striking so as to
break one of bis legs. Ir Maston of this
city, was sent for and attended the boy,
leaving him last evening in as good con
dition as possible.
TKBPEBAstK lllllXf,
K illed by Albany W, 0. T, V
At a meeting of the W C T U hist
Tuesday a committee was appointed to
iivestigate the cost of furnisiung our
hull with new carpet and other things
necessary to render it more comfortable
and inviting. A special meeting wilt Im
held nfxt Monday afternoon at 2:Z')
held fifxt Mondutr afternoon at
o'clock to hear the report of that com
uiittce and to attend to some other im
portant business, it is very much de
sired that every member will be present.
.... .a
The anniversary meetinz-of tbelTnio i
is near'at band. Mrs Stephens, of C U.,
a rational organizer, is expected to ba
prtMcnt on that occasion.
170 lias recently been paid on the hall.
which leaves V) and interest yet unpaid.
The rum element gains little by the
president's choice tor secretary of the
treasury Although not standing as near
ud as Secretary Winuofti did. Governor
Foster has taken ground against the
liquor power.and has held it firmly. The
Htuhb law for Sunday closing,pased by
the legislature of Ohio during M m
term, received his hearty upjort. There
was mucli opposition, and tlie following
spring the party was defeated in nearly
all the larger cities. In the presence of
that defeat Governor 1 oster prophesied
that the people of Ohio would finally
ratify the Sunday law. The Cineinsati
correspondent of b metropolitan daily
has lately made the assertion that now
tho Sunday and midnight closing law ot
that city is less often violated than the
law nirainst theft. The Prohibitionists
of Ohio then l.ave largely to thank Keere-
tary Foster for this third of a loaf. May
growing conviction lead him and every
other man of courage to see the feasibili
ty and tbe eternal Tightness of complete
ly suppressing an institution which from
sun to sua and trout Monday morning to
Saturday night works nothing but harm
to society and good government,
The Magazine of American History :
notes the acquisition by tbe Iowa State
Library of he ord.r book of General
Henry IVxltre.a leading hero in the Black
Hawk war. While in command at Rock
Island his forces were found attacked by
cholera, which was largely induced by
intemperate habits. To check this ex
cess he issued jieretnptory commands
that "every aoldier or ranger who shall
lie tound drunk or sensibly intoxicated,"
should xt compelled "to dig a grave at a
suitable burying place, large enough for
his own reception, as each grave cannot
fail to be wanted soon lor the drunken
man himself or taint drunken compan
ion." D2EA9Z.
JonVs bad a queer dream tbe other Bigot.
Tin tooaxut be saw a prUe-Gf liters' ring, and
in ttus mid'lle ot tt stood a doug-bty litU
ebamptoo wbo met and teUbersuiy knocked
ever, one by oiw. at score or more of bur.
burly-lofkiug- follow, aa they advanced to
ttm attack, iiianns aa they were In fuze, (lie
-sJut piarmr froved tnoro tnaa a match for
them. It wus all so f uony toat Jeaka woke
tip lausulnir. lie aceounts for tbe drcaia by
tbe Imt tiiAt tto had Jut come to tbe conclu
sion. aftr trvlor nearly every big, drastic
pllt on tbe market, that Fierce' Pleasant
I'urtrnUro PciicM. or tiny elusar-ooaw-d
CiraiHilt-s, eeaiiy " knock out" and brat all
the tie puts hollow I Tboy are tbe original
aul ouly ernuine Little Liver Pill.
Itcnrare ot lniuaimna. which contain Pot
snnou Ml oral. Always ask for Lr. Plerw's
PeUots which ar Llliie tiir-coefd Pills
or AuU-bilious Untautea. One) at ioee.
Rtlloaa Ileodaelie,
ltlxaioesa, Const I pa.
tlou, Itrd Iseetlon, (11 1
loa Attclaaand ail de-
raneeroeut of tbe stomacrt
and bowel, are promptly
relieved ani pertaancatly
CHra ry inn use ci nr.
Weree's Pleasant Punraiivw Pellcta. Tbey
are swatiy laxative, or stronaty cnthartlo,
necortiinif toaiieof done. Smallest. Cbeanrat,
avaeiesl to toko. S cent a Vial, by druggist.
ers, is. ty vrosr.nM TtnrrcrsABT aUB
icit. AimiciiT1om. PToprli-tora,
4i Aiala ai, Buoata, tU X.
S. W. Paisley,
AlVaay, nsa
Tatoa ail Oinrj.
V Beam Bex Tare Beam N. Y. A.)
The New York C. B. R.
-Is the Place to
Tli cir Meld
cur .y J
SBtsPUJiallts. ssissiJi i m asnuB. . -.- UJ i HI H I ail JiiJ m. I'll' it, hi HI ii iiiiiiibjW iBw.raa-f' i sasBaMBsr BBaRBaBBaBBaaBaaaaaBB(SJB
& U 4 l 3 E i 3 ' i a- i ft
.USIll lill'll-l -III'- - --t--i't"..-a- -L.r..w., IU fjl MS BIB n I B! II I i 'll'Bt-.- -iB-ia: W
1 1 miu
ii n- p 3 n II 1
1 -I V fl 1 1 2 .1 'i I HliH
f and get OOOS FOUHn
ore & f icr jov tr.
Both the HK'l'toil end rc.!n w(lw
Bynip'ff Fik? i ta!-. cu itis -rt -:,t,i
sir.t rcfrciihiita; t' U10 tiwfe r :i 1 ret--rrf'ftf.?y
yt lroin;tly 11 ltc Kidneys,
Livt r and JJowuJ., denim t'u iy.
tcm clicctnrJly, iiiKjidit colds. Iwh S
ti' ,t: and fevers sod cures b;i'in:;ii
cdtialifrfttmn. Hynm cfT'v.i u th
n1y rernetljr of Its kind ctct pro
Pv.vA, jilfrsirijj to iV.e t?irt; r.nd ac
t 'I'iJJd to ti;fi Btomach, rr ; j t ia
i 1 stcUou find truly lr.c'iua! 111 its
'J' cf Us insny excellent tjuillwa
;?mr:.end it b ciL It h for rah in
r.fc ;irA SI Utiles ly all hading
. '; .;..?,
tS')rJFA7J1', C4;LV p- tl.e
lovmutt. nr.
70S, Ctt
m w vent, n.r
fill nrf Ceos, Cels, laflaenrs,
hij ! LO Hoarseness, Whootiin C-
ovjh, Crone,
Threat, Lanes and t hesf ,ocWir Cersomnlloe.
City Meat Mai eU
EHULTZ BUCSm. Proprietor s."
Kfmp a full line of aieaie of il kind
la a cool pltc", cfHnplte!y pro
tected: and always fre;r.
Fortmiliei I liviri,
Arterial Erabalrni:i Cona Scieutil
4 Cr)Saiap!a Tai. ".'fTcrc7:t psttcrrts, a
(J sW a M tt' i ! t KtifS rt'tty
sent post-paid receipt c ! tl.'iT,
mm & c?., tcn?c2.
Li 1
Caveats arsd Trs2e-S!arks oMained. end ail Tit
eiit bus.nes eon'lucted for Moderate F.
Our OfRce Is Opeosite U. S. Pstert! OSce.
and is-e can aecjtre patent ia leas tUaatbanthort
remote from Waahicstou.
fceud model, drawia? cr phto, wltli ifcrip
tlon. Ve adviee. If patentable or not, free ot
chsirje. tor f not slae tiil patent 1 urrd.
A Panphlet. How to O'uiain i'atctta," with
tiaaies ofacimJ c'.ien; la yoar Stais, county, or
.town, a nt free. A&nte,
CrpesiU Patent C2Qc. WichlTCn. 0. C
Ccat 8ock of 2ijd fiV ;oodstn the Ya
of, and the most reosr ,aie prices, both
In b selling, t have oit bond
fuskFtobe, stsyes, tikwahe
ETC., ETC. . west of S E Young's If ad or
Tliyer Slioes.
a& V ''J V1
2r.d Liw' Store.
HcParland Bloot, ALBAH f.
eur cures
It you wrant the best
and most durable furni
ture that is manufactur
edln tho city go to .
W w. 3
A. - 't i it-.- I ."