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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1891)
toe tttwoat FRIDAY APRIL 10, 1891 STITE3 NUTTINQ. Killter rraprletnr. LOCAL HECOHD. Crook Cot'XTT. T II (ilao cntne over from Sinters thofiret of tho week, lie any that nearly all the snow has disap peared irom the ltiack Itulte country. IMVClnypool ttartcl for Willamette valley last wk with a band of work liorso which ho expect to ell to YVeh- 1001 lamier. Charlie Rutlierfonl, o! Oohoeo mine, was in town Suiulnv. tho (lrit time lit several months Mr RutherforJ spent the wiatcr in the luininir district of Montana and Idaho, and ny ho did not see any placer there w hich showed a letter prospect than do tho mines on Ochoco, The sheep ruining industry never had a brighter outlook in this country than at present. The wore no Iowa during the winter, tho clip thl vprinjt will be largo and of tine quality, a I'd the prices ot lMth wool ami mutton have an upward teinicncy. uevtew. A Gradual Ixcrkask. The gros te elpl olthe Albanv l O. for the four quarter ending March 3 tt. lSoi.wcie: April 1 to June 30. lSo $175126 July t to lept 30, 1890. 1715.47 Oct 1 to Dec 31, 1890...., J01377 Jan t to March 31, iSot... 74-97 Total $ 7114 47 The saury ot this office will be read justed upon the gross receipt for the four quarter prcceeding and ending March 3 ut, and will go Into effect with com mencement of ttscal year, via. Jul itt next, and continue for one year. (roa receipt $7000, and not exceeding $Sooo, give a salary of $1900 per annum. The office will be c'assrd as and class when gros receipt reach fSooo. Twclte M.vx Bcwniss. A young man, about 55 years, of age, residing on the Sound, a fortur resilient of Linn county, recently had some fun, in a man ner which will suggest good mode for securing immigrants. He published an advertisement in Heart and Hand, an eastern matrimonial paper, just for fun, asking for an oldish maid or a youngish widow for a partner on a tanch beneath the shade ot fair Ulympia, one who had taste for strawberries, yellow legged chickens, etc., and would nit mind as sisting in securing them. He received 175 responses, all of which be answered. Now he is in a pickle, hence we do not give his name. Twelve of the women have written that they will come to the Sound this summer to enjoy the straw berries, etc , taking it for granted that they are the ones wanted. We shall watch with abated breath the outcome. Sabbath School Coxvextiox. The annual convention of the Sunday schools of Linn county, will be held on the 20th I and 30th of April. 1891, in the Methodist J-.mscopai church, corner Third and Ellsworth streets, Albany, Oregon. The pastor and superintendent are each mem bers of this convention by virtue ot their offices, and each Sunday school is entitl ed to a delegate tor every twenty mem bers or fraction thereof more than one half. Don't forget the time and place, but come and work to increase the effic iency otour Sabbath schools throughgut all parts of the conn ty IJy order of the Executive committee. O. P. Cosnow, JR., Secretary. One man i leaving hit footprints on the sard of time. Thcv may be ecn In Albany well a In Baker Citv and other p'ace. The Blade ay: "There I a gentleman In the city soliciting advertis ing for a hanger to be placed at eeveral Important points. Ill charge are $10 and $15 per card, and he will have no difficulty in cccuring fifteen or I went r cards. It Is a well known fact that such advertising I almost worthies to the ad vertiser, and people wlil continue to blow themselves in against ivch schemes. The solicitor will probably collect $200 in this case, and hi expenses here In Baker City will probably amount to $20. lie will take with him when he leave the town probably $150." The K. of P. of this city are making preparations for a fine time at the dedi cation of their new ball in the Baltimore Itlock, on the ICth instant. Visiting Knights will be present from all over Oregon. The Uniformed Rank of this city now numbers about fifty members, for whom new and elegant uniforms have just been secured. One of the finest uniforms probably in the state is that of the State K of P Surgeon. Ir J L Hill, made by E A Sch idler, with elegant M D epaulets, which will be seen on this occasion. Psizes Awarded. Recently the WC T U of this city, offered two prizes of 5 and $3, for the best essays on the subject of temperance, to be written by rupil of the public schools. This morning the contest was ended and the prizes award ed, the first to Miss Winnie Chamberlain, daughter of Dr Chamberlain, and the second to Miss Bolton. Tho essays are well written and display excellent liter ary ability. Beautify the Cemetary. G W Har ris the marble man I asking the people to contribute money fcrthe purpoe of clean ing and beautifying the Albany Cemetary Ground, tie will grub op all useless brush and remove all trash, fill up sunken grave etc. Thl Is a tep In the right tllrec-tlon . Let every one contribute something to beautify the home of the cherished dead and make our neglected cemetary a place of beauty. llion Biddiko. The directors of the Salem Building & Loan association met at the secretary's office laat night, and loaned $3000 at eighty-five months' inter est in advance, and some $500 at seven ty-five months. A premium of 25 cents per share was placed upon the new series of stock which is now open for Eubscription. Statesman. Two Small Fires Saturday night about o o'clock Mrs Geo f fochstcdler dis covered a lire In the combination barn be longing to Mr Hochstedler, G F Simpson, and t- W L.angdon. it had caught in arriong.ome bale of hay, probably from a tramp pipe. The bale were rolled out and the flame were quickly extinguished. An alarm 8 wa given but the service of the department wa not needed. The papers of The Dalles tire getting disgustingly personal. The Chronicle says : "The Chronicle has stopped buy ing concentrated lye to wash tvpe with. It just drops a copy of the Times-Moun taineer in the iar and the lie is so strong as to need considerable reducing before Ming nt to nee." Appointments, At the anti-Bowman conference of the Evangelical church, at Lafayette. Rev Bowersox and Archie Parker, were stationed at Albany ; L A Yost at Sweet Home: D V Poling at Corvallis and Independence; F J SUayer at x aquma uay. Suit Withdrawn. The attachment suit brought against C B Montague ot Lebanon by San Francisco creditor has been withdrawn, the whole matter having been atifactoriiy adjusted. The many friend ot Mr Montague will be clad to know that h! embarrassment wa only temporary. Uncle Tom's Cabin is to be ksre next Tuesday. We've all seen it; but want to see it again under a bis white tent. Mcl'adden's troup is a big one, as well as a first-class one, with 83 performers, and those who wish to see a first-class pre sentation 01 it win do on liana. Official Visit. On next Monday eve ning, April 13th, Hon J J Dal v. of Dalla, Grand Mater of the A O U W will Safety lodge of thi city. All member and sojourning brethren are requested to attend. Patroniw Faisle) "i Smiley, Our Piinttrs FOR DYSPEPSIA nd liver Complaint you hsva fritit guarantee on every bottle if Khiloh.K v iUhzwr. it never fail to cur, 1'oihay & Mason, agents. !,;; it iii ymir mind that Allen Pro tro ... 1 k;u 1 of groceries the publi- S DA VILLI! fc'KWS Sodavillic, Ore, April 7, 1801. Much valuable work has done on the spring lot recently and it will be in better condition than ever before. The attendance at school has been very largo, for this place, during all the year, and still continues to bo large. Anew wing is to le built on the building this summer and another teacher to bo hired. This will lie a much needed improvement, for our village and widely appreciated by all. Main street is to be treated to a new sidewalk, on both sides t the street in tho very near future. Improvement is the general order at present. A little child of Mr and Mrs Solon Faulkner, that was burned by fulling on a stove m few days since, is improving as rapidly as could be expected. Many people In this vicinity are plat t ing gardens. Rev Joseph Brown prencbl it very able sermon at this place on Sunday hint. l?ro. llrown occupies the pulpit on the first and third Sundays, and liittdior on the second and tilth. Our Sunday school is in n irO!Te rolls condition, winch is aeource'et much good in Nxla, also prayer meeting every bun- day evening. S K Cooper has moved into the bouse recently vacated by Wm Simmons; the latter buying and moving on the farm of MrKearu. The teacher and pupils ot the sbhool are making preparations for Arbor lny exercises to be held at the school house on Friday next. A large business house is soon to bo erected on Main street, which will be used for a drinr store. Several houses will alito be built during the summer. CrruKN. T1.UKU. April 7th, 1891. Quite an Interesting Easter service was given ny the Methodist Church South on Easter evening. The program cousisted of mnsie, recitations and exercises by the children. The chief attraction ot the evening was the representation of the ten virgins by ten young ladies. The five iiniran were uressea in wnite rones their lamps burning bi it'll t, the five fool ish in black robes and their lumps gone out. It was quite a solemn scene and many were moved to tears. Services were also held in the M E Church. The spring term ot school commenced Monday with the same corps ot teachers. Mr O Yv Smith has returned from Hal- sey, where be lias been studying tele graphy, and will take charge 01 tho store here. Th Hesperian Literary Society meets every Friday evening. It affords great amuscmeut for young and old as well as oeing very benenciai. The Ladies Aid Society otTanitentM E Church South have reorganized and begun work for the summer with the following officers: President, Mrs N E Oiin; vice-presidert, Mrs LA Bryan; secretary. Minnie McGhee; treasurer, Mr Sue Jenks. L. A. Milk. Bailer aad Bert May. Thirty Ions of lect (Mangold) to the acre. Plenty of grass makes plenty of milk and ot butter and of money, and that is what we want both in city and country. We are told money is tcarre, but that is as yon take it; bring half a carload (12,000 Its) of fine butter and you w ill find plenty of buyers w ith the cash in band glad to give you money and get your butter. I -00k a moment friends. A well managed dairy farm of PJ0 acres will turn out 12.000 pounds ct butter in a year, which sold at present prices 30 cents per pound, would bring the snug little sum of $3000, and you need not wait for your money. Draw your own conclusion. Will beets be of much benefit as feed for our stock? Yes, very decidedly; everybody knows that if we bad grass, good grass and plenty of it the year around we could much eaitr solve the question of plenty of milk and butter and money the year around. Tho beets brings us right there. Beets is gram in the winter. Give a cow a bushel U-eU per day daring the tour winter month, together with enough of other feed and good care, and you will have 110 trouble in getting a good cow to produce 2 pounds of butter per day right in winter. Voa see it does not require much land to raise roots enough for your stock. One bushel per day per cow for four months is 120 bushels only per eow. One acre well preimred land will pro duce one thousand bushels Wets and the labor attached to the cultivation is not great. W hatt'ine should beets be planted? They should be put in as soon as the ground handles well ana not Inter than the month of April It you have Beaver dam land choofe such, if not, any other land Kood for wheat or oats will answer. f)low deep, 8 or 10 inches, pulverize the and well and work it one w ay, 3 feet part, plant on flat srround in straight lines, drop 2, 3 seed together about 14 inches apart in the row, cover with art inch firm soil. When well up go over the field and only leave one plant in a place. Keep the soil firm and mellow. especially during dry wea'her, and you sin uc BBiumsueu 10 ru wiiuv iinineii crop you can get and the money it will return you in the chape of feed and product. Any intormation on the above subject will be cheerfully furnished any one de siring it by the undersigned. C 11 Schmidt, Albany. BeswlBlsreare Ceatlaaed. Editor $ Democrat: Peeing there is a controversy in your paper between Long Ago or Veteran and Wayward child.and as I have been asked a good many questions about the matter 1 win lust say both writers are slightly mistaken in their narrative. Lonic Ako or Veteran was mistaken in the name is all the mistake I can see worth noticing, as Job was the man he was writing about and calling Uncle Johnny Crabtree. Every thins else corresponded with Undo Job and surrounding. Wayward Child says uncle Job hadn't nine children at time of second marriage He had nine at that time I can name, or at least he bad to go to mill for nine children, while his wife had several, and after thy mar ried tney nad lour. onn (jrautree, bet ter known as Uncle Johnny, was married the first and only time on February 22, 1825, to the lady he still lives with, hav ing five children born in each of tho three states, namely, Virginia, Missouri. Oregon, and used to talk some of moving to California, but think he has given that up. One of Them, Notice to Contractors. Sealed bid will be received at the store of Stewart & Sox up to 9 a m April 15,i8yi, for the con etructlon of the United Presbyterian cnurcn, cor. th and Washington streets. Albany, Or. The committee rjscive the right to reject any and all bid. Aioany, March 31, IS r Box, Chairman of Com. Don't torutt to attend tho spacial tala of millinery at the Ladies Baziar to-morrow and nxt day. Wanted. In respectable family, suit rooms suitable lor onice and tied room Please apply at St Charles Hotel for II J liiompson. Bbab in Mind. That Conn & Ilendric son keep a first-class stock of groceries produce, etc. 1 hat they do their own woric. Consequently their expenses are light And they can sell at bottom prices. Ijtrge rales and small profits. Courteous treatment to customers. Best good a in the market. And the freshest in the different de partmenta, Are the rules they go by. in aw spring uoons. 1 am now re- .elvlng my first invoices of spring novel ties in wash goods, prints, einghams, seer tuckers, etc., 1 have also just received new line of all wool summer plaids and beige. Samuel E Young In the Spring. A fine line of Blazer jackets for spring wpar, in many designs iust received by G W Simpson. Also a large stock of the popular self- MONDAY, C II lUrt ha returned from a trip to ban t ranchco. Mrs F 11 PfcliTor. ot Portland. I In the city on a visit. Mr Henry ttavs. wfCorvallK waln the city over Suni'ay. Mr A N Bush, ot Salem, wa. In the citv Sunday. Mr Ernetit llo, of Brownsville, wasln theclty over Sunday. Mr C L Brush and on, of PortUnd.are v l1thr A'hany Menu. Ml Etia Moore, of Brownsville, spent Sunday visiting fricnu In Albany, Mr E E Montague, of Lebanon, went to rortlnnd thl noon oft husliicM. Ceo W Keener returned Saturday evening from a trip to Arlaontt.much Im proved In health, A reunion of th member of ihe O A It and W H C wa held of their ball Satur. dav tvenlng, when on et.Joyable time was hud. Mr Vr E L Irvine and on went to ttn vaills 0.1 a short vUU today. 8he w ill go to her new home In Portland on Thura. day noon. Kil Custrk camo up from 8icm today, IteUnnwconAnedtohU room at the rest. deuce of hU father, J Y (.ulc, with an attack ot htgrlppe. A Grand Encampment ot the OAK and W R O wlil bo held hi Astorl. begin ning tomorrow. It KTablerJ K Whiting, Robert llrown and Mr McCoon left today for that city. Geo Link, ot Aurora, and William Bower, of Missouri, are In the city, the guest of Mr David Link. One Is a brother and the other a nephew of Mr Link. Mr Wesley Shannon, of Eugene, It In the city, and wl;l be hero wmi day,whlle making arrangement to Improve her lot In the Rural cemetery, where her huband it burled. Salem Statesman. Conductor Contcr, injured In the Lake LahUh accident, pasted through Albany today lie continue to limp; but Is grad ually gaining tho ue ot hi leg. E R SMpwortti, of Eugene, was In Al ba nv today on hU way to Lebanon, where hit father, Rev Sklpworth, I lying dan gerously ill. J R Kirkpatrlck, of Ravenna, a Seattle tubuib, was In the city today on hi way to Corvallis. He report a prosperous out look there since ihe University wat located half a mile from Ravenna. Mr John Walter ha opened a real estate office there. Mr and Mr Harry Slee, of Spokane Falls, arrived In Albany a few days ago. Mr Slee returning home thl noon. Mr Sice will remalnawhllc on a vUltwIth her parent, Mr and Mrs Wagner. Her health hat tern poor. TCniOAV. . E F Sox went 10 Portland thl morning on business. Mr Tom Kay.ofthe Salem woolen mills, was In the city' to-day. D V 8 Reid, of the Oregon Land Co, ot Portland, was in the city this noon. E L Thompson, special agent ot the N'orthwcst Insurance Company I in the c!'y. Mrs A B Woodin and Mrs 8 S Train went to Astoria to-day to attend the W K C encampment. Mr William Vance I at Shcdd, and has also been at Corvallis, and other places, looking afier hi five farm. 1 Hon L Bilyeu, of Eugene, went down the road for Halem this noon. Likewise Hon J K Weatherford, of this city. E S lUirrows returned lt evening from a trip to Sidney and Port Orchard. We have tu.t yet interviewed hint as to the outlook there. Mr II Y Kirkpatrlck, of Lebanon, wa In the ciy to-day and while here secured a license fur the marriage of hln-wll tnd MUs Lorc.a Maud RaUion, the arcomp lUh.d daughter ot Mr C II Ralston. The ecretnenv will l petformcd to-morrow. Mr W J Plrms'.r. of Jacksonville, ac companied by Mr Oalley, Mr KfHogg, and Mr llardv of Portland arrived lo-d4y and lll inert r. It h Itculah Kebelah De gree Lodge thl evening. Let all mem- bel t be In attendance. Mr Pierce, manager of the K it Wade & Co'e hardware house, of h'aleni, came up to Albany this noon to continue ar rangements lor either upeiurg a new store here or buying one already eatab linhcd. They propose running a large branch house here. Mrs J M Pollock and children and Mr Strode and family have just arrived in the city from Wjchita, Kan., and will locate lit re. Mr Pollock had preceded them, and Is in huxincss with S httcle. Mr Strode intends buying a farm. W F Bead, Geo Harris and Mr Hazel ton left this morning tor tho anliam mines, to make arrangement for the inuiiiicr raapaign on tho rich gold ore there. They took along an inspirator and other machinery. So inspiration is needed though to induce one to pin one's faith to the hantiaui mines. Laitt evening a most enjoyable evening was Kpent at the residence of Mr and Mrs It E Conn, some ot their trlends ten dering them a farewell party before their departure to their new home. Mr Conn and Mr J L Underwood, of this city, will go into the photography business at Cor vallis. Rev niul Mrs 8 (i Irvine, Rev and Mrs T J WilHon, lr tl W Witty, U M Robert son and wif, and Mrs Henrietta Brown, of Albany, Rev M M Marling, of Ha'ocy, Rev A M Achcson and Elmer Hamilton, of Oiiky ille went to Portland today to at tend a meeting of the Presbytery ot the U P church, which convenes tonight, fceveral more will go tomorrow. W T Radir, the general rustler, now of Portland, was in the city this noon. Mr Iiadir considers the Oakland proposition in reference to the hosiery and knitting factory a fine one. I fe wiP inquire more particularly into the matter and let Al bany people know as to how much stock it would be necessary to take. The propostion is open to Portland, Salem, Eugene and Albany. The former place is already taking steps in the matter. The Y P 8 C E of the Christian church will give a "Shoe social" at the W CTU Hall, on triday evening, April 10th. ree admission to ail ladies brinr-ne lunch in a bIioo. An admission of 60 cents will he charged each gentleman. which entitles him to supper for himnelf and lady. A short program consisting of music, tableaux, pantomimes, etc.,will bo rendered, ice cream, candy, oranges and coifee will be served. No Daina will be spared to make the evening pleasant and entertaining. Everybody is cordially invited. WEONIHIMT. Mr Georgo Whitman came down from Green Basin last evening. L II McMahan.editor of the Woodburn inucpenucm, is in uie city tooay. TJ . a I .1 1 J M Moyer and bis head man in the Portland Albany woollen mills store. were in the city this morning. The ladies of the Congregational church will give a "Pnidcr Web" socialite. at the residence ot wm V ance, i nday evening. April luin. Mm L E Main. Mrs A 1) McCoy and Misses Ithoda Hail and Annie Flinn went to Portland this morning to attend tne U r conierence. Cap Humphrey lias returned from two months t tav in the valley, much to the pleasure of his "tillicums" at Pen dleton. Pendleton E O. Mrs John Simpson and daughter, of Corvallis, are visiting Albany friends, niiiio mi muijioijii is uoing 1 orunna on business. Judge Chenowith has returned from San Francisco, where he received the f tate agency for a valuable work, and is now in the city on a tour appointing county canvassers. Ex County Commissioner Wash Phil lips is in the city. Mr Phillips now re sides in Scio, having leased his farm for five years. He was one of the most effi cient commissioners the county has had and Albany people are always glad to see bim. C W Ayers passed through Albany to day for l'ortlana to secure some machin' ery for his placer mines, from which he had just come. Their prospects increase and he believes there iu a big thing there. A seven foot quartz ledge has just been discovered there, which promises rich returns. Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only 1 3 a cord Leave orders', at P W BpiuJks' lumber yard. MISFIT Calif. I now the proper abbre ration tor California, in order lo avoid confusion with Col. Some complaint I made because people tie their cow uo to their neighbor's fence. The fence sutler and the appearance oi Ihe street I not enhanced any. It would be a favor to most "property owners If the practice wat ttoppeu. Where a tramp accidentally sett fire to a barn or other building while Sleeping in It. It I very strange why he doe not ex tinguish the Hame,easlly done at the time, It i probable that some fires laid to Iramps occur-In other way. At a gathering In King's volley a young mar. partially Intoxicated, named F Blmp ion, kicked the church door open during prayers and ho wat subsequently fined iao and costs. This It the tirst Instance on record In which alcohol hat Inched a person to force a door In order to gain ad mission to the aanctu.try of prayer. Ua- sctte. The Gaaette of CorvoIIU advise Ben ton county o a county not to contribute toward a bridge ot Albany. Welt, the county ot lien urn will not be atked to assist, ond the Gaaette mlaht hove toved over a column ot bad breath If It had In quired Into the matter. The cltlaent across the tlver though are being asked to contribute, ond the progressive, public ,lrHed one ore contributing. Wa ore glad to know that Corvalll olso contem plate having 0 bridge. Gradually the eastern way t ore creeping into Albany, For the first time on record a little girl came into the Dxmocrat office ond bought a centt worth 01 paper. A Chicago man got mad the other day because asked to pay a bill. ThtDanc ckat 1 told of a man In Albany who wouldn't speak to a fellow citlten for a year just on account ot ft like request, decently made. Superintendent (1 8 Downing, of the penitentiary, ha received 70 prisoners since the first of January. In the oaraa length of thus he baa discharged 3d by expiration and commutation of tentencatv This leaves an increase ot 84 prisoners for the first quarter of this year. Then) are now 3&0 convict in tho Institution. Journal. .- , , A Monmouth milliner calls her shop "The Kmporiuin of Preulea." Tho Ton torlal Palaces still please take a bock seat. The Roseburg Review toys the EUR R Commissioner while In tht city got or a spree. Well, what it ho paid for any way. Recently fourot Albany' famous Nim rods wero bunting geese, etc., near Shedd. Becoming hungry they a?nta little girl.whom they met, to her father's house for something to eat. The girl wan equal to the occasion, and told Iter mother that oho w anted something for four tramps to eat. The good lady of the bouse hunted up four antiquated blacuiU, surpassing army liardtack,and sent them to the men, and then they learned what it was to t soldiers. That was tbt ex tent of their tntal. xpl the Iwpuritlr ia tb blood and give trt!tb to the rsUra btfor thncts of warm thnr ar felt, ai Pfoodsr's Orgoa Blood Pnnlij-r. . v ' MY WIFE Insist on buying her groceries, product and baked goods, of Parker Bros. Sbt ay it IS A well-known tact that all good or a represented and no HUMBUG! That all goods purchased ot them are freh and of the b-it quality to be se cured. ftWvrltlr la Jacket. I have received a small assortment of novelties in lad if spring Jacket, mad in the latest style ot Blaxer and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I ex jtct to carry a full line ot these good, as well a all the leading styles In Ladies ('apes, Waded, crochet and in cloth. Order taken lor special line ana style. PAS L ts IOUNO. Warm rr Bales I have for sale 100 acre ot the finest farming land in the ttale. All In ft igh state of cultivation, no build ings, but has a beautiful building loca tion. Eight mile from Albany, two mile from Tangent, on the HPRR Term and price reasonable. Call and see me on hecond street, opposite ukm- ocbat omce. vu. u. w. juastox. Haae? to Laa, V have plenty of money to loan on real ette security, on two to fire year time. Call on u ot our office, opposite th-j evre house. JHrkiiaxt A kxnot. A Cut tbrck of I sco corUint fur 9) Md tt to? JO to suit tho cattomar, at ForSmdor Irvirg'. For la.wo back, or aula cheat, at Sblloh Poroa Flat tar. Price, 2 eante. Poahdb ts Wamtcd. for table and one room. Inquire at Dxmoceat ofoe. Girl wanted for housework. Call at once at re tidence of W II Goitre. Visiting Cards, SO stylts, Palslsy Imlley Cloak at coat at W F Kead'e. On half collar rcdaetion on overv l-air 0 Lodl.-w' fino hoe A eood lino of tbcm tt K Yotiog , BOUN. FAULKNER-On March iS, 1891, near the farm or W w Crawford, to tne wife ot Mr M B Faulkner, twin boy. All doing well. DIED. 1I0GUE. On Tuesday evening, April 7th, 1891, at Corvallis, Rev J M Hogue, aeed 83 years. Bev Hogue wo the fath er 01 J u liogue, of the Uf ntt uo., with whom he resided tor five or ix year, and was a man of strong character ana considerable ability. ALDERSON. April 6, 1891, Mi Aldcrton, daughter of T Alderon, aged 14 years, redding In Benton county ( mile from Albany. . PAUL. At hi residence about five mile north of Lebanon on Thursday, April and, 1891, Hugh Paul, aged 37 year, 5 month, and 26 dayt. lie wa a ton of Wm Paul, one of the pioneertettler in the Fork of tbe&anliam, 1f f - - If- I I 1. .ItU k . XAC icavvs a wus aiiu onoc, vtiiri umciiu, brother and sUter to mourn hi death. COSI10W. At the retldenoe of Mr and Mr Henry Rogert, In Salem, Satur day. April 4. loot, at a:20 o'clock, a m Robert co e how, ugta oa year, 1 1 montn and 5 dajr. Deceased wat born in the clrv of Lex. Incrton. Kentucky, on the toth dav of Aorll isoo. lilt marriage with Mist Iiilia fertn, took place at Conncrsville, lndit .no, Jonu' ary 15, 1828, and thore they resided until 1840, when they moved to Iowa. Ihe death of Mr Coihow occurred April 5, i8ci forty vear ana. since that time the deceased ha made hit home with hit children, of which there were ten. Those who survive him are Mrt Dr H Carpenter, Mr Vt 0 K Jessup, and Mr 11 nry Kog ers, of Salem ; O P Coahow, of Browns ville ; Mr Edith Keys, of Palowe, Wash; Mr Kachei rurcell, Salinas, Call ; Luther Coshow, of Id ho. Mr Coshow had been a resident of Oregon since i860. About a week ago h wa stricken down with on attack of la grippe and, notwithstanding the best of medical aid wa rendered, death came to him. The relative have the sympathy of their numerous friends in this city, in their ad bereavement. Statesman. A CoUftfil MEBTIXa. Ho'l of Sondrldga Grtnge, ) April 4th, 1891, J L C B 0 met in regular section f the woithy vice president in trie chair. On the roll being called granges were represented. Several granges reported 0 wonting twine, braaeit, mower, wagons, piows. The agent for the council mode his re port tor 1 1 ad Ing placet llro C P Burkhort mode remarks and produced temples of twine for the consid eration of the council on motion the prop osltirn wss referred to the coin irli tee on good ot the order. On Motion the stole grange wit Invited to meet ot Albany ot tna 189a meeting, Bro Train presented the tubjret of dairying to the council, ond asked that 0 committee of three be appointed to bring the subject before the council ot subs quent meeting! committee: S A Dowton, M Pay no ond Strouder Fromon. On motion J W Propst ond Jonas Davit weie added to the above com. The president Jecluied a rtcct for dinner. After dinner the committee on good of the order reported on the twine question, leovlng It to the ogent and Uro Burkhort The legislative committee on trade card reported to be the tame at last year except In color. The secretary wat Instructed to procure 1000 for the us ot the member of the council. On motloa It wot ordered thot the next council meet with Charity grange, ot the regular meeting In May. A vote of thanks was tendered to Sand ridge grange for the use ot their hall, and to the titters for in repast furnished. On good of the order the following per . son mode remarks very suggestive ond appropriate, vlst Irvine, Dr Henry, Morris, Freeason. Bro 1 advo cated keening our wheel at home and do more work on the roods. I W Propst read 0 communication from C If Schmdt, on dairy association. V, Bro R A Irvine colled the council to or der, and on motion Bro Irvine wo elected chairman, and 8 Si Trola secretary, A committee ot three on credential were appointed t Train, Dawton end !! Preckton, The following persons were elected 0 delegotee to the state grange: R A Irvine and wife, 1 II Scott and wife nd W J McMeckln and wife. For alternoteti II Freekton ond wlte, II Cyru and wife and J Clem and wife. On motion II Cyru and wife act lor R A Irvine, II Freekspn ond wife for J II Scott, and I Clem and wife fur McMeckln ond wife, , Council adjourned. f rasas of Ik Mate I Cores. Jobs I Wood, of Siratfoid, Oof, wa ewrod of en rat (a the lg by wearing Ali 00c k's Porooe Plasters. Mr Wood sayt: "Sum throe months ago I wa ttfttn very sick with severe pais ia tbe moll of back over tbe kids vs. Tb poia woe eionwiat iog. 1 polled as AHoock's Poroa Plotter ovar loo aoaotod ratio oad bad relief olmoot withia aa boar. Al th tarn time, ia coo janrtloo wita taie troobla, I hsd vary groat oarvoas dtstarbooo. auecttaii oty lgs with erosape o I ooald soared y sUvp. Meeting with toco ooooaas with my book I appuad plaster aodor tbe kooo oa eaeit lag, aod lo Utrae dsy woo completely oorad, oad nave uovor base tooabtedia tltbtr way tioco." Now MiLLixsav Stool -Mr C W Clark ho opened a millinery tiore in the blrohea Block, with Mi Sherman o manager, end ha a large and stylish stock of fresh good In stock. Her good ore already-opened lor Inipection, and the In vite the ladle ot Albany to co'l and In spect them. Utter Ust. Followirg' i tb list el letter romaloiog ia tbe past eraoe ot Albany, Lloa eoooty, Oregon, April 1, 1S91. Person oalliag fo tbeso tottoro wart give the dote on which" they wore adftrttatd. Bryan, O P Coeoloy, F J Craoe, Horry Cortls, Mw ttose Certia, Mia Mary A Kuohs, J . (id man, Frottk Hill, John Moor, Fratk MuQaty, Irving FrWo, M r Mary Raodall, Eaitoe C 8nitb, Walter tlittoar, Coorod WatU, O C R TuostrtoJi, P. M. rKaSOSALa. Cart rnter.of Vmt dneleo City, ltuli B. f, miU. Ha sav. Ju YacriaMa bar apart ii oattral ewad hi Uvtrr atni Itiliwr IsaaWa." Ttebt I. Harry. Assistant taprrinteadont Tan- mm ralara Car Cocnpanr. wnlia la t aillornla last astssa(. did not tuflrr with kit uut strk ksatta: bwisi II cava Joy a Vagatabla banaarlba a tea osavoauag vs at. Jaaa V. Cot tlw at T Tnrit St. . F. Its was4 Sa 0 aatetMl srlth tit k headarhe. II a4 Owa attack Uta dr bo conmac4 taking ioy- Vetauote Oarsapaxlila. but turn num. Tar or Ooaa. a JU BwsbBeU, nf tho Vorpby Vuttdln. Market., o. r., aftT4 wtia luditmttoo au4 etaplata It wars lorta lor years, till Jar' VttaM Sana oar Ilia camo to hi Mlipf. II raooouaaaoa to evaryooar simtianr ai- Kra, tr. J. B. Vaaoa. of K KB Varket M., a r., wboao troubla wa chrani blllnusaea. oay of Joy's Vf eiabl Barasnartlla. " luarUoa a lbs liver and kidttoys t decUlad aud 1 am Wcdlly haprwiuf. A.W.Vofrt Is a Wholesale shoa rasnnfartn rar.oimMlasloogL.iVr. Ha says," Joy'Vec tabl Oaraa partlia has glvaa him auuro roUet troos aia taUfaattoa and dyspapaio,'' Ateaoy Bartet. etssaaava Wheal 76i Oat-5.i Butter 86e pr 10, rggs 15 Bay-10,00to 18.00. Pot too 60 eta per buahal BW on foot, 2H to . apple eo cento per bn. Pork-i'Ao per If tinoood. nocons borne, I le obooldor 7o otdoe.So id J Oo per lb. itonr. 4.26 nor bbl. blken 1.00 per dnx. villi rcea Dran, 11,00 per ion aorta, 11. middling, 20. Cbtaye V. Portland U metropolitan like Albany ond ha a dirty dosen. ' MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIli Covered with Scale. Awful Spectacle. Cured la Vivo Week by tho Cuticura Komedlc. AtuMiihaliitsf ArHllastf noticed woo rl nlm nlie like eoinlo out all over my Uniy, l.ut t!miii(li nothing of it until notne tlm j lud-r un, when ! l imn .) look like ''ot of Hitid en, uml Imh earee otf In l.'yor eroininuU't .with tubing, t would aeralilt every Dviit nuul I ni ra', 1 1 i Hi" Ufsmiet 1 uwei'Nicaiitflliprnrut. nwanwbl'e f i scrulhil t kki'.Iii. 1i vain did I ci'iilt t'l tne doeto e la tlie coumy, I i.t without 1 itl. Aftfr ctvlitKi:;i nil bnpr of reeowrj', I Imp;" 10 eeanedvrUtwai'-iitle Ut in v u bar etiuut yiir 'ctk t: Hresmxs, end imrtBnw it t!" VjJ from my ilruyjlai, mid olimi.Ku linnetiiomrili ite rtilrf. 1 1. eim to iioili e t!mt lli..K.Iy cnpllmie rrmlimily dro'i!Ki fiir ed iiif. tn. 'iL Pr"rl "e ' 1 eno. It;. 1. 1 1 Ii -d besn fullv cmed. 1 U d tlit: o!- thtrtwn montlie befor 1 I'-ean 1 luif t!ie ltKMuics,and In (our or live wrrks wi ci.:. l.j cured. Uy dlseitse was eciinm end eniilai V. I kno of a erest many wlio liuve t:ikeo t' e nrn iiies. end tlisnk m n trie annwicuiie wt imw, necially motliere wlio hiive l:itive v. lib arii; Uona on their lien. Is end bndl. I cannot tx)" n tne thanks to soil, sly Ih1t vu tawnii vMh scales, and-1 wua sn awful apvetuclo to U-hukl Mow 10 V sklo Is as clear as a tvitiv'i. Cuticura Resolvent Tbenew Blood and Hkln I'lirltler end pfnlii't of Humor lterncilles, Inttmially (lo cLuhb tliu l.lutxl of all Imparities, aud tliu mtnovo tlio cu.), hiiU UUTIOURA, lite sr(itt Okio . tiro, pnu LUTii ud BoAr, an exquisite skin lieamlrior, eslernally (tu clear the skin and scalp snd rminra tlie linlr), cure every specie, of agonl'InK. Ilcliiii, l.iitnliiK, sculy, aod pimply diseaaca of Uio akin, acalji, urni liloud. Bold evorvwbore. Trica, CtTHTltA, S0c.; Boap, SSe.j Hasoi-vituT, tlMO. rn.-aittl ly the roTTXB JjBUO AND CURMK Al CoRPOOATION , HoOtOB . ar-Bend for " How to Vorm tikln Iieae," 64 pages, W Illustrations, and loo testimonials. Fir; 1PLKS, black-beads, red, ronRh, chapped, and i miy sain eurea oy lutscuua eoaj-. I CANT EF.EATKE. Cbest Pslns. Borenese, V,'ci&nm, TT l.ln ....,.l l.lhm. lltlrl.V. Aitft Inammiitintt rllflvftd In One -4 & minute by tu Cntieuws Anti-Fain rwr. HotiiiBf Uk It fr Weak Lune. Rsa-ff- J WW U)Xa ARB ASCOA MONDAY. Th DoMot'hAT i informs ' that Mr B L Dorr's I now ia California, boadad for Sao Louis Obispo onanty,wbro an odo! ridr;. 1 r W W Crawford, of Lawton, recently tiurchksid of Mr liooney, of Jffron, a iloullo registered Jersey bull, which tbo u'w Ortnar asserts It th iltiett in thaoouoty. Another Dowspsper man ia to IJon omint j, tie th purpoao ft starting a paper. 11 is oaon-lii-Iaw nf HvJ It Kirkpstriob. and will looite ot Let tuon with II Y Kirkpa trlck. Nu eloe to the whr-realiotit of U Nsgety, who ditpired r.a Tbtr. tday, mention l which a mad 8aturdy,ba bVeo obtained. Sm think b oninmitted tuloide,aba hsd bcu in pour btfclih, W W Hssnder U ovidenllf seeking to gainth anipthyf th penplo bv a o r respondtneo with th pre A letter in tha liliurg C'ompeodiom i loUrlpgi but it ohjuct i plain. Lost night about 8 oVIock teteral bovt going past the old building formerly oc cupkni by Mr Pulman a a factory, dis covered o bright tlgh'. Inside. The build ing wot discovered on fire, starting among tome shavings. They ucceeded in gcttini; insiae ana pulling tne Dome out without anv alarm. It wa evidently Incendiary. , BoovMCAaavixoMAit.The Oregon Pacific train for the front thl morning Had a new feature on board that will prove a great convenience. I( wat that of 0 mall drrartment In charee of a noctal clerk. Ail post offices on ihe line will re ceive mall by thl r;ute, to.wltt Lyon,' menomo, Kock Creek. Mill Citv and Hal- stead. Arrangement are beina made to have Scio Included. 'Tt'OSDAV. MoMalioo' circu It coming thi way, Th OrfitrtO PfibvtrV Of th 1'rasl.ltr. rio ohorcb mott thi oity co next Toot dty. April 14tb, When tb rootUr orow and tho haca flunk Thursd.y morning it will bi Boooeaaiy far thrm to do so i-x their owo yord.tb nw oity o-illnsDcs goes Into oHeot oa that day. wroNiwiMr. O C died at Mill Citv. on Son,!.. of la grippe. Uaote Tom's Cabin will ba nraaeatad In Albany under tut ia o week or two. Fresh biasd. cske. eio. ote.. evert dav at tbe Delmooico restaurant. Loav yoor order. For mad cat ts nif 1 ttKoiall v fo aUtlion oallonKnspp, ISurrttl A Co , ateoroerof Mrt and r.llswortb streets. Albany. Or. Mis Fsnnr Odntal. wall known (a this el'y, was wariial on Auril 1st to Mr C II fleet, an oltbinry at Fairbtvoo. Wash, their iutor bome. A iae burning out iolk Fronso brick. this tftercw o, eanaed aa anneeeasaiy alarm aod dlvolgioo tha fact thst Albao) ( fail of peopl on short outic. Tbe Iscrii-M em to bo otiit t,rvIoBt throogh tbo'toooty. The death of Jobs Loidweii at Mute 1 reported to bavo coco red on Sabboth fiom it. Remember! That tbo AonStemar eter- eisao of tbo Y M O A will be held io tbo Opera House ott Sandsy at 7:30. UlIuo orvioo of th various chart hee". Tb DxsmcaaT will osobooe a tew in macbioe of any rr.ak drsirtd, eieept one or two, for tome oak grab wood and trt ob: or will eootidcr other proposition by aey 000 desiring a tw machine. Uro Jeff Mitt, ia aa interview Lv aa t)rs:i luu reaortor, re 00 in mend lloa Coo K Cbambarlaio, of thia oity, for attorney gurt! on f jmtuiei t that wceld git general ttitltcUua in Lion eoooty. Warear 4 Craoor, of tb Opera Hunse, went to Poflland this 000a oa baeioeaa. They a. Disking arraacemeot tor some fit at claae Sttrscllou. A-booft- other will b tbe Sootal SoteioMoomptoy, N'lpaad Taok.aod tb fomoo Jorbaa. Covxtv Cot t. At tbe monthly meet l.g of the County Court thl afternoon the usual bill wer being all 5 wed and sev eral rood petition considered. In the mailer of the Albany brldre the court ruled that w'-en an adjournment be had it be until Wednesday April aa, ot 1 o'clock pm, b which time the survey will be completed, and the court decide what will be done on the matUr by the county. A Plsasast EvrstNo. Last evenmg 0 special meellong 'was held by Beulah Kcbekah Degree lAje No. Js, I O O F, the occasion being a by Mr Ply male of Jackonvllle,Secrri3ry of the Stale Con vention , accompanied by Mr Kellogg. Mr Daly and other of Poitland. The visitor were entertained by, ond highly pleased with on exemplification of the beautified wo'k by the nember of Beulah Lodge, At ihe close of the meeting re freshment were spread In the library when a very enjoyable time wa bad by oil present. Tut Host Yrr. One of the greatest mnsical attractions in the history of Al bany, ie to be here the last of the month. Alba 1 Icy wood and hi peerless concert company have been engaged bv Warner A uranor, at a big guaranty. The troup is composed 01 first ciaa musician, they have their own band and one of the finest comedians in tbe U 8. The pro grarj presented will be a refined and choice one that will be a treat to hear by all. A cD DaonsiNo. The train from the front last evening brought the remain of Mrs Maty McIIale, to Albany, and a wen, news 01 ner eaa ocatn. Aire flic- llale and child arrived in Albany about a week ago from Michigan, with CL Pomery, LG HclTrou, and their families, and John O Fox, to the latter ot whom she was engaged, she having been a wid ow for several years. Thev went from Here to tne front on the U P, and Sunday were out inspecting the country at Coe, the intention being to take up some timber land there. In crossing the north gantiam, on a log, Mr McIIale became dixry and fell into the ewiftly running stream, being carried against )ngged rocks. She was taken out ot the water by ttie men ot the party, in a life less condition, amid great sorrow, and brought to this city, aa stated. Funeral services occurred at 2 o'clock this after noon at the Catholic church, ot which tne deceased was a member, and the re mains were given temporary burial in tne city cemetery. The deceased was thirty-three years ot ace. and is hiithly sponen oi oy tier menu. MOMS ELECTRIC CUE. Editor 0.eeoniaDi I commenced Elee- tno and home treatment with Dr Darri November 4, for general nervon debility. dypepia and heart trouble, A th time 1 eotninenced I wa not abl to do any kind ot labor, but now 1 am abl to do a pretty gooo day work. I have received great benefit from Vt Damn' new mod of care. Honing tbi card will be boueQoial to other timilarly sfll.oted I Rive my nam pnblicly. U. H. uAAiLiAft "Jit, Kocksford, N oab. More Electric fare by Dr Darria. Geo Schmlth, Astoria; dtafaeu cared. Rev J K Ccenour, yojtland, Or; rkln dleease enred. Mlas Maggie Synhoost, LaOrande, Or, cross-eyed, cured. laaac Thompson. LaCenter, Wash, deafnesB, cured In five minutes W T Blnkley. Centralis; Wash; aclatlo rheomatlam, tetored. J T George, Oieneden, Wash, cbronlo rheuraatiRin five vears. eared. Mrs Mary A Johnson. MoMlnnyille, Or, deafness many years, restored. O r Mayhew. 183, D st. Portland, Or; bearatlBin in its worst lorm, eared. Henry Von Helms, Sandy. Or! cancer of tbe noae and catarrh, cured. Dr Dartla treats curable ohronlo, ecus and private diseases, blood taints, loss or failing manhood, ncrvons debility, effect 1 et error, or excesses in 01a or vounir. ! loss of memory, diseases caused bv mercury in the improper treatment of piivate disease, una never pub.isbed in the papers Office 70H Washington t, Portland, or. Hours v a. m. to a r. m. daily. Examination free and eonfldsntial Question blank and circular sent gratis to any addrew patients cured at borne a t6r one visit to tbe doctor office. F OR SALE Two freah milk cows. Inquire of w W Crawford, Tall main TMSSOLUTIOS NOTICE.-The part- XJ cership heretofore existing between A Straney and O Nacley. in the livery business in Albany, Oregon, ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. A Stratify will oontinno the business at the old stand and assume all debts owing by tbe firm and collect all accounts due the firm. a prill, im. A.HTKAM2Y, O. NAG LEY. RI!AI, MTATK ati. Among the sales ot real estate given below Is that of Col Hogg to Geo 8 Coo. While the nominal consideration Is 5 the real value of the properly is probably $51X1,000. The sale is thought fo have some significance; but Just wiiat tea matter of speculation. F A Watts to Wm A Thrift, 118 acres, 13 w 4 $ 3500 E It Sklpworth etal to FB Prater, Int in lM acre 13 w 3 C U 8 to lohn Clnnscn, 100 acres, 12 K 2 Patent Archie Foster to Sarah J Foater, 12 K 2 O & O It U Co to Cha K Clark, 80 acres, II K 1, OA C It 11 Co to Jfttne Clark, 80 acres. 11 K 1. 800 .300 60 IT B to Jann Clark,0a?res,l I K I.Patcnt TKgnntott llifg, of Corvallis, to ieorgo K Con, of New York City, all the Montelth proper- ty purchased by grantor of as signee, 3PJ.19 acres, excepting atKiutS acres..... Amos Boguo to Luerctia K White, 22 60 acres, 12 w A , Lucy C Fletcher toll M Fletcher, 80 acres, 15 w 3 Btrauder FrouTan, referee, to T F Yottng.lots 7, , bl 13, K A . . . A Ilackleinnn to J M llartlue, lot SandO, IPs 3rd A Mary F Khodc to Nellie P Myers, lot, bl 7, IP 3rd A II M Fletcher t W J Steele, 100 acres. 15 w 3. 5 787 777 1525 375 1 1500 OACBKCo to 40 ere 14 w 1 140 IJ-Oft BALK OR TRADK. a Ch'ckorlng ; t'lano In aood condition, ('all on uoo Npaght, at corner Jefferson etreate. of Ffgbth and f ONKY TO I)A!".-In small and 11 L large amount, from atx month to flee yoaio, on good Albany end Linn county real oatau. Call on or ad'ir. a W E Mcpherson, Firat St., Albany, Or. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETIHC. X"OTICE IS HEREBY OI VEN TH AT il there will be on annual me-'tlng of tbo atorkLolder or tbe Albany Woolen Mill Company, held at ibolr offir In Albariy. Ore on, on Taeday, tbo 12tb rsy of Mar, 1891, at tha hour of 1 o'clock 0 at of said day, for tb purpoao of o lect Ing foor director lo serve for one year, ond tbe traaaa tlon of ouch other businoa a mr.y legally com before sueh mar ling J. P. OALUItAlTH, . Secretary. WaNTKD-A competent oirl to do general bouaowork. Inquire ot Dr M anion 'a efflee or reeldenee. K RKN r.-E l her for offleea or reel deooo, tbo biilldlnn t t U Vorick.near eoreer of Hicadaiblu and Third etree.. HOB-KM FOR HA LIS r-Or.o rorrel borao. Vyoira old, weinht HtO. One grey bcrae, 8 years o!d, weight 11 W). Aio wKon, hack, barn, oto. Will sol1 for oath or exebenue for tber prop riy. Call at 1 tore opposite It use houa. It A. FRY. DISSOLUriONOFPAUTMKRSIIIP.-, Motio i hereby given that tho ro Mrtnemhip her Ujl iro exlotlng between U U Cox. V A Cox and C II Uoborg. lo the planing mill In Albany. Oregon, ondar tbe firm name of Cox liros aCo,le thl da olasolvod by mutual nonaoot, tbo aald II tlolorg having pnrrbaod tbo onliro rixht. title and In terest of tbe aald l V Cox and W A Cox, lbeiln. C 11 lloborg tuinnti all the tb obi Igetlou of the late firm, and all notea aod aocouoi due aald firm are parable to blot, listed Albany, Oregon, March 14. IS9I. ICCox, W A Cox. C II Uobsro. G EO. iV. VF ItlUIIT, atlamej me at Law, Solicitor la Chenren', tVnetarla Admiral!!? an NoiaJT Public. Will iirsctlee In all Irsllljr en Nolan? Public. Will pr eoune el this eiste soil In tbe t'nilwl Mtatr cmrss I. Hrjrf . ari -t'rons tvoum eer Bank uf n. nLituniBi, OtlorsejrssUw. Win practice la I ths eourta nt immm. exwr uw cnusi, euart of Unit count w"fw win racwivf prvMnr'S eiMtlOua -CM relive- Ttm, Alhanr. Or. Olrc I SCtod vBdrtn;erd. Bonkalaama la me fMvtioe. TliiaialrTna all ".'. eros a ppttmwa tojhrnt A. UaSBMak 14 1 AtaTjiew tda. ALBANY .'OR. WEITSUiN 6 HULBEB.T BROS.. Real Estate Agents and lUnche fir sale. Also ity brnprty in aod Cbtyaliia. TOWNSEMD WILSON, Real Estate g lean him Ofae.--BAI.11MOV.E BK1CK Dolnr a tetel Imetsrr losltcfs. Isrtlet lalitec irsuisi i all) 0 ll to rt ll m aottsTS roa - , lsrre raspr. Tecoirera td thsrter pen-" i.ts m in ;u) 048,000. Astl,t9l7tjQ,716,r, Cster4llesi la. 4'smpaey, "f londox, Enflan EaUbllshed 18.1. Capital, fa.etm.wo. Iniol or pa d ortt tl.lXX'.Oto. amerlrest Fire las. retapanv, of riillsdrlpbis. Onraniseft into, vasn assets, i:,ni,tw. lueses paid, lUO,a. - Colstsnbla Fire Jt Karlneln. tmpay. P trtlsml, or. Assets, s-o,eiz.ev. inisis on of Oregon's coon allies. You'd Call oo tli Albany Furnitr Co., Ell timer block, for FURNITURE ot alt iins. O The tock ts large and oomplete. They also"a 1ST. I.are6ne Uiiciof. hsbyearrioscs, car- 1 gW pel, '.wH rFr, "d rcsny "Wi AVTBSTeltie, all for sa at bedrotk prices. "4 HOW DO YOU DO? Thoro is no doubt that ; NE W ; V Stoek of SILVER WARE, oonsistlnR of xpoons, knives, forks, fruit dishes, etc. gold and silver watches. Jewel y, etc, is the largest and best in the city, and by fur the best ever brought to Albany. PRICES Ihe'Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS, Better COISClt rSWtLEDIVVN. Saturday evening, April 4, 1891, Present Mayoi, Recorder, and Cou'n- cllmen r rench, Table, Hawkins. Burk hort and Oarreit. I M French and C O Burkhort, of the way and mean committee, preicnted the following relf-explanatory report, which, on motion wa unanimously adopted; We, vour committee on way and meant, 10 wnom was reiorred t ie petition of r o shny & Mason, L Flinn, and others, oik Ing the tltv council lo purchase of tSe Altiany Ferry Co, their ferryboat, cable and other Ihlr.g appertaining thereto, bei leave lo atdmilt the following renort: We would recommend that the prayer of sue I'eutioiit r ds not grunted. At 1' & Invnso'. 160 dozen window shades, Jiint received. a inrge ami eit gani stoca ci lotn cen tury bedroom iMs. A large and choice lotot carpels, many fin 3 designs. Tiol o! for ALL t.era (xiit, evir ANY for s.l by W, L, Jetter, at tbe S P ticket offfa. Highest of all ia Leavening Power 11 VA TJ ABscieiiTEeCef pma Ho has received a largo and choice stock of spring Dress Goods, new sty'fcs and shades. Wash fabric , consisting of ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chambre. A complete assortment of white goods, flouncings, hosiery, corsets, gloves, ladies and-childrens shoes. ClotLing for the spring trade.' A largo and complete assortment for men and you ih's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing goods, and if you want the best bargains you will have to call on him. Tl LADIES BAZAAR. I tbe Leading lllineiy and Fancy Goods Mote of Albany, They carry all the latest Style and Novel ties in the Millinery line, and a complete mock of Ladies and Children' Furnishing pood, and ready-made garment. Good the best, and price the lowest. Coll and be convinced. FIRST STREET, -: F. L. KENTON, : Dealer G R OCERIE Near the Post Ofaco, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. W-OTirE 13 tlEBEBV GIVES THAT THE CS JLs Ueraiirocd ba been, by tbe county eoun ( L na eoonty, Oirron. du'y apriiMod adminisratoro tbe etate of laac liar. Sr. deceased, late of said count r. Ail teran lisvinr cialirs againet said estate are hereby required lo present Uieni to the ondcra eoed within six month from tbi date, pmperiy verified, as by lav required, at bis residetios as Jcffctenn, Or. Mirrh 1Mb, lil. Z. G. HAYS. t. K. etntsaroae, Admiskitrator. Ally lot' administrator. (S SO) ADMIHISTRATORT NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY Cn'ES THAT THE US drniigtied sa, on tb S7lh day of December, 1K90, duly appointed and quslltlcd as st A'nlstratar of tbeulate of 11 r. II. i. llarkhart. dc.aacd, lata of Linn county. Oregon. All l.arinK ebums rains! nid estate are required to present them, pmp eir verified, within six months fnm this dale to tbe nmleniiroed at the real estate office of Burkhart 1 Keeney In Allanr, Orcenn. listed this TU day nf March, 1801 . C. P. DCRKBART. (S13) Adinioutratoi. KOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT TBE fH derairned, sdmliistrstrix ot Ihe estate of star- Un WsrU, deceased, has Oled her fliial account la the office et the count clerk for Una oeuntT.Oresen. and the putg of tbe count r court of said enunty, bae fixed the 1'ih day of May, at the hour of I o'clock a m, for the hearing- l objection. If any, i said ao count d further settlement of said sstat. This the srd day of April. l'l. b.VR.kQ ITLTJPER . K. Wsxmisrf rn, . Admlntotratriz AU; for Avuuinistratrix. (4-1) C ITY DRUG NTORE. Pfeiffor Block, Albany Stanaidl Cusick, faoraiKTOxs; Drugs, Medicines, (btrokalr, rccy and Toilet Artlcles.Sponses. ErusLes, Perfuaicry, Sohool Books, and Artlnt8' Supplies. PliyalclAita prescriptions fully ccmponntled. rare ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ON THE 2STH DAY OF MARC EI, 1891. Beckor. of Shedd, Linn Co., Oresou, made an assiatnoient for the ben fit of his creditors. The undersigned ts tne duly appointed and qualified assignee ot SR id beeker's estate. All persons having cialms against the said Becker are hereL-y notified to pres. nt them to the unrierslcned. vrrifisd as r. ouited tv law. wiihin three months from the dale hereof at 8hodd, Linn county, Oregon. Date.d April 2, 1 891. JOHN W. FTJGII, II. C. Waibon, Assignee. Atty for Assignee. . 3) Custom - Chopping, We n.VQ on hand at all times hay, outs, and cUep aid wi 1 sell in qnan tity to suit. Alto wieat bought ai.d sold. jE0"FBrniors, bring us ycur whoat, oata an 3 hay. Highest cash price paid. Morri3 & Elount, Corner First and Baker etretti, I It Havlgable, Albahv, April 6, iSitl. Edittrt Democrat: In a recent issue of the DexocBAT you remark that "it has been reported that the Calipooia is a nav ignble stream at it mouth ;" and yon add i "The Democrat bos been requested to state that the laws have been thoroughly investigated by an Albany lawyer and that there is no sueh act on tho books." I f-r that your informant was not properly advised. More than thirty years ago the territorial legislature passerl an act declaring that stream navigable from its mouth to the Magnolia mill dam, and ever since that time, aa occa sion required, it has been navigated, in fact by the largest boat that ply on tho Willamette river. Any person who claim that it is not navigable has not thoroughly investigated the subject. .,. ' ' . J WAsrrxD. A steady boy, 13 to 17 year of oge. ti learn the baker and confec- tloi ary trade. Uood home. Call at or write to Pioneer Bakery, Corvaliii. U. S. Cov't Report, Aug. xj, mm FROMAN BLOCK. in- Albany, Oregon I lrffTfliJ 1 rv T-A I 1J f end a Cr.e stock SPECTACLES generally, ss well ee jtwehy,AYr.ttlc clocks, etc., at M. French's. PHOTOGRAPHER, C r Kectcd andlcny St," " . Albany, Ci QUPERIOR work, guaranteed in ever O braioh of ihe art. STKiilaiging c Jl kind , speeialty. TREASURER'S NOTICE.ln pn su anee of an order cf county court. holaers rf county warrants are requesUd to present the fwino to me for payment Interest will cetse after March 6. 1891. W. E. CURL. . County Treasurer. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd then -WAY INTO- DEY0E&FRQr.A!3 0fl0S ViStore, where they alwaj s have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of j the latest improved Rifles ond Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands j of Other things too numerous to mention j XHepnir Sliop in connection with the Store, and one of .he best workmen In the State to do anv" md ail kinds of work. . f Come one, Come all ; No rouble tu ihow jjocds. "Small profit r.nd iu!c'e aW is out motto. i J. A. Cammisgs fall Driigrsa Xixints, Oil. Glass, Etc., " 9 Papei