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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1891)
kJ1 1 New York WorlJ, "THE DEMOCRAT" An ad. in the 11 DEMOCRAT' Reaches the Most People, and bris BIG RETURNS. r and the American Farmer, all one year S 1 I ':' V I " X It 1 11 S I I it 1 1 S 1 I 4 a 1 !, - FOR S3 80. eV Hi ' HI 1 1 Veekly "State Right Democrat, H 00 er year. - THE CVjY TRUE .. mom Tome "Will Parity Ik. Mm4i Mnlatetha A-'e an.l IMwfi and IUM the Vleeee.eiaaMaee teelk. liai-ia Wans of, In. I i ur L pi nirtffn and Itrea iMlllllaMitolinn HonM, iim'lwi an J nerve. r,-t.. Kw ("ro. Knlinuu Mlaj amlaniiliaa llruia tSi.wr, a MaBak a ia vompiainia LADIES KTxsW ONIO Nf eufl viHNNly (iirwi e.lMr, .. W tHjreAmtlMft. t-'nNitmnt itt0iH M oounfttarfoiV Itiatont avisi to th potilriiv nf the ortmnnl. lo o rwrlmHnt"t rh OKIUI it, aN4 b.KT. iOr.HARTlR'g LITTUK LIVKA PllLflfc Our lMii4Nitoii. .Liver Cuititt.t 1 UiHuiaK lit. KntI iHiwft u4 4i-eMuu ferjsa I tuait1 on fwlit nf ewttta ist pt!4M f Or. HARTEft MEDICINE CO., SLLauis, K LB1KT C0LLS5UTS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1QOO, lOOl. Irat r-ria Opeae J S?tFaabrr leil. US A lull corps of Instructor, - CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course ot tuil? arranged m i,.t eaj of a' I Krt of atudenta, v Sftcial tnautrmtmtt ejtrni I itmltmlt frm air Mil. BET. ELCftT Mr.iBIT ALBANY NURSERIES I1TE HAVEON IIANHal our or-ry If on ho Corvalll rrad, one ball nlle frem town. toe a let of fruit imi of all kind a oo be ft tin d any here on the cvut. If joa eontemplate Iautin trcra li KI fy ye n to rc our ik r! (t (i r f )li. (Hi!i eve fiee. II T MAN a BROW NELL. OH.C.WATSQxmASTOrJ Physician and Surgeon. .Office opM:te the Peaancrat. DH. 17 H. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeoi TOfflce ot nllr in Ktraban'a Bloo May bo found at tiia olticf. nay anil nl 03. G. A. WillTfjEY, Ph73iciai andSuraon. Grajaaio of !'.e!!crao Allege Now Ycrk City. HofpiUl Mnllual Diseases of womaa a tppoial'.y. iSTOEo luifl't-i'i Rriob, Albany, Or. v L. .ULL, Physiciai and Surt;eon, OJEco cor, ? ani trry Sira tn, ALB AH Y- OHEGDN J. E. VrEATHEHFOHD. oiown AT IJVW timu. eKEtes W R RILYEU, "ATTOHNEY aT LAW And SoJiriUr ia rbaucci yi aLBANT, - - OKEGUW. CiHaitloa- prod;.Uy tdade onall po'nl oana-iotUtj l oa onab!a toriua He G. WATSON, Attorney at Law. ALBANY OREGON. Oca la tbe alrahaa Blork. n a z n s a a:a.i:D"i. SMITH & WESSON lln l linn a B turn t ar lata Cf fcZE B " The Flneit Small Arme Eor Manufactured. El ItnrTi i'i ii i - "f for r' '' hi.uiaii iw W EXCELLLCErl wOHKvarHic and t.OIVt.S NCE in fl LOAOiMO and SAFETY LStwara cf cheon Iron imltatlona H forl'Imtratcd CaWeirat and Price Li:t to JJ t. -jwiiii a vtsson, u Bi ll I SC. I ILLJ,, 31 A ;;H, U B Z B " a " Ef B ! 5 d THE BEST. I!!utrated, Ieacriptiv and Priced SEED ANNUAL Forie91 will t mailed FREE I Vi M snnliatanta. anrl la I a at aaiav4rin'a F t custom er. it is Better tnao vr. 1 1 tvery person umf Garden, 1 1 J-ttrwtr 0r field Seedt, should send for it. Addrest Da M, FERRY & CO. baTTAOIT. MICH. Larpest Seedsmen in the woHd J CALI PfltiTiVE: U A a "r A m m a a Rlicisniatism, Neuralgia, Ccras HEADAOKE, And ALL PAIN. H1 0a1l?ermia Po!tW an! ItfatWa ELKCTRIO COUGH CURE Ci?r: COLOt. CROUP, CONSUHPltQH. Boll by all DrnKjiiti. Eei 2So, BOa ft II Craatinsor Co . Prap'a. Loa Anajelaa, 0t AGENCYor . t r, i tin J 1 1 5 r j i-alJ UjH A pamplilot of Infm-mntioo and ab- tru't i' lw,'i(Wlii to !, n l'tiji, 'BTeni , 'i rtujn ,4 & CO. -)1 '.m !? '.Ml y. L :. 3 lyl l.fir?T nrn?ri dL. ataJi v a v u ai 'a HHm VOL XXVI. i. ..-., - -ijvi VEGET BLE PANACEA fctPARta FROM TMt; cung or ' AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE or mSTOMACH OK AIM INACTIVE LIVER. rot SALT BY A Lb DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS.! Ike Read to t?e Caaaot aaoMufullr inn ltd wifV. eut leee beaita. To raach -wtith er eoia Mltloa In Itr reqairca ihefu;i aMaaioa an aparatloa of all tht tao lllai Und aature has indoa4 at Uh. THact coacltloaa cannot exUt enlati (he ehriloal ttlag It la arfec) -writing ertfar, and thla la Impottlblt ha the Dm an4 lp!ta at torpid, thuiobtlmct' lag Lte tecrttloat. cauilra Indlgottloa and tfjpe-tla. with ail ol their accera ptnylng borrora, PR. HENLEY'S EnH Dandslicn Tonic esarta a . Me taflnace eor tha llr, excltat it kaalthf actio, raaolna Ha chrenle to.jia!t, and promote, tha M aeratlaat: li pat'oa, aharpaae tht apptllla, tos ta !l ttiaanllM avaf.ffi. mi m.m I : I. TH IMng. I1EALT 13 WEALTH! 1 1R. B. C. WESTS Nonro and Ft rain Tn.tnua.l a (iursntol aprcifle f'r Urate ria, Inuimu, 0ul Moo.. rV.. Jitrrooa Neuraivia, llcajaiha S'mim Prnatntion tauml by tha im ut alo h.. ur klmro. Uon cmu by kaw. Mental Wnkafu llrntal lnrc.iin. M. IUnlnv nl t ami. rvauilinc ID Itiauuty ami Ivathnr lo nitavrv. arcu -kJ daa.h. unniltvt otJ a -w. tavtrnnama La. ol fi II ouwl hy OT.rtertm ol tha l-ram tUrb t. witajn. ou. month', treatment, fl a bu vt lii bo. lor arp, aoi bjr mill prujaaia ua r.iijt o WE OHARAXTEE SIX BOXES Tf tt EE AXY m. WithMch onler rvorW! t, aa f, aix Ultra. aroatpnla ttb ;., v. will moi lb bor-tuuvr tr tlltmo rujuantr. to refund Dm mum If iha traat. acnl d.w not tflwl a eura. timraoKc laauvd nn; bj i. a. CubiiuIii, In-UftYtat, tulm ajent, A bu , Or, PcrmaiianDy enraj (ih til C j'.m, Rumiof t r ti!. latinir. A ;erfrctly naJnl trmtn.ent .nft m v itaran irta cur a to oary ao, n ttnier boaj h,tig .lanui' Thji trealinant, f r S-,ricm a. ut I'r lioatU'. .1. tla g- ataat iliiooary known nif.ln.lra. It'ii..lwa ad emniiltair raujoria tha lilnjtute ilUi utsnti. ) I or faun i tha patient. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to thair 8t i, an not pr..r imnte hi-r-, loeltklinr all th e. delicate InArmitlee awl Weak neeaea, wl.lch they would anriuk Ir-nn ilin-l.aiiiij- in I heir fami.y (iholcUn, permanently eare4 in lea. time than aa ear kooe-n to M-riielne tefi,r, by Hr rk'seli'a "New Bveteta of Treatment. " Itrejuvaatat tne eamto-unr ary orj-ana and ni.kea weak nw-n mront Wlian p.jaibla. It la alwaya beat to rail lor cerktial aonauitativn and .favcial aaaa.ln.tion. Hut tha who eanuot poaaibly eall, abuuM write, nUtinf their eaea tally, klediuine aent by mail or ei-ro, eraieil, I'ee from all t.arU ol tbe facilic C'rawi. Ad'lreaa. Win. A. Boxll, 31. D. at raal l ta penury. . Portland, flrrcoa Corner Firat aoit i'ineatrce'.a,JoyeiJIl'i.rtlLj National Bank. IT IB TTTT1 TDW Ati MT.TnCTnT.. It Ihe Lieer and Kldnera nmt Stomach, rare H-al irhe. I)trpe"ai, crentea an Apjie. tile, Porifttt the tm;ure biooJ, and klAyliiin,niL i jl t latiiMtl idfln Ced erverywhern. 8 1 ' ot'l 1 t for $3. PHOTOCRAPHER, Cor (second and Fen y St, All any, Ol SUPERfOR wtrk. guarantool la ever' branch of ihe an. -J'Juiarir!ii5 e all kind a apecialty, Albany IRONWORKS Manufi.'turre ff IEAM EHCIHES CRIST AD SAW yiLLMACHIKEfi IHONtKOHTS n ALL KIF3S OF HEAVY m LIGHT WORK, Ul IRON MD BRASS CASTINGS. Mpexslal attention da o mach inert hld o . pnirluft til Patterns Made on Short Notlct Pouiiry Wanted. . All of p.mltry, alive or dieod at tbe W'lllatiieUa l'.ickiog Company'a a tore, Albany. Vrtgcc Conrad Mever; PRC'PKtlCTra 0W STAR BAKERY Coiner BroadalMn and First Sts., e-DEAI.EB IN uaeil f'roita, tnnwre, rlen Fralta, obacco, Ooflee, Etc,, Cannetl JJcatx, Qreeoatvarv-. Fegetitblca. Cigars, p'Y ft. Tea, Etc., verything that la kepi In . KVrj ii k va Vtsd grocery ore. Highest ; rVst a laid foe STRICTURE T.OOXU IIEOOIID. Ma Ci'NniFF'a RatoBT, Mr Thoa I) Cun Jill, who recently arrived In Albany far Ue purn.e of locnilnp, In wrhlntf to the I'll'!., ol Rautoui. aavti "SV have livrvl In Oregon live crk and con arqucntly cit toll you tometlilnM' ol (he conntr)'. AH.ani, wlicrc s now live, I aituntctl on the bank of the WIIIameM and Cnllpoola tlvcra. Four ateamrr land ccli week, and three r!lrofid center here. The tit v ha 7oo Inhabitant, nln thurchf, two ctllr;ea and one public n'liooi, i nave been proepvcilnir tiuouuh thp country Jar land and can tell nmc tbiiij; of the fcrttlli v of '.he oll. I find aoniri vory fnte farming land at lower fia urea than ll'lnola fauna, but you will rind Drat-cU bottom, ireond ral" and panture iitna at! on the ane (arm. lo atrlke an avtrra thev wonUl hartlly be a fertile a IlilnoU You can ohtuln'a farm of mixed land from iii to $. ner acre, while the rich bottom land taken alone I $30 to $40 per acre, m hi tay it I Ihe cntintiy lor a man of limited mean to obtain a vnod arm. in the man who lent Ui'.J Ore Ron I preferable to, lllluol. (J00U land rent fr the thlril of crop or $t to $ t per acre cakh. Fruit In abundance: vear- etamea plenty. The climate la tery fine from Marh to IVeembcr. Tlower are now In bloom. Green vcgctablee are In the market. The air la toft and fine. I learn the rainy caon la very tllaegreeable ami i:t.t mur month in the year. I call Illinoit aecond to nj country, and a rran lliat own a larj;e farm I would odvlae hlin not to Orefcon. but one w to hat onle an elht r acre farm can do better hero. I do not regret locating here. We have no cyclone tornadoea or hall atorma- I am a farmer not accuatomrd to wrltlrtf for the paper, but have almply ;lven mv ad vice to tlioe w Uhlng to move weatwtrd," CoavAt.LiK. Member of Ihe firm of R. M Wade & Co , o! alem. have been In our city for a tew day, wh a view of locating a branch houae. They are cne of the largeat nKtlcullural and hardware lirm In the tate. Rev. Mr. Ual!nttn closed Ida firat vear'a lalwra In Corvaliiaat the Evanccll cal church on Sunday evening. If I thought that thl place will be tupplieu from Albany hrreafter, and that aervlec In the Evangelical church will be held once In two week. It I not vet learned at "hat point Mr. U. will be atatlcmed. rernot liio have t) I; noted of their rnosoyrapii gallery to Mreur. Conn ft: Cuderwood. of AInanr. who will lake charge t.e loth cf Aiull. The I'ernot have t o lr.ter.llon of leaving t'orvaUl but win prosai.iy en-ge in other bulner. I .ce Rvcraft. a tuunsr man frntn Alara. 1 111 the ul a(aic ol cjnaumptlon. lie arrived In ottr cltv vcierda and hla M-t . J . a . I a. . iricuca nave nertuadeu nr. Karra to teat the virtue of Koch'a lymph on ihe una fortunate voumr. The experiment will be begun to-morrow, but the doctor ha little fahh In effecting a cure with thl new fangl-d remedy, especially on a patient o far cone. 'However he ho nee for ihe beat. Dra. Lee wiil aUt In the experiment. Time. Ocrsb rma Tim a Mr. Hub Brvant la fat ealnlni; a reputation a a rt'lmrod. Anotlier laurel I added to the crown retired by hla roarkmaneMp at thcatuffed .mongolian pheasant. On Apt 11 tool dav Mr. iirvant and a hired man were on their war. ho me from one of lluh'a tanx. wncn, panting me farm ol J S I romin, Mrloarph liilvcu, who happened In the road Inlormc.l them that aeveral wild renc were browalmr In the field and anked f they had a'uun. Thev had the name Iflc that till aervice on the atufted rt!naa. nt, and af:er a dilute betnot-n Mr Bryant and the man a to wha waa the bct !ir., the farmer hot twice at the four efce In the field a ultort dUtance off. I tie c te not atlr.lnif a mouae wa incited, an J it wa learned amid conaidcr. !!e laughter by tet Froman and other. who had appeared, that he had been hiaritln3 at tie coy cree. Mr Bliveu had Uo bven taken In. The ceeac thoush had been act for Mr Bry.tnt, It bein,; known that tie would be back from hia farm about that lime, wl'h hit gun on board Voae 0r.oo.M Pacific Talk. Any thirijr that concern the work on the eraet- ward cxtenaion of the Oregon I'aeitic rail road i alwaya new for tne realdenta of Sa:cm and aurroundlng country. In con vernation with a gentleman iiitereetcd In railroad work yeaterday a Statetman rep resentative learned that It waa quite pro bable that the construction at the eatt end would begin tomrilme next month, but upon juat what date nothing definitely could be ald. From a talk with the gen. manager of the road the Idea wa formed that nhould audi work be darted there would be no let up until the l)e Chute river in Crook county wa teached. Thl would run them through the fine timber belt and enable them to tap the Eaatern Oregon country, which will be to the bene fit of both rod and tate. Still there I nothing certain about the O. P. When It doe begin h wiil be on the pur of ihe moment. Statccnan. IlAtr.KoAoa are being built on evcrv hand In Oregon at leat on paper, which' fa the way ail R. R'a tart. Here I another: "Last week ome canitailata went over the road ta Florence and tn pectcd everything clos-elr to aee what the outlook ia for a railroad to deep water on the Sitialaw. They were exceedingly well nlcaaed. They were Mr. Brltton, from New York, and Mr. Hawkeaworth, from Centralia, Wah. They were accom panicd bv Mr. Q. Boomhower. Mr. Brlt ton I an experienced railroad builder and operator. They looked over the harbor and bar and looked closely Into the rc tource of the country. They icturned with the Intention of building and operat ing a atamlard gauge railroad from Flor ence to Eugene and on acre the maun. taint to Ogdcn, Utah. They Intend to commence prcllmlnarr arrangements at once and wilt draw tin their bvlaw and otht r neceary paper thla week". A Lank Co Mix, The Myrtle Creek Mine, owned principally by men In Eu- Kene and vicinity, promise to pay big. The hydraulic minlnir it carried on dav and nit: tit and a creat deal nf oold fa waihcd out every dav. Thev have, not yet had a "clean up" and It 1 not known what the result 1. Thee mines are par ing from eight to fUty-aix cent to the pan, and a gentleman In thlt city who hat engaged In hydraulic mining aayt a mill to the pan I considered a good yield. Some who are pretty well poted ettimate that between $1000 and 2000 worth of gold la waahed out every twenty.four hour. $500 per day would be big pay. The first clean up, which will probably occur in about month, will doutles create great excitement, Register. Mil l City, Tfie Santlam Lumbering Co. it working on Itt railroad from the dam to the mountain, a distance ot aboui two mile. It is expected the legging cart will be running In about a month. Mr. Chat. Slma it In the valley new buying Iron for the road. The butcher, Messrs, Bryan & Kyle, are excavating the Mil near the ba-.ber shop with the purpose of erecting a butcher shop. It wiil be a nice location after they get It fixed up. Mr. J. II. Wilkin hat moved Into Ur, Joe Tone house, and rumor ha it that he will establish a real estate office, Mr. Wilkin who ha been to Lebanon a few week hat ipturned. Corvalli Journal. A Man's Disappearance, -On April 1st the livery firm ef Straney St Nagley, of thl city, dissolved partnerspip, Mr Nagley retiring for the purpose cji going to California to reside. The next day, (Thursday) Mr Nagley began packing his trunk at the staples, intenJing to leave In the evening on the overland train. He ltft the stable in the afternoon before fin ishing picking up hi things; but locked his trunk, and has not been seen or heard of since. He did not take the south bound train, and as his things remain at the stables, It is feared something ha happened to him. He had about $75. He was a sober man, only drinkinsr occasion- Poto.Ijiat Faturtlay lite effecta ol the uoiunct uotxi icnipiara lodge o! thl city were tuapoavu 01 at puuno outcry, . Alllo Moore ol thli city accldently dt clmrviHl 1 itiiii lHt Sunday when the hatntiicr wan no near hi eyea that he wai BPUTt'iy jiowuur uurnea. Indloatlona are (lint three sootl two- atory nncisa win tie erected in the burned d if trie ton the wont aide ol Main itreet during thu coming utmufr. Mra (Sco llcmkreon an l Mlae Mamie Hyde, her ni-tur, who ia a ttudontof the Montuoulh Normal achoot. nmda a abort viait to ro.atl ve in tht city yeaterday. Waah Hnnaaker haa lr-naoU (1 W l'l.ll. li)H' farm fur the norlml of flva voara ljut l'ridnv he moved la ft houaehold tirvcfe to the farm from thla city. He alo aohl hla property In thla city to Mr I'll 1 1 1 i t. who will ttocunv It aa a real. uence. A large petition waa forwarded to the at'cond agntNtant poNttnnater general laat Monday, ask Ing that Kclo ehould be one 01 tne onicee to tie auppncd uy the new . ..a , ' a ., a a man route to to into etiect neat Monday ou the Oregon racillo from Albany eat I - At the time of death Bloomer Bllven .it. a..ii'i:i..i " 1 .-I' r:, - . " una near r iu venra ma. ana waa mner. "til intra oy 111a menu ana ac - qnaintancca. The family aeema to be rather an unfortunate one. Of a x. chll dren but two are now livimr. Two dlod from alekneea.and anotlier waa to aevert- ly burned that death enaued. rrcaa. Am ItiroHTAi'T l'lioiHiKiTioM. Mr W T liailir wrltinir from 1'orthantl ttha Al. hanyiloard of Tratle make an Imnortant i'ruMjintiii, wiiicii, 11 Aioany wiaiiea manufitcturiiiK intereata It will a our Cl I i 2i 11 a trt rnt,nt.tle 11. .aw. . hN,HA.t. tlon would le cnterUlnetl bv a e.m nan v n OitktAn.l i"i .n.u,i i ei.. factureof knit ho erv and niultraiM . - ...... "n"avv V UlaUlal- and having a plant in w hich themachin- ery cott upwanie of i(X),000 to move aueh machinery to aoma town In Oregon where water power U available, provided auch town would aubecribe tothecapl- tal atnek auftli'lpnt foe at Vav rtr V Inn 1 f a i thould alao aure gratia or for a nominal Mia the motive power and tile. Thl plant emplova 200 operative fwh Itol 38 of which are utalca, and haa a daily oat put of 1000 the. ot manufactured gooda ' tarn , , , ' - and would he valuable Ect.niaitfon to any town in me wmametto taiiey. nl'll ?,'"pan3r . not been a eucreaa r.T.w , w ioei Ing any prliet, and had made do extra (M. WO fr monlh) and auch other Incl- eHbrt in tha matter. Tha Doctor return dental that do nt occur in yoor ed by way of tha 8. P., tint vialtlng ?" TV.? ulflU,r.l. now Month Florida and other Southern eta tee. He I ortland Chamber 0 Commerce for their will locate at AeUand with Dr J 11 Hall, act on, but the flrtt come firat "erred, and the I'acK alTanhetiUlinKly recom and aa I have a warm ftling for Albany men.l. bint to the people ot that city aaa felt you thould have an opportunity to reliable young man, with remarkably hid for it. bright nroaoorla. Pa axe Caemolic Ann. Tlie Prlne ville Newa gives the following account ot .m - I t . . - a, ' . , . . ... K.-viut-iia t-j iiira. varvon, roomer Ol I linLooutaai Aiin. i-. s.,n.i.. I night Mra A Canon, Who reeidea with her hutliand in the Camp creek country. I imtiuoK a Dome oi car Done acta lorl another medicine and took two awallowa of the burning poiaon before aha realized her uiiaUke. Antidotea vera freelv and promptly given, and at iaat accounta tha out lady waa getting along well nnder mo circumatancea. -nT-irm,.i.i. .e..u- -t.v. tha location t,t tl. brl,l . ti.i. .it. 1. 1 haa been reported that tha CMlino,!. u I a navigable atreain at itt mouth. Tlie okmocmat ia requested to ttata that tha lawa have been thoroughly Inveetlrated t'j no a many lawyer, ana mat there la I no aucn act in the booka. ttreain id not navigable. That the wo kiu c-miBcaiau. F. lf . Freeib kavpa railroad tinttv cream oUceao Jot iteeived at Courad aieyera. Have yoo teeo thce parlor tnita that T t ritik rs jest received I They are alee. Great redaction inmen'a faroUhtng gooda ior ineoei JOUayiat W riUad t. I J... W BeetUy. beat boot and tboe naker I r. DwtD u. viawuToww, Wearing. COo a d ten. mending for men Mr King,jit aat of the LiaMoCTur ofT'Oa. Will & Stark have lost received a laraa and elegant atoek of tilvarware, watches, I tie. , aavar ociure t quailed B tbla city. E W Achiton A Co bacdle tee eelabratad I'nrtiand cement walla for awmctery lota. 1'hete wait can I e furniahed at balf the coat of any other aod are far aapertor. Briw-hleo op ynor old ralbera aod eld shooa and make there took aa good at sew with Wolff't Aema Watiworeof Paliah. For l at 8imul E Yooog't. IMtordrra I ha I ofl"cel the Btdaeya Are m ng Hie mot formidable koowe Di abetes, Briybt'a disease, gravol and othar enmplainta of the orlnary organs are not or dinarily cored ia tavare easea, bat they may be avei tad by timely inaditatioe. A aaafal a i X . t a a avimuiAui ana orinarT siiqi itmm frir bat a fonnc" in Uoatatter'a Stomach Il.ttera. a medicloe which not only afford lb rt q-1 niaite attmnld when tbey become Inactive, I i .i 7 I mil luuaam mair ,IW a HOTIHIf BBW- r. Hy i.icroasina tha activity of the k dneva . By iaereaaing tha activity of the kidneyt id bladder, tbitmbdieioe bat tba sdd.tion-1 au al effect of expallmg from tbe blood impor- itiet which it is tba peculiar office of these orcana to eliminate aod psta off. Tbe Bit ter ia also a runner aed atrengthsner of the bowels, to iaviaorator of the stomach, aad a tnatobleaa remedy for biliootoeaa and fever and ages. It Eonuteracts a tendency to pre mature decay, and tostaies aodeomforta the aged aop ialirm. rreaeh TaaayXWarers. wafers are a sure and aafe if clfl. klndsof female trouble ar. w'i all obatructlons to the monii!) The for a remot period no matter what the cauae. Tt.t are can 11 it what every woman need at i th be ised with safety. For tale L Livingstone Chemical Co-alto Iron r aole agent, J A Cummlng, druggist, Bit berg bKk, Albany, Oregon. Notice to Fabmerb. Wanted at once chickens, ducka, geese, turkeys,-dried iruua, unner, egg", ana an ainaa oi lann produce, for which I will pay the high est prico in cash or in exchange lor good. , B. W. BImpsok, Albany, Oregon New Blacksmith Shop. G rV Willia hat jutt completed hit blacktmith thoo at the corner of Second and Railroad ttreett where all kind of Iron and wood work can be had and done In flrtt clatt order Brlngonyoui plows, wayrons. etc.. etc. for repp 1 1 For Salb.$5oo to $1000 of household furniture In exchange for improved real estate. Inquire at office of Oregon Land Co. January 22nd, 1891. : 1 wee a. " Just ani'od a full line of ladiea, chil dren, tneo't and boy's foot wear at G W Simpaon'a.'which will be sold at bottom priect. A u-e core for the whisky nabiti T)r Livinaston's Antidote for Urunl enness will cure any case of tbe llqnor Dabit in from too to thirty days, from the moderate driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote can ba given in 1 cap of coffee without the knowledge ef the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the healtn in any way. Manufactured Ly tbe Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Orrgra crfromJ A Cnmmiug, sole agead Albany. A NAiUl INJECTOR fna with aach bottle f&liiloh s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Foshay& Masoo, aients. pOne half dollar redaction on every pair o Ludlnw'a tinn shoes. A good line of them S E Young's. . flIILOH'8 COUGH and Consnmotion Cuy; it told by naon agaaiaatee. It curat contaoiption. Foshay & Mason, agents, WHY WILL YOU ooegh when Shiloh'a Cura will give Immediate relief. Tries 10 wt, PO "., ,n-t . A; It'-eA. ALBANY, OHLGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. ocaat knm rEBWAt. TlltHIIDAY. lion, FA Watt., of Alblna, it in the cty. MrLee, rfpraaautlngthePorttabd WorlJ it in tha city lookinn af trr the interetla of that paper. The World it a faithful rrpre tentative of democttid irluolplrt. rxttUY. Editor Dugger, of the Sclo Pre. It In Ihe el'y. Dr (Julaa, of Woodbum. la In the cltv on btitineae. Mra Irai'helpa and child, of Halaey, are la the city, the gucele of MrttO l'holpe. lion Jeff Meyert will leave In a few dtvt on a trip eat, going to Washington Uly among otner piatc. MrEJBchnieer left thla morning for I Crook county, byway ot The lfellve. to I I ...I. .1. a I . ..A 1. 1 a . a a 1 ' I aiter nia iwe miereaia mere. I O V Coahaw and wife, of Mmnavin 1 were In the city today on their way home I Mr Tohn O Goltra. of Portland, la In th. i . - - c ie. railed haratio iKa i.nnii. iiib.. 1 01 nit lamer. Mia Bellrole Klrkpatrkk and MU Maud Raltton were vUhlng Mrt Lottie Kaiatun of Albany, tha Brtt ol the week. Lebanon Eiprete. Mr W L fetter. S Parent, hataecented the agency of the Fidelity and Catualtv Co., of New Yerk. Tnvelert thoald take out a policy In It. A B Woodin and II A Warner arrived in tne city yeaterday from me aantlam ?!ln.e.. cotning by way of Sweet Home. I ir Woodin la very cnlhualaellc over the . .a " proeptcia trier. Knecht & Meiaer. recenctly of Olympla, Wah , htve arrived In the city lth thtlr 'nlllet, and will open a dry gooda atore ,B ,h Sendert building oppoaite Starwart Soa'a. They com well tpvken of a butlnee men, and for the purpcae of mak ing tint city their home. Pr John A Oeiaendorfer returned thhj morning from Hi Louia. where lie haa i'it graduated from the Marion Bima Medical College, with high honor, re- w iwviw VVIIIKVi IIIKH StVHWfVt IV celving the aecond prlte for general ex in a ela a of fifty. aa unexpected honor, aa ba waa not aware of there be- bright proepecle. EATf EDAY. Bemember the dancing achool at the t,. .ii,, "Pr nouaa to-night. The Udlea of the Congregational church ""a!! ocll1 " th churcn parlor 'er 'ii i"" . Alex Hennle. of Kalem. haa arrerited tha poaltlon of book keeper of the Al bany Iron Work a ard will make Albany hia Lome. . Geo W Hochaledler returned thla noon from a aeveral daya drumming ex P""w mrwugn A4nn anu ume -j.'.r .a . a r . a counuee. Mr. Jaaon Wheeler returned laat even 1?? 'rota ,r'P to Dayton, where M J" neeier remainea lor a abort vlelt with her daughter, Mn Vr Kltrhen. Con jre.uo mtrt, W II Davidson who waa in Albany tbrea year ago, with hia brother, giving light rope exhibition., ia amln in the city and thie afternoon rave one of hia periormanca between the ilinn and Mcllwain block a. He (a accompanied by hia wife, to whom ha waa married about a year ago la Texaa. Hia brother haa been running a flah market in Halem for about a year. Manes aas. An nntlnanee. t.M . wi waMaivl V W.t W OS V I e'ta guilty of a misdemeanor who thai! Buffer any poultry to run at large witbtn tbe iimita of the city of Albany and to pro- vide a punlahment for auch otTcnae, and to define what aha!! be deemed a running tirI Pfultry within tald city. P01, 01 City of Albany do ordain aa lollowe : Section 1. Hereafter if any peraon who la tha owner, or who haa tha con trol or poaaeaaion of any poultry, ehall auffer auch poultry to run at large with ! in tha llmiU of tha city of Albany, auch I peraon ahali ba deemed guilty of mia demeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Becorder'a court ahali be fined in a aum of not leea than 13.00 nor mora than 20.00 or ba imprisoned in tha city Jail not leaa than (2) daya nor mora than (10) daya. Section t. lav rjonltrw. at inv lima hereafter, found running on any premiaca In tba city of Albany, to which p remise! tha Owner, or ceraon in nosaeaaion or control, at tha time, of auch poultry, l. -.i-l " , r r f "." ?l IKeae8aion or permiaaion 1" ""i(i, 'rom "e , own" ,r person " . vw""w " rruj"rci allowing auch DOtlltrr to run theroon ,t ,11 T it " . . , . " . 1 . . V" yVa. " oroinance Ta ,or T? PnoE ot thla ordinance if, dMfiLto n""ing at large in the V T VI AIMIU'i section a. xnia ordinanca ahali be In full force and effect from and after five days from ita approval by tha mayor, 1'aaaed by tha council March 30, 1801. Approved by tha mayor April 3, 1801. SEAL rSTATB SALES. David Feebler et ax ta Nancy B Lata, lota 6,6,bl S, R'a A,Leb..$ 1000 II Kearn et ux to Wm Slmma, SO acrct sec 6, tp 13. H li 1 w 850 Harriett Brigga and hua to R A - Rampy, trustee, lots 10, 11, bl I, Harrisburg 600 Strauder Froman, referee,to Farah M Shields, lots 1, 2, and frao lot 8, bl 12, and other tracts in E A, Albany... 4755 Q W Hand to Frank Smith, E half of N Eqrjec 23, tp 14,8 II 2 w 800 Rachel Thompson to K N Thomp son, 160.80 acres, sec 18, tp 13, HRiw 600 C 0 Cherry et al to Wm Richards, et al, parcel in bl 16, E A 3000 li A itampy to Harriett Kriggs.lots 3, 6, 7, 10, bl 6, Harrisburg .... 800 u JS bingieton.Dy shenix, to Peter rjchlosser,lot 7, bl 15, Albany.. 160 U 8 to John Cleland.S w qr sec 25, tp 12, S R Sir .ratent O & u it it Co to Alice M Church, w hal! N E qr seo 81, tp 9,S R 2 K 200 O et C K K Co to wm Burge.E balf NEqrseo8i,tp9,SR2E.... 200 111,815 .$275,714 Total for year. Bicycles 1 Wait for FredT Merrill's catalog, out in a few days. Over 400 fine ball bearing, hollow frame, warrant ed steel bicycles, uom s 30 up. Cash or ...BW..U.WMWB. J f- W " . ',.1 U, VI...WB, skates, etc, in stock, and bought,sold and exchanged. 127 Washington street.Port- iana, ur. , Where to Get Them. When wanting n organ or piana can onui, tiiackman arhare you can teler.t from a flrtt clatt tot;. -' 1 1 -- The ONLY plaoe ia the ty where Eatt era ticket can be purcbas it of W. L. Jeater, at the Southern PaciSo Co's ticket omoe . ., ... 1 al 1 1 - ' SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh'a Core ia tbe Ustnedy for yon. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liv.r Complaint ? Sbiloh's Vitalizar is guaranteed to ocre yon. . a viiAL,i.ii.u u what von needfot Conntipatios, Los of Appetite, tiz rioesa, aod all aympwna of Dytpepia. Piice WASIUKUTON. (Prom our reiitiiar aorratpondaiit,) Wasiiinotok, March 30,1891. Mr Harrison hat hit dander up 4o at great an extent at It possible with 4 man of hi phlegmatic temperament. The cau'c the publication In a number of r p ubllciin papr 1, including the New Yoik Prtu, of a VVa!dngton tpeclal taytnglhat ex-Representative McKlnley had detei mined lo antagonise Harilton for (he presidential nomination, and in timating thst McKlnley believed himself and not Harrison entitled to that empty honor Mr Harrison hat foi oulie a while been a monomaniac on thla tubject. He hat brought himself to believe that It It a crime for any other member of hla party lo aspire to what he think It hit own per sonal perquisite, and he has taken no t'ouble to hide thlt opinion from republl cant that haye called on him. Whether the statement! made In I hi tpeclal are true I cannot tay, at Mr McKlnley It not here, but that he hat presidential tsplra lion hat long been known here, and thould he, by any combination ot circum stances, and the liberal expenditure of boodle contributed by the "protected' manufacturers, succeed In being elected Governor of Ohio thlt year, I predict that he will be a candidate before the next re publican national convention, no matter who he hat to antagonize. Of course if he it defeated In lilt fight for the governorship, which democrat hope and believe he will be, that will remove him from the presi dential field. Numerout report having been printed coupling the name of John M Langtton, the negro et-ctng rettman with one of the new U S Circuit Court judgeship, I have been making a quiet Investigation, with a view ot aacetlaliilng whether Mr Harrison wai really tctlocaly considering such an Insult to lite white citixent of thlt country. From what I succecdct In learning It It pretty tafe to tay that Mr Harrison Is fully prepared, in certain contingencies, to ele vate a nrgro to the bench) but whether Langtton or one of the half a doxen other negroes whose appll :llon have been filed It not appaient- One of the contingencies referred to It public opinion, and there It good rvaaon for belie irg that tome of these rumor about Langtton' appointment emanated dlreclly'.from the White House, and were started expressly for the pur pose ot feeling the pu'te of the public on the tubject, and that Mr Harrison la very carefully tiudylng what la tald about It in the newtpaper. The attorney for the Canadian govern ment and the attorney-general both tay that the Ssyward case now before the Supreme Court will nol be affected In any way by the negotiation, now in progress between Mr Blaine and the British Minis ter, fur making the necessary arrange ment for the proposed arbitration of the Bchrlng tea dispute, bi t for some cause Mr BSelnc it very anxious that the atbltra tlon shall be fully agreed Jpon before a decision It reached by the Supreme Court, and It it slated that rvhen he case I again called up another short postponement will be asked for In the hope of accomplishing that end. The negotiations for a reciprocity treaty with Newfoundland are at an end, and there w 111 be no treaty . Canadian officials are reponslblj they prevailed on the Brlllah government to refute to allow Newfoundland to make a separate treaty. The Idea of annexing Newfoundland hat not struck 'the administration, favorably. A member of the cabinet it credited with saying that Itt application would no( be favorably received even It England gave her content, because of the Islands off her coast bein; owned by France. The partnership entered Into by ex- Senator Mahoneand the negro, Langston, for the purpose of trying to gavlanlxe the corptse of republicanism In Virginia, isn't worrying the Virginia democrats here not even a little bit. They say that Mahone and Langtton could not get out the full republican vote in that state to save their Uvea, because neither of them possess the confidence of either the black or white republicans. KtCKLESS MS MCKINLEY. Mr McKlnleyV defeat seems to have re lieved him, In hi own mind.of the obliga tion which hit position and hit reputation formerly Imposed, of keeping within tight of the truth In his public utterances. In hit tpeech at Worcester, Mr McKln ley repeated the ridiculous falsehood that the foreigner pay 1 the duty," At Boston he had the temerity to tay that "there la not a tingle article that ia higher because of the tar ifl or I S90." , Mr McKlnley of course knows that this It not true, and there it not a merchant, an Intelligent man or a chopping woman" In the country who does not know it to be untrue. ' It is Impossible to advance the average duty from 45 to 60 per cent., as Mr Mc, KInely has admitted that his tariff bill did, without causing an advance in prices. Im ported woolen clothing, domestic and foreign carpets, linent, knit goods, gloves, holsery, glassware, cigars and hundreds of other articles are higher because of the tariff, The Increased dutlet had no other logi cal or avowed purpose than to compel im- pottert of foreign manufacture! to charge more and to enable domestic manufactur er to do so. Without this, protection does not protect. And did not Mr McKIn ley declare from the atump last year that he 'detpited cheapness," and defend higher prices at Indicative of protperiiyf Hat Mr McKlnley lott bit head as well at hit teat in congrett? New Yoik World. Between i860 and 1890 the population O the United Statet increased from 31,000,00 to63,ooo,ooo, or just 100 per cent. Ia the same period the annual expenses of the gov ernment have increased from $63,000,000 to $00,000,000, or nearly 800 per cent. It it no wonder that President Harrison recardt the ate congress at "remarkable." - The progress which haa been made in the vairout branchet of electricity in this country can only be appreciated by comparing it with Other conntries, ,?rance, which is tuppotej to be one of the moat progressive countries in Europe, has only about 18,000 telephonet in use, while the United Statet hat 400,000, The rates of taxation in the countiet of Eastern Oregon are at follow for 1891 Harney, 19 35.3s mills; Wasco, 35; Grant, 28 ia-35. Wallowa, 35; Baker, 34; Union 34; Malheur, 29 13 35; Umatilla, 33 5 GiL Ham, 31 1235, and Sherman, 20. In the new discovery for photography ia natural colors, when the prints aro view id by UanrmlUed in place of reflected l"; ' t e--.'i r'r ! ATHmJAWDlllbl,IOSf. The expenditures of the last congress flgg'e gate over one thousand ir.illiont of dollatt, Not only ha the treasury surplus been scatter d, but wi'b increased tuxes on most of the necetiatltt olbtiunc and oflife, and with a forced loan of over fifty millions from a eacred trust for the rc-lcmptiua of bank notes, the treasury is now ceitula to present a defiat ef from fifty to eighty milliot.t at the clo-e of tie coming fiscal year. Wlun it it considered that ihe cpenditu'r, of the last congtcst exceed the entire expendi tures of the fiitt balf century oHhe government including the cos' of of the second war ttlib England, and llmt the entire expenditures of Ihe salion when Mr Lincoln became president did not exceed sixty million a year, or one bundled snd twenty million ly each congress. lbs full measure of tbe bewildering profligacy of the last centres may be appreciated Think of a tingle congiet at the clots of century of free government expending more than the entire public expenditure during the first half of the century, - including the excep tional tost of a protracted wsr aith England But the last congrest was nol content aith the expenditure of a thoutand millions. In appalling wsste of public money, St loaded the natkn with another ti.out tnd million of debt that must be paid in shape of future pensions, subsidies, bounties, etc. The true record ol the last congress i, there fore, one thousand millions actually appropri. ated for Immediate expenditure and snothe thousand million of de' loaded upon future coagretf et in addition to the leg! itnate exptu ct of the government. The first republican congress under piesiden Lincoln had little over one hundred million or revenue exclusive of loans or lo be precise, Ihe revenue wat 41,476,399 in 1861 and t$if 919.361 in 1S63 and the entire expenditure of 1861, the firtt year of Lincoln' presidency, including intetest on public debt, was, In exact figuiet66,65o,3l3. The last republican con gress, ia time of, hat expended over ooe thousand millions and added a thousand snillkint moie to the oijiiniry expenditure! of tbe futare. With such a record fl jobbing and profligacy, it would teem reaor-U!e to assume that the nation Las had the laU repub lican congress of Our bis'oty Philadelphia 7Ymsts. BABE OLD Xl-STAke. The new tatllf went Into operation on April itt. It waa a bright day here. We got up early to look for -diatr t dire"antf horrort Innumerable," but were diap- pointed. The morning looked just line yeaterday, only not quite so cold. It waa colder for McKlnley last fall. It wat a good day for gardening but we could tee no polillct In it. Oram t t'as Conner Here It an effort to defend "protection- Ism" at expounded by McKlnley. It I not ttrange that evety tuch effort should be founded on a fallacy or false assumption of some kind. Tne truth It that the new tariff went into effect the 6U1 dav of last October followed by a remarkably ro'.i wave In November. ,TII K Tf OKLU'tJ FUPt't. ITIUX. Few are aware of th" vast number of people that can be placed on a small tract of ground. A' hen we speak of millions of men we are apt to picture to ourselves an almost boundless mass of human ity ; j et a million of people, standing closely togeth ti, each not occupying more than four square feet, could be placed on a patch but little more than a third of a mile square. A square mile will accommodate 7 ,965,000. At that rate the whole population" of the United States wt.uld hardly cover three miles square, and the whole population of the world, could stand on two townships! Edwaidt, one of the murderers of the Frederlcksen family at Zealand, Wash., It certainly a villain of the deepest dye. He It tald to be an Odd Fellow, and high In standlug at a Maton, having served at a delt gate to variout conventions, though thlt did not help htm at hit trial, at there were four Odd Fcllowt and three Masont among the jurort who convicted hl.n, and tome of the witnesses against htm were Masons. This ttatement.Kcorrrcct, gives the lie to those who assert positively that Masonry protects murdere:. E. New England hold about $100,000,0000 western farm mortgages, Vermont and New Hampshire exceed any ttatea in this class of securities, the savings bankt of the former ttate having invested aixty per cent, of thei, deposits in this cUst of tccutitie, while the New Hampshire savings banks hold nearly $30,000,000 ol western securities. The Mass achusetts savings bankt are not allowed by law to bold these We wi?h all our New England t.vingi bankt were more, will ing te loan money al moderate rates of interest to arplicantt nearer home. The republican journals are face to face with a divided duty. If they attempt to thow that the McKlnley tariff haa ad vanced prtcea, and so "protected" Ameri can manufacturers, the consumers are up In arma. If, on the contrary, they thow that pricet are lower than before the pat tage of the act, the manufacturers will in sist they have been "taken in and done tor," and may here after refuse to furnish the tlnewt of war. Few people can t rm a definite idea of what it involved in the expression: "An inch of rain. It may aid such to follow this curio! calcula tion: An acre is equal to 6,372,640 square in ches; ao Inch deep of water on this area wtl be at many cubic inches oi water, which, at 327 to the gallon, is 33,000 gallons. This immense qu ntity of water will weigh 230,000 pounds, or 100 tons. One-hundredth of an inch alone is equal to one ton of water to the acre. ; The effect which living at high altitudes hat on the btood of animalt hat been recently in vestigated, and the results show that the pro portion of oxygen in the blood of men and ani malt acclimatized there wat the tame as that of dwellers at lower levels. Public opiniou bat a certain definite valu and it not to be ignored; but there is alwny the danger of exagyuating it, and the danger of being too conscious of it. Cork covering for steam pipes has proved very successful in England, and in tome cases it haa been feund to make a difference of 100 to J34 from the temperature ol uncovered pipes .. t ., .. I ,1 1 J Bathing the face daily in hot water remove pimples by softening the oil in the tiny tubce and it said to prevent wrinkles. When toot falls upon a carpet or my. covered thoroughly with salt it csn wept up without leaving a trace. If sponge cake ia mixed with cold water it is yellow, but if the water be boihug hot tbe cake will be while. NX 3(5 e.'t'ji.mjeum nt; fl ti ennw1H-r4 1 tin li-iMllntr romely lo 7, " ek . !. 1 TIO Orilv an. nm.i4. f... ur;rrnna 'a.' ' aawv t a..-. -,t i'rN.ersiaj T tatn at ( l aiCK, AsewM ACADEMY of ' Our Lady cf Perpetual Help, 4LDANY) -:- OREGON MinTiluted hy the HlftltU f fit. Bane)dlt ft a a, . TlilKfiii in f,w.( ,-... t,-.i , . ..tin . v. ..,rtjui V ... V 1.. . . prtl' t !rs at rti v at iha i. v.,. ...J 1500 Howard ! V'F r-' f as- r rw.r-t f-e . 1 'I iii i Tr.iKa V.9 timt ear. .la 4j T"- 'U j M l,, hi-n U, !. r-i 0 atrlrt.'r i i vitt,. Ui. r tea i .1 ; Ve-r.ii-.. .-.-I .itwr;'eit('al4rt'. Sdr'atel. Lasra, l .:.. P.. w.i r , i.irrl' ,1 ' .. ''" ",""r- tMrnifa-tnrM! eoijr tr .',!.;: f t:x J,.-Air,Cliil,AOO,IW ttsmii,j( ANTED immi Lweal a Travrlfax A good oisiivc! Ixm't mlaa it! Y-u aeed ooeu. Ital Ut repreaent a reliable ami that war rnls nurery aloefc flratlau and true lo ttjoi. Work all tuk tub (Tt'df pay kly o ei.erric men. Aooly anl.k siau,.ii Xi, x.. T"x.A-mr j&b ao. arin-rj meu. t lm iu mud NrnJntru, at raal. ( I'Uia teetua ia raapooaitle.) -OF- T) 'yjr t neon In tl i. ?i"i,i.iA f.l a 11 ... u.,1 M',7 eeaatU.I. i , afaaKwrrneraorWDItai .-, jj 1 t.rsor!! nan4 fJ-A . nreeir ef ia nv.imaUDxU t C.--SWHF- ;n so on nrr.-fr. ,(.iMii,ef"?Jl A. J'.fcTONfcli. K. Ti Special W. F REAB. 3Iy Spring slock now Complete, Embracing the latest Novelties in D ress Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC? -To The Make a Specialty of Lat?ies Ribbed and Muslin. My Prices aro &e LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sols t gent for the Celebrated Y . S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furmshing -:- Goods, , I hava a Largo Stcck at the Lowest I cairy a ii! line of tbe world-renowed BROAD HEAD good.-, unex:sled Eiiuh. Lirge stock cf Embsoiderieb and Flouscixosl Cl ced thit A.'hacy i the tet trading point in Oregon. . .r.'-E". a2E3 aaaSLaSSa. ' for wear a: and l cot " 2:26 2:23 1-2 Coal Black, with a mail atari good alset l ft nit less la Breeding, .eaiermaiitB Bl breeding- Is 8 acme nf jarly and extreme speed, jean; C - seta, S:i3, at two) ears, and making a r, la taree Bfctaigni neua. Sired br Altamost. waeon record. S:?r;1 aire oft Alta, i-H, and (even other 2:30 perlo -mere, and a nian oi otner coil trotter. ALT A WO XT bv Auemcr. that baa over three hundred descendants in the : lit, including Bau, Uaslu ana jubtisb, aouoie, xus. Isel Norte' dam ia Tacoaaa bySraaaaaa. Caa-lof tFI. KORTR was bied by Jar Beavsh. at Vancouver. Wash. Fualwl In 1SSS. X-TWitl make the seaam of I f 'Ji at Trites Bros stable, Albany Friday niuea noruieaet ot Blivoa. - 'erms Season, $20; Insurance, 130. BARROWS BROS. - PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE FARM & " MERCHAHTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Oregon. V F READ, Preside!. J O WRTTSMA.N. Secretary. J L COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F S1MFSQ2, Vice Presidont. ' - PIBSCTOB8 ' ., JL Cowan, Goo F Simpson, tY F F.ead, Ir L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Burnett, J K VVeatherlord, R S Strahan, J o Wi itsman. .; v .' ALSO DISTEICT AGEKTS F03 Oakland Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cal. Traders, Cuieago.IiU Amerir?an, Philadelphia, Fa. Phamls, London, Enfrlaqd, Korwioh Union, Lcndon, Keg London fc Lanchashire, 1.0 c don, Eng. : Ouardian, London, Eng. Man chester, Manchester, England. Caledonian, Edlaburg. Sootiand. Ve?chester, New- York. CNLY STRICTLY INSUSASsCE OFFICE Wi ALBANY. - LEADING A T.3BJST"Sr DRUGS, MEDICINES ''- ' h ... - " . ' : Eetered at the V oat OirJce at Albany, egon, as aaeond c'axn mail matter. City IlestfiiiFair Hsving been entirely remodeled. tl.iJ and popular restaurant wiil be mdo til etasa u every reepwet. The public wiil liven good meal at all hours for oc! J oente. Ererjthmx seat and attract? Private boxea. Oyattra In every style. FOSHAY & ft1ASOrii 3lAs aaa aatanv- j Druggists and Bookseller ArolU for John B. Aldon'a publteati. I a-bifb we er!l at publlaher'a vriet . tAj.t.-t ..... , J A LB AX Y, VllZiiiit I EedCrownMilli hOM, LASNISG & CO., t aoPiil aw rxccxM rxotraarrxaioa to. raf! AKO BAEXKS tBE, ' I RES? STORAGE FACILITIES. U12AL ESTATK FOR eALE.l fca l a farm ot ujrtr. near I,w oepot. on the I. arrow Gaueei, 10 mih: from Albany. AH in cultivation, Fk honia and lial t. rV,- 4,,,.. and domeavtie pnrpewM Floe nak gr I A iao another farm ol J28 acre, Ihrex- . '.4 froji Losban.-.n. All In cuHivaU Fl booae. Good water, Roth p wh? fa -ma. Also houae ami twe mI on Fif i and Jefferson atreota, A; bane. For furt .. er particular call on . Cmpbrey.Cnt : prex-tnet, or f"- uowitt Iryin. AHanj; Z1 A CMFIIP.EY. i PHELPS. Job Printer Annonnceme ii all Goods Ladies,- Undersvear. in Knit Prices ever ottered i the Valley. 34 2:30. ana aciien. as pro red be his luT sisters Peulah. S;4T, at two record of X:i) last JuH, defeating Hannibal sirs M. Cur, Jr X2, (sire of DraAXOo, S S3) asd Habst Cut, 2:23 ) Seventeen ot his daughters have prodnceil nineteen 2:S3 performers, including tUAK auxo Bar, who sired the dam ol Axtki, t:it at tjearer Allssivx, 1 13) at four year, two of tbe faetest staUiona la tbe world ol their ages. TacoaAti. dam he BatoxoH. S:f9: aire of the dam Bi.q Wiussa, aire tl Olivx K , 2:10'. and Saturday j the rest oi the time at oar farm, three DRUGGIST OK33GOIT- .STATIONARY Albany Cigar Feet y, J, tafS, -j- Frcprittcr. ? iff.! ft a? f S I ua t.i til