tinilTU WW I I If VIA, cm Pacific Routo Cout SHASTA LINE. Espreae Train lasts Portland Dally -i..k I" North ArT si i a Lv ? "7w. 7 l H Lv Ar T.rtlaud Albany Ran KranxliMM Lv ; M j" AUm trains slop snlr at l.ill.'Wliif station a Rox-hiirir. taut liwllan.L (Hkk t'ltr, Wood- , &Um, Albany, Tancrait, Khoud, llalsey, liar fcur(, Juaouan .ay, lr,inf, humans, OMWM aUlh, SAIsT, 0 1 Lv IVrUand KtJ f Mia Lt Albany Lv MS;oO Ira Ar tUiaalmrf Lvl flOA Ataaav mci aaav ncarr Sttibut) l?'Lv Portland ArlSiOOA y r I Ar Albany Ls oo a a Laajro saaacM, rraTly Albany Ar I lUia f ti Ar Leheaaa Lt 1:40 a a ua Lv Albany Ar Mra 1 It! Ar Ubanoa Lv t:40r a mum EjJFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sloopinrr Oars. Far Aeeweawieslatiww ( -CI taea (era, tsaeaeei l a.xiraa iniat 4Taal BIS BMyl.laa. ETWEES lHI LAN ASS latT ALUS, Mats. Aia 4BI tSiJayS Sanaa.) tO a a I Lt Portland Ar I 1 10 r a Ar CTvnlli lr I uure irasnraai taar (taaipttwaday. ra ra Lr Ar Portland NcMinatlle Ar Ly i: so A 4 A TliroiiKU Tiolxett T all point EAST, ATID SOUTH. .i rai. lufunaaUoa rae-anltut rata, aaana, aw Company n. OEHLES Venaer A mm! al Albany K r. KOOERS last U.r. and P. At THE YAQU1NA KOUrfi goo Development Company' Bteio. nip una. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIF.IE baa by any other r JU. vinAlaaa throua-h oaeaonirer and Vaicht lino from Portland and all polnu to to Willamette Valley to and from aa f ranclaoo. Cat. Boats maka eloa connection at Atben with train of the Oregon Paolflo Railroad T . . iKflM. TIME SCHEDULE-! snar awtoys.) Era Albany IS ) yyCorymilla 1 S: r. a. LJaa Yaqoitia, T uOa.a Laars CorraJlks,10.So A,a Amra Albaay, 11:11 A. a Itosr.a. Arrl4 Taqttlaa, :M . a. n n. traiaa eonnact at Albany and Corral 11a. Tha abova train eonnactat Yaoolna with the Oregon Dareiopmant Oompany'a Una of Steamablpa l)sin Yaqtuna ana oan rruKim, HAILIXG DATE . rsn ynnA. WIIUimU Ysllay. March 8ta : lth ; tSlh. ysoa rsaaciaca WHUaatSa Tallay Marek rd ; lltb I tlM; Kh. Tha ComDAQV atpatyea Iha nrnt to jxauullliii dataa tr tfcout notloa. k K Psjtaoncera from Portland and vmamntla Vallay iolnU eaa maka cloaa at mi wlih tha traJna of tha Ysnulna oaia at Albany or Corvallia. and If daa Anad to Kan Franciaoo ahould arrania to rrirs t Yaoalna tha evening before Ate faauinr . "aaer Ftlat Bates alwaja E west. t sppty to A R Chapman, Fratg bt and Alkanr, c. c aktv, e. r. ara r a . Ca-rvalJa. T?mST MATIOJf Abj nAXK, ur AajiAUT, oaaooit, l nwn S. E.TOI so E. W. LAHUCUX ntA$Am A OEXERALtauilrtni Woasa. AIXDI. .STS KCPTrabjactia aback. WUUT EICHAJiOE and 11 yaphia traaafar, M Maw Tork, Saa rrsaeiasa. Chlango aa4 t lUaad COLLEiTnOKf tfADEoa tsrshla Um. waatyosa E.ar. LAisaoa Yoraa L. Tumm EovAta I . Sox. LIS H CO. If ATIOXAL. BABTK. Or ALBAAT. OBKOOH. CAPITAL STOCK tl 00,000. fVaald.Bt J L COWA". rioa-Praaidaal J U RAUrTON. V'hUr m-...Obo E t'HAMHKKLAIM, AaM Caahirr O A AMCUIUOLU. n satiyoaa, -I L Cowan. 1 If Ralatoa. Oas E banbarlain. W S Ladi, W H Colm, t A Craw kwa aoaO A Archibald. TRAN'RAfm a ranaral hankln( bmriaaaa. DHAW81uUllHArras York. Saa tl t(r Oraroa. LOAv MOttETow appicyaa aamHty auw.ai t a aaposits sub tact B ASK OF OREGON. ALBAMT, OB BOOM. raaltal. -f BraalilMt Tlaa-Praiidaot. OaahlT .H T IIKRRfLL . E i LAN NINO Jtl V BLAI.1 Tranaaeta s fana-a) buiklnr knainaas: Etrhsnii hoaht and anTd on all tha principal aiUat in tha Umta.1 Sutasi aiaa aa Eagrlaad, Inland. Franaa and Uarmany. CllactHms awda at all aaoaaiibla points aa feyor abla tarmt, InUrt.t alloaad s.l sima dapaaita. B ASfK OF itCIO, SCIO, OB ROOK. PraaMant...... . Vlaa- Praaideot J R Ma.sis Jrr MrsRS Caahiar ...O S MM J I Morris, 11 Bryant John Oalnas F O Smith. Doas a cmwal binklnr and syahana bmlnaat. Sifbt draft, iaauad oa Albvir, Portland aod Saa Fraoeiaeo. f)OUTLAX HATISGS nANB, I OF POPTLARD. ORROOM. Paid nn aanOal... ....tnm,im CJ.000 Sorplua aiid profit.. Intaraat allowed on aarlng-i daposila as follow: On or iinarj aaTinirt bks ....4 iwreant per annnm. On term aarinKS b-xika ......S per cent per annum, On cortiftcaUM of deposit. Per three months 4 per cent par annum: Fur six months & per cent per annum! Yot twaire month 9 per cent per annum.' FRANK HK.KUM, Preaiilent I. P. THOMCMOW Vice-Preaidsnt. U. C, BTHArrON, Caatileri. iTRICTDRE! Permaient1y cured wfthon) Cuttlnr. Barnlnf t DU Utlng- A perfectly painlea) treatment and a guaran tei d cur in otery j ae. no nittcrhow lonv standirs' Tliia t-etiit-nt, (ir H rictu e, ot Or Basil's, is the It 'aunt iliworary k'iow ii meilicane. Itdiaaolvas n4 e imoletely rem yoa the Stri.;turs withont annoy I or pain to the patient, DISEASES OF filEil! Faiciiliarr th-jlr 4x. n I not iroior to nin hurt. Inrlu lint H th)jj .loflotU Inflrmitin iul Wmk nfl4, wri.;ri th w ul't hriiikx from sHtcIiftjint to triiir ivnii jr nyi -i ui, p T flMently eurxl In lnw tim-j tit hi w v ''vji k tu't o U"4icini I vf-pro, by Jr H ell' "Xa SvatUf.n of Trc-mnii " It rvjuvtifiavtM tia a 1 1 -jrtf try urfn-iil maktta vek mn ttroiifr Win i i m .j, it U 'wiy bMt to call for ternitl )ihu tttit tv t-l tJcul extuiitit,fn. But thovt wit evuiA p't-niwy uwt tnoma wnire, tutting tneif mm fat!. M i l;on tent by m-ail or xprt, twavtaxi, d fm:n mxfuro, t-i all avrH oi lh l-ji0c Ct. A ' Wiii . A. IbxcU, Me D. Kt Paul It ipmary. Certlind. wreaaa. C'r.ir Fir-t ami t'n e stroote, J (Vnji'orllind N .ti.Mial Bink. LBAST COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALDAfiY, OREGON. 1890, 1GQ1. lrtt Tar u Opsneil ScpMmber I9tt, !. A tul! corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIEJITIFIS, LITEEAHY SLf.SwESe Pot. phi or tu!r arranpredi so want tb' !, f " I srrjtj of students, S;."it'i iM itK-rmenii otjertd io $linlenli I t orn ahr&til. r 5.1 aU.t Viea Pratxiaot tuslir , omcsaa: staacroaa: KOolos, 1 ; - t I TltW rtZLLK ABuLT easvek. Not one person In ten can tell you why It I that Christinas, the day celebrated a Christ's birthday, alwaj -a falls on the tame day oi the in o nth, while Easter, the day n!5,$pon which we celebrate his aicenslon, changes every year. In giving a solution of this ilddle, the flrtt point to be consid ered l thtt : Chrbrt was cruclflsd on Friday, the 14th day of the swish month Nlan, and rose from the grave on the following Sunday. The 14th day of Nlian was the Jewish ,'paover,,, the dy observed by them In commemoration of the sprinkling of their door posts with the "blood of the paschal lambon the night when the "de stroying Angel" paued over the dwellings of the Israelites, but smote the first-born ot the Egyptian. As the year of the Jews Is a lunar year, and the 14th of Nltan Is always a full-moon day, the Christian church, regarding the observance ot the crucifixion of Christ as a substitute for the "Passover," ot the Jews, determined Eai.ter by the rules for reckoning the Jewish ec clesiastical year. Christmas, Intended to commemorate the birth ot Christ, had no connection with the ritual ot the old church, and, like dosensof other immova ble feast days ct the Church ot Rome, many ot them birthdays ,of saints, It was finally settled that It should be observed on a given day ot the common calender Coming down to the word Itself, Lsjter1 la from the German H0tern"(rUlng). The Eni(llah namn i probably derived from "goitre," the Teutonic goddess ot spring, whose festival occurred at about the same time as the Jewish pa$sover" The time for celebrating Easter was a subject which gave rise to many heated discussions dur Ins the early davs ot Christianity. The question was fully considered and finally settled by the Council of Xtce, In the year 325, by adopting the rule which makes Easter day the first Sunday after the first full-moon alter March at. By this ar rangement ot things Easter may come as early as March aa, or as late as April 15. A DISGtSTED KElTBLlCaX. Senator Carpenter, republican, ot Los Angeles, California has been expressing his views on the oourse pursue' by hi pa'ty In the California legislature, ile.says 'The republican party won the last elec tlon mainly on the strength of the rotten ness ot the last democratic legislature. It the democrats do not sweep the state two years hence upon the record whxl. the re publican legislature has ma le this session then I am no prophet. San Francisco will gooverwhclmingly democratic, for through out the entire session the may or and others have been Imploring us country members to save San Francisco from its mtsrepre- sentailves. The backbone of Governor Markham and the judgment he displays In cutting down a million dollars' worth of appropria'ion bills may save the state to him for tour years hence." WHAT IT MEANS. Has the ordinary American citizen ever attempted to conceive of the enormous vastness of the sum of money appropriated by Rica's "business" congress. One billion and eleven millions! 1 A few cal culations will shed some light on It: Suppose l.oi l poo'ooo tliver dollars were laid side by side, their edges touching, they would makes band 33.919 miles long, reacting nearly around the globe. If they were laid in piles they would make 1,77a pilea each a mile high. In the form of dollar bills wsuld make So piles each a mile high. If aa expert counter were en. gaged to count $1,011,000,000, a'l In nice new collar omr, at the rate of $100 per minute, working 10 hours a day, It would take over 56 years of 300 working days to finish the job. Lastly, It would require the work of 1,000,000 men at $1 per day for three and one-third years to earn this sum. G II Moll. The MomilairreT boasting of the benefi cial effects of the new tariff as it affects the Ltrmer.tayt: "A bounty has been provided for every pound of bref.mtple or sorghum sugar." Now this is l'icfnl intimation that we have had that there is a bounty on beef. It Is not In the McKinley bill, and if it were, it would only adJ to the "In fa mo utnett" o( that bill Who pays the Bounty on sugar? Thr people of the whole sountry. Is It any credit to the republican party that it taxes the 63,000,000 million people of the UnHed States to pay a bounty of a cents a pound to the southern planter for every pound of sugar they pro duce? No; such is no credit In a recent spee-h In Rochester, N, Y. , on the prssentatlon of Untied Slates flags to the public schooir, Lleui.-Gov. Jones nslbly protested against the popular su perstition that thirteen is an imlucky number. Our original colonies, when in dependence was achieved, numbered thirteen. No nation has had such an area of success as this, and with patriotic Amer- cans the notion that thirteen Is unlucky ought neer be tolerated for a motnenr. . A gigantic pendulum has been suspend ed from the centre of the second platform of the Eiffel tower at Paris. It consists of a bronze wire 380 long, with a steel globe weighing about 198 pounds at the end. Its object is to exhibit the rotation of the earth by the Foucau't method. -!( r if Copyright, IBSk "LITTLE BO PEEP bad lost hnt sher-p and couldn't tell whure to find them." bo the old nursery rhytne says, and it goes on to bid her Jara them alone and they'll coma home and bring- their taiis behind laem." All this may be true of kt sheep, but If you have lost your health you canuot afford to feave tiiat alone. It will not dome back of Its own accord. Korrvs people brag- that thy never bother about colds. They "let them go the way they Came." .Alius I too often tha victims go to a consumptive's grave. Until vary recently a cure for Consumption, which. i universally auknowlndirfd to be scrofula affecting tha luairs, would have been looked upon as mi. raoijious, but now people ar beglanlng- to TKdiS that tha diaofwe Is nt insurable. Dr. J ity-oe'e GoMn Medical Dieeorary wlM eure tt if token in time and given a fair trial, 'i bis worid-renownod remedy will not males sew un.f, but it will ruetore disaaaed oaea to a h-iuLiiy state whnn other neaas have faUod. 3 iiouuuxis (rratciaHy tmtify te this. It Is tha triost pot'Tit tmio, or strenrta raatorar, aiier. ttve, or t iood-o-a:!ir, aril autriUro, or fjea blunder knwn to nifxliissi S" . i'or Li V"r wr C ' 11' efl k li, f tgvt JPioe-il, iiv ir 1 tn - ..pit ar d n i,u er Xsuts tkua, u. is till !': liA'.ed ruuuiu . 9K "to A, tt't I 1 I J' S S B V III TKLEGRAPIIIO NEWS A Bleatty Disease. LdTTi.a I o k, Ark, March 27. A highly sensational some waa enacted iu the bouse ot representatives during Its session t.Mitifht. SIsU t!oal Oil IntptHitor Williims and H W Mart.n, tirnstdsnt 01 the listesviiie ct HlacK River railway who wars onlonksrs, nirageil In a diput ovar the merlta of a ooal oil bill The lis (Mused and Williams was knocked down. lie drew a pistol sad attempted to stiooi tut assailant, ins wildest uoniutlon mniied. Members ran ovar esoh othnr in their oTorta to got out ot range, and as order was not restored, tba house adjourned. A Dalgarlaa Harder. Sofia, March 27. This srsnlo while Ftamier StambnlofT and Minis tsr ot Kinance Baltohiuff wata out walklnK a man anditanly oanfrontad them and ttrro three ahots from a revolver, kil'ina Ualtohirtr instantly, A crowd immediately eollected, but the assas sin sqocskIihI in steroid in the darkness. Uoma people who witnosaed tbe tnootlna da olared tha aastaain wasaooompanied by three other man. 1 he greatest taoitsmont prsvsiis Mraa Bastaest. Astukia, March 27. Jaek )rsnt, presi dent of tha Astoria Athletio Club, arrived in Portland last nicht, lit octtita brepared with avidenoe shewing that tha offer of the elnbofa pmtotf II7.UO0 for a thjht tea tlnish between Jim Mall ana Dob Ft'aismmons tha Aavtraliaa niidille-wsichts, was In good faith. The money has all boan raised, and to soon as tha backers of tha men post their $23,000 forfeit stoh, tba 117.000 will ba placed in a bank to bt paid to tbe winner of ma contest. a Marled FetlyTkree Men. Iakw, March 27 A handsome English woman earn! Evaline Kea! was arrested in this city for marriage fraud. She Inveigled futtyrthree men t. marry her hv advor'lsiug nerseii aaa wealthy widow. The last vic tim was a visoonnt, who almost mined him self by gambling. i iTIetrr Ilraa. Ci'mbcr LAN it, Md, March 37. Today saw the heaviest snowlall ot the season r It has been falling for the past twenty-tou hours and still continues unabated. T!u- far nine Inches have fallen. The electric light and telegraph wires are down al over the city, and railroad travel la greatly impeuea. A reaasylvaala Wreck. A mi land, Pa., March 37. !y a freight wreck today near here three men wera killed and tnree badly Injured. Paraell Heeled. Dublin. March a6 The annoyancet and dangers of Mr rarnell'a tour of the Sligo par'.ia mentary district are increasing, groops of the opposing faction hoot at him at every turn, and wrangles and fighta growing out of these dem on sua t ions are frequent, f he greater part of ine aou-rarncu iccung is tociieu oy the priest nood, w no are especially active in the out lying districts, and parsonaliy led tbe opposing crowds. It wsa the inlenlkm of Mr Parnell to cater Sligo Satutday at the head of a strong party of stalwart I'arnetliies. but tbe notice plainly intimated that this would not be allow ed, and the project waa abandoned. The werat Blew ea ateesnf . . New York, f arch 26, Fianfc P Slavin has authorized Billy Madden to match him to 6e.ht, or box, any man in America for any troouut from las' lo tio.ooo a u!e, and the1 championship of the world. He also requests Madden to announce that he will give John L Sullivan tjono if be fails to atop, conqueror knock him out in six roundt. lie alto agrees to box tuber Kilrain, Coruett, Jackson, Mc Caffrey or Godfrey, anrf to foifcit n large amount of money il he fsi'a to atop any one of them in a stipulated number of rounds Sla vin will arrive here next month with Charley Mitchell, and wi: deposits $3000 to back p the foregoing proposition, llu coming m likely to create a furore in spotting circUs. Twe Brave Beys, Ogacos City, Or., March 26 Two Canemah boys have occasions to feel proud, as they have just been presented by W W Qu!nn with a gold medal each for saving th4 life of William II Clulnn. Mr fjuinn fell Into the Willamette at the head of the falls whilj carrying a line to the Enterprise, when she foun lered on the rocks at the falls two months ago. The medal arealike, except that each contains the name of tbe party to whom It was pre sented. Bat Cvrrj Iking. Tacoma, March 26. Daring thetiialof Gruch Barratto and Frank Leo, yesterday, several yonnc men. called as wilt rates, refosed to testify nntil a crowd of fifty or owe Italians we-e removed. They c tve ihe reason Ibat they were afraid lo tetiify In. iheir p.esence. Barratto was discharged of a charge of assault with a dcjlly weapon. This, it to alleged, waa caused I y the existance of a Mafia society here. Prrspllaled. Tacoma, March 26. In t'-e Puyallup saw mill today workman named Earnest Foster caught the sleeve of bit shirt in the teeth of a saw and waa drawn ujv-n it. His neck came in contact with the rapidly revolving circular asw and his bead was cut completely from bit body. The deceased came here a few days ago from Iowa, and learcf a widow and a fami'y. A Drabenaa lejareel. Ash land. Or, Mach-36, A freight tiain from the south ran into tbe caboose of a (rain from the north at Ashland switch last niybt. Brakeman Jobn Cettlc was teiiously injured. Atchison, Ksnsr, Match 25 The sever est snowstorm Kansas has known in tenyesn is now raging in tbe western part of the Mule. It began yesierrlay and I tie tnow is more than a foot deep on a level and a high wind bss drifted it Iradly in places. The Centra) Branch division of the Missouri Pacifn hat not turned a wheel all day. A number of trains are Isid np between stations. Tbe company It compell ed to supply the passengers and crews with food, which is accomplished with difficulty, Meriting Melerlrt Astoria, March 25. Thtie is considerable epciterocnt among the local sports loJay over the prospects of Ila'l and Fitximmons fighting here. The matter waa brought upatajett, but has f'eveloped into a t riout proposition, which may result in something definite. John Grant, president of the local club, todiy received the following reply to his telegram to Chicago, offering a puise of $17,000 for the fight: . Handed leletfram to Filzimmon'a backer. Ho accepts. Djcs Hall? I hold $2500 forfeit for I'irzimmons. What will you do? A last Trunin riTTSBL'RC, March 25. Eva Bannock, faith curitt and incidentally a teacher cf music in Bethany Home, Las jut ' finished a sue en ful forty iayt bat. This lady, Ahoisa religious entbuiatt, waa struck by the fact that whenever and wherever the opened the bible, there waa found a command to fast. She degan a forty day'a fast, which differed from all others in that she attended to her regular duties as teaoher and keeper of rooms in the home, lier fast emled lodey, and ihe joy fully oontumed a dinner which did not barm her iu the least. There is no doubt as to her having lived forty days on nothing hut water, aa the ttcry it rubt'apiiated by reliable people. Hurrah for Mrs llaydea Chicago, March 25. Miss Sophia G Hay- den, of Boston, wins the $1000 prize offered for the betl ecsign for the woman's bildinp for the world's fair. Miss Lois Howe, also of Boston, taUt th seroud prize, 50O, and Mist Laura Ilsijcs, of Chicago, the third, 8250. Mis Hayden bat been tiired to come to Chi cago and elaborate her plans. The design is one of marked simplicity, in I alian renaiss ance style, with colonnades broken by center and ei.d pavilions The structure is lo be 200x4000 feet and fifty feet to the cornice. . Aa Engine Home , SALEM, Mnah 25. At public vendue this aheruoon Mayor J? A D'Arcy 10UI the Capital fire engine properly of fifty-foot front by loo back, S A Dolph being the purchaser, at 817, loo cash, the sale to be approved by the coun cil. T'h it is the first move in Ihe matter of securing new buildings and site for city offices, fire engines, hall etc. The council committee in now seeking a new location for lhee institutions. hildrcn rJiy The ploaimnf; fltvcr, pentla aci.in a-iI snoth ing eircclt of Syrnp of I'lgr, wh ninvntiB nl if thfi father '. enatlva or hfintia tbn moar. grn oJloH'U!. itH 1K, go th&t it in f ,i! I;il of mother be ,.fyinir remit he best fura ifnily should y rt; v ( cry HtiFIT 'owadayt ono of the qualtllcnliont tor being a U S Senator U to potaett a mil lion dollars. A Chicago defaulter It named Worms. An early bird detective ahould be sent after htm. A paper In a little Kantat town ana nounccs "All ot John Thompson's dogt are dead, except twelve," Scandal makes a poor meal; but there are some In Albany who come pretty close lo thriving on tt When It cornea to your neighbor's character do not be pessimists because they are not perfect. The local In the Dkmocr a r last evening about the Immense geese hunt by LW Deyoe and David Link filled the gun store when the gentlemen arrived late In tbe evening, with Inquisitive friends anxious to ace me gecsj. i;ui tney ace tucm. God told me to do it." That's what a craay looking chap named 1 lies Urage salu yesterday afternoon when questioned wny 11 waa ne tried to take possession 01 rarkcr Hanson's delivery wagon, lie waa arretted and will have a chance to subpoena witnesses and prove his asser tion next Thursday, Astorlan. A young man never makes anything In this world by being a rowdy and a hood urn, nor in even being dishonest, isa matter how little hit dishonesty the woild will find it out. It Is absolutely Impossi ble to be a mean man very long without your neighbors learning about tt. It Is as easy to be amhltloua to be a man at to be a blot on humanity. It It probably true that false railroad re ports do more harm than good, though It la a boom scheme all over ibe world. So tar as Albany people are concerned they are not to blame for the numerous reports In reference to different lines running Into this city. We confidently look for the smoke to clear away leaving a foundation 01 nre. The death ot A P Ankeny, one of the wealthy men of the state, reminds the Dim'xii at man about town thai when he came to Oregon a son of Mr Ankeny waa on board the steamer from San Franclico with a a'eerage ticket, but riding on top. lie was tiicii an "opium Rend. We have not since learned what became ot him or whether he reformed. I he letter P seems to be on top. Some of the heat representatives of the people in tue united states are, Fennoye, ot Oregon, aimer, of Illinois attlson, of Pennsylvania, luri.b, of Kansas, effcr. of Kansas. A man in Milwaukee saw a woman fall down, lie helped her up and spoke wortta of consolation, and she sent him a deed ot a $3000 lot. A man In Artoria did the same thing last week, but the wo man yelled fur help, the husband came and the consoler's nose was broken; all of which goes to sSow there is no under standing woman ways, Astoria yoium blan. . ' Early In the morning of the" iSttt a man was found 1 ln dead in the culvert near the machiwe shop al Yaqulna City. A coroner's jury was summoned and the following verdict rendered: "Death was caused by excessive drinking and the shock ot falling eight feet Into a culvert.' Ills surname was Garrett v. He had de sorted a Chilian vessel at Seattle and gone to the Bay where he waa working In the stevedore gang. The report of the jury when Inspected will be f-und an interest ing one. Three card moot men are working the Oregon Short line. Several immigrants are reported to have sunk (50 to 1 100 in tha game. Th Elliot Prairie correspondent of the Scio Pre says : " "Mr Cha e, a gentle man of W years, has united with a wid ow lady in the bonds of speculation, glV' ing her 20uu to venture into the mar riage lottery for life." The Oregon National Guards will hold an encampment in Jane. Pendleton is said to have oilered t'AXX) to have it lo cated at that city. Albany la t ratably the most centrally located and would be a good place lor headquarters. The following rather humorous item appears in the fecio Press: Key F w Parker, ot Wood burn, gave a lecture last Tuesday evening at the M E church to a small bat appreciate aodienc on the subject of ''The Gates of Hell." His subject was handled In an able tssaner ami woe worthy 01 a larger audience. The Portland papers say Olds should have been hanged. The great Judge lHdy in a private interview says he should not have been : that be acted iu self defense. The mean part of the bust ness being Olds com I tic t in shooting oftr weoerwastiown. me cose has received more attention than it merited. A nice looking old lady ,84 years of age, arrived at Lebanon a few days ago, for the purpose of living wiih a son who has a farm netr that city ; but he refused to take her Into hia household or even see her; The Express' suggestion that tar and feathers would suit the case Is a good one. In New York city they have associa tions of men who do not drink during business. In a big city where competi tion in all lines of business is so great, a cool and clear head is very essential If it is proper to be cool headed during business hours it is also a good thing to be cool headed when you are at home with your family. There are at least two young men In Al bany who propose to shield their sister, and Wednesday night they did In an emphat ic manner with some rotten eggs. There are some other cacs where ome rotten eggs might have a very cflicaclous effect. Young women, though, themselves should do like the Brownsville girl, point to the front gate and ay "git". If the Mafia, the anarchists and the Chinese highbinders could be induced to enter into an agreement to wipe each other off the face of the earth what a de lightful event it would be. And Ameri cans, who have always cherished the idea that they have as much right in this country ns foreigners, would take courage and eventually they migh.t suc ceed in controlling the polittcaof some of our large cities. Walla Walla. States man, The Crescent City Record says: "A fish-hawk pulled a large salmon out of Klk river one day last week. The fish was too inrge for the bird to carry off, so leaving it on the sand the bird flew off (0 a pile of driftwood and picking up a Btick with a sharp and jagged edge, returned with it to where the fish lay and sawed it in two, when It flew away with half of the salmon. The other half waa served, for our dinner." ' Different uses have been suggested for the stone man taken out of the Willam ette this side of Eugene. One paper would make it a member of the State Lfgwlature, another thinks it would make a good member of the city's board of trade, comparatively, etc. He wouldn't be a bad substitute for one or two me owning valuable landed inter ests in Benton county who refune to sub scribe towards the bridge, and in fact would make a better citizen than a few Mossbacks we could name. Win Warren, the sheriff of this county, has sued the county for $50 tniienge. The sheriff put in the bill to the county ro"rt for thi'n amount UDon the corncle- tkm of thelax collecting tour, and it was .int. allowed, because the court held that thi per cent of the collections paid the entire, bill. This did not please t he sher- iff, hence the euit- iasnvi II A Pick, of Bonton, would como to Uie l'acillo Const lie could get nil ihe ticna ilcHirpd, regardloas of "ex. He said, "oh. von. T want (lens Thcv are quite esmmtlal to my prosperity. My father 1 mndo it fortuno lit llmm nml they have lurnltshoil me with my livitiif so fur, 1 am it trainer of ilea. I eiluruto tliem to do tricks and run a flea circus. In thir ty-six hours I enn inaka a unxid, tntclli- gont Ilea do tnoxt any alinplu trick. You would suntioso fleas nro common cnotiKh, and so thcv are on eoimral principles, but I have been in Boston fourteen weeks and haven't got but two so (nr. I want females, because they are larger and longer lived than the others." An advertisement In the Independence W est Bide reads : "Mr I red Lcbo.rham plon heavy-weight of Canada, will ttlv InsLriictloiia In the iimnlv art to an uimra desiring. Address, nntil further notice, at Independence. Am ready at any lime to meet I'ave CrtinpU-li, of 1'ort- land," The Brownsville Times "si-tsdown on" Attorney Robert L Dorrls. who recently visited that city, In an extended and quite emphatic manner. It gives the name 01 the intoxicated young man, wluiaa uwtfiitv rtnl.l twfi fara.aa Kliannmi. aaiirvevorwurkina'ontheOrrifonlun Ult, Another ulciilc took ilace in "Missou ri ' on Hiuur.iay mgru. mere was a dance at the house of George w viand lieorco and a young fellow named Thom as got into a scullle, during which Thomas jabbed a knife in George's side. everyone present nan a tiptop time end some a tlpsy-lopsy time. Oregon City courier. The manner in which Bitvlnirs Banks pay may be judged from the following from the Pendleton Tribunes "A meet ing of the stockholders ot the Pendleton Havings Bank was held Saturday evening. It was called to discuss the advisability of Increasing the capital stock of the company, but as it was shown that the I protitsof the bank were about thirty per cent annually and there was no occa sion for increasing the number of shares and share holders, it was decided not to doso. They are enforcing the ordinances in Salem with a vengeance. Tha Journal says: "W T Itinetnan. the tzrocer.on Hlate street, was arrested for violating the ordinance against using more than the allotted space in sidewalk. The new ordinance allows the merchants but one foot. Some of the merchants insist on having more room than that. The arrest was made for not complying with the law. He was fined f 10 and coats, amount ing to f 12.49." rrobably every pawr in Oregon has something to say about the hantiatu mines, w Inch are getting a big reputation The Oregon City Courier says : "In the Bonanxa mine, in the rantmm district, a turnet has been run ot lsiMoct.ata depth of about 150 feet, w here a very rich body of ore lias been found. At tfiis point the ledifeis about six feet wide. with waits weil defined, and iu the center of the ledue from Is to 24 Inches of gold bearing quarts that is so rich that aUmt three tons of this rock, which was taken out, experts say will mill at least V!,Xj in gotd, and some put their estimate much higher.' B F Conrad and Mr Handley. of the Metroitolitajn Publishing Co. are in Eu gene canvassing the town for subscrip tions to an illustrated description of the town ana vicinity. ouaia. TttK C)Mr. KFLK BAIIB, lias a Urge and complete line of goods, doll, doll boggtes.oys' wagons, ye or! pedes and many other goods which got to make up ft complete assortment, besides m complete- line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird rages. plush goods, such aa alliums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap tooks, children's ABC pictnre books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Kogcr Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to tbe Golden Hule prize linking powder and tea, put up expressly for this tde, which gives the liest of imtl faction, as is attested by tho hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Hule ltaxaar. Kaiuh package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prixe in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when In Albany, at the Golden UuU Basaar, as you will be sure to find w hat you want, and will be show n over tha store and t treated kindly by my clerk. Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price 10 an. Jt'LiusGaADwom., Nones to Famhehs. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eg;s, and all kinds of farm produce, lor wlucli I will iay the high est price in cash or in exchange lor goods. u. W. blMrwut, -Albany, Oregon Nxw Blacksmith Siiui. G vV Willis has just complete his blackamilh shop at the corner ot Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on youi plow, wagons, etc., etc. for reps ir CATAKRII CURED, health fand weet breath r cured, by Shiluli'a Catarrh Kennedy. Price SO cents. Nasal Iojoctor free. Fo sbay & Mason, agents. - , riles Caa be fared. Richard Bennett, WestKeld, S Y, wriUst "Forthiity two year I suffered from piles, both internal and external, with all their attendant agonies, and like many otheta sufforsd from hemorrhoid. All those thirt-two yeara I bvi to cramp myself to pay doctors and drnggittt for stun that was doing ma lit Isor no send. Finally I was anted by one who had had the asms com plaint, lint hsd been enred by Brandretb's Pills, to try hi sure. J did so, and began to improye,asd for tbe past two yeara I have had no inconvenienco from that ten into ail ment." , Honey lo Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite th : Severe house. ItORKIIART EENEY. ' ' llneklen's Arnica Salve. fTh bost 8)re In tbe world (01 CuU.BruUes.Sor Ulcere, S!t Rheum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chaiip hands, Chlhlalns, Corns, snd all Skin Ernptlo, t positfvelycures files.or no psy rsquirsd. It is rrtiar- teed to irire perfect satlstactlon, or money reluiirt d. l'rioe 25 cents per box. For ss.lt by Foshsy and Uassn letter List. Following is the list of lattera remaining in the post oflioa a Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Maroh 26, 1891. Persons calling for these letters must Rive tha' data V which tbey were advertised. Arnold, Alv 3 Bryant, OD Oyatt, Mr (Battler) Conley, VO Delish, L : Oilmore, John W Kimball, John Pfibler, George Welln, RA I Brotch-r, D B Cohn.A (Pedd!r) Csssidy, Joseph F Davis, Will Kennedy, Lizzie Little, Eliaa Uoberisoe. JE Webster,-RM : R. TnoMPsoN, P. M, BOUN. CHAMBERLAIN. On Fridav, March 27th, 1891, in Albany.to the wife of Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain a girl. SPAIN, On Wednesday, Match "25, 1891, in Benton C3untv, near Albany, to the wife of J M Spain, a son. DIED. WABMGUTIL At her home, in Ual- ey, March 23rd, ISM, Mrs Ponhrt War- joiith, wife of tho htf T.rv (i V Vf.r- The best and ablest article on the Sandy " """" tmtiX v Olds case appears In the Oregonlan. Here , V blH M'cc8l,tpl0,8 'Ml K It la In full.'Vrhls la probably the last ' 7 Cyr" Jancy publication In relation thereto, 'V Y'l , t , , qr, Bsi0 t 1 BEaL rSTATR lalts. F B Prater to 11 li Kendnll, T) L C 01 vm ncnneit,tp ia,n 11 3 w.. F 15 Prater to V, 15 Keinlall.lota 1,2, Id 20, II 'a 2nd A.AIbitiiy . , . . . , llaelicl iirlirus nnd litis to Emma 1000 20(15 10 1500 COO 200 850 1 l 1 (.'urnui. lot 4. bl 8(1. A limn v, . . Htwlicl UrigKK nnd litis to Mary I' Hill, lot 3. M SO. Allmnv... .. A C (itiyor to M E liilyeu, lots 81, ns, no. cio., . , , U 8 to L F Hammer, N w 11 sec 14, tp 10, H It 3 K ..,...?,,,. II Beach ft ux to A M Wleks,tract in Linn uo,,,, ., , ,., Rachel 0 Dorrls to Nancy V, Croft, w t; yi ot see 31, tp 10, H It 1 n Elnilra nnd Jacob Ixidgerwood to anny r, uroft, B K tr of 8 E sec , p iu, it 1 , p A Cochran ttox toZOllays, inu acres in u hCfiasu eooo WJO 200 M E I'.Hyett to Catharine; Uilyeu, Jots 2. 3. O.blW.W'a A.Kclo.... 3 It in n. Il. I 'IX, 8, bin 1, Beard's ad to Tan it"nt. II F Merrill to A W Gordon, lot 4, hlk M. Albany, j..., 1000 100 23 Frank Murnhv to K W Lnmnlon. Iota, hlk 7, Il'sSrd ad, Alb'y M J Penland to fcchoul liat 4.1, . ... ... . - . ----- tract in see 17, 1 w 4 J M Abltey to J A Thornton, lots f 1, id 1. m 1 11. a 1 1.. . 1 . . iu, li, 10, ills A I 1 to Albany , 602 10 2000 2200 .1 Hiicklemnn to K W lAngdon, 3.1-100 acre. H's 3rd ad. Alb'v. Arnold Wink to Ningra Mill Co. SB H ec 33. 0 e 4 Cynthia Trites to W UTrites, N i 01 v w a t,i it u, Albany Lebanon Lodge, A F A M to 8 J Hammock, lot 7S, Masonic cemetery Total sales,,..., , Total for the year $250,350 V. 11. f. A. vtes. Tho Y M C A District Convention, which was to be held in this city on the 17, 18 and 19 of April, has lxen post poned until tne lam 01 may. uence tne anniversary exercises of the Albany Y M 0 A will be held in the Opera. House on Sunday evening. April 12. 18ll. lly con sent of the pastors f the different churches, this will be also a union mass meeting, ihe exerclnos will boot an In teresting character and we desire to ex tend an Invitation to every one. Pro gram will be printed next week. 1 1 .en Kaetirsneat Bans high in Albany at Pbty St im tons drug store tier M)ivin MuiWer, at everybody ia esirg it for I'atarta of the hUtwach, Pysnetieia. Consiii too and Im pure riluod. Try it .bd tell yoor friends about it as it most posst taw on Atrial oierita- war-a ail speak well of it . 1 iasea ' For lams back, "r aide cheat, use Jiidob PotoB riasUr. Price, 23 eoU. A o-a core forth whisky itit: Pr f Jvinratob'a Antidote for t-run! naea will enre any e of tba lliinor r.abil in irom to to thirty days, from the n ndtrate driuker to tb drunkard. Th AotuI eta b Given ia 1 cap of tH'ffre withi.at th knowledge al tha fersoo taking iu The if -ittMcte w ill not injure tb healtn to any way. ManufMlared l ytbe Livingslou Chemicil Co , Portland, Oregon r from J A Coinmina, Mile agent Albany. SHlLOII'ji MTALIZER ia what yen need f. iTanstipation, Lota of Appetite, Dta- !), and all sttttptoma of ljsprpu, I rice 10 and li ebU per Lottie. WHY WILL YOU -soath when Shilch's Cure will give Immediate relief. Price 10 joeuta, 60 cents sad $1. Foshsy k Mason, amenta. CKour. wnoorisa cough and Rrom htut immedtalcly relieved by Stii lob's Cure. SIHLOH'SCUKE will immediately re- tie Creep, W' hooping Coegh and Bronchitia, r onay AC Maeonj agrnts. Wriasr.TO UitTiism.-When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Blackman litre oo can selt-et irom a first clasa toe a. ThaONLYifava intt. ty wh'rl.i ern tuikct oao t parcbas ia .f W'. I Jasur, at the Soulbern Paeino Cc's ticket fefEee On bait tliillsr reduction 00 every air o Lodii-w's tine koe. A good Imo of tUm a H I: xtBiia a. 8LF.F.IT.KSS SIC. UTS. mad miserable by that tumble cough. Shiiuh' Cut ia the Kerned y lor yen. WILL YOU SUFFKH-with Dyspepsia and Livtr Complaint J Shiloh 'a Vitaliacr ia guaranteed to core yon. .1 a- A NASA I INJECTOR free with each bottle i f Shi loh a Catarrh Itamody. Price 50 cent. KoihsyiSi Mason, areata. Cloaka at ert at W FfRead'. I'rearh Tansy!) Wafer. The wafer are a sure and safe t" dn. tor a klndsof female trouble ar.c sv".' re mot all obstructions to the monti 1 period no matter what KM cause. It.t are ji 11 what every woman necoi . ar can be iscd with safety. For sale t th Livinr,Mone Chemical Co,, clso fron u sole agent, J A Cummlng, druggist, Bi berg bKk, Albany, Oregon. Just armed a full line of ladies, chil dren, men's snd boy' foot wear at O W Simpon'a,which will be sojd at bottom price. .- W, F. Rd kej;ithe best Ottortment of fancy gecdaintowu. A pair of fastblack hose free with every pair of ladlea ahoeifootting $3 or more at Seat la' shoe store. Boarukxs Wantkd, for tablo end one room. Inquire at Dkmocbat office. PranoaarM HepidesA, Vet Saved. r From a letter written by Mr Ada K Hurd of Grtton; S I), we quote: "Waa taken with a had coid, which snttled on my Lungs, cout;bs set in and finally terminated in Con sumption, Fonr doctors pave me np saying I eetild live but a short time. I rave my self up to my Syiour, determined if I could not stay with my frisnds cu earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My. husband was advised to get Dr King'a New Discovor ery for Cnnsnmytion, Concha and Colds. 1 gave it a trial,' took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am a well snd hearty woman." Trial bcttlos froa at Fo sbay & Mason's drug store, regular aiae, 60a and $1. 1 ding Photographers A any t'l-rgon. W have bought-all thenrgativt a made by L W Clrk and W I( Greenwood np to Nov 13th, 18S0. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduced tates, .We have also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates can be bad at liUeia.cs. Wo carry the only full lino' of viewt i this state nnd do enlarged work at lowijit rstes for first class work. V. e shall be pleaeed to sea yon at our Studio in Fromsn'e block, next door to Masonic Temple. r' . Eapefsy- This is what you ougnt to have, n fact you must have it, to enjoy lifr. Thousands ara aearcbing for it daily, and mourning be cause they flod it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people ia the hope that they mav attain this boon. And vet it may be had by al). We goarantee that Electric Bitters, if used aooordii'g directions and the use perstuted in, w bring you good digestion and oust tho dtmon Dyspepsia and 'install instead Eup. py. We recommend Eicctrio Bitters for Oysptjtia unsi a!l disease of Liver, Stomach and 'Kidneys. Sold as fiOa and SI 1 F ha I lr: 12 ..:..1J,478 HOME ISO iB&OAD THUnStiAV. TI10 Willamette University has bean looated and Hue butiitinus will he arreted fur it just north ot tiis State fjir grounds and test of the MP track, An agnut for Gunst&Co., of Portland, was in tlie city yesterday with a fnnuins Uerman blood hound, wbkli he had stourtd iu Southern Oregon . Hereafter In this stats tho term of niTma of county assessors will commence on the iirst Monday of March next following their election, so that assessors now in olliaa wit) have nearly a ysar added to their terme. Ws vsolurs to sxort our friends every where to welooms this singer wherever be may appear, Mr James O Clark, wa may observe, devoted of tba proceeds of his eon certsn'arly .1,000 during the war to lbs sustenance and comfort of our soldiers and tneir famines. Us U a tlrst-cl-os sinirer and a tint-class writer-N Y Tribune, At the CbiinUao church Monday evening. Ad mission 25 and 15 eeots. Jts (i Clark, who sines at the Christian Chorcb Monday evening, deserveaa (tood audience. He is a Hue ballad sinner. A DrMocHAT man heard him twenty years ago iiaca in the wild or New York stats, and hall never forawt tho pltMsant nuenrrenee Air (.lark is asm tons r'tained thofrett tw(tii of his voice, it wilt be a treat l-t lovers of good singitv. Admission, 23 and 13 cents. A fair andience listened In the lectnre last evening on ''Billy aud Dick. by Mr Ualph O fiates, lt waa a atraiiiht-forward narration iA the events eononotmt with tbe arrest of Mr Bates and a Mom!, their im- iirisoomnnt and exfjerienoea at Anderson' villa, their escape and trip to Washington, bnre they told th. ir pathetic story to Pres ident Lincoln. Mr Hats i a plaasuig lec turer, and ayoids saying anything to create cewonsi lee ing. Itaty Sheriff Kor.I and oa guard brouuht tiandy Olds to tbn tio this mor uini; wneti ilia prisoner stopped fiom tbe ears be wore a briuht look anil waa not so careworn aa many prisoners are who have 'Mine throuuh similar experioticea. Il waa tlalnly dreed, elean shaved except a naayy moua- uciio. tie is slightly eorpttient and weins about 200 pounds, and looked aa if be had been well treated daring the two yeArs he nas been in Jul. uieeaospe seems rtmaric able. There is a hue stride from a sentene to the gallows to one year mj'.lie penitentiary journal. W . , . I , iiik ..usu,-ronowing is the menu for the Conundrum supper to be given to morrow evening by the Eoworth Leairue ot tne i c cnurcn, at ttic wtll Halt beginning at 5 o clock: , 1. Chinese LaGrlppe, 5c. a. Boston' Overthrow, 5c. 3. A Group of Islands, 5c. 4. A Woman's Weapon, 5c. 5. Preserved in the Ark, ac. 6. Lubricated Staff, 3. 7. Add Vilified, tc. 8. tlool Impudence, IC. y. A Poroua Marine Substance, jc. 10. Syrup Preserved, ic. it. Original Package, 5c. u. The Best Thing in the World.ioc. 13. Coal Cup, ac. 14. OentUtic, Gratis. All are Invited. Mi Swaxtox. Following I tlie pro gram to Us given on Kalurday evening, next, at tne I'rcsnvterlan church, one which promises to be of a choice order. at nT: Music. Organ Voluntary, by W 11 Lee, nxsiiatton, n l .oao LJlil. liavne. Keel tatlon, The Tell Tale, Anon . Recitation Humorous, selected. be lections from Shakes pcre. Music, selected, by Male Quartet. FART SKCOKD: Character Recitation, selected. Keclta tfcu. Home, (patriotic), Somcrvltie. Rec tiatlon, La Grippe, Anon. Cornet Solo, Blue Bells of Scotland, with variations, bv S N Steele. Recitation, Papa' Letter, Anon. Recitation, Romance of a Ham mock, 11 Nye. Christmas at the Quar ters, In which a banjo 1 introduced, Russell. Musk. Medley, violin, G S Acheson, pic colo, IJ B Morgan, guitar, E E Goff. idav. Tab 1 Good FrUla).. Tbe Baeoa Vista pottery works ar roc etng agaiu. Th tliatri'it teacher institute will begn basiness 10 Alb y on TuesUy of nxt wk. ThnewK.t P hall, in tba Baltimore block will b ded.ca'ed 00 Thsrsslay Aptil 13, This it Iwiti insde one of the baud -oaitit h.Ua iu tb j state. Gen iherman two sot. applied in New York for letters -t adtiiinlitratioii nu their fatber'a estate Th general hi t r o wi'I.aod his I ertoosl estate dor not esoeed $23U0. A society fir tbo preveolie 1 of cruelly 10 snimsl baa been cajt in Salem. Tb Dkmocrat hsa been told of ease where on ntijtht work in Aloaay. Elsewhere appears a I al advertisement for Mia E J Barrow, of Oakland, Cal. Tb DsMOcnAT know Mis Barrow well, aud can say that any business entrusted to ber wiit be faithfully attended to. Sam and Fred Goets have formed a patt oersbipia the resUmant business and have also purt hsted tbe bakery onlfU of Black -burn & 1 isroni, which thay will ran in occ.neotion with tbe Dalmouioo restaurant. O A Cbenney is aonn to start tha Weekly Journal, a Fanner' Alliance paper. The Suudav Tolesoope, a apo.-ting paper a sensAtiaaal and spicy style, i anon to be issued from the job o5ce of C W Watte. Who the editors are ia a tU secret. Herald. . A Walla Wall dispatch says that last evening the train from Slarbuea brought F V D May, of Pomeroy, a newspaper man. Ha told a reporter that at Starbuok. this afternoon a walnnt-ahell Kama waa con ducted r-ytwo bunko men, who fleeced a aiok boy namod Bookman oat of $240, and other passengers nut of f 100. Tb railroad offi cial tent telegram ta the sheriff at Dayton. HA f CROAT. - ' Halin & Dawson, druggists. Buy yonr groceries ofl'arker Bro t Next Sunday a ill be Kaater. - Fbe groocries at Conn & Hendricson's. There are 133 saloon! in Spokana Falle. Notice tbe New York C. B. R. Store's ad. , Pieplant roola for.'aaloby J II Townsead. Men'a aox at ct.t at tha Saw Yoik C BR store, Miss Swauton art tbe Presbyterian church to-night. Genla glovoa at coat at the New York C B R store. Whit.i shirts at cost at tha New York C B R store. Bay Gasolino itcvoi from Mathews & Washburn. Gents underwear at coot'at tho NowJ York C B It store. Pants and overalls at cost at the New YorkO B Rtore. Two asae-iomonts in tba A O U W order for tho mon . h of April. Smoke tho celebrated Havana filled 5 oest cigar at J alius Joseph's. A Urgee'.ock, of wallpaper, with late de signs, at Fortmillor t Irviiig's,jast reoeived. Highest market price pnid for eirs at tha New York C. l lt. Store? See W F Read's line of dress goods and silks before buying elsewhere. ' Bargains in choice groceries' o.n always be secured of Allen BrosFlinn Block, In tbe horse show ' at Brownsville there were twenty-seven stallions and one jack. Watn'.ng, 50a a dozen, mending for men ftee,at Mrs Kings, jnst east of the Democrat office. Will & Stark have juat received a larxe and elegant stock of tiiverwaro, watches, etc., oover before equalled in thia city. E W Achison &Co are selling monuments at Portland prices. ' . 10,000 still left to loan on good farm se curity by S N Steel & Co. For bargains in monnmenta, headstones eto.,goto E W Achison&.Oo,Albany,OregOB Klein Bros, have reoeived the largest stoek of plow shoes ever brought to Albany, and aro selling them low.. Every pair of plow shoes sold by Klein Bros, that rip or run over will-be repaired by tlsem gratis. Rsmember thc jilanoing school and social at the Opera House tonight. Parties attend ing social will be admitted at 9:45. The largest stock of women and of jiissea shoes ever bronght to Albany can I e seen at Klcia Brts, and going at price that defy competition. Hopkins Cross received tho contract fr furtanbimt nH ttio irtlvsnised iron worw ?;r 1 ii n't". . iM i '., v i" ; .-..-vi, 'r : :--t E W Aoliiton k Co handle tbe celebrated Portland cement walls for ieterv lot. rhese wall can bs furnished at half ths ooet ef any other and ar far superior. Duncing school and social to oiuht. Clas to 10. Hoci.il 10 to 12. Partita arterw'incr ooial admitted at 0:43. (Ticket. 50 cent per couple, extra Indies, 23 cents aoh. Held at opera boot by Jl J Hopkins. Mr Best, tne artist, deslr to announce that hi class days are Monday and Toeaday of each week. Anyone wishing to see him should call on these days as be is teaching at Salem th real of tb wsk. s Ladies oan do their shopping in Ran Fran cisco without visiting- tb city, and without extra commission. Mis K J Barrows, Par chasing agsut, 1CC9 Grey 8t, Oakland, Cal Ycsterdsy at S 00k an Fall Char! El liott, whil occupying a boa atavsilety thter, abot three times at the ballet dancer, intending, to kill Lulu Dorand. bnt inttoad killing Mabel DeBabiao ami wound ing Carrie Smith . He tben shot hlmsolf in th mouth, killing himself instantly. Tbe "Night Off." of this e-'ty, ar a. tang ing to give an eseorsion to Albany in th near iniure. i ny will give their play and return to balem by moonlisht. The trio wilt be mad on Haturdsy, the boat leaving her torn time daring .be afternoon and rs- torn aliout mldoittbt, tho giving clerk an opportunity to rest on nunday. Journal. Fa vi so Taxes, The sheriff and hi two dcptutles are In their ahlrt sleeves to day tollecllnir taxes. Tho recelot have been about $kxk and $io.ooo during the weca, a total 01 about S8o,ooo lor th sea son. Mr Ls Archibald liquidated to-da for $010 7, which I bitf considering that it ia mostly on 1 500 acres of land. Kaktek HeavicK. A union service has been arranged by the Christian Kndcavor societies 01 this city, to be liebl In the uniU'ii rre tjyterian cliurcti on Sabbath morning at sunrise. 0 o'clock a. m. - All the members of Young People's societies in the city, and any others who would enjoy a service commemorating the res urrection 01 tne navior of men, are cor dially invited to attend. (Jossmtt, The meeting at the Y M C A Hall to morrow at 4 o clock will be one of much nterest. Rev 8 G Irvine of the United Presbyterian church will lead. Jas Clark, the noted singer, will be heard in ono or ins sacred selections. Mr F O cHreyfer.er, Prof of music at East Port land, will assist in the service of son at, There will be a number of resident min isters in attendance, and a lively and profitable service is anticipated. Let every member bring m friend. An invl tation is extended to all men. Kxc'r. Ciit'KCii Notices. Tbe services tomor row at the Presbyterian church wilt be as follows: 11 1 in preaching service subject of the sermon, "Christian Cour age, its duties." Sabbath school. 12:13 o in. Y l'Hb't meeting in the lecture room at 6 :45 p in. 7:lUpro a special Kaster service will be held. Tempi Commandery No 3 of thia city w ill attend All will be mode welcome to lueae ser vices, At the Congregational church Sunday morning f.oster services will be held, conducted by Prof Shorey. In tbe even. log the laat lecture to young people. suoject, .'uarriage ana uivorce." The usual services will beheld at the M E church. At 11am the pastor will preach a Easter sermon. Sunday school at 2 :.'0 p in. Kpworth League,! :30 p m. Easter services will be held at 7:30 by members of r-unday school. Everybody welcome. Service at Christian church will be con ducted by Rev ) M Li r gent, of Montana, at 1 1 a m. Al 7 :y p m services by pastor. Ja G Clark will then sing. TUETUtTU. When the McKinley bill was under dis cussion the democrats ot the senate and house produced evidence In the shape of Spanish advertisements chculaled in South America that manufacturer of agricultur al Implement were selling their good cheaper than they were at home. In spile ot the conclusive character of the evidence presmtcd there were denials of these statement. Lately Secretary Rusk him self. In commenting on the unsuccessful effort io organise a harvester trust, said that the American manutacUirei were selling agricultural implement? abroad cheaper than they were at home. On Man. day of last week, in discussing the tariff at Kennett Square wi.h Mr Horr, of Michl gan. Colonel McCUire.of the Philadelphia Tims, read a letter fom Mr A B Far- ijuhar, a large manufacturer and exporter ot agricultural rnplement to &outh America and Australia, from which the following is an extract: ''Of the agricultur al Implement used in South America, Mexico. Australia and South Africa we now manufacture a very large ptoportion in the United Sta'.cs. In tome section American Implements and machinery are used almost exclusively; fully three fourths of the plow used in South Amer ica aud South Africa are made in th! country. Our implement for export must be sold at very low prices, that Is, at a amall profit to Ihe .manufacturer, since we must compete with E.iland and Ger many, The prices obtained tor our agri cultural implements old abroad average from 5 per cent, to 15 per cent, lesa than what we get in this country. As I have several times had occasion to observe, the the manufacturer whu ts able to export his goods can have no use for protection ex cept to enable him lu extort more money from home purchasers than he is able to get from those abroad." The tariff duties on lumber and Iron increase the cost of production, and if on. account of foreign competition, the American manufacturer cannot reimburse himself from his foreign customer he must reimburse himself from the farmer of the United States. A writer in a paper called ''Land and V7 atet relates that while in a house in Jamaica, sud denly a moveing mass dropped from the cedar roof above on the table near where he was standing, which he found, on examination, to be the body of a large femaie scorpion, from which ran away in every direction thirty-eigh young scorpions, about one-fourth of an inch in length, Tbe mother scorpion lay dying, and soon ended her feeble struggle, a th whole of her back bad been eaten out by her own offspring, leaving but tbe thin outer shell She bad clung to the shingles until, death approaching, she had dropped, to expire in a few moments, and thui gave up her life for her young. Tne denocrats of Chicago had a split in their city convention and the result will be that they will have two candidates for mayor. Carter Harrison will run as an independent candidate. As usual he is making an ass of himself, rt'hile there is no show lor his election, ii is highly probably that he will defeat DeWitt C Ciegicr, the democratic nominee. YfOKTH t'ONSIDEKISG. F, M. French keeps railroad time. New cream cheese just leeeived at Conrad Meyers. Men . ' , n and boys' clothing and furolahmg goods at G VY Simpson's. Have yon seen those parlor suits that T Brink baa just received 1 They are nice. Great reduotion iuman' furnishing goods for the next 30 days at W F Raad . J W Rent ley, beat boot and ahoe makerin city, three doors north of Democrat offio. Brighten up your old rubbers and old sboea and maketbero took as good aa nww with Wolff "a Aome Waterproof Polish. For saleat Simnel E Young's. FOR DYSPEPSIA and liver Complaint you have a prints guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh s Vitaliaer. it never fails to enre, Foshay & Mason, agenta. aldafiy :on. ilsi ' Yin rT"VrC s' J k J -: S ,9 ONI2 15 r- lO'ls"' IJ'itli tho lueihml pjhI rcmlH whet. Hynip of i'n k tnVwi ; it h f'efinant dim! reffwUsiig to tl.o tatr n;id acta enlly yet promptly !i iho Kidney, Liv r and VUivtuh, cknumg the nyis tem efif;tiia!!y, 2;-jf!i coMs, 1 aches and fevers pih! cures lialiltttp.l coiig'Jpatk)!). ftyrup of Fig. ia tbs only remedy of its kind ever pr iluccd, pleing to the t&stc aaao v iq to tbft etorcadi, ptoinpt in .;'.bn tnd truly iutficlal in its 'Slut4; . many excellent qualities l omi-.eiKl it to alL It U for rale in 50c nnd $1 Lottks ty &U JcadiDg "M(rAeTua:B cmly or rut CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, C'U t-ovmiuf. nr. ntvt rem. K.r HORSEMEN, We are prepared to faroifch your posters fit 1891,1a tbe best style Also aoyjttber printing desired. E C. PHELPS, Book and Job Printer, sjaTTweedale Block over Well t Fargo A Co' Express tfHse. . ALBANY -: OMEGON. Af ANTED SAlESM"! Ural aad Travetlae fx,i ehatK! Dcxi't nits Hi 1 a esp UtJ to rvpnaeet a reliable firm thst ar rants Durrry Utrk trst-rtaa, and true to bum. WORK ALL TUE YEAR, and good fey wwliljr " arKic nxw- Anptf (ii'-s, ataUb a. Ia. Xa. 3VX i.T"Se CO, Jtarw-ryaiea. Flnt aad Smlmrv. at rant. jiaat (Tbls bouse la reajoisM iu. 0AI UURES WiHIaHllllll nhedmalism, Keuralgla, Ccrns HEADACHE. Ana ALL PAIN. TVs Csliforaia Fssttivs sal Ktcatlve ELECTRIC COUGH CUBE t VB CS COLDS, CS0UP. C0SSUMPJI0K. BellkyaUSregsUU. Eaek 2Se, 60 k 1 Oreaalocer AV Co . Prop'a. Lew Ana, Oa. 1 , -f rT" V A piunplilet at tmermatKn ana 11 V U(doItlISWaAISIlUU' f K OUaia Paienu. fayeaia. Trade - lu.w, rnmtflitL aaaf. free. SiuN av !. Itevsre House; UBANY, - - OREGON SHAS. PFE1FFEK PROPRIETOR, FHtad no In firat-class style. Tables Supplied with the beet to tbe market, aiioe aleeptaearmrtroenta. Sample room' r eoiainoroial travelers. Caveats, and Trade-Marks oMatned, and all Pat tut business eomlncted for Mederat Fees. Our Offit is Opposite II. $. Patent Oflice. and we eaa ternre patent iu lues time than Uxoss reraute Irom Washington. Bend modul, drawinR or pliotcs, with descrip tion. Vie a Irise, If patenxable or not, free o! charpe. Our fee not one till patent is secured. A PamphM, "How to Obtam Patents," with names of acta-J clients in your Suite, county, or town, sent free. Address, c.A.snow&co. Opposite Patsr.t 03c. WasJiIr.o'oa. D. C THE BEST. Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1831 will U mailed FREE? toallsppucanw, and to last season s. leustoiarrs. It is belter than ever. f very persoa uiinjt uaram, t i shou d send far it. Address I I D. M. FERRY A CO. I . i OETROIT, MICH. t f Lanat Seedsmen m the world f j niDrc coos!-' Colds. Influents.. EroneMHs. yuiiLu Honrsi ness, WhooDing Cough, Croup, Sore Throat. Asir ma, and every aftptiwn oi tha Throat, Lungaand Chest, intlvulmi; Cpnsumntlon, Speedy and Dermal sut. Genuine signed " L Sstta," STEUL PEE3S 4 G Sample Fann, ttiiTereBt pat-toma, iu ! , fWi h.' I i-Iato.l BiiBitSl iitt-, sent posfriiaid 40 receipt of IO Cii-VAS. . FEESY & 03 , Icnsn. E-iat. VtT. will pnv tho fiboT s reward for any ca; cf T ,iiaLit't Co'.tt-s-ci? 0 ca;-4it'-f, c nr h v; r;l! fi vi-; ; H . 'I vat ;-;-. - ri :: ;. : TCH SCALES I OF $60 ) BIHGHA?.1TCS Beam Sex Tar Beam is H. Y. A. V. ataa q V fc. St Broadway. s- t II I ujWi iiuum fMjj v.aaswws myii jism !7a Iflfl mis iii'iliarS liilrffrW n ' - hit - A " v'ma ' ''9 I'd"!