FRIDAY MARCH 27, 1891 8TITE3 & Rdltar aad KUTTIITO. rroprletere. LOCAL KEOOUD. A Bad Cam. Th Pkmocrat ia given the particular ly an eyo witness of one of the boldest attempts at robhery ever reported, tho mere facts of which present a startling picture. A young man Icli for r.rownsville Monday afternoon, lielng quite Intoxicated, with fHO in liis pocket book, which had been placed thereat the train by a friend who had lxcn keeping it for hi to. Somo men on the train had wen requested to watch him. As the train left a young man of this city, with an unsavory reputation, boarded it and ecemcd to lc watching the drunken man pretty closely Just before the conduc tor came in the young man said, ho would attend to the drunken fellow's fare and deliberately reached down in bis pocket, took the pocket book from his pocket. and w hen the conductor came in paid both of their fares from it, putting the book back; but directly afterwards reached down in the man's pocket and took the money out and said he guewed he would take care of it for him. The conductor and pnaactiKers said they guessed he wouldn't. From the juuclion he beat bis way to lirowusville, not hnving any money. There the Constable was noti tied, and took the drunken young man in t'imrge. Kven after the paengcrs left tTio truiii the Albany young man malted bark into the train ; but the Constable was running matters. Then bo tried to lxirrow J0; but of course it was refused. The young man bad becu railing on a young lady there, and Mine one notified lier before ho called. When he reached the gate she pointed towards it and said Bulwtanthitty, "I am told you tried to rob a man cu the train. Now set. acd don't come again," and be left, declaring some one bad lied about him. Though be did not come back on the train he w as seen hero late in the evening w ith his hoes covered with mud. The ease shows a very bad condition of affairs. A Mad Englishman. Real estate men as well as lawyers, sometimes have some fun. - Sunday an Albany leal estate man look an Englishman, just from his native country, over into lienton county to see the KeUay farm . Ttiey had quite a dis pute over'the price of the land, the price atked being an acre, while the fcng Mthman would have liked to have secured It for about $10. lie refused to buy, amid some iceitng on Ms part. When they reached the btrry landing on their return, the boat was on this side the river. The reman, while waiting, diovo his team into the liver for a drink, a common cus tom. Be accident they went off into deep water, both getting wet up to the armpits. The Englishman was excited, and angrily yelled: "Hah, you vaghabond, you want to crown me, do you, because I won't buy your farm, you vaghabond. you!" The horses turned and took them safely to the shore, when the Englishman jumped from the wagon and refuted to rwe any further with the real estate man He was seen during the remainder of the evening drying his clothes beside a fire, In not a very enviable state of mind. Controlled or the Vandkrbilts. The Salt Lake Times of March 19th gives a description c f the Oregon Pacific route to isolse City, thence, under a proposed scheme following the survev of Salt Lake, Boise City & ilailey R R to llaliey and Salt Lake, connecting with the Rio Grande. The Rio Grande Western actual, ly had a man In the field figuring on the value of the O P; but Manager Dodge when asked about It said : "We have not entered icto any negotlttlons for the pur chase of the Oregon Pacific or any other road and we are not expecting to make any extensions other than a few local lines in Utah, of which everyone knows." "Have you not been considering the advantage of owning the Oregon Pacific?" asaed there porter." The Oregon Pacific Is a gocd property, and might not be a bad Invest ment. We have paid some attention to It, as we have to various other roads. Even If we wanted It. 1 doubt 1 bet her we could get hold of it, as its stock is controlled by the Vandcrbiits, and If any road gets it.lhe Chicago Si Northwestern would be the .most likely one." An Or ego Max. The Evening Star, of Washington, publishes a picture of Hon if II Giilrey, a former Oregonian, and well known in Albany, with the following notice: A very important position Is that of principal legislative clerk. The man who fills it muit know a great deal about practical senatorial It-glaalion and no one ever accused H if Gi.fry of ignorance as to hi duties. Mr Gilfry was born In 1 11 nois in 1S51 and spent six months of Ms juvenile existence In costing the plains to Oregon, accompanied by his father and mother, lie is sttll a resident of Oregon. He received a classical education at the j Willamette University, Salem, Or., and was given the degree of A. M. Admi'.ted to the bar, Mr Gilfry practiced for some time. He is a past grand master of the Odd Fellows of his state. He entered the secretary's office on June 11, 1879,8 index clerk.and one month later was transferred to the desk he now occupies In the Senate chamber. His duties comprise the indors ing on backs of Mils, petitions and memo rials memoranda of the action or inaction of the Serate. He catts the roll of the Senate on a'l yea and nay votes and In all these years has never made a mistake in his results. When the chief clerk Is ab sent Mr Gilfry takes charge of all legisla tion on the desk. Lazy Kesatoeh. In an article from a Washington correspondence the follow ing would indicate that Senator Mitchell is not one of them. The task of attend ing to his enormous correspondence alone, even that in reference to the Albany poetoffice, would take most men most of their time : -"Senator Mitchell is a very hard working man. He seldom listens to the debates, but reads them all ai a meant of saving them. He sits next to Senator Plumb and furnishes a marked contrast to bim. l'lumb is boisterously busy all the time.w hile Senator Mitchell Bits fjuietly coning in, always reading or writing when at his desk. I have never een Senator Mitchell in an idling atti tude at bis desk and he never stops, as many do, to chat with other senators. He appears to settle all questions for himself, and to live upon bard work." Pay Yocr County Tax a -This is the last week for paying county taxes, and is the week when a great many wait to at tend to the matter. The Sheriff looks for at least $30,000 cah. This morning a Democrat man run across Mr Scott wit), a sack of gold just taken from the Express office. It was the b'ggest single payment of the year, and contained $5013 79, all in gold but $ 3.79,comir.g from the Southern Pacific Co. The Democrat man was al lowed to take hold of It in order to keep tip his spirits until after harvest comes again. Among those who will pay this week will be three Albany men whose united taxs will be about $3200. Tut Only Towk. "This is the only town In America where the people do not patronize a first class hotel when one is maintained for them In good faith, "said Landlord Wagner, of The Willamette, to a Journal reporter. The truth U It takes a big place to support an elephant of a hotel like the Willamette. A city of 7500 line oaiem is not Dig enough.. They are Immense advertisers but for utility they do not pan out well. Albany probably has the best managed hotels In Oregon, and the reporters never have to be Interviewed to liven up their business. Just Simply Tramps. There are 1 ood many bilks through the country get ting free meals and rides from town to town, who are no better than tramps. Re- crntl f one was helped on his wsy as far as 8hcdd. Though he had $10,000 back east he could nt have bought a square meal Don't look out for black moustached fel lows as some papers advise; but keep yjur eyes open 101 an Kino 01 men. Another Sk;w. Almost every day nome new evidence of Albany's Increasing metropolitan character occurs. The West ern Union messenger boy wears a genuine mrMeti;;ir boys rap such as is worn In the M' cit v of New York ; btitunliketheNew York 'boys he ha some, a peed. Within i,tKn.t two year we will lno have letter 4 uors anowi A stallion show was held in Albany this afternoon. Owing to several causes one of which was tlio lack of advert! In if. the attendance of horses was small. Following is a list: Oneco. 84(11, owned bv McKnight I'ros ; son ot Aitamont, record a:'.!).; beauti- ful dark bay. Dunstnulr Lad, 7144, ow ned by Zim merman Jtros ; 4 years old, weiKht 1W0, handsome dark bay with tine blood. Obeli, French roach, 1520, five years old; tine black. lHo, rvoniinn, Hint) Urn, eight yenra old j a large, massive, com manding looking black, with blue blood. Galloway, Clydesdale, 100 pounds ; large brown, brave looking horte, of the bent of hi blood; all registered; owned by iiuston tiros. Niger, registered in America and France, six years old, 1450 pounds, owned by Wheeler Bros; nn elegant looking J-rencn coach, with good carnage. Ikd Norte. 12JW3. ton of Altamont, three years old, line trotting blood; a handsome coal black, full ot mettle owned by Barrows llroa. Golden Kmperor, Cleveland bay, seven years old, weight lW. a lino looking Day; registered ; owned ty James l-lack-buru. liaised by l'eter Hither. Titus, A!.14, seven years oU.a large, powerful l'ercheron. black, with good style; owned by Fred W ltlumUrg. MrtUaged by Harrow tiros. Cannock Oak, regiHtervd in Kngland and America: four years old, 1010 lb; a handsome brown, ow ned by Win Kilts, of 1 ten ton couny. McGregor, four rears old. weight 1702: fine looking, full blooded Clydesdale, ow ned by 8 K Cooper. Neeo, two years old, weight 1500, a solid, gray l'ercheron, owned by Kobt Murphy. IVtn. four rears old. lOti.l : a fine look ing iron grav lVrcheron, owned bv A J Hill. . reurlwood. 6073. six rears old. 1100 pounds, a gamy, sorrel 1 iauiblcton, own ed by 8 O Gourley. Iesirc8, eight years old. 1U20 pounds.a noble, gray l ercheron, full of animation, ow ned by Peter Kiluy. treat ftlaaaMtr!" We shall offer fur the next thirty days our entire stock of Clothing at from seventy-five to one hundred per csnt less than Ik mrttat cost cj raw tt W. MTo particularize, we mention pairs Men's All Wool Trousers at $1.67 per pair. Former price, $11 00 "17,960 pairs .Hoys Short ranis at 35 cent, or three pair far $i,oc. Former price, $3.00 per pair. 9,ooo lilac k Diagonal Doable Urcastcd Prince Albert Coats and Vesti at f 3.20. Former price, $17.00 "And everything In proportion! "Talk about selling clothing! This will be the most tremendous sell on recorc". "How can we afford to do Ui Because we are the largest manufacturers of Cloth ing on earth. To give you an idea of our Immensity : We consumed li the year 1890 over one quadrillion of Mutton. Over one billion of ,ISias jkioxs, 1JS91 will take the combined output of thte jomnJedt$ to produce the trass rr quired to run our bus iness, "If all the silk thread, used in our fifty two factories in one jear.wcre twisted into a rope one Inch In diameter, It would then reach twice around the world, and leave enough over to supply all the other clothing factories in the United States un til 1897. "Buy at headquartcri! The above is an exaggerated style of ad vertisement, taken from an eastern paper, of course without any truth In It; but it you want to see a good line of clothing at reasonable prices, call on L E Blaln, th" leading clothier, Crawford Block, Albany, Oregon. A Fmt Horse. One ot the Sneat stal lions in the paradd was Titus, with a doable register, reaching back into the best l'ercheron stock, with strains of blood to be proud of. Titus cost the present owner, Mr Blumberg, f.2000, and bis splendid pedigree justitiee it. He js an uncommon horse, and breeders should consider his merits before securing the services of a stallion. Mr C K Harrow s has charge of him, and places and dates will hereafter be named. A CoNuxDSfM Supper will be served at W C T U Hall on Friday, March a;th. 1891, under the auspice f the Kpwor'.h League of the First M. E Church, The tables will be set at 5 p. m., (upper to be scived thereafter duilng the evening. The bill of fare is to be something ne a will be shown by the copies of it ptiblUhtd in the paper of next '1 hursday evening and Friday morning. All are invited. Rec Hot TwTzs. The O P has com menced digging oown the mountain along the front at Yaquina City, and fillii.g in th,e space between the cribbing and the Yaquina hotel. The cribbing along' the front of the city is to riprapped, which will take an immense amount of atone, and other work is projected that, If pushed along a expected, will make lime rcdhot in tht burg all the coming season. To ledo Post. A Monument. When Hon O N Denny arrives in the Willamette valley in June, from hi many years sojourn in China and Corea, he will find the vadcy well filled with Chinese pheasant a a monument to his generot-ity tnd interest In Oregon, and will also find a atuflei one on nearly every mantle and in many store window A New Minister. The Congrega tional church, of this city, haa extended a call to Rev A J McLeod, of Groton, Con necticut. Rev Shorey's engagement six months will soon expire, and he find it impossible to continue to supply the pul- it although earnestly aollcited to do so the congregaton. Stop just about in the middle of the block, on First street, south side, be tween Broadalbin ana Ellsworth, and you will find a place where yoa can al way 1 get first-class groceries and fresh produce at reasonable prices and be well treated without extra price. The sign reads 'Tarker Bros.," and everybody knows the name. Their baked goods are the best. Their stock of goods generally kept replenished to meet the demands of a growing trade. Cheap Wood.' Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only 13 a cord Leave orders at 1' W Spibkg' lumber yard. Faosf now until April 1st you can buy a pair of (3 SO Imperial Dorey kid shoes for 3. A genuine hand-sewed $4 60 nex iable sole shoe at (4, and the best brand I Imperial kid and all other winter goods at a like reduction, as we mut make room for our large spring stock, which is daily arriving at Klein Bros exclusive boot and shoe store. Babe Bargains. 30 doz men's laun- dried white shirts at 60 cts worth $1 00 to tl 25. 10 doz men's unlaundrted white shirts at 40 cts worth 75 cte to $1 00. 30 doz four-in-hand tie at 23 cts worth 60 Cts to 75 cts. A lew uavs only, bale commences to day and for a few days only a the above Only Ones in Oregon. Richards & Phillips.of this city, have the only twiht ing machine and the only machine for manufacturing pressed wood orna ments in Oregon. These machines are doing good work and anyone wanting anything in these lines should give them a can. " SpuiNrt-MiniNERY-ida M Brush ha opened the finest selection of millinery ever brought to Albady and price the lowest. Will be pleased to show goods at any time. Millinery i'ariors,ln the IJIunv berg Block. New Spring Goods. I am now re ceiving my first Invoice of spring novel , ties in wash goods, prints, cinghams, seer suckers, etc., 1 have also just received i new line ot alt wool summer plaids and beiges. . Samoel E Young. Th beet of the season, Caroline Gigo and tho Kecaei in Mr Baraos of New York. Ti. ktfs for ALL r-.uti), for B.110 eat. tt-ra by W. points, over L, J litter, at SOfUL AXI rKRSOJUL, TtrifSUAV. Mr CharUa Warner, of Sclo, U in the mi ivuay, 1 Dr E O Hyde, of Sclo, was In the city uveroaouatn. Mr Fred riper, of Seattle, was In the el'y this noon. Mr Walter lluklon; of HitrrUburg, was in me city tins loreuoon. V S Smith, of Shedd, has begun attend Ing the Willamette University, at Salem. Mr Tengra, a prominent ofliclal of the Southern racifk,has been In the city today, MrJ M Mover, of the Albany Woolen Airi store, ot roruand, returned home this noon Ju.luo IicUe and DMrlcl Attorney HliigltHin began business at McMlnnvllle today. Mr Mckinley Mitchell, the Gervals merchant who recently tidied, was in the city today. Kev Romlngcr delivers his mummy lecture at the Marnuam oranu opera house in fort. and tonight. Mrs Jos McDonald and child, f 1'ort land, returned to their home after a visit of a week or two In Albany, Ex-Sheriff t C Dickey, of Turner, came up on the n:on tiain on a snort visit with his Albany friends. Mr Dickey has been HI lor several week. Mr I.ouU Miller and wife returned this noon from a five month visit In Spokane rails, accompanied by Mr ana Mrs Wol- verton and children, who will return the vUit for awhile. R Glais, of Glass & Prudhnmlc, litho graphem, of Vortland, formerly editor of the IVilis Itcmlacr and McMlnnvllle Recister, liai bten In the city today on business. The mcmlcr of the First Baptist church will give a farewell reception to their former pastor, Rev L Trumbull and his family, 011 Tuesday evening, March 14th. Member of the congregation and other fi lends are invited. A IMMl'l s-AaWBLL PARTY. On last Saturday evening the tlantlst Chinese mission room on Second street, were the scene of a very unique and pica. anteviit. The occasion was a farewell social given by the Chinese school to their teacher, Mr L I Trumbull. ills Roe and Grace Trumbull, previous to their departure for La Grande. Invita tion had been given to the officer, mem ber of the Baptist church, and other In terested in the school, who on going to the mission room were surprised ar.d de lighted by the roysl manner in which. they were entertained by the Chinese. T'i'c rerlr part ot the evening was spent In Inglng and conversation, alter which Charley Joy Yuen Kwong made a nice utile spcecn, bidding welcome to tncir guest and expressing th dcsl.e ot ll. e bovs to show some appreciation of the I kind interest their teacher and friends had taken In thtir welfare, end ttulr ierct at their departure. Rev L J Trumbull res ponded on behalf of those present, and then all were invited to sit down to the table, upon which a fine collation had been spread. Everything was elegantly served in the best ot style on delicate china ware. At a late hour the company dispersed greatly pleased and more deep ly Interested In this form cf Christian mis sion work, which made possible such a gathering with the spirit that was present. Among others present were Rev L J Trumbull and family, Jason Wheeler and wife, John Foshav, II F Merrill, Mr J S Dickenson and famltv, Ml Mary Reed, Rev Geo W lllll, Mis Alice Richards, Ml Cell l'cnnlnuton, Fred Dawson, Charley Jov Yuen Kwong, Yuen Fong, Gee Wo, Jim Go w, II h Lee -Way and Jim WeslfaH and wife. MONDAY. Rev J Bowersox will preach In the M E Church South to-night. Mies Lorn Vance went to Turner to day on a visit with relatives. Superintendent McGuire, of the Ore gonian R It, was in the city today. Mrs Sherman, recently of opening a millinery store in the Strahan block. Hon Jeff Meyers was in the city lat evening on hi way to Sclo, where he I perfectly safe now. II L and Z II Rudd, of Peoria, were in the city on their way home from a trip to Seattle. Mr W a Met ice's school at Scio having closed the regular term, he 1ms returned to his home at this city. Miss Hidey, a sifter of Mrs N Thomp son, of Rrowmtville, in in the city, the guet of Mr C K Browuell. G C Stanard returned this morning from atrip to Brownsville, accompanied by Lis brother-in-law, Mr Franzen. Mr Goldsworthy, brother In-law of Ni)htwatch Lee, In response to a dispatch that his mother was dangerously ill left thl noon for Wisconsin. Mr J H Campbell and family have moved from Nhedd to Albany and will make this Ms home. Mr Cam be II con template building In the Third ward. J C Wirt, of the Hamilton Creek saw mill, is in the city. The firm name now is Wirt&Barrigan, Jennings & McPher- son being out of the business entirely. The Misses Welch and Clavoonl. nieces of Mr James Elkins aid Jason Wheeler, who have been visiting here the Past month, left today for their eastern Ore gon homes. Mr Mark Prumro.the accomplished ad vance sgent of ihe Caroline Gage Dramaic Co., one of the best t roups ever in Al bany I In the city making arrangement for their appearance here next Monday . Colvig. Clow. Hamilton and Miller, of the railroad sinecure, were in the city today, and, accompanied by Manager jioag, with Conductor Kennedy in charge of the train, went to the front over the O P road to examine the ties and rails. Capt W W Founders Is slowly recover ing at the state prison after a eerions ill ness of spinal fever. Since his sickness place in the prison pharmacy has 1 filled by Will Haw kins, who was also sentenced from Marion county. Statesman. Mr J F Venner. of Brownsville, was in the city todav. sellinir stock in tho Calipooia Mining company, with head quarters at that city. The company has twenty claims and, practically, a monop oly, with only 300,000 shares. Fifty cents a share is now anked lor the stock, and we predict it will be worth several times that within a year or two. Jt is proposed to put in a mill this summer and (level ope the mines wtuwreiMY. Dr Gray, who hat been confined to bis house several day by illness I able to be out again. E L Thompson has accepted the posi tion of special agent for the Northwest Insurance Company. Ex-Senator J P Wager, of seeking health in California ; but, accord ing to the Vj. V , lie is anticipating death most any time. Mr James G Claik, the famous ballad linger, will dug at the Christian Church on Monday evening, admission 25 and 15 cents. He will be In the city over Sunday. Mist Maggie Murry, of Albany, returned to her stc dies at the Academy of the Sacred Heart yesterday, afler a couple of day visit with her parents. ' W L Nutting, of Portland, a real estate man and lawyer, not having the honor of any relationship to the Democrat's man about town, was in the city today. Mr S N Steele, in the real estate busi ness here for about a vrar. has formed a partnership with Mr JM follock.a former Wicima, Nan , irienu, Mr Dos Turner, of Tangent, left today for Pendleton, with a view to investing In U manna land to oe sold irom the reserva tion beginning on April lt. Mr J R Chamberlain, the mason, re turned yesterday from Corvallis, where he had been to see the plans of a couple new bricks, with a view to bidding on the same. Mr Thomas Monteith, the new post master, has begun practicing in the Al bany post office in order to be up with the business when his commission ar rives. - Mr Jim Titus, of in the city. Mr iitus is one of the old Albany bovs. formerly in the jewelry business here; but for several years has been in the stock business and now has stables in Tacoma. Mr Frank Hastings, Henry Walter and Mr White arrived irom the mines last evening. They reported about two feet of snow at the mines and about nine feet on the summit. Mr II Ames remained in chaste of the mines. FARKWELL RECEPTION TO A PASTOR. Last night the members of the Baptist church gave a farewell reception to their lortuer pastor. Rev L J trumbuli, which was attended by a large number. It has been some months since Mr Trumbull closed his work with tho church here, going nt once to take up the work of district mlHsiotiary ot th t state conven tion for eastern Oregon, but his family have remained behind until now, when they go to take up their retldenco at I -a Grande, so thooeeanion was taken by the people ot his former charge to express their appreciation ot his work among thrm. The platform of the church was decor ated w llh How era and foliuge plant, and presented a tilensiiiu appearance. MuhIo w as lead by the male uunrtet choir of tho ciitircii. Rev Geo W lllll, the present pastor. spoke of Mr Trumbull's three years pas torate in Albany, as viewed uy ins suc cessor, declaring it to bo eminent v sue cestui, as the liuld was left in good con dition in eveiy way, ami tho seed had been faithfully sown front which such a bountiful harvest had been reaped dur ing the past few mouths. Reference was also madn to the encouraging work among tho Chinese by Mr Trumbull's family. Deacon John Foshav snoke on behalf of the church and congregation, testify ing to the good work done in minding up the church and the appreciation of those who had enjoyed his ministry. concluding with the presentation to Mr lrumnun ot a purae ot n, oiiored uy the members of the church and congregation as a token of their esteem and apprecia tion. Mr Trumbull reaiHinded fittingly in expre'Hiun of his recognition of the kind intercut shown by this demonstra tion. After which tho ladies ot the church served refreshment, and all seemed to enjoy themselves socially. 1 Hiring Air irtiuiiiui. s three yearn paatorate the temporal ami spiritual in terests of the Buptlt church were great ly advanced. The membership was htrguly increased. The parsonage was begun and moat of the fund provided for its erection. In leaving the citr Mr Trumbull and his family leave many warm friend ou table of tho church whose confidence and friendship their work and worth have won. The Democrat people, among many others, w ill have the kindest remembrances for this worthy family. Kev Trumbull requests us, for bis part, to return the thanks ot himself and fam ily tor the generous gift and the splendid treatment received. HtariTa. In Oakland, California, the Congrega tional church take the lead with UlO member. The Presbyterians have 1080, Methodist 1000, Baptist 570, etc. There are several old wooden shanties left along First street that should be ic placed with brick. Will the owner strike thl summer. The Portland Welcome say: No won der the (pedal police are "fat and aaitcy ,' lor from Ihe Chinese grmbler alone they gel $970 a month. The forty tan game pay . a week each, or a total of $640 a month; the thirteen iwttery games pay Si 50 a week, or a totat ot $130 a month, while the chuck a-luck a a met. now re duced to ten, pay $c a week, or a total monthly blackmail of f 3000 a month. G R f hrltman has let a contract to F L Whitcombattia per thousand for the brick laid In the wall for hi soxSo brick stores at the corner of Willamette and 9th streets, and has let the contract for the other work to Wit Fenton for Work will commence about April 1. The Salem foundry will furnUh the iron. The build ing will cost perhaps $15,000 to f 10,000. and will be one ot the finest business house In Eugene. Eugene Guard. The Mr Downs, ot Portland, who left her husband and came to Albany last January, afterward returning to Portland ai.d living with him, I again in trouble. Last week Down found a man named Anderson In the house with hi wife, after he had broken the door In to get In. 11 thrashed Andcrsan, slapped hi wife and then had both of them arretted. On the other hand the say Down ha made her life miserable by exec. he dilnklng, Nebraska people have been writing to Oregon giving that iate "perfect fit." Here U a growl from the other side, man from Eugene writing to Nebraska a long letter, of which the tullowfng 1 the intro ductory: "I thought I woulj write a few lines myself, and the first !. about the old wrb-fect, or In other word the noblt and generous old gray bearded Oregonian. I claim ar.d tu prove my ai sen Ion thai they are the mmt selfish lot ot people on the fsce cf God' green eaith.fur Instance: the council we have here in Eugene at present have run the place, from what I can learn, ever since It wi Incorporated 13 or 20 year ,igo and Uu$ county clerk held hi o lice tor 18 or ao year and they di every tli lug else in regard to office hold ing the same way the mayor ha been In for yeais, he ha plenty of money to loan and he appoint hi favorite marshal and hs i a money loaner." An effort will lx made to raise $60,000 for the World's fair by counties. Linn county has been set down for $1000. We would like to see it raised, but the troth is. the counties won't respond as request ed, excepting perhaps Multnomah. A real estate dealer, of PortTownsend, Wash., in a private U tter to a gentleman in this city nays: "What can you say of times in Oregon? Here it is qniet and dull, money tight, faces long, credit poor. interest high.people leaving town except gamblers." This shows that we, of Ore- f:on, are no worse off than the people of looming (?) Washington. Uoseburg Review. , While H J Wilson's little girl, Bessie, was playing on his farm near tanyon vine last Saturday evening, she found a goia nugget weighing in value?. Mr Wilson feels very much elated over the find and will doubtless look for more of the precious metal. Uoseburg Review. As Alban r has no Salvation army an item from some other town occasionally will at least revive old memories. The Astoriar savsi "George Uarneberg. the latest gosling to monkey with the Salva tion Artny.was given a choice often days or a 20 fine yesterday by Justice Cleve land. Serves him right If any one goes there and doesn't behave himself, cinch 'em every time. Notwithstanding the fact that Albany is in direct railroad communication with the Santiam mines, and the nearest of the larger cities, the Salem Journal after the fanhion of some of its railroad items has the cheek to say; "Salem will ne cessarily be the center for aunnlics for that region. The majority of the com panies are located in this city, the money is hero and the foundry and factories are here, and from that reason alone baiem k ill be the principal seat of business for that entire district, ihe Jast side rail road which runs in a few miles of the city will make a terminus here, and run a branch line to the mines, ana also make connections here with Southern Pacific." Like numerous other roads such a road will only be in the air. Ten years from now Salem people will be going to the mines by way of Albany. Bbab in Mind. That Conn Allendric- son keep a first-class stock of groceries produce, etc. That they do their own work, Consequently their expenses are light, And they can sell at bottom prices. Large qales and small profits. Courteous treatment to customers. Best goods in tho market, And the freshest in the different de partments, . . . Are the rules they go by. CATARRH CURED, health land wect breath ecured,by tihilch' Catarrh Remedy Price CO cent. Nasal Injector freo. Fo hay & MaaoD, ageot. 1 tcliu laitley &Err.Uey,C:rrrliiter Keep it ia your mind that Alien Broa pro pose keeping the kind or groceries tn puuue maud. Xhoir etook i a line one. A Pue stock ot lace curtain for 00 cents t(.?10 to suit the customer, at Fortrniler & Irvii'aV. !tl MS 4VD ABaAt MONDAY, The woolen mill are pushed to thtiir fail sat capacity to mart ordur. Dminty tax taornna dclinqnout ou April I. llavs yon liquldatveT A "Box of a'piikey'' is tint fut.tiy nam of an cotettaitimenc coining tin way. Ceil Jo U JoiiMstntie, tli wi.l! known eoi fvibirat toldi , AUA Kalnriley tiiMbt. Tba Ortvoti StUnn U forty jeai old, Tbera ar no bufttard ou the fct.atuinaii, It is alive all over. I ho 1111111 (tl Ariour i siuiir i.ook l inca this afternoon. at th rfnihoouof MrTal and was wall attended." About 700i biislif Is of what rrnta'n un sold in the Karn en wurtjlumre.sud 15JTK.0 bushel IB lh jargens wn nouse. Mi Rwsnton w ill be at th ?tjrUu ohuroti Hturrlay aviiiDg, Mrh 28. The pregrsm wlil be lutrpien with attractive Mr 8 N Steels will tender "Dili Unlliof SootUnd'wilb variation, corns t olo. All lovtira of oomnt musio should nt t fsil to hear him Admission aid b 0a. Children ball prio. TI'KI1AY. "Bucking th tinr-r" is Mid Irtfc lliIcl(d in iu Albsny somew hat. The Bslrm Rod and Cun Club w.ll a s'.sU shoot on May 22ud ami U3rd. A Urge number pria?a will I civen Clilinda aper a-rt that !) Voting of theChloniuUsold 24 vote In th ttrrifll contest in tht legislstur for t'.'d,&U0 tn Ftl tun ami got the money . Mr t C Dickey, now In tlis eity, ha rou- olutUd to r- luca e in Aiuv,aml ha rnti a room vi'Potite th lt house and will Mart an auction and cvmmUaivn house about th 1st of April, Among the loeal altraotiotia at tlio loca- j tioimry entertainment at the Presbyterian church Krida night will bsan imtrainntal trio by U Achraoo, ytlin U B Alorgvi, piccolo, and K E UufT, guitar. IIar the tory of Hilly snl Dit-k," by Itafph O Itato. at th Opra lloasa to-ntor r iw night. Mr Batos tail ot Out thr i nothing in his luctor to stir up animosities or tetio:al filling, lie ht dhvrtd th iMtur through tba South, wlmr be reccivsd the bt traatmeot imaginable. Tba progress of the young aitl.t. Jilts Ltotta Swatitoe, lis lxa froin tb first a triainpoant tteeM. SSh is th pouwuoe of on if those attractive, esprtsvive face tbst mirror vry thoogltt, h baa a cultivated, resonant vole, who tone pretrt with oateffuit to tho remotest portions of th ball or theater, and on do not nav to strain eoa's esr t bear her in any portion other work, while her eharming nstaraloera and alwotuU toed am tnm "ugiuos" win th higtesl cmmndatiun from the best oritio svorywher. At ar'ist like no on elael A copy uf ooott WKPSertDAV. E W Aohuwm &Co are selling mauomiut at Pwtland prica. 110,000 atdl Ml to lorn on good fr it se curity by 8 N Sul & Co. For bar if sin in monument, hpstl.t me to., go to K W Acfaiaou&ji&.Albaoy.Grrgon Capt A C Aokaoy divd at f4lm yester day at tba age of 73. lie was a pioneer of '47. Kisia Bros, hav rocotva.! tlisUnrwUtock of plow sboas ovr brought to Albany, and art sailing tbem tow. Sandy Old wa seotsonsd to on j r in the Hute p4sitailary, which ia a snooker to justice. Every pair of plow boa sold b Klein Itroa, tbst rip or ran ever will bo repaired by thm gratia. The largest stock of wotr.i.nd if jiisxs shoe avsr brought to Albany esn to tn at Klein Bna, od fcoloj at prioc that defy eompstitmo. An ffort is Wing mad U Chicago to Kt op a corner on May wbmt I( d-n it would raise iha prie notistdsrably , W Achlsoo & Co hacdl tne celebrated Portland cement wall fur nnret ry lota. The wall ean I furnished at half tho cost of any ether and arw far sops nor. Astoria i trying to advertise heilf by offering 1 17.000 for the hunt. la ail probability Urejon anthontie would not allow any sncb "doing. " A largo Eastern d bon at Mechanic- villa. Pvnn.. has a ptf UlaslratKMt in it catatogn of lb Oragoo Overbiir a Straw berry, "invented" by a man at Mt Ttbor. Capcrinteodeot ttadlmy, of tba Oregon Pacific, is miking arrangvineiit to Ut tba ooetraet for a Hao brick rr.l.nrt Cor- valh.w bleb doesn't look much aa if tba head oOioo will bo move l to Albany right eft. Tbi morning Wl! Fargo delivered to I) II Jsmes a nall onnsigomet.-t cf pari, maple wag mad at and t Irom las old hem ia Ohio. Mr Jamea, lis ail of us on such oe eauion w or very pleasant lk otr the awret rrmnitrnce. About ten dsys ago Hen Mr t'.la u tff- r I ' :.), Of for Lis cnl rninentosUd threw quarters of mila back of iuiit, I nV he haa aineo received morn Ktur i f!f. The nr.t anr was mi da by om rortlsn.i mo. W hava not yet )un d who the othv aie. Cr. Joorosl. - A nsw corporation i jh Ibincn and Ssntiam Canal comyaop, bavinu for it oliject and pnrpooe tb vnnatinction and main tarnation ot oaoal from near Cbondlv fl! and Vail'a fall on tba aootb fork of th Santiam river and ta.minatiag at or near rbere the Albany eaoal and ditch ioUraeou with aaid river. C It IUlst.xi, JA IWard, P M Smith, ar tba ineorporatora: SIS.000 is th amount of capital stock, divided into barm of 23 each. Col LorelL of tht Seoorjd Ibiainien, ba appointed tbt following (tsffs M H Ellis, Aintny, ragimeiital soryeno, rank espuin; A O Coid it, Salem, regimental adjutant, rank flit lianteoant; W N Iiduv, S.lm, regimental nnartartnaaUr.rank first liooun- ant; fr L Chamber, Eugene, reiimntl commissary, rank flrtt lieutenant ; WJ Cat vtr, Ale Lea v. enulncer c nicer, rank lirst lientenant. Kegimanul court of disoiplinoi uentenant Vol U 1' Irvine, of Albany. Caul W C Ald.ron. Co ." Lieut G O Yoran. Co"0." CaptO H Irvioa.tfCo-'K." wa. eomiiaaioned lieotensnt oolonel and Capt C T lilumearother.Co ' K," mj ir. Ah Immkiisi Dat's Hdst. L W Deyot and David Unk went np to Sbedd on banting expedition with blood in their ees. This morning tbt boys at the gan atnr re ceived tho following diapatch t "Plenty of gee. In ont dyy a hoot killed fifty. Tell Coon to eomt op." Capt. Cuambbrlain. Last evening at a called meeting of F. Co. Hon. Geo. E. Chatubcrlain.oii nomination by 1st Lieut Overman, was unanimously elected Cap tain to succeed Capt Irvine, recently pro moted to Lieut Col ot the 2d regiment. The choice is a good one. The company was formally invited to an oyster supper to be given by tho new captain on Tues day evening ot next week. A Small Blazb. Last evening a fire caught in the roof of L Vlereck barber (hop from spnik from the chimney, and out tor prompt action tne ouiuunn would have been burned. A four or five toot hole, was burred, a it wa. Th? roof U covered with mot and catches easily w hen at all dry. Until put in a better condition it will always be unsafe. Holmks Busress Collkoe. of Portland Or., will open Bept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading buaineaa college. Bend for.a catalogue. BORN. BOGGS. -In Albany, on Tuesday, March 24th, to the wife of Henry Bogg a ten pound son. a voice t'ity.ii voa'S nt. A I.ndy Kelatca two Aetauialsin;; Ea perleueeB. To whom It may concern: I bavc li lefl k-. erery loucelvoblo roun.dy for Itllioiunna, ug the past five rear I am oi a MU'i'-m l.-m pcramant and uBVr much from stomaeli ur liver troubles Dut nothing ever nave mu t relief that I obtained from nslug Joy' Vcp Lnbi garseparllla. Ia fact I think !ta cure or tlmw ailment. At the tlms I ualiig St I had a little girl living la my family wboso utsck was Seriously aflected by a Isrgo oprn euro, ond wo bled a great many kind of lotlous, salves and blood purifiers to no avail. I gavo her soae of my medicine (Joy' Vegetablo Baraaparilla) thinking it might benefit her and as it van purely vegetable, know It could do her no harm. To my astonishment she began to improve, aud within two week it was entirely healed and she U now well a erer. Krs. E. I.. WilEATOS, rot St., EiiE5 Frandsco Tits mitum mar.. m r aev Mill be Ft in . "A new discovery of gold travels with incredible rapidity. The reports bf the rich discoveries in the Bant lam mining district, Is attracting no little attention in Portland, Han Francisco, and even in the coat," says the Halim Journal. In referring to the working of the mines several years igo. when the mill was burned and tho mines abandoned, the Journal continues ; "After the mines had been worked for a year, the operators turned over to the company about (1200, as their pay. It has wince been discovered that the men working the mines, tunneled into the hill a lung distance and then filled up the mouth of the mines. It is also reported ther tooK out about $70,000 while they operated the mines. From that time little was done until IBM. when a com pany in this city and one In Albany were organized to make an investigation of that district. Kince that time a number of companies have been organized, and a part of them propose to pht in machin ery early this spring. Preparations to mat end are now being made by the fol lowing companies: The Ited Bull, of Ktlem, Or; the llonanza, of Albany, Or; the Golden City Co, of Albany, Or; the Galena Co, of Portland, Or; tho White Hull, of Bnlem. Oregon ; the Gold Moun tain A Dry Gulch Co. (placer) ot fcalem. Or, and a number of other organised companies have signified their intention to commence active operations In the near future. The properties of the above companies all aay well. The district la large, being not less than thirty miles long and fifteen wide, with plenty of timlier and water near at band. In many of the claims silver seems to nrsv dominate, and in going down, as many nave, ou or 70 icet, their ledges seem to be well defined and wide, getting richer in silver every foot, plentifully Inter mixed with iralena. All it reoulres is capital to develop thcte mines, and It is destined to become one ot the best fields for the investment of money that has ever been discovered on the coast." OlM'IL rKwtLEPIItiS. Tuesday evening, March 23. Present Mayor. Ilecorder. Marshal. Street Commisaioner and Councilmen French, Hawkins, Tabler, Uurkhart, Hmith and Garrett. Tho following bills were ordered paid: City agt K It Kendall.carrylng concealed weapon. f2.Wi;.JJ Ihibruille, $3.60; KichardsA Phillip. 13.76; J N Combs. 4; F.lectric Light Co, 10.6O; N J llen- ion,n.t; Albany Iron worke, tH.24; J h. Weatherford, legal services, $IU5. Petition ot J It Chamberlain and ors for sidewalk on 8th street, block 00, was referred back to petitioners. Petition of B V. Conn and on (or side walk on north 10th street between Wash ington and Vine street was granted. l'elititlon of II Bryant and ore (or sidewalk: was granted. Petition of John Morriiion and ors for tide and cross walks was granted. Recommendation. o( Street commis sioner continued. The Marahal was given further time to make out Hat of delinquent tax list. Recorder reported that Hillaboro had paid liTO on note and the balance will be paid in May. Petition of L Fiinn, F A Purkhart and ors asked that grade for latteral sewers, connecting with luilroad newer, be fixed o a to tie one toot higher. Petition of A Hackleman and or asked for a like raining of the grade ot latteral sewers. Ilvferr-d to committee on streets and public property and civil engineer w ith tower to act. The petition of K F Box and others aaktd that aidew aik be built along Salem road from Main street to wett Pine street. Referred. A communication of a 1. amorous na ture wag read from the ex-Recorder of Hiilaboro in reference to the hand en gine purchased by them. license to sell liquor was (ranted A W Carey and others. Petition of C B HarnUlt and or for side and crocs w alks First street, Sher man and Pine streets wa granted. Rill allowed : Johnjone. 170; CO bee, f70; A W Anderson, C5; W A Mc clain, t); FM French, ,1.05; II Far well, I0. Adjourned until Monday night when matter of new ordinances to conform to new charter and other matter will be considered. .TIK r TUB raVtJBITKVt. Rairbiraa Cartlisto time aad (be Keeat asHaay VMU Relara tm Altway. It I w ith sincere pleasure we announce to our reader that the peerless young society actress, Mis Caroline Gage, who so delighted the large audience that witnc-xeil her clever performance at the Opera Houae a year will return to Albany, tbi time for butonenight.Mon day, March 30th, and will produce on that occasion the ixrwerful sensational drama, of world wide fame, "Mr Barnes of Ntw York." She I still s.ionorted by all of the old favorites ofthekeene Company, who gave the very best of sat- isiaction in every play in which they ap peared. The charming young actress ami the old favorite will be warmly welcomed and the famous play will un doubtedly draw a large house The sale of seat open Thursday morning at Wil & Link's music store at 9 o'clock, when we would advise those desiring a choice vi nun iw uiuftu cnriy application. OVERWHELMING PROOF. JaUga at E Kirahaat, aMHal Jstsile ortfte luprrtneCeBrt af OrvsaB.Ex-Majar mil, lri loomtj aad AMeraaaai Bcr(la Teatiry aa u ike Efflcary mt Br Darrla' Trralweat, So much has teen said on the aubtact of electricity and It marvelous reaulla in the cure of dUeatea of almost any nature that it seem urates to asy more. -1 ne loiiowmR prominent aamer of pro, pie, some of whom are known through out the state and nation, area: volume for Dr lar.-ln and hU new and ure cure by electricity. W nnderatand the doctor live medicine when 1 squired, wblrb, added 10 the eleotrlo treatment, make hi practice doubly sure Glance at tbe following name or people wbo have been cured and are under the dootor'a treat ment: Judge B 8 Strahrn, Albany, Or, Kx Mayor C H Hill' son, Albioa. Or, discharging ear, Prof J P Looney, Hilla boro, Or, Alderman W A Hcroggln, 27? Alder at ret, Portland, deafu eaa. Mia F A Morrln, Newborg. Or. asthma and bronoUtila ten years; restored two year ago. Mrs 1 11 Kennedy, 251 --Utb atreet; iheumallxm thirty five yeara, cured. K A Sbaw, Foreat Orove. Or, total deaf nea: so far restored as to bo able to hear ordinary cnnveraatlon. Mr Jfi Mann, Union house, eor Sixth and E streets, Portland, eired of painful rheumallPm. - Jatne J McUowan, 117 Tblrteeuth at, Portland, heart disease, palpitation and general nervous debility, cured. George 11 I'apenberg, Tualitan, Or- Deafneaa ten years, so he could baidly hear a sound, cured In twenty minute, Mr John McGinn!. Vancouver. Wash. paralyzed arm cured IS yea' ago by Dr uarrin wnne in san craneisco. Dr Dart la treat curable chronic, acute and private disease, blood taint, loa or failing manhood, ntrvoua debilitiy,efK)Ct ot errors, or excesses in old or young, loss of memory, diseases caused by mercury In the improper treatment of pi ivato disease. Ofllce 70J Washington t.,Portland,Or. Hour 9 A, M. to 8 P. M., daily. xam ination free and confidential, question blank and olrcnlar sent gratia to acy address patients pured at bom. ' Albany SarKei. WhoKt-70.i Oats-50.1 Butter-85ts pi id, ' r"KKS -0t Hay 10,00Jto 18.00. Polatooa -6) eta per bushel Beefon foot, 2,V to 8e. A pplos M) cents per bu, Poxit- 5'Aa per It1, dressed, Paccna hauaa, lie shoulder 7o aides. 9a . ijard lOoperlb, " .. Blonr 4.25 per bbl. i "bickens 3.00 per dor., 1 ill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton snorts, Itt. middiim y, 20. CUorn- tiraage firm. Tangent Grange held a called meeting on March 1.1th when the first and second degrees was conferred u pon a class of ton r. Ourgrango i gaining In number at a lively rate. There seem to be a deener interest taken in its wemire until uximl. We expect to hold our regular meeting the 28th, when the third and fourth de grees will be conferred upon five young men. vve will have an interesting meet' ing. expect some visitor from iii'iulilor ing grange, and expect sonn? important business w ill be transacted. The bronco is a place lor us to find social tn ovment. after a month' hard work we meet and tell our experience, iiuiulre after each others welfare, pass the day or evening in picanatit ana proiitabie employment, when e Cfin uohome and renew our daily employment and never rums the time ejient at the grange. Another good feature of the urmmn in. we t un viait dif ferent pari of tho country and lind plen ty of persons w lioiu wo hare bccumi) ac quainted with, and ail because we are members of tho organization, which bn long to tlio fnrmtm. There is more so clability in the grange than any organ ization In existence. Why? Ik-cause they are bound together by mutual tie that does not exist in any other order Then let each try and be a benefit to the oiner. Always w prompt at the meet ing and never let an opportunity pass when we can be of nnv benefit to the or der. Try and get the yonng mciiibcis to take an interest In tin but'incas before the meeting, organise a singing cIuks, make thing cheerful, meet each other with a pleasant smile and a kind word. and there I no doubt of the grange being ui vBBiui, -- iiere w .it you linn wm im- gation among tho farmer than when there I a thriving grangn. They can set tle petty inilillerence without recourse to law. Thi of iim-lf is of great advant age to the inttiilx ra. And in many other way are tne fariutl liencfUed by the grange. Kmi-okicr. farm for Hate. I have for eale 100 acre of the finest fanning land ia tho state. All la a high 'state of cultivation, no build ing, but has a beautiful building loca tion. Kight mile from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on tho Kl'Ult Term and price reasonable. Call and see me on Hecond street, oppoaite 1)km- ocbat office. Du. G. W. Matox, Bnrklra's Arnica Salve. Ijrhs ( Hal' In lb orl4 tot Cut,!lriits..r tlosrv. Salt Khanin, Kor anm, rllr, Cbatn baaaa, .b.i 1.14 1, Cora. as4 all Skin Enij.ilo i puatttuslcurn fllas.or oa tnjr rwalr4. it U (-aae-uts4 o rl partaet all action, or ttumor island- rno 14 uu pr box, fur as! by f us hay mnd 8HILOI18 CATARIitl REMEDY- positive cur for Catarrh. Diphtheria and t-tnser-Mouib. rosbay dc aiason, aget.ts The Ixst matt cc tfi in tbt city 0 M oyer a. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WABtB CBAKOR, Lessca and Manager OKE KI3HT ONLY MONDAY, MARCH 30. Triamphaat Brtorn of lb Cnr!a!eJ F rjU, Ws'-hlirt CAROLINE GAGE, ASD HARRY F. KEEHE'S WeU-kaaww (awaaor f Plajer. Is a gtmni protacliua ul - Archibald CUrcrWg Con- ur puwnui atMatiauai dranta. "Mr Barnes of Mi W," ftoimtvt wtlb tcial itatr aalUnf and malflnat aCSTTrice of admission, 158 and 73. aW of ami ofwtM Tharaiky msruin; at 9 o'clock at W ill A Link' lutuie io.-. DU. ABOltNj AT PORTLOD OT1L JULY 5T11. ' DR ABORN, Fourth aad Mnrriioa street Portlaat, Oregon, the m-Mt tuceft&lul pi ' ebua on on tbe American contlnentfor th speodv, vositivt, abaolot and permanent oar for Catarrh of the Head, Aathma, Bronchitis. Pncnmonia and ConsamptioD, Tweoty-tiT year aacceaaful practice. Instantaneous relief and permanent cnrei often eflcctoJ upon first consultation. Dr. A born, bv hia original, mr-derr, tciei. tifio method, iftcs Speedy and radical cnrei of the meet ob stinate aid Ion standing cases of yaaal Cstarib. Osena, Deifneii, Pis cbarf!' from the En. Atvhm, B onchiti and Coniaaiiitine. Alo Stomach DUi-rder, Biliona Colic, Gall Stone m.d Jaqmlice. Liver, Kidney, Kladder and hervoaa Affection: Disease nf Men. AUo all ailment peculiar to women. Dr. AtMro esn la oontulleu from now until July 5. when h leaves for Eurojie. Not Home treat tnentiecarely packed, art by eipr to any part i.f th Pacific Cot and Territories lor tkote who cannot yoaaibly call in person. BOB. BOWMAN, The Old-Time Painter. People wlahlno; first claa work should cee him or leave ordeis at JuUua Grsdwohl'. IJOR SALE OR TRADK, a Chiekerlng " piano in good condition. Call on Ueo Kpaght, at corner of Eighth and Jefferson etreato. A BANTED i i 1 l J chance If Hallo y rant Lara I and Traveling A aood ehaneel Don't mlaa Ul Yu seed no ep- renresent a relwbl Ann that war- nursery stock nmt-claas and true to nam. WOKK ALU Tilt. YKAH, and Rood pay weekly tn c&ervi tie men. Apply quick, latum afTB. JLut. Ji-e. JXB.jf.'X S3i UU, Nnrnerynicii, FlorlHta antl iteetlmeii, at Imu, Ulaa. i,iiiia nuuae is respouMvie.; XTOTICB OF DISSOLUTtON.Notiea 1 la hereby given that tho firui of Kean A Acblaou has by mutual eoucont been this day dissolved, J G Egan re tiring. KWAcUlnon will Cvintinue the business, collect ail billn and pay all out standing debta against tbe firm. PV.ed thi 10th day of March, 1891. J U tOAN, 12 W ACH1SOW. HOW DO YOU 00? There la no doubt tbat 1ST 13 W- Stock of SILVERWARE, consisting of apoons, knives, forks, fruit dishesetc, gold and silver watches, jewel y, etc, is tbe largest and best in the city, and by far the best ever brought to ALBANY. PRICES the Host Reasonable. Call srd See the CCODS, 1& Ms iiik t, it. CoRgsT. Imparts a moat gracclul shape, ccurlncr comfort and ele. gance. Every coret ha the self-opening tlasp. These c'ap(slmple in contruction, oe uouoie ine itrengin oi tne ordinary clasps, can be hooked and unhooked in the usual manner, ami have the great advant age In tr e eae w'.th which they can be wn. hooked, by merely pulling the trfnar. aod the corset will open like a flash. These cinsps are so constructed that they wilt si ways stay e-urely fastened unifl the string Is pullet'. Any feeling of distress or dl- loim n irom exertion, or any other caue, can wins ne instantly relieved without dis robing, allowing hiaihful aclloo cf ihe body, to the greid cemfort of the wearer. G W Simpson, SJe Agent. 15 tx FAamox. "Aagnod be out of the world as out of fashion," once aid a fn moii man. If vou would be In fashion call on Mr E A Hchifllcr, in L E Blnin' tailoring department, and have him measure you for a seasonable auit. A largo and fine nBortment of anitine for spring have nrrivcd.embracing the latest pattern, offerimr an eteirant ditIn- select from. In the spring young man' fancy always turn to a new anit t,f clothe,and Mr Kchifller i ready to dress you up in a manner that will please the moat fastidious. Good Work, Low Price, Pamlcry &, gmiley. Highest of nit in Leavening rower a- m . a wcyi 11 ABSOUlFfECa' P2RE W. C. DAVIS & C0., -.'..-,.. i (Agtu!$ far Slaver Walter.) Opposlto Stewart & Sox, -OKALeas is- lachin ery - and - of Every Discription. EMBRACING THE BEST MaKES OF rLOWS, CULTIVATORS, DRAGS, HARROWS, SEEDERS, ROLLERS, MOWERS, BINDERS, BINDING TWINE, HAY RAKES, HAY LOADERS, HAY TEDDERS, HAY FORKS, THE J.I. CASE "AGITATOR" SEPARATOR, TRAC TION ENGINES, HORSE POWERS, LAWN MOWERS, SCRAPERS, STUMP PULLERS, ROAD MACHINES, "STUDEBAKER WAGO-NS, CARRIAGES, TRUCKS, CARTS, ETC., ETC., r ' 223 2.-23 1-2 Coal Blaelc, with msll atari goad aisrt la fanltleaa la Breedln; 1 enfarmalUn ad Arllon. Ui Srwdui(j i the acina ot aarly and irirtnM apeed, . " : iwn, aaa aoaaiuf Jr, :tr, lo three atraiht beau. Sired bv Amnojrr. warnn reeMtl. if4 : an ofi Atra, t:S;. aad seven ollr !.0 patrfoinera, and a dusv u siscr con vwtters. AtraMOXT 'lV AimokT. that baa nr thirn bniulrvl dniendaiiu in the :SO list, including Bau, Uaxux Iel Serle'a dam la TEcoaaa by SraAsaas. Cia-I Ml SITK waa bed bv Jar Beaah. at Vancouver. Wuli. Foaled In 18SS. as-itl mkr ih. sraann of lsul at Trite llioe stahj. Albany 'ndav aad mile Burthcaat of Sbedd. rcrnm Season, -:OF: Grents : Fiirmsliins: : Goods :WILL OIsB AT COST. For the Next SO Days ! ! Call ear'y and get Bargains. New York C. B. R. Store, McFarland Block, ALB All f. c ITY DIt 17 Gf STOKE, PfeiiTer Block, Albany, Stand &. Cusick, raoraiKToaa: Drugs," Medicines, (hcmiealc, Fancy . and Toilet Articles, Sponces. Brushes, rcrfuuiory, School Bixjks, and Artists' Supplies. I'hy sicians preseripllon tally ecnipoaiidcd. care ALBANY, OREGON, Praw their own Sight Drafts on London, Paris, Prank- f ort-on -the-JCJ ain , Berlin and all Principal Points in BTJBOP m. ; filii TH1 COLDEt RILE BAZAAR, Haa a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll baggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other good which gol to makeup a complete assortment, beside a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glasaware, bird capes, plush goodn, such as albums, toilet seta, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABC pictnre books, and all goods that are carried in a Raaar store, including Roster lira. 18-17 silverware. Wn .ih to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put np expressly for thi fade, which give the beat of eatia- faction, a is attested by the hundreds who have ned lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by tho Golden Rule T'.nr.aar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of gla.,H ware. Re sure to call, w hen in Albany. at the Golden Rule Raxaar, as yon will be sore to find what you v.a.t, and w ill be hown over the store and le treated kindly bv mv rU-rk. Mr. Miller. M goods are all marked in plain figure ho a iiot to deceive anyone, and I i.ave but one price to all. - J cut s UKAOWOUI . Paisley ft Smiley, Tat Printers, Flins Block IT. S. GoVt Report, Aag. xj, tlZ$. Albany, Oregon. 3-4 2i30. a proved by bis fuT sister Beulah. t t'i, at tao a recura OI z:ju last 4U:, sefeaunr tiannikal -. . . sir M CliT, ir 22, (aire of Di iakoo, II J and Uakkt Cut. :SJ ) Seventeen ol hta dautrhter have prodnerd aineU-eo 2:SO pufiinneia. including taixo tUr,i:e4i, who iri ibedaiiwol Avrab, at 1 3 ear; Aiutrrt'i, 1 13 at foer yean, two ol the (astaet Maibon la tbe world ol their age. TwcoaAB. dam bv Bawnon. t:TA. sire ol the dam ot hl Whasx, 2:ii'i, sire of Ouvut K , 2:10). Haturday ; the rest of the time at oar iarra, three FT Vehicles SO; Insurance, $30. BARROWS BROS. BE-- and a fine Block generally, aa j ell cs icwehy,VafcIcsr clocks, etc., at French's. Call ob t)u: Albany Furniture Co., Baltimore block, for FURNITURE of all kinds. 3"Th stock is largs and complete. Tliey a'; Yoii'd Better 5T aTBa Gtieaof baby cwrw.res, HT pea.iwall paper, asJ u.i.y f3TnoTitie, tty tor sa:e st fiwirhk