The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 20, 1891, Image 4

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Bout cm Paciflo Eouto
Kaprwa Train Iba Portland Paltr
4 a. L
Smaa 11 1 Ar
Sn Franvtaro
T Nortb
4 ti
I.t 1 .o
Ah., trains on nl M toilowlnr stations aortk
M kM.hurir. Km I'nrtlanil, Orr 'ltv. Wood
urn, Balm, Albaa.. T.newt, Rhodd, Ilaliwy. Iir
"nrfcfiiMHm viij, irnnt, augm.
OH lit' Ml MklU, lltT.
Pll Lt rVrtLod Ar -O0rB
f )Ul,t Albany MI11O0B
; Ar H. hury LtI 30ab
nun iocaK. bahv nun Stiibat)
afAr-alL rrtlnU Ar AH
yrBAf Albany t :U0 A
uuiroa mm,
"rL Albany " a? tu 4 11
tt r Ar L.hanea l. s0 a
AB Lv Albany Ar IWll
AT Lhal.B Lt IWH
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
Par lwanMla(M et Hmn-flm rMI
an, aitacaea te Ki prae Trata
( ! MfMu.
ETttKBS rwttTI.A.'.at AD,
ai ntn 4Ut (Kaaspt Sanaa,)
to a I Lv
1 1 r I Ar
Purl land
Ar I M r
Lt I U 46 ra
linin mi bau,t (Kaajpt Suaday .
Will Lt
I raAr
Ar I a a
Lt I . a
Ts ttt paint
Pel tui InforaiaUoa mrardlna. rate, Map,
oa Company Ajrant At ATmay,
son Development Compaay'a Bteaio
snip una,
ita by n other r Jte.
Flrvt-Alaa thmne-h
Vila-lit 1 in frftm Pm-tlan
to the vVUUmette Valley to and from baa
rr ADOiaoo, cat.
Boats make eloee eonnoUon at Aiban
Oh tradna of Uie Oregon Paciflo Railroad
T . . celve;r.
Maaangar - and
ad and all points
lara Albany 1: r. a,
Leav Camilla l:0Sr, a.
Arrl ft Yaquina, t.a r. a.
Un Veaaiaa, I.W4.B
LaaTB Corrallia,! AS 4. a
Amr. Albany, 11:11 4. a
O. C. trmlaa oonnaot at Albany and
?rva!lia. Tha (bora traina conn act at
aonlna with tha Ortijron Development
pnmpaoy'a Una or ntparasuipa between
equina anu saa rranriaoo.
raaa T4ant4.
Ti!laiaM. Tallar, Umrck ath ; 1U t ttia.
taaa r.Aiciaca
Vr&UrW. Vallar link trd ; Ittai ttat; HHk.
Tha Orapaa awMTa1 lb ngnt
tVaara aallluf data anthont not lea.
jr. B. raaaaocara rrom foruand and
aTUlauaaUa Vallar folnta eaa maka eloaa
onqaalcn with tha traina of tha Yaqulna
tonta at Albany or OorTallla, and If daa
laad to San Franoisoo ahoold arranaa to
rrlra at Yaaaina tha arnlng bafora cata
f aaulnf
aatr aa r.alcal Baata alwaya ta
apr UAI Chapraaa, rral(at ami
Alaaa, C. C.
O. P. a t Afaa .
lie Scuiorrat.
Va Praki.ol ,
a. B.T01S0
... E. W. LAJiOCO.t
ACM'OUNTS KEPT tabjaat W aback.
BitiUT EXCUA.VOE ao4 M npkia arwMtar, aold
Xav Turk, Baa Praaataoa, Caiaaga aa4 PaUand
rf. E. Yoom E, ar. Liaaaoa
l S Bun, L. Puaa
B4aa I . Box.
PTaW.B.... t L COWAW.
TWPnaiilaat i U RAUrT!.
V-.hiar Cao E CHAMHKHLA1.S,
t aacmaa, I L Cowan, J at Ralatan, Oao I
ChaaharUia, W 8 Udd, W U 'lira, i A Craa
lord ana O A Arcblaoto.
TRANSACT a rami aaaklnf toalnaa.
LOAN MOrfEToa appoa4 aactiHtr
an. bi v aapaaiia aubtact
king anal
EAehanr aatwht an4 arild aa all taa DrlutlDal
aiUai la th. Tnuad Buiaai alaaoa Eoflaad, Iralaaa.
Prana. aa4 Oanrwnr.
Oullattiuaa awdo at all aaaaajiMa potnU aa tarar
abla lamia.
tutor. , allovad aj Ubm dapaalia.
auk or acio,
Vl Praaklaat
tlmMiii ,
J S Morria,
H lirraat
E Ualu,
, i B lOaaia
O B Um
- Joha OaiDM
P O Boillh.
Doel a (nral aanalof aad ax.hanfa boalnaai.
Rrht dnUia kauad an AiBtajr, rorUaad aad Baa
Paid Bp eairflal..
gurplas and praAia.
Intaraat ailowad oa a rlnga daoaita aa follow.:
Anaroinarf arinrt nook ....4 par aaot par annam.
On lorn! mrlnr. bnoka par aant par aannai.
On enrtiAeala. .( dapoatt.
far thraamonCha 4 par aant par annum:
Fur aim moutha. par aant par annum:
Par aa!r. swath... a pn aant par aooua.'
PKAXK UKK17M. Prnidoit
I. V.THOHvmn Vica-Praaidant,
U. C, SraATTOX, C'Mhiar;.
Druggists and Booksellers
t ts for John B. Aldan 'a publloallooa,
ijtrb t,o b;1 a, pMuliahar'a prioaawlUi
- OF
Our Lady of Perpptual Help,
Coiiiici.xl by tlie Hisl. , f fit. Benedict
TuiUnn tn aaloot !-iy ehool rmngeafrbm
Fortflr.nH 0' BoBrdlnn8h ol ar any
pnlctlaraafP'y at lUe -Jom- orid.
adaaa Siater Sopnrloreea
Ct frp- rid andFenyBt, . Albany, Ol
SUPKR10K work, guaranteed In aver;
branch of jhe atu gsrKnlaiglng c
all kind a apeoialty.
Revere House:
yittrxi ud in Crst-clana atyla. Table
wnp!lil with Uie bf.t In the market.
I aloeplmrapartmenu, Bam pl room'
U.r aomriierjl iraTelers,
There were two Important change Sn
the uiual riroceedlng during the cloning
hour of the Fitly-drat congrett. No
unanimous rote of thtnki wit allowed to
be recorded to the retiring speaker, and no
estimate was given by the chairmen tt the
proper committees ol the total ol I he Im
propriation bills. The first was caused by
the universal disgust created by the ruling
oi Tom Reed and by hi repented resort to
direct falsehood to enable his party to
override publb sentiment. The second
was due to the unwillingness of partisans
equally as carelt.s of honor to reveal at
once the full measure of their profligacy.
There was gall enough in the cup oi Mr
Cannon and bitterness sufficient In the fu
ture of Mr Allison to make both these
statesmen seek to hide the consequence
of a degree of partisanship never dreamed
of by those patriots who saw In this tend
ency greatest danger to the nation.
But these be spots hst will not out at
the demand of republican conspirator.
One thousand million dollar I the sum
named a the cost'to the people of a re
publican cone-res. Th! I the amount to
be raised by taxation from a people who
were promised that their proaperltf was
assured by the return to power of a party
pledged to reduction of their burden, lt
It tar this Tom Reed ha counted quorum
of member not within the municipal limit
of the capitol. It wa for this democrat
ere ousted from seat to which they' had
been elected. For this the precedents of a
century have been overthrown. To the
picture thus presented the people will give
due heed. They will tee no hope of better
time la outrageously awollen tat ll.t
Eight dollar per capita I to be drawn
from the people at the tesull of Reedltm. 1
Not to be drawn from rich and poor alike.
Monopoly la to profit by tribute levied un
det the faltt plea of protection. Labor la
to be burdened that petted manufacturert
may ttnass other million to be drawn up
on for the next campaign of fraud.
Turning to the detail of this steal the
people will find no redeemable feature.
They aie not to be taxed to reduce theli
bonded debt. They ir not to pay now
that future payment may be lessened.
The pension list I mounting to alarming
figurea after a generation has passed since
the war closed. The last of the great gen
eral passes to hi grave, but the army of
pensioner grow apace. Tnere will be
toon no high officer to revtew the rtnkt of
pension heroes ratrshaleJ In their raids on
the treasury by the Tnner,Clarksons. and
Dudley. Sixty million I the apparent
Increase between two congresses, but the
proper statement of the account when the
defkl ha!l be known will pas the
hundred million mark. Meantime the
urplu ho disappeared, and the Incoming
congress will be forced to the consideration
of a dedclt in revenues swollen to nearly
$500,000,000 a year. pArtr organs which
rang the change on a cry that the surplus
would d is if pear under a democratic ad
ministration are dumVjin face of the fact
that their party ha offered the people a
prospect of Increased debt'and higher tax
ation. Republican policy has been demon
strated to be for a 'reduction of revenue
and Incraase of taxation. It will be for
the democrat In the next congres to
demonstrate the possibility of Increaied
rever.ue through decreused taxation.
There will be no shirking of the lue thus
framed. The party claiming to stand for
honest money and casting its vote for a
fiailst will not marshal the lioat. that must
make return to honesty and frugality In
administration a pressing question. The
republican have deceived the people. Let
democrat take up 1 heir cante and reform
will follow, The Chicago Time.
110S ASOTlllsn.SS.
The man who doe a'l hi praying on
hi knee pray rery little.
The devil never ask anybody to go far
ther than the next corner to begin wit
. It I a great misfortune to be born so
that all the laugh ha to stay inside of you.
The man who It anxlout to do right hat
iiiend In heaven who want to help him.
Hie more unconverted person see et
tome people's religion toe lest thev want
of It. " .
A Christian with a long face It one of
the best advertisement the devil has on
One way to dilve the boy And girls to
the bad I to thit up the parlor and live Sn
the kitchen.
All that lt needed to male a man hate
himself it for him to j;et a good, square
look at himself.
The greatest wrong people commit a
gainst each other are these of which they
are not conscious.
If some people would always think twice
oeiore iney speaa tney would keep stlu a
good deal.
You will never go to heaven when you
die unless you get more than half -way
there while you live.
If you have never tried to make any
body happy you have no Idea how fir you
are away from heaven.
When your heart I to heavy that you
can t laugh yourself the next beat thing Is
to do something that wilt mtke aomcbody
else laugh with joy.
' A t'orlodUf Fsand.
Euosne, March 13. One of the greatest
cuiiositlct in a geological tense that hat yet
come to light wtt unearthed yeiterdry and
brought tu fcugen todny, where it wtt teen
bv a repot er in company with several selec
tive men, among whom wtt 1'rofeitor Thomas
Condon, of t Oregon ttate university. Th
discoveiy was made by Fred KaUton. II
started down the Willamette river Tuesday in
a boat on ain-nting and tithing trip, intending
to co to the mouth of the liver. As lit wns
about to ttart home ht sa r something in the
embankment which looked like a hmtan leg.
II dug it out and arrived here with it today
It is a solid piece of stone, which was at fust
supposed to t a mummy. It It an entire
body, with all the wrinkle, muscles and lines
ments plainly tractable- The position is that
of a cn-pse prepared lor bin lal. Tee dody rep
resents a short, thirk-sct man with traces of a
beard and hair. The tenures would indtcat
a race now extinct, rescinblig somewhat tha
of an Indian, It weight alwut Suo joumlt.
Prof Condon tyt it it a carving.
The ladlaa 4 gala.
Chicago, March I.1. Dr C A Eastman,
an educated Ogtlulla Sioux, arrived btr to
day. In aa interview in a local paper he tayt
he has been in the camp of the Indians of
TineKidge and from present Indication a
prchabiuty of mother Iudian wsr is promising.
There it g'eat discontent among th Indian,
retssonally he doe not think thty will do
anything desperate, tut the young brave art
holding secret coherences and even conserva
tive men ate talking of war. The people out
there ate dittatUHed at not having received
information at to how the hostile at Foil
gheiidaa are being treated and fear treachery.
Yesarla Mlaalag.
Boston March 13. Marine underwriter
are most anxious just now over the fate of
five large vessel which have all been pot
ted as missing Inside of the present week,
which I something unusual. The vessel
are: the Nlmrod. a German ship; the
TUancmore, a .HiitUh steamship; the Ed-
mna, a urtttsn brig, ana tne Marunna
Greaves, a UritUh brig.
Earaaeaa flaad
St. IETaRaua, March 13. -The flood,
hich followed the recent heavy tnow
storms destroyed one half of the winter
crops at many placet In southwest Russia.
The Vistula overflowed Its bankt ai.d In-
undated a great part of Warsaw. Th in
habitants of thai city are In dlstrett owing
to tne noout.
Under the formation of the Congres
sional districts Portland will bo the head
of Eastern Oregon, and of courie will
want the Congressman. There will be
tome fun in the years to come.
Socklcss Jerry Simpson, of Kansas,
favor an income tax large enough to
keep fortune at 1 100,000. A thlr would
not affect many editor there ts no personal
reasons (of rnnoslna it. It wilt be a lonu
time, though, before fortunes can be reg-
Oregon' financial condition was slightly
bettered yesterday by the secretary of
ttate paving into 'the ttate treasury the
sum of f 16,186.00, being the old balance
due for the past live yeait from the state
of Idaho, Thl It for the care and treat
ment of the insane of that state previous
to the construction of its asylum, States
A straight forward, above -hoard course,
hethel In business or nubile m alters la
the plan all people should pursue. Mach
iavellian politics are poor ones. Any
thing gnliied by misrepresentation or de
ceit la better not had, and It generally
followed by reae'lon. Immigrants who
come here and find things represented
are generally satUfied. If the hive been
llcj to tney will give a piuce a black eye.
Let ut do all things on the square.and not
with the Idea that the end justifies the
means, that takes possession of seme.
till hl,.t,t Mi. III.....
marshal of Springfield, attempted hi arrest
Tom Stearns. As we understand It Tom
hat been drinking tor teveral dayt and
the marshal thought he w&ta little too
boisterous. Tom was In the livery stable
Saturday evening and Mulligan went In,
presumably to arrest him. A row ensued
in which Mulligan drew hit billy club and
struck Tom teveral tevere blow over the
hcd, Tom was rendered unconscious
nd remained In that condition tor some
time. A physician wa called to attend
him. Mulligan wa arrested for assault
with a dangeious weapon. Tom wa In
bad condition yet yesterday , RegUu-r.
The Oregon Prospectus a new paper of
Portland, contain the following wild
statement: "The flnanrlal downfall of
t Gould wa not unexpected, lie was a
shrewd man, but hi tricky policies could
notst-ud the tet of time. Ills said he
haa not only been divested of all earthly
potsetskms, but It seven I mlllhm dollar
In tTcbt."
TEAtUCH'B immtK.
Following it U10 program for the, din-trk-t
teacher' Institute, to bo held at
th la city, beginning on . -
Tl'KMUr, MAttCII 31.
lCvciiing aeditlon, 7 ;30 o'clock. Music.
Recitation.' Music, Address of welcome
br Mavor J L Cowan. Music, lies
A poll for presidential preference was made
a few dayt tgn among the members of the
Indiana legislature with the fbl'o ving i limit:
Forty of the forty two repubheans were in
their teats when the poll wat made, and o'
thit number ao were tor Blaine, 17 for Harri
ton, I for Cresham, I for Alger and I "for the
nominee." Harrison was the second choice o
but one of the Blaine men, whiie Blaine wat
the second choice of ten cf Harrison' seventeen
Of the 95 democrat 36 were for Gray, 40
for Cleveland, 8 fur I Iill and the remainder
A canvass of the legislatures of Minnesota
and North and South Dakota a to presiden
tial preferences shows that Diaine has a tot a1
of 164 vote, Cleveland 96, Gor I till 6 nnd
Harrison J. The i.idejend :ni have not ycr
agrr-ed upon anybody.
Even in his own state HarriMin is out
stripped oy Mr Bla in;.
Tha reported likencttot Mr McKlnley
to the great oldler-;taleiiai, ,f France'
day of glory is more than u phytic', re
semblance. Iliotory reevrdd the fact thnt
the exile of St. Helena continued to the end
to nurte the ('elusion cf the return of hit
'star of flestiny." If the Ohio t talesman
has not yet read the verdict of the Ameri
can people upon his method of building up
a plutocracy by high tnxallon he iray well
be left to cherish hi delusion In political
exile. The star of McKlnleyism hat tet,
never to rise spain. .
The Salem 3ernal,n a sound moment jays:
'To the Father of Liet witli misrepresentations
and prejudice for partisan purposes." We
devoutly trust that this new-tiorn zeal for the
jruth on the ptrt of our cotemporary may
ripen Into a permanent characteristic of that
poiitivB cure for Catarrh, Diphthoiia and
Ca jkajJsutrb. Foky Si Mason, agetitt.
Aa EaxlUh Blaraa.
Lnndo March 13. EngUnd U boand ap
in a severe frost, w hich greatly binders the
work of charing the railway track. Enor
mous msse of snow drifted upon tcra during
tne recent violent storm. Ail ctiortt to re
open commanicstioe with Cornwall it that far
unavailing and the country continue isolated
from the rest ol England. Many wrecks Oc
curred tt Landscnd tnd along the Corni.h
cosst generally, A gre it number of persons
were uiowned and 11 wen to death.
A Ubel Ball
hNOItoMmil, wash, March 13. A com
plaint wat filed today in the superior court by
G Krueger sgiinst the Sun PubiUhiegA pr int
ing compaoy for libel anj 913,000 damages.
The esse arises out of some ankles which ap
peared la the Sna' intimating th;t a certain
real estate agent bad been run down by a
United State detective and made to diagorg
$1500 which was obtained la Wisconsin some
year ago under peculiar circumstance. Krue
ger applied the insinuation to biroaeif, hence
the (Hit. The Sua hat also been fighting
diveputable land agenteof la'.e, which Krueger
bat also taken exception to.
The PinlTiala
Seatti e, March 12. The first tuin pass
ed over the Lake Shcre & Eastern from Se
attle to the Ilriilsh Boundary line today, carry
ing a party of Lake Shore official. The party
consisted 01.
A S Dunham, pretidcat) F W Dunn, saper-
intenuent; Kit isicou, chirr engineer
the contuuetioo company, and George W Call
manager ol tne Sao rrsncisro urn'ge Com
A telegram received tonight announce the
arrival nl thj par y at Sum, at the boundar
line. The road will be opened for traffic
north of Sedro in a few day.
Drrp taaw.
Dekvek March 13. The tnow blockade 00
the Midland rotd, near Ivanho, wtere the
assenger train nus ticen enCer tnow, was
rused today. Silverton and Tclluride are
still snowed under, the drifts in many places
being forty fret high. Provisions arc carried
into thtsc town on cnowsSioc, and all bohrt
of railway commonicaion witp item aside of
a month is abandoned. '
A Ballfe Brportrd. - -
ui-Exos avku, March 13. Chilian new
U to the effect that there hat been further
fighting between the government troop and
lb revolution! s and lite Utter were victori
ous. A report is current that the le.mblic of
Uruguay ha tendered it friendly office to
the contending faction.
Weald be Poor la Oregea.
Baltimore, Md., March 13. -President
Harrison lodav baceed thirteen bueksrm
of which was a canvasback weiglng three
and one-half pound. It wo the firtt and
only canvasback ehot at Dcngiea, Md., thl
eaion. General Sewell and E C Knight,
wgctner, 1 rouc,ht down twelve duck.
A F rfabifat Aeeldea.
London, March 1 1 A dispatch from I an
gives aa account of a d-eadfnl disaster at
place called Menael, in the vicinity of Cabez
J tie cnildrtn a set vice was in progress in the
synagogue at liut piace, hcn, wilaout warn-
li.g, the whole congregation wa buried be
neath the fallen wails and fool Within a
short time fifty maimed and bleeding men and
women and children were taken out and cared
for, and four dead bodies, crushed -out of all
resemblance to humanity, were removed lo the
dead house. ITie number of killed cannot
even be approximately estimated. It is known
the building was crowded with people, and
hundred of dead bodies must still be buried
beneath the tons of debris no', yet removed.
Haw It Bapp Beat.
SrR!.v;FiELD, III, March II General
Palmer wat elected Unittd Statet tenator to
day on the first ballot, to succeed Charles B
Kara-ell. A verification of the call showed
that eviry republican voted for Lindley, every
democrat for Palmer; Moore and Cockrell lor
Palmer, and Taubeoeck for Streeter.
1 "On this the 154th bal!o," suid Speaker
Crafts, "the whole number of votet cast it
204; necessary to choice I03, of which John M
Palmer hat received 103 votes democratic
cheers, A J Streeter I vote, Cicero J Lindley
Io3 votes. And I hereby declare John M
Palmer duly elected United States tenator,"
Deafening applause from the democratic side
ol the galleries grcetej the announcement.
A Farmers' Alllaaee Tlctary.
Columuus, O, March 11 The Kowllngt
mil, amending the tax jaws of Ohio to fa that
manufacturer cannot enjoy exemption . f.oro
taxation on their product for one year after
production at heretofore, pasted the sena'e
this nfternocm and is now a law. The bill rat
the combined opposition of the manufacturers.
It was a farmer. s alliance measure and is a
great victory for that organization.
A Klart Hade,
Sacramento, March 11. The fcgiidaturc
in joint session today took one ballot for United
States senaii.r. Pwelve candidates weie voter!
for. Thos-: receiving the highest 'numbei
of vote wertt Estee,29; Goucher, 25: Ie
Voung, 24; Fellon, 13. Necessary to a choice
59. .
Goucher, Dem, who, under the democratic
caucus arrangement, was substituted toJay
for Ostrorn, deceived the full democratic
Augusta, Me, March 11. In the house
today the bill providing for state adoption of
the Australian system of voting was defeated, .
74 to 71 , five inerrbei not voting.
Bold Oat,
Corvallis, Or March 1 1. Ex-Senator T
E Cauthorn, wh t has been for many years
one of our leading general merchants, bat sold
out his entire interest to the Capital Ailven
tui e Company, of Salem. Senator Cauthorn
will now devote hi ent,rc time to the manage
ment of the financial interest of the ngricultu
ral college.
The best roasf coffjijinjthei city a Cjci
M.yrriv ,
The Willamette river roue about th-ee
feat last bight, at this wity.
l'tnl D Helrry ii ennaexted lth a new
newspaper venture ia Stmttlu.
Th old wooden awnincs era hali-.e nulled
down at gaum. They should l at Albany.
Tho Atl..u L I.L J T:!I!.. -".. . .
f A 4VVIIIIIUI!l V! I " ..Vfiy J ,1,1. nil,, UllMlUg W
Lecture, Rev J R bttlns. They will put In a w mill and
MUSIC, a irir ijnarts mill to mt or f'il.wy
From nnw until Ami! 1st we will mil sit
of oer rubbed goods at eot fur thaoash only.
1 ail eariy wiut the aiort i Still larue at
Klein Bias.
Mil Ella Irfi.lta tha eminent
ehumtionUt, ha re,-n eugi;cd by the Y V
8 L JS ol the Presbyterian church to give an
(.tilrf-taiiurieiit at this city on Maroh .'Hth.
Ktp tin cut in your mind.
Lew Jnhntnn't minstrel kst uittlit ear an
Afternoon session, 1 :.1Q o'clock. Htc- bv all iiKsrina it. ' Tha Arabian nun iiiaiti
lal discussions. bvitoul discipline, a no puiator is quit .i attraotimi ad doet some
relative linportttnno 01 tmrent ana tencn- very oltver trick.
ponse, Superintendent W I Reynolds, of
J'oiK county, music, lecture,
N IkOl. editor Compendium.
Kecltation. Music.
Morning session, 0 :30 o'clock. Spec
ial discusalone, Hchool organlidBtion
and wnnaKoniBUt. Methotls of conduct-
Imr recitat ons. Modern history nicth-
olsot teaching. Teachers' ex a ml nations.
Miscellaneous. General discussions. whispering? The
nuest on of corporal ftunlsiiuient.
The extension of the Oregon Pacific
over the Cascade through the best nat
ural pas that, ranee affords, and tapping
nearly one. half of Oregon In teirltory,
which consummation now teem only a
shod time In the future, wilt make this a
paying road without a doubt. If judlckuly
managed. The people ol hiicm took lor
ward with pleasurable hope to the con
summation oi thl object for It will cer
talnly result In closer relation with the
Capital City than are now furnished by a
tew rtver boat.
Wc Ira.n that the Jone coui.ty calf case
ha been finally settled. Thl it one ol
the most celebrated case not only tn Iowa
but In the country. The ease began twenty
year ago. rno calve were worth $4$ at
tne lima iitiaation commenctd. ittey
grew to be aged cow and steers and their
bone long since crumbled o dust, but
that county caif lawsuit Ht! went
on. The cost has been between Si (,000
and J 0,000, and the plaintiff ha at lt
got a verdict lor 1,000. It may be re
marked that tne case ha bankrupted
everytody connected with lu
So long aa Oregon ha a dome on
capltul what matter It whether there I at
Worlds r air or not.
r in the loruiaiion 01 me ciuiu a riutr
acter. Topical methods of teaching
geography. Oral instruction in primary
Bt-hon s. Miscellaneous, uenerai um
cimalnna. General information in the
school room. Reviews nnd examinations
what and how.
Kvnn imr session. 7:30 o'clock. Music,
Ui-i-itftLlim. Music. Address. Music,
Recitation. Music, Ixscture, rresiilent
Van Ncoy, Willamitlo tuuvers.ty, baieui.
Music. '
TilCUSDAY APktL 2. ' ,
Mornlitk- a!tsion,0:30 o'clock, Spec
ial diacuMslon. Oh ect iensons. Ihe
truancy problem Hand and eye train
ing in the public schools. Heading
. 1 J . i, , . ! 1 .
Ilietnoua Ol M-nrnmn. 1 riiuary rvnuiiiK
and Miiellimr. Mlscullsneous. General
discussions. Are public school examin
ations and exhibitions advisable?
Afternoon waalon. 1 :30 o'clock. Spec
ial discuions. Scope of common sehmd
work. IUundera in English. Tin daily
preparation of the teacher. School room
sanitation. Miscellaneous. Generat
discussions. The per cent system ol
marking aud reporting. Are pupils ana
teachers overworked! r
Evening s-!on. 7 :30 o'clock. Music.
Recitation, Mra A 4 tiarland, ltrowns
vllle. Music. Address. Muai. Rci
tation. Munic. Lecture, President T (J
Itrowiison, MrMinnvilie college. Music.
Recitation. Music.
ratlMT, Al'HIL 3.
Morning session, 9 JO o'clock. Ppec- and Is thoroughly Identified with her In
lal dlseuiMltma. Nuntnber work-tneth-1 tcrcit. lie It a steady, reliable young
ods o. "rii" common school nyura."
Subiwt vs predicate. Reading circle and
school jirtirnals-their place and purpose
in the teacher's education, i nyaioiogy
and hviHene-methodxnf. Miscellaneous.
General discussion. The teacher out of
the schoolroom.
Af ternoon session. 1 :30 o'clock. Spec
ial discussions. 1 our public schools
Jo..h Frsser, Unmlilla Coiiutv's hnAviest
iudiviiju.l tspayr enntribnted f!l05 at
the herlQ' dlios tiHlay rt-pr'-sintliia hi
taxes for IH'JO E. O. Unule Jke Kce
nan rie Uaut Jak Krrr QUO tnd ov.r.
Ilov W W Ua. t,t Portland. will th.itver
a lecture at the U r Ghurnh on next I ut
dny ovaniritf, subject, "The IJl Mai'
AdmUtion, 'ii eut. Alooov to er toward
tmllding a uiimioh oburoh at Eist Pcitlaud
It will be worth In 1.1 iu it.
A Corvalti rkl estate mn lis reoeived
th f illowing Utter from the Ut, "liter
Hier Ki wisch b view minl ciiie of your
new paprtr iranin of tnt fiind abiut 6
familiv (Parmer) muftng to lUmton tn nnxt
sommer, and wte wix:!i tn now vlka bis
fniud got aul hieb Ltid.
Ia it account of the Farmer Alliance
mnctiuit at Jtffireoa on SiturJay th Malum
JiHirn!syi "EHUt (irant llurer
John Buntnou and liar) u Irviui. nl lenn
mxtlo uthtilaue and neonrstiing pet e
Th It Irvine referred U i Hon U A Irvine
r,f Albany, wr- never ss w Tenn
P.'STMAtTra MosTririi, The tallow
ing appear In todsyt Oregonlan under
yesterday' despatches: The Oregon
delegation lodav had a consultation and
finally effected an agrermmt on evcra.
Important apiltitment for Oregon, and
have recommenticu to me presiiifnt lion
I'ctcr reqtict for receiver ol the United
States land otlice at Oregon Cltv, and
Tlioma Mnntclth for pmunsMer at Al
bany." Mr Montehh, who will receive
the appointment, I a na'.lva of Albany,
man, and will make an active, competent,
attentive official, and his appointment
though tome had other preferences, will
give general ta'.Ufaclton here,
Ju F Knott wa 'ret 4 bv Marshall
lloffntan this altemoon in th Thir l ward
for being drank and disorderly.
Mari.m county has ptl hor taxes in
Last Wednesday th thoriff took possess
ion t)d o'osfd JohnOsbora'olothiDgttor
in Ftrrt't hrhik. The tor wts olosnd on a
judgment tit esntition fur th sum of $500,
hold by Elian Welder, ot Salom. It I not
learned Whethnr a lettlement willlelTeetd
or not. vorvalli Otsette,
In an aocnnnt of a brirl of trad meetinir
at Oregon City the following item appear 1
"UorrmuDittation wat read by nou'ctary
t)nnldon from Q iion, Q linn Jt Warner, of
Albany, Of, iu regard to a pitout water
power utilir.-sr. Deollded,"
Royl O Spear, the Kormb crank who
wb her lat ear Bulling aleotrio sole, I
nnw at the reoldence of M esaiah Teed in
Chioagn, at TI Noe ttreet, where hstold
iiawspxpnr reporter that as seon a tbs
Meiati dies, a baptism f Are will come
ntxm the earth which shall consums million
i f ttribtiiiivar. Joe W Corik, an Oregon
blft'ikunrtil. is a jtiftiribcr of this Mesaiah
club. Oregon City Courier.
Pri UchUiig, w ith all it attendant vil
and brutality, ontiMnuoi in San Francisco,
Lut vivht Kilriu whined Godfrey, th
darkey, in forty four round. In the last
round Godfrey was to groggy that he er.uhl
not raise in nam) to evau u. lend himMlt.
Eilrsin bravely (1) attacli-d him tnd fimah
nl bun up. (.id him to lrp, ttaperihtd
him, knocKcd him out. . I i-autilul.
W bv Wen shown a plan forantw
opera hriuie to be built by a party of tea of
our iu;e hi', headvd by ;mji l iim!lrirtr-r
and lihiin liart. The l uildiK is to be 52(i3
fret and wilt be tlin linoot til tad up theater
.muids'if Portland in Oregon, ThstK
will be 2Gx50 ft., heiuht 20 it. .with a foil
set of ijosmao and 1 nd;. sceorry, with all
the llet IiKhtug and tffe r.ettiui-. Ihe
Cinrvl ahead ordored. The b loon v.
the oMr chair fir whioh arn ordered, will
teat .'itiO. and will be Wsntifui a circular
oettirtif ae cn be found. The parquet will
est UOO. There will be four co-nmodiou
boxr. Ten dressing room w ill be heated
by t'-ttin inrtthosaine oinio will drive the
iiuuducnt dynamo. I teitit of e ilioy, 30
ftett the entranoe will be 15 ft wtd, with
stftii wjs ta balcony. Euctie Guard.
Wheat. The price of wheat begin to
present a K' scrlou npcct as the amount
in the warehouses decredsct. There U now
only about 30,000 bushel stored In Al
bany, wr sale. I he price to-day 1 70 J4
cents, with an uncertain tendency.
Citfucii NoticBjj. The usual services
,t the fJngregatlonal Church to-morrow,
uhjee', at ft a m, "Ihe Holy Spirit," at
:3o p tn, Courtship ana Marriage. 1 his
1 an interesting lecture on nn interesting
topic. Come sod hear It, Scrvlcc con
ducted by Rev Mr Staver.
Preaching at the Baptist Church at if a
m and 7:31 p m by the patlor. Morning
subject, "flie Childhood and Youth of
Jesus," evening "Repentance." Young
peoples meeting at 7 :3'. All will be made
welcome. '
Louis Viereck to f-'am Gu!s8. lot 2,
M 4. vi A, Alnany if
State of Oregon to Thos Fhns.Slialf s
sec 10.tDlO,8R2E...i...... 400
Thos Hirns to lohn A Shaw, undi
vided half see 10, tn 10.S K 3 K I
Mary Burkhart to J N l)uncan,8.Cl
acres tp 12, KHZ
Ida E Dorrts to Eva A Duncnn,1ota
10, 11, 12, bl 4, JJ'e A.AIlmnr.
Geo VV Davis et nx to Win Dick,lot
0, ui 1, in ;Mai .............
RoW.rt Glass to Crawfordsvilla
Iodge, No 93, IOO F.lot 4, bl
3, G's A, Crawfordsville 30
A Blaker to Eva Dick Jots 2, 3, bl
1, fchedd 90
II C Luce to W H Goltra, N K M
secl, tpll, HU3w 1
B B Butter to Han Lntn Co, timber
on certain tracts. . , . 1000
Frank Hhedd to School Dist 37, lot
4, bl 2, Davis' A, Shcdd ....... 23
Lewis L Calavan et al to U U and
1 N Holt. 100.05 acres in Joel
CaUvan PLC 3150
Riley D Calavan t al to T M and
ME Holt, 156.53 acres in D L
C of J owl Calavan. 3150
I R Ablv to Milton J Connor.iots
U.l'i.bll, A'eA. ........... 200
R A Murnhr et nx to J L Hill. 24
fe-t.bll02, H'sA 1000
(i W Cline et ux to II Albers. 3.C4
rslntpll,8R4w 400
J L Hill et us to R A M urt.h v.24.07
acres, to 10. 8 R4w 1000
W M Rutherford to John Leonard.
lot I. bl 10. Ii's 2nd A 1000
Edith Uelle Andrews to W E Yates
Ml of S half of DLCof Wm
Robnctt 200
Michael Fuller to R A Rampy. 1 I.
C of D H litisfy 45,000
SEtiray to J N Duncan, tracts tn
tn 14. KR3w.
Geo Humphrey, referee, toFM
French et al, 8
Total for year,,.
Krrat la rra Hlatarr.
meet the want of the couununitv in re
gaid to the teaching ot morals ar.d man-1 full Wing the ilrrl emnty t- do to.
nersi liiunuers in r.ngnsii. ineprac
tricat in penmanship. Drawing, from
an educational standpoint. Duse of
text books. Miscellaneous, tioneral
discuasions. How to gain the confidence
ol pupils. W hat rules ought a teacher
to make at the opening ot his school?
Eveninn si-ssion. 7 :f) o'clock. Muic.
ReclUtion, Mrs M R Brown, Turner, Or
egon. Mulc. Address, J 11 Horner,
principal Rosebunr public . schools.
Music. Address. President I' L Camp-
Wll. statj norma school. Monmouth.
Muxic. Uecitatiun. Music, hxlal re
union. .
I til t IT l OtT,
McKlntey Mltchelt.theGervaf merchant
wa arrested a d:v or two ago, for larceny
by bailee, but wa promptly discharged.
A Sola man l congratulating himself
on receiving $10 wltne fee In a case in
whl:ha cousin whom he had never teen
had to pay the cot1., and whom, we sus
pect he never care to see again.
The present grand jury haa had alut
the knottiest time In the history of Linn
county grand juries. They have had a
siege of it with the Sweet Homers, mm
for eelling liquor to minors, druggist for
telling without license, etc
The possibility of the mummy to be
exhibited by Rev Romingcr next Thurs
day evening having been a sweetheart of
Moees several thousand years ago adds
interest to the afJair,and many ill wish
to see Miss Mummy.
The Astoria & South Coast railroad, it
ia reported, has let a contract for thirty
miles of crading, and the men having
the contract are all ready in tr e field. ;
The road is already built tt Seaside, a
distance of over twenty miles, ami the
thirty miles will take it nearly to Tilla
mook. A large piece ot the scaffold on which
"Captain Jack" and the other Modoc In
dian war leaders were hung at Fort Kla
math is now on exhibition at the States
man business oflice, and will lie turned
over to the museum of the Willamette
university In the name of Hon D W
Matthews, Indian agent at the Klamath
reservation, in a few days. It is a part
of a gallows that did good work for jus
tice and civilization, and will become
more and more valuable aa a reminder ot
the tragedies of the lava beds as the
years roil on. Salem Statesman.
The absence ot Gen E L Apple-gate
from the down town throng last week
has been accounted for. Twenty years
ago he had one mump. The other day
ho had the other mump. For some rea
son the mumps could not remain in the
general's jaw, and fell, which necessitat
ed his lying in bed a week or so. During
that time, however, he went through
Egypt, Ancient Ethiopia, Mesopotamia,
Sparta, Greece, the Roman governments,
etc., etc , and refreshed his memory on
the glory.miaery and folly ot past events.
But for right spicy things vou want to
hear Lish "go through" the Harrison
administration and the Indian depart
ment. Ashland Record.
A L Lillardsgt E II Rhode. To recov
er money. Verdict for plaintiff for $6a.oo,
I R Dawson, assignee, Don Smith agt
J W Brown A sn. To recover money.
Judgment for want "of answer.
Mary A Rawaon agt CJ Stewart To
recover money. Continued.
Stale agt Polk Thoma. Selling liquor
to minor. Plead guilty and fined $50.
Stte agt Polk Thomas, Selling liquor
to minor. Dismissed.
State agt Thoma H Hickihi. Plead
gull'y. Sentenced to peiitentlsry one year.
Given sgt Given. Divorce. Continued.
Assignment Earl Race. Continued,
Deyoe & Robaon agt J B Potter. To re
cover money. Judgment for want ot an
The llarri.barg Courier will anuear in a
few dsyt, the plant Wing a'ready en the
Tb"n Jam ha bti-11 iiidiitd by the
Grand Jnry for burglary and wa rrir.ed
today and lea-l not guilty.
I a th Tf-mreraai Cdmw on isar f-wrth
paae, edited by the W C T V, wiil be f uqd
aa article worth trading. ,
Mr Grr who! t ! editor of ihe Naw
Portland dally i already in that city. Th
nper ia to ! a tlr.t c'?t or, tnd will mtk
th OregoitUa lm to it long held hotiott.
A !a.f and dumb man jeittrda brought
to the city a lit! la vial of gold which he had
patined out on tha Santiaui beyood lbautn.
It bad the ge&utne ring.
'her wi!l be a roil meeting of the W
ItC Ht at 2.30 pm to mak arrangement
for aa atortatnmrnt to b elvea on the
availing of the 20th. All member ar earn
Uy ttetea to be present.
A I'lU-r has bn rtciv4 by tha i-ridg
eammtttae frrm Mj , llandujry, Major, of
the eorp of Kngiuw-r p iviuiti.'rucliona in
reference to Ihe construction of the biUge
at this eity. Ail carver and map, an
lleiriaUd, tav ta b tubiuittod to the war
drt Intent for l (.ruval. -Th vOinmitiM
w ffl t rirt!nd ut cfitisni lersonaiiy
with Msj. fUndbury and ttoar an engineer.
Died is Iaia Asar.LE. R "W Strong,
clerk cf Omrad Mtycr, last evening re
ceived a dcapatch fratn Mr Meyer, who
recently went to lie Angfics, stating
that his uncle, Mr Malt Gcrhart, of that
Edltad by AlUay W, 0. T. U
The following extract front an address
ol Mary F. Lath rap has been contributed
to our column by a prominent citizen of
Albany, which he fully endorses- We
gladly give it place.
THE API-Kit r tt0MrJee!,
, V?" JL ..
. v -.
IVdh thft nivtliorl ai:tTwitL4 whcl.
rujof Fid h taken ;Kj. ,lenj.ant
au.l refrc!;in to t?e taflW acts
f.nilyyct proinj-U nti tlunulneys,
Liver and Titwols, cb-atiw ay
tern eflectsinjr, dixriela eoA?Qfc
tichi s and fevers nml cures h:u w
wn; tipfltbn. Hrrup of Figs in the
only remedy of its Kiri'l ever pro
i!uc1, jikteinjj to t'ne taste ftwlnc
t t5 !c to the elomcth, proiuj.t iu
Wa action w truly lTif.;:aI in its
;if 'Ct its lanny excellent unlities
rxl it to all. It U for tale in
pnd $1 bottle J hj cli Kadisg
3i':;lfl ' -
s MtifAcrtmro oav rnr Twe .
loviSitiis. r.r. M.W row, n.i
S0M, CO.. Ilt)??.'3.
i rltv. Iiml itiat ili,-.l at. 1,1. b.-imarit nurnlv-
A T Gilbert et ux sgt P Blevln. To le- ,i. Ho wn a brother of Mr L Gerhart
cover money, continued.
Geo Munroe sgt Mary Munroe. Dl-
Enn high in Albany at rOAhay?& Ma
son' drug tor ever System Buildur, a
everylmdy ia usii.g it for Catarrh of th
Stomach, Dysnepsia, Constipation and Im
pure J'.lood. Try it md toll your frieods
about it aa it mast posi wonderful merit
when ad peak well of it, '
For I me back, or ie chest, use Sniloh s
Porou;l'ltr. Price, 26 or tits.
A tore care for th whisky Mabiti Dr
Liriiigktoo'a Antidote for . rnnl enuea will
core any case ot the liquor nabit in trom ten
to thirty day, f rorn the n ncieratt- driuker to
the dmnkard. The Antidote c 11 he given
in 1 cap of crtffeff without the knowledge f
the person taking n. The Antidote willnnt
injure the hoaltn 111 any way. Manufactured
l.ytbo Livingstou :hemioal Co., Portland,
Oregon tr from J A Cumming, .ole agent
ReWeved efKldaey Traable.
S J Ooi.iu, Rossini House, Toronto, Can
ada write:
"I have been t. cabled with a backache for
some time past, and great dilliculty in pass
ing urioe. Three week ago I applied aa
Allouk ' Poron Platter, And hav done so
every five day since. Almost immediately
I had partial relief, aad now I run entirely
free from paio water pasting freely and
perfectly clear, without burning . I owe my
f;rat relief to Allock' Poron Piastora and
aitly leccommand them in any cose of
kidcey t.ouble."
Haaep to Luaa,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real e.tate security, on two to five year
time. Call on u at our oflice, opposite
the Hevere house.
Burkhart & Ceenet,
Wanted, to rent an orgnn for several
months. Call at the Dkmocrat oftice.
Bronuhiti immediately relieved by Sbiloh '
voice. Divorce granted.
W II Maple agt M A Maple. Divorce.
Dlvotce granted.
Sallle g Clement agt Robert L Clem
ent. Divorce. Divorce granted.
Mary E Emerson agt John Emerson.
Divorce. Divorce granted.
M Saltmarsh agt S Goetx. Appeal.
Judgment tor pi ft for $130.
Verllnda Htandhh agt A W Siandish
Divorce. Divorce granted.
E T T Fisher Kt John and Pauline
Schmeer; Foreclosure. Decree granted.
J W Galne and Lewis Stringer agt
Ltnn county; Revtew. Motion to dlsmU
Oregon agt L'.an count; Farmer'
Union; Action at law to dissolve copart
nership. Judgment dissolving corpota
Lena Dorrls agt It L Dorr is ; Divorce.
Divorce granted.
The Chinaman arrest! for stealing a
hog was discharged, not a true bill being
found against him
F D Scammoo agt Frank Ingram
Libel. Judgment for piff for 49.
E M Wharton agt Gibson, Meyer Si
Christopher; To recover money. Judg
ment tor pi ft and attached property to be
If. M. C. A. A tie.
The i M C A district convention for
western Oregon, will be held in Albany
on the' 17th, 18th and 10th, ot April,
IW',11. It ia expected that at least iifty
delegates will bo present, besides the
usual number of visitors that attend
such conventions. Plans are being laid
to make this one of the most enthusias
tic and beneficial meetings ot the kind
ever held on the Pacific coast. Collations
will be servered on the i7th nnd lth
Friday and Saturday. There will be
forenoon and afternoon, as well as even
ing sessions, to which everyone is invit
ed. The union mass meeting and anni
versary services which was to be liekl in
opera iiouee on the evening of April 0th,
1801, has been postponed until the clos
ing evening ot tno district convention,
which will bo Suudav evening, April li.
It is desired that the pastors of the
various churches remember us in their
pulpits and prayer meetings, as we shall
nued the hearty co-operations of the
Christian people of Albany in order to
make this an epoch in our history.
We also appeal to the members to
talk this matter up with the people, and
leave not one stone unturned on your
part to make to make the convention a
complete success, for nothing but suc
cess will answer. There is ample time
to work, and it we tail to prove ouwlvrs
equal to the task of niakirg the conven
tion one that merits tho approval of the
public, it will be because you, and you,
and you failed to do your part. Take
this thought with you, in your work, in
your plav. take it with you to your closet,
prepare youreelf to act with any com
mittee on which vou mav be placed. Bv
so doing you will help the secretary to
carry out the plans, as wen us neip your
self nearer the kingdom. Secbetaby.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable
by that terrible couch, bhiloh 's Cure it the
Remedy for yen.
B 11 V.
TARICER. On Saturday mor ning,
March 14, 1801, to ; the wife of , E F, Tar
ker, a boy. . : v.:
MILLER. On Wednesday nlght.March
11, 1891, to the wife of C A Miller a girl
MILLER TRITES. At the residence
of Frank Trites, on Washington street,
Albany, March 11, 7 p. m., bv
Rev. . F. Stewart, Alonzo j. Miller nnd
MissMattie A. Trites, both of Linn Co.
of this city. Mr Gcrhart was in Albaay
two years ago, anl will lie remembered
by many who were fortunate lu making
the gentleman's acquaintance.
Fi-fCTfATisa WuaAT. Yesterday the
market took a pln and wheat w as quoted
at 72 cents, resulting in several sales.
Today, though, there was a weakening,
and a drop of lg cents rvsulted. The
increased price is already showing a
healthier color in the face of the money
market. As the price Is uu to entire ex
tent to Ihe local markets of the valley,
holders should be on their aruard. It is
a case where remarkably good judgment
is required.
tM,000 to loan during next Un dava br 8
N SteJe.
Hulin & Dawon, dru?iUu.
Buy your groorri-w'of Parker Bro
Piaegroorriv t Conn & ilrodr cin'.
Notice the Kw York C. B. K. 8 U.r' aJ.
Pie plant root tor ! by J 11 Townsand ,
Men' sox at ctt at th Nee Yetk C BR
Geota glove t cot at tho New York C
BR store.
White thirt at cott at the New York C
BRfctoro. "
Buy Gaioline itcve frcm Idalbemt &
Gent under car at cost at the New a oik
C P. R. store. -
Pant and overalls at cost at tho New
-Oregon City ia eotleaiplatiog organising
aa insurance company,
Srnoks the cetcbrated Havana Ctied 5 ctut
cigar at Julius Joseph'.
A largAfttook of wall paper, with late de
signs, t Fortmiiler t Irviug'sjust received.
St-e W F IUad ' lino of dret goal and
liikt before buying ehewhero.
Bargain in ohoice grocHrie cm alwayt
be acenred of AUeu Bros.. Kliuujttlock,
Iliyhttst market pilot paid tor eggs at the
New York C. B. R. Storo.
Eugene City ia to have a new theater.
The building will be 52x05, the (tags 2G50.
Rev Rnmmger w'll deliver hi lecture in
Eugene O i Wednesday evening, March 13.
Weaning, COa a dnxnn, " mending for men
frr-,at Mr Klugs.j'iat east of the 1U0CRAT
If yon want any thing tiieo go to Muller Sc
Gatrett'a, tha only plaoe in town where yon
can Ret what you want.
Will Si Stark have jii'.t ' reoeived a large
and elepaut stock of siivflrware, watebet,
etc., never betoi iquallctl in this city,
Mr Hopkins dancing school will le htld
Monday evening at the 0'era llru e instead
cf this evening n anuounced.
The larcjciit ever ten in Albany Wo
mean the largest assortment of ladie and
miiBta Oxford ties iu ail style ot Bros,
exclusive shoo store.
,YV want the ladia. to etop and look at
onr large va.iety ol Oxtord tics just received
aud the latest atyle at Klein Bro.
Brik'hleu np yonr old rubbers and old
thou and make them look a good at nw,
with Wold Aohm W tttorijroof P.liati, For
sale at Sjniual E Youni .
lo expel the impurities in the bluod and
giv trength to the system before the effect
of warm ca'.her aro fjlt, use Puucler'
Oregou Blood PuriUir,
Th Sciontifio American give the Oregon
wouaer. lorinerty ownod by Ilutherfurd
liro(.. of Marion, a long notice. The hore
1 now iu Boston atid i attraotiujj groat at
tqntioo, Mr F U Pfniffer'a new bnni.ufn ia Port
land receives a loag "iend off ' io yeaterdayV
Oretouiaa, iudicatiog that he will c:rry on
quite ao exteusiye buiaess ia carbouited
The grnd jury found "uot a true bill"
against Mr Bai O'F&lIowa who ha been
awaiting it action here for s -vsral months,
Oo bi arrrest Mr Fellow told the Bemochat
this would be the result as ho wa inuocont.
There will ha district convention of Y
M C A' at thia city April 17, 18 and 19,
when about fifty delegates ara expected to
be ptesfnt from difT-Jieiit parts of the North
west. TBeAlbauy association Li anticiiia
ting a biif time.
I do not know w hat you may think of
the woman's crusade, but lot me say, as
a woman who stood inside it, that the
womanhood of this ii.ttin never laid
such a tribute at the feet of its manhood,
If you want to find out w hat a boy is
worth, go and ask bis mother. By the
time she goes into the jaws ot death to
?ive him birth, and then puts into him
ii-r days of love and nights of cares, and
lie stands Khrt her strong and clean
and tall at twenty-one, she can tell you
what he is worth from the crown ot his
head to the wile of his feet : and when
the legalized dram-shop takes hold ot
him and tears him down, fiber by fiber,
and puts oaths on the lips sho used to
kiHD.snd crushes out his mother's hones
It is no wonder she makes outcry. II
you w ant to know t hat a home is worth
go and ask a loving woman who has kept
herself as pure as God's lilies tor her
marriage day, when, with a great shine
In her eyes, she puts herself over into
tne hands 01 one man, lor better or for
worse, for richer or for Poorer.until life's
end. And when the draui-ahop with its
fearful curse cr the threshold of the
home they built together, and takes
down her strong tower of boie, stone by
Stone, and degrades the father of her
children, it ia iu wonder woman makes
What was the woman's crusade? It
was a long-smothered sob breaking into
a cry; it was a tutdnight prayer coming
abroad at noonday You men sometimes
sy to us, as w e stand in places like this,
Home is your kingdom." We do not
dispute it; we know it better than you
know it; hut it was our kingdom that
was outraged. You say to us, standing
ballotlcss and dtf?ntH les lx-for this
vampire of our civilization, "You do not
newt the ballot : we defend you bv love
and by law." I.k you? When tor eigMy-
n ve years, by w ell denned license legisla
tion, motherhood has been uncrowned
and her children slain by law, vou have
made no protect again! it! You have
prayed about it in prayer-meeting, but
w hen it comes to the sweep of empire in
tho ballot-box and in political organiza
tion, you have made no protest. Oh 1
men, I do rot believes civilisation is
worth much that cannot protect its wo
men and babies. And grand aa you are
and strong as you are and true aa you
are, you . w ill never bo able to protect
your women and your children and the
drain-shop at the same time. Oh 1 in
shame, in very shame, either get jip and
strike down this enemy of the home and
of wifehood and of childhood, or else put
the ballot into the hand of your women
for their own protection.
May 11, 1792 CaptGrar entered the
Columbia river. Riving it the name of
his ship.
' 1804 Lewis and Clutk expedition.
1811 i'ort Astoria was established.
1830 The first American emigration
set toward Oregon.
February 17. 141 First forma! rneet-
ug for the organization of a provisional
February 2, 1S43 Citizen's meeting at
tha Orwron Institute, and a committee
appointed to call a meeting for organiza
February 17. 1843 Meetinz in pursu
ance ot call of committee appointed at
the previous meeting, at Joe Gervaie's
May 16, 1S43- First meeting of the
legislative committee. First legislative
body in Urvgon.
July 5. 1S43 Laws of the legislative
committee adopted by the people at a
meeting at champog.
1840 Northwest boundary settled.
Amrutl4.IMS Orzanic act approved
and territorial organization effected.
March 3. 1849 Territorial government
established by proclamation.
.50 Congress granted three hundred
an sixty acres to a man ana uie same
amount to his wife, on condition ol resi
dence on thi land for four years.
1853 Washington Territory was or
ganized north ol the Columbia river.
February 14, 1S50 -Oregon admitted as
a state.
A faasplalal.
March 14th, 1801.
Editor) Democrat .
I wish to call the attention of tne pub
lic, and especially the city officials, to the
fact that there is being carried on in this
city a pawnbroker's business without a
eecial license. This is connected with
other businesses and commonly with sa
loons. It consists ot accepting as secur
ity for the loan of money personal prop
erty, and charging an enormous percent
age on the redemption of the same ; thus
violating the city ordinance s.ssec
I w ill further state that the saloon keeper
who makes a specialty of this business
had U tter procure a license or discon
tinue his practice, or he wiil get himself
into trouble. A cmzxir.
A Farmer's Alllaaee.
Jordan, March 0, 1891.
Communication from Jordan to the
Albany Democrat.
' According to previous notice about two
hundred of the citizens of Jordan and
vicinity, assembled at Jordan hall aud
listened to an ablo address by I) J Cole,
of Kansas, national organizer for Farm
er's Alliance, in which he enlightened
our minds on the leading financial ques
tions of the day. He then proceeded to
organize an alliance at this place, of 50
members, and officers, as follows:
Jaoob Huber, president.
John Bryant, vice-president.
Frank Thayer, secretary.-
T P Goodman, chaplain.
A J Shelton, treasurer.
need fot Constipation, Loss ot Appetite, Dis
siness, and all symptoms of Dyspepix. Trice
10 and 75 csnl per battle.
There teemt now to be ro 5o jU that a aew
democratic daily paper, worthy of the name,
it to be it ar ted at Portland io a few weekt.
It is backed by sufficient capital to make a
first cla dai'y equal in all respects to the
Orrini. It will meet with a hearty wel
come in Oregon and the democrata of the state
should tee to it that it is lloeraily patron bred.
CatUSrea Cajep
The tleot flivet, geotlsaeUoa and Baotb
ing effcta of Syrup of Figs, w herein eeed ol
a laxative aad if th lather or mother be
costive or bnii-u tba moat gtaufying
oilowing its use, oo that it is the tt faia-
y remedy knowo and eiery family should
aye a bcttle.
IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold it
regular meeting Wednesday evening of
each week. YUitlng brother are cordially
nvitedto attend.
lias a large nnd coinpleto line of
goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons,
ve ocipedes and many other goods which
gol to makeup a complete assortment,
besides a complete line of lamps of
every description. China crockerykfancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird cages,
plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets,
autograph books, BcraD books, children'
ABC picture books, and all goods that
ro carncu in a isazaar Btore, including
Roger Bios. 1847 silverware. Wa wish
to call the attention of the public in par
ticular 10 tne uotuen itute prize baking
powder and tea, put up expressly for
this trade, which gives the best of satis
faction, aa is attested by the hundreds
who have used both the tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by the
Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of
tea and can of backing powder draws a
prize in the shape of a fine pieco of glass
ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany,
at tho Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will
be sure to find what you want, and will
be shown over the store and be treated
kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My
goods aro all marked in plain figures so
as not to deceive anyone, and I have but
one price to all.
J cxics Gradwoiii.,
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh '
Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10
cents, 50 cent and $1. Foshay Sc Mason,
agents, "
Tickets for ALL.
ANY routs, for esle
ticket office.
eastern points, over
by W, L. Jestur, at-
gHILOH'S COUGH ' aud.:Consnmption
Curs is sold by non a rnai a else. It cures
Trudsad all the way on foot, over mountain
hia fVtenda Sbnurht b arrtulA mww Mmm
Lin raring- with ilow consumption for many
yeai-a, he saw Dr. Pieroa'a Golden Medical bi.
eoverr advertised la a country Mwipaper,
and be detemained to try it. A few botttea
worked a coansre; ix m on tba' continued use
eured blm. Always too inepeadut to oak
Bis country for a pension, he now asva be
needs none. He belped save bis country, ha
saved himself) Couaarnption ia LunoaaroN
viia.. For scrofula, ia all it nrriad forma, tea
" Discovery " ia aa unequaied remedy. It
cleanso the system of all blood-taint from
whatever cause aristae, aad cure ail Skin
and Scalp B iseasea, Salt-rCeum, Tetter. Ecse.
run, aud kindred ailmant. lt la asarantaed)
to benefit or euro' in ail disease (or whioh it
ia recommended, or money paid for tt Witt
be refunded, bold by drucsrieia.
CopTrlcht, 1S3S, by WornuM Dis. Uxs, Atslr.
cure the worst cases, no matter of bow loDAT
ttaadiua-. 60 oenta, by uxuuifista. . .
-1 1
&&&4P& USE IT!
It routes the Ijverand Kidneys and Stomach,
cures ll,-ail;iche, DvsK.-nsi:(, creates an Appe
tite, Purities the Impure Blood, and -
I i 1 " y
Bhettmalliin, eara!ga, Corns
Ti Oaiiferala FitiT al Ifgatlr
cukcs coios. enow, cotsvtwio.
CU ky all Praci'.aW. Eatk 25, tC fl
Craaalngar & C . Proa-'. L rlB. 0j
27 i
. B : B." B : B'S th: b: 12 ' Zm
Tb Fiatt Smell Arm Ever Ksr.cfitUred.
Li for msa
o tccjstcr.
nitii iBi' irv.
B ESUEULrfCEct tt?
ra r-rk. r .:CL-f i- i 1
- Ir.lniLR ..iClrcy J K. . a
f Ecwiie cf cheap i.-oa iroitatic:r.a.LIiSfc3 r!
jej Ssnd fr Ijut'ja'.td C3U';---3 F.-i.e t.;t tsf
spRixariJCLB, ju.m.iM
bs:st'h- ; : 55 :,a: sirs
.1 If !"
EJsod everywhere. Bl s'-ottlossixforBS,
: S3
.f-T a full Ho of onests of '!
:ultz m
tff af'
1 V i-i. A V WA
lit. . .
IO Simplo Pen's eTifferertt pattern, ta
Aa hkk'illle.t ia:rt
eat poai-Bid jn receipt of IU S K-N'A'S.
PERRY & C? ,Lcn?on. tci.
3. S. OCca. SI9 reaavav. - Vtt
J.l.CC3IlII5C,i "t'KtVrr
j-y.- -TTA.ii,aW a L n i rn
PHDCP CftUi lt, Cold, I
LUiltO Hearea(S,rVh
for Ihroat, Atthma, and
, Intluenr. Branebttt.
, Whooelna Coach. Croun.
and evrv aflrrtHVn n(
threat, Lungt a id Chest, includm? Consumption.
Speedf AJijirmaiseiiU Vicamaa ii'acj " I. a',to."
V, hi. r KMRT & Co ft
fit j r- . rx m 1
atiusiixicu, wcKTipuTi ana iricca a
I Far 1891 wiU k, mn.l m FFII
ito all applicants, and to Ut casou',l
i customers. ic oetter man ever, f ;
a.verv renoa using Lrarnen,
J-'iimMr mr Fit id Setttx.
should scud for it. Address
ntrnniT. Mir.u I 1
i Larent Sc -dsracn m the world I
I f
Caveats, and Trad.t-Marks oMained, and all Fat
eat buaineoa conducted for Moderate Fees,
Our Offics 1 0 irtoslte U. S. Patent Office,
ana we can secure latent in lam tuuo than those
remote from Wart lugton.
Send model, draving or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ot
t choree. Our fee n it due till parent is seenred.
A Pamphlet, '-Uotr to Obtain l'atent," with
names ofc-tu-d clii nt in your State, comity, or
town, sent free. Address,
Oppos!! Patent Office. WzshLiaton. 0. C.
aus touwutr.
r4 nf T
is leaiinr reme-lv lo.'
Inrrliii-s A
The onlv shir rfTnj,
liC-neorT H -ra-.-rV . '. t.
J I rv i-, . it ai i i. t
safe m rw-irimea4uig it
C . to a i ' f - .
II A. J.. , i-.v.