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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1891)
EAST AND-SOUTH. Cout cm Pacific Routo SHASTA LINE. Kreast Train late IW'and pally si" I Nona fnrUanA Albtny San Kt.nclaen ArJBM a a Lt Ar Lv f ; Sfcttt a L I , a iktn Main atop anly at Mlowlnf atnlton north I kaaohur. lUat Partluxi. Ilrw t'U. Wood- Mm, Salens, Alhanr, Tnnrmt, Shmld, lialtey llH- ittmra;, Jaaetten City, Irrinf, Biiftna. aotasraa bais, stitv. eta fL PrUaa4 Ar : Lv Albany tllS; Af Kmwhurr hi awta ttatav mcai4 saut stcerr btsbat) V: rait " PnrtUml ArlSiOOAB nraf Albany Ll:POtB saaABoa muuktb, ii4fL Albany Ar SUtB LatralAr uum L o a a fiall. Albany Ar .Mra i t a a I Ar Lebnnna tr l-Mn PULLMAN EUTFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Slooping Oars, far AaaBBaa1altesi at B-'laaa rMt re, atsaaei uiniiiruu! JTnat BIAa BMwIalaa. inWlH rwaTLAMt Aa CwBTALtlB, Mam. isaibsaui (Cxoapt Suaaay.) IWTaTTT an r a I Ar fttrliaml Camilla Ar Mr 5 ra siraatt tSAis bauv (Kxajpt Sunday, sa Lv 1 ra Ar rVrUanA at.Mlnilln Ar I x A a Lv a a ThroiiK TicliotH Ta all points EAST AflD SOUTH. fat hu laterauUoa rarnrsina, retae, Btana, a 0npan Arattt al A41uT. h P. BOGKXS Htwnr Unit, y. aa f.A THE YAQUINA ROUTE go Dvlopmnt Company's Btsun nip una. 225 f.IILES SHORTER. 20 UOURS LESS TIF.1E nan be but other rauta. First-olas through MaseoEr And trslpht line from Portland and all potato to u WUlamett Vally to and from 8 an rrancisoo, tjau at t mVaa1ama MnuMlAn . t Alhan rith trains of tba Oregon Paciflo Railroad TIME SCHEDULE( eaotpt BaaAaya.) bra Albany !; - a, cmllia lUr.a. Arrire Teqwlna, t:M P. a. LJtn Yaqaina, TMOA.B Leara Camlu,10:s A.B Antra Albany, 11:1 a. O. at O. tralaa connect at Albany and ?ry,)lia. The above trains connect at aonJne with tba Oregon Development rytmpauiy'a Una or Bteama&lpa Mtween Yamuna and San Francisco, SAILING DATES . ran Tfti. WIll.i.W Tallty, March U ; 1U; Uta. vana ui isabcisc Wt&aastttt T alley March tri ; th tlrt; loth. Tba Obpaiv xniiTea tba ncttt to tkaajM aailinc dataa without not lea. . B. Faaaannra frona PorUanJ and VtQainaUa Vallay aointa raa make cloaa anamnatf n irlth Ihi tralm ofthaYanalna aaita at Albany or CorTallla, and li daa 6awd to San Franeiaoo ahould arrant; to rrlTa at Yaaalna U areniox befora c'ata faaulnf r 4 r.rlahl Katca always ta avawaas ea apply U A R Clwpiaaa, Fralfkl and Aiaaay, c. C a r. a4 p aim . CarralJa. B AKli OF CIO, acio, OAtxooK. fnanVtaat rW Praaidaal . I Maaaa -Jr Mraaa ,.... Ma 4SMm4a. Bryaal EOaiaa, John Oalaaa r 0 Imila. Daw a aiaiaal hanalaf aa4 aaaaaaaw Vh irmth tainil an AJWa, VurMaBd boalnm and Ban PORTXAH t BAVINGB BASK, OF VOirrUAtJO, ONKOOa. VaM a ap ml. BnaryJaa aa4 praflaj ., . SU,UM .m . t ailnwad aa amrinaa daooattt aa loOnwK Oaarainary Mnnfabaoaa ....4 par avert par auuaia. v ann) aarinaa Duuaa ,,.i.a par anna par annum. On MMlflaaLa. at dapaali. ar rm axxilaa 4 par aant par annum: fWata amtoa par aant par ana am: sr panira mualha par aant par Ann ami itha. par aant par ruin iirfra ' r D. F.TBOMPSOjf TU Praatdaaa, IL C. irAATTOK, Caaolart. LIII CO. R1TIOI1LB1XK, OW AtBABT. OatSOOM. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. PrmUt..... mmmmm J t COWAW, WPraaUUat J M II ALSTON. avatiiar ...(iaa CHAMHKttLAIN, amimoar. w a. AHCItlJKIU. aVaanaa,W L Oowaa, I M Balaton, Oan 'I hambarlala, W U44, aolkt, t A Orav ara anaOA Arahlaold. TRAMS k(m a ranaral baakint boalaaai. DKAWSldUl DRATrlaa Baw Tort, sna ... . - - i - - IOAS HOif ifna appia'aa aaaorlty KJA.llf aapoamaubtant B AUK OP OBEQOX. ALBABT, OBMrOB'. naalal. f f ta.aa. W MCRRTLti li LANNINO raaMaa Tia-yraalUai taablar .JH W BLAIK tVaaaatti a aanaanl aanklaa aaalaiaa: Rxcnnata xht and al4 aa all tba principal hlai in tha raitad Stataa alaa oa Borland, Inland, Branaa and Oannany, Callaetloaa anada at all aaesanbla poiaU aa faror aklatarma. laaarant allaaad aa Hbm aapaelta. IIIMT VATIOXAL. BAXK, . CT ALBABT. OaXK, ruts Vie Prsaldant .... eaakiar .. S. E.TOUBO .1. W. LAMOCOtr TBAAfTS A ORBERALlMklnalnadaaaa, '"" OUKTS KEPT rubjaet to aback. tflOVT EXCUABOE and trl apbi Wnatar, tkl Xav York, Baa Franelaeo, Chiamgo aad P itland COLLE'.mOOT BADE oa bvtaranla wanaroM B. Tooaa E, V, Liranoa t E Bun, L. Than Emu 1 . 801. ia ffcmt Htoftk ot'iuA pv ;ootl In the Va tT. and tha mo rar isio prices, both m b sellinif. bate oi hand all k'-, FU.iNITUSE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, EJCXS, PICTURES CLQGXS, CROCXBY, ETC., ETC. c'ir wtntofH K YounK's !. atitra L. COTTLItB City Meat Market. SHULTZ BHQS,. Proprietors. K'p a full lin of meats of all kinds, in a cool pltc, oomplaUtly pro teetad; and alwaya fraao. ILBAHT COLLESIAIS. INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON. 1800,1891. VI rat Tnrs Opeaad Bepleathap late, IKS. A lull corps or Instructors, CUSS1CAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY CC:.::.!EKC!AL AKD IZ21M CLASSES. Coiimna 01 atndy arrand to msaC thr aa 1 of all gra je of atadenta. S fecial inawemintt cjtrtj U it adult frm ttbrmd. BET, ELS RET B tllllt, 1 1 1 1 11 nanmn ar nn j i tnro W UlUIUi t Sctuocrat. ULAIMBD FUKK TRADE. Tame O Blaine keeps hi ear clo to the ground and I a man of great tngenut iy. It wii a habit which enabled him to dltcovai In advanct the doom of protection and a quality that empowered him to face about wl'.hout eert.lnir to turn, Ho hat ubtltued reciprocity for protection with all the deftncM of a conjuror tranttormlng ennner nennle Into llvtr quarter. NV hat I reclproclt f Free trade batevl upon pro f a " tectlon principle. ' According to protection!! It I preju. dlclal to the people of a nation to receive more good from the people of an other nation tnan they tend to thcae people. Or, In the language of political economy, if ex port and tmpoit between two nations do not offtet each other the nation which im port mora than It export la afflicted with 'an adrene balance of trade." Thl is kind of affliction which an Individual might bear with considerable equanimity but protection!! regard It a a (pedes of commercial tuberculo! when the Individ ual of a couatrv are concerned a an ag gregatlon ( and, notwithstanding the fact that Ireland ha a 'balance of trade In her favorcountrles are uppoed to be Impoy ertaited by Importlnf and enriched by ex porting. Influenced by this middle age notion, Mr Blaine propose that w be not allowed to order what we want from an other country unlet tha government of that country permit It people to order what they want from ut. Out whciever thl reciprocal arrangement can ba effect ed Mr Blilne would proclaim free trade. What if our worktngmen are thrown out of employment by the Influx of pu;er made goods? What If the farmer ia do PriveJ of hU home market? What If cur Industrie are prevented by foreign com petition from diversifying f What It stetl rail do rite to J 160 a ton and calico to 30 cent a yard? What If wire nail do once more rival gold In price? Every object Ion to free trade disappears provided, for sooth, tha tree trade Is reciprocal 1 As if It would not be reciprocal If protection were abolished. What virtue is there In reciprocity that does not attach In far greater pcrecllon to free trade? How can It make any differ ence to the people of this country whether their import from Brail 1 are off act by ex ports to Braxil or by export to countries with which Brazil trade? If we Import more from Braxil than we expoit to that country we pay the difference by mean of draf'.s based on commodities shipped else where. From other countries we Import less than we export to them, and similarly they pay the difference In drafts. 80 far as current trade Is concerned their is no such thing as a continuous difference when all parties to the commercial relation arc considered. The people of one natton may be Indebted to those of another,but a third will be indebted to that, and in the geneal settlement thare It a general balance. It I only when people in one country par debts to thoae in another, or make loans to them, or make gifts to foreign friend, or remit rent to won-resident landlords, that the even balance of trade Is disturbed. And then it It not the country that ex port the difference that I enriched. These principles understood, it ia clear that free trade ia reciprocity. But It Is natural reciprocity natural a being: gov erned by the natural Inclinations of thn people Instead of arbitrary rule. And naturat reciprocity doe not lay a founda tion for aubaidisiiig steamship line; while that ia precisely what Blaine's reciprcclty sloes. It is this that makes It popular with protectionists, nho are socialist to the ex tent of wanting government to bull J ship and contribute to the expense of sailing them, but Individualists when ir comes to ownership, management, and diatilbutlon of profit. HINTS TO HUCSlKEErEU. No article whatever in the grocery line ahould be put away in the paper bage In which they came. Macaroni should be piacei In a tin box covered. For the Instant destruction of roaches, stir into a half pint of hot paste a dime's worth of phosphorous, adding when cool a quarter the bulk of grease. Thin should be placed where they frequent, and they will die while eating it. For small articles about bte house, such as book covers, blotdng cates.wall pockets and the like, a revival of the darned back grounds, once o popular, has taken place. The design is merely onlllned and lightly filed in, and hence ia doubly effectlf against tb darker ami artistically Irregu lar stitches of the foundation. The work is easy, the worker'a'attention being main ly required to keep the line of stitches quite straight. It I advisable that one who ha not tried the work before should run a fsw straight linea of darning across the material, at Interval of about three quarter of an-Inch, These wilt serve aa guide to the other line. For linen, fine crewel wool at 111 be round mora ef fective than silk: bat flax threads will ork in better for auch small articles aa postcard cases or letter pocaela. A thin slice ol raw, far pork dusted with cayenne peper ia our best remedy for a, sore throat. ! . J 1 1 UEtD. The fifty-first congress I dead, but not to dead a I: arrogrant, tyrannical speak er. In this congress V13 has been the greatest figure. In the next, as a member, measured by hi own conduct, he will be a mere insignificant one, not entitled to any of the courtesies doe from -me gentleman to another. In lit case he wa refuted the usual vole vl thank. by the hour at the close of the session. True his party friend voted thanks wvth every democrat ic vole against the motbn. Thlt kind of courier y Is entirely valueless and without merit, "On their in merit modest men are dumb," I nit as Reed and hU henchmen In the hone sre not modest, they ecu Id not see ihe force of this rlte Saying. Reed is the second example vhere n dig nified congress has justly rfied to ex tend the ourtese of the houto since the custom began. Klefer met thu am fate ten or fifteen f ar, ego, after having, in a very mild way domineered the house. But Reed will pass into history despised and condemn by every lover of constitu tional f reedoiii . . " CATAUlfll CUIU-lD, healtli fand wret breath oured, 9y Sh on' Catarrh R. niedy. Prion 50 cent. Naa.l Injector freo. Fo (hay tl Mtson, agiits. Kaprpty. Tbis ia what yws nign'. o have, Urk yra mutt have it, to 0joy life. Tlunnoda t P'etd of smallpox among tt e farmers, and so are toarchiog for itdtily, and mournluR be- 'ntenle ' tn scare in tl,e ow.a thnt the an -eauta they find it not. Thousands a on,. I 'hor.lies have prohibited either entrance or th ntajid of ftolltra nm tpne annaa'ly by j our people in the hop that they may attain I thiboon. And vat it may ha had by all. S W enarriitea that Electrio IUterr, if uttd. scvordiui; direotiou ami tha ut persisted i io, w brinjf yon ;ood digestion au. oatt J th demon - Dyspepsia aud intUll instead Eupertay. Wa recnmnieod EUctrio Bitter II for Jyspt 1 tia and all disease, of Livnr. 11 Stomach and Kldotys. Sold at fiOcsnd SI per liottla by Foahay &C Masoo, druttt. TiiLEGRAl'lIIO NEWS. A ! . Omaha, March 6. A coloual schema for fraudulently securing million of sere of land thtouchout tit Pacific cottt state wa exposed today in the operation of tin firm of O M Baldwin, v. ho leu I lumber merchant. The plan of the camnsny ha been to send men by tha carload to California, Oregon, Washington anu niumsna in cnarce 01 acentn. who lake un timber claim! promiaruouity under the eom- (nuy a uirccuuiis, men ara ancrwara deeded to in lumoer people. 1 he urm pretend to nav a capital dock of It, 000,000, and ha arrn;ca 10 estaoiun mill to work the timber utu obtained for the eastern maiket. . latl iaaltlla Rrtervatlaa. WAsiifNGTON, Mrch 6. Tha conmiloh- ert of the general land offict today issued in- strucliont to tha registtr and receiver of the land office at La li ramie. Or, in regard to tli saie 01 a portion 01 the Vmalilla Indian reser vation. 1 he commitiioner sav tba law di rect these land to be otlcred lor sal to the highest bidder at not Wis thaa the appraised Tame, son in no case at leu una uer acre. Every Purchaser is requested to mak aiiuavu uiai ihe land is oouglit for hi own at ad occupation. . A Caasptrarjr. Chicago, March 6,C II Cladding, of San Francisco, an importer cf sugar in this city, speaking of the ditpatrhe which ssid that (jenertl Athford was at the head of conspiracy to seize the Hawaiian government, saiui I believe Ihe repot t, for I know hat kind 01 a man the general is. The Blsfcl Bis. Olvmpiiia, March 6 Washington comet cleaa to the front for the ttcrld Mr. The senate today amended Meany's bill, increaiing the appropriation 10 f 100,000, sad tonight uny eic'u niemuers 01 me nouse Vutad lo Con cur in the smendment, snd now the bill toe . .1 . . .. . m 10 i nc governor tot nts approval. An Aall Saaday rraaaae Tacoma, March, 6. -The Antf Sunday Saloon Association has atsrted out In crusade aglantt the altezed vice and Im morality they say la rampart In Tacoma. 1) M Cook is the active head of the ataa- clation.and has already sworn out several warrants lor tne arrest of alleged Uw breaker. Tate Coaaarvattvee Attend). Ottawa, March 6. Sir John Macdon aid la completely exhausted today. He expect to be all again in a few days In an Interview with an Associated rres crretpondent today he estimated his ma jority at pet ween 33 and 35. Big Appraprultaat. Wasiiimoaon, March 5. The following la an approximate statement of the appro priations made at both session of the fifty first congress, prepared by the clerk of the senate committee on appropriation: Amount of regular bills. In. eluding defilcncles and mis cellaneous appropriation for the first session $361,700,000 Amount of regulsr bills. In cluding deficiencies and mis ccllanevus appropriations for the second session 405,000,00V crmancm appropriations lor ine nrsi session, about JO 1 ,000,000 Permanent appropriauens lor 1S9J, ettlmated.. Orand total .....$989,700,000 A Bebaat BMrics rigkt. Umio.v, Or, March 5. A serious difliculty arose at the school meeting st Melocatet last Monday. Word were xchank'ed and a scuffle ensued, in which Louis McMtugh drew a knife and nithed toward Jasper Mitchell. Bea McKeever caught bold of Mitchell, and dsew hira dack. The assailant made a thtut witn the ka le. wluch was warded oft. smk however, without leaving a long cut la Milch ell' coat, and inflicting a slight wound ia Mc- Jieeveis jaw. Taw Alllaae rsaaUcr. Salem March 5. D J Cole, (com Hutch ;BSon, Kao, natiooal orgaoixer of Ih larmer's alliance, arrived In tbis cliy today aad wii! spend three n.onths in this section, and will thoroughly organize the state. It is hi par- every local cuy and organize bra ache, lie will be at Station tomorrow sad h a start will be made there. Saturday be will take in Jefferson. No date Is yet arranged for Salem tmt the route of Ibe organizer is in coume cf jarpniaiKJn. A raaltthltary, Chicago, March 5- A morning paper says tt it generally believed by the people of Atlanta, Ca. that Rev J G Armstrong, who recently died in that city, was J Wilken Booth. Two old and weti-informed citizens of Georgia's mpiiai are slopping at tne orand I'acin and they declare Ibe people of Atlanta will not be lieve otherwise thaa that the late pastor wa the aMstsia of President Lincoln. Bw Marls a Barer t. Berlin, March 5. Official goveramcn statistics have been prepared of a 173 cases o tnocrculost treated by the Koch method Of 1 ne cases of loternul tuberculosis 13 are re ported cured, 17 1 considerably improven, lo improved and 40 died, while of the cases of external tuberculosis 15 are rsported cured, 148 considerably improved, 236 improved and 9 died. A lew Klad f SEATTLE,Marcb 5 Alfred II Vilkes, a hotel porter, U suing Baker, Balch & Co. ia the superior court for $7500 for tut tained by reason of an explosian of gas at the Diller hotel last September, by which he wa badly burned about the bead and face. FatlTlaae. - Ocdem Utah, March 4 The Emma Juch Opera Company, en route to OgJea from the north, were today delayed in Idaho by a snow blockade. A special train was made on the ide of the blocbade, and alt the passengers snd baggi.e transferred. The special train ran seventy mile an bour for 250 miles, ar riving here at lo P M. Emms Juch carrying out ber engagement to a psckec house. The performmce lasted unlil a o'clock in the morn ing. The run from Idabo here was the fattest ever msda to the west. The p'ueky littie diva intitted on the th'ottle being pulled wide open. Many oi the chorus girls fainted from fear. The Kvaaf ellral Cellrge. Lafayette. Or, March 4 A special meet ing of the educational association of the Ore gon conference of the Evangelic il Association convened in the seminary. The meeting was largely attended ond exceedingly enthusiastic, I Bowertox pretiding. The association is highly ratified over the condition of the semi nary. Step were inaugersted to advance Ihe seminary to a college. This will be accom pliihed before the next school year. Dr J W IVattt, Professor C A Bowman, E Ceat, M Fisk and Professor L1I Baker were Proposed and elected member of the dsocialtoa. Mad at BiiulaBsrr. London March 4 There is Kmi-oflicia authority for Ihe statement that Lord Salisbury propostt to cxpell Boulanger from British territory. The government is deeply irritated by Boulanger, conduct in connection with the visit of the Empress Frederick to Paria. Boulanger is lelieved lo have inspired the as sault in the Bnulanfjitt prtss upon the empress and lo have planned even a greater insult than wa actually directed to ber. A Horrible Massacre LoNrv.aj March 4. Later advices from Madagruv-u ihow that the probable massacre attrit uttd l.v a tea captain arriving at Mar seilles to Ihe .Vrrnih governor of Noui-Be, -as in fact perpeb ited by the Hova governor of an isolated pn vincfc ol Madhgascar. The Rovernor was pr oked lcause a . etition had lieen presented ajr- in: him lo the central gov ernment, ond he erpetrated a most cruel saastacre of nearly ;oo men, women and children, zlaiighlen'nt the victims in a borri- imcs m.tnner with nuu- torlu es. -Buiallpax Kan kits Wichita, Kan, Maro 4 There is great excitement in Chalaqua cos-.nty over the raoiti . t i . . gre"i except by railroads. T.e number of death duilng the past iew Jat 11 said . to be alarming. -n, ' Car kirn- Anilra Stir. JTha Vast SaWe Id tke wortj (or Cnt.,Bnilte.8ir Uloatv, 8lt Hhium, Farar sirea, l'ttr. Ckaurr h"1'1' Vh'lb'1". t;orn, nd " 8kin raptla. nptla It 1.1 jcur! riio.,or na pay rflqmraa. It It rutr ulawi to firs perfect satufaution, ar money rafund d. Frica tt eantt par tax. Far .'.s ty Ir othay tntt i'Ot STY COCKT rBOCEKBIMCS. J' (t. R. K. nlankbnrn, Julia K W. Coor and wm, Uumunltgil, Uumtnisaiunsrs.) A P Maxwell resigned a tunervlsor of Dlt 30 and E McNeil wa appointed. Matter of fee In State aut F nalinut continued. Alio bill of folk county, acct poor. . J M Smith resigned a suaervltorof Dtst 37 ana it conora wa appointed. A Brandon resluned-a lunervlsnr of uiti ao ana neon wara wa appointed. 8 W Rot wa admitted to cltlxenshln of ins wo. Ilia CrawtordsvIHe hridite across tha Calapoola was ordered repaired by Ueorge toung. . ; J Uraham lestgned at supervisor of st 4 and- Win Kamtey wa appointed. A contract was ordered made for electric light for the Court House at $17.50 per niotitn, including one street ngnt. Application of Robert Glass and other for county road wa sranted and road ordered opened. Expense $46. Itwaa ordered thar County Treasurer adverthe warrant called In and that In terest commence from and after March 6, ibyt. Wartanf were oidcred drawn for the following! 0 D Montague, acct poor. t j 00 0 f Cohow,acct poor 10 00 OOCooIey, acct poor..., 600 Cox St Flnley, acct poor. to 00 Hamilton St Andrews, arct poor... 1000 U F Crawford, acct poor 8 00 Ladles Aid Society, acct poor 5 Co l Hart, county pauper 67 55 W E Curl, alary 83 33 O F Russell, salary, etc 53 50 urn uiackburn, salary 100 00 N P Payne, Ice.... 39 98 4 S 43 9S 3 & a 00 S 5 00 5 00 4 00 9 3 00 16 00 IS 85 I $0 IO 00 5 00 S 00 4 00 10 Cfl K C I helps, stationary , . . . Estate Nathan Russell............ Santlam Lumber Co, acct roads . , . . M A Fltxgrrald, scalp Ctuton a Mersles, acct mad I L Hill, acct huan W II Davis, acct Intane N P Payne, acct Insane Samuel Porter, acct roada M Scott, drawing jury Maston Si Dygett, ttationary W W Richardson, acct road.' Jullu Gradwohl, acct mdte. W II llettcinan.acct road... W II Davis, acct Insane I) M Jones, acct Insane N P I'avne. arel inaana Hall A U'Donald, stationary. ... ' . . uarancr, acct roau 3 bS J I, Dixon, acct road.... 3 91 F M Smith, Jury 4 20 OO ATI ho.npson, acct road 46 W II Scott, acct Insane ao 50 R W Moscs.acct road SPRR Co,lkket pauper Parker Broa, mdse for poor M Sco't, herlfl fee . 1 05 8 70 3 9.1 387 35 4 So J - - vui, nvin John Usher, janitor fee...., H II Hewitt, acct road Train A Whitney, printing F M Mitchell, ex teacher Tl Stltes, e teacher O F Russell, ex teachers..... E TT Flatter, surveying J M Nichols, acct road Albany Electric Light Co, wiring 13 OO S 4 3 50 43 00 43 00 41 00 18 00 35 3i Court House., 17 ot Albany Electric Light Co, light... 3$ o fees surveying 3 I Crook road.. 10 00 Aid lor tt White and family....... 1000 Witnesses O'DHl case 13 50 B W Cooper 8 30 Wm Rumbaugh.... il 00 Geo Vounu, superintending work on Sanderson bridge yS yS tTreaa a Hlaaaari Pa par. We clip the following from the ffunta vllle Herald, published at lluntsvllte, Randoldk county, MUaourl: Our talented young filend, G W Wright, a native of our city, but now of Albany, Oregon, write under date of Feb 13th, a follow: "This leaves myself and family well, and I truat It will find all well with you. I expect before long to make dear old lluntvit'.e a visit, and o'er the field of our old farm near there, retrace the step of my Boyhood days, and look again on the picture that arises before me of my old home, where, a a farmer boy, I plowed, sowed, reaped and mowed the productions of that fertile land-to view the blue grata, the old otka, the running ttrtsms, the waving field of corn and erain, and grassy meadow, so dear In toy memory, Thls valley the far-famed Willamette reminds me of old Randolph, and needs but the capital, population and Industry, f which are sure to come) to make it what it should be, one vast fruit garden. "Herenowers bloom nearly the vear round, and the fertile field, pleasant climate and nature's productions, are such as t'tl val ley might well be termed the "Garden of Eden," or oot of "Earthly Pai adle." George ha many friend and relative here, and thu editor ef this paper ha watered hb career with a frie.tdly interest from the time that he worked on tils father's farm near here, until graduating with high honors at the stste university, he threw out his shingle a a lawyer and after ably and acceptably filling the office of city attorney here, chose Ihe distant state of Oregon as hi field of labor. We will ever hail with pleasure hi continued suc cess a ltd hope he may reach the highest position In hi profcttio-. and thould he ever enter the field of politic, we tmt hi continued advocacy of the great principle of democracy may not stop thort of p lac ing him in ihe hall of con ress, trhcte we have no doubt he would represent hi country and his constituency wilh the same eminent ability and learning that have dittingulthed some ef hi relative in this tate. Will Bel. There is nice and beautiful burrough, A city large and strong enough tocrough, That stands astride the Thomas river's Hough, A clear bright stream that runs not very bIouku. The citizen are not corsldered lough m A. J 1 a a .a a or yet 111-naiurvu ao tney seem; al though In politics and such.tlicy want a shougli. Sometimes their aspirations burn and glough, And from the home of Linn they want to gough. Which is a naughty notion we all nough. We like then all so well, and tell them sough, We could not bear to part, so answer nough I For those who look too liiirh will stub their tautrh Andall with pain, and then they will sign, ougii I Jennie Ltnd. aai . rrantaaeed Mapalea. 1st Raved. From a litter written by Mrs Ada K Hurd t.f Groton, S D, w quota: "Wss taken with a bad cold, which settled on ray Lung, coughs set in and finally tra mutated in Con snmptioB. Four doctors g.tve me db saying I ceo Id live but a abort tin?. I save my self up to my Sayiour, detr rmincd if I could uot stay with my, fritnda ..n earth, I would meet ray absent ones abene. My husband was advised to st Dr Kins' New Diicovor ary for ConanmytioB, Coughs aud Cold. 1 gave it a trial, took ia all eight hollies ; is ha eared Bit snd thank Uod lam a well and hatrty wnman." Trial bottles free at Fo sbay St Mason's drug store, regular sis. 50o aad 1. "IIACKMETACK, a'Usf'tig aad Brant perfume, f rice 23 aid f0 coot., ahay ll Maoo, agents. fr Fo Evtan St Aohison handle tu celebrated Portland cement wall fur nematery lot. Thee wall csn b furniabtd st half the cost sfsoy other snd ara far superior. ' Ki ding Photographer A any Oregon . Wa bava boushfc nll thenf gttivc t mad by li W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Xv 15h, 1889. Duplicates can be htd ircaa h-m ouly of ua at radaesd late. Wa hay alao about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates car- ho had at likeia;s. We carry tba only full line of viewe 1 1 this state and do enlarged work at lowest rites for first class work. VVe thall. I pleaaed to tea jon at our Studio io From; ta'a blo:k, noitdoor to Maaonio It7iple. Til tUUAHETTB BRIDGH. (Jetcreancrit Barvey rierd aad I'sin aaltlra Appinld. Step wtre takcnThurtday which should cause the erection of a brldgo at Albany UiUycar. At It o'clock, by appointment mado with th countt court on lis rnnvrnlun nt 9 o'clock, the Mayor ani committee from the Council, with the chlzen committee, met with the member of the county court. Judge IJlarkourn wa made chairman ol the meeting, and C U uurkhart, secre tary. The mailer of a brldire over the Willamette at thl cttv was discussed bv member of the commfttre, county judge and commissioners! the council and ciil- aen committee making proposition and concetslon. by which, if an appropriation shall be made by the county court at its next term, it can all be paid during i8ya, so that so far a the money part I concerned there will be bo excuse tor delay. The result wa the appointment of A committee of Mavor Cowan, from the cltv troveru- ment, Win Rumhaugh, from the county court, and Dr G W Matton, from the citi zen' committee, to attend to a preliminary survey under governmtnt engineer for tne location 01 a oridge, and to lurnitttta llmatetollnccokt. ' Tub urUgo will Ik) built title year The .urvey wilt be made at once, ar rangements already being made to get 1 lie government surveyors here. avy lard Bile. Morgan Rrot, optolte Masonic Hall have arrar.ged to handle an addition to Sidney, on Port Orchard Bay, Thcte lots ate Inside property and are the first put on ttie market oy lite Dank ol Sidney. They will be sold, lor short time only, at the remarkably low figure of 7C, nnly $jc! cash, All lot same price. Tt'le perfect. Warranty deed by the Bank of Sidney. Here are a few point which make it worth your while to Investigate.' bveryoouy snow That the Navy Yard hat lutt been lo cated at Sidney, on Port Orchard Bay. tnat tne (government hat )ut appro priated $7.(,0.000 to commence work. That Klilnev is atreadv a thrlvlnrr town of nearly lOtXI, Ita tawmfll, shingle mills, nana, two newspapers, three hotels, a $50,000 pottery plant, and I the only in corporated town in the county. mat tne fortunes made on real estate have bien made bv buvine iutt at the be ginning of such a boom mu.t now strike Sidney. Kemember the price of these lot was fixed be for ihe tit of the navv vard was ctabllthcd,and mav be advanced any day. You have ihe U S tJovernment's en dorsement of Sidney, and If you buy five lota you can visit trie property, and your expense- will be paid and money refunded 11 you are not tatltfird Wnat more could you desire? Moboan 11ko., opp. Masonic Hall. BKAL rSTATE BtltB. Granville K Parriah to A Frum.lOO acres 13 w 2 , 1H00 Geo Ikneue to W F Hamlin. 411.45 scrliw4 11,000 U S to Ihivid K lititey.l In.t j acrt-H 15 w 4 Patent Frank hhedd to Henry U Hprenger. lots 2, 4. bl 3. Davis A.Hhedd.. 50 J R Abbey to Fanny Bryant, lot 4, bl 1, A's A Q B dinner to II U Waller, 1 lot, bl 3S. It's 2nd A Geo L Blaektuan 'opinion Blumaur bio, B's A ;. E J I-anning to M E Couglll.U feet 100 2100 500 oil lots, bl 111, II A.. COO 3500 Fredericka I leale aley to Ixuis Kiefer, .', Albany lota b! U 8 to Adolph Eichuiann,I60cres 111; 1 Patent tia.tvrf) Tola! for year.. ..1143, ,657 This aprlag. Ttie "joyous tprlng" has come again, And wnat a sight to aee. The anow lie deep upon the ground And load each drooping tree. The lovely ga ro bright a green That all thl winter grew. The springing flowers, the budding Icives, The mow hides all from view. Oh I take away this freezing spring, With all iu ke and anow; The s'lflerlng It bring to u We'd rather never know! And give u back the winter time, The best that ever threw Its shadow o'er thl favored land. Its joy we would renew. March Jnd, 1801, J. B. II. A certain gentleman from Pennsylvania ha been In our city nearly a week with a view of locating. f?e I financially well fixed, and a shrewd, practical gcntlcmaa. Wher. questioned a o hi opinion of th Willamette Valley, he said he had travel ed over the greater part of the United State and waa ready to admit that It wa Ihe finet body of land be had ever Been, and hi only wonder wit why the valley did not have ten time Its present popula tion CorvalU Time. Notice to Fauh ess. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, gecw, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or In exchangefor goods. U. W. Him son, Albany, Oregon Oue had dollar redaction on every pair ol Lndlow's fin shoe. A good lin of them a 8 E Young's, Jutt arrived a dreat, men' and Simpson's, which price. full lilt) of ladies, ohil boy'a foot wear at ) W will ba sold at bottom IIOK.N'. HILL On March cth, 1891, wife of Rev GeoW HHI a son. to the DIED. PFEIFFER. On Friday night, March 6th, 1891, of consumption, Miss Carrie Pfeiffer, daughter of Mr Char'.es Pfci.Ter, proprietor of tho ltevero bouse, aged 20 years, 7 months and 8 days. Miss PfeifTer bad lieen declining grad ually in health for a year or more, and only recently returned from California, where sho had leen without receiving Improvement. Bhe was born in Clinton, Iowa, and came to Albany with ber par ents in 1877. She was a bright, accomp lished young lady, poaneseing many loveahle traits of character, and had many friends, who will unite with tho bereaved parents in mourning ber death. GILBERT. On Friday night, March 8th, at 9 :?0 o'clock, after a lingering ill ness, at tho home of his daughter, Mrs A M Hammer, Prof J L Gilbert, aged 72 years. . Trof Gilbert came to Oregon, in the '50's, first locating in Coos . county, where, on account of poor health, bo chopped wood for awhile, then making school teaching his profession. Here sided at Oakland for several yearp, mov- in to Linn county, where ho resided at Albany and Brownsville, and finally at to Lebanon, where he bad chargo of the academy, which be bui't up into a popular school, being a resident of tbat city for about thirteen years. He was county school superintendent one term. Prof Gilbert was a member of the M E chutch, and poBSPHsed many noble traits ot character, lie possessed genuine friends who appreciated the real worth of his character. Prof Gilbert leaves three daughters and two sons. His remains, after a short service at 20 o'clock, this morning, were taken' to Oal land on the noon train for burial. BEEVES. On' Marcb 4th, 1891, at her borne near Albany, tbe wife of MrGeorio Reeves, after a lingering illness, of con sumption. The deceased was born in Manico county, Cal, moving from there to near Albany. She leaves a devoted husband, one child, a mother and many friends to mourn her death. Funeral services were preached at the M E church, in this city, by llev Mem inger, and the remains buried in the Palestine church cemetery, by the side of. a cbikl, father and brother. 12 lit! ITS, The DsMtmiAT Im told of a rmitiln hi children who were wcrmtly cured ol diphtheria- by the tiiie of oal oil. Our couteinnorarv ntva Inualla talks like Achrouio dyjitx'iitii). which iunt about -hits all the talking tho ftuotis Henator ever did, I, M SUtptr ha surd the tttickholdertof Natural (, company formed in Benton county lut jcar, for $375 for woik pr formcd In sinking a well aoo feet after the ga,. It will be contctted and promlm to be a gaty affair, Eugene City I bclnir boomed in Ihe Or. egonlan aftr the fnthloti of Anacortc latt year. At least there are Indications that way. Euuene, lliouutt. ha a fine start and flrat-ctas surrounding to back her, and It now displaying conldtrabIe enterprise. The brklito nmt bo built this vrar. There is not a single excuso for Its delay until another year. Farmers ronurt fine wht:tit prospects all through the county. A prosperous year is mo general otitiooii. The Ft Paul restaurant undr tnanage- unur if.nuaK-- 1 ' 7 i ment of Mr Met gar has attsHt the proprietor will return at Alb4uy. iJapltitl Journal. This will bo gotxl news for his Albany biiMinies, and a revival of trab' generally In AJIany may now le looked for, as well as the early building of t hi Willamette bridge, and the beginning of work on the O. P. extension. The Walla Walla Union tells of a very remarkable rn perhaps the only one on record of tho ftamo nature, one in whieti red tape was fortrotten for once A party by the name of Piper had sent in his proof to the id-tu-rnl laud ufllee.but lacked sixteen cents of sending enough collateral to square the cots. The proof was sent hack to this oflh'e to have tho error corrected, and the oUlelala here at once wrote Mr Pirrr in rifari U It. The letter, however, an! uot reach him and the officials here, to save any trouble to him hereafter, went clown in their own pocket and dug tin the sixteen cent. Such evidences of Ciirietlanty should not go unnoticed. "What are thoe red flu for, diph theria?" said a man from the country this mornlntt. Eaxina at several delivery call flags along r irt Mreet. "Yea." he aanawercd ioktnclv. " Well. 1 thouuht ao, and I l-livc I won't eo imst tliein." and he didn't. ll is a small matter, but lor the wi oi a small lias: our merchant can't aUord to have people going into the country and reporting the city full of diphtheria, or half the merchant selling out at com. Theac Jokes about marriage being a lottery evidently have some foundation to them, lt begins to took as if nmrrutge Is a lottery from the number of divorce caaea and separations. Half the people do not know what they are doing when they say "yea" at the alter. Recently a iveiium county youns man and a Until county young lady were married and a big time was had at the ceremony. It was a very happy event. Nice couple. just auited for each other. After living together two weeks, a few clays ago the husband took bis wife lo her pa rem and told ber she bad bt-tter stay, be didn't want her any more. Thre are reports of several other ettaes. A higlMr concep tion of marriage than that held by many is ta-liy neelc4 among young people. An Important law affecting college graduate of Oregon was paaaed at the late acMsioa ol the legislature. It provides, "that all pcraou who shall complete a required course of study and receive a literary uegrte uierciorc in any institution for learning of collegiat or university grade, chartered or incorpor- ated under the btvts of the state.and shall have passed such examination thereon as may ba approved by the slate hoard of education, shajt be entitled to receive a state diploma, as is now authorized by law. and after aix years of successful teaching in the slate of Oregon, shall be entitled to a state life diploma, a now provided by law, when they shall have pam tne required ice tor sata uspioma. A stroll alout the city brings to light some remarkable feats of iuisfliing on the part of tbe sign painters. One sign makes this bold announcement; "So vehicles aloud to stand in front of this block." It is cruelly to wagons to make them eland in a whisper, tin a vacant lot a placard announces "This place for nail." As the lot is high and dry the reference to sailing is unjust. A scrawl ed sign tacked onto a barn near Salem contains this information : "A mail calf cheap." This perhaps had no reference to the postotlk'e. But the Chinamen are the boy to got up queer sins. They are certainly a mixture. One near the post oillce seaks in thi wise : "Job any kind employ." One of the old signs of last year was this, posted at a bop yard gate : "Hist price for hop pickers." Baleia Statesman. BKttIV, A YULE. March 3, iSt. . Know commenced to fall on the night of Feb 38th, and on tbe morning of March 1st there wa aliout 5 Inchc of the beau tiful tuff on the ground, when it cleared off and began 10 freeze, tlumgh Ihe warm sun of todap i playing sad havoc with the beautiful tnow. Prof Rlddcll was here latt week and gave our people a aerie of interesting a .id lnttntcttvQ lecture. , John Wolfe, of this place, ha a broken arm a Ihe result of an accident while hauling ttraw. We see by tbe Democbat that tbe pre clnct of Browntvlllc will have to be di vided as a result of the adoption of the Australian ba.lot syttem of voting. We 'would auggest that the Calapoola river be the dividing line, and that half north of the river be known at Noith Brownsville, and that tooth knonm a Brownsville, as they are known hi law and equity. City election In Notth Brownsville to day for the odopilon cf the new charier, and election of officer a required by said chatter. Send vour petition fot the bridge up here to McDonald can have a chance to fcign it with the rest of ut, but don't divide the county. A Groi-s & Co have their new store about ready for business. We tee Mr Chandler In ton today. Ke reports the anow aa being some 3 feel deep at ois place, situated in the foothill about 15 miiet above here. Reports have It one foot deep only three miles above here. A warm rain would interest most people living in the bottoms, and we hope for a gradual thaw, as otherwise much damage must be done. ' TH.E 4.0LDE.V BILK K.IZA4B. , Has tt largo and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other gootie which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps 01 every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such aa albums, toilet sets, autopraph books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a ISaxaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. Wo wish to call tbe attention of the public in nar- ticular to the Golden Rule prize bakintr powder and tna. nut tin exnrpstilv for J this tade, which gives the best of satia- faction, as ia attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea arid baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rulo Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of baukinpovder draws a prize in the shape of a tine piece of glass ware. Bo sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will bo sure to find what you want, and will b8 shown over the store and bo treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. JitlIus Gbadwokl. Tho ONLY place ia the ty em ticket can be piuchp.t- whero East i of W. L JeBter, tit tho Kotitht-ju I c Co' ticket HOME ARn ABROAD THUilHUAY. Dr Fried, cf Portland, ha rocelvcd tome genuine oensutnptiuti lymph. Ths Puyatlut) aTommoro ratoly tux egg and naver tnilxdux." Neiibttfdo w. W ara informed privately tbat a pnt- wsater for Albany will bo appointed to-day, Who will it bo. Th 1flio of McPbi'Mno vV It C will civ aa ntrUinmt at th Upr tnf tha evruiPK of 20: li of Muroh. Partiuuiar lf t, Th Diatiiot nihool tehor institute f "T linn, Marion, Polk, Tillsmonk and Yamhill notmtin will be held at Albany beginning March 31st. . A Ltn o ianty man ha flamed tha oott of putting hop on tha m.rket at 7 1 cent. Anything alv thit it profit. Figuring U cheap. ' - A rm1it0tihr rerioaata U to Call thft aUcn- tlotittf th Cnrvalli tiAxett to ita time ta ble., which ha tay hav been tanning tinoe th rod wa built without ejiansinit. A man wa golxmt to wait till " elotk t v,t out to Ixlinnoii, ttudnr in taw, wneu nu wit iu formed beltwr. Tim SraaaT R. It, Ca. at the annual meeilnflr ef stockholder last evening ele:ted jukge Fllnn, E Young, K F Sox, w V Kead, u 11 mewttf, v 11 taitra ana C (i Burkhart, n direct i At s meet . u dif ct.(orw t.cclC() lhc fl(,w- Young. Vlee President ; K KKos, Treat- urcr, C 1'uiklisrt. ftecrctary) w liuoi tra, C H Stewart and W F Ucatlcxccutlve committee. IACl(0 StrnooLa. Beginning next Saturday Mr 11 J Hopkins wlil organize ttasnes In dancing at the Opcta lloute. Every Saturday he will give Instruction to tldlJren from J lo o'clock, and to adult from 8 lo 10 o'clock. Beatdca de portment chlldien will te taught the latest fancy dance. Mr llopklna proposes run ning first-cla dancing school in ail re tpect. Having had twenty vtMr expe rience In manv 01 tne leading towns 01 Wisconsin, where tne pret universally commended hU schooi, and bvlng up with ihe time In alt the latest t'ance he will be able to give student advantage rarely secured hi the va'iey. Thoc wish ing Instructions mav consult Mr llopttin at the store of Hoskin Bro, rttinAV. GiorUmt weather. A Bullion show will be bsl l la Silent 1 Saturday, March 23. j A efoiU 'elkO lit bea diteevered near Tuhdo. Th awvynmtit BOtfr lvat tVrvHi h Itoen wrki'g thi wek bttwten ihtaeity and O.rvtilis A ieil ineilca of the Lvli Aid t ciety will t held t morrow afurnron tt 3 o'clock at the yau'enc of Mr Vt Knle A full attendance I desired. A C'kmI many fanner are in tho city to day, but 1 bey neglected to bring any butter st 35 cent and potatoes at V0 ceot It tn old lint b tbns, that i,lha forgetting. It cost Clia A Clem fI7 fW for liina snme couc;h remndy, corn atlve. etc, on the ttreett nf Kaletn, wsthmtt a lkei5. That csty 1 roittus: it tropica! foy iWntraat pod- J diet n . .1 k .rt,.it.,.ura ,Jtt,M CaUpooia and fUno Itivor mining company in Monday waadotul rd to put a tntil oa lb vtope-rty early in t'o spring. Iter it something short hot to the point, from tha Healths Pot-InteHtj;"r, I-"" Jobtiton' mitutnU were giorled with a full timet ed a mora than pleatod aodienc .At tha 0;ra lb one, Wednesday evcttiag, March tlth. Tli atadi-ott at tha Collie s.-e ordrrieg an oa'tit f.r thoir icyraiiaaitim It i pro pojed tt pat it ia a good erindition, no that tt wiU k a eradit to lb Coilec. F Com pany is a'soountampiausg theetUbli.hmcut of a kj miiaaiutn at the armory . . Wueat Mabket. a cent -is Ining paid for beat today, and many farmers are iunieiously takinsi advantage of the rie and are a;liing, the pwjiects not iing gooi ior any great rme. ana tne liability to. drop Wing greater. This price, if it can be kept up, will catwe money to lw much more plentiful than for some time. A Rot'oii K.7PEttir.WB. Ltst Sunday Mr I T Knbthu n was across the Willam ette river, in lk-n ton county, and started to return borne by way of Peoria. In at tempting to reach the ferry landing be got into deep water. The river steadily and rapidly raised, w hen be was obliged lo climb inton w illow tree. His team became detached fmm the wagon and swam to dry land. The wagon became a complete wreck. Mr Knighk-n was obliged to remain in the trco from o'clock iu tha evenin until the next mntniHif ia-lifn liA rlt.t.v-rrifl llV some loggers ami assisted to dry lamf, after an experience be does not care to repeal. turrKDAV. , IM.OOO to loin during next ten days by S N Stle. , liulitt St lK-4on, dru.'j-itU, Buy your groceri- of Puker Bro Pi-ie gtooe rit at Conn & Hendriesjo'e. Tbe State fir will epea oa S-ptemWr 14. Notion tba NW York C. B. R. Stars' d. Pieplant root forsalaby J 11 Tuwnsond. Fish pole htv beea tec a rtvnr bound to day. Genuin full crsm chot at Mallor & Garrett'. Buy Gasoliuo itrve from Mttbews St Wsthburo. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 eetit cigar at Julius Joseph 'a. A large stock nf wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fortmilier I Irvin sjuat received. St W F Read's- hns of drtaa gxdt and tilks before buying elseafhere. Bargain in choice g roc-tries ctn atwajt b teeurrd of AMt-n Bros,, PliuitHock, H if heft maiket ptloe paid for es at th New York 0. B. U.St 010, Waemng, fiOo a duxan. inrudii g for rrno freest M r Riuj,, j'tkt estt -f tho I i;moi uai office. PoUtt are -iOceuU a bushel, iii.iu a.i i f over a dollar at iiuny tuticiptted they woubt be. - . A room it being fitted op ii tho Treda!e Block ou Scccnd stroet br a Cbiaoe Sb bath School. If you wtut cti U.ina nico go to Mullcr & Girrott't, the only plaea in town wbei you oan get what yoa want. Hamilton Job & Co. of Cor allis are fora oloning a mortgaun against laoobt & Neogeta, on which ia due $13,000 utul iu'.trdi t frcm Dec. 10, 1SS3. Brighten op your tdd rubbers and old idiots and make tlx ni took a pnr.d aa nxw, with Woiil Aenin Waterpioot Polish. For late at 8-imual E Young's. Mr A W Bca. hat opened a studio nnslair la the building oocapied by Steward & S?ox, and all who wish to j ia kit oUss ia oi! paiutini-'.wiiioU will start qu Satur;! y, March 7th, at I p in, thould oalt and nee bin:. Chan H Friendly, indicted by tha rand jury fur bnyiris deer tkiur, appunrcd before tho i-iicuit court Thursday evtuiug, plead guilty, and waa lined $23 and ousts, which he paid. Eugene Guard'. The revival servioes at the M E Church South, ttiil continue, much iuturest ia man ifests,,-and the wetk saom to develop more and more each day. ine meeting will be oontinnud next wiek, and perhaps ioiiger. The hearse conveying the the lemaiiit of Prof. Gilliert to tbe dopot thU noon, stuck in the mud at the eorner of Broadalbin and Seventh ttreU and biu uoablo to jiet it out tha remain wera transferred to a -dray for tho remainder of tho trip to tha depot. A poor ointment ea lbs condition ef seme of onr titretU. Tho St.-Paul Globe aayk of them: "After a lapse cf three yearn Low Job isan wilh his Retired Colored Minstrel retaros. Vhe Grand wis crowded to overflowing tnsce the galaxy of colored ta'ei.t. Thu enteitjinmont wss enjoynlijo from the rise of the curtain to the fall.' The j:ike' new aod tiiS songs the very latest and will jondared.. At tha Opera liute next Wednesday evening. Nancy Spore?, cue of the pioneer on eu cf Oregon, died at her homo near Cohurg, Monday, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, aged 7S years. She was born ia Kntuoky Feb 12, 1S13, moved t Illinois aud was married to Frderick Trijtmc-r in 1832. Afterwar g in 1&42 married Jacob Spores, whose death preceded bersonly a few mouths. Ia 1847, with her huabsind.she iintnig'ated to Oiein aud settled oa the McKecaie river nes Co bnrg, biing one of tho ' first kite irnmeu to become a resident ef Lne eottntv. Pj"na Tho follow I ncr eaaoa hav lnn 1 In the circuit court, sirceourlaatrcnorti Murnhv. OrantA f;ontrtSllion far To recover money. I ll Dawson agt Gibson Myers i Tore- cover money. American Mtgo Co, of Scotland, egt l.dwln Wiltiox, trustee Foreclosure. W II Shields agt T 3 Shields; Part ition. ; ),in' Mtst(l & Trust Investment Co ngt T H Thompson j Confirmation, Oregon agt E 12 Pcnntnvton ; To keep tho peace. . Lena Dorris agt B LDorris; Divorce. St;stAT f?Kvicjes At the Congrega tional church tomorrow, the suhjeets diMcnsscd will be, morning: "Walking in Christ." Evening, ''Laying a Good Foundation." Thi. is the fourth in a series of lectures to young people. While all are invited, a special Invitation ia given to young people to attend the lectures. Rcvlvtl aeryicc, t the M E aiurch .South to morrow at 1 1 a m and 7:3a p m. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. All are Invited to attend the special services. . At the Baptirt church, preaching at 11 1 a in and 7 ;30 p m by the imator. Morn- j ing subject: "Individual Kcuponslbility, j with Heferenee to M esiong." Kvening; 1 "Hint with Whom we Have to do." The nnnital olft-rinKs lor foreign misions will be received at the morning i-rvire, and the evening semon will lie fd!oed by an after meeting. Voting Peoples ntcct inj; at 6:30 p ii. There will be preaching tervlcet tomor row at the Presbyterian church at tl a m and 7:,5 p tn. Sabbath school at u:3' P m, Y I'SCIi meelinif at Cm p tn. lhc tacrsment of the lord's Supper will be obverted In connection with the morning tcrvlcet. The church tetttot will meet In tlic lecture room at 10:30 a m. The tub- )'Cl ol the morning sermon will be "ChrUt the eVay." In the evening tie fourth lccltireonChrUtUnEvldence will be given, topic. "The Credent'u.1.' Ail will be ma Je wc!;oinc to thcc services. Tne Y. M. C. A. Concert. Following is the program for Y M C A concert, to be given nt the opera bouse, on Tuetday evening, .March 10: - part fikkt. land 2. Orchestra. 3. Onward Marching, (grand march ing chorus), Apollo Club. 4. The Wolf Is on the Hill, (bunting chorus), Messrs Ael.ison, Littler, Miller ana r.ars. 8. The M?mnf, (refutation, piano ac companiment). Mia Alice Clara Moses. fl. Peaceful be thy filcen. (gerenade). Apollo Club. 7. i!s filo, Mr C W Hears. 8. Blow on ye Winds, (yachting cbor us), Mcssr Young, Hart, Lee and Sears. fABT EECOKO. I. Orchestra. 2. WalU Song, (fourth k,ra-.le), Ap- ouociuo. 3. Jack and Jill, (tumbling chorus), Apollo Club. 4 The New Lochinvar, (recitation), Mifs Alice Clara Moses. 5. Barvarian Yodle, (the water fall), Apollo Club. 15. Clarinet Solos, Mr S Dudley, of Obcrlin, Ohio. 7. Good Night, (serenade), Messrs Young, Hart, Lee and Sears. Mis Mildred l'urniester, pianist. Thin g'at it too gl s conductor of hea1 to be aJvhusUe for keeping t i'et cream, vthkh n;cerve ihs-tr qaatity bo-t in thick queettiware or pottery. Cnnd'es that have been frozen never drip. At thi teatoa all winter vegtable are im proved by soaking them ia wtter for an hour or more before they are ated. Potatoes, beet and other winter root a.e improved by being soaked at least twelve hour ia cold water. Thi soaking removes ihe flavor acquistd by all vegetalflct kept ia ceIJa' bint." A tea.- con ful of cornstarch mixed with s cupful of salt will remove ail ossibUiiy ' ti dam-net in the shaker. Aa EngUsU way to ovr fl er pot u to paste rhe narrow ends of tbe tissue-paper sl eet togeiber and cut it of tbe light height, mak ng the top ei!ge tulip pointed. Crimp the paper together la the same way ts the lamp thaeV; tbis il! bting it alxtut tbe right size to fit an ordinary flower pot. Finish with tibLoi, cf the same shade. ImteaJ of pulling food into the oven to keep hot for Lie com cm, try covering it cloieh ith a tin, and setting it ovr a basin of hot water. This 1 Ian ttiil keen the food bo', and at the tame time prevent it from drying. In toasting meat tum with a t.con, inttead of a fork, as the' latter pierce the meat and lei the juice out. Reciprocity mean tariff reform, and tt doesn't make the slightest diffrrence wbst name it goes by or what party carries it out so long at we get enlarged maike'.a Bad aa ex pansion of trade. The republican journals profits to be much worried because seaator-clect Hill does not resign his office ts governor of New York. R B Hayes vtho occupied President TtSdenx chair for four rears, served as Governor of Ohio until two or :h:ce days before be was worn into office. A pull of the Ohio 1 loose of Representative on residential prefvfcwcc gave the following result: Cleveland, 30; Hiil, 14: Whitney, Campbell and Cat lisle, 1 ea:h,and Gray, Brice and Palmer. I each, Blaine, XI; McKiniy, 13; Harrl.vtn, 9, aad Uncola, 3. a Six made no choice. RfHLOIIS COUGH and Coasnmption Curt is told by nana aenaiaetee. It cure comn nption. Fothay & Mason, agects. W. F. Rd ket pttha best assortment of iaiicj goods in town. . IOO F. Albany Looge No 4 hold It regular meeting Wednesday evenin? of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvuea to attend. TTOMEN AND BEICE. The reason why a woman Is afraid of a mouse ia a profound mystery indeed, it baa never been very clearly proven that' she ia. But some women are constantly in such a nervous, irritablo condition that the slightest thing- annoys and startles them, l'hs oaute of thi unfortunate state of acfuirs is usually some functional deranement; some distress, tng- or painful irreirularity, some derail a-, inent or peculiar weaknoss incident to her sex ; or, it mar be due to inflammation, ul ceration or displacement, of some of the polvia yisoera, or to other orpanio lesions paouliar to her sex. From whichever cans It may arise, Dr. kisrce's Favorite Prescrip tion ii a porifiua remrdi, aa certain in ita curative result that ita manufacturers sell it, through drurrerieta, under a guarantM ot its slvuig- satisfaction in every case, or money .paid for it will be promptly rt uneird. A a soothing; and strengthening nervine, "Favorite Prescription " is una. qualed and is invaluable in silayine-and sub duing; nervous excitability, irritability, ei hauttiou, prostration, hvsteria, apatma acd other difitresauig', nervoua symptoms com monly attendant upou functional and oifmnia disease of the womb. It inducp refresijing ieii and relieve oiental tyixiety aad cj ionioacy. Copyright, 1833, by -WoacCi DiS. Uxo. ASS'S. 1 V f :1 omi; Gotii til'; nu:l! l!i'.d and mnitH whei. Bjrnpof U In' en ; it is tdeasnnt mid refraUinjj in the Ir.nle siilnr? '(r.t1jyetnoni)!.lj on tho Kidnf-y fivrr ami liir.:!rt, cb:ncs lho tern t flcctunl'y, djn f cbl, ittiH?' Rchfs find fevers nnd curia h;uittini rmsstipfttioii. Pyrup of Fig is tio only ren-ciy cf in kin-l cvtr pro-1m.-w1, Ileaning to the t'te .-iHiac-M-t -b! to tsn Btnmanli, in i'4 cctt'in an i truly iif siffu'ai in its 'iii'A , Jik ifumy cxcciScTtt jti&littc 1 r.rai. cn'l H to tt.1L it h for Kale in "'c f.nd 1 tottlss If fill leadbg CAUFGP.MA HG SYRUP CO. twisvnit. t. iw ronx. u.r Li and a fine stock generally, as well as jewelry, Watches clocks, etc., at IF. M. Frencli's, PHOTOGRAPHER, Or r N 1 d andFeny M, Aitany, ft UPER1CK wark. gasranteed In ever; brar-eh of t.o ail. tftDlargingc kind a specialty. DB. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surged yarCCee up stairs in tr&ban'a Bloc yy be found st hi eKtt cay scd nigl ritEtCEirniM v ( i trtttticlsT, I tW-EM iff ' n - 3 Xa-w-ri 1 " tf 'llnrt-a, . At rrtiT rnl .;.v- i ?uair!j ll u" .; . - PATRICK'S PUIS HI E' n E.a n c s ar-b e ' THE CEUCBJtAIED , ... SMITH & WESSON Ui u Lf ten ijm Th" Tint;! Sxill Cm: rw H.airfvin 13 I, r Z2i&a?SeV-arrYV 1 I . EtCELll CE el v-l . f3 l. ll Kafir.HltJSh!? and V-tTN v ' -fye!ies.c ia U J " l2 y J f! Eewart of cheap iron imiUtiosa.Ja, ) ) gfj ieti ftrliliutratcd Ciii'rj a-e" Price Lst kL SMITH ft. WESSON, BPltZXGTIEI.I, MASS."' UK c. - . - ---- STEEL PEHS. y Sample Fca, different patterns. I tCSa Nj. is-1 I'lateil Mau ii fc- seut pott-pwid ja roctipt of, 10 FESHY S 0? , IcnVci. U.S.0je. Sid jrealvay. vvk, HEAL ESTATK FOR &ALK.-I hsv a farm ot zw acre", near Ixiwsoa depot, on tbe I. arrow Gange. 10 miles from Albany. All In cultlvatict. Fair house and bsi .. wo for stoe- snd domeatio pnrpese. Fine oak gr . A.lao another farm of 123 acre, tbre . uea frodd llanon. Ait in cu'tlvaU Fair house. Hoed water. Both f . wheat, ftrms. Also house aad twe Urta on Fifth' and J3Trson streets, A.'baay, For forth r pstttculars call on 4.. Umpbry,Cantu, precinct, r on llawltt A Irvina. Albany. lit VrtlKBI' f City Reslaiiiraut. Havii e been entirely remodeled, this olj and popular reataarant will be mada MntTT data a every respect. Tha public will be jivcu good meals at all hour for oaly "5 cant. Kveotmnx ceat and attractive. I'rtvat box. Urstars ia svary style L- V St Vl rH5Cl Ccaqhs, Cold. Infiutnia. BroncWtl. ljUl.Lvi Hoarseness, Whaaping Cough, Croup, Sore Ttir tat. Asthma, and every abection of tbe throat, tang anil Chest, including Consumption. Speedy niii:e:mmsuu Cenuiue signed " L. Euttl.' . r-"3t evere Liouss: 4Lbany;-; ; - . OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER I'ROFRIETOR. Fitted n- in firai-c)aw style. Table "".ppliedwllb tbe . beet In the markfia fjsioe Bleepi o aoartments. aip!a oa 5tr eomiiio.tsal traveler a, 1 tha lesi!in renifr'T "to.' or a in J -.;rr j.k-ss fefcle t thi -A i e. 'istouly wits' frr aVcBotrtfeaoriA Site I irwn:. iis,u-i it vr m ii r e ; : --:f:;w.;.i tu aU f I A.j.e ;- . : .. ir. P., ?-. ,f t , 1 - -... n, , v. ,: v - S if V YA 1 t V