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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1891)
SOUTH, -TIA Gout ern Paciflo Routo SHASTA LINE. Bapreee Trains leaf rrtlad Dally tela I EAST AND f .TX i.rUa4 Ar 1 Tt a tlra Lt Albany Lf:t1 t ISA B Ar Baa rcaniilsee Mn A Sere tntiti tvp enly at M towing stations nnrth al BMnaurf. Beat Frtrtiand, Oi-ara CUT, Woods'"'--, Saltw, Albany, Tanrant, IboUO, Ilelaay. llaj antarg , aaaestea (.ivy, Ir.inj, aof-ane. ImKU BAlk, MILT. P IL Foruui Art 5ra I MM r a J Lr Albany L 1 11:00 a (Ar Boaanarf Ll HHH ALtAat moaM smart 8-at) T, r B I L Portland Ar I A a8taA . Albany Ulti uaums muuicb, f"I"tjTl Alaany Ar tllil iAralAr keneeea l,Tll:40ta t4aLv Albany Ar:Mra VSaaAr Uhenaa Lt i 40 m tmum euffet sleefers. Tourist Sleeping Gar3, Vat AaeaatM! attaa ( ItMia-THii Faaaca ar. attack l Baprae Tralaa. nrwui rTLA a cea'suvis, Mara AiuRaap So-rosy.) 5i A a t.ira XT Ar Portland Omllli Ar I 4 . L 1 11 !W r a ura irtsttTttis sail. (EitsptluDdar, Mr a ra I I Ar OrUaad McMinn.llle Ar Lt Ktm 1.44 A a 'rixrowcli Tioltotn Ta all aotaks EAST AND SOUTH. Pm raii lareresetloa rayaralng rates, mare, a Oenr y Arl at AJNaay . B. 40IBLKI B P. ROOBM Maaaj-ar iaslO. f. aa4 t. Af THE YAQUINA ROUTE got. Development Cote pas y 8teo, hip Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS T1LIE Baa by any other njI. flrat-nlAAi tbrouj-b. paaaenirer and Una from Portland and all point ri the WUlamett Valley to and from Baa raaclaco, CaJ. Boala naaka eloaa connection at Alban a-rUt train of tb Orecoa Paoiflc Railroad T. . CO, lVC. TIM! SCHIDCLB.(-"r SWays.) L aT A ibaay 1 t . B.jLaf-e T equina, I:u0a.a aCarailla IBP.I. Arrira Tasjalaay, At . a. Am re Albany, 11:1 a. a 0. 4 O. tralaa eonneo a Albany and Camilla. Tba above train a aonnaetat Yacuinawllh tba Oregon DavoiopoMnl tfnaapaaj'a Una of Bteamablpa between Ya-juina and Sao Frn!oo, IA1LIKG BiTII . MM tarrA. a Tallay. Karck ttk i JOUi ; tsta. raaa s ruKiw allay March rd ; lttb I. tl: SOta. Tba Oarapaav waaryaa tba njat to akar amiling dataa wit a out nolle. V. B. riMtann from Portland and UUaialta Tallay aolnta eaa makaeloaa isimsrali '"' 1t-T'" rf lha YaonlDB raata at AJbaoy or Corral J la, and If daa 4imad to Baa Franeiaoo abould arranfa to niT at Tan ulna tba awning bafora lata fa&Ulor Ar r,lat Bataa alway Ura awat a apply U A R Chapman, Frtlf hi aa4 Alaaay. C. C. O. r. ar P Af mi . CarraJJa. B iik op acio, CIO, OBBOON. Prai.Ual. . J HitMM Jarv Mtbu ....O Mai Tlaa. PraaUlaa4 . t Morria, H Bryaat lOotaa, Jobb Caloaa POtmlUk. raa a twal annhiai aa J axehsBM bmlnsra, igiit draft Imurl aa Aibta Purtlaad aoi aaa rraaakM. TOBTLA9IO flAVIXGS BA!IIC, X. or ruFrLAWD, oncooif. , , T"4 auTMnaaaapraflia J,0OQ lalwt allow ad ea a rimes daooslts as tolleva; OaarAinary atrlnfTbooM ....4 par aan par aoaom. va aannc books , a pay aaat par ancuza OaaanUUauu ol daswsit. Far ihrta avmlha ..4prasat par annam: r-iraiii ai par Ml par annuo: rr twaiT aoatn.. par earn par bbbui rUANK DKKCM, Preatdant P. P. THOMiM( ViM-Prastdaas. 1L C. aiHATTujr, CaaBlarb LISX CO. HATIOXAL BANK, or albabt, oaaooir. CAPITAL aTOCK HOODOO. . PranVtaM..... L CO WAIT, VkavPraaidaBt t M RALSTON. Vahiar ...Uao B CHAMUKKLAIN, (a,uirar ..w a. amujuvlu It aamaa, J L Ovan, J M Ralatott, Oao Z OiaaibarMn, W a Udd. W H tMura, i A Craw Sura aaa O A Arcbtautd. TRAKSArm a marml haoMnf butiMS. OMAWBHiDHRArT8wB H York, Baa a I . t. Orafoa. LOAKirOifltwa apptarad SwaBflty mi air wa reaiaws B ASK OF OREGON. ALBART, ORBOORt. stt Pralda4 Vlaa-Praaidat JaaaW H F MERRrLl . B J LANNINfi JlT W CLAM TraaaaeW a cal saaklnc bmiaaatr Bxchanra bou(bt and suid aa all tha priuelpal aitiaa la Um I'nltad StaWa alM oa Barlaod, Iralaad, Franaa and Garniaay. llaetla saad at all acoaaalbU point aa laTor mii, MinBa. '"7 Utaraat alloaad OA Uom dapaaila. FIRST if ATIOXAL BANK, or albart. numam. yraaldant Vica Praaidaat , 6-aaiar L FI.I5! B. E.YOiJN(l -I. W. LARUUON T8ARSACTS A OKXKHALbanainH boatnwa. AWWKTJ R KPT aublact la ahack. f Of IT CXCIIANai and M Tapkl translar, ar.ld ttawTork, Baa rmnawt, Chicago aad r lUand COIXE0TI0MT BADXoa AnorahU tarn, afaaaroaa w B Toroa B.W, Labbbos L B hi. aim, L. Puis Kawtai . Sox. v 1 ' """"" " w A pamphlet of liitiirruailon and ab atraatof tba lawa,)iowiii( How to Ohtala i'aianta, ATaia, Trada w Marks, Offnuhta, ami raa. A44ra tnuatat a OU 'S 31 Broadway, Ra YarK. 3 . K. WEATHERFOUD, t 'I JO A'J' I AW ALBA IT. XEX W ii BILYEU, AITOKNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chaneerra H.3ANY. . . OnECOY. 0-tlhaM't.i4 ii-Ofiii.tly uiMJaoaallpo'ni erviiAT.ttiata I on aonb! tonus R. N., oao. w. WRIGHT, iLAc:icun:j & uoicirr, Attorneys at Lavr, ill p'4V.ii) it lt th4 Curtt t tin t. Fr n tt ,in-4 t i(ivi ",.( v! li'iai I ant. ii to I to jii r " a . " C O l I Filiowt 'IVnpl Allisy q r lie Qftuorrat INDIAN IDSAS Or FCTDIlE.Llf . The Iroquolt and Uuront believed In a countr for the toutt ol the dead, which they called the "country of anceitore," Thlt country Ilea to the wet, from which direction their tradltlont told them they had migrated. Pplriu must go there after death by a very lonp and palnlul journey i climb many mountain and croae many riven and, jutt at the long aought haven apneara In the dUlance, the eptrit mut crota a long, narrow bridge and light with a mortrout dog which ttanda guard at the west end. Weak eoult are not equal to this tak, and many of them are puthed over the narrow edge of the bridge Into the ruthlng water below, to be ewept through dark canyent and over tmmente precipice forever, Thle road, according to the Idea of the two trlbei mentioned above, U all on earth j but aeveral of the Indian tribe consider the light band acroa the heaven which tha attronomera call tna "milky way" to be the path of the oul. The main body of the Mart In thlt milky path they uppoe to bo human oul on their journey to heaven; the mailer one to be tha tout ol dog or other pet animal which are accompany. tng their matter to the land of bllo. It I curlout and Interesting to note that the Drltlth Columbian Ulbe of the Shanakon have a tout belief which la almoat exact counterpart o( that cherished by the old Israelite. They believe' that every being ha It double or ihadow, a thin pale figure, tcldom or never een by mortal eye, which after death detcendt toan anode be nealh lha earth and there lead a d and gloomy eilttence. Tha Israelite called this place Sheol,the Shanakon knew It a "Kotea." Some Arltona and old Mexican tribe believe that the spirit U carried to the moon by a coal-black, monkey-faced owl; that upon arriving there It I met by It thousand of ancestor, who come with a train of white donkey; that the spirit U then ecoited to a large cavern In the center of the moon, where joy reign su join rroct; company. The "Joint Stock Company" a the wagon road combination In the legislature wa apprlately c tiled have declaied their purpose to secure the 5 pej cent fund for their roads notwithstanding he governor's veto. They will apply to the ecreUry of tat, for warrant on that fund,and In case he refuse to Issue tl.ero , (which be cer tainly will do,) they will then apply to the courts for mandamus to compel the ecretary to Issue the warrant , This per CJnl fund Is $ per cent of the net pro ceed of the sale of public land made at the several Uulted State land office In thl state f torn and after the slate wa ad mitted Into the union. The law of con gres donating this fmd to the state pro vide that It shall be paid to the state for the purpose of making public road and Inter nal Improvement a the legislature direct The "combine" now assert that It will not be necessary that the omnlbu wagon road bill should be approved by the gov ernor. In thlt they will be badly disap pointed. The constitution directs that no bill haU become a law unless approved by the governor or passed by a two-thirds vote In each house notwithstanding the veto. The looter of the treasury will find It a difficult matler to get money out of the treu y eacept In pursuance oi law. It U by no mean uncertain that the supreme court will hold this fund a be longing to the school fund and therefore inapplicable to the scheme of building road. The Ortgoia7k is displeased with the re- tulu of legislation. And well it mljht be In a timid way it refer to the continual warfare cat r led on by the respective friends of Joe Simon and Jim Lotan in the senate, consuming the valuable tlmef the legislature, In determining which of these two should be the "boss" of the republican paity In Oregon. It lack the nerve.hovr ever, of pointing out the way by which the party might get rid Itself of the "bosse.'' It I within the recollection of most of the people of the slate when that paper faltered not In denouncing "bosses" of the party. but new it raise no question against the re-election of the man of "youthful indis cretion'' to the United State benate, nor doe It protest against the rule of the "bosses." People are saving on all lde that it has been "placated." Might nut thf governor veto the omnl bu wagon road bill upon the gronnd that the fund out of which the construction of the roads wa to be paid for I a part of the Irreducible school fund ol the state. When the constitution of the state wa formed a provision wa made In It Ihat the 5 per cent fund which had been given to the state for Internal improvement purposes, should be a part of the Irreducable school fund of the s'Jte provided congress should consent to thlt diversion. Congress ad tnitted the state with thl provision in the constitution without question. Tills will ustlfy the governor in regarding the fund a a school fund, and should tneretore veto the bill. In Rhode Island c candidate for con gress must receive a majority of all the votra cast to be elected. A plurality of voles I not sufficient. In the elect leu In that state latt fall the democrats elected one member, but In the other district they lacked a few votes of getting a majority. special election wa held In that dl trlct last Saturday h'n the democrats elected by a large majority,the republican refused to contest Ihn matter. So far as Is Known tea outranks coffee a a beverage by many centuries. Accord- rig to a Chinese tegenJ, the virtue of tea were discovered by the mythical Emperor Chlnun 7J7 B. C,to whom all agricul tural and medicinal kna ledge I traced. There is just une-fifth at much nutil- tnent In quail on toast at In the tame quantity of weak mutton broth; and there 1 even more difference In the price of the wo articles. A lai'or died in New York die other day from poisoning, I ecaose of the habit he had of bi ing oiT tiie ends of thrtaJs. BJuaey to 1oaa, We have plenty of money to loan on real etate security, on two to five year time. Call on u at 0 ur office, opposite thu 'erere houe. BURKKAKT S ttXCY. Albany . rtt. Wheat Mlo Oats- 60 x Buttor 85e prto. Fif-2t Hy-lO.OOJto 18.00, Potatoes 6o eta per boahel Eoef ou foot, 2)4 to Br, A pplea 60 coti par uu, Pot k bVio per lr. Uroanod, Baoona hams, 1 1c shoaldcra 7o aldea.Od jrd JOoperlb. flour-4.25 per bbl. :tilckna 8.00 per dot, M Ul Feed bran, 14. (X) per ton abort, 18. midditnm, 20. Cbor, 20. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Ill rated Tama, Yuma, A T, Feb .7. The water reached lb highest point at 1 1 latt night. . Every butiott house wiuhed down. Tit con vent of St Joseph, AO U W hall, tchaolfcoui, express, telegraph and postofTiice were leveled to th ground. The railroad and ttetmliost office were twept Into tie ColDrmlo river, Th railroad iceliottte and track t the loot of Main street it washed away. Five hundred men worked latt night to save the property, but met with little success. The town and property are new guarded by member of th Vuir Rifles, who hve been twora in at deputy therili. The wvtar Is now falling here, but repotti of further riset have peen received from above aud the east, which, If correct, will entirely iwcep Vua away. The rail road botU ways are inpastahle. All tht country eastward for twenty miles it flooded. A larky Filaler. Astoria, Feb 17. July t 1889, K E Feeeey nropriatot ol the Western World, at Seahavtn Wash, homestesded a seventy-three acra tract of thl land nctr by Senhaven. The land ap preciated in vain anil he solJ lot to th mount of Stooo, Tartlet tried to dispo ses him, and tha caie ha been In Ulif -lion ever since. Keener' lawyer wat wired tonight from Washington, I) C, that me commissioner ot tna general lancLpince had thl afternoon decided the case In Feenty' favor. Feeney la now telling type on the 1 acorn a usobe. The coin mlsslonei' decision manes him woth over a quarter of a million dollar. Feeney' lawyer get a lee 01 910,000. Tfca Wraag ataa. Lo.NDoar, Feb 37. It Is believed that the police will have to discharge Sadler, the man accused of tha murder of "Carroty Nell." One of t'.e test witnesses against Sadler died suddenly the other, day, and there I very little testimony on which to ask for hi commitment. The coroner, In summing up at tha Inquest today, (poke strongly In favor of Sadler' Innocence and hi chtrge will go a long way towarn tree ing mm. A O asla a Marrlraaa, Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 37. Yester day afternoon the wind from the north ward become a genuine rorthwesttrlv gaie, me teveresi since 1 87a. It toon reached a velocity ot fifty-six mile an hour, and then su balded gradually. Much damage to properly la all part of the city was uone, Kacfcef Ubrld. Paris, Feb. 37John W Mac key ha began an action for libel through hi Pari solicitors against Gallgnanl Messenger. It appeal the newspaper published an ar. tlc'e charging Mackey with the authorship 01 certain atracks made against hi own family while residing In London. Craps stBlaral. Woodiant, Cel., Feb, 37. It ha been ralnintr continuous! v for fort r-elcht houra All the stream In the county are full, and inoosana ot acra or swamp and tule land are under water and the crop 'will be al most a total loss. A Terrible 4 tBlr. London, Feb 26. The great event of the ray wa the iaanctung of the two new 10,000 ion Ironclad at Portsmouth. The weather wa no ana me brilliant spectacle waa wit nessed by aa enormous crowd, Tba qeeca performed the lanachirg ceremony with her accustomed ease of manner, though just before the programme wa begun tha had shows sign of coatidersbla excitement, owing to heated disenwion with the Prince of Wale. The qneca and prince were observed to be quarreling fur several minute as they stood beneath the blp" bows. Her Biajr;v't man ner was imperious, wbtie that of ibe paince betrayed extreme irritation and be seemed 10 be defending bimself from some Imputation cast Oo bim by bit august mother. Both dispu tants uecame so nusned a to threaten apo plexy, and witnesses of the scene were much relieved when the tiff wa over Of course no one ventured to intercede with the uartict to tha dispute, and alt pretended not to bat observed n. Toe 'su doom: ion is that I he trouble grew out of some trifling breaca ol etiquette on the part of the prince, who is pot a puncuuout in these matter a tbe qneen is, Btlatrtet Trarfccr's laatllalea. Salxm, Feb 36. School SpcrioteoJeat McLlroy 1 atrsngtng tbe rnogramote fcr teacher's district luatilules to be he'd during me year, uneiortna secona aistrict, em bracing ibe cooatie of Benton , Coos, Curry, IJoujjU and Lane it to be held at Kotebarg for three days, commencing March 34. That or tbe third district, being tbe counties of Linn, Marios, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill. at Aioany, beginning ibe 31st of March and closing April 3 J. tor the fifth district the institute will be held at Forest Grove April 7 10 10. ana cmimice le countte ot Clacka mas Clatsop. Columbia and Washington. Kilted by a BaewslMa. Crested Butte, Colo, Feb 36. A snow tiwe swept over the Billion King m ne, at Irwin, yesterday, carrying away the boarding uuuacanu oupcrinienutni Kipe'l t l welling. Mr Ld Clark and child an J B F Smiley are still buried in tbe slide, with little hope of re- cuTcry auvc. The Mevalaltaa. BL'ENca Ayres, Feb. 36. Additional advice received here from Chilli ttale that the bombardment of Iqulque by the in surgent tesulted In great lose of life and neavy aamtge to property. Afterjhe ur- iiiiurruiuiiEiij ire revets entered ana attacked the store and residence on the six principal squsres and comDlctrlr wrecked them It I known that 360 women and children perished In the ruin 01 the tacked buildings. Aa K, ). AvaUaehe. Baker City, Feb 35. Full particular of the avalanche at Cornucopia reveal Die fact that an imnvmse snow-slide, perbabs a bundteo feet in depth, bad broken from the mountain tide and in itt mad ruth to the bottom of the gulch bad crashed against the tramway of tba txstern Oregon Minmc Company leatlin? from tbe Red Jacket mine to tbe mill and demolished it completely. Further investigation resulted in me tianunc Isct Ihat three man. em n loves of Ibe company, were misting. The name ot" the unfortunate were given at Hugh Cutran, foreman; u 1 lout en, watchmta, and Juie nicnoisop, ooaruing house keeper. A Cewaty Beat Fight. IIcntington, Feb 25. The Herald, of tins place, ba the following: '-New ha been received here that on last Friday evening. about three miles east of Burnt on the read to Baker Oty. a fight took place between cltizent of the two places. Report hat it that towns men of Harney City made a raid on the court house at Burnt and captured ibe .records of ibe county and started on their return home ward with the prize, and when about three tiles out on tbe road a party of armed men from Burns overtook them and a heht ensued. Three men. GeoreeTrezatcus. Locan. manager oi snoagrast t ttore, end Ceorge billman were killed. 1 B Huntington, register of the land office; John Sayer were wounded, how badly we cm not learn. Tkey Had Buxed, Lcndoh, Feb 25 The cotditlon of the Grand Duke George, second son of the Czar wnow&s injured on tne ironclad which con veyed the cur; and himself to Indit, occa lions much anxiety in St I'etersburirb, It appears that the young prince did not fall from mast as reported, but received hit in jnriet while boxing with hit relative' Prince George of Greece. The Grecian Prince ai Qore than a mat :h for the Grand Duke and in endeavoring to avoid a blow the latter fell, injuring bit apine. AdVerllnlns California. San Francisco,-Feb as. A numder of bnsineat men in this city intend to run a handsome car from -town to town through Oregon Wathingtoo, Montana, Idaho and ad jacent states, for the purpose of exhibiting principsll the manufactured product, at "California on Wheels" exhibiti tbe natural resource! of that state. Severe Bilzsard la Kaasat. Kansas City, Feb. 35. The teveiest blizzard of 'he scaron prevailed In Kansas tonight. A norther it melnsr In the Cher okee strip, and foolhurdv "boomers" who Invaded that country will suffer terribly. There are fully 3000 of them and the best shelter they have it covered emigrant wajront. The republican majority in the first Oregon congresHional district, according to the 18!X vote, is 3,7C0, in the second Oregon congressional district, 6,145. Ex. That wan on Hermann. Now, please giveua- the republicaa majority in the difctrietson Pcimoyer. HUIITA Sam L Simpson ha written a very pretty poem on Sherman. At the latt city election In Oregon City a number ot young men were elected to the city council who are making the ttatd old taxpayert tqulrnrln their boots at the lavish manner In which they appropriate the city fundt Welcome. A Whatcom, Wath,, man want a me tropolitan dally all tme Oregonlatv and wuiipuluplSo ayear forladvcrtlalng That amount would run the Oregonlan about fifty second. Ex. Mr Barrundla has sued the United State for ft ,000,00 j because her husband wa killed by uualemaian officer on board an American tteatner. Singular how folk appreciate In value when de funct. Tha live Barrundla wa only worth $187.50. Considerable "klckinu" It done becrute Oregon hat no appropriation for re pre tention at the World' fair In Chicago, out 3.04,000 nat been appropriated tor "a dome" on tha ttate capltol. Let thl financial fact console tha Inquisitive peo ple who ask II an exhibit be lore the world wouidn i oa neiter man uome. (or a building at Salem. True, It may be cited a an let ol (olly,but if wise people didn't make mistake sometime it would ba tough on the fool. Attorlar.. Beside a Craw (tack, sat a tramp, A jolly tramp and wise. And while he patched hi ta'lcrcd coat Did thu toillequUci It seem sew sad that this lone life, Doth ever downward lend, And rags ma Into wretchedness, But still I'm on the iner.d. And when I needle little cash I make 00 loud lament, But by a traw stack tit ma down And gather In my rent. The celebrated college case, Involving the use of congressional grant ot land and fund for agricultural college, wa tried upon the merit befom Judge Slut tuck, at Portland, commencing on latt Tuesday and ending on Thursday. The cae wa argued on the part of the plain UfKby Hon Geo II Williams, of Portland, and ST Jeffrey, ol CorvatlU, and on the defendant, by Hon Flntey Watson, of Portland, and L Fllnn, ot Albany. The tudire gave tha parties ten day to file ricft and announced hi Intention of rendering an early decision In tha matter, Corvalll Time. One of the Democrat' subscribers hat handed us the following a a good Item for a quiet day. It I from the Florence Newt! "There I a joke going the round at the expense of a modest young er- ppr man in a neighboring town, winch Is so good It ought to be true. The young man in question. It appear wa recently Invited to a party at a residence where lha home had recently been blessed with an addition to the family. Accompanied by hi best girt, he met hi kind hostess at tne door and after the customary luta tlon atked after the welfare of the baby The lady wa ufierlns from a cold which made her (lightly dcaf.aud the mistakenly uppotea inai me young man was inquir Ing about her coid, (he replied that (he had one every winter; thl was the wont one the had ever had; It kept her awake at night a good deal and confined her to her bed. Then noticing that the scribe was getting pale and nervous she said the could leu by hi look that he wa going to have ore jutt like hert and atked him It) go and lie down. The papet came out a usual the next week, but the editor hat given up Inqulrle about bable. Twenty tnilla and factories in the New England states. New Jersey. New York and Pennsylvania, have recently reduced wages 1 rout 7 t90v per cent. A wonderful surgical operation Is to I performed in New Orleans soon, that of taking out the Hearts 01 two men ana exchanging them. It is claimed this ran tie successfully done. We are not anxious to exchange heart wiUi anybody. riio County Court should contribute liberally towards a bridge at Albany. Tbe city is entitled to it. vY'e hve paid thousands ol dollars in taxes to build bridges in other part ot the county and without b murmur. row lor reciprocity Monday, a reduction of wages from 12 per day to 11.75 waa made at the two pulp mills of the W p A p Co. Some of the men left but their places were readily rilled with others. The hands at the Crown paper mill have been working for some time for $1.75 per day. Thl reduc tion brings ail paper nill hands down to the same rate, except foreman. Ore iron uuy uourier. Every few days some one discover erpetual motion. Tbe Oregon City Courier tells of another case: Frits GroM, who lives about four miles out on tbe MoIIala road, claims he bas invented a machine that will run by its own mo tive power on a railroad track without fuel. He believes he bas discovered tbe aecret ot the perpetual motion that sways tue iencr worius.nna that a locomotive, constructed on bis plan, would only stop running wnen worn out. Borne grown men need a euardian wben they travel. This ndon a young man about twenty-three year of age wo rushing around the depot to find out wnai ne wanted, not seeming to nave a tongue with which to ask. In bis excite ment he fell on his bead ; tben rushed for tbe Portland train and was coins off on mat, wnen ne learned it was wrong train. He wanted the Corvallia train, which be finally reached twenty minutes aneau 01 time. M F Kapd. C A Sbelbrede. A M Craw ford, George Csrpey and J H Shupe, of Boseburg, Douglas county, have filed articles of incorporation with tlio Kecre- tary oi Btatn lor the . Douglas county Building A Loan association. Cnnital siocx, f iuu,uou. merchants would much better hive some other delivery wagon "call" than red flags, as s few have. People in Al- onny know wnai 11 means, Dut some out siders think they mean selling out at cost ana go away ana fabricate about it. (Jloth la cheap enough so that other col ors can easily be secured without the use 01 much money. We give our Roll of Honor again this week. It will be in order for the Albany Democrat to again meddle with some thing that does not concern it Jefferson Review. That is all right. Mr Review. It is none of our business; but what would you think ot the merchant who would publish the names of every custom er who paid bim a cent. It is all tbe same, and a paper has to be pretty coun trified to do it. . A laiye Democratic daily with a caoital of $250,000 is to be started in Portland Anril 1st. Tho Astoria Express savs: The committee got into communication with eastern parties and finally Mr Gray agreed to start such a paper,with a plant and capital in sight of $250,000, if Port land would give them a guarantee of $100,000 of business the first year ; 5,000 subscribers at $10 each, ana $50,000 of secured advertisements. MrT F Kane, well known newspaper man, was selected to secure the guarantees. He finished it up two weeks ago. Mr Gray, a New York uiuu, win LM3 euuor. Referring to our Item about its being Albany's turn for a 4th of July celebra tion the 'Statesman says : "That argu ment may do for Albany, but Balem ia too big to take it by turns. 8he is a city, and as such should fittingly observe this day ot all holidays every year. But there is room enough lor alianu balem is glad her sister proposes having a picnic. Al bany and Balem are so far apart their celebrations do not interfere one with the other. Yes : this is Salem's year for a big celebration. So say the business men and citizens, and so says everybody." The Democrat didn't intend to infer that it was not also Salem's turn. Cities should be independent in that matter. It is our year, and we also are big enough tocvlebrate aunually. Some Independence boy scam to have gotten the snme crnav, illnio novel no tions in their beads which have postipsflod Albany youths at times. The Went HUlo snys t "Week Wore last Masters Penri (Jooper, Harry C!irlnt!an, Jr., and Willie White, ef this citv, came to tho couclu' slon that "home" wns too tiresome a place tor young bloods of their ambitious aspirations, so early one morning they started out to make their acquaintance ot the cold uncharitable world. In other words they took their ft ot, as well as their fortunes, in hand and skipped out. Their parents soon got wind of the affair, ana nmructeu Air wayne wmium to owrlmul the boys and use moral suasion to have them return botun. Ho over took tho runaways near McCoy and pre vailed upon Pearl Cooper to return with him but tho other boys declined return ing to tho paternal roof. Till BAIDCE Te Be Pafe4 rrsnt This Time On. The special meeting of the City Coun cil to cousider the bridge question was held at tho CouncilChaiabors last week and was attended by the member of the Council and several citizen. Tbe matter was discussed in'an harmonious manner by the members of the Council and private citixens, Including Judiie Plirtn, II II Hewitt and Karl Race. The unanimous expression wa In favor of luunedlatu action. On motion a com mittee of three was appointed to prepare and circulate a petition to the County Court asking It to act In conjunction with Albany and Ikmtou county in the construction ot a bridge at this city. Tbe Mayor apfHiinUid Councilmen llurkhart, Tabler and Fmlth as such committee. with power to appoint sub-committees. These petitions have already been sttrted ana win ne circuiatea over tho entire county before the convening of tbe (Jonnty Court. On motion ot Councilman French the Mayor and Councilmen with ono citizen from each ward were appointed a com mittee to wait upon the County Conrt at It session next week and personally ask the Court to unite with the city In locat ing a bridge, to be assisted by competent engineers, tbe Judgment on tho site of tho bridge to be made at the April term of tbe County Court and to be final. larricu. mayor l owan appointed as such commtttM) 8 K Young, from the 1st Ward; (J W Maston.from the 2nd Ward, a B 4 a . . ' ana a nackieman.trom the 3rd ward. On motion tbe Council adjourned. TKt CO LUC Sit IB BtABAASl. Has Urge and complete line ot goods, dulls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve oclpedes and many other good which pi to mae op a complete assortment besides B Comtlta linn r,l limn, n ,WA llAMInl I.H I '1. Ia ... t. a ......... decorated ware, gtaasware, bint rages, piutii goous, sucit as alliums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap book, children's A B C nictura hooka. ant all ani1a fiia are carried in a llazaar store, Including vge luua, siircrnsrv, B winu to call the attention ot the public in par ticular to the (i,. l.Uii ltula ririaja ta,klfi powder and tea, not op exprely for this trade, which gives the best of mttls taction, as ia attested by the hundreds whn tiava nanl lilli tha l ami lkl.m powder ever since introdaced. by the iiulden ltule 1 nraar. j-eh pnt kac ot tea and can ol 'uacking powder draws a prise in the shape of a tine piece of rU ware. iq anrw to can, w nen in Aiuanv at the Golden Rule liaaaar. aa you wti be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store and I treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Sliller. My goods are alt marked in plain figures so as not to tiweive anyone, ana 1 have tut one price 10 an. Jtxitn UttAOwout. Aloxq tub Lrs. Some ot our neigh bora over in Linn county are preparing to raise pea for the Halem cannery next summer, a ue cannery company tarn ishes the seed and get their pay when the crop is delivered to them. V M Miller got seed to plant five acres: W Al Connor, four acres; J C Cox, two acres. " Hon Charles Miller, a farmer living near town, bas a herd of very fine Jersey cows. One of them, only twentv-two roontns 01a, not Been tested and found to produce one and one-fourth pounds of umier per oay.ana mat too on very com roon feed. JeiTerson Review,, AccmcRT ar McCor. Clarence Gib son, a young man llvlna with O G Shun left, near McCoy, met with a nalnlul acci dent Wednesday evening which came near resulting In hi death, tie w chopping wood, when the axe lipped and truck hi 1001, me made going entirely through that useful member. Some of the bone were badly shattered and some of the arteries cut. ne nearly eicd 10 death before aid could reach him, but he I now doing well No Such Ixsubaxcs. A eentleman re cently from the east, was talking to one of tbe Salem Insurance men a few days ago, in regard to insurance and wanted to know if hia Mlllinanv ln,n,Arl acnlm.. cyclones in this state. He waa informed tuat tncy never had done such a thing nor had any one ever asked them to do so. The gentleman seemed much sur- priseu ana asxea 11 mere were no cyclones harn at all Wlian tnl.l iUm 1...1 , , I-...,.... -- - - -. w.v. ... v v imivi umi ben any Co the knowledge of tho oldest ItirtsaltUantrai Jf a l! ! fiftd not even uggetcd euch ft thluR, he thflllT'llt thia a rnnrvbirtitta nm- a. have no storms, droughts 'or failure o! wwju.-MOBrnsi, There are three ameoU ia tha A O U W order lor the month of March. We wlil run a ttore In connection with our paper, wrltet an Idaho editor. "So with this store, and our farm and the real ettite bualnet and the pott ofllce and our position clerk ot the town council we hope to make enough money to keep the paper going. CATARRH CURED, health Und Weet breath iecnred,by Shilon' Catarrh Remedy Prtca fO eenta. .Nasal Injector free, to- shay ii Unarm, ageuta. ; '. Cflpepay. - " This is what you oucnt to have, n yon most have it, to enjoy lif. Tbonaand tr tesrobing for it daily, ami mourning te- causa tliry nntl it not. Tbuutands opoa theosand of dollar are (pent ancBAlly by our people iu tbs hope that they may Attain tins boon. , And vet it may be hd by all. Wa coarantee that Elaatrio Bitter, if used aouordutg directions and the nse pertisUd in, w brine you eood direction and cost tho denmn Dyspepsia and iutUll inetead Kupt pay , We reeommend Etectrio-Bitters for Jyspc 1 'in and all diseataa of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Hold at 6O0 and $1 per bottle by rehy ec jUaaon, drugxltt. "HACKMETACK , a Uttiug aad fta grant porfuiae. Frio 25 aad 50 ceutt-' Fs (bay Mason, agent. - Euan St Aohiton handle too celebrated Portland cement wall for emctery lot, rhese wall ean be furnished at half the coet ef any other and ar far superior. The ONLY place in the ty whera East ern tickets cau be parcha is of W. L. Jester, st the Southern Pacific Co' ticket ofllce , ; - A (are core for tbe whuky habiti Dr Liviuaston'a Antidote for Lirnnl ennet will care any case of the liquor habit in trntn ton to thirty day, from the moderate driukor to the drnnkard. Tbe Antidote osn be given in 1 cap of coffee without th knowledge ef tha parson taking iv. The Antidote will not injur 0 th healtn in anyway. Manufactured by the Liviucttoa Chemical Co., Portland, Oregop cr from J A Cumming, cole agent, Albany FOR DYSPEPSIA and liver Complaint yon hava a print guarantee on every bottle of Sbiloh ViUliser,. lt never fails to cura, Fosbay & Mason, agent. eniLOH'S COUGH andrCoutumption Cnrt is sold by nspn agnaianUe. It cures contamption. Fosbay Si Msaoo, ageute, W. F. Resd keep tho beat assortment of fancy gnodt in town. aa"aaiaaaawnaaai uiui yiaawaaaaawaaaaiiaaa " BKAI. I'STATE B.4I.KS. .... a . Drowiisville Building & Loan Amn toJohn Cushman, 0,13 acres, near Urownsvllltii...... $ 100 Onkville Cemetery Amn to J 15 Md Coy, 1 lot 3 M 0 Meyers toUeoF. Chamberlain, , lots 7, bl 7, aud lot 5, bi ft, W's R A , 1C0.C0 Lebanon Lodge 44, A F & A M to T I Coekrell, 1 lot, cemetery.. 1 DW Hardin to J lt& ii YKlrkpa- triuk,n.o acres,nenr Ibanon. 4."KJ Nathan llabftr to Francis K Knlght- CR.lot 8,0, bl 4,lS's A Tangent 100 Arnold Hummers to 3' A Zysmat, Wi.81 acred, near Stio, , 500 J I Heard toil! I) Turner, 2 lots, Tangent,, , ., .100 John Jlardnmn to flcott Wal!nce,15 acres near Lebanon .... f 100 V tl,fi30 .......$117,001 Total for year ... A trance Heeling, , Hixor Harhomt OnANaE, Feb. 81st, ,'bUI. Met In rr'inilitr scsnlou Worthtv Master II 0 Powell, In the chair, Tho minutes of called meeting were rend and approved. . The secretary not being present min utes of last tegular meeting were not read. nd no imlliiUI.ed luliifri ap pearing, the grange proeeded to new buiilnees. The applications of seven persons seeking admisBlon to onr order were rend and were referred to the usual com mitteett. . Uro's O C Davis and I Clem were elected as delegates to tho Linn county usuKines council. I WsH A Dawson. J W Propst and A 0 Marshall Jwero elected a delegates to the convention to 'select rrpresenta tives to the state grange. A resolution was Introduced by Bro J Clem in regard to rrxluclng the initiation fee. Nsvcral brethren spoke on sugges tions lor tho good of the order. The worthy lecturer was Instructed to make out a program for Harmony grange for several months ahead, and we may look for some spicy meetings in the near fu ture. Two candidates were initiated, and the first and second degrees were conferred on the tame. So you can sea that the grange move ment is not dead in our neighborhood. Come, brother grangers. reiort to our county papers, bo that we may see bow you are progressing in this part oi the jurisdiction. Rerokrex. Tke Xew Bevy Yard Btla, Piwrrt, Port Orchard Bay Feb. 28. Angos Mcintosh, President of tho Mer chants National Bank of Seattle, has ac quired a controlling interest In tbe Fid uey Tile Pottery Co. The comrunj bas erected a handsome five story build ing, and now has the moat complete plant in tneir line on tne ractnc woont. Those of our citixens who clmerve Lent have ceased their festivities for the pres ent. Tho establishing ot the new United States Navy Yard and Docks at this port Is attracting an army ot viHitors,who are looking out lor investments. 1 he new thrce-ttory brick building, for which the contract ha bcr-n let bv the Bank of Sidney, will noon be In course ef conduction, it I to contain the bank and three store on tit ground floor. Four boait now arrive here dallv from Seattle, and another make dally trip to ...I 'r Fau. Firrekii Ft. At the ent deit of First street, on the north side. Is an uncompleted sidewalk over the ditch at that place, referred to In the Democrat heretofore. The distance from the end to the ground I alKiut bitten feet, I day or two ago Wayne lived, a boy dab .( nin. wa r- - f a. .a 1 .... I , .1 . . T . I. .. M. white pulling a sled, turned two somcr sauits and struck on his fcl. without serious Injury, though It is a wonder he wss sot badly butt. At another time a drunken man walked off and came out without any damage. Such incomplete affair are an eyesore to a city, and it is to oe uopea now that we have a new charter, that the property owners be Compelled to nnMi the job. . .a a a. . Has Utix Triko-How to gel a home In a good country having a cellghtful climate, and bow to assure an lnco-ne ot $1000 per annum from an btvcttmr-ul of $2000. The Willamette Valley Is the natural home of the prune. ' The cost of a ten sere orchard, not In cluding Interest, l$i2SO, Including fimt class cultivation fcrtwoyeart on the In stallment plan. Apikrou, pert, pcache, plum and chcrrie are all prolific bearer . and can substitute tor any ofihete the prune. We plant just such varieties at the purchaser maytclrct. Tub Orbgon Laxo Compary, Salem, Oregon. Da. Jso. B. ritxiNOTox, Surgeon, Oc ulist and Medical Specialist, of Portland, will be at the Revere bouse, Albany, all day, Tuesday, March 3, 1891. All suff erers from Chronic or Nervous ailments ; all cases of Kidney, Liver or Stomach diseases will be given a specialists ex amination frkr. Eye, ear, catarrh, neu ralgia, rheumatic and rectal cases spec ially invited. Some hundreds of refer ences given. Tba best matt couVe ie the city tt Com Mtfyr a. For lame back, or aid cheat, ate Smloh s Porous Plaster, Price, 25 coot. Rscktes's Aralra Salve, Tha bat Sato la tha wnrt.l f, Cu'.a,nrale3.Sar Ulonn, Halt Hhauin, Faver a ire,, rttar, Cliapn kanrta, I'b.iLUlm, Ouraa, and all Skin km plla I poaitivalyiniras I'lloi.orno Riy raquiraU. itlnrasr. ntaatl to sir porfuot sall(aotin, or money lefuml d, fries W earns per box, for afcla by i usliay and klsaoi 11 eaeaarfd naprleas, Tel Savest. From a lotter written by Mr Ada E Hnrd of Oroton, S D, we quote: "Wa taken with a bsd cold, which settlad on my Lun-a, coughs sat in sod finally terminated in l.'oii uoiptioD . Four duo tors gave mi tip any iuj I ceuld live but a short time. I iovnmy- tolf up to my Saviour, deteraiiucd if I eoald not stay with my fritml cn earth, I would meet my absout one above. My baibacd was advised to t Dr Klug's New Ditcnyar- try for Cocinsiytion, Cuii.h nd Uold. I gav it a trial to k in alt eight boitle.j it ba enred bi and thank (lod I am a well and hearty woaiaa. M - Trial tattle tree at Fo tliay & Maaon'tdtug (tore, ruUr tiaa, 50e dll. BIIILOH-S CATARRH P.KKDVa positiva not Ur Catarrh, Diphtheii and . l - f . . t. v . , i. c. ii i . vawiriania, caaaej jasscH, bcddui .J I I . I . 1 V. k II'. t'rvrr . ... . k . . . D4 fat CeaslipAtita, Ia t Aspetitc, Dis sits, a all iiMiltat f Dypij..M'ric IV aaa 7 easts yet Batata. t'hllAren Eajsy Tba nluaaant Havqt. pfintln antlim nn.l annih ins efTtlQt Of Hvmn of Fir-. arhnn In n.l isf a laxative auu it toe istoer or moiucr oe 1 it... 1 It .l , .1 .. . oostivs or biiioQs tnn moss gratify log regal ta oliowiag itt nee, so that it it tha btwt fara H i i j - ... i . . j rouiuuy kduwu biiu Ojory iamiiy anouia aye . Whrrxto Get Thkm. When wanting to organ or plana call on u L. Ulackman wtt you can select Irom a first class toCK. , i n i iihbSwn : Exeltrmeat' v Ran high In Albany at Fohy & Ma- son smg tors over Hystem tiuuder, a everybody i uting it for Catarrh of tbe Stomach, Dytpeptia, Constipation and Im pure rsiood. Try it i.nd toil yonr friendt atiout it a it oiat poisvt Wonderful morita- W6a ail tpeslt well of u French Tnn ay Wafers. wafers are a sure and tafe tp cifl. klndsof female troubles anc w'l' all obstructions to the mor.nly no matter what the cause. Tt.t ilwhat evcrv woman nt-eti' at. The far a remot period are it can be iked with safety. For sale t' tfv Llvintlone Chemical Co., also frou ' tole agent, J A Cumming, druggitt, Bit t bergbpek, A lbany, Oregon. Das half dollar reduction on evsry pair of Ludiow's fino shoes. A coail line of them 8 E Young's, none Ann akboad SArtfKhAT. Etigen City 1 talking (tract oars in, Jjtw JijImioh' minxlrcl art approanbing gin. The paymaster of the 8 P rt'lrosd will pay two mnutli pay, aliut s.TOO.OOO, to employe on the coiiipaolA' litt in Oregon, in a short tlmn. Ia twenty -nine stab llic r hi boon leg islation a(!int (.'iitrf tt'jH. Ciil 'rudu It th th latest to prohibit the sate of th pernio ion health deatrnyet t" mi onr. Tim $1300 fnnoe Is being rcmovtkl from the Highland Park baseball ground at Salntn, which makes it Ixk aa if there would be no prof ionI club at that city Ibis year. What will Salnm do now daring tbe ln (orrctrnam iwlween tha Iruialstdre and tba ttate fair, Albany Drmoorat, Salem will try anil en shnad a a lis Urws in All too n- trn,;iiu lit of her mitiy pienict. Journal. Whtbasn upward totidancy. snd w are able to quote It today at Hi cent. Far mart wbo hvo it to tell and better Mrrp thir rye open, and not aotioiptte ton rnuoli . Oar Marino county csuhnHi are tnllina Ixjut Itrga handt it nypale in tti-ir virlr.i it, lliey ar evidently eftnuria tint wy. i d it i 1 l wtlt to lock uu tha ttiiu)'e atid liWp in the wailiir.g. $(K 0 paid into the 'itf trcanurv TuctditV. for lioeriMs, all tankhi by a hilalorm i.f wtn-ant iu tboitonJur. in fact oonaiilnralile of the payment wa jo Wirraut boi-ht op by tha snS'Hin keeper, 'l'lmro will b pic oty of money id tba treasury in a fdw week. An Old ixoapector snd miner. nmsd Al lison, who ba been proaprcling oa J ii N Ikll't place in West R(liurg, think ba ha dbioovered a tin miuo. '1'ln ro i a aoad tizid mnuuiairt of or ' ays v.ry rich. If it really piovi-a wti it I enj ected t it will etnss a big boom for Rtraeburg. itoao'-wrg ltaviow. In tha damage suit of Mr Jane Clark gainit the Si't verdict for f 2000 a a ren dered for the plaintiff, A ecmptomiea he- lore would have broutiit mora. Aa a rule it psy to oomproniise with rii!.nd. . I -7i..l f . I .,... . a maj.irity ci tiie jary were in lavoroi t-iVAJ hot on or two mu wagged the w hols do j. Wlio di!m fiihtintr est dnwn to th mnrdemn level of tbe fight at Noleotiyilla, O, it is time for tha government to ttoin and proaoiio all kinds of cititv-ts. Th f!ht wabetwo Dave Sevilla and Arthur Maietty. wbao time was called for tbe I9ta round. Majesty, who ovt tecu irr-ttsni th worst of it, earns forward and said: "I otnnot , hit if yon wsntti," whrreupoa Seville mahd bim in the jtw, breaking hia aack. Seville aud Tout Mtcey, one of bis teoouda, are eader arroct. II am SroLKtt Lat evening at $ o'clock ham wa delivered at the house of Mr Hsriy Noel, on e;4 Water .rccl. No one bel.ig at home, St wa hung on the Iront door knob. When Mrt oci r rlved home shortly sfu-nvarJ. It had di appeared, a passerby helping hlmieif to It. A Rrioce Msbtixo. A tptclal meet ing of the City. Council will be held to night at the Council Chamber to consider the bridge qottilon. and It It probable provisions vtlll be made tor tbe circulation of petition Baking the County Court to act In conjunction whhAlbanv andLSt-nton county In the erecting of a bridge at thl cliy. The tounty Court will meet on Wednesday ol nctt week. Tbe member of the Council are all In favor of prompt action la the mailer, and at the meeting Itf-nltrht it mav be anlicioaled will take tier "hlc'i will crnphactae thl fact. Their action will lie duly noticed to-morrow The Democrat hear only one expression on the bridge question, and Ihat K to push ahead, right from date, and auvthln that 1 done will be fully endorsed bv the ctiuciisol Aioanv, who are thoroughly in arnetd on the subject. No money can be invcated that will bring such return to thl part of the valley at a bridge at this city, jut to it croct the wins incite to. ne where in this vtcinlty.and the survey ot air Stewart no doum points out a tails factory location. "A twldge, a bridge, We'll have It yet. A bridge acro the Willamette." raiDAY. G B W'gn , died at Salem jfslerd y at tb age of PI Jtart. A letter from PitifSicry aj1ftre will ! aotetvioe rt the Cangratti-ma Church Sstarday evreiii - ct areoaoced. Wl'i'e Mr Wi'Siam Mck t hiiuiug naot last night t!i inlr nieht tlip! d abd c.t -ver gath tu lb bon,svcritiK ta Arte: t. Wb Cos, of tt Bim of It- fct-rg St IVor. Albany, h ltn employed by thu Hjutism LombctComptny .! Mill City toi: tii:.ti,d the placer at Hist pUoti, Itia c' th.t lha O Rv. r.i'r.. d bri!)! acTi'tt tke Mi Ki t He at Col oin ia tin. lnngrat wotnlen spin in ito Utitcl .Vat- 300 leet. Tb F armcr & Mi-.rchi.rda laktiracca Coui- tMiry, of this city Utca tW3 by tbe Jancttoo lire, bavin,; a policy on tli ti ck lu.i fixture (J the tlua of Morgan Iluuit, Dering t!,e la&t two weeks C W Waab lerca has toid ntt-r tdueUc-n thousand bushel of wheat. Th same netted bint ixt) two cent a I u).il. cr tll,";0. JuucUou Pilot Vh hi ii'trra notice that be will chwe his lapnnete stnre th last.of thia week. Ilea-ys Cotvailn i.i not Urj; enotti(h to enp port 04 ettaliltsbrt'CPt of ucb irfcUn'ion. JoryalUs I'liues. F.'iiUr Adam bf tbe Lebanon Expre lit I ust been elected Suvriutccdit of the Sab ath School of the M K Church Bnth at that city, 8 M W iiindman, Aisis'aut Siipcrin-d.-rit, Mita lUa'itr, Secretary and Jlif Mtgi(ta Unikhart, Treaturar. Tbs membra ot the Woman Mistiooary society t,f tho Pint Pretbyteriaa Churx-h are leoneatcd to meet it tne residence of Mrt t. K OolT, Sstarday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Hutir.c of imporudce is to be bronuht be fore tha society so a full attendance is de sired. By ordt r of thn pitaitUu Mr E O..IT. . If another torvey for a biidga at Albany i muls it should te hy a government tnr vor, and bo final. The survey made by Mr Stewart, thsUL'h. speak for ite!f oa careful ictyt c'.ion, ord in all probability any future turvrys mud 4 by con!Hteut cnijtneeis in eorroartond wita it. loe mattr ct lo cation, ia an immaterial ono, just so it is the n.ot fcsait.lbe one. Wbat AlbJtny wtnta it umlgn. a WnBAT. We quote wheat today at Co cents per bushel, with a good out look. Farmers with wheat to sell should now watch tho market and strike while the iron is hot. T11CR8UAT. Huliu & Dawson, drugitUv Buy your groccritwjof Parker Bro' Fias groceries at Conn & ileudrictoa'a. Al! rubber good at c.t at Kloio Bros, Notioo the New York C. B. R, Store' d. Pieplaut root forstleby J I! Townsetid, Buy Qaai'lino tteve from Mathow & Wasbburo. Smoke the colobrated Uavana BUml 5 Cent eigar at Juliua Joseph's, A large stock of wall paper, with latsde sign, at FotUniller k Irving's.just reoeivod. SeeJV F Read' line of dress gocda and tilk before buyiug elaewhuje. Bargaiu in choioe groceries' oao always be tecared ot Aden liros,. t hnn lilock. Highest market price paid for egga at tha Kew xorit v. ti. k. store. "Clark' Diphtheria Pnvontative"for sale by Hulin aud Dawson. Waantn, 50o a dozen, mendiegfor mea Mr Kings.just east of the Democrat otaoe. . Mr II Y Kirk patriok, the Lebanon real estate speculator and capitalist, wat in the eity today. The attraction for the Opera House Iwing negotiated are tha Ole Oleton Comedy Com pany for March 7 or 9, Caroliue Uge aud Lew Johctons Minstrels. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoas and make tbero look as good as ntw, with Wolffa Aome Waterproof Pcliah. Fur aale at Samuel E Young'. Get your teats for the Garroters. by col lege students at the Opera Housa, iriday evtn'ug of next week. It promise to be one of lha best local entertainments yet given here. ' ... - . . , An agent of the Oregon Live Stock lot. Co. hit been in the city doing a good bnsi- j neBt. As wo never have any lii-htoiEo! here o amount to auytlung and no cyclones, j thia must bs an insnranoe aiiamst accident and disease, all the same as that of men, I CuxJBcn Notices. There -will be preaching services at tne Presbyterian nureti tomorrow as ii a ia ana i ;,a.p m. Sabbath school at 12:15 p m. YP S CE meeting at 6:45 p m. In the evening the third lecture on Chjintliin Evidences will bo delivered, subject, "New Testa ment Credibility." Ail will lie made welcome to these services. Atlho Banlltt church at it am com munion tervice. The pastor will preach on "The Featt of Memory and ot Hope. In thn evening ihe subject will be "A Not able Conversion Analysed." Young Peo pie meeting at f.:jo. All wl be made welcome. Service at the Congregational church to-morrow will ba a follow. At 12 a in communion and admission of member; At U.30 p m Sunday school. At 6:30 Kndrsvor meeting, Topic, "God care for HI Own." At 7:30 the third lecture to toifig people, Hubject, "The Strength of Young People" vVo extend an Invlutlon 13 all tfi the strvlec, ihweal tending will rccelvis a warn welcome. The revival services at the M K Chu!?;i Switth continue with Increasing Interest, Service tomorrow at 11 a m aid7;3 p m. Reception of rnrmlxr at morning service. AM INDKI'ltAT. A dKpaicfi fiom South Dskol on the nhl following (he election of Kyle tarts Srnntor elm Kyi definrt bit position and po iiical tendencies in the following remark mtdtf (0 nitjht Ixrfore i meeting of the inde pendenta and democrat at I'icrrci "Wliea iwii forcet aclinia ojij O.ifs direc liont meet lhry pro-luce a new force, which continue to uijie in a direction difT-r-nt from either of 'he olhrr force. This new for-- it called In m?r!ianla a resultant. Tnmplit I feel that I am a rttuhant foi'mcrly a rcpulti can, then en indercodent and now that 1 have been elected by both parlir I am a resultant of both fifties. I am an Indccrat. I have a'wsvt been in favor of a new tariff, and about four year ago, when tbe republi can party decided in favor of a high las. iff, it wa too truth for me, snd I tovght a more crtiRcnial party, which I found in tbe demo cratic parly. After the independent part J wf formed latt year I found ibat its principles were tiill more congenial. Tbe independent cannot ffi!iate w iih the republican. Tbe re publican' lin; tule and high tariff fcave made sftjliaticn impouible." - Tbe democrat clain that Senator Kyle may be counted whh them oa party utuet, and it is believed that he bas pledged b nut If o this efTect, He acknowledge that be owes bit election to 'the democrat, who voted for bim on receiving assurance from Illinoit that the alliance would tui rort Palmer or some democrat. All tbe party teaJer !mit that ia the future South Dakota will he c Us ted among the doubtful ttate. Tbe election of Kyle wil strengthen the democratic and weaken the re publican 1 any in the date. . O, ah. Vrt m S- what do yon fr fora oM 00 tt eheatt " asked Joo-o, ta a sort of toditTaramt tons, of a dootor with whom ba was aiiaT'itly anjuainted. as he mrt bim oa tbe treat. " AdvioK." was ib laoocio reply. P do we. we s4vtiw you not to nc lk-t thnt Banking roug-o arxt Orowny reeling, toa coatoa t-jnsu, tna failin aprwUtn. Uw todtreatioa f. 1 sanenu csjautuoe ama aeouity uat "tired Una;," as o many trmtt it. lake Dr. tlWi Cnlrfjin Ujlul VvtM t. and It will not disappoint, tt Is not only tne most woodorf ul auaansiiva, or blood-ctasnaer, known to modicad sok-oeo. but aiao ptiaaratKa uparior nutrlUvB aad tonie or atrengtlv-Klv-bur yr-rtk. For ItronohtaJ. Throat and Luna liMnaaoa, aeoomnanled w!tl Uugertua eoughs, ta "Uoldt-n iledlcol Dlaoovu- " at absiiiutnlr unequalod aa a remedy. for Weak Luti it a. Snttttna ot Itlood. tTherl Ttmath. Conausapura IticbtHnroau. aod kln dred affeotwn. it urpaatc all other madl ctQeev It's tbs only lung remedy, sold by drursista. guaranuird to beneui or cura, ta every ease, or money refunded. $500 ran fr an Incurable ease of Ca tarrh lit tha atead, by tna proprietors of Dr. batf a Catarrh Retaady. Ty its uilld, aoottilnf; and boalinc rrononiea. it cuna tba worst easna, no mnttr af bow km ataadinr. Only ta swafa, txjid by drUaTglsU Tfrborw SUMMON?. In VteCirtuU CuurtothtSMe e Ortgmftr Liiut .County. JOHN DIAMOND. Plaintiff, va Margarctt E Flndley, A lex ander Findlov and Buaan Findlcy his wife. Sam'l Find- ley, Jonnio Ponjade and Hen ry Poofada her hnnhand. Nancy Wilson and J Wilson 1 hor htiaband. Htigti Fiodley, KUa Kindiey. H it tie Flndley I and Ella Sauford, Defendant, j To Margarett E Findley, Alexander Findley, Susan Flndley, Hauunol Findley, Jennie Ponjade, Henry Ponjade, Nancy, J Wilson, Hugh Findley, KUa Flndtey, Untie Flndley and Ella Sanford, the above named defjiidants. ; !N THE NAME OF THE TATE OF Oregou you aw rea aired to eppear and answer tho complaint of tbe shove named plain" 11F la the above enti tled court, now 00 file with the clerk cf snid court, within ten daya from the date of tbe semes of tola summons upon ou if served in Linn county, Oroon; but if in i uy otuer county ia tne slate or Or gon, then within twontv days from the date or tberei vlee of thia summona nnon you; if served by publication then on or before tbe first day of the next regular term 01 trio suuvt enuueu court, to Wit. Monday, the Sth Day f Hareh. 1391. A nd you are herobv rotifi6d thit lr von fail to eppear and answer said complaint. 1 1 ; .1 . 1. 1 : . .w . , . na uoiwtjjf iniiiirt-tt, mo jiiainuiz will ap p!y to the court for the relief demanded in the eowplaint, to wife For tho for bloaure of a mortgage on and; an order of sate or me louowing ae&crioaa p-emises towm Tho Is E k and tho K M of the NW ii nd tho NW of the N W H anuuier.u.otine k h or Section 31 Also the S H or toe NW ii and the N H 01 me aw or section si, all in Town ship 13 S it 3 Xst of Willamette Meridian In lulnn county, Oroton. The proceeds arming from such, sale to be applied: First. To tha payment of ineoosta ami aisourtements or this suit, and the sum of $2.i0 a attorneys fees, and tha further Bum of Si-3 for taxes advanced tbereon, and the costs ot and aeeruing upou auen saie. Seooud. To the payment of plaintiffs claim, amounting to tho sum of I , and the overplus, if any there be, to be paid to the above named defendants as their lntaro-V may appear. And for such ctber reliof a may iu equity be proper and Juet Tin summons is published bv order of tbe Hon R P Bohe, indcre of tbe above entitled court, made at chambers iu the city of Sa lem, the aru day or January, lf 1. J . ft.. VVKATI-KKFORD, (l-23 Attoraey for Plaiutiff Devests, snd Trade-Harks oMained. andaUra eat haaincis condncted for Moderais Fee. Car Offte Is Onosite U. 3. Patent Oftice, and w ran aarare patent laleae time than those rumats from Washington. fcsad modal, drawing or ptioto., with itaaip won. V sdrlae, if patactabie cr not, free ci eiinrjTB. Onr fa not oue tiil paient la secured. A Pamhip!, '-Dow to Obtaks Jratenta," with b of actual ci!ste In jour State, county, or town, aa.t tut. A.;i'i3, S . L 4 t 4 C. r ; t -j, v 'r(3B;.tt'rw;Ba.rtgt a aiana, swiiiilij K u 1. , X1 v , 1 V . . i J - 1 tins fin Mid reau'l.t Kp: of I'ip U fhke:! ; it k j.'t jimS r.n 1 rcfrc.sliij5 i tliottts'A r:l gciit'y ytt firomptly on the Ki.5ncyr Liver and lJoweK tlesnses the ey- bni cffijctr.Jljr, dirw:ls cobls, beal nebca nud fivers nixl ciues hnbitnnl coiiglipatiui. Bymp of Tip h tl-.e on! remedy of its khd ever pro-ilucc-1, 'Icfirsing to t!ic t.'ib" rr.flnc fi'r.VJ'lo to tr-.ft stomach, yrmyt iu i Mlfon 5ud truly benefice! in lis vihi-U, lis ijsny txcrf?ent fjUalJUc.? orcinaul h It all. It U fcr.'ala ia -"'c ttad $1 Loitk'3 by all leading I I'll J!f ilU. CAUFGZm FIG SYRUP CO. HiAHCIS'jO, AL. loimiui. t.r. mw ro,ix. n.r SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conri oftiit State 0 Oregon for the, (Jtyutity of iia t GEOUOE MUX P.O. PlaSmlfl. 3 v MARY J MTJ5KO, Defendant, To Mary 3 Monro, tho above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Orojjon, you are hereby required to appear and answer th com paint of tbe above pUintiff, in tbe abovn entitled court, now on fila with tbe clerk of aa.d couit, within tn days froai tha date of tbe twrvlce of thl summoa upon you; if served -n Llnu count, Oregon, but if vrved id any other county in tbe utate of Oregon, tb-a within 20 days from tho date of tbe service of thlt souimons upon you; if served by publication, thej on or before the first day of ibe neat regular term of tbe aLovo entitled court, to wit: Meaday, Ibe Bltt day af Karris, mi,. and jou are notified that if yoa fair to appear and tnswer Kald 00m piaint, aa hereby required the plain lift will e.pply t- the e jurt for the relief demanded in th complaint, to wit: For a dissolution ot the bond of aa.rimony nowexlrioz betw.en rlalnilit and doten dant, and fur such other d:r. oa may be Just and cquitab e. Tb' Kcmroon I published by order of tbe lien H P IkU. judga cf tho above entitled eoart moil ot C'bambtrs in tbe city of St'etn. the lf.thaaycf Jsnnary, 18VI- J K H EA 1 11 fclw-OK'. (I J8; Attorney for Plaintitr. ADMINISTRATORS KOTIDE. NOTICE H HEREBY G I VEH Til AT tbe undersigni-d bav th a day been duly ap;olnted and qualified aa admlnit tratirand administratrix if tbe estate of FjaDk Mnlone, (ate of l.tnn county, Ore gon, dO'escod. All persona having claims against ttaid otttite are rexjuired to present them pmrrly veritlod, within six months from tfci date, o tbo undera-ned. at their plana at llti'.iey, Linn couaty, Oraoo. -Ih:s 8ih !ay of January, 1891. - KLLts MATjOXK. T J M ALONE. J K WKATaBnroiiD. Adminbtrttors Attornt-y for estate. (I "Z) .t, Vt.l '11.11' j V in r; 'i 1 1 ! , I , Mil . t,- t..... PATRICKS FiLiSy ,at Z fiAitnnii Gures wiHlAilnri EliCumttlBti, Kenra!gi, Corns HEADAOKC And ALU PAIN. Tbs Oalifenla PetHlvt sci ffigstlv ELECTRIC COUOH CURS CUftll COLDS. CX0UP. COttSVMfriOM. Cell ty all Srafgitt. aek 850 60 A 81 Oreaslngsr & Co.. Prcp'a, La Anxalsa, Oat, BSfr in aetufrwic-agea tha lMfilne retnexty forf tOQorrhflC-tk A t.l?wt. I be only sara rcm-iy lot LeaeorrboworWhltea I proscribe lt and feel safe in remrrimGiMiine it 'lnr In rl TO DAYS. V ,'Uiu)ijwi! aaiaa Bwiuan. 1 THtEWHsCHtn'C'tC-r to all snrTert-rs. HMaelrVy , CHICiNNtTI,0g2 T 'a A. J.bTlNER.M.a, u. a. a. j 1 i l'caTTa, lu. tSoid hy Itraes-ibtsb Tia.1""i.aMi -' CBtCS BA.OO, BTASASD CI SICK, Ajreata THE BEST. icautf tmcv ie IX M. Fkkrv el Co a iiiustratea, j.escnpare ana i ncia i SEED ANNUAL Wall applicant-, and to last season'; rui wi 11 w "'.. , , . b k , t customers, it t oener man aver. Every, -Serena usine danifli, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY eV CO. DETROIT. MICH. S Lamest Seet sroea in the world I .W-.'P! i-f Eevere .wise: 4LBANY, QREG0H CHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR. nwea n in Crr-clam stylo. Table ruppliedwlth tho et ia the market. Nice sloeplcsapartnienta, , Bttmple rooma Car eommemlal travi lera. 1 '1 - . i- i S i - ! 'A r " J PuQ Ca-ihs, CoLis Inl'pe-sjt, Bf)r-tK!3, LUi.kO Ko"ie.''ess, t hooTJins t-auj h,CfOiii, sore litrest, Asthms, ami every auection of tiie Throat, Lungs and Chest, ecuidmg CensumntVii. Epeoujf aodcmiaiicct. iie iuia-3 zd ' 1. iut4;:." I O O F, Albany L, mi are, No 4 holds its regular meeting Y edn jsdav evenin-- cf each week. Visiting bi thers are ccra:. 'y nvlted to attend. A ssszsttv FtJirlyrjlfpS .A j ii