The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 06, 1891, Image 3

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    ...MARCH C, 1891
'1 : h.tb
K.litars aad
Rcna Boys. Sunday, when the
g'ounj was covered I the extent of five
Inches of o(t, benutlul mo," some rude
boy fathered In the trret ami made A
vigorous attack jxn Ah Swill the China
man. He m driving along InhlsswIII
wton, when the hoy began pell Inn him
with snowbal'.s. He did not resrty unlit
one of them Ait him on the bend knock
ing hU hat to the ground and leaving hi
queue hanging at hit buck In a dishevelled
plight. Then he jumped from hi wagon
nj made an attack on the l-o , prttlnti
In a John L stroke on the hrek ol one.
who reeled slightly, but renewed th at
tack when he w he a being viciously
reinforced by hU follow. Alter a minute
spent In combat Ah found It necr.
sarv to follow hl team, which, a usual,
haJ started off at a 5:40 pace. Quito a
large crowd of on-looket gathered, and
the unlvcral verdict ai Unit the boys
were IncxcusaLly guilty of the inrantst
kind of conduct. Uov,lt U no credit to
you at all, for six o"r aeven f you to
pounce upon a Chinaman an.l maltreat
lilm beea-ue you car.. There m quite
strong talk 11110 i the t (l.nul- r that
arrests should be made.
rRooiAM of tho Albany College enter
tainment at the Opera It on so, Friday
night, March Cth :
Chorus "The Mermaid."
Recitation 'Aux flalion",' Bulwer
Lytton, Alice Clara Moses.
Chorus "Upidee."
Farce "Erjpanelling a Jury,"
Recitation Rivcrmouth Rocks Whlt
sler, Kvalena Simpson.
Choms 'Tolly Wolly."
The Oarrotera a Comedy W I) How
Act I Mrs Roberts' Parlor.
Act If Mrs Roberts' Dressing rcom.
Act III Mrs RolierU' Parlor.
The orchestra will play between the
Albany Goods. ilr Edward C Gold
stein, of Philadelphia, Penn, and brother
of J C Goldstein, of the firm of J M Mover
& Co. ii In the city Mr Goldstein is ti e
eastern agent foi J M Mover & Co'
Brownsvlile goods, and la here for the
purpose of making hi spring and summer
elections for the eastern trade, of which
Mr Goldstein say that he ha all that Is
possible for hi eastern house to handle,
lie says that the people in the east can
hardly uudcrstand how this firm can pos
sibly manufacture the fine quality of good
they do. Portland Mercury. These are
the Albany good referred to, J M Mover
Si Co running the Portland and wholesale
house for the Albany goods. We suggest
that the firm give "Aibftny the credit in
stead of retaining the old rme Ik lore the
establishment of the Albany ml!!.
ParrTir High. At the meeting of the
director cf the Fal m Building snd Loan
association l-st night at the cilice of the
secretary 33400 wa leaned At eighty-six
month' interest In advince, and $ticc at
seventy-three months. Thi la getting
pretty well up towards the high water
mirk of lean by such associations. Those
who have subscribed for shares In the new
series sre now paving up. The (eric will
be kept open until noon on April h with
out any premium. After that a premium
ol twenty-live cent a share will be charged.
It I thought that the association wiil have
$200 a month to loan thereafter. Stales
man. A Pnow Poem. In the east when an
editor is presented with a poem n
"now," he immediately proceeds to'Mo
up" the writer in ullivanic style. It j
one of the greatest offenses of the age. ;
In Albany we have sS few mow storms
that something of the kind is a relict.
Elsewhere we eive a poetn on the recent
snow, written by an Albany lady, for the
occasion, who, on account of her refined
character and literary culture, we have
eonclued to allow to live a little longer.
The poem is a prY-tty effort, and the
children particularly will find something
in it worth reading.
Two Cosvallis Failures. We are
sony to learn that J D Clark is in financial
trouble Hi hardware store wa closed
by creditor this morhlng and 1ii business
ha been suspended. It i to be hoped a
settlement may be effixted a Mr Clark
has been one ol our best business men who
has enjoved the high esteem and csnfi
dence of the community.
Corvalll ha one grog shop less than
usual. By Gardincer made and assign
ment for the benefit of his creditois yes
terday and the juice and fixtures of the sa
loon are In charge of Judge Uuflurd The j
place I known as "I lard to" and it
has been just what the name implies for
several month. Corral lis Times.
Lew Joiinkox Comiso. At the opera
house on Wednesday evening, March 11.
Admission only SO and 75 cents. The
Utah Herald, of Salt Lake, says: The
Lew Johnson's Minstrels, comprising
twenty colored artists, presented a lively
program on Friday night laet, F very
thing went with energy and vim from
the rise of the curtain until it fell on the
very amusing afterpiece. The chestnuts
were remarkably few, the singing good,
the new jokes better, the band and or
chestra beet and the specialties immense.
A Lecture. Rev II V Romlnger, of
East Portland, will lecture at the Opera
House In this city ,on the evtnlng of March
' 19, on hi trip through the Holy Land.
At the time he wiil exhibit a genuine
mummy, the one on which he recently
paid $50 exprcs fees. The lecture prom
ise to be the best of the season.
Tukksiieruex's Meeting. All thoae
interested in running threshers the com
ing season wiil take notice that a meet
ing will fx held at Tangent, Wednesday,
March 18th, lS91,at 10 o'clock a. m.
J II Scott,
A. O. U. W. Nonci. On next Monday
erenirg the matter of adopting new" by
laws win come up before batety lxlge.
These by-laws involve matters in which
all members are interested. Every one
' should attend.
Oue Day Coming. A few Oregonians
are exhibiting some disappointment be
cause Washington csiriied oft the United
States navy yard plum, but our turn
will come yet.
Pause a Momest. If you want a tali
or made uit of clothe or any par of one,
well made, of the best material to be se
cured, have W R Graham do the job for
you. Vie ha just received an elegant
line ot ultiiig,of superior fabrics and dur
able texture, thin which no better have
ever been seen In Albanv. lie has marked
hi plce down to bottom figure. Those
desiring to dress In style should call on Mr
Tun Tons of sait jutt received by R M
Robertson, several grade, which will be
old at wholesale and retail. Lime, ce
ment, plaster, feed, oats, hay, etc., kept on
hand and sold at reasonable prices.. It
now In his new quarters just east of the
Democrat office, where he also lias a
large stock of flour for sale. A handsome
sign points out his place of business.
new cnuNo uoods. 1 am now re
ceiving my first invoices of spring novel .
tiet in wash goods, prints, ginghams, seer
tuckers, etc, l nave also just received a
new line rf all wool -jinmer plaid and
beiges, Samukl E Young.
Keop it hi your mind tint Alias Broi pro
pose keeping the kind of gro.-;rin the puhli
dmauds. Tlivir stuck ia a (ins out
Tust arritel a full lin of lulies, cliil-
druos. mmr't and llVa tnt wear at O W
Kimr wm'tf. which wiU bo sold at bottom
h f'ua !r,k of lca
cui tains f r
!'.!-, at I'"-'
93 cents
A Peculiar Robdeby, The follow tn
"peculiar kind of robbery h reported by
the AUlnnd KecorJ, It U a sample ot
what frequently happen lit other places!
An Interesting case ha been filed It:
court by Abram Ilish against G F Hilling.
Hillings col'ecled $!toJ from a party, a
agent for IHsh, and told Hish he had an
other party C 12 Heche who wanted to
borrow $ 600 on twentv sere of Innd.
lllsh said he would loan It If the security
wa good and sullklent. Hilling replied,
'certainly," and Hlsh, relying on Billings'
honesty, accepted a mortgage from him
for the amount on twenty acres cf land
belonging to C E Heche, when the time
became due for the Interest to he paid,
Il'sh wav after his money from his agent
but ItillloK evaded the payment, until
flna'lv Pish consulted an attorney and
foreclosed the mortgage on the twenty
acre. V hen the sheriff went to sell the
twenty acres C 8 Price stopped the gvne
by showing that be had purchased from
C E IScebe the best five acre, and the
county records how that the deed was
tiled ihlrtv d.iv iKtora me montane.
And Whines drew tip the rarer lor th
nle of this live acres (com Heche to Price.
The balance, fifteen acres, was offered a
sheilfT sale three times snd was finally
sold to Robert Tavlor for $t JJ.SJ. The
costscf firclolng wete $t4i.ij, and the
ptopcrty was never redeemed. Mr lilsh
feels as'lf he had been robbed.
Navy Yard. Now that the Govern
ment has established Its navy yard and
docks at Port Orchard Day and appro
priated $750,000 to commence operations,
we suppose Sidney Is to be the center r.f
attraction tor the" present to people In
terested In the Sound country.
Sidney U situated on ii-lng ground
backed bv a plateau with a line vurw of the
bay, and Is already quite a manufacturing
town. Thl Indorsement by the V S gov
ernment ot the availability "of its con I and
Iron fields and of its harbor, Is likely to
p tod uce marked results,
A Peci uar Bf iLOtso. Or Parrish.of
Monmouth, bat completed a wooden
building on Independence street, which
In tome respect I a novelty. It Is built
of board on end and the interior was fin
ished an J occupied before the exterior,
and now the reason is known. The Doc
tor had the outside lathed and then a coat
of cement pat on, consequently h" now
has a fireproof and waterproof building,
which looks like a brick building and yet
cot very little wore than wood. He is
ery well pleased wbh the experiment.
Independence West Side
One cp the Com's Many people were
surprised to hear ot the election of AX
Hamilton to the office of rallioad com
missioner by the republican legislature,
lie i a man of n.oderte intelligence
only. He is under indictment by the
grand jury of hi own county for a lelony,
and a civil action 1 pending against him
In Union county to recover money alleged
to have been illegally obtained by him
from that county while rx was sheriff.
Both these case were pending against
him when he wa elected railroad com
missioner. Pendleton E. O.
Albany will soon have a free biidge
over the Willamette. Albany I. to be
congratulated. Portland wiil be
with her In the matter cf free bridge.
Portland Telegram.
Reputation -Is a good t! ing. Albany
want more. We are afirr the bridge
Itself. We need it in our business, at it
Am Aetistic Job. Judging the
inojr woman in the vard of the Uaptlst
parsonage there must be a second Mlcluel
Angcio In the housenold of Rev II ill. It Is
about the best piece of snow work the
Democrat hat ever seen, and speaks for
the skill of the scu'ptor, who ha r.ot yet
been pointed out to us.
Sine Hour System. An agreement
ha been circulated and generally signed
by the contractors, carpenters! maont
and mechanic of Albany, undir which
hereafter nine hours will be a regular
day work. Only one or two In the city
have refused t siitn the document upon
lis being presented to them.
Board Want eo. A y oung lady wihe
board ar.d heated room, in private family,
permanent place. Address, or call at,
Democrat oulce, far information.
Stop just about in the middle ot the
block, on First street, south aide, .be
tween F.roadiilbin and Ellsworth, and
you will find a place where yoa can al
way iget li rut-class groceries and fresh
produce at reasonable prices and be well
treated without extra price. The sign
reads "Parker Lroe.," and everybody
knows the name. Their baked goods are
the best. Their stock of goods generally
kept replenished to meet the demands
f a growing trade.
Paisley ft BmUey.Ths Printers, man Bloea
Men and women do not always agree,
in fact they frequently disagree and ser
iously too, causing many divorce and
collapses hi the matrimonial market. One
thing, though, they agree on, and that it
that Conn di Hendrlcson keep the kind of
groceries one need in hjusckecplng.they
ircai men ana women Blue and give them
bargains In good In their line. Call on
them for groceries and produce.
Palais y & SmUey, Commercial Printers.
Bake Bauoai.vs.-3J doz men's laan-
dricd white shirts at 63 cts worth $1 00
toll 25.,
10 doz men's nnlaundried white shirts
at 40 cts worth 75 cte to 1 00.
50 doz lour-in-hand tie at 20 cts worth
50 cts to 75 cts.
A few davs oniv. Sale commences to
day and for a few days only at the above
prices, ai u vv fcimpaon's.
Wasted, to rent an organ for several
months. Call at tho Demockat Dice.
Good Work, Low Prices, Pulley & Smiley.
Patroalze Paisley Smll67. Car Prlatera.
Cheap WooD.-s-Good fir wood delivered
lo any part of Albany, for only $3 a cord
Leave orders at P W Spii.ka' lumber
SHILOH'8 CUBE will immediately re
lieve Croup, Whooping Congh and lirotcliitis.
foihay & Mason; agectj.
A pair of fait b'ack Uosa frs with every
pair of ladle hoc coating -J3 or more at
8eaj 1' ehoe stors.
For Sale. $500 to $1000 of household
furniture in exchange for improved real
estate. Inquire at office of
Oar.ooM Land Co.
January 32nd, 1S91.
One half dollar redaction on every pair of
Ludlow's fine thossa. A good line of them
a 8 E Youog'.
Cloak at cost at W P Bead'.
W akted . Every body to attend the co
lege entertainment at the opera house,
Friday night, March 6. Reserved seat,
50 cents; gallery, 35.
Another state has been heard from
which makes no World's fair appropria
tion Texas. .
T-.-l V. Vlc-. 'kfT, n old t'ma nwsynper find
!...;rl' rl l.Kin, wrilc from tli.j littnlwiu Ifotei,
'. ' No tjr'Unarv ocrurrt-tK Q couM induce
; 0 1 1 &'if my iiamo to ho xwl, but I bave
. I :; ir ml.l.'d wkli )ynV.';;sia tn ll worst form
..'i. I ii,.;ii'"Mioii. i'.uioro X t-!ed Jov's Veee-x'-'o
s-".itx-!! r.nritlit, I ;fut mnuf ft dollar on
1. -i-.'. !'.(i vuth'.ut roi f. V f niis-ry '4 so
';rc-.t at It S'M-mciJ ai If I h!.ii11 die.. In
!ii..o ihsv n I found Ju;wut in that buttle, nnd
!,. s.h-i.ihI Tut mo 0:1 ny luct. It will eiit-at
r.f ixi:-y a vb'i'.ia.
MOt I At. AXD rr.RoA.u
Mr Harry Woodin Is In the city.
Mr O Frank Paxton.of Portland, wa
In the city today.
Ceo W Hochstedlcr went to Salem to
day on buslnts.
Mr Charles Murller Is In Southern Cal
ifornia on a health seeking trip.
Mr Robert Foster and wife, of Portland,
returned homo ytatcrday after a short
visit In Albany.
The way to keep a good name is. uot
only lo avoid evil, but, a well, all appear
ance ot evil.
Judge Fiinn and L M Cu:l went to Cr
valiis io-Uv, the former to try a couple
Philomath "Cut leg tasei, the latter to take
the testimony.
J W Ilrasfleld. the chief motive power
In the Newport and Alsea railroad move
ment, was In tho city today on his way to
John Uoihell, who resides near West
Aibnnv stailon, was In the city Wednes
day, accompanied by hl niece, a recent
arrival from Nebraska. The youn lady
was among the applicants for a certificate
at the teacher examination held thl
week. lionlon Leader.
Salem has fo ir candidates for attorney
Keneral, lion ll F Uonham, W I Fcnton,
P It D'Arcy andJ Shi.w. Albany hat
only one, lion Geo fc Chamberla'n, whose
appointment wauld give a general satis
faction ns that of any one yet nameu,
Mrs ( W Wright is visiting lier par
ents at F.rowiisvillo.
M P Chandler, ot Brush Creek, w as In
the city to-day. He reported the snow
deepest there he had ever known.
Hon J K Wcathcr'oid, and Mr and Mr
J M Ralston went to Fugcne yesterday,
where circuit court Is row In session.
A special meeting ot St Jjhn Lodge
will be held to-night, at 7130 o'clock, lly
order ot W. M . OP Cohhow, Sec.
Ex-SherilT J K Charlton, of funtittui
precinct, was ia the city to-dny.
Misses Jane Morris. Abbie Wright and
Margerja Prink, ot the Albany public
schools, itton paxstng a satisfactory ex
amination, have been grunted state di
plomas. Governor Pennoycr was in the city to
ddy on his way to Yajuina Pay, on a
heaHh seeking trip The Governor was
unwell during the entire sec-dun of the
Prof Kiddle, the phrenologist, was In
the city to-day after a weeks sojourn in
lSmwiisville, where his lectures were
well attended. .
Mr Jack Alphlne, of Drowsey, Or., was
in the city to-day. lie has been in the
county several weeks on account of the
serious illnem ot his father, Mr Thomas
Aiphine.of Mi'.lers, whom, wo are glad
to know, is improving.
The members of the W. C. T. U. and
Y. w. c. T. U. tendered a supper last
evening to their husbands and friends at
their Hall, which was an uncommonly
tine alTinr. The supper was followed by
an enjoyable social.
Summary of Meteorology for Feb, 1S0I,
from oloervatiua taken at Albany, Una Co,
Oregon, by Jobu Bright, vol. observer far ths
Signal SrrrU), U S. Army.
Highest barometer en the 8, SO 04
)wct barometrr, Mi th 23, 9.3(1.
Mean liaromotcr for the month. 20.73.
Highest daily averogeof bar. 8, SO 03.
Ixiwest daily average nf bar. "3, CO 37.
Highest temperature on the 14. CO.
Ijcvrtt tcmperaturs on the 2 i 3, '.7. for the month 37 3(1.
Highest lUily rang of ther.00 tb 7.14.
. ! 4,weat diiily rartgvef tlnr. ctilhe 21, 0.
Man trin; ratorj at 7 a. m. daily 33 8.
Mrau ttmrature at 2 p. tn daily 42 U.
Mean tin n.urj at 0 p. m.dsi'y 3-j 7.
Prevailing iiirrctiuos cf wind, S.
M Wbjritjr of force, 4.
Total rail. fall or melted snow, 7.73.
1"; th of anowat ted tf mcn'h, 0.
Nnnilsvr of day cm w hich ,01 inch or roort
rain tell, 20. of day tf cloudiness average 8
soalo cf It). 20.
OfSddij ohicr vat 1 were clear, 20
cloudy. 7 Isir, 1 f tygf muntiuK 20 rain, 1
hsiy, Ocrtrctit, 0 smoky.
f'rott tho nicmiofci of C dsy.
Tenp.-r 2 94 a average tf 12 yeti.
Ilaiufail. 0.C3 oa average of 12 jssrl.
Slow, 2.23 inches durteg the mtit.
KE tt f STATIC SlttS.
U 8 to Enoch I) Sloan, 143 acres.U
w4 Patent
b Morns to 1, Gums, M 8, S A,
Scio, for poi H works $
Susannah Kand&llto A li Handall,
piece land 10 w 1
A T Peterson to S J llalght, H bl
4t), IPs 2nd A
B F and M J Fucllerto 8 1 Haight,
1 10x1.12 feet, bl CO, A llway ....
II Bryant to dolph Eichmann,
several lots, B's A
A Eichmann to II Bryant.ltiO acres
11 K 1
J W Miller to J B Coneyjots 3 and
C, M3, Shelburn '..
II Bryant to Adda A Morris to Ida
A Morris, lots 3 and 4, bl 15,
li s 3rd A, Albany
DJ Hayes to 1) Nash, piece land,
14 w 3
Miles Carey lo 11 M Matlock, 28
acres, 14 w 1. .
- a rise.
On Friday evening, Feb 27, some of
the youug people of Brownsville met for
the purpose to give a surprise party to
some folks, wIioho names we will not
mention, but the surprise came to the
surprises about nine o'clock, when they
were notified that it was bedtime. The
boys took the hint, yet not satisfied
they sr;t out in pursuit of other stamping
ground, and to their hearts desire they
were inviled to come in, by one of the
neighbors, where they had their play
out. This is not the first surprise of this
kind the lovers of kissing pigeon fashion,
picking cherries and handing them
down, etc, have met with this winter,
but the boys say its nothing when you
get used to it. We stayed at home and
enjoyed such comforts as are afforded in
the parlor on the eofa- A. u. 11.
A Denial.
March 3, 1891.
To the editor of the Daily Democrat:
Sir: I want 10 say the piece published in
the daily Herald I false. A for te fes
tive darkle it spoke ot, they came at 10
o'clock to settle with me for a watch that
one of them bor; owed of me and packed
off., 1 hey were there a few minute and
left. As for the racket Ohat I all there
wa to it, or about It. I deny the assertion
ana can prove it to be taise.
M. L. King,
Ilrnins ! I . RaiRwIni t I
100 pairs of ladies black kid gloves at
00 cents, worm 91. ou.
500 pair of ladieB.roinses and children's
all-wool lioso at 25 cents, worth 35 to 75
Ladies corsets 35 cents, wortli 75 centa
10 fl.O.
Bcotcli Saxony wool 2 cents ptr ekein
worth JO cents.
Remnants in dress gooda at less than
TheRe goods and many other bargains
to ne lottna on our. counters lor 10 dayi
only. Call early to secure the best bar
gains wnilo tlio assortment is complete
Kovcllie la Jackets.
I have received a small assortment of
novelties in ladies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of Blazers and Iteef
ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carry a full line of these goods,
as well as all the leading styles in Ladies
Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth.
Orders taken for Bpcciitl eizea and styles.
! Sau'i, E YOI'NQ.
Here I an advertisement In a Foreit
Grove bapen Brownsville woolen goods,
macie right nere in Oregon, of wool from
the back ot Willamette valley sheep.
Halnei St Bailey have an Immense stock.
If TudffS Sachs, nf Washlnvtnn. should
finally be "cinched" for playing poker.thc
decision will have a tendency to discourage
mat section 01 the one art, ai a Judicial
recreation, at least on the Sound. Wel
A man went Into County Clerk Tren
chard's office yesterday and asked for "a
lottery ticket." When questioned further
he ald he wanted a marriage license
that "It wa ths same thing." lie left
ami J a cry of raU" from the Jurymen
waiting to be summoned u stairs Aust
The two bums whose prank were re
ported yesterday, were each fined forty
dollars in the police court yesterday.
They will be In the jail that the grand jury
thinks i auch a cold cheerless place tor
the neat twenty days. By that time they
will be fat and rested, and their work hav
ing been forgotten l hey can begin It over
again. Attorlan,
Our $75,000 bond sink Into Insignifi
cance beside Portland's batch of bond
placed against the city by the tat Legis
lature. They arei Bull Run water bonds.
1 1,500,000 il'ort ot Portland bonds, 1 500,0001
Free bridge bond, 1 500,000 i City Hall
bonds.f 600,000; Bonds already authorised,
$925,000. Total, 15,035,000. Annual In
terest on the above, at five per cent,$iji,
Every straw In connection with the
probable eastward extension of the Oregon
Pacific I carefully weighed. Every fresh
rumor begins to make it look a little more
a if the road would be puhed over the
mountains soon. It Is now said that the
Oregon Pacific sompany I asking lor bids
for a contract to furnish 50,000 mors ties
to be used on the road thli summer.
Salem Statesman.
An ad. in a Seattle paper read as fol
lows: "1 am on the mat ry and will make
some Pu jet Sound girl the happiest mortal
on earth. My requirement are easy:
She must be whltet hair long; healthy ;
between iS and a 3 years of agi fairly
educated; decidedly virtuous, and with a
sunny disposition. I am welt supplied
with thl world good and have taken
cre ot mytclf. Address "Business, "room
03, Boston block." The fool killer should
strike the person who answers such ad.
The Pacific Coast Wood and Iron ha
collected statlttics regarding the output of
lumber tn Oregon, Washington and Cali
fornia lor the year 1890. Washington
produced 1.80,171 feet j Oregon,89,j8 j,
000 feet; and California, 864,916100. The
cut ot mills In the different counties of
Oregon during the year 1890 was as fol
low! Multnomah county, 316,144.000;
Lane,; Ceo,57.o7o,ooo; Union, Columbia, 43,650,000 i Baker,
4 000,000 i Marion, 36,100,000; Clatsop,
36,01x000; Douglas, 19,596,000; Polk,
38,500,000 ; Wasco, 36,300,000; Jackson,
j 5,600,000 j Wahlngton,34,5oo,ooo( Yam
hill, 14,300,000; Linn, 33,000,00; Benton,
19,000,000; Josephine, 15.500,000; Uma
tilla, 13.500.000; Clackamas, 13,550,000;
Other counties, 37,000.000.
mining men wear a broad
Two Yakima Indiana recently fought
four days and foar nights over aqnatr,
never stopping to eat, and only when ex
hausted, renewing the fight whenever
enough life was felt for it. This beats
the record.
Foreraogh li taking time by the fore
lock. The Pendleton K. O. says: 8 11
Semon, special contracting agent for the
great Furepangh show, is in the city
making arrangements for thla great or
ganization. Mr Semoo says the show in
its entirety will visit Pendleton early in
August. The advance billing will short
ly announce exact day and date.
The Land company eoM Wnt Bogne's
farm, near this city, last week, to N F
Hamlin, of New York state, for 112.000.
The tract consist of 100 acre and la lo
cated on the river, the larger portion of
the farm being In Linn county. Mr
Hamlin arrived in Corvallis with his
family about three weeks ago, and the
locality suited him so well that he decid
ed to permanently locate. Corvallis
In response to a letter from the Rose
burg Compendium lion Binger Herman
writes front Washington: "Yea, the
Oregon Memorial stone has been placed
in its niche in the Washington Monu
ment. It is located about two hundred
feet trout the ground floor, andean fc
distinctly observed by those who are as
cending by the elevator to the summit
of the monument. Sculptured npon it
are models of the leading fruits of Oregon.
There is no other atone of the tame ma
terial or color among the hundreds from
the various states and societies in the
Union, or from foreign nations."
v. m. C. A. JUtes.
On Tuesday eve., March lOtb, 1801,the
YMCA will give a concert, consisting
of solos, duets, quartets and choruses.
The Apollo Club (10 male voices) have
lieen making especial preparation! for
tide concert and it promises to be one of
the best entertainments of the season
Miss Moses, the well known elocutionist
of the Albany College, will give two very
interesting proouciions in elocution.
The College Orchestra will make its
second appearance before the public on
me eve 01 me ivin. ,
AH lovers of music and elocution
should not fail to attend this concert.
Tickets on sale at Will & Link's.
Fink Oit. Palvtmqs Mr A W Best,
who hat been conducting a large class in
Salem, lias on exhibitition In the store
opposite btowart & Box. on First street.
a valuable collection ot the most note
and picturesque views on the Pacific
coast, the result of three years' sketch'
ing, ana which are pronounced by all
who have seen them, to bo the finest
ever exhibited in Albany. He has also
some figure pieces by Tojettl, the famous
fan Francisco artist, who is acknowl
edged by all to be second to none in flesh
tints. The object of this exhibition is to
give the nublic an ohnortnnitv to ludm
of Mr Best's work, as he is here to or
ganize a claes in oil painting, and ail
who are Interested in art should call and
see him. They will be on exhibition
for the next two weeks, during the day
ana evening.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining
in the post office at Albany, Linn eounty,
Oregon, March 4, 1891. Persons calling for
these letters must give the date D wblob
they were advertised.
Beokler. Mra Joe Cox, Levy
Cummin, O A Croff, J
Onmpbell.Mrs Blanche I eWitt, J M
Dalvea, Osker
Edwards, J M
Hamlin. Frana
Ho'lii, Miss Lor a ' .'
Knifiut. Z M .
Kahik, John
McCarthy, Kd
MoLain, J U
Miller, Miss May
Hideker, KdwardL
Sinclcar, Dja
Hiell, EE
Jones, Charles
KrttcbmsD, C L
More, Wm J
MnLaooban, J W
Morgan, Lewis
Koseoan, Carl
Btome, Cha E
Uoreb, Tobi
R. Thompsoh, P. M.
Atbtay Market.
Wneot 07o.
Oats-50.1. ' - r
Buttor 85c pr to,
Pgirs 20c
I.'ay 10,0(to 18.00.
Potatoes 60 cts per bushel
Eeof on foot, 2Ji to 8e.
A pples CO centa par bu,
Pork. d'Aa per It- aressod.
Bacons hams, lie
shoulders 7o
,r(i JOoperlb.
Flonr 1.25 per bbl.
"bickens 8.00 per doss.
J ill Feed bran, 14.00 per toa
shorts, 13.
mlddiincrs, 23.
Following Is the docket of the Circuit
Court, which convene In Albany next
Monday 1
P J Porter agt J C felder. Partition.
Thos Jefferson gt O S Montgomery.
T Dlttetihofter agt Perry Smith, To
recover money,
State agt Jams Dannon. Burglary.
Topllts & Co agt Mary Couglll, To re
cover money.
Geo 3 Darner agt Mary Cougltl, To re
cover money, '
Captltal National Bank aitt.t F Croshv.
To recover money.
Earl Race rgt Searl It Dean. Attach
ment, Mooney. Valentine & Co ant Mary Csm.
gill. To recover moner
D M Osborne A Co set R N Morrl t
al. To recover money.
Albany Farmers Co agt S S McFadJen.
To recover money.
Ella Meitdenhail agt E II Belahaw. Par
C G lllckoa agt J S Antone'.Ie. To re
cover money.
R Citar agt Margaret te Custar, Dim
W A Klmsey agt S M McDsnlel. Par.
J 8 Antonelle agt Anna McNultv.
Assignment Oiarles Psrker.
May & Senders agt M T McOrslh. At.
Given tgt Given. Divorce.
Jerry Hay sgt J P Schooling. Appeal.
Jease L Adam agt Mary A Adams. Di
Deyoe & Robwn agl G G 3tahl. To re
cover money. ;
Gustay Abraham agt Eggert Eggers.
W II McCoy att J B McCoy et al.
J A Crawford act F E Robinson, et us.
A L Ullardagt E 11 Rhodes. To recov .
er money.
I R Dawson, assignee, Don Smith agt
W 3rown tc Son. To recover money,
S A Crowder aat Sarah A Crowdcr
Dl vorce.
Mary A Raw ton agt CI Stewart. To
recover money.
Assignment Earl Race.
Deyoe & Robson act I B Potter. To re
cover money.
Deyee it Robson act D T Letslneer
and B F Parsons. To recover money.
Deyoe Robson agt Wm Reeves. To
recover money.
John Diamond art Margaret E Flnditv.
F D Scam mo a avt Frank Insram
Hart SadJlery Co asrt Maltbv & Carcv.
To recover money.
Stale agt Polk Thomas. Setting Itouor
te minor.
State set Polk Thomas. SeUlnsr liouor
to minor.
F B Prater sat E B Kendall and wife.
Specific performance of contract.
E J Daly agt V Aleiander. Damages,
A T Gilbert et us agt P Blevln. To te-
eover money.
Wasserman & Co act Metsirar A Moe-
senger. To recover money.
8 Moor & Co szt Metusr & Moessen-
ger. To recover money.
D M Osborne St Co att Jesse M South.
To recover money.
D M Osborne & Co aet John Wkkltrr.
To recover money.
W II Oohra agt Wm Sharp et uc. Te
recover money.
D M Osborne k Co act John Brannlmr.
To recover mor.ey.
D M Osbome it Co ast T J Mentcom-
ery. To recover money.
Uendrick St Woolsey set Wm F White.
To recover money.
J S McKechnie agt IT Davis. Tore-
cover money. .
I R Dswton agt J F Powell & Co. To
recover inonei .
D M Osborne St Co ast Uenrv Horn!.
On note.
I R Dawson agt O Howell. To recover
I R Dawson ast Blackburn St Perwnl.
To recover money.
Knapp Burrell St Co aet Chris man St
ratty. To recover money.
L. E Blaia agt I and M E Holman. To
recover money.
D B Montclth & Co aet E L GearbarL
To recover money.
Assignment Blackburn & PerooL
D M Osbome & Co agt 1 lenry Bond. To
recover money.
Geo Munroe agt Mary Munroe. DU
w II Gottra agt John I Miller. To re
cover money. .
Jennie St Germain ait Frank St Ger
main, Divorce.
John Gooch act B F Shenard. Specific
pei tonal property.
W II Maple agt M A Maple. Divorce.
A F Hamilton agt John T Davis. To
recover money.
8allle 8 Clement act Robert L Gem-
mm. isivorce.
H R Bilgg act Caroline M Brie-trs.
Rosa E Denny agt Charles Denny. DI
Knapn. Burrell St Co ast E Becker et al
Mary E Emerson
agt John Emerson.
Geo Sower agt 1! J Sower.
To recover
Assignment of R C Earner.
M Saltmarsh at S Goest. Appeal.
TH Williamson agt J II Sower. To re-
cover money.
T II Williamson agt J II Sower. To re
cover money.
E Wills aet F D Leverkh. Mandate
from supreme court.
Jane E Ballard art M Mc Bride et al To
maae oeea. .
J F Htndrix aitt Henry Bogg. To re
cover money, ... . ,
L M Curl act I B Huehe. To recover
money, t ' .
McMlnnvttl National Bank asrt Sidney
o ana iaa js jjom. lo recover money.
A J Hamilton agt Martha Houston. To
recover money.' "; :
Edward 8 Kendall act Bessie Kendall.
Divorce. '
Ashby Pierce agt B Mill. To recovei
money. s.
Verllnda Standjsh aet A W Standlsh
Divorce. .
Tennle Standlsh aet Nathan B Standtsh.
Jamet A Roberts agt J B Hughes.
recover money.
N Mills sgt J Lyons et al.
E T T Fisher set John and Pauline
Bchmeer; Foreclosure.
J W Gaines and Lewis Stringer agt
i.tnn county; Keview.
Bamberger St Frank agt Robert More
neaaj io recover money.
Stafford Gray agt H McEimurry: To
recover monsy. -
T I Baldwin Co agt Goldsmith &
Renkle; To resoeer money.
Oregon agt Linn count? Farmers'
Union ; Action at law to dissolve copart-
Koeneesberge, Folk A Co :afirt T A
Gross; To recover money.
E M Wharton agt Gibson, Meyer &
v.nniopner; io recover money .
Susan Martin agt Robert C Martin, Ll
Cooley St Wathburme agt Nathan B
Standich. To recover money.
Matbews& Waahbara's
lias of (tore and rang,
to bake
Tbey take the eake,
Tbe beat to buy,
Its boss on pie
or fry.
Bay one snd try,
oh my,
'Before you die
sea pi into ths sky,.
The gnnnal school meeting was held
last Monday at the Court IIouto,nd was
called to order by Hon J K Wcatherford,
chairman of the board of directors. The
attendance was small.
Clerk 0 U Hurkhart read the following
reports: .
No of persons of school age, male. . . ,
No of persons of school age, female. .
No of teachers employed in district,
No ol teachers employed in district,
No of teachers employed in private
No of pupils in private schoois,rnale. 133
cio 01 pupils in private schools, ie
male..... 157
No of months tauuht
No of private schools
No of legal voters. .......
Cash on hand at beginning of
year $ 031.03
Becei ved from county apportion-
ment S,M7.00
Received from state apportion
ment... 1.489.10
Iteeolvcd from rent of school
blocks........ 28.00
Total receipts , . . .0,003.08
By teachers wages paid $4,481.25
fly incidental expenses paid. . .. 30947
uy janitor wages paia. ......... suz.ov
By wood for use of district...... 222.00
Ity interest on bonds 5TO.00
By cash In hands of clerk. ..... 221.80
Tlie estimated expenses lor the ensu
ing year were aa follows :
Teachers wages forO months is $4,750.00
Fuel for tame time. SfiO.OO
Janitor's wages..... 300.00
Amounts brought forward ...... 5,100.00
second installment ol bonus Hue -
June 15, 1801, and Interest'
on tame to Dec 15 3.920.00
Incidental expense and repairs
inciumng painting school
building...., 1,000 00
Total , , $10,220.00
To meet these expenses we have the
following estimated available funds :
Cash on hand $ 221.86
Ktal and county funds estimated 6,25000
Leaving dillcit of 8,870.00
We therefore would recommend that
there be a tax levied of four mills on the
Respectfully submitted,
I K WiATiisaroao,
Jxo Fostiav.
On motion of Hon L 11 Montaove a tax
of 4 mills waa ordered levied, and the
meeting adjourned.
big Hiine ExtfTat;T.
A Has of Very ffUck On atraek
U Use
Ma 1 la a !.
Owners of s'ock In Kantiam mines are
excited, and with reason, the richest
strike in the history of the mines having
been made. A Ualvorscn, Henry Wal
tere.WUllam Burnett and Fred Kerecbell
I arrived in the city on Monday's train
I from the mines, bringing with them a
large number of specimens of ore which
they recently took out from the Bonanza
mine, owned by the Albany company,
which lathe finest ore ever seen in Al
bany, and being backed by a large mass
of like ore it speaks fur a rich output
that will astonish the mining world.
Two men In ten hours broke three tons
of ore ready for the mill, all of a like na
ture to that produced, wiiicn on its isce
will assay $10,000 to $20,000 a ton. The
men were in the hill about 180 feet, aid
1 10 feet from the surface of the hill.when
they struck this mass of ore,which.seems
inexhaustible almost. It equals I ne
richest strikes in the history of any of
the California or Montana nines, and
foretells the biggest mining excitement
here in the history of the state clock
has taken an Immense lump upwards,
and it would be difficult to buy mining
stock in any of the banliani mines at
almost any price.
aey L,
We have plenty of money to loan oa
real estate security, on two to five years
time. Call on us at our office, opposite
th X ever house.
1)1 CO.
MORG AN. On Sunday.Msrch t, 1S91,
near bhedd, ot diphtheria, Thomas, son cf
Mr John Morgsn, sged l years.
J wo other ot the sons ol Mr Morgan
also have the diphtherial but are Improv
ing. It I now learned tha Henry Morgitn
died of the diphtheria Instesd of catarrh of
the throU as the Dsmocrat previously re
ported and wa Informed.
HARRIS. On Monday morning,
March snd, ifjot, at 1 J:J o'clock, after a
short illness, Ml Roxans Dora Harris,
aged to years, 9 mos., 6 day.
Funeral service will occur to-morrow
at 9 o'clock at the residence ot the parents
of the deceased at the corner of 6th and
Vine which the public I invited
aasl Hew Be Developed Ike Fewer to Baa
die Thirty Teas vrrlaM mt Laaihr
Aer a Saw Mill rtoar Pally-Jahasaa
Was Vareaerty a Stekty Maa, aasl lw
Cart ky r Barrio Electric ah ill.
McMi.a villi. Or, Feb 25, 1801. !
Dear Dr Dirrln; Your Eleotrlo and
Home Treatment for tbe past slant
months, has wrought almost a miracle
on me. When I first cane to you I was
about crazy from the abets or nervous
debldty, spinal and kidney troubles. I
was wholly a name to work How I am
strong and hearty, and able to band e
thirty tons, weight of lumber across the
sawmill noor every aay. it is a wouaer
ful and radical cure. 1 thank yoa wnh
all my heart. I wilt atand by yon and
recommend yoa nrsi, it ana an tne
time. My mo ber (Mra M A Johnson),
who formerly lived In etaiem. Or. now
cere, nas never nad a return or nsr d ear
neas or twemv years' standing, cutset Dy
yoa two years ago. Gratefully yoor,
-. '. . 0 ' . . ,
; Dr. Darrla Brsteea af Treatsstml,
Eleotrlalfv. tbe Invention of the nine
teenth century, la weU worthy the patient
veara or investigation ana experiment
that hive been fciven to it by some of tbe
ablest and moat devoted votaries of
science, ualvsna. volt. Humboldt and
others equally distinguished, spent years
in study in bt tne pnenomena or iiwa won-
derrai agent, ana tnen our own morse
save it a physical value In tbe invention
of tho telegraph. And now, aa we have
become familiar witn tne constant mira
ole of lightning, bending abedient to tbe
slightest touch of man, we see a new
wondsr in tne invention or jur Damn
who. bv skillful mechanism, directs this
subtile force to tbe destruction of disease
and tbe buildlnc up or wanlnis vitality,
Dr Darrio treats all curable ohronio.aoute
and private diseases, blood taints, loss or
railing tnann ooa, nervous aeoiuty, eneois
ot errors, or excesses in oia or yoi.nft,
loss or memory, aiseasea caused cv
mercury in tbe Improper treatment of
nrlvata dlseares. .
umoe ivyt vasninEion ironisnu.ur,
Honrs 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. daily. xam
liiation free and confidential, question
blank a and olrauiars sent ajrati to aay
addresf patients ourea at noma.
Pfeiffer Block,
Stanard k Cuslck,
' Drugs, Medicines, Cbemieals, Fancy
and Toilet Articles, Sponees, Brushes,
Perfumery, School Books, and
ArtistB' .Supplies. r
PbjBictftna pi-escrIptiM
tully corapouBffied.
Yesterday was the Pop' 80th Jdrthday
Itsrvd Mst for the CoIIku intertala
m.nt Friday. March OUi, at Will ft Link',
Secure your tickets at once.
W A Cox I bui'diftg a )rg residence
near th O r depot, wnioli will U Osed a a
boarding bonte oe r-n extensive ol.
Komson .t Firrpaa.y big circus srill
be ia O egnn this ;r.
There wers eight lditious tu the Cung
gstiunal cbureh Mterdy.
A $100,000 Y M C A building it to be
erected lu Tatoma on a $20,000 hit.
Several broken psne of glaas may be sees
on First street m s result of the paekahle
eondition f th mow.
Ther ar 48 ocklildors in th Baker
City liulldinu & Loaa Axsouiatioo, owning
312haret. Its receipt for sit mouth
were only $1,853.03. Dividend. $91.73.
The snucat seliOil mew U on will I hi held t
th Court ll u at 7 o'cluek to nil.t.
Ilaviog ouirsrsat cotfidenoa in ear district
otliesra there ill pruhably be only a smail
E'saalier the Dkmocmat publishes a de
Dial fiom M L King, iHteaUs every body ha
a right tob hwrd. The repnUtioa of he
King family, thonjtb, ia nut a good a it
might be.
Carother. tb carrier who was dan
Ctetoutty injertd at Caohy a week sgn by
the scutb-bousd Albany enprM, it still
living at.d bis physicians have hope of his
The first installmeut tf tho new sotie of
ths ftalnn Building & Loan assoaiatioo is
bow beirg paid a c, aud tte r.ew share are
beiog sberited for. Tbe imw isan now
amount to 650 share, givine the aaaociatioa
$1550 cash each month to loan. Statesman.
A gtiutleman from Nebraska, who arrived
In Corvallis a rew day ago, lth tbe Inten
tion of locstin?, ay that be got ot rop
from hi farm in tke farmer state in teven
yea-s If will tied farming in Oregon a
sore thing. Benton Leader.
The WeATHtt.About tlx Inches ol
tnow fell jester day morning snd during
ths forenoon, and the tame report come
from all parts of the valley. At Iloscburg,
though, none had fallen last tight. Dur
ing last . night the river rose nearly ten
tcet and during today about eight Inches,
the river nrw being about fourteen feet
above low water mark. Tbe temperature
thl morning w the lowest of the season,
to to 14 above aero.
Tbe Southrro Paoilio R R will undoubt
edly tmesteoded from Corvallia to Junction
City tbl yr. The suspense bas been a
long one to Cbrvallit people,
C S Smith ft Co., taoctMssor to Coo. W
Smith, are hipnlnir their stock of stove to
Kst PottLaod, !i-r they will be placed otri
to market.
OaoVColvig bas been elected tWinaa
sod Frsnk J Miller clerk of tbe Railroad
(Joa mission. We will watob with soms io
tereat to whether this eommiaaion earn
it salt, ven aoder tb law with enlarged
Rev. W 11 Howard and D C McFarlaod
earns in today to ait in the reviv I meet-
tag bow going 00 at tb M li Che rob South,
thi eity, hich evattaset with incresaing
laWrtst. Services every morning at 10
o'clock ad every sveaing at 7 JO o'clock.
The students of tbe eollrm will etve their
entertainment oa Friday evening io tb in
terest of tb repa'r recently made on the
eollege buildins. Every cn ouaht to hl p
thi worthy ohiact. It taow euternrii on
tb part of tb ttadeots to '.brow tbeir eoer-
gy fa tb;s direction. Tbe eotertsiameot
ill b a good 00 sad the object wr.rtby.
Secor reserved e'.s. Ticket "at Will ft
Link' ttore.
Boy yoor grooeri of Parker Br'
FUegroosrhw at Coua & lleedrictoa'.
AU rubber good at ejt ai Klein Cror.
Notiee tb New York C. B. R. SU.res ad.
PispUot root forcaleby J II TwoMod
Ceneine full crjru cbeets at Mul lr Si
Bay Gstolin itcve from Mtbes St
SaMike the enlebratad Iftvaua filled 5 cent
eigarat Jclias Joseph's,
A Urw stock of wall naocr. with late de-
i(Ds, at Fortmitler Lrviog'jatt reecived.
See W P Read's line of dreu goed and
wiks boforo Inj iug elsewhere.
RaraaJoe ia choice groo-riej csa always
be seoared ot AHea liro.. FhauBlock!
Eifihoat market pi to ptiJ for emit at tbe
New York C. Q. It. Store.
Was ns. 6O0 a dozen, meading for men
freest Mr Kings, jot east of tb DgvocSaT
Lewis Cat-others, tho man injured at
Canbv by the Albany local, dUd at that
place Monday evening.
There are oo'y two men in the county fail
awaitirg esauitDatinn hy tbe graod jury,
Bal O'E'rllowt, sod Hiekltna.
If yoa want anj thing nice go to Muller Si
Uarrelt s, the oeiy place in town wcer yoa
can get what yoa want.
Briiihten np yonr old robber and old
sboas and make there look a good aa new,
with Wolff's Aome Waterproof Polish. For
aUatSsrouel E Yoong'.
Servloea preparatory to tb administration
of tbe Lord 's Supper will be held this even
ing at 720 ooeloek t tbe 1'retbyterun
jtfctrt .U All a Viai r a s tunnsatail I
Vsaa vm 'vi" ass um arw wv I
All hs mesibtr ara requrated to
bsprweut. The cbnroh scsmmi will meet
at tbe close of tbe service fir the
ot new members.
Easter comes on the 20th of this month,
a very early day for it. March 22d is the
earliest possible day and April 25th the
DR. A BORN, Fourth and Morrison streets
Portland, Oregon, tbe most successful pi ys-
ilan on on tbe Anieriuan continent tor tbe
peedy, positive, absolute and permanent
cure for Olarra or tbe Head, Asthma,
BroDobltis, Pneumonia and Consumption.
Twenty-five year successful praotiua.
Instantanoons relief and nermanent
onrei often effected npon first consaltation,
Ur. A horn, by ma original, modorn, clen
ti6o method, efl'eots
8peedy and radioal cures of tie'-mcst ob-
sunaie ua loug uianuing oases
of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Deafnea. Di-
eharce from the Ears, Asthma, B oncbitis
and Consumption.
Also Stomach Disorder. Bilious Colic,
Oall Stones aud Jaqndice, Heart, I.ivr,
Kidney. Bladder and Nervous Affection ;
Diaewes of Men. Also all ailment peculiar
to women.
ut. Aoorn can te consuitea from now
until July o, when he leaves for Europe.
INOTS. -tlouia treatmentjBeonrely pacts en,
ent by express to any part of the Pacific
Coast and Territories (or those who cannot
yossibly call in person. .
. E.D.MAJTK. Proprietor.
Pcawsmai (Nsw tout) Evsnv TnraaciV.
"SetMMi MKks rf rafllsra and
read 0rval isssea uf lift, moraiiiy altd
The newsiest, brichteat. wittlewt, wisest, clover.
est, most original, aud most emertaiaios paper
ever publiahodL
A etnnpllo and perfoet Journal for cultivated
men and women, bcUie a topical and out
nwken crilio and chronicle of the evnnta, doini.u.
Interests, and tairtea ol th foshionabte world. It
is always up to data, and carries wiUi it the ataioa-
pbera of tho metropolis.
In purity and power of literary style it bas
DO equal on wis oonunent.
A veritablu evmposium of well-bred entire t
4 . .r m t ... . ..... , n. , .,..,V. . e.Mnt.
peodenoa and origiualit.y of thonfclit; resfmed
hniuorl caustio comment; ptmuuicy of J;
abort atories) nmsiital, dnuuatio, bitarj fciid
art criticism, asd topical akeiebea.
Tha fame of ita Finasiclal Itesiaxtment,
aa the most reliable sutborlty on ilnaiicinl taib -
Joeca, Investments aud speculation, ta world-w.uo.
Its interest ia by no moans lxi; being tbe roc
oxolisea loarasi ot amertcan oori iy,
It la equally entartainip In al! partsof tlweotrarry.
For sate eacli week by nil firstK-Jasa wn'i(siliri
In America and Europ. Efry newsdnalri- wiil
koop and supply It if requested. Sew s-irslfrs
siippiitvl by the Amerloan Kews Co , $j (.'hanibor
fcst!"3t. .Now lortc.ana oyHiioiit'rnwBc?H):TiMti,
Itecriilar an bcrtllla way bo mmt dirrct
to oflloe cf publication, or through sit newiealttr
or mibBortntion asucy: One year. R't nsouuis,
tiireo moJiih, Sfl.8t. Kasnpiea traa.
Ad.?!"vq: XOWN TOPICS.
21 Xf ent iiii St. Rew Horis. Ciy. v- Y,
Hulin St DWoo, draggUls,
Mit C O Barnes, of this city hat told
Pat Smitb,of Portland, a halt brother to t
wall known Dick Flaherty, for JjOX JI
knowa aa Billy B,
Ait AcciUEST-Tbia afternoon while
assisting fn sawing wood with a wool
saw L M King bad his left hand caugbt
in the buzz saw, cutting a deep bat net
dangerous gash. Dr Davis dressed the
wound. '
ComTY CotJBT. At its session thin
afternoon the matter of a bridira at thin
city was presented by the commlttecH
irom the council and wards, and taken
nnder advisement by the court. Several
bil!s were allowed.
Highest of aH ia UaTcaing Vtmer
W are now ready for
Spring trad with tho largest
and best selected stock of
Clothing that will be shown
in the county this season.
All varieties
and patterns to
most fastidious.
of styles
please the
We have many fine makes
Then we have the full
line of mens', youths' and
boys' clothing in the Albany
Woolen Mills goods, that we
specially commend to the
public for trial,
The largest stock of Mens
I Shoes HI the CltV, including
many celebrated makes,
Hats, from Stetson's best
down to a two bit straw.
CaDnot enumerate Furn
isliing tCoodB every de
partment full. .
Have used cash this year
tieht times east
and can offer genuine bar
gains in all my departments
17 !I. DWl
i -
Physician and Surgeoi
jEyOfBne up stairs in Straban'a EIoo
May bo found at hi offlc cay and nSgl
'0.1 SALE OR EXCHAXOI: I wlU sell elieso for
ch, ! sxcliaKire fer s stood ran, a jood mt
Sawinir Machine! C!l at ths Kusa hons.
J. li.i;.,--5,A5.-.
t Tt, a av B M I a . II W
ni'lisyist.. i , assj, i-SHJ I
' ' '-""T " -n
'. -fit. t,
f rrLvwtW'm"i;f'5.i.iiiii t "sniislii'iaiiifsfaiifi
Wheat to-day is quoted at 67 cenU, ;
having ascended a notch. While the rise .
Is influenced some by the outside market:
the local market also has consitltrabi'e lo
do with It. Farmers should not antic ipate !
more than the outlook justifies. It 1 well;
to remember that the days of a dollar a'
bushe'. are past, i
. I
Died at Fair Haves. Mr Giblin, of
the Rnss house,received a dispatch today
from A L McCov. of Fair I laven. annonn- i
cing the death of Ed Kicks, at that city,
and inquiring about his relatives.' f ir
llkks worked for Mr Giblin at CorvalliHi, I
and was here awhile. Anyone knowing!
anything about his relatives will confer
favor by informing Mr Giblin. 1
V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, ttZy
Dr M.J Pattella
- .Ql
inrnini m-r
Vfl b-UIMmIU !
ftee and atriefj con
en tial.
and a Cue stock f
generally, as well as jewelry, Watches
- clocks, etc., at
F. Sf. Fi'cncll's.
leal Esiale I Loan Oitfe
Irfrir a fetters Inrasspca business, rartlu
sstrinK Insnnuic will to srcll to lc ttria.
Acta lasaraare fanpaar. Ineorpors el
ehsrtr pntusil. Lrfssrs md in .0 3
Caardlaa laa
CsBicaar. f Lctuln. Ensl&rid
fUlsbltsW 13.1. nlsi, SAOuO.toO. MiA fire
ro.J ovar S&.tMt'be.
awserieaa Tlrr laa. rmtny, p rbHsdrlphta.
Onrsji'ze.1 lef. Casa ssuts, r2,C42,esX. Laaas
paid, iu,rm,aA
Catasabla Fir A Martae laa. rontpaay, e
f trUuxl. Or. Assets, (-Xt,bTLt3. Xauia uii of
Oregoat beat cciuiaauts.
.While trying to Crowd theii
deyoe a mmm brosi
Store, where they alwas have on banc;
the largest Stock south of Portland, ot t
the latest improved Rifles and She!
Goes; an immense stock of fishing I
Tackle of every description; lent
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousand
of ether thing too numerous to mention
JEl.epa.ix Shop
in connection with the Store, and one c
lie best workman tn the State to do air,;
tnd ail kinds of work. i
Come one, Come all ; No rouble te
mow coeds. "Small profit end nu;
a.W Is out motto.
Delmonico 'Ralarat,
pLCMBKEdi Block.
Sew Jtoomi;
-:- A eat
Good Utah, Promptly Serv2,
-for- -Ttceiity-Jice
Ousters 1- in nil -Sty&t.
Vous't-ovi Treatment' Firt'-clastCcct
m on. ron,Djr. Tssumoni&ls from e.l
i ' 3 t .risti, sens SDpTiostion to Pro.
4 fcais. in li 1 tt. iirw tnw
City Livery, Feed ard li
Itcn Rcaeral Back lino to and frei;
Coivallis. Beat rigs an( cheapest rati
in tlio city. Special attention given
Iramdent bteck. Fourth street, lte .
E;la vorth and Ljca, Albany, Oregol,
E HAVE ON HAMD at our nurse :
on the Corvallis roaa, one-Cj
nile from town, aa fine a lot cf fr.:
reea of all kinds as ean be found ar
irhete on the coast, ir you contempt
slanf iug toees it will pay you to ee c
tcck nd get our price. Catalogue ft ;
Gustom - Gh
Wa bave on band at ail time baj
nuts, and cbes: arid wi'J sell in cw.'
tity to suit
AleO wheat t.
and sjfjld.
TE'araf-nr, I
anl liij. e
r t , .
Come' r;- ' i J
us y
-1 i".