Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1891)
Parisians lend each year 33,000,000 letttra, J 3,000,000 postal cards and 85,000,000 newt-papara. The largest county la the UnlteJ Caitcr County, la Montana, which 36,000 tquart mile. Siatea l onlaia It U Mid ther are on! tiro red date quar riet in the United States, one in Vermont and the other in Virginia. A Chines laundrymaa in Chicago was ad Judged insane because he starched the stock ings of his customer. In New York, Thursday, while a two-year old boy was playing with a lead pencD, he slipped and fell on it. It penetrated his eye aad killed him. Scientists find evidence of primitive uvagery in a custom in almost universal dm among the criminal classes of tattooing emblems on IU Ctrtat parts of the body. It has been estimated that bushels of oysters ate opened annually in the United Slates, representing an accumulation, of shells, amounting to not less than' 143.39. 000 cubic feet, whkh if spread out would cover a space of aaora than 4 5. 000 yards to a dplh of three feet. The outlook, tor Albany th coming season la eood. But bear In mind that we are the architects of our own fortune, The city's progress wilt be what her eltl- aens make It. Let there be union and bar' raony In every move for herein Is strength, The good citizens of liaise are making a bonus to secure the establishment of a flouring mill. This I the right spirit 'God helps him who helps himself" Is an . old adage which the people of Ilalsey eeem to understand. May success attend this effort The people of Ilarrisburg are waking up and propose to take hold of matters In their own war. - They want a water ditch and canal constructed from the McKlnsey river to that place and the declare they are gtJng to have It. These people have the best wishes of the Democrat for their success. Germany has 9175 breweric in operation egtlnst 9556 in January, 1890. The Iota beer product of the whole country last year was 5,233.073,000 quarts, against 4,760,393, 900 in the prtc ding year. The coasumplioa rer capita was 1 06. 3 quarts, against 97.9 quarts ia tbe preceding year. 1 be largest brewery in Germany paid last year a tax of $50,000. It looks very much like E x governor Palmer could not be elected senator from Illinois. Dr Moore one of the F B M members upon whose vote the democrats were relying to secure Palmer's election has declared publicly that he wlllnever vote for Palmer. There Is then no hope for Palmer unless he can sret one or two re publicans which U unlike). According to the Orrgyoia, the election o democrat to congress, at a special election held ia the second district of Rhode Island last week, makes the democratic majority ia the next congress I Jo. This tt aa anbealthy majority. Tweatyfiva would be better. There arc three surviving widows of Revo lutionary soldiers on the pcnUon roll residing ia Vermont 1 Esther S Damon, Mymouth Union Lacy Mxse, East Barnard, aad Pauy Rich ardson, East BctbcL The democrats In the lower house owe at least one more duty to their constitu ents. It ia to refuse to Introduce or sup port the usual resolution of courtesy to Reed. Ills course haa been so repugnant to all principles of right and fair dealing that he has rendered himself entire! un deserving of the ordinary courtesy extend ed to speakers at the close of their terms. The Interest taken in Sidney, on Tort Orchard bay, ia due, not so much to tbe 1750,000 appropriated by congress for tbe navy yard, a to the fact that sncb selection ia fait to be an unbiased en dowment, by practical and thoroughly competent engineers, of the - bny and the accessibility of the extensive coal and iron fields which are Indispensable for such a project. The blind follower of the rejected "protection scheme"are still engaged in the effurt to extend the circulation of "pro tection literature" In the vain hope of re placing the "wool" over the eye of the people. One of the scheme i to club the American conomut, an organ run (entirely In the Interests of protected manufactur er, with every republican and Independ ent paper In the country. But it will not win. The curious effects of cross breeding ia do mestic animal arc very sugcestlv of the di verse character tf men aad women under diff erent It is a fact tbst tbe blood of avera e Americans i more cross bred tbsa that of my other people oa the globe, To Ibis fact American superiority is largely due; but it has made the character of onr citi tens more changeable than that cf any other people on the globe. This is all riuht, so long a character is founded on a firm basis of principle. Every loyal democrat may as well get into line lo or pose free coinage of silver and sup port Grover Cleveland, as h is certain to b. nominated. Capital JaurmaL Will the Journal please give heed a mo ment whi'e we say that hurdred of thousands ol "loyal" republicans whose heart and souls re enlisted in the effort lo secure free coinage of silver "may as well get into line" to oppose fre coinage of silver and support gold bug for president for such only can secure the re publican nomination for president. Prof Dans concludes that durin. the glacial period Long Inland Sound, iaslead of being, as it now is, an aim of the ocean twenty miles wide, wss for the grester srt of i's length a arrow channel snving ss a com mo trunk for many Connecticut stream and l;w from Long Itland, It th?se circumstances the sup ply of f.esh wster for lb .Sound liver would bsve Le;n so grcst that salt wster would hv btrely pissed lh entrance of th Sound. The Ortgo'tt hss discoverer that "Calico'" Foster, th new se-retary of th tressury voted with the grecnbatlurs in 1 874 on the inflation billsnd sgiiustUai field snd Hs!cy. In 1 878 he voted tor the Bland silver bill and when Hayes vetoed the compromise si'ver bill Foster voted to override the veto. XV hst- a great theme for ill Ortgonian this historical sketch ftfTords. Shall we not in a few day be told by that pspcr that Foster is man having what he cads ' principles" hut th jt he always aubordinates these "principle when party success or an ofiice isjuttshead? But weforget. The Orgwi never talks about republicans who do such things It is only when demo crats tlo this that the righteous be and ind'g. nation of that paper is aroused. That paper my "consistently" Hon from rank free trade to tbe bighett feature xf a robber tariff with out the leatt rjualm of conscience, but it ia hardly less than criminal for democrat to waver even lbs "ninth part of a hair " UlSTAKKS IN UISTORY. Editort Democrat f In II II Bancroft's history cf Oregon, vol. II page 550, In a note of lint author, occur this! About the ciose of 1S59 Detaion Smith caused the Orison Democrat to be es tablished at Albany for bis own purposes. It was published by Shepherd, made war on the Salem Ctiqi'e and sustained Lane, Early In tS6t It was taken In charge by P Malone, an ible writer, and In 1S65 be came the states KiuiiTs Democrat, with J O'Meara for editor." It is well, In hitter at all events, to be correct. There Is barely a statement that Is a tact In that just quoted. The Demo CRAT was the first newspaper published In Albany. It was started by Dclaion Smith earl In the fall of 1S59. John 11 Shep- erd, his brother-in-law, was the printer. After the death of Smith in the winter of 1S60-61, Shepherd continued the publica tion of the paper until the spring of 1S61, when It passed into the hands of Slinson& Haley .and In a few months was suppressed tor uttering disloyal sentiments. It was released from suspicion and resumed pub. llcalion December, iS6i, and In January amee O'Meara became editor, lie con tinued In It until May, when ha took edi torial charge of the Eugene City Jttvirw, of which Anthony Noltner was oner and publisher. In the tall of 1864 the Demo crat changed hands, the press and type and material were taken to Salem, and the name was changed to A r en A,publlshed week!, by C B Bellinger, Anthony Nolt ner and Urban K Fitch, as a democratic organ. P J Malone was never editor of the ..! ban Democrat, lie was editor of the Corvallle Itfrtr a democratic weekly which was likewise suppressed for dlslo alt. The State Rights Democrat was started late In August, 1S65. The press, type material, costlnf $1300, was pur chased In San Francisco, from J B Painter St Co., by James O'Meara, espressly for the purpose. The money was contributed by a number of democratic cltUen of Linn count, and It was resolved by th share-owners In council that the plant should be always telalned In Albany as democratic organ not to be sold or divert ed from hi use. The sale and removal of the Democrat had Incensed the sturdy democrats of Linn who had contributed the money tor the purchase of the plant. It wa to establish the paper, with O'Meara as editor, that the project reached fulfill ment. To him It was leased. Tohlin was condded the naming of the paper, and every detail of Its printing and publication Neither rent nor returns of any kind was required of hun. He took the charge ; the profits were to be his; he should sustain the losi all he had to do was find a build Ing for the the rent and print the paper weekly, always to be democratic Among the eontrlbutors were Oliver Co how, Jos, Driggs, Klmrod and Dallas Price, N HJCranor, Martin Payne, Enoch Hoult, Vm Cochran, J II Deuthllt, Nor cross, then a leading merchant of Albany, WUIoughbv a prominent farmer of Linn, the Burkharts Calvin, Lee and Ray mom and other sterling and staunch democrats, O'Meara christened the paper the State Rights Democrat. It was a time when manylprofessing democracy were weaken ing la cardinal faith and listened to Its denunciation by the radical republicans as a "treasonable heresy. It was Vt stiffen the knee of th-te and to fort 11 their backbone that the name was chosen. Many democrt in Linn count thought the name a grave errors the predicted that It would prevent ;the success of the paper In pationsge. The contrary was the result. Ia lews than sis montha it had an actual paying subscription of over laoo, and no paper was sent out until the sub scription as paid. Of the subsequent career of the paper It ia not the purpose of this communication to treat. Veritas ALLIANCES. Mr Cole from Kansas is bow in this state for the purpose of organizing Farmer's Alliances. It is tb purpose of the friend of tbe organic atioo to organize a state tltance just soon it caa be done. In order to organise one there must t seven county alliance, and ia order to organize a county alliance there mnt be five county alliances The organization ba formulated generally inch principle the friend of good government caa endorse. Es pecially are their view of the tariff question I accord with tbe most advanced thinkers on tbe mstter of a reform in the tariff, lopping off tbe protection thereon, especial.y as it apphV to tbe necessaries of life. We hope the alliance here will do the tame amount of good in teacb ing tbe true doctrine of tariff reform a they have east. Tw rper a Week fur a Dollar a Year. Tbe "Twice a-week" Edition of Tit Sh Louit It,fullc is st one the best and the cheapest writs journal in the world. It ia a big seven-column paper, containing six to eight page eacb issue, or 12 to 16 every week, aad is mailed every Tuesday and Friday. Its raiders get the tews f tbe day almost as promptly and fuliy ss the readers of a Daily and half a week ahead of any Weekly in every state in tbe Uaion. Yet the price Is ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. .Special Missouri, Illinois and Tex. Editions are prin'eJ, and a uenerai 11 It ion lor other states contains no thing but details of important events of inter est everywhere. Tit Republic is the Us J Ing democratic paper of the country, aggressive, but st the same time liberal, and the only thoroughly national journal in the whol country, Remember the price is ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Sample copies, also ao illustrated Premium Catalogue, sent free on application. Address Ike RtpublU, St Lo"ii, Mo. The rsilroad commission now hss power 10 fix Tisximu 1 rates. Will they do it? We shall sre East Oregonian, The law makes it their dutf to establish just and reasonable rates. Capital Jourual. But they will never fix rates thst will stand inlhecouitt. OAKVILLE, There will be a Dcmornct Medol con test on March SOth.the contestants bing members of the Hand of Hope of Oak- ville and Kliedd, under the auspices of the W 0 T U, and will be held at the U I Church at this place. March came in liko a latnb,a great big bite lamb. On last Wednesday the people of the U 1 Church met and elected tbri-e elder, Messrs J C Brown, U A Iiamford and J K Hamilton. Mr Albert McCIunsr.of Crnwfordnville. is viaitii'g his mauy friend hen-. Mr Ilobert E Crawford, of Kansas City. lUlBOVIlll, .HIT Vl .IT-.f? 1MB. TTCCH. i4 Crawford waa here eleven years ago, but at that time he thought Missouri whs fur ahead of Oregon, but he has changed big xr .1 . ...... i... ..,.,..1. 11. uiind and come to stay. Did you ever see enow so late in the season? is a common expression; but niogt everyone can remember of eeeinir snow as late or later. Holm ks Buihnss Collkue, of Portland Or. will open Sept. 1st. J A Weeco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. . WASHINGTON. (Prom our rwruisr ourrwponiitiit.) Vlf ....... f , s 1 . m I M tlarrl.nn !, k... -...Hi ..I .Ilk t.. I . ,7"Vu",""r z : . z "iy: : z: nomination of e-Gov. ("Calko Charley") ,i V . . r L w V , J! il'i r YTf method, adopted by foster and hi. friends ..... ..v ..v. v- W ui tu .v vw... v.u., i, treasury uepart- ment I ... . ..... I TM.nall. I V. . . . I . ...iLI. .1-1 I ..11 I . v.. nu.iiuig ucwiusuit 1.1. -.-... ... . . " I UJ.u..roui urroiier except me l.l .... LI. -.1 v .. wnlc n.s private h nnancia. .uccessna. given hlm,anawh ch "i7'i' '' ..- ....... . .... JU11 carurvu. io .elf made man t. highly credible to anone, ,. r i "'r 3 ra,"n"r; Mr r water ouea, now prouo you an. o. ... ., now muci. oetier you n.y. , no... it man uou Aimigniy couia nave l . . .1 lt ..1.1- n.l 1 lal. .11.. ra u . .v..y r rosier 11 ever tning tnat is objectionable; he Is a product of the Shr- man-IIsyes Kleler school, and I predict that within a year fro.n this time the ,.... , . . . I treasury department will have become what It was under the Uaye. admlnlatra- tlon. when Tohn Sherman, now senator, wt at It head-a thoioughly ornUed . . I " ' Tl P.uii macnine pcrwnan coiurouea p lttl.. .1 (. . it ... 11 a a. . I Us secretary. There Is no probability that the policy ot the treasury department, it It can be said " - I ,...;,-...,...., secretary Foster. It will go right on in opposition to giving the people a sufficient vo umeof currenev to successful v trans- act tne ever growing ousinessot tnecouo- . a I a I try, and when it dear wall street gets cramped It will as usual, rush to the rescue with all the million. It can control. Thf. I . .IS sit . . . l UKtJof thing will go on until thejth ! marcn 109JJ tnrn mere win oe a granu change. Well, the order, ot Car Reed and Mr uarnson nava oeen carnea out ana tne 1 t ... I free coinage bill ha been killed. The committee reported It adversely to the I House, and one of It republican member. gleefully tald: -vVell, it will be Impossible PUtort, not only on account of the im i .t. .MU. it i.i. ... 1... h ' h; n-lnence ot tbe danger to an Important tiow to vote upon It at this seslon.M American Industrv hut on account of the Between the consideration of approprl- aMons bill the senate has been debailne 1 the bill providing for the guaranteeing ol iooWoooot tne oonusot tne Nicaragua canal company. bnalor Vest made a 1 very strong speech against It, In which he called attention to the million. tl.U gov- , ., .. , In the racIO: railroad eminent ha sunk and pointed out the fact that the passage oi thi bill would violate a treaty with England and be the certain cause of war. Senator Morgan defended the bill and Intimated that there were speclsl reason, not maoe public why it ihould be passed- It 1 almost certain to pas the senate, but look out for the liveliest kind of a circus when It reache the House. Cxar Reed grows worse a the time diaw near for him to be uncrowned; he now not only refuses to have a capitula tion of a vote announced for the Inform. tlon of tSe lI,oue, but be order the clerk to read a skeleton journal instead of the full journal of the previous day proceed ing, and he has mcrcbers not present en tered therein a being present and refuse to allow change to be made when alien- tkx. I called lo such palpable errors, and he is supported by the vote of every repub. lion. On Saturday Representative Crisp wholscedlted with being one of the most conservative men In the House, stated, a did hi. coIle.gue,aement. and Turner, of Georgia, Blnchard,of Louisiana and V.'il. ton of Missouri, that he has entered upon the journal of the prevlou. dy a present and not voting, when a a matter of fct he w not present he lefUhe Houte with the other democrat for the purpose of breaking a quorum. Failing loget the error corrected Mr Crisp said that he wished 10 call the attention of the country to the manner in which the presiding of ficer made up and falsified the record. Thi arraignment brought a atorm of applause from the democratic side and the galleries. I it any wonder that democrat In the House fi tlibus tcr? The story published here purporting to late by authority that Mr Cleveland would under no circumstances be a candidate next year was undoubtedly concocted bv an enemy of Mr Cleveland, and It did not require that gentleman' denial to reiute t. III position U well understood here. Of course everybody knowr that I.e Isn't a candidate, that is to say that he I Isn't seeking the nomination If he wa the an tl-llver letter would never have been written. That he would refuse the nomi nation If tendered, no one for a moment believes, unless he thought hi acceptance would jeopardise the succc of the party Today Is a legal holiday and the depart ment! all closet; Tuesday and Thursday of last week they were closed on account of the funerals of Admiral l'orter and General Hhertnan. No people anywhere get a many holiday a the department clerk here. v VALsef. March 3, 1891. Last Thursday foar of ourcitizens.TE 81oan, II O Plymate, L B Moore and Ira A I'helps, wert to Dram lo be present at the organization of an I O O F lodge at that p.Hce. They returned next day re porting very pleasant time. A lodge was organized with eight charter mem bers and fifteen newly inilated members. We are pleased to note that Mr Bend ing, our genial barber, is atnin able to be on tbe street. ' " The mill question ia again being agi tated in this community. A flouring mill is badly needed here and an effort to secure one Is a move in the right di rection. . The Intermediate department of tbe Ilalsey public school, taught bv Miss Ida l'orter, closed last Friday. The other two departments will clone in two weeks. One night last week, while tbe Chinese section men were away, their cabin was broken into and ten dollars, a watch and other articlea taken. Yesterday morning Clarence Morgan, about thirteen years old, was arraigned before J utice btewart on a charge of having stolen a watch from Joseph Pearl valued at about thirty dollars. lie plead guilty, and after a severe reprimand was discharged. Mr I II Van Winkle having closed his school ru'ar Albany returned homo lant Monday. The family of Mr A L Bridirefvtriner. 0' Tangent, have been visiting relative. nere. At tbo school nieetina yesterday. M V KoonU was elected director, nnd Alex Power clerk. An 8 mill tax wan voted. There is one case of scarlet fever here. "Fifteen or twenty of our fanners con template raising peas for the fcUlein can nery this summer. ti 1 ding Photographers A ' any Oregon. We have- bonght all tbenf gstin e mad by L W Clark aud W U Ureoiod op to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicate can be bad from hem only of u at reduced lates. W haye also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicate oao be bad st like ises. We carry the only full iio of viewt f this state and do enlarged work at loweitrte for first class work. We shall be pleased to see you at our Studio in Fromaa' block, neitdoor to M&ecnio lVmple. A fttlfJlD COMPETITION. Tk Ms.jt.IJ. sl at T I j.MtaMM I'ICIIUtiUk VI K 1VIVUV IVV VVIIIJ'Mli w ........ K,n,Vi Including a petition to congres. position ot una on ic . bee wUfn n ha Wa MmpiB, lcfl house Instead of its ofllce, for It. coolness would frees mercury. Hind. circumstances,"..,, the Ice n hl,w . , , , , -,.,u.. lTd-r ordinary ...... ..... . 1 men to the rp.i.hI lilrr Unf Mi.rH I.., ,!ul fo , . mnorted. but the mild )..-.. 1 1 1... u.... .. ""I..H miiu n.1.111 V iimuv ...o f. - ,iu. L ,,.M- .nn.ill. l A "1- nlitB h. .rr. M. urVi.i.. r. .'.'"' ........ W. J mad, , behal, of olh ntluiir..ttnd conflJei.tI beHw h- Amwc,n pM1,l, ju ,how a proper appreclailon thereot,"lhe petitioner, Injbehalt ot himself LndfcUow dc,,m ,n ,c. k( , ,,mllir action tor thcmselve. Th, oQ ood nJ. to b() g,ven ,u enUrety U .JJ,,,. ..toth, hon K, fc d the Unlt(J(, Sul,. t Th. UBjer,tfn.j B-.kiom.,.f0,. nli many ethers, sars that the congress ouah bslore adjourning, to perform an act of aiieaoy too iyng oeiayeo. 11 says that It Is a large employer 01 American ! American waees in Its business ol cuttlna. storlnf and wholesalelna Ice. It further tar that awing to the present and pwpeciive scarciiv 01 ice tnis season, ana that aAntrt tlJlt hliK nt-lr! tiMfat Ui . t a .... Am-ric,n market, which ouht to be wj hm as.w.w a ( reserved to Arrerlcans, Is In danger ol be- Ing flooded with cheap Canadian ice, eon- f7 " Pfmcipiei w protect on ana to It. n ... P iMiu.H .1 . m.rl.n lniTn.1,1.. rw American labor, rorwere submit that If we were projected from the competition ot cheap Canadian Ice by a "ul7 w w ,snl w wwu,u la at esstMt i Ia miff mrtM mr.rna ImIa Asia rwtwn w fww w iiiwiivr ass,v vwi Dlttnc.. erect tritt pint. ert)por mOTt labor at greater wages than I possible at present. The money thus dUbursed would T "? otner ou.messes ana an hjaiiI( k KaaaaHlAi IhaaaKa aV al wm VM.M V SJ IIIVH Vtl S-lllU Wfa WfM e.w to.sauw lh eongrw that wtdo no" present this retltlon because we expect or intend to charge higher pikes In the event f c.uion 01 tne c .eapuanaaian ice. ae swiHiaij, v- ww buil,n.,. irirer nlant. store more hce and be In a position, to tell cheaper than ever, We ask the Immediate gt anting of this rMult of the election of November l.t, which returned so many member who. It unoerstooa, arecru to Amerc.n in- .ou.r... Aod we re.Dectlvelv.ubmlt to vour honorable bod that we and all otreta In the ice business are obliged, on account lh e"uu",taw1: ,e 5" ou.r too,i '"1 ' plemenl and lumber r I American 1 white ,hey, on the other bandore allowed to buy their ice of Canadians, with their cheap la bor and their Ice of Canadian, wl'h their cheap labor and long winter, which put us at a great olsadvantage. Thi I mani fest I v unjust and uaequal and we are ab Ugd lo conclude that unless we are put on the same plane with other we shall have, however reluctantly, to oppose the continuance el the tariff duties on th arti cle which we buy. If other are to have the benefit ucn a It U, of cheap foreign stuff, we want it too. We therefore, ask for a duty ol at least 200 per cent on ftxelgn ice. And thus your petitioner will ever pray. If ti l I a serious endeavor to Impose a prohibitory duty on Canadian Ice and thus Lnable the UnUed Suu ce men to charge whatever price they p'.ease for the product of our own canals, swamp and gooe pond a copy of tbe petition placed In the refrigerator would do away with the need of Ice. The people bad a taste last summer of what an Ice trust can do In the way of extortion and thi request of con gress to deliver the people bound into the hand of the ice men I cooler than the coJe.,,ce (MU the U Artemu u u Wfo;- Mrc...,. ,he .... ,..m ,, , K. . .... ... Th. ... ,nrn ... .,, ... obBed. on account of ,he e,UUng buy everything I ti. . .... K...i r a ,nj thete ,.are ,iiowed M buy their ke of Cansdlans.'wllh their cheap labor and long winter," the ice men are "put at a great disadvantage." Tbl being "manifestly unjust and unequal" they say "If other are to have the benefit, such a It Is, of cheap foreign stuff.we want it loo." What U sauce for the tool feller' goose should be sauce for the Ice man' gander. Cleve land PlaindtmltT. CBAICK HEM. Tangent Grange held a regular meeting on Feb. 28tb. Tbe day waa verv unfav orable, but we bad a good attendance. The third and fourth degrees were con ferred upon a class of six, four brothers and two sisters. After tbe degree work was over, we all repaired ro the lower ball ana partook of tbe usual harvest feast. Grange again called to order, and Bro. It A Irvine, County Deputy, instructed the class in tho unwritten work of the order. . The reirular order of buaiaess was then taken op. Three applications for Initia tion were received, aiio one admit. A committee was appointed to purchase an organ for the use of the grange. We find that music has wonderful charms It enlivens any kind of a we have concluded to purchase an organ.and we win lairiy make 11 bowl. We had a very interesting meeting, more than common interest was taken by tho members. Bro. Irvine expressed himself as being well pleased with the way the degree work was conducted.and tbe rapid advancement tbe new officers had made. Our grange is gaining in numbers and continually extending its influence, many are inquiring after the benefits to bo deilved by becoming mem bers 01 tbe grange, l will say to such that they are many. The social and educational features of the order will amply pay a person for all the time and trouble it costs to attend the grange, be side the financial benefits which we ro ceive. Here we extend our acquaintance among the best class of farmers and their families, and learn how to conduct pub lic meetings, how to take part in debates and many other, things which is of vital interest to us. All kinds of trades bave their secret meetings. Why not tbe farmers have theirs? Certain classes of men think the farmers are fit for little else but to drudge away their lives lor the benefit of others. To such I will gay, we are going to turn over a new leaf, and we will show you that wo are going to come to the front and see if we cannot hold onr own with the best of you. We expect to add twenty to our list during tbe present quarter, which ends March 31st. That will be doing well for three months. The Farmers Alliance is com- ing this way, and in connection with the granite will work a wonderful change in favor of tbe farmers and laboring class of people in the next two years. They can and will elect men who will work for our interest, then we will bave some laws ensued that will make the monopolies tairly tremble. tJome, Drothor fanners, let us join our forces and see what wilt oe the nnai result. Tangent, March Srd, 1801. A Membsh. Disorder (Uat aflTeet the KMtuejs Are a-n rig Ihe mo formidable known. Di bbetei, Bright' disease, grsyel and other complaints of ths urinary orgsns sra cot or diuarily cored iu overa case, butth.y may be aveited by timely meditation. A useful stimulant of th urinary gland ba ever betnfouncin yotettor htnmtcb bitters, a medicln which not on'y a (Turds the rq uim'.s stimulus when thwy become inactive, but icoreases their vigor and cecretivo pow er, iooressing the activity of th kidney! and bladder, this mbdicine bss th addition al effect of expelling from the Llnod impur ities which it is the peculiar olfise of these organ to eliminate and pat off. The Bit ter is also a furitier aid strentheuer of the boweU, an iuyigorator of tho stomach, and a matchless remedy for biliousness and fever aod ague. 16 Bouuteracta a tendency to pre mature decay, sud sustains and comfort the aged anp infirm. rr th twxut. Last Blghl whllo we alept to cosy and warm, ' . . Safely ihut in from the wind and the atorm. There mine a winged army with gar- inputs fair. They numbered ao many theyXfilled the air. - , . The toiled and joMtkd cncli other about, wove hltlicr, tuitner, n 11 unuinu om Where each one belonged; their own wan l.j uu. 1 n . ig i 1 . 1.. ,,i....t.... ..,.ii,i.. I ADU IWIugj W Ut ."luniinifi hiikhiijii quite new; v1"""",', 1 much wished to solve their conduct! and aim I An Intercut they had In their,, work was . pmin ; a j..n vH..Liit Mm; ip I Let'icoverltop garments rare, I Their pUn quite settled, to buslncas f they go, In orderly rankn. the feathery snows valiant their eiiort. like imn ol renown, This annual denning, . whitened the town. They worked with deft finger the night Hours through, With daylluht appeared a world fresh and new. The children awoke, a sight met tliulr eves Which filled every heart with joyful surprise, They looked and wondered at this magic cnant'o 1 caclt gave bis funpy very broad The wrxV were grottoes, too lovtly to tdli , range, Each uli mb a castle whtro falrks lulgbt a wen. m. . tit. ... f , . .1 . 1 ...1 ill trwi cro tie .rriw, uvcaeu ior ri ...i. t&lb .'.;.Ui .!.."...'. 1... i(.i..v.;.i.i. l.iu.vr " '"' "..1.1 !L :...i .. . ....1. ....... . 1 Each rock wit a throne, fit sent fur a queen Tlfo s'x)iim looked exactly liko bakers' cakes, Frosted so deetdr in fantastic shares. The tck'icraplt .wires were strings oi pvari rare, That Simrkled and shone In tlio eriup morning air. I tl.a vl...U Ar1.I rJ,i, fekllv laffifl I ' " " v .v I xLZT " u"""' The children exclaimed, tl. too good to VUJi)m,r ...1 J.. 4 .:i I ...... v.. 7 j Ilowwewlnh it would stay, lovely and new, To make onr hearts isla J the whole win- wr ttirougn ; we'd tnaWe snow fortrts, cannon and j uaua, An army of soldiers to storm down its wall. Ifappv and busy from mornimr till niirhL Twould prove every day an cndlcsa de sign 1. Tt. .l.:i.l. .1 1 1 1. 1 .1..,!.. .... .v VUltVIVH M ti-..gbu iw uiiii n u4 K"l Kavlni? til ). "Iwnnlifnl .now ' V . But onr baby, Kelt, with bonny blue eyes. Had raugnt every word of jy and sur prh; Leaning on my knee, said, (as they all anouiu) To send pretty snow, oh, is not God good. Axoxvmw. Albany,' March 2, '891. il HKMatUI. In loving remembrance ol Or Morris, who died Feb. 21t, UOI.of diphtheria. Dearest Ora yon have left us And your loss how deep we feel, God it la who baa bereft ns And ho will our aorrows heat. Jul one week since aho has left us, Oh, how lonely now are we; But we know she 'a gone above us To a happier-place than we. O how seems tho days to loiter,, . Hint no more Her form we see NO more hear her gentle laughter, No more hear lir songs of glee. Our hearts seem near to breaking, As we lay her things away ; Hee.her ureases here are hanging. Here her ahoes and stocking lay. Oh Iio can we stand the trial ; Father help ns now to bear them. We are praying, hoping. ever trying To resign ourselves to Thee. Cut, Or., Feb. 2Uth, 1S9I. ' ' A FmiKD. TELEGllIflfiC NEWS. vthsl f sscre Did. Washington, March 3. The folio in;; ads passed by congiet have been tigscd by the pretddenit ; Th direct tax bill: the act to nrcvent IkjoIi mak1nr nd pool selling la th DUtrict of Co lumbia: joint icsoluilon anthoruinir Vice Con sul General 5kidii.ore to accept the fried al con ferred eposi him Dy the emperor of Japan; an act amending the act far tli relief of volun teer ami regular loi.iier ot the late war, t- a ct. . . . f proveu matci a 1009; an act to pension the widow of General Thomas II Hoffmans sn act to establish circuit courts of appeal and to de fine and rsgulate in certain case tbe jurisdic tion of court of the Unt'ed States; la regard to tne treaty on reciprocity writ the Hawaiian Islands; an act ptovidina; for th safe and human transportation of cattle; an art for the erection of pniied State prison and f x the imprisonment ol United Sure piisoncrsi an ct emending the law regarding the immigra tion ot flTiens; an act granting pensions to Powell s battle of mounted volunteers; an act granting a pension to the ldow of Rear-Ad miral 1 oner an act to provide for tn ocean mail seevke between the United State and foreign pons, and to promote commerce, and an act regulating the granting or leasing of not spring, Arkansas, , - .1,. - Tai OM.v, March 3. Tht. purchase of th Hunt sywrra of railroads by Charles D Wriehl. of rhiMeiphU, ma. lis the final chapter in the hist ry the railroad exploit of Railway Magnate uuni, . j.n deamas oeen completed and the first payment of the price apreoj up on, whiijh was paid In I'hiladelplii Monday. The del which ha been in progress for some time pasj.. 1 tunt b been in sore financial s'.rsitf and badly in need of rroney. He re cently ysf. forced lo abandon his proposed line tonhe Gray's hardor country on that scccunt. By deUyiflgVlie work l cotitniction which had been beuun on tlint line, Hunt lost the subsidies which had been promised him by the people ol'lhe various towns where the line was to bave touched. The Northern Pacific is now earning ptacticall the same subsiJirs ny build ing to that section. 'The Catlfarnla Ceaatorahlp. ' Sacranknto, March, 3 Since Estee's arrival here hls'clisnces for United State senator, as successor to Hearst, are as suming a more favorable aspect, De Young I still forcing the fight, and ha the support of the Bun Francisco delega tion. Kstee says he Is in the fight, but I n mnrtcA t rilrAiiPinanr,M am fT r I a in hv mnn-v h win nnt mnin. 11.1. method himil or allow hi. irtend. m so. It will take sixty-one otes on joint ballot .to elect a United States .Senator, f he republicans have t-lghty-elght mem ber In the assembly and senate, f-k-'y-one in the former and twenty-seven It ihe lut tcr. The assembly has enough republi can votes, If all were thrown for the tame,. to select the man. ' MlaUCetsaa Office. Washington, March a. Hon John Minto of Sulem, Oregon, has been .appo nted by the secretary of agriculture stock corresbondent for the bureau of animal industry in the de partment of agriculture at a salary of $1400 per annum, together with all traveling expen ses. His instructions nutho-ize him logo to any place, or places In the state, of Oregon, Washington and California to which he may be (irccted by Dr E Sslman" chief of the bureau of animal industry of that department, Mr Min'.o is directed to begin an investigation of the sheep industry 011 the Tacific coast. The work fdr the present is to be confined to the states of Oregon and Washington. Minto is authorized to visit any places in these states deemed necessary for that pui pose, A Tramps Experience Eugene, Majch 1. A trams met wuh a serious accident by trying to alight from a moving train near the depot yesterday even ing. Ilis scalp was laid open for tbout six inches, making n horrible sbectade. llt was ewed up and will probably recover. Deals bll(al. FltlLADEXl'ltlA, MartU a. Charles B Wright has purchased fiom Gcotge W IIn, o( Walla Walla, Vsh, a numl-cr of rsitroads, Known as tne "iiutit system," whkh rene trates the wheat fields of Eastern Wauli- Int'ton and Orccon, south of 1 18 Colvmbia river The first payment of thi truninclkin, which involves, ws made today. the rallfurala l loo.ln. San FaANcisco, Match a.-Tl Sontliein Pacific people have yet no uporis tition which .. i . ... ,1.. ... i 1 ........ 1 ..t . minimi u.c uamaBt ciukii vj 1 ne recent no""i. luc.u.uns 111a iwo waneuout uniiirct , . t- , 1 T.L.,.. , ,i I !. "k" miles of flooded track snd iot deriols at Yama. I the .tide, near hunt and Koteburc, on the Slwst route, th damage, it is safe to esti- mate, will full not far short of joo,ooo. Kt- pons iiom uma ana vicinity leu 01 continued the homeless inhabitants, hut the river is re- . .1 1 . lit.. - t ... - l.. . . ...... wu u. iijuin.iig coimiy, wi.n uiaiicn or 1 1 m "l " In prgr. is Alllnnre Trant Tei'KKA, Kan, March 3. A new alliance movement contemplate fu'ming huge grain end livestock trust. Indnlinz Nehratk. Kan sss, Mistourl and Iowa, I ronk Mcurath, prenhlent of the farmer nlhnnce, say the irojcct Is one induccn by th remit of the 'allure of the allitmce lrtUlutuies to pais certain uu. l-ri'isluiiun, he says, u ico slow for 1 he achievement of alliance objects ftalrm ftrhoal UlMrlrl. Salem, March a, The census of school wistrict ro. 24 (baiem.) Just completed. snows 2030 voter in the district and 274? cnuurcn 01 scnnoi tge. rne average at- lenclsnco of Khoiar. for the year was taio, an Increase of 250 over last year, A Hrgru's Lark &RATTLF. March 2. Tohn It Randoli h. , colored restaurant cook of this tilv. to- . ' day received notice from the surrogate of ri;. V V.U h I... fallen heir to $6s.x by the' death of his New York. r y. ...... - ladepeadeare the Det. SvhNEV, Australia, M.trch I. The hotels re filled with dulccata fo the JVlkml Aus tralian conference, which will be o'Cnrd her to-morrow for the purpo of preparing gen eral constitution fur the seven Auitaalian cot. onics. Much preliminary !i:t)itn of the question involved hs.s lata induced in 1 . . i-.. 1 . t , . ... tnrougi om me ujy. i ... aan.a ocKr6ies .1.4 r.asM' Ik 4 mrrvtm .f f. (( i,.M ..r.A v fv iwtj wv 1 v w j h.mhiiwu 'f jj'vi. of other colonies attests their conviction Hut conilitu'ioo similar to that tf the foiled K,..M. U: trtinv oiLt.s rrclrr iheconslhu of tbe Dominion of Canada the lkis of the laMtannt to he furmuUted. These is a strooc feeline, however, in favsx of!ui in.iet rn dcrne, and it 1 sat-i '.b sunereni 01 tt principle will en!ror tocaptut ihcconveo- twn. Iraatar tlrartt. WASitiJKCTot, Match I. The funtral sciv icciovet the rentiiicjof th late Senstor Hearst who filed Saturday niht will be held Tliui day st hi late residence, aaQ will be brief and simple. Tb dai of the luncral was delayed enttl Thursday so to enaMe m.-mbeis ot the senate and hcuc who dcsiie to attend to do so without intcifering wiib tbe prcwing bimncM thai t Jem in : their attention during the few 1 emairtsug day of congress. C'aaetl after II, Wahhinoton, March I ledge W 11 CUgcti, h is her for tbe pujxe of con letting with i'Ved Dubois for a seat in the United State senate, ha sent in a mas of eviJtnc about the election in Idaho: also a lone memorial bam s r an? standpoint, showing that tbe republican pla'.fmm provided that there sliould be a senator bora North aid South Id-tbo. ' Tbe Tama Mood. San Fsancsco March t. General Man- ger A N Tonr, of the Suutheio rcili;, tonight dUcrediled th lumor tbst loo live have been luit at yum by the second flood. He stated to an Associated t'res rciH.itcr that he btd been in commukicaiion w ith Vuma op to ?!3i o'clock, Sa Funcisco time, and had received ao such report, at he cutely would ha v Hd there been a disaster, Sj far no live lis been kist at Vuma, except on Mexican, wlo w diownen last week. In Upper Gilo valley, however, ranches may have been flood ed and several pcojU drowned. weata oiuKt:iu. f. M. French keep ri!rvs4 tin:. lr erMtn cbecaa just l sot i ted at Cot. raj Mr) us. fvus Si AcUisoa are te.Uug mocumcuts at I'orlUnd pners. Mena',yttU od boy' clothing and furoUliiB jjoed at O W tiimpsnti'. llavayoa seen tt o parlor suits that T Brink ha just rcoy'vedf They are uitxi. Great rtduollnn intnW furaisbinj i;-l for tb next 30 dy at W F IUd t . J W Huntley, best Isont and ho makr,io city, lur door corth if Dicwhiut o!Cce. For tArtrtin in mnnutiits, hcadstane to., to to I'.a & AchWou, dli..oy,irfgt.u Ticket l.r ALL tmttra puints, ovct ANY rot. for U by VV, Jostar, t S.V. tk ket cilice, 4328. Kcport of Iho Comlltion THE LUX COiXT Y S1TI01.1L BA.K, AT Al-llASr, IS TUB STATE OF OREGON", a'.thtcle ofb.uloo, F.bM h, 1U,' ttesoareeal bonirnl dlciui.U tWJ.8l.1DT OvoiMn,n, rttimU rH uiuwiumI ..,,. I,lw7.i: U.aV tlua t mcu eimiUaun .'.,i),WO KUjcU, leeumlr. clulnu, lc...,. 1I.34H IiJ Itw tram iirons rmrtt tfouU...,.M T.s Uu from state tMkt.lwantt buikcr.A... e.nis.s? lioiktitg tx'Uw, fumilura and flvturw... 16,C.O0 Curnnl txiMniw sd us ild (.ss Freniium on V, 8. 1kii-.iI.......,....... 13,4m.M Chrclis auj oiiwr cb Ileum.... .......... Ji.l.tyj U.lls uf other tuuiks . ... iZ.l Krsetloral Mir currency, ukkl, wnt tta.(9 fpwto...,. SO 0.4. yfi UrU Winter nu , fi,47U.UO Hloinitlili lumt w.I h U. S. Trwurar, (6 pur ciilof clrculaiWu)... ..... 1.1-5.00 TaUl LlabtlKlett Capita tUKk lfl.M... .... I'niJIvlJcil pn. its ....,... . National bank nnlas otiuuuiaiiitf.. ., Individual du)ioalta sutijeet w cluxk.. Demand orrtittratcs o( Jokiiv Uua to stale banks and bankers $312,372,49 7,7S7.iO S2,0"0.l ll,i.H fj.tMSO l,"!l...tiS . TmW. 312,373 i v StAiB or Ossmosi, County of Linn .1- I, Citw. E. CnsiRBnt.Ai-'. eaihlcrof the abnvs nanu d tnuik, do anlvninly awtitr Mist Iho ah nintc moi.t la irui) tu the bwtof iuj knowlcdi; aud toilet. OKO. E. CtlAMCEItLAlS,Cahlcr. SubwHhcd and sworn to befiire me tiiU t'.h day of Moh JHat. T, J. 8T1TKS, (is) Kutary i'ubilc. OuaascT AttBjt: J. L. COWA?I 1 W . U. MOI.TRA Dlreator O. A. AliClllUALD ) A HEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Folly Abreast vrtth tho Time. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for the family, bchool, or Professioaal Librarj Tbei Antbentio Xv'o'bster' Uiiaa bridged DlctioTjnry, eompristns tho issttes oi IbSi, ntfS '34, copj-rlsated property ef tb tuadercicnea, is now Thoroughly iiaviaed aad. Enlargocl, sutd, aa at cUatiajpiWuinij title, bemra the. xtRstto of Webster' Iuitoriia tional iJictlonary. Editorial work tijon this revision baa ben ia aotiT progress for over Tea Tear. Hot less than On Hun drad, paid editorial laborers haro beeu onsree ed upon it. t Over 8300,000 expended in its preparation before, the first copy wm printed. Critical coinparlsoa witb. o ay ot&ei CletlonaryigiBvitea. tiot tbo i3ost. G. & C. M1U4KIASI & CO., rubKshcr, Prln?i'ii!, MrB.,X'. 8. A. P-.U b Bii hxi.mAr-rs. J:Uv t "-iti-tl -w. - In l!us Cirutt Cowl for Linn Count, Blatt 0 urgn: Mary K, morion, PlulntiiT. . Vi, John KmersoP OiifBtiilant. To John Kmcrson, the above named dufen 1- ane. IN th nnn of the state of Oftron. von r horcby rsiiuirod to itar and answer th comtifslot of the aboye plaintiff. In th ahov antitletl Court, now on flla;witb th Kiietm in ssiu court, on or ueior tne arcs . .ua u. dsy a th cent rKuir term of sii eonrt, .ii..i. . -i.i .7. ....... n.t ri.v .,1 tUrh. not t th-(rt ,,. (o th. oity i Albany, IJnn wmntrj Oregon. a.oi you are hereby uotifltd tlis. if yon foil ti spi.osr and r,ier said slt, as bomdy rcquirCil, loo tiiaintin will tke decree of sail couit aeainst yon, iliasolvlnfr the butid 01 matrimony now exiUn;f betweo yen and pUintiff, and lor bur cOt and ili!urcmeiit (jf this suit, and chuiitfifiK plaintiff name to that of Mary I- K lluflman. ! In sunimon is put IUlnd in the Ptatb) Itiotna Uemwuat hi ordsr at the lion. Jt. I', tUnf, ju.l(a of th said euari, luuiio at climi'(?r on the Y'jiu dny of Jar.aarv, 1891, W It L'tLVKir, Attorney for riaiiitiflf EXEGUrCB'S NOTICE. XTOTICB IH I1KKKDV CIVEH THAT THE lN ly 4frij(nfJ b Uroiltily aiHlntrd Mmitonil th lt will ami LnUilmriL sod nUte J II (J Hill, 4mw4, Ut t hlua ountv. Or ('. A'l pnr r MVlii ciBlirM Malum ssu.1 nuh sr tvuvuf notified JVSAr'in Tm,' orC". btd ibU Ctb day of Mirvh, ts.l, i. It nit.L, i. K. Wi.Tilf.nmiiD, Kul)r. (-3) NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. TkTOIICB W IlEtlFby GIVEN THAT X f- under klgiii, executor of ihe lakt win tmi ieiiuini au.i tiam 01 4sn HrlnaUain, dwoaw i,b filed la tbo ofllce ot the count) ciorie nt 4-11111 nounty, Uieeoii. hi final aconnt .f said urtito, and the couit ha fliod th ?lb day 0 March. at 10 o'(irclt e m. 10 hear objwnlor. If any to said account and for sttunii Mia hum. Dated rt-OO. JHKi, s. hi. raaNinoioH T. J.HlItna, J.xrutor. Ally fcr Kxculjr. HOTICEOFFIH.U SETTIEMEKT. XTOTICE IS IlKRKBY OIVEV THAT the undciai -nrvi, tho ilulv at.potnud oualiflnd and tollna alralnltratr at the .alataof liulb llri)haw, IwM(.t, L thla day filed U final accuut.t in U1 estate with tbo ciek of tho county r.urt fur l.lnn onuuty, Orr-cop, nut the mtt ban nsd in ztxi cuv or Msrrn. imu. at tbe bfur of I o'clm-k p re, to bear rbjim tbntostld account II any,.;cl for li e IMU!lnMlt nt .lfl IMttfltO Thi, ilia 2;tli day 01 January, frt w m. clem icys. JT. K. W4lHKKoi.n. Admbfator, Atty for AdoilnMrtor. (1 Su) NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEhUHT. . vlOTK E IS HgHKHr mVKS TtlAT TUB t'.V 1 Ure.ir4 ho SU-1 hi Bmi ct.i. U th ui of Manin I'r.b. riawt, u4 tbt the r.ii:ljr im of Lnn t'lnif, o.of;o, hM 4 lli SID tUrf Aflll,l-'l,i II OCI'HM, A , ol nuf llv, at tfa ron h.t In Aitnuiy, tmpm, luf lb tw. la t IjJ-si thwvtt. im! Itw Mitiunt tbruf . lmla ikis t(h 4 al ri-r, I'!. Ca W WsMst. AU'ff.Ki fuf Kucstwr. ADMSTBATQIVS KOTlCLv VTOTICK IS HERKHY GIVEN THAT i Uia lax been duly apix!ut4d dininit ratt.r of the estate i4 Nathan dooad. by the county court of the Mate of Dn-jton, for Linn Co. All person bsvlmr riaim aglit a!d esuio, are berebv 'netittod to prrsent tbo " v ' r i7 V JI V M " Ikmton county Oreson.witbln alx mouth fjotn tb) date of lMr tiotinn; and all per n havlnir any .iri.ict cf said dec c:d will c'tiUvfr the ttnis over to ma. Dated Feb 3, lS'H. K. IX W1LSOS, (it) ACtnirjltrsor STOCKHOLDER'S Utlim. VTT'CK I IIF.KEBY uIVF.M UfAT Xt there w.'il bo a mnatlna; t tlia toe boidrra of I'm Jd FVUowa Hall Uulldics Aoniatian, J at tbsir t-fficrt In Albany OrsRon, : itday, tbo 0ih day tf iHinh pt'i. at the huur of 7 o'o o.k u m of sl l dy ftn- the purpoto cf elt!r.jt ( v n li.rt'UM to vv k,r tbe tstilua year, and to traacaat any other bU'iucea tht rnv eoii'e ls"ie aid niwlog. This, the STtrt day of Feb. W . TWEI'.DALE. E. A. FrMldent. KccrtUry. SCHOOL ELECTICH MOUSE. NOTICE IS IlEKEliY GIVES Til AT Lbe regular annual tobool election lit achnot d l.trict No 6, l.lnn cotintv. Oregon, will 1 brld at the Central nchool building, In Mid aohool dllHiS on Mod. day, MmIi Pih, 11, for Ihe purpose of eioctitig onnasreof, ttarretaree year, and oii e'erk tu terxe one year: Said el.olioii U l-nlit at 2 o'clock ia tli afternoon of asid day and conttuuo until 0 u'o'ock (m of ilJ !sy. Cawd Fobrury rh. iwi. U.O.BURKnAUT. J K WifATitRPFORD, 4 District Clerk. ChaUwsa Ikard f Mreotor. STOCKKSLDER'S MEETJN2. "VTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 the aonusl ineftlnn of tie stock holdr'of the Albanv Street lUilwaT Co will be bold t n Waaiiearlay, Mrth'4th, 189l,atlh hour of Vn'olook p aKI day, at the oi:ia of tbe seoreury of eai 1 cotnpsriy, tba same bciln; at the rtal estate cfltea of Purkbart A Keenly, on b'irst btrert, in Albany, Orepou. for tbe purpoiw of e!iedi)$ ts director to tvn for tbe term of oneyear rist frcu Ing f.otn f.!d meeting and umit ibetr uecesor ro elcc:d and qualified, and to Iran. ct tweh other bus may lepallj" onrne befora Id nirwsUpg. Dstd Febrtiarj jfRh. lSiil C O CUHKHART, tscr'.ary, NNUAL MKCTIKO.-Notiooli. bere .'4 iy kiven tbttt the ennnat in-line of iba etooabold- rsnf tbe Albany KnllOlns Aot;ltion will bo held at tbe oRc of tba Albany E eotrio Light Co.. otv lrtii albin ntreet, in A'bany, n Mondar. March 18 1S91, at 7.S0 pro,, for the eltt tb n cf director, and sufih other business a tny omne bofore the uiotlng. Iialed Fob 20. If9l. . N (I AlLK.f, W C Twkesalk, Storotary. rreidor t. NOTICE TO CONTHACTOKS.-Cr.n tractor and builders desUing to bid oo tbo construction of th new United Fre&byietUn church bttlldiBcr, to ba eroot ed at the of tbo old building, will find tbo plans i:d oprfoifl cation for the arse, at tho store of btewart A Sox. Tho datoofoprnitig bids will be announced beraafter. , rpO RENT. A stora room 22xfW fee I, suit able for busir.es8;contraily locate For partlcutura call at the. Pk mocha office or on Jaa V Pipe. ' ONKY TO LOAN. Tn email aud lcrae amonntn. from alx moiitbs to live yeaif. on Rood Albany end Linn cotintr roul estate. Call on or addree W E Mi)lJht rson, Fiwt St., Albany, Or. HORKS 'FOR SALE - One sorrel hors. 0 years old, weight 1 100. One grey home, 8 years old, weight 1100. Also waron, haalt. liRxness, oto. Will Eel' for eitsh or pvebanze for other property. Call at etora opposite Bub house. 14. A. FRY. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor trcfi nd jindFeriy Kt, Albany, Ol OUPJSHIOIt werk. guarantood in ever; O branch of, he art. j-Eularging o all kiude a specialty ALBANY, CIIAS. PFEIFFEK PitOPRIETOH. FiWs.i nn iu first-clwa stylo, 'i'rsbV.i mppUd with tbe beat ia tk rcark". aJoepinarapartmntit!), Sample re- - E' t'15 svere House: "Prr-oaj We are the People Who carry tho most complete lino of Hard ware, Stovca, Ranges, etc., in the market. VIATTHEW8 WILL & 1 n TftfTT T T f Th Music J. BAUEli & CO. 'trW vose & son nsrjss?' r.,sn? I'tle natl EathafT Itnase Proof Bmatii inaitrneBia a apreiauy. Agent for th Hw IIomt V.UirlAx If. nd ojher fewlng Mscbhi. tsupplie for all kind tf N.w'n Aiacblr,-. We guard our . custcirnfr lntereU and guaransee MlUfaction, We earry a fall avsortsneat f Haale aad Manle Bwki. Cor. Second and Ferry ets., I HAVE BEEil DOWN TO THE HEW YORK T ry our Jackson coreet. If it don't suit, try tb.3 S. C n - fit, stylo and quality they are super fj . S 0 como in, dear friends, and price our underwea R T lo goods wo carry in stock are strictly first-clas S If cmember, the word ckedit U nder Imy aod under E verybody likes our shoes, they are made of Al lealLe B f THEY DO SELL CHEAP. RECEL12ER THE PLICE very one Talks ABOUT- Wo A I. Itin Large and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots. Includincr many novelties. A ets, Children's "'lis a Feat to Tit tie Fctt, Eat A TT "K? UFO AffTT''D J&Libi&i DJrbU inJjIlDj WHOLESALE 5 RETAIL GROGERS? C5GARS, TOOACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGSOR in THEIRB Plinn Block. JJt . CG? m 13 Ha ULa Ej ME -:- Blunibcrs'sj Block, - G. L. BLACKHIAN, - ;. LEADING DRUGS, ItlEDIGIiiES INSURE of Albany, Oregon, Safe, Sonnd; F. L. KENTON,:- -Dealer in- T rr ,A f T77 tt) Wi il il 'JJ 1 ii 11 & WASHBURN. LINK, ealers.i rnott toprilr pino among he world's irn, (ialtsrs, TJcIIm) mad (SondforcataVgne.) Albany, Or. is a thing of the pas T sell is our mott 0".' Jlcrarland Block, Albany. shoes, lite. Etc., fine line of Sealetta JacS: IIood3, xc, &c. H8 Caa fio it and do it Heat," CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON, ALBANY, OREGON FiSaJT-CLASS GOODS. ncasoGaliloTTPrices; -A. complete line of G en Is Furnishings. -A. O.XiXs.jS3f Albany, Oregon. DRUGGIST OEEGOIT- STATIONARY TN THE Conservative t 1 I h f t K i . I i I