The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 27, 1891, Image 3

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    FiaUlUAUY 27, IfcSl
sulci &
JIii.m anJ
TsACllKItil' I'. A Ml NATION. TllO follow
ing arealUMulinx tlio public examination,
WinK held lit t!it Court House : John K
Jerrr Hiinki., Ad.lio l,eter, A 1' Uiron,
Amanda rriilo, Kvorct I'lirrifh, Clal
Wn l'.inWo.U V J;rVmn,W I, Jm-ksan,
Lillian .MciVmaM, tlortie luW, lVitit'
Allans, Cor.i A Cox, llittio Tillotsoii, K
i VlWry, W A, W K Wallace, A M
William, V 1 tirowii.C K WnMn, C K
Howard, Wurrtn Arthur.l'rvl Javk.Kr
neH l.lioM, Hex Rui. lirunt Tlu-ji'i y,
Alii-o TMpU,llo"vril Montgomery .ltiwa
IVcry, Mati-mn Miltor, Mavoun-tMi Mo
Cormiok, Kliwrt Muiut v, .Vllio l'nh,
Annio UrJ, MiUtio limit. Loin V. Vwr,
Llzi Ihinn, Hattie A lUll.Anrm lnnk
hard, ll,w.i Now lan. Margin McMrvkvn,
Maud L li rover. Prance tmilli, Eva
AViliiamsor, K li McHanicl.
Early Wki'I'Ino.'. At'conlinit tr tlie
recon! in t!u countr clerk's offl.-e, W N
Uriftlth itnd Kanrr Shaw wore tlio Oct
couple married In Linn count v. II I.
llrown wa J P. This occurred on July
12, 1S50. No 2 was that of Joaac l.iket
an J Nancy Vaughn. No 3 waa P II
Jiownun and Amelia Alpliinc, n Oct 10,
ISM, !y II M Walter, eider. N.8 waa
Win U Finlev and Maryim t Toniploton,
on Mar l;S. I8.V r li.-v Wilson Main.-
No 12 were L t Holm and Amanda Ha-
ley, on Aug 22, 18.-.2, Ly liobt Huston,
J 1. iuibert tiliias and Jane tiray were
iiiarntHl onti'D S, INKI, liy limm Wain ;
W F Alexander and Anna Newman, on
Feb U, $53. lr S O Initio's first cere
mony was that of Jamea M I Unison and
Mary J McCartney, on Jan 3, 152. Ilia
next was that of John Smith and Eliza
beth S Yonnjr. The r.amea of Joab
1 owell and lcnj f-impson appear at the
rertilloates of
those davs.
Wmi Kalnton
and l4iura PiMiny, on March 10. 1S53, by
Key Luther I Woodward. Adam Settle-
mtre and Iouisa Nanny were married on
Jan 2i!, LS5I. Oliver p Couhow and
Sarah F. Cochrane on Sept 15, ISXi, and
o the record, an intercbting one, con
tinue". Street Pavements. The city of Salem
is contemplating paving' several blocks
on Commercial street in that city, and
as the n-.atter of pavement is al ho of vital
irterest to Albany, we ive tl.o Inures
of city surveyor Uesner on ditlorent
kinds of pavement, as follows; Yitritled
brick, laid over broken rock ; cutar
blocks, over broken rock ; enare stone
blocks (IU lian paving) over concrete or
broken rooW ; aspbaltum, over concrete.
The estimated cosU of paving the streets
in the several manners is. by the square
yard, as follows: Brick, $2 7j or prob
ably loss, depending - on the price oiit
riCed brick; cetlar 1 cks. 12 X: trtone
cubes, 3 &0; anphaltuut. $4. The COHt
of paving four blocks on Commercial
street, and the same amount would
probably pave six of our blocks, which
are shorter, and our etrcets iuct two
thirds the width, would be, including
pavement of street car tracks, brick, $:!4,-
405.25 ; cedar blocks, 31,277..r0 ; rH;lgianf
$43,78S..;0; asphaltum, ),044.
A New Gold Sli'aratob. Albany and
Corvallia have both had their inventive
geniuses in mining machinery. . Now
comes one from Pomer y, Wash", who is
to revolutionize mining. The Indepen
dent says: "This city will some day foil
proud of an inventive (ten i us now in our
midst and who has patented a devicn f jr
saving pold that will revolutionize min
ing and firing an income to the inventor
that will place l.ioi along side Cm ,us in
point of wealth. It is n Iess to attempt
a description of the invention, in its pr
cess of doing its work. Centrifugal
power wi'l do the work of separating the
ouartz or refune from the gold in a cylin
der coated with iuickilvcr and run at a
bigh rate of speed. The great paper of
Munn & Co will soon have a full descrip
tion of this machine accompanied by
cute.". v 7
Uaii.hoad Clildiko. There arc nearly
nonth rjvilroaJ rumors around to make
h fact.enouph smrike for some fire. There
is nothing though that ia reliable or can
be traced up. Just now t!ie Albany &
Astoria R. It. is the center of attraction,
probably due to the esmpanv'a recently
securing a right of way tlircngh the
tlrand Konde reservation and the right
to bridge tlifi Willamette at Albany. If
the rumors were true the present rights
of tl.e company would soon bo in the
hands of the Ienver A Kio (irande, or
nome other road, and part of a transcon
tinental line. Perhaps rorue as impor
tant movement will result. It is to be
hoped so. The bill w hich patPtd the
Legislature exempting new roads from
taxation for two years should stimulate
railroad building, and Albany (diould,
and no doubt will, come in for c-ome of
the new roads.
FiKB Oil. pAis-raafl.--Mr A W Best,
who has been conducting a large class in
Falem, has on exhibitition in the stors
opfosite Stewart & Sox, on First street.
valuaUe collection of the mod noted
and picturesque views on the Pacific
coast, the renult of three years' fcketcb
ing, and w hich ore pronounced by all
who have seen them, to be tho finest
ever exhibited in Albany. Ho, has also
some figure pieces by TojHtr, the famous
fan Franciwco artiMt, who is acknowl
edged by all to le second to none in flesh
tints. The object of this exhibition is to
give the public an opportunity to judge
of Mr Best'- work, as he is liere to or
ganize a clans in oil painting, and all
who are interested in art should call and
see him. They wilt ha on exhibition
for the next two wcck, during the day
and evening,
NxiciinomNG Towxs. llalsev. W L
Jester, cf Albany, upsnt .Sunday with hU
mother In this city. John i't art went to
Albany on '1 hurtriay's local and returned
In the evening. J W Hector wa in Al
bany on !utinc the firt of the week.
Mr L Sender, tl.e popular Albany home
buyer, was in the city this week. Mr G
Smith, Esq, an't 8 V fluent and express
rustler at thi place, visited Albanv Tuev
dsv. Mr D Link, of the firm of "Will &
Link, Albany's popular music dealers, was
in town Wednesday.
Shedd. The firm of Crume Si Davis
have shipped up to date since 'Jan I. 1891,
1374 chfckens, 5S ducks, 27 geese and 44
turkeys, a total of 1505 fowls. Shedd is to
have a new Presbyterian choral), a sub
scription paper having been circulated in
Shedd and vicinity, and about $1250
raised for t'-e purpose. Mix Clara Thoinp
. son, of Albany, is now vlsldnj her sMer,
Airs oavage, ot SliedJ News
Action Now. The City Council should
immediately take, steps for joint action
with the County Court for the construc
tion of a bridge over the VV iilanietto at
this city. There should bo no delay.
The people of Albany have xprefied
thernHolveH emphatically on this ques
tion. They want a bridge almost to a
man. No comment on this part of the
subject ia necewaiy. Action is tho war
cry now. Tho people of Albnny r.nd Linn
county are in a good condition now to
build it. Lets have no excuses. Ex
cuses are lame anyway. Will tho Coun
cil move in the matter at once.
Notice. Each subordinate grange is
requested to elect three delegates to at
tend a County convention at Sand Kidgo
GranKO Hall en the first Saturday in
April next at 10 o'clock a. m, of said day,
to elect representatives to the State
Grango for the ensuing year.
It A Irvikce,
Deputy. Out. Lee Brown, presi
dent of the Santiam Lumbering Co, will
now. fclnce dUpoMnir of hi st.Ci4 of iner
cliamlk: here, deyote hi entire time to
Ihe Interest of that company. The large
lumber vitrd at Albany will be continued
and fux' c-'-btMscd at Salem. Mr W
II Ilubv.n vi id lake charge of tl.e jard
t',r! ; pi 1 U.; t: i! ; it p:t.i! s I! 1 lie nip-
1 '. 1 : r v. i: ii hiiiiber docct fr
ltrooku, Mrs W J frU.M-lo. J K IW, AT
Unijrott, Nannie hodj; h k, t'arri. Van
NVinklo. Mary D ii k.Allio Wilson,
Clara Uil. a.Kiiinia Uurkhart. IVna Flora.
oi sen ruo t im.,
Tuesday evening. Feb. 54.
Present Mayor, Marshal, Recorder,
and Counctlmon French, Tablor. Uurk
hart, Uarrett, Hawkins and Smith.
Tho follow Inst I'M were ordered paid :
J N Comb, fa.ftO; A II Ioy, 75c; Htew
art it Sox, $i."5; John Hehmoer,$5; A 0
Mclinmeher,$10.55$ J N !lullnmn.12.40;
J C Meyer, W)c; Mrs IHibruille, -' 20.
Matter of nulsnnco on Yino street cou
tinued. Petition of (leo K t'liamberluin, T J
Ptites mid ors acked for aidewalk and
orooHwalk in their noighUirhooil. Ko
ferred. On motion of Councilmen PnrVhnvt a
resolution was pnfed that the City Miir
hal furnich to the Council at the next
meeting a lint of all the deliiuiuunt tas
payers of tln city for 1SW, with the
aiiiov.nts of their taxes.
The Keeorder wns Inst rooted to de
mand payment from t bo oily of Uill.iboro
of their note id 100 nad interest, mid to
notify them that net ion ould be U-jtun
for tho r:nno if not pnid.
Tho foUowintf were granted mIooii li
oeiiBes: NV J Moutoith, J A tiroFa und
Kumroi A P.ielow.
A tuitahle badtre for the. Street Com
min'njiivr. not to exceed $2, was ordered
On motion nn election for City Attor
ney was bad with tho follow injj result:
1st 1 allot I K Weutberfonl. 2: O II ir
viiif, 2; V H r.ilveu, 5. 2nd Weather
ford, I; Irvine, 2: P.ilyeu. 2; C K Wul-
verton, I. 3rd vttltorloril, 1 ; Irvine,
3; Uilyou, 2. 4th Same. 6lh Weatli
eiford.2; Irvine, 2; Hilyeu, 2. 6th
Weatherford, I; Irvine, 3; I'dlreu, 2.
7th Same. Slh Weatnerford, "I; Ir
vine, 2; Milven.X Oth WcHtheri'ord, 1 ;
Irvine, 3; liilyeu.2. lOth-r-i-'.imo. llth
Same. 1-th Same. 13th Irvine, 2;
r.ilveu, 2; Whitney, 1; WoHertim, 1.
14th Irvine, 3; l'olveu, 3. The Mayor
east a ballot for W H llilyeu und bo was
declared elected.
r.ilti' allowed: (ireen I'txaUx Lumler
Co, $;i.47; JWAndeiwn, S;VA
McCIain. K); John Jones, 70; W N
Mi'ler, f42.
The Pemocrat is indebted to Hon. JefT
Myers, of this county, for tho following
list of rates of taxation paid by every
county in Oregon, which he secured dtir
ing tlie session of the legislature by
correspondence with tho County Clerks
of the state. It is the fir ft publication
cf the complete lift yet made and w ill tie
of great interest to" the people of this
ounty particularly, v bo will see by it
that Linn county ranks third in the
state, only two counties having u lower
taxation :
Harney, no bndgs, no county
buildings... .
'-"J 12-35
20 51-70
22 12-S3
:0 12-m
"4 1 ;
21 12-05
t,2 i
Washington ,
lAke, no bridges
Waliown, no bridges
Baker ..,
Malheur, 1 county im
Columbia ,
Sherman, no bridg?
I OUgUl3
25 I2-25
17 12C3
23 12-35
10 IZ-.l
Ylt. .41 .
iic inues;eunet j m some 01 tho co:in
liea i$aa follows: Harney, t:i;,t)lH..V);
Cmatilla, $.;),( W; Lane, ?i7,Cj7 ; Jack
sen, tl27,KI9.17.
W hen the lowness of onr taxes in
considered every man in Linn oountv
should sign a petition for a bridge at Al
bany, whoso prosperity and growth bavo
done much to keep them down.
Tho Democrat is nsgla l to commend
merit where it is due, as it is free to con
demn wrong where it sees it. The Me
tropolitan PubliHbing Co. ore getting up
a Commercial History of Albany, which,
judging from the company's work in
other cities, the Democrat believes to be
a commendable thing, in fact by far the
best ever attempted here. The illuntra-
long w ill be purely of Albany scenes and .
ho previous work of the company indt
,i,., , i , , . . i
cates that they will be of a very b:t;h I
order. The w r.teups are to show the
commercial importance of the city. We
believe the work when completed will be
one our citizens will take a pride- in
sending back east to their friends. Spo
kane Fulls and other Washington cities
have spent thous.-mda of dollars in such
works. Albany may well invest several
hundred in what promises to be a worthy
production. Put yonr money in good
things and keep it out of shoddy affairs
is a good motto.
Da. Jxo. 15. Pilkisgtox, Surgeon, Oc
ulist and Medical Specialist, of Portland,
will to at the Kevere bousn, Albany, all
day, Tuesday, March 3, IS!) I. All suff
erers from Ciironic or Nervous ailments;
all cases of Kidney, Liver or Stomach
diseases will ba given a specialists ex
amination riiKK. Eye, car, catarrh, neu
ralgia, rheumatic and rectal cases spec
ially invited. Some hundreds of refer
ences given.
Stop juat about in the middle of tlie
block, on First street, sonth side, bets-eon
Broadalbin and Ellsworth, and
you will find a place where yoa can al
way i get lirst-clacs groceries and freHli
produce at reasonable prices and be well
treated without extra price. The sign
reads "Parker Bro.," and everylwlv
knows tho name. Their baked gooda arc
the best. Their stock of goods generally
a kept replenished to meet the demands
f a growing trade.
fii'BCtAL Mkbtino. Tiiere will bo a
special meeting of 'Oregeana Encamp
ment No 5, 1 0 O F, on Thureday even
ing, Feb. 20th. All Patriarchs are spe
cially requested to attend.
Wnxia GIM.ETT, C. T.
Cabd of Thank. The undersignod
desire to return their sincere thanks to
their friends and neighbors for their kind
care and attention bestowed during the
lato illness of their daughter, Blanche.
W (J ano Mauy Davw.
"Foot rribto. fricD(la,are what we hvo far.
Kery dny we're nuking more,
Ho if now you are in mibcry.
Go at one to .Sells' fjhoe Store."
Found. - On the streets of Albany to
day a pocket book containing some valu
aoiepapcu. owner ran nav? tne rame
by cal'ing at l.bls otiice, proving property
and paring for this notice.
IIoi.mks KunnTiiB CoLhuan. of Portland
Or., will open Sejit. 1st. J A Wesco, the
leading penman of the coast, has become
a partner in this school and will niako it
the leading butjitiews collcire. Send for a
Wanted. A lady wants a place to
work in small family. Cull at tlila
Jut arrived a full lina of ladies, chil
(iren, ma' and (boyV f tot wear at Q W
Simpson', which wil! b roll at bottom
Wanted, to rent an o.kgan for several
months. Call at the Demqcbat oflice.
A pair of fat black ho?e free with -vc.ry
pair of ladle shoes coiling 3 or more at
Sei Is' sh'.o store.
For Sale. $500 to $1000 of household
furniture hi exchange for improved real
estate. Inquire at oli'.ce of
Ori:gom Land Co.
K(KI4t, iU ri'.RSOA'AU
Prof Rtddell, the phrcnologtsl, wat. In
the city today on his way to Brownsville,
Mrs A B Sluumn, of Portland, is In the
ctty vUttlng ut the home of bar father,
IIon A Irvine.
Mrs A U Paxton received a dcputch last
night announcing the dangerous Ulnets of
her mother In h.dUtm, and will leave to
morrow for that sUlo,
K G Beardnley, of Portland, was In the
city t hl forenoon. Mrlleardnley Is now
In the rent estute business In "Portland
with T S Townscml, a brother of J 11
Townsend, of this city.
C 1) Uagcn, thcinincr, of Brownsville,
wns In the ctty to day.
Mr Cass Humphrey, of the stale print
ing oltleo, is in the city.
Prof Miti hell, w ho has been teaching
school near Shedd during the full and
winter, is in the city,
Frank I orria returned to Albany lust
night after nn ulmewe of several months
nt Portland, Seattle and other places.
lr Henry, of Brownsville, was in the
oily today on bis way homo from Salem,
where be has Ken most of the time for
svvvrnl months.
Tho Anniversary exorcises of the Wo
man's Crusade, bold at the W C T II
hall hint evening, were of an inbircsting
order. Short and entertaining addresses
were delivered bv tho president of the
W C T V, Mrs jl F Sox, and Mrs lr
MeAlliter. Songs were rendered by the
Bapti.-t malo quartet ami n tiiixed
chorus, and Key J H Hughes, of tho
Christian church, delivered the addrens
td tho evotiiug, a bright, thoughtful
The Apollo club reception last even
ing at tho residenco of Mr and Mrs l". V. t
Gotr, was one of the most enjoyable
events of tho leoson. After th render
ing of several select iens of music by tho
Apoftoa, the comjuiny, which constntitl
of tho menilH-rs of the club, their w ives.
and a few invited friends, was tendered
an eleirnnt lunch prepared by the host-!
ess. Tho time was then ttpent in toci&l
intercourse until a late hour, when the
company returned totheir various homes
feeling that the evening bad been one of
"Mr Kd Paly, of Eeia, was in tho ctty
this forenoon.
F P IWaney, of the Fork, ha been
in the city today.
Wra M Hong, WNaah and Mr Nation
al, an eastern capitalist, were in tho city
Mr George Viercck, n brother of Mr L
Yioreck, arrived in Albany from Phila
delphia, a few days ngo, and will make
this city ids home.
C J Meaner, of tho Portland Telegram,
has been in the city in the fnteres'. of
that parer, which is greatly improved
unuer ne new management.
Mrs A T Kyle left Monday to visit her
aiuter, Mm C W Ayers. Mrs Ayers ex
pects to leave Allianv and move to Port
land, where her bulind's headquarters
now are as general manager of the Sis
kiyou Stone Co. Asihlarid Itecurd.
Hon Jell Myers baa been in tho city,
after atrip from Salem to Ida borne at
Scio. lie wns treated wHh great courte
sy there, and the truth is a majority of
his own neighbors will appreciate 'bis
manly course in working for tho whole
county, as be thought was best.
Cm a a
On Feb. Slut a grange was organxJ at
the Falrmcun! school house, hi Benton
county. Deputy R A lrvlne.dccompar.Icd
by several sturdy granger Linn
county, went over lathe above named
j school boute at the hourt.-f 10 o'clock.
1-otiTui quite alototthe residents oj that
part ol Ben tun collected together, for the
purpoie of orpaU!nj a grange. The
int cling was caiu d tu order by the Deputy.
J II Scott, tA Tangent, wis appointed
S-crcljry, and C M Vandcrpool, Gate
Kscner, The objects of the mccllr.g wrr;
utcd by the Ivputy and a part of the
declaration of purpose were read.
A call wes tnre'e fir thoe prcni who
wbiiird to join In the orgAnhtatlon to lgn
the roll txxk, when Ihtrty-ihrce came
forward ind put down their names. The
obligation nl the four dtgrecs wr re duly
administered to the membct by Ihe
Deputy. 0
The nextordr of bui!nea was the elec
tion ol c-dicer for theycar.whlch resulted
as follows; M V Leeper, M; P II Bow
man, O; Cora C Lcoper.Lj J L Williams,
S; V II Walton, A S; F.L Holme. Cj W
N Phillips, T; 11 J Ucesc.Sec; II Pfdlifps,
(J K; M Hoimcr. Fioraj Bcrta Walton,
Pomona; K J Phillips, Ceie; Zua SkeeU,
LAS. After lbs election w ovr a ru
cm was taken, and a Tine dinner' wis
spread before us, to which all were Invfted
to beqi iheniHcIve
pa.cllcd the , , , , ,
,.i. .. i. .. " ... ..... M, .
iii.i nt i nevicu oniccrs wore
..i i...!i i ..' (, .. ...
I Brother T Fronun and Sister E Ii Patn.
The Worthy Dcpuiy lh;n proceeded lo
exemplify Ihe unwritten work. astted by
J II Scott, which was done In a thorough
manner, tie then geve a Uriel lecture on
the duties required of them, and also In
formed them If they expected to make a
flourishing grange they could only do to
by prompt attendance and close attention
to the work before tliein. Betnarkscf en
couragement were offered bv Kro Fro-
inan, P;;yne, V anderpool and the Master
This eranee has a brlifht future before
it. Never have I seen the work of organ
izing a grange ciore so completely and
thoroughly M this .was dene. All were
well ;.ieaii-d nod seemed deeply Interested
In ihe welfare of the order. x expect lo
hear Cattcrin;; reports from thin cranire in
the future. S.
Baigsiatt t
100 pairs of Indiea black kid gloves at
33 cents, worth $1.60.
500 pair of ladies.missea and children's
all-wool hose at 25 cants, worth 35 to 70
Indies corsets 35 cents, worth 75 cents
to 1.73.
Scotch Saxony wool 2J cents per Bkein.
worth 10 cents.
Remnants in dreaa goods at less than
These Roods and many other bargains
to to found on our counters for 10 days
only. Call early to secure tho tost bar
gains while tho assortment is complete.
Has Ueen- Tried. How to get a home
In a good country having a delightful
climate, and how to assure an income of
$2000 per annum from an Investment of
$2000. -
Ihe Willamette Valley W the natural
home of the prune.
The cost of a ten acre orchard, not In
cluding interest, I $1350, including first
class cultivation L-r two years on the In
stallment plan.
Apricots, pears,, plumn and
cherries are all prolific bearer and can
substitute for any of theoe the prune. We
plant ju$,t such varieties a the purchaier
may select.
The Oregon Land Company,
Sulem, Oregon,
l'ACsrc A MoiiEfiT, If you want a tail
or made suit of clothe or any par of one,
well made, of the best material to bs se
cured, have W U. Graham do the job for
you. He lit just received an elegant
line of suitings, of superior fabtics and dur
able textures, than which no better have
ever been seen in AloanV, lie has marked
his '"ices down to bottom figures. Those
desiring to dress in style should call on Mr
Tex Tons of sa't just received by R M
RoberUon, several grades, which will be
sold at wholesale and retail. Lime, cc
metit, plaster, feed, oats, hay, etc,, kept on
hand and told at reasonable prices. On
March 1st will move from present place
at foot ot terry St to Slralian brick on
Second Street, just eastof Democrat
new fcrRi.vo oooes. 1 am now re
ceiving my firt invoice of spring novel .
ties m wasn gootls, prints, gingruuns, seer
suckera, etc., 1 have aluo just received t
new lined all wool summer plait's and
h. Samuel E Yox'sr,,-
SAtKM, Feb. aj, 1891,
Daily Democrat 1 The closing scenes In
both hemes on the final adjournment of
this legislature were complimentary to
every member and a credit to the state.
For the take of the good name of our
people It Is to be hoped that all future
legislatures may, when their work Is over,
depart with equal Honor,
Tho mvrrnor vetoed the "omnibus"
wagon road law, and Salem grange, P ot
It, No 7, gave him a vote of thanks tor It.
He vetoed also the following t Senator
lllllou's bill for three dlstilct agricultural
societies. In eastern. Western ana south
cm Oiegont Senator Wealherford't bill
on duties to district atlornlesj Senator
Fullerton't right of way to the Kiddle Im
provement company, and itarrcu aiu 10
officers In discharge of duly,
At the present time there I but little
need of the law that has passed creating
the ,thee of attorney geuerul. rronauiy
$5jo will pay for attorney hire ot the
state for the six years past, and for the
case unfinished, whereat tn bill will
cost the state for the four year to come
$14,000. Tho argument was made that
not only state ofikcrt needed this attorney
but the legislature I'sclf required legal
advice right along when In tcsslon. l'o
have been In office Ihit session the attor
ney general' opinion would have been ot
no avail had l.e not favored the extrava
gance In the making ot appropriation at
this time.
The republican leader will have bud
get of defenses to make before the country
at the next "hustings" for the election 01
Oregon' parliament The result will be t
democratic legislature In two year.
It now look 1 It tho ttate would never
own the lock at Oregon Illy. Senate
and house bill on this subject were both
smothered. Westhcrford's senate bill,
one that met the case and gave power to
the governor at the proper time lo make
a demand and assume poesion of the
lock, went into tne "ring," received a
black ere, and died In the hand of It
committee, a fearfully mutilated bills
when called It would not obey. One view
ot the cose I that th ttate may assert her
right at any lime alter the twenty year
owneishtpof the lock company. In-aa
much a there I no limitation a to time
In this opinion, and no action on the part
ot the ttate U to be taken before the ex
piration ot the twenty year, lid view
Involve legal question of vast Import
ance. There were several republican who
quietly opocd the "Colllns-Mlnto" raid
on Superintendent Downb.g to oust him
from office, by taking the appointing
power from the governor, and placing
Collin In hi place, purely a partisan
thing, for- several good reason, among
them the following: That this appoint
ing power ha been always In the h-ndt of
the governor; mat when the late George
L W cod wa governor, the democrat
bad the legislature, and they refused to
take this power from Governor Wood.
It wa rumored in the lobby If the gov
crnor vetoed the "omnibus" kill, suit
would b brought to enforce it provision
a thi appropriation ws out of a fund, a
gift to the Mat-) from Ihe United Slates,
which wa to be controlled by the legis
lature, under act of congress, and not by
Ihe executive. This legislature bavin
applied this wagon road fund lo the build
ing ot wagon roads. It I c'almed the gov
crnor cannot restrain Ihe building of road
ty veto 0- otherwise. T'h bill, on either
event, ifclearly unconstitutional, whether
the veto of it I based on thl ground or
not. This wa not the ground on which
the veto of thi wagon road bllt wit
based. We do not know Pie ground for
Ihe veto of the "omnibus bid.
It would seem that there I to be tome
buslnes for an attorney general after ill.
A very nice question arose here during
the session as to Ihe limit at abuse that
might be admitted Into the column of a
newspaper. It grew out of an attack of
one woman made upon another. We be
lieve no man would be allowed lo abuse a
woman through Ihe columns of a resrect
ahle newpaper no man but a scrub would
wish to do this. Hut when one woman
seeks a newpaper In which to blacken Ihe
chancier of one of her sex, I it good
journalism to at'.ow It, under any circum
stances.' Which, In the eye of the read
er, -ould appear to the greater advantage,
the accused cr the accuser? Clearly in
such a case the accuser would be the suff
erer at the hand of every sensible reader.
Thi Inquiry fa no personal reference! it
is merely a question of prop! Icly In Jour,
nalism. What I the ruler
The exhibition of a Iroup of amateur
artist (prlsoneit) Saturday evening, at Ihe
stairs prison, to some three or tout hun
dred chhter.t of Salem, would have been a
credit to the best of traveling troup. Had
these player the necessary scenery and
paraphernalia for the display of their abil
ity in this line. Ihey would be greatly
benefited. It wat a rare treat.
Another receipt; surpassing any from
the. White House at Washington to our
boarding bouse. Hash, Make It from a
bolkd beef shame. When made perfect
Iv diamond-pointed by chopping, not too
dry, put it into a deep earthcrn or poice
llan dUh. When heated through break
whole eggs enough to cover the top tup
face, liske untllthe white of Ihe egg I
done; then serve, each plate receiving an
egg with the hash. Thlv I a dish for a Thi dish in French la called
"Hnchls," pronounced "llahshce." P.
Real Ear ats. Price are keeping up
In good style, and the Inquiry for property
I increasing. Yesterday a new comer
purchased a house and lot in the eastern
part of the ctty half an hour after he saw
it, II Dry ant sold to Fred Amen, recent
ly of Da las, two lot In hi addition for
$600, W McPherton agent, and other
ta'es are j ending.
Tb4 best rnatt ooflV in Ilia city at Cm
Mem and woman do not always agree,
to fact they frequently disagree and er
lously too, causing many divorce and
collapse hi the matrimonial market. One
thing, though, they agree on, and that la
that Conn U Hendrlcson keep the kind of
groceries one need in housekeeplng.they
treat men and women alike and glye them
bargains In goods in their line. Call on
them for groceries and produce.
MOSTEIT1L On Monday, Feb 23rd,
1891, to the wife of D B Monteith, a girl.
Feb, 32, 1 89 1, at the residence of and by
Rev S E Memineer, Mr John F WiUon
and MUt Hester S Nellund both of Lfnn
McNEIL. At the residence of Geo.
Pattenon, in Albany, on Sunday, Feb.
32nd, 1 By 1, Mrs. Dianna McNeil, aged 64
years. Mr. MclNeu wat tne momer or
Mrt l'attcrson ana Mr John McNeil, ana
wat a woman of many eitlmable qualitiet,
whose death will be . greatly mourned.
She vas a member of the M. E. Church.
DAVIS. On Monday morning at if
o'clock, Miss Blanche, daughter W C and
M A UavJs, aged 13 year. ueceasea
had been confined to her bed for 38
month with an Internal abcets.and passed
away without nny tufferlng.
To thow that the cure nad by Joy's Vege
table Sarsaparlll aro not only; not exceptional
cues, but that It help everybody, we elto a few
liintaticcu whore two in tbe tame family took it
ana were both cured.
Tboinas Stephens, of 168 Sixth Bt., 8. y took
It for weak stomach and dyspepsia, It entirely
cured him. llo then gave it to hi wlfo for bet
alak headaches, since which time shs lias bad
no return. It curod them both.
Urs. It. I Whcaton, of 7M Fost EL, S. T., was
a sufferer Iroru tomach and ll rer troubles and
biUousncR. Finding that It relieved liar, lbs
gave It to a llttla girl living with her wiojw af
fliction was a largo open core which nothing
soeiaed to heaL It also cured th child.
IT, S. Winn, 0 Geary Court, Q jary Bt, B. F.
prominent in tho Order of Eed Men, wa very
foehlo and greatly reduced. Joy's VegetaMo
Sarzaparilla restored his health oad acoastomed
vigor. Ho thereupon gavo It to bis w lfo who
wis g'milarty aOlictcd and had nerrou TOlr
tion. It had tho sama happy effect upoo her It
hii upon hirn. Scores of similar car, could bo
The ntwtp pert hardly got a "smell" of
legislation in tneir lavor
Denton countyjwlll now have a Record
er, and Jlush will nave 10 usvuto hi Ices.
What will Salem do now during the
interregnum between the Legislature and
State Fair,
A peculiar feature of the present Legl.
latura wat tha fact that a bill to get
through the Senate hod to to worked In
with a certain faction, while to get through
the other' house It had to be worked In
with a directly opposing faction. Hence
it took tome shrewd management to get
an Important bill through, It sometime
required wire pulling.
It I reported to us that the late agent
of the O 1 R'y who wa stationed at Lyon
wa a very smooth blackleg. At Lyon he
enticed men to raise hbn or therea
bout to pend for counterfeit currency,
and receiving the money tklnped. lie
left tever.d good slxed
b.tny. Stayton Sun,
ttore bills In Al.
Honey is what count. For that rea
son no counting is being done at present
in this precinct. (J rant County hewn.
"Sarah I Wager-Wll! B Happy," forms
a uniqttt combination ot names under
tho list of "Married" in t recent number
ot Chicago paper.
In Its last Issue the Malheur Gaxette
says : " W atop the press to marry Morg
O Logan to Mrs Klla Kinnieat the Vale
Hotel. Particular next week." The
editor ia probably a J. 1'., like many edi
tors sort 01 a jack of all traUus.
How to dlmose ot the Indiana has
torn tliorougiily and promptly settled
la an illustration in Tuck, just out. It
i to tend ft Balvatlon Army into their
In the general appropriation bill passed
by the leiritlature fa an item of I.7U6 for
repayment to ClaUon county for care of
non-resident poor. Now the questloa
ante, why is cialaop entitled to an ap
propriation for keeping non-resident poor
any more than Lino or any other county.
The chicken with sold in its cron ha
been r-dlocovered ; this time the bird it
in the Kehftlemand a resident of this
city, ot undoubted veracity, la authority
lor me siory. me gentleman in question
owna ft timber claim in the valley, and
while there last week had occasion to
laughter ft chicken. In slitting its wind-
ne some glittering particle fell out,
filch on examination Droved to to vir
gin gold of the character designated as
hot gold. Arguing that there is a place
mine on the place the gentleman pro
poses doing some prospecting. Astorian.
Oregon Is to have loO.OtW with which
to make an exhibit at the World's Fair.
The money had Just as well to thrown
into tne Columbia river for all the good
it will do. We hope the governor will
veto it Et Orro-onian. The Henata
did the vetoing, nevertheless the bill
should have pwd, Oregon should
have made showing at least. As it is
wewillbavs) to rely on thereat estate
men and boards of trade for a represen
tation In Chicago.
The follow ins? original item inwsrs In
the Astoriaa:
Amid the slush of Yesterday a man
wandered down Third street and stopped
in front ot a pile of trunks. On one was
the legend :
t ; :t
Tlds size for 110. :
"80 do I." said the wanderer, as he
passed on.
Now who sees the roint at the first
Governor Pennovrr seslerdsv received
official notice from lion J sine G lllaine,
secretary of th ttate department at Wash
ington, of the apportionment of represcn
talive In Ihe fifty-third an4 each aubse-
?uent congre under the eleventh censu.
: wa Issued on the 10th day of Ihe present
montn, ana Bear tne great red teal ol
the ttate department with the usual amount
of red ribbon attached, and also ihe aecre
larva autograph which letcmbiea more
the first tcribbllng ot beginner In pen-
mansnip man anytning else, Statesman.
One of the reults of senatorial election
will be to transfer Gov. Hill, ot New
York, to the senate, and leave hi place to
be filled by Lleu.-Gor. Edward K lanes.
favorably known to thousand of farmer
In 1 be Lmnlre State a Ihe sctle manu
facturer of Ihnghainton. The who
pay the freight bat a ropulaHtv which
ordinary politician cannot affect, a I
shown by the fa it that two yeart ago he
ran 4000 vote ahead of hi ticket, and re .
celved more votea than were ever cast In a
contested election for any atate office,
Several young men wish to know what
young lady desires ft reform in the social
relationship of the sexes, agreeing in tho
idea that there should to ft higher plane
In the intermingling of young nan and
women. Well, ber name is that of most
intelligent and high-minded young wo
men, She wants an association without
sentimentality alone, necessarily. Any
sensible young woman will to glad to
receive tn company of young uien of
goood character and snend an evening
with them in an interchange of their tost
muuaiiw vu iui tive topics 01 me imj,
literature, etc, with the idea that it is
necessary for them to occupy 0110 chair,
left out, and with tlie idea established
that it is not to be confined to one or two
alone ; nor that a love thatch is necesiary.
Give them all a chance to know you.
Talk sense; don't gossip: do not gush:
ie your mines run in gooa cnanneia ana
your ambitions be pure ones. If mar
riage licenses are required they will be
founded on a better sentiment than that
of most of them nowadays.
The openinir of the Umatilla reserva
tion hae given Pendleton a new lease of
life, and a boom is anticipated.
Baker City rariert frequently are head
ed "Seven Devile," a very terrible kind
of a head until it is learned simply to be
me name 01 some mines near mat city.
The Stayton Times man must have
been in it very fierce fight, for the last
issue of that paper appears in a black
and blue condition. ,
Rev M 0 Wire lactnres on Sand at Sa
lem to-night. The subject is a vital one.
band is wbat we want, "eanu in the
craw" particularly, to uso a figure of
speech. This means morepueh, more
rustle, more
your sand.
perseverence. linng on
Tbe stage from Prineville.which arriv
ed in the city last night,had a most diffi
cult time in getting through snow drifts.
In places trie snow was up to me " boot,"
and this glided over the drifts like a sled.
Half way up the Deschutes hill four fresh
horses were placed on the stage, and
these were again changed at Long Hol
low. About 8 o'clock last evening the
stage arrived at the Umatilla House,and
Mr Branner does not want any more such
experience in wagoning through four feet
of snow. The Dalles T. M. . :
The Oregon Pacific is not the only rond
that (rets a kick once in awhile for set
ting behind in its payment of its em
ployes. Even the rich Southern Pacific
is a little delinquent according to the
following from the Ashland Record : The
S. P. pay car has not paid off the men
for over two months, and there is a re-
?orttbat it will not be here until the
5th of March, making three months.
Perhaps Huntington ia savinc up his du'
catstonav off some more of son-in-law
Hatzfeldt's debauchery debts. Tbe rail
road boys aren't carinir iuit how much
of a figure it costs a millionaire to main
tain a titled reprooate tonusbana a vain,
silly daughter, but are getting a trifle
weary of the old man taking the where
withal out of the stomachs and off of the
backs of railroad men's families not quite
so elegant but a heap more respectable.
About 133,000 nfths Oily taxes bv
boco oollsctod by hharift Scott.
Fur ins first tim lets r th bos ai
out with slsds, s mixad lot of vehicle,
0Vi.rnor FosUr, of Ohio, ho toon ap
tmtiited HoortUry of tu Trurv,U tueeted
The Ladles Aid Society will m set to mor
row afternoon, rb 84th, at th rmddaao of
Mr Hearst, oor of 4th and Washington 8ts
Ity J fl lfuutos will Ifltnr to-morrow
evening, Feb 24th, at ths WOTU Hall on
"Iui(fcrsoll, - blasphemer." Admission, 10
Vlite are ly aotaal ooont fourteen new
rei.Ieoci now ia proei of oanstrao'ioo in
th attorn part of tte olty, and still the
good work goos on.
Th regular moating ef Mofherson W It
0 ocoois on tba vsniog of Tday,th 24th.
Mimibart are iqtirttd to mt at their hall
at 7 o'clock.
Th Boot of VaUraos wilt givs shadow
sneUI nxt WadoMday vuing at th O A
It Hull. Admission, 10 coU, Refmh
nieut duilg thvnlng.
Th Marshal arroUd two vary oulti
hobu who cam ia 00 brakbam this noon
frnru th Suuth. They hd lUr if Intro
ductlno onmmiidlBg them to th hobos of
Kptkwo Falls.
Two Albanv man wre toxina for fun
Bstaidey nltdit whan od bit the other
blow that proved rrffuUr daisy dinner.
and it wm aarwral m-maota tofore be was
A E Morrfa, of thi oily, to-dat bntiaHt
two hit of II Ilrjait, loth third addition,
tor tWX), W 1C Mid'berton, agut. Mr Mor
ris otcti at one to enmmsao th mantioa
of a ooinmodlout baitdlag for bis own use.
The eserolse at lb G. A. E. Hail Satur
day afwrnooa In memory of C!n Fbarmaa
wr of nn interesting order and consisted of
brief sdlrL by Cim.msnder 3 V Wbitinp,
Ir if G Irving Itev ) V Suwort and othata,
aod "America," rang by tba aadienca.opeo
log with prayer by Dr Irviee and elosieg
with prayer by Kv Stewart.
An ioUrUas wuenm will to treeated
this .vsnlng t tb WQTU Hall at the
Cms de Ommomoratloo . Soms of Albsoy't
tost mnsiott taJoot will alive th saroi,
tb Crotad merrf .! by tbe Preeideot will
rcll with fresh atsrett tho etemortb'e
seer. wiiil Heghea,
of Corv.lh..o9 "Whi.key.lU Fraita,Fnd
tiid Finishing." will larinsh botbraUrUin-
tntot and Valuable trot for all wbe bear.
A cordial iovlutioa to h.
Inuicatiox or Chvck. This morn
ing the barometer was found down nearly
at low at Mr McGlnty, the band pointing
to 38:65, about at low st It gets here. Indi
cating a superabundance ol rain In the
ner future. v
A not 11 a SritAW -Col T E Hogg, re
ceiver of the Oregon Pacific railroad, ar
rived in the city yesterday noon from the
north accompanied by one or two New
York mtn, whose name we could not
learn. They were met at the depot by
Wm M Hoag and Wall! Nash and taken
on a special train to Corvalll. Another
train wa Immediately nt to the I'oet
with a tnow plow, ta clear the track to.
yond Gatetvllle, where there I from three
to five foot of tnow, and this morning Co'
Hogg and parly fo: lowed with a tpecial
train. The I)ksocat could learn no
nartlcularr, bul there are gocJ prospects
for the reorganisation of the road, faking
it out of the hand of the receiver and
pushing Ihe construction of It eastward.
Tlc parly arc expected back tonight
Tb o;!stid trois.da this tnomiog is i
pected to arrive at 9 o'wtoek to-il.bu
A drte4 sheep in froat of Shells Bros,
moat market w marked 109 tba. That
ia lrg fur mtittoo.
r ii ueakiey, or uektaea. tts Men pr
ecttd with 5C00 in lieaidstloa of th j dtm
e be received ia tb Lake tobteb aockleot
The City Co a cell meet to tiht. Not
yirt having transcript of the new brUr,it
1 probsbl notbiog wUI to dooe aoder it at
1 11 is mung.
Tba Ortjjoa Bank, of this city bs orm
t Irttd krrcn-.esta I y wbb-b it eaa draw
tuowo drtf'.ita all tbe pribcipaJ eiliae of
tne world.
It w aso't Cul H ttf jr, after II, tboegb fneo
who kaw, tUd poeiUvely that tb Cvl.
bad arrived, ia faet emplcyrsoa tbe road.
Hut tte LoL i cerniog shortly, or later
Another big land slid in tbe Cow Crock
eo yon ii locked far. An avalanche baa
started down tb mountain aod i looked for
t th bottom tometime withio a few days.
Rev J II Uaghee will lector at tbe W C
T U Hail to-otk-ht 00 'l0Krot tb B '.-.
rhemer." AsadmiaaMNi of 10 east will to
cbtrged. Tb addrM promise to te good
Th boot and ihon Krm of Lodei roAO Si
McUreth are re,inns at.d eidsrsing their
trroofn prepsratory t nceivii g a line of
r.rtwonvill olttiit'g. lUker City lmo
oral. :
Th mettiofit at tlio li E Church South
will bt continued darit.g the wck end until
fcrther notioe. Much ioUrcst toing
awakenan. II V V V MoFarlaod ra MM'
tuting KtV MrKlisnj-le.
Th fJintist ShUth Svhwl hav tinted
tbe followtnn otlicrs: W STbomDiou. Su
periotendent; O FCoehow,Aitot; Aoo
Foshsy, Seoretarvi Kdua Allen. Organitt;
Nellie lioltop. Auistaot OrgoLt; W8
Thompeoo, Choristers Arthur Fosbay Li-
braiiao; 11 F Mer nil, Treasurer.
The mail carrier at Cauby, named Car-
rothtrs, wa killed last oiebt by tbe looal
train. Ia atUanpting to arose tbe track ia
froat of tbe train he alipped aod fell. Ilia
skull wa mashed, on leg wt broken, and
n wa nraitta to a tarribie maaner. Tbe
Democrat hot beea looking foi such to c-
! eidcut at Albany for some time.
The colleta rntetUtcment . bay been
to-night will tsk pise at the Optra Hon
on Friday evoiiioc, March 0, aad promise
to be a very bngkt affair. W Do so Howell'
"Unrrotois" one of tb most sparkling drama
written, a-ill be tbe main fwktai. Betide
this thore will be mutations, tonit, cnaaio
by th college Mcltrttr and a ahort farce
entitled "dweariiifj the Jury."
A cine of an ercipe from th fool killer
comes from St Paul. A as patch aaytt
Jmc D I, whn, a year ago, waa en of
the wealthy oang ineo cf Washing too,
spent last niaht at th Ceut al police ttatioo
in th dun of th tramp. January 10, 1800,
ha cam In posressioa of real aatate aod
other property valued at over fl, 000,000, be-
auftatbed uim by a bachelor aoola. a
bought nil mother a co tx bom in Wash
ington, aad then tet himself out to tqnandtr
titsioriane. na leaaeu and farnutiea a
hoate in West Twenty-fourth srreet. Kw
York, and it waa there he lived richly for
o early a year. To meet hi expenses, he
tacuUoed hia retl ettate at half Hi value.and
on Chrittma be found hia fortune complete
ly gone.
50 cent,
For retcrved teat
To Prof. Lorillard't eonoort.
At Opera House Friday evening.
'in steamer Willametto Valley arrived
yesterday, and today California prodoott are
oeon at the ttoret.
Born, to the wife of L Solomon, of Olym
nia. on Feb 24. a ton, Grandfa ber Cohen.
of thi city, U doing well, . 1
HDr Irvine's first marriage ceremony in
Liun oounty was performed on Jan 3, 1852,
instead of 1353, a stated yesterday.
Tba firm of Woodcock & Simpson, of
Corvallia, ha been dissolved Mr Woodoock
retiring. The nw firm will be Sunpton,
BoRne& Co.
ThePrinevillo Itrigati n oonipaay have
Filed a-tioles of incorporation, with W M
Wren, G W ))oUon aad D F Stewart aod
others, a incorporators.
Recorder Henton will begin aatesaing the
city r.n next Monday, after which every tax
payer will givs in bis property a assessed
on the lilt day of Marcn, according to the
provisions of lbs tow charter. "
Delinquent taxpayers of 1S90 had better
looK eat, for tho marshal his been instruct
ed to dtlivtr to the council a complete list
with tho amount dee, and it is probable
they vt ill cither have tu pay or experience
soms legal troubiC
Cha Smith & Co, of East Portland, bos
tiurcliefleil tlia ttove and tinware busioets of
Geo V Smith, and the stock will be closed
oat at et. Mr L W Parker, the book
keeper, will acta mttnater. Mr Smith has
retired from the basinets entirely, and will
mako Altany his home.
A Pistol Shot. Lat evening about
9:30 o'clock, the sharp crack of a revolver
was beard in the second story of the Salt
marsh corner, and a man Immediately ran
up the street for Dr E!!ir,, sajinjjohn
Sloan had been shot, Dr Ellis secured hit
bullet extractor and other Instalment and
proceeded tothe tcene of the burnt powder,
where it wat learned that noono wa hurt.
Mr Sloan, who i a son-ln law of Mr
need, the painter, bad room io the bkck
with one or two other young men. Num.
erou report were circulated about the
cause of the firing j but It Is Impossible to
learn the real cauie of Ihe maMer, though
It It probable thi-re wat close cull to toie
kind of a tragedy.
J P Wager In the K. O. of Pendleton
eaplalnt the defeat of K .ley's Portage
railway bill a follow; "Tlu bill whs
killed by a republican ca icus of which
Harry Miller became tlie numth nice. In
order to ,.!p,, (Governor l'cnnoyer,Sentv
tor Raley and Umatilla county and Bast
efn Oregon because It I democratic. That
lithe whole truth In a nut shell. The
ubtlltute bill prepared by Miller, or for
him, wa not only entirely worthless and
useless, but Ma a direct insult to all Kant-
em Oregon, and wa so Intended. Miller
at much at acknowledged tlis ai.ltnut of
the move by declaring that the nortatre
railway bill wa a piece of democratic po
litical buncombe). He. and Tongue, and
Gcer, are all aspirant for Hermann'
eat, and now that they don't have to run
In Eastern Oregon, and don't nted any
vote there, they are quite wllllne to show
that section of the stuc any manner of
Injustice or Imilirnlty. Miller I a thor
ough political rascal, and owing to Ihe and affectation of sincerity
wltli which he present id couted poison
I a dangerous one,"
Again the reaper death Lou entered a
liounchold and taken llmrcfrom otie of
tbe brightest Jewels of the family.
Blanche A. Pnvia. damdttftr of Wui. C.
and Mary A. Iavia. departed thia life
February Sird. lHfil. Hie born r,n
July 4th, 1877, at Peoria, In this county,
ana waa mcreioro Bgwt ta yearM, e
month and 19 dare. Blanche wa in
jured by a fall about four year ngo.from
which tiinOHbe bi san to decline in bealth
and tide continued until her death. She
wee a must amiable and kind hearttd
girl, and a tnoat patient euffcrcr during
ber long iicknetui. She was during her
eiekneae an alutoat constant reader of the
Bible and etpecinlly of the New Tenia
meut. in the study of which alio alwaya
found much comfort. Hho wan wholly
reviirned to impending death and re
quested tier parente.relati vee and friend
to not mourn for ber alter ber death. 8.
AlfSUAL MFETIXO. -Notice U bere
by Riven that thernnotl mootinu-of
tbe eloek bold r of the Albany Unildlnir
A-oc)Uon will be held at tbe ofTSee of
tbe Albany K ectrlo Ucht Co.. on Brriad.
albln atreot, lo A'l.any, on Monday.
March 1 1B9L at p in, for tb oloc
lion of director, and aucb other butloeo
ae may eora befor the meeting.
isiea reo u, lfvi. u aixcm ,
W O Tweacai.K, Sectotary.
ONKY TO LOAN.-In amall and
laree amount, from tlx month to
five ?" on good Albany end I.lnn
eotiniy real etU. Call on or adir Vt
E McPherson, Find tit., Albany, Or.
nORt'EI FOR SALE One eorro!
bore. 9yor old. welaht Hfl. une
Kroy boreo. S yt-ar old, weight 1 ICO. Aio
wsicun, bics. psrnew, 'o. n 111 eet inr
eaeti or eicbanxa for 4btr pro m tIv. Call
at 1 tore oppottte Ruoe bou.
it. a. sun.
STOLEN, from Wni
Cooeb. a bay uar. welirtini; from
tbO 10 KiO. rooebwd man. od white a pot
on forehead Any iofoituatlon would tie
gratefully received. v locch.
Albany, Oregon
10 RKNT. A tor room 22x00 fee
uilablefor bui.lae:cetitia ly locate
For tmrtieu'ar ea!l at the DcxocRA
office or 00 Joa V l'lpe.
Wlrut wmsA&4nm r-nwt fLjwiV -
2 to rotvitiear. YaunfiiM rvm ouf
5 J i th at I'Aaas, nttfcu tKWV
at ronTUB nni jut nil.
DIt. ALORN.Fonrth and Mnrtuon street t
Portland, Oregon, the tn-ttt toccessf ul pi yi
e Ua od oa the American continent for the
speedy, poittv, abaolote aad perrotociit
ear for C-trrh tf tbe Head, Astlims,
Hroochitjs. Ionmonia and Coaatptioa.
Tsrentj-five yean tuocesaful practice,
Iuatantaneons relief and jiertnanent
cure ofiijn efioctcd npon first cossdution.
Dr. Attorn, by hi original, n.oderr, tcieu
ttlio method, t fleet 8 ;
Speedy nad radica! cures cf tie mcst cb
ttinate aid staadisg casci
of KoI Catarrh, Oaena, Dfne-a, Pb
chsrp'' from tbe Ears, A;bm, 13 enchitia
and Cunoatnpttoo.
Abo Storrmch Disorder. LUicu Colic,
Gall 8Utie aud Janntlice, Huit. Liver,
Kuloey, I.laddcr od Nervous AfTvotioru.;
DtMase t Man. Also all ai.'meuU fH-culiar
to women.
Dr. Abnra can be coobuHcu from cow
aotil July 5. wben be leave far Europe.
Not. HowetreatmaM.accurely nscked,
tent by evprraa to aay 1 rt rf tb Paoii'c
Coast and Territories for fbr who eanm t
yotsibty call io person.
Cor tiecrcd andr'6rry St, Albany, Oi
UPERIOR wrk. guarantee.! in over;
branch of the art. itTJCtilatgiog c
City LiveryV Feed ard Sdle
Vaa ceaer&t Uauk line to and from
Cojyaili. Btut riga ot cbaprt ate
la the city. Special attrntinn civtn t
tranaiect etcek. ouitb atrtft, between
ilawortb and Ljon, Albany, Utegon
TJ MAVEON HAND at our nursery
on vbe Corvallia road, one-nair
from town, as nno a lot of fruit
rces of all kinds as osn be found any
irhere on tho coast. If you contemplate
Wanting trees It wl'd pay you to see our
tcck and get our prices. Catalogue fiee
B. D, MANN, Proprietor.
Punuanan (New Tons) Evsbt TntmaDAT.
"BetuMf ih linen nf ratlltra and n-nMrm to
rtad arat lewon of life, vtonuuy ann hope'
n, nnnitMt. briirbtost. wittiest, wiwt, cWer-
est, most original, and most, euterUuiUue paper
ever published.
a vmnlt and nprfept journal for cultivawyl
men and women, being a topical and out
cnr.lmn ariUa And chronicle of the evtmta, douuni.
litteraits. and teuton of tba foahionable world, it
ia always up to date, and carries wilb. it the atmos
phere of the metropolis.
la purity and power of literary stylo It has
BO equal on thi continent.
A veritable aymposuun of well-bred satire 5
deftnea oast daintiness of touch; strength, inde
pendence aod originality of thought; rellned
fanmor) caustio comment; pUjuanpy of just;
abort atoriea ; musical, ui-omatic, literary ana
art crltlelain. and topical nfcctt'lieN.
Iha tame of It 1'liiaiicU l Siwpartmcnt,
aa the roost rellablo authority on Ononcial mib
joets, invwtmoiita and Bjieculallon. is world-wide.
Its interest to by no means local; betas tho roe
oeafceed journal of Anierifan toUHf,
it in equally entertaiuinff in all parte of theoountry.
For aula each week by all flrsfrrfaaa newsdealers
in America and Korope. Every newsdealer will
keep and aupply It if requested. Newnrtealem
anpiilied by trie American News Co., Sti Chambers
btmet, Ne w ork, and by all other news eorapnnina,
BfiiJar iibxerlption may be sent tureet
to O'im of pubiieotum, ortiironeti any newsdealer
tfronbivrintion oeeney : Onejrear.H.te); EiKinoiirto,
Li,inr, teroe mouuia. $1.30. tlaiapl trea.
k,l'.-.: TOWN TOFIf'3.
51 TTc ( : j .1 J 4., fu'iv V01A ii
1.- 1
The average mortgaged Indebtedness In
Linn county I about 60 cent an acre.
In Kana It I $16.38. No wonder Kan
tat people want to come to Linn county,
Albany Democrat, In Kansas movt
Kftge are not taxed, the usury taw I not
effective, and combine! of capitalist are
common. When corn wa worth 45
rent per bushel In Chicago, in Central
Kansas the farmer could only get 13
cent. The railroads, commission merch
ant and (apttallstt "cllqued In" and gob
bled the 3i cent per bushel. By the dl
honest, manipulation of these thieving
combination money commanded t and 3
per cent per month. Many timet people
were compelled to pay thl or sell their
produce for about one third what it ought
tobemorth No wonder Kansas people
wish to come lo Linn county,-Urown-vli'e
'1 lines ,
Highest of all ia Leavening Power
Special Ann
My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all
the latest Novelties in
ress Goods
Both in WOOLEN and
-To The
Specialty of Ladies
ItiBBED and Muslix. Uy Prices aro the LOWEST
and my G00D3 tho Best. Am sole agent
for the Celebrated
Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poison
: To The Men :
Call .and Look at My values in
urmshing -:-Goods,
I !iv Large Stclt at the Lowest
I cairy
for wear a
and be coi
,11 line of tbe world-renowed
St.Uib. , Large stock of Emeeoidebies and Flocxcixcs.
eed flit Albany w the bet trading ftoinl ia Oregon.
3. CJ. ' tS3S3.'3Sfc
Blnmbersvs Block,
and get WORE POWER
and use L!
TVrlto for onr Kw Iliustmtea Catalojio ot 1881.
mm ' i
ntaui: n tu
1 J
: F. L. KENTON, :
-Dealer in-
Near the Post OfUce,
on. M 12. DAVIS,
Physician and Surgooi
0SOinB no stairs Irs fitistan's Elco
May be f-mnd at bin offish aav and n;gl
the anuoal Disotins of tuo stock I
bolder' of tlio Albany street Railway Co I
will bfi 1 eld cu Wednesday, Marvti 4in,
1801,attH hour of 7 o'clock p m. of aaid
day, at tho offioe of tho sacretaiy of said
couipanv, tb.8 tiareie bsinj; at the -l-al
estate olBea of Rurkhart & Keeney, on
first sirs, t, 13 Albany, Oregoti, for the
purpose cf eleetiug seyaa direolor to
solve for tbe Urm of oneysar nut ercu
Ingrfrom said meeting, and uciil their
ancc6sors are eleatal anil qualified, and
t tr.ti8..ct such othr business aa may
leimliy cune before iwid meeting.
JDated Fobruery 15.h, 1H31.
TB rales
Robert A Ratnpv, triiHtce, to Julius
' riternlx-rg, lot 2 td Iiarris-
barjr 125
8 A Henry to Dennis Cooter, 40
ncrea 12 w 1 2,"0
J XI Wrijrht to Caleb Gray, east i
lot 1 id S. Ualaev ST,0
John Hardmnn to Kcott Wallace
ir acres V l, tj John Ftreithoil 103
II B Kendall to F B Prater, claim
Writ Bennett, 12 and 13 w 3.. 1000
Several yeare ago Mr Wilgon defeated
D W Voorheee for congreas, in Indiana,
becouldn'Vd oit now. To getjeyen
ith bint Wilson sent his eon. J h. to
Washington, and be defeated oorbcca'
ton for congress from tiiat etate.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iSSj,
Ladies -
in Knit
Prices ever offered i tba Valley.
BROAD HEAD goods, unexcelled
Eeasotatls : s Prices. - :
A. complete line oi
G en Jts Furnishings-
Albany, Oregon.
3 B aaaMaWaWaWaatMaja
Wo always keep our eye on the
indicator of popular demand,
and are tlierViore usually pre
pared to supply it at reduced
rates. We are selling tho Jewel
stoves and ranges, the rnos pop
ular stoves made at present.
If you want to sive money on all iorts
of household truc es buy 'em of us. Wo
te we cake that cor br. -
Albany, Grog in
and a fme etork
generally, as well as jewelry, "Welches
clocks, etc., at