v Tb Oifgonut remind ut verjr much of George Prlmros, th man In GolJ mllh't "Vicar ol Wakefield, who went to Amsterdam to teach the Dutch the Eng lUh language, without recollecting, until he arrived, that he, himself, should know something of Dutch In order to teach. That paper, few dajrs ago, castigated democrats In Its usual coarse way, for not being csmiistrnt In their political rlewt. This It did without recollecting that la order U teach democrat consistency It must know tomethlngof consistency Itself Not knowing anything about consistency (tiel!,! lesson to the democratt,llk all let ton coming from Ignorant teacher, was miserable failure. The Democrat showed the Inconsistency of that paper In thls,that Irora 1SS0 to 1SS5 It uniformly taught the doctrine of "free trade" and a uniformly supported protectionist for office. This criticism It make a very feeble and sickly attempt to answer by saying that It Is a free trade paper in principle but protectionist In policy. There I o much evaslon.such a bungling attempt to in ratify It own vulnerable attitude In thla that It provoke only a smile of disgust among I'a party friends, what a consistent attitude for a public journal to occupy 1 1 Free trade In principle and protection in policy 1 1 Shame upon auch a manifestation of lac a of Independent manhood in the treatment of a public question. That paper sajrs that the Democrat whose editor It calls "stupid "can not be expected to se how or to.know why a newspaper, though believing in free trade a a principle, nevertheless could re fuse to support the tariff proposition sub mitted by CleVeland, Mills, Carlisle & Co. and rejected by the country in iSSS." But the Orrgmia walks right Into a trap. When it was writing Ita "free trade" arti cles from which the Democrat quoted, Cleveland had not yet been thought of by many for the presidency. It was three to five years before Mill had Introduced hi tariff bill. The editor of that paper was then speaking the honest conviction of hi mind and heart, and at no time while writing these article did he ever ar that 'since protection I to be maintained it Ought to be maintained on a fair bads." From 1SS0 to 1SS5 that paper published free trade article without any qualifica tions whatever, and by It own word It can be utterly confounded. It now says that the Mill bill was not a free trade bill, and yet during the campaign of iSSS It de nounced It as free trade In season and out. It says the bill was gotten up In the Inter est of eastern manufacturer and southern planter and at the expense of the producer of materials In the north and west. In connection with this it declares that the Democrat know nothing whatever about the tariff question. Of course this is the only weapon left to the vanquished, and Its use Is proof conclusive of straliened circumstance In contention. But let us see. The Orrgoniau supported the McKliv ley bill because It did not cater to the in terests of eastern manufacturer as the Mill bill did. Take woolen good aa a data. The Mill bill tU.ttJ the duty from an aveiage of 67 per cent to an average of 41 percent while the McKlnlev bill i ermuttt the duties from 67 per cent to 91 percent. The Mil! bllljelt New England maple sugar on the free list where It had been since the foundation of the govern ment and the McKlnley bill provide a bounty of two cents a pound fcr it. This bounty has to be paid out of the tieasury of the United Statea. The Mills bill put jute sacks for grain on the free list while McKlnley Ian posed a duty of two cents per piund. MI'.ls put binding twine on the free list but McKlnley put seven leoihs cents per pound duty and thus we might continue showing how much the Ortgori- am knows about Uie tariff. It is a fact known to every one whj ha taken the trouble to investigate the matter that manufacturer fared much better under the McKlnley than they would under the Mills bill. We do not proroe to permit the Ortgtnia to escape from the charge of in. consistency which we have made against it. We, therefore, append herewith a few more choice free trade excerpts frc.m the columns of thai paper. At one time it aaid: "The lumber duty Is the most Inex eusable folly and iniquity of the whole monstrous bundle of Iniquities and absurd' itie called the tariff laws." Again it said ''The unprotected classes not only support the whole country with their product free of bounty but exported a surplus exceed ing $800,000,000 last year, tcrtdng the balance of trade heavily In our favor, pay ing off our fcrelgn iudebtedness and dif fusing prosperity over the land In defiance of the high tariff handicapping of pamper- In; greed. wMch cries always for more.'' But we desist. The Otetronia'$ indefen alble Insincerity on the tariff question Is so notorious that It is remarked b nearly every one within the limits of ita circula tion. No man who Is honest and candid In his politic will ever do aa the Oregonian editor does in declaring his belief in free trade as a principle and protection a a policy. To do this is to be worse than Ig norant or stupid. It Is to be hypocritical, demagogical and dishonest. The 0-eo-nia should not forget that people every where It Is known heve "fits" over its in consistency This characteristic of the paper is discussed by all who read It. It is common to hear the remark made that It has bren -pls-.ateJ" by Mitchell and Simon 01 lha from selfish motives of greed it I too cowatdly to attack thase men as It did in the days when It had the confidence of the public. But as a newspaper, by It vacillating course It na now reached the point where It Is not feared ly the bad 1 nor respected by the good. This all comes j of Its partl.nonlous greed for money-getting. Govern frnnoyer, notwithstanding the elaborate al'empt of the republican members of the Wgislafure to put him in a "hole" comes out of all the onlesl of the session wiih flying co'ors. The people, by a large majority, en dorse his veto of the wagon road bill whether bistd upon the grounds of unconstitntioniKty or that of a vicious legislative policy. Tbe Democrat has no doubt of their unconstitu tinnality and hence gives in a full endorse ment of the veto. Over two years ago it entered a moit earnest protest sgainst the validity of iu:h hws and feels a just brule in being sustained by the governor. DL. a Farmers Alliances are soon to he orgonized throughout this state. If each one proves to be as fine and effective a means of educating the pcop'e of the rural dbtricts up to a knowjedge f the outrageous bunlens imposed upon them by the McKinley bill, as they did in Kansas Nebraska, and other stales they will prove th mrlve real public bentfactors. These or- gan'ua'ions throughout all sections ol the coun try hive emphatically declsred sgalnst the vic- "ousnrss of a hih tariff and the will very likely !o the sane in Oregon. Thi average consumption of wheat in the United Kirgdom is estimated at 5 bushel per capita. Population, 83,850,000. Can ida has an ares of 3,379,000 square rriiU'S NtW LAWS. The following law were passed by the legislature 1 GENERAL laws. The general appropriation bill. The Australian ballot bill. Regulating primaries in cities of 3500. Appropriating $45,00 for the legisla tive session. To provide for the recordlng of wills. For the protection of sea gulls. State board of charities and corrections Appropriation of streams for irrigation. To protect salmon and other food fUhc. To complete the state capital. Amending law relating to guardian. Time of holding supreme court at Ten dleton. A portage railway at the Cascade. Regulating tees of county assessor. Regulating recording of town, and cent elary plats. Authorlxlng the admission of alien at attorney to practice aftt court of Or egon. To regulate Hen of judgment and de cree of the court of the United State In the district of Oregon. Taxing cannerymen for every salmon caught. Allowing the state board of agriculture to acquire real estate. To punish person refusing to aid offi cer In the discharge of their dullis. Granting consent of the state to the fed eral govermen. to purchase land for pub lic building In Portland. Protecting the German song bird. To protect laborer engaged in clearing land. To establish a rogue's gallery at the pen itentlary. To provide tor the further advancement of the State Reform achool. Permitting only ctttxen ol Oregon and Washington to fish for salmon in the Col umbia river. Authorising a mother to appoint a guardian by wlIL Increasing the effectiveness of the act tor the prevention of contagious d'seases among animal. Protecting laborer in timber and log ging campt. Appropriating $25,000 for new building for the State Agricultural college. Amending the law pertaining to sulU tor the partition of real property. Regulating the loan of money by build ing and loan association. To define the qualifications of voter at school election In (mall district. Defining the duties of county officer. For the appointment of a board of regent for the Mulleoniah State Normal school. Dividing the state Into two congress ional districts. To establish a library In the penitentiary, Providing for the sale of tldt. land not connected with the shore. Amending section 11 03, relating to charge and claim against the estate of deceased persons. A llowing justice of the peace to exam ine and commit Insane person when the county judge Is absent. Providing fr the incorporation of re Hglous, benevolent, literary or charitable societies. Punishing the boycotting of employers of labor unions. To authorize the state to contract with tbe railroads for tbe transportation j.'f idiots, insane aad convict Amending the act relating to foreign insur ance and surety companies. To protct employe and talOcers ia tbeir claim tot wages. Adding two members to the state medical board. Regulating the salaries of county treasurer. Amending tbe railroad commission law. Appropriating $16,000 for tbe militia o Oregon. SPECIAL AND LOCAL LAWS, Taking Fulton Park into th city of Portland. Increasing tbe salaries of chif engineer and and first assistant in tbe Portland fire depart ment. To change the Dame of EUensburgh to Cold Beach. Changing tbe name of Roy to Mount Angel, Authorizing the Astoria, S-a Shxe & East- j era railroad to build bridges. Authorizing tbe construction of a free bridge acre tbe Willamette at Albany. Authorizing Portland, East Portland and Albina to build or acqiu're bridge across the Willamette. Amending the act aatltotizing construction f a bridge at Corvallis to permit charging tolls. Amhoriz'ng Astoria to build a sea wall. Incorporating the port of Portland. Extending to Lane and Linn counties tbe peration of tbe drainage law. Changing salaries of tbe county judge anj treasurer of Sherman county. Piovidiog that two pilot commissioners shall reside in Astoria. Authorizing tbe Coo Bay, Roseburg & Eastern railroad to construct a btidge across Coal Bsnk slough, , For the reluf of David McCully. Changing boundary tines of Gilliam county. Creating a Western Oregon district agri cultural society. Fixing fees of county clerk of I iarney county. Granting right of-way to tbe Riddle Im provement company. Regulating the fees of clerks and sheriffs in Crook, Klamstb and take counties. Regulating the salary of county judge in Crant county. Authorizing tbe Willamette Valley railroad company to isue bonds. Changing time and place of holding court In the sixth judicial district. Authorizing MutlNomah 'county to en ploy bailiffs by the year instead of by the term. Providing for more clerical aid in the office of the secretary of state- Regulating the feci cf Curry county. To fund Salem's floating debt ef f 20,000. Creating the office of plumbing inspector for Purlland. INCCRTOR A 1 ICM ACT. Incorporation and amending the char ter of the following cities: Central Point, Slem, Independence, Tars'.ifield, Mitchell, Lonjj Creek, Unkvllle, Union, Vernonia, Grant's Pass, Ahlnd, Milton, Sllvcrton, Dallas, McMInnville, Staytort, Hubbard, Empire City, East Poitland, Tillamook Newport, . Astoria, Sheridan, Bandon Prineviiie, Springfield, Lebanon, Elgin, Oregon City , Jacksonville, Occkn Grove, Harney, Roseburg, Baker City.Brownsville, North Brownsville.North Yamhill, Prairie City, Forest G-ove, Lafayette. Woodburn, Winchester, AlkaliJ unction City,Jeff;rvn, Clatskanle, Medford, Albina, Portland, La Grande, Burnt, Can yon City, Albany, Cor vallls, SumrriervHle, Eiigene, Oottige Grove, Huntington, Athena, Fossil, Co. qulllc City, Scio, HllUboro- The best evidence that the republicans have a long suffering dread of Cleveland, may be found in the fact that while they contemp late bis probable nomination for the presidency they are concocting all kinds of stories, about' his dec'inins, and about the hopeless divisions it the democratic party his nomination would entail. They assume all round to advise dem ocrats what to do in the premise but their advice is too cheap for consideration. KKRVOIS 1ISA0ACMR. The ordinary nervou headache will be greatly relieved, atd in many case entire ly cured, by removing the waist ot one' dress knotting, the hair high up on the head out ot the way, and, while leaning over a basin, placing a sponge soaked In water a hot a It can be borne on the back ot the neck. Repeat this many tlmet,aUo applying the sponge behind the ear, and the strained muscle and nerve that have caused to much misery will be felt to relax and smooth themselves out dellclously, and very frequently the pala promptly vanishes In -consequence. Every woman know the aching face and, neck generally brought home from a hard day's shopping, or from a long round of call and after noon tea. She regard with interne ult satisfaction the heavy line drawn around her eye and mouth by the long (train on her laclai muscles, and when she must carry that orn countenance to some dinner party or evening' amusement, it rob her ot all the pleasure to be had In It- Cosmetic are not the cure,nor bromides, nor the many nerve tedallve to be had at the drug shop. Use the sponge and hot water again, bathing the face In water a hot a It can possibly be borne; apply the sponge over and over again to the temples throat and behind the ear, where most of the nerves and muscle ot the head center, and then bathe the face In water running cold from the faucet. Color and smooth nes of outline come back to the face, an astonishing freshness and comfort I the result, and It a nap ol ten minute can fcl low, every trace of fatigue will vanish. The tame remedy I invaluable for tun- burn, and the worst case ot thl latter at fliction of sensitive skin will succumb to the hot-water treatment. The cold douche should not be allowed in thl case; Instead, a Hk" application ot vaseline or coia cream, which prevent peeling of the kln as the hot water prevented Inflammation, Nothing so good for tired eye ha yet been discovered a bathing them in hot water, and neuraligla In nine case out of ten will yield to application cf cloth wrung out In hot water in which the hand cannot be borne.' Hwfer's Biar, HINTS TO IIUI'SEKEETEUS. To prevent that shine to the skin with which so many are annoyed, especially lit warm weather, use a little camphor In the water when bathing the face. There will be few persons who will ever lake the trouble, as they ought, to free out their shoe when not in use,no matter how costly they are. The next best thlngi which also cost a little trouble, I to button (up a fine shoe when putting It aside, in order to keep the upper from get ting out of form. A picture-frame embroidered in Louis XIV. ribbon on pale ecru satin, which 1 the shade of white satin turned cllow with age, and in the new oval ihape; a pretty traveling case of white linen bound in golden-brown braid, or a comb and brush case ot the same material, or a dainty pin cushion, are all present which would probably be acceptable to any young tady. A round bolster now take the place ol the large 01 namenUl pillows. Tbe bolster is stuffed rinniy and dressed In cretonne, or whatever the bed covering ia made from. If possible. It is considered very bad form to wear jewels around the neck. Save your apple paring in a cool place until you have a quantity worth the while, cover with water, an J boll briskly for an hour; straln.adj halt the quantity of sugar, and bvil gently tor a couple ot hour, and a good apple jelley wltl be the result. Or, if you put the parings In a jjg with a little water, and put In a warm place, they will make fair vinegar. To set delicate color in embroidered handkerchief soak them ten minute be fore washing In a pail of water in which a dessertspoonful of turpentine ha been stirred. The prejudice prevails that plant in the Iceplng-room are injurious, because they are constantly throwing off carbonic acid' Rrcent investigation have shown that ill effect are altogether too sti(ht to deserve consideration. If a room I properly ven tilated, plant can do no harm, and even if It ia not, the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled by them wltl not materially affect the purity cf the air. Ttie favorite linen for embroidery I of the "old bleach" manufacture. This linen la woven with a firm round thread of a superior quality of flax, and Is grass bleached. To take out spots from wash goods, rub them with yolk of egg before washing. The best way to fry apple is to halve them, remove core, put some butter in frying-pan and put In the halve the cut tide down, then add a little water and let boll dry ; then fry. To clean hair brushes, put a tablespoon ful of ammonia into tepid water, d!p them up and down until clean, then dry with the bristles down. In place of the ammonia, they may be cleaned by using a teaspoon tul of soda. Ivory may be bleached by placing It for an boor in a solution of alum; then polish it with a piece of woolen and. wrap it in linen to dry. Another method I to take peroxide of hydrogen, and to one pint of it add one ounce of aqua-ammonia. Warm it and o ik the ivory in it for twenty-four hours; then dry and polish with chalk. IT IC INDEED. Reciprocity is Increasing, and it is to be ho,ied in a tew year the United State will extend her trade to all the repvblic t-n the western continent. Our factories have sufficient capacity to supply all nations.and the products of the toil are prolific enough to furnish bread for the millions of South America. An interchange of commodatle Is beneficial to all, and will Increase trade and productive Industries, Mountainter Yes, reciprocity is increasing. And, by trw way, what is reciprocity? The freest kind of free trade, and, mirabile tlicttt, we And the heretofore blind follower of the folly of "protection" shouting lustily for thl free trade. If you call it "free trade" the Mountaineer will go into excruciating paroxysms, but call It "reciprocity" and it ffll the heart of Ita editor with happy ap proval and delight. But then .most al these protection people are governed by bundles of prejudices. . Forlheycar ending June 30, 1890, the United Slates sold 10,621,652 acres of public lands'. Csialug;EveB(s, Friday evenintr, Feb. 27. Concert, under auspices of Prof Lorillard, assisted by best local talent, at opera house. Friday evening, March 6. The Gar roters, by college Htudcnts, at tho opera house. Cloaks at oust at W F Read's. Honey to Lean. .We. have plenty of money to loan or real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite th ever house. BURKHART l JIENEY, A N 4SAI INJECTOR free with each bottle f bhiloh Catarrh Jloinndy, Price 0 cents, Fokay& Mason, adults. OAKVILLK, I Thla winter, especially tho lat three 1 week, hai been very hard on stock. - D E Junkln baa lout four head of rattle and lift two tuore down. 0 W Yntes ha one cow on the lift. The fore part of the winter wa 10 nice that thla sud den change hai got away with the Block. It M Stone ia Brahblna on the land he recently bought of tho mlth CHtttto j he Intends to plant out ft large peach or chard.. - The winter term of achool closed kit Friday. Work haa not commenced on the A A O motor line, but the peoplo of Oakville are doing their part ot the talk. They are able with that kind ot capital. Canadian Farmers' Wife throws out a hint that she knows Amicus. It may be poeilblo that the does, if to plonso not give ur away. We would ak why the do- not sign herself "(arnenter's Wife." or "Hchool Marm." Peruana we don't know you T The steamboats have been running above Coivallls the jat week, tor the first time this winter. Mrs Hamilton, a pioneer lady, is lying dangerously ill at her home near here. Mr Will, of Albany, was here the fore part ot the week. Come again, and help us with our motor line and "gas works. " We might call it the "gas o-line." AHlCt'H. ttnawjatiLLK. Feb. 23, 1801. The past week has been attlte storm v. Rain and mow interspemvd with sun shine. , Our bnnd boys gave a basket sociitl at tne city nan, and netted fu2 IK) beeldes an nail a good time. lievTO Brownson, president of the McMInnville college, preached in the liaptist church here last Hunday. Mrs Potion, while attending to some work on the second floor of their new house, missed Iter balance and fall through the stairway to the lower floor ami was rjauiy nun. Borne mad folks over the banket social. uuauiiursianuing lite cause. A Flea rev Ike ffclaeae rfceasaai. IIalkiy, Feb. 22, 1S91. EJUor Democrat; I wish to say a few words through the Democrat, concern ing the wanton destruction, being earried on lately, 01 our txauttiui, earner Chin ete pheasants. It ia a, well-known fact. remarked tiy many of our most observing .armers, who nave naa ample opnortun ity of studying this beautiful bird, that they are not nearly so numerous as they were two years ago. Assuming that two-thirds of the farm ers and business men of the country which I think cannot be contradicted like to take an outing once in a while with gun and dog. would it not be nroner to Immediately instigate some movement to cnecK tins extermination before It is too late? This should at least be done until th.v are numerous enough that the increase may Keep pace Willi their destruction. There are two causes for their rapidly diminishing numbers, via: First: The market demand for them being so great that aa high a 73 cents por bird ia paid, which encourages thoughtless men, who do not live by the sweat ot their brow, to make it a bust nees, even in direct violation of the law One of our "crack shots" boasted bringing in sixteen one day, another twelve, etc., which points to their get ting scarce, does it notT rKcon: The habit of these birds In making their neeU in the open flehls and pastures, is taken advantage of by the keen-sighted crow, which can be teen almost every day in springtime, circling over me neiu in aearcn ol eggs. ow, tne nrat-named caumi we can prevent, and I say let us do so. Get your trespass notices and post them where they can I ew, doing so with the intention ot enforcing the law. Now is the time to prevent their des truction. Ik not watt until our game has vanished before you make an effort. une 01 your subscribers. M:iuhdok. WWKlH (llKKnU. t. M. French keep railroad lime. Kw ertatn cheese just rscUvtd at Cctrd ueyer. Egao & Aohuoo are selling mooamitiU at roruasa prices. Moris', y oath s' and b"V clothing and laroumog good at u w Mmpsoo's. fisv yon scan those parlor uit that T ttrtoK naa jost received j 1 bey are nim. Great reduction ion4nV fornUlilag go ids for tb next 30 day at W F Road's. J W Beotley, beat boot and shoe mslrio euy, tarae ooora norm of Uemocrat otnee. l-'or bargain in mnnometota, headktones ete., goto Kgaa fc Aehison, Albany, Oregon Tickets tit ALL eastern MnU, ovet ANY root, for sale by W. It JrtUr, at 8. P. ticket oCWe, . ELECTRICITY THE ROAD TO HEALTH AND VIGOR. When we crmsl lor tbe Inestimable ble.ng of health, and Ih horrors cf wasting disease and Impaired vitality.we tnnat accord to l)r Darrln tbe dmilagulnb ed bonor that belongs only to the noblest benefactors of onr raoe. By thladlacov ery, whioh enable him to vitallsa hi medlrlies by meaba of electrleity.and to send tbe Iff currant of that great agent through tb debilitated frame, he allays pain, jestorea tbe strength and florid bloom of glorious hellh. andtheelastl city and Jnyouanoaa cf anlilt that are ioat wheb aulTorlng from dlaeaae of Die or. gaoa, or dlaarr'ngement of the cervous centers. A few inalancee of cur we Rive a a proof positive of tbe anperlorliy of electricity over other methods of cure. Mr Jsaao tViogard, Csnlralal, Waah., Axtbms of 18 yearn' standing, rrstored. Jo Moore.bt Charles Hotel Restaurant, Portland, polypus in tbe note fificen years, curo.t. mum Liucy Moran, Monmou b.oreson, Cross eve, straightened In one mlnuto. J WBottrm, Aatorht, Or., kidney and liver com plaint for yeua; restored to lerfect health. 8 1 Whitman. Monmouth. Or., deafness and ringing noises in thetats twelve years, leatored. Mum Mamie McKean. 230 I fctreot Port land deafness and catarrh fumtren yeri' standing, cured. K k, Jcsltn, 1 be Dailes. Or..uhchare ng ear twenty-one yesrw. cured. Dr Damn trau alt curable nrlvalo. chronic and nervous dl oases,aecret blood and skin diseases, sorts and swellings, nervous aeoiiuy, impotence soil other wesknetoes of manbond. Ife corrects the areret ertorsof youth and their terri ble euacts, loss or vitailtv . pal citation of tbe heart, lota ef memory, despondency sod other trsublosof mind and body. Prevents consumption, hear t dUease.aoft eoing o the brain and spine, insanity anj other afflictions caused by tbe errors, excesses and diseases of boys end men. He restora lost vigor and manly powers, icmove UoformHIb and restore tbe or gans to health. He alao cures diseases esused by morenry and other folaonoua drogs used in tte improper treatment cf private oiBane. umce 7U "vasuingum ac.i'ortiand.ur. Hour 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., daily. iSxam i nation free and confidential, question bUnks aud circular sent grailitjav address, patient cured at bom-. Dierder tkml affect thtf Kldnej Are am mg tho mo formidable kaonn Di abetes, Blight disease, gray el and other complaint of the orlrary organs r re cot or dinarily cared in severs esses, tut they may be aveiUd by timely meditation. A useful sUuiulstit of the urinary glands lias ever be n toned in '.iosttlter'n Stomach Bitters, a medicine which not oti'y affords tbe nq vrei'.e stimulus when they become inactive, bat increases thtir vigor and seer stive pow er. By increasing the sctivity of th kidnry and bladder, this mlidiciue lu the addition, at fleet of expelling from the blood impur ities which it is the peculiar effioe of these organ to eliminate and pas off. 'Tb Bit ter is also a t under and strengthener of tho howeU, an inyieorator of the stomach, and a matchless remedy for biliousness and fever and ague. It Counteracts a tendency to pre mature necay, ana sntreic ana enmtorts toe aged anp jntirm. For lame back, or itde cheat, use Shiloh Poroosi'lastcr. f rico, 25 cwnts. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 1hCaliruratartMMl. SAN pRANcfsco,, Feb 24. Li.tet report (how that the storm I stout over. Serious damage ha been done 10 railway property, especially in ihs southern poitiun ol the state. soieuau canyon, on ttie line entering Los Angeles from this city, i in almost as bud a condition a last year. Much of the new and .udu ...... I . .. 1 ' 1. ! . . I . 1 1 . ... wwih, wiiirn rriuuvu icn iiiuiiiuh iu complef, ha sullired from the storm fur So miles, between Seven Paints anil Yuma. the wire ar down, and nothing definite i knows of the condition of the track. The Sunset route will probali'.y be Imperative for a ween, ana no ticket to New Orleans will bt sold at present. Several cae of drowning are ported a the result of the Hood. At Uuarle. th family of Wells, husband, wife aud child, were rjrownet, ihey were recently from Iowa, The bodies hava not been found. The boillri f two Mexicans were sbto seen floating away on th torrent. In the vicinity of Downey Cfly the country, is flooded. The country west of there to the sea i on van take, A r ranch boy i reported missing, and 1 supposed to be drowned. The rainfall for th storm was 4,37 inclur. l-'or the season, 1:13 inches. WaablMsUu Wheat ('rep Tacoma Feb 34. The prssdecti fur the Washington wheat crop fur 1S9I have teen brightened vjry consieerablv lv the heavy fall of snow east of the mountain during the last week. Supcrlnten.trnt Cardin. of tbe North- em Pacific Elevator Company, who haa just returned from eastern Wasliiueton. savs: The innwfall will stmtilv the necessary moisture needed to insure a wheat crop.', He estimates the emir crop of the northwest for 1 69 1 at 10,000,000 bushels, 13,000,000 ol which were for export. Mmeks f Dstlle. Massowak, 1'cb 14. The Italian , native levies, bommanded by Captain lilnclli, hav Inflicted two severe defeat on the Soudanese. Six hundred KouSancsa nuded the frontier of Italian territory near Burl. In revenue for alleged injuries lb Italian native forces ur prtsea them, routed them slier two thrp con- uicts nu siueu boo. including several chiefs. aa ladlaa Killed. Pcndlktok, Or., Feb. 34.-Yesterday' west-bound freight train truck an Indian twenty mile east of here, lie wa picked up out of a snowbank, where he was thrown with great force, and brought to Pendleton. It was found that his hip had been dislocated and his head cut, but hi Injuries are not necessarily fatal. The un fortunate Indian I deaf and dunrb, which account for his not getting off the track, a the engineer used the whU'.le repeat edly. snis aaserieaa striker gRiojANsaio, Feb. J4.THtrlke are ex tending and paralysing busincis. Labor er on the Central road have struck. TiafTie b stopped and th military 1 keep. mg oroer. - A Terrible Experte?. IIAZLITOM, Pa, Feb 13 After being eight- teen day entombed in the daikaes tf ill fated slot- No. 9 at Janesville, five of tbe victims to the tcnililo uiwstcr were found aUv this aftci- aooo. They wr all Hungarians. I low they survived is a mi. seta. Nothmg like it has been known or heard of in the I'ennst!- vania coal fiekls. Up to today thiitcen bodies bad been rOuuJ, and tbe oescuers todsv wo'k ed harder tU ever to learn tbe fate of the remaining five. Late ion ght, tulc two men were Marching ia tb breast of th east cans, Ibev ca se acuta five Han hujjlcd together ana ainioM ue a. 1 ury were so weak that. with on excepnoa, tbey coosd not be mot; Texas iiaws. OAiNcaviLLK, Tex , Feb. 33.A deptutr marshal has IcunJ in a robbei's cave near Tlshondngo, In the Chkkataw nation, a man 10 chain who wa held far ransom For three year a cans of tiorsethfeve and outlaw have been terrorizing the country. ror neariv inree week a regular man hunt ha been In progress under the di rection of Depiflv United State Marshal Swahi, which culminated last Thursday In an encounter, in which several outlaws and three of tite posse were wounded. 1 ke a lots. Sa Fiaxcisco, Feb 33, The g'eat Vmm ol til part two days, which ws central thi morning in Oregon, ba moved eastward be yond the Pacific coast dates, followed by a rapidly riing barometer in Northern Califor nia, Nevada and Oregon, Another cycljn is approaching eff Vancouver's iUn i , attended by rain thronKht Oregon ' a6d " Washington, with winds shifting to south aad ttt in the western portion ol thi region. A Earapraa Areltfcaf. London. Feb 33. A fearful railway sl dent is reported from tee town cf lliru, for merly known a ISerestoiT, in Kusalan To and 1 he town is a point of jnnction lor Kvtril railways. Two trains came ia co'lision with terribl results, sixteen persons being killed and many seriously Ithired, The amhorities are hoUlirg an tni-.tigatioo as to the cause of the disaster. w A Ceasstag AecJdeat otArria, reo aj.-a nnai accident oc r .. r' t - . . . . curred to r rank tady, a 17-year.oM boy, while coasting on a haW-sled dowp Wiiiow street, today. His sled broke while descend ing a steep grade and he wa violently thrown some dWtance. bis head' striking on the side walk with such terrific force a to produce ton cession of the bin, from the effect of which he died almost instar.iiy. . Tired or Lift). Tacoma, Feb 33. Rus Glandon, cf Mc Mlanviile, Or, aetcmoted to commit suicide this evening by shooting himself in the right temple, bst is not criou!y iniureJ. Mrs Glandoo refused to lay anything about the matter, Martgages Isi ike 1'alted States. Washington, Feb 33. Superintendent Porter, of the census bureau, has nreuaicd the in.roouciion 10 tne Dui.etin on private indebt ednctsof individuals and corporations in the United State. In it Porter Sjvs tbe scents of me census oince nave vcrhauicd the records in every slate and territory, and now have on file ia Washingtou, as the result of tbsir Irljor. at-out 0,000,000 mortence. Tbe test in Iowa and Alabama show that th motive for the grist bulk of ineumlierances, from 63 to 95 per cent, was the purchase of incumbered and other real estate, and for improvements li busmes'. California Hlyle. SALIDA, Col, Feb 33 Oliver Uciily, who was in charge of the ru'lroad coal chute, last nlcht attempted to drive one of Conductor Sullivan' men away, who was stealing coal, Sullivan interfered and knocked Reilly down. Reilly then nulled a ua. and shot, killing hullivan. A mob, not understanding the f.icts in the case, took KeilIy,ifrom the. oilier re Several shot werefiteJ and laur mn v.cic woundtd. Reilly wa then dragged to a rail road crossbg sicn and banned.' without eivim him an opportunity to make an explanation. The matter wilt bejiivoitigilcJt and the per petrators punished. , ,'; Insnrrcrtion la Chill. Buenos Avres, Feb 33. Advices from Chill say there has been desperate fighting a, . . ... ' risscua, and the insurgent were finally de feated. A battle begun near Iquibue on Sat urday, tbe result of which ia yet unknown. Two hundred Chilian refugee crossed th Andes and arrived at Mendoss. They state that Cbilinn insurgents, led by Urriza, hold Pisagun, Iquiuue, Antofagasts and Chanaral. raat skating. Christiana, IVj 32. The International skating tournament concluded here today. The first contest was won by Hagen, the Nor wegian champion. In the second contest Hagen covered a distance of one mile in two minutes anJfifiy-sevcn and one-fifth conds, tni Cormick, the Canadian champion, in two minutes, thirty four and two-fifths seeords. Hagn won the thiid contest, a distanch of three miles, in nine minutes and fifteen seconds A Jail Break .?'; Oregon City, Feb 21. Four prisoners in the county jail escaped from sheriff Samson tonight by sawing through an Iron bar. They were: Artour Walters, far passsng false checks; John Rose, for stealing $ioj Emil Billiter, for stealing a horse and cart, and N C Canper, for selling mortgngod horse". ; SHILOH'S CUBE will immortmtely ro lieve Croup,Wbooping Uoogh and lironchitis. Fo.hay & Mason; agents. Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only $3 a cord. Leave orders at J" W Spin.ka' lumber yard.- ; . CATAR&II CUUED, health and weet breath secured.by Shiloh' Catarrh liemedy. Price 60 cents. Kasal Injector free, to hay Si M&fon, agents. Two Paper a Wrrk fur a Dollar a Vrer, Tlie "Twice a week" Edition of Th St. Ltm't HcfublXt is at once the best and the chenpc.il fic:t' journal in the world. It is a big seven-column pepcr, couinining six to eight pages each Untie, or 12 to 16 every week, and I mailed every Tuesday and Friday, Its retders get the tews (f the day almost as promptly and fully as th reader of a Daily and half a week ahead of any Weakly in every state in the Union, Yet the price is ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YliAB. Special Missouri, Illinois and Texas Editions are printe l, and a General L'dllkm for other stater contains no thing but details ot important events of inter est everywhere. Th Kefuhlk is the leading democratic paper of (lie country, Bggrniive, but at the s.ime time liberal, and' the only thoroughly national journal In the whole country, Remember (he prlc is ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Sample oopies, also an Illustrated Premium Catalogue, sent free on application, Address thn Hrpu'lie, St Loi'is, Mo. , onio men mndo more money on the Lake Labislt accident than they will make in several years otlicrwiiM?; but they areentltlt'd to it, and no one envit-g thi-tij the fact. Tho noor men who weru killed can never Imj paid in money value. ANNUAL SCHOOL iVSCETINC. "VfOTICK H HF.RKiJY OJVKN to 11 the littal votr of solinol dlatsict No . LI mi county, Orgon, that th regular annual achool untune of sol J aohooi din- trict wilt he hold 1.11 tho firat Monday, online the 2nd day of March, 1W11, at the hone of 7 o'clock p m, of said day, at the court ttia in tbe city ot Albany. Linn county, OreKon. In ald district, f.r the purport of hoarme; the reports nf the tl rtotor and cierk of said district, and to tavy a tax for the support of the nc.Viol for tho enmilntf yr. Alo for the tuir- pose of Invylr(t a tax tow the nrwe of pVlni( lotermton tti.ii-nudoraald acnnoi dUtrlct and tbe ootid inikta.iiriet.tof tLa principal of said acfif.ol bond, due and Datable June 15th, lHUi. and fori be trans action of any other buktomta that may le ftallv come keroro the tnectsite. VaUsA this lGtb day cf February, A It. Itit'L CO I'VtlKIIAnTl J. K, WitATitxaroKB, tiiktrtct Clerk, Chairman Hoard cf Director, SCHOOL ELECTION BOTICE. OT1CE IS HESEBY GIVEN THAT tbe rrcular annual school elontion ia noiinoi tiuirict xso 0. l.inn county Oregon, will be hah! at tbe Central school liullilinir. In aald achonl dil?lct on Mon day, Usmh 9th. lS'Jl, far the porpeme of lectins one director. Drve throe years and one eterk ttt Msrvo one ynr. Ha Id election to baiiin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of sld day and continue until 0 o'clock t m of aaid day. Deled February 2ib,JHfl. u.u.LUitKnAnT. J K WATHit'foB, DiHriet eletk Cl aiimat) Ik ard of Directors. VATfiTtCK TO tTONTlt ACTTORS. Cn tractor and builders dolrln to bid on the r-tiimtruuloti rf th new United rreabyteilan church bulldinir, to be erect d at tbe sitfl t'f tbe old bulldiru. will find the plana and apeoifl7tlnn fur tha narao, at the a torn of tiMwrt fy Hox. 1 he dt cf cptntre; t-k's will le aniiOitnccd herrmfter. . SUMMONS. In thtC'trett'4 Court of iktSiit 0 Or'-jcn.r Lin County. JOUS DIAMOND. rifclniilT, v Marcaret K FindVy, A lex andur i'tmiicv nl Hsn Finrtlev tils wlf, Kam'l Kind ley, JeunUt I'ou)a:e and lUn rv l'oulado ber bulnn(J. Nanny WI!on and J Wilson hr buland, llnti Bindley. Etta KimJiey. llsttia I maiey I ai;d tt; Kauf.ml, L'ortmJsntt. J To Margarett K Pitidloy, AVxandet Eindley,8uMn t1nd!y, Hnrnunl Flndloy, JennUi IuiiJdi, Henry lov&i, Kancy U la- n, J Wilson, liUjth ritidley, Klla Findiey, H'ittie Kindie.v and Wia Sfotd. the above named Utfmdaula, JN THE NAVE OF THE STATE OF Oregon you, ar repaired to eppcar and anawer the c nnplsiiii of ti hove named plain iff in the abov enti tled court, now an H! with the eirkcf alt eourt. within ton dt from ti e date of the arvltof titbssammnrunfon fiu, lfaerviHliq Lion county, Otoom but if in tny 4hrr county in the wis vf tire aron, thin within twenty days from th dole nf tliewrvtra of thi antnmons upon you; if jrvd by putiiicatifm tho on or before the ftrt !ay ol the -t rifler term of the atovo entiuoa coutt, to wit: Marsday, lb :U Pat f fh. la'Jl. And tpo srs bemby rralfta.t lht It von fall to jrr and anwer td ea.platnt, a nereny rmuiri.io pimmm win ap ply to ibe court fur tht relief drmandea in tho courp'aint, to wit. l-'or the f,irn clonr ot niortgfe on and an iirder of tale ff tbe foUowmx f w cribe.l j).otnihs to wltl The NT, I, and tho K 'i of the NW H and the Sw M of the NW H and the NK. lift I bo E H of Hrctlon St. A!wi the H ;i of tue N'V ii ami ttie N X tit tbe HW 'A firte-'tion Si li in Town ahlp 13 y K 3 tit Cf WHUmutlO Meridian in Uun county, Oieatm. Tl'.e cracftti' erilits from suU iiale to Vm applied: Ftrt. 'lo tho payment of the coats and niaonmniftiua cr ihiaault. and the u:n of a at:.rnrys te. and th further aura of f i 3 f r ibxuh adyanead therson. end the cutis ot and accruiug ufon suth aald. Kocond. To ilia payment of r.lainUffi claim, amounting to the auui cf $ ,, ami Ibe overplus, if any there b, lo be raid to Ilia above i;amel duremtanf aa thir InurMts may appear. And for auch other relief a may (a equity be proper andjuH : Tins stttninona is puViUhed bv ouler of the Hon K F lSoicr, indzs i.f the abuv entillcd court, nile at cbarabers iu tho city of im, th 3 d day of Jsunsrj . 1S91. J K. WEATiEttFOrtt (I 13, Attorasy fur 1'iaiuti ff ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE H KKBEBY GIVEN1 Til T tho undersiirncd bate th's dy I ein duly appointed and qualinol as sdmtni tratirand nduUnlstmtrlx tif tho etr&le of Fiaok Miilons, late of l.inn countr, Ore gon, dogeared. All persona having claims ;;aiit aald estate are required to preaonl them proporly verified, within six months Ir-irn tfcl 1 date, to the undersigned, at their place at Ko'.lcy, Linn couuty. OrKOU, llua 8th t:ay or January, 1891. KLLEN MATjONE. T J MAI-ONE, J K WRTnt?iiPov.p, Admlulstrstors Attorney for estate. Cl) NOT 10! OF FINAL ETTLEEHT. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t'je undortlgned, executor of tho last will rnd testament and enUteof Jane QrlDsbam, decease 1, has filed In tbe ofllce of tho county clerk of Idnn county, Oregon, his final acconntof talil jf t vte, and the court ha fixed tho 7th day ot March. 189 i, at 10 o'clock e m, to bear objections if any to said ccoount and for Uling hU1 oUt. Uated cob 0, iBUli M. l, i'JiNNiNGTOif T, J. Btitfs, : Exeeutor. Ally ft r Executor. NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 13 HKItEBY GIVEN THAT the nndersl-ned, tho duly appointed qualiliedand acting administrator at the f stale 01 mua macsnaw, aecesfen, 11 us this day filed his fiual account inlaid BBtnte with the clerk of tho county court for Linn county, Oregon, and the court haa fixed tho 2nd day of March. 1891; at the hour of 1 o'clock p a, to hear objec tions to said account il aiy,m:d for the settlement aid estnta . This, the 2Cth day or January. 1891 Wat. CLEMENS, J. K. Wbathbkford. AdmifUator, ASty for Administrator, . f 1 80) ADMIIHSTRATGR'S NOTICE. VTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT 1" ' the underslbned bw been dulv appointed aJminisi pater of the estate of Hainan iusspu, aoeeaaea, DV me county oonrt of the state of Oregonffor Linn Co. All persons having cfaiuia ajfaiunt said estate, are hereby notified to prwent tho same duly verified to mo tn Corvallia, Jienton county, OneKon,within six months fjom the data of this notice; and all por ons liavlnjr any ofi'eets of said dtctiiwd wilt deliver tho satna ovor to mo. Dated Fob 8, 1881, K. 11, WI l&OS, (,'iV) Aitisiu;s;refT Having bought the stock . of Hardware and wishing to close 1st, the entire stock at COST for Chas. L..W. PARSER, Manager. BCMCV.' TOWEiSEHD & WILSON, Real Estate I, Loan Mm. ,Olce.-DALTlM01tK BniCK. tiiAnB ffnn.rl n.uin InulnM. . I'.rlles rstitnir insuraim wilt (o well to m tm. AfiKSTS rOB Aetna Inisniart rompaay, tuxtrwn 4 fhr(r ctxiu.I. u mt a Mid la ,0 , -Ow&M. Art.W,a,TeOHU..e, Caarnini I f'sutunar. rf f.titt.ii.. Kn-.l.t-il tUUIillshcl IS.i. ir.piiiif, ti.Mi.u0. lotul era luaucs f'J (iJMi,0uo. Asnrrlraa fire las. rmmpar, t pliilJ-tjfljl, OnrnhUnl i. tHliMim.'Uil,, Umtf t'elm)t rii A Mmrtnr la. Ompaay. 0 TWO HEN AND ONE EOV FOUND DEAD!! V "4-j"f.4 While trying to Crowd theii " WAV IKTO DSYOSFEOHlilflBHOS Store, where tiicy a!as have on hand the largest Stk south of Portland, of the latest improved Rillc and Shot Guns; an Immense stuck of FUhing Tackle of every description; Tent, Hammock, Cam? Chairs arid lhouands of ether thing too numerous to mention Jleprtir Shop ,n connection with the Store, and one of lie best workmen in the Mate to dj any Hid Bit kind Of work. vmc onr, wme ail; No rouble to mow grx!s. "Small profit and quick aW Is out motto. A TtSEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Tuny Abreast with th Time. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY - A GRAND INVESTMENT fee th fatally, School, or l'rofoMion! Librarj Tho Anthealin W.I. bridgel Dictionary, eomprislBc tho property cf th. vadersied. Is actr Thorouchly lUvised avud. Enlarced, and aa dlatiBtrniablng; title, bears b name of Wefcster'a Iatorna tioaal JJiotiosavry. ho bn in nctivo pro screws fo-ior Ten Y oars. Not loss thnn Otu-' aa. drd paid editorial laborers iiava boeu capnrrod tirron it. Over 300.l0() omondoi Iji ita preparation before tJb iirn'j copy ras prustoa. Dictionary is i a vi ted. Got tho Best. Bnrln-rf;rll.TIasn..f. R. A 6oldbyallU.il:3clior!..l;intr':til:.!i:,;i.!.: i.'.w. Jr. SI. J.'Tattoo, -: SPECIALIST ELRIEDCE EL'K, SALEM, CR. mSSA!iS"6F". WQr.IEfJ AND PBSVATE DISEASES, Con-n!lal!on dentlai. fieo and strict 1 con Custom -Chopping, We have tn band at all timet hry, oats, and chi; atd svi 1 roll in qunn tity to suit. Alio witiis, bought and sold. irTsmiers, brinR lib yenr v iieHt,t;ti snAiisy. Highfet eiihh price paid. Morris & Blount, Corner Firt.t ocd linker etrs t Oelmonico Rustaurani Opi'ositb KlumihsrgS Block,' New Rooms; . -!- Seat Service; Good Meals, 1'rompt'y Served, or Twenty-Jive Csiita. Oysters in -; till Style's. (JijUri.oTS Tf itinent rif-'.-dasnCocJct . - a i- -wirwfc- v w ff lAFlP 1 Cutlery from Gv the same, we will sell until July Smith MONEY BV DEALING WITH Ef I ES E33 D Lo t- During February ho will continue to sell Winter ClotL ing at Greatly Reduced Prices; offering rare bargains. . Dome oi 111s spring Mock, f ieja 111 xivn u louins ana jioys marked low. a nno ' 11119 01 ioy 8, UinlUrens and '-Men 9 suits in Al bany Woolen Goods, attract attention. a r 1 m -v a His stook of Shoos and Baots is a leading one, made up of first-clas3 makes. You can save money by buying your foot wear of L. E. BLAIN. vervone xaiKs - AIIOIT iS3 n uu Q Largo and Choice Display Drv GoodsClothing, Boots, Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A fine lino of Sealette Jack ets, Children's Hoods, &c, tSc. it i Tis a Feat to Fit tho Feet, Bat ALLEN WHOLESALE 5 RETaIL GROCERS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE. OR IN THEIR Flirm Block, e wmmn 1111 ' THOMAS -G. LEADING .A.Ij!B.AJiT"5r . DRUGS, ulEBIG! r5 .0 i.f J f'tfJ ? A' S J? CSks'l' iuSks 'tsi ilLiZcJr IZs dretls of book-keewra aud sica- ograpliers of both sexes, attribute their ness College, Portland, Oregon, or th Ortn. llo'a me ii.i 1 rt' iMi ' t 1 1 v, same r ites eft ' ti n. F k r Stoves, Pumps, .W. SMITH, and, CASH & E3 including some fine patterns suits, liave arnv arrived, and are - ' . . MBmMsV of Ha Can do it anj So it Eaat." CHOICE FHU1TS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON, -:- ALBANY, OREGON It j'ou want the best r, I Uiiu 1UUOU U.Ui.UUll3 iUl tlJ ture that is manufactur Laycd m tho citv co to BRINK'S DRUGGIST OlEG-oisr- FA vom'xTms.itiePS aitn, ami huu- success to a course at the Portland Busi Capital Business Co lc::;e, 'ia f A. V . n , have s twie coeir.w ot r ? 1 1 (, ' Veumoi fbinaivJ H Co. SAM m isni SLUIlyp Shoes, BEOiHEES,