1 11 An ad. in the "DEMOCRAT" lieachea the Most People, and brings P.10 RETURNS."-.. 1(9 I New York WoiM, IN THE DEMOCRAT (El i tff ft Rii l the American Farmer, oil ono year rou S2 so. Weekly "Slate Eight Pcinnciat, f2 00 per year, LITTLE CO K3T Cr!!PE, SlCKIil CI CCNSfiFATt. SCH CuI FDR SlH rffaDMHf, a. l.w t urlftL.ti,. 1.1 , t on iiit cjh (tTr (w tHi I tnt ft iIinw, to ink n w mnefc iitr. 43 piUm put up in troituvittl jthleh ., lxrrHMt in it I-!.. t. k (trw 4 .- ! Ivrnwe-swi. mm fawUww Xra, Rb WwiiI) ssHtva, iuar. . .. i Hkin mm h u ... (Off. HARTtRS lON TONiO, W PTfcu tr if ii turn- urijct.ATr tr .,! kips Vrtu4 y T.rkw tirn lit a tm V t a ik ai Til n t vrtmniM hthicno nt rvm iiucs. habiis sjcici.isco.sT.iouis,;a IMAIM IS WEALTH! 1R. K.C. WfCSTH Jir ai.d Hrxin Tuilmn.l a sruantiitesd aivtul j f.r tlY'4Urta, iHasiu.a, Ci.rut atone, fTe, N.rvua Neon,:,'!, Headache, Nervous enwtrmu ia caused hf the w nf aloded tir lulnivo, WakvfulinMi M.-ntal I iirrk, -.t. mu.r i( th Hnai-i ra-uKlinr In Inaaniit su. I kidln,. o mtxv, e.-ca) -ai doe.h. premator oM e-, hrr.Mi,ie.t le ol f 1 i u. h ivur-rxrrit' til hrln Carh l ?nnUintH m.mtli'ii tnittmitt, tl or ux feu It 4 s nl miU .tiid ua tMtiiA o vric. WE CP MUSTEK s;x POXF.S TO rfKB ASV nm. With h ontr ri-U. r I t i wnfiipiii(l with mm will arti-i tHo m-lir nr wrillrti ciuirmit t rWuuil mn It th ln-t mnl d.K. m vffei't a ifitr. iirima iiiiI only bj J. A. Cummin.;, lr:i;Ut, i.ilo iit, A , Or, STRICTURE! rfrmKn! rami t;b. al Cuttiiic, rtumlitt r P!. Itlnir A Perfectly utiiiinw trtniiiwut anii unarjif vi rur In tnr :, b cilti-rh iw lunj hiiuhH g. Th trimt, l S ncta . Hr n-.i-jll-n . la the ft att Uworarr known to nicluin. Hillwlxra hi eompUHolT rwnnrca tU Stritui with .u'.ia y I or io to th patisni. DISEASES OF im VaenUar to their8x. nl not itrrcf to Bm htr, iDrludinc all th ai d-lk-t InSriKltica and Worn. Kww, which lhT wnuH ahrinlc from dtrli(n; to thair fami'y ptivsiun, jrm-MT.tJy raract m lrr tlui than avW knnan to !lhui.i I cfra, 1t r Boxall'i "Star Syatrnt of Tivatni-nt." It rrjan'alta tha(enltumarTor;atia antlniikra ek !ii.iiin.n W baa poaubla, it la ini brat tn na. (..r tr.ml amiaaitaUan an J pfiaeUi axaa-.tnatUn. hul i:t-a arbo cannot paalbjf rM, atuuM wn. atatttij thur Ittlljr. MatticiiM aant ir m;l r .t re. Irta from xpoaurtlo ail iurtaut th lv,'.cl...l. AJJ'raa, Wra. A. BsscII, 31. D. rl l ljrEary, forOaDj. Crraa Ccraer Firat nd l'u e trct,uTrrt,intjcJ National LUnk. 2nd 10 IScsl n'.ot' of i.d ;ocdintbV ml tlio mo-.t ra ;aiepri.i, W.h ail I k'ti.j. .ra.lKIT02cf STCYE3, TIKV7A3S ' IT0GX3, PliiTuHES no,, ETC. City Eeslanranl. Hiving litn cctircly r'M:i:'C'i. I'n.j o'J and popular reatanrir.t vi.l hi n. i.'e lirft cimaa n ory rnf pec:. T.;0 iuli.o uili l i jiveo g(K! n.cal at c-H tcura for o il; j centi. KvcTjth:n- n it u 1 allrio'.iVe. Private boiea. Oiitm ir. ewry lj U. HEAL ESTA'I'K FOK ALK-I 1 avo farm of zvi w, ut-ar iCwacn aeol. on the 1. arrow Gau. 10 rt:)! from Albany. Alt la cultivatioi;. fair f r Bt-v and dointfatio l'3r??w, Kioo a1t gr . Alao another farm i J28 ;, thro- t.t rro.n Lobaaon, A!I lu cuUiva'.l Kir hooae. U:jod water. Jinti r wtmat fama. Also hou ami twt. ..: oo Kiftb and joffcraiin utrpels, A.da.iy, For furth er particular call on V. Uai;brej,(.'oritei precinct, or r" mini er jrvirm Ainnny, A t'MPHHEY. rOSHAY i MASON, DrBjristsand liookscllcnt Ak U for John B. Alden'a I,ea:ior, ljleh w all at pa'jlUlicr'a trkva witi Uza1'1a' ALKABT. OUtCiOl NOTICE. UTOTK-'E OK ISTEXTIO.V or THE AKOf.O SK tmI Aaanranie C"irwi.nii t ctane in do i.oii- nma lu Ilia atata or urKn ar.u to wiiuuraw m eapiul depoiitwl with the tnii(i.r ol tlia auto of Orru. Ilia Anir o-Ncvjt'a An'ri' ci.rriti'n, a enr- pnratiuo iocorjiirati uwltran-l tyvirlusol tins laara at tkt alala of Califurnia, and baric? It rindl ffliw ami pSara af bin'-i in tho city nuil tnunty of ban Franloo, atata of California Inre'jy tfimi Jiiitj iia nolle that it iluklrea an-i i-iUruiIa to to curry on tha iomraiif buiiiifiia intlia itnteo! trr'-on aiul ta raaa liuninMia In aaltl tai and to withdraw ita aai.iuil, to wit. the ram of fifty tlionnni) (.V),Cc ) dollar. In the city of Fortiand, (ttreifon) watur bowl., 4iponit-d hyaaid corporation with lho treiturcr of the atat of Oregon, In aroriiatir. with tne law. of aakl atate, and rfve thla n.tice ef eueh, ita iiitcnliuo In aoeordanoe with the lava of said atate. By order of the board of directora ef the Ar.g 0 Kevad Aaeurar.ee eotporatfon. 1. F. XILU.N'JIIAST, Eeoreiery. vol xxvr. ALBANY, OiiLGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1891. NT() 30 liiaiUfiii VEGEl BLeVaTIAGEA rTmcuRCCF " 1. 1 ' - ; f ' T - I.OOAI. HECOltIV AND ALLOTHCR D.SZASZS ARI5INO F"ROM A DISORDERED STATE crTE STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. rOI BA-lft BY ACt DRUSCISTS & CCiCRAL DEALERS. THE CRY OF MILLION 3 OH. DRCKl STOP IT NOW, OOn IT Will, BC TOO LATC 1 hart btrn (nut:el many jrart with dieaae of the kklur . an! av tnrl man? l!ilerrnt reiiinlta and ha muvlit aid ftom dillrrent phvK'itt w iliwul rritn. aikhii the isth ol Apn I wn. atiilrrin Itum a vrrv rutU'rl nttnvk that ataot rtrntnl tiic lie m'h a tuannrr tunt I js tyul vxer. Wiirn I at iVwu It wnaalm'MU iniitil: !r mc o fret t p al'itir. or t: on mv clothr-., wl'r kin. I !'ri,v,'-tire Ctit Ir. l!i:li:cy, with I., tMiieuN ku.m:v tijv. to mv tMUL 1 ImtttoliiiteSy cutnturavvd mi':,- the lr. It had an a'mcjat iri.aotUou. eicct, aud to the oaon ts'iiuiut ul all the cutiua at Hie hotel, in a It-w iUy,I em tapir to at. HiKl 1 -; new man. I wi!l4 rrowm-ii.t t;ie Ui to :i f;iAU ai i lt..v; Uva. , ti. A. TtTPl KB, iTvjJ-rirt rOtriat.-BlJ IU.1. tvUU KtWl. Ct. Albany IRONWORKS HAM EHSIHES GhlST U'0 SAV W All Klf DS OF HEAVY m LIGHT vonx, l!J IE01I AHD SSASS CASTINGS. . t!rtita til i"f-i.-l alt" iti iti fin o' ni.vhir.f-r .i.t Conrad Mayer. STAR nrifl -ii:ai t i ritd FruiU, r',r.. X i i-vjt t a fa rVotp (lrfnwsrr, Iroi n. '. Ten. El.. - Vijlbln that i kcH Ir. M1 for tle ( ritll. 1 t. !. 5tJ)car ofl-. t'fr,. mil iv rt n -; v . - i,v i" . i n k n n 4 mipd GATARFiH Rlscumali'ini, yeurn!Ria, Ccnn HEADACKZ, And ALL PAUL Tie CaHfencIa ?a:tlT tel Hft! ELSCTP.IC COUGH CUP. 2 wars coio?. ckvp. comuifriic. Etl ly a'.! Brsfj' ,.. Eiti 25, 55 & SI Oreaeincer ft Co . PrcP'a. L An-'.!a, Cri, - IK I mM tn . 1 IT(M)AVH.Xl VJ a&anurtt Tfl t3Mt awuiurc Ida f t-. r.;ltnriwlo1(n; le'J;nir reairfir lo 'Uioonly aula remedy for jwncorrnor-oorwrnpA 1 preai-rlbc it and fuel fu!a la nTommciitling U Fin 8 Oil FAiNTisos.-Mr A W lk-ut, who liaa boon rotulurting ft largo cIiish in Sitli'tn. Iiah on fixhlliititioH in tho More opKit'p Ptuwai't & Itox, on First at met. 1 ii v.lti:thU rullucttoit of the IllOnt nototl jaiitl jit tURm)uo views nn tho Fnellic iroiiHt. the riaiiltof thrud ycart' rktteh- i ing, pinl whivh ar proitottnt-t'i! ly all w ho Imvit Dt'i'ii them, to h tint lint'i't 1 ever fxhihilt'tl in Allmny. Uo Ink also j Rome hpue piece ly Tnjotti, ihotttiuoun ! fan t ranelneo nrtim, who ucmiowi ! vnA hv all to o necoiul to nnnoln llenli i tint. Tho object of thin exhibition id to give the puplic nu oppf-rtmtuy u jnnu i of Mr I'eKt'a wui-a. ita ho N liertloor Jpinio eJivna In oil jmliitinj.', nnl all who tiro inteiettil in itrt bliouUl Civil mid nee hiin. They will ih on exhibition thn eveuinK mid for tho next twi wfeks, iluring the ilny nivi eveniiii:. Scio. W U Iiilyeil tttul 11 N Hewitt, of Alhnny, cntn over froirt that city llinrmhtv t taWo jmrt in thiiDnlcy-AJex ttinler nili'.truli'ui. Mr T I. lhivruer went to AlWny Tneu tlav, enlled tlurp by th illncaa of tier duiiK'iUr in-lit w, Mra (J G llemteraitn. Mncrii Morehea l mnl 1'oweH, of tho Ciirhont!ftl! coiil ininiut; cnmiunv. went tip ta the lotnea Tnemln, fur the pur- Ktf0 oi puttmg tutu r.t woric frcparalory lii tUKitlU out conl. Mrs A J Juntiiiiiui, ilauhter of Mrs Ir ivinif, of thid ciii. ol llitKlKvtt, lien ton cotiniy, arrived in thin city TuethUy inornnia. Mio whs called liero on ac count of her mother' illueca. V fi Injrntnt, of near Albany, a coiim'ii of Mr V If Uniuwy, ntwut Saturday ariii Sunday viMtittif. tht latter Kentlenmn. On Saturday Mr lUnmey iont otit Invi taiionn o tho young yeojdo of thin city, and at 7 ji in, or therenlKJUt, they wtubld mid enjoyed tho hipit.iUti B of th lovo iiienttotifd Lidy. 1'reM. Kiiftilutiin piixied nt tho itiajw ntcet bijl Saturday hikIiI i'np!y thAnkcd the house of reprem ntntivea tr their nction in pacing the division bill. Ya'V in t i'.tv. 1 0 MeFnrhtnd, rpec" lul fip-nt of the S'iite Insnraco Co, S Iftit, jisive ti! n call t:t Tuexday ninriiiit 1 1 in a live, tnergefm bitninemi man. t'ndcr t!ie inanaKViurnt of J W Brae ttei.l. the Yaiittina, Seal ltek A A! railnud bids fair to tuake it the ctmtitijf nenoii, the aitbxidy Jcitiired belli); in n fnir way to Iv nil secured. Mra Ab ITropbrer, accompanied by her Hon and two daughter, Ciinie lit from Salem on Monday 'a train, en route to tier homestead in the lower Alaca valley. !r Whitney baa placed In the band of a rial cnUte firm in Portland, an I'apt Junt a inf ruia tut, hia 40 acre tract lie twee n lure and tin Of dock. It ia hupptta.'d If bavo lfeti laid on into 4 10 lot of 2"ixl!W feet each, and the price in f:U a lot, on the iimlaUmcnt plan. The raid 40 acres are a lo'tle or more from t'afjnma t'lty, and two ni!v from Tole do, in a ejueatcrei vale ia tho moun tain.. Feint. Vi'imovT A Tiionrrr. At leant two nu n have informed the Democrat that they have been presented wl! orders niiied by their name, for the "Sonver iri" hert-tofore referred to, which they absolutely never aiifned, nor authorized signed, and, of courf, they rcftitte to take them. They are men of veraeJty. Our reader can draw their own conclu sions'aa to what thi mean. Tho w hole rcbemo bv which the "Souvenir" was rotten op, and liko aSTitirs, iaa bull-dt- titii one, and a great many w ho did fogrt the ordsra did m aeainat their will, to Ket rid of lieinc lwred. There are merit- orona aiHtiri of that kind, otcaitionaliy, tlnr.!!i, rarely, tr.at deserve mipport.an-t the lKncatT will never oppf.-wo them; but, it w ill prx-aW s;:an-t ouch "Sonvt-n-ir" of i he illamette valley, fillel with cheap John ccne, n.tny oil which it ia lil!icult tott.l -Ahat they do represent. every time. It id time our bushier men run their nliair and ouit In ina forced into ocliemea against tlieir inclination. MaoixoS Ilr vtn Faoa. Several of the creditor oi J M aia-hson, the u r wliart a'cnt who recently left Albany in a hur ry, tlii mrnintt received postal card, . i .i i.i . . t,t..r. maitt-d cn ii.e wiiiaiia council iiiuu K H, rciuiina n'lbxtantiaUy m follow : IKatli in our fantilf canned me to leave a ftsddenly. l'ie.iise nend my bill liere and I will pay the name. Slcrnod, J M M edition, Aurora, 111." This i generally thought to U a piece of impudence, and it ia doubted If ho sent any money it would 1t more than such oa he iried to Kf-t the Lyons men to invest in. Cut the probability U that ho doca uot go to Au rora at all. ' A Good Th irrc. Tl'.e pa.t ln been a very ucceful year for Hie Aloany liiiiiiiins Lan Aa'oclation. The value of tlc rlock, a wl'l bo ahow n b; the Sec retary a report tomorrow night, liaa ln creased over 14 per cent on the amount paid during the year, an Interest of per cent tor the lltn the money ba been invct-ted. 'I be locreatc i tie value of the etock paid up for the two year the atkoclatiun ha been organized W approxU mutely 2J per cent- A fine allowing.. Youn men, particularly, wlahing to in vcat their money or build home will find It a fire lcatltulion in which to put tnelr money. UscosbTiTCTtoXAL. Jul,'a Deady lii V08 Boarda of County Comminsioners a diath blow, os IoI'.owh : In the cams of the racifii r.rido Company va Ciackaniaa county, tho court held that the mention of the "Hoard of County Commlsaionera" in section 4141, of the compilation of 1W CU NT Ml IT1 BLY M i LL. The railroad commliaion law provides that not more than two of tht three commlnioneri ihall belong to the tame political party. The republicans being In the majority would, 0 couise have two com in wionirt, leaving one to the democrats It is a common cnurttty all over the United Stales under such circum- etsnces ss tHea for the majority to pet mil tits minority party to select its own member. It wm left to tits republican party to violate this rule of com tey, fur Ibey not on'y selected Colvig and Hamilton hut they selected Mr Clow lor the dcmocislic nirniltr. We ar tuld if 1 lis democrats had been permitted to seUct their own nisa Mr Clow would have stood no show at sit. Governor Pennoysr has very spptoprlately welded another link Into the chain wakb Ututi Ititn so closely to the tax payers of the state by vetoing the wagon road bills. By this oae fell stioks of his pen he has dons more to promote his candidacy for the presidency, (l tie were a caadieste,) than all the gabble in dulged is by the O'tronUi fur the last month. i. ij Jul-.1 . lm Fanners and taxpayeis are not likely to Kon forget the courageous manhood shown by seeatois Wcstherford and Veateh In so ably and earnestly defending their interests when the railroad lobby were having things their own way in amending Millet's railroad bill so as to make it practically harmless so far ss the roads ware concerned. The Balldtas t least Aaaarlallaa. Tho annual meeting of the Albany Itailding & Loan Association was held Jaet evening at th Oregon Hank offices. About t-.'-OO was loaned at 49 and oO montl s Interest iu advance. The eecre- tary read hi annual report, which exclude- the present month, and ia for 23 tiionti.n, w hicn ebowt the following: Total loan, in force 31,?0 00 . ali on hand , 473 Oil Furniture and llxturee 110 66 Iuo from members 173 40 Total Less) unearned interest Due member on advance pay- menu ., 02,ft4t 14 ".fill 63 Net resource .....$23,007 60 Thia amount la dlvitlswl Utween the diirerent series as follows: Firataeriea..... ..$20,409 91 SeHond serlei 1 ,43U 27 Third series. , . 693 21 Fourth series. 34H 67 Fifth aerie 103 63 Undivided profit 7 1W The profit on one share of th first aer ie figure up at $1 71 for the ye. The expense of the rear were $300 for secretary' !ry, and $10 75 lor inci dental. Total, $3Kl 73. The following director were elected by acclamation, Mng the old 0110 with tho exception of W 0 Casaeil and Geo II Keener, the former of whom i not now a stockholder and tho latter i away from home: 11 i'.ryant, W B Thompson, Geo K Chamberlain, C II Stewart, Geo W Hochstedtcr.Ur J 1 Wallace, E Waeh burn, J E llrown arid F I Nfittintr. Auditing committee. J L Cowan, E W Ivftngdon ami K N Comlit. The director then elected the follow ing officers: C 11 Stewart, president; lieo W ilochstedler, viee-prcslent ; Jay W Iilain, aeenstary; W S Thorn peon, treasurer; f II Irvine, attorney: II Bry ant, Ir J I Wallace and V F is' titling, finance committee. SHIiL Al rr.MONit,' TilOMOAY. Marshal Hoffman werd to .Salem this noon. World's Fair Commlsaloner Wllkhts, of Lane county, pasted down the road today towards Salem, Miss Osborne, of Eugene, who has many friends in Albany, we.it down to Salem today to take the place of her fa ther la the store of Chrltmsn & Osborne, for a few days. The ball given by Albany Engine Co. last evening was welt attended, and is re ported a great eiicceas. The hall was elf gaotly decorated for the occaalon In an artUtlc manner. Conductor Conacr, of the S F, who had a leg broken In the lake LnbUh accident Pcd up the road today with his wife, using crutches to aaalst In navigation. Its was greeted by hearty handshakes 01 every side from his large number of friends. It is almost impossible to give a list of persons present at a gathering of people and not leave out one or more. In our list of those present at the Chautauqua party given at Mr 0 E WolvertonVthe name of those omitted were Mi and Mrs II P Merrill. v It is rumortd hre that Henry Cleck, formerly of this countr, but now a re.l dent of Albany,lntends to return to Crook county In the spring. Henry evidently thinks thst it is too wet fwr him during the winter months down in the land of big apples. No fog onus op here, Henry, I'rlnevllle News. Lsat evening aaurpiUe party ass ten dercd Mr L E Blaln, urder the auoplcrs of his clerks, which proved a very enjoya ble affair. A good time was had at games, sociability ami partaking of a fine lunch. The event wss In honor of Mr Hlam's 49th birthday, whleh occurred on thst day. Mr Iilain was alao a 49 r and more too. At the right time Pr Irvine, on behalf of Mr Utaln a clerks, t reaented him with a handsome gold headed cane, which wss hspplly re. ponded to, though It was Mr illuin'a first experience In being caned. Such Oct a. ion a always leave a pleasant spot In one's ftcrnory. f atosv. Mr Lake Dorr!, of Corvaltia. is in the city to-day. Hon 8 A IMweon returned from Sedan UiL noon, without hi commission. II L Ttudd and Knox lUlxht.of Feoria, returned home to-day from a trip to Fort-land. Mrs Wilkinson, of Oregon City, lain the city, th truest of her father and mother, Mr and Mr Joua Jirusn. Hi following divorce suit have Just been begun in the Circuit Court: Ver linda Standish against A W Standisb; Jennie Stand Ult against Nathan IS SUu- diab. Ckmaiueraoie lorone lamiiy. Mr Julius E Miner, a prominent law yer of Minneapolis, spent ft coupw 01 day in ourcity tbi week, tho guest f l)r Tliointon. who was ins orouwr in mathematics and astronomy in the l?ni versilv of Miimfota, where Mr Miner graduated in 1875. Corvalli Gaaette. Lkhanon. One hand red and fifty housed will be built in Illation thia year eay a conservaiive. Itev A Mareellu will remove to Oak land aoon to take charjre of the l'resby terian church at that place. Ilev Jjimar, pastor of the First Baptist cnueti, ieoaiion, make fiu Itotno Willi hi cousin, 8 O Wallace. Tho new city council have decreed the Lebanon liquor licecso shall "be $000. Some regard this too hiith whib) other thittk it ia too low. The editor's) private opinion ia that if liquor selling lie a good thing, every body oujditto tell it : if it be a boa thing , let nobody sell it. LI x pre. A Ilia Mo.xtiMi.tT.-Here I the way to leave a monument that peotile will look at and remember the author of It Union county has few men more able and none who. when once determined, will ro further to secure succeas thsn A E Eaton of Union, says the Chronicle. Mr Eaton has msoe a Urge amount ot money In Union, and he feels tike leaving a monu ment to his memory In his home cltytnd to do this he has determined to found a woolen mill there, and has hesded the en terpriae with $35,000. The mill wilt em ploy eighty rerona,and If the people who are able will stand by Mr Eatort, It will be built. I lis rata Sin I iMl if ' IA) II 1 P'llM-nT! t V ftni,oKT;a A.J.bHA-ut,M.T.r45wlii',r to the . letting of contract for V, V "'fi ,. . iwaTtra, ir. Mie building of county hrnlgea, Is null &gvLrll tVwT vy. Itccauae there la no such tri- . I btinal known to the constitution or laws t a . a mw a 011 a( ArTHiii 1 'WjJOTICE CF DISSOLUTION. Notice ji in hereby given that tlio partnership heretofore exiatina: belweoa W H Kow latid. M D. and V C KtraUon under the Ann name of Pacific Mfiiiioal Company hu hri thla davdiiiolved by mu.ua! con wtnf. From and afir thia d?.to Ii C RSratton will collect all outntaTiding ao Mimiianil imvall (fobts of Kalct firm. Dated at Albanf, Or, this 18th day of Deo, im. W II KOWliAND, L C 8TP.ATTON. ALBANY ".OR. Vimm & EULBERT-BSOS., Real Estate Agents Faruis sod JUnclict for sale. Also city bropcrty in Albsn and Coryalhs. FortmUIer k frving. 0 f) 1 i v.i till at Vs' ' ''''r'Xy' ' -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- A.rtorial Embalming Dona Ssientii lcally. . ' , "IPHELPS, Job Printer, lEt.at.K'S Albany wm THE BEST. V. M. r bhhv K to l fllimtratf-H- DecriDttve and Priced SEED ANNUAL ' ... . .. , rnri- f i 1 For 1 Oil will t manea rntc. , 1 to all applicanta, and to last season's f 1 customers. It is better than ever, f 1 JCrery person using 1 Hovxr or rtsid of fat, ahould tend lor it. Addres D. M. FCRFIV eV CO. ns--rnr.IT. MICH. Larjf'!t Seedsmen in the world f 3 Phyalciaa aad Surgaoa. Gra Junto of BcIIevue IlospiJal M'edlcal !oi!ego liow Jtera. City. Discaacs cf womaa a rpeoialty . . CSTOffio r.nnan's Brick, Albany, Or. Uoburg Lurabsr. narrow uaoffe t-s'sewhern. r r v ft ' LIi'INfi & CO., L t?tv PitOv'K f.ofR BCrtf -I0B rCB WA'JS'-l A?' O SAE SIIS D"2E. I sell the best lumber iu lho county; also dar poKts, hiD(;lQ8, laths doors sod wio o W tnonldiat', etc. Prices from $3 to f 22 er thousand, yard at Lovaon. on the See me la-fore purchasing W VV Chawford. Airss,P O Tal Itih, 0' f Oregon an a Itoard of county commia- Hionera, anil the legislature might as ell have said "tho Ikiard of JliHHionH." Who Vii.L i:E Clerk. Tho Dkmockat ia informed that Mr Frank J Miller, for merly of this city, will nndoubtedy be, ppoiuieti ciera oi mo ranroaa conini'aa ion; a selection that will give gen satinfaction in Oregon, in as much os tnco had to go to a republican, the Waggoner will be a private citizen Mr four years in ona of' tho greatCBtafter cure in the hiutory of the world, uine- A Thrifty Farmer. Some people say that farming docs not pay. Well that depend conuld6rably on management.the same as oincr businesses, l he IJemocrat knows of a sober, thrifty, upright farmer, not many miles from Albany, who has cleared above all his expenses, Including that of supporting his family, - new ma chinery, etc., $5000, In three years, iiofc- wttfcbtanding the lact that wheat has been low. lie had about a section to do it on, of course only using part cf the land. To iitc Paid. One of the Items In the appropriation bill ii the following: "Pay ot V li Montelth and II C Wood, for re wards under section 2197 of IIlU's code, vouchers on file, ?6oo. The section re ferred to Is one providing for a standing reward of $300 for the arrest of each per son who shall place an obstruction on a railroad track, or misplace a swKch. The case for which the appropriation is allowed was that of the wreck at this city by which engineer Miner ana fireman Guthrie, lost their lives. . Tr aria era ExatalaailaB. Koticc is hereby given that the regu lar public examination of teocliero, for l.inu county, will take place in Allasny, commencing on Wednesday, Feb 25th at 1 o'clock, p m, and continue until Friday noon, Feb 27th. All teacher must pos itively bo preHcnt at the time ot com mencomcut as 110 one will bo admitted to lho examination who i not 10 pre ent. O. F. Ki'SHKix, Co. School Bupt. ilfaaejr to Loan. "We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite thoHevere house. Hurkhast if Ceesjby. SATl'tDAT. FII rielffer, of Portland, i in the city. l'rof and Ir Michencr, of HalseyJhave been In the city to-day. Mr Harry Harr ha eegun the itudy of nedbrlna la Ur Iliir oruce. Ilev RrowoBon of McMinnville.wa in the city to-day on his way to Urownsville. MrCbasM Elkin,ot Frlnevillo, and coaslr.a. Mis Addie CUypool, of the earae place, and Mis Welch, of The Iiallea, arrival in the city last evening, and are the guest of Mr letm Klkin. Hon PC Hansard, of Ibarcn. was In the tits- to-dnv on hi way home from Salem, where, though he baa made no bluater. lie tin atiemietf siricuy 10 oust nee and watched the interest of hi con stituent In afaitldul manner. Alvah and Mart Long, who recently aold out their barber buslnes in Fort- land, are ia the citv on their way for ft trio through Mexico, going to Mexico City among other place. Tli AswemblY Club, on Thursday evening, February 2tUh, will give one of their popular ball at ine opera uouse. Faraon' well Irtyfait orchestra, of Port land, will furuish the music, wttb Mr Henry Jiopktna, 01 tnt cuy, asoirecvor. A former Eastern vouns lady says At banv nnmarried areutlemen do not din- play that friendly sociability peculiar to Eastrn young men. Ther Uiey call and anend the evening with young ladle nmmiaenouslv. one evening at one place another st another, filling their mind with good thought, etc, (aometimes without reeard to matrimony, necessari ly, unless ft follow naturally. Here the haa not received a call. It i not much the custom Feing of a sociable nature she of course doe not appreciate the idea. It la a foolish idea that young men and women cannot be friend without being in lov. An honest intermingling oi the sexe is a splendid tliing.and gush sand enti mentality i not necessary to strengthen the fnendlines. hope ta ace an Improvement in tin direction. Will Lha vmintr men wake uoand be men Private instructions given in the Dkmo ckat sanctum free ol charge. s A 11 I'M I LI ATI NO SPECTACLE, The court of railroad legislation cul minated Wednesday in one of the most humiliating scenes that has ever been wit nessed In an oreKon legislature. In the early part of the session Senator Veatch, of Lane,lrtroduced two bills, one to repeal the Railroad Commlatlon law, and the other lo establish maximum rates ts be charged by railroads In transporting freight. The reason for the repeal of the Rallrosd Commission law is In the fact that the commission has never been of any benerlt to Ihe state, for power to regulate fairs and freights can not be del egated to a commission. Hence Senator Veatth concluded, and truly to, that it wat folly to continue a commission that cost the state ten thousand dollars a year with out securing for the state any benefit In re turn. Mr Miller, of Josephine, also Intro duced a bill enlarging the powers of the commlatlon, whleh could they have been exercised, would have been a benefit to the state. Veatch bill to repeal the com mlatlon had passed the senate. Miller's bill had passed the house but defeated I n th senate. Th republican senators," says the Ortgomau, "who did not 'stand In with th railroad companies were then forced to do the neat best think, and vote with the democtsts to repeal the commis sion." It wo generally understood" continue that paper that they, (th r.tl- rallroad republicans,) would continue to ct with the democrats and pats a maxi mum rate bill." The Orfenan continues Its account thust The house, angry at the refusal of the senate to pass Miller's bill. It was expected would eiao vote 10 repeal tne commit ion nd enact the desired rate law. The democrttt felt sure they hsd the republl cans In a hole, hence their JntlflcaUon; but wo events trausnlrtd to detest their weih 11 J plan. Tnelr exhibitions of joy srou.ej the republicans' suspicion, and In -the meantime the railroad companies had be come frightened at the close probability of havlrg lo work under a maximum rate law. Rsilrosd attorness and ofuclats were as thick about the capital this morning ss ap plicants tor commwaionerthips. there were hurried conauitattons and it was soon discovered that the railroads were willing to concede a great deal lather than have a maximum rat law enacted, run, taken with the fact that the republicans had be come aroused to th knowledge thst the people would hold them responsible lor the failure to give the railroad commission power to red rc grlevances.brought about ' a. . ..lul. . - a eomprvmieo. ni wiw, w. -.. noon, the hour for the conalderatlon of Senator Veatch' maximum rate bill. Ful ton atked that Its consideration be post poned until 4 o'clock. Wealhct toro atked why this should be done. Fluton under stood It was for the purpose of recontlder- In the vote bv which Mr Miner's bin failed to pass, Veatch hoped there would be no postponement, and said he thought there was something very peculiar In alt this. Fulton stked if the senator referred to the caucus held br the democrats last niiiht. Veatch' bill was postponed and Miller s bill reconsidered, seven amend ments were then made In the open senate 10 Mtiler'e bill fhoute bill ol Section a waa to amended as to substitute lor tne nne of $500 for a violation of tariff rate a pro vision by which in cominisaton may bring a suit in equity to determine whether the charges Used by the ooaro are jusi an-j rrasanabtc.and section 6 makes It the duty of the commttslun to bring suit In behalf of complaints acslntt the railways, sen ator Weatherford and Veatch opposed the amendments to the bill, and a heated d bate ensued between these lw democrats and Senator Fulton and Tongue. V. eath erford thought there bad been a wonder fid change In twenty-four hours. That tells the whole story. Tho rail road companies were alarmed at the Idea ot having the maximum rate law passed which Mr vYeatherford and Mr Veatch were battling so gallantry for, and they gathered thick In the lobbies and brought their powerful Influence to bear not only with ;the republican senator who were landing In" with them, but on every re publican senator who had not been stand ing In with them, and secured the adoption of such amendments to Miller's bill rendered It brrmless to them, and then it pasted the senate with every lepubllcan senator for It and every democratic sena tor votlniT asalnst It. The amendments were then concurred In by the house doubtless fter sevetaFof Its members had been"lnfljcnced" by the warm of railroad officials and attorney who were then so actively present In the lobbies. It was openly charged by Mr Weatherford that the railroads were having their own way tn securing amendments to the bill, and by conscientious men who were presen It was said to be a most humiliating specUcle to republican senators who heretofore TIIK nitAVE Vltn) UUHXOt. The folio ing is Governor Pennoyer's message vetoing the wagon road bill for a road on Rogue River between Josephine and Curry counties. The other veto mes sages were shurt but stated the same gen eral objection: "I herewith return bouse bill No. 98 Ith my dissent. This bill appropriates out or the general fund $10000 for the bulldl.ik of a wajjort road between 'a point at the present tcrmlnu I of the county road leading up Itogue river to the boundary ne between t urry and losepnine coun es.' In fact.lt provides that money raited by general taxation shall be expended ftr local purposes. No general tax ought to be levied for any other purpose whatever than the general good. This rule, If net mposed by constitutional provision, Is Re minded by the requirements of justice. No man should be Used by the govern ment for the particular benefit of.sny other man, or of any one community. If the policy Is ever established ol appropriating money derived from general taxsilon for local and special purposes, and the flood gates of cairavagant expenditure are once opened for such purposes, It will Indeed be a bard matter to ever close them down. And taxation for such purposes Is as vicious In policy as It Is ur juat In pi inclple. Con edlng that taxes can be laid upon the peo ple at large for the benefit of particular Interest and localities, and our legislative hall will be at once transformed into com. merc'at exchange, and leglelalion for the general benefit will tie blockaded or jeop ardised by log-rolling combinations, the cohesive bond of which is the looting of the public treaaury for local and special nterest. No money derived bom a tax laid upon the pecpte thould be appropria ted for local benefit without a provision In the lw which makes such appropriation, by which such money will be ulilmstety naldbaak ln:o the treasury. With this provision no Injustice It done to any tax payer of anv locality, as the state treasury ill be reimbursed for all outlays lor local nurmaH. The state poverniTiciu wat created foi the general good alone, and taxes laid upon the people by It should be solely for general purposes." "Svlvkstak PasNovaa, Governor. BAD ECZEMA OH BAB. Head one Solid Sore. Itching: Awful. Had to Tie Ills Hands to Cradle. . Cured by Cutlcura. Our tittle boy broke out on hi bead with a is ! form of eexema, when fee- waa fotir momh tp'M-. Wt trtwj three doetorn. hot tiw-y did not help hit". We then aad your threes Cltk tin linur.ntr,, and after twine tiietn eleven weak a-iactiy aerord. Ine to direction., he began to aUwllly improve, nc-l af tor the nee ot them for seven months his bond waa aitlrniy well. W'liea we lioxnn Heine; It 111 ));! waa a olld (tor from the crows in hi yebrovj. it wm also all over bla ear, moat of hi iam, ami tiriall taeaondlffertmt ana of bia Imdy. Tbm wt're eiitaen woes, thai we had to keep life hrnd tied to the eradie, and bold them when he wee tau-i. op; and bad to aeep mltteoe tied on hie hand to ksp bla finKer-Ralte out of Uie eoree, as bewonld iM-ruu h If be eould In any way tr till. band, looee. We know your C(;ti (;iu UaweniK en red bits. We fowl eafe In feeomrnetidlna: thm lo other. OtU. 11. k JASKTTA liAliUld, Webster, lad. Scrofula Cured t bay a alater vonneer than myw'f wiiose wli-jle body wat covered with acrofuia eorcn, from bead to foot, ribe eon id not lie down at aiilht, and bad do fx-a'o by dny, A friin.l w'. Vised her to try theCcTit-tm Iiaarmre. Ft did to, awl tbey tiured ber. fUUA H. KKVISO, itoabaylvaiiia, vUo Cutlcura Resolvent Tb new Blood and Fkln Purifier, and jrreatert 1 1 II uroor lletaedletUmoaea Uie blood of all imput e U and poieoflvtia element, and Otua remdvea the t:i.x u bile Ct-Tl!. Uie erel akin ears, and CfTirfi-, Hoai-, an eiqul.lt aaia beautlfler, clear tlie and aealp, and reetor Use hair. Tbu the Oti ova bcaaurs cure every sperte of ltcb:ii ournme, aeaiy, pimply, ana oiotcny earn ana oivoa uiaeaeee, xrom loUacy lo age, wbeo the bimplee to eerotals, fri best phticiau fall. Sold everywhere. Price, Ccrtcc, S0e.: Po c. Ue.i lioi.vaaT, l4m, PrepnrH by Oie Vtmzt. t o aho Cnaew al Coat-ouATfos, llottoo. iergend for" How to :uro tikin VUum," . t; So ilioatraUotul, aud lixl leatirootuaia. RY'C Kk,n nd Kralp pnriCed and fceaaUfkd Jul 0 by Cutlet' Bor. Aljaoiotely pure. PAINS AND Y.'EAKKESSES f female tsetaotty relieved X Jtat new, eiesaot, and lu fallible AbUiLss ta I'ala, lailamroatton, and Weakneea, tha Cutlcura Aatl-i avlu I'hsateir. Entered at the Pont Office at Albany, Or egon, as second class mall mattor. I.E. WEATHEEF0HD. CtTOllNEV AT LAU' Aim!', otrxos W It BILYEU, aTTOUNEY at law And Solicitor in CfcaBcerj-r ALHA7IT. . . ORI69S. 0oll9;tlons pro-nptly r.iadeon tllpo'r.t oansaeotitsd on uaionabletorrna , K.V.BLACBOCn?, , OEO. W, WKIOSIT, ILAGKBUttH & WnSSlIT, Attorneys at Lav?, Vdl prstto8 In all t'ts C avrt of t'oi teto. rromptattenttju given lo aJ utit as sotm.tel to oar e e. Office Old Fallows Tan pi Alba y Q Attorney "at La7, ALBANY -s- OREGON. Office la the ftlrakaa Blaeb. a t'a I. ris3TriEY. imiLJN Aid CsimsEllor At ND NottirT I'd &!c. - ALBAlV CRECCH Ul S. W. Paisley, lAlbaay. Ortgan -WHOLESALE DEALEU IN - lat'mzQ ail Clzan. L.SIIIL, jlEct cor, AtiGANY- and Ferry Slrsetie, ob. GaWATsofj m$m Physician and Surgeon. tjffice oppoMle tbe DenKxirai. '- GHAS. H. D0DD & G0. Evr.it rintittiH The sruth of the saying, 'A friend, In need. Is a friend Indeed," wai never more forcibly exemplified than when Governor Pennoyer sent la b! message to the houte and senate this morning vetoing ten wagon road bill tht morninir. Never did tre taxpayer ot this sUte stand o much in needed abtsve, courageous governor as now, and all over the state they will, with one consent say, 44 Well done thou good and faithful servant." ixpoavxaa oe hardware, Iron, teel. AND FARM MACHINERY. HEST A27D VUTE ST222T3, TC2TLA1TD, fiT??"",'?i Sola Aeonts for Oregon and "Washington for The reason why republican papets, Ilk e the Eugene 3orrf, never speak of Ex- presldcnt Cleveland except by use of per sonal abuse Is not difficult to penetrate The Journal especially docs this. Its choice expressions are "coarse", "thick headed." .-atttpld." etc.. etc. In the ab sence of anything better, these papers re sort to tht system of barbarous warlare Sunder and abuse seem to be that paper' oniy weapons of warfare. It calls him Ja "gold bug" whh a style and spirit that show that It regsrds this epithet as a j corchlngly opprobrious one. This It does, blindly unconscious of the fact that many of the real leaders of the republican party, such as HarrUon, Morton, Reed, Edmunds, Hoar.Hawley.Dud'ey.Clarkson and Klklns are the Inveterate foes of silver. Then why wot denounce thee men as kgold bu,' The narrow-mlndness of the edl'or of the Jomrwl In all political matters precludes It from criticising any republican whatev er he may do or say. ! ntea - 1 '. -'-"V Cloaks at cost at W F Read's. t Eapepar. 1 This is what you oogntj to have, a fact you must have it, to enjoy life. Thonasuds are sesrehing for it daily, and monrolng b causo they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attaisj thia boon. And vet it may be had by alsh Wj ensrante that Electric Bitters, if assd o-xrdit!ft directions and tha use persisted in. v briug you goed digestion in oast the demon Dyspepsia and ins tail instead Eap. pay,. We recommend Electrlo Bitters for Jytpaf ia and all diseases of Liver, Sir iach and Kidney. Hold at 60 and tl per bottle by Foahay & Mason, druggist. Nowci to Fabmeb. Wanted at once i.lA.n. Ancm nmsi. turkevB. dried Irotts, butter, epg, ana an nmn oi iar produce, for-which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for Sooda. H. W. biMsoif, . Atoany, urcgwoj New Dlacksmith Siioi- G V Willis haa luat eomnletei. his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all ktnda of iron and wood worn can be had and done In first class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc, lor repa ir ' WILL YOU 8UFFER with Dyspepsia end i-WerOnmnlaint? Sbiloh'al ViUliaor 1 gnsraoteed to our you. Th best roast eoffe in the city at Coot ad Moyer. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, mad misersbl thv tbst terrible eoaeh. Khiloh'i Cur is the iUmedy for yoa. The ONLY plaee ia the ty wher East era tickets can be xmroba Is of W, L. Jeater, at tbe Soot lern FaciQo Co'e tick! office Bncklen's Arnica Salve, Th boat 9!v Id tha world foi Outa,Bralae,Sores Tnoer, Salt Kheuin, raver aorea, leiser, vaapp huiiii. ij&itDiaine. uirai. snasii ssiparnmi. -poeiueelyearea Pllet.or no pay required. It la roar. J;.tA a smIml aatlKfaiitlnn. ar monev refund' 1, Prio at eeat per box. . For salt by foaltay and -afaaoD. see had been refualng to stand in with the railroad now with meekness and humility bending their necks and fitting them to the railroad collar. It was evident that the legislation most feared by the railroads wat Veatch't bill fixing maximum rates ot freight and fa'es, and the least feared by them was Ihe continuance of the railroad commission. From this It it evident that th maximum rale bill wa most In the In terest of the people and thecommlslon the least beneficial to them. Senator Weath erford and Veatch stood up manfully for the people and tnelr best Interests but the railroad had captured tne republican sen ators in a body and the little handful of democrats could only enter their protests. One of the latest novelties in astronomical phenomena, as brought to light by studying the inectra of certain stars, is tbe showing that - two ol these, heretofore clsssed at tingle, are ia fact double, and belong to that clats known at binary tttrs, or pain which revolve stound a common center, The binaries thus discov ered are the start known at Zeta, Ursa Major- it and Beta Auricae. the former being that star which, in popular phrase, would De de scribed as the middle star in tbe handle of th 'Dipper Before the last November election the West 5.r, Oreeonia and other republl- can papers denounced tne democrats 01 Wisconsin for making war.as thev alleged, j on the free schools of that state, as they demanded the repeal of the Bennett law. The truth, however, was that the Bennett taw required that the English language ahould be taught In the private as well as the public schools. The democrats de manded the repeal cf this law and made tlve Issue on that for member of the leg islature and won. The legislature now in aesslon haa repealed ihe obnoxious la. Half ihe republicans cf the legislature joined the democrats In voting for the re peal. It is now In order for these papers to rise up and denounce these republicans as enemies ot free schools. But will they dolt? No they will remain as silent as death. - Vi. DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. ' i. Double, or Trlrpl Farrow. They arc no simple and torn so near absolute perU Cvn that tlioae who have ned Itiem or aeen them work can not any enough lu their pralao. Ws furtiiali litem Wih or without scat alUchtueuU eat attachment are catra, . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN Di-flLL." . cW-j e Hoe Pre Grain trill, Puckeve Seeders. Burkere Spring Tooth Harrow, SapeC. Ciiaiu lrrUla, bupt-rlor teedcra. . CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . The most oraj-lew a "Wagoc iulect Improved imjjement lor owt; saroroer fallow. aucccaisful tool lot Uila purpose in use tvlao hava a faU line of But-tries, Caj-riasos, Phaetons, Kountaia Flatform and other fcprmg v eoieiea. SCHUTTLER FARIVl WAGONS. .tj.oo 4 Cfcapln's 6prlng-Tot: Ilairow. IX-re Harrows, Scientific Feed Mil 1 ieino r aoning anna, IIA1SII II Alt It WIBE. ETC, ETC. t"T FOB SPECIAt CIBCCtAES PB1CK LISTS. "E. THRALL. AGENT ALBANY, OREGON. jf3 J ftlbanv Cfeai Fact v J. Jcseffi, -:- Proprietor. a a a ws Only White 1 shor Employ .' INSURE TN THK The estate that Senator Hearst will leave o his heirs u valued all the way ftom $20,000, 000 down lo S,ooo.ooo. It has no fixed value for the reason that much of it is composed of mining property that now yields a large in rsmi but la of a orecarious nature. His sole hein are hia widow and vourc Will Hearst who, while being a first-class newspaper man is a gentleman of expenstvetastes and princely extravacsnce It is alleged that he can s?end money faster than the Homesttke miners can dig it out. foi'iim&feiuiiisSi,iii of Albany, Oregon, "HACKMETACK, a lasting sdS f qrant partums. fries Zi aad SO csfttsj ahsy & Mssoa, agents, ; Euan St Achison handle tha otu ttftd Portland cemont walls for semetew 3ot. Thofe svall ean be furnished at hatfVa eost of any other and are far superior. evere Mouse; 4LCANY, OREGON OIIAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, FHt,1 ut In first-clans style. Tables rop!,iit'l with - tbe beet in tbe market. Utj o:i.6pinsr?tartenist fSarnpla toonv All rubber goods at e j Klsw9rs. Accidknt .otr tub O, P. Road. Tuesday morning as the Oregon Pacifae ttain was rounding the curve between Kings and Lyons station it ramlnto two hand cars on which were eight or ten Chinamen with their tools. One of the cars was thrown about thirty feet to one J side of the track while the other was adiy broken up. Two of the Chinamen were revere! r cut about the heads and faces. The others.escaped with slight bruises. A Towee. The contract has been let to Mr Kropp, the carpenter, for erecting 1 L'J VJ I t MH.II',11. 1.11 U 1 ..11 , ITMlVlli conaidering Uie Bizo oi the building, wiU be a high one, 03 feet, making a nice Beware cf imitations and do no be deceived church edifice with good surroundings. by rniBri presentation. Ask tor Atlcook's, MrEdZeysa drew the plana for the j and lefe o solicitation or explfatie iadaos structure, which will show some pretty j yon to accept a substitute, architectural finishes. Work will Ve be-j Alleoork's Corn and Bunion. Ehield effect - cmi ia pri.;;iiii. qaiek at d certain relief. CROUP. WH00FINO COETt and (trouehltis immediately relieved Shsioh Core. . Preafaf Herts. Tbs proof of the merits, of a p!.ar9er 0 th euies it effect, and the voluvtaxyr testimo nial! cf those who have Died Alleesav t or- ous Planters daring th pa at thirty year is animpesvchable evidence of their periority andahoola eonvmoe ta meet saepticsi. .Self-pr-at.t is no recommend! ices, bat c tiiicates from those who bave t ted them are. rrsaoaaeed ttapelea.t, Tet Raved. From a letter written by Mrs Ada E Hard I rt" Groton, 8 D, we quotei "Was taken with I a. had cold, which settled on my Lane. I annobs set in sod Dually termiuated in Con- I anmptlon. Poor doctors gave me a Baying Fo 1 1 eould live but a short time. I gave my- tetf np to my Saviour, determined if I could nnh atav with mv frisnds cn eartn, 1 wouici meet my abseut one above, my nusDana waa advised to cet Dr Kiniz's New Discover- ra for Consumvtion. Cooahs and Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it ba cured me and thank God I am a well and heartv woman." Trial bottles free at Fo shay & Mason's drug store, regular size, 50o and fl. Horace Johnson, the weather prophet of Connecticut says: There will be general atmospheric disturb ances between March S and 13. The storm, he lays, will be furious, reaching from conti nent to contineat, and there will be great dis asters on the sea. Felix L Oswald maintains that night air from h niitalda ia far more healthful than t&e vitiated, disease-laden night air of ordinaiy human dwellings. In Germany successful ex eriments have been tried in summer of having patienta with pulmonary disorders sleep all wight in the open air of the pins woods. Night air is no more harmful than day air. at any rate it is all we have t breathe at night, asd it had better be fresh and pure as possible Safe, Soind; Conservativ, The Barbed Wire Trust has purcltased the Washburn & Moen patents for $400,000. The royalty for aonmembers will now be placed to high that none outside th Trust can manufac ture barbed wire. SRTLOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a ooeitiv cure for Catarrh; Diphtheiia and Canker-Mouth, f oahay oc juason, agents. A NiSAI INJECTOR free with etch ottlscf Shiloh Catarrh Remedy. Price 9 cents. Foaay& Mason, agents , SHILOH'S CURE will immediately re lieve Croup.Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Foshay & Mason; agents. It has been found, says the Evening Post, by careful experiments on plants grown in a confined atmosphere that thsy -abstracted ni trogen frsra the air around them to the extent 1 of thirty tubic centimetre!. - The elimute of England and Ireland is pe culiarly adapted to the spinning of fine linen yarn, on account of tbe prevailing mo sture; hence it comes that Germany, whose produc tions consist mainly of heavy bnens, must send tfnolnnrl for all her fine varns. the flax of which, however, is grown largely in Belgium, Holland and Russia. sjaBsaBajBasSmaaftttSaaassaa ul mi. mnji .i 111 . ii'.iii iiyjiMiiinii'.giuJ"einTnnj-mTT wwwwwar Masaaaaasmaaaaaasaawasaasasa hi ffTPrrx AXiVaUF EflDAC riiii. in 1 1 rirH" . im '""mih ' 1 "' ' u'j.m.Mw.'jv-we.'iM'ii 1 A suspected joint a sewer or dram pipe mav be tested by wrapping it with a single layer of white muslin, moistened with a solu tion of acetate of lead. At the gas escapes thmufh the meshes of the cloth, it will be t blackened by the sulphur compound. CATARRH CURED, health (tod weet lwsth secured,by 8 hiloh's Catarrh Remedy, IVioe 50 cents. Nasal Injector frse. Fo ,hy & Mason, agent. Sslem is now killing all her dogs, having de termined that the howls of the legislature weres enough and to spsre. Llnkville Star, Thi is a Cog goned lie.-Statesman. Of course it is a lie. Saiem would not thu materially depopulate itself in any such a way- . " 1 '' l At a protracted meeting lately held at East Liverpool, Ohio, there were over hundred conversions, Emma Abbott's mother objects to having l w danolitr'a remains cremated." Bat as the for such disposition of wau "t'- j"""- her body after death it is difficult to see what righ ihe mother has to interfere. Senator Gorman is one cf the most sclf-po- 3 sessed men ia congress. When spenUing S stands easily and gesticulates gracefully, hear f .1,9 an interruption without nervousness or I BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. 1 -w rx.-m-i-Tr-t-siw'r n iTfc T I NEW STORED iuwwv. MITCHELL, & LEWIS CO. j DKALKB IN j AsiicaUaral Iniplcmcnls "Castration." Moreover he is dignified, gooc ftempered and witty. el--S ' ' " " "f r - - - " ' - r.. - : - - w n n t f 3 US'. I ST-