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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1891)
SOUTH, Gout cm P&ciflo Route SHASTA LINE. Eipreae Tratna lare Portland Dally aW!J f:l)i. a. HUM . :lta a J Kiflh rr Lv Ar JrVrUend Aleany Km Fraatleee ArT'M a Lvf:? a L I ;i a Atwte train IWp only at rnlltiwlnr station north 41 aoe.hiar. But Portland. Onrii 'lt. WooJ. Von, Mm, Aibenr, Tnirnt, (ihod.l, HaliKJ liar mrf , i unction Cltr, irttnj, nortM Hmm Man, astir EAST f ) ill Portlaae Ar SrOO r a mora L Albany L.lltoti I. tor a Ar K.hgrf Lrl twn aiaaar eoett sailt near Stoat) frfto r a I Lv rortlaa ArllMl orAr Albany L 1 1 00 a a WUMMUta, lratr Albany . Ar a a IMIt Ar Lahenoa Lt I it) a a fMaa Lf Albany Ar 4 Mr a I n a a Ar Lahanaa L I to r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist 81eeplnff Oars, far AeeeeBeaetaliea at Aeeeejd-riaaa raaaea (ere, Mlara4la KiftreeaTrala Teat BU Mvlalea. tTWKKX rTlA A.I CB? AU.1A, Malt) rati star (liaapllaaaeT,) Noti II 14 r a IF Portland: Cervailia til It u ra axraaes roar saut (Kioipl Sunday . tor ra 1 1 Ar Portland WeMlneTtlle Ar Lf to a a I 16 a a Through TioltetH Ta all point EAST. AfID SOUTH. Fei faii latenaallea retarding rata, amra, a ea unanneay Ainat al aixknr. W, aOSHLBI B P. BOOCRfl Maaar Mtu. r. aod r. At THE IfAQUlNA ROUTE foa Development Compaay'a 8ta.u; hip Liae. . 225 PILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME aaa by any other, Flrst-laM tbroaa-h MMeoHf and Yalfht tin from Portlaad and all point to tba WUIintUt YalUy to ad from San rraaoiaoo, uu. Boat max oIom connection at AM ban th train of tha Oregon Paelflo Railroad t: . Baca. BataTrer. Tiaa BCHIDULa(eieot uaeare.) batee Albany 1 r. a, iLan Taqoioa. 7 J a, Laara (jomuila 1 r, a. Lee CerralUa,10.ta a,a Antra Teqaiiia, t:U r. . ArrlTe Albany, 11:11 a. 0. 4 O. tralaa connect Albany and ottoUIb. Tha above IraJna eonooct at Yaauina with lb Oregon Development uotnpenj' una or cueamaniM twtwaen T equina tad San Franciaoo, AILIXG DATE . aaa ritrat. TaUay.fca lBS;ta; lM;frta. aaoa Saa raasetaca HI 1 11SW Tallaj J as 4kk ; 14 j BrS list. The CbmpsoT frawrraa tba neat to rVara aalUDK data vuaout aotloa. V. B. Paaaaorara from Portland and WllTametta Valley potnla eaa roaka eloaa aosuaaeaija wlta tha traina uf tha Taotilna oat at a.1 ban y or Gorrallia, and irdaa fnad to San Franeieoo ahould arranato rrlTa at Tanuina tba evenlna; befora tata fasillnf r m r.rlcai Batea always ! Lawaat tloa apply toll Cbapmao, Praijht and A!bi, v. v. asifa,. O. P. ai-4 p lw . F1BST If ATIOXAL BA9IK, CP ALBAXT, O (01005, PrallaaU Vtea PraaMaat , L PLINlf . a, K.TOI NO .K. W. LA NO COM TBi8ACTl A OeNERALaaiiktni aoali ACCOUNTS X KPT aublatt to aawcA. aiOUT CXCUA.K.K aa4 to) Taptata Sraaatar, Id Maw York, Baa Fraawiaca, Cklaaf aa P laami. OOLLECTIOXf CADIaa aunhla I. Tocaa B, W. Laaaaca L. Puaa Cawaaal.aoa. LI MM CO. MATIOXALBAXK, cr ai bat. OKaoojr. CAPITAL STOCK 1106,000. rWaa.... , J L COW AH, kM-PraatdcaS 1 M RAUfToM. Ashlar GSO E CUAMHKK1.AIX, A tahlr o A ARCUIBOLU. Daanoaa,-! L Owan. f If RaMan, On E Cfcaartartaia, W a LaU, W H vMira, 1 A Craw fcr sad 0 A Arehikuid. TRANSACraaraaaralbaaklncbBalaaaa. - DBAWaiuUl LRAPTaa) Haw York, aaa al ,-Mr I fOrafva. Loan MOiCSToa vtsni saearhy nu. ana a.poaiia sua aes aa-ita. B AIK OP OBEGOW. albakt, oaaoow. rsalial. - it)sa.aaab PramUant k-PraidaBt. Caahl JIFM EBRTLL . 1 1 LAH.VISQ .JaV W B LAI If A gmaral banking bualnaaa tr naacted, B AKU OP KCIO, scio, oaicoojf. PraaWan... .. VU Praatdont . 1 8 Maiia .Jrr Mraaa O Mar PiaK-r. aa: E (Joins, 1 1 Morris, 11 Itryaot John Oalncs r o gain. Doas a raiwral baoUnr and axehann baalna igbt dralw lavaad a AJOao.' PurUaud aad baa rraociaev, I)ORTLAXI SATIXG9 DANK, OP POFTLAKD. OnXOOat. Paid ap capital.. ...M,000 - a-.ouo ' Surua and pnwlu M fotaraat allowed en aarlnn dapotlU as follows: Oa ar Jlnary aarinft books ,...4 par emit par annaia. 0 term aarina;a Ixioks ......f per caul par annua. Onearuflcele ol liepoeil. Por vhrae avmlbt 4 per cant per annum: for six ntouthe a par east par annum: Por twelre moath. ...... a pereent par anatim PRANK 1KKUU, Preatdnt O. P. THOMji Vlce PratWans,' II. C, S THAT f OS, Caabieri 7 IRE DRUbJi I km X I . Pcoiiiy-Wanted. All of p.iullry, alive at tha Vl!Uintta Pckliig atoie. Altany. .rtct.. r drofaxd C'rtrpony'a pi THE VJiJ. KltXtA TED .. v - - v a r. w u . irt I lr-1! .1ms Er Mrnfactursd. JirW-.t C- mum K.,ir--""''r,"'' m " 1 r J Vi fl " """- - ww aaS : rww.' ' f t!:trp l-an Iruitatiorii, 1 .J" Cf !j!r.,-io S-:J ?rk s Lit to j c WtsroN, ! i 'fiiyiJ. Ci), MASH. ' ' 1 .1 si' i: Silt StotlWOTJt. riiK VANHtlKD Sl KTLl tf. "What wa two ytar bjjo the richest public treatury la Hie world l!l bo ob- (tantUlljr bankrupt long before the term of the present administration expire Thit U a startling declaration made bjr Mr CarlUle In the Februrar number oi the Forum now senator from KentucVy. Mr CarlUle la a capable man of aflulra, vhoie lorg aervlce In congreaa haa given him keen Inalght o( the vrajra and mear.a, the receipt and expenditures cf the United Statra. The da HarrUon entered upon charge of the national Iruat the cash aur- plua In the treaaurjr amounted to $i $0, 000,000. At the cloe of the pieaent fiscal year, June 30 neat, there will be a deficit ot 14,000,000, A year later tha deficit will be $84,000,000. When GarfLId was chairman of the house committee on appropriations nine teen yaars ago be said: "It la manifest that tha necessity of expenditures does not keep pace with the mere Increase of numbers and while the total sums of moneys ex pended must necessarily be grcaicr from year to year the amount per capita ought In all icgulated governmenta In time of peace to gro gradually less," Senator Carlisle shows that while the population In 1890 was only sixteen tlmeae great as In 1790 yet expenditures were more than 130 times aa great. In 1S10 the expenditures per capita were 73 cents. In tSyo they were S4.10, While the population waa nine times aa great the per capita expenses of the government were forty-eight times as great. Gen. Garfcld said In 187a: "We may reasonably expect that the expenditures for pensions will here after steadily dcercaae, unless our legislation should be unwar rantably extravagant." The Fmm article shows that in 1871 pensions consumed only $23,500,1100, In 1890 the Increase waa to $106,836,000. For the current year i $ 1 ,000, "and," say a Mr Carlisle, ""the country will be unexpectedly fortunate lt the expenditures for this purpose slop short Ot $100,000,000." It Is well that the people called a halt last Novembsr.butlhey will not be entire ly safe until they will have changed the senate aa well aa the house, and the exec atlve aa well as both. There la a limit to th Uxable , resources of the republic, and there la pressing need for return to the thrifty practices that obtained before the advent ot republicanism. HINTS TO HUl'SEKEEPEUS. Cold meals are generally found more easy of digestion than warm ones. For neuralgia, make a small muslin bag, EH it with salt, heat it very hot and lay It against the aching pUce. It will prove a great relief, as salt retains the heat: a long time. Salt as a tooih-powder fa better than al most an other dentifrice. It keeps the teeth very white, the gums haid and rosy, and the breath f reh. Not only for its flavor, but for health's sake, a dish ot apple sauce goes with roaa pork; In addition may be served one or several ot the following vegetables: Pota toes, white and sweet, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts or spinach, toma.oca, turnips, vegetables, oyaters, tlcc or hominy. To mend chins lake a very thick solu tion of gum arable and water, and stir into It plaster of Tarla until the iiilxtuie be comes a vlscoua oaste. Apply it with a br ush to the fractured edges and stick them together. In three days the article cannot be broken In the same place. The white ness of the cement renders it doubly val. uable. Set a dish of water In the oven wi'.h cakes when baking and they will seldom scorch. After cleaning bras,tln, etc., with paste, rob up with a duster, and finUh with thin. dry paper. The polish will last as long again. Salt and water, quite persistently for a lime. strong, and used will prevent the hair from falling out. ' Whatever vegetable are choten, too many of the same claaa ,f flavor should not be used at one dinner. For Instance, ane may use either cabbage, spinach or cauliflower, but not three.nor twoof them. If hominy Is used, rice should not be. If beans are decided upon, do not use pea ; neither serve sweet potatoes and squash at the same time, nor commit the blunder of serving lettuce, beet greena and chtcoty in the same course. Th lion Marche in Paris posute prob ably the largest kitchen in the world. It piO- vides food for all the employes of the Virr, 4000 in numbrr. The smallest kettle holds seventy-five quarts. Hie largest 375 quarts. There are fifty frying-pans, each of which rs capable of cooking 303 cutlcis at a time, or a frying 320 pounds of potatoes. When ther are omelettes for breakfast 7800 eggs are used. The coffee machine makes 750 quarts of coffee daily. There are sixty cooks and loo kitchen boys employed. Prffer, the nrw senator from Kansas say: "When I left the republican party, I ieft it lea- good." And was goo-). IOO F. Albany Lou if e No a holds Ha regular meeting W ednesday evening ot each week. Vinitlng brothers are cordialty nvlted to attend. Copyrldht, USA M LITTLE BO Pita ! ,?.ib,r R0? ni emjlda't taU whsna to Had hm." ho the old nursery rhwmw aaya. and I if go on to bid bar "Uivt tfaw f1'" and tWll cfluia home and brtDa taew Ulto beUnd item." AU tlot taay be frua eC aueen. but If you kin biat I, 1.1. KS 21?uot ffo 10 lva taat alone, ia aaa .n ".pu", iimri, unui vary recently m ure for (kinaumpOon, wkina ia niiivertaJlr aukjiowlodjrwl to be eerofuJa at artier tiia) Iwnjra. would hav beea looked upon aa sal. ravnitoua, but now eople ara bag-taaJna to raojice that the Ulaouaa la not Ineuraaie. Dr. J-Kiroe's OoW-tu Uri ml I)iaeovary will eure Ik lf token In time and (-Ivan a fair trial. 1'has woMS-renownd remedy will not atake aew w"- n m iwn aiaeasea oaaa ma btUy siate whn ctiiar raaaaa lira f.nT 1 1mtuABfie rraWully ttalify ta this. It la potent tciiio, or siren a-U. rurr. alt tJvp, ,utmiMuir, and uiritive. or KaaO. .r loom to medio! avaaoe. rr lAm- r ", w i luxtx . r ai.tiuf ej BioeeV UvIf katat " ajid l'ata, at JaUies tioo. It it an aaeutieJed raaa. . aaqualad rf.RACT'SS CATr"H rTT'tny r ' of, ai a,a. ei jkuw k-J! - . - , .-".""v : i ppk bra- thftt Uwy never bother ikon 1 iJV Vi. llct th," ro tna way tnep i eame." A tut to often the riot! aaa .0 - L ! not come oacK or lla own a.eari a 1 TKLEGRAPH10 NEWS. tM'iimUt1. Salem, Feb. 13, Four Lake Lablsh damage suits against the Southern I'aclfia will not come up lor trial, the company avlnir. compromised with the plaintiffs. These are the suluof Bccxley, lluff' Uen ee and Moan, ine amounts asked ranged down from $38,000 to $6000, Uerk'f v'a was the largest and acts $ooo. and the utlirrs In same proportion A new autt filed to day was that ol Silas W Loon- ra vs. the sain wreck, ills request Is for $45,000, Leonard was express-messenger on the train, and his It the twenty-tirst suit. A Praf. Aaaa ailed. Eugene, Or Feb 14. A lively meeting oc curred oa the grounds of the pabllo school of this city this evening. Ai Professor Williams principal of the school, was leaving this even- n oa was assaulted hy two you tin boodlums mitti rocks, recisving severe brits on the head, The boys, Otto Roberts and Charles Keed, pleaded cuilty of assault and battery. and were lined $lo eacK and cotls. Tha trouble a.osa from the punishment of one of tba boys la scbooi a lew days ago. Worth Caaatdrrlag. Wasiiinoton, Feb It. The committee oa rivers and harbors waa called twather today , at the request of representative Hermann, to consider senator Dultih, bill appropriating the tne total sum estimated to be necessary ta complete the wotks at tha mouth of the Co lumbia river and the Cascade iocki and canal Ceaeral akerawaa. New York, Feb 14 4:30 A M. Genoa Sherman passed the day yesterday in much tba tame manner he did the day before. Hi condition varied at one lime he was thought to be growing stronger, and at another he was growing perceptibly weaker. Though hit condition U eatramely critical, his family have been more hopeful today than upon aty day mce nts unlets look a serious turn. verwaielaalasly far Clevrlaael New York, Feb 13. The Herald haa beca endeavoring to ascertain how tha democracy Of ihe country staodt In regard to thepreti- oenitai nominal ton in I9Q3. In twenty-sevea states the democratic members of tba. legis lature expressed their preferences, and Cleve land 1513 votes) 11.11, 190; acattennJ.176. 1 ne souta la very s'.roncly in favor or Cleve land, and New York was the only state that reiurneaa majority tor mil, the governor getting 31 out 01 33 votes ca't A Leal Ball Astoria, Feb 13. he 1890 atsesmcnt roll for the city of Astoria has myttcrtouily disappeared from the auditor's office win about foouo dollars uncotlecteb taxea thereon It has been missing far about a week. This roll haa bad a rather remarkable experience. A rraunetw Affair. Pendleton, Feb 1 a. There have been new and interesting developments in tba assign men! of the Peadleton Hardware and Imple ment Company. Mint jer Greene, who waa arretted on a charge of embezzlement, pre iciicu oy j rcatucm ueojam a oellinir. turned the taMea and had Sellina? arrested oa two cnerges, one wit n perjury, la swearing to complaint agavaM j erne, aaa tne other la attempting to bribe witness in a case recently on trial here before the circuit court. Mr Selling waa placed under $1000 bonds on each charge, which he easily foraished. Hit trial is set lor Monday. Kamadate. the vooni mi a who was hired lo make aa investigation of the company'a books, who was afterwards paid, aa ne claims, to make a false balance, anil then gave inter mat iou leading totLe arrest of Grecse as, of course, greatly needed aa a wuncte. II was placed m catiody teUetday under bosdt of flooo. 1'helee Per rresteleaf. Salem, reb 13 The Oregon legulature it com;o.eJ of ninety membcrt. ,raty-aix tre Jeroocraf a. Of Ihtm IweatTHWa favor Cleveland, and one Hill, while four say I key want a new man. 1 hit Is tLe poll if the tie cuioo mutt be between Cleveland and 1 1 ill Only five stiictly favor Cleveland, though Iwei ty one pr.fer htm to Hill. The one man lor 11 i.l comes from one of the strong democrat 10 precincts, while kit four co'Jeroe favor Cleveland. Ca.llUe and Gorman have each one admirer tot vice-preaiJent. Leading dem . - . I . I , . . . , . . ""a uuiMue mc w-giauKure cum trial urc goo will send delegates instructed fur Tcnnoycr or prrsiucnt mine national con ventua. W I II Ceaaa la Ike C-aat, Wasiiinuton, Feb ia. The president and most of his caLinet a ill visit the Pacific coast toon after tha adjournment of rongrets, sad Rave arranged for a trip to include a tour of the southern states. Probably Ihe paity wiH tan irotn shingi0n esrly in Aprd . ruvratad's tetter. Washinotox, Feb 13. -The letter cf Grover Cleveland published this morning, haa made him the next president, or haa prevented any other democrat from being president, iuat as it hat alto accomplished another thing, and that ia, prev.ntcd the passage of the free coinage bill by the riouscoc representatives at this araalon Eastern democrat who favored It, do not want it now.and tUt much Ulked of meat ure Is probably dead. Nothing haa caused so atuch excitement In political circle for year, a uu celebrated letter. awa af Tsawa atertiaral. Salbss, Feb. 13. In tha circuit court leday, fn tha matter of P0 Beck ley vs. (he Southern Pacific Company, for damage sustained In tha Lake LaMsh wreck judge Boise refused a change of venue, and the oase corre on tor trial In the morning, JaeU the Birr Aajala. Lokdost, Feb. 1 . The boby cf a young woman lias been found this morning, ga.nm in a moat norrioie manner, sug gi.wug me wurtwjtct me mpper. C'laceU JIe JablUat CoioB CiTr, Feb. 11. Qlaett and anti uuboi men ore celebrating tonight. The notei are Illuminated, bonfires on tne streets, the band playing, and a great crowd iubilatlng at the Overland hotel, which ia a sort of headquarter for those who have fought Dubois. Senator-elect Clagef. made a graceful! speech from the oaiconv 01 tne Hotel and waa frequently I'j'tauuru, la a rerlloaa retltlaa. Oregon City, Feb ll. This afternoon the steam dredge. Enterprise, of Portland, became unmanageable above the falls and drifted to ine edge ot the (alls where she rests on the rocks in a daneerous position. The Enturnriaa wiiim una oeen orenguig ine rulp company's uH.iu. puueiioui 1111s aiternuon wtih ( m.inio John Randall in charge. Just above the head oiiiie basin she Urea me unmanageable and in spiMtu every elloit was carried by Ihe current to the ve. tre of the fall. Here she cauuhl tin. wii lutaa which neiu ner irom going ver, A a Kavarswni JabBegMSi. t,Hicoo, Feb ll-Woik on (lie world's Ulr grounds at Jackson park was begun today. Abou; hlty men were put to work and the numner will rapid y increased. The eniire park has been takel and everythink it in resduirK for the work now toinir on. Five lime is .illowcil to place all the grounds in mope lor lie buildings, faunae of t raue lVaalrd. Sallm, leu II. In the circuit court today a n.o. ion for a change of venue waa mid s by Hie railroad attorney, in the cate of P D Beck try vs. the hem hern Pacific Company, for a.imncctfut'.ained in the Lake LaUnh wreck The nntier wot taken umlcr advltement. Carried a VasAly Rtnre 1 acoma, rel 11 -Ldward Jolmsfn and Dilly Wilkeaon, ;c' 14, of Portland, were arrested 'li evening on mispicloo, Thily had in lh;ir po4cssion fifty-six ja-Jtkniv, seven wairitM twenty-two wilt handkerchief, two revolver, one giant cu'ter, one pair of kid gloves and 4 wo fiaonel tliirm, all of which they lav llir UnV in nnrllnn,! C'ait CrrhaiU eleelel washinotcn, YcU 7. The senators frem w.i. :.,i,. . . .... b"'" "vv'i a K.iory louay m tccuring tne pnttage ol A.'.m'a auieodmcct locating the dry dock on Piij-irt hound anil itppropriottng; sii,.jo ior nie pu-ci:sc n aoo acres of land 01 rort Orchard, and f 2 1x1,000 to begin the uic loiai con m a uitnjiio be $700,000, Thn largest single ahlmat of sturgeon for the V.l was made at Skxmok.nvH last evening, when the touk on board twenty-six-' tons. The fish will be frozen in Portland. Attorian. ' WILL YOU SUFFEU with Byi-pcptia and LWi.r CmplaiDt ? iiluloh'jj Viializor is guaranteed to cure ymi. RiartTB. I The county question has been settled tnr v. .A it t. t . k !I J"0 Jp5m ai nd " U ,J be hPed tor longer, The city council at Junction has passed an ordinance requiring all dealers In ci garettes to pay a license of $15 per annum and to furnish a $150 bond that thry will auuie ny trie new low, It Is estimated that tha amount of money shipped out ot the state for grain big reached a million ttollsrs for this year's crop. How much better It would have been to have aaved tho money In the county by starting a bag factory, The sum ot $co,ooo tor Oregon' hlhlt at the world's fair la large enough. It la too small tor a act ot schemer who started In with a purpose of personal profit, and tney are woetullv Ultar pointed Statesman. The Junction Pilot Is becomlntr quite a ladles' paper, moat ot the last Issue beinsj devoted lo the gentle sea. it seems that some ot the young ladles have been acting naugutiiy ana tne 11101 wanted to ateer them Into tha rluht path, and they are mad, and he ha had his hands full dodir tng epithet of vengeance SRanawaea A man about 60 year old ha been playing the confidence game in the Pa- ousa country lately, lie want to pur chase a nlca farm, and succeeds In getting a tew aaya- board, and in one or two In stances a (mall loan irom the farmers with whom he talked. Dakei City Ke- -.-111 1 1 I LI.. I. . . L - . I velilc. Probably the same man who lias I jutt worked Corvallia, Most military comnanles In Oregon i teem to be disturbed by Internal dissen sions. Aioany'a is aa exception, only harmony prevailing. Eugene Is now troubled. The Guard tayts A few day go some ot the members of C Co. O N G of this city circulated a petition asking the captasn to reaign bis oisice, being dlse pleated with hi management. Now the captain prefers charge against them and they will be called before the court ot discipline." " Just to show how Piovldence get In Its fine wark and preserve the town from dettructlon by fire durlmr the Chinese New Year's celebration, a few figure are la order. 1 here are 1,317 Uilncae, Lach on set off aS J pack ot cracker 1 that is 639.614 packs; In each pack there are 13 cracker: that makes 78,673,(33 Are crack- era that are being hurned on the plank street. Any one of the 7,673,513, If It got It work In, would start a blaae. Providence la on oir side to far. Asto ria. A peculiar accident recently happened to Wilbur rentier, while skating at Day ton, Columbia county. Wash. He run aaalntt a barbed wire that was stretched scrota the pond. It cut through nl scsrl and made a gh In hi throat about tour inches long. 1 he wire gave away and wound around hit neck, and It I thought that the breaking of the wire I all that saved hi life. At present he I a seriously Injured boy.but I on the road to recovery, ay an .. The attempt to create Ihe county et Santlam from Linn waa short-lived. The bill wenl through at tne mornl.ig session on the argument of the lobbyists that It would take away ao mtny democratic vote from Linn county as to leave that caunty republican. The bill ws no soon er read in the senate than It wa Indefi nitely postponed, and will be heard of no more wis scKn. urcgonian, 11 ia a fact worth noticing that the Senate a a tute take a broader view of matter than the House. now 1 or a bridge. 1-t there be no wavering. The good cltlxen ot Albany will be solid for auch a structure, which wftl do more for Albany than any other enterprise that can be named. V e are far enough advanced now to do awav with the prima live and backwoods style of croaalng river on III looking terry boat. frontier aiiair, and we are no longer a frontier. Let ut awake and be stirring In the matter from the atari This should be a year ol progress Lr the gem city of the vaney. A Portland teacher informed her claaa that she bad "a go! mind to wive them ail a dog-goned good thrashing Hie E. O. of Pendleton refuaee to pub lish poem. Hays a newspaper ia not for that purpose. This ia barely a poetic The Albany and Aatoria Railroad Company evidently im-an business, from ine provisions tuey ara making in refer- ence to bridging the river. Hie Salvation Army evidently baa a good standing at Brio, judging from the following from tha Press: "Interest in Halvation Army meetings continues. Heveral converts are reported. Lettl good work coatinue." Holmes, of Marion, voted against the bill dividing Oregon into two Congre- aiuuai uieiricis, ueing tne only no m ine house, because it didn't make both dis trict democratic, which ahowa what a big pump ot humor Holmes possesses. It is said Nelson Bennett was tha cansa of Keed's retirement from the Oregon inn He roasted theTacom gentleman and tne l aroma gentleman got on to the neck of the Oregon ian. Br war of mm prom ise the Oregonlan wanted Reed to trans fer himself toBalem. Oregon's capital. and Heed concluded ha would quit first .1 .!. 1 1 a .a aa I a. a sou quit ne uiu. ne prooaoiy una it in f. .1, rr Ml: ; so ivc AacouiB millionaire. u tiddis vapiiat. The Scio Press verv senaibtv takea tha following position in reference to tha Al bany bridge, which is in strong contrast to lue narrow course of a oanur in an. other part of tha county : Aa to tha bridge, as preparation in tba war of tha necessary legislation has been made, we" may RAieiy conclude that it will be built. or at least commenced during the coming summer, ana we. irom conversing with the people, think a majority of them in tuts section.!! called upon to do ao. would say that Albany is justly entitled to the unuge ami anouid nave it. The Arizonia Kicker aoea for tha Mav. or of his city in tho following red hot wanner: "The mayor of this town hasn't the decencv of a wolf nor the Ala. nity of a monkey. He has been drunk at least three times a week for the last month, and he would as soon pull hair wtui a nan-oreeu as to argue witn a gen licman. ne ve cot t red 01 bla canera and we now give liim due notice that un less lie comes to a t hfht-nbouwace we'll give mm dead away and rid the com. tnunitv of hi An individual about his size is wanted in one of the eastern status forcow-stoal ntr.nnd whila we don't want to be pizen mean, we owo a duty to tills community. We have got our eje on me mayor. Phrenology is a very Interesting sub ject. Most people now, including the writer, oeuevo mere is considerable In i..i 1 , , . it; out, bo long as pnrenoiogists, 01 ap parently eaual ability, srlve ona entircfe (iiucrent, -jieaua" mere are bound to be doubts as to the reliability of charts as commonly given. An Albany young ,.r , .... " - 7 v."". man and probably others has charts of two phrenologists, in the city within a few years, who marked his head the same only on three faculties out of fifty four. This indicates that a man's chart depends about as much on tho character 1 the phrenologist as it does on his own. Tho avowed object of phrenology is tell pvopie wtiat they are good lor. This is marked in charts in degrees, from 1 to 7. TI10 writr baa seen a chart of a young nun marking him 7 as an editor and a minister, tie would run a newspaper into the ground in two months, and preach to benches, in all probability. The truth is that one's head sueMBta great possibilities means nothing at all without it also suggests greot firmness, great patienco and great virtue, 1'hren ologtBts Bhould marshal all tbo faculties and tell the truth regardless of conse quences, and not give a man traits equal to Taimage and Pulitzer unleBS be poiseaes them. A live aephyr haa been wafted north ward today. Sometimes eastward.rattllng signs and shaking trees) but compared to ,no ft-naa cyclone It is nartiiy me oreain of a consumptive. . , Tha Aitorlan and Columbian at Aato- I rla have been merged into one tmpar, under the nam of botli.and InrortMjrnted j With AcapltRl atock of $40,000. Of coure thin drop tho bloody liRtchet that has been awang around Willi looliali ictuerlty. A darkev in Mitchell. Ind.. cot mad Uenty-aovon year ago bacattae IiIh par ent Mold their fnrm.aiid went to iM-d-and ha been in bed aver since, though a lien thy man. A few tlmea be baa Iren taken out to vote And that t all. It 1 the worst case ot ttibbomnaon record, ex-land Albany men who got pig beaded or inxy ahould rend thi item, and tio otno- liiing. There ara many nice thing about gfV ting married; butouoof the drawback I for the people with youthful procllvi- tlo to immeiliaUly b fronted ns nnte- 1 dcluvlnna and eii'lildi'il from All the In nocent enjoyments of Ufa. Homo rwople do not care. Those who do ahould not lie made foiwll. AMoclatlon of married and unmarried people should be a baneflt to ixilli, and particularly 1110 latter. On Wednesday Sfr Wheeler. In accord anco with bi contract with I-nno county returned to ahcrill oland too ilHtoi tinnnaMHttd land in Junction precinct. He found Hint 113 town lots, iuinrovcd and unimproved, and 0702 acres of land had not icn aeaic(i. a ne eompivtea a tewnsblp be dolivera the list to tho . 1 , .1 , 1 . . 1 T . f I .. ... .. micrui. viuur.i. ic 1, 1.11111 tun mi iwr aider w bat It ia annually losing In taxes. The bill permltttns tho Onon Tactile to issue bonda has passed both bouses of the Legislature. There are said to bo strong grounds to believe that work will be pushed ahead. Already arrangements are bolng made to improve the road bed to the front. Hut. aa yet. this Is mostly guess work, the) saino as it has been, and was a year ago,and the Democrat doesn't believe anything la made by salting false colors in auch matters. The a'ter effect Is apt to be backaellng. We are glad the Indications are sood for eotncthiaa being done this year. Many newrpapers in the state are pk'odlag for support by legislation and otherwise In a very supplicating manner. Ttie Pendleton K. O. geta down to busi ness on the subject In the following man ner, which the 1ciiat folly endoraes: "The people do support the newspapers in lust the proportion that the newspa per advocate the people's Interest. The paper must first do it duty lofore it ran espect the people's appreciation. The r.aat Oregonian leela that It l talking from experience. It never bad a better support than It ia enjoying at the present time, and it never was so earnest In it defense of the people's rishta. The peo- pie are grateful tweause they are intelli a M m -t a.". gent. The never fail to respond to a worthy and deserving press. The nres of Oreson should first serve the people oi Oregon and the people will be quick 10 ao tueir uuiy. a.lstiea- Haalt Baarav The Democrat baa been abown a letter from Mr William Morgan, a former Al banian, residing acroa the Hound frum Seattle, only a few miles from Tort Or chard, from which we give a few very Interesting items: Perhaps it would not lie out of place forme to explain the name, as 1 know you are not much of a novel reader. The word "mnmio" will be found in tne ro mance entitled. "The Last of the Mohe sans," and is tho Mohegaa word signify ing lleavsn. It is ab the name of 1 little mining town away up in the vicin ity ol tne xone 01 perpetual snow on Pike's Peak, Col. As my ranch ia stipe nor to theirs, ao I tne name. Claim lumping is lively bore now heard today !ay of three couteata bring fJUd on one claim belonging to the Washing ton MM Co. The ubiquitous real estate man's voice is heard .11 the morn saving: "w you . 4 a. ...11 I...I1I1 . f My land ia not for sale. He expatiates with great volubility on tho advantages of ducats grand, over toll and land, j respond, no, not so with me. The am' bition for gilded wealth the tintaunalm lum ot pampered habitation the pout and circumstance ot glorious state bat "gone from my gaze like a beautiful dream." I aeek not the turmoil and strife of gay city life. When I contem plate the vanity ot worldly things the instability of wealth and power the certain decs of all earthly greatness I feel admonished to put forth my bent uorU to the end that strawberries and rin ycuow-ieuKeu c in;, w.. uj fructify and become abundant at Mani- to, to get away with which in libetal quantities will render me no small enjoy ment so long an niy present appetite stays witn me; while To capture with the book The festive trout from the neighboring brook, Will furnish me some boyish play With which to pass the time away. Ubiquity doth glide.and I subside. BIAt, BSTA aAlXA 17 8 to Lonis K Brooks. 136 acres, 13 ES latent TJ 8 to Alonzo Mclntyrc, 100 acres, 12 w I Patent Leander AMoessenger, ascnt, to JohnL Akin,40 acrea 11 w 3 1775 0 L Blockmnu to 1) M Huston, 1 lot, 13'pA 7... CO LF Smith to Elizabeth E Daven port, lot 4, bl 3,B'a A, Tangent 100 B J Foster to T N Humphrey and Wra Vost,4 acres 13 E 1 2200 AHackletnan toLFlinn, trustee, 1 lot, bl 52, IPs 2nd A 275 L Fllnn.lmstee, to E M I lor ton, 1 lot. bl 52, It's 2nd A 600 Hannah Reed to Henry McEntyre, 1(10 acrea 12 w 1 60 II McEntyre to J A Gibbenrd, ICO acres, 12 w 1 450 Amanda Turner to II McEntyre, 1110 acres 12 wl... CO A McEntyre to Henry McEntyre, IOO acres 12 w J.. 00 $5,noo . Total for year... $fi8 48l Plat of Osborne's addition to Lebanon, 10 lots, filed. Prrarh Taaay Wafers wafers are a sure and spfei rift, klndsof female trouble!, ai.e -.v".' All obstructions to the in or., ly no matter what the cause, 'li 1 ' what every woman need , at ied with safety. . For sale L thi The far a re mot period1 are jt can be Livintttonc Chemical Co., alto firm v sole stent, J A Cumming, druggl, Dii r bcrgb)ck, A Ibany, Oregon. Jutt snid a full iin of ladio', chil dren, meu's snd hey' foot at (i W Simpton'a, which will be told at bottom price. SHILOU'S CURE wLd in mcflialuty r Ileve Crnup,Wl)ooping Cough snd Hf n chitis. Fo-hay & Maictij agrnts. . BHILOHe) VITALIZilUl is ahat von Deed foi Constipation, Lota ot Appetite, Dir- stuers, and alt tjuietoutt of yvspptf. J'rlc 10 and 7 ctuts per botw. makIe:. MARSH ALL-WALLACE. At the res idence of P B Marshall, on Second etraet, Friday evening, Feb 13, by Uev J F Stewart, Mr Ala B Marshall and Miss Mattie Wallace, both of Albany prairio. May thev live long and receive many of life's best blessings. BOKN. DEYOE. On Thursday evening, Feb ruary 12, 1891, in Albany, to the wife 0 Li w . ueyoe, a nine pound boy. All do ing well. PIED. MORRIS. On Saturday morning, Feb ruary i4, 1891, of diphtheria, Ora, daugh ter of Mr A 11 Morns, metl ti veiiw. UOMC AND ABBOAD TUURIIfiAT. The firm of Smith & Sander haa beea diaiolved, Osueral Sherman reported to be dy ing last blttlit. There U talk ot a fatt mall train from Chi- cuo to Sn Francisco. Potato hav dronned lo nloo about fifty psr cot in the Portland market. Tlis iUlam Itulliling and Loan astnuiatlrm baa tact anted its caiutal stock to );). r Insads is going fa leotnr. II wilt have bin houaes, fur peoijla will want ta tn him. Il is oue (f the euriooitie of tho ninetuoulh oontury. Tha Willamette Valtey ia expacted to ar. rlyu at Ynquina Day to-oluht. lloush seas may koenhtrthaotlitr aide of the bar for awhile. YMti.rdav aitarnoiin tha rails tnriftd on th Ori ii( iilau U it near Koio, throwing fonr oar of a nil 11 oil train Irom the track. N ona a a Injured. Tho train prooeednd aflr a aiay 01 about lour bonrt. Tit .Satitintu bill paesixl tha flim'-o by only dnaor two majority. Tim I.tnu county mtitiiliers all spke nj;'iit it. Ia tim nl.N vthur both incmbar hsd done LH1 ful wotk gainst the Llil, t was i'.iti4 indtiln ile- ly by aiiiiuflt a anauununa vote. Tho total value f the trnMaud silver pro- dnut m taliioruia tint; 1K4S font 11 n f 1.3IJ7 4.i9,000. ijiat year' proJuot of luinerat ia valued at J'i3,MO,OoO. Tha Ut 1 produsU an kiikis lurtna state Ivr imrj wr valued at f:W3,(W (WO. I'n.f Jliddeil bat been Iniluocd tu roir.tln in Albany anoUicr day and will lecture again toniitht 011 as inUrcrtieg aul lot. Admi- looonly Q oebta. His lecture to man only last evening waa full r( iniirtaut sutfxra tioti ttid siiauld remit in gnud among tbot woo antra it. Burolar Aroumd While Mr and Mr W F llendrtcson, realJIng on Hroad altilti street, between Fifth and SUth, were at church Uat evening a burglar entered their home ami helped hlmtelf to a new suit of clothe belonging to Mr llendrtc son, a couple blanket, tome silk bander chiefs, other article and about ft li money. Not leaving hi card, and no one being seen around, no clue to hit identity na been aecurcd. Ihe va lry I being overrun with burglars and our citizen need lo be on Ihe watch. Griffith Davie ha bwn appointed P.wt rnaatw f.,r t'eat'l. Tba 8UtLaltar will all-urn a week trom to-Dhs. C'onaiiierabU snow la WMrUd atbieon I5m, on the Or, Portlaad' potmla tint will be about 75.0W) anoer eunaonuauon. . . a . Alarcestock of wall tiiix-r. wi'.h late i!e tltfos, t Fortmiller t Irviitg't,jujt received PRIOAr. Scia will hold a pubhe meatlng to-morrow aignt to ootitnier the division question. A vtry (loppy so w st- rm tocarri4 early ini momtng. it waa 01 a nanatent baiota Peaidni thi mrntiontd a'tewheic, one ot the children of U li Parrieb haa tb diph thnrta. v One of Uie fineat water power ia tb world is t Waterloo, w-linM- ittelftaar alter year. Tie Lm tills Indian hav lea doing little (thiet dancing of a harmless cat ure, eaoaii.g a allnht alarm. Tba atleodaeo at th eulleea i.nw is boat 170, tlie atJtt h r several ear. It i hi a prcajerwos eoaditioa. A heavy snow storm fell in 8onlhrn Ora gvo this forenoon, and in p'.aora Uie atlrr aa at hth a the railro-.d trtek. The ovciUvl, ahiihtt Jae ia Athtay At 0:29 a. m.'mt t with a land slide ia th kiymie lat night a4 will ni.t lc ia Albany until al'out Bit.lnilit. Mr J A l)v.ufclit"n kaa tha Ii.CRAT'a thanks fr tamt Kurib Car;int chratuat recently brought by bit Iroti er, F 8 Uoagh loo, from that atale. A bill permitting tha Albany & Aslmla railr.ltobaidbiilgcsoterth W.l tmtt and other ravihi streams oa i s he, paased tba U S tcast yeairtdy. Mr Graham, an rx-tt'! comrn'Miotter, was aandhacgrd by th blj M I. ehnrch, at Salem, vdbCtlay tight, and lobled t.f 13. People need ta kaop thoir eye dKn. Tb repott in tb Salem paper that vetoes Tocker. whe bed ben Inst in the w.aouiu beyond GaWttilts, had ten f.iood inado nitnted ecsidit-oi. it tmnptrej, i tot true. Tb 0 ecoa Pacific railrnad eompacy S pajlng off Ut the meth of October. C C liogu went over the hoe WeJrtav to Ky the employe. Tbat makea N..vm.ia-, and Janaary dae. Tr.! Riddle cloeed l.l t hrer'oical tares in Albany lat vcaina Th I'rof is a man of flao worl, w. ll rea.1 in hi ititet eat ing profraaibf) and made a my f iend in Al bany by hia mauly brarl,i. Miaa Iv TcmpUtop. tf Craa f-rdsviile' who waa injured by l.ii lv ou tha Dala pooia giving way, about yar ago baa Utn taken in tha il Samaritan hoapiul, at Portland, for treat uicnt. Khe haa t.evr been al! to walk mhos tha accident. Th government knag boat, G.rvallia, ia tiisyjrin a few tttaa out uf tha river, and ia now in thta vicinity. .She a ill git to Har rltburg. Tbit ia KO0.-1 a far aa it g-M; but what ia wautrd is torn a dr1ging oa the bars mors than anything etas. Mr CO Lee, the Dew engineer ami night walohman, who will have chtrgaof No 1 Bunion, will Wgin hi dutiea tonijtht. Mr Im baa recently been night watc'bmaa on the 0 P bridge. He haa had coaaidorabl experience as an engineer: A bit! haa been ietroduved ia th lngiala lur cf Waaliingtoo by Sharp tela. of Walla, providing fi a rigid examiuatioa of loootuo tiv engiaesr a to thoir quaiifioatioaa, and avtidiag far her that no man who drinks shall b charge of a aaeugcr engine' Tha Vancouver city council laat week fixed tha aalarios and bonds of ctrt&io city ollioars a follows:, $150 per yoar; marshal, $720 iieryear, fiOOO boniaj attor otiy,$,"tiO per year, $2000 bonds; treaanrer, ftiU.OoO bonds: haaith ofliccr, U pr day, wlieu actually employed, Th people of Western Kansas have novcr before in the history uf the atata knoa u suoh fearful linanoial dillioulties oa at pree ent. Tho scarcity of money or anything eanvertahle into it, fa almost pitiful and the buainuas honsea have alt they ean do to keep alive. Following th fail ore ot tiia Ameri can National Bank ot Ktrsaa City, four hanks in one county a!ouo have snnpeudod. Ther wa no ran made inn auy of tlirm, hut th little depoeit tliry carried with their correspondent was tin Ir luiuaticn, To-morrow will lie St Valentine's dav. a uny 01 tne oenutuui ana me noma. .1 . 1 a . 4 a a . . a a ' Tried to Escape. Yesterday Marshal Dunn, of Corvallia.took one Philip Davis to i-oriuiiii tor selling liquor. At riuver be itimritsd from the train, but Marshal Dunn, who is an athletic man, followed alter nun, tiring a couple shots.and Boon nad uiui 111 custody. Fivs C4SES. In view of several exag. ? crated reports about diphtheria, tlie )emochat has made a careful inquiry Into the matter and finds there is diphr uicii in just lour laniuica, iivu cases m all. These ara in the families of M Hyde, Dick Morris, Mr Hedrick and Mr Bailey, and are well scattered. Only one will probably prove fatal, that in the rurally 01 Mr Morris, hia voungest chi d. There is no likelihood of its spreading any further. Disqrackful. Regardless of their sen timents on the division question tho best people of Seio will condemn the action of those of their citixens who hunir Hons J K Weatherford and Jeff Myera iu effigy Wednesday night, after bearing of tho defeat of tho measure for this session. The effigies were seen suspended across the street of that city yenterdoy morning labelled: "Can a man live after death. No, not these two." -The effigies were taken down and thrown into Thomas Creek. Such-conduct never helps a cause. The two Senators have aeted Conscientiously in the interest of Linn county as a wnole,f.'om which they were eleeted.and not from one or two precincts, and the masses of tho people of the coun ty will sustain them in their course j aye, f irom me jorK nione. HAt'CKPAT. St Valentine's day. Pia plant roottt for ffslo by J II Town semi. Buy yoar of Purker Ero' Hulio & Dii'.vacn, drupgista, Fine grQotrii.a at Conn & llendrlceon'a. All rubber goods at est as Klein BroF, Smoke the ceMiraf l flavaaa filled 5 cent Sea W F Road' Una of drett gocds and Iks befor buying lnowhpre. Tlarcalns in choice groceries eaa alwav be ceoural of Allen Bros,, Flinn Ulook. Watting' fOo a dewin, mending for mon alia Kinga,jit eat of Urn Democrat ofiloa. W E McPherson sold fo-dav to Mrs K 8dwiiik, of this city om house and two Iota. C'ifiitidcratifm ptivato. While mmt eill"i( aro en!ri'ina thslr litn- ita, tho people uf Jefferson have decided at alums rtiBct log to rfl:i.' their , Th Willstnctti wat (J tm 1 2 Inclio Wvo ow water marit this morning, and slowly riling liuiing tha nli-lit It eacondfd ten font. Yesterday's overland arrived at 0 o'clock, and to-day i expented about miiinight, iaud tlidoa in Cow Canon an th latise ot the (W'ayt, Ifobf Rkafii proinio in bring a grod prin this year, la Kane county buyer ar Ai- mady oirriug iO'A oonte. It i safe to pre dict that most razors wiii do their own spe culating. A t ths tmllio meeting at Mo to nlaht a MiMilution will protially Ij passed king the Hi-natf) to recoiir-idcr III motion IndnliniUly ot.'iiiir I'm division, under th rale ot th Hi.iifktu, though, it will ha too lata. The eilii.ns of llalac.y and viuinity ar hereby rr ijnt td to n.r-l t tise :hoil himte in this ci'y. SaMirihy, Fbmtry 21. 1831, at 2 o'o ouk p m. lt tlie nnriMwD r.f d lacoaciiiur th way aud rtirvn I obtaining a llunring mill iu thi city. AU ara re-lusted to 1 or client and exnrtM tbiir ownwn dii the tuljtct, Nisw. fURVlCKS ToMOltBOW. At tho ChHg- tbuifhurch : morning tbeni", "Tho (Jreat Chaag"." Evening, "A ioptd Bridge," A number will 1m received Into the fel lowship of the church at 1 1 a in. A cor dial invitation is extended to the public 10 attend. At the M E church there will Iks preach ing At 11 a in and 7 :3i) p m, by the pas tor. At the morning service the admin Utratloil of linptiaui by sprinkling and pourirg will be administered. Hblath school at 2:30 P m. Epworth league at :30. LverylKxly made welcome. Services at the Congregational church wilt be as follows: At 11 a m, subject: What to do with Chrlnt." All Mom. the first in a course of lectures to young people, sublwts "rite Mrcngth and Weakness of Young People." A short after meeting will he held at close of evening service. We will welcome all to these services. Preaching services at the Presbyterian church at II a m and 7:30 pm. Hal bath school at 12:15 p in. Y P 8 (J E meeting at C :43 p tn. The subject of the morning sermon will be "Tbo Path of Duty." In the evening the pailor will begin a ecrles of discourses on "Chris tian Evidences." AH will be made wel come to these services. TATE LM.ILJ1 IRC "saaeawaaaaaw Salem, Or., Feb. 13. President Simon signed tbo Australian ballot bill. Most anything seems to bo able to pass the house. Bills submitting the re-location ot the county wat. of Coos and Grant counties cattily paiwed that body, but in the senaUs were indefinitely post poned. Rep. Jennings' new railroad commis sion bill provides for a couimumion of thrve members, one of w bom shall act as clerk, at a salary 'of I1500 each, except the member acting as clerk, who shall receive $500 additional, for clerical ser vices. This would make the railroad commiimion cost the people 5,003 par year, w ucn n now coats i,wo. In the bouse a bill providing that strtnit railways may locale their lines on private proirty, failix! to pass. Ateo a bill allowing suits ngninat tlie state. Crueno's bill allow ing the O P to iue bonds for more than 20 years, paieed. having already paused the senate. Con current resolution for $I5(0 for Indian war bUtory, to be compiled by Mrs F F victor, paa. urn t.y nail lor a con stitutional convention. MJ, Bill bv Htarr for the prevention of lottery games passcu. In tlie senate a large number of bouse bills were read firt lime, including Hen ry'e wagon road bill and Moores' WorM'a fair lull. Senate joint memorial aking lor .a.ovo for a aalmon hatchery at headwater oi Columbia or Snake river, and for an expert to investigate uie nauit oi su.tuoti, were adopted. A bill introducod by Fulton pawed the senate, which prohibit anyone except citizens ot the United Stats, or those who have declared their intention to be come such one year previously, or eiti sens of another elate who have resided six months in this state, from fishing for salmon or sturgvon in any of the waters of the state. under tlie reapportionment bill Liun county would get 3 rer restntativea and only 1 senator. Marion would tret 2 sen ators and Multnomah 5, all other coun ties 1 each. Tlie bill making Portland a port of entry is an important one, aud win uecome a law. Salem, Feb it. Bill regulating salar ies of trcatuiers passed the houae. Henry's hill for f 5,100 for a road up the Calapooia paatd. Bill relating to dipping sheep paa.-i. urn creating Santlam county patted. Butler a bill for electing road supervltors passed. Several senate bill were read first time. K a ley's Irrigation bill patted and will become a law. Ful ton joint fish bill with Washington patted. II it sch' bill tor completion of tne capuoi paseu, 43 to 14. Watklna portage railway bill patted. lo the senate, Walt blil authorizing a mother to appoint guardian by -ill pasted. vVcathcrford' blil to regulate foreign corporations, failed to pass 5 also Carson' bill for compulsory education of blind, deaf and mute. On motion of Weatherford the house bill creating San tlam county, wa read and indefinitely postponed, which defeat it completely for the present session. Toi.gue't bill for the prevention of contagious diseases amo.ig anlmala, patted. Three senate roid bllla' and nine house toad bills passed the senate at an evening session. Salem, Feb. 12. A new bill hi tho Senate by Raley provides for the punish ment of minora over 10 obtaining liquors by false pretenses, probably incited by the recent arrests at Pendleton. IV oath- erford's bill providing for registration of voters in chips 01 owo or more waa de feated. Weatherford's bill permitting the A 4 A It K to bridge the Willamette at tliia city passed. Tho Portland Con solidation bill passed tlie House, with I no. and was rend twice iu the Senate. It w ill probably becotno a law.and will lie a good thing for the whole state. A bill by Thomas provides for redistricting the state, and will be made special ordr Friday. Weatherford's bill providing forbridgpat Albany baa passed both houses. The Governor haa signed the primary election bill. "Corporations or the people" is a question beinsr asked. Miller' bill regulating railroads reonirea that railways shall transport Oregon pro- uucts m. tun titate aa cheaply and speed! ly per ton per milo as they do foreign products into or through the state.'and that they shall furniidi cara for loeal as well aa through transportation. It haa passed the House and should pasa the senate. Children Kajey Tha tb?aa:it Ihvoi. gentlo action and snoth ing effecU of Syrnp of Fitrl wheirin co.I of a kixaiiva aud vf tha father or mother be ooattve or biliiHis tun moat gratifying resalta ll !i. .1. . nl. .1. ' 1 . 1 uhuwiul; ua uae, ao u it 1 lua oem Iim- y rmdj Jiuuwn aad et ery family should ave a bcttie, . Bsl.arJcra tbat affect (ke Kidneys. Ara am .ng the moa formidable known, T abctej, Bright' disease, gravel and other oompbiut of tha nrlpery organ s re rotor . djoarily carod in Eevcre cases, but they may be veitt by timoly meditation. A useful stimulant of the urinary eland has ever bein found in Hostettar' Stomach Bitters, a niedicfno which not only afford the r uisito Btimulas when they become inactive, but Increases their vigor and eecretive pow er. By increasing the activity of the kidneys ami i-iaauer, una muuicina naane aaaiuon al eftect of expelling from th blood impur ities which it is the peculiar. efEoo of these organ to elitninale and pas off. The Bit ters is also a lurilk'r and strengthecer of the bowels, an inyinrator of the ttcinarh,nd a malobleas remedy for biliouer.esa and fever and eguo. Jt counteracts tendency to pre- i mature dnosy. itid eu?t?in ard cciiiforta the 1 aj;od ar.p iuiirm. TCMrEBAATK tOLtHX. EiIHm! by Albany W, 0, T, V The last meeting of the WCTU waa one of much Interest. A goodly number in attenaanee. The subject that claimed the attention of the devotional meeting wa In Matt. XIII, 3 and 38 verac. We were much encouraucd by the prayer and goad countel of Dr 3 i Irvine. Arrangements are being made to hold an open temperance mecitng at the Hall, In cammemoratton of the Crunade, on Monday eve., Feb. 33rd, Further an nouncement of which will be made. The following letter from the State Pres. of Nebraska Union wa read: PKAR W. C.T. V. SlTlta?IW.a of the drought which ha afflicted marly oneetiaif of our atate, very many persons, without any fault ot their own, have been reuueeu to a eulTertng condition. De pending a they do upon tlxdr crop for 1000 anu ciorning, ana they having cn tlrcly failed, leaves llicm In great dcrts'.u. Hon. Very many of our dear WCTU tinier err In great need. It la estimated that f co,0oo people must have help or the tuffetlng will ba unparalicd In the history tn nry s;a;e. 1 am sure '.hat much cloth lug could be sent out from your hornet that I now laid anlde became out of style or needing repairs, that you could well spare ia thoae not ao fortunate as your selves. j nine money licm each one would help to bi:y the needed food and fuel Clothing of all klnd, including tbocs and Mocking", all !.c, id brdoing arc in Rri-ai uzinatlU, tnytiing snipped directly to we, or money sent to rue, will receive: inv limt.e dlatc attention. What you do.dt-sr tUtcrt, uo qiiicnv, tne cold weather Is upon tt, i.i Atr A llITCltCOCK.Mal-; Pre. Fremont, Jan i'h, 1891. The Union voted that five dollar be tent to aid the sufferer. Mint W'lihrd and Miaa Gordon started Monday 011 ihclr ctern trip, which l lo Include the WCTU Conference and the Woman' Council In Washington Feb ruary l to 2K. Bv Invitation oi Or Corev. the pafcbw, Mia tt'iilard apeak In Metro politan jvi K t liurcli, Waahington.Sunday morning, February icth. Then follow the week of W UT V tnference care fully prepared for br Mr La Fctra and her co-workers, and participated In by MlasWIllard, Mr Lathrap, Mi Hunt, Mr Koundt and other leadlnir worker, rhe Woman' Council, of which Mist WlUard is preaident, open with Sabbath wrvlce the nd, ita bitalne seaaiont com menclng Monday. Mr Julia Ward Howe, Mrs Jennie June Crolv,prefJe?il of 8oro- l, and other leader in every department of woman' work, will take part In this Council, making it one of the moat Im riant gathering of women ever held on im continent. , SHUU0NS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the SUUe of Orrgon fur the Uountg of Linn i G EORO 2 M US RO, Plaim Iff, ) MARY J MUSKO, Dafondanuj T Marv J Monro, the a'ove nrmel defendant; N THIS NAME OF THE STAIE OF . Omgoo, vr,u aro hereby fHiuired to apiar and answer the compasot of tb above p.ulnlilT, la tbo above entitled court, now on 111 with the o'erk ot a d court, w.tbia t- n days froai the dale of ine ai-rvice or thia tauunoat upon you; if served in Lino ojuntj, Dreg in, bat if aprvfrd l.i any caber county in the xtale of Oregon, thm within 20 days from the date of the aerrioo of thi nummor.a upon you; ifacrved by publication. theJ on or bofore tho lirt dy of ihe ntxt regular term of the atovx entitled court, to w IU Meaday, ihe 61 a day ef arca, l91, and pu are ooU.'isxi that if joj fail toapir and ? i. raid ocm plalat, as hereby r. qulrrd the plain HIT will apply It the curt for the reiisf demanded in Iht oomploint, to wit: For a dl&bolullon o the bonda of mo-rimany nowtxuair.g b4wen plaintiST and deten dani, and f .r iuc'a o;ho' dcr as way be Jutland ultab e. 1 ba xummona i publUboiLby ordet ol th Hon It P IJ .Ixj. Judit cf ihe kiuiteu court maas at . hatnb ra lathe ct! vol Ma'.fui. Ilia ICtidayr.f January, lOtfl. J Jv Wb.tint.KI'uK I. (1 1C; Attorney for Plaintiff. ftert a'ork or2i.d fV toy, riuI the mot rt-a to h ttiiirg. tli k;u ;oods In the Ya mie price-ts kotb i bate ou Land STCYES, TINWASE rsifvv C10GXS, CS'aCKPRY, ETC., ETC. - d.air wshtof S E Young's oV nor L. COTTLIIB City V Restaurant. Hiring been entirely remo!e!cd. this old and popular rcstmrent wiii be i nda first- claa n every mpect. The rnhtic will tt given good meal at (11 honrr for only 25 cents. Ever) thing neat and attractive. Private boxes. Ojetcra lo every style. 1 l - . -',L. ll t 1 Will & Link, x uvii9i rata u simk. nrAlTftn ummt ttAm w . aaarrso int!5cLKitaraR- 5f. Fa MiHcr, And the Favorite J.BAUER &. CO. S - PIANOS. Palaco and Earluiff .tfonsdPi-oof Oi'gjans 0U AdtVTS rot van iUreflgd; B -and N3 Hcsa Siiwlag Sathiu si. ORRANS - ClKANKD - AND - RkPAIREO. ALBANY, OREGON. mm , f ? Sample Pons, aifferent patterns. In 8 S5a Rf. tS'ljPIated Match ie't, sont post-paid ja receipt of 10 C'liNTS. FEESY&CP , Lenta b.iczv U. 3. Oifloo. 819 jraaiNsy, New Votlt. Caveats, anfl Trse-Marks oNlnod,andallPa ent biisiiios courtucted for Moderate Fpis. Our omc is Cpsioslts U.S.Pafi,t C.f,e. c'ni'e"!r1PWnt ialofs those remote from Vv ashinston. bend niode, drawing or photo., with flpiCTtp. non. e advise, if v.atejitsbJe os not. free oi ciiarw. Our fee not aim till patent is secured. A Famnhiat. "How to OMafn Patents," with Esm3 of acsusl clients injoui f.i co,:ry. ot tinva, hee. Address, M m& Store. .1ST STEEL . 8 .Nq. u V, Both th ii-.'i:'xl r.!i' i wIscl, 'p of V'k'j U ta! u ; it is j-.Jasstaut CM1 r frc.-;!.i!5; t' tt.r, tm net ,ut!vyttjvr;n!t !l7 mi thtiKi !nep, lA:'i:v fti-l Botri:!;!, c!ft:iw. t!ic eye t'.in tSx'tnal'v, dl-rjitds lli?. l.esd n !irs cud f;-vcrfj cud cure bs.ljitual crui jtifs.ttiort. Byriin of t i;' k thev cs lj reifcty of 'iu fciarl evr ro lileatitig f) tTiO taslo r mine-' r '.' lo to the i!fm?,h, ".;.r,.yi ia iM m.'-Mt did truly lrf-adicfa't ir its iT. elz, it patty czcrII-.!at fjcaKtlcs fr.f.v:. n! it to a'L ll'is fo.'Valo in V'A ..& $i hditivi ly ail kadiat a . 4 CAUFGXMA fiO SYsVJP CO. mew, cn. im'jwat. 7. uev ror.z. k.i ACADEMY -OF Gar Idy of Perpetual Lre!0. I ALBANY. - - - OHEGON tioooiicuij oy i:ie bimu in', ijeoeaict Tuition In Mlect day cbrjl tanrcs front Mo10. I or terms or lioarding itch ol or sny rmicr lure ar r; v at Aradcro ur id. alea Siatnr suiwioreaa. AL3A5Y CQLLE5J1T2 I5SIIMS ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, lGOl. rirslTrra Opene! Sryieeaaer tt-, tae. A fall corps of InatrucV-rn, CUSSIGAL, SCIEirriFIC, LITEHARi CLASSES. Coarsos of study arranged t- ran t ibr a si of a'.l grades of student, Special tuattc4menit cjered to ilntleuin from abroad. KEf. ELBE3T Jt f OXfclT City Meat Mar&e SEULT2 mi immcti. Wor p a full lin of meats ft all kind in a tfool pltcw, coioplfi'.ciy pro tected: and alwaya f:e'n. EedCrowaMill 80H, L.IX3ISG & CO., iWPVSa snw tiCB fLosa tcrasisz rvx. rirt AKfi sac US t.fS. HEHTSTORAGK FACILITIES. nimrp cansw, t5ies: i.naoeBia. Bfsochis:. rteacit. Wbcealn C&cna.Creue. for inrcut, atihe-a, ara y fTivtKiQ cf titc Tliroa!, Lsnt ni vl-.sit. Centaa ption. 'i 'l Ol:!vl A' I I V. A IB INT. OGILC 5 W It BILYElL ATTOUNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Cbanm j - ILISAKI, - UiilUUl. CollSirtlon pr.rnvt!y laada on aj po'nt mcs.isatia'sd oa o&aonabletenaa. . a. K.BLACnBvr.x, ceo. w. WRicrrr, Attorneys at. Law, ATiU prct:os ia all tho Cmri of tin tats, Prompt attentioa niou tj all basi sseaiiniron woar oi i. Office Odd Follow Tei,;.! Albay n 12. e.WATSOfi, Attorney at La7, ALBANY -j- OREGON JON. : Office ia the Siratiaa Ciucli, ii.iun.ej An3 Sonassllcr At La? vn L. MIX, ; and Surgeon, and Ferry Streets, ORSCQfi Physieiai Offlco coi, f- ALBAFJV- ', A parctlilat of informatliio anil .s. .Ot'tH!n touts, t' ureal 9, Trade ' Aiuarisa, ( xvpyn-ihta, tnt Jrte. v,aiwww CRUNi t CU. vJOt ltrondway, s vj. ew V art. . . S. W. Paislov, CAlbsay, Oragea W 110 LE3 A LS DEALER IS- e XTE will thl nMiro rf.xrai-rt tnv nf T.fvtfd .inaiion or twtiveae.-a we eannot o-e wits iv,..t'i epot.ihiel ivtTl'i'ls.nti-n ti n d rr-:!..--, c-ti- i'v ot.,i-,i d UU. 'j Ur.7art purely V? rf lut!e, ri: :J r.oor all to irive ! M,mm. t'taeiVwu.t. I wra t-.p onta::.'. .. " t3 Cl.t.- ... i-o.i.'.u-. 7tr.w an j liu.. i?9 rc-iuin. ui.iPiir.'t l.nT.I cm ruiJo-i; c. vi;bi tjiu'Ai.v,cj..d-.i.- J 4 I'simmta-, .tfcn vers Moi!S9 - 4LBANY, ias. r rr 1 1 . i ... i r n