The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 20, 1891, Image 3

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llr. an. I
A Hit.. Mr J M Madison, who has
lea wliarl ngvnt of the Oregon raciflcnt
thin city for about two months, left last
Friday, with his wife, for Portland and
part unknown, ami it now t ran nt ires
that Madison wn a Ii-t-"lrti5n tkuil Unt,
though Iio came hero with tine testimo
nials. The facts in the case were made
public hint uinht.but too lato to g-t hold
of Mr M.iiliKini. hilo here, Kioiuihn
perfect stronger, lie scomed to he ablo to
V't vrvditnt will ami Iff towing I, K
Main, 70; I'M French, $t;.V.K: WF
Kend, $-,0; K C Swirls, ;15; U J Sower,
17 ; J A Cummintt. fl'-.W. end Klein
I5ros.f7.fl0. Mr French and Mr I'.lain
hud time vouchers w hieh were rcchdcrcd.
Mr French will not lose anything and
Sir Main little. A couple KnrnMiee
suits were brought;' but hia wage ware
more than paid, besides he bail tnkeu
awayaUmt fit collected at tho wharf.
He also tried to pell some time vouchers,
filled out by himself, and endeavored to
settle his lioard bill of $-! with Mrs Mur
ray with the lik worthless paper; but
eh refused to allow his trunks to no
without cash, and it was presented.
Madison was spretit at Lyons for awhile.
Iio is w hat is called a rotten cyjt. As a
business sr-cculiitioa merchant need a
warning like this oreasionallv. The
truth ts, though, that Madison was in
troduced by men whose pood word very
naturally put them ctT their guard.
Yaqiina Ray, One of the uiost vio
lent thunder storms that bus visited this
section for a long time passed over town
today, but we have not heard of anyone
being struck by lightening, at least" not
of that sort.
Mr Stearns, the enterprising Alsea far
mer, has demonstrated that cranberry
culture is a success on the coast streams
and his vines, that were not washed out
by th flood last w inter, yielded some .10
barrels of fine lw rries," that are fully
equal to the Cane Cod lerry.
Charlie Kennedy, of the O P, has let a
contract to dyke his tine lody of tide
land abov Toledo. He w i'l luvo a val
uable piece of property wher. he gets it
Mr John Stitapson has returned after
a two months tour cist. He says hois
glad to get back to Oregon as he "realizes
what cold weather and hard time are
like both on the same plate. He asserts
that the people of Oregon don't know
the rule that hard times is worked out
by in the cast. Republican.
A Pamphlet. Oa the Psmochai's ta
ble is a pamphlet entitled "Souvenir,"
in red script, followed by "Th Willam
ette Valley and its Principal Cities and
Towns." It is well printed on nice pa
per and lias some mcriir. With a few
exceptions, thou'li, its illustrations are
a very cheap John lot of pirturt e. They
do not reire.ent Oregon in a very flat
tering style, in fact many of tht-iii are
decidedly ubiquitous, and have prolably
been used for ether scenes. All r.ny is
not represented at all. Forty-three of
our business men invested in small ads
andwriteups for prices ranging around
$10 apiece, some of whom cannot 1
hired to advertlso in the local papers
that reach 4he oplo with whom they
trade. The writcttp of AlLiny is a f.tirly
good one. The Democrat is always in
favor of enterprise; but somo times it
is a good idea to keep ones eyes open.
A SisPiKDEfj PiijM.ii-. The Evancl?
cal Afsotialion ha been agitated over the
qjcstlon whether one BUhop Ehcr lia.l
been examined and iu penile J from the
function of hi entire, at a crtuln tria!
held at RoaJing, Pa., according to the
church dUcip:h-, According io the Jc
ci-ion rendered by .finite Pleasants of Hie
supreme :oun of llUnnts, that Mai was
held 1 ri a lawful manner and according to
lUcI,liJo.anJ p ludicijily determined that
Uiihop Ether l a smpi.-ndcd b!n!iOi.
Corvalli Time. vVe have forjjnt'en
which !Je thli defeats,. and predict that
the Timet will bo c':ar.-d kh prevarication.
A Gbeat Ficckss scored at the
Imperial ojktj. house, night, by the
lloston Uait-ty Comic Onrra company,
who presented the comic opera ".Mita-
cotte' to the people of Vancouver As
it is a considerable pc-riod since a comic
opera has lecn presented here, it is no
wondor hat a crowded gru-Ud
them. The performance was f ruin be
ginning ti end a great success. The au
dience throughout were kept in a per
fect roar of amusement. Daily Register.
The company w ill be at the ojera house
Friday and Saturday.
A Bi BoLAit's Ot'Trrr. A day or two
ago Isaac I'.eam found in Lis yard, in
this city, a burglar's outfit, consisting of
diills, etc, which had evidently been
dropped in hia yard .by some one in a
hurry, perhaps by the man w ho opened
Fisher's safe at Corvalli. They are now
in Marshal HoUman's curiosity depart
ment. They indicate considerable ne,
and are made of the let material. The
valley is filled with burglars and hard
characters generally, and it is necessary
to be on the outlook. Owing to vigilance
of our marshal and police force Albany
lias less trouble than most of the valley
towns. 'k
A Small Swindle. Yesterday a
young lady bought a package of chewing
gum of Conn & llendricson, expending c
cents for the same. Awhile afterard
she returned and laid she would like to
exchange it for another kind, and waa a--commodated.
After ihe had gore the
package returned was found to contain
pieces of pasteboard of Ihe tize of the gum,
the gurr having been extracted It wa
a genuine swindle; but being a snia'l
matter was considered a good iokc.lhough
It wa a serious joke on the character of
the offender.
The Anxious Onks. 'the candidates
for railroad commissioner named are le
gion. Among thoc prominently men
tioned for the office are lion Henry Roger,
of Salem; lion T T IJ'ack, of UaUey; Hon
J W Maxwell, of Tillamook ; Geo Wagg
oner, the piesent clerk, and Mr Colvig,
one of the nrccnt commUiioner. The
election will be held by the joint eion
of the egilature, and this will probably
occur on Tucdar or Wednesday Mates-
A Stbaw. Again wc furnish our read
ers with a live Oregon Pacific item from
a Prinevillo paper, the Iteviow
li F Nichols recently sold 103 bcits of
Iana on the IJeschutes, where the OP
survey crosses that stream, to P 11 Ver
non, of New Jersey. Mr Vernon is said
to belong to a syndicate of hind spcc.ii'
lators and capitalists who deal in town'
sites, ana ins purchase on the u r survey
looks as if there was a possibility of some
move being ii'ado toward the completion
oi the railroad
Room fob Pkssatios. IUvnla Al
bany if a new spaoer were to notice all
the little sensational affairs, it would
Lave its hrfnds full, and would probably
reed a fighting editor. Such eases as
that of the young woman who tried t.o
have her husband arrested on the charge
of pointing a revolver at her, have to be
left alone, if they do not reach the courts.
We are glad to know that in the case re
ferred to the parties made up partially
and the matter was dropped.
Diphtheria. Wc are Informed that
number of parents are keeping their
children out of school on account of the
diphtheria and then permit them to run
at large on the street. A phykfclaii in
form us that such children would be just
at safe In school. It i .i!d that the num
ber of cane of dihtheria hat been greatly
Portland's Hard Times. Ancnt the
'tightness" of the money market! A prom
inent cUteen who borrowed Sjco.ooj lat
week giving a mortgage on one of the
prominent and valuable biulncs blocks
in the cltv. had to pay TA per cent, and
taket on the loan over io per cent per an
num. A year as;o this same loan could
have been had for S'A per cent for the
asking Welcome.
Che ap Wood. Good fir wood delivered
to any part of Alhany, for only .J a cord.
Ckook County. A T Jenkins, au old
and highly respected citiaen of Crook
count v. died Rt It Parrlsh's place on Hay
creek Thursday night.
W B Flower succeeded in bringing
down a large Ivns with a 3i calibre re
volver, at John lAfollett's place on Me
Kar, the other day. The animal was
about five feet long and was a ferocious
The beginning and ending of two gen
erations were represented in a quadrille
last Friday night at the hall. Onto
Newsom and Alpha Aldridge, two little
boys about 12 years of age, n-prcscnled
the 1-eglnning, and Frank Nioholaard
itob Harsey, two old Uys of the eigh
teenth century, tho ending.
Fnow has piled up to the depth of two
feet in tho mountains between Ochoeo
and Bridge creek. These mountains are
the groat reservoir for a portion of Crook
county, and when there is plenty of
snow there, the streams throughout the
county are well supplied with water the
follow tug Glimmer. Ociioeo ueview.
Tav It. Printer' ink when judliouly
dlsliibuted will bring a inulti'ut'o of ci's
tomeri to the counter and a stack of or
ders to the ih k. It draw. It l P.ttil
at the footllght, u liool'i tn Hamlet, a
Maud S, on ihe race track, a John L. Sul
livan In the ring and a football content.
It take txperienec and study to tie pi'in
tcrt Ink to the best advantage, so that the
largest return will be obtained. J'rintm1
ink, published bv (Jen. 1 UiMvt ll ,t Ci ,
io Spruce St., New Yoik. price $ J. no a
year, h devoted to the art of advcitblng,
pointing out In a manner that will Impress,
ditoi hilly and through coiiepon!eiiee
from men "who have made the subject a
life study, the bct mean for securing
the createst result bv the ne of printer'
Ink. An experience "f twenty live years
h.w placed Geo, P. Rowtlt & C , at the
head of their profession, and this paper,
with the sucgetive name tnav be comld
ercd as authority on the subject. Busi
nessmen, rega'ullc of thestse of their
business will do well by sebsctiMng for
Printers' fwi.
A Toon S i art. Pilnce Morgan, the
well known darkey boy, of Shedd, has
made a roor start in life. The Dr MwiAi
mentioned a few month ago about bow
he secured a $40 gun by forging a Welts
Fargo check. Several 'days ago he left
home for part unknown, taking with Mm
without permission a watch an I some
money. He was traced to Rrcbur and
brought home by one ot toe Conductor
on the S. I. The watch w nn?, and
Prtnce declare a tradec with a brake
man for a ride; but the brak;man (ionic
It. Pilace U n w about itvear of ase.
young enough to make a rllit about face
movement anu be a man.
TtiKATRtcAL,' The Bjtcn Opera Co.
will beat the Upcra House Friday and
Saturday, giving a matinee Saturday
i.f:ercoon, nccoroirir to ihe program pre
sented elsewhere. This company l highly
(poken of by the pre. glslng first c)4
attraction In their line. Warner A Cranor
pcopoe furnishing cur citizen with some
superior attraction, of which the iJoton
Opera Company will not be t! least, and
sre entitled to credit fi?r thilr utterptise Jn
the theatrical busioc. In the next tew
day the Dkmockat ill jivr testlmoni a',
sholn;f Ihe high s'.aiiding -if the Bo-ton
Opera Company.
Boston Or:RA The Boston Opera
company l a been p'aylng for the past
three w.ek at the l ark theatre, rortantl,
to standing room s.nty. The Portland
prets speak very highly of the Bson
ian. The Oregonlan say: The Boston
comic opera I one sf the bel opera com
panies ever seen in Portland. The Kx
trnlner say Manager ForJ of tlie Park
theatre ha done well by Minvtf anj to
the public by brlnglis 'he li'js!on Ca'p-ty
Opeia company to Portland. At Albany
Opera llnue Friday and Soiit
at Will & Llrks.
K. ok P. At the regular met ting last
Tuesday Columbia Thvisin, No. 4, Uni
formed Bank, K. of P., timed the fol
lowing (ifHeers:
JasF Hail, Sir Kt Captain.
li V. Propst, First Lieut.
F N Woo.1, Lieut.
W M Parker, Sir KtTrea.
IT i Haync, Kir Kt K-c.
P P. Marshall, Guard.
C II Younger, Sentinel.
G V HocliMtiJIer, Iits-'alliri otlieer.
Sri.r just atut In the middle of the
bit k, on First street, south nide. I
tween Broa lalbin and Kllsworth. and
you will find a place where yoj can al
way ;get lirst-elass croceries atirl fresh
produce at reasonable prices and le well
treated without extra price. The sign
reads "I'aiker Bros.," and everybody
knows the name. Their baked goods arc
the brst. Their Etock i f gfsls generally
is aepi repienisiiea to men the uctuanUd
ot a growing trade.
Being unlike ail other Oregon papers
Ihe Portland Mercury has a new head, un
like all other Oregon head. Like It
policy, which Is to outline character in
life, "a sensational proceeding, too often
founded on truth, the head Uan outline
A religious revival h been In progress
st llepnner of late, and among those who
were converted was an elderly pioneer
settler, who ha been ft Utile ahead 01 civ
Ulatlon along the frontier nearly all hit
life. The effect ha been the
old man cameitdlng Into lleppner a day
or two s nee. telllnu the eltiscn that he
had left hh farm forever, and was going
to preach the eospel. lie Imagines that
he U tho prophet Elijah. Ex.
The Poitland Mercury s.iti "One
Il.tvaid l.'sndv. who ha been In Albany
In thee inploy of a company In this cltv,!-.
111 no wav coimccicu won ,"v ""i . j
Mercury. Hanv buslnes ha been done
or attempted to be done fur thl paper by
litis or any other person It I without au.
thoiltv, a'nd I hcreny cancelled, ' We
haven't heard of any "Mr Handy being
here, and presume the Mercury i oil the
Had Junius read the following from tho
Ihownsvllle Time Id famous article on
ihe down would probably never hae
been written: "We notice that tho county
couit has honored a petition from Craw
fonUvlllc tent In hy Mr Hubert Gta and
55 others, for a county road. We know
nothing of the merltior demerit of the
request In the petition, but it is evident
that the county ottklals are negtnnlug to
realise that there are Other portion! of
this county besides "The Forks" and AU
bany. Honor to whom honor is due "
The mass meeting at Scio Saturday
r.lght tor the purpose of considering the
division question the Drmocrat is In
formed was attended by only a fair siaed
audience. Resolution weie passed, wc
understand, asking ihe Senate to recon
sider tho motion laying the bill oil the
table, and taking tho Dsxhh kat to task
f .it It position In opposing the division of
Old Linn. With the ex eptlon "of Scott
May, F M Daniels Peto Smith and a few
others very few of the citizens of even
Scio 'are worked up over the matter.
Outside ot Ihe city particularly a great
many had rather not see snr divKlon, and
will generally uphold Ihe l)SMCHATfor
taking a coure It believe to he for the
best interest r-I Linn county.
- Salkm, Feb 14, The bill of Aimalrong
for publishing county court proceedings
pasted the bousa Saturday, and will go to
senate. Hie newspapers sre entitled to
something of the kind. A bill by Jen
nings prorating lor a penalty tor silling a
human being by mistake while hunting
failed, It should have pasted. A joint
resolution expresilng sympathy on the
doath of Gen Sherman was passed, Mc
Cracken's bill for fish way over tho falls at
Oregon City, passed.
Ralkm, Feb. 10. Veateh's railroad
commission bill postponed until 2pm
Tuesday. Minto'i bill tor flshway at
Oregon City was referred. A few yean
ago Oregon had n fUhwiiy bill that
proved all bill. Tho right kind of fish
way, though, is needed. The senats
concurred In memorial for Improvement
ot month of Siuslaw, and resolutions of
conduleiuMj over death of General Sher
limn. Tho matter of compiling Indian
war records was referred. Kaley'i Sun
day bill piiasetl A bill by Weatherford
providing for u Itiiigi in smoke stacks of
all river steamers was referred. The
Portland consolidation bill passed, and
will give general satisfaction through
Oregon, Bills protecting German song
birds, red fish and lake trout, fish in
digging ditches nnd kuildinvc flumes,
passed tho house. Minto'a bill provid
ing for the registration ot Indian war
veterans passed, also Gatubee'a bill lor
county sealers of velgnti and measures.
Thomas' reapportionment bill failed to
1 nomas' reapp
pass, 31 to
Wanted. Thi
buy a good fresh
depot hotel at Albany.
nnderalgiicd want to
milch co-.r. Inquire at
J A Guess.
Waxted, to rent an organ for several
months. Call at the LIkjiockat olllce.
T11 Akklal iistTiNG of the Albany
Building & L,an Association will be held
tn the liank of Orenon parlor, on Friday
evening, Feb 20, This meeting it
lor ihe purposed electing director to
serve for the ensuing year, and to hear
the annual reports of the officers. Eveiy
stockholder should te present, either In
person or by proxy.
Msx and women do not always agree,
In fact they fnrqucntly d'sacree and ser
iously too, causing many divorce and
sollapses hi the matrimonial market. One
thing, though, they agree on, and that i
that Conn ii llendricson keep Ihe kind of
groceries one needs In hjustkeeping.they
treat men and women alike and giye them
bargains In good In their line, fill on
them for groceries ai d produce.
There are two photographers In Prine
ville now, and they are getting a per
sonal as two Astoria paper. One of
them loldly publishes the other ns an
old swindler.
The total mileage of the Fenate exceeds
H.otto uiil.-s, and will rust not less than
$1,700, and nearly all the mrmlwrs ride
on passes. As they get almost no income
it is safe to say they lay npno fortunes
on their receipts.
The same result nearly alwavs and
properly occurs where school teachers
are arrested hr w h'pping pupils. A case
occurred at Hojd liiver recently. The
rv before whom the teacher wua trie!
leeiiled that the boy bad cot no more
than be deserved and returned a verdict
of not guilty.
A largo numlt-r of valentines were cir
culated through Albany this year. One
young man who handles the gloves with
great agility is carrying the burden of
0110 huh informs bun thatthe only
thing be can lick is a (twtage stamp. A
business man w ho furnished a red hot
message for a young lady to send to a
young man, a competitor in biisiners.
urnishing the rmtge even, was consid
erably astonished to receive the valen
tine himself Tho table had been turn
td.r.ri l e the fun went round.'
For the benefit of the Oregon City
Courier, which take occasoin to give mot
of thf inllU a hit ou' of thai cltv. we
will ay that the Albany mill have order
head tl;:.t will puh Ihe mill la the iullcst
eppit 'iff for six lotwetvc mnil.,and they
continue tj arrive. The Albany c'othc
arc far ahead in quality of any thing turned
out at Orct'on City. Quit lour Mln
?ro'hcr Courier. We believe Ihe follow
ing about the Salem mill alo I a false
hood, "It ! laid that the Sale in woolen
milt Is In a bad war, batche of shabby
cloth being turned out that have to be sold
at a sacrifice and the rj-eiatlng espensrs
being large. . . ,
Vt'liile Jim Kanilfwas not elected may
or of t hi place on a temperance p'atform,
ttie public expected loin to 1 tlccei
about getting drunk and w ho.ipirg up
ana down the streets. It ts with sorrow
that we announce the fact that Jim Is 1
rnmplcte faituro except as an old soak
He hann't drawn a sola-r breath in six
months, and bis 0llici.1l career lias been
enough to shame. a wo'.f out of the cotin'
try. We have kept quiet on this matter,
hoping Jim would brace up.but the time
has come fof a little plain talk. We say
to him, in the most friendly spirit, that
be must come out ot that and brace up.
Tho loys are muttering and growling,
and if his honor continues bis present
career, something will happen within a
fortnight. He'll be wailed upon by a
committee, mounted on a mule, and the
mule w ill tm headed toward the lulls
and told to travel. Arizonia Kicker.
Balev'tt Sunday bill ornvldea for tba
closing of barber shops on Sunday, and
will probably become a law. The bills
Incorporating Brownsville, North Browns
ville and Jefferson, have passed both
Salkm. Feb. IS. 1 n. m. Portland con
solidation bill bas panned both houses
with senate amendments. 1.
Salem, Feb. 17. Vcstch'i bill abolish
ing the railroad commission passed the
senate, Itl to 12. "Weatherford and
Myers voted aye. Story's bill to estab
lish a state mining horeau and state
mineralogist and geologist, passed the
Tho bill anproorliittntt tLWOOO for nirrl-
cultural college buildings, passed in the
senate. Holmes' bill promoting drain
age, cte, passed. Henry road bill was
read third time. Uatev'a bill punishing
minors over ltl years 01 age getting liquor
undtr false pretenses, passed. Sinclair's
0111 limning Hours ot labor to eight hour
in the house Baker's bill
alt male animals running at large, passed.
Killian's bill repeating mortgaga tax
law- waa laid on the table, llouso re
fused to concur in senate Joint resolu
tion to adjourn at 12 o'clock Friday
night. Johnson's bill creating Cascade
county was indefinitely postponed. Bak
er's bill for a sol Hers' home, failed to
pas. McAllister's bill for a new eitray
law. passed. Story's bill for a state min
ing bureau and stato mineralogist passed,
having already passed the senate.
catch's seiiato bill to repeal the rail
road commiasion law ; motion to Idenf
Initely postpone lost, 21 to 30.
Bill MrtTE ant
Nancy Biggar to Emma C Beard,
lt 2, bi 13, It's A, Leb 400
J W Foster to Geo W Gray, V. K of 1
F. l hi 6i, in Allianv 1000
John Wtda n ux to Marr Anu
Fiukenger, 10.1 acres in In 10.
HKSw.... 1
A If How to L P Mason and A T
Uh. F. .see 15.8 It I V' 1120
Mate of t regou to A II How, E t
see 3d, tp 15, H It I K. : 400
State to C It Hall, w a c 30. tp
1.1, Hit ik 400
C U Hall to L p Mason and A T
Bliss. W 'J 30. Irk 1.1 S It I V 110
Jos A ! ordet ux to II A Davis.lGO.',
acres in ip 10, Is w ....... .
It KiM-hler, trustee, to II A Davis,
I7.W acres In lp 15.S K 4 w. .. 441
Aunie Iloult to vv 8 Brown, TS-15
acres in tn 13. S It 4 w
G II Bland et ux to J A Beard, 1.9
acres in i-enauon..
ROtlit AKO rrssoKAL,
Mr Tony Klein, of Salem , spent unday
in im cuy.
Mr Levi West and daughter aril ved In
Albany this noon from the Sound.
Mr A D Mtllwaln, who has been 111 for
tome time, It reported Utile worse.
Mr James Foster, jr., roadinatcr on the
Oregonlan R. R ..spent Sunday In Albany
wun nis many iricnut nerc.
Mr f) LCrowder, who was recently ar-
. 4 . A . i . .
retieu lor lmpersona'ing on insnectc r In
Kansas, Is In the city, having furnished
Mr Geo II Keener, who recently went
- .ta . a . uf. ass a s . . .
rouin lor tne oeneiit oi nis ncaitn, is now
at Phoenix, ArUona , and Is rcpo lcd much
The fortieth anniversary of the mar.
rlage of Rev and Mrs S perry was recently
celebrated at Urownsvllle In a becoming
Miss Vetta Mason left Saturday on a
visit to Sicllacoom, Wah., where the will
be the guest ot her ct utlns, Mr and Mrs
Nat Redpath.
Mrs R A Irvine went Io Eugene this
noon on a vlstt with her daughter Mrs L
Btlyeu, This U Mrs Irvine's first outdoor
experience since her recent Hints.
A very enoyable social gathering was
given last evening at the residence of Mr
EL Power, in honor of Mi Frankle
Hopkins, who i here visiting Virt Power.
Brownsville Times.
Miss Viola Temple, ot Rock Hlil.vlslted
friends in this place over Sunday. She
went to Albany Monday to vlstt hrrslsier,
who Is attending school there. Browns
ville limes. . .
Mr Walter S Geary, the expert piano
tuner, regulator and repairer, from Kohler
Si Chase's music house, of Portland, I In
the city and will be ready to respond to
order, for a few day,, which msy be left
with O L Blackman?
T J Butord, of the Sllels Agency, was In
the city today. The Indians there are do
ing remarkably well. Nineteen years ago
they had a ghost dance, which satisfied
them for a century.
K S Ingram was In Scio yesterday. He
reported an tmmeate time at the Salvation
Army last night. There were about twenty
conversions, In addition to thirty previous
ly reported. . ,
A despatch from Oakland, Cat., Inform
ed MrClus Pfclffer that his wife and
daughter expected to start forborne oajo
night's train. It will be learned with re
gret that the tatter Is not improved in
health any.
Mr The Cundlff and family havi ar
rived In Albany from Rstole,Mo.,and will
make this their home, probably settling on
a farm In this county. Mr Cundlff Is a
brother of Mr B W CundifT.witli whom he
It visiting for a few days.
Cant. Humphery Is In Sstem attending
the third house. He Is looking after the
welfare of a bill making minor who ob
tain liquor under false representations
guilty of a misdemeanor .-Pendleton E. O,
Several weeks ago the Dswx at men.
tinned the fact of a Portland woman run
ning sway from her husband and corlng
to Albany, where the was followed; but
refused to return to her liege and h-rd. It
was followed by a divorce, and thl noon
the woman again came to this city.
Yesterday wo the day set apart by
Calvary church to make an offering for
the Board of Aid for college. Rev E N
Condlt, A M, president of the Albany
Collegiate Institute, occupied the pulpit
at tne morning service, ill text w la-
hen from Luke II :U. "richolJ this child I
set (or the (all and taUIng again of many
In Israel," and John all: 3, "And I, II "I
be lifted up from ihs earth, will dra all
men unto me. The serm jn was an able
and scholarly production, and no short
outline can be given that will do It justice.
I no address was listened to with profound
attention by an audience that filled the
church to the limit of It seating capacity.
A generous oHertnai was made at the close
(or the benefit of the Albany college, so
ably represented In the person of Its pres
ident Oregonlan .
clabllity as w elt as of literature. A abort
program was presented, with Longfellow
as the author of tho evening. Miss Flora
Mason read it sketch oi Jjiiglellow's
home Misses Hettls Miller and Alice
Moses were . beard In recitations from
that favorite author, and a short exer
cise In rhetoric was engaged in generally.
The remainder of the evening wan spent
in History, croainoie ana outer games.
and In partaking ot a nicely served and
delicious bill of fare, programs for which
were distributed among the guests as fol
"Pray voti sit down, for now we sit to
chat as well as eat."
Sandwiches, "The staff of life. TIs
dish I like not. 1 cannot abide my
lady tongue." Shakespeare.
Salad. "I warrant you there's vinegar
and pepper In It." Twelfth Night.
Mixed Pickles. "Heavens, what a
plcklo we are about to get into." Old
Assorted Cake. "My cake is doagb."
Taming of the Bhrew.
Oranges, "Hun-kissed darlings of the
south." Unknown.
uotree. VDrink fit lor tho Gods."
"Who rises from a feast with that
keen appetite that be sits down?"
Those nresont were Mr and MrsCE
Wolverton. Dr and Mrs U W Mas ton.
Prof anil Mrs E N Condlt, Mrs Judge
Flinn, Mr and Mrs S K Young, Misses
Alice Moses, Flora Mason, Adda George,
Annie 'and Catherine Althouse, F.liza
lieth Irvine, liettlo Miller, and F P
Far up In QuarUville City,
Wlih the Cascade summit near,
The mountains of noble grandeur,
Bring thoughts to memory dear.
Thought of days long since gone by,
When the city was full of men.
And Dorhnns Wore another year.
They will all be back again.
The hills are full of yellow gold,
The ledges still are here,
(lalena ore on every side,
wiuie lead ami tin are near. -
Now oo In OuartssvlllG CUv.
They have aComstock lode;
no racking o'ei long Mountain trai .
For they have got a road.
Come brothers of the pick and pan,
w ny name so tar away,
A fortune lies within vour erasn.
Gold mines are sure to pay.
Como pardncrs all and shoulder arms,
No matter where you roam,
And start upon iho dear old trail,
And bid farewell to borne.
Now all you doubting people
Think this fuboomers trkk,
Just so and see at Albany
inning's Big (iold Brick.
Waterloo, Or., Feb. 17th, 1H!H.
J wis b II. Rick,
I' S to Conady Montgomery Pi
UMoJKTycrr... 11
KtoixwisKTycer Pi
V S to, N U StuWtvout .Pi
Bridges addition to Shelburo filed.
Jury List.
Loads 07 GiiocKP.iea are received daily
ky Mueller & Garrett, both by rail and
oat. i,asii ligures ore pleasing every
ne and this is the reason why they are
ioing go much rjutiinesa. If yon want to
save money buy your groceries oi them.
They do not have to give toys and prcs
enta to induce trade, as low figurenand
pure goous satitiiy everyone.
For Sale. - $500 to $1000 cf household
furniture in exchange for Improved real
etai?. Inquire at ollice of
OaiccoN Land Co.
January jjr.d, 1S91.
All lubber good at cost at Klein Bros.
1kw CAiirT-. new carctts. new car
nets and new etyles, latent patterns, the
wat, in tne market, Hint received at A. li,
Mcllwain's. The stock is large and
choice, selected for this market, undpy
pie wanting tl.d bunt carpets at tho ow
est prices should call and inspect his
splendid stock. It was bought low and
will le sold low.
Wanted. A lady wan la a place io
work in a small family, Call at this
since. .
CATARRH CURED, health fand w
breath sfcurd,by Shil'h's IVarrh Remedy
I' rice w cj'.is. jnb.ii ii;i..cV r lrt. to
hoy & ,Mii"u, agents.
Ooo half rlvllar rndui.lioa on every jair
Ludlow's fine shoes. A rood lire of tin in
a a Ij t r.ur u . ,
The hf it rostt ccifi in tlie city at C mud
aoyr s.
Keep it in your miad that AHoa Br j pro
pwa keeping tho kind or grocrjnoi the p'lHIi
nem.n;us. i iiir stock u a tins one.
Thus, Ky woolen mills LUnkct , flieni 1
.nou s. you Ill's and boy' clothing, for asl
by Q W Siinptou's, aiient, Albany, Oregon.
For jlama back, or sldoclicst, nta Shilob
rorou Plaster, Price, 25 cents.
"i a t P
Siiir.ka' .lumber
fer a
are ji
can be
The Cascades mountains are full of
snow, t-everal feet in the Santiam mines
will probably necessitate a suspension of
wort lor awhile.
The Palein Journal savsllon F C Han
sard of this county makes short speeches,
pays close attention to each speaker's
remarks and then votes in a careful man
ner. Oftcner no than yes.
Here is another railroad straw.from the
Yaquina Republican: Tho advance
guard has left Albany for the front to get
the plant ready lor work to commence in
earnest by the 1st of March. vVclmveit
trotn good authority that the railroad
will lie pushed this summer and in all
probabilities will reach the state lino be-
'ore tho summer is gone.
As a certain young kniebt of the iquare
and lack plane who had been giving too
i. .. 1 t 1. ,.g . t . . 1
luutu rpuiv siuiu 1.0 uiv iisus 01 viuo
was sliding out of town recently, a neigh
bor whom ho owed a V asked iiliu at the
depot, "Have you been playing poker for
money 7' tiead-isroko replied: "Jno;
but the fellows 1 have been playing with
nave." Oregon tity courier.
1)10 spirit of the ne lias struck even
the hens. The Ashland Record says
Denjainin Kggleston has a ben that has
established a nest in the center of bis
liowt-r garden, in the most conspicuous
part of bis front ynrd and deposits an
egg regularly every day except Sunday.
If anybody can show another case of such
a perfect typical Christian training in the
lower animals they should report at once
to this olllce.
The following jury was drawn to-day
by Sheriff Scott and the County Clerk
for the Circuit Court, which convenes in
Albany on Monday, March 9th :
J K Michael, farmer, Santiain.
J It Potter, farmer. Fox Valley.
Scott Ward, farmer, Shedd.
I F Hadley, carpeater. Flast Albany.
Littlo John Dilyeu, farmer. Franklin
J N Rice, farmer. Brush Creek.
Newt Crabtree.farmcr.Franklin RutLe.
1 1 A Crowder, carpenter. Kast Albany.
j ion is irvuir, capitalist, Aioany.
Geo I Wamer, capitalist, West Albany.
Haniel Hotiek. farmer. Tanirent.
Milton Washburn, farmer, Crawfords-
vine. -
DM Walters, mechanic, Brownsville.
Samuel King, farmer, Scio.
Solomon llond, farmer, Halsey.
S V Uarr, farmer. LiUrtv.
Henry Rav, farmer, Franklin Butte.
J I Ueard, merchant, Tangent.
Allen Charlton, farmer, Santiam.
Henry Frecksen, farmer. Tangent.
J D Arthurs, farmer, Liberty.
Isaac Whenldoa. farmer. Center.
G L Sutherland, school teacher. Frank-
F ,
in iiuiie.
Oliver Chesney, farmer.Brownsville.
A t Hamilton, merchant, Sweet Home.
J Y l"ipn, capitalist, West Albany.
Chas li Deakins. farmer. Franklin
P Swank, farmer, East Albany. .
M Snyder, farmer, Center.
Henry Sht-lton, farmer, Scio.
John Isoin, miller, East Albany,
bTANARD. -On Monday night, Feb.
6, iJSor. In Albany, to tho wife of Mr
Geo. C. Stanard a boy. All doing well.
MILLER-MILLER. At the residence
of L D Miller, by Prof II Allen Shorey,
on Feb 15, 1S91, John E Miller and Emma
Miner, both ot Albany.
, The Dr.MocaAT congratulates the hap
py couple and extends the kindest wishes
for a long and p'easant life.
Mr Chat Cutlck is in Salem spending
a lis usys.
Dr E A McAllister goes to Southern
Oregon to day for tlie purpose of locating.
A very en lovable eandv pull was eiven
by Miss Bessie Saltmarsh fast evening.
Mr llngh Fields, of Brownsville, one
of Linn counties wealthiest citixens, was
in the city this fortnoon.
Mr Maple returned last evening from
Green Basin, where he reports four feet
of snow, and six inches at Brown's mil!,
Uiis side.
The engagement of Mr Itoliert Foster
to wealthy young lady of Portland, is
announced. The weddinir is to take
place at that cltv on the S5th of this
Mr K. B Kendall ha begun suit in the
circuit court for a diverse from Ids wife,
Mrs Bessie Kendall. Mr and Mr Ken
dall were united in marriage on Oct. i$,
Dr O C Aubrey and wife, and Misses
Cox and Ingram, went to Salem this
noon to attend a Uantiat Sab!th school
convention which convenes there for two
or three days.
The five year old aon of Mr D S Smith
has the diphtheria In a mud form, also tne
daughter of S S Train, two of ihe children
of Mr A B Morris, and one or two in tne
family of M Hyde.
Mr and Mrs W S Peters left this noon
for Portland, where they will visit air
Peters sister, Mrs Oov rennoyer, anu
also his parents and other sisters.
Thence they will retarn to their home
at ban Hanaro, Cai.
Mr Jas Foster, ir. who was recently
road master on the Oregonlan It It, has
severed his connection with that road
and will accept a more lucrative position
under the U P. Mr Foster is also con
templating an excursion to South America,
Last evening at the pleasant home of
Mr Jay Blain. a reception was tendered
Mr and Mrs Wilson B Blaln, whorecent-
y began sailing down life's stream to
gether. A good sized gatherins of lineal
and latterai relatives lor several ui-grves
and brother clerks were present. A nice
repast was served and the evening was
noased In camea of an emovabie nature
as well as in congratulations for the
happy couple over their union.
A surmise nartv was tendered Deputy
D H Smith last evening, in honor ot his
thirty-third birthday. Several hours
were passed in an nereeable manner.
Those who had the pleasure of being
present were Sheriff and Mrs Scott. Hon
' ts ss a w r
and airs L 11 moutanye ana son, airs
Coll. Bert. Fred and Ralph VanCleve,
Mrs Ed Mack, Misses Maud Beard,Mary
Montanyeand viola Temple.
' . . MOHOAV.
YssUtdsy availing a fight between several
railroad near tbs dspot attracted ooo -sidsrsbte
The dam aorots Rogao river, at Orsots
Pass, was washed oat lst Saturday and is s
total Iota. The late rsius hsys raised the
river several fast,
The regular meeting of - the Y's will be
hsld to-morrow afternoon at 4 p. m. st tbs
W U ' U 11.11, to wbioh all membsrt are
tsrot stly requested to be present.
A good sissd Sabbath School la being rao
across tbs river, tbs atteodsoo yesterday
belnc 6U. It Is a bo ion suhool and is eallsd
the r -irmoot Sahbith School.
Mr A II Fruit, an experiasocd shingle
mkr, has tsUbliabed a shingls anlll at
Peoria, ila will float a larga tot of cedar
block dowa from tbs MeKscxie for a io
bia mill.
Ttsycl to the Bay is repo-tsd larg. r tlisa
on sty previous winter, showing s big in
ersasa for winUr. Mr Coll Varnye, of
Toledo, sy $30 HOC la money fas btwa pat
into property t that plao this Wtetar from
outside espiul. Prttt, good.
Janiison Kinesid. tbs maa arrssUd in Al
bany shoot a year ago od a coniplsiot from
East Put tlaod, tbs .natter bains. Mtttvd by
thC3ver old viltaia marrying tbs 19 year
old giil. Is agoio gettieg aetoristy in oa of
tba Portland pspsr.
By steeUl rsqaest we rsfraia from men
tioelttg a htlle set to with is onao glove
by whloh an atbletle sad pepahvr eitinen got
a finger pet oat of joint, tieeeasiutiag the
os of a sliog. Tb Dsmockat i always
Itlad to kep soeh msttrr qolet.partfcuUrly
daring qaiit tiroes.
Sperhd revival swrylces were be, ye,
terdsy at be U K Cboreh Sou tb, oorner 3rd
and Montgomsyy at. Rsr W H Howard,
of Taograt, will U br this week to assist
tb psstor. Other ministerisl help is also
spet.l. Servie yyy night this week
and caul fmtbet LOtio. A cordial loviu-
00 i extcoded to all.
Harvey Mossey, at Rosebero. clelma to
hvedioovrvd pcrpttasl moUoa. Y ;(?)
Wheat bss sdvanoed to C3' eenta in the market. Xut very tnuoh is movinir.
.1 L - '
sooagn, ,
The fooersl cf Usl. Strena took nlsoe as
to upusi marcn t x o cloth tnl siur
A twll st tb drtiot i bow moir lat b.
fr tbe sUrtici 0 train. Tb ublio will
do well to Uke noU.
Tb Mooiro!in ebeaaaot tamed !ooee
hereaboot some tim ago are loci sstioa, sad
nsv weo beard from a far away as tb
nenaiem vaiisy. Aslorian.
Th train from Portland is often Ute; bet
Daaot RAT tno bo uotiewl that when Mr
Cssey is at th throttle It i almost eerUio
to b oa tim. wbicb is st least every other
The $m SUtesmaa anpeai for aa Oi
goa man tit to rao tb lodian school at tbat
city. What's th nutter of Irwia; or why
sot otilisa scm of tb R R CctnmiMincer.
Murgsa Brother bay onensJ their insnr-
ane ami real eeUt oflice in tb E L Thomp
son block. They ar lies, rastlios voane
ma, aad bo doubt will work up a good
WHY WILL YOU eoagh whsaJRhiloh's
Cur will give Immediate telicf. Price 10
cents, CO Cents and $1. Foshty & Mason,
SHILOH'S COUUlt snd Consumption
Can Is sold by non apaws&tMi. It ccies
ootu a motion. Foshsy St Mssoo, agoU,
I 1 dlsg 1'botogrspbrr A any t' re job.
Wa hsv boupbt all thtncgslivi t wads hy
L W Oark and W f Greenwood up to Nov
I3tb, lbHO. Doidiealt csn b hsd from
hem only cf o at redooed late. W hay
also about 18,000 tiefestives mad by eer
selvts, from which dapllaate eao b hsd at
llkis. W carry the on'y (ail line of
viewi 1 f this state and do enlsrgi d work st
lowettrUe far first clues wnik. V e b!l be
plesscd to s yoa at onr Studio in Froman's
block, csit door to Masonic
hy that terrible congh. Shiloh'iCur is tbs
nsmeay iur yen.
Darkies' Aralea Rslve,
Tb boA Sle In tbs wnrld lrt Cus.llru !.
Ulnars, 8s:t Khomn. Knr snrvs, Tstlr, Cbsfift
bsnrt. Llbiblaliis, Cur a, end all Skin Kroptle
Dodurelrnirse fi Im.or 01 sw reaatmL it is
nievl so -tvs eeHss estislscttaa, or nweey rsfml
d. Itiee IS erntle am Sox,
yroiatmL 1 1 is ru sr-
tnn, or xiy tuiss
Fur est by fuetwy end
FraMsre4 Hnelrss Vet ftaveet.
From a letter writlea by Mr Ada E Hnid
of Groton, 8 D, w qaote: "Was Ukrn with
ft bad eold, which settled on my Look,
eooghs set io sod Dually terminated ia CVn
eoaipttnn . Four doctor gsv me Dp a) irg
I eeald live bat a short time. I jtv uij
self ep to my Saviuar,' determined if I could
not stay with my friend en eartb, I woeld
oiect my abeect one shove. My hosbsiid
was sd vised to get Dr King's Kew Discover
er? for Consnmytioa, Coughs ad Cold. I
gsv it a trial, took io all eifcbt bottle; It
bo cured tn and thnk Coa lama well sod
hearty woman." Trial be it hi lrm at Fo
shay & Mssoa'a dreg ttnre, regular six, fiOc
svottin cesgiacKivo. t
f. U. Firnch keeps railroad tits.
llew oreain chees just toived at Cobrad
Ean St Autiisna at selling monnmente t
Portland price.
Mens, ) til s' and hoy clothing and
fiiridhinggoodK WSimpsob's.
Ilsve you scea thou parlor sails tbat T
Brink bas jnst received t Tbey r alue.
Ureat reduntinn inmfin's fnrni.hio .
for ihs next 30 dnysat W F R-ad t.
J W lUn'Uy, bet hoot and shoe mskeryn
i7, ihra d;v,r m.Mb of Dkmocrat oflio.
.'.For ImgHim in monument, heodtones
tie., got" Ktfan ft AihisoB, AlLany.Oregoo
Tieknu .,(- M.L eftern points, ovr
u1-"."" iV WJU Jeirter, at-
o. r. ti I elt f!i.!,
V'jt cold Kigbt, 1 ay TboKy woolen mill
Menkeis, ehpe-t in two. Foreal by O
W Sbi pm, seiit. Ml'uy, t'rrgeo.'
thi iy Msrcet. ;
Wnoat n'Ai
Huues": prin. ' r
Day-10,00,10 IS.ftt,
nUU- 6,1 i-ts iisr txifiliei'
Beef on foot, i to Se.
a pplcs- 00 cents per bu,
fork-f;c por II .iresed
rscrns hsins.lle
shouhlers 7o
sides Oj
id JOflporlb.
tflour-4.23 pr bbl.
blr-kn 8 00 per doc,
till Feexlbran, 14.00 per ton
shorts, 16.
middilmrs, 20.
i Has a large and complete line of
goods, dolls, doll buggiea, boys' wagona,
v oclpedes and many other gools whii h
gcd to make up a complete assortment,
besides a complete line of lamps of
every description. China crockery, fancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird cn;;es,
plash goods, gneh as albums, toilet sef4,
autograph books, scrap books, children's
ABC picture books, snd all goods that
ar$ carried in a Bazaar store, including
Rf-ger Bros. 1847 silverware, We wish
to call the attention of the public in par
ticular to the Golden Rul prize baking
powder and toa, put up expressly for
this fade, which gives the lst of satis
faction, as is attested by the hnndreds
who have used both the tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by th
uoiden ltulo Baeaar, Each pack-ago of
tea and can of backing powder draws a
prize in tbe shape of a line piece of glass
ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany,
at the Golden Rule Bazaar, a you will
be ure to find what you waat, and will
be rhown over tlie store and 1-e treated
kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My
goods are all marked in plain figures so
as not to deceive anyone, and I have but
one prfce to all.
Jn.ks GoAbwom...
IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its
regular meeting Wednesday evening of
each week. Visiting brothers are cordially
nvitedto attend.
Hoi.vKs BrsrH Collkok, of Portland
Or., will open Sept. 1st. S A Wesco, the
leading tteninan of the coast, has become
a partner in this school and will make it
the leading business college. Send for
catalogue. ..." -
Tesebf rs Examination,
Notice is hereby given that the regu
lar public examination of teachers, for
Linn county, will take place in Albany,
commencing on Wednesday, Feb 25th at
1 o'clock, p m, and continue until Friday
noon. Feb 27th. All teachers must pos
itively be present at the titno of com
mencement as no one will be admitted
to tho examination who isnotsopres
cnt. G. F. Rt :.kll,
Co. School fe'upt.
Highest of all ia Leavening rower,- 17. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, t2&
poeiliv ear f jr CsUrrb. Dipblheiis and
Canker-Mouth. Fushsy it Meson, agent.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dypepia
sod Livsr Cumplsint? Stnlab's ViUlujf ia
gaaraoteed to cor y.m.
rrrarb Tmj Wafer.
wafers are a sure and snfetr clfi
kindeof female troubleu ar.c iv
ell obstructions to the morn
no matter what the cause. Tr'.i
nwhat every woman neefl' , ai
ised with safety. For sale t' th.
Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron hi
sole agent, J A Gumming, dii'.g;.;:.f B'a ri
htrgbnek, Albany, Oregon.
V. S. ROOE. .
P. 8. Osgood, of Osjrood Pros,, Oio promfoent
dnipKlt ot foventh ami liromtivfiy, Oiiklnnd,
In aletn rto the Kdwln VV. Ji.-y Co., July 13th,
guys, ' Wo have no pn-paratlon on our afx lvcs,
that iliows such roiilts as Joy's Vegetable Bur
sn;iarll!n. A custonii'r of onrg llvinji on Ninth
Uu, lulls nstlintlt reiievc'l her itlmost imrneill
ati'iy el her tliiepn:t; anl another on JJroad
wy n ports, that threa bottle entirely cured
hlin of hi eouetipution, A year r.go wo only
bought a sixth of a iliuu-u itHc at a tlrne. Now
we buy it Vi liio troiui. it rccorauiinJs its-'if,'
VOLVERTON On Tuesday, Feb. 17,
1801, st the home of J R Dousrlas. Mr
Win Wolverton, a?cd about 40 year. Mr
vvoiverton came irom Kanea to Albany
auout two years ago.
TJIOMrnOM. At llarrisbtirg. on Feb.
nsbtirg, on
of B F Tli
A 6uo stock of luce curtains for 98 cents
to$10 to suit the customer, st Forttnilkr Si
Irving'. . ,
3ri, JHyi, uieveiand, son
eon, ngea o yrs. days
STRONG. On Monday morning, Feb.
ruary 16, 1891. at the home of Mrs James
atueius, in Aioany, Major Ueorge M
Strong, aged 60 years. Major Strong
came to Oregon In 1849 and to Albany In
1877. He was in business here on a small
scale since, ba'ely making a living, but
Keeping up courage, generally, lie was
In the U S service at one time and had
many experiences there end on the Dlain.
lie was probably simply worn out at the
lime of his death, having had more than
one man's share fjf the ups and downs in
life. The Major possessed some good
irau 01 cnaracier, anu win ne remember
ed kindly by a large number of our clt-
HYDE. On Sunday evening, Febru
ary 1 j, 1891, of diphtheria, the seven year
old danghter of Mr M Hvde. A bright
umc gin, wnose loss win oe greatly
uiuui iieu ,
". MORGAN. On Saturday evening.
Feb 14, 1891, near Shedd, Mr Henry Mor
gan, of catarrh of the throat, at the age of
24 year. The deceased was a son of Mr
John Morgan, and was an Industrious
young man of good habits, whose death
will be mourned, by a large number of
relative and friends, -
W B Stout, of Newport, was in the city
Mrs Henrietta Brown went to Portland
yesterday on W 0 T U business.
Mra Tne Hamilton, of Onkville. a mou
eer lady, is reported dangerously ill.
Mr John Althouse is at his post ot
duty after being confined to bis home
for several weeks.
Mr A Y Smith, of Oakville, was in tbe
city to-day working up a scheme for a
motor line irom tms city to unnvuio.
Miss Edith Harris, of Salem, is in the
city.the guest of Mrs George. Miss Har
ris is now a music teacher with a large
class of pupils.
The social announced to be given by
the ladies of the M E Church Friday
evening, at the residence of Mr Brown,
has been postponed until further notice.
E II Dunham, late superintendent of
the O. P., has purchased some land near
Brown's mill, and will move there with
his family from Corvallis.
Hon Tbos Cauthorn is very sick at his
home in this city. He contracted a se
vere cold while at Salem last week and
was brought home on a special train
Saturday evening. -Corvallis Times.
Mra ChasPfeifferanddaughtcr.Cairie,
arrived home from California this morn
ing. Miss Carrie stood the trip remark
ably well until she reached the California
line, after which it did not agree with
her and she was quite weak on reaching
Last evening a special meeting of the
Chautauqua tiiterary ana hcientinc Cir
cle, of this city, was heid at the residence
of Mr C E Wolverton, several invited
guests being present. A delightful ex
perience was had. It w as a least ot so'
Almost a Fight. Quite an ciclting
time was had In an Albany law office to-
oi,y wncn a Mnn county farmer accused
tn memoer ei tne nrm of forging some
figures on a note they had In their hands
tor collection against him. An eye wit.
nest say the scene wa a tragic one. One
member ot the firm walked up and down
the office with clenched fist, while the
other was about to proceed to use his firts
In an e.nphatlc manner, when, fortunately
the affair was quieted down.and blood was
not spilled, though some bad feeling was
Tie plant root for sal by J II Townsond .
Buy year grooeriss of Parker Bro'
1 1 alio St Daweoo, drnggUta,
Fia groceries at Conn St Hndricoa's.
All rubber good at east at Kioto Bros.
Soiok the celebrated Havsns'.fiUed 8 oent
igar at Julius Jiweph'e.
A Urg tock ot wall paper, with 1st de
signs, at Fortmiller k Irving's,jast reoeiyed.
See W F Read a lm of dres eocd and
silks before baying elsewhere.
Barealoa in choice eroesrie esn alway
be keourcd of Alien liro,, Flinn Block. ,
WasnioK, COoa down, mendinff for men
fre,at Mrs Kings, just east ot th Dkmoorat
'Clark' Dinhtheria PrtvflnUtlve"for aal
hy llolia and UawtoD.
The Miue BM have moved from the
Fiero block to a part of th room oocanied
by th ''Oregon Lend Co."
Th Fork of th Santiam will eerUiolv
hsv noeomplaiot a totb number of jory
mea it gets. Several preoiooU on this aid
ao not get any at au
Monday uiuht a would-be bnieUr at
t miited to enter th roeidno of Mr A B
Mcllwaln, bat hspoend to trr to tarn sa
alarm door knob, which quickly frightened
mm away.
Among th new institutions in Albany
there is talk ot a book bindery, job office
and Weekly newspaper combined At least
aa Eastern man baa beea prospecting in th
A (welling ahtoaned on of tb larg
windows ia th Liua County Bank to break,
and a new on ia being inserted. A larg
and delicate job, as well as a costly oa, the
glass costing upward ef f 100.
Tbe Deuccbat to-night does not hear of
any dangerous esse of diphtheria,: The
tnw who hav it ar s Alio ted only in a mild
form. Ia nearly all oases tbe ehildren being
up and around tb house. It pats to be
careful, though, and to remember that an
ounce of preventive is worth a pennd of our.
Th Grant eouuty News has' pssiimistie
kma of editor, judging from tbe fallowing:
Cloaks at cost at W Heed
Thi is what you ouijnt to have, n fact
yoa uiast have it, to enjoy life. , Thousand
r searching for itdsily, and mourning bo
ons they find it not. Thousand upon
tbcusaad of dollar ar spent annaally by
oar people ia the hop that they msv atUio
this boon. Ana vet it may tie hsd by all.
We snsrsate that Etectrie E. iters, if used
aeuordiiie direction and the use persisted
10, w brtDjf yea good digestion anil oast
tb demon Dyspepsia ud install instead
Kapefwy. W recommend Eiectrfc Bitter
foe jytpciiia atd all tieae f Liver,
Stomach and Kidney. Kld at 50e and f I
per i ottio oy loony oi aissou, oruggwta.
For A.11 tho Leatilnji
Xtecelved at
THAT CAN BK t i.Iii liVUitV H
is the kind Utat pays. Scores TV
yor-.nj? besinca men, and hun-
oprsphers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi
ness (joiicge, lurtiaatt, Oregon, or tte uapitai uusineas college, faaittc
Oreiron. lkith are under the manairetncnt of A. P. Armstro;, have same cotirses c.
study, same rates of tuition. JJusinesn,Shorthnd,Typewrhin, Penmanship and Eng
b sh licptirtmerftj. nte to eiuier tor joint Catalogue ana specimens of ptUEiaatii;
fftO BENT. A store room 22x!K) fee
L salt sble for LuslneK;eentrly locate
I-r particulars call at tb Democra
offioe or on Jas V I'lpe.
and builder desiring; to bid
os the construction of th cew United
Presbyterian church building, to be erect
ed at the alia of l ho old building, will
find tbe plans and specification for the
same, at the store of .Stewart A Sox. Tbe
data or opening He's will b announced
EBgagruicat Extraordinary.
f OXEY TO LOAN. In small and
iyJL lanre amounts, from six month to
fiv yeaia, on good Albany and Linn
county real estate. Call on or ad cirrus W
McPbereon, First St Albany, Or.
kD Couch, a bay
Koticb to Farmers. Wanted at onee
chickens, ducks, cecee. turkeys, dried
fruits, butter, ecus, and all kinds of farm
produce, for which I will pay the high
est price in cash or in exchange lor
good . u- w StM H0S
Albany, Oregon
A Is &SAI INJECTOR free with each
ettl,f hhiloh CaUrrh Itimady. Price
0 cents. Foby& Masoq, aaat.
STOLEN, from Win
warn, weiciiinir from
30 to I'M. roaebsd mane, and white snot
on forehead Any information would be
Kratefuiiy recalveii. w st Coccb.
Albany, Oregtn;
"HORDE'S FOR SALE r-Os sorrel
J & horse. 9 year old, weight 1400. On
grey horse, 8 years old, weight 1IC0. Also
wafon, bsck. harness, eto. Will sol for
cash or exchange for other pro.xriv. Call
at 1 to re opposite Buss houMt.
li. ... SKI.
Don't fait to see cor tneti snd b y'
etotbing before pnrchssing elsewhere, w
ell th beat clnthiog for th least money of
any boos in tb city. -Look nd he con
vinced. Q W Simpson.
New Blacksmith Suoi. G V Willis
has just complete, hi blacksmith shop at
the corner ot Second and Railroad streets
where all kinds of Iron and wood work
can be had and done in first class order
Bring on yom plows, wagons, etc., etc.
for reps if
Letter last.
Following ts th list ot latter remaining
in th poet fluids at Albany. Linn county,
Orcnon.Veb. 13. 1801. Persons calHoif for
tbes letter roost civ the date n wnica
tbey wcr advertised.
Evens, Mr Robert
Hirriogtno, Ralph
Knapp, Mr lNsluo
annual msetina of tbe stockholder
of the Albany Building and Loan Asa
elation wilt beheld on Friday, February
30, J691, at tbe hour or 7:30, p tn, or said
day. in th Oregon bank office, in AH-tny
Linn county, Oregon, for tho purpose of
electing nine director ana three auaitor.
to serve ror tne term or one year bus
ensulne; from said meeting, and until
their suocomoi ar elected and Qualified,
and to transact such other business ss
mar then como before th asmuation.
D.iae by order of directors this 17th day
of Jan, 1891. W O CaSSELL,
j at w Ulatn. rresiaeni.
Bsbbedee. Go
Ewing, Mr Edith
Harriugton, llarema
Ltigdor, Mr Altna
Pratt, WE
Stone, Mr OE
Nwton, Oeorg W
T.ylor, J
Watt, John
Morean, Mrs Emma
Penoioeton, Miss Ells
Reynolds, Henry;
Slaw, Mis Lizzie
Svkee, Joha ,
Wcodoock, Ale
R TiioursoH, P. M.
About the nly Important dispatoh ia th
Oregonlan leuialative column is th stereo
typed on that "the aenat was opened with
piayer. On day it wa not opened with
prayer, there being no clergyman present
Th big daily did not say how the senate
jjot open, but it is pnsamsd it wo opened
up wun a cota srew.
rulBS Bveats,
Wednesdayevening, Feb. 18. At the
opera house, under auspices of Albany
Engine Co, No 1, Firemans ball.. Tick
ets, without supper, $1 00.
Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 20
and 21. BoBton Gaiety Oomedy Co, at
opera house. "
Tuesday evening, Feb. 24. The Gar-
roters, by college students, at the opera
house. : -
1 tun j . vivuiiiK) avu. vviibvivi
under auspices of Prof Lorillad, assisted
by best local talent, at opera house.
'-',-. , Honey so Loam,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real estate security, on two to nye years
time. Call on us at o ur otnee, opposite
the severe house.
The first thought or almost every one
on bearing a eood story m to find some
one else to whon it can be told. . some
people make a few stories stand them in
stood stead for a Ions time, and a tale is
told ot a Vermont man who had just one
story, and wuo told tbat on every possl
ble occasion. $oi ho with Drs Darrln
They Rive a new story cr cures every
we-k, or tho almost miraculous effect
electricity has on some alUicted mortal
If you doubt any lonpoi their ability, call
on some of the follr.wing who have been
cured: Robert Hardy, ICtna, Wash-
Lucy B wood. Bioobtrjr,Cal Wm Par
rott, Middieton, Or K Anderson, Salem
Or.I W Kuamett. Salem. Or Mrn M E
Day, Port Madison, Wash Ilenry
Slough. Mao eay. Or-Wm JJonter. jeu
sene City, Or Volu Webster," Weston
Umatilla county, Or B II Ulce, 82 B st,
Portland A Jaekson. Seattle. Wash
0 Snowden'. girl, Salem, Or 11 Grifllth's
son, tioisiord, wash Jttev xa m Jtiawnor,
Brooks, Or- Job u Wolllin, Stuck Juno-
tion. Wash Samuel Jsckson, lXiijhlaud,
Or Geo M Fjrank, Middletou. Or-Petor
Murphy, Kcw york hotel, Portland, Ji
Fatout, lddependonce, Wash. . :
Roston Gaiety Comic Opera
40 -- ARTISTS. -:-40
FEBRUA11Y 20 AND 21.
FRIDAY. Andran's Favorite Opera,
Masterpiece, -- A
' "ERMINE." -
Prices. 50 cts and $1 CO.
. Matisse Children. 35c Adults, 50c.
jtSTSeaU on silo at Will & Link'
musio store
the legal voters of school district No
6, Linn oeunty, Orgon, that the regular
annual Bchool meeting of oald school d is
trictwili be heid on tne nrai raonaay.
twins the 2nd day or March, 1S91, at the
hour of 7 o'clock p tn, of said day, at tbe
court house in the city ot Albany. Linn
county, Oregon. In said district, ror tne
purpose or hearing tne reports 01 too ui
rsetora and elerk of said district, and to
levy a tax for the support of the schools
for tha enauinsr rear. Also for tbe pur
pose of levying a tsx ror tne purpose 01
carina interest on tba bonds or said school
district and tha second insta lment of tte
principal of said school bonds, due ana
payable June 15th, 1891, snd for tbe trans
action of any other Business mil msy le
gally come before the meeting. Dated
this 16th day ef February, A D. 1891.
C.Q ftjbkhart;
J. IT. Weathebfobd, District Cltrk.
Chairman Board or Directors,
Custom -Qioppiiis,
We hfcTe rs Land at all times hsy,
oats, and chct; atd wi 1 sell in qaau
. tity to tnit. Alio witat btught
and sold.
FaiBiers, bring us ytnr wheat, ctti
an J cay. iiigbcbi ettn price paw.
IrTorris & Elount,
Corner First acd Beker stmt)
Dr. M. J. PtloH,
. Consul tat 'on
fice and sUictl con
Tally Abreast with tbe Time.
- Dr Darrln' I'laee of Baslnesst
Di s Darrla make a specialty of diseases
of the Eye, Ear, Catarrh, Asthma and
Consumption, ar.d all nervous, chron!
and private diseases, such as Ioss of
Manhood, Blood Tints, Sypbiilic, Gleet.
Gonotrbca, Stricture, Spermatorrhoea,
Seminal Weakness cr Loss of Desire of
Seiual Power ia man or woman. All
peculiar 'Female ,troub!o9j Irregu'.ar
Menstratuatlon. Displacements, -eto., are
conildontially and nuccetsiuily treated,
and wlU not under any cireumfetanepa,
?ake a case they cannot cure or benefit.
Consultation free. Cures of private dis
eaae snaranteed and never published in
the papers. Circulars and qneslion binks
sent free. Offices, 704 Washington itrcet,
Port and, Ur.
DR. ABORN, Fourth and Morrhon streets
Portlsal, Oregon, th most successful pl y
o isn on oa tho Anieriuan contineut for th
SDeedy, Dositivt, absolute and permanent
r - ... . . . 1 ir . . . 1
ear lor carat rn 01 ins oesa, aciuoi,
Bronchitis. Pnenmonia and Consumption.
Twenty-tive years saoeessful practice.
Instantaneous relief and permanent
onrea often effected npoa first oonsaltation.
Dr. A born, hy his original, modern, scien
tiQo method, etfeots
Speedy and radical cures of the most ob
stinate atd long standing oases
of Nasal Catarrh, Ozena, Dasfness, Dis
charges from th Ears, Asthma, B enchitis
and Consumption.
Also Stomsch Disorders. Ei lions Colic,
Gall Stones and Jaundice, Heart, Liver,
Kiftnov. Bladder and Nervous Afftotirms;
Diseases oi Men. Also all aihnenU peculiar
to women, "
Dr. Aborn can be oonsmteu from now
nntil Julv 5. when h leave for Earope.
Note . I Iome treatment.seeurely packed,
sent by express to any part of th Pacific
Coast cd Territories for those who cannot
yossibly call in person.
I!' DiWI3i
Surge 01
j--3OfSce up stairs in Strahati's Bloo
Msy be found at hi3 oii'.eo flay and nigi
for tbe Family, Sahoo!, or Professional Librarj
Tho An thi ntio Webster's TJna
bridged Diet lonary, comprisiEg tito
lasnes of 1884,'19a '84, copyrightod
property of t ao tandersigiiod, is no-sr
XhorOQg,hly Iteiirlseii and Knlc rgod,
and aa a disti ng-nishing title, bearo
tie name of Webster's lateraa
tloical Dictio nary.
Auditorial ts ork upon iMa revision
ha hea in etivo irorjrPii for ovev
Ten Tears. 3 Tot leas than Una iUin
dred paid titorial Icliorors have
baen eufairee tipou it.
i Over 5U0, K?t expended ia ita
preparation bc&ro tto first c yy
wne priateds"
Criytoalcoaa parJsoBxrfih nayctac? -Pictioaisryisi
nvited. Get tba aos.
G. U C. 'SIKui IA.U il C., rstiiiJw'i.
(Srn-jni?a Id, !t;is.s., t . if. A,
8oldbyaUiijt)t:t'4 era, v-.d,