EAST AND.SOUTH, Bout:, era Pacific Route SHASTA L.INE. Iiprwe Train Isav Portland Pally. oath ftl.rti 1-Ar". 7Tl. IVriland ArlH M Ultra I L Albany Lv it -ttkn 10: l Ar ' Km FranetwM Lv ;Q r A Sura tralu atop only t Mlowiuf atlon north al Roeatmrw. East Portland. Oramm '. Wood- ant. Ski cm, Albany, Tantnt, Rhodd, Halacy. Um Woarf , 4 aocll.a city, lrring, auger:. HUITU iu, SAILV. f A I Lv II Mfl f Lv tiscir-a Ar Portland Albany K.awhurf Ar!- II Mfl Lt Albanv LvlltWH Lvl IMK AUAIT bWAI SAItV SICSTT STSDAT) art Lv IVriland ArltiOOaa) wri AlhMj I .i A M Laaaioa uura, Mt I L AJW Ar I iitu IHII Ar UkuM L IMta Lv Albany Ar f.iraea I d a Ar Labano L ttora PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, altaeaaa la Kiaraea Traiat. eVeal SIS MtMu. ITWKKV rWatlLAJISI AHW CtBVAU.lS, lu miaAitT(K.)t8unaay,) Ti a I Lv It 10 r a I Ar Portland Carvalllt Ar I M r a t I II U ra uratas nun uu.T (KmjpI Sunday. Jra I L Ar Portland StekUaaTtlla Ar . A a 1.T I I.U a a nrhroucli TlolzotH T all aetata EAST,' AND SOUTH. I'm rai. luforaUou rrrit rata, ssapa, aa 0"py Aaaat al ATy obhlss SJaafr' P. ROO IRS Wl0.r.aa4r.A THE YAQU1NA KOUTE goa Dvlopmanl Company' Bt-avoJ ahlp Una. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME bta by anj other radta. Flnt-elaaa through raaanrr and 'ralght tine from Portland and all points to Lb. WtllameU) Y allay to and from Baa rrmaclaoo, Jai. Boat maka eloaa connection at Alban tr!th trains of tha Oregon Paolflo Kail road T; m, , Bacclrar. Tine 8CHEDCrUL(eAt Sunday.) Leave Albany 14 r r. a, Lmi OorrmlUa 1:0 r, a. ArrlM Taqalaa, :M r. a. Lm Taaaina, Ti'Oa.a Leera Currailie.lO U A.a Am Albany, 11:1 A. a .O.aO. tralae connect at Albany and Corral 11a. Tha above train connect at Taoninawlth the Oregon Development Company' Una or Hteatnablpa between Yaquina and Ban Franctaoo, SAILIXG DATES . Tiatrta. WUIaatatU ValUy, Jaa latitU; ISth'.nUl. raoa a.l aaiiaaoa) WUUjMtU ValWy Ja 4U ; tub ; ttrd; tltt. The Com pa or rwaatTea tbe ngot ihanca aailine datM wHthout nolle. to V. B. Paaaengara from Portland and friilamaUe Valley polnU can make cloee aoaneoUjn with tbe tralna of tho Yaauina rontaat Albany or Corvallla, and lidea dned to San Franoiaoo ahould arranfeto ntv at Yaaalna the evening before fate faaUlng ""aur a r.Ukt Bales always t Uoa apply ta A a Chapniaa, Pl-ht aad Albaay, C. C. ,. a. f. srd P. Aeaa . CarraUa. T7IBST sjATIOIf AE. BARK, r CF ALBAMT, OaSOOS, rYaMaat W PraaidaaA , ...v tun 8. B.TOI Nil -X, W. LAKUDOM TXASSAfTS A OgKEaAtBaalirn suttaam. AXXI NT9 K KM aubjact la aback. SIGHT CXCHAXaa and let Tapht tnnafar, til Tort, aaa rraartaca, Caiea- aad roivland ratroa. COUJCCriONX SADKoa tatoraMa tana. Tova a, W. Laaaaaa L. ruaa Cat? ass I . Sox. L"' ISf CO. SATIOJf AL R ASfU.'Q cr AtBAkT, oasoon. CAPITAL ITOCK 100,000. PtaM.a.... i L COW AIT. TkavPrsatdMt i at BAlJtToH. Cealar Caa X CUAUHKRLAIM, . . t,t o a aacuiaoLW. Daaooaa,-J I. Cowaa, J at Ralatoa, Oa X Caaaakarlaia. W t Udd. W II sMtfa, J A Craw turd aad O A Arcalaotd. TXAMS ACTS a aaaaral aaakine saaaaaat. PkAWSIoBl KHAmiaa Haw lark, i t t ftlSf I, t LOAK MOKBTaa apptooad sansrwy aaxaivx aaat B ARK OF OREGOX. a lb a T, onaoosr. ft pi la I. t I Praaidaat Tlaa-Praatdaat. CaabW. ..II P MERRILL X 1 LAN.VIIIO J.r WELAIX A gt neral banking bualneaa trAntaoted. 13 AUK OF tJCIO, scro, osucoosi. Pri4ant.. . Vfaa- Praalilaat .. CaaUiar J Morris, H Bryut I Bfaaaia imrt Mraaa O U.i John Gal net PO Smith. aitaorcat: BOoina, Dot a (antral banklnr aad nehantr troaiiMna. Bight draft iaMMd oa Alban, Portland aad tea Praoaiaco. P OUTLAW D III VISUM BAH Is, OP POKTLAMD. ORKOOM. Paid npoiptuj - .M,flO0 Surplua and rofiia.. .... t ),IKiO lataraat alloarad on larinrs tlaroalu a follow: Oajarilnary aartnvabooia .. .. 4 paraant par annnns. tia tana aarinirs bwdi par aant par annum, ikn osrliAaaU of daputtt. Pia- thraamamtht...., ..4 per aant par annum: Pur as month , t per eant par annum: for tweiT mouth. s pr oant par ananas. PKANK DKKI M, Prnidmt I). P. THOIIL)' Vlca-PraUIat,' H. C, STKATTOX, Caarj Will & Link, mz mm Hl'SIC STORE, -AOtXTt ro TIllJctbEIIIATtt . . HI. F. Miller, And tho Fsror'.la J. BAUER & CO.S PIANOS. Palace and Earluifl ..IonsiiProof Organs i. ia i iit rot tut Ildredp B. and Ha Eorna Netting Ilacblsi, a. Onr.Avn - CLiAXtn - and - RtPAiacn. ALBANY, OREGON, W li BIIA EU, A TTOUNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in (IiaBcrrj H,RlSr. - OllEliOS. O ill "f .' pr uj-tly msda on all j.o'nl nrnim i ,',- ton taonabatartii. I Pi IB? iiiillT ' t tmtmt i IlKEAK AWAY rROMOtU MOOm.NOS, The manner In which the farmer' alll- net o( Ohio tore to piece the mask that It spread over the republican poalUon on national queatlon h caused the Journal ot that part to flutter like a hit bird. Every principle enunciated in their plat form 1 derogatory to the principle pro feed by the republican party, Ot court" It wa to be expected that thee organ el the monopolies would d everything they could to dltcourage and throw obstacle In the way ot the farmer securing the right which have been denied them under re publican supremacy. The local lenlor or can ot republicanism haa defended the law which have tottered and bellt up monopolies to lung that It ha become to believe they are right, or elte It haa ome sinister motive In purtulng the coutte It ha. It detente ot every conceivable meaiure advanced by It party mack largely ot poll parrot principle, Th! organ la no exception to the rule governing the other fire eating journal ot the tain party that are fighting the war over again. The farmeV allla..ce ofthl state la com- poed ot member ot the democratic and republican partle,. Politic were catt atlde and member ot the Gallon conven tion expreued themtclvc Individually and ooltectivclT. With scarcely a dlttentlng voice the principle evolved were one and all a protatt agalntt the prfnclple ot the republican party, the policy In vogue to day, and the tame policy purtued for over a quarter ot a century patt. The princi ple Involved principally arlte from an unjutt tariff which ha robb.d the farmer tor year without reaaon. The 'titiw ar during ita Stty year ha fought the robber tariff. A paitr that would foitt upon the country data legttlatlon like the high tariff and tlmilar law a burdentome, and maintain then at long at It hat, can not be expected to aire the farmer the relief that they are entitled to. There wltl be no remedy tor the evil until the farm er break away from the republican party and join with the party that ha alway by act. deed and principle Indicated that it would give them their rlghu. Cleveland rimndealrr. The more extensive the organisation ot .,,. .111. . 1 . .v.- ... . . Bnally to cruth to the earth the pernicious policy ot taxing one data of people for the benefit of another, which the McKinley I bill doe In an emphatic way. Farmer a alliance mruugnoui me norm west an I take decided grounds against a high tariff Judge FeHer, the new alliance senator elected In Kansas to succeed lngall,ays We believe in equal and just taxation; we are opposed to the taxing of one Indus try for the put pose of another; we are op posed to high tariff dues upon any article of common use, no matter what. W believe that free trade, absolute In many artUles, is ofttline the very best form of protection. We believe In raising revenue to defray the ex pent" of the gov ernment, and after that In the adjustment of duties. ask tor the free and unlimited coin age ot silver. Tr.en comes the McKinley bill. We atk for a reduction of tariff dutlet Inttiad ot an Increase whfcli that bill has added to the Uses already beeped high upon the people. And wherever one of the alliances Is organized there is planted a battery that la to be ready to throw hot shot into pro tection's camp whenever It is necessary to do so. Their work In this direction will meet with hearty commendation from all who believe In the principle of equal priv ilege to all, special prlvCrges to none. One of the. most pei 'latent of American political falsehoods Is that which assumes that electbn to the United Statea Senate Is fatal to any man' presidential ambition, flow thl absurdity originated it would be difficult lo ttate, but It teema lo have been endowed with everlasting life, Jutt now It ia gaining publicity 'n the columns of many newspaper that should kno-v better, and Is foolishly referred lo as a justification of the prediction that Gov. Mill's election to the senate removes him from the rank of the presidential possibilities. Eleven of the tenty-three presidents have been at one dm or other senator. If any deduct ion I to be drawn fromthe senatorial mat'er it Is that service In that body It extremely helpful to presidential aspirants. The sen ate may not be a roya i road 'o ihe White House, but it comes so near It that there can be no excuse for '.he stupid false hood now In circu lation. Toe Boston Record (Rep) tayt: "Tbe Glob, rather takes ground in faver of Ihe silver dollar, and it would surprise tome people to know bow many people ia ibis state even arc a favor of ita free coinage. One bears it in be cars and in puLlic places talk of this sort. snd we wouU not be turptised if Ihe Globe more accurately represented tbe Ideas of the atte of its party on this question than tbe Herald." The specimens of American tin plate tbat are now being exhibited around 'ihe country would excite more admiration if they were not com posed of imported Welsh iron plate, dipped in m ported melted tin by imported Welsh work men at an expenre 13 the American people of about $15,000,000 a year. They very much retemble the Frenchman who hailed from Cork r to the tuliject of Ihe Prince of Wale4 being in cbt, it it hardly to lie wondcref at. fie has lo support all lbs dignity of royalty, to act at his Imperial mother's representative, to receive and entertain foreign guests and to atand the cost of levees and presentations. The Queen is as penurious to the Prince at the wss watchful of the Princess Beatrice. The JetTeraonian club of Watertown, N Y, at nominated the Hon Rosa-ell P Flower (oe Governor of New York, and repre-entstivw Bigg, of California, regardt him at an exceed ingly available pretidential ctndidate. Queen Victoria will ttart for Italy March 24 and will have with her the Prince and Prince ta Henry of Ba'tenberg, who will have lots f style but not much fun. The old lady wH carry her bed wih hef. She doetn't hetieve in strange ones. J LL. m A significant cartoon In the New York Prtsi represent Hill placed carefully away on the sena'oiial shelf, while he remarks cheerfully to Cleveland.as the latterstruts bv, "Ah, there f And to this salutation Cleveland make answer, "Slay there!' The King of Italy it bound to become popular. If them U a houte on fire, a child run over or an Intellectual dog-fight goin 011 anywheie around hU palace vr where he may be ttiylng, he tcot off t. the place and make hiiinvlf abuy at if the success of the affair depended entirely uj-.on the part he took In It. -" ' 1 Socxless Jerry Bimpson was wee a Millor on the great lakes, and when he read the papers which poke fun at his carniidacy few begins to thing It a pity that he ever ceatea lo bunk lit a forecastle. Mldrea Kajuy j Th !aant diver, uentle aotiool mmttmari, I irtft rflVct of Syrup ol Fltra, when in ntit ? J Uitiv and if the father or mothar b estiva or li.iiut thai mixi pratifyinit rditi j !lowini( its uaa, to that it i the let L.m I y rein(ly known sad e,ery family a&satld) 1', avualL'tt'c. 1 GRAPHIC NEWS. A Tnl Held fa. ATrala Held Tp. BAKfRgsutn, Cal., Feb. ft.Traln I?, in charge ot Conductor MorrU, left Allla at V50 thlt evening. After going one mile Enslnctr Thome and Fireman Radlff were confronted with two pistol held by two niitked men,who had climbed over the coal. They ordered t te train flopped, which wat done. The brakeman ran forward to tee what the trouble wa. lie, too,w ordered to throw up Mt hand, which he did. Exprcit Metienger Haa well, apprehending trouble, nut out all hi ngmi tnu laiu aown on me Dottoin ot me car. He wa atked to open the car by the frightened trainman, tie antwered with thot, and a regular futllade followed, re ulttng in the probable fatal wounding of Fireman Radtft, i Kadttt, Ihe robber dtap- peared. The tllver Bill. Washington, Feb 6The action of the faoute today in itu'.atntng the decision ot the chair, by which Bland' free coinac amend ment to the tundry civil pill wa rabled out 01 oruer, ta thorgnt iy many to met a (hat ao tree coinage turer bill eta pat thlt congreu. 1 bera wa probably torn republican who voted to tutUin lb decision of the chair, wbo himrell it a tllver man, becaut they believed hit decltion wa in accordance with the rule. The direct vote on the free coinace bill uicbt retult dilTcrently, but it It not clear bow a direct vote on aucb a bill caa be had during im congreta. Aa ) Man. VTaihington, Feb 6. The Oregon ten tors and re,irtscntatires today anited ia mending to the president, for secretary of the irtatury, lloa lleary Failing, of Portland. I 1 oey repreaenled that Mr railing wat one of me pioneeitoi uregon, wai bad made a suc cess ia buuncta, and wst a maa of large ex patience, in affaire ol importance. nb preti den! ol th Firtt National bsak of Portland, being fully qaablitb for th place. Tb Wtaeaaala AarertaUaav Madison, Wit, Feb 6 A till was intro duced in th leeUlatnr today providing for a alste board of world's fair managers, ndap- proyrtaung f .50,000 lor tne atate (XQiutl. A aVaakla Caapla. South Colchbstiiu Ont, Feb 6. 1 Miitoa Brown, of Aanaranloa. ami 8a. will aaat Tuesday Wad to tb altar a bride, in the r son of Mrs Margaret Clkkert, eged 07. Tb groom nas buried lour wives, tod the bride mourns tbe tots of five husbsnds. ller last husband died two years ago at the advanced geol 115 year. The bride and groom elect are cwored, and were aiave in Virginia. A Barrlble AsTalr St rxTitsiuaa, Feh6.News oft terri ble tragedy has reached Lere from KiefT, young maa and his sweetheart were attack mywotves. tneyouigmsa vswiy tru u beat tbem off, and toak refuge in a tree, when the sight caused him lo faint, and He fell te th earth and was likewise eaten by the brute. A Terrible rail Astoria, Feb 5 While rounding the I lor one ol the tailor aa iha ahla Reaoar mat with a terrible death by falling from aloft. Tbe accident occurred about 6 o'clock oa the morning of Dec at. Tbe sailor, a Daac at mad l eter boutn. aged aj years, wst out on tbe cauxea gallant tail yard , when a auddea lurck ol '.he vessel caused him to loae his hold, aad be fell lo ihe deck and waa crushed into a shspciest aaast before bit comrades. He struck 00 tbe (oop deck, bis elbow striking first tad penetrating the deck as though be bad been bred Irom a cannon. 1 le never moved or spoke alter be struck, and wst dd when bis com rades reached aim. Tb body waa I uiled the following day. A rear bastes) Washington, Feb $. It is learaca oa tbe best authority that President llairiaoa it seriously considering the advueabUily of ap pointing William McKinley secretary of the treasury, vice Window. Ttut becoming know a ia Ohio, McKinley' coast it atari in varioat parts of tbe ttate wired aim today to decline the proffered honor, and they would guaraaie bira tbe nomination tad election a governor of Ohio, A Uabvlite Traaawy. Lin k villi, Or, Feb 5. Fred Clift wat seriously cut ia fcur places by John FaircUld, Ibe 19 sear-otd son of Joha Ftircbild, Siski you, Cal Clift was drank and begsn picking st Ftircbild, wbo tried to escape. Cbft fol lowed bira ap and Ftircbild struck him with a hammer. Clift grabbed the hammer aad Fairchild broke tnoa and atarted to run. At be ran be ricked up a rock and Ibaew it, tt li king Clift ca tbe ara. Clift continued bat ao effort wat made to stop him. He caught Fairchild, who tubbed him with a penkaift twice in tbe left arm, once ia th neck aad once lack of tbe ctr. Clift is under arrest. II will recover, No blaroe it attached to Fairchild, wbo acted only la setfdercace. Ik raesjarrs AUtaatw. Washincjtox, Feb. 5. The council of the farmer' alliance aid industrial union thlt afternoon adopted a resolution look ing to the betterment of the agricultural and commercial industries of the country. The report of the committee on plans was submitted. In addition to various alliance 'organization already In existence Itrec ommenda, among other thing, the form ation ot congretalonal dlatrlct alliances In each ttate and territory, each district to nave a lecturer. An ays allae North Yakima, Feb. 5. E K Curr, who Is mining and prospecting In the Natchex district, about forty mile to the west, has brought .o the city specimens of atone witn alternating stripes ol buck and brown that he took to be petrified wood. Exports here hav pronounced the stone onyx of a rare and valuable cl)tracter,such a l used for cameo. A Mlalag Harrer. Hazleton, Pa, Feb A. A terrible accident Occurred at Janetville this morning, whereby eighteen men lost their lives. The accident occurred in slope to, operated lv I C Havdea & Co. The working is situated Im mediate! v under the old workings, known at No. 8, work ed out some years ago and filled with water. 1 lie caute of the disaster was due to the drill Ing of a hole through a pillar, which liberated an immense body of water confined in Ibe old working., flooding the new aorkinea aad drowning alt th men in that portirn of the mine. William Bristin, on of the seven men wbo escaped from the mine, styt he felt the wind coming when the men broke through into ' he old slope, H e ye lied to k it compi n ion to run ror meir 11 vet or ail would u drowned. Twenty-one were drowned. A riiahlfat Murder. P'ttston.Pi, Feb 4. -A brutal prize fight occurred last night at Archibald between Jeremiah Slattery, a pugilist of some note from Jiulf, Mont, and McKeynolds, of Forest City. Slatterly madt a chopping block of his oppo nent, pounaing 111m in an awiui manner, la Ihe third round he put McReynold to sleep wun a terrinc i.iow on tne neck, and the maa hat tince remained unconscious. The physi cian tay us will probably die. Slatterly baa ncen arrested. Th Nebraska Maddle. LiNt oln, Neb, Fb 4. Tbe joint committee of lh ttale legislature, appointed to wait Oa ex-governor Thayer, reported tbit mornitg Ibat h wat ready to deliver hi menage aad it wat ag'eed to recieve it tomorrow alteraooo. In the house tbit afternoon, after a hot fight lasting five hours, a resolution wa petted by a tniail majority asking Gov Boyd to deliver hit message tomorrow afternoon. Thi will retult in two mesmgea being delivered and i 1 Ihe firtt rc-onition ol Bjyd at governor by the house. A Crazy Priest. Belfast, Feb 4. Ireland bad a remarb ablile tentation yesterday in th tpictacij of a Roman Catholic priest, entirely naked, dan cing in the principle itreeti, white he ottered incoherent exclamations to tbe etieel tbtt he wat David dancing before tbe Atk Of God" Very fold. ( st I'tl'L, rcb 4 Cold weatnev prevails l he-e and throughout Ihe northwest. - la tbit city nut morning (lie mercury wa ir bclo at lo o'clock, and during tne sighs ic. ranged fiom 30 to 25 below la diflcmti po-irti of tbe u'r. ta ad bagged. Snohomish, Feb. 4 J If Weotf.iorm erly bookkeeper for the Snohomish .Man ufacturing Co., wa aandbagged seme time morning In South Siiohomfshi and rbbed of about $ 4o. He it severely hutt anJ his mind it completely unbalanced, "e 8 bei, Indinstiioas young man ""d a prominent member of he Kailghtt f I'vthia. These it no elms: to his Sk- tailanl. Eattern peopte do not talk ao much a at one lima about tending mittionarie to thlicoatt. They have learned that they need them at home jutt a much, Rfttardte ot any retult in the county dlvltlon quettlon Albany ahould have a bridge, and active step ahould be taken at fif onct. tim friend ot Albany will ralte hand egalntt (he movement in any furm. One ol the men who tlgned the letter to the Statesman ot Salem about a Linn county member wealth hould hide hi In neaa, tor an inspection or tne ancwmtni i roil rcrrai inn ibci mil nia name i not there at all, haying nothing to atte. Great Scott, May tome men (earn not to throw ttonet until they set out ot their glaa houtet, The taloon men In Pendleton who have been found guilty of telling liquor to minor and allowing minor to drink and gamble in their place of butlnet, nave decided ta boycott the Eatt Oregonlan, tay that paper. If thl paper ever feel th eftet ot the boycott It will be a sur prise, and will probably disturb the even tenor ot our way. Aa thing stand now, we rather enjoy the notoriety and the aplendld advertisement which the boycotl promise, a newspaper wtitcn doe it duty tor right's take never ha to shake in its Boots for want ot business, aim guilty have thla paper's sympathy and puy, even u nttnnuence is against inem. we bear no malice. We think we are working for the right, and are atrtvlng to do our duty at we tee It. . ' The Linn county dlvlskmlsts have at last obtalneJ a hearing In the house, tavt the Oregonlan. The petition, signed by 700 names, was sent to the clerk's desk by tome member from Southern Oregon, who moved that It be referred to the com mittee on counties, with Inttructlont to report by bill or otherwise. The com- muice aid report py mil. ana an enort was made to rush It through at once under suspension of the rule. A motion to ad- toum stopped further proceedings, and the ill! has now gone to the printer. The Linn county delegation will urge the house not to pass the bill. Hut should it do so, at It did in the Umatilla county case, wltnout doubt Ihe tame fate of Indennlte postponement await It In the senate. Republican are especially wary ot creat Ing any more counties while In '.the ma nly, fearing that dissatisfied antl dlvl- sionitts might hereafter vote the demo- cratic ik aet. Jo Simon waa eet down on yesterday. tMing 1 man 11 aiun't tton mm macn. PpeAker Reed la not tha onle dictator ia the U. 8. Joeeph Klmon nearly eqaala mm. A woman ol Philadelphia recently fractured a rib while try ing on a pair of the in a etore. Thla te the lorty-filth of tbe kind known to tbe medical prof cat ion. Albany wants the river bridged at that place, and no one can offer a ingle, good reason wny she should not have It, Hev eral expensive bridge have been bul.t In unn county to which Albany tax payer contiibuted.and a aptrtt of fairness demands that we reciprocate, not rrwdglnalv but cheerfully. Express. A new eet of card and a Jack started np In the woolen mill on Monday. This ma ket it a 13-eet mill, ti, 13 eet of wool carding machinery, by far the largest woolen mill west of tne Rocky Moun tains, 6 W times the else of tbe "big" woolen mill in Salem. Hear ot crow 1 Oregon City Courier. Aldermen should be men of broad views; men of braina. Tbe follow ing in tbe proceedings of the rtalem council would indicate the city fathers there were devoid of both "Mrs t tattle Che quin petitioned tbat she be allowed to sell certain knit articles of ber own man ufacture, without paying a license. Not granted.'' Oregon is not moch of an Indian state after all. though some Kaetern people have the notion in their heads that we are al waye in danger. M r Robert Porter baa sent na some Indian statistics, com piled for 1800, which shows that there are J43.27J Indians in the U. 8. Tbe following state and territories have more red men than Oregon : Indian territory, 74,997: New Mexico, 2,W; flooth Da kota, 19.M3; Ariaona. 1740: California. 15,23; Washington, 10,837; Montana, 10,673; Wconin, 8J?U: Minnesota, 7.065; North Dakota. 7.952: Michigan, 6,901 : New York,5,S3J; Oklahoma,6,(W9 ; Nevada, 4,066. Then eomee Oregen w itb only 4.2H2. Illinois only has 1 ; Georgia, z; lennrsaee, iu, ana Missouri, 14. gfOur exchanges indicate that revivals nave been more general through Oregon this winter than perhaps ever before, there having bn a general awakening. F.ven Dal la is in the list. Hays the Itemiser: The causa of Christianity la prospering now in uaiias as never before. The strongholds of tan are being un dermined and Invaded, and strong men wno almost nated ine churches are being influenced by the light of reason and taking tide 1 with Ogd's people. Borne wbo were leaders in an evil direction will now exert just as strong an influence for good. 8 til I others are almost persuaded to cast their lot on the side of better things. Senator Carlisle ehows in s recent speech that while the population ot the United States was in 1890 only 16 times as great as in 1790, yet expenditures were more than 130 times as great. In 1810 the expenditures per capita were 72 cents; in 1890 they were $4.19, While tbe population was nine times as great, the per capita expense of the government was 48 times as great. And the ratio of increase is constantly becoming larger, although this is a time of peace. The expenditnree for the fiscal year 1891 are greater by 12 per cent than for the pre ceding year, although the population has increased only 2 per cent. In 1872 pensions consumed only $28,500,000. But in 1890 this was increased to $106,936,000. This year it will be $133,000,000; "and the country,"sayd Senator Carlisle, "will be unexpectedly fortunate if the expen ditures for this purpose stop short of $200,000,000 per annum." There county. are two granges Jn Josephine Tbe Tacoma News ha been sued for ,uo damages by a policeman to who referred as."$3 Kelfey." The West Shore is greatly grieved over trie action 01 tne Legislature, ovurthe World's fair, and presents a turtle as an illustration 01 the situation. ' Halloran. of the Aatorian. ia nr tn hm old tricks of making items like the fol lowing: An Aetorian yesterday told his wife he "loved her better than bia own soul." Inasmuch as the man hasn't been to church for nine veara. b!a wlfn doesn't know whether to take it as a compliment or not. The Albany Dsmocbat y that the names of two dogs belonging to Josiah Foister was on the petition asking- for the new county to be cut off from Linn. That is pretty tough, but don't come up to the cast) in which the names of two men who had been dead over a year was signed to a petition asking that the coun ty seat of a county in northwestern Kan sas be chamied. Did a Kansas man cir culate that petition over in"The Forks 7" Jefferson Review. Independence West Side : From ap pearances the present legislature at Ba le m is on plunder bent. More than half the state revenue is to be expended in appropriations, w nereis tne money to come from? just let our present law re main and the farmers.who now complain of high taxes, will have something to complain about. If we. had more money j in the ttate, and more people with it.our citizens would be able to build their own J roads ana not can oa the state to do it Half of the money erpended bv the state in such ways is as ld as er.ob"j. Roma nnaaalnaaa haa been occaalonad for among their friend here ly the lingular diiappeaninca of Mr and Mr Charlct Ue nevieva. Ther loft their home ia 1'endle- ton one Hnnday evening nearly a month . ago. Mr Uenevleve eUUnBT that they in- tended ta return on the Tuelnv follow I ing. They were going to Wallula, he ald.aiter the alcter ol tneir adopted eon, i j.), wi. trfln death at t ha kmli f t h ' 1b. 1Um.. weii rememhemii. 12 The rlrl would be brought by them to Pendleton. Since their departure not . v .. . . " . . . tue leaat imoruiauon nae ihtb lewiria mm M I. t ma . vy,. f . fliA mm iIm, I gonlan'i exchangee are aaked to mention Mr and Mri (Jenevieye'e diappearance, Mr and Mra (Jenevleve'e diapnea order that the myatery may be cleared op u poeaible. J. U. Harry W Waltere. ft former! aaloon keeper ot Albany, lenow In the tame bnainctt In Pendleton, where they have been bavin a big time making arrcal for telling liquor to minor. It being re- ported that the aaloon men would ly- colt all new enterprise vaitere puuiiMii ed the following In the h. O.t 'Willi out wlthlng to be at all egotistical,! may inlnrm vmi that it Hat aiwav been niv 1 aim to be among the first to contribute . . .. . ' . . . my mite toward any aoheme to further the welfare and prosperity of the town in which I live. While in Hpokane Fall I wae among the first to give my mite to ward bringing the . A L. railroad there; alto while living at Grant' Past. I iden tified my sell Willi that town iv iaing 1200 worth of onera bonne stock, and I exoect to do all I can tor the proposed improvements tiere. 1 cannot oeueve that any right-minded man would be to foolish aa to do anything to obstruct an enterprise which would prove at advan- a" a aa . S II tageout to bimeeii aa tne one propotcu. TATC UtCtaUllBK, SALM,reb4. Blackmtn'tblit!or$jOOO tat a waaon road naaaed the aenate. which Ill aland it to 1 1 on th aub eet The .iron road committee decided to Include tha firowavllle road In their lUt to be rec- ommended, allowing $sxx tor It. The assessment bill wss considered In the house, a voluminous affair. A joint res olution patscd both houses requesting the presentation of the name of Henry A ratling, ot Portland, aa a successor to Wlndom. Willis' bill providing lor the closing ot saloons cm Sunday failed to past by a vote ot aa to 6. Carson s bin regulating foreign corporations passed the aanate. t7 to t. M ver't bill deflnlna criin- nt negligence failed to pass, 4 lo a. A bill allowing the uregon pacinc to lasue bonds for. a longer period than ao years passed The bill fjr Ihe dlvltlon of Ihe tou'.h end of Ihe county. It was thought would be Introduced today. The bills amending charter of Lebanon and Hcto pasted the house, having already passed Ihe unate. Salem, February 4th. There are two bills among others that I thould be enacted. Falton't Senate bill I vn tf, u ... TUablll nrovldea tor eon. trading for transportation of the ttate Insane, idiotic, ronvktt and ttate militia. The owner ol each and every line ol rail way within this slate, Ihe construction 01 which thall be commenced after the -sage of thl act which hll be completed within two year from the ds'e this act thsll tske effect shall be entitled lo cor,-1 tract with the state for carrying Ita Insane, Idiotic, convict and mltllls over such line tor the term of Ive veara from the date of tich completion, for a turn equal to the amount paid for taxes on tueh railway during tl period ot construction thereof, and the sum annually paid for taxes the five year Immediately succeeding It completion. This applies also to any railway the construction ot which has been commenced, but which, when com pleted, will exceed aeventy-five mile In lengthwtnd of which not more lha.i twenty mile have been actually completed. But K does not apply to any line of railway let than thirty mile In length. Thl act I Intended to assist til railroads In build ing. We want all the railroads we may posslblv build, and there Is no doubt this bill wl!i become a law. The other bill I for an act to create a ttate mining bureau, where there shall be collected by the ttate mineralogist and geologist, and kept for ttudyAll specimens of geological and mineratoglca! substances, Including mineral water found In thl t late .especially those possessing economic or commercial value. The only objection to the bill b that It locate the buresu at Portland, when all slate Institute of thlt clstt should be located at Salem. It Is a Kit of the collection of bureaus that may created as time developes the necessity for tbem and they should be provided for In the Capitol building and no where else. There la a tendenev to draw evervlhlnr tu Portland, but in this case It wtlf not ans wer the public demand. Several year ego tbe stste created the office of State Geologist, and no one can estimate Ihe benefit the slate received from the report of Prof Condon, who wat the State Geol ogist. In a few year a member ot the Leglrlature from Eattern Ore on, now of Ihe greatest mining section In our state, when aober enough to do It, had the law creating thlt office repealed on the ground that one thousand dollars a year waa too much 10 allow a man to "gopher in the Kround. The state could rot stand It, etc. it la true however that nearly all ihe valuable Information, and articles written 011 this subject, that have come to the state are based primarily on the reports of Prof Condon, State Geologist. The re peal of that law wa a disgrace to the commonwealth. It is now a settled fact that in these Cascade Mountains there are true fissure veins of gold and sliver, and the prejudice againt these mountains is last ladinu away. It Is to be hoped that this bill will become a law, The House Is working on the sttestment law and It Is believed that a good law on the subject will be the outcome. There was tome talk of taking the ap pointing power irom the Governor, in the case of the penitentiary, but the task teemt to- unjuat to be done. The pen! tentlary waa never it a better condition than at present. Occasional. Salem, Feb 6. A test vote on the ques tion of deduction ot indebtedness in as sessment of property was taken In the house, allowing 32 in favor ot deduction and 2$ opposed, which will insure the retention of the present law on that sub ject, ihe whole day was spent 011 the assessment law in m nouse. ine even ing was spent on wagon road bills. The total appropriation will at about $127, 000 the prevailing vote wss 43 to 10 (Jovenor I'ennoyer vetoed the fiahhery bill. Cross' .pill, for state and me diplo mas ot college graduates passed the sen ate. Also bill in reierenca to lees tor boarding Iprisioncrs by sheriffs, and by rewards by county courts for arrest of criminals. Fulton's bill for trans porta' tion of insane, etc, passed, also bill for exemption of homesteads from attach ment or execution. Bills incorporating xsortii Brownsville, Jenerson, urowns ville passed. T tre assessment law will provide for do duction on real estate only. The bill for the repeal of tbe railroad commission was defeated in the senate, 13 to 13, Weatherford and Myers of course voting in favor of the repeal. Thomas' bill to repeal the ureury law was defeated in the house. 10 to 38. :. Senator Fulton's bill intended to encourage railroad huild- ine in the state by providing that the state make contracts with new railroads for the transportation of tho militia, con victs and insane persons, at an annual sum equal te the amount of taxes which the road is to pay, passed the senate with only four opposing votes. In the senate : Blackman't bill, regu lating the salaries of county judges, passed. Willis' bill, regulating the rights and duties of employers and employes, pawed. Fulton's bill, protecting salmon and other fish, passed. Gates' bill, regulating the salaries of county treasures, paged. Fulton's biil, tor a code of civil pro cedure, referred. Matlock's Dill, amending the law reg ulating the state board of Agricultural Society, passed. Ealey's bill, regarding the destruction of wild animals and their bounties, pawwd. - Hi its in the house were introduced ex tending Salem's city limits and giving thecitv authoritely to remove awnings, ftc The ma for a The bill for a 1UU0 library at tne I! penitentiary, passed 4 ,.-. f no shorter time than on year, failed to pasaca. OarfleUri bill, to eompcl prompt pay ment of laborers, pim. denning'! bill, amunding the tchool law pawed. llolmea' bill, vrolilbltlnir certain txr eone iroin niarryinif. including deal and uiinu psoi io, torn, vt 10 b, Wcod'e bill, to'nav iurora tl inalflad hf a tly. failed to utm. nan a vni, allowing county court to at eaiaoiian uio iinca oi and naiitbcr ol 1ub ...tl n.l. il ' li .a I a i l.arriLt. lllll. AllnttfltlU 0Mrtm 4 1 naiiiairc in certain cam-, paaiiml. . Uolmei' bill for justice trial where defendant reelde, pacl. ClT COIKT TAOtMSlHti. fr. R. K. Blank burn, Jtutira B. W. Guor a Kumbauxb, Uuaimltaluuari.) Win. Continued Oreeon aet F liotztuit. end Din oi a a inompion, 40. Feet allowed In state agt Ulltner. Petition of Robt Glass and C other tor 'T FT Y. hl . i--" -11 wwffn. Stivetter Canon, acct roadt, allowed, oo. Bill of 1st Fltxwater aid W A Fitxwatrr unallowed. BUI ot Potk county for $107 3. account paupers, wa continued; also petition lor aia oi u n line, Petition of R A Brown, et al. for county roao, aiaanowea. 1 ., - It wat ordered that the Albany Electric Light Co be authorised lo lluht up the court house, and that the light now pnld tor bv the county, at Fifth and rcrry street oe oiscontinued. The following bills were allowed: C D Montague, aid Kltlifum..,,..$ioo U 1 loshow, aid liall family 10 00 II t I aa al M Maa la laaal u AT ah (Joi & Finiey, aid Henderson fain. 1000 Hamilton A Andre wa. Orchard lam 10 00 Y' ,'."." ' ' ' 8 00 " k7. lu '" 5 00 ".' 'r7 1 mQ S3 33 J0""" S 1 00 89 30 Y" "".".?' M Scott, aherlff tcea. E T T Fiaher, at aurveyor Statsyve If Bloocb, fees I R Wyalt. 15 00 c 00 6 SS a? 44 r c Anocrson, acct roads A T McCul'cy, acct roads Frank Propat, acct roads Geo Young, acct roads ........... 7 S V) 49 U w Cooper, per diem, fees S wm Kumbaugh, per diem, ua. . . . M Scott, waiting on court 9 00 ta 00 TBI MVIalt)M t.taTIll. When the Santlamltes announced their Intentions to pracably withdraw from old Unn, Train, Whitney, Herald & Co. made public end private announcement that they were In full sympathy with the dlv Istonlsts. They argued thtt the pro posed division would'nt be any disadvan tage to the remaining county and to Al bany. They were anxious for them to go. For the first time In their hiatoiy a news paper men. we see them and the Santl amltes pulling on the tame sweat-rope. According to the theory of Train, Whit ney At Co, whenever any por'lon of Ihe county gets a division notion firmlv fixed, let the dlvLlonl.t go." Train, Whitney a) Co were so elated over the proposed withdrawal ot old Kan tian, that they lost sight ol all subsequent oivitiokiti. vve now near that urowns- vtlle and alt other ville tributary thereto. are "up and In arms for a not lie r new county O.i this second division scheme Train, Whitney & Co are at dumb a two very mll Yaqulna Bay oyster. Perhaps I rain, biiney 61 Co have not heard ot the urownsviiicite uprising. When thl elorlou dlvUbn news reach- e Train, Whitney & Co the friends of an division scheme we trust lo see an other public expression from them, and also the private views of leading repubii cans of Albany. Come to the front again. Train, Whitney dt Co, and give us anotner Matttitai argament in lavor 01 fe Brownsville division. Won t waver, but strike while Ute Iron is hot. M. J. W, TsICi CL KILS BtZAAK, lias large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which toi to mate up a complete assortment beside a complete line of lamps ol every description. China crockery, lanry decorated ware, glassware, bird races, plush goods, such a albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's A ISC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Ihutaar store, including liege r Bros. lt7 silverware. e wtau to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prixo baking powder and tea, put op expressly for this fade, which gives the best of satis faction, as Is atteated by iJte hundreds wno nave used iioui tne lea and baking powder ever since introduced by tbe Golden Hole liaaaar. Each package of tea and canot backing powder draws a prise in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Sule Bazaar, as you will be sure to find what you waat, and will be shown over Ute store and tw treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price 10 an. - Ji'Ut's Geadwoiij. A sure car for th wbitky habit; . I)r Livioi(tton'i Aetidole tor iHunt ennet wiii ear any cat of the Honor nabit to from ten to thirty days, from th arodtrat drinker to the drunkard. Tb Antidot ecs be given in 1 cup of coffee without tb knowledge el th person taking iu Th Antidote will not injure th baaltnln any way. Manufactured Ly the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon cr from J A Camming, toi ageat, Albany., Jatt arris sd a full line of ladior, ohil- drent, men's andjbey'a foot wear at U W Himpaon't, which will be told at I o'tuna prioes. PioncE to farmers. wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and ail kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for goods. G. w. rim son. Albany, Oregon For hsy, oats, straw orohrp ;all 00 Mor ris&Bloont, corner of Baker and First streets. Deliver to any ptrt of e eity without extra eost. , ' ONDEarvL AciiiKViMERT. Crawford ic Paxton have shown us some fine photos ot the tableaux of "The Veteran of 1812," taken on Opera House stage by flash light, also "The Milk Maids Con vention," a beautiful group of 20 of Al bany's popular young women, also taken by flash light. The wonderful advances made in the photographic art is well illustrated by an inspection of the above photos and many others at the gallery of Crawford & Paxton. Call and so their late work. MARRIED. PEARL STANDISH. On February 4th, 1891, in Albany. byRevKEMem inger, Jas A PearL of Halsey, and Kath- erine M Blandish, of Brownsville. ' ARNOLD BROCK. -In this fit v. on Feb 4th, 1891, at the residence of Wm Fro mm, by George Humphrey, J. P., Charles Arnold and. Mary A Brock. BOUX, WINEMAN. In Albany, on Feb. 4th. 1891, to the wife of R F Wineman a girl VTOTICB OF DISSOLUTION.-Notice ljJ is hereby given that tbe partnership Crretofora exUtlng between W H How lud, M 1), and L C Btratton under the firm name of Paolflo Medical Cooiimdv has been this daydisaolyed by mu.ual con sent: From and after tbis date L C titration wH) collect al) outstanding ao eounts and pay all debts of said firm. Dated at Albany. Or, this 18th day of Deo, 1880. W H BOW LAND, 1, Kt BlitATlON. m. o.rMTscrj r.:naTc:i Physician and Oureon. BOnm AMD ABBOA0 Tilt' ItHI) AT. Th thoiil? of Bunion Co inly Iim tic t vot beun collecting tt. Tliecxsnpt Hremoo of Aibiny tliou'd form an organization. There tie now ovr oo hmulred, many of whom ai fa the city. FO'u)in (liod at Lyon Utt evening tuo age oi ua year, nom iom jvan m iu tummtr. The R,g,r ,,,, m ,nd P)7 wuU u bein8 B . 4 . . iioard the otr, wliloh would make the mar ket price 68 and CO cents. The stockholders of the Attorl O jl(in Park addition met it vnina anil dclar-d a dividend of 22 per cent on their invest ment. Nothing small about that for theaa quiet tim s. Bay. Geo. W Hill will prssoh to-niuht at the Bspiitt Miatlon, Main strott. BeaidanU til tha taatarn natt of town tincdi I are In - yited. Hpecisi sarvioas wsU bs held at that mission hall next week Cant Stone, the timber land swindler, well known in Alhang, yesterday was tent to tha uaciuntiary far flva veara, and hit eompsn- ion llyd, lir thrs yetrt Mtou was about aa hard a mck asotio ever runt scrota tint sida f the Ureoo iiiouuUtnt, Tux H0110 DiciiAOKt, The hobo csptured by Night watch McCloln and placed in the caiiboote wat allowed to go last evening, the ownerahlp of the tock oi knives, et?, not being icarneu. Manual lloflman received a letter troin Portland last night that the man had jiut been Uis charged from the cliy isii there, lie wat known in Portland a the lew hobo, ill goods were probablv stolen before he wa jailed ai roriianu. lie icit sotr.ui'ura eaiOAr. Wheat is M cent a st Ct'A.t, Gaorga Robert Cairna, tha no!;,t, (a now holding meetiugs iu Walla Walia. QButUr is a very sraree srlicte. the bovine or their owners hot doit-g tboir duty. Albany has become a wsy station with trsmpt. Thy hsve lieara tl out police force; A Rsltton is setting ont a Ur2 petch or chard dear Sweet Home, and iuteud to make ita feature of bis tat in. By City hts a paper, Tb Tribune, It i evidently for tha purpot at booming; h aouotry. It presents a very crvUiib' np. pearaee. ' Tbis morning a man found a pair of Ur iron In th Cftrtheaatern tut.url s iA th- city which bad evidently Ixxm find off soma es caped prisoners ftet. Tbey were quite rusty Tbe linsnee of Oregon ar in good cttdt- tioa. Treasurer Webb turned over to hi seecMtor til tain of $23.1.144 29, in ch,t)d U B bonds amounting to $.',150,500 dflpootied a insurance secanties. Th meetine: at tbe Christian Cbnrcb eoraar of 3'h and Jackson ttreets, conducted by tha paaUr, la etdy five days old with 19 added to tbe cbnrch. Om out and hear tbe gospel preached. All wilt be welcomed. Tb Boston Gaiety Comedy Company, a first class comedy tioop, will bs in Albany aaxt week Friday ami Sat unity, Fbl3'.h and 14b, when tlav will plav the populir play Olivette aud MsAott. Tbey wilir-o- doubted! 1 be fciven large houses. I lev Bhang! be Mamed from Tangent, a here ha h been aititig in revival iw vieea.snd will preach on ialdatb. Th Uittl bomber f eonveriooa In Tannt baa bw been swelled to about Sevetity-tivs, nearly every toly in tbe neighborhood having com out lor Lhitsf. Roma 12.1 00 bushel of i oUUk vet re main in Americsa bottom, below !'.ntia Vista, awaiting a chance to ship. It is very anusual tor bo.lt to be so khim at this 1 1 me f ot year. Tbe extreme low water now it ta firominent contrast with tin very high str sat a year ago Observer. Tb Coevallia pulio force arretted t.iu tramp on Tuesday latt wbo war taken be fore Ueoordcr Spalding and Liven live dayt ia th city prvoa fur Yxraney. A tha treat and crosswalk are much in rtced of beieg cleaned and repaired in certain t ly, Ihs bobo gang hv len ktptst work- It it ttrtne that able bodied jkii a- tbee are, ttou'.d be tramping over the euntry and bryging from door to door. Leader. Tbe most tort hern point ever ailaiued lv man, was Hacked by Lii utenant Jimis tl 1ykwood. member of tb American I -ady Franklin Bay eveeditioo, who.May 13.1SS2, stood under 83 drgr.et 2$ miuute and 8 acconda. Ia tl ftttnnn ct:ii.et ia a small pieos of tha kiorious il l tha thai wsvad whither th fuot id mau ueetr tr d before alio a sample tif tha li htut and teal skin lb heroes of tb Crecly paitvate wbilti waiting f. r the rilief that cti.e almost too lata. Tbey et presented to ut by lie at Braieard, of the heeond cavalry, who was tbe hero alv all other, who did what maa Beyer did before. Walla Wall States men. A Yopxq Ciioitkii. Yesteiu-iy the five year old lion of Mr Thorn, of Tangent.w as using an axe. boy fashion, on a stick of wood, when his two vear old brother put his bead in the way of the axe and a t scalp wound was the result, fortunately 1 not 01 a dangerous nature at all. 1'r LHtvis, of this city, attended the boy. A ltocsa Bt-Rxcn. Iast Monday whilo Mr F A Fpalinger and wife, who reside about four miles north of Millers, were away from hotutt, their house caught fire from some unknown cause, and with all the contents was burned to the ground, not thing being saved. Mr and Mrs Ppalinger bad just gotten their home well in order, only having been married a short time, so that the m comes at an inopportune time. Total loss, about surranAT. no -.. ' Division Of Linn Wanted in Any Direction. Buy your groaeriJ of Parker Bro Uulin & Dawson, drutrgiat, Pia groeeriea a Conn & Ht-udricoa'v All rubber goods at c.wt 'at Klia llr.. Ihe rllicul eemns gives Lmn con ntv a population as I(i,lJ9, ' Smoke the. celebrated Havana fillod 3 cent oigarat JuliDt Joseph's, See W F Read's liu rf dresa gocd and til tMiiore buying elsewhere. Bargaitis in choice groceries om always be secured of Alien Uro,, tiiuo liloek. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller Irving s,jast received Wssnlng, COoadi tcn, tnendii'g for men frne,st Mrs Kings, jatt e.vt of tbe DicstocRAr oflice. The ountoms ffieem at Port!nd,yeterty msde a raid on ths Chinese bouses, eeouring 815,000 worth of e-pium. Lsne county will not have a recorder, tha bill ia tbe Icgmlaturn having been amended to at to hae tnat county out. Eattern papers are tpeikin about people starving in tn lir west." xhey mean ISdhratka ami rvansat ana Xiakota: Dot we ar really tha far weat and not they, and the sxpresiion dixs not tuit ue. . The ttudenta at the college wilt give an entertainment at the epera home on the evening of Feb 24th, when, among other at tractions, The Garrotort will be preneoted. It is a bright drama by Dean Howell, and may be found in HarperV, December cum ber, 1884. Frtih dtcr, jrifivrrn, lair Irasbt eicth tintl t, tilth tiui) 11, fieah b.usii combs, money partes, box paper, fee pow der, and, iu fact, everything f cud in a first class drag ttore, for tain at bottom pi ices, bj uulin KjDawton, Uruggiatr. Bumpkty Bump. Trof Riddell, the phrenologist, lectured at the opera house last night on Man. He is a good taikor and presents some interesting facts. At the close of the lecture he examined the heads of O II Irvine. F M Retliield, and Mark Hulbert, a big Job-well performed. He will lecture tonight, and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Baitist Social. The Baotist church was well filled last night, by the mem bers of the church and regular atten dants of the congregation. The occasion was a social reception to the new mem bers recently received. During the eve ning the quartette eang to the delight of all, and solos were given by W S Thomp son and G II Hart, Jason Wheeler and O P Coshov expressed the welcome of the church and Young People's Society. Dr Awbrey read Robt J Burdette's wise and witty words on "How to behave in church." Geo 0 Shuiard, J llorhres, V--.-V T-,,.t..r 0.-.1 n -' t., ... Arrna rum V, O.Tho i5ght forrtbe Albany pout oflieo tecum to be a deaper- J alo one. yesterday several prorpinent tmn, inclticlltig the Board of Trade, re ceived a letter from J II Mltcbe'l, ao ktiowledxin the receipt of a tcli gram recommending an Albany man for poet inater. Now it transpire that no inch despatch wae Huirturi.ed, and tome of tbo men wikmo nameewereuecd arequit liot about tlio matter, and touictiiing it liable to drop. A HooiAt. Time. After the regular biiBi- ne of I!eulah Jtebekah Degree Inlge on Friday evening, (he officer and mem trtiri partook of a nicely prepared eunper, furniHliel by tome of the fnirnex belong- ng to nit uegree.alU wlucli the follow ing interesting program was rendered: j'tiet, Miwm' Jeiso ij m ion and P.lma Parker. KeeitaUon, Mist Minnie Merrill. Itecitatiori, Minn Jiiiy llendrieiton. Heeitation.M in Josephine iiarnen. iteeilatioti, M'ihi Hntiim lUirklifirt. KecilAthm, Jn V Hail. Holo, "C'rti4ing tho Plains," I V I'aek- ciinto. iHiet, Banna and Bam Burkhart. Kti.Kiiots Skhvicss. Hervlcet at the Congr-gatio iflt Church tomorrow will be conduced by Prof Shorey. Morning tub- lect, " I tf water if lite." evcnlnjf subject. "Two Yoke." Sabbath tchool at cloie f morning service. Young Piop'.c's meet ing at 6:3', All attending these me'.llng will be made welcome, At ihs B.iptltt ctmrcli, the pastor, Rgv. Geo. W. Hill will prcHcli at ft a. m, on "A Working Ghurr.li." and at 7:.V P . on "Ctnl.l's Exolnnation of Man' Ki final of ; Eternal Life " Sunday tcho;l at u:r and Youn People't meeting (t-.yt p. m, Kvanxtll 'tlc aervlces will b: held at tl e rnUf.lon hall on Main St. next week. Meet ing every n'ght except Saturday, Herviceu tomorrow at the Prtthytetian chureh at 1 1 a m and 7 :5K p m. Habject, niorninir: "Hliinina Cliristiana." Eve ning: ".Money It" uhch. ' llio eion of tho church w ill meet in the lecture room at IDiWsw, for the reception of new member. K H at 12:15 p m. YP 8 G K meeting at 6 ;45 p ti. Ail w ill be made welcome to these tervices. OX Hulh i!-.e iitihfl fttidretitilw wbcx. Syrup f rijjt a taken ; it w !e a'aiit auu r- ti ii'jj t the lt;slc, nttdecU !'ilt!V yet nt pm.'iiptlv' rM lh kiiineB, MAICt tUUl ixW;!4, C!'.3f S til K)S- iem ttf.uHy, tlinju-'j citl.i, l.cud B"is' a vM'i f.:-V',T mil cv.n liarttttal i fHJiliputi 'n. Hyrup cf I'iga U the tr! r r-vf cf lu Kind ever pro duces!, ph-lt!z ti t: t&H'i cr. ao- :A in tlic. ftosratdj, timn.pt m icf':.ut uii.l truly ftritt-ntial in its U, i:s man tscdlcat quaHtks ,kk :-r.-l it t n'l. 1 1 is fur f.ilo ia t.i. 1 I batUcs ly a'! leading ru'":: t-l.Tf.-TVfiS f.Y PV rKf UFGZMA FIG SYRUP CO. 1 .-tl .:;:t:if. 1 r. uca rosx, .r a. .niJic!:EiR.-r. eo. w. wcicrrr, HACI.DUFJ. & WaiClIT, Attorneys at Law, Vul practics in U tbs Cirtt of t Uts. Prompt A'.itiitiuu given W ail batl tt enti uled to oar c e. OfljeOJJ Fell-t Taatpl Albsy Q I!. G. WATSOfJ, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON. OfBe la Ite Ktrafaaa Bloek, k i. llitalTflSY, ibuif.i; And CoiiBsellor At La? . Nu ALEA b CHSLCOH v L. IISiL, Physiciai and Surgeon, Otace cor. h - and Kerry firta, ALBANY- OREGON BHa C. A IVHlIiilY, Physiciati and Surge an.' Gr3nte of IWHevua ITiwpital Medical College Now lerk City. Diseases of womaa a rpcoialty trOfTio tnan's Rrirk, Albany, Or. Uoburg liUiiiber. I sell the best lumber in the ccnutj ; alao edar noti. thinslvs. latha doora and win- ow mooldini', ete. Prices from $3 to 1 22 ar thousand. Yard at Larn, on the Narruw Gangs, Se m before parchasing t'tewber. W W CRAwroan. AdreM,P O Tall , Or rVnuai."tlv enrcd sifthoul Cuttlnfr, Barnlntr rT W. ktl'ir A vertvutly rwitilas Vr.uttnudit and a (tiiaraQ twd cur in every 310, no cuuerhow lonif standixa;. Thjs treatment, for Strictu e, ol tt Bnxell' ,1 the V i'iasl discorerv known to medicire. ltdliwolve nd completely rvmtivc the Stricture sithoutannov i or fain to the rtknt. . DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to tholrSrx. ani not imtrto oaine hore, lactuiltmj all Ih-se dclicato InflrniltiM ami Weak nMs wt.lcti they aroulil fhrluk Jimiu liclivliie to Ihuir fsiuiiv ihyk-tui, permanenuy eurea in loss time than as ev'or kon to Mediriit I Kiro, by lie Biell's"Xew sUin olTrestmenv" Hrejuveuato tbe genlto-nnr ary oians auu makes wckk men mronir Wnn posaihlu, it is alway bwl in call lur personal eonsultatian and ',r.cil eTsnuii.lioa. Hut thne who eannot iwmibly call, should write, stating-their rate fully, itedioine eont by md or express, svaleii. tree from Kioure, to all .arts oi ins i-astac nuwt Address, Wm. A. Iloicll, 351. D. PS S SHI ,i,r-..., Corner First and . Pm ttroets, overl'ortland to. . ... . llnbtl.H .k KtoaAH Natioual Pnk. Sb'MMCNS. Inlht Circuit Court oflU Sinter Orrgon for the Couuitf of Linn i . Q SOROS MUNUO, Plalatlff, 3 vs MAKYJMUSKO, Defeadant, To fary J Manro, tbo above otmod defotidsiits TN THI3 NAME OF-THE STA1E OF Orrston, yon are hf-reby required to appear and answer tlso cotjj paint of the above p'situilr, in tun above entitled court, now on tile wltu the clerk ot i-a.d oouit, within tou days froan the date of the service or mis summons upon you; if served in lana oauun, tjregon, nut ir served la any other county in the nlate of Oregon, then within 20 days from the date of the servioa of this summons upon you; If served by publication, thej ou or before tbe first day of tbe next regular term of the etovo entitled court, to wit; . Monday, tbe Vth day f Mareli, 1S9I, and jou are notified that if yo;i fall to appear and i nswer said coui plaiot, as boreby required the plain litf will apply ti the court for the relief demanded iu (h complaint, to win For a dissolution of tho bonds of matrimony nowexisting betwten plaintiff and tteieii dant, nod for sueli othor d'K-ree as may b9 just nd equitab o. This summons is 'publkihsd by er:Jer I of tho Hon K P B tiso. j nl.-J rf U.n ?b,.e , vnlitled court madi ai i.sml',r in thu' eity of Sit'.cm, th- 1 Oi v 1 1 J r 1 ' Xi ' - -1 v : V0 ID KNIOVfl STRICTURE ! 'flie Providence Journal says of Senato Cameion'tsilver speculation: "It it oadoubt cdly a grow Injustice lo the repablicnn mnjori t in the Pennsylvania legislature lo astume th a the epos;e of Senator Cameron's connection with Ihe silver pool would bare prevented bit reelection. The fealty "to Ihe tenator wa based on too tubstantial reasons to be effected hj n littt thing like that, and they p,n sppre. ciata the reasons why Mr Cameron thould drtire to mule some corretfOniting returns from bit investment in oHtict." 8ec(;i ffTRECT Livkia Today Pecond street presented a lively appearance. The express and drays were kept busy lianling ont goods irom Mueller & Gar rett's. , H . Cf m n S3 23 S ;3' E C IS : H " H" " T,t,: CKhETiRATEO ... - Ei y SIITH & WSSSO?i S J Thl rtvtwfrl ;!! Arnc. rw e... C5 T. -- (j:iimMdmmH ..1 f. a- --v. rJ r cy.v-cy. Aa l -fid i-.'A'wup -d ( yn i-: i ti t .ftmvMru hi j V.'''':r t, te Am ard . X1. V'- l , s S'.i ware cf t-faaxp Iran iri.itris.yvt nn;j'y; 'xUss HELPS. riator lbany 1st. St. Orwfii STEEL PEH! 3 r Sampla Pew cTTtT.t psttems. In 1 St M.k'i Fiaavi rauli IJx, seat tBHeid ja mt... of I CEMTSi. PERSY & G J , Lonfo.i. t'-- U. S. OSes. C10 rA.sy. r":k. 1'avetta, er.d Tra4-Krbt oMalned. and all Pat est l esln condaded fie Momenta Feet. Cur Otic I OppetHe tl. S. Patent Otflce. and wecanef-ir patent IsleMtimaUiaaUio remote front Wseliinjrton. - hei.d model, drawing or pbntix, wlfh 4eer!jv tton. W e adette, IX palcntr.t.le or mrt, free uf eiuri-e. Oar fee not floe t'il patent la aecored. A Volt9t, -How lo Obtain I'.tenta," with namt ofaetual client In your State, county, town, sect free. Ad&vss, c.A.srjow&co. 0-j)oi::s Pitsnt CSc. WasliiBiitoa. D. C Revere House: iLBAiiY, OREGGS Oil AS. PFEIFFEH iTvOPPsiETOR. Ftted ur in ervt-cias. yla. Tsblta iiippil.l with iho NnA in the market. Ktoo shD'.reatartaiecU. Karorle Kru fcrcotniiort'tl trayelers. ati.wt ASDYj3rV -v t x.f n .n t),i.o!. r.rail,. Trade H . Marks, Cc'irihu, sail ine. K rt'Jas . CU :-v. 3U1 umaiiatr, x.-- no. li... PcuIIr-f Wanted. AltklnJs of pjuttrr, alive at tha Wtllametto Picking rlore, A:bny. Oregcc-. or diesaed P a s s. " I TC'l CALE3 OF V $66 IBiKCHAMTOKL HI XT vv 1 ' "s-sa -ve- w JkLVa. AU-- 11111 fn .ti Si liu' .It n.7i .i i, .In r .1111 . . 1 "Sa A paraph let ef Infonoetioo aad aa-.'! iimsol i!e iawa,tiuiii( Howw-' Corrpany's A r!!DCC Co-3!. Colds, Ir.nneirrt, Bronefittlt. " yUilLi) Hoarseness, whooping Cough, Croup, Sar Tnroat, Atthma, and every eiTectma of the .; threat, Lanes and Chest, inclains Contuieptlon. 5 Cpcedy Ami acffiMmccl. Gouuiae ifeiti "i, 2it,;" . OAlisf 4 f5 mm 4 lilientnallsm, yenra?gla, Corns HEADACHE. And ALU PAIN. ' Tat Callf-insla Petltivt tillTtgativ SIECTKIC COUOH CURE CUSiS COLDS. CROUP. COSSUMPTiQ. tm by til Precis. Eaca Sat, C0t & SI Crasi.ij;r & Co . Prop'. Lc Angela. Cc unit ipii io irniirttn 1)B. h.C. WEST'S Krvo and Drain Trestmerl a iruaratitoed sjv-i4c fi.r Uniterm, Huiiim, iyan j sums, I i.s, Jiurvo is Neuralgia, IJcadiclie, Kertous I ntetratiou cauieo by tb use of a!chl or tiibttva, Wakefulness, ilei.tal Itergetsicn, anfttning of i IJraia, rojultinst tl Insanity and Hiading to l!wt, aecaj nddc.h, p?eiaatre old ?e, barrennea. lii i ' caused by overexertion of tha hrai liach ty -jontains one month's treatment, tl a boa or six boxw for ei, sent by mail preid oa receipt e E "7iRAE8 SIX BOXES TO CCRE kST case, nitneach orter reiMim-d kv n r... tcconipanied with $ wo will aend tha purchaser oor ' written iruatantea tj rfjimd n.. m.. n ih. ti. Eantdis not effect a core, Guarantee lssue.1 onl J. A. f -!m.;.ir 1... . .....i.. .JJ f I!?? O fa acrtow!e!ged 1 tho leadine- remeiv fa in V. S tiftftlM-rhM.AlML sasTsS. fcoerr!rtoeaorWhitea. J I prescribe itod leel I r4.n!Tir safe in recommending it THEfcisQHEMi!ft. to aJ! tnfferers, CWC!NTI,0.2 f"J Jt. 1. fa'lONXi H. IS, v "aJ4VI J'scATua. JLSi Tri.x.'luki aJAiAi.b 1.V STASAKB t'ISim, Airent ' fr- li i i.. 1 1 . xx hi 1