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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1891)
FRIDAY FKBUUAUY 13, IS91 SIITE3 & Klnr awt NUTTING- Proprietor. I.OCAI ItF.COUD. CnooK CofNTT, (irnn is now green on the hillside and aloiiir the banks of tho gurgling brook; frogs are garbling litcir uiscoiMant notes. Death has removed one of rrlncvllle's beet nl moot honored citizen, Dark tJreen Holers is no more. Ilo died at Ins home in rrinevill on Wednesday, February 4th, lS'.H, after an IHiu-hs of a little more than one month with neural gift of the stomach. W F Heeler returned from Yamhill county hint Saturday, w here he ha been for the liiMt month " endeavoring to sell onto horses, lie brought buck eighteen of the twenty-one head ho departed with, and iti now thoroughly convinced that the lioraa market in l'rincviUo U letter than in tho valley towns. Postmaster Palmer ban determined to resign, and some one will have to be so looted to fill his place. It it an unenvia ble position, yet thero are those who are willuiff to tender their services. The randidatc for thn place, so far a heard from, are Mrs OHto Waller, V It Howard, II A Holknap and M P Powell. Triue ville papers. Ot R Watkr Wohks. Win. M, Iloaj?, of the water works, to confer with the council and interested citizens lonorrow about the extension of the company's water mains to different parts of the city not now supplied. This is brought about by tho -proposed action of citizens at tho south end of Ferry street to erect their own water works, if not given the privi leges they have been seeking for some time. The water works should be giveu power which will furnish eutlieient force for every lawn in the city. Instead of lieing iu a frame buildinjt, as it is now-, the machinery should be in a tire proof brick, a fact that would do much towards lowering insurance iu the city. We Conobati'latb. On, Tuesday even ing, February lOth.lSOI, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. E. A. fVhilller, on Washington street, Albany, Mr. Wilson R. Main, the popular book keeper of I K. Main, and Miss Carrie Chamberlain, a young w oman of geat social and moral worth, worn united in marriage, ltev. K. It. Prichard inform ing th ceremony. Only relatives of the contracting parties were present. The ceremony was a nice one. Congratula tions are pouring in en tho happy cou ple, w ho richly deoerve life's best bles sings together. The wedding was a universal surprise to tho friends of Mr. . a e- tut ' ana airs, i-iain, mil a nappy one. Oregon's Poi-i lation. Secretary Mo Bride ha received the following ai the official census of the counties cf Oregon, by wMch it will be een that Ihs recent recount of Multncmah and Marion Is not Included. Maker j,(Vy7 Lane Benton 8.6j Unn Clackama.. . l6.l92Ma!heur. . ..." 5.093 ..6,13 . 31.454 4-14 ...75.657 Clatsop 9,91; 2 Mar ton Columbia , 5,162; Morrow .. Coot Crook Curry Douglas . . . Gilliam Grant Harney . . . Jackson.. . . osephlne.. Clamalh. . , Lake 8,830, Mullromah 3.291 1 Co! k lAiSlM.i-rman . . 1 i,7bijTi.lamovik . . 3.547. Umatilla . . .. 7 726 .. 1.775 .. 3.35 ..3.9 ..It ,tCo .. 3.4 5.03' . 3.543 . l,.Vx . 4.S44 . 2.4 S L nion Wallowa .. W'aico 939 Makhlrtfton ..11,871 Yarrhli! io,6oS 3'J.490 I'endleto Srvi c. -Georgo P. Kidder's hair has not turned gray, but be bad a care laat evening which might easily have cauxed this phenomenon. He was returning from bin modi-ace above town shortly after 7 o'clock. The street lights had gone out for some reason and dark nees reigned supreme. Just oa he passed the bridge nrros the mill race be beard the report of a pistol fired by some one who a crouching near the mill race bank. He saw the flash and the bullet w hized by bis ear. Gecrgedid not stop to investigate be hardly cared to make the acquaintance cf the stranger w ith the gun and rundown town with the speed of a startled jackrabbit, arriving at the "Spot"' store in a breath bus condi tion It is nut 1 pocd that the man was lying in wait for some body. K. O. A RoMASt'ic. Frank Plotner, who su perintended the work of e'earing the Western Union's right of way in the Cow creek forests last summer, there met the girl he loved, and she met the hero she had been reading aliut in story books. The girl was Mies Ktfie, youngest daughter of Hardy KIlilT, a prominent citizen of Douglas county. The stern Cents (who alao appear in all story ks) put a regular 1'ennoyer veto on this. An elopement ensued, and after much trouble in getting a license (for Miss Etfie ig under age) they finally suc ceeded in having the tall aleadeof rMsrfon bind their great gushing hearts together with a marriage liceasc from the clerk of Siakiyou county, Cal. They have since been living happily at Haerairento, and soon leave for an extended tour over the eastern states. Ashland Iiecoid. Not Wasted. A petition was being circulated here last Monday, asking the legislature to divide Linn county in such a war that a new county would be made of the southern portion of Linn county. the dividing line being somewhere l tween fihedd and llalsey. We are glad that only a few of our voters signed that petition, end we are informed that some of those who did sign it will bo pleased to have their names taken oil. There are several reasons why this county should not 1m divided at present, espec ially the southern half. llarnsburg cor. i'Hot. Sons op Veterans, The John A Lo jan camp of Sons of Veterans, held their annual meeting Saturday night, electing the following olncer: rank O lire eken rldge, captain. Bert Van Cieve, it Lieut. M I) Phillips, and Lieut. Percy R Kelly, 1st Sergeant. N W Price.'-and Sergeant. U W Wright, N W l'r'.ce and C G Haw lings, camp council. A Good Showing. The Farmers & Merchants Insurance Co, il this city, has jutit istucd their third annual statement, which makes a good showing. Tne total fire losnes since organization, Dec 3r lB7, have been Soo.oac S3. Total pi cm iums received, $2i2,2GS.63. Last year the premium receipts were soo.orjs.ys; Inter est, $6,105 69. Total, $76,104 41. and the total expenditures $17,181.49, of which $28,477.21 w as for lire losses. Firrmkn a Ball. AnangemcnU are being made by Albany Fnfelne Co No I for a grand ball, to be given at the opera house on Wednesday, Feb lb. A cordial Invitation is extended to the public. Come all and make this the event of the season. I Committee. The Yocso Mam who helped himself to some coin out of the safe of the Demo crat a few days ago wilt do well to call and apologize, or even his respcctabilit tability This is will not save him trom trouble, not a scare Item, but buslncbs. A Rlnaway. The twelveyear old son cf Mr Morgan, the well known darkey, of Bhedd, left Ids fathers home several days ago, and is now thought to be In Southern Oregon, probably near Kostburg. Notice to the PlblTic. Mr John Hammeil will take charge of the Albany i ish Market lor the preient, M. II yuk. 1 . One half dullsr reduction nn every pair cf Ludlow's line shoes. A gouit lir.e of them a S K Young's. The best roa&t oolite iu tlie city at Cmiad Moyrrs. Ket p it iu yonr mind that Allen Rroi pro w8 keeping ths kind of groceries th paldi diTuatiiU. Tlioir stoolt is a hue one. All rubber goods at coxt at Klein Bros. For Sale. -$500 to $1000 of household furniture in exchange for Improved real f,ue. Inquire at o:!'.ce of Or Land Co. Lmanos is the terminus' of a branch of the 8 P from Albany, from which place it is atwnt twclvo miles distant. The train makes two round trips between this rdnceand Allionv chulv, ana una coiv Bidorahle tuiascnirrr travel. The pant vear has been one of remarkable growth ami development for lA-banon. Over ono hundred new buildings have been erected since January I, 1S1H). Among them being tomo handsome reaidences, which wou'd ba a credit to any city. The large inlluxof strangers from east ern Ptules, bar; served to stimulate this erowth. t houuh tho lino agricultural land on all sides of Lebanon, is a sutUei ent wtimulus to a healthy growth. Many of the residences recently erected, arc the properly of substantial farmer, who havo moved to town. Cor. Sulcut Jour nal. Good 11. It. Newti. A year or two ago Crook county people got their Oregon Pari tit news from Albany. Now matters have been reversed and Albany people act their Oroirou Pacini new irom i'rinevillo, and hero is soma from the News worth receiving: "A prominent biiiitKs man iu tow n informs us that ho ha received a personal communication from Col lions, receiver of tho Oregon PAriilo railroad, in which he states that there are now -H.OOO tons of rail on the way to Yaquiim; that preparations ore being made to let the contract for Haw ing and cutting CO.tMH.) ties, and that ac tive operation w ill commence on the eastern extension of ho road nw Voon as snow Hies.' " AiiVRRTisKD FfiKK. several weeks ieo Mr Aich M Hammer sent a couple Chinese phrnoant back cant lo an old neighbor, for brcctime purpurea. The .clylilior took oceaiou to mention the fact In the American Field, and now Mr Hammer Is having hit hands full attend lug to letters received relating to Celestial pheasants. One of theni trom a Sew 1 or. commUslon - man. ck for quota tions on fuiir or five roosters and fifteen hens. Kvldently there Is a big field for speculation in the Chinese pheasant busi ness. Another Man's Milk. 'lhos Os borne, who lives with I. Is family, a few miles north of this city Is now subject to the ccdon of the grand jury, If captured. A few days at ho borrowed a mule of a neighbor" and then went to another neighbor and borrowed a t-riJ'.e and came tj this city. Here he j;ot drunk, sold the mule for ten dollar, and hi whereabout U now unknown, but the officers w ill vtry likely lay hold of him In a few Cays Salem Journal. Nor Yer Found With no succctt whatercver the search of the mouiiMhi up above Gatesvillc for the lost hunter.young Mr Tucker, U bclne continued by the men of that vicinity. Ever since Friday the search has been general, participated In by dozens at men who know every too tot the country in which the man I supposed to be lost. As time rases, the alarm of the absent one's friends increases. Not the slightest tidings of him can be found not even any Indication to show that he bad been In any portion of the forest searched. Statesman. Former Albanians. Mr Joseph Wtb. ber, Sr., has accrpvd a i otilon In the :utom house, at Portland, and bri-an bis duties yesterday, lie says he hopes to be able to work up into a prominent position. Mr James Footer Is now road master on the OregonUn R. R. Henry Claik Is in O'.rmpia taking treat ment for his hcallh. F II Pfiiffcr is'maklng arrangements to establish some soda s orks In Portland While waiting fur a locatioa he is doln' carpentry work. VUs Lulu Webber Is worklnc In a tele phone otlke In Portland. If Fixes The. Three very cultis looking hobos were seen this forenoon go ing toward tSe eastern limits of the chv. Marshal Hoffman was a few feet In th rtar. ho valiant Is the marshal that tramps have become rare In Albany.some thlni; for which our cl'.iztns should be thankful. Hoax. In Linn county, near Jefferson, Tuesday, Jan 27, IfJl, to the wife of Art Auiicr, an pound daughter. In Jefferson. t)rei.'rtn.'S:itiirdav. Jan SI. lS'Jl, to the wifi of C E Iluddltson, a son. Men and women do not always agree, In fact they frequently disagree and ser iously too, causing many divorces and collapses hi the matrimonial market. One thingthough, they agree on, and that is that Conn & liendricson keep the kind cf groceries one needs In h.nnckwplng.they treat men and women alike and give them nargatna In roods In their line, till on them for groceries and produce. Mua Carrie PFE'.Ft KR noBettes. lcttcr was received to-day from Oak land, Cal.siati-'sr that Mi Carrie Pfeiffur Is not Improving in health. Mis Pfeiffer leaves on the overland train for Oakland this evening and will piobably bring Car rie with her if it is Ihou ;lit that h can stand the trip. A New Siiiv. Albany continually as. s unics some , new metropolitan ferture. A Democrat men to-day noticed the sign on a door in the Illock, "Eva Cox, stenographer and type writer." An ac complished young lady who deserves a loeral patroiage. Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only 3 a cord. Leave ordera at P W 8pir.ks' lumber yard. m mm New CABPKT4, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, jut received at A. B. Hcllwain's. J he stock is lanre and choice, selected for thi market, and px pie wanting ti. w'Ht carpets at tiio ow 8Ht prices should call and inapect bis splendid atock. It was bought low and rill be Bold low. CATAEHU CURED. lioaUU'and weet breath ecured,by Sliilnh's Catarrh Remedy. t rice Mi cent. Iniactr Ircr. to- shay ti Mmou, agents. For (Isma Lack, or s.ds chest, ote Slidoh l Poroas I'listtr. Price, 2o cents. Haaejr to La aii, We have plenty of money to loan on reai estate security, on two to rive years time. Call on us at Our office, opposite in-: severe nouse. lit'flKHART & -CeeNEY. A I5io Behry. IJorr, on Wednesday looming. February 10. 1891. to the wife of Mr Clias Perry, at big fiomo near the Cainpooia bridge, an isleven pound girl ixst. a snepara dog, looking some thing like a coyo!e,since Sunday morning. Return to G li Ilalaht and receive reward. Stop junt about in tho middle of the block, on First street, south side, be tween Proadalbin and Ellsworth, and you will find a nlace where voa can al- way iget liret-ciaBS groceries and trem produce at reaaonablo prices and be well treated without extra price. The man reads "Parker Proa.," and everybody knows the name. Their baked good a are the best. Their stock of goods generally is kept replenished to meet the demands I a growing trade. All rul ber gcsiis at cost at KlctnBros. A f-i:e stuck of lao curtains for 03 cents tc?10 to suit tbs customer, at Fortmilltr & Irving s. W. F. Itetd keeps the best aseortrcent of Isncy goods in tew 11. New Blacksmith Shop. G iV Willi has just coinpletcu ids blacksmith shop at the comer ot HeconU ana Kallroad street where all kind of iron and wood work can be had and done In first class orde Bring on youi plows, wagons, etc., etc for reps if Thos, Ksy iroolcn mills blanket?, flanruds men's, youth' and boy' clothing, for sole by 0 W biirpson's,. ai;eiit, Albany, Oregen. Cr.OUP, WUOUt-iAO COUGH and Proncbttis Immediately relieved by S taluk's sou At. ako rtRosiu MONDAY. Hon 1 ti Peerv. of the Forks, Is In the cltv. ludae Pines, of Corvallls, was In the city yesterday. Mrs II Barrett returned this no from a visit In Portland Mr Fred West, the Tacoma cattle buyer lies been In the city several days. Mr buck, of the Arm of Hayne St Buck, went to Eugene this noon on business. 1) I) Montclth, of Alhar.y, was at one of the hotels recently In Chicago. urtga- ntan. A W Lucas, the well-known wealthy farmer of Monmouth, was In the city yes terday. 1 Mrs Dr Ellis returned this noon from a several weeks vlrit with relatives and friends In the eaxt. Mr Blssh, the Chicago drummer, Is In the city. Just a vear ago Mr Ricoh was Iu Albany on a blockade. The ' present weather Is a remarkable contrast. J 11 Malin and family left 'today for Portland, and will make that ctly their hone. They have made many friends In Albany, Friday evcnlnc a party was given i t the residence of Mrs liana liurmester.ln honor of the birthday of MUs Ml'ired Murines tcr, which was a very enjoyable affair, Fd Kerne, after vlll!nt about this place some six weeks since he gave up his clerk ship hi the hardware store, departed Mon day for Albany and other points In that direction, to look about for a location to suit his liking. Stay ton Time. Tl'RMDAY. Mat. 8tronr is unite 111 at bis room at Mrs MiicldH. Mr (reorito Crouch, tho clear maker. baa returned from bin Kuatcrn trip. Mr J L Underwood is enjoying the mountain breeze near Sodavillo for the -benefit of Ida health. Mr Farwell. w ife of City Treasurer Farwell.ia lying scrioUHly ill at her home in this city, with the fever. Jack IVmpsey lias returned to Portland lie will bo remembered as the prixo lighter who Fititaimuions. E WAchiaon, tho marble man, went to Eugene this noon to act tip a couple tnonumenU for tho Miller and Spencer estate1. Mr F S Poughtcn returned on Hatur day from a trip to his old home in North Carolina, where be bad a pleasant viait. When he left a live suow atorm was pre vailing even in that warm climate, . WKIXK.-m,JU Capt K J tanning returned last even ing from an extensive buiduess trip on the round. Rev L J Trumbull, w ho now located in 1 lantern Oregon, is in the city visiting his family and many friends. Mr and Mrs II J Hopkins arrived on last night's train, accompanied by the father of the Hopkins Pros., all of whom will make the gera city of the valley their home. W Warner and S Jacobs, of Salem, and Dr C T Ct oke, of Chicago, the young man who was Inst a few months ago, and found In Philadelphia, were In the city to day on their way home from a hunt In the Cascrde mountains. Four or five Albany bachelors are anx ious to receive bids from the ministers of tho city for the performance of mar riages by the wholesale, say four or five at a time, in this manner perhaps over coming a serious olwtaclo to their mar riage, tho payment of the nsual marriage foe. Albany Engine Co. No. 1 will give a ball at the Ojiern ilomte, 011 Wednesday evening, Feb 1Mb. Tickets without sup er, $100. The following committees have been appointed: Invitation, Win Richards, Irank iannal. Walter M Parker. Reception, C II Stewart, J It Wyatt, J N Hodman. Floor managers, ThosMontcith, Jas Callahan, M 1) Phil lips, Frank lannali, I) J Imbruillc, TJ Overman. E II J)unham was In the city yesterday. Mi Dunham was recently Superintendent of the Oregon Pacific, but 1 not now Jiav. In resigned. E W Hadley, the manager will act temporarily as such. Mr Dunham hr.s ben superintendent for a long lime, fully two or three months. If not a little more, and ha made many friend. 11U predecessor has not jet left this valley, and a Dk.mocrat man saw the two yeslerdsy "smiling together probably ever the alt ualiun. - v. h. r. a. .tr. Tho ladies of Albany who aro interest ed in the work of tho Young Men's Christian Association w ill bold a meeting at the Y M C A hall, on Friday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, for the purpose of organ izing a Ladies Auxiliary to the Young Men's Chriatian Association of Albany, and it is earncHtly dcaired that thre will be a large iiumU-r in attendance. We believe thero is a large field for an organ ization of this kind to woik in.and while we realize the fact that church work calls largely upon the time of tho ladies, yet we feel that this branch of the work will be successful, because its members will be composed largely of ladieu Hiat aro thus bugily engaged. Puny peoplo are tho vtry kind that make things move. Bhow us a person w ho has plenty of snare time and we will show you a person that is nor. rcmarKamc in ins accomplishments in life. Ono bany person is worth tnore the community a nd world at larue than half a dozen idle men. If wo want anything dono in a business manner, if wo want anything done promptly, ami safely, we always go to some one who la busy, and ladies this is why we ask you to unite in this effort, and make tho la dies auxiliary of tho Y M C A nn organ- zation whose mliuenco will be felt in this community. Secretary. Some Albany Min. The following la new incorporation. National Invest ment and Savings company, of ortlar.d, Ith I K. fciderkin, K L. ISell, IS A Ulcm and A F Raymond, as Incorporators. One minion dol 'arsis the capital stock, divided inf io,ooo shares. Won't he Nesked. Dr J W Cole, of Sclo, aspirant to the office of county judge at $200 per year, ana vy u (juceuer, wno Is looking longingly at the new county ciersshlo ot the new county ct Santlam, were looking over their political fences in these parts during last is repott ed. May ton limes. Teacher ExsralnsUon, ' Notice is hereby given that tho regu lar public examination of teachers, for Linn county, will take place in Albany, commencing on Wedneaday, Feb 25th at l o'clock, p m, and continue until t nuay noon, l eb J27tli. All teachers must vo Hive v be preEent at the time ot com mencement as no one will be admitted to tho examination who is not so pres ent. . t. i . KUSHEIX, Cp. School Bupt SHILOU'S CURE will lmmoditly re lieve Croap.VVhoopinj; Cough atd Broochitir fo nay a .Mason; agents. All iillxr gftdsct cott it KUiu Ero. For fictb meat cf nil kii.dsgo to Jadgon & Mali rr, eppotite bcbtneci n livcryttubio Urdus tiutn sr.U rrornpt tltliyery. Chea'llo cheeso is tho best, BrowDtll.- Try it. C E Albany Aarkat.' Wneat-f2j Oats-50.1. Butter-80c pr it). Ffc;9-0( na'y-10.0r;to 18.0(1, PoUtoeOo ctn pnr btisUft) Beef on foot, 2'A to 8. A.-inlci C!) cents per bu. Pork 5io par lb. aressod. nconsbams,ll(r . shoulders 7o aides. 9a jard JOoperlb. Flonr 1.25 per bbl. Cbickona 3 00 por doa, Efllll Food bran, 14.00 per ton, shcrt, 16. middlings, 20. C'iinrn.Sa. imrn-8. tWSM There Is a'dlrty young biped In Albany who li trying to blackmail fool men who have been attentive to hit not altogether Immaculate wife. Welcome, L Samuels has been retired from the West Shore. The Welcome says the stockholders thought $400 a month was more than he was worth. They never will get another rustler like Samuels all the same. With all tho talk he has done an Immense sight for the Northwest, The San Francisco police smashed all the Chinees jossci recently, In order that the highbinders might have no excuse for levying tribute In the name of their gods during the New Year. One of these Idols cost The Albany Celestials were alter joss Saturday but there being no blg.Josscs In Albany there hat been no smashing, . Representative Herman has seemed from the department an order for new railway malt service from Albany to Green Uaslnln Linn county, Oregon, and the second assistant postmaster general has communicated with tho railway company stating the basis upon which It would be proper lo establish the service. Post. Portland people arc evidently the read ers oftraih, molly. iudulng from tho following report of volumes taken from the public library lat ycart Fiction, 6oa; Science, 8a7t History, 7 Jft lilog- rapity, 1,104s Travels, 851! Religion, 150; 1'iwlri' n M l.rrlliitlpnlia. tSl! -Juris. and guvt. $; Round periodica?, 5, Total, Jt..1t5. Their are going after the prddlcrs of all fclncs in Salem The Journal says: T II Whelan and Theo William were arrested Friday evening, charged with peddling pictures without license, (and that further, mors that a works ot art .they were mo it valuable a frames ) Whelan was lined $10 and cost $7, William was released. The city police and recorder are going atter peddler vigilantly without fivoili Is in to any. Perhaps a "dark borne" may capture the pit olUee. . FSkx, bang, boom, bus Wen tho order recently. The 1kmhckat olllce acknowl edge the receipt of some cigar, nuts, nrnugeannd firecracker from different Celestials. The dog killer is doing f-alciu. The hog killer would have a big lob there juat now, judging from some 01 the bill in troduced ill tlie tagis'ature. Mr George Hochstedter, who returned a day or two ago from Portland tell an Interesting story about teeing a dog that wa part bear. Ask him when at a safe distance. A lady in a neiirbboriaz town saw an advertiaetaent that rea4: "Fend thirty cent and get bit) useful household arti cles." She "bit," ent thirty cent, and recvived 100 common pins, such a are sold by all our dealer at ten cent a pa-! per. Moral : Spend your money al home. Ochoco Review. At a meeting of the Pomona Grange.o ! Marion county, the following wa pasntd : Resolved, That w endorse lb proposi tion for the issue of money direct by the government, at a levy rate of interest, with land as a basis of security, at one half it assessed value, and under proper restrictions. We desire to aak why it I and bow it is that the Oregon Ia-gialature can pay all the expenae of that body with an ap propriation of $43,01)0 and our Legisla ture coata our stale $25,000 more or $70, 000 to meet itaexpciiKc for a session of the sauio length Puhtcroy Indepen dent. An obacure writer In tbe East named Rill Nye is claiming to have written the roetn o well known called tbe "lleanti lul Snow." It Is well known here that the real authors of the poem were Cant N tt Humphrey and Listi Applegate. At leant they are authority for the statement, and their word is much ahead ot Piii Nye's. Mrs (J n Wood worth netted f WO from the sale of butter during the year lHH'J. She manufactured "93 rolls, most of which she sold at The IaJles. This sneaks well for the domestic economy ot me noooworui iiouaeiiom. limes. A lit tip InriM. fit I tils k in.l lA litmlnM mrtni Linn conntv txonl and w wouldn't I I eating California and Kaatern huttor now. We have cases like the Wood worth household; but not cnongh permanent ones. The House at Salem baa a reading clerk with a fine memory. He calls the roll, in regular order, entirely from memory. A peculiarity about the "1801" is that adding tho (tret ugure to the second makes the third, and subtracting tho fourth figure from lite third Klres the second. Adding the four figures together gives us mo number 01 tne century. The rihrciiolouieal lecture rims another kind of caucus. It is the couple at an entertainment who spend their tune hisnering and taikimr out loud in a selfish kind ot a way, so that no one round can hear anything but their ab sorbing talk. There were a few at Prof Riddle's lovo and courtship lecture. Tho matter cf drainago into the ditch of the Albany water works was consider ed by the Council last night.and referred. though it is proponed to prevent it if poambie, as the filth running into it witiates tho water used by the city gen erally. It should by all means be stopped. The importance of improving tbe Up per Willamette is etnpnacized ty the amount of wheat alone stored in the warehouses south of Albany daring 1800. It was as follows: Jwind'g warehouse, 1050 tons ; Peoria, woo ; Hoonviilo, 1200 tons; James Cauthorn's,3080;T Samuels' 1190 tons ; fnnntno's 1 ilf tsru a & Hcrron's.180 tons; llulbert and Wbit- a VlillUHIK D I'V ll(IQ 1 Martin aker'f , 390 tons ; Smith's, 300 tons ; II F tiscb?r,;00 tons; ronton Co MUls,3018 tons. The total was 053,000 bushels. Tho following from the Ashland Tid ings about tlio lamous liali Applegate displays a trait of character that will be very welcome to 111s inendsi uen Ap plegate says that when be left the Klam ath Indian reservation bo found the Indians were really much displeased and perniexeu at the numerous changes in the oflice of Indian agent, and some of them were in a mood to be uclv upon the slightest provocation, and make it unpleasant for tbe new agent if things titiouid not bo understood bv them, bo tbe General in a Bpirit of fairness and justice toward bis successor in office, did much to smooth the way lor his access to their confidence. lie called the Indi ans together at their church on the day he left, and bnd a long talk with- thorn in regard to the change. The two Oregon Congressional districts have been arranged as follows : Benton, Clackamas, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson,- Josephine, Klamath, Luke, Lane,' Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, 'Wash ington and Yamhill. The population of this district according to the recent con- j sus is, 154,098. There were 35,379-votes I cast in 1800, of which 19,575 were repub licans and 15,805 were democrats. This gives tho first congressional district a republican majority of 3,708. The second district is composed of the following fif teen counties: Baker, Clatsop, Colum1 bia, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Ilarney .Mal heur, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa nnd Wasco. The population of this district taking the last census is 157,394. At the last June election there - were 35,001 votes cast, of which 20,003 were republican and 14,458 were democrats. This gives the second district a republican majority of 6,145, The vote taken was that for Congress man, . TATK lEiilsUHBK ' asHawM Kalkm. Fob. 0. BlundcU introduced the tiHtial bill In the House for the pulli cation of school books by tho State. Tho Senate bill on primaries paused 60 to 8, Miller' freight bill pnsaed 49 to 4. Hill for atnte medical board bomconathla am! evluctia parsed. Hill of Miilur.iiicrcaHlng powers 01 in railroad commission, passed. The flsli bill panned ovr the Uovemot ' veto, 37 to U. Tho bill pro viding tor license ror i year was recon lidcrod and fpassed 87 to 14. Rill for portage railway 'at Celilo, appropriating 1 uu,uw. pttsseu me nenaie ia to . or val's bill protecting Chinese pheasants, prairie chicken and quail In Euatern Ore gon passed la tho Honate. Hon J K Wealherforn voted against the 1400,000 appropriation for tho portage railway and lion Jeff Myor for it. The Portland consolidation bill is liable to fall. Sena tor Crosa introduced a bill, tho cflW-t of which will be to take from the governor tho control of the penitentiary. The bill provides that the governor, secretary of state and the itate treanurer shall consti tute a board of trustees for the manage ment of the penitentiary. They will ap point the suterintcndctit,w l)o is now ap pointed by the governor. If thi bill pause, it ! believed tho term ot ' the present uptirintendeut,Ucorgo Downing, will quickly terminate. . Salem, Fob., H. Tho Hantlam bill paused tho bonne. IU traaaage in the aenato I doubtful, though a ntrong po litical tlfort is being made fur it. Salem. Feb 11. 8:20 P. M.Senate has Indefinitely postponed division of County, cUlkm, Feb. lO.-Tho bill dividing Or egon into two congressional district, painted the house. Panic' bill taxing stock temporarily In a county paaaed. jwoorea mil tor f.u.uw lor the world' fair pasaed, 38 to Id, the negative being in favor of more. The aaneamint bill, a variously amended, paused, .111 to ID. : Several wagon road bill panned. In tho senate a petition asking for repeal of 1 Sunday taw was read. Hilton's bill for aid of eastern, western end eouthern Cr egnn dlrtrlct fairs, parsed. The fishery bill, vetoc-i tiy the governor, was pasmd over bin veto. 22 to 7. Hill by t limit. e- tabtlablng rogue gallery at the jteniten- tianr, panned. Croxtto bill nrniiltlng brhfge at Oorvalli, paaaed. Veateb' bill providing fur abolishing railroad ooinmhaiou, wa reconsidered and made MMeial order for 2 p in on Monday, The mil to anoiiNii the etaie boar 1 01 Horti culture, a introduced by Croano, failml to paws the senate, by a vote or 1 1 to 10. Senators Veatch, Cogswell and Weather ford, favored the bill. The lVndleton K O corrtondcnt ays "The freiuent I might aay almost the constant speakers of the senate aro Tongne, Fub ton, Cogswell. Wcatherlord ana eaU h. Tongue i the tnot fretuent orator, and lit eeclie are to frequent, o luiig.and so alke. that they lHome tlrewuno. In the Iioum the men w ho think they must speak on everything aro Jennings, of lane. Armstrong-. Of Marlon. Parnes. of Wallowa, and Minto, of Mariuii. They speak o often that what thry nay no longer ba any cuect. statt mt tt.M Jas F McCartney toll A Powell, 1 8 of 30 acres, 13 w 4 J D Arthurs to I D Hoyer, lot 8 and 6,lublI2,N R'ville 700 125 R A Itampy to 1 Hyuian, lot I, bl 8. Harrinburg Catherine Clark to L W Clark, ttower of attorney Catherine Clark by L W Clark to It ttoscoe ana K t Sox ,72x72 feet.cor. Ferry and tecond Sts, Allny 3000 73 130 4 1000 1 600 Geo lone to i I'Tcrrclll acres, 0 K 2... J V Venner to Klixabetli imon,U 7. It s -nit A,. p.rownsvtlie... K W Michael to Drury V Michael, et al. 2-3 of 50.44 acres, 14 w 3 . Eli W Micheal to Drury V Michael, Vfil.ltt acres, 14 w 3 F. W Michael to Kli It Michael, 7.94 acres, 14 i E W Michael ct al to Kit 11 Mich ael. 102 acre 14 w 3 U 8 to Jared Michael, toS acres, 14 wS. dated 152..., Patent David Millhollen to Mary Millhol icn, a.-i acres i:wi ....... CO 50 1C0 230 Oregon to r rank E tlarri,40 acres I1 Oregon to Albert E Cooper, 8 acres 13E I Geo II Miller to W II Cooinrr. 40 acres 13 E I U S toTyree Alley ,73.7fl acres, 13 K I, dated W$, U U Hayes Preal dent.. . Patent U 8 to Tyree Alley, 87 .03 acres, 13 v, 1, iaie Chester A Ar- thur Prenident ..Patent U 8 to Win II Cooner. 60 acres. 13 ' 1...... , latent U 8 to Miles James, 12 w 1, dated 1H77. Patent Mary It Cochrane to W Cochrane, lwacresuwl Albany Cem Ani-n toGeoC'.!ne,l lot 5000 15 w u neamt to A F C-alw. 1 lot. Wheeler's A.AtUny 1 1,02 LMcr Ust. Followlrg i the list of Utters remaining in tbe post colics at Albany, Unn county, Uregoa, fb, ll, isai. Persons ealiwg for these letter must give tho date n wbicb thay were advertised. AIIsq, Aron Uotsent, C II IW11. A K Brrtler. Mrs Sntihron CampbelLMrs Citrcsta dtlanrey, M f s James Itoagia, Mrs P , Kllis, William Meming, Jimea Holme, Pin ILworth, US Kidd, W M Manning, Prof A M Drako, David Mullen, Mis Myrtle. Norton, Lta A Reed, Wayne Taylor, J Uornh, TB 61 yer, Alfred Post. Mr & Mr B P 8cbaatfr, J Jacob Trip, Chsaneey Young, Milton II P, Tnowraox, P. M. Ejan & Achison haudls too celebrated Portland comout walls for cemetery lota. These walls cao bs furnished at half the cost of any otbor and r far soporior. Koticks' Iakherb. Wanted at once cbickens, ibks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, buttef, eggs, and all kinds of farm Bttef, cki produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for Roods. ll. V. hlJI sox. Aioany, uregon UOitN. WHITING. On Feb 6, iSor, In Clov- erdale. to the wife of J F Whitlnjj, a girl HE FOOL! 'KM. People vs-Uo are Kanlly XJeectved. hoe Cauaut Klcli.t so far. tie A city drtaeglst Mated t'int ho lind hai cljjlit call for Joy's Vc ;o;:iU;) Saipnrllla tint had sold bis owu cvciy iline. Jt did not occur to him tlint It ml flit bo a serloe.s matter to givo his old time mercury nnd potaah preparation to peoplo who do not need syphllltlo treatment. It Is safo to sajr that not 0110 porsou In tea bare a syphilitic trouble. Itcnco whatdo they want with such dangerous minerals as mercury and potash? What ntne-touths ot our people are troubled Willi 1 Indigestion, dyspepsia, sick headaches, ccTUUpntion and f sco eruptions, all ot which aro tie legitimate uusultsof Improper liver and kldnoj? action, or Impaired digestive organs. Those disorders do not call lor syphllitlo treatment, bnt lor mild vegetable liver, stomach and bowel alteratives. We aro surprised that Intelligent pooplo should be j srsunded Into tak ing a mercury and potash smiaparilla. When yon ask for Joy's Vegetable Si tsaparllla, let that iom get a. . ..:..-., TO RENT. A store iroom 22x9U fee nitablefor buftiGesF;oentrail.y locals For paruouiars call at, tho BusiooaA office or on Jas V Pipe. TkTOTICE TO CONTR ACTORS. Con 1 H tractors and builder desiring to bid 00 the construction of t hb new United Presbyterian church bull ding, to be creat ed at tho aim of tho ol d building, will find the plans and speo ifisations for the same, at the store of fcitesrart fc Sox. Tho data of opening bids be announced hereafter, ttftXtlt PJtetkEBIBtS. ' Tuesday evening, Feb. 11,1891, ll....l.. tr.HA. Hfrtealtul mnti rlmtM, oilmen French, Tablor, I3urklftrt,Rmitli, uarret. The following bills were ordered paid: John Maxwell, u 03 1 John Oiblln, $2 60 ; win Kellly, fl 2U J uenion, ynt ooj Klectrio Light Co, 238j Cost bills, $10 60, Including one against jack ucmpsey. Committee on streets and public prop erty reported In favor ot granting privi lege to 0 K Brownell and others to lay pipe on Ferry street, beyond Ter th street. The statement was made that the water works company would put in a pipe if requested, and the matter was discussed. On motion report was adopted. The committee on health and police recommended the abating of nuisances at lots 4 and S. block 1, western addition, and lots 1 and 8, block 2f). between Fourth and Fifth streets, on Vine street. Fur ther time granted. Tho recorder reported tho signing of contract with Mason & Htrang, for build ing iatteral sowers, and satisfactory bond for $1000. Application of 0 0 Lee. for the posi tion ot nightwatchtuan and tngineer,wai filed. Tho marshal was authorixed to give men seeking lodklng in the calaboose their breakfast, In proper casts, accord ing to his best judgment. Matter of two crosswalks in third ward was left to committee. Tho following ballot was taken for nlgbtwatch and engineer: 1st ballot, C O Lee, 3; W N Miller, 2. 2nd ballot, same. 3rd ballot. Miller, S ; le, 2. 4th ballot, Lee, 4; Miller, 1. Mr Lee datlared elected. vas tlaa saalr ('aril P, r If. Tangent, Feb. 7U1, 1891. The Ll nn County Business Council P. ot II. met at the Orange Ifall.wlih Worthy Vlci president J It Scott In the chair. Mr Thomas Froman offered resolutions providing for tbe right ol suffrage to alt women over twenty-one years of sge pay Ing taxes. This ws discussed by Mr Froman, Martin PayneJ II Wallacejona Piavla, Thos Mcdee, A Blcvln. S A Dawson and other, but was abandoned and the following Introduced by S A Daw ton passed. Resolved by the L C B C P of II. that we urge upon the honorable legislative assembly of the atate of Oregon, that they take tuch steps a are necessary to secure to women the elective franchise. The resolution wa ordered sent to the Linn county member In the Legislature with the request that they urge a law of tuch a nature. The following memorial wa adopted: "To the honorable members ot the legis lature of the state ot Oregon: We, your memorialist, ask your honorable body to have published 500 extra copies of I (ill's Code, siso 500 extra copies of the session law of the present sesklonof 1S91 and the session of i&ty, 500 extra copies of the journal of the house and senate ot the present tlon, and that the honorablt secretary ot state be Instructed to give notice throi'gh the pre when tuch copies sre published and rcsdy for tale to parties ccsirlng the tame, and we, your memo 1 la 1 1 its, w ill ever prsy." R A Irvine, M II Wilds, A B Morris, Henry Cyrus. F M V French and W J Meek In were appointed a committee on Legislature: S A Dawson, Martin 1'avi.c, Jonas Dsvls, Tho From on and F S Ingram on Good oi Order, and M V Leepcr, Phil Swank, tt A Irvine an4 II Free kscn on Finance. At noon a fine repast wa tervcd.eagerly dispatched and very favorably coin menu edon. It wa voted to hold the next meeting with Sand Ridge Grange on the first Saturday in April. A vote ot thanks was tendered for the use of the ball and for the tplendtd repast furnished. J. W. Paorar. , ArrurittTttrtiTltiAm. Am4 lk Mth4 Cfcaaakertata A4 (a Crl Br!lrr-Xr W ! p Heare with tvr tarrtB. For tbe On giilan: We often fait to is eur ut ourselves the retnlta of the oper ations of a syaiem, by requlrloKtcomueb ef it listening too barn or allowing our- aelvts to And fault with ttooso who oper at or reprteent the same. I bad con sulted for many years pbyalclans euceosttful In treating "aculo OiMMuma," litit !r.tint nn rlia,f fr kldna and llvar trouble and neuralgia of tbe "stomach of ever Any year sundlng, unlit J came undar Dr barrio's "Kiecltlo treatment," But, fianke tt Id vine Grace, tbe Uoub!- ara a thing of tbe past. f others care for tarUcu!arj atTufliloir my lilnea I will answer tbelr qneationa In behalf cf ll'. I IIUOCSXI. K. li. lISjaMBKKLAI Woods, Tillamook coun.y, Or, 4alker Waadririil Care. Bar CrtT, Or, Jan 13, 1891. FdUor Oreaoutan: For nine month prior to calling on lr Iie.irln. I bad been atltialed wlib a burning pain back of my neck nu spine, wnicu finally aeiueci 10 my kldner a. My liver and stomach be came rltranitrd and rbsumaiism com meneed to develop. Id Ibst deplorable ootid. lion I came to Dr Darrln. With two nmn lis boms treatment, I rejo'oa to ay I am cura or my sioinacu, nvr ana kidney troubics. . e,Co. ; 0 : " Dr UaerlB's rtaee ef Kaslaessi Dt Drrin make atpcclally of diffaae of tbe Eye. Kar, Catarrh, Asthma and Consumption, and all nervocs. chronic and private disease, suoh as Lose of Manhood. Blood Taints. Hypbllll. Uieet. Gonorrhea, Stricture, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weaknetaor Loss or Desire of Sexual Power in man or woman. All peculiar 'Female troubles, Irregular Menatratuatlon. Pisplaoeraeuta, etc, sre confidentially and aucowatuily treated, and will net under any elrcumttanot a, take a case they cannot euro or benefit. . . 1... . ..... rnAa r .wtwalA.lltf eaaea gn.ritaed and never published in J tne ra'Xira. 1 ireutars sna qnesiioa didks sent I'ren. Cfllccs, 70H Washington i-treot, Pott and Or. STOCKHOLDER'S ISEETINC. NOTICE IS HEREBY THAT TH I aunnsl meeting of the stockholder of tbe Albany Building and Loan Aas-v p.iation will be neia on rnaey. l euruary 20, 1891, at tbe hour cf 7:30, p m, of said day, in me uregoa oana oinco, inaii coj Unn county, uregou, lor me purpose 01 electing nine directors and three auditors, to serve for tne term or one year ne ensuing from sald meeting, and nntil tttelr suoceaaora are eiectea ana qusuaea, and to transact such other business a may then oomo nerore tne association. Dane by order of director this 17th day jay w HLaiif: rrewaeni. Secretary.: - A HEW BOOSt FROM COVER TO COVER. Fully Abreast with the Time. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for tho Family, School, or Professional LibrarJ The Antliautio Webster's TJna bridged Bletionarj, comprising th Issues of 1S64. '84, copyriebtotl property of tio nadoralgnea, la now Thoroughly Rovisod and Enlarged, and a a distiugrninMag title, br tho sin me of Webster's JLutoraa tional Dictionary. Editorial work upon, this revision baa boon in active progres for over Ten Years. Not les than One Hnn dred paid editorial laborers liavo been eupnjsed tapon it. Over 300,000 expended in its preparation beforo iae first copy was printed. . Critical comparison with, a ny oticir Dictionary is iavitoti. Got t Uo Best, G. & C. MJiiiBIAM & C., rnblisliers, Sprinslcld, Mass., V. S. A, Sold by all Booksellers. Jilu5l-M.eafaiavbi!;trreo. HOME IHU ABROAD Th Boston Comio O, f Co Will ppAt ftt ib Opr Iioo9 VriUy ad 8tardsy ymngs, rsu win sua xiti. Miss Cloud Catch, f Hhm,un a second P'i nfTsrsd by Frank 1sU on aoisteor photography. lur inl juot was JUmeo and Juliet. . .... none snow lull 11ns morning, is s white and could be seen. Ther was enough to sttn oa. A biff aiimmut i ui.t UltA for. The ret ort tha an Albany ynnnff mtn ai d a Portland yuang mto, formsrly of Albany, bad a dosl in tii suburb cf Portland yts tsrday, with potMoo. wo leara to-day 1j not true. A veiy' mixd suit hs been l-ei-anl in Spokane Fsllo, wlier KdwsrJ O Miller fas entered tuit agint J Ksed and wifn, D U Thorn pson, the Wsshingtoa Nti m bank, the Exchange National bsnli, tha city of Hpoksn and a Chinaman for $13,(XWoa a promissory note. Ud to 8lurdsv nil.' lit tixtv fiva bills had passed tbe bnnseso far tiist hsv originated tbertio.aia 7 bar failed. Of senate bills wbioh have gone through tha houoe thr are 18. la the senate 01 of Its m-surcs have gnt through all rljjU and 0 bare failed, wbile ZI house bill hsv pasted It I rrlatnd tkst a man ncsr Ht Helen j whittled t round btlt the size of a tii? tulkt oat of a plug ef tobacoe hit week-, and shot th bank through the body of skunk tbst bail been stealing his ehickeit. This goes to show that tobaw o Is indeeil, deadly to tha Inwor snim il. IU piektid ui tbe tobacco sod keep it en exhibition. It it perfectly good yet for chewing purp',bot tho fhvor has been tmiled.-VVal V s . Ult'.iimit MtKTi.vi8 Closep The revival servi ce that have been going on at the M. E. Church the past five week were closed last evenlntf, with sixty added to the church, fifty, three on probation and tcven py letter. A Littlk SKSNATiott wascaused at the depot title: noon by the satchel of an Al bany lady coming open, and some of the content falling rx-iwccn the car. In cluded in the lot wa some false hair, the tight ot which caused consternation among the men witnessing the catastrophe. This might easily be run Into a business local for a well known grocery firm; but we refrain. ACoavAixis Di'Sf.i.AR v. Lnt night the afe In the mill of II T Flhcr, at Cor vatlis. wa blown open by burglar and a deposit check for t wo on Hamilton & Job' bank, and tome city warrant taken. ttcoo in coin in a box was overlooked, the burg'ar evidently getting in a hurry after the noise of the explosion. The burglary was not oiseoyted until this morning. Marshal Hoffman received a notification of the affair this morning, and officer along the valley generally notfled to look out lor suspicious characters. l!As.--John W Jones, a young man seventeen year of sge, wat brought to Albany from Crawtordtvlllc this morn ing and on examination by Dr W if Davis and it M Jones, wa declared Insane, and Sheriff Scott took him to the asylum on thi noon' train. Ywunz J out's wa In the asylum at Stockton, Cl , for awhile, but on celling better wa discharged. A long lllnes is given a the cause. He became violent at time, and recently at tacked several people with a big knue, when it wa considered lime for him to be taken care of. Poor RitiDLB it delivering tome enter taining lectures at the opera house, on different phrenological subjects. Satur day evening hi topic wa physiognomy, ha.idlrd In an Interesting manner. In reference to olg and small people, ou? ob -tervatton I that there are about at many exception to hi rule a verification of them. At tne cios 01 tne lecture the Prof examined the face of Dr G W Giay and W C Tweedale, and lllndfolded ex amined the head of W IV Crowder and a stranger, whom he said probably never tuck to one thing very long.anJ aftrwardt picked I hem outol the audience, lonight the subject wilt be children principally. The admission Is only 15 cents, and ll wilt j pay the public to attend. i Tt'ysPAT. Tbe Wil!snttUi VttUy left Sin Frsmisio at 12 o'clock this noon. There were (ilteen battimt into tbe Christian Church Saturday sf ;roeoo. Craw lord tt Paxtno hsrs been rearranging tbeir art stodio, making it u.uch more con venient tban formerly. Prof RiddtU aay heexsmiced tbe brad ef Jo-Jo, tbe dog-faced Italian boy, wbiUio Portland, and that b is el a very aniutal oat ara. Lino eoonty has remitted $14,223.15 to tbe 8 lata Treasurer, being tie first coouty to remit. This is llir'lirtt county in moy re spects sod it tbould Htuaia undivided whole. '. ; - MrCbsCorrn k s- i to DrJ L II ill 00s, lot otf th west of hi property and ad -jninieg th Doctor prnparty. Conkldera tion, 11000. Tl.cio are SCO variety cf rose oa the lot. TheCalibircia exhibit cr will be at A' baey to-pom.w. arirvtogoo to-Elhta train, and the exhibit may be seen by cur citizen The location of the car is t,ot ytt known The ear was in Salem to-day At tbe regnlxr monthly meeting of the board of fir delegatca last evf nine, Mr W Uillott raaignetl a Assistant CI) iff K-tfineflr of tbe Albany tire d-iai tr.n nt and W H Waroer, of jio l', was elected to til the vaoanoy. Yesterday atPi.rt!"d D LCroadtr, who was arretted iu Albany recently fm imper eooating a postal iuKpcctcr in Kanaa a cou ple years sgo, wa eivena henrinz ou a writ ot habeas corpus and Jadgt Dosdy tefosed to order nis duaiiargn. Francis Wool died at Powell iSutto schol boose. Crook coanty, a few da-s ago, whtre he bad been teaching aebool for a few weeks. Mr Wood earn trom Iowa abeat a year eo and - souht tchool Lear Seio for awhile. He wt 53 yeara of sge and leave a family ia Iowa. Lova and Courtship. Prof Riddell's lecture at tho opera house last night was greatly appreciated. It contained many suggestions that every parent particular ly should bear. Prof Riddell is a rerincd lecturer. His principal field for five years has been among Chautauqua as semblies, where be has built up a good reputation. Tonight his subject will be, "Love. Court bIud and Marnaee." Ad mission, only 15 cents. Two couples will be picked out, and a live time is antici pated. WJCDXKSI'AY. Pieplant root forsslaby J 11 Tuwnseod. Boy your groceruia of Parker Bro lluliu & Dswenrj, druggists, Fiae grooorie at Conn Si Hendricsoa's. All robber goods at oit at Klein Bro.. Juk.t a mm aao to day the liish water blockade wa raised. Smoke tha oolabrated Ilavrius filled 5 ont oiearat Julius Joseph's. . Sea V F Read s line cf dia gocd and silks beforo buying elsewhere. Bargains in choice erooarie can always be secured of Alien Iiroa,, Fiinn Block, The Salom Baildtnc aad Loan association bas increased its capital stock to $ub0,000. A larce stock of wall nanei'. with late tie signs, at Fortmiller k Irving'Sjjust received. Wasn'.ng, COa a doser., mendingfor men Mrs Kiag,j't exit ei the Dbmocrat cfBoe. 2C9 50 is what it wUl e at Albaoy for electric light hereatter mon".hly. The Pendleton Hardware and Implement Co has made an aasi;omaTit, witn uscts at $42,000 and liabilities at SUS, 000. Dr O C Strattoa, haa resigned as Chancel lor of Willamette University, anil, it ia sad, will he president of tho Portland University, XUhort Bonner says Maud S. wiil be bred the eojaiug aeison tor tho first time. She will never be driven against her record aaio. Suuol wilt be given three trials next'summer to break the world' record, 2K)8i. It ia jlaimed by Marvin, her driver, that she can trot a mile ia 2.04, and a quarter of a mile in29secoad,.a l:5U gait. - ' A Pkofessionajj Beat.-An old gentle man by the name Y M Thompson, was in our city last week, under the pretense of wanting to buy a farm. Our real es tate men treated him royally. He dined and drank and drove in the country at j their expenae and finally concluded purchase a 40U acre trace near tins city. About tho time the transfer was to be made his royal nibs disappeared, and it turns out ho ia nothing but a profess ional tramp and dead beat, Cor vail is Times. . ' Maps II im Iksanb. Tucker, th young man lost in the mountains beyond Gates villc, w as returned to Salem last evening, having been found near Thomas Creek. 1 1 is two weeks experience were of a ter rible nature, bis sufferings, being intense, resulting iu his Insanity. A Cab out Fir, This noon as tbe Portland train approached tbe city one of the cars was discovered on fire near tho etove, where the wosd bod caught flro from the hot stove A small amount of excitement resulted. The wood was thrown out and the flames easily extin- gnlshed. "Thk Piikknoi-ooist. Prof Riddell lec tured hist evening to a large audience,on Court'diip and Marriage, giving some very interest l.-rg and instructive facts. At the clone three couples were picked from the audience, suitably paired for life. As we eo to press we learn that ono of tho collide are arramrinsr for th ddte of the wedding. They are to be congratulated on their phrenological adaptability, and the Prof on picking them out. Tonight tho lecture will be for men only. Tug California KxiitBrr Cab was vis ited by a large number of our citizens this forenoon. The display no donbt attracted a great deal of attention through the east, and is a fine one for California. The variety of products is very large. "im tropical inns, nuts ana wines, that atato has an advantage over other states, for it abo lias everything elan other etates have, and in bnlky masses. in many ininge uregon could make as fine an exhibit, in some things better, to that we were not astonished at the sight, though greatly pleased. The car nas wen on mo roaa about nineteen months, and no doubt has done much for California. That stati willalsoshine at the world's fair with her .TO0,000 ex hibit, giving her six times the advan tage of ber t.ster state. Highest of all in Learcalng Power.- ill ii'W I'' . 0"-t-" ca save yoo m ine ' re we make ttst cor tntices?. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. rs 0 rfyf. ztstysrsrrsryfSf rs oTapbers cf both sexes, attribute their success to a course at tbe Portland Busj ness College, Portland, Oregon, or tbe Capital Business College, Salcia Oregon, ikrth sre under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses ci study, same rate of tuition. Business, Shorthnnd.Typewriting, Penmanship and Ec Ish Departmcrrta. Write to either for joint Catalogue and specimens of pemnaashia Dlt.ABORN, IT rOETUJD 15TII JClI 5TB. BR. A lORN, FoottH and Morrisoo streets Portias J, Oresoo, the moat eueoccsfal ol vs- elan on on the American oootloect for tbe speedy, ootiUvc, absolute aod perm so ent core for LVarrh cf tbe Head, Asthma, Ilrocchiti. Pnenmooia and Com amotion . Twenty-live year ooceaaful practice. Icstastascons relief and nermanent cures cf'.ea effected upon first consultation. l'r. Attorn, by Dm original, raoderr, scien tific method, tffecis Speedy and radical cares of the most ob- Bima-.e a'.a iosg Eiamuog cases of Kasal Catarrh. Ossna, Oeafnew, Dis cbitrj?f from tbe Kirs, Asilim. B oncbiti aod Consnrnption. A!o Stomach Disorders. Bilions Colic. Call Siccus aud Jaindice. lieit. Lirer. Iviaoey, P!addre and Krvcn Affections: Diseases nf Men. Also all ailment peculiar to women.- Dr. Ab-ra can be consulted from now n'il July 3. beo be leave for Enror. Kote. Home tratrnentjecarelv psckel. ne-jt by expres to any part of the Pacific Oust and Territories for tbote who cannot yossibiy call 10 person. STKANEY & NAG LEY, PROPRIETORS C THE Cily Livery, Feed and Sale -STABLE.- Eon ceaeral Haeit lice lo ar.d from Coiv&llia. Uwt liga anr cheapest rale la Uie city. Hpceial atumi'-n elven te Iranaient ttcck. J-cnrth Mntt, between Klsworlh and Ljr.n, Albany, Oregon Will be Found at the Square Dealing Stove House of SMITH and ; - SENDEES,, TOVriSEND WILSON, leal Estate I Loan Mm fiiee.- BALTIMORE BRICK. Dolnir a ttsiioral In mrano business. Parties islrlim Insurance will t'o wall to sua thm. iOENTS JOR Anna Insaranre Compno jr, Ineorpors ti charter perpetual. Lunses paid In 70 JO 040,000. AiW. la, 0,7aO ,715,(13, fn.itn Tn rnnmiaT. of London. Eneland Katablilicll8!l. Capital, 85.OUp.000. Totol fire losses fiiid over IS.lWU.OOO. .., : - a S"lr Ina. Ciintnflsr. of Pliiladolphla, Unraiiizcil IS10. Casl assets, S2,042,)0. IiOSSCS paid, 11,606,2C0. r..inmi.ii rin A Marine Ins. t'anieaar. o TOM SCALES Y OF $66 BINGHAMTON EoaniBixTar:Basm N. Y. A. aixsics , , J? V.wtisnd. Or. Assets, 8a00.87S.CD. Xbisiaoueof ' Oregon's best eompeulei, , J Pattoo, 3. p - 1 Hafl ELHtEDOE ELK, to -AKO tHgyi4iai UisVaittU'. lit' Contnltatlon dentiai.i free and etriotl n D SALEM, CH. f5 ViC""" J a hi wexia csjisideuisg. F. M. Freooh keeps railroad time. I? aw oream cheese jntt leoelved at Ccr.rad Meyers, Eaan & Achison are selling moi.nrm.nls at Pottlaod price. Mn', yonth sod boys' clothing nl furnishing good at O W fiirr.pson', Hsv yoa ceo those psrlor suits that T Brink ba jut rtosived t They are nice. Great redaction inmon's farnishing tor the next 30 dsys st W F Itsad'. J W Beatlcy, best boot and shoe maker j'a eity, tbrre dof north of Democrat offioe". For bargain in monument', heaM,nca to., go to J2gao Jt Achison, Albaoy.Oregon Ticket for ALL esstrro points, over ANY route, for sale by W. 1L. Jctter. at-.S.P.ticketof2-, For cold night boy Thos Ksy woolen mi:i MankeU, cheapest la towo. For sale by O W fimp3B, agent, Albany, OreKCO. All (other goods at cost at Klein Bro. NO Division Of Unn Wanted in Any Direction. Tiir Rkasok Why. Mj Is It that Klein liros, caa afford cll boots and shoe to reasonable t Because they ate both practical shoe maker and make parte f heir expense by working on the shoe bench, any boot or hoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it U man, woman or child, that rip, run over or the sole rips loose iney repair mem lor you iree of charge, and as they do all the woik them selves, they don't charge you 2$ to cent a pair extra for a warrant to pay roaie hoemaker to repair them for rou. Thee also make a specialty of repairing rubber boot. J. . Got Report, Auj. 7 -0 TTa (1 O- ' ' We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and aro .therefore usual !y pre pared to supply it at reduced rates. Wo aro selling the Jewel stoves and ranges, the mos pop u !ar stoves made at present. If yon want to ti ve money on all eorta cf household articles toy 'em of us We laAL CAN b:-, taiOr i'&Vi, a the kind that pays. Scores A yorjig business men, aud hun- tlredsof bnolc-krnprs anA n. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO DEYQE&FRQIMFIBE8S Store, where they always have on band the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latent improved RiScs and Shot Guns; an immense stock cf Fishing Tackle ol every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs anJ thousands of c titer thing too numerous to mention .Repair Sliop m connection wilh the Store, and one of lie best workmen tn tue btalc to co any tnd ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to ihow poods. "Small profit and quick V is out motto. and a fine slock SPECTACLES, generally, as well as jewelry, "Watches . clocks, etc., at P.: JL: :FrcncIi9si t City Restaurant 2 Having been entirely remodeled, this ol and popular restaurant wiil be made first class n every repcct. Tho public will i f given good meals at all houra for ony - cents. Eventhma neat an4 attraotivJ Private boxes. Oyster In evsry t?le Betjl atook or 2nd fSt ;oods tn the Va f lev, and tho most reasr tale prices, bo: lo'b tellinsr. 1 have on hai all kvua CTflUtt TlkJJ8SS l, vlul s.j, iiiiiiniiii TRUHKS, EDOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CHGCKF-RY, ETC., ETC. tfoor west of S E Toucb's ok' tot' L. COTTLItS H' CR"ES FOR SALE One soi horse. 9 years old, weignt 1100. 01 grey horse, 8 years old, weight HC0. A;f wagon, hack, nam 3ss, eto. W1U sel s cash or exebanea for other propf rty. C i at ttore opposite P.uss hou?e. t 1 A. Custgivi - Choprn We hTe ch hand at all times h: oatt and chep; atd wi 1 soil in qaai tity to suit. Alto .wi eat bougl; and sold. fiarTarmers, bring us ycur wheat, t: an i hay. Highest cash price pasa. Morris & Blount Cornt r First and Baker etretti ONEY TO LOAN. In aroall large amounts, from six montii fiv vpaia. on cood AiD&uy sna i count f real' estate. Call on or ado n f E McPherson, First St., Albany, Or. ; STI.AYED OB. STOLE", fi'in Cmcb, a bay mare, wbi'v; f 850 to tftO. roaclwd mane, and wli. r. k.,.l A ?ir lntnrTl !) I grate 'ully receivoit; 1 2nd 'hJ Store.