I'RINARY ELECTION LAW, The primary election law passed by the legislature and now awaking the approval el the governor la for the regulation and control of primary electlona held bjr any political party and appllea to incorporated town and cltlet of 1500 population or more. It provldee that the managing committee, (county central committee,) of the party calling the primary election shsll, not Icm than aeven daja before the day of auch electlon,cauae a notice to be published In tome newspaper of general circulation publUhed In the city, algned by the tecre tary of the committee, stating the purpose of auch election, the date when It will be held, the placet where poll will be opened and during what honrt they will be open for the reception of vo'.es, and the number of delegates to be elected In each pieclnct or ward. Three judge, legal voter and householder of their respective pre cinct or ward, shall be named In the notice. The judge mutt appoint two clerks who mutt be legal voters of the precinct In which they act as clerks. These clerks keep poll books showing name and residence of every person who votes as well as those whose votes are rejected. The judges and clerks take an oath of of tee and conduct the election the same gen eraliy aa similar omcers do at genera1 elections. At the close of the elect! n they canvas the vote and certify up the poll books one of which It returned to the county elerk and the other delivered t3 the county central committee. It judges and clerkt shall receive and record votet knowing they are not legal they shall be guilty of a. misdemeanor and aubject to a Ine of not lett than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars or by Imprisonment In the county jail not lest than two nor more than alt months or both. The pen alty Is the same for votlrg illegally, brib ing one to vote, hiring him not to vote tampering with a ballot bos etc. The laws of the state governing the conduct of persons about polling places shall apply to primaries at well. rori'LAB ELECTION Of SEXATOUS. The legislature of Indiana hat adopted a resolution aalng congress to submit constitutional amendment providing for the election 01 United States Senators by popular ballot. This proposition has been favored by quite a number of political con ventlons.but the present I the first leg Is! all re Indorsement, so far as we are aware. The one particular In which the consti tution of the United Slates cannot be amended is "that no atate, without Its con senMhall be deprived of its equal suOragi In the senate" (article 5); and the senate here meant Is that lor which the constttu lion provlJes In saying that "the senate of the United Mates shall be composed 01 two senator from each state, cliosen by the legislature thereof ; to that, tead to gether, the fundamental law it that no ttate shall, without Its consent, be deprived of Itt equal tuflrage In a senate elected by the state legislature. In the convention which framed the constitution It was three timet moved that the senator be chosen by a popular wte and three timet that proposition was defeated, once by nine states to two, once by ten to one, and the third time unanimously. Any one state could defeat such an amendment aa that now suggested. Each It entitled to that equality which the constitution prescribes In the kind ol senate which It prescribes, and all the other states combined cannot deprive her of IL New York World. The WorU It evidently In error In this matter. Section 3. article one, says: "The senate of the United Stales shall be com posed of senators from each state, elected by the legislatures thereof." Is it not within the power of three fourths of the stales to amend this by striking out the words "legislatures and Insert the words legal voter, so as to make It read,Helcct ed. by the legal voters thereof?" This would not be depriving any state "of Itt equal suffrage in the senate." This would only change the manner of tttrting scna tnts, and it Is certainly withU the powers of the states to do so. The Railway Age says : "The railway ccn ttruction the past year has only been exceeded seven timet daring the past twenty years, tamely, in '71, to, 'it, 8i, '83, '86, '87, 88, and i! was exceeded by the record of three of tnose years, so, bj, -95. 1 be average con ttrociaw fur tbe past twenty years bat been 5700 milea annual! f. Tbe year just closed will increase the total mileage of the country to more than 167,000 miles. At tbe Bath (Me) City Hall, Thursday, Ed ward Browa of Bath regained the world's cham pionship for endurance in dun swinging, held by him for five years, but recently won by Homer Crawford, by twinging nine-pound club t.x hours forty-one minutjs, or ten mtn ates longer than Crawford, who used e?ght- pound ten-ounce club. Browa averaged ixty-five full swing to tbe minute. Wbea a senator elect fiom the state f Kansas, and that senator elect the successor of the hydrophobic Ingalls, say "I would like. to see the McKinly bill torn to pieces, "and adds. "Tbe race issue is far tbe southern people to fettle among thea.se! vet," it is time lor the president to issue a proclamation set ting aside some happy csy for National thanks giving. Benny, see to this. A farmer living nesr Jefferson City, six years ago put a pump in a well that contained six feet of water. Lately tbe well went dry, and when he came to examine (he cause, he found that !wo Cottonwood trees, one twenty nd tbe other thirty feet distant' had sent out their fools snd drank up the wsf'er in Ihe well. Frsnk Untrts of Auburn, N V , Tbuisday broke the world's record at jumping the rope, making 2000 skip without a break in fourteen minutes lliirty seconds. The best previous record was mad by P I. Sweeney of Newp rt Rhode Inland. Two drops of creo-ole innde from tech tsr given with a little warm water, is said to be a specific for hiccough anting from drunkenness. Trevious to ih lime of Elizabeth the only article t-j assist in eating was the jicltknife, which also served for sundry other purposes, II fih heels, il is said, owe Iheir origin to Pernis, whr.i tliey we e Introduced to raise th fret frem the burning tandsof ihit country, L-JLJ . .'J! Li Qutcn Victoria was born on May 24, 1819, and succeeded hei t ncle, William IV. ,on June 20, 1837. The wheat acreage ol South Dako'.a ij re ported at 1,984,253, the yield per are 8.6 i buhct, and aggregate yield i7,oC6,6;o bushels. Recent advices from Russia say the appear ance of winter wheat is not satisfactory, and that in many portions the grain lias beer seriously 'nj ired by frot. " i Canada is shipping drexsed tuikeyj. geese and ducks lo Liverpool. New Yjik School children are to o;e gain f.ir the favorite n ilional flower. The Kus.ian government propose Ic build a ilioad tltivuiib Siberia to the Pacific octan. IN t'NITY. A dinner was recently given, by Col. Brown of New York City to which Gov. Illll and Es-presldent Clevcland.were In vited. Every one wa curious to know what would be the bearing of thee two great leader towarJs each other. No arrangement had been made for any speaking, but as the repast was finished It was noticed that a hurried consultation was teii.K held between Cleveland and then at hi end of the table. Shortly a rail wa made tor the Ex-pretldcnt. Mr Clevelind did not appear at the IctM disconcerted when he arose to speak, tie a upon hit fect almost before Mr C'ou- dert had resumed his seat. Ill remarks were delivered In a forcible manner, and the guests unite In saying that his pratre of Gov, lllll was given with much feeling and sincerity. According to seveial of the prominent guests, Mr Cleveland spoke as follows: "It Is with much pleasure that I accept ed the invitation to be present here this venlng. And .while appreciating the honor of attending this banquet, you will pardon me for referring to my first Intro duction to the Manhattan Club, which os- curred over eight rears ago. I had then just been to discharge the untried duties and unknown rcsponslMlltlct of the office of Governor qf this state. The Manhattan tendered me a reception at the old club house, corner Fifteenth street and Fifth avenue. I had the good fortune to meet on that occasion distinguished member of the democratic party from nearly every tate In the union. They gave me good woidt of cheer and encouragement and I entered upon the duties of an honorable and exalted office buoyed up with the kind words and wishes of those whose acqualn tance I had formed at that reception. 'Since then I have passed through devious and crooked paths, through Al bany and Washington, until I now find myself occupying the highest position vouchsafed to any Individual In this broad land, namely, the station of a private cUltta." After thanking the host, Col.aBrown, tor tKing responsible for hit presence at such an elegant banquet and ausplcioui gather Ing, Mr Cleveland then continued about as follows: "Before concluding my remarks I desire t. propose the health of a distinguished citizen of this state who Is present; one who has discharged the responsible duties of Governor of the commonwealth to the satisfaction of the people; one who haa been rewarded for his signal fidelity to public Interetta by an election to the high office of senator In the congress of the United States. I propose the health of the Hon David B Hill." It was an entire surprise to Gov. Illll. He was not taken aback, however, but Im mediately arose and returned the compli ment. Hit reply, a 1 well at several of the guests could remember It, was as follows: I must appologlze to eur host and to you gentlemen for having been late. My coming here Is a fitting end to my even ing's duty, for In the early part ol It I found myself in the Twenty-second RegU ment Arrory, ane now I come here and find myself in the compar.y of such oid soldiers as Col. Brown and Lieu. -Gov. Jones. I am indeed very glad to be here the guest of Col. Drown, who is one of our staunch democrats and a royal entertainer as well. In reply to Mr Cleveland's kind words, I can only say that my highest ambition is to serve the people In the high office to which I have been elected In such a man ner as to merit the same encomiums as be. stowed upon Mr Cleveland for his admin istration of the exalted office he held for four year. I hope I may also follow the example of that gentleman, at Ica.l to the extent of ultimately becoming a member of the Manhattan Cub." The Governor then proposed the health o! Mr Cleveland. "After the guetts had arisen from the table,', said one of the prominent ban queters yesterday, "Mr Cleveland and Gov. Hill were surrounded by those who were in their Immediate vicinity In a few minutes the ex President and Senator elect approached each oMier. The greet ing was must cordial, and they I'cld a long conversation." THE FORKS AUAIN.ST DIVISION. rive hundred and eighty voters and tax payers in tbe Fa fat of the Saatiam have s:gned a remonstrance against the creation of a new county. This mikes a large majority of the voters und tax payers of the proposed county Many of those who signed the pe'Jtion say they did so without consideration tnd now after con sidering the matter deliberately say they art opposed to di vision. The near' senator from Kansas is not In any way what is known as a society man. lie hat seldom appeared at public gatheings in To- peka, and was never known to go to tbe thea ter or to wear evening dress. Like Mr IngalU, be is frequently attired in a Prince Albert coat, but he leaves it unbuttoned, and wean a toft Lat of liberal dimensions. He carries a cane, and bis beard is not so long or so prominent as it has been represented in jfcturcf. His daughter. Miss Nellie Peffer, it often seen in Ihe society of the Kansas capital. The oxide of lead found in the bread of tbe Chicago baker has been traced to the stencill ing of Ihe name of the miller on the bag con taining Ihe (lour from which the bread was mate, the color having been put on so hexvily that it soaked through the cloth. Congrewman Washington C Whittliorne, of Tennessee, ends his twenty years ol contin uous service, including a year in the senate, on the 4th of March and retires lo private life. He is sixty-six years old snd has always en joyed the respect snd confidence of his paty. The whole country sceir.s to have plungatl into the grand work of finding some suitable occupation for the late Senator Injalls, l!ul Mr Ingalls seems lo be doing well enough for the prceht in the ro'e of the awful example. WHY WILL YOU .iKh when Shil.h's Cure i!l give imrtuuliiito relief. Price 10 cents, CO c-nts snd !J 1 . Ftshsy ft Mar on. agent. I II I LOW'S COUUfi and Coemption Can is sold by uson a gnaitoUia. It euros cotuonnr-tiori. Fonhay 6t Mason, tjjonto, IIoi.MK3 Duains Coi.lkok, of Portland Or., will open Kept. 1st. J A Wenco.the leading penman of the coast, ling become a partner in this school and will make it the leading businena college. Im-wI for'a catalogue. - I r ding Photographers A any i'.rvfpn. Wa have bought all thenrgativc r,mad by L V Clark and W H Green ood up to Nov 15lh, 1S80. lluplicatr.s can be had from hem only of us at red ue.ed 1 ates. We have also about 13,000 negatives made by our rrolves, from which duplicates can bo had at likeia es. We carry t ie on y fall line of vlewi f this state and du enlarged work at lowcit rstes for Hist uUm work. We shall be ple&aed to see jon at our Studio in Froman's block, next door to Manonio Xeraplo. SLEKPLKSS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible conh. thiIoh't Circe in the AEEM. SxtiM, Feb. 7, 1S91, Editor Democrat i Eleven more days for "nubs". Now for corner. Joe blmon tacked the "primary rider" on to the Australian ballot bill, that compelled his enemies to give him a spec ial primary law before he would recant, Now hit enemies claim this their victory, What will they not claim when thus whip ped rjltjtakct all the grand army of political manipulators of Portland to tight btmon and then they cannot capture hhn. The Lotan faction mutt toon reduce Joseph or tiny will land Into the darkest Egypt to gether. - The effort of Geo. Collins, Jasper Mlnto and Company to displace the present Su perintendent Dowing, of the penitentiary, s still on hand. If the question it lett be tween the two tnen,(CoUlnt and Dowlnng.) to the people of alcm, I am told by re publicana that Collins would not get a re spectable vote. Both men are well known here. The scheme It regarded at an out rage and It will meet with no favor among those members who will be just regardless ot party. It will not carry, Vcatch't bill to repeal Railroad Commission Act, came within two volet ot passing. He can de pend on one more and It he gets another he will have vole enough to wipe out the expensive luxury. It It believed that the House will warm It to a crisp It It gett crack at the law. One more vote In the senate and the "Jog will be dead." Holme's humane bill to prevent the blind, deaf mutes, scrofulous, ete, persons marrying failed to pass. This It horrible. Such a bill should become a law. Many road bill have passed and many more will becorre law. In some there arc personal jobs with some benefits to the public. These roads all lead to points for the aid of travel and traffic. Some reach Into limber lands and over $100,000 will go fiotn the taxable pioperty ol the slate to pay tor ihe roads. The "five per cent fund" from which these roads were to be built Is not mentioned in the bills Nor Is It Intended to use that fund for these roads? It will be reserved for tu ture scheme. In all this sudden boom for more road where are Ihe timber land and what I to become et them f It It a leading tact that the great underlying wealth of Oregon It In her forests. The timber lands of our ttate wt'l afford employment for a great portion of our people for aget to come. These forests are necessary to protect our people from the ravages of disease and sudden and dtmtglng changes of climate Wherever the world It habitable there we will find forests. Our timber lands pro tect our fruit trees and give a more equit able temperature of climate for the pro dud Ion ot fruits, cereals and vegetable If protected, though In time, culled out, trees will be still i rowing and perpetuating their numerical atrenictr-. In short, the wealth, health, and prospects of our people all hanir wnon the preservation o( our forests, whether In vatlei or upon the mountain. And Ihl legislature will pas without a thought having been expended upon this Important subject the preser vation of our tf.nber. Let the summer months come and with them the atmosphere tainted with the heat and smoke of forest fire the retult ot the pur pot c or criminal careletsnest of tome bad man, then we will recall once more, and too often, the almost criminal neglect on out part In not, by la w, putting a stop to this annual devastation of our forests. The legislator who wH lay aside hi trifle, and pat a bill for the protection of our forests, wl.l prove himself lo be the greatest bene factor among law maker. A re we to wait hill such a man I born? At an early date in Iter history England taw where her wealth and health lay and the created her "CommUsion of woods and forests." The world knows the result. Every state should have a commission. And when It I too late, then all that cin be ild will be "1 told you o. Th-; new assessment law will be riddled about Tuesday. To fotlow all precedent, as Kon at it co.nes up, It will be in order to indefinitely postpone the bill. The state ha first and last paid out about Jio.eoo for these new bills, and all hiv gone In the one direction. Is there) any good rea son why tbi should not be thus Insanely disposed of. What I the matter with Scio? Doet she like her namesake rea'.ly want.U be come an Is'.and, "off the osasi" of old Linn all by herself? Contention should be a warning to Scio. Old Scio wat unfortu nate in her war. In the Greek revolution her Inhabitant rote againtt the Turks, but she lost In two month 35,00 Scloitet without distinction of age or sexj these were put to the sword, 45,000 were told into slavery, and 1 5,000 sought safety In other part of Greece. The former christ ian population of nearly 104.000 wa re duced to 2,000. And old Scio wa not try ing to divide the county either. All she wanted was to drive out the Turks. From a population of 162,000 she was reduced to less than 20,000. Old EffO had only 50S sq. m. From the lesson old Sdo gives ut we are taught that strength lies In the greater number, the larger it , the easier the burden is carried and weight of taxa tion lighter on the purse strings. The larger the territory, the greater are the facilities for supporting a large population the larger the population the greater number of warrior may be had. We see from this bit of history that old Scio had pluck but she did not have the territory nor the warriors to make a successful fighting people. Moral Don't get mad before you are able to back yoitr beltlger ency with a result that will not Impoverish the people in maintaining hostilities. It Is not a question of Turk or christians now, "but will It pay." I have read with tearful pleasure Frank Carpenter' till of receipts of the wive of Fresldents, Senators, etc. Low lo fry tripe on Friday etc., but at our boarding house I was cumplettly captured when' my plate of coddsh, family style, came to me. The fish was covered with strawberry bloom now so prevalent In the valle y. A pie ws handed to mo a white a Ivlt. 1 1 00 J In winter, I pretended to ask what it was. It was "cream de pumpkin.'' It is made a pumpkin pie then about an inch of whip ped cream covers it. Eat with grated cheese. These dinties are ''poems" If one has no pumpkins usa carrots. Progress. iSarkUm'a Arnlci Salve. Tho but fiatvo l-i thu world Vt Onta.Brulte'.gore Uli trK, S!t lllia im, Paver , Tetter, Chapp uamra, v n.. 1, linn 1, urns, ana iui sain r.rn.iii piikiiivatycure '.1lo,or no pay nrquirad. It taffuar ntetxl to (flffl r.'S'Jt satisfaailm, or nmn'iy lelund- I. rr.ee 2b cone 1 par Box, or ,; oy oanaj ana Hrsop Cloaks ak, nt at W V 13 ltd'. l'rDOoa.ieed UoiM-lesaYel Raved. From alett'sr written by Mr. Ada K Hurd i,f Grotsn, a 1), we quote: ''Was taken with a tad coir!,' which settled on my Luns, coughs sr.t in sod fiu&lly teroiuated in Con umptioe . Four doctors fcsve me up Haying 1 cenldlive bnt. short tirm . I gave in y .eif up to rny St v'iour, 5a!,eri4ncd if I could not tay wiili my frisnds .n arlh, I would Meet my atsDt ones above. My husband was advised In jtt Dr Kinfj's l.rew Ditcover ery for JCousuc.iyt'on, Conht rnd Colds. 1 gave it a trinL took in all. eight! bottlei; it hra ccred mo and i hank God I am a well and hearty woman." Trial bottlu free :at Fo 1 1, iv ft Mon'td?ii!r etire, resnla'r tiz. f.0o The naiit week was one ol Braver meefc- Inmi. Th YPHfltl .n1n.iral.mt lha nt.ri an. nlversary of the united today, by a prayer mooting ana oclatue, at tue wa Menoo t.1 Win bt John, on the evening 01 l'CU Jlld. . . In On the evcnlnn of the 3rd a law crowd gathered at the residence of J 0 Brown, in the capacity ol a aortal prayer meet- rich farming, grating and timber adjoin ing. On Thurmlay and Friday evening Ing ,he city of Pendleton, Oregon, com- ineetlnut were hold at the hoinct of W L Coon and Jolmmm White. These mod iuga were well attended. I Preaching tprvlce will to' held at the U P church each evening of the preeont week. Communion acrvlca on Habliath. Keva Marling and Wilton will to with tie the last ol the week. Mr Orautn White, of Yamilna, is visit- ng iricr.vU nore. Last Sunday waa the coldest day Mil winter. Ho anya A Y (Smith, the church nnttor, ana tie know. C 0 McBrldo, of Little Elk, ie vUltlng here. The wathlna machine airent Wft doing litis p'uoe mm Paturuay. a . ".. l What hat become ol Amictia, hat onto one run against him T Paxsy. rasAOA. We will aeknowlodue that Oakvllle la ahead of ua on the prune, and now Am- icut, we doubt your being acquainted with UilaMrCuuimlnBa. loumuatre- Failing, ot Poiliand, for secretary of the member that there It more than one Mr treasury, which wa passed without dissent Cuminlngt, and if you are acquainted ing voice. Tbe mailer camt up in the senate with th It one you era badly tnintaken about him being a Mlssnurlan. We did not claim he waa an lllinoiaian. nor wa won't acknowledge that he ia a Mitaour lan, for thia Mr Cutnmtnce waa born In New Hamprihire, although he hat lived in Illinois and Missouri both, and now 1. and now I Amicua, we would advise you to not hint to loud or we may guest who you are. air lAwrence morgan returned home irotn Idaho latt week. Simon VTcatern, or. Uncle Tin. ai ua ually called, returned last week from a I vleil to hie daughter on Hamilton creek. MrLoutaRcotLcf Shedd, wae vitltiitg at J Morgan, the firet of the week. We had the pleasure of a call from Mr anouipson, a young man ueepiy 1 merer. I- ed in the welfare of hit fellow-man. Mr i. nau me paper of retnonntranco In re- gard to the division of Linn county. When with ut he waa having good nuc-1 oes in securing tign-rs agalutt the div- isiuu. it ruun (urn iii.une ami every man could eee what ie best for hie own interest and for the interest of other. In lead ot thinking It would be better to have our county divided. A Cakadiax' Wire. HewitriLtK. Feb 0, 1801. County divlelon is not dead, hut Bleep- eth. ao look out for th future. f i,- M,. ... viST vinTlLn writing; to KliM Von .lagan. also The young people ot the M E chnreh have organised a eoelety called the Kn- worui league, and win oieet on Tuesday ntgtii 01 cacti wee arriY, as iiruwn.ymr. reo 01 1, r KlllrriafV 1 Inttai ainil Miatal I tl I it I'-tlsA tl. ! .a r It.. T I 0.1. . both ol thia pUce. W had thouahl Mr Jaa Pearl wat on the tranquil lmiikt of the placid fait river, tinging for defeated candidate, hut we learn we were ml- taken, at he ha hut won and wed one of I'.rowntviile' fair daughter, Mia Kate Standiali. (Success. Jim. W ll Kirk la on the ick list tlilt wees. We notice W R lilthon. of Portland. on our tireeui lotay. The marshal i after a lot of tramp today. Wait until we get our new char ter and then we can attend to tuch gen try In a style becoming their high call' ing What ha become of the Force LIU; ha it gone to the tame rtace our new county naar la. " Candidate for tho lesialatare In the future will have ome hard qumtlon to olve. To favor a division would be tort death, and to oonote will crlnnle or kill. to it w ill be hard to run for ofhee in Linn county hereafter. There lean element 1 . . 1 ; . 1 ; 1 . t, . . 1 1 in suit pars which win not uown, ami, are going to have a new county up thi way. We had no thonght of a divition up nere until the rork ihowed their hand, then we all thousht we taw our chanet and got in in tolerable g'Vxl share conaidering our limited time. e think up here that if tha county 1 to be divid ed here 1 the place for divition, and hall pre the matter now that we have got a tart. Load or Uaoceaiea are received daily by Mueller & Garrett, both by rail and beat. Cash figure are plcaatng every ene and thia ia the reason why they are doing to much nuaines. If you want to nave money buy your grocerie of them. They do not have to give toy and pres ent to induce trade, at low figure and pure good aallidy everyone. BUaHers thai affect Ike glaaej. Are am mg the most form id able known. Di abetes, Rright't disease, gray! and' other onmpUtott of the urinary ergsnt'ar not or dinarily cared In tevtrt eases, bat they msy be Bvtittd by timely meditation. A useful stimulant of th urinary glands hat 'sver bar a foonc is .lxlettr s KWimacb UitUr. medicine which not only afford the rtq- aisite tumaiu wr.ea tney oecome inaeuva, bat inereaae their visae and acertitiv new er. Ily i.ieresstng th activity of the kidosy ana oisadtr, turs mtidicin bst the addition al effect of tinelhnff from the blood im cor dis wbieb it ia tb peculiar ofliet of the organs to tnmintte aod pass off. The Hit Urt is also a rnririer and strogthor of tb bowel, an myigorator ef the stomach, and a matchless remedy for biliousness and fever od agee. It koucteract a tendency to pre mature decay, an I sunt ins aod comforts the agd sap infirm. SfIILOU-8 CATAliP.II REMEDY a ontitiv car for Catanb, Diphthiia and Cankor-Mouth. Ftthsy & Mston, gtt. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dvsnewi and Lmr Complaint t Shiloh'sl ViUlizer is goaraotecd to core y.iu. IOO F. Albany Looge No 4 hold It regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvited to attend. 1 A SCARED ESXTOB. A rnnred farmer stalked Into tbe aanetum With a biff whip under hit arm. "fi yon tba cdltw?" I am, wat the half apprehensive repiy. " Here'a two doUart tend me you? paper, (or life," be said, " You see," ii went on, "one dauirhter wa tick and like to din; sbe drooped aod frew weak and pale, had headache, no appetite, baek ached, bands and feet like toe, couldn't aleop, backed with ooug-u, and we thourhtah bad consumption. ' No madlelna balped bar until tbe tried that Dr. Pierce' Favorite Pre scription mentioned ia your paper, when b bea;an to mend in no time ana is now well, and bandanma a a rose put ma down aa a hi aubsoritier." Now tbe editor It looking; tar aaotbor tfflire. The medidno baa cured tuousands alOiotad at was the farmer' daurbtar, ratorina; tb fe mala functions to bealiby action, and remov ing; tbe oUstruotimu and suppression whlott oaaed her trouble. It It guaranteed to tivs satisfaction in every case, or prloa (tl.00) re funded. It's a legitimate mtdCHne, not a ber eraire. Coctalns no alcohol to hrabriate: no syrup or us gar to sour or fermcot ia tho stom ach and dm Hfig-s dinrestton. For a Book of M0 paras on Wemani Hr Diseases, and Hew to Cure thorn, (cent sealed In plain envelope) axclwrn ten oenta, in stum pa, tO WORLD'S I1SPST krrOA AS'ljCLSc ViOK, Uo, 663 limin bcrvet. butuAo, X. X. ti PiiuFS nam rziTr l-aintlvs, or ( Mlisrtio, eooeniSBy to : tf Ooae. Saialiest, Cbaapatt, 0w-nf! 5 "t to UtO. Cwre ' " i, . .- -..je:. 9- H J mm :: i at J1V , " 1" -l''f2 XD ai TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ratrsuaiusi .... Fimdhtow, Feb. lo.-Afler a delay of ten years the long expectrd procjinitlon for opening that grand body of land known the tTmarlila TiiHIan r.arwaHnn wu ra celved vesterriav. settinir the date of sale tor April i. The land to he sold involves prltlnir iso.ooo acret. It stilt at public auction to actual tettlert only. There is tremendous excitement. Cannon are booming, fireworks Illuminating the heav- " " hands playing, torchlight nroces. "" rnast meeilnu and speeches In pro- . The Indians Join in the festlvlilc Naw Yoait, Feb. 10. Frank Warde, aged at, who yesterday, morning robbed Father Haydcn, ol loronta, oi a gold watcn, was sentenced today 10 state prison for five veas. Warde't crime was an In stance of speedy justice. He wat arrested for the crime vetrday afternoon, had a hearing In the police court tins morning, t. ' a 1 . I.il. 1 1.1 a little later the arand jury Indicted him, and In the afternoon the prisoner pleaded guilty In the court of general sessions, and In a few minutes wat on his way to state prison, fata mi a i lil. Ottrnu Frt 10.-A. prtdfcttd la these dispatches last night, the senate concurred relnllv to the indorsement of Hun Henry In the concur rnt resolution quoted last night It wat then sent to Ihe house, wli.ne the fol lowing pc'hion, signed by the leading bsnkcrs and basinet men tl Spokane fall, wa added to it. addressed to Ihe senator and rebrcaen tatlvet from Spokane county at OI)mphia iv ritfetfullv rtnuMt that vnutifTer and urca the pasc nf a joint resolution of Iht Wa.ii- ington legislature favoring the appointment of 1100 uenry ratling, 01 uregon, lor secretary cr tbe treasury. ABeaervlee. Sam Fianusco. Feb u.-bout iw clnl drea, ia various ttsget of Intoxkaticn, were diKovered .ly tbi. morning in the Swptre wise cellar, a retort fiequeutcd by the low-class Italian and Spanish resident ol this city, and located ia the Italian quarter. The children were dancing 10 the music of a aheery old a Icordcsa tIayd by a ij-ycr old boy, and after csch tun each boy encaeed In dancing wa compelled lo buy a glas of wine fur bit girl or be woukl be deWrsd tbe privilege ol lb fhor. How long the place hat beta run Ding is not knows. A PrcMUat Case Giants Fass, Ftb 11. Miss Ollit Lindsay lb daughter of pioaetit of tbi county, ws ttken suddenly ill Saturday aft noon snd pro Bounced dead Monday Ly physicians. The funersl took place la the Methodist Church SwM1h nwoooa. At the cloe of the tervke, when the friend were passh g atoned me eomn 10 tass in urewcii glance, someone Mkt4 lhM cbwk. M d ,b body wat taken back home aal all know. mesas of rctuscilat on it being od. Many ire coalideni that she it only in a trincc. as a coBsciuenceof congestion of id tnaia. ttealilwtlMI I Faico. N I), Feb 10. Ata meeting of lb I I'Oa'b ol Trad yentcrday a communication w presented from thtcoooty commiisloaett of Mcintosh coun'y, appealing for aid for Ihe destitute there. It wat rcprtsrntcd that 150 families la Ibat countv art ia nectl of immJ.ut asststsnre ia lb wa v of too, lo tre -nl abso- I 'u suucmg ana tttrvtiioa. Miaers faaved. West Nawticokk, 1, Feb 9. The three miners who were hemmed la by water and supposed to be drowned ia No 3 colliery of the Susquehanna Coal Company Ut WeJnesday anttnoon, wet rescued Uv 11.1 morning, I TUr toulJ 004 have lived muh longer, tn I a.U..a.l aJ L. iu I f account of lira fafiiy of air, Tbe aamet of tbe me are John YV Ktncr, Wil'.iim Cragle ana Miceaei sticiank. Cases Traasrerr4 Salem, Feb 9 la tu circuit court rti tiona aod boeds bsv ln bled for lite re moval of meat of lb Lake 1-abi.h damage suits lo ihe United States court far tiiul. Among them were suits brought by Shroat, Miller, ragt, 1-enjiiiy, liartholomew, tbe I wo II m aselJs and tb two Magnusoo'. This will take the cases before J udge Ueady. Vtfcesl la late Keith wral. Tacoua, Feb. 9 Available arheat on hand Saturday, aa reported bv Bradst reel's: Washington 1.580,000 bii.l.elt; Oregon (N. P. elevator.) 4(.oxjo bu.hch; Idaho -3.co,ooo bushels. Total, 1,07 J.000 bushel. Of the foregoing amount, Tacoma alone had 1,315,000 bus ids. A Bl awlatfla. Oceajiside, Cal, Feb 9 A Mory hat been floating about that a passenger on tbe north bound train wt robbed at this point of f J 5000 in cash, anb a $6000 draft. It now teems to be W K Howard, a friend of Tom Fitch, and three more piominent Sao Diego baiht men were taken in by two gold brkk swindlers. mitsardlag. Ckeyenns, Feb 9. A terrible bluzard ha been raging throughout lLini(y for the last twenty-four horr Stockmen a.e tppre benaivt of severe losses of caitle, and no west bound trains reached Cheyenne yesterday over tbe Union Pacific. A Dutlington re'iel train was tent out lo I be fait mail and overland flyer, stuck in the tnow forty mile cast of here A Damage Ball. rENDi.ETO.v, Feb 9. The jury ia ihe case of Mr Irwry vs. O & W T, railway gave th plaintiff judgment f w $600, an as tbe statute provide thst wbea damages result in such cases abatement of nuisance Causing them must fallow, her attorney, Judge Williim Ramtey, moved that an order be made requiring the f her iff t j pull up and remove that portion of ine si'ie track in iront 01 Mrs Lowry s premises. Celsisnbla tblpplas. Astoria, Feb 8 Business on the bar wtt lively today. Ten vessels, with a registered tonnace of over 10,000 tons, crossed in and out, carrying at ctrgoet over 1 5,000 tons of freight. Tlis fleet included four foreign bound wheat ships, four coasting steamers and two lumher schooners. Two of tbe grain fleet, the Scoiti.-h Glens and the Marion Ballentvne. are bound for Antwerp direct, and some bet ling bos been indulged in at to which will reach the tnj of l lie 17,000 mile journey first. ADsiierssi Office. London, Feb 8. A shocking suicide U re ported frcm GaUsy, Ireland, Ti e chief of police nf that place killed himself with a re volver, owing to the fact that ne was charged with having been c ncerned in the recent rows Lelwa-n the soldiers find the police, in which a number of persons were injured. It it a coincidence of interest that the former chief, prereeding the one who hat just shot himself, ended hit I fe by taking a dose of poison. . Another Candidate. New York, Feb, 8 The Hcratd' Washington special cays: There I good ground for the belief that President Har rison is considering John F Swift, of Cali fornia, in the treast'ry portfolio. Swift Is one of the president' Intimate friends. St Faui., Feb 8. A Pioneer Press corres pondent at Pierre, says: Tbe worst blizzard lince 1S88 has been raging here sinco last night with little prospect of cessation. The thermometer went as low at t wenty degrees below this morning, and it has beed freezing all day. It is doubtful if trains will be able loget throogh. A Ceaeraas Jew. New York, Feb 8. Baron Ilirrch bat cabled to Jessie Seligham. as representing the trustees of the llirsch fund for tlie benefit of Hebrew immigration to this country, that the trustees may draw on him for 13,000,000 frdncs($2,5oo,ooo) to use in carrying out Ihe , work undertaken, ' A Bteambonl Aeeldent, London, Feb 8. A terrible steambont dis aster is reported from Penzance. The steamer Chiswick, which sailed from Cardifl", Wales, to Saint Nazairj, loaded with coa', struck off Scilly islands on Thursday morning and sank ! a'mo&t instantly. The captain and ten sea men wore drowned. Eight of the crew suc ceded in getting on life-belts and getting out a life boat. The boat, howev?r, was over turned and for seven hours the men clung to Ihe overturned boat. They were then rescued !y boats f"'ii n If'-'it fb.m nr,,l convevd i-i s SUMMONS. V in the Circuit Court qm) Statt ot Ortgtmfcr Mnn uounty. JOHN DIAMOND, Plaintiff, vt Marearett IS Fiinllrv. Alex ander Flndloy and Hunan PlnUlev hit wife, Haui'I Find, ley, Jennie Poude and Un p rouiaiis iinr iitiMmiKi, snov Wilson and 3 WHson hr husband, If ukU Flndlny, Kite Kind ley, Huttle Finillcy i and lUla eJniitord, Defendants. J To Marsarelt K Findley, Alexander Findlny, un Flndley. fa ini.tr I Fimlley, Jpnnlu l'oiijiile, liunry poujadti, Nancy vt 1 n'lll, t iipwii. ituju rni.iioy, jvun Flnuiny. initio t lndiey and Klia fcntiioiu, tuo above tmuied dtfjudanit. N Til IS NAM R OF THE HTATI3 OF Orouon you are required to eppear and antiwar tile complaint of tl e above named utaln'ltf In the above enti tled court, now on file with tho elorkef sntd court, within Urn risya from the dl nftlm aorvliM tit this summon uwin ou. if nerved In Linn county, uroaooj outu in my othftr county in iue e.aio 01 vr- on. min wiiuin iwmn. oj lata of theam-vloe of tliU summon upon yotii If wirvd by publication then on or before tbe first day of the next insular term of the above tnltlud court, to win Mtaday, Ike th Hay at Harris. IH'JI. And vou am hereby rollikd that It you fail to t ppnar and answer id on, plaint, aabereiry required, mo pimmm win ap ply to the eouit for the rellor dsmaoded in the cowp'alnt, to wiU tut the rre closure ol a tnnttgage on andean order of ale of tbe following oonooa p.etuiKO to wilt Tbe UKU and the E H of tha NWMandtheMw '.'of tlreJSWK and theNK H oflhe K, H of Nc-cUoa 81, Alto theH H or tun rv.v n ami tun m n of tbe HV ii of tortton Si, all In Tewo ship IS M K 5 Kt of Will.iet',e Marlilutn iu Linn county. Oregon. lha umcBedn erUlne: from aucb aale to be applied: Frrl. '10 tbe jnynuntof Lt.An.iats and 0 buremcit ri this suit and the auai of $f Q a aturuya fee, and tha further turn of Its for taxet ad ytnned Ihnrton.tnd the eotU ot and accruing upon aueu a'd, haoond. To the navmt ntof rdslrilliT nlaini. imountliiK to the ' sum of - . . . a a. in- and tbe overptua. If any there b, lo be caid to th above namea ucienaaiu aa ibidr Internal way appear. And for ucb other relief a? tiny in qulty be iu,y!t &n.l lUai. Ilut summons is puoiwnca ut wucr 01 1.. . , . t t 1 t . - . t . I. - Hod It P IV. se, ludas of the a'Krve st.'tiit oonrt, ms.lt aVchamUr in th eUy of Ms lorn, theS'ddayol Jannsry, IMM. j n. r-Airr.uruuw, (l-23 Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. a th Cirit Court for Linn Count f. State 0 Mtry E. Hmttmttn, PUiutttf. vs. John Enrersn, Dohedant. To Jobo Kraerson, tba atiov nsmed defen I ant. IN th asm of tb state f Oregon, yoo ar hertby reqnired to appsf and answer lb oomplalul of th abov pUlntilf, in th above entitled Court, low on (IU wuhlhe Clark of tatd court, on or before lb first day tt the next regnUr term of said c-u.t, which said term eootmea we on Mnnly,lb fhhdty tl March, PVl.at the Court House, in iht city of Albany, Unn coantv, Oro. And yoo are hereby notiiUd tbs. if -o fail to appear and artrtr said eeniplsibt, as herehy rtqaired, tbe pUiutiff will take a decree of said ccuit against yon, dtssotving the bor.d of nutrimoey cow tistteg Urtweaa sea acd pUiiitirl, an1! for her cOtt and dratjursrmctU t.f tkUscit, snd chsegluK pUintiiTs ntrat te tbst oi Mary K K HufTman. TbU summot. it pak luhed in the 6 TAT lUoMT Dkmoi bat bj oider id tb Hob. U. P. Bats', jag vt tUt aid ctmrt, ma.1 at ebamber an the 20 h day of Jsnaary, 111. WltFit-vKt?. AlUxnty lor Piamt ff. NOTICE OF flHAL SETTLEMENT. r N HIK COUNTY COURT, OF LINN ettaieof M!rlm turret. deceased. Nolle ia hereby given that the unuetalnta, 11 e doty appoint!. qullfS d and acting ad ..ilu'alrator of I ha eat ata t-f Miriam liar- ral rise twd. baa tbU day filed bit final aMviui.t In tha mlUr of aatd estate. In Ibe abeve court, and that lha eon rt baa appoint! Monday, lha 2nd Uy of Feb ruary. Js'JI, at t o'elock, p in, a the time for bearing oHeotlona to aald final o- OCUnl, BftO tor in aetucmens . uerrtn Dated Ilea 21. IMM. J L Ml LLKfl' Admlnlatrator of tbe estate of &irtm Ilarret, deeewaed HawiTT laviita. Ally for Admr. 322(1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VrOTICE M HEREBY OIVEX TH4T lb omierti -nfMi, me noiy eppoimea c.ualida.1 and acilrir adtnluletrator at the raute of Kuth Jtradshaw, deefae-l, haa this day filed bin final account in said oaUte with the elerk or tbo comity court for Llun eounty, Oregon, anU tbe court haa ftaed the 2nd d of Mtrcb, ISttl; at lha brur of t o'oiock r it . U bear objeo linns b ild account It any,aitd fjr tt.e a Uieoient t,r aiil eaiata Tbla,.beSiitb day or January. 1891 Y.CLRMIS. J. K. Wbaihkbkobd. AdmbUatoi, A.ty for Aduilnlrdrttor. f I 30) KOIICE CF FlHAL iETTlEUENT. N' JOTICB W HERFBY GIVEN THAT I'J nnoeislgneo, execntor 01 ma lass Hi tnd tatlanieiit and eettte or ana Hrlncbain. dweao;!,h filed in the ofilce of tbe countj' clerk of IJun county. Oia'-on. hia final acooniitcr aald .jetite, and tbe court hat fixed tba 7lh day of Marc h, 1691. at 10 o'clock a in, to near object lot. If any to tald acoouut and for aeunnft a.iui eMMO. Dated eb 6. 1MU B. M. PKNJtltsaTox T. J.8THn. Kxecutor, Ally fir Ext cuter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICE U HERFBY GIVEN Til tT 11 tb undersigned bavo th a djy been it ill annointerl and oualifiod aa adininia- tratir and administratrix of th estate of Frank Malons, lain or Linn county, Ore gon, deroseed. All jwraous having claim BKalnat aald estate are required to prtRont ttioin property vermeil, witnin arx iiiuuiua frum thli date, 10 the undersigned, at their place at llo'.iey, Linn county. Oreiron. Thle Bill day of Jnntiary, 1891. ' ' T J J K Wrthkrfo-.p, Attorney for citato. MAIjUNK, Atlininlxirr tir tisa) ADiv.lISTBATOtTS N3TICE. .TOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT tbe nndersltned has lieen duly ni.olnte.1 adminlnt rator of the estate of alllatl Kuxaon, aooeasnu. oy tun oouniy court or ihe elate of Oretron, for Linn Co. All peraona haviiiR claim agAluat aald etaio, are hereby notlflod to present tho same duly verified to ma in Corvalll", Benton oouuty,Oreron,wlthln six mouths Uom lha date of thia notice; and all per eons having any eflocU of aald deceased will deliver tbe name over to me. Dated Feb 3, 1831. E.E.WILSON, (16) AUtaluiRtrator, , - - .. , . . EXECUrOR'S NOTICE , NOTICE 11 nEREBY GIVEN THAT the under.-dfr.ned ha been duly ap pointed exerittiriv of tbe last will and toKtarcent -f George V Sylvteter, tie oeaed,by the honorablo tho county court cf Linn county, Oregon, All pcraons having claims against the estate of mid deceased, ore hereby notified to present the same duly veriflod, to me In porao.i, or to my vttorney. Ueo W Wright, at his irw oflicain Albanys Lbm county ,Oregon VtKhln Bix months .com tbla date Dated Deo 25, 1890. MAHlAH SYLVESTER, Exeoutrlx cfthe last will and tettauiontof Geo W Hylvester, dooeasetl. 12 ad DeliMiico Restaurant, OrrOHITB .Ehjmbkeg EtocK. New Rooms; -:- Seat Service; Good Meals, Promptly Served, for , Twenty-jive Cents. Oystera -:- in -:- alt - Styles, OUR LADDER THIS BEST S C3 HARDWARE. O C2 M 2 CVTLER'i I CMIVERS, T t3 LANTERNS, n rt a rt H r3 COPPER, rt & BRASS, a O S GRANITE y y o s E C5 CD AND N fcTKKL D 5 17 A RE. W I WATER R FILTEHS, S ! WAR RANTED. ALBANY, . OREGON." 1 ' SICY03, . Eangcs Htateia, nEFER!KCES: Fxamiuo Oiiri r c a a c WOIIK. 'PAY 0r Eot ai Toiii PLEASE. H3 TLUMniNO I P CD :y Contract. -CY- -Good Workmen! j Mtoa wandeHne cmrwl. Bnokateaniad i VI in nn ra1iua. Tnatimtmtalit fmm aU S rrt ut tha slob. Proapaotua rot I i -k heb. aenl on application to Prof. V lUa. i.riaw.M, Li) luut a.ta. Naa f k. ALBANY NURSERIES hi E HAVE ON HAND at oar nursory ou tha Cotvalll.i road, one-half nlla from town, as line a lot of fruit xcea of all kinds as oan bo foutjd any bcro 00 the coaat. 11 you contemplate Wanting trees It will pay yen to ree our tec tr-J get nur prices. Catalogue fieo. nYMAN 4 BROWNELL. ALDAfiY IOR. WaiTSHIN &.H0LBERT BSOS.;' ; Real Estate Agents. Farms "auri Ranches for sale. Also oity bro(rty in Albti aod Coryivlu?. PHOTOGRAPHER, Ccr Sf.cord sndFeriyEt, ( Albany, Oi UPERIOB wbrk. gaaranteerl la ever ; j bratioh ofihe art. sSTKalargioz c aillsiuds a specialty, . i PhYsi.ciiin tnd Gur' 11 r atalrs in ?! MONEY BY DEALING Q La During February he will continxo to sell Winter ClotL- ing at Greatly Reduced Prices; Sotno of his Spring Btoek, including some fine patterns in Men's Youths' and lioys marked low. A fino lino of IJoy's, Children's and Men's suits in Al bany Woolen Goods, attract attention. His stook of Slioc'8 and Boots is a leading one, made up of first-clasa makes. You can save money by buying your foot wear of L. E BLAIN. veryone raiKs AROl'T 1p I W a yliiill Large and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A ets, Uhiltlren s vra4ta III til a Feat to Fit ths Feet, Bat ALLEN BROTHERS. WHOLESALE 5 RETAIL CtGAHS, TOQACCO, AMD KINDS. IN LARGE, OR IN THEIR Flinn Block,. LEADING AliBATTTT DRUGS, FilEDIGINES TRY A' L3iJa3U - y L31kS3 . and get WORE POmiR .,i:-.:arid use LESS WATER . Write for our Naw Illustrated CatsUejoo of 1S01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL &EKQSKE CO. SPnSHQnL0,0..U.S.A. AT My en'Jro stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a ine of E ots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. fi-sr .sir.ia 1 :tow somic of-tub mses that ars going at cost, jc-st D.iESS GOODS, CLOAKS, RIBBONS. GINGHAM, GOSSAMERS, Call early whilo the selection is good. irststrost, -:- - nn THOMAS STIS1ESI 1 a uuutia SUBSCRIPTIONS ! !! ! -For'AU the Jjc.aciingr - 4 NEW SPAPERS - AND MAGAZINESl 1 i e e e ive cl im ft SAVED, WITH- C3 off -ring rare bargains. euits, have arrived, and are , H I; fine line of Sealclto Jack Hoods, ivc., dc. E8 Can da it nl d3 it Heat." Grocers, CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES. SEASON. -:- ALBANY, ORBGOXI ilLllip DRUGGIST ! STATIOsIARYSC ge CORSETS, FLANNELS, LINEN, CALICO, BLANK LTS, V 1 - Albany, Oregon.! It you want tho besP and most durable furni ' ed in the city go to BRINK'S at 1 ..a! ..'. 4 S J 1 ra pa ra n u ' GGST! V 1 I ti '4.