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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1891)
(1 New York World, n. An ad. In the II. THE DEMOCRAT' II DEMOCRAT" nil the American Farmer, all oito yrnr FOU S2 80. llcaclics Hie Most Fcoplo, and brings BIG EETUILNS. fcViiat'i''i;'iTia';i!t?i-AtSkrij Weekly Sta'.e Rights Democrat, f 2 00 per year. VOL XXVJ. ALBANY, OIILGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1891. NO 28 Entered atthe Po-it Offiss a Albany, Or egon a 9oiid c'ttss mail matter. ifnti r! Y if f." i x a i a i " " ' ' ; ; t mnii m wnsj m M raic 7 U 1 r nt tsWsys nm) 1W.ii th reef HritSt ar4 vajlh ,-., "i Of Hi ( afll AHll 'I IMUl fc'ftsttttf sata-Hie'lf wrvfc lUtm m a aim .r-sw ituri t rssiw rtui"tn' iMUmO Urn. iiAuun ino:i lOV IO Mtf sumI r M litr nor, Ih thy tl"im. Knw.M u i fiiuii u only imM Ui tK poimUrtiv of th nr. '"'. afC IHj Hot v r1mtt -vt 1 1 w. aw F. I T jP t'urt t mUt ton, Llvwr 4 Dr. HAftTftl. MCOICIMS CO.t kUi, J.1.CIX1UQ, raKscaipriis" v i ii.fcir. HE DRUGS OriET ARTICLE: V r- r- i ana ' -ovinia its - 3t PATRICKS PILLS S. W. Paisley, -WUOLE31LK DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. THE BEST. l. M. r uu ai U . RlitMraMd, Icnpu and Pric SEED ANNUAL I lor 1891 wUltoMikd FREE I apfucanta, aaa to uu mu t f t caatoaicn, it n bttrr thaa vr. I very pmoa mine c'tr.v ahould wad for Ic AdUrra O. M. rCRRV A.CO. DCTHOIT. MICH. L Larrru Siluaa in il worlj I Fortmiller k living, -FUNERAL LIUECTORS.-' Arterial Embalmi:i Dona Scientil Ically. 8500 Howard ? w . will pay tti ttwr-. renaM f -r firy caf e IJyf4 omp unl, ly)rpta,lcK UraiU' h.luUiS'ttn fV.o r C t Tf r. wo r .nn-. t cirr WHA Wwt'j aartabta i,ier II l. licn t!. d rmcma re mulif mnp;ia4 with. Th. y arc pr:r V-.- ua'.5, anrt ikit ail to f It tl'tti.jii. Btut'muol jL.-rn iKiToa, oata.' " ' la -nL. f'wtt jf and ta 4 rrttiuin !r.nutr-'-UTtii ttnif s- jouj v wtr cvatfAsy.ciiiCMuy.iU Ji t mnaias. Arnt HEAL ESTATK FOK 8ALK.-I Lai a farm of 2, w ar Lowanti de(Mt,. on the harrow Uaaio. 10 tnil!( from Albany. AU in cnitlviitlnr. Fair hoaa and bai. b .a.w. for to and donoertlo pnrpewM, Fine oak gr . Aim another farm ot )28 acrea, !bre . t.ra from Ijebftnon. All lo cuUivati fair bouae. Uood water. IVnU y whal forma. Alao bonae and two IwU :i Fifth and JeCTorson atreU, AJt anj-, For furth r patticulara call on A. Udipbrey.Centei precinct, or o ilawltt A Irvinn. All anj. jit A UMI'HKKY. NEWSTOKE.- . V MITCHELL, &. LEWIS CO. Agricultural Implements & Vehicles 5 Ti-. rem 2nd Seo Us.) i am w .i aiwia m iaia widjgwaaji mmmy 'f?'"' ; w mtrmiitmmmmr-KmmmmmmmmmtmnmBk lsrirW'i ' CUBES h Vliifk )aiW HEAD ACHEf I K&ZZ J W BUT CURES - I VV -a VX WOTHING ELSE. Mir,' iniiiimiiii - - ' "' " i an i I I. - ' - -- -, INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company, - Safe, Sound; Conservative j-- 1 'tin ran s.a 1 f ;-4W TflV A U i u mm ( 1 S3 n n u fct OREFOOSIl YEGE1 BLlf PANACEA fcfcFAKED FROM RO( TSc IIEr?t3'!? f . xthk curie or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO mOM A DISORDERED STATE or t, n STO ? 'AC H OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. ron SALK BY AU THE CRY OF MILLIONS t OH. DKCKl top IT NOW, OON IT Will. ! TOO LATC 1 it tn trnuhlnl mny wli h ritftrnac of th kHlnrv anj have trtrtl tuanr diwcrrtil willvuul rriiri. AM.t Hi I vn ui A;ir I wa aiillcfln lrm a rr kItiJ attack that alinoat rariiirl m in un n raanarr iui l ra urm iwr. Alim I .1 riowa it whs almiX impitSe luc mc la fret i.p nKtnv, cr ta put On my rl.4hr, hr kltul rt .vl.lrm rnt W. Jlrulrv, witit t Ukl.UON KllJNKY Tl-.A. to my botcU 1 imiunlntrly cutumrncctl mine lb. Int. It had an .tmuat miracukB rfltvt, auj to the .atoa toiimint of all tli gurnU at th hotel, in few am baptjr tu Mate. IHbat I waa new man. t will4 nKuramrait the lea la all aClklctl a 1 Ucn. ) C. A. TirrPKR, I I'tuprlrtor OrrUinXal llctti. twota Km, Cal. Conrad Mover. STAR BAKERY Cntuer Broaialbin and First SLs., -DE A I EK IN- aned fruit. 'arfe, rrwlli. Canufrf Slenla, lrteenwrrr CrsetAtiUtf, I'lgaca, Kp'eta, abneeo, i oHre. Etc.. v. 'fiJthlnRtb la kept tn. ten re. flight ft rkp aid for bl KiFiDS OF nODUC Albany IRONWORKS Manufai;turer o' nm cnisr m saw mLLHACKKiEgy J?,DH FROHTS W ALL KIS OF HEAVY km LiOHT IVCHK, IH IECH K?0 BRASS CASTINGS. -i'W.i;l 'tiiti'n hM o . f'tlrtiia M tin n" iniK'htijur. ralir:i3 5Vade oa Short Notice J.K.WEATHESFOED. JIOItNKV AT LAW XL8i.r. cute aaaaaaaacaaraBaaMawaaawaiiiHii ai caaHaaraaainaaiL .in 83TXEW GOODS. (AlBAHT. OEEGON, t a i '1 I vim sfeJ -1kja-' i 1 I Mr I 'vn itm ii . ii i in ii m wi i huh mn a looaIa iti:ooni. At-HANY TtlK CKNTKM. Mr n V Nicholla, wrUii'lu the IMne- vlllo New, utv Albaisy a Rood nonce btfsUlc narratlnji othrr Inteiesilng f.i!. "While itliBcnt. tlurlnit n litrt tl Ucc ml Jan, t vUlivJ Walln Wullw. IVn tlielon. Iwt.ttiui, Delia, torvalii nn.i Altiv. Diillfl, rorvrtlll and Allmny ore txtt'inllnjt their Unvslu kerppnea iih urn riltl (tttiwtii ot Kio couturv. in; ccm to bo cMH'cl.UI true ti Allmny, which, t think, will bcoonie the Ktfilla huli'- cfitier lit the vVIUamcUi vuIipv, uii1Jo rt I'oitlfiinl, The Sjtitlitrn l'u. cliic nd ).-f;(n radio H lt crus pitch (liter lit Albany. I ho IjlUt-llieU I' have or will rauhlhh their mucMne hv at thnt place. 'J hc, together wlih otln?r lmpiu!ant Iniptovsmcnl to ho tuiuU bv the cotnpanv, are bound U tndku it quite buln cc.itcr. Much rretiit I due the gcnciat nmi;i;;fr, V'm M llaij t"r the tnnnntT In w!ih h ho hat t.(iv tructoil the r d Ittvii lUVlca.l aftrr a. tilp to the fiMtit In cum patty with A ltacklnian, lr.t(r and (1l v K lie'iin, we returned ti Albany, hiivini; rvn'il.'iic ed one of th most rnutvabU trip which hit fallen I j the lut ft gtr IhiihWo act va.ot Ivtr mttny n day. ht su.w O.OMMO. - t, lite undetaincd tumc tnen dolnjf bil:tci lit tho city cf Albany, do pro'tihe and atre that wc will rot ipcn or btn.lntr hotttf for buslne on JSutv c'ay, a wc lUent audi aetton iu'irr.rr fur the ro nl and of I'.ij city. Conn & Ilcndthon, Alien llrm, C K llrownrll, W F Read, Mattltewf&Waoliburn, N A lJ!inljptt, Wandrll &Ilnllenbeck, .-itrart Sox, Ktirtmiller Irtlnjj, L K lllaln, F M French, Smith .V Sender, Kii.ip,ntirr-I! Co, I'tUe Kolwon, Albany Fmnl'tire Co., 1v C Scarla, Mueller V (Jatref, 1. 1. Judxtn, Mitchell Lent la Co., Farker llm C Meter, llopkn IJt , S E Young, WMI & Link, Tboa llrlnk, T L Wallace Co. ti W fclltliMloO, I Meant, Thompaon At Overman, I I lubrulile. I. Vleilck, tVUUmMack, C A Brown. Am Om Comvict. An ulJ prisoner ua turned out o( the pettiUntiary jett'nUj", after lia inj rvc. a tlirco yeara' a n- tence under Jit Dowiiinc a auiH-rviniMn, unuie thi tiiittt waa "l'hiiip Mi llutih," though lie had previously tervtnl a turm here nndvr the routioinen ! 'Jimmy O'Neal." ,T!ii!ii"or"Jiuiv elaiiii to have Birved tenty-one year n prison, and probably fefrht inr at homo in the striped auit than in Hit) U". MiriineM tsmt iurtliaet fir liint by Mr lKwniti; on hiit rt !ae yes!frIy. Ilia comrades in th "pen' up a little fl lection of J wlik h, with the fclate Ifiit of f.1, Kt'tn the old iniut (re in Ihc world naain with rapiUl of $10 R. lie lft on the aoutb-lHittud train for Albany, w here he w ill lake the Oregon Pucitle for Yatiiiun, nnd thence to Sim Francises by nea, wlitrhcdy he will resell on an outlay of $7.11). Siatcuio. P. S. Unman nature ruled, an 1 In Ktta.l of K ttitiK olFhe got drunk mid wna ca!Aboovd, biH :noncy vaninhing. I.kiunox. Mm M Scott, t Albany, visited her elster, Mr M Vatfll, in Lebanon, over Hunday. W. Ida Wctt fall accompanied her liome for a couple of duy' vimt, retoruing to I bit iif.n Wed nesday. M.r .SlaveiiH, nn employee-' at Downing Bros' mill, had hi hand caught on the saw last Monday, w hich so htcetabwt one of liia lingers n tn make amputation necciwnry. lrs liooth ii Foley amputa ted the linger, and tho man la doing i ll. Orr jronian Ky engine No 12, in chnrtce of CJeo Henderson, vinitcd this city last Thursday evening, to rij.dil-3lutafe. This is the first vitdt we- have had from train ou tho O Ky. Mr Hmd raon is in charge of a ballast train wording liter Spiccr. Kxpress. A OassAr Find. Mr M V ilana, who resides near thw place, cut down an oak tree that measured nearly four fset through. When he came t cut mid split it up. he found an hntler h-ilwdded ! in its txxiv about six or seven feet from the ground, and it sm ius also strange here were three pro-g-t, mtd thi bigend of the tree. Two nti;'a must have Jocght a battle by the treo and ono made a miss and hit the tree, and thus lost a horn, and nature healed up the wound in the oak and thus enclosed it. Zcna cor. Journal, . A Wet Exiemikkck. A Democrat man having had plenty of experience him e!f takes pleasure itl,ys In giving hath IngincldeniS In which others are vlcti n. 1'arlic from Halem leli tho following: Editor S S Train was hsin(ng towards the depot, when we are Informed being distracted by divers reports Indicating the dcleat of the Santlam division bill lie walk ed off Into the mill race a short distance the o:her aidtf of.lhe depot ibtslnlng a very wet experience at leaat up to the arm pit, and completely dividing the waters. If he did not cry out "Into the Santlam" we have been misinformed. Tins other day two different Salem cro- cerv firms told tis that they each recei ved and sold every weeek over 1C0 pounds of eastern butter, in addition to all the good butter they can get from the farm ers, llio W iliauiette valley surely otitfht to do better than that. Tho same is true of eggs and potilty, Itcmizer. There never ought to be a time in Al bany, when good Imtter cannot m no- cured maua around this eitv. hut tndnv it is almost impoHsildo to get any. The whole valley is aillicted. Their Own Watch Works. Resi dents of Ihe city in the neighborhood of Ferry and Eleventh streets, for a block or two in different direction, are maUl.ti? arranger.ents to erect a large tank and windmill and cs'ablUh a water works system of their own, it being claimed that tne iwany M-ater worsts company will not go o .1 so far at present. They will lay pipes, nnd have water with nil the modern improvements by the time dry weather arrives. As Arm Dislocated. Tuesday, Otto Maxwell, the fourteen year old son cf Mr John Maxwell was ridinir a horse when be animal fell throwing young Maxwell off and partially under the animal. His ictt arm was dislocated at tin elbow in a serious manner, the bone protruding through the flesh. Dr Wa'.tace o'tended him. fjThls item from the Astoria Colu.nLIan throws light on a matter that must be lade an tssue in Oregon politics: The ppllcatlon of Joseph Simon, receiver of he Oregon Improvement Co., foranor- !er authorizing him to pay $26,500 for street work in the mushroom town of Anacortes, sheds some light on the ques tion ns to where the money came from 1 .1 I I . . .... mat piuu lursucit glowing "specials as were foisted on the reading public last spring, (in the Oregonian.) A FuACTiCAt Joita. This afternoon nt M & a etore, a very nice-looking lady cauea ior z aoz DiacK nen eggs. J.lruar rett replied ho could not tell them itrsm the other colored hens eggs, and told her if she could pick them out ebe waa wel come to them, lo Ins surprise ebe se lectcd out all tho largest eggs and said elie waa mucii obliged. As Old Fake. San Francisco fakes are again workintr the valley trying to give away a $25.00 crayon portrait for nothing. The joko is that aboat $12.00 is asked for the frame on applying at the express office. Crawford & I'axton do much better work and give a better frame too, for less money. A fact, Preliminary work on (Tie foundation of the U V Church has been begun by the ready for the framework before April 1st Tho contract, for the main structure vi Jkkp CoNMOuat, J r Wnger, writing to tho lVndteton K O, gets in the follow ing funny lnisliiews about the county di vision qucutioii : . There came, Hut Punday, In the Halein SlatcHiniui, a communication to tho pub lic, signed by several citizens, relating to our very esteemed and good-natured una w lliiftl tist iuiaiid able boy-senator, staling in sultnnro that ho had had himself represented as a banker, but only owned live shares in the Hcio bank j that It had been said that his properly would 1 Increased In value f 10,000 by a division of the county, w hereas he only owned ft lot and a shunty j and that his other property was a bull ca'f. Now this was evidently iitalleu "willful and aforethought," after the wanner of di visioulsts and antl-divielouists; for Jell" don't pretend to 1 a millionaire ; he has a little- property Iti Hcio and Man county, outside a little more in some other coun ties; some shares In a bank; and last year ho innocently Imported a bull raif, at a cot of 1 30 -but ho still persists that old I.inn county, for all of him.eveu if he does live at hcio, "up lu the Forks" shall re inula undivided and unterrilled. This morning a committee of senators, consisting ot senator Tongue, Moore and Tiltoti, accompanied by your corres- pomieni. seeking 1 1 console me youunui senator iroiu reio, fcintuv voiurttecrcd lo oiler a resolution, or a bill, appropriating a stitlh-ient sum to turchue for him a heifer calf, lut ho seemed to doubt their of interested parties, and senators should not grant every rcmiesl ot that sort that comes to their t ars. A Oivutk Bnutv. Yesterday on Peer Creek tdiort and lMsoti'a pack of dogs run lown anothercovoto. Helnghard r-resscd by the dogs-it jumped isVkel fttice around S It Ume's house, and then throuish a broken pane of gluss into the iiouse irseii.eioseiy followed by lbs pur suers. A struggle iHtween thocoyot and !iHfs tik ii:tcr in the sitiiuu; room and Mrs I ntiu'-i furniture and house idauts were badly used, and ilually the animal was killed by the pack in the kitchen where Mr ltne, who is now at home alone, had left hisdinuerdishet on the table. The w reck tu that rmmt was almost complete. The quecest part of me story is that the coyote and five dogs all went through singl.t small pane of the window. Mr lan.wt0 was at work some distance from tho hou bad heard the dogs, but was considerably sun.riscl ongoing into ho house to find what had bnpjH'tied, and Mr Short was for a time hst to kuow what had become of his dogs. It was certainly g singular clrcams'ance. rhis makes tho temli covo'o that ibis pack of dogs have run down. Itost burg Ucvie. ; I Mxnoriaw. Ueorgo W I tough ton. eldest n of Jeso A and Martha Pough ton, of this rily, died Sunday, February im, iwi,. jje (ieecas.-a wa isrn in Allcghaney county, North Carolina, April I5t. beintr aa d 27 vears. St months and 2d days at his death. Willi bis parents, two sisters and a brother, ho emigrated from his native stale to Albany about six vears neo mid scttli-d in this rily. - His death haves a vacancy n tho family circle which can never be filled. Home time In-fore his death he professed a saving belief in t!i religion I IJirist, and when be csmo to ta over the dark river he f-arcd ot, but cheerfully submitted to Him who doeth all things well. In disposition he was always cheerful and pleasant with a good word for every friend. Alw avs kind and obedient to his parents, his loss is a fie- culiar'y sad one to them. Tbff Allegh- aney Mar, ot 3rth I arohna and the tiraysoa tjajiette, tf Viaginu, please ropy. ItiViMos IriiMs. Heuator Jeff Myers lives in Hcio, rtuJ has at heart tho rofJ of the whole undivided county and the met mat ne opposes lite division U pret ty g'KHl evidi nce that Mnn's territorial boundaries should not lie interfered with for merely political reasons. J J Charlton, formerjv sheriff of I.inn county, says that four-tilths of those who signed the petition for a division ,f I.inn cotinly.would willingly have signed a r- monstrance ft lew day afterwards. He says the tpi-i,tion of division was sprung upon the people liefore they had time for deliberation, and that she general senti ment i decidedly opposed to !ho move ment. Lebanon Express. Day A'tATiita. Farmers on the Al bany prairie say plowing Is In Ita glory In many placrs, a rare thing for this lime of the jcar. The ground is so dry h places that post holes hav to tie due Instead of driven. The rainfall so lar for this winter U several inches below the avaragn; Old resident wlak and say we will have some chuck yet. Kcto. Khaving has leen reduced to fifteen cents at Linch & Thomas' barber shop in this city. Tho Mineral I'aint company oj this itv received last Mondav nun of Mm W illford double rolls for use incrindintr their paint. They expect to receive a flour packer in a few days, for tho pur pose of packing their paint In barrels, i'ho preparation of this paint is exactly the same process as that of makinu- flour as to grinding, bolting, etc. Simpson & Devancy are runninc suc cessfully a furniture storo here. Frees. A Ma Lost. About twelve days ago four men left Oalctville ou a hunting1 ex pedition. One of the company a young man named Tucker, of Salem, became separated from the others. On the return of the three to GatcsvU'e Tucker had not appeared, nor has heyct put ppearance, and it ie feared be has peris The saw mill men there all gave uo work and oined in the search. l.voEi'KXDExrK Saleh. B M Efltes re ntly sold his house and lot near the Presbyterian parsonage to J Wilson, of tho iirtn of Skinner A Wilson, for tho sum of $1000. U W Cooper sold tho two lots and hia residence, near A K'8, to N O Clodfeltnr. for $Io00. and Key J It N Jlell paid J D Irvine $1000 for the corner near H Shelley's. last week w uiiHier sold lua residence on the corner of B street, for $1200 to L Van Nortwick, and paid $SO0 for eight acres of land between here and Monmouth, W eet Bide. A Oooi Scuemb. E J Frnsier and TR Berry yesterday bought tho Coleman larm, containing 40(1 acres and lying 1 miles eontli of Eugene. , The considera tion was $7,500. Thev will at onco rro- cced to plant 200 acres of It to prunes. They will not place it on the market un til the entire tract has been planted to fruit, when they will subdivide the en tire farm into 5 and auu tractn. It will hereafter bo known m. the Alh ant- bra Villa. Guard. Poorly Plastered. Geo W Plastei's saloon at Springfield was closed last Tues day by Sheriff Noland on an attachment suit for the sum cf $35.35. by Joseph Vogl, of Eugene. The inventory showed a rather light stock on hand, which consisted of the following goods: yt gallon whiskey, gallon wine, 1 keg beer, bottle hop bit ters, 30 cigars. Eugene Guard.;, Cahd of Thamkh. The undersigned desire to return their thanks to the many friends who ho kindly assisted U3 in tho late eickneea of oureon.Ueo vv Doughton Jksme A PoUtiHTON. - ..''", Martha Dovouton. Excitement Runs high in Albany st Fothay& Ma sons drug stors ever nystem tiutiuer, cs ovorybedy is osirg it forCatanh of th Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constlpfttino and Im uaro f.lood. Try it md tell yonr frieuds about it as it mast possctswondtrfal merits whau d spesk well of it, ...... SniLOE'3 VITALTZER is whtt yon nocdfoi Constipation, Loss of Appetite, f)iz sine's, snd aii sjratjtcms of Dvspejii.i. l'rice gisKl faith, pcihaps, betaure they wera M. y g ivip.- n.l w If., of San Tan. all rcpublU-ans. Aoiitmsly, there 'is too tlr"rc, arriwlta. much of thk county divfsion fever, and Z WMMtodfiffiXl, t.simany county divisions, fortho Ui.ell amurie,U litre. m relatives of certain towns or small localities and HOtUI. ARB lrRMAL. TIIUKSUAV. Mi Hurt Power, tho getdul farmer of SI.edd, was in the city yesterday j likewise hi father. Eld I Howci'sox, of the Evangelical church, wss In the city yesterday and held quarterly coniercuce mat evening V E Glilett went to Woodburn this noon lo Instttuts a lotlje of Odd Fellows (here tonight. Rev J U N Hell has been taken for Catholic- pi tests and nearly everybody clae tn importuncc, out tne cumax was capped at Sa cm by hi being mistaken for Jim i.olitu, tne rorwanu ots, License was lued yesterday for the martlage of Mr Henry M Huesena and Mlas (,ul(! M Haley, daughter of John itsicy, uoui ui n i n iiiiimi, 4 ne weu tlinir will take place at the home of the brdc,s patents. The brldo Is 16 years of age, while Ihe groom la an old rcldent of Albany, until a year or two ago when ho moved to (ireen Kuala, rntUAV. W It Kirk, of Browiisvilk. was In the city toUity, Judge Chcnowith, tho veteran lawyer, is m uiu city It C Taln..r. nf Huh tn. w as in the ellv ,...1 1 t . .... . ... ... - to-jay, circuiaititg ireo tnougiiL ' liter aturv. .Frof. RuII, W E Gllictt and W C 1 ct;Uttie, returned this noon from Wood burn where they have been tc ailt fn the organisation ol a new lodge cf Odd Fel. lows. Nine new n.cmbets Initiated be aldcs a number bv card. Giand Master liurnett conducted the ceremonies. A grand banquet was given and a sleepless night pasted. Hut weert 4I and 50 guests were present from Turner, ijslem, Silver, ton, Hubbard, Oregon City, McMlavltie, Yaqulna and Alhsnr. 't he Albany mem bers report lph-ndtd'lrrstment by the local members of Woodburrt. rt'itnAy. K-xjU! duc at the armory to tild,t. Mr Peott May, tho well known rkdo di visUmUt, was in the city to-day, Mr VA Niks, of Portland, is in the city for a fw days. Rev Cltas MclVmald. the mill man of Uarrlaburg, w as in the city today. Mrs A II fdauson came up from f-'alem this noon to spend Sunday with her par ents. Mrsf-borey, who ha lfti in AlUny for a week, tlte guest of Mr Wm Vancf , returned home this noon. Mrs Fhorey'a viait was greatly appreciatel ly those w ho had the phasarocf meeting lion JeffMyers.Llun's well haek-Une! Senator, wht Isn't afraid to do right, senator Itobsou, tf luker, and Senator Cameron, ol Jackson, cam up from Sa lem this noon. Major Geo. llochsU-dSor, Capt. J. F. Hail, 1st Llotttrnaflt tjuincfy Prwpst and 2nd LletiL Walter Parker went lo Port land this noon to attend a meeting of the 1st Uegimenl of Uniformed Itank of 1C. of I, of Oregon, at which Colonel will I elected ta-nij?ht. There are now eieht divisions and, full regiment. Joseph Tyler and family, oflhlsey. were in Alluuty today on their way home from a trip to Ypafna Pay, where they have been the guests of MrsWilUamCan non. Mrs Cannon now owns farm on Beaver the siil.url-sof Newton. and is making that her home. Mrs Tyler was rjuite ill for a few days white there. Philip Mclluah. films Jitrtmv O'Sidl. who was dichrgi-d Irom tho peniun liary at Fak-tn few davs ago.meution ef ""in was made yestorday.was in Allsinv today, and t-iok the ferry btjat for the Bay and Han Francisco. Unless tho Su perintendent of the nttentiary le con sidercd extravagant we w ill correct the statement made by the Statesman that Mel high was given a 13 strit of clothes. It was about a $7.50 suit. -' . BK4.L Mrtltt S4US U 8 to. Oregon & California Rail road Company.lia.iwi acres, lp H, to tp lid.iiicluslvckigtted by V H Grant Patent 1.11a A Cockle- Howard lo A 1'carce, t lot 5, hi 43, IPs 2nd A 200 J A Buckley to O li Wheeler, acres II K It....; 12S0 Oregon t J A Lacklcv, 320 acrtt, 11 F. 2 ;,' 400 Ella G Buckley to C E Wheeler, 320 acres 11 w 2 12S0 Oregon to EilaO Buckley ,330 acres H w2 400 W It t'toiit.admr, to P L Curl, PJ0 acres 11 w 2... 4650 Geo CCooley to Maggie Fatten, 5 acres, Brow navillo 275 Isabel II liendifo to Mrs Ella Men- j denhall, 114.32 acres 1500 Alex dimming to Jacob McConkie, 170 acres 13 w 4 4000 Fur Urns l-stk, or s.d eliffat as otuloh s Poroas Plaster. Price, 23 csots. Ail rubber gsod at eost ft Klein Bros. Eraqtlaa erike Skla t'r d. . Ei. Vosnay, Br.-ekvilt, Ontario, says: ' I have usod Brandrctb's Pill for the past riftt.u years, and think them the best tsthartio at,d anti-bilious remedy known. For some llvsyssrs I safiered with so erupt ion of the skin that cave ms great psio and annoyance. I triad diTereot blo-)d remedies, but, sjthough gaining strength the itching wss unrelieved. I finnally oouclndsd to take a thoough ooursa of Brandrcth's Pilln I took six eaou night for four night, tbeu 0ye, four, three, two, lessoning each titn by one, and then for ens month took on every night, with the happy result that now my skin is perfectly clear and has been so ever since." CATAMttT CUBED, health 'and sweet breath Shileh's Catarrh Uomsly. Prie 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo shsy At Mneoo, ageut. A 4SA1 INJKCTOIt frco with each ottle tf Sliiloh s Cattrrb BatnoJy, Prio? 0 cents. Fi)thjy& Mssoa, aeati. Dou't fail to see oar men's and hovs" clothing before purchasing elsewhere We sell the best clothing for the least money of . , . .1 . . T I . any nnuae in tne titty, xxshk sua be con vinced. G W Simpson, FOR DYSPEPSIA and liver Comolaink yon havo a prints guarantee on every bottle ot bbtloh's Vitalizer. 1 never fails to cure, Fosbay & Mason, sgents. WrtERRTo Get Them When wantlne ?n organ or jdar.a call oa G L Blackman hee you can selpc.t from a first class ttocw. This is what you ougn to have, n fact you must hsva it, to enjoy life. Thousands sre searching for it daily, and niourning be cause they find it cot. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they rnsy attain this boon. And vet it may be had by all. Wo guarantee that Electrio Bitters, if -iiied according directions and the nsa persisted in,w bring yoa good digestion and oost the demon Dyspepsia snd install instead Eupepfy. Wa recommend Electrio Bitters for Jyspcpia nnd all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidecys. Bold at SOu and $1 per I ottle by 1-oahsy & Mason, drnggijts. . : French Tansy Wafers, The wafers are a sure and safe ere cifu for a kindsof female troubles anew".' remot all obstructions to the monti ly period no matter what the cause. Thi are 11 11 what every woman necoi at t can be ned with safety. For sale t Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron tht CM I sole ogent, J A dimming, druggist, Bu 11 luerg b)ck, A many, uregon. WASIIINOTON. , (Kio n our rssaisr sorrsspaniient.l . - . WasifiHOTOSf, Feb. a, 1891, Mr Harrison has as hard a task before him In the (election ol a successor to the late Secretary of the Treasury at his worst enemy could possibly hsve set for hlmj It I a task too In which the country at large Is more dlrtl Interested than any thing he has yet undertaken. It will be very difficult to find a man willing to ac cept Ihe place who possesses the ability combined with the conservatism of the dead secretary and what will add no tittle to Mr Harrison's trouble is the fact that all the prominent republicans In both House and Senate who have been recently repu diated by theirconstltuents will be, In fact1 are already clamoring for the place for themselves. Whoever lie selects he Is bound to make new enemies In his partrt and being a candidate for a renomlnatlon that Is just what he cannot afford to do. Beside this, the man selected will have to he satlafactory to the bu.lneas men of the country, or a financial panic may be pre cipitated. 80 far the men who are mentioned for the vacancy are just those who should not be selected. Keprentallve McKInley can, It is tlought, have the place If he wants It, but he has high protection on the brain to so great an extent that his appointment would be a very great mistake, and one that would be certain to bring trouble. Senator Spoontr Is tslkrd of, but he I a lawyer and lacks the financial experience and executive ability which I absolutely recessary. The others rnsy be bunched In one bad, very bad lot, which Include Senator Gov ."Calico Charier") Foster, Representative Cannon and that ex-boss, particularly known for ways that aie devious, btcphenB Elkln. It ha been a long time dying and num erous false reports cf It death have been given out, but this time the Force bill really is dead, dead beyond all hope of even a partial resurrection, owlnz to the action of twelve republican senators In de ciding that they will not vote fr it. It Is hard for such radicals a Senators Hoar Aldrkh, Edmund and Spooner to give up the idea of Intimidating the south, but even they acknowledge that the thing It dead and that r,o further attempt wilt be made 10 revive It. In consequence, the legitimate business of Ihe session tho an nual appropriation bills -Is fairly hum ming in both House snd Senate. The senate by party vote refused to amend the apportionment bill, granting hst wss to clearly the right of Arkansas, Minnesota and New York oat additional member to each, end pasted the bill jutl It left the House. Senator Davis and Washburn, ef Minnesota voted with the democrat for the amendmentnd strange a it may seem Senators Evarts and Hitch cock of New York voted against It Brother Johnny Wanamaker will have to get himself a new hobby. HI postal telegraph scheme, la spite of the amount of government money he spent in the pub lication ot hi views thereon, I desd as a door nail. The House committee on Post offices wilt not even report It. Representative McCrtary, who f re garded at one of the most conservative men la I he Iiouse paid hi respects to Cxar Reed on Saturday In a manner that was quiet but severe. His committee -Foreign Affairs having been refuted a day for the consideration of Its bills, he said: "Never before In my experience on the committee on foreign affair, ha that committee been refused a day for the consideration of bill repo-'cd by it. The refusal to give thlt soma Itteea day I but aeo-her error In the somi t'y of error which has marked the Cfty-frtt congres.' It t -cm that the republican senators w ill nvver finish making personal explana tion ot their course regarding the Force bill. Saturday Scnitor B'ali and Teller had their turn. Next! Secretary Wlndom's funeral occurred heie today. All of the government de partments, the local office and the public school were closed. There wa consider able growling among that large ctast who snake it a f olnt to attend ever prominent funeral they possibly can, because admis sion to the church was by ticket, and the tickets were only furnished to prominent people. The remaining member of the cahinent acted at honorary pall bearer.' The reaoluilnn to discharge the Iiouse coinage committee from further consid eration of the free coinage bill It liable to make the largest tort of a rumpus In the House at any time. If that committee persists In Its present efforts to kill the bill by delay . .'. How not to Investigate the silver pools seems to be the real object of the Iiouse committee, which Is ostensibly engaged in Investigation. If this committee slurs over Its work the democrats In the next Iiouse will try their hand at probing It to the bottom. . SO JIB WitANGLING. The feelings of the Otegow'tm are very much disturbed over the fact that some of the "rockribbed" republican senators front New England object to that paper being quoted at a republican paper. It seem that during the discussion of the Forca bill some republican opposed to the bllS was giving the names of the republican! papers that were opposing the bill. A mong others the Ortgouin was named a opposed ta the bill, whereupon Hoar and! Edmunds objected that It was hot a re publican poper.'not oeing sound on pro tection." Bill McKInley. the famout Mc KInley bill man, at once vouched for tt soundness. The Ort ponton Insists that Ihe real cause of the objection ot these ' )ld people" (Hoar, Edmunds and othert, to Its being quoted as a republican paper Is found In the fact that It inslrts thst if tthe protection system is to bo maintained fat all the eastern manufacturers shall not be the solebeneficiarieaof it. Now all this wrangling among brethren who should dwell together in unity is the result of the felicitoet eate with which the Oregonian facet about on public questions. McKIn ley when he vouched for that paper't R 'soundness" referred to U tariff articles published in tS88, which every one must admit are models of republican orthodoxy on the tariff question. Grandmother Hoar evidently had in mind the brilliant, and logically unanswerable free trade article, published In thjt paper during the years tSS;$-4-5-6. So that both McKinley and Hoar had ample reasons for tbe statements made by them. But what an attitude f5) the Oreereia- , Covneiius Var.derbilt ha no desire to. T?e coiiie an angel so long as his $i$,ooo- at v3y income matewalizes, . . Call a man a dog and he will get, waJ Call him a sly dog aad he will ask you,'sd:- - FAlTllft'ti 1'1'flUC BKliVANfM. V sjaaaasssassasssss The OregoHMH make tde fol.'owlng reference to the member of ihefjh-gbta-ture mentioned-. a Senalort WeaUierford, of Linn, and Vested, of Lane counties, and Representa tive Hotmet, ef Marlon, Colcmsn and Jen nings of Lane counties, are looked upon by the farmers of the Willamette valley as especially aealous In their interest. They sre In receipt of many expressions of con Adence from their constituents, and on Sstirdsy last the Santlam grange, one of the largest and most Influential branches of that order In Linn county, passed a eric of resolutions indorsing these five members. Senator Weatherford Is com mended for his bill lo, exempt homesteads from attachment and execution sales, and foi that to regulate tho manner of and terms upon which foreign corporators may do business In this stale. Senator Vcatch Is warmly praised for his bill to repeal the railioad commission; to regu late freights and fare on railroad and to reduce toll to i$ cents per'lon on ell freight passing through the lock at Oregon City. Representative Jennings, w hoopposes all appropriations from the state treasury, It endorsed for "closely guarding the Inter est of the taxpayers of Oregon." Rep resentstive Coleman's bill to 1 educe the legal rate of Interest, and Holmes's antl rallroad commission bill are commended, and the Linn county delegation Is urged to support these measures and to oppose any appropriation for the World' Fair, or for wagon roar's. JOINING F0UCE3. Step by s'eo that process of political incu bation I going oa la Minnesota which has or It object and will culminate in lbs fusion of ih democratic and alliance parties oa a stale ticket (or 1892. So far tbe action and Ibe vote of the combine mem! s of lite legislature plainly indicate a carefully mapped out pro gram, and Ibe frequent conferences between alliance and democratic members is proof con . elusive that neiutr pari y will adopt any pol- y during tbe present session wuhotit a la 1 sod perfect nrdcrstsneir.g with the othef, This political partnership for 1S92 dates it Origin soon after Nov 5 last. Tbe democratic leader became convinced that it was next to impossible to hold tbe rank and file of the party iatact sgaintt the encroachments of the alliance aad at one began lo mike overtures t0 (he leading alliance member of the legislature toward orgsnuieg I hit body, aod for severs weeks there has been a most industrious hot very secretive cabal of politicians woiking up the detail of Ihe scheme. Donae-y it anxious to be governor or UniteJ Slates senator, but ao one bat faith in his political sincerity Both the alliance and democratic parlies hav tbrosrn oat an advance guard to flank hi, every move, and when tbe final crisis con e It is the avowed intention of tbe leaders of the fusioa move lo throw Donnciy aad tti'd have Ihe combine to well ender control that tbe proposed fusion can be carried out. With this f ttstod accomplished the republican parly ia 189a will not be So it. The logic of the miAf s attitude on the bridge and division question is to weaken Ih effort to secure a bri Ige. The. people of th Forks ssyjhey do not want to be taxed t tmki a bridge t Albany. Tbe ftraUny. let them go, thus admitting the sufficiency or their reason for going. Tbst paper tays the opposition to sa appropriation by the county for V jsst shore of tbe necessary funds to cos street a bridge across the Willamette at Alban it accompanied by so unlimited smount o gall, aad yet it tsyt W those who show tail gall ra oat if they want to. It is unfortunate that it should hare connected the bridge and division qsestioa together by saying those who were opposed to division preferred lo let th bridge go thaa have division when it mast have known that the reverse was true. Tbe Drm errat is opposed to division and in favor of the bridge because it believes that the failure of division and the securing a bridge will be best or all parts of the county concerned. It 1 remarkable how McKInley and hi but labored to hoodwink the farmer of the northwest. For the purpose of mak ing him believe that he, too, was to receive tvt full share of the profit of protection McKinley railed the duty on corn from 10 toUs cent per bushel. This wa to pro trt American corn ratters from importa tions of corn from foreign countries. Let j see. The report ot Secretary V.Mndom t shows that the Importation of corn last jearthst Is lor the year ending June 30, 18S9) wa 3,401 bushels. At corn sold then ior 15 cents a bushel the value of this corn amounted to the enormous sum of :f 360.15 And atl this is paraded as being ft great protection to the farmer. These JJourbon leader failed to deceive tne wt y farmer, though. There is quite a chance in public scnti mettt among those wh . in the be inning start ed out to promote county division, This U not suily true among tbe taxpayers in the Forkt" but amongf those about Albany who were cBCouracmc it because they bad an ulterior purpose to -subsenre. Tbe candid, mature consideration of the matter ia all its hearings witl inevitably lead to the conclusion that division is antagonistic to the best inter ests of both the proposed as well as the old county, . The longer people discuss the matter tHe fewer will be thole ' who favor it except aesong a few who have personal interests to promote. Let Linn, the pride of her people remain intact. If all tales be true, tays an exchange, the seductive Influence of the lobby is not wholly absent at the present session of the legislature. . One may almost hear a leg islator rise in his seat and remark: I hear a lion in the lobby roar f II t clui the door? Or'shsll we ope the door and let hitn In, Ad then all try to get nun out again r The re a-ton why the speaker is not In tame with the people is because he allows tlbe bras to come out too strong over the Reed. j. Crover Cleveland is net a very tall man, i he j,M trouble in looking down upon tle partir)g far Governor Hill's hair, , , There ore 1 80 representatives of the Force bill party in the present houe. The next hoone wiil contain but 87. ty ; where Eist! tvCL- Thn ONLY nlacs ia the .. . . r . j w r. m tirwei cau oe purun 10 ofSeo ,s SIJEKPLES3 NIG HITS, ,ro4e iisrable few that terrible eoaab. fcUiloh aCufe is Bemedy for yes. "HACKMETACK,' a Us --nt perfams. Fries 25 a d ii)g and i ccnis k j Ay n, tgente. BAD ECZEMA Oil BABU Head one ftolbl 8 ore. Itching Awful. Had to Tie His Hands to Cradle. Cured by Cotlcura. Our 1HU Vy broka ftnt on fit taut with s tad form ot smutna, wbu b waa (our mvntha o'i). W. triad Ur doctor, but thoy did not twip Urn. Ws th. n uaed your tfirtw Curir.-cKA Ksssoisa, snd sftnr ualn umn elmon swki asaetly auxrd. Ins to rllrveUoua, b began to ftteadlly Improve, and alu-r th aaa of them foracven monsha liia had waa -ntlrely wall. Vi bfQ wa Wvitn o-lni? It bis bmd was a solid sors from Uw crows to hi eyebrow . It was alao all ww hi oara. moot of hia face, aod amall place on different pat'.nof blabodr. 'I here wirt atvtaeo waaha that wa had to Iwp bla hftftda tied to tba cradle, and bold thnra whB he waa tk-n tip; snd bad ta top mlttroe Ucd on hia bimda to keep bis HiKr-nali out of tbe aor , as bo would aoruO-.h if ba eon Id In any way "l hi band looae, Vi'a know your CeT-es Ksasnis rur-d him. We find uf, In rewminefwllnif th-n to other. UKO. If. t JSS&L fA iJAUUlri, YVvbafer, tod. Scrofula Cured I have a slater yonnsfcr than tnyat'f wSioae whole body wa eovrrni with acrofnla from bead to foot. Kb. could Dot lie down nt 1ht, and had no peace by dny. A frii'l wl. viaed her to try tbaCtTl' I'M hunrv.ct. e;i'.-i!,J so, ed UM-y eured bor. IX) UA is. KKVIN'O, Uuabayivauia, Cutlcura Resolvent Tli ix-w Itlool aod Pita Pari fir, and trr i Jiumor itemed l .clean the Wood of aiilmpuimi and pMaooone elemeou, and Uu ratnovre tbt enue, while (,'i'Tirt at , the e-roat akin mm. and t 'tT! vr MoS, an eiqulalte akla beautiner, rli ar tin.- anil aenip, ana rotor, toe hair. I tins the f in run Ksasmss car every eperie cf luhli-g burnt-i;, araly, pimply, and biot-hy akin, acalii and biood diavaae. froia pimplea to erofuta, trots tttmptea to beat pbyalci lufatcy to sov, wbea U beat pbyalctatia Lui. BoM ererrwhere. Frloe, C'tmcra. SOe.s Sour, Xk. : Ubsoltswt, ftS. Prepared by the i'VTtts vu s Ciiaaicat. ConMiaa-riox, lioeom, r Hend for " How to Cure Hkla iaaeaaca," V. , eUlliaatraUooa, and 100 toaUmoaial. nV'C t1 kin and Hnlp purified and bnuUftl i0 1 0 by C'CTlccos tkiar. Abeoioteiy purs. r mn 00 viBxkesses Of female tnetantly reHeved by that new, elecant, and lufailible Antidote lo I'aln, InOammatlon, and Weakaeas, tbe Cutlcura, Aull-raJu Ilsater. -OF- My Spring Stock is now the latest D Both in WOOLEN Special w. -To The Ladies - Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Knit Ribbed and Muslin. My Peices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated t:s.f.hosiiei? Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Fui'nisliing I have a Largo Stcck at tbe Lowest Prices ever offered in tba Valley. 1 cat ry a for wear ai aad bo cot til line of the wor'.d-renowad BilDADIIEAD good, unex;el!ed Boisb. . Lire a'-oclt cf Emeuoidcries and FloSxcincs. CJ ccd tbt A!h-y is tbe best trading point ia Oregon. GHAS. H. D0DD & 00., IStPOOTERS or Hardware AND FARM VfiOiTT, FIEST "AND VUTE Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for MOilMiJIL' f iR- "efe&Mv'- "' ' .'i. " " " "'','"- ' J , or Trlpple Furrow. ilioti. tliat those who Imvo used tlnm or seen tlte n work ctm not say t-noiigli 1-. their praibe. We furnish them wHli or itliout scat utta.elnat.niL their praibt. Mtiut attachments are t-xtra. rDSJEiaEl PO"WEE I . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS viKAliN uii-U. - "v line Tress Grain Drill, Rnckeye Seeders, Buelteyc Spring Tooth narrow, Superir Grain Drills, Superior bieders. s- CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Irtkkst improved implement nr sowles summer fallow. The most mrletj r.iK suocowsnil tool tor tals purpose In uso. .&!&. havo a lull lino of Buggies, i'iatlorm ana ' SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS, ' -.nee & Chnpla-s Spring-Tooth Hows, Harrows, Sctontmo r'ci .-I . rnciflo Fanning Mill, HAISH BAIlBMrmE, ETC., KTC. .NT l Olt SPECIAL CIECCLARS AND PRICE USTS. E. THRALL, AGESMT ALBANY, OREGON. Cn " f eeJSSs.-.caftallr s, S v -Si,, f I toe y ira Yo Limi COLLEGIITE IHSIITDiC ALBANY, OREGON. IOOO, 1801. Viral Teem Opt-ae.l Sf:pt?aier lett, IS35. A full corps of lnstrucUr3, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERA3Y ....CCaMEBCIALAKDKCSKAL CLASSES. Courses m "tudy arranged to meet le--tod of a'l gr-vla of students, S fecial luaucemenii ofcred a titdciilt from abroad. -Br.?. ElTtKET CCSIslT ; : - ACADEMY -of Oar La3y 'c! Psrppsai Eei;, ALBANY, - - - onZQOll Conducted by tho Sir.U. f f t. Bcriedic'. Tuition In select day school tati,'ff;s frriii tit Ui ttO. Fortorma o' Boarding Sch'ol or any prtb-tlars app,y atlho Acad;a oris drx Sister Ssuper!or6?a. Cil.y Meat M&vlwL SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietor K'mp a full line o moat of sll l:mA la a cool pltno, comp!(?tiy pro tected; and alaays frci:. RedCrownMiils ROM, telISQ & CO.. t aOPE'S. aw raocaoe ruvn arEttioa rot. uanrt OJTO CAKSRS CHS. KEST STORAGE FACILITIES.' MOUMSM FBEAD. Complete, 'Embracing all Novelties in 00 and WASH FABRIC ooas s ron; Steel, MACHINERY. STEEET3, P0STLA1TD, 02E ICIt . G OlSa Sf : jE. 3E2 323 a DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. r LIFT 3Xtx.k:"S" PLOWS. Carriages. Phaetons, Mountain Af.sor.i. outer opiiux l!liM;Cii Feci .v, tl)cjil, tiOi.n noTiPifTP s ?Pfll ffQA3 TZ f ft:t 4 ? r. CUwS Li Ut'i i.ij