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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1891)
, Conrad Mover. FKortciKTra or. STAR BAKERY Center Eroadalljin ani First Sts., -DEALKU 1N- htted rratta, Uwaware, Hen Frails, febee, ogar t'oflee, Ete t'stnat"! Meat, PegetAfclta, Cigars, ftp'ec. Tea, " v. ifi v a tjtetp very-thing that la kept In a. aa ud grocery ore. Ulgbe. t aid for ClLKUlDSOFfeinODUCE. STEEL PEilS In Sample PtTiv different patterns, tn a Kiik'iruKJ pi atria ht, Beat post-paid ju receipt of at Cii.N Xk. FERRY &C3 .lento -. . U. ft. OBce, 1 0 .. a "rs. C5C0 Howard ! W itl rT tka (bar reward for ar t Urate MUtt, ITptfMta, ItMdarkM. IxtMwtnm. On Jiatttaa or Corttmni w rtniiol hm iU Watn uhWLIm Wta. hn the tfiiwrtioM wMrtctlr tMnftltoal with. T..T ar. r.rlr anal a.ajr fl to r- mttofawttnai. ur Oa.. Larv. Bwwa, .::. ?rt " " , h eataia. ttw.ra of rvti.toa-f.ite end - S. faMiaiaa mwrtM-rarw eaiy ay nes Juus u w w uuwtaji i . cwuauu, tub. J A Caataaiag. Afeat rVnaataentty rami Bfthamt CutUn, Burning er IH- atung. a ymeuj painim traauwnt aaat a goarna tonl ear ia ararv mm, bo atUir how km windi". Thp iinuhhI, fcie K-.ric.M-, at Or .i llw 0"raUnt dtwovarr known to BMdidiae. UdUaulvM aad mnptotolr nmowe th. gtrktar without annoy ar petn ua pauanu. DISEASES OF MEII! rV-ttHmr to thrlr Sx, n t ant proparta Bam here, laeinlina all thoee dellcte InArmilU and ' mail. which they would shrink rruaa diarionnr to thaur Until, phjraietaa, pannaawiUjr cured ta ba Hat than M .nr kaorn to MaiKine balura, by Ir BomUs'Kew Sjtauna of TraataAnt," It reju.aHuttaw th ganlto-anr ary organ, and tw ka weak aua .trac-a-Warn pnaabia, it la elwara boat to eatl lor rwraoaal aoaanlUUaa aad ajeal .xaaiimtloa. But tbow alia canaot poaaibly cell. ,rhnild arita, atating Umht lolly. Mautetna ami bv aull or anr a. Waa Iron axHaura,to all U of tbo Padlk Coaat. Wm.'A. Boxell, M. D I raal a lnBeawry. raatiaaaV mrwm Com or Firat and I'uiaatreeta, oacr.Fortlaod XSational DaOR. 1 EAL;B3TA I K FOR 8ALE.-I hara IV l farm of 2tu acrwa. Dear Low depot, on the Harrow - Oaugo. 10 mile from Albany. Alt la cultivation. Fair houa and bai dm Jbr aty. and domaatio pnrp8a. Floe oalt gr . Ataoaootberfarui ol J28 Aorea, thror . .ra froja Lebanoa, All ia culUvaU Fair hooao. Oood watar. Both p whaat (aTtna. Alao house and two lota on Fifth and Jftfferaoo atresia, Aibauy, For fitrtb ar particulara eall on 1. Umpbrey.Ceatei precinct, or o liewitt A Irvine. AO anr. ZXl A UMP1IREY. Fortmiliei & Infiiig, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS Arterial Embalming Dana Scieutil lcilly. City jlleat Market. EEULTZ EEOS,, Proprietors. Vrp a full line of meala of all kinda. In cool plLiw, mmplntely pro tected; and alay froeh. j.i.ccainc,) rtttrtirnai y ( al 4.4.1HT. tfXW, Iff "IFVE" DRUGS "EERLIirrTcOUCH .. 3t PAT RTtKgjl Lj ACADEMY OF Our Lad j of Perpetual Help, 4LOANY, - - ' OREGON Conducted bj the 81Uv f ftt. Benedict Tuition In eelect day cbcxjl ranzca from fStotlO.. Forteraia o' Boarding Mich ol or any prtlctlaraarpiy atlbe Academw or, id. adea Sinter Soperiore.a. timj C0LLEGUT15 INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1GQO, 1801. Mr .4 Term aaeaed September leit, im. A full corps of Inatructora,- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAEX COMMERCIAL AKO NORMAL, . CLASSES. CViurane ol atudy arranged toj.aMat lb' evl of all fradoa of atadaota, ' Spcil iuaitcemnt oJtrtifJs.snJinUt from abrjvdi. KEr. r.LRgjir rerr S. W. Paisley, .Albaay, aragea -WHOLES VLK DEALER IN Toteo aai Cigars. . RM1 HCAUIt TMI ! THE BEST. I), ty. FKHtff aU CO I!!u.traicd, Dcw:nptiv and Priced SEED ANNUALi Kor 1831 will ba nulled FREE f . 'o ftH appitcanl and to l.tCMon' f i cuAtunicib It it bcitffr thao aver. trery person uin(j CardtH, t i ri'ruvr tr fniu Meat, Ih'iuid lend for It. Addrctt 5 D . M . r C B R Y A CO. : I CtTNOIT, MICH. Red CrovnMills LAXKIXG & CO.. lUOPR'S. a pi'K'ui rwivi iiTtmoa rtiK rAnn.iit ANri egeiis nxR. :!;T STORAGE FACILITIES. STRICTURE ! "af RE1 TO if iv'.n tiFsv r1 1 f X ''j ail I I a i,. " mwT Tyy. aiain, vy J , vi.Bw r.aaV' EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Gout ern Pacitlo Route SHASTA LINE. Ksttran Tnilnt laara Portland Daily. a-.uth2 TiWiri a. T"Nrth rortland Albany Rob t'raniloo Ar I 9 S& A II L A Ly I ;oo r a 1016 a Ar Aoora train, atop onlr at MIowIhij ution norll) al KtwAburg. Kut t'ortland. Orwr.n Cltv, Wwd- bum, (Ulotu, Albany, Tnrnt, Hhotld. Iialty. Uar wuurg, juiipnoB niy, Irving, augana. kaatM-a ntib,lun.T. S; H) a II. Pnrtland Arl 4:0r U:'J0a(L Albany 1 L I 12.00 H t:0M Ar H.awbiiry L ' 6 :8Q AUAXT WOAt( BAII.T aioarT oTSPAT) IMfl I l Portland Arlaa O0rwA Albany Lv ) 6:00 t M baaABOR tRARCB, t'MTa I U Albany Ar :(Aa H linn Ar babaaon L :4ita Y S0 Lt Albany Ar :lr a tfita Ar Lobaa.ia Lt 1:40 a a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist SI 0015 in cr Oars. - a r aid mtIhIbb. rrvitK rMiLA as (oktalli. Vam .tarn aui (Kxjt tunuay.) Portland Uvrvallta Arl b.M r a Uli ra HI Ar airman rmia bau,t (Kxaptlaaday. Jra I rl Parlwii McMiuuTllla Ar Ly I :10 a a .4 a a Ar ThronU TicltotM To all puluta EAST, AHD SOUTH. foi tuii InroraaUoj rrardln ral.a, lure, oa 4many Agrnt at Al'awy , k. OIULkll k r. Rooms Maaaaar 4ait U. K. and P. A THE YAQUKXA ROUTE gon Development Concpany'a 8te.n amp LAna. 225 r.l!LES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME kin by any other rcile. Flrat-olau through rtaaaeuger and relght line from poluu a tbe Willamette Valley to aui from sen rraclaco, cat. Rrali moke eloae oonneclion at A I ban ith traloa of tbe Oregon Faoiflo Hail road T K. B. Kecvtver. TIMS 3CHKDULK.( axoapt Baada.Ta.) LaavaAlbaay lilt . a. Uot. Oorralll. It Sr. a. rria Taqalna, 4; r. a. LMK Yaquina. J TO. Lobto ComJlia,1u.3A. Amva Albany, 11:M A. O. C. trataa connect at Albany and OorralUa. Tbe above Ualua eonnevtat Yaoolnawttb tbe Orotron Development Onmpany'a Line or Bteauiablpa between V equina aad baa Franc inco. SAlLISiO DATEM . raoa TamA. WUlaaMtta Tall. Jaa latiHth; 19Ui;rih. tsoaaa raaoiKO srUUawtU Yallay Jaa 4th ; 1Kb ; Ilnl Slat. Tbe Compaav rvrve tbe ngnt to tbance sailing, datM v'lhout notice. N.B. Peaeenfrere from Portland and VUlameae Valley poinU can make eloae sonneotLMi with tbe trelna of tbe Yaquina out at Albany or Corvallia, and ifdea Ined to 8eu Franciaoo should arranco to rrive at Yaoulna tbe evening before date fawning- acr 4 r.algM BaSea alwajs tan alio i am!? to A It Cbapm ta, freight and - Albt't V. V. NtSSigs.. U. r. ana P. Agm . Corval.h. F IltST NATIONAI. ltAXII. CP ALBART, ObKOI", ProaWJant.. .. t..rLtS! 8. K, VOL' NO .K, W. LAKUCOK Viea rraatdaBt -. Caablar -. TmAMat.Lra A OENeRALbankan taA Si'll!NTM KKITnibiacttonota. L IOHT BXCHANOK and Wl TapBM tratwrar, U Mm York, aaa PraoctaoO. lluoago aad rwtiaud logon. COU-ZOTlOSr aUDIoa faorabla Wrasa. ataacioaa K. Toeaa K.W. Laaaa L BtaiB, L Puaa Kowsaal.aoi. LISS CO. MATIO.tAE.KAXK, cr ALDAkY, oalooti. CAPITAL tTOCK r 00,000. Mdnl.. J L COW AT, rka-Praaidaat i U P. AIJfT'M. tj-ahlar ...UB0 K CnMl'.k!aLAIM. am caaawr u A AJU D aarroaa. -f L Onran. i M Kahdyav Ooa B CbaatbOTlain, W B Udd, W U Ooirfa, J A Craw lord aad O A Arehiboid. TRANSACDI a moral hanking bwdaaa). DHAWaiuUl llltm '.w Yoaa. aaa an I f1 -! T Orecon. LOAN MOffEToai apptCTod imHtg B.JLL su v a dopoalta sub oct B AUK Or OREUOV. ALBANY, OiltUOM. (apiiai. isse.aee. PraridonS..;..., Ple-Praailoi)t MIIPMRKKjrU. E J LAXS1KO JT WBLAIif Caahior A t' ral banking bunea traar-aetetL BASK OP IO. scio, oi.eoo PnMkVlit . Vior troMoet - . i M3KSI Jirrr Mraaa VI Mat John Guinea P0 Smith. . UiUr piascur ss: E Coins, J 8 Morris, 11 Bryant T)oaa a rnwral bankliu. orul ow biniro hiidruw. Blabt draft tamiod on Aun , Portland anl baa Praociwo. PORTI.ANU NAVIXGM ItANK, OP PORTS AD. Oil BOO. Paid tip capital... r'io aurplua and proava-. Intercat all .it on aacinira daoealu a. Inllowa: On ordinary MTtAg tnok. .... 4 par oent per arwam. on term aaxtnga sxiks .6 par caul tgaanan. On Mmauatat ol For thro. aamUrt 4 per e-tit urMnum; P07 aja nwMitiia 6 par ent pa amiua Por too; to Dxitlm....... 6 pw oant par atxiuoi. KRANK DKKUM, PrmbA-nS I. P. THOtli'HON Vioa-Froahlaat. H. C. HntATfON, CaaMwi js -iga'air- -Tit. aa. - ; a Will & Link OPEKl IIOUSK BIISIC STOinZa AUBJIT t0. Tll-;ciSLXBRTSO . . II- Pa MIil l, Ami the F.Torilo J: BAUE't & w s .riAWw i'alnco mid E;irlt?aT .rlotiBrtProof Oaswti ltS Aur.KTS rog TII!J Sldradga B. and Fv '" inj: 'las?.,. Orc.ahh -Clrankd- AND - RRPAlfSB- ALBA.NY, Oil LOON, Wan Allkin, of . naltrx llv. at th Wi'twf i' -tm T', clii.-i;; r cTi eed '' Of pany'a mmt. FOB CLKVEbAMU IN 1IM. The action ol the democrat, ol the New York lcgtalatura tn nominating Gov. 11111 lor the senate timpliflrt matters somewhat, as It was Imagined by some that the gov ernor was a dangerous rival to ex-l'rcsl dent Cleveland (or the presidential noml nation next year. The lew democrats who are opposed to Mr Cleveland had nearly ail pinned their hopes upon Gov. Mil, who Is known to be an Able politician and withal a very ambitious one, For weeks It has been proclaimed by them that he would not accept the senatorial nomination, but that he would keep him self In readiness for the presidential eon test. Ills unanimous nomination (or sen ator dUpels all those hopes and shows that the democrats ol the Empire state will go Into the contest ol lfya united and to win. The democrats ol the New York legis lature have just enough votes to elect the senator while the republicans are two votes shoit ol the required number. Gov, 1 1 111 will be the next New York senator and next yr he will be one ol the lore- most supporters ol G rover Cleveland as the candidate lor the great democratic party lor president. Little by little the political sky is clear. ing and there Is nothing more certain than that Grovcr Cleveland will be nominated by the democratic convention without serious oppotltlon and triumphantly e- lected. Milwaukee Journal. A liKKKYJt AM.EUr.D 5TATK. The Connecticut IcHlature Wednesday re elected Senator Piatt, who now repre sents the state In the striate In the repub lican Interest. His majority was smalt, but sufficient. Mr riatt will repirscnt the majority JnJ the legislature but not the majority of the people o( Connecticut The legislature Itaell does not represent that majority The democratic members In the two branches represent 95,840 votes while the republican members represent only 73,M votes, jet the republicans have n majority In the legislative and have elected a re publican to misrepresent the state in the United States senate. The con petition ol the legislature ol Connecticut and New York, in comparison with the votes represented by the demo cratic and republican members respect ively, should male republicans blu.h every time they use the word "gcrrjr mandcr." The QrtgoMt In reply to our question at to the means bv which Senator Mitchell won It over to his support eaja the sena tor has not placated" It. It sets up Its old hackneyed corrpUin. that the demo crats helped elect Mitchell. It ahould not forget that those democrats who voted lor Mitchell gave as their reaaon that they simply chose between two evils. It was much belter to havo Mm than some old evil spirited Dourbon tike Hoar or Ed mum's. Dut at this lat senatorial election there was no purpoae 10 give Mitchell a single democratic vote. This the Orro. mi, 1 and other 'opposition' to lilf hell knew full welt. II Mitchell' opponents In the repub'ican party have always been able to defeat tilm when democrats kept their hands efLaa that paper allege, hy did not that "oppoaltion" defeat him this time? The truth Is the opposition to Mitchell la that party is a mere fabric ol a vision. The fact may be sUted that Mitchell Is as com, pletc a boss ol his party tn that state as Joe Simon Is In hi way. The statement ol that piper that "the people ol Oregon care nothing (or moral or Immoral charac ter," has no proof at all except It be In the late election cf Mitchell to the senate. W 5ilc sinking a mine shaft recently at Mysore, the workmen broke into an old shaft dug perhaps a thouaand years or more ago, and in which were tounc implements of various kinds ibat bore anmbtakabV evidence f f the former workmen Lcirg Chinese. Different classes of substances have been found lo affect theorgans of tasie in lh fotiow ng order; Bitters, acids, saline, substances, wetts snd sw.lirr. The taste nerves are nearly 2000 tiroes ss sensitive lo quinine as to sugsr. Signore Jetsada, the great lace f.tbricant of Cenoa, Italy, carries back the manufacture o' Italian lace as early as the year 1400, and ba, in bis potest ion specimen which he declare to be of that date. When Senator Hoar wants to express bis opinion of those "Blamed Democrats" be shuts hlmteil np in a commit tee room and calls them pet names until the paper peels off tbe walls. It is about lime for Brer Blaine to turn him self loose again, if he is going to save the re publican party in rongress from fatal blunders There are 15,000 brass bands iit this coun try, with 150,000 performers. Witi in the lest decade 5,245,530 foreigners huve come onr shores. - - W. Y. Raid ki p. the best wt.uen'. of laucy gro ls in tttwri. IOO P. Albany Louge ti 4 holds Ite regular meeting Wedriedar evening of each week. VUitlnj4 brothers are cordially iitntu f attend. - op has tola nt the tale of a mule wbfeb, from overfeeding, galloped about and felt gay, saying to hiinauirr "My father, surely. Child In l0A an I .r.Jlt wit. niKn-tnetuca raoor, ana 1 am bis own Next clay he wag sick and weary; be then exelniind: "I muit have made a mistake: my father, after alL, could have boon only an at." A man. after eating a good dinner, amy foci extravagantly Joyous; bat next day (I don't man you to Intel he feels liko an nra) hi) is surly and prim, ills storoacu und liver are 6ltJg(ffsh, he ia morose, despondent and "nut of sorts gen erally. For luiliHjestion, Biliotignuas and alt deningemeritn of the Stomach, Liver and lioweU, Dr. 1'ieroo'g Golden Modleat Discov fT t an unequalod Itemotly. Contains no alcohol to Inebriate no nyrup or sugur to ferment and derantro tho digestive proecwua. It cleanses tho sygtem and cures pimples. Lloti'hes, arnT.ions and ali f'.ltin and Bearo bmxMtn. . Bcrofulous aSoctlons, as Fever sores, Hip-Joint JJiK-nee, Sweliinp anft T11 rt, yMJid to Its superior aJtcrutivo propot- WORT.D'g DtapTTgATtT MkDICAT. A880CIA- SIOX, iituiufatjturers, Uuffalo, N. V. WO offered for aa inenrtihln e.nw of Catarrh in tho Hend. br Sir 1 - iinrrn lu-meny. uniy Ul CCtttd. du'U,ra'. everytvfc.Ts. bold It TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, liver Felt. Nw York, Jan. 30. The news ol the death ol Secretary 'NVindom started Wall street this morning. The only appreciable financial effect, however, was a tail In the price ol silver bullion, the Loudon price declining from 47M per cent to 46, and New York declining accordingly, The death Is looked upon by silver men here as rendering the passage ol any silver bill this session unlucky, Mare Balls Begaa. Sal.m, Jsn. 30, rapers In three more Lake Labiah damage aulta against the Southern Paelllc were filed this morning with the clerk ol the circuit court, and will come or lor trial at the February term. This makes twenty suits In all, with aggre gate damages asked ol $231,15. ' A Soled lafldelDead. I.ONIXW, Tan 30, Charles Iirsdlsticli r'Icd at 6 o'c'ock this morning. At the mou.cnt ol the coming of desih UraJlaut'h ass in a state of insensibility, Arrangements are partially effected to hold the funeral Tuesday nest, which will be of the simplest description, and there will be neither brocetslon, mourning ctnoiem nor uinersi service, Nebraska Mailers. Lincoln, Neb, Jsn 30. liy a vote of 81 to a, this afternoon, the house Indefinitely post poneJ the bill piovUiing for a recount of the votes cstt at the last election on the proliibi toiy amendment. The bill aiiprapridtiniif (oo, 000 for the relief of drought sufferers in the wettern part ol the slate passed by a unani mous vote. . Pease t IgatJag Daae. Bvknui Avaan, Jsn 30. According to CLiusa auv ices received nere, mere nave been desitctate batt'es (ought in the provinces of Chili between rebel forces and government troops. Many were killed on both sides. Reports at conflicting as to which siJe was victorious. There is little acton on cither aide at Santiago J C'lil.l. YTagaa Baad Bills. Salem, Or, Jan 3cv Tbe special iont com. raittee on wsgon appropriations, consisting of senators tilackman and Sinclair and Kepn scnistives Crook, Jennings and Tracy, has complettd lis report, and the report on the part onhe house memltcrs waa made Ibis al tereoon. Fifteen house hills, sccrecating an piopriations of $84,300, IS of tad. too. were recomnwndi-d forpsssage, and when the senate meets Men' day four senste Uils calling fur fii.tua will be ret ominended to that ody lot pssssge. Wiadata Brad. Naw York, Jaa so Hun William Win lorn, secretary of the treasury of the United Statei, died tonight st lo.ot o'clock in the bsnnuet hall at Uclirmr.icoa's, where he wss the guest of the New York Uoard of Trade and Trantportsiion. His had deen the firai toast of the evening. After he bad ftninlted bis res ponce he swooned at once, and died al moat immsdlstely. Ever effort was made to restore him, but in vain. lie died of heart disease. The great assemblage at once dis solved. Mr indom had been tbe only speak er, and tbe sentiment to which be rcsponced wss: "Out county's prosperity? depended up on lis instruments of commerce. Me4 rBBaaaraed, Washington, Jan, 39. The entire at titude of regulation hi changtd since the force bill has been dropped, and there Is every reason to expect that the urgent Duslnes ol the session will be finished by tbe 3rd of March. There Is little daubt but what the bill Is dead. Republican senator w ho gave It a quasi support have notified the extremists tney would not again ry and get the bill up, and that It had ita day In court, A Terrible Wreck. Saw Faast isco, Jan 29 Late advice. Rom I long Roc- state ibai the Chins Navi gation Company's steamer Shanghai, while oa her way from Shanghai to Hankow, Dee, at last, wss tot oily destroyed by fire. There were over 400 Chinese passengers on board. A Chinese gun boat and steam launce, which er near at bsnd, made ba attempt to ssv say one, but their crews contented themselves with picking up things that floated from tbe burning steamer. Tbe number of live loat is ant accurately known, but to said to be be tween 2ouantf3oo. T ae Kteeteaestted, New York, Jan. 29 James M Sioctm. the baseball player, who killed his wife, fcilcn, January 1. tSbo, and wa convicted ol murder in the first degree, wa resen tenced today to be electrocuted at Sing sing in me week Beginning March 16 S locum was originally scnitneed to die May 5 la.t, but got a stay pending an ap peal. The appellate court confirmed the judgment of the lower court. sirl.a Big Ballalag. KJMiixcTott, Jan 29. Senator Dotph wss watching the returns from li e White houte today to see 11 bit rortland public buildidg bill wss approved, as this wss the day il would have besoms a law by limitation. He was very much grarified lo find I hot the president had approved the act several days sgo and that rortland would havca 1500,000 building. Coasity Seat Agitation, BROWNsvuxE.Or, Jan 29. A very large meeting was hete in 1 h city hall inthisci'y Ust t-ight in regard to a dtvutcn of Ihls county. Committees were appointed and step will be taken immediately to have petition circulated so a to ascertain the feeling of our citizens in this part 01 1-inn eounty. A Dlrly Wa.h Wabiuxgtox. Jan. 28, -lt Is staled an apparently good authority that Mr Hoar has In his pocket a letter written tahl.n by . a . . mm npeaaer uarrcti, 01 tne Massachusetts house ol representative, containing the information that acunvatsof the members of the legislature shows that a large ma jorlty believe that the action of the senate on Monday In shelving the eagrule and force bill wa wise and politic. Senator Hoar, therefore, U said to have reached the determination that aa these constltu ants speak with no uncertain voice he Is justified In washing his hands of the ob noxious bill Irom this time forth. Mare aft. Salem, Jan 28. Today papers in six more damage suns sgamst the Southern Tactile Compsny, were filed with the clerk tf the cir cuit court of Marian county, making tbe total number of caes already filed an even dozen. The aggregate amount of damages stked in the suits last inttuted is $6,275, and of tha twelve 1184,225. Every one of these caies has g-own out of the train wreck st Lske Lapish last iMoverooer. 1 tie suits tiled and the darn jges asked In filings were msde today as fol lows; u B Miller, 25, 175; John Tengilly, 8ooc; Jane Clark, $20,100; E W Sproot, $10, 000; Lottie Magnenon, 125,000; Minnia Mag neton, 93000. A Uealb Mrnggle TACOMA. Tan 28, Last night DtnH Web str, Hurry Kolierls and Ali- Laughlin, Puy aiiup Indians, ail gel nioul 2 came 10 town from the rrseivalica and filled np on bad whisky. On the way lo the reservation after dark Laughhn was so drunk he could not sit tip. but remembers that the ollie.s quarreled, got out in the road and fought and that the horses ran away Willi him. This morning the body of Webster was found desd I y the side of the road . There were evidences of a strug gle, Webstct's tongue being out. He evident ly hsdjeen chocked to death by the tightei ing f ihe handkerchief worn about his neck. Worse Titan First Reported. Pjttsbuiig, Jan. 28 II C Frlck, of the Mammoth mine No. t, the scene of yes terday's terrible expo.ion, has been in. al most constant communication with rep resentatives at the pit since yesterday. Frick says In all there were 160 men working in the mlr.e at the time ol the accident; that nine escaped with their lives, some of them hndly injured. The rest. 151 men, were either killed oulritrht or suffo. cated by the terrible afterdamp, Ulud.tone'a 1'onittnn, London, Jan. 28 Current reports in regard lo Gladt-tone's intended resignation are essoctatrd in the public mind with ne gotiations for the rettlement of the Iriah (liflicultifs. It is Intimated that as Par nell is evidently not going to obliterate himself, Gladstone, who ha. virtually de manded Tarnell's withdrawal, now pro poses to get out of the dilemma by him self. ,- TIJns fcleeted. Madison, Wi, Jan.28. -Colonel Vilas was foimally elected by the joint convention of the legislature today to succeed United States Senator Spooncr. DIED. FKY. On Thursday night, Jan. 20th, 1891, at her home in Albany, Ruth A., wife of ltichard A. Fry, aced 20 years. The deceased was born in lihoda Island, and had reeiilcd in Linn county two and a half years, t'he ia spoken of una. yon" MfSt IT. A bill by Senator Fulton provides (or the exemption of railroads from taxa tion II built within two rears, the exemp tion to last several years, The object is to stimulate railroad building. The secretary of the state has already purchased $500 worth of postage stamps tor use during this session ol the legisla ture and will have to buy mora, Journal, ino wonder the receipts mount upward In the Salem P. O, "Whete can I get drink?" said stranger at the depot this noon, Water f" "No, S-l-il" with a look of dl.uustthe Drmocrat man never will forget. "Uh, In there." "Ah, but coming -dauntlessly eager for gild, he Interfered," la a remarkable aen tense the Dkmocrat gel (ron The Writer. The first letter ol each word forms part of the alphabet, and the nine words represent nine different part of speech. A Tscoma company ha nine men work Ing In ledge olquarta on (Hue river, and It T reported that a mill will be put In this spring. Samplea of ore are sent to Tsco ma every few weeks, -ail 01 wnicn nave been very flattering The company has Increased Its capital stock to $300,000. Snow drove the miners out once this win ter, but thrv are now pushing work In the tunnel. Who know what Lane county tin mij ui mg torinr cugene rtegister, Police Judge Tannei yesterday fined 1 man Sioo for carrying a concealed weapon. While this would seem to be a severe pen ally for auch an apparently small nffense. It U quite proper that Judge Tanner should view It In the light that he does. Telegram. A many men carry conceal ed weapona it looks rather tough to fin one, , where hundred go free, yet that I aw, ana juage tanner can an nothing else but levy lines. Peonle lighting matches do not realize what Is going on. Here it la: Tbe phos phorus tin the match I raised by friction to a temperature of t to degrees K at which it ignites. It rate the tempera ture of the sulphur, if It be a sulphur match to coo degrees when the sulphu bcslns to burn ; the sulphur raises the heat to degrees, when the wood takes up the work and produces a tempertlure ol 1000 degree at which lite coal Ignites. Oregon boy who go to Eastern school slmo.l universally stand libjh. That has been Albany', experience, and here Is gratifying case from Jatemi "From the class and conduct report of the semi annual examination held at Ihe United Statea military academe. Went Point. '.N Y isoi, it is teamed that Cadet William B Ladue, ol the fourth clasa, a son of M Wra N Ladue, president ol the tint Ma tlonal bank, ol this city, baa distinguished httnsei! and honored Oregon, bv attaining the proud position of head ol the class, being first In all subject. The fourth class I compo-xd of eitihty -seven mem oer. A philosopher shove the quill on the aitl Times: "While bill, are Pwlng Corya Introduced bv the hundred and aced on by our wise legislative assembly at Salem, some of the member are not neglecting their own Individual welfare, (ora bill ha been Introduced asking that tne pay of member be Increased to seven dollar perdat. This must took large to some of our granger representative. Just think. Seven dollar equals about eleven bushels of wheat, Eleven bu.hcls of wheat per day, tor forty dars.would make 440 bulel. If this bill pakacs, the mem bers Irom the rural dUtricts can go to Salem, and In forty dt accomplish the same thing that usually takes a year al hotte.' The principal fashion at Pendleton now la to bring eulu apninst O W Hunt, a former realdent of Albany for about a year. A cae haa Iwn foaod where tt is nectraaary to take "coat to New Castle." Here it is from the Pendleton E. ).: Pendleton meat market tnen complain that, although this 1 a "aheep country," mutton ie not to be hod. the eupply be ing exhaust?!. People here must con tent thernsclvea witli pork chop and beefsteak for a time. Mutton eheep everywhere command a fancy price, and the man I in luck who haa thera to eel I. Alfred A Walter, an agent for the Equitab e Life Insurance Co. signed hi name to a check lorjo-rty dollar on a Portland bank in favor of an Oregon City man, and there being no fund there he waa promptly arrested and put tn jail. Waltera claiini to be a nobleman, the future Sir Arthur Fabin, baronet. "It is a be aatly, blawetctl shame," eaid lie, "to put a refined man in a lock-up with a lot of darty dawga." The Portland, Seattle, Taconia, Astoria, Spokane Falls, Walla w'alla, and indeed the markets of every large city in the North Pacific are now being supplied with butter from Minnesota and eggs from Iowa, The Rural Hpirit, ol Port land, believes that aa long as this condi tion of things exiala it should ben crim inal offense to claim that times aru hard or to use acy inlluenco to discourage huiiiigration. A despatch received thti morning from Owery, Col, by Judge Powell stated that Mr Chris Finlayson waa somewhat im proved in health and that he waa in good hands. Pneumonia is the cause of his illneM. Should Mr Finlayson grow worse ti e Judge will start at once for Owery, t ut it is hoped this wilt not be necessary. The t )tal suits now brought against trie southern raciiio amount to t'J77,fRa, The following are new ones: George Magniison, by Charles Magnueon .guardi an aa iituin.iiuiHj Dotti ankles sprained ; Nora MagnuHon.tlSOO spinal injury and cold; W U Hatniuell, $30,000 concus sion of brain and spinal column ; Annie It Hummel!, $35,000 same injuries; A M Page. $23,000 concussion of spine. For thirty-six days in December and January no sunshine was seen in London. Bnow, sleet and ice was the order. Here our weather offers a great contrast. Hosea Brown, of Siuslaw precinct, lias been granted a pension of $45 per month during his lifetime. This will be good news for the old veteran of the war of 1812, who!s in his ninety-ninth yea,and is quite poor. He resides with a son who is 78 years of age. Guard. Jack Wilkes, who is an ngent for a benevolence and insurance company, of California, was arrested in this city yes terday for violating the laws of Oregon relating to insurance companies doing business in this state. Journal. It will do no harm to keep an eye out for these fellows in Albany, At a mcctlntc of grangers nt Salem 1 resolution was passed against granting i any more appropriations to the Agricul tural College until the title to the hind is secured to tne state, ana demanding an mvestisratiop of how the previous monev cranted baa been used. A verv good idea. . . Tho Dkhocbat ia informed1 that the Street Railway Company has received a proposition from citizens in the East end of the city to build a track ready for nee and convey it to the company provided it be operated regularly. It should by ail means be accepted. Though a private corporation street car companies should be run in the interest of the whole city regardless cf locality. We are glad to know the prospect is good for a line into the Goltrt Park Addition. Let us have them in all directions. The pnpere in the case of M A Moodv, plaintiff, asrainst George W Rowland, ll C Neilsen.W M Stewart, George A Liebe, Thomas N Jolea, Isaac P Toes,"C M l.'ief. zei, Leslie Butler end K MeFnrHtrtd, the tain of IM.OOO, Mr Moody alleging that the defendant Imd alandered Mm to that extent in aigning and presuming to the city council and rniig'mtx to tie published a nUtutnunt concerning his POfBCMlon ol the water ol Da ea Citr. Nttld lUtettiont bdng the matter over which luipcnrhutent procecdlne were Instituted. W Lair Hill. BiUiinirrjr, aa.nt. vu VVHI V iiHIf tlllii AJl 1 1 1 II At J I a Dolphnl Kinion appear for the plttiiitilL Dttllfa Chronicle. The OreL'onlan legislative edllne eon . tinues to talk In a sensible manner, tie ayss ' Hantlam county 1 not IlkeJv to be created this year out ol Linn county. Senator Jeff Myers, of Scio, who was re ported to be In favor of dividing the old county, has come out In strong opposition. atinougn assured by real esute boomers that It would be 310,000 In bis pocket from the lncrcaed value ol real estate when gclo shou'd be made the county scst. No one ol the two senators or three repiesent- auves from 1-inn county will consent to in troduce a bill prepared by the boomer if jtrt tne torkt of tne nnntlam, whluit 1 the best man evidence of the weakness of of the movement hi favor of ccuniy dlv i.ion, 1 nere are over 4000 voters in Linn county, and only about 600 name are signed to the petition lor division. The taxes collected in Linn county amount to 9137,000, and the section which wishes to have a county all by iLrlf pay less than 91100 01 tins sum, ihe epenei of a coantv govetnment,lrieludlng school taxes, wotuu e twice the sum now paid by them at a low estimate. IJurlng the pa.t two years Linn county has paid out for bridges n tne section that wutics to secede over $38,000, It would seem from the fore going fltfui e that there are about boo people In the forks of the who do nun know when they are well off. RALCtl. Ihe following Item from your paper should receive a full explanation: "The first trip around the world was made on the "ship Columbia, which left Boston Sept 30, 1787, under command of Capt John Kcndrlck, accompanied by the sloop Washington, t apt Koucrt uray, At Nooika, (now Wa.hlngton Territory ,)Capl Gray took command ol the Columbia and sailed for Canton, from which no with a cargo of tea, via Cspe ol Oood Hope, he reached Hoaion Aug 10, 1790. iiie voy. age around the world ol these I wo ship was In a ntes.tne an accident. When they left Boton they had no definite Idea of the aeas they were to traverse, save thev were golr.g to the Pacific Ocean, During the Revolutionary war British ports were cut off from American ship. As soon as the Independence of the United State was acknowledged by Great Britain, the strict enforcement of the old unrepealed navigation law cut off from their former hanuts Ol commerce, and it became a question from what ports American ship could bring home coiiee.sugtr, spices and tea. Ail Brlti.h colonic were barred agahut them as much a were those of Spain, So American ship salted intothe ta.tern ocean where trade with the native wa free. There were six enterprising merchants of Boston, J Barrel), S Brown, C Bulfinch. J Darby. C Hatch an J I M J'lntsrd.who observing the fondness of the Chincae for furs, fitted out In 1787 two ships for trade In the I'aclnc ocean, the Washington and Columbia, signifies named, undc command of John KendtVk with Capt Robert Gray, master of the Washington. They sailed fearlessly round Cap Horn to the northwest coa.t ol America In quest of peltry to exchange for the costly Ubnc of (.bin, they were on litis coa.t long before the Hudon uay company, t hese navigator sailed through the Strait of Fuca, first at the time when Ihe constitution of the United State went Into operation, two year be fore Vancouver, the Kngiish navigator, and Qutmper anduolloro. Capt Kcn drlck had entered every channel. Inlet and harbor where there wa a chance (or traffic. In 17S9 Capt Kendricks transfer red Capt Gray to the Columbia, and he. Capt Kendrkks btnk the Washington and later on sailed down the coast. ' Capt Gray tn May, I7yi. entered the river which he named after hUship,uColumbla,n and took poeae salon ol the country In the name ol hl government. The sailing of the Columbia and Washington through what Is now known as the Canal Do Harro an J Cape Gray, ta'aing the Columbia river In his country s name, were events which establislted the American title to Oregon agaln.t Great Britain. Spain, ihe oldest claimant of alt, awerled her title against the Briti.h to the whole extent, and as against Ku!a to latitude 55 degree. It wa these Boator merchsnta,throuH John Kendrick and Robert Gray, that settled the claim to the the.i Oregon of the United State. The northern boundary was thus accordingly establislted under this claim by F.mpcrvr William. There la a sliver medal, bearing upon one side raited ships, Columbia and Washington, and on the other the names of tne uoston merchants mentioned above, to be seen In the Secretary ol Statea olnce. Therefore this vovage urouuc the world is very sig nificant wucn considered bv the pioneer Orrgonluf. Not one who figured In this enterprise bad any conception of it grand result., r.or has he lived to wit nets the grandeur of this achievement. Occamov At " STATE LCtlsLJlt BP, Sai.xm, Jjii s3. Mvera bill (or the ap propriation of $3000 for the Sodavillc springs fallcJ to pas. Vote, 13 to 15. After amendment the Australian ballot bill passed the senate and was returned to the housi fur concurrence. Among others bills Incorporating Albanr, Leoanon and Scio, pasted the senate. McCracken'a. bill for a state board cf charitie passed the bouse. A bill by Mlnto providing (or economy in appropriations was Indefinitely postponed. Eakins senate bill for a re corder in Lane and Benton counties was read first time and will probably pass. Salem, Jan. 20. Just half the session of the legislature is now gone. The fol lowing new bills were introduced: In reference lo sheriff's fees; by Weather ford, in reference to debtors with families to support; by Cross, creating a health bureau of statistics ; by Ralev, for por tage railway between The Dalles and Celilo; Welch's seagull bill passed both houses, also roquet's bill in reference to recording wills in county where land is situated. A house bill providing that graduates of Monmouth echool should be entit'ed to certificates without exam ination was defeated, 15 to H. House hill for expenses ot the legislature was passed. In the house the Albany, liba tion, Scio and other incorporation bills were introduced ad referred, and the following among other senate bills: Hirsctt's bill permitting justices of the peace to examine insane persons in ab sence of county judge; appropriation bill for canitol ; Eakin's bill for record er in Benton and Lane counties. A joint memorial for $'-'00,000 to improve Tilla mook bay was unanimously passed, also a joint resolution to keep up Fort Klam ath. Tho amount irt the World's Fair appropriation bill was cut down to $50, 010 and so reported. The Australian ballot bill was variously mutilated, but will probably become a law after several returns for concurrence. Salem, Jan. SC. Minto'a World's Fair bill provides., that for the purpose of de fraying tho expenses incurred by the state board of commissioners appointed under the act, that there is hereby ap propriated $50,000: $10,000 to be expend ed in 1891, $'20,0C0 in 1802 and $20,000 in isod. weauiertora baa introduced a bill incorporating North Brownsville. Nor- val, protecting Chinese pheasants and other birds east of the Cascades; Weath erford, providing for the payment oi in terest on orders. isy representative Miller, of Josephine county, petition asking for Santiam county : by McCrack en, to protect wagon roada, forbidding wagons with tire less than three inches wide with load of over two thousand pounds, to be driven over wagon roada j by Shedd, relating to duties of county clerks and assessors. By Miuto, to re-! peal law which forbids persons bribed from testifying Bgaintt those bribing. By Sbedd, relating . to records of mort gages. . - o; A Matt Valuable A cent. H Armgardt, M, D., 95 Jsokeon Street, Brooklyn, N Y, writes: 'Being ftmiliar with tha stimulating, hoaliug and anodyne properties of Allcook's Porous Plasters, I oommeml them aa a most valuable amentia tho class pf dinaaaea for which they are in tended. Tho stimulates action wttn worn over tbe pattrio refion materially aids in r.-u.torng atrnntfth ai-i e-r-rry to diw-.'-'nn. 1I0.WB ARB 1BK0AB TIICIIHOAY. Bnvsr.l farmers ailisnoi hsra been organ Lgbd in Umatills eounty. Psndlntoa bsrhers h tea agreed to close their shops on Sundsy daring Febrasry. mo iii I a it M a . Tbey . 1 kop m ttutil 12 0 olock SUr" day night. Two ltiUUitfent botr leatling twolgnor. ant men were in tha city performing to-dsv ouuti mvvnvm no ,nnr(or caotbo nourtovtty pi most people, in this tnligbtened city, Miss Townsend. reeenttv of Nabn.ka. fa opening a eash store in the Mlrshsn building, leeentty occupied by t rioe ft lUr' son, A merchsndis store is also being npeued at the corner cf First and Ferry street, in th Senders bu'Iding. Wi liam McAdama, a boy about twelve J rear, had tha ttiisfortunn to have one of bis lands ent off by a Isth saw at th Capita! mm liiis aiiernooii, 11 wss nesr th saw and endeavored to pitch a stick of wood over the taw when bis band wss caught bv th tenth, with the above result,- Juuinai. A Live Day, This ria been a typl- William, flroa. eally lively .afternoon. Duffy and Shultz Bros, black (Shepherd tiau a ncrce light an along rir.t street .be tween El. worth and Brondalbln to-day, resulting In the bull dog rather coming out on top, tnougii the iirt'he u was very gamy I) a nc i Nil.--To-night at the M K Chu-ch Evangelist Connolly will talk on 'Danc ing," 10 which an the yodng people re ...-.I..H- ... ... I 't - . Ing are Interesting, bong service at 7:3a p. m; ana preaching at bp, m, 1 he pub lie Is earnestly renuested to be present. RAIL. Two carload of 35 pound steel rails, 90,000 pound In all.were transferred at Albany today to tbe Oregon Pacific consigned to the United States at Yaquina uay, evidently for y, evidently for use on the jetty work Laid end lo end they would reach about one and a half mites. Relioioijs. At the United Presbyter ian church this evening Rev W W Logan win preach and conduct the services, lie return to hi home In Portland to morrow. The services will however be continued and the pastor wlit pieach to morrow evening on the "Advantage ot a religious character In the present life," A meeting will be held on Saturday at 3 p. m. for the re option ot members bv the session. MesTixa Closed. The special meet ings at the Baptist ciurch c!ocd la.t nlghi, having been held continously sinze Chrft mas. After a few dsvs ret the natior, Rev Geo W II ill. wlil'betln special scr ee at the mission school hall, 01 MaUe street, 1.1 east Albany. Much progress has been made during '.he quarter ending with thl month In both the material and spiritual Interest of the church. The Sunday school has Increased from too to 101, the attendance la.t Sunday: betides, a minion school of about too has been or ganized. The regular congregations have greatly Increased, and 54 members htve been added; thirty-eight by haplum. raiDAV. Chinas N.w Years begin oua wtek from next Monday . Tlur will be two assassmoriU ft Fet rn- ary in th A 0 U W order. Bav Mr HalL of Astoria, will Were this voig at th Congregational Charcb oa "The f aUccmb ol Rome.'' Al'. are invited. This a Tic i wnder obligations to I Ions Jeff M ter and C I Saedd for valuable publi aocumcQts. Tbe steamer Salem wa in tbe city U day. It 1 an independent boat aad will ran reg aiariy. lUv J R Kirkos trick, of Lebanon.! bolJ- ioe revival meeting at Ravenna, a snbm of Seattle, with great ac. Uv K.. is An agreement to toe th store of Alitar.v 00 Saoday baa been generally ignd. Moat of th Albany store bsve always kept clotei on tnat aay. A iol easb racket toe has been rnx ned adjoining tbo:d oangUM. AlbanyviU now nave three oi them. It never rauta bat It pours. D McDowslI, of Hrown.tiile, has jaat rc- osivad tnlOTtistloa that prcatty tn Wheel ing.WastVa, whuhke I wbnthewar broke out an.1 abm-lomu. la nw worth $3d.OO0, and he ill leave in a abort time to sell it. Tbe Pf port that S20.009 wilt be osed for the paaaage ol the Santiam bill of oonra waa a eaoatd, tbtingb it wa told her. It is safe to say tb.touly honorable tneasa will be Used iu that dirvction, which, tboagb,at undoubtedly destined to fail. Two young tneo named Aabi-11 and Leo pold tot loat when banting oa the Siualaw. The formrsueonded iu rinding his wsy out ef the jioontaina; bat th Utter lias not re tamed and it ia faarvd be is lost. II waa tssteea on the 19th instant. . A bear wa killed 01. th Santiam a few days a-o. It is nnusnal lor Ixur to make their appearand so II we do not have an early spring we have ba tnialead by th animal kingdom, and ICaater will have to Bum fnr a like t-Uance. Expraa. vV A Ma-Pheraun, onn nf theoldmt editor of Oregon, ). dta-,- having died at Vincent hcapintl at PortUud Wednesday morning. Mr MPheroa wa etlitor of the Journal of this city from 'Gi to '60, and taugh aehool for many J en. Ho wa state printer on trni. ilia early career was a bright one. Hie last j tare were characterized by dieei pttioo. Thepsckaga ontaiting 2000 whieb dia appaarani so tnvsteriously from the safe of th Nm thorn Paeiiio Fxpreaa-tiflie at Taco ma a few wrelts ago, ba not yet l-een re eoeertd. hut tha bank to whom the money tielonged lias been reimhnrsed. The Seen ity Company, of New York, which wa on the bonds of ex-Cahicr Jetr, baa paid th money to tho express oompany, Jctt still trennonsty denies any knowledge a to the disappearance tf the money. All express agents ae seenretl by seeurity eoiitpauiee. A Peat Office Robbko Last nlht the Post office at Roseburg was robbed ol $iiooln coin, some postage stamps, and other articles. The robbers, it was thooght came thi way. Sheriff Scott was noti fied to be on the lookout. There seems to have been no definite clue to the robbers. v HA1UCDAV. Buy your x-ooeri w of Parker P.r . ' 8-tnr krautat C E Rrownell's, Hulin & Dwtm, drnggista Fi.te groceries at Conn & llHidr'csott'. All rubber i;vm1 t at o.tat at Khdu Bro., Barghius la hltrtry ltmpt at C 12 Brow- oell'. Gennine Iowa torghum on draught at C E Bruwnell B. . . Dtiliitintrs rirange eider on tap at C E Urownelrs. Call at I'tihn l-on's New Drag S5re tor rresntiidtis. Titbleta, t encila anil spouge. at Uulin 4 Dawson', French' corner. ". Smoke ths oolebrated Havna filled 5 eeut otgar at Joliun Joseph . See W F Road's line of dresa got da aud silks before buying elsewhere, Bargaina in choice grooaries csrt alwav be secured of AUcn Bros,. Flsun Block, A large stock of wait paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller k Irving's.just received, AredfUnd mat or chair tidy, found on thn street, can ba had by ualling at this cfHee. , Tbe Jefferson Review pnblinhea its sub oriptiou receipts monthly. For January they were $21 60. That's sort td giving oues business away. A man fr.m Roseburg says there were verv tusrricious circumstance, about the robbing ot the post otlic there, by which $1200 in money waa taken. Some one evi dently did it who knew the combination. Don't fail to see our mmi's and hovV olothing before purchasing elsewhere., ; We sell the beat olothing for tha least money of any house in the city. Look and be oon viuocd. G W Simpson Th coyotes have been doing a good daal of damage to sheep near Wells station lately. and a lively crowd of men went after them with about 15 or 20 hounds They expeot to continue the chase fcr at least three days. Cor West Side. The Ysqnina Republican, " says, Norm Kulgate and Mr Titus haa a narrow escape on the beach the other day. While going around the point this side of the Mcore Brother a breaker came iu and covered the ; wagon np and treated them to a first-class surf bath. Mr Gross, proprietor of he depot hotel, gays he is perfectly tatisfit-d there is nothing in the item in tbe LchanouKxprfPs ahont wss it th room bat another young woman, th parlor rarely btlog frequented by meo. ,1 .no fm. m mii is must n.vv rwen in soma Other wsy, ' ftecotitly several hirsts have been stolen in th vicinity of Salem or the citms.of French prairie and th man who probahlv did all tbe stealing arrested at Portla-d yesterday, Khoriil Croi.on I ad a warrant for his srrest in.ned from Justice Batchelier oonrt last niht sod K' t" tho metropolis lr him this morning. The yonng man gives his nsme as Ik Mote.rt. and is said to b woll known aljout Salem, -Statesman. A new fnke ia nerfrrrmtvl as follow.. A deottnt looking follow goes to a hone and if his ring at tha front door is not atUndcd t be goes ar.icod to th kitchn d.rf.r. He ks the lady of tha house if her huaband is in. and on twin told he is not. a.ys "I am acquainted with jour liuibtid. I have been eiinnK wun a man Jti.l round tha corn' (or soma w.rk I have done, and I waot Cents to make th ( lisiign. If tour bask ,1 ws here he won Id tend in. Ihe mmi- v." The Udy somelimas lunds the monev ud aome'tiincs pot. Police Mattcra-. Don Ikigard in nn wer to the roll crtll tn Itecordi-r Htnton'a rooniM Unlay, said he wan gnilty, and $5 and cost wan tho verdict. Cuu,drnnk and dinordt-rly. Mr McDonald, Fair Haven rt-ai estate man, wnn given a cou pio day in the calibooscfor a lik cnuw. Ijvely TiMisa In Albany corttinuo and we look for a big boom In Ihe mprin!?. All the rdgn point that w ay, To day when the aim pointed Ui high-noon Mr T L Duggvr, the ucrr-aful t-diUrr of the Hcio 1'rvMN, and Mr Jamte Nanny, whoM. farm adjourn Mr Duggere on tiiu Al winy prairi inrtat tiio north-nrt corne r of the Fiinn Block, when compliment wsre pnssed about the poisoning of cattle. The fire flew from the eyta of the men and thfcir fists Hew from their ehoulder. The contest waa about even, perhaps snwiiiy in lavor 01 our fr end of the Preas, when his feet slipped nnd he f)l over the walk Into a rnai of Firat Street mud, which needs only to Ire seen to be appreciated. This ended the first round and the battle. ,. Lach was fined $5 and costs, which was promptly liquidated. Ciiritcii NrrritKM. There will be preoctiing service tomorrow at the Presbyterian church at II a m and 7:30 p tn. Snbjtct of tbe tnornintr sermon jvill be "Prayer as a Factor in Christian Life and Service." Tire evening discourse is rrcachel at tlm ietueet ol the Y P 8 (5 K. Subject, ' The ChriHt." 0:30 t jn YPSCE meeting. This will 1 a special service celebrating the anniver nary of the ortrauimion of the C E work. 12:15 pin Sabbath School. All will e made welcome to these service. Habljuth services at the United Pres- byterian church tomorrow w ill tie as fol lows: lU'V rjtt ilson will prcarU at 11 mand communion of tbe Ijord'a Sur- jwr win iniuu'ijiaifiy louow. Raltuatn i Schord at 2 :30 p in. Y P O K at 6 :30 v ....:tt t. . .. .... ni Evening service at 7 :30 o tn. to lie conducted by tbe posUrr. The scitfiion will meet at 10:30 a ui for the recention of members. Services at the M E Church tomorrow will be as follows: Prayerroeeting at fi a tn, preaching at 11 a in and 7 :30 n m. Tbe morning service will be followed by tne Lord a Mipper. .-abbatli School at :!50 p tn and Epworth League at 6 ;30 p tn. Lvangclixt Connolly will have charge of the meeting in the evening. which will be bia laxt evening here. TEnprBAisTE raits. EJHau by A!H;y W. C. T. D Six different ml-ion stations in Buimah are circulating Neal Dow's tracts on smoking. .. . Mrs Case, of t'e Baptist mission at My tngylan, has formed temperance and pur ity league, both among the Burman pupils of her school and the English soldier stationed there. At a temperance meeting lately held In Rangoon, Burmah, where but fifty natives were', seventeen signed ti pledge. The speech, made lo Engiith, was trans lated Into Tamli, Telugu, and Hindustani. Mls Fran-cs Willard say: "In the good time coming, the diily paper wilt lie upon our tables, the transcript of the best doings of humanity." Meanwhile," sats Rev Florence Koilock, 'let the daily paper fearlessly and faithfully tell the worst, that we may know with what we have to deal, and rise to the duties w hich the kt.ow ledge puts upon us." The W C T U, of St Johns, Newfound land, organized three months ago, has since doubled its membership. It lately held a public meeting: and sustained the Intercut of the audience to the end of a program two bcurs in length. The' largest hall In the city seating over one thousand persons, was packed. 'Naturatiats tell ut," says Frances lard, "that walking i a succession of In tcrrupted falls forward. So civilization may be termed the forward falls of na tions interrupted just in the hickol time" The Indiana Friends have put them selves 011 record as no friends of tbe a loon. Here Is their sentiment: "On purely secular matters Chrir.'ians may safely be Indifferent, but t between sin and righteousness, drunkenes rnd sobri ety, it will never do to be i ciurnl. Tlaere Is no escaping the conclusion that If the drink traffic is a sin, those voters who knowingly select men as lawmakers who f Ivor license are Implicated In the crime." RIAL BALKS It A Rampy, trustee, apt II A Pa vis, tot tt, hi 7, I;.trrisburg;....$ Martha J Aiiord agt Jaa F Davis, 200 acres 14 w4....i L T Kingletary to Martha J Alford, .SSaereg U w 4 Samuel May et ux to Martha J Al- ford.38.07 acres 14 w 4 Minerva E Ingram to Marth J Al ford, 4.1.25 .acres 14 w 4 Emma C Clover to Martha J Al ford, 87.07 acres 14 w 4 : 200 4200 900 900 900 900 2100 400 550 000 W 11 Maple to Harriet J Ma pi 111x112 feet, blC0,Albany J R Kirk patrick to J B Sprenger, lots 3 and 4,bl 3,K's A.Leb.. . . Geo W Morrow to W E Arnold.lots 2, S and C, bl 8. W 's A, Scio . . . Geo W Arnold to Wm E Arnold, 50 acres 10 w 1 , U S to E 11 Harer, 102.13 acres, 12 w4......... Patent al 11 Kobb to Martha J Drinkard, 160 acres 14 w 1.... Chas L Boyd and wi'e, of Capo , Town, South Africa, to O Dick inson ,of Sulem, power of gttor ney ,.-.. C L Boyd to T L Lav. son, 40 acres, 9E1 C L Bovd to J S Neal,40 acres.9 E 3 M E A.Iama to Chas WeUel,22S.09 acres , Perry Hyde to Geo II Butler,' of lot, 1 larrisburg R A Rampy to Frank Kohn and A Hamburger, lots 2 and 3, bl 8, llarrisburg . . . Oregon to Richard Fox, 160 acres.9 E4.. !.......... U S to Honry Davidson, 320 acres. -2500 100 109 10 250 200 13w 4.......... ......Patent $15,171 Total for year. .$02,140 . Cupetuiy. Tb'is ia what ou ougnt to have, n fast you must hxva it, to enjoy life. Thousands re searching for itdily, and nionrning be cause they hi:d it not. Then utmL upon thruxands of tiollain are vpeut nnui!ly by our people iu the hope that they mav at.tain this boon. And Ytt it may be had by all. Wa cn.-iractee that Elcctrio Bitters, if used according "direction and the use persisted in, w biinjj jou good diestiou ami oust the demon D)SLrpii sud install instt-ad Euptpiy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Jvspi ; is sid ail diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Sold at 50o and $i per I oft! by chay & Mason, dregsrsts. Preuck Taa.y Warers. wafers are a sure andsnfet; cifi. kir.dsof fetnald troubles. ar.C'v'!' all obstruct iens to the men'-1 ly no matter what the cause. 1 1 1 rwhat every woman neca , ai t tved with safety. For sale L tht The for a re mot period are jt can be Livinttone Chemical Co., also fron 11 sole agent, J ACumming, druggist, Ba -n berg btck, A lbany, Oregon. Excitement Runs high in Albany st r0j sou's drug store cr System everybody is tjsirg it for Ca Ston;arh, Dyrepa, C,t Buiitler, as r. h of tv 9 , n Jl .-tin. THE COMfEX KtlE BAZAAB, Has ft large and complete line of go'!, dolla, doll hnggica, boys' wagon, ve odpedes and many other gooda which eoi to triftketip a complete assortment, beiiidr: a crnnplct line of tamps of evrry derriptif;n, t'hina crockery, fancy drrxiraU-d ware, glassware, bird cages, plush gowln, Ktich a albums, toilet acts, antrrspti bouk, scrap books, children's A 11 C pictnre book, and ail goods that are carried in a Bazaar atcre, including ltorr liroa. 147 silverware. We wish to r ait the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Knle prize baking powder ami tea, put op expresaly for thin fade, which gives life best of Mttis fnction, as is attested Try the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since" introduced hy the Got ten Kule r.a.aar, i.ncii package ot tea and ran of tracking powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece ol glsss war?. He sure to call, w hen in Albany, at the Golden Utile 1'Hzaar, you w ill Ire sure to find w hat you weat, and will be shown vr-r the Ure and I treated, kiuitly hy my clerk, Mr. Milter. My goor's are all marked in plain figures so ns n rt to deceive r.nyonc, and I iiave but one price to all. Jt i.ii a GkAftwom. A ft IXJKCrOB fr wirh each uttie'f Ihtlidt a t'.'.trrh lt. fi.jl lV,oe 0 ei 15$ I'-fi? Mi 0.1, ao,.t-. FOB DYSf'KKc I A cd ive '"o'niiaint juu I vi a t ru tu u.ri.r i i-ii . t. r.lnttle ( Midol. . Vit-tlix-'r. It to r.nrf, ftaliy U Ma-ri'0, bii(ta. bi!are F.njoy The J tant fl ivcr, csotio aaW aiiif sotr ing rTTtcU of Hj-rup of Fi', when in cf a laxstive And if tho falser or rruHksr be 0tlv or Liiiou th" moat gratifying reaalt olio in ij it ns, so ht it is the best fm- y ready twica an l 9 , ery family should ave a bstti, " A ue car for ibe whisky tabit; Dr Liviufstjn' At tido' fur tun ennea will care soy ee cf the Ibtnor "tbit n irom ten to ttility duyr, from the noUrsd driukerto tb dmnkard. Ihe Antidote e n be given io 1 cup tf ca-fTeo with'.nt th ki owletlge of tbe i-erst-a taking it. The Antitiote wiilnot injure th kealtn irt any wsy. M un fact urcd by th LiringstoB Chemical Co , Portland, Ortgoit rr from J A Cunitriiug. oie agent, Albany.. - WILL YOU fc-UFFER with Dyspepsia and Lir.r Ctwipiaiat? Smloh'a Vitaiiz ia guaranteed Ut core yon. ( V or; 15 is.vjoys ti'J tha nt. iii sl ainl remilu v:cl t-!i ff Fijt lakcn ; it i 1 leasant ai-rl rt ffesliiu to the taste tnl ccts pfirtly Jit promptly on the Kidiioyg, Liver and lSowebj, cleat! so 8 the fiys-U'liTCt'ctf-nUy, dijtjWjU coltlr1, liead :idi 8 ami fevers ami cures linbitnal .istt,?at"Kt. Syrup of Figs is the onlr reniCvly of ita kind over pro-ctu-rt -t, plecring to tlio taste atiuac- t-; t".lb to the stomach; pir-mpt in its ;;n &nd truly lientficial in its s&cH ila rcany excellent qualities . it to a!L 1 1 U for sale in cr:i SI Lcttlcs by all leadicg. t-n:-;!:tT. . .. ..... S.;-ff,CTUtfO CHVPY TVS CAUr G.VilA FIG SYRUP CO. t4 tsAHta-'., cat, t o;,Vi i A5 rff rCSlC. H. P i..'. - ' ,1 -V'VJ -;:p44"?s Wiitn r Caveats, s ni Tratte-Mark obtalsed, and all Pat ent conducted for Moderate Fees. Our OHee is Opposite U. S. Patent Ottc. and n e can nemn patent tn leas time than thoee remoie rrcm Waahinrtno. Iend model, urawi i or phottx, with descrip tion. We advise. If patentable or not, free ot charge, t-nr fee nut due ttil patent is secured. A Pmtt,let '-How to Obtain Patents," with came of a -ual eile-if In vour Slate, eounty, or town, scot fre. Adirvss, 'C.A.SNOW&CO. O.nposita Patent CSc. Washhistoa. D. C :n iBTurB .:m :b: bit: TltU CELEBRATED ,.. . a Th Finest Setsll Arata Ever Manufactured. ? a 11 11 in it 1 r, 1 - , - - r.j. f" HI ACCURAOr L DtifABit f CC.VVEh'. y LGAOifca a SAFETY. heap iron imitations.! Q Scad fariraiirattil Cataieg and Pries l&tolj y GM1TH & WESSON, lj CT SrjllXtillhLV, MASS. S 3' 3 a Ihroat, Luntjs and Chest, includms Coneti fpstlon Speedy Aualixrav jwut. Csoutee iusii "J. SaJtt." v v.iRin .v'-. r h ociti V'XGDflyi i , 5 i J I -, '. t I t Apamplilftt of Inrormatioa andab- DSiraCtOI Lta'l UsVTa,ritloWUlS liowto- . t'! tjbttsia 1'urentB, 'uvea tit. Tmd luarns, topvritrnta, mil jrw.. Ad.lm CO -x J hrnftdWBT. Sew rka ALBANY ion. BWW fr TJTTT TJT?nnj TtTynn WEIT Uuiiltt iAI iiUiiiJilwi LA. Uii. Real Eitat? Agents. Fitrnif and Ranches for sale. Also city bro jerty in Allo and C orysti'iii. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor S'ewEd scclFe; iv St." . ,'v. O smith & wesson ssi-fjras 59 r" ei e !p- IKtSe'Jk. tk.CE ct-y iF'' titP and AV-Vi-- Vv smdi.ali Tk. w-to-vv4 ITU EHfE it 3 1 AM -fA rrfJJjr? Ccujhs, Coids. Ir,nuema. EronrhHt. LtJiiCO Hoarsenass, lAnooping Cough, Croua, Kara ihro.ii. Asthma, and everv tWi,., nr,,V. i t J r X .