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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1891)
T She tui0ftat. FRIDAY FEBHUAUY 6, 1891 8TITE3 & R.lltars aaJ NUTTING. t'raarlrtar . lo a al iu:co k d. Bomb Frm Ans. Lost, Rn opportunity to turn ovei a new leaf. Return to Al bany hoodlum ami receive reward. Wanted, a Rum chewcr for a larje family of children, only Ave hours a day. Address Spruce, Democrat ofllee. Wanted, an IrUh girl who can talk French to take care of a Chtneso ly. Call at San Joys. Wanted, an old man to taoh parents how to brinr up their children. lx A, IEMOORAT OtllCO. Wanted, a patent hydrant warmer for coltl nights, tall anywhere. wanted, a V"y with a iioe to rennve moss from backs of men opposed to pub lic Improvements. Waatcd, a sixteen year old boy, who knowsfverythiiiif. to work up a scheme for a railroad from Albany to the top of the Three Waters, here a summer resort would be established. Wanted, a professional county divider to circulate petitions and lobby bill, to get Linn county divided alone' 3 Kast of the uiamctto meridian, tall at 1 ish Lake. Wanted, several young ladies of meek dispositions, to marry several Alwinv bachelors with limited incomes but possessing great ambitions. His Last 1km. A short tiuio before his death, Y A Md'hcreon wrote a poem entitled 'Tortland Height," which con tains some very pretty thoiichts.'show 1ns that, while he had ruined his health by dissipation his mind was still quite vigorous. It is raid to have been his last composition. Mr Y H Bishop, of 1'ouiand, has had the tooiu printed in pamphlet form and circulated anions the friends of the deceased, of whom there are manr in Linn county. As the poem consists of nine verses of thirteen lines each, it is too Ion for our limited space. We give the first and last verges in oritur to show the spirit of the composition. Ti. wtj year til- Brat I stood I'poo lhaae hi(bu; lwa artirht firlng l!m. OlfeM, lunM, nr, lafcsaiU woud Ware NaU eil with U china 04 "eturs's asefcxly ; th binli CsantMl taatr ntatta 'H.jtl vhil born Upna th Mihyr'( vine Ihl Mirrad l b mat wni ot tha mora Like taoauae Irom eauaer aM, Tar sum th na perfvm si laotl Whore perennial cummers tut Aad crytial whn lax th muA Of limpid lake. This Wt 1 sai. In auilitn rvle, Ol aurteJ years, when buoyant yeuth Aad aisa reole bfif hi S rr ew ?w4 Along ambittuti's petal aad traih. And hope, east bow la esi-rtais aien, Ouiaed air erajward ewpe and lad Ma oenn, apaard e a haren Ol bUaalal Ml But tin hat cJ, tTnstrunf bit lyre, sev laak ia e'er. Prowl eitjr al tha s-eet . all haul Aad all hail la Iriaada aba neter atora Shall great a, a I homeward fail, Oo lift 'I Mmpaaluuiu Ma. A Rial Mummy. The Eat Tortland man of the Sunday Uregonlan let's the following, which will be of live interest to Albany people, who all take a great inter eat In Rev Rominger's adventures: Rev U V Rominger, pattor of the First Con gregational church, has secured the loan of a real mummy from a gentleman In New York. It was sent from that city out here by express, anil the charges are f 50. Mr Rominger wishes the mummy had walked, at lesst been compelled to pay lis own fare, or rode on the break beam. He says this mummy 1 a female royal personage of the Rimnci dynaaty of Egyptian kings, and la more than 3000 years old. Mr Rominger wilt use this mummy, (when he gets Mie" out of the ei press office,) to illustrate some lectures 00 Egyptian wonders. There are docu ments accompanying this specimen which Indicate It is not a manufactured counter feit. He says that there Is great decep tion practiced in Egypt on unsophisticated travelers. While in Egypt Mr Rominger and his fellow-traveler purchased what purported to be a female mummy. The party "Investigated" the specimen. They took off the wrappings, and Inside actually found a rat's nest. - One characteristic about the mummy also was that it had enormous feet. A Salem Etaxo-ip. C G Given, the hoe dealer on State street, was held up Saturday night as he was going home from his store. He lives in North Salem a short distance the other side of the street car barn, and as he was walkicg up the car track, within a half a block ol his borne, be was met by a man coining down the track. He turned slightly to one side to give the stranger his share of the narrow road, when to Ills great stir pri9, a big revolver was thrut inU bis face with an order to give up his money. Mr Given hesitated a moment and then aaid: "Yon want my money?" The rob ber responded : "Yes, or 1 11 shoot vou." At this Mr Given strnck the arm of the man and at the same time seized him bv the neck, and in their scuttle they fell into the ditch, beside the track, and in going down they broke their hold and Mr Given went to the bottom cf the ditch. He immediately sprang to bis feet, when the robber repeated the re quest for him to give up Lis money; he was on the point of complying, but in stead he ran for life, expecting at every jump to be shot in the Lack. The iran did not shoot. Journal. A GCixiCoviiio. Mr JohnGib- lin, of the Buss House, has just received the following letter from James Archer, dated at Tulare, Cal. : "When working for you two years ago I took $3 from you which I herewith return. I iave given my heart and life to God. He has made a wonderful change in it. I am saved and prepared to meet God. He brought this account to my memory and I hasten to make it good. May God bless you and lead you right." This contains a whole sermon in a nutshell, and the situation was so well appreciated by Mr liiblin, who had never missed the small amount taken, that he retnrned the money to oirArcner ano toiu mm 10 increase it (or his own good. ; . Brownsville. We wUW to make a suggestion to the young men of our town. It is this: A hy not form a joint stock company for the purpose of engaging In the prune industry? Mr Ed Pyatt, of Silverton , hps purchas ed the drug store of W T OeUurn, and Is now busily engaged invoicing. Mr Pyatt is a competent drugglet and an excellent citizen. He will take charge immediately. The E M W Co pays out annually be tween $50,000 and $6o,ojo for wool, and 25,000 and $30300 for labor, besides the amount paid out for fuel and other items of expense. Surely. Ibis is an important industry. Bbanchino Out, Sam'l Galvin, of Albany, was In Salem yesterday making arrangements for the eittablUhment cf a system of cold storage for this city, lie is a refrigerating engineer and in con nection with the cold storage purposes manufacturing Ice for !. Hi factory wilt be located adjacent to the Southern Pacific tracks, to be handy for shipping:. He will at once begin the .construction of a building 30x30 feet and expects to have the entire plant in succetuful operation by early spring. Mr Galvin says he Is now conducting a tlmllar enterprise at Albany and is ssurred of his ability to make the enterprise a success. statesman. Metbopolitaw Like. The Diimocbat observes improvements of a metropolitan nature at the depot. A large windlang has been introduced in the buggnge room to facilitate the handling of the large and IncreaBinir amount ot huzgnge passing A call bell for trains has been received tiv Airent Jester and will bo placed beside the conductor's box, to be rung on the leaving of all trains. It will be a great thing for travelers in the habit of getting left, particularly v uoou. Man Ubads. Eight small, solid cal bnies. on ono stalk, wa3 a sight to be iioen in ironi n j y It whs a peculiar one and shows w hut canto done in Oregon among cabbage b.-a li h-n as-Ulkonco KtartH out to ..,vB m.r head put on it. There are . ' , .Tvi to have many A Salsm Tragedy. Henry Wilson, a recent hotel runner In Albany, who went to Salem, came near bring a corpse In the following manner, according to the Statesman: A couple days ago Wilton, acting under the authority of the proprietor, dlmihared Marshal Hawkins, a colored fellow who had necn a table welter at the Wlllnmettc for negligence of his duties about the hotel. This made Hawkins mad, and the more he studied over It the madder he be came, until at last he became desperate and made up hts mind to do llson up. Hawkins armed hbr.self with a Colt's 45 rahbre revolver one of the kind with a barrel about ten Inches long and waited at the hotel for the return of the Wlllam ette's bus from the 9 o'clock train last night, when he knew he could get a chance at Wilson. As the latter stepped out of the vehicle after it had reached the hotel, Hawkins who was standing a short dis tance away, was heard to cock the weapon, but Wi'.so'n, almost simultaneously, start ed to assist some ladles Into the hotel, an J In this way he was shielded from the pur suit of the angry fellow. Hawkins run Into the otllce, seeming to have forgotten to pull the gun off, and around behind the counter. Here Wilson got behind an tcc-aater cheat and Hawkins in his mad ness banged It several times with tSe han dle of the revolver, liy this time several persons rushed In and attemnted to get hold of Hawkins, but he took'to his heels and made hts escape down Commercial street, but was afterwards arrested and taken to the city jail. Hawkins' friends say that as Wl sou alighted tiom the bus he Jrew a raxor, which they claim he was known to have carried to the depot with him. Wagon Road Biuj. So much Inter est is taken In the wagon rond bills Kdore the legislature, that we give the list of those on which favorable reports havo been made, and which will pmb-j ably become laws. The amount asked for in these bill w as $102,000; the amount reported, $07,lHK. Mo.tof the bills be ing cut down about half. OverTygh mountain, $5,000. Dayvilfe to Haystack valley, Grant countv, f 4,000. Kii'li' Point, Jackson county, to Fort Klamath, i),0t0. Olney, Clatsop county, to Greenville, Washington county, 17,500. Along Rogue river, in Curry and Jose phine counties, $10,000. Vale, Malheur county, to lSsxterville, In Jordan valley, $7,500. Keno, Klamath county, to Soda Springs, $3,010. Reimburse Curry county, tAOOO. Gardiner, iHjuidas county, to Lane county line, $1,000. lown rowder river, in laker county, $9,000. Mitchell, Crook county, to Wasco county line. $i,500. Hater s terry bridge, Clackamas, to Eagle Creek rostoffiee, $.1,000. l..n. Willi. W a Lake creek, in Linn county, $3,000. Marquam to ilhoit, f 1,000. Irain to Scottsburg, IougIas county. $2,600: Monument to John Day City, $3,000. Grant county line to Callow valley. Harney county, $2,300. tiiiewater. on Aisea my. to the inotitu of Alsea river and month oi Fall creek to Mat-key's landing.on Yanuina bay ,$3,000. Camas valley. lKrnxlas county, to loos county line, f ',000. Co vallis. The spotting fraternity of Corvallis are in high clover. A wager of $100 on a dog fight and a match between two game cocks are the latest sporting events. Fifteen saloon keepers at Pendleton have been fined and had their licences revoked tor selling liquor to minors.' Frank Taylor, a bar-tender, fotmerly of this city, was also Cned $50 and coats, for a line offense. Connolly, the evangelist, who heid forth st the M k. Church a tew weeks azo. has just closed a protracted meeting in Albany j ana among his parting rema.-ks In that city, he thanked them for their good order anil said he had had no difficult In that respect except at. Corvallis where he was forced tocall In the marshal to remove two young ladies, graduates of a one-horse academy. James Petty will be a guest at the peni tentiary foi a tear. He was sentenced last Thursday bv Judge UeaJr.ot I'otlland, for having counterfeit money In hts pos session. Heeled like a child when he learned his fate and said he had no qullty Intrntions. Petty Is well known hi this city and three thirds of all who know him would vote him a crook and a criminal, lie has long since sank to the lowest level and Is a disgrace tj mankind. The pen llenlbrjf is inhere he belongs. Time. A Ride on the O. P. -Col W F Helm writes the following Interestln letter from Albiny, dated Jan. 23rd; As I am some distance from home, I suppose you woulj like to hear from me. Last Saturday, January 17, we were induced, through the generosity of Cnclc Abe llackleman, to take a trip to the front on the O. P. 0 Messrs A llackleman, B F Nichols and myself started at IS o'clock. We h-d 11 tpiemltd time, it is the best railroad I ever traveled on, the road-bed being level and smouthe. As we went steaming along I could have written while sitting in my seat, but we stood out on the platform of the hindmost car, so we could enjoy the scenery, tvery now and then the engine would hi tie, and the conductor would announce the stations. I was much sur prised to see so many thriving little towns along the line. We arrived at the front about noon and partook of a bountiful re past , 'a which we all did ample justice. We visited the saw mills and lumber yards, some of which are the finest I erei saw. After visiting these, we siai te homeward, arriving at Albany at 5 o'clock. -Rev lew. Axoti'er Divsiox Want.d. 'twelve men are now canvassing the south part of the county with petitions to the lee'.-dature asking that Linn county be divided so as to form a new county, the north line of which shall run along the north line of Haltey, Brownsville, Liberty and Sweet Home precincts, or thereabouts. A bill will be presented to the legislature pro viding for the organization of the county etc. Now It is in order for those who sa'd. In reference to the Santiam county. to let It go, to say likewise In reference to this section, "let it en," and with the same grounds, because the people ask for it. and the petition will be a big one. 1 he Democmat, though, wilt taae the same stand on all division questions, and op pose them; because it believes in Linn county as a whole. One cood sized county Is tqual t. 4 dozen small, tagged edged sHairs. want r.o division In a.iy quarte'. . Sabbath Schools. The attendance at ll-.c Sfbbath schools of Albany Sunday, as nearly as the democrat could learn, was as follows: Methodist 177 Baptlslt , 167 United Fresllj terian M9 Presbyterian 1 16 Congregational 75 Baptist Mission ,. ce Three others, approximately, 2oo Total 939 O P Coshow and Dr Aubrey organized a new school in tne school houie at Clov- erdale. CrocK County. This week J 11 Crooks bought of T M Baldwin snd Z M Brown the Millican place on McKay, paying $37 and is nearly all good medow land. A marriage was solemnized In this county this week which furnishes food for genealogist to ponder over. The bride is a stepdaughter ot the groom s sister, thus she is he husband's neice. The groom's sitter Is hla mother-in-law, and his broth' er In-law is his father-in-law. Now, the question arises, should the gentleme be fortunate enough to be blessed with an heir, what relation would the little fellow he to his father, and to his grandparents? K.cview. CiacuLATiNO Lidkary. Mr Joe Ta'.t, w ho organized a circulating library a year a no, and placed 100 books at the store of C E Browr.c'.!. has started out to Increase the number cf books by getting new mem hers ' ii cniy costs to become a meinbei ad each meinbei has the right to read all the books In the library. This 1 a very cheap way to secure reading matter. Kemember each member has the rk'ht to read anv book In the library 1 or any that may be placed there bv Increase of membership. C E Brownell is libra rian. SHILOirS VITALTZEK is wh.t yoa neat lot Cmiasiatioa, Lata at ilili, Dis- (Hits. AaB rCRSO'At, MONDAY. Mr S G Dorrls and family went down tht road this noon. Mr Geo W Caldwell, ol Portland, spent Sabbath In this city, W H Raymond, the special Iniursnte agent, Is In the city. T II Kearnshs returned from A'bany and will In future make his home among us while his special work will bo to look after the wcllare of the Salem ditch. May ton Sun, The ladles of the Episcopal chuich will Hive a sociable Tuesdny evening, Feb Jrd, hi the opera house, to aid In puf.lng dec trio lights In the church. Admission, 10c. All arc cordially Invited. O P Cressup, the fine locking shctlff of Grant county, was In the city today, hav ing been at Salem attending the bherlff's convention. Mrs Cressup was once a resident of Linn county. I) P Mason returned Saturday from Brownsville where he had been to Install the new officers of the Masonic lodge there, bringing with him, as a pres. ent a pair of blankets manufactured by the Eagle mills. TursuAt, J L Miller, of Sclo, wae In the city yes terday. Llcenso has Wen issued for the mar riage of Charles Arnold Fromur and Mary A Brock. J U Bnyley, tho veteran physician, of Newport, was ii tho city on hie way to Salem this noon.- Miss Genevieve George, w ith Olds A King, of Portland, rame up on this noon's train for a visit with relatives and friends. Judge Stratum, in response to a des patch from Sulvtn that his daughter, Misa Fannie, had Wen taken ill. went to that city on this morning's train. Mr Joa Tyler, the well-known garden er, of Ha1cy, has rlvo acres ot horse rad iifhes in tine condition, enough to make every woman in the U. 8. weep. Remember the social tonight at the Opera House, to be given by the ladies of the Episcopal church to secure money for electric lights. Only 10 cents admis sion. J 11 Smith, an old SHvertonite, who has been at I.ebanon for somo time, has returned to Silverton and purchased the Baker property, near Wolfard'a store. Mr Smith is much pleanfd with the pros perous outlook and will hereafter reside. Silverton Appeal. The pKuocmvr has received the follow ing mysterious invitation from Corvallis. with a half moon background: Grami Sheet and Pillow Case Ball, to be given by Stanley Hut No 1. G. O. P., Friday evening, February 13th. You artcr dially invited to attend. Tickets. $1.00. Present this at door. Not transferrable. Mr Arthur Porter, who went to Alaska several months ago to reside with his father, who is U. S. Marsha! there, re turned on Inst night's train to Albany and wiil make this his home. He left Sitka on the 14th of January, coming to Portland with a deputy Marshal and some prisoners. Th weather at Sitka was about the name as here, the ther mometer only having been as low as 45 degrees above sero. Peter Hume, Geo A Dyson and others, of Brownsville, were in the city this noon on their way to Salem in the interest of tho Wation road bill, which the commit tee fulled to report favorably on. If Curry county can be reimbursed for roads already built it ia strange thnt Linn must be ignored on new roads, and in fact most everything else. Mr Dyson displayed a very fine piece of ore, mostly goiij, taken Irom the l.ucky ly, which he says has a fine backing. WKIIKSSUAV. J W Cuaick returned this noon from Salem. Pr Neirtis. of Lebanon, was in the city this forenoon. Miss Minnie McPaniela left yesterday for Spokane Falls. Judge Humphrey went to Salem this noon on basincss. Mrs Pr GalT, of Shedd, is in the city, the guest of her brother, Mr Geo Ache son. R Farwell and wife returned last even ing from Palouse, Wash., where their daughter has been lying dangerously ill. She was outot danger when tbey left. Mr Henry Suezcns came down from Green Ban in last evening and reports an oen winter, no snow Wing on the ground at all, though the . distant moun tains have a coating. Mr Lawrence Morgan returned last evening from Idaho; where he has been three months driving stage. When he left the mercury was 20 degrees Wlow zero, and' he thought it was about time to get back to Webfoot. Mavor J A Beard, of Lebanon, was in tue city today. Mayor iieard took Ins seat last evening, when the new city council waa sworn in. The meeting was followed by the customary banquet. Mr Beard reports people generally at Leb anon as opposed to the division of the county. It would affect that city par ticularly. A large gathering of our citkens, noti ceably many young people, were present last evening at the social given iy the ladies of the Lpiscopal church. A model social time was had. Four or five crok- inole boards, checkers and other inno cent games were appropriately arranged around the room and used continuously during the evening, while asocial feeling pervaded the whole company. A pro gram poastsnlng considerable merit was rendered. Mr C II Mueller rendered an overture, and was followed by Te Pen in by the choir, consisting of Win Wriaht. t; 11 Mueller. Mhos Jones and wile, Mrs Jas V Pipe, Mrs E C Searls and Mrs L T Brock. A piano ana violin duet by the Mioses Malin, was enthusiastically en cored. Miss Winnie McAfee recited "Her Sister's Beau," with Mr Bert Van Cleve as the beau, in a nice manner. Mies Annie Houck was heard with much pleasure in a piano solo. Wm Wright sang "I am King of the Sea." with good elfect. Mr GouT was heard in a truitar solo, closing the program. Puring the evening Mr beans auctioned oil six or seven cases of goods, some of Albany's most charming young ladies wrapped in white, their faces Wing revealed on the hammer's dropping. As high as three dollars was paid, the average Wing aWut two dollars, ihis was novel and caused much amusement. A choice lunch was served and games filled up the remainder of the evening. The Episcopal people know how to manage a social In an enter taining manner. A despatch says: "The last itinerary for California on wheels was forwarded to the car today. The train will leave'Port land, Oregon, February 8th, and stop at Origon City, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Koseburg, Medford, Ashland, and several points in California. Cars left San Fran cisco DecemWr 3d, iSoo.and will be home f tbruary 2Sth. Tliero is said to W a difference of onln- ion back at Washington amomr the Ore gon Congressmen about the Albany post- mastership, xne aeiay in appointment shows that something is the matter. Postmaster Thompson was appointed on Jan l)th, 1887 (Confirmed on February 3rd, received his commisBion on March 18th. and took charge of the office on April 1st. Tin a demy is uiamng some nervous. Tearhers Examination, Notice is hereby given that the rcgU' lar public examination of teachers, for Uun county, will take piacs In Albany, commencing on Wednesday, Feb 25th at 1 o'clock, p tn, and continue uiitil Friday noon, Feb 27th. All teachers must pos itively be present; at the time of com mencement as no one will be admitted to the examination who is not so pres ent. G. F. Kdshell, Co. School Supt. Ean & Achiaon hacdle trie celebrated Portland cement Wills fcr cemetery lots. T1""" rt hn f.-;. 4,H ft. h'f evt MISFITS. Mr Rockafoller says that he cannot tell within $10,000,000 of what he Is worth, Just tike newspaper men. The State legislature begins on the home stretch to-dny, and some lively w hipping is looked for, Speaket Geer hAs goiten the matter down to a fine point: ' $4.00 a minute Is what your time costs the state of Oregon," was his remark as a whole tot ot valuable time was being wasted by useless speeches. It looked at first as if there wouldn't be many clerks in the Legislatures but now the number Is as big a usual, the present number being seventy-nine. Those from Linn county are Minnie 0 Montelth on enrolled bills In the Senate and Nellie Klser on enrolled bills In the House, Rudrsrd K?pllng, the now famous au thor, once did the Northwest, and ha recently been writing about It after many years, lie Is a bright boy, and it It Inter esting to know that such a fellow once on a time was at out doors 1 but Joaquin Mil ler wss born a few miles from here, and tew seem to care, The purchase of the Portland Telegram by George II Moffatt of St Paul meant that Portland hereafter wilt have a first class dally evening newspaper, and what Is better still, It will be a progretslve,wlde swske, enterprising democratic journal. Mr Moffatt Is an experienced newspaper man, with plenty of monoy and brains to maki the paper a great success. E. O. Russell Harrison, son of President liar. rUon, pub'Uhes a paper out In Montana. It recently contained a cartoon holding up to the scon ar.d contempt of the presi dent's friend, the republican senators who voted for the free coinage ot silver, under the following startling headlines! "Repub lican bucks desert the ranks and ga Into the camp of the democratic free coinage Sioux, Spokane Chronicle. For the benefit of some of our country exchanges in Linn county the Dkmih at will remsrk thst Albany is a part ot Linn county, and that anything thst will help Albany will help the county. As the Al bany precincts pay perhaps half ot the laves of the county It I entitled to a very small consideration. This city will do anything In Its power, and always has. to asoUt any other part of the county. Now for some reciprocity, just little bit, say $10,000 towards a bridge. When Jack Ocmpsey, the dethroned Nonperefl,M vLlted Mount Aogel college last fall he presented his faithful 8t Ber nard dog to the InstltuttwP, says the Jack sonville Times, where the Intelligent snlma! has been the admiration of visitors and the friend and protector ot the boys until the recent talamlty that befell his old master .at New Orleans, O.n the day that the news wss received at the college the faithful old dog seemed, to lose his spirit and wl'hln two day he sickened and d'ed ho shall say thst the same malign Influence which brought the mas ter to grief, did not extend to the dog? Give us some open rivers, for the good of the whole Northwest, first, U-fore wagon roads for local communities. The oracle on railroad building at the S P depot tells the Pcoout that the surveyors for the Albany, IxingTom and Siualaw railroad, will be here in few days to Wgin o(Hrations. It Is now Sa lem's turn for a railroad item. An Albany bachelor says there were four boys in his family, and that three of them are married and two not mar ried. Evidently tho Albany bachelor ought to W from the manner in which his mind w anders in the use of figures. The following Is the wail of a man who did not advertise: One more unfortunate, Rashly Importunate Gone to the wall ! Oh, It Is pitiful, In a whole country full Ttade have I none. Think of me mournfully, Look at me scornfully, O prosperous men I The Albany charter bill has passed both houses of the Legislature and will Wcomealaw. Besides giving the city the power to float $75,000 in bonds for public improvements it gives it certain powers w hich it badb needs.sucli as en forcing the construction of sidewalks.and we will look for new ones at the corner of Second and Washington the east eridot First Street and at other points. That very cold wave did not material ise. Oregon doesn't want cold waves. Tbey are not indiginoaa to this country. This is an age when peopU dislike be- I ing forced to do anything. Senator I Hpooner, of Wjsconsin,one of the strong- v ' . Bufwi v. vn1 w mil. ut . im.vii sin. has gone to join varts,Ingalls,Hale ana fare wen. Ayers newspaper annual hint out trives the official population for 1WK) of some of the w asrungton cities as follows : Aber dcen, 1,638; Anacortes, 1,123: Blaine, 1.505; Ballard, 1,173; Chehalis, 1,157; Cbeney,6&o; Colfax, 2,253; Colvillc,IS42; Pay ton, 2,000; Ellensburgh, 2,758; Fair Haven, 4.273; Goldendale,l,81S; Ilwaco, 000; Kalama, 700; Medical Lake, C3; Montesano, 1,710; North Yakima, 1.C20; Olymnia, 4,4196; Pasco, 478; Pomeroy, 642 ; Port Angeles.l ,020 ; Port Townsend, 4,4i8; Ritzville, 726; Seattle, 61,057; Snohomish, 2,003; hpokane FaIs,22,G20; Bprague, 1,7H5; Tacoma, 83,668; Van couver, 2,849; Waitsburg, 818: Walla Walla, 7,239; Waterville.fiSS; Whatcom, 3,677. New Cabpets, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the Wst in the market, just received at A, B. Mcllwain's. Tho stork is large and choice, selected for this market, and p pie wanting tl.e Wst carpets at the ow tst prices should call and inspect bis splendid stock. It was bought low and will be sold low. Nkw Blacksmith Saw G V Willis hss just completer his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Bring on youi plows, wagons, etc.. etc. lor reps it v Mueller & Garrett's cash prices are dj. big the business. Money saved by deal. Ing with them. 1 f Two Bargains. 1 corner resident lot car the heart of the city, $1 too. 1 Inside 101, rm size, ntar o. v , depot and Lyon St., Sooo, for cash. Only for a few davs. 1IWMID(( H1I.50N, Baltimore Block. Keep it ia your mind that Allen Bros uro -. . ... ' pose keeping ths kind of groceries th publi demands. Their stock is a fin on. On half dollar rsdaotion cm very pair nf Ludlow's fine shoaa A goad lioe of thtm IBIS XOUDg S. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, ,tMa raissrabl by thst terrible ooagb. tibioh'Cur ts th Remedy fur yea. . i Money to Loan, We have plenty of money to loan' on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite tnu severe house. BURKIIART & EBNBY. tetter tilst. , Following is the list of Setters remaining In ths post office at Albany, linn county, Oregon, fc'ob, 4, 13 91. Persons calling for thes letters must give the date o which tliey were advertised. Browo, LP 0jlo, Delvin Neville, Wot WatUliw, J E Wild, W W D-iyis, R R cond actor Moins, M H , Taylor, R J White, H W Youd, Miaa Sarah TATB LEUSOUBI, Hatch's state normal school bill was reconsidered In the senate and pnss'id. Mouse joint resolution for improvement of Tillamook Bay was concurred in, also memorial for $I0,0(K), for h fish hatchery on the Umpqua. The house refused to concur In Boss Simon's amendment to the AtiMtmllan ballot law by a vote of t2 to 2. Thomas' bill for$!0,000 for mili tary fund passed, 40 to 12, IMchey's bill creating Wilbur county, off" Umatilla county passed the house, S3 to 10. The following incorporation bills passed: Mitchell, McMiunville, Long Creek, As toria, Burns, Canyon City, Albany, Cor vallis, Prlnovllle, Hummervllle, Lugene, Cottage Grove, Medford. Huntington, Athena. Sprlngtleld, Tillamook City, Linkville. The following incorporation bills were referred to the committee on corporations Wcause the license fee was Insufficient: Lebanon, Scio, Coquille City, Klgln, Fossil, Milton City and Woodburti. Halkm, Feb. 8.In tho senate twenty now bills wcro Introduced yesterday, and In the house one, This makes the total so far introduced in the hoflim, 272, and the senate, 1U1. In alt 40.1. The bill for the creation of Santiam county, front the eastern portion of Linn couuty, with Sclo as the county seat, was Introdued by Weed, as a part of the report of the house committee on counties, to whom was referred the petition, but an at tempt to suspend the rules and advance to second reading failed. The Australian ballot bill Is Wing kicked about. It will probably pnss in some form. Among the new bills introduced In the senate, one provides that when a coyote is killed, the owner of the dog that chased hint shall have half the bounty, and the man that kilted the "varmint" the other half. Durham's bill for a $1000 library at the pen. failed to pass, also bill to prevent adulteration of fruit, and Jen nings bill providing for publication of delinquent tax list. House bill 3, to create county of Wilbur off from Uma tilla, placed on first reading. lUtley moved the bill W Indefinitely postponed, which wilt tie about tho treatment the Santiam bill gets, 'eatherford intro duced bill providing for the registration of voters in cities of fXKM) or more. Hatch, to provide ami change time for holding teachers quarterly public exam inations. Cross, incorporating Jefferson. Weatbcrford, to appropriate to use of state the Oregon City canal and locks, also bill relating to district attorney's fees. Weatherford's bill providing for bridging the Willamette passed the senate. weather Summary of Meteorology fur Jar, 1891, from observations taken at Albany, Uun Co, Oregon, by John Brigga,vol. ubsorrsr for the Hignal Servio, U 8, Army, If ight harometnr oaths IS, 30 00, lowst barometer, on tl ft, 29.74. Moao baromolcr fur tb nuiutb. 29.0(5. . Highest ctsily averagoof bar. 19, 30 09, Lowest daily average of bar. t, 29.74. 1 1 ig hast temperature on the St, 3S. Lowest Umparslars on tho II St 13, 22. M ran for th month 40 97. Highest daily raag of ther.oo tlis 1 1,22. Uwwt daily range of thr. on tha 2, I. Mn temperature at 7 a, m. daily 37. Mrs Utt(.aratais at 2 p. m. daily 41,77. Mean Umpai slurs at 9 p. m.daity 39.8, Prevailing directions of wind, S. Mat Valocity or force, 4. Total riu(ll or melUtl snow, 4X3. t),Ui of snow at sod of mouth, 0. Number of days 00 wliiuh .01 iota or more rain fall. 3. Number of days of cloudiness areraes 8 seal of 10, 17. Of 31 days obsarvatiuos 3 were clear. 17 cloudy, 4 lair, 5 f jjtgy tnotainas, 0 raia, 1 baiy, 1 overcast, 0 smoky. Frost on th mornings ot 12 days. Temp. 2 02 chi avsrag of 12 tsars. lUtofalL 3 01 oo avarag of 12 ar. Ejk or Cot'STixs. The question of tbe numWr of square tuiles in counties is often raised. To settle many such dis putes, we publish Wlow a list oi the counties in Oregon with the numWr of square miles in each. It is official, be ing taken Irom tue late census bulletins. Cut it out and preserve it. Harney. 10.000 : Malheur. 9.930 : Crook. 8,133; Lake, H.lMO: Klamath, 20; Grant, 5,-7S; iMuglas, 4,875; Lane, 3, 8i0; Wosco, 3,515; Union. 3.(333: Wal lowa. 2.8'JU: Umatilla. 2.8S3: Jackson. 2,80; Linn. 2,700; Morrow, 2.02C ; Bak er, 1,970; Coos, 1,730; Gilliam, 1,700; Clackamas, 1.UH4; Josephine, 1,005; Cur ry, 1, 5'Jt,; Tillamook. 1,325; Benton, 1, 370; Marion, 830: Clatso.i. 813: Colum bia, tins: Washington. 613: Yamhill. WO; Polk, CI3; Sherman, 510; Multno- man,, lotai, im.ow. AnaasTinix Portland. B F Pt, who worked in the Russ House last sum mer, was arrested at Portland Saturday for the cihne of larcen . S Ahlrich, whs caused the arrest. Is a commercial trsvcler. Mr Aidrich, with his wife, took dinner at the restaurant Saturday. Mrs Aidrich ac cident ly allowad her purse to remain on tne tatiie. sue discovered the loss soon sfter and returned to the restaurant, but the purte, which contained about $14, could not be found. The waiters. Post and Sorenson, had cleared the table, but dis claimed any knowledge of the missing ar ticle. While in Alban v Post bore a pretty good character, lie wss the Itcher for the Albauv base ball club contests. several Evicbmily Stoux, Last everdng. when the train arrived at the crossing of the Oregon Pacific Nkhtwatch McCIaln observed a man to steal from the blind baggage and start off In the dark. He was ordered to halt; but running was fol lowed oy the night watch and csntnred in yard near by, He wss given a night s lodging In the calaboose. This nornlng Mr McUlaln round in the yard a package containing fifteen or twenty jack knives and other articles usually kept In a variety store done up In a paper, which the ma nao evidently s'oien. An ettort nas oeen made to ascertain the ownerships but It It tails, the man of course will have to be dl charged. CROUP. WHOOPINO COU01I and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shilub's uur. Stop just about iri the middle of the block, on First street, south side. be tween Broadalbm and Llleworth, and you will find a ulace where voa can al - ... . - ... ways get first-class groceries ana fresn produce at reasonable prices and be well treated without extra price. The sign reads "Parker Bros.." and everybod knows the name. Their baked goods are the best. Their stock of goods generally is kept replenished to meet the demand of a growing trade. No Flies. There are ho files on Con.n & Ilendrlcson's new clerk, that faces their customers on entering. Every body treated the same, a smile for all, and the best groceiles In the city and bottom prices. See their brands o tea, coffee, their canned goods, etc. Smokers get lets of satisfaction out of the famousPrppoose and ether cigars. - ' A Hue stock of lsas ourtoins for 03 cent to 10 to sait ths customer, at Fortmiller St Irving s. ' ' 1 i.,: Pretty fine winter weather. 9 BIKS. C. P. MIT ART, JfraC. D. Stuart, of 400 Hsyos Bt, writes, " havo for years bad spells of indigestion and dls. pcpsla, and tried nearly everything. Finally I look a well known SarsapariUa. It caused pirn plea to break out on my face without helping ino. Bearing that Joy's Vcgctablo SarsapariUa, did cot contain mineral, and might act differently, I sent for it Tho pimples disappeared immedi ately, aad I had no mora returns ot tba old rpallg." Although tha above -was written a year ago, Mrs. Btoart now attests tho permanency of Its affects. Bays she take an occassional doss to riTws a FTTrptom cf return sad that she bos tVi.t'W A KOMR ANO ABSOAD MONDAY. Thii Portland Mercury Is Hall to bv to ssnd oon,ondtit ti Albany, A red stand mttor chair tidy, foaml a th attest, can lie ni by nailing at this office, Banilnsnn, th trsgsdiaa, ia Albauv a year ago, is 00 w on tiU afoutaoa rtnjti watch ng Lis held. - Just a year ago th WilUmatt was rsglng fuiloualy snd f.utai.turs wr llookadad hr until th 11th cf t'vbrttsry. A cold snap struck Albany yestcrdsy sveolag, when His mroury raobl abtut frsislag tmiut. Quite a contrast to Ktt ru wsthr now. J F Hdloran hsa aia an.aJ oobtrol of th Astorlnn, and thst paper sgsio hs a Ilsmli t in ths play, srnnsthing it has het-n without sine he retired from th paper, Th prloc of good fallow snd bright writers Th Albany CoUjt lualitot ha boon Incorporated, articles baying been filed with th (Moratory of Hut Saturday, signsd by D P Mason as President and Osorge Cham berlain as Heurntary, with th board of trustees as th inoorpoi stora, A basioes mta ia $ahain. Wash., au- oordintito a dram nr recently In the oity, suited out oavday.wlth hill amounting to MOOO, snd oollecUd D in a whole day. That is th wsy th-y do in over -boorasd towns. If all th divlaioos of Linn eouutv ask ad forar granted th prsicot Mjo couuty will consist of Hhsdd.tb thra Albany prteinut, Orleans, Tangent, Center and Hyrseus pr eiueta. Not moon Icfti bat Linn will not b divided. . . . TbhUao addition to th Christian church yesterday. Eleven by coo version and two by isttsi, Tbeservles whl booo tinusd vry vning until farther notice Is fivau. Th pai.lio is iuvilad to attend, 'rsyer and praise aarvice this vi,lng at 7 11 t , preaching at 7:39 by th pastor. Hab sett ,Detn ar-d Lf. Com and bring your frisndt, Yesterday was th pruvsrhlai'Voeod-bog day i" If tb animal omrs out 00 that day and bi shadow bo is frightened and luiiii J lately order sis wks of cold west It er. If do shadow is aa w take tb weathtr as it eome. Tb Dkm. crat has board of no shallow being swa ; ) t tb iu dications are strong for cold waaihsr. A Cold Wave. In response to a special despatch from headquarters, Mr F M French, the signal service man, hoisted a white flag with a black center, the sign f a cold wave, the first time the flag lut been tisid since the service was Instituted here As there Is no snow on the ground It is to be hoped the Sag has done some prevaricating 1 but the barometlcal Indies Hons are all that way. Tub Wromo Man. -Marshal Hoffman received a despatch from Yamhill county this forenoon giving description of a man wanted tor counterfeiting, and sskli.g him to look out Lit the fellow A man on the streets answered the description exsctly and wss arretted; hut easily e labllshcd hi Identity ts a reliable person having acquaintances among some of our pron.inent cuuens. , Tt'SSDAY. . St. Valentines dsy cooks nest City loU in Stiy t n srs worth 23 a pi tee. Tbla morning the thrtnmUr was 29 degress abort soro, pretty cold (jr Oregon. While in Albsuy fiaoday night thortsi' dtnosof Mr Lovelock of Salem was burg' loriatd. Th Voa M Ifoag come an this a 00a with t s a - nig toad f potato, w h-a and mrrcbao- dia lor diuetnt points. I'r. Psttoa baa removed lis scoeral offie to Mairm, but wilt (stain hi resideno ia Albany sad b b,S. tarda and Sundays. Oscar Wbestoo. ol this eitr. ts in reiit ot an igotit gold spooimsa or nnggt wctgb- ti g ox oonee irom tea Amalia blacsi olaiow owned by Motsrs ISUtr Glover and W bewkio. and to sn is oa ethibition at th Allot. Th DUSiiet was foood eon dav. Ut work in a eentabt or hard MttfurmaUoa Boksr City Dcmoerst. wgbXkiA2 NO j IHvislon Of Usm Wsntd in Any Uirtetion. Buy your grooerii of Potter Bra Saa-tr kroutst C E Browaotl's, I folia & Dswooo, druggist. Fbgroori at Coon k HcndriosoaV All ruLl-vr goods at e wt at Kleia Bros, Bargain la librsrr Umpt at C K Brow- ell's. Oauuioe Iowa sorghum oa draught at C Brownalls Delicto as fcrango elder on tap at C E Emwoali's. Smok the elbrat4 Pavnu filled 8 Crat cigar st Julius Joseph's. See W F Road's line of dress uocd and silk bsfor baying eUssrbcro. Bargains in choice groearie can alwava b secured of A'ltu BroaFlinn Block. A larae stock of wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fortroiller Irving's,ast reotived. Woaalng, COo a"S-eo. metidins for men fta,t Mrs Kiogs.inal sast of th DxMocaar of&oo. Tb woatero Part ot Beaten ooantv is rat np itb railroad pro foots. Th latest to b tooorporstea i tn Ariio, loirdo snt Jtaab- tlle, with a capital stock of $150,000. Don k fair to see oar men' and b.vs' clothing before porchasieg claewber. W sell th best clothing for tb leoat money of any boas in tne eity. IahjX and o con vinced. U W Simpson. Prof. N.N. Riddell.'of th snthropoloai ol society of Nw York will lecture in the Upero Llone, 1 hursdsy evening, Feb. 5th, on "Wanders of life sua tb mistakes of too Aa." Tbis lector wilt hi. given fro of oharge. All ore'ootdiaiy iuviUd. Tho steamer Corvallis. now being rsbuilt at Portland for the Kovernment.witi be osd n pn'ltnu snavs ar.d rsmovioe obstrootions n tb upiur Wtllamett nver. Shis of vary light draft, so as to bo employ in shal low water. Mr Edward Waldon has tola bis farm, oongisting of 330 sores, looatad in Beuton county, about four miles from Albany, to F BHsohctV lately J ew York itstc. for $n,ooa J T Il.miiton, a lawyer of Spokao Folia, who recently lost a valise oontainiog S8G, 000 on a ferry be ween New Yok oity snd Jnriey Uity, reeeived a telecrsin Irom He Yoikthat th property had been recovered and wculd be sect to him at ones by express. A very suoocasful aerie of revival meet ings bave been held at Tangriit, by Ray s Howard snd bltwortby, cf the two Motho dist churches ,wbo are now working together, th churches being practically uutted. Ther bave been sixty-five conversions all cf whom onitod vi h the ohareh. Ths California, of Bafcersfield, has been soed for $23,000 tot libel on James Herriag- toa, who was some time last October taken out of ths county jail by a mob sad tarred aad feathered. Ths eomolaint. alleges that tbe paper published Herriauton as a shyster sod t pettifogger, engaged in working up black m 103 contests, lie will probably re coyer coats. DR. ABORN, . 0- - . . AT PORTLMD USTIl JULY 5T1I. 0 DR. ABORN, Fourth sod Morrieon streets Portland, Oregon, the most successful pi ys ciau on oa the Ameriuau contineot for the speedy, positive, ahaolaU sod permanent ours for Catarrh of tbe Mead, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pnenmoni and Cooeumption, Twenty-live years auooesaful practiue, . InBtautacoous relief and permanent cures often effected upon first consultation. Dr. Ahorn, by his original, modern, toien tiSo method, eiFeots Speedy and radical onreB of the most ob stinate &Ld long standing cases of Vasal Catarrh. Ozena, Defo, Eis chargps from the Ears, Asthm, B onobitis and Consumption. ; Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious. Colic, Oall Stones aud Jaundice, Heart, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Nervous Affections; Diseases of Man. Also all ailments peculiar to women. Dr. Aborn can be consulted from now until July 6. when bs leaves for Europe. Note. Home trsatinent.secarely pseka, set by eipra to any part of tha Paoif c Coast aad Territories fur those who cpdeos - HB4I, USSYATB S4LI HDHttlgbt.etux to S J Haight, parcel 111 IJLCof HarvcyUor- don a Wm J Walker, cttix to l)avid lfen- Sfjn, lot 7 blk 3 Lyons .... UalphOhIing,ftu to A Wolvertoti lots 7 and 8 blk 01 Albany. , . , . , A L Pulliani, etux to Jfamilton A Andrews, tract In Hwoet Home, 6t)0 275 600 3(4l 1000 1252 60 203 30 E Turner to Ira MeTurtier, J0 acres 1 1 W 4 . . ... C'has o'Bliighani.' etal 'to Abi'gnli K Pcrnhigton. 60.11 acres In I) LC ' of Hnmnel CKier I A Munkers to Jf O Shillings, lot 8 blk 1, Munkers Jas B McCoy, etux to If M French, etal, south 1) L 0 of John McCoy. . . JW Miller, etux to Peter L Ben nett, lot 6 blk 2, Khelburn W II Hobson,etal to John II Geddcs lot 5 blk 10 H's add Mill City. . . O A C H It to John It Oeddes, 40 acres Hec 6. 10 K 3 J V Pipe, etux to flarah J Hnlght lot 4 blk 3 P's add Albany Calvin If Bntn, etux to Martha M i;iiis, itiu acres fcec 33, K 4 . . . . Total sales.,... .5774 W, T. llsad keobs lb sHst'oasortaisat cf fatioy goed as town. Io lit Pass C E Brownell's stor if ta wait toliv coocotnicallv. Ik-st uotult aid low ( r cs ;uarsntaed. All roller good 4 ot at I Win Bros. All rubW g ods at cost at Kleio Bros. A NtSAl INJECTOR fr with each Ottlo f bhilohs ;Urrh Runs I lViae Oosnts, Fothay St Mason, areata DR. DARR!S SUCCESS. Tttrce Mare rrasnlnent reevla mt Tkt mm Slot Teatlry to the KfHrary I lb Cleetrlc Inrs -UeafaeM ( nred la Tew Missiles. The asms marked success that has fol lowed Dr Darr'n the tal fouryeaissuf frs 00 diminution. Ills rooms at No 70M Washington at, Portland, areerowd4 olgbt and day, snd many bav tj go away without seeing the Doctor, or make ap pointments for tue future. It is not often that any known remedy wiil reach such a Ure ntt nbor of vbronlo, ocule and private diia4i as elrctr:clty. There oeotns to be no Inmnd to it utility In treating disease a wei. as Its application to niocblnry. J b three followiogcard apeak volumn fnr ths Doctor and bis Dew theory In curinth Ills ol which wc ia'.l t-nhappliy smuuxli EDITOR OREGONl ANs Jan. I7tb, 1 cam to Dr iMnlo for treatment for deaf new and ringing nob in my er I was cured In tn tnlnuto. oa w.,ll as evvi Id my Ufa. The treatmnnt waabyolej trlclty and ether method. Itcfei tome at eo Oak street, Portlant. AMiKfcW DOUULASS. le XeVrew's tnrk. EDITOR! RPIONIAN: I have besn under Dr Damn's Kino rlo Ire thel.t for tbr4 iuiiytb for nervousness, kidney treubis) and uber al int-nt. lomcutod onJ leo.mon ml hiuj and bla treounent by lourtciiy. My piaoe of buslneae I 140 O atrswt, Portloud. 1 bav gains I 13 pounds in ike time. LEU McU UEW. Anstbrr Oaul Haas Uappy. EDITOR ORTO )N". AN Dear Sir: It affotda me pU-ooure to eHiy to tbeex eel :e tie tf lb Ki.c:ric treatment given by Dr Dan lo For eoveral year I have Ixwn troublod wli't kidney troubles and loflommstlon of the neck of the bladder, for o while unable to t"t out A fw month's borne tretiment baa put me cn my feet agafn, for which I am truly thankful to Dr Darrin'a Rrat skill. d. E. Hollo way, Newberg, Or. ADMlrMSTRATOS'S NOTICE. TsJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TnAT i the understk&ed boa been dulv appointed admlnim rotor of tha esttsM of Nathan Kaissli. deowsvsed. by the county court of the stale of Oregou, for Lion Co. All person having cjairas against sold estate, are hereby notified to present tho same duly verified to mm In Corvallis. Ilcnton county, Orgon. within six months fjotii the date of tbla notice: and all Mr eons having any affects of sold deotased win oeuver tne as tue over to tne. Doted Feb 8, 1891, K. 1- WILSOX, (2 6) AdminiKtrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t'j under slgiMtd, esecntor of the last wilt snd Is lament and eotate Of Jane Bingham, deceatel, has filed in the office of the oonntv clerk of Linn county. Oieton, bis final acoonntcf said oat tie. and the court bo fixed the 7lh day of aiaren, jbvi. at 10 o'clock r m. to near otjnntfona If any to sold account and for settling said eatote. uatea rwo (J, isyi. s. m. rcsntnoTow T, J.STirica, Lxecutor. Ally ft r Executor. , NOTICE IO OOSTRACT0RS.-Oon-traeMtrs and builder desiring to bid 00 the oonstrnctloo of tb new United Preabytnttan church building, to be erect ed at the alio of ths old building, will find tbe plans and specification for the same, at the store of Stewart t Sox. The dote of opening blda wilt be announced noreonor. TVf ONEY TO LOAN.-In small and IT J. large amounts, from six months to five yea: a, on good Albany and Linn county real etat. Call on or address W McPbersoD, First St.. Albany, Or. LOST. A little kid money pnrme con taining a f20 and a 5 goia pleou, A liberal reward 10 tbe finder who will re turn to tbla office. ' TO BENT A store room 22s9 feo auitablefor buities;centra'ly looato For particulars eail at the Dxmocra office or on 3a V Pipe. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. NOTICE 13 HEREBY THAT TBI annusl meeting of tbe stockholder of tbe Albany Building and Loan Ass elation will be bela on Friday. February zu, isoi. at tue nour or 7:30. p ru , or aaia dav. In the ureoi bank erBce, in Albeny Linn oouuty, Oregon, lor tn purprwo or electing nine oirwitors ana luree auditors, to serve for tbe. terra of one yor next ensuing from said tuneting, and until their auecessora are elected and qualified, and to transact such other business as may then oome before the association l).)ue by order of directors thin 17th day of Jan, 1891. W C CaSSICLL, Jat W llutir?. President. Secretary. STRAYED OB STOLEN, from Wm Oouob, a bay mare, weighing from 850 to tS0. roaohod tnano. and white spot on forehead. Any information would be gratefully received; Wm Cotjcb. Albany, Oregon; Ll to am raadiac. ToUrnonmlB frxm il a Hfff 11 il iTaisitii an missal rT TljMifc tsasws it part of th sloba, Prtsnpotus port eUteu Kit ITJUi Ammvm iort. STBANEY & NAaiEV, PKOPRIBTOR, OJ 1 IIS City Livery, Feed and Sale TABLE. - Run sfiKcral Hauk line to and from Coivr.llls. Bt rigs artft oheRpt iat la the city. Hpeclal attontlnn given t- transient frtock. f ourth t-trcet, bstveein E lswo'th -and I.jon, Albany, tregon. m ELB1E00E EL'K, SALEM, 03. DISEASES PHIVATE DISEASES, Coiuultalion free ttn striotl cob 23 171 150 1250 FlwrJ Dr. M. J. FMioii, IAs Of CinocERiB- are received daily) Ka Br" tivBLT-Today Becon t by Mueller A Garrett, both by rail and !f.rcet Pottd . lively appearance, boat. CaaliHgirt-a are ftleasinir evrV? hPs and drays were kept , bnsy one and this is the reason why they are doing so much Business. If you want to . 1 . . t ri'ive inouey hut your groceries 01 incm. uey uv nw nave 10 give toys una pres ents to induce trade, as low figures and pure.goous satisiy everyone. 1)1 F.O. T-WM-fitT'rr'vf r . . i s v-vn ounoay evening, rcuruarj m, icyi, 01 a complication OI dUeas,-. tem.lnaiinL In m..i M. , ', , .J" 7" r" ""'' J oeo, 1 ot't'litcn, sou of Mr, Jesse Doueht'l en,a8ed,iyeara. mmtm mu, . 1 , tmmttmmmgmmmmmmmfmmmmM Highest of oil ia Ixatycning Powers Li lYSAlD, 10 'BY DEALING WITH ES E33 During February ho will continut3 to sell Winter ClotL ing at Greatly Keduced Prices; offering rare bargains. Some of his Spring Stock,'including some fine patterns in Men's .Youths' and Boys' suits, have arrived, and are marked low. A fine lino of Boy's, Children's and Men's suits 'in Al bany Woolen Goods, attract attention. His stook of Shoes and Boots is a leading one, mado up of first-class makes. You can save money by buying your foot wear of L. B. BLAIN. AT COST! My en jo stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a large ine of h ots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. pW tsEE 1 XOW SOME OF TUB USES THAT AE2 GOrSQ AT COST. &S DtESS GOODS, CLOAKS, P.IBBONS, GINGHAM, GOS3AMEU3, JSTCall early whilo tho selection is good. 'f- trs tj. irststreet, -:- -:- m m e s yf yrr s s w j s w s jr w x jt us r jr s r jc. s m .y r ywr ja r s oeraphers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi ness College, Portland, Oregon, or tho Capital Business College, Salem Oreiron. Both are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses ci atudy. some rates of tuition. Vvsines, Shorthand, Typewriting. Pcnm&nship a nd Enff bsh Deportments. Write to either for. joint Catalogue and specimens of penmanoMp. City iestauraiit. Iltviog been entirely remodeled, thia old ml rxmutar rasUarant wiil ba mad firss- o'.ais n every respect. The pabl.o will bt. given good wnls at all hoars lor only kj snt. Ever .hmg neat and attiwoUva. Private boxes. Ojatcrs I J evary style. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAY I XT' DEYGE & FtlOriAFJ BROS Store, where thev atwaj s have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, ot the latest imoroved Rifles snd Shot Guns: an immense stock of FUhlne Tackle of every descilption; Tents, Hammocks. Com o Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Xlepnii Shop in connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen In the State to do an tnd all kinds ot work. Come one. Come all; No trouble one, ihow goods. "Small aW is oui motto. profit and quick Q HELPS, ri nter ALBANY IO!?. mmm & eulesb-t-bros.. ; Real Estate Ag-eits Farrnv and Puinohua for sale. Also city Oroijerty in Alhn aud CorysllUs. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor &et r d endFeriy St,. jjAlbsny, Oi SUPERIOR work, guaranteed in ever? branch ofhe art. ;a-Jiu)arging c ail Hude a specialty. las tJ lis ri Physician and Snrgsoi r y amJ A max jrsrofllee up Rta! 's;y ba low rid ac i: i .3 In Stralsan's' Eloo s cC'icfn .? 8 5 3 r I bau ling out goods from Mueller & Gar rett's. Oxx Hlkdreu Waoohs just rece!vd, which I am going to give away free, one w 1th each can of Forest City Baking Pow inr. Come early. Q E Bhowhslu All robber good at cost at Kleia Bros, Fca SAtx- $500 lo f looocf household ,(, .,t,r,A in, .j exchange for improved real estate, inquire at omce ot n b,,,,"""''""""" I d J w ' v naooaMsoasBnaaaassBwdZz. IT. S. Gor't Report, Aug. 17, ttt-y, E3 CORSETS, FLANNELS, LINEN, CALICO, ... BLANKETS, iri r ,Pa h -:- Albany, Oregon. the kind that pays. Scores. yo'-jig business men, and hun- 1 ri 1 i. . . Best stock of 2fcd roods tn the Va ley, and tue mot reose iaie prices, ooin n b selling. I bave on hand all kvu FUstKITUSE. STOYES, TINWARE TRUMCS, EOCXS, PICTURES CLQCRS, CRSCXSRY, ETC., ETC. tfo.w west of S E Young's If or. L. CQTTLaHS TOWNSEIID .awiLsorv Real Estate Loan hw: Ofllee. BALTIMORE BRICK. Dolni a gtnaral Inmrsnea bmlness. Parties Miriuff insuraiea will c'o wall to see them. AOBN'TS FOB aVetaa laaaraaee Company, Ineorpors sd t charter parjtatual. Loaws paid la 70 js 4 016,000. assets, t8,?80,7U,GS, to Guardian las. Ctnpsar, ol Ixrodo. England EsUbllshed 18.1. Capital, (5,000,000. lotol firs tosses void ?er tS.000.000. American Fire las. Compaay, of Philadelphia, Organised it 10. Cash anaots, 2,642,CS0. Lowsa ' paid, flPVX,SSe. Celatsibla Fire Marlae las. Cnmpaar. o Portland, Or. Assets, ?Ai0,&7i.W. Tbutia cue oi ' Oregous best eomiDles, 3 t.. Mi. 1.1, ami a fine stock SPECTACLES, generally, as well as jewel . c qcks, etc., Rt Mmg bvlp ZnilO Stote.