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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1891)
CI.UULY BTATCD. That able exponent of democratic prin ciple, Roger Q Mills, In an article In the Sunia W,on the dulletot the demo crata In the neit congreM aaya: "Next year we will again have the llouie ot repretentatlvtt, while the republican! will have the eenate and prealJent. With out all three no republic meature can he repealed, and all we can do U to declare to the count jr what meature we would pa II we had the senate and presidency at well at the house ot representative. We should go as far as we can, to redeem the pledget which we make to the people (rum one end o! the country to the other. We can then, In 189a, show them that we have kept the faith and ask them to give us the senate and exectutlve, and then, full Invested with legislative power, we can liberate the country from the fetters of clast domination and restore prosperity to a distracted lard, "The first thing to be done I to restore to the House the poarer of legislation In stead of the power of proclamation. The House Is the great representative body of the people. In order that It may legislate wisely and guard with care the Interests ot the people it must ha ve the power to de liberate, to debate and to amend every proposition submitted for lis consideration. The constitutional mode ot passing bills by a quorum ot the rnsmbert present and voting must be restored. The rights of the members to recognition, to make mo tions, to invoke the will of the House, must again find a place In parliamentary procedure. Minorities and individual members must receive respectful and courteous consideration. "Having restored to the Houselts rljjht. ful rules of procedure, the first and most Important of all measure which can come before It and which will be presented to and passed by It will be a bill to reduce the taxes on Imports. The necessity for a reduction on import ha been growing on for twenty year. It Is now more urgent than at any former time. We are to-day threatened with a deficit and It will be a realixed fact at the end of Ihj next fiscal year. The Tariff Act ot October 1, 1890, increased duties to check import and re duce revenues, so that under the existing laws receipt Into the treasury are to de crease and the expenditures Increase. The large surplus left by tl e democratic ad ministration Is gon, the large revenue from sugar will go In spring and some mean must be devised to raise the reven ues to meet the current expenditures. "It the tariff Is not so reduced as to ad an t larger Importations and thus obtain revenues from Imports, the tax must be re- stored to upply the deficiency. It U not only a revenue necessity that the tariff must be reduced, but the Industrial condi tion ot the country demands an outlet for our export which can only be done by providing an Inlet lor Imports. Q" Another measure which should receive the attention of the democratic House Is reciprocity, full and complete, with Canada and Mexico, Free trade with Canada and Mexico I almost as important to us ani to them as fiee trade between our on state. Of course the House -could do nothing more than to express the wish of tlte rep resentatives of the people. Eut the measure should be presented and pi cited until our own government and those of Mexico and Canada should make it an accomplished fact. It the present congress fails, or if It passe a bill for the free coinage of sKver and It 1 vetoed by the president, the dem ocratic House will pass It again and give the senate or the executive another oppor. tunlty to exercUe the veto. "This issue, like that of the tariff, will ot down. The campaign of education has gone far enough to convince the peo ple that their Interests demand both tariff education and the free colcage ot sllyer. They are both opposed by classes, one wishing to monopolize manufactures, the other money; one wishing the price of manufactures high by making them scarce, other wishing to make money hlh by making It scarce. This policy has pre vailed until the masse are overwhelmed with debt, and they have made up their minds to reverse It In both cases. "There are other matters ot Importance that wi'l require consideration, other abuse to be removed, but these are the chief measure whose ena-tment Into !aw public sentiment demands.and to them the early and eamett attention of the Hovae will be given. More than any other spoilsman will "J jlin nie" Davenport of Ne York weep over the teleat of the force bill. For nearly twenty year bit this btovianf. Hall-fed demagogue lived in cover because of the original bill pasted by his party for ihe purpose of defraud ing the people. While holding hi ofTice be has set tn example of partisanship to bis friends in o'her localities, and has demonstrated that ordinary imagination will not compass the depths of iire into which personal malice may sink a political organization. One of the first duties of the next democratic administra tion will be to pilch "Johnnie" out of office, even if the people be compel ed to support Lint in honorable pauperism becase ol hit in capacity for creditable industry. President Polk, of the National Farmer's Alliance, hat written Governor Boies, of lowt, a letter warmly commending him for hit bold nd fearleu s'and in behali of the farmers of America, made by him in hit speech at the recent banquet of the New York Reform Club and also praising the governor for the ability with which his views were presented. This letter, cowing from the highest authority in the councils of the farmers, will cause a good deal of const wnation amor g the Iowa republi-an editors and politicians who have been assailing Governor IJoiel for what President Polk com mends in turn and endeavoring to make politi cal capital out of his speech. An Interesting story comes from Boston to the cfLxt that a couple of years ago Mr. W E Kusseli said playfully to General Collins, then in Congress: "When I am governor of Massachusetts I will appoint you jude cf the supreme court," and Gen eral Collins;d that when Mr Rus sell is elected he would accept. Mr Rus sell It now governor, and the death cf Judfce Devenscrea'ed a vacancy, which he off'-ied to General Collins, but It was de clined on account of the Inadequacy of the salary. A local republican oreao is tcuch exercised Over the wickedness of an unregen irate Texas editor who prcsis't in fighting over again the wsrof iSCjsnd deuouncing Mr Lincoln, the union army, and the north generally. How would i: do to tie tLe martial Texan and Col Epops Shepard together by their long, long ears, hang 1 hem over a clothes line, and let them end ihe war njw and forever? The New York Woild says that the worst thing about Cameron' silve- speculation is thatheisnot ashamed of it. It will strike Biany that this is a peculiarity of Cameron's . clitical wxis'enre. Pessimiuls have a strong ument in ihe fact ' neither Cameron t . its party has exhibited shame at his prom aenct in his public life. A COSOKKSSOr JOBS, Ei Lieutenant Governor C F Black, the Washington correspondent ot the Newi York IIVM site up this tongrvti ai fo'.lowtt It this congress to be given over bodily to jobs? It Is apparently inclined to con slder nothing else. The Force bill Is a gigantic political job, designed to turn the conduct and control ot election over to a corrupt partisan machine, to be maintained out of taxes cruelly extorted from the people under monopoty law. The magnitude ot this job exceed anything In the hlstoiy o' American polltlcs.slnce It I to be not only a continuing but a self-perpetuating job. It will take, If f assed, many million from the treasury. No federalist villainy It ever perfect unless It rob the tolling peo ple to pauper loafing tax eaters. It Is upon tax consumption that the partv ex ist always did and always must cxlU The hlp-ubsldy bill 1 another and a pure job. Nobody can guess how many million ot public n.oney It would transfer to private pocket In the nineteen year during which It lay the treasury open to the already rich and sturdy grabber for whose benefit It I designed. The more thipt are built to secure the bounty the greater will be the plunder; and when It hall be proposed to repeal the law and re lieve the peopla ot a monstrous burden, the powerful beggais ot to-day the opu lent steamship companies whose agents crowd the lobby will plead vested rights. the sanctity ot contract and all the. famil iar arguments ot the land-grant and subsl dlad railroads. There, loo, I the silver LIU. Whatever may be said tor free sliver, It cannot be aid that thelcgUlature In progress It un tainted. It so, why the reluctance of the manager to permit an Investigation ot the silver pool? Why the caution, timidity otthe committee at last to Investigate? Thus tar, it ia true, only one senator ha been exposed (peculating In the article whose market value was immediately af fected by hi vote. But disclosures cf this are slow. The testimony must usually be ihat of accomplice. It Is hard to get.and partial when It comes. It was not until Oakes Ames was goaded Into telling the whole truth by the unmanly falsehoods cf his confederate that the Credit VIoblller exposure developed In all It proper and shocking proportions. All that ia be hind this silver cloud will probably never be known. EncuU appear already, however, to justify the constant demand 7" WrtJ made for the Inquiry which the republican managers vainly endeavored to preven. The jobs Force bill, silver speculation, subsidy mongerlng take the right ot way In the tax-raWlng and tax (pending mo aopoly congress. The public business may wait or find consideration in the hur ry and tumble ot the concluding hour, when thesmallcr but not more Indecent steals attached to appropriation bills may slide through, observed onlt by those ho favor them. Of one thing the Insolent majority has made sure; It has by It own conduct vin dicated the good sense ot the people who voted It down aid out In Novemrr last. How different this federalist plan of gov eminent taxing the many poor to make a few rich from the democratic Ueat sketched by Jefferson: "A wUeand fiujja government, which shall restrain .nco from Injuring one another, sliail Wve them otherwise free to regulate their owe pur suit of ind'M'.rr and Improvement, and sha'l nil uke from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned!" Tnc statement of Ihe lUralJ thafa good many of those opposed to the proposed division of Linn county say they would rather lose Ihe Albany bridge thar. to see the county divided," I so manifestly ab surd and false 'hat It hardly calls for cor rectton. The basis of the plan to secure division was laid In opposition to building a bridge. The rail for a bridge at Albany was given as a reason why there should be division. It further savs: "If those of Albany who do not want a bridge will now just work hard enougn to keep this op position, (the Fork,) In the county, they may succeed In stopping the county ap propriation for the bridge and thereby down the whole bridge question.' No,lt is known ot all men In Albany that those two or three men in the city who oppose the building of a bridge most are In favor of a division. It is difficult to labor to se cure an ulterior odject without resorting to subterfuge and misrepresentation. A good way 10 remove the various par ticle of food remaining Ir. the mouth and throat Is to take a few crackers, or still better, some stale bread, after every meal, and chew them very thoroughly. This will carry away all remaining particles, especially from the throat, where they may otherwise Irritate the larynx. The use of bread at least three or four daya old Is the best means of dcsnslng: and disin fecting these part. Mary Ann Doherty, whose connection with police courts lor habitual drunkenne has been to notorious, will now have another chance, ber private pension bill which was ve toed by President Cleveland for lack of merit having made its appearance tgain. Mary Ann tlioukl try not to get full on the strength of its chance, but wait till she gets her money. The democrats in the senate receive the aumiratbn and thanks of the count. y for their splendid leadership, perfect discipline nd lire- leu endurance in the fight for free tpeeih and free elections. Business men of Albany are very seri ously considering how much the business interests of Albany may be Injured by the division of the county. It would be well to look Into the future a little. Tumrdng-Jack logallx in his stocking-feel watchiug Judge Psffcr trying on hit scnnloria brogant will present as picturesque, though no ai happy, a sight as the sock lens states man of Kansas drawing bis Qrst quarter atary aod mileage. What a !elated remark it was (hat recorded he fact that Frtshie Hoar had outlive! his usefulness. It was juntas apparent when the baby Frisbie uttered hit first screnm. The most gra'ifjing set of his life will be his last. Cloak at W Read'. , rroaaanecd Hnprleiix, Vrt ftavrd. From a ltUr ritten by Mr Ad 12 Hard of Gr-)ton. H V. we quote! "W taken nitli t bad ooid, which settled on my Lung, conidi set in snd Kuatty terminated in ,'on snmption. FnBr li eor rr t nt ijin( I ctuiii live but, h.,rc time. J wv.nj setf np to niy Saviour, determined if I ecu Id not tay with my fiisnrl to earth, I would meet my absent i- above. My husbsnd was advised to not Dr King's New Difccover ery for Consumytion, Coughs nd Colds. 1 Kave it a trial, took in all ifclit bottle.; it has cpred me and lhnU Cod I am a well and hearty womn Tri' b. tt.les free 'at Fo nbav &i Mason's d; lU.iv, regular size, COo ar.dl. " Ojit Straw. Loose oats straw for 1eby F G Burkhart, one mile southeast of this citv. , - SIIILOH S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure f -r Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker-Month. Fushey & Mason, agents. HINTS TO IIOt'EKEKrKIlS. Use a clam shell to scrap pot asd frying pant with. To restore strong ham to It origtnal freth- cs, slice and took over night in milk, either tweet or tour. When wiping up the floor before putting (tit carpet down, sprinkle it all over with talt wlill damp; this will greatly prevent maths. , When cold water It craved, (although cold water realty interferes with digestion,) it should be boiled and filleted and cooled in bottles on ice. The best way to c xik l'innan had die ia to put on boiler fur ten minutes over a quick fire, and then put in boiling water five minutes. In purchasing canned goods It Is a safe rule to obtcrve whether the head ot the can Is concave, a bulging appearance being Indicative ot decomposition. A man's way of patching a hole in a table-cloth would probnbly be to sew on a piece; a woman's way Is to patch the piece on with starch and then smooth it with a hot iron. It the throat Is very sore, wring a cloth out of cold salt and water, and bind it on the throat tightly, when going to bed; cover It wtth a dry towel. This Is ex cellent. Lard Is sometimes adulterated whh alum, starch and time water. When pure, It It completely soluble In bcnilr.c, has no burrt taste or odor and melts without gut tering to a clear fluid. The best way to preserve old boots la never to use blacking of any sort, but have the boots brui-htd, or it very uiuKlv, wiped with a damp cloth or sponge, then care fully gone over with a little dubbing. For stiff neck, sore throat, pain In the chest, a good remedy Is to rub some oil or vaseline Into the skin, then cover with a piece vt col on wadding, the shiny side outward, and wear till the discomfort Is gone. To kee.t flour from spoiling, It should be thoroughly dried and stored In bags, bo. In barrels. It Is said that the exclusion ot air I apt to render flour somewhat damp, and doe not yield a good a dough a when the flour remain perfectly dry. For a felon, taki commoa rock-salt such as la used for sailing down pork, dry It In an oven, then pound It nne and mis with spirits of turpentine In equal parts. Put It on a linen rag and wraparound the felon. A it dries put on more, and If followed up the felon will be dead In twenty-four hour. Gold tinsel rucl.lng v. II, be ot great as sistance to those who have to depend on their own fingers for the manipulation of bonbomnirrei to send to their friends. It is bright looking, and easily used In orna menting bags, baskets, flower tube cover ed with brocade, plush, and forth. The roteaitd chrysanthemum petal ruchlngs, too, are useful, for they save alt the trouble ot sewing on each petil separately. Prime wheat flour should have the fol lowing characterU'.Ics: When handled none should adhere to the finger; if a handful be tqaeeaed. It should not sift through the fingers, but should rl-g to gether, formlnjj a Utile ball, which will show the fine lines ot the palm tor some time after re'east; If a Cute ball of flour be dropped 01 a table, It should even then prcrvft i:s form and continuity, at least ir Urge measure. lll;!l.TAXk-I.OWtft WlOCS. The manufacturing potter having ob talned increased tariff Uses on their pro ducts, for the declared purpose of protect ing home labor, are now reducing wage and locking out their workmen who refuse to accept lower wage with higher taxes. Trenton, New Jersey, Is the chief centre of the pottery manufacture In this country and the manufacturer have locked out their men because they refuse to ase.t to a reduction of wages, and they have also adopted the policy of declining to discus the question either with employes or with reporter. They feel safe under the high taxes lately put upon labor and ihe necessaries of life, and believe that they can starve their workmen into submission. What a mockery of protection to home lador It thlt action of the Trenton potteries. Like the steel manufacturers, they have, at a rule, amassed large fortunet as it by magic, solely by tariff taxes levied on the masse ol the people; and now, when they hav had there taxes put up to the highest point, to multiply their profits, they de mand a reduction ot wage and lock their labor out to atarve It Into submission. How long will tuch monopoly taxes and monopoly grtcd be toleratid by the people? One of the beauties of the effect of il-e Me Kinley bill wat clearly illustrated ihe other day In th' cky by the statement made by a drummer ia taking an order Irom a tailor for a tot of farmer salin(coat lining ) In giving hit pries hetta'.ed that the house be represented had just imported 2,300 worth the duly upon which was $1,765. The men who in the aggregate wear the coats that con sumed this lining in the making are .taxed to pay this $2,765 together with a reasonable profit thereon Every feature of that matter san outrage and a swindle. The oie Philadelphia journal which support, ed Ihe' force bill ill editor being one af pret dent Hairison't office-holders frantically de fares that "Cameron is a democrat, " Do lined, with thanks. The democrat it oarty it rot electing Quays and Catnerons lo th;oiate But if all the men in the country who oppose the force bill are to be classed at democrats, the republican party Win a minority of abou1 3,000,000 votes. Gov Hilt is probably the only man of whom it can truthfully be said that a Uni'ed Sta'ci Senatorfliip wat literally forced upon him. Nothinzof the kind hat occurred in tint country within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, WHY WILL YOU h when Khiloh't Curn will give Immediate. re'ief. -Price 10 oenic, 00 ecu is snd $1. Foshiy & Mason, agents. ' F.UILOH'rJ C0UUH aud Consumption Curt is sold by usnn a ttiav ',to. It cures com a motion. Foslisy St Manor, agents, Holm Kg Hvhwuh Coixeok, of Fortland Or. will open Bept. 1st. J A Wesco.ttu leading penman of the coast, has become a partner 1.1 thin school and will make it the leading bueinena college. Fend for 1; cutalogui . 'ding Plmtrcrrntiliev . vuy rrsnn. , We l.svs l.ontl't all the-ne,(!itiv a made by , W Clark ami V H Groertnond up to Nov 16th, 3S9. Dupliiatr cm) be had from bum only of us at reduuwl iw. Wm hoy also hbout fS.OOO nei.iivej inudo by 011 r solves, from uhicli rtup!f:itlft cto be had at like la'es. We carry the 1,11 y I lU lii.s f viewi if this fttat and rtn inliir;:. d work at lower trstea fur tirat clsov work. V e'shall be pleaeed to aco yon a, our Stndio in Froman's block, nert door to Maaonio iVn.pls. ' , Rncklen's Ainlon iSntve, Ths bot Sale In tho woriit fin CMU, limine", Sorri Ulcer. H!t Klieum, Viver s.ire, fi-tler, t'iiapp bands, I hiiblairm, Corn, mid all Hka Krnptlo i positivelycures filcn.oroo pay required. It is iruar. uteeil to (rivo (Kjrfect satisfaction, ar monoy lefumi d. Price 25 cenw r box, i'ur by Kont;j' arxl Mawm- coihtv cot rt rawest mm xa (O. R. If. Jllwaburn, Jtutir 8. W. Ovopsr and Witt. Kumbaugh, Cummlwluiiert.) Fee State vijohn Doe allowed in part. Fees fHftto va Henry Keeper allowed In full. Fvca State va John Yatoi allowed, rho following claims were allowed 1 D Hart, kroi.hia naunera t 60 70 U V Kiiasell, salary rWltool Kupt. . . CU 70 I) II NUlaekuurn.nalary go Judge. 100 00 N 1' I'ayne, clerk'a fee 11 40 I'Ves Imjucat N ltaat'll,dKTaied., 13 00 Ft-M Htttto va John Doe et al 1 83 J K Charlton,' junking jury lint for precinct 1 00 Alburt avago,maklifg jury lint for precinct , I 00 J K Michael, making jury Hat for precinct 1 00 KcKints & Lnuio. rond 4) 29 John lhtncan, retmlra on Roberta urtiitee Henry Miller, Co romla. Albany Electric Light Co. ....... Leo Drown A Co.lumbcr. ........ Worth & tStandiith, Co road..... 10 St 88 Wi 27 60 19 28 1 76 13 t4 10 40 311 75 It It Humphrey, Co roadr Kantlani Lum Co, luuibcr.roailg. . Hall & Odonald. tatloncry L I'lpe, wild animal ............. U A Duncan, wild animal........ I 00 1 00 33 00 8 00 CO 00 !!ti 00 10 00 48 00 S3 00 8 00 J J Uratiam, roadaupcrviaor..... M lliuitlifiw.ioad lupervlaor...., K Conn, road auper U ATI tun, road auper.. ... .. ..... Flom Smith, road auper. ........ S W K inner, road super , , . , , K It Chance, road auper A M Teinpleton, road tuper t H tleor;rt road aupcr V W Hiclinrdaon, road tuper.... 12 00 SO 00 02 03 4 OrJ 28 00 4 76 John ttrimefl, road auper.. John Uahcr, janitor...... E V l'belpn, printing. . . . . K C riieli'g, tationcry... M H Clark, witness....... 7 00 00 A I lilac k burn, road auper. The following road auporvUora appointed: A ruiackburn,rUNoC7. Warren Mcliola, Met No'lS. N M Teinpleton, Dial No 38. K II Chance, Dint No 30. A 1' Maxwell, Diat No 34. Aimer Cary, Dint No 4. Jaa Archibald, Diat No 52. J II Caldwell. Diat No 63. J J Graham, Diat No 48. antou. were A masouerade nartv wat elven Satur- dav evening at the residence of J U Camp bell, formerly of Albany , at which a nice time was hau. The following were pres ent, with characters they represented: HAnna Farrsll, Mother Goose. Hertha Klefer, ISopcep Allre Davis, Mis Muffit. .' QKlhcl Savage, llopcep. Ne)ile Savaite, Queen of Hearts. Dora Porter, Old Mother Goose, Krankle Khlnehart. folly Flinders. Mattlo (iault, Uueen of Diamond. Dclle llatvorsen. Maid ot Perth. Allle Trenham. Itopeep. Lulu Aeheson, Quen of Spades. Myrtle Powell, Flower Girl. Allle iiurnsit, Sailor Girl. Lura Campbell, Uueen of Heart. Ltmo Davis, Old Woman. YY II Ateaar.der, Puck. Harvey Davis, Sailor Boy. tiuv Porter, Simple Simon. W T Klnehart, Jockey. E A Trulove, Jack Sprat. J E Drooks, Gent. Guy Klnehart, King Cole. Wm McCormlck, Domlnoe. t.'cvln McCormick, Sailor Doy. J R Davis, Mr McGlnty. C Erie, Fat Man of Kombay. W II Warner. Old Woman. Will Campbell and Henry Ewcrt, Pair of Jacks. Carl Klcler, King Cole' Fiedler. Guv Shaver. Ikx lor Foster. J It Cornet, King of Spade. BKOWaSVllLK. February 2nd, 1891. How doea thia alnke Allnny. A mate meeting of, citizen waa bold at the City Hall on laat Saturday and it WM decided to withdraw from old Linn, and In ac cordance therewith petitions were drawn up and the signing waa commenced in good earnest, comniitte were appointed and the work of division w ill be pushed until we are out. It Albany people w ill let Fanliain go we will go aluo, and in lead of one we will have three. We are in forbuaineea, and intend when thia shall be in print we shall have 800 name in the Legialature for diviaion, and shall top at nothing until we are out if &anti am is let go. W R Kirk went to Portland Faturday on business. I P Mason and Joe FUalbraith.of your city, were in town on laat Friday night in attendance at Alaaonic Jxxltre, and ft good tttne was bad. Just ask Dave Ma on about it. The new M K Church South will soon lie finiabed. We understand there witl le preaching; on the fourth Sunday in this tnontu in said church. Wild straw berries are still In bloom. Mild w inter. Come this way ye Eastern frozen folks and enjoy life lo the webfoot land 01 plenty 01 counties. Things arc qukt here. No business now but divihion. Come up you Albany people who lavor f-antiamand help us. Kernel Maz for Ike Kew Tear. The world reituwrx-d snoots of H or tetter s Stomach Hiltr, and their oontinuej popu larity for over a tt.ird f a eentory at stomachic, 1 scarcely more wonderful tba tht weloome that greet the annnal appear, anew of liostctter's Almanac, This vainab medical treatise ia published by tba Iloate tr Company. Pittsbtjrif, Pa, under the own immediate supervision, employing 44 hands in that department. The are re oinft about II mouth io the year on thia woak, and the i0A cf same fur 1891 will be more than tea m I lions, printed In the Kng lisb, German, Frenoh, Welsh, Norwegiari, SweJitti. liolland, Holieaiian and Spoih lno)es. liefer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting resdinK concerning healtD and numerous Uasimonial a to ths tfiicaey of Ifoatetter' Stomach Bittei. amnsemeet. varied iufornmtion, astronomical ealcnlation aod chron. lotjioil Itrms, Ac, abirh can be depended on fur eorrrctcets. The Alma nao for 1891 can be fbtaiued. freof eoet. from druuuutt snd general country dealer nail art of the country. 1 Tub Reasok Why, Klein Urn, cap afford W by I It that icll boot and shoe to reatonablef Because they are both practical shoe makers and make partof heir expenses by working on the thoe bench, any boot or 1 hoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it ia man, womant or chllds, that rip, run over or the sole rips loose they repair them for you free of charge, and a they do all the work them selves, they don't charge you as to 50 cents a pair extra for a warrant to pay route shoemaker to repair them for vou. Thev also make a specialty of repairing rubber boots. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Ty.ptU tnd Livr Compiaint? Sbiloh' Vitaliscr it guataiteed to cure yitn. SMlLOii'SCURB will immediately re lieve Crcup.Wbooping Cough and Brouchitts, Foihay & Mason; arrets. A Hor.t laluab'e Agent. II Armgvdt,' M . D , 03 Jaokion Street, Brooklyn, NY, writes:' ' 'Being familiar Willi (lie stiinulatirif., hoalinz and anodyne prnptrties of Alloock' Porous Plasters, I c rrinicod them as a most valuable agent in tho class r.f diseases for which they are in Ui d((t. Tba stimultting action wl en worn ever the g'ttn'o region materially aids in r;toriri; Mienijtli nud enery to (lig'stioD. atd tlserocrrtjueiit Luiluiue up of tiso aud rcstoripg tone tothegentral tytlcm " a Ibany Market. WllOHt f.lfl .U- 60 - HpIioi 80c pi itt : F tM"S0r Hy-10,0(!5lo 18 00. . ri.tatopw- O'j ota pnr l)tihal' B ef on foot, 2.' to , A pploi - 00 ecu! por bu, Pork 5o per Ir UreaaoA. Faf c na bama, I U ehouldora 7o . sides 9i ,r:d JOoperlti. Klonr4.26 pr bbl. rblckena 8 00 pur tins, ;t Ulil Feedbran, U.OOper t' thortfl, IS, n)i(lliincr, 20. L'hO! "", I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Kyraad't tNdkesi'DeaUi. Paaia, Feb. 3. Michael murdcrtr of Notary B Gouffe, wat gullto lined at 7:30 this mernlng. Eyraud went lo bit death with fortitude and resignation. Arrived at ths foot of tho guillotine, and witnin a lew leet Of me block, eyraud eluded the executioners for a moment, snd loudly and angrily thoutcd to Ihe atsctnbly "Constance it a murderer. He It more of a murder than I am , Constance Is" Be fore tie could complete the sentence the executioners teueu tho murderer and threw film upon the Inclined plank ot the guillotine. Dclbter pressed the fatal knob, nd the flashing btado fell with a sharp, tlldlng sound, and the head of Gouffe assassin rolled Into ths basket below. WlatUm't Saeeessor . Washington. Feb 1. It It elveo out to day that ths president 1 pu.pose in asking n extension of ths time with which secretary Windom't successor mut be appointed hid special reference to Robert Lincoln, inlultler lo the court cf St Jtme. Mr Lincoln is not al il satisfied with hit present position, and it It wen unuewoou in uipiomsuc circles, mat na nat uecd teriotuly considcrlmr the advNat llitv of resigning It, Bare la HI Cable. Tilt Daixkii, Or, Feb a.Th chtrred ts mslm of E S Hge, a farmer who lived near Bold, tea miles south of here, were found ia tl. ruin of hit burned cabin Monday, A fire wat noticed near hit place Thuitday, and at he did not come after hit mail, ths Dclghbori went to Ut place witn tits result at abovs lis wm a bachelor living alone, and nothing can be learned at to the cause. He wat a U A K and will be burled today. An Oreaea City AecMeat, OaaooN City, Fed 3. At 5 o'clock this afternoon Mr Maple and Robert Finleyacre taming on me walk opposite Calm tana and door factory and leaaid agalbtt the railing, the warn ueing rauco uueen reel at tins toliit Directly the railing broke snd both Icll. Foitunatety Mr Finley caught himself on the edge, where he bung tuttended almost head dowa till rescued. Mr Maple fell head foremost striking upon nts bead jst above the ear. smashing in the skull to that the brain matter ooied out. He wat brought to the Livermort hotel, -here Dn Pain tad Sommcrt raised ths skull and dtetsed the aound. At g o'clock his wat rising, ana be gave evidence of re turning consciousness. 1 us recovery it doubtful ew I barter rt'etvalila. CoVAt.LH, Or. Feb 3. The new rharter. which hat passed troth bouses of the legislature cxicnus ie tiiy i.mut largely, aod give the city authority to issue bond at follows t For water works, 150,0001 bridge across the Will mtlte, ISo,oOi sewerage, tjo,ooo; It also provizes roe in purchase W His electric light plant. The police force and the recorder are to be appointed by the council, instead of elec ted, as heretofore, and the bill provibet for graveling the street. A teeth. Walk. Sam FRAKciaco, Feb. a. William Car. outhrrs, a jouna man from Napa coun'y, who na cirurca in pedestrian and cither contest In this dry, start on a Jour- nev o ntw 1 or a onor about Use icth ol . 1 I . . 1. . . , ... J ratroin. air t rout tier will walk It will Uke him over four motitlis to make me journey The propossd walk from San franclsco to New York Is l ie result ot a wager made between two snort in 9 men that the distance by the Southern PaciBc and Santa re rojtc could not be made In less than sis months. A Terrible 1 tarsal. raais, Feb Whee the murderer Eyraud learned there waa no chance for a rerwicva or commuUlton, be fell into a fit of rage and de clarer, wud awiui imprecations, thai be would com back aad haunt GaUielle Bombard fo ihe day of her death. He alsoesbtessed disappointment al sot being abl lo wreak veo gcanee on Garanger, whom be considered re- sMM tble, wi'h liomrMr.1, for his death. He anerward got into a calmer mood. T lasMs aeveessae. FIXUI.AY, O, Feb a-The repuUksnt of wnro are urging on the president the erwoint, eserd of -Governor Fos'er t secretary of the treasury. Ntw Yoab. Feb 3. A Wasl.lncton nriiil sayti "Wiadumt soccctsor will be either Mc- Kioiey, tsnnoo, TbomaC I'UttorJohn New. arxadBiu. SA Li m, Feb a. The house rommittee oa election ibis afternoon reported the Austra Uaa babot bid adverecly to the ameaemcntt proposed by the static, and the house ibere- lott rclased 10 concur. Representative 1111, who ha worked earnestly to redeem bit pledge 10 do all ia hit power to pass this bill, and did tectire fat passage in the boute at an early day, tpoke l-Mcibly against concurrence ia lb senate amendment!. raed le Drarh. FaiAft's Point, Miss, Feb a. Early yes terday morning ihe tow a joil was discovered in fismct, and the prisoners were shrieking for rescue. The marshal, who had ihe key, lived tome distance from ft jail and be lore his ar rival the prison wat entirely destroyed. Three negro prisoner were turned to death. CeH Wealber. St Paul, Feb a Minnesota la now ex perieacisg the coldest weather of the season. No point yet reported had the mercury above rero in Minnesota, Ihe Dakota, Montana and Manitoba. The thcimometer ranged from 3S below at Minaedosa to a below at St Paul, Tort a A Kas, Feb a. A severe mo storm hat been raging in the western part of the state for the past forty-eight hour. Poor people ars in more pressing need of assistance than ever in consequence ot the severe change io the 4weaihei. Falanar's tba a res. Naw Yoait Feb t.A special fie m St. Louis lo the Times says it is ujderstooj the tensions! conies: will be settle J Monday or Tuesday. Felix Cockerell, brother of one ol the big three farmer memhersof the legislature who hold the bklaace of power, live in Kaie St Louis, He was with his brother at Spring field Saturday, and after an in erview it re ported to have said thai il it arranged to vote lorziirreir. uny timet, ana mat on lire miy first ballot all three of the alliance mcmtera would go .j Palmer. The fifty first ballot will be ii'-ched on Tuesday, and if this be line 1'alinrr vuil be elected on that day. Felix Cocke ell would nri her deny nor affirm Ihe report hn questioned. ,. What ilas Been Deae. Salem. Feb 1. The prerenl legblature has far surpassed any of it predecessors in the tbecJy transaction of business. Twenty four new bills were introduced in the house yester day, making 271 in that bojy end 1 69 in the senate. Pcrhtpt fifty of these metiurct are duplicates, or have been replaced by substi tutes proposed by committees, which have been empowered 10 combine Ihe best faatures of two or more billt ' ca the same subject. During the three weeks that have already elapsed the house hot passed twent bills, and the senate thirty-one. Of the latter cightteen ale incorporation billt which are ture 10 past the house possibly at the special session which has been ordered for next Monday evening for the consideration of such measure. ' Blwa te Atemt, Lima, O.. Feb. 1. -Thl afternoon, a an ot! well (hooter wat on the way to a well near St Mary' with a load of nitro glycerine, It exploded and blew the honet, wngon and driver to atoms. The only ev- of disaster wat a huge hole in the road. Maekry't Daughter , New York, Feb I. A cable to tlte New York Journal from Nice tayt: Only the day before yesterday the t'rincess ualZlcli't went into the Casino at Monte Carlo, and in one hocr lost 10,000 franct. She wat sensible, however, in not trying to win it back. ; Sebwatha Belter Mason City, Is, Feb 1. Lieutenant Sch watka it slightly improved thia morning. The doctor now ' think be will recover. The spinal injury, however, may render him a cripple for life. "" AColdriaht. St. Paul, Feb. 1, -With '.the tempera, ture anout xero, 100 twin city tports went to North St Paul and pitched a ring in the snow for a fight for $aoo between Jack Henry, of Ellenbburgh, Wash , and Joe Searles, of Minneapolis. For the first five rounds Searlet hail everything his own way, but after that the Pacific coast man knocked Searlet down three timet and won the fight In the eighth ronnd. Thos, Kay woolen mill blanket, fiatmela men's, youth's aod boy' clothmg, for sale by O W Simpson's, aqeut, Albany, Oregon. The best roast coff.-e io the city at Conrad Moyct'a. SUMMONS. In ihtCimtlt Court tflhtBlalt 0' Ortyonfcr Lim Vouwy, ; JOHN DIAMOND, PlaltilliT, t Maroerelt K Fludley, Alx artdttr Flndloy and Hunan KliiulOV hla wife. Him'l Kind ley, J en n In I'ou)tl and lien ry i'ou)de iwt hnaliand. Nancy Wilimrt and 3 Wilson nor huioana, 1111KU rummy, Kits Khldley. J I alt lo Find ley and Ella bsuford, Defendant To Mariarolt 11 Fitidlov, Alexander Ftndlov. Hunari Flndlev. Marrtuel Findler. Jfinule roulade, Henry Potiltde, Nancy Wlncn, J Wllaon, Hugh Fin liny, Klla Flndtoy, II idle Flndley arid Ella hanfosd, the above named deftudatiiM. N THK NAM IS OP TUB STATIC OF i Oreuou you are rnriHlred to appnar and answer Hie complaint of the eHve named plala'lifin the above enti tled court, now on file with tho clerk cf said court, within ten days from the date of the anrviiM of this sutumnna upon ou. ir aorvwl in Ijlnn oouuiy, urooo) uui 11 in my other county iu tue :aieoi ure- Sou, thnu within twenty days from tba ate of theaei vloe of this summon upon 0111 irwirved by publication ttion on or efore the first day of the next teaular term or the above endued court, to will Monday, ths tth Day ef Mavrk. tmii A nd rou aro hereby rotlfUd that It you fall to t ppfar and anewer teld core plaint, aa hereby r squired, Ihe plalntiir will ap ply to the oouit nr tne renri demanded in tho coirtilalnt. to wit. For tho fore closure ol a moitgags on and; an order of sale f ths following - described p.otnlae to Will The N K and tne is j or the N W U and the N w i of the N VY H and thoNK Vi of the sn U ot Motion 81. A lo the 8 X of tue w a and the H H of the HW ii of section Si, all In Town shin 13 t K 9 iuti or witikmeue Meriuutn in i,rnn touruv. uretcon 1 he i.rtKmeiN arikina; rrom suon sale to be nutloits Ftrat. To the teymrntof theeoaia and diatiureni6uis tnisauit. and ihe sum of s it'll ai. atlcrneys 1m s. and the further sum or i J lor taxes auyanced tberton. and tba cost ot and aociulng urxm such rata. beond. To the psvrnrnt of i.UloUlT elatm. amounting to the sum of f and the overpiu, ir any tbere o, 10 te paid to the above named defendants as thtdr Internal may appear. And lor such other relief ar may in ujuliy be proper and just . aaraaa 1 .a 1 iiia summon ia babiunea uv oraeror me lion 11 P Hole, iudae of the abovs entitled eoort, mail at chambers in the city of Sa lem, the 3rd day of January, 1891. J K. WEATnKilrUUU. (123) Attorney for PiaietilT. SUMMCHS. a Uf CiruU Cnurtfor Llm County, SMe 0 Qrtjfi: Mary V Koierton, PUintill. va. - Juhn r.uierson, Dafcttdsat. . Te -'ubo KM'ttao, the above named drfeo 1- anr. ' IN the osms of the state f Oregon, you sr hersby required to appear end answer ths complaint of lb auoy piamtiu, 10 ine aliovo entitled Court, tow oa CI wiib ths Clerk of said court, on or the flist day cf tb neat regalar term of id court. hu b sard term oommen te or ftlooasy.ins Otbday cf March. lv0l. st the Court Uoeae, io thecitv of Albsoy, Linn coiintv, Oregon. And you are hereby notifid lbs. if you fail to appear aad bSr taid complaint, a hereby required, the plaintiff will take a dveree f said eoort rsioat yoe, dUoltiri(r,th bonds of rnatrirnony now exuttos: between yon aud pleintifj, and lor ber eCUt aud dm bars menu or tntt'suu, and clin?nn pUtoLitTs nam l tbst of Msry K V, ltelTinso. This summont it ;n the Ktatb Ewmt leworaAT b order of ths Hon. it. P. Ikrwf, jddgs of the said court, mad at ehtmbors xi sue 23 :b day cf danuary, Ib'Jl. WEBiltbo. Alloroey for 1'laintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SmiEMENT. NOTICK IH I1ERF.BY ClVEf THAT the nndnral-nod, the duty appointed ouatiOed and aotlns admluUlrator at the relate of Ft nib lir!bsw, decoaeed1 baa. this day Cio-1 U final account in said Ute with the elerk of the county court for Linn county, Oregon, and the court has fis4 the 2nd d of March, IKUt; st the bur of I o'clock o a. to bear oblea- tion to stld aooouut II any, and forth aruiement 'J said eetat. This, be SUth dsy of January. 1S91 WM.ciJKMcys. J. K. WKAintaroKD. Admbuator. A.ty for AdualnUtiAtor. (1 80) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XTOIICF. H HEREBY GIVES TIIaT ll the underpinned hsve tb's day been duly appointed and qualified as admtni trat iraud admtnMratrlx tbeesiatecf Frank Mlon, ta'e of Lion counly, Ore gon, deesiol. Ad eraoiis having claim e-aloHt iuld e-isio sr requfred to pr-aant them proper' v veriftud. wliliio six month Iron ibl. dittr. 'o the u jderaigr.ed, at thetr piaei at H'ley, Linn county, Oreaon. Ibistiih day of Jnri9rr, 1891. KLLK.N MAI)NE. T J MALOSK. J K VK4inriKJr.i,1 Adiulolatritiira. AtMruey for eUte. (1 S3) SUMMONS. ; In t3m Circuit Court of ike State of Oregon for the County of Lutu t GEORGE MUNRO, rialmlfr.) vs MARY J MUSltO, Dafoi-danu J To Mary J Munro the -above muted defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STAlE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the compalut of th above plaintiff, to the above entitled court, now on ills with tho clerk ol sa d oouit. within ten days from the date of lire service of this summons upon jou; if served n Lion oountj, Oregon, but ir served In any olber county In the mate of Oregon, thru within 20 daya from the date of the servioe of this nummous upon you; If served by publication, tbej on or befoie the flr.t day of the next regular term of tba alovo entitled court, to w it: Monday, the tttt day or Harck, IxSI, snd jou are notified that If yo-.i fall to spiwar and t newer said com plaint, as hereby required the plain tiff will apply 11 the caurt for the relief demanded lit tbw complaint, to wit: For a din,olntlou oi the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and tit-ten dant, aud for such other decree as may be Just end cquitati e. l h'a nuntTioni ts publliihed by order ol the Hon K V Iliilso. Judjre cf the above tutlilrd court mid. at Charubtrs In the cltyol St em.the 10th day of January, lSSil JK WKAlHERFOKO. - (110; Attorney for Plaintiff. K0TICE.0F FINAL SLTTLEMENT. To all person having claim against the estate ot James WaUh, deceased, and tn al) other persons whom it may concern. You are hereby notified that ths uudersi(2ned ex ecutot of the sstd estate on the 24th day of Decooibt r, 1S9 , filed in the county court ot Linn County. Oreoon, his final account in laid estate, and add court has appointed Monday the 2ud day of February, lbvi, at the hour of 1 o'olock n m of aaid day to hear and settle all objections to aaid final account. Dated this 26ih day of Deo JHU0. V;It.Biiyeu. G W CLINE, Attorney. Executor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly ap pointed executrix of the laat will and testament of George V SylviStor, do epaRPfl,by the honorable the omrnty court cf Linn county, Oregou. All persons having claims against the estate of tsid deceased, are hereby notified to present the same duly veriOud. to ms in poraoa, or to my ttorney. ueo W Wright, at hts iaw office in Albany Linn coutny .Oregon within six months from this date Dated Doo 25, 189,). MAltlAU SYLVESTER, Exroutrlx oHbe Jafct wlllsnd tettamentof Goo W Kyiveister, dootased. - 11129 ,,AA Will lse Found riii U'- at the Square ( eUH'.f f hh ) ) Dealing Stove House ? i Ci. '7 a-1 OUR LADDER Sn s rt t o CO 3 En THE BE3T S S3 HARDWARE. M E3, CUTLER I o . zn CARVERS, LANTERNS, C3 H a hi W a eisj en G3 COPPER, & J1RASS, tn S3 O Urn O o t5 a S GllAXITE tj y W 3 AND N fcTEEL CD Ui D 4 a WARE. E WATER R FILTERS, S WARRANTED. ALBANY OHEGON. iStms, Eauges -ani - Etaters, CD REFERENCES: -oy- SHxamins Cur c a a c U WOKIt. PAY For,' Hot an You PLEASE. PLUMBIXO t-3 n I Ey Contract, ' -BY- Good Workmen NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. IN THE COUNTY COURT, OP LINN county, OreRon. In the matter of the e.ilnto of M'rUm Harrel. deceased. Notice la hereby Klvoa that the nnderaljned. tte duly appointed, qualified and acting ad - miniatrator oi me estate oi aiiiiam ua rel, deocaKed, bas this day filed his final account In the matter of aaid estate, in the abave court, and that the court has appointed Monday, trie 2nd day of Feb ruary. 1801, at 1 o'olock, p ni, aa the time for bearing objections to aaid final ao oount, and for the aettleuient I hereof Dated Deo 23, 1890 J L MILLER Administrator of the estate of Miriam Harrel, deceased HBVflTT IllVINH. Attyafor Admr. 1226 ALBANY NURSERIES ' imr E HAVE ON HAND at our naraery I f on vbe Ct-rvallis road, one-half nlle from town, aa floe a lot af areea of all klnda aa oan be found any. where on the ooaat. If you contemplate Wanting treea It will pay yon to r-oe our took and gtit oor prices. Catalogne free HYM AN BROWN ELL. Delmonico. Restaurant, Opposite Blumbkrg Block. New Rooms; -:- Neat Service; Good Meals, Promptly Served, Cents. U -:- St 7. 0 3 0 B T.L. Wallace &Co.'s mmii a m For bucIi our wquld-lo compct'tora willfml it. ...Por Two Months, JANUARY A!iD FEBRUARY; Wc kick over the tia':03 and cast all busin3ss rules to the winds and do business at a los0. Every overcoat H havo to bo out of the house at the expiration cf tho time. Read - the - Priees! Which '11 Haye a Demoralizing Effect on our so-called Com peti'ors; . A $12 Chinchilla overcoat will have to go for $G. Tho whole stock of overcoats will ho closed out at sarno ratio. All woolen goods will he sold at cost; consisting of fihirts, underwear, etc. A GREAT SEDUCTION - If3 CLOTHING: Fine all wool suits, worth $15, 'and fold at other places for $15, will be sold for $10! Fino dress suits, warranted to fit equally as well as your tailor-made, worth $27.50, wil- be closed out for $20, at an actual loss to us. AGENTS F0F. THE ALSAfJY WOOLEN E1ILL GOODS. Sole Agents for HASAN & SON'S Fine Shoes. iVEIiITHI.G T. L; WALLACE & C0,'S t he Blnispiaee of Great rand Ileaeat Barcatns. Strahan Blocli mm i rm THOMAS LCW n . . "Trra J3i very one ABOUT- & ill .. in Mo Largo and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Etc., Etc., -Etc., w s Including many novelties. A fino line of Sealette Jack ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c. " 'Tis a Feat to Fit .ths FeetBat ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE a RETAIL GROCERS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE. OR IN THEIR Flinn Blccls 5 m ia a UDLarimViAI8UJuIVl LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS, r.QEDIGIiiES tit! we chu tKivelyou lotrna . fe we make that our busices". MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. SUBSCRIPTIONS III For All the Lending:- NEWSPAPERS -Al-MAGAZINES, rlteoeived at- r:1 "3 i liiillililllliiti ! ;WARRAITD9 AT- Albany. It you want the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur ed in the city go to BRINK'S Talks la Caa fio it asl da it Neit." CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. , ALBANY, OREGON AtfFm!ASVI . STATI0I3ARY.dC ISiilii We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and are therefore usually pre pared to supply it at reduced rates. We are selling tho Jewel stoves and ranges, tho mos pop u !ar stoves made at present. If you wans to s.rte money on all aorta of household ariicixa buy 'cm of ua We ttv B t 9 r