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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1891)
fl J1 kv IE! New York WorKl, "THE DEMOCRAT" and the American Fanner, all one vear FOR S 80. An ad. In tie If DEMOCRAT" Reaches the Moat People, and brings BIO RETURNS. Weekly ' per yeer, State Right Democrat, Sl 00 VOL XXVJ. ALBANY, OllKGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY (5, 1801. Entered at tbe Post Offloa at Albany, Or egoo, a second e'as mail matter. ill i f i i ? i i i j it y i i a i i i i i AW I I J jar vXV. I ITT I C ' Q- mm B B I I.U Ja PILL 00 MOT CMP, S.'CKX 03 C0NSTIPATS. Sott Cost rot Sic HrsMwr, " "-.-. wwQg RH unipiuHtrvniUiMUaik a. pill cm mt b t. rl. l, to Klrh r Ixr.rrl In mat 1-x.k.l. l. I tart. NH M Santa ihmik tor fe. la , ,T 4 KTtfcHtk.Kail.lTT(r-l THiGB.I(A8TUII0ICINtC0.Sr.l0UI3,Ma. J. IT. WEATHEHTCItD. TJOHNI AT LW W 11 RILYEU, ATTOHNKY AT LAW And Solicitor ia l'h:tiiferj ALtlANT, . . OBKtaoV. Colloctlon. promptly taade onaljpo'n ; can. aat;otlatl on fonb torn?. Attorney at Law. ALBANY -: OREGOX. Dir. la Ik. Btrakaa Bl.rk, . WKITHEY. Kui.ij And Oonnsellor It La? NI .Votaiv Tublic. ALBA1V CHECGN L. HILL. Physiclai Oifloo or, ALBANY- and Surgeon, and Farry RuaeU, OREGON VTOTICECP DISSOLUTIONXotire il ia hereby given that tt paHnrrabin harHnfor axitilnfr twu W H k0 laiid, M I), and L C Hlraiioo under lha firm natnanf Paoiflo Mallcal Company ban been this daydl-Mlve by inn. ui oea tmuf. Kmrn and after this dato 1. SUatton wl,l collect all nuunandlng o count land ay all del.ta nfaaid firm. Datd at, Or, (hit Mh d T of Dec,18!KI. W II HOW LA Nil, LC8rKAT!OX. Uial Nil Uoburg Lumber. I acll th beat lomber in the ceuaJ;; mIm adar poata, ahinjea, latha doora aad in o w moulding, ate. l'ricea from $3 to '22 ar thoaaaod. Vard at U,m, on tha Narrow Gauge. 6ta ma Lcfora i archu; j a'aewfctr. " WWCaAwrono. Adrcas.P O Tall ma, t,V- BTSOIJTIO?t!tOriCE-ny mmnm. eoniwmt tba baretorore xiHiVnr djm OfZache Hon ban tliU day ciwilre4 partner-hip, tot ri It. Zjchea, Junior mean tier, retiring. All liabiii;Ue will be eerried by Jha Z vhrM Sigued Deo 17, 18iW. John ZArumn. -'on li ZAcari CALIF CATARRH Rheumatism, Kcaratgfa, CcrD't HEAOACKX. And ALL PAIN. Tit California tn'.tiy aa j Wfgitlr. ELECTRIC COUOH CURE: CUKES C01D1. croup, coxsunpno. Ball ky ail Dr?gUta. Cut 25a, SOt AS": Or.acInc.rACa.Proo'a. LoaAncalM.Oa'i, PI O h aeknowfr rA Iti. trading remed y toj 'terreea A itart, ' 1 bootrir mid renv nSj u laatartSffiaer1 Ahitra. I J uraacrltjo tt a xt fcwt a r tmir r aare m iwnnmi otuuf it i iaiwwiin'" win anffrrvrn. A. J. bTOSKPsf.D- Iac lTra. ItU. Bold tT AKTlmUi. eTAJABn t CTaKJK, Asrala J mrfkk- 'my ag yrs.'mku : 'ijjj y err NEWtSTOKE.-'tDa MITCHELL. -UEALEIIX f j Cora In I jTOtDA V.l I D..IIII.M.II I .mi alburn 1 &acli,0-a: & JM 7 9 i. I . w 'r 1 .. i anrnrri:- n U U fa?lnN A iVfEr kgvimltm&l Iniptemenls & Vehicle h rFom8 and Sea Us. . I: ffffi rni si.Rlf A' is "LinLy and get uiOtztz tr ttf irfi it' jits) ,VMi ij VEGE . OLE PAHAGEA riEftSRED fKOM RO( ,73 e HERDS. : tnc curse or 1hS;;l. tj:,'.i,s7' AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO mOM A DISORDERED STATE wtheSTOMACH ON AN INACTIVE LIVER. row sale mrr all DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS jj Albany i IRONWORKS' -Manufactureni o' " lAHSaiKES CRIST AH 3 SAY SLLUOiiiEfiY IRON FROMTS AJ0 ALL Zm OF HEAVY m LIGHT WOHX, IH IHCH AND BRASS f . CASTJNCS. pecjal ml.! C jlrtif ..U da o iuauhlnsr P&lurss Gad on Short Notict THE' CRY OF MILLIONS OH. 7UtY DKCKl STOP IT ROW. OON IT Wilt, mt TOO LATC I have bwrii troabted manyrnrawilti dunuar of ih lular. aod ba trw4 Buor iiKrmt rrmetlw. aad h.f KxiKHt 44 from diifrrvat phyct. without rr(tf. Aboal ibe lMtu AprC I w. .iiflcrtnf mm a vry violent attack ttuU alaviat praatrmird ma is I och a manner laat 1ml Iwtil or. Vlira t at town waa ilmoal impoMibUr tur nm t mt up ..'one, or lo put on my clutbn, h ''! tYoriHTc wrnt lr. ttruiry. with t "KliQOX klUNKY THA, lo Diy Botcl. I iamxdutlcljr coumroerd the M. it lud aa almo nirociilou. vflrct, and to lha aaton- ummitoraUUc gur at the hotel. In a few day4 am bam" to Ulr. I wma a on taaa. will4( recojimru(l tht tea to all .Rlktnq UVt JCTU. C. A. TVPPHR. Ilvprktur Orcidrotat VjLd. hanu Kum. ."al. HEALTH JS WEALTH 3 IT "; f" . l avZaC'' f r. ST! lift. K. C. WfST'S Karv. .ad Bnio TraataM B a roanutd .ciftc for Hatcri biwixn, U.r il na, V , tns Neuraiirut, UmMm, Ner.o m rwtrnn ouroj i. tb. ua of alchl or lolwop-. Wt4uliwn. Mntu lx-(mnci, Uoftaoine ol tS ro-ulttnr iu Imanli and tearflrur to bIwi. 'od or, fj, pfVm nm oUI .r. iMrranrMM, lew f I. cua iiy nvcrxci or th. trhin Kioh Ia. wiiiMn on. month'. trr.lmiA. .1 a Kx wm be m tut ti, auot bj uuul preid aa runlpt o price. WB OtJRA.VTEK SIX BOXES TO t CKE ASV e.. With Muh ordinr revived by n tur bo, aciiiiiil lth as, wit .III wnii Ilia purvhwar oor wr.lta ipuuMiWa tn refoiul th immay U tb. trcaV nunt not Std a "ru -e. GuarultM) twrtivl unly bj J. A. Cummin, liru.-i.t, aul.9 ajnt, AllVn) , Or. On.C.WATSOH .ASTC?! Physician and Uurgoon. tiflice upfKwilri tli )ieneTat. 0.. C A WOTIIHY, A -a a-aa raysiciaa 4,ua surgaaa. Criute .f HoIIavort Jlonpits! Medical Joliege Kow Yerk Ot . DiscaaAMcf wnma i a epeoialty. WOiTio r..nai's i'.r'u-.l. Albany, Or. Albany Cigar Fad y, J. Jc8?i)!i. -j- Froprittor. itboiesale & retaci Q nly Vhi8 1 abor Employea CUBES t I AF3Y HEADACHE! Vihl!3 Yea Wait,' BUT CURES r i NOTHING ELSS. ? acasj 1 xesrs ;fsnvEw goo ds. LEWIS CO. 111- f7 .t - -"I ALBAST, IJ1EG0I. ' I s 4 n t V. fll .8? S5 v, i-M .,"1 ' A k-J. lib ybi uuuua I.OOAI. llEOOUD. Oct T 100. Not long ilnco ft couple of fellows enrno to tM. city for Ui jwp'we of wollintc ortrmm. four of which w pre at the 8 V depot j hut the freight hml no, own puiil on them, and th parties not havlnif the iiionev. an accotuotintinit j 'drayntan paid the m?Iistitchttrea, which auiounteu lo int mnu, ana lonneu uv 1 orgnn dealers fSO Iwsldei J hut ept the iimtrunienta In lue poHenxion. ine dealers in nuinio khen pave Mr Hamcaii, who Uvea near Corvallia, a bill of unle of the oricana aa neeurlty on a loan of ft 00, nl, w lenrn, have nklppvd out. Wiley 11 Allen, of I'ortkud, to whom the In xtruinenta belong, having heard that Miinieltilnir vua wronn. ent A rclrei'lit- 1 utive, who waa In the flly WcdWaday, and hfter pavlnjr the drayuan the freight charxea and luN 1-0, .hipped the ornn to rortlnml. It now look na It .Mr Mar ietta it. out $100, tlioiiK'li we cannot y what the rewult may he. ISvnton leader. Cou.'a Fi'nnv IfKMa. Mr Jacob Ver- , cler U now nontnt Toledo for the OrejMn tiveiuo rallrial, tlio (ortner ajtent, Mr John tiaither, havlnif re ninHl to take a more lucrative portion. Kuccena to both of yeea, b'joraey. Hkatlnu rink opviicd Wedueaday nljjht, and it tlie indicntiona are fuir will tto kept running one or two nlghte in the week, at leant. An old-fahioned Oregon mlat prevailed Thursday, although the aun ahone ct at times warm and genial. . "Her do lt all for winter." Iteal eatate aalea were aomewhat dull during the week, yet over one hundred lute were aoil lo outaide nartlea. and som other sales are negotiating. Toledo ia thexNulng town. EAatur Sv Tiiaoi;cii. Tlios per. aont whoaay, In reference to the forma tion of a nw countr ot SantUm, "let them go if tlicv want to, would have a differ, ent tune to alng If the prorxwUton wm (ram the aouttiern part, and ilalney, Uar ilburjr, Broan4tle, etc, were lo be taken , which eiplaioa th whole matter, Eren with a aide Lthe run In, a majority otour butlnea men, ate believe, are op poaed lo the move, certainly from a bui n4 tajiJXjlnf, for aome ol the beot pat ron oi our merchant come to Albany from acrw tha Santlam, who would go to the county eat .it a change waa made, One-alJrd Wrvlcwn, lth mod of the op poilllo left oat. and nearly all favoring In aort of paaaiire language, a dlvl.lon, are poor criterion. f the atandlng of the pub lic 1.1 the tfiatler. A WoxDtarri, Fthcam. The following from a correapondettee ,ln the Balem SUUmman, ia about aa poetical aa one j ever nnda anything .outaide ol rhyme, The Hanliam river ia a wonderful rivsr. I in winter it la rnamug and roaring Ii.e I A mighty cataract, augmentl Uy the I many smaller atreama triltary to I it, and ita terrible conflict with tlie huge boulders make it a wild and wicked stream, and at last it rjakea ita triumph ant exit from mountain and valley to the sea. In summer it ia rippling and aloe- J ing forever; it is singing aona vt-r iumt. though ages grow old." A BACiiaLox Mcmbkr. Pt I V Iltnry, on ot the three bachehira in this legis lature from Linn county, received a beau tiful bovqaet ot rows, carnations and violeta from a young lady friend ia San Francisco. Their delicious perfume waa a sweet reminder to the fortunate recipi ent of a kind friend nearly a thousand miles away. Tlie Uowera were enjoyed by ati Ms collcaguca, and were the most beautikl that have so tar graced the bouw. Journal. Boiso ) do Kioiit. The following from the fSclem Statesman shows that Senator Sly era from fklo is a man to be trusted with the interests of bis consti tuency, doin( what lie knows to be right regardless of strong local pressure : "Hen nstor Myers ia opposing any division ot Linn county, lie aaya that the taxes of the proposed county of tantiam, with hc'iuu the county seat, u only f 1 1,000, and ho doesn't thiak a predent should be eataiilished of creatinit counties with so littV property. HenaU Myers is from h:k liiuiHelf. iutriuctrj yet." Tne bill ha.n't been OaaouM Opals Not long since we chronicled be iliacovery f opals near j Mooow,a.iriiow ir u l, wiuoognoy, formerly of lilon countv, has discovered a deposit of cmdU near his cattle ranch at llv orrek. Croa&jcountv. where he has -located under-uWmininu: laws of Orrson. ind ia sow mining tor the precious stones, 1 ney are Jound in the form of goodot. or nut-like concretions, imbedded In the trachytic cojirUxnerate. Thase opals are very brilliant, and those found below the decomposing action of air and water are verv durabe and valuable. Walls Walla Statesman, A Mao Doo. The Eugene .Register gives an account of a mad dog at that city, a very rare occurrence in Oregon, and it is probable he did not have the genuine rabk-e. "A lively time was created at the Minnesota hotel laat Bur-day by a dog with i lie rabfea. The dog had been acting wrani'cly lor a uav or two, and Sunday exhibited a clear case of hydrophobia, frothing at the mouth snd biting viciously everything within reach. The guests made lively work getting out of his wsy until finally he waa killed, lie bU through one man's boot but did not bite into the flealt." Mkktixg With Success. The 1)k mo ck at Is informed that DrKova Metandcr, former resident of Albany, is meeting j1 sv ith flattering succesc in the practice of n cnx:inc si t enuieion, wnicn ne ricniy serves. Her father is associated with counsel, while she does the prsctlce. 1 JTua incident Is told sbout how a man tir was given up by seversl other doc- tow, and was turned over to her nearer then alive. She succeeded In ssvlng lil. jfie, almost miraculously, and he la now aaeariy a well man. botivs Vs. -UOjju five dollar pieces sreiiesorted in circulation. At least four have been discovered recently, Foshay &Masoci have, one on hand secured by mis take; one was refused by C B Winn, W F agent, this morning, and two recently 'aiipa to pas at the b v ofiice, Ihey are grd linitatlons, nearly full weight, wash ed, and ail ot the date io, but the edges sre slightly worn so a to sho w white -e are a when closely Inspected. A there good many lboo coin Iu circulation one needs to be on the lookout. Jes-febsout. Rev I B Fisher, of Al bany, was in the city a few days this week. F J Denney, one of Linn county's solid farmers shipped a car load of potatoes to Ban l1 rancisco last weelt. Prof Clark was ereeted bv ft eoodlv "Y nas" wonderlul advances o mms wm not mmro property audience bsr, Welnlsday Sght- His made in the photographic art is well owners much. There should bono op StoKuTw illustrated by aFn inspection of the above Vtf r?feZUr,1tvlntended fr ly enjoyed by tho audience. The receipts P,h many others at the gallery -the general good ofthecUy. amounted to 19.75.-Review. raXtn"' ftnd " ClTTZr Toe T.ih A Bio Yie3.d. The followiog is from the Maryville, Cal., Appeal nd tells quite a potato story: "Lflt April M Nail, brought from Albany, Oregon ten iMiuims 01 icjiawvif, suunusi wotf-soj (sunrise variety. In December last they were dug, and from a quartei of an acre tbe yield was sixty sacks, averaging 110 pounds to the eack. They netted -him 76." New G. A. R. Posts. Several new Ci. -and Army Posts hsve been organized in Oreeon. They are Post No S3, with loh n H Roberts, commander, at Myrtle Fob "U McCrook post, No 54, at Lafayette, with I M McKelty, commander; uonaia- son p oat, No sg; at Sheridan, H S Maloney,; coma tan der, and No 56 at Bandon,No 57 is just being organized. CAT. CUKED, health fand sweet breath s Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 5C 1 centti. Nasal Injector free. Fo sbay & 1 I aeon, agents. Wrei to Get Them. When wanting -ri ovrnn t r plana call on G L Blackman TDK iakTltN BILL Tklow we give aa an liiturcatlng item of ncwa, a eynoptita of the hill aa prepared for the incorporation of Suntlnm county, which, though were It to pane, would bo materially amended J but lU la not et'ncttl'y loked for. The Linn county delegation la almost, if not aoltd, BipUuet it. Tlie territory for w hich new county ia bounded by the north and aoulh fork of tha Nnntiatn river, and from tlio aonrre of the aouth fork of the fttniintn directly cant to the lumtcru Ixiuiulury iijio of Linn county: Hantiaui county to have the umial ritshta, privllegea, oltleea, etc, that other count tea have. The governor ap pointing olth'era to aerve until the next Keucral election of county and mute otllccra. Hclo ia nanitHl aa the teinxrary county acftt. the rruianent county aeat bt-itiK determined at the ilrat Kcneral election after the formation ot anhl county. Lliui and Hantlaui count lea will elect a Joint eenator. while HiuUluin hat one repreaentalive. The countr clerk of Linn county ahall within thirty daya afur tlila act becomia a law, furnl.h a curtlfled copy of all de linquent taxpayere euioraced in the nvw county, the county trcanurer of Suntiaui county paying over to Linn county from tlie Brat tnoneya collected me amount ol etate tax due on aald delinquent!. Alt circuit court bualneaa that would prop erly become a matter of record in the new county ahall bo transferred to it by the circuit clerk ot Linn. Hautlam county ahall le attached to the third judicial district. Comity court ahall meet every two month. The eounty judgo ahall receive a salary of aou per annum, and the trcaaurer fiw. hanlt ain county w ill pay over to Linn county a just proKrtion of Linn county's in debtcdueaa at the time ot the paaanite of the act. Linn county will pay over to Hantiam a juat proportion of tha value of the public property now owned in com mon. The countr judgea of Linn and Santiam constituting a board ot arbitra tion on division of county properly with power to call to their aid the circuit judge of the third Judicial district, their decision being linai. A juat proportion of the taxes collected for the year 1M90 shall aluo bo paid toSantiatu eounty. The making of a tianscriptof the records affecting real estate in hantlam county sbatl be let to the lowest responsible bidder. The school fund to l divided aa per apportionment ot school superin- icmicni. Lbbamon. Our eateemeJ clilsen, S P Bach, returned from Salem with a brtde onlhuraday hut. The had divined the object of hi vUlt to the Caullal Cltr. and snowing that he would come in on Tnurs say, met 1'ie couple at tbe depot rand e- carted them to the M Char lea, meanwhile playing aome choice airs. A young lady who returned from abroad to her home in Lebanon on laat Haturdsv, stopped at the railroad hotel In Albany nd took dinner; after dinner she lay aon upon a lounee, and having slept none the previous nlpht she aoon fell aaleep. On awaking she found that some thtcf had removed from her fingute a see en-dotlar ring. -Express. For the past few days I bave been a Salem and have noted carefully the effort that it being made to'divido Linn conn ty. It is amuaing to listen to the argu ments being made there in ita favor ; but when I return home and note the ser iousness ot the Question here it presents a very different anpect. Tho question to every property nouter ana business man ot Aliny, is, would it be to our in tercets to have the countv divided. 1 answer it would not. It is more to our advantage to build op Albany by draw ing to it front all the territory possible, instead of cutting off a portion of that, which by industry and peraeverence, we have already acquired. Let ns endeavor to add to our prosperity Instead of de- iruiiiiiK i ruin it uj iciming n ueipinK hand to build up a rival town within twelve miles of us, and that ia what it virtually result in should the county be divided aa proposed. To tbe few industrious (?) cranks who are eternally talking directly against our city, and indirectly against their own inlreMta. lwit wlin are tvi lilinil or .riiniil to rea ize the aame. I wnnlil snrwml Lha I I following appropriate words, w ritten ; .. ... . perhaps directly to their memory : Here's to the kicker, The faint-hearted kicker. The kicker eo helpless and blue, Who always ia crying. And never ia trying Pome good for his own town to do. No use to correct, Nor need to expect Him to go to the frort like a man ; For wlille others hustle. He'll sit down and rustle Objections to raiae to each plan. Put when the brute dies, We'll pause with dry eyea On his future condition to dwell ; And we'll envy the devil, wtio ii not have to be civil When be toasts this rank kicker " Albakt Rehidkkt, in Why He Biased It, Fohks Saktum, Jan. SOth, 1891.. Editors Democrat i I want to eay a few things about county division and the means used to secure signers to the petition. I signed the pe .... . a a a tition because the man who asked me to told me that Albany was now demanding 180,000 torn new court house, toO.OOO for a new jail and sGO.OOO for a bridge. Other nersons sicned the Detition because they were told that the south part ol tbe county was taking steps to draw ou and that unices we went now we would never get off. These stories I am told were used all over the Forks to iret signers. Now the taxpayers have found this out and in a few days the Legislature will hear from the Forks again, but this time in the shaDO of remonstrances that will satisfy everybody that we are opposed to I division. A Kiqneb. WoNDEKFtJt, Achievement. Crawford & Puxton have shown us some fine nhntna of the t.Mnativ nf 'Th vf Arn of 1812," taken on Opera House stage by flash ihrht. also "The T b Ma d. f"nn. vention," a beautiful group of 20 of Al- bany'a popular young women, also taken 1 A- 1 1.'. I. 1 -Itl . 1 . . j Notick to Faemees. Wanted at once chickens, ducks. ?eese. tnrkevs. dried fruitg( butter, ejrga, and all kinds of farm Droduce. lor winch I will rav the hitm. est price in cash or in exchange for goods. ti. W. Him son. Albany, Oregon Notice. Tho person who took the seat from the hack, near Baltimore' nricK, naa Deuer return it and save themselves trouble and costs. Yon are known and will be prosecuted. a, ti. Honnis. For hay, o&ts, traw or chop jail on Mor, nsMblount, corner of Il-kcr and First streets. Deliver to any part o! e city witfiQut extra cost. "UACKMETACK,' a lasting and Krant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents, shay Si Mason, agents, ' fra Fo The ONLY place in the ty wbers East em tickets can be purcbas is of W, L. Jenter, at the Southern Pacifio Co'a ticket eotui Ao rr.aaoL, TIIUttBtUY, County ('U rk l'ayr.c went to Salem this noon. A tiewlv appointed M Curl, ol Ihia city. nolary public la L Mr is uuncait returned this noon from a vllt In Portland. MU Mt Hftihh returned from a bual neas trip to I'ortlaod lids noon- lion.. Til Ford, the celebrated Salem lawyer, whoae head I full of legal lore, whs In the city this fni enoon, A party wss tendered Mls Lnra 1 uedsv evetilng, en her return from a couple weeks with i'ortland frleiul. Dr Ccoigo I lout k, formerly of this county, a graduate of the Stale university, l now In ct.arue of the field hoapltal of the Unlun 1'scinc railroad at Ulympla. - i:n V M W'mL wot th, of Ysquhia Bay. was In the tliv t-uav,bound (ortlia enter ot wagon read hill! but with other objects in view Mr wadsworth got the lion to his name ten year ago. Mr Fdti (Joels, of Portland. I tn the city selling St Johns lots. Fill a now has a couple of Port and colleges to s.Ut him iu the .sle of the lots, both to be loested nesr Hi Johns. . Mr Kd Weller look his departure this afternoon for his future home st lletllng hsm bsy, Vsh. lie tske with htm the bet wUliesof S!cm people tor his proa, perlty. Journal, Mr Weller at one time rc.idcd In Albany. raioAT. T L Itlco has uioved from Waterloo to Albany to reside, nr O W Maston went to Portland this noon on business. Mr Bam May, of Itarrlsbuiy, was in the city this forenoon. Mrs W II Garrett and daughter went to Portland this noon on a T L Ihltrirer. of lha ficlo Pre, is in the city, on ins way home from taieui. Mr Titos. Ifolman. one ot Salem's moat prominent cltUent, U In the city to-dsy. Mrs Archie Prusliaw and son are home from a several months residence, at Pen dleton and Spokane Falla. Pr A E McAllister returne! List even ing from hie trip to California, where he hadbeen for health and rest. Oeo W THtvls. of Hbedd. candidate for clerk of the state school land commiss ioners, returned home from Balem to day. Ml D F liardman. ot S nicer, has been tn the city lor a dsy or two. He reports people In ihst neighborhood generally to be against division of the county. Hon J K Weatherford came no from Falcm laat evening, the legislature hav ing adjourned until Monday, and re turned north thia noon accompanied by bia family. T O Dates, a Union soldier and a fl A R man.waa in the city yesterday evening. He la lecturins on prison life and inci dents of the war, and w ill be in Albany in a wees or two. ijisi eveuing at me t Charles be entertained a parlor full ot Albany people for an hour or two. Wm Arnold and Mr Lone, two old res idents of the Forka of the bantiam, were in the citr today. They are solid auainst division of the county, and aay there ia a strong change In sentiment there now that the truth ia known in reference to to the facts. Remonstrances with 400 names to them were sent to talera yes terday, many having been on the peti tions, ana others will follow. Twelve men left tVlo, with petitions, at one time, traveling all nlirht. and nearly everybody signed without knowing what they were doing, ven bov being added to the list, and oneot the men gives it aa a fact that the name of two dogs belong. ing to Josialt oiider are on tbe list. That is Die sudden manner in which it waa done. Now the reaction is following. Mr II B Williams came down from tbe Forka of the Kauliam last evening, and reports people generally np there getting their eyes opened on tlie division ques tion. Most f those who petitioned for a division in his neighborhood are now earnestly signing remonstrances,nnd the wave la spreading. Here in AUxiny.too, business men w ho carelessly have aaid "let the Forks o it they want to," are seeing that it w ill be best to keep intact tho Linn county of history, second to none in Oregon. No strips or ragged edged connliea are wanted here. The usamssi iss uiorouBil l-.inniwj.iiaa ueen . . 1 .m 11 iui i.viiij-sia vvsrs efiu win ur vision from till quarters. Look at the roan: the beat fhaped county In Ore gon, pernapa.ts curt, 4UX7U tulles, about 40x30 ot which is the part principally Inhabited, none too larve in Oreson for reara and years. Every part should be brought closer together instead of farther apart by public disturbers with sclnah motives. Hurrah for the Linn county 01 iitstory. BATUtnAY. , Mr A B Mel! wain, who has been ill for several weeks, the Dkmockat is glad to see out again. O II Irvine, ot this city, and D F Hard- man, ol txpiccr, went to. Portland this noon on business. W F Crosby, the wheat man. went north today. He reports the wheat mar- I. . . 1 . T . - 1 ' , act na gviving up a lime mo. Hon Jeff Myers went up to Eugene last evening with the com to if tee to ex amine the university. Bchmldt, the well-known boomer, of the Yaqnlna hotel, was in the city today. tie insibis uiat Anacories is an rignt. Licenses to marry bave been issued by the County Clerk to Oliver P-askin and -7si't A ". lis, a, ajij ivvi Ml v.sasa vtxs vuum try tnd T $ inning .nj Lizrw Burton. 1 wn " , . Bush Wilson, the veteran clerk ; of Hopha Kode, of the North Hantiam coun- Benton county, was in the city this noon homeward bound from ftalem. It may be surmised that the bill tor a recorder does not suit Mr Wilson, who wants the wholo hog ; but it is tlie proper thing, ana should pass, Yesterday Representatives John Fox, of Clatsop, A W Reed, ot loug!an,and 0 Fliotkin, of Multnomah, and Senators 0 W Fullerton, of Clatsop, and J K I Weatherford. of Linn, went down to the Columbia as a special committee to meet a similar committee from the Washing ton legislature to inspect the cell Indus I try on the Columbia river I 8 Q Irvine, of Newport.was In the city to-day on his way home from Salem. where he has been in the interest of a Din amenmng ineciiy cnartcr so as to extend the limits, taking in the Nye Creek country. As the limit of the city I In. ta R n.ltln II (trill nnl Im'i... ............... who organized a circulating library a vear ago, and placed iCO book at the store of C E, ha started out to increase the nu,r!tc1, ci "0 b7 geUlng new mem 1 "ci. 11 mj i.5o 10 uecome member arid each tntmbei hag the right to read all the books in the library. This t a very encap way 10 secure reading matter. Remember each member ha the right to read any book In the library or any that may be pieced there by increase of membership, C E Brownell is libra rian. . ' Pbaisewobtht Estebfeise. Our en terprising photographers, - Crawford ds i"axton, nave ordered some new scenic erounds and other accessories from N. Y. of the world famous scenic painter, Lafayette Leavy, who will also paint them an Oregon scene representing some of Oregon's choicest views.for use in their photo rooms. 1 he above will be received very soon when the public will be able to get something ahead of anything ever For lame back, or side chest, ubs Sbiloh s Fakws Phtr. Price, 25 cents. A sweet potato weighing twenty-seven pound, raUed at Wssahachls.Tex , and a lob.ler weighing twenty pound, ralacd out of deep water off Atlantlcvllle, L I., are the Itatest champion heavy weight edible, Prof, Thur.ton ay "The assumption seemi fair that the locomotive engine will have been superseded when we double our ipecd, and that we must find wo to utilise the weights of (he car themaelve for sdhe'lon, and lo make each lo carry It own motor." : . . . I1 :- Gold h!le in Circulation Is handled ! than snv other medium. It Is usually kept In the vnultn ( f bank for demand rartlv made, and for this rcaon the toss by abrasion Is but about one-half of one per cent In twenty years. In a ao dollar gold piece, the standard weight of Whl.h Is 516 grain, the government allowance for loss by sbtsklon is 2.58 grain. In iSjo Missouri wss the twenty third stale in rank. In iSjo she moved up two notches snd became tha twenty-first, In lS4o she jumped to the sixteenth! in 1851, to the thirteenth! in 1S60 10 tlie eight, and in 1870 to the fifth a position the hs held ever since and stlli occvplc. Grand old Msouri. Ia February, 1848, a treaty of peace was ugesd at Guadalupe Hidalgo, by the Kio Grands was mads the boaadarr ofTsxss, snd the reat tracts of lands embraced ia Cal ifornia and New Mexico weis eeded lo the United States. She ii her turn assumed Mrs lean debts to the amount of fj, 500,060, aaJ gave ia addition f 1 5.000,000 to the Me- can Goveiaaieet. : Some otthe most Important dates In American history are these: Tlie discov ery 01 Amcuca by Columbus, Oct. 13 I491 ( the landing of the Pilgiims from the Mayflower, Dec. 31, 1630s the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 17765 the birth of Washington, Feb. 14, 1759; the attack on Fort Summer, April t J, 1S61 ; the death of Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1865; and the surrender t4 Lee at Appomattox, April 9.5 - Tbe painter, Herr Gerhard of Duaactdorf, kss iavenisd, or re-invented, a new mode of painting, ia which oil is not uscJ, but csseia aid wss; while paintirg water is ased to maks I Us aixture Qui 1. Over tbe paint lb us rasas oil paint can still be ased if dcstreJ. It i, said that the old Kgyitios sad Poiathns, ss sell ss the modern pa Utters till Rubens, snd especially Albert Duirr, employed this metbod. Tbe sling of the bee is so peculiarly con strutted that if you pull it out, instead of re lieving the psia, it adds greatly to it. for ia stead of pulling out the poison yon posh it ia to lbs BesS. This is not generally knows, bene the severer psia front tbe sting, Scrap Ihs stiagout immediately with a knife, and yoa saspe the poison out also, and soon fbrt get that you bavs btcn stung. Promising attempts bave recently been made ia tbe cultivation sf col ion in Palestine Several fine plantations now exist ia the valley ofjerkbo, 1 he Holy Land it, however, not so fertile as it once was, and its small eaten t prcctudes it fioni being a powetful rival against 'his country for supplying cotfea for Europe. Egypt snd southern Asia furnished some col too to England during tbe civil war, but since that closed IhU cotton trade baa decHned, as tbe ftsple wss much poorer then that from tbe United States. The nominstion ot Ex-Governor Rich ard Oglcaby for senator by tbe republican legislative caucus in IPInol I a e.vcie set-back for Senator Farwell. If the farm ers alliance member were sincere In their revolt against ihe ier,ubllcan policy they will vole for and elect Gen. Palmer. Three-quarters ot a loaf ought to be re garded by them as better than the old crust. Gen. Palmer stand for neatly everything that the farmers wan', and he can serve them better than any new and Inexperienced man. The tin-plate muddle is fully Illustrated by the Chicago Tribunt. It ray tlie Chi cago firm , w hlch Is claimed to be already making tin-plate under the fostering in fluence ot the McKlnley Welsh plate, dip ped tt In melted tin, tariff, has simply taken some imported, using Welsh work men, also recently Imported, and then labeled 'Amedcan tin-plate." But they have made no plate for the market aed it Is not claimed that they will be able to fur- nUh it at any lower rates than those now charged. There seem to be on foot an sttetnp. to oust from the Indiana republican state com mittes the man Brush who "spoke out in meeting" concerning Dorsey's soap" and Dudley's "blocks of five." The movement undoubtedly originated with ' the friends 0 that erat and good man who could afford to profit by the infamy of Dudley unexposed Lu but was unable to recognize the Dudley whose infamy was discovered. Mr Brush is very in dignant, and with various sundry impolite ex pletives declares that he will not be bounced Good fuck to him! He is many notches in the moral scale shove the excessively virtuous mea who cos tolerate crime cloaked in lespecta bitity but aot the btutal sort of a fellow who calls a spsdc a spade loo publicly. . ' The common remark of some men that the world "owe them a living," needs some modification They must wiled this living themselves, and tn doing so they must earn as much for the world as the living costs. Besides this the kind of living that such men can clsim will not pay anybody else the trouble of collecting. is far better policy not to rely on the living that the world owes, which is only charity for those unable o support themselves, but rather to go to work and earn some thing more than a living, which, when ever fa'rly earned, is never paid grudging ly, as the bare living is, always sure to be SOUND AS A DOLMU. PfeiTer .the new Alliance senator from Kansas, elected to succeed Ingalls is sound as a dollar on the tariff question When elected he made a speech tn which he said:;. We are opposed to high tariff duties upon any article of common use. We be lieve free trade is sometimes absoulte pro tection. We oeneve in raising revenue otdy to defray expenses of the govern ment. Next year an army of people will muster under one banner to .ake posses sion of the government, and at the dawn of the twentieth century the United States will be governed by the people that live In them. When that good times comes woman will vote and men quit drinking I Every political move In the country seemi to weaken the protection theory. The best roa&t coffee ia the city st Chiliad Mowr'a. ' 'V4kiiini;tii. (fri.m tur msutar ofrpoiMn.) Washixoton.Jsii, tf), iSoi. Senator Gray made a telling point aealnst the nronosed renuhlicsn van rule. now before tbe sen.le fi.o . the EnjIli-h-sp.'akhig people to amds, the - 1 w tories in siij.pfr!ng the House rule -i.ove ment In Inland, He said; "h I. a slnifl. cant fact, pregnant with' Inst rui' snd warning lo the Amtrlcait pinple, ihtt ihe first time in the history of Ei gh.nd lhat an stliir) i yss n-r.dr In the House of Commons to limit drbste it ws made In O'dcr to suppress home tide in Ireland. Let gentlemen go out snd tell their nat uralised fell&w-cltlzti.s fiom that stricken and unhappy ls!e that the American sena'.e Is taking a page from the history ot the English prllnicnt Cloture was adopted In England In order that Irlhiuen might be gsg(,ed In the House ot Commons when lliey attempted to atsert that freedom of spefch which belonged to them as repre sentatives of their people. Let gentle men te'l the r.atutalixcd citizens that that It Ihe example they are following in order to destroy home rule in thlstountry," The republicans pro fess to believe lha the action of the legislature In some ot the Southern states in refusing to consider bills making appropriations for i'ste ex hibits at the World's Fair while the Torce bill Is pending is a bluff, but it is easy to see that It hss greslly disconcerted them and they are receiving hundred of letters every day from theii commercial constit uents demanding that the Force bill lie abandoned, but they still persist In going ahead to their own destrnctfon. Senator Stewart made another rattling speech on Saturday sgslnst both the gag rule and the Force bill, and Ihe republican senators squirmed in their seats as tbey listened to his words of truthful condem nstlon, and vain attempts were made by Senator Spooner, Mitchell, and Hoar to disconcert him' by asking questions, but he was fuhy prepared tor them and they soon let him severely alone.' Mr Morton has allowed himself to be made the tool of the radical republicans and by making a number of arbitrary and unjust decisions he has ensbled the gag- rule gang to get the cloture rule before the senate, and they are confidently counting opto similar rulings to get It adopted, and there is no Indication that they will be dis appointed. ' The Confederation f Industrial orani satlona, which met here last week elected Benjamin Terrell, ot Texas, President and J W Hayes, ot Pennsylvania, secretary and treasurer. It alto adopted at Us national platform nine demands, the most of wbtc!) every good democrat can endorse without stretching his conscience in the least. For Instance, free coinage, the prohibition of aliens owning lands, opposition lo using taxation to build op one class at the ex pense of another, limiting the revenues of the government to its necessary expenses. state and national supervision of the means ot public communication and the election ot U S Senators by direct vote of the pro pie, and of president and vice president by a popular vote. The confederation took no formal action towards the formation of a new political party and I do not regard It as probable that they will .n the future, because, from talks with the delegates I am satisfied that a great majority of them believe that the democratic party will take care of their Interests, and that they will vie their in fiuence lo have an members of industrial organisations support the national demo cratic ticket next year. Speaker Reed is doing his level best to gag the democrats of the House, and is previ-ntcd from going to greater extremes by the absence of A republican quorum. He is trying to railroad the appropriation bills through so as to have a clear track hen the Force bill comes over with the senate amendments, if It ever does. He isn't succeeding very wel:, and vill not. unlets he gets that republican quotum. and keeps it. . It begins lo look as though the silver pool Investigation would turn out to be the usual republican congressional farce, and that Senator Cameron", who has admitted his guilt, would be made the scape-goal It is stated, and generally believed here, that Mr Reed and other prominent repub licans are using their influence upon the Individual members of the committee to prevent their exerting themselves to find out who has been speculating In sliver. There Is alio talk about some democrats doing the same thing. This is all dead wrong, if true. If any senator or repre sentative, be he high or low, democrat or republican, has been speculating in sliver, hlle bills affecting the market f rice of that metal were pending, let him be ex posed. The people have a right to know and no half way methods on the pert of the committee will satisfy them. ' A PREGNANT TKUTU. No oioie rtiiking utterance lias been msde in say stale paper this year than Gov Patlison't epigrammatic saying : "When money shall be king at ihe American polls, money will be king at American capitoU." Money was king at the f oils in the general election of 1 883, and money has been king at the Capitol since tbat time. On tha daf tbat Harrison and Morton were iraugurated as the result of Dudley's buying of votes in "blocks of . five" in Indiana, and QuayVpurchase of the electoral vote of New York wilh money contributed for that purpose by Wannmaker and other pbaikees, the World arrested the attention of the country by its editorial on " l riumpnant nuiocracy, de claring tbat "to-day, at the capitol of the re public, money seals snd celebrs'es its triumph -n the election." At a result of that triumph a Monopoly Tariff law was enacted at the behest and un der the personal direction olmen who contri buted the money to buy the elections The turplua wat squandered in order to render more difficult any reduction of bounty-creating taxation in the future. Money rulsd at the capitol. in future illustrations of the sordid nature of the plutocrat in politics, witness the spectacle of a senator from that seat of monopoly, Fenn sylvania, voting for the free coinage of silver as sn aid to his miserable f peculations! . JVitness a vice-Presldent nominated and e- leeted as reward for and t'imulant to enormous contributions to his party's campaign funds, ruling and giving ctsting votes in favor of gag rules and force laws to perpetuate the reign of the money power in the government! Itfstimefor the American feofU to consid er more seriously than tkey have fivr fune before -whether men or money shall rae thsRefHblic.- New York World. Thoa, Kay woolea mills blanket.", flannels men s, yositii a and boy clothing, for sa t t-y O v i.'iu'Mon'a, agent, Albany, Ofegon, BAD ECZEMA Oil BABY Head one Solid Sore. Itching Awful. Had to Tie Ilia Hands to Cradle. Cared by Cutlcura. I B.tU W Vroks out on hU head with a bd 'oroa ef MXjsm.. wton Ii. wiu, ttmt fti.M-th. ttA. W. irlwt Uiro. doctors, bat thoy did not hip biro, ws Umu ommI your tbrM Cutk.-uba Ksnsins., wna aiuir ain vima wn wma. exactly accord, in to direction., h. bnsan to ataillly tmprore. and a(u-r th dm ot thm tur seven nonin. hihMu nUroly well. Wbeo w. boK.n uin IS bm hsad waa a solid Mrs from Umi .row. to hi cttrow. 11 wm alao ail oy-r hit Mm, moat of fa I. tae, and noali pUoM on dllTerrnt wria ot fa!, body. Tbrs wer. slxUtfi waka tbat w biwi to top bia hand. Ud to lha trmli ia, ud bold ihmx wbn ha wu taken api and bad to km? miuos. tied oa bl bud. to at lil fln-nil oat of th.or,M b wna Id r4cb II fa. could In any way ent hit band loo, W snow your CortotiaA Hausiua eurad him. W fuel aaf. tn iwommendlns thna to othm-. iiHO. II, A JAJi JOXA lUkkU, W.bnUr, lad. Scrofula Cured . I bays a stater yonnmr than myself whose wholo body was eovwd wlih aerofola aorc., front fcMd to foot Ubm could sot Ua down at Blent, sod had mmsm by day. A frVmd ad. Vlwd hr lo try th. Cctitttba Itcsismc.. Hhe did ao, and Uwy eursd fan. ItQiiA Ii. KHVINO, v.. Jstubsytvaiiia, Ohio, .Cutlcura" Resolvent The w Blood s4 Bhta Purifier, and araaiMt f Humor ttetaadtM,ckMnaM tb blobd ot .1) import lira aoo wbil Potr. and scalp, and restors tho hair. Tbu. tb. C'CTt- cvsa hsasuiss cars amy apart, of ttchlns, burninr, mly, pimply, and blotchy akin, isealp, and blood d !.., from plmpfe. lo acnrfnla, from Infancy to aga, wbeu tb boat pbystelaoa (ail. Bold arorywhor.. Trias. CrncntA, 60e.; Boat, XV. ; Bsaot-rssy, ln. rnpamd by tha rants jbaoo aso Cassicat, CoaroiuTina, hoaion. ' -SBd for " Iiow to Car. Hkln IHmm" ti Vtt lUastrattoB., and UN IcUnxmlal.. piDy'P H kin and Bealp psruVd and brauUftcd CnO I 0 by CirrieCBA Soar. AUotulely pure. pains m mmmts Of femaUo inataMly rcnend by that Hi, eU-mmt, and liualublit AnUdote to Pain, InlUauaatlon, and Wwkwas, lb CoUeora Astl-raia Flaator. -OF- Special w. 3J1 !H;E jl?LX). My Winter Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the latest Novelties in ress Both in WOOLEN and -To The Make a Specialty of Ladies D Ribbed and Muslix. My Peices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated T. S. E. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely . fast, aad Free from Poison : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Ftunisliing -:- Goods, I have a. Largo Stock at tbe Lowtat I ciry a ll line of the wcrU-renowt-d BROADFIEA.D goads, nnexce'led finish. Lxrge siock of EatBBOtOERiES and Flockcisgs. Cal er-d tha. Albany i. the bet trading point in Oregon. , for wear a and be cot GHAS. H. D0DD a GO.; lPO"rrCR8 OS hardware, AND FARM VfiONT nSST Alia YINS Sola Agents for Oregon and Washington for -.. -. . OEERE'S NEW Ttnublo or Trlpnle Furrow. They are t :. , ?ht'i who bave used t hem or their praise. Wo ftirulsh them w!tU or without seaiaiiacnmenw. Seat attachments are extra. "-ssbe poweb ili-t sTjrx.sr3T plo-ws. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DILL. V ck.- o II rress Grain Drill, Pwckeye Seeders, Bnekeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior (..,,awi.v ... orainDrtUs, Superior Seeders. ' : CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . . immvl Inmlement tor sowl-a summer fallow. . The most "omrleto ntf , successful tooUoials purpose In use, - . V. o also have a f-iU line of Bucgies, Carriasoa. Phaetons, Mountain "Wagorvx. bjso t. m sou platform on otbe Bp .-ma Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Acrer.ce & CUaptn's Spring-Tooth Hanvrs, Peer Harrows, Scientific- Food MiUa. . . Pacific laneing Mills, , IIAISII B ABB WIRE. ETCh ETq. .j..;F.XD FOB SPECIAL CIBCCLAES AND PEJCK WSTS. E. THRALL, ACENT ALBANY, OREGON. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS KM MERGR'AMTS Insurance Comiaiy; Sonnd; OEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, dl practice ia all the Courts of thi tas-t. Prompt atwo (ion given W all bai ss i-ntra.ted to oar e e. IJfJSftsOld Fellows Tempi Albsy O Revere House; (.LEANT, - . CRECCN CHAS. PFEIFFEK PfwOPlUKTOR. FUled art In trmium fyln. IsMm luppllod with the bt In tha rnarkni. Moo sleeping- auartirmnU, Mtmpl n.n. V oomtoerclai travelers, -4io sal r.aj ta. M 2nd Store. Uei of!ii.d gar tar, ami tb ui'wt reasr In t selling:. ;oocts tn tb Va aie price, bctb I bave on band il WtJ9 FUi'.NITUBf, STOVES, T1HVARE mm, C33XS, PiUTUSES CLHCKS, CSGCSCSRY, ETC., ETC. di. ir.weni of 8 E Young's oh ore L. COTTLltB FOSHAY iV MASON, OrnftgfotMand Booksellers.: A,-.- is for John B. Alden'a pbj!lcaUon, fctrij ws) sell , o-sbliaher't Yor with ALBtaT. Oil EGO . A.B.BLACXBCRir, Announce: iiiiini Goods, WASH FABRIC", Ladies,- Underwear, in Kkh Prices ever oCereJ in the Valley. Iron, MACHINERY. STaaJbra ; KvatuAnu, : -r- --fi; DEAL PLOWS. V - so atmpleand iome so near absolute perfec aeen them work cn not sy enough la '" Steel mm.,jnZ f" ...