iTRICfll! raeitntly varrA CutUnf , Ititrnlnf or t)U Wkin A verfectly peiulaaa treelnxial end a (Uaran Wl cur In arsnr mm, no matter how loiut Ian4irj, T4 tntMiwt, ft Stricture, ol I't !,( th en .tart ,it.rary Down to matllalrv.. U(ImIvm and aooipl.tylT Minorca th. Stricture without annoy I or pain to th paU.nt. DISEASES OF fVlEill ParaHar to their Set. an 1 ant nronor to Mm ears. lanlttdin all thee, dtlloat Inflrmlti and Was. neaeea. which they would ehtttik front l-ltsft' to thotr family phretoian, parmnUr ettraa la lass tlino than u vr known to Mowlclno trature, hy Or BxUs"New Hjwlem ol Traetnwnt." Itmjutauatat tho aanllo-ttrtr sry ortrsns and niakoa weak nwn atruna b. nnaatbla. It la alwave boat la oail lor paranoial ennealtaUwt and etwctal axamlnatlno. Hut thn who ran not pnaaibly tall, ehoukl write, lUUnf naaa full, stwlKln. (ant by mail or exuraaa, amlaU, tree (mm axpuaura, to all part ol tht Faciae tNwttt. Win. A. Boicll, M. D. PI Pwtil lapewaary, foHlaad). , Corner Pirat and Pine itreeta, o verI'or t laud National Bank. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! T'iJ jTWIATMCNT"' DR. K. V. 8 Xorra and Brain Traalatant a (uarantoad awvina rr Uratorav IHoiooaa, oowval aioaa, r1:a, Kwima Naurala, llaaiUKha, llkwn lraaiuratloa aauaad by tha uao ol alaonol or lulian, WakruloMa. Maotal IWtyownon, HoltMlnf ol Cjb Brala, roralllnt; la Inaanli) and laaillnr to atlat'X data vail daa.h. nmuatara obi mra, bamajtaaa. fe h a rav t oiuaad br ovararUua ol w rraU Caoh aa wnlaint ana awath'a trratmatit, 41 a ba ar atx boa a lor t aaat by Bull prapald oa raotivta WK OVARANTE. 8tX IHIXES TO CCU ANY aaaa. With aarh orvlar roolad b a ror ! boaaf, aaanaipaalod alth $ will aaad tha puroaaaar ar wrlttoa ruaraatM la raruad tha atonor II tha traaV awnt duoa But aaVrt a aura. Ouarantaaa laiufd uulf ar J. A.Cuauain, IMiAfflat, aola afona, Albdla), Or. Ht DRU6S' "J I Ana aMA v OltET ARTICL!! ftfrWicK puis trzj Fortmiller & living, FUNERAL DIRFXTORS.- Irterial Embalmlttij Dfiaaciontit lcJIy. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Krp a full Hd, of meale of all klnda, U cool p'ao, completely pro tected; and alway freati. 11 EST '.4ATIO.Ai;nAXK, 'it ALBAMT, ObKOOir, daat. . ,. ri ivu- Vk Am 8, B. Vol SO r- - K, W. LAKUtON TRJACT8 A ORNERALaanktnt otadaaaa. fC COUNTS mtPT rabjatl la aback, f OUT EXCUAjiOK and WJ Tapbia traaafar, eoM iw rark, taa rraaciaea. Chicago aad l-mUaad 'ta. CVIXECTIOKr lADEoa tnorabla tonra. . i. C. Totme K, W. Uhmi L. fur a L E Blam, Ebwau I. box. L 1912V CO. MATIOBIAL, BAMK, ir ai star, oat oow. CAPITAL STOCK tlOO.000. froaMal....- t L COWAW, rka-FtaeidBt J H HAUITOS. ahiar Cao K CUAllllKKLAI.V, Aaat LaakWr q a AKCUIUOLD. D imcro,) L Cowan. J M Ralaton, Oan E Chaaabarlata, W 8 Udd, W H tirtin, J A Craw urw ana u AFCOtBOId. TRANSACT a a-aiMral haaklnc barinaa.. DRAW81UU1 URArTSoa fc.v Toik. aa at I -.!, r I. Otmob. tOAJf MOrfETua appfemd atmrtty mm a.i r m uapoaiia (uo (act B AXK OP OREGO.V. ALBA BY, OB BOON. Capital. i$je.eae. If T MERRILL .. E t LAKNIMO Jat W ELAIK fraatdoi.t CaahHr A grneral banklog business tranaoied. B AIK OF IC IO, . CIO, OREOOIf, rrvaMml Vko Praaiuunt Caahiar. t a Morrla, H Bryant J H Mom I lirr Mr.aa U B Um E Coin., John Calna P 0 Smith. Poat a gtncnl hauklne and exchanga buineiai. Sieht dralia lamed oa Albut", fvrtlaad aad Dan yimadsr. PORTLANO MtVIKOS It IKK, OF POFTLABO. Oil ECUS. J-ald op a.llAl... nurplu. aud pn.rtu J ....,,,, g lttCQ Intarast allowed on ax ring, dapoalta as follow.: OaarJinarraaviiinbauL .... naraant h annnm On Una smvlnir. Ikx.1i. ...... 0 par omit par annum (Jn aertinVata. ol for thr. momln f per cent par annum: Vat x month. t par ant per annum: ror nionth. .. 6 m cant per annum. rliANK 1KKI7M, pre.irl.ut I V.THWmH Vifw-proridtnt. II, C, brRATfy-V, ChloTi J . If. WEATHEnrOKD. A LB A.M. SltiSl W It BILYEU, ATTOUNKY AT LAW And Silicilnr-in ( baaceiy, AI.AY. .. . OREGOW. Collsi:llons promptly made on ail point sawsnstotlated on waaonabletsrsas. r jr. c. rATSsn, Attorney at La.vjv ALBANY -:- OREGON, ooiea la tbs Slrahaa Block, j. niinriEY 1 u)f..6j And Ccunscllor t Lai ND .otaiv Public. AlE.V.y C7.EC0H i OH. G. A. l7.UTf.EY. Phyalciaa and3arg3a. GraiuaU of i;llevae Hospital MadloaJ yl'cx Now York City. lirMt f womta s Hpeiialty. itTOHia rj.nA-t' r.riik, Aibsiiy, Or. r L2 EAST AND.SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Routa SHASTA L.INB. Xtpraat Train tear IVutland Dally, SjUvh I "fNorta T:r, TIC HrVrtlatid AUvtity Hm rV.mlaeo Arju.ita ii l t-.n a a I. u.'ior m l nsr I0:li Ar Ah... t-tna .top only at Mluwliif .tatlon north af KOMhuru-. Kant torl'aiKl. Orwtroa. t'lty. Wood hunt, Hat.nt, Albanr, Twrmit, Nhmld, llataay lief Utmrf, Junction Ul;, Irving', fcuirn. SUSHI'S. MAIS, SAILT. M a sTl Lv If Wra I L MJra Ar Portland Arl IMm Albany ItoMhunr L 1 !: L l s o a ALIAXT bUTxM SAII.T STValt HTNBAT) Lv r Portland Albeay Ar a lonri !U0 A it Lauiroji kaAaru. I Mr a ta MA Lr Ar L Ar AlUny Looaaon Allany Labanna r I. Ar L. 1Mb a 1:40 a a 4:lr a tor a IMA a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, far Aaraaanaoa'altea al trraad-TlaM laiaa (ara, altaekaolia KxarraaTralaa. Ta IM. aMalalaB. ETWBE.t lTLAna A.ta COST ALU, MaiIi ."iAiAUI (KkjaptSunoay,) :Su a VST Lv Ar Portland Gorvalll Ar I SO r a Lt I 11 M ra U 10 axraaM rtAta ailt (Cj guaday. 40 r a 1 ra Hortland McUinnrlll Ar I : so a a t a a Ar Through TicUotM To all puluta EAST, AflD SOUTH. rotlui. Iiilorojauoa rrtrardlri rait, Mara, va Company Aft at at Al atuy . vKHtxa K r. IttMlKRS a)aoa(.r Aaat U. t. and t. THE YAQUIXA ROUTE con Development Corcpany'e BUar hlpLIn. 225 MILES 6H0RTER. 20 HOURS LESS TiME an by any other rcJt. Flrat-elaM through PMe.irr and reljrht Una from Portland ar.d all polnU a tha WlllaruoUa Valloy to and from bau t aaaolaoo. Cat. Boats make do oon-jaclion at Alban u'Xh, iralaa of iheOreg jB Paciflo lUllroaJ T . aWal' Baradvar. THCHDUr A. ( Mept gaB.laya) iy 1 lan Yaqtuoa, l.1Ut,a L4a Corrali,lU M A.a A rn Albany, 11:11 a. Un UorraJUa lr. a. krrt.a Taquioa, I d, p. a O. At O. tr Alaa cor.nact at Albany and orrallla. The a 'jot a tr&lna oonnecl at T ao ulna ub tbe Orogoa Dereiopment 3iprxy'a Up of Btoamahipa between Xaq'nA and Han FrancUoo, 8 AM LINO DATES . raoaT TAriA. WUUaMtla Vatlay, Jaa UliPth; 19th; t7Ut. raoa raAnciaoo SnilaaMita V alloy Jaa 4lk ; !4lh 1 tSrd ; 31U. The Coroptav tmii tbe ngat to ibsnge aalllug dates without not Ice. SI. B. PaaaoKra from Portland and ATUlameUe Valley potn'j can make nlose cxnnoctlon with ih trains oftbeYaqolna fOUta at Albany or Corvatlla. and if dea tnwd to Han KntuciKco ahnald arranf to rrlve at Yaquioa tbe ereniog before rste fsatllnjt. aaarr awa r.rlahl lea alway LaweaS la atli-l ainriy to A R Chapman, fraltf tit and Albanv, C. C. MvVit.. li. r. ard f Ao . Corral.'. STEEL PEHS 4 O Paniplo Pens. dllTnret't pattmt, to I B.A ftf.k-j Platel Warl liwm. SetU twat-paid JD revcipt of lu CIi.a lr. PERRY & Cl , Lonro.:. m. U.B.oaea, 110 jmaJwsT, vatk. VfOTICE CF DLS80LUTION. Sotic. ill Is harsby given that tbe partnership Bavrstof'tre exiating txttwrwMi VV H Kor I), and LCKtrailon undar tbe vm namanr Pacfflo Af spinal Company Baa been this daydiaaolved by I ei)ti ayni: Fmm and sftar thia dsta L Brsaun will collar al outstanding ao sOjJDtsand pay all etta of aahl nna. LhUMiat Albanr, Or, IhU )Slh day off L V 8TRATTOI. Uoturg Lumber. I sell ths best lumbar is tbs csnuty; also .dr posts, (bin. lea. laths door nd win o w.tnoaldios, ate. Prioas from $5 f J2 r tkoaaand. Yar.1 at Iytwaon, oa th Narrow Gangs. Sa ms before porebasiug alaawbtr. W W Crawford. Adreaa.POTalL.a, O DIVOLUTIOKNOrtCEv-Br untva oaaanl tha baraaoSnaa .iitJt. .m r" Zaakaa fc Hon baa tltls day dlasolvad Crtiirahip,joiri H. Zanhss, Janlar msm r, reHrtug. All llabt'lilsa and aasats will ba aomad by John Zacne Signed De 17, j0aTVJ .acibs, Joiist BZasbbb Conrad Ifam. "VIU.'VKitCTfJt 0K-. STAR BAKI5IIY Cfuiier Broadalbin and First 8ts.," - DKAl.IiK IN- a. tied rrutia, 'autatrr e. slaaj rrnlia. tkaceo, !!. ,irV'iira.. iVeicf t jtrle-s, CI gar ia, M'4Ma, erythlng that U kept ta c yta 4ra at rketp Ittd grocery ,re. HlgheH I aid for ftl'.KJMDSOFRODsJCS. Albany OiM WORKS -Wanufrtcturnr itAM EHCIKES CRIST AHD SAW 1 MILL MACHIHEflY l?M FRONTS m ALL Kins CF HEAVY m LICST WORK, IH EQ KHO BRASS CASTINGS. txwtlitl. ultouifaiu altl o . rutirma da or mfhltiar PaWns Made on Short Notfet, Best stock of 2r.d fV toy, and tba mvnt reatr 'n b elllrg. llk foods tn the Va sie prices, both i have on band W.mWc, STOVES, TINWARE TR'JHXS, E32XS, PIlTJHES .clocxs, caacxFRY, ETC., ETC. do.r wsntof S E Young's oV dor L. COTTLfiS ' 2nd OCT Store. She gtmonat. Nlnetjr per cent of the North Dakota legUlature It talJ to ba farmer; The LouLlana loUcrjr people have no refuge in Canatla. An? paper aJvertlilng alottcrjr icheme doe have not the privi leges ol tin Canadian mal'.t. It appears from an lnvctlgatlon by the Rhotte Inland State Itonrd of Ucalih that over halt the tuppl of nil Ik In tho .late It below the lrttal ttanilard. Government txpendituret for the tlx month ending Dew, 31 were, In round number, $100,000,000, or $15,000,000 more than fur the correKndlng period In 1889. ' ' 1 Li Latt month wa the coldet December In twenty-three j ear in Vermont, and the not tall wa greater by ten Inclic than tn any December tor thirty. five year In the. G'ten Mountain etale. It It reliably atatcd that In Ontarlo,where they make a butlnctt of tending children to agricultural tchoolt, more than clghty- fiva per cent of them go back to tha iarm, StaiUiki thow tha. 5775 mile ot new railroad track were laid during 1890, acalntt 509s ml'.ct In iSHa. The total amount of railway now completed In the United Suica U 167,17, mile. Fur tMrty-U davt In December and January no uthlne wa teen In London The Uiermomcln hut been below frerxing much ot the time ot late. Snow, tlect, ke ar.d fog add to the OticomforU. All Ku ope I panlnc through a winter of unutal everltj. The Of f a i much vexed at the prop ped of Hill taking the United Slate Mnator hip and thu ttepping i.l to make an open field for Clrvelaod for the presidency. The roal caute however, 1 in the Uct that it iahigh- j probable that ClevelaoJ will le nominated It ha first fear of ClcveUn J. Following I a iclentilic description of what happen when )ou I'cht a fire: The photphorut on the match U raUed bj friction to a temperature of ijo degree F. at whl:h It Ignitca It raUc the temper It be a tnlphur match to 500 dejjteea, when the aulphur begin to burn; the tulphur ralae the heat to 8ood.-gree, when the wood take the wo.k and produce a temperature looadegrce at which the coat Ignite.' rt.lClTF.t. of Theie U a lRnltcant contraat between the manner ot tire senatorial election at Olympla and Salem yenterdsy. Either Wahlngtn I richer than Oregon In sen atorial material or Senator SqUre should Uke Ieon from Senator Mitchell In Ihe art of placating opposition and winning vote. There l economy In time, moiey inu truuic iuf t.nuiuuiei to inv urrm t . M ii t . 1 , rt .... met hod. OreeouuiH. And pray, how ba the 0rtgi:!.i ceen placated? In yeat agore It wa the most bitter and unrelenting foe that Mitchell ever had. It accuaed him of being a cducer ot woman and many other crime and adduced what It called proof of Its charge. No'.hli.g hat ever appeared in It column ttnee V how that Its proof wa not Now'agaln, we ak how wat that paper 'placated"? I to w did Mitchell "placate" or "win" the alienee, If not support ot that paper. What mean did he employ to placate so bitter a foe? A hl.lory of this placstlon we opine would mske highly Interesting reading. II IMS TO llotstKKtl'F.ILS. I In cold weaiher it is not advisable to wash the exposed portion of the klr., the face and hands, too often, nor even to wash them In cold aterat sll. Lukewarm wster should always be made use of, to gether with a ml el onp, the alternative being the chapping ol Ihe hand and face, and even Ihe appearance of alt rheum or eczema upon the skin. When fequent washing cannot be avoldbd In the winter time, the exposed portion should be rub I ' vaceline bed with freshly prepared cold cream, or glycerine. A tea made by pouring bolting water over sweet flagroot will relieve worm sick net In children, and is also good fur colic. Rubber and arctic are very useful In cold weathcr.but thould alway be removed while in a warm room. Rubber are iot to be reccoinn.ended for constant wear, becajte they interfere with proper venti lation of the fect. Keep splec can, bottle ot cxt.actt, etc., well labelled, so that mistake will not oocur when one it hurried. Take blood ttalns out by saturating the spots with kerosene, then wssh out with I!ghtly warm Water. Repeat the operation It stain do not come easily. Remember that dry, cool air, suit pumpalns, and manv are lost during win ter, because kept In a damp place. Do not allow atbet, burnt cinder., ple- juke, etc , in your oven ; keep It clean. Two pairs of shoe aro desh abler for each individual to be worn on alternate days, since a tingle right's expo.ure to te air I ui, nllv Imtuflfciint to tree thotc artl cles froi.t moUture. Flne 'ppcr wire miv !.- bought by 1he pound and is much cheaper, a strong; and an g-iod-looking a the; tvtUt&l wire. For netralla, bruise lion e-isdislt and apply as a poultice to the wrlnt. Vhcn any one iuiw a nail or a -wire in the flesh hold the wound over burning sugar a roon a pOKitlblc. snd ll will pre vent sorcnesa. Examine nutmeg by picking thfm with a pin ; if the oil sprcat'a it U a !gn that the nutmeg U Rood. 4'lilltlreit Kojoy. Ths pl';RAit fltvu', .onlloiWlic ,'Aulsnvttfi ing effacts of Hyrup 'A Fiijr, wh- o'in pbo-I of a laxative and i' th-i f.thr - mother bo co!lve or hiiion nvw. grs'.ilfyi'tit reaalts fojlowinpr it n. s 'hat it is th -t f tm ily remedy Irnnwrt od e ttry family frhoald hV a bottle. Cloaks kt ont t W V Re-ul's, Pranonarct lloprles. Vet Saved. Vrom a lettnr written by Mr Ada E Ilnrrt ot Groton, II. we quotes "Was taken with a bad cold, rrhich e.ttud on .my Lungs, eough ; and finally term? jsltwl in Ctnt umptioii. . Four l"ctor Htr rue B Mitying I ceuhl but a short tuna ' I pave my self up in my Saviour, deiernuiv l if I oontd not .ty wiib my tiieurli i n earth, I wop Id met-t my abaett one above.' My husband wa advised to .jet Driving' S Ditcover ery for t,'oiiun;yti'-.n, 'Jpiijh aad Ctdil. 1 esv it.a triaL tno'i in all fiaht bottler; it hit cared me and vhnrk 4ni Ito a well nd hesty w .mar " "ria 1 ..t: ;e f -at Kr thsy (c Mssou'adi-uri tfl"', legubr ei, COo sud Oats Straw. Lookc oats straiv for leby F G llurkhart, one mile southeast cd thl city. WHY WILL YOU eo-h vt bw Hhilnh'. Cur. will give Immediiva relief. Price 10 cent, B0 ceut sid $1. Foahny A Vlaecn, stents. SBIL0U-8 CATAKIill prisiiive enrtt for Catarrh, Canker-Mouth J cshay Si BEMEDY a Diplitt 41 ;a and Ma't-n, sgectt. i .ffllLOlPa CCUUK at J Comimp!ion ,1 Cnrt is dd by itnt-ii af,njt ?W, it sra'i cmiu-nj-tioo. & ) A,iW.( sr-tnt., TELEGRAPH 10 NEWSJ Attrr IbeChlaaatea. Pakulbton, Jan. 33. Newt reached here today that Chlncie li-linuAe men and tection laborer nave been Urea from We.ton, Athena and Adam. A number of them were een at the Weiton depot, waning lor me train to take them t a wall Walla, by the pastenger on latt nlght't pokne expre, and a number came to t'entiieton. At Milton one Chinaman. more "gility" than hi fellow, refuted to leave, and wat dragged for tome distance with a rope around hit neck. The report a!o ermct from liilgard, an the moun tain, that dlacharged white taction hand there raided the rhlneie camp and com pelled them to walk to La Orande. Aa Eaalera need. Woonsockrt, R, I.Jan. 23. The be menu and flrat Boor ot many tenement and firtt floor of many houne on the bank ot the Hlackitone and Hill river are Inundated today. At Uxbrldtfe, Ma.. everal perion were rencued from flood nl building by boat. Ihe fctorl are Idle In many place tn the Ulackttonn va ley in convequeuce 01 the high water. t'aa Brewlag. Ot VMrillA, Tan 3 A itarttini? aentation hatchinc. ltperinintto the late (enntotltl ficht. Keprc-nentalive Melcoil' rharee that he wa paid $500 to vote (or Calkintba an geretl (he co I U In men, aad they are getting reauy loipting a mine that will rock the state horn tut rciifc ocean to the Idaho tate tine, and do A Uritikh Columbia to the Columbia river, 1 hey boldly awert that they will prove that Senator !Mulre cureJ hi re-election TPT''f'P n ,,.a. eutcaocry . wrawawwy. Nitw Osukans, Ja jj The Dempe Unetit.adveril.rdLr, did nat come o. Demptey rtqueitep that the umy Braipary. piojeet be .bandooed, nd hii wl.he la the nailer were followed. Dmpey left but aiirhl for Ua vettun. wh.r. h. will,.U . and then leave for Oregon. I aatd al far. bALtM. Ian at. Salem civ bond, in iKa um of f bave juit Ixra sold to tbs Ixndun Fie Inturance Company, dollar for dollar. These bond were vottd lat tnring r-akins' bill In reference to county ro hy the city to aid the two counties of r0lk and corders, was amended ao as to Include Marion la tbe construction of a bridce acrot tbs Willamette at Salem, nd weie by the city turned over to the county. A aaadtaa Avalaaeb. i' xii EC, Jaa a3 Aa avalanche of snow fell last night from the Plain of Abraham to th tttcet below. Tbe titow lilted tbe street to a depth ef twenty feet aad suuuhed In ths irtmis of four bouse. A Kald AUeaaal la Rah, DoiK.w,iTi,jaa aa. There ui an at- tempi ai train robbery at ftampa tonlgot 9n ths Union Pacific branch line to Boisa. Much gold buliloa comes di!y to ths ssasy office at Iloieby,xprrM.. While th. monger stepp- ed into the office at tonight to mike a trsnsfer, two men catered the expre cr sod tccuted a Ur of gold bullion. Tltey (led oa ducovery. but were run down by a crowd of people aad captured. Tbey will have a tomorrow. It Is tbe first train roblery la Idaho ia two years. of I awplayaaaat. ClitCACO, Taa ai. Delav in breiauina woik on the wot Id's fair grounds sad bulking i esating seriou appiehenakms here, as the ciiy i fairly overrun with mea who have d.ift . ed in here under the impression that work wou i ihj plenty, mere sis I or t . . . , , t rnr- unetrtpiuyed nere BOW i of whom ar (east 5000 are recent arrivals, A tltlaeaa Bala, PENM.ET0M, Jaa aa A report from Mil ton ibst a general raid wss instituted there lust aigut sgsmst the Chinese. The story goet that about one hundred men went lo the Ctiocse quarter and led tbs ccicslisls out with ropes srounti their accks, sfierwards compctl i S Ibem to leave town. It is conjectured tbs rsti is the mult of hiring coolie ia place of wn Mooters on ue railroad sections. Ills said tbe Chinamen were roughly handled aad two were pre'ty badly hurt. Tbe "firing is,iy consisted tn eitcnarged white section nau snd sympctbuing MUton citizens. AMaataaTrwak. SEATTLBjan. aa.-The psrtlally decom posed body of a msn locked In a trunk ws found totUy In the wood near Smith cnvebyl! Ncwguard and ChiUt Hushy, ivinwcfiin n.ncrman. i ne Hunk was conceslcd on the summit of a loft- tlsv bsnk, and the pot I only sccessable by wster. The fisherman were looking tor 'dead-fall," to use for firewood, when one them saw a blanket between a clump of ssplirgs. Sevcrst pieces ol desd branches held the blsnket down, and these were taken away. A smsll trunk wa then exposed containing the remains o ciue to in accessed hss been secured. rrall'e rmasasler Bests, Seatixb, Jan. aa. A M Brookes to- " I r.ltrlit tent hi resignation as noatma.lrr I iihta r it v tn 11...1... ... I J . - I . . . "VII . ... , Brookes resigns the office, which la worth bpuui j5oo a year, to accept the pos- non or crissiuer oi tne notion National Bank, squire t ill probably name his successor, ana mere will be a big scram uic tor it. rt nK,ie Advice. WAsiiiNOtos, Jan ai. It ought to beld that the ten ol the Ion louse sre sppsrent now thst the elections bill Is liable to fall. The republicans, under the lesaertnip r.i uosr and Aldrlch, have been outgeneraled and otilmanaged by the shrewd end crafty Gorman. The Maryland democrat has not made a Ingle false step in hit opposition lo the bill, and all the experienced senstors on the republican side have, been unable to cope with him. The sooner the repub licans come to the conclusion that the country I nat behind the election bill and the ooner it is dropped the better. A Valaable ebaraeter. Seattle, Jan. ai. For defamation of. character, Minnie O Drown Lroucht suit fin the superior court yesterday aealnst 1 1.-. r. a ... . . . . nvcii uuusicin anu rr.eyer uotttteln for 53c,ooo damage. She claims that they ststed that she formerly kept a lodging house on Pike street, snd that It t . i nouseoi ill-fame, tihe say that the state ' ment ava irnmlilni.. d,,.i n....j i ' . - ,,ijuii;u iter good name and chaiactcr $30,000 worth. A BqalrelXal. OlyMphia. Wash., Jan 21. The u-' ba et upon Judge Clnrktn'.senaioiial expiration. Senator )Ttan C Squire was re elected to day cn the joint ballot. IIj received 5S votei, Judf ClarUin 30. Thomas Csrroll ai and Acting Govriuor Ltughton . A f armer Falls. Pknuletov, ,an at. J M Elgin, of Uma tilla county, s mom exientive fmner, against whom luit were brought by creditors seversi veks ago, has made n siwignment to M J Creen for the protection of llioie to whom he is indebted. The inveniory of t'-e real prop, erty hows its value to te about $26,000, The value of the personal property it fixed at 9320. . A Uosebarc Weddlae. Roseiiurg, Or Jan ai'. The nuptials of Mis Sultar.a Simmon, of this city, snd Mr Rufut Skipton, of Corvallit, were celebrated in tne pretenre of about 500 guests' at th parlor of Prof J B Horner. Mr and Mr Skipton leave on the morning lral. for Cor vailis, their future home, followed by the best withe of tl.eir many fiiend. The present were numerous and handsome. Mgailieaas. Nashville, Jan 21 The Tennessee legis . lature adopted a joint rhsolution deciurtng ihat action on ihe bill to appropriate $350,000 for 4 world's Jair exedit be postponed until the final dirpodtion of the election , hill in the senate. . letter fdst. ' Following is ths list of letters remaining in tho post ofiics at Albany, Una countv. rr.'on,Jan. 22, 1801. l'i tttl calling for (hee ltnUer most give tie date n which thy were advertised. Adkina. "Wn Kutihhtrn Peter Cook, 4' L Hainhrick. Annie Lhcco, T Ii Medley, Mr John Allison, Ram Baxter, G W Fuller, A A Jlelman, John K Mapplo.Mrs Lzzia Stubbleueld, J F Wetzel, Mrs G V K. Tntbtraj-, P. M. I ucker, OL Wbitmer, C'hia "HACKMETA CK,' a lasting snd perfume. Price 25 abd CO cent, shay & iiatou, agent. fra Fo A N ASAL INJECTOR free rrithesch) C(nh Remedy. Price' OceuU.. Foh4y Mason, spt. BTATC LECIlLJit BI. I Salbm, Jan .t-Meyar Railroad bill provide that panenger fare shall not ex ceed 4 cents per mile, but that tooo mile ticket thall be luued for not exceeding t cents a mile, home ot the blllt Introduced sret fixing talarle ol county ollkeri, by V iiiui protecting iuine men.ny naiey. In reference to compensation for board of prltonert; by Veatch, reducing tha tariff on Irrlffht throuah the lock at Oregon Cltv. Among bill palng were the ten. tral Point charter hill, a bill requiring will to be recorded in all counties where tiat a tor had property, a bill protecting ea guu, a mil cnangtiig the name ot iMien urg to Gold Hill, and bill amending charter of Independence, Weaiheriord billon brtd.inir the Willamette at Albany ty tne ahakk co wareierrea to tne railroad committee. 8.LSM, Jn 22. Following are the most iinporUiit bills introduced: Py Gross, providing for better preparation lor teatuiina : creating omce 01 attorney general. Couiiulltee on publle buildings reported in luvor 01 fui.uuu lor tintsiiing state capltol. This w 11 bo a good thing In Halem's annual building list. Tho committee on Nicaragua canal reported favorably. A joint memorial on Indian war claims was reiermt to crnvmiitee on federal relatione. 143.000 for the ex penses ot the lrglslature, are the present ugurea. Ihe Australian ballot bill was road third time in bouse and w ill pass that body. Balkm, Jan 23. Among the bills Intro- duced were the following : Jiy Wcallier- 0rd, to amend tho city charter - of Albany, read twice and referred to the rrtinmlltaa on lneorK.ralli.a ; l,v frn.r.. amenuinu v'iy cuarier 01 vorvai WeatUyrfurd. In reference to j gull y by dufeiidanta, Including punishment: by Mory, making amending city cturtcr 0! Corvailis; by n eallierioru, in relerence to plea 01 costs In salary ot c',1or 01 WuUnomaU county IKXX j by Armstrong, liccnaing auctloneeni M by COUntlCS, DY ItVCU, BllOWIIIg POUlllV commissionlere 3 a day; by Miller, MBawllt.t I.tB nt KawllaBaada, f l..L AA aa 4 Aa.,n CUy . McGall. providing tor five dia- trtcls lor agricultural la Irs. The itidlci ary committee reported unfavorably on bill to lncrase salaries ot district judges. iwnton rounty. ihe Portland litill Itun '1C "l passed tliO house. KE41 Mf ATM BALM J L Cowan to Geo Howell, lot 6 II ieinm a 123 123 80 ISO Anna L lloult W K Metulenball,24 acres nar tiarriittiurir Anna L lloult to Morgan IIoull, lot 2 bltt Harrisbum John U Katon to Geo Howell, 2 p.,,,1 i" "m! "UTv 1 1 L failTi's ill A J Vi".i Iota K's add to Leltanon lora Lewis. Altianv. 225 1350 Wait Mead to 8 Klis Htarbuck, iVixlll foet bl 60. Albany B Powell to J I) Alkire, It acres 11 WJ A Hackleman to Frank Alien, I DO 325 200 lot bt 14 lfe 2nd add... J R Kirk put rick toTJ Hendricaon z lota M add Iuanon Martha J Alford to Perlina I liar- desty. 70.40 arres. 14 W 4.. . . 1 1 John A Carey to J 8 Morris 48x100 feet Held , J C I taker to T J Jones, 2 acre near Crawfordsville 350 150 2000 B Butenshaw to A Rutherford, ttt-HHJ acres. Lebanon. ........ David Muthollen to Catherine Mul- bollcn, 2r7-I0 acres. 12 w 4. .. Mary A Garrfton to w C Twee- date, tola s, 3 and a, ll 2o, Al bany,..,. .... 100 150 Witt U'nwh to A 8 Bonimer, pier of land, Uaarlsburg Patents, U. 8. to Henry T Nave, 15-64 acres, II e t to E Matter, 100 arres, it w 3, 1 hated May i, imj. I F L Harris and ore to J L Laniar and U M Lamar.R0 acres, 13 w 4 1 3000 EN Tandy toJ FMrCartney, lot luandll. t)I4. .McCuliv s A. Harrisbursr 300 J A Millard to Isabel Gray, bt 4. W 11, Southern A, Albany.... 123 8 P Brock to 8 K Young, 33 acres, laws r coo A C Hausman to Lucy Mackey,!ot 1, 2, id s. it'a 2nd A to orth Brownsville 00 Lebanon cemetery to Flora Fink, 'lot AlonxoAnifi to J N Galbraith, M.C3 acres. 14 E 1 E H union toGeom Buhl.lota 1,2, bl 0. C's A to lebanon. John IV.yce to II A Thomas and U w watt, 100 acres OKI Total for year Has) Hew aaat 11 aaaa. Since the presence of the hop louse (Phoroden humull) In Oregon hss been iportc,d, csreful exsnilnatlon of affected van have been made and the result ap parently corroborate me results of obser. vstlons made In Em ope and America con lemporaneousty bv the department at U?..l.lnnn T1.' . li . aid in tneautumon plums and prunes- more particularly the former," This I now borne out by personal ob servation. In Ihl State, thousand ol egg having been found on seedling thicket, of plums nesr an infested hop yard, while cultivated prunes in the vicinity werj not affected. It Is for the purpose ot gathering statis tics upon this matter, that Is, ths vs. Ictlcs ol plums preferied, and situation ol plums whit regard lo hop ysrdu, that this circu lar Is Issued, In order to record such facts In bulletin report, to be shortly tstued, treating of remedies, etc. It Is hoped and expected that every progressiva bop grower will Interest him self In an- eriiig the following questions. The greii est accuracy in the replies la necessart : I. 'lejour hops been affected the past ear by hop lice? If so, lo what ex . tent finar daily, have vnu suffered? 2. Ar.- there cultivated plurhs or prunes near tour nop? What varietici? 3. "Arc there anv wild ntuir.a, or plum eedhg near your hop fistd?. What! their tvrrcct name? 4 What is the exact distance of tlie.o eedling (mentioned lo No. 3) from your hops? , Cuttings are dcrired from cultivated plums and plu-.-is and prune near hup. , and frt'tn ceedling mentioned In 3 and 4. Send new wood. Ii. everv case give accurately name of fruit and Its distance from hop yard; whether a tew yard, rods, ml!e, two miles or more. .. Poa'.sge on such package Is one cent for each ounce. A n early reply I desired, and sll replies should be In by Feb. 25th. 1891. Address. F. L. Washburn, Entomologist Experiment .Station, , CorvulIU, Oregon. CATAKUU CURED, health and sweet breath Shiloh' Catarrh Remedy, l'rio CO cenU. Nasal Iojovtor frca. Fo sbsy ii Mssou, agent. asawasBwaaaaaswSSMBasassawBwaaaa Whereto Get Them. When wanting vi orgsn or plana call on G L Blackman hfe you can elect from a first class ttoo. MAKBIEI). SMITH-ARTHURS. On Sunday, Jart 18th, 1801, at the residence of the bride 'h parents, about eight mileH east of town, Mr Jaa Smith and Miss lone Artiiurs, Rev Yost officiating. , WORTH YOUNG Jan. 91 1891, In Haltev, at the residence of the groom, by Rev. M. M. Martin, Mr Wallace Worth and Mr Sarah Young both of Haltey. SIEGMUND-BARZEE. At the home r VTs Iraaalr T n snita sanon tvii.Aa Mtwrl. r $ us T4i viai sv XJn 1 Atjxj dvtcu 4iiic;a uvi til vt Jefferson, Wednesuay, Jan 2i, 1891, Wil liam M Siogmund, of Scio, the well known miner, and Lucy L Barzee, of Marion county, Rev W T VanScoy offici ating. BORN. WHITNEY. On Jan 23rd, 1801, in Albany, to tho wife of Judge J J Whit- ney, a son. FHIELDS.0n Thursday, Jan. 22nd, at Millers, to tbe wife of. James t- - - - 700 223 2000 ..$12,003 inarm. - ; : - If the Auttrallin system ot voting proves a sticce!ul a the Australian ytem of fighting si demonstrated by Bob Klix.lmmon. It will be a great thlns- for ths ballot box. Noah advertUed tha flood He lived through it and the fellows who laughed at him were drowned. Ever tines then the adverser hat been trettlmf alonir and those who don't advcr'.Ue have been get ting ieii. aaaaaxaBBx Many New Year rciotutlons have al ready been broken. One U a Democrat man's rcnolutloiii not to red anv more ol lilii Nye s ktereotyped articles In the Ex aminer and World ha been faithfully kept even to this dai , Wallowa county's tax for IhU year will be $18,135.45. US' taxable property Is $715,418. and the rate t$ mills, or two and one-half cent on the dollar. Fifteen mills, or three-fifth of anv man' tax can be paid tn county orders, at any time bc fote April firtt. Thrre are people.though, In Linn county who kick at our much inaller rate. Pendleton people may be prepared to unucren an tne Horror ot an ice famine next aummer. Owlnu to the mild winter. the Umatilla river ha not furnUhed it uual hrvet, and In me we have no cold weather no Ice wilt be put up by either of the Pendleton tee firm.. K, O. There will be no such trouble in Allnny where two Ice factories will oncrate next summer. m A yeai or two agj a sensational report wa circulated about finding two Infant bodiet in the reservoir at the Dalle. It proved a ranard. Here la another: 'A sensation wat created at EHeniburp; Wed nesday afternoon by the reported finding ot tne ikmjic i two iniantt In the city water reservoir by the Ice cutters. Msny fsmlllce have ccasrd using ihe water and will await development. How the bodies csme there I a mystery. The case will be Investigated. The total vote ol the Methodist laitv on the question of admitting women to the general conference lis leeched nearly 400,000, tliree-lillh being in the alTtrma- tive. me ministry nave yet to express their opinion. Three-fourths ol them must lavor the Innovation and two-thirds of the next general conference must con cur lo bring it about. It Is thought that the result will be the admission of the wo. men a drlegtte. In Oregon the vote wa linot unanimous In their favor. There are 1S4 town In the state ol Maine tha report no abandoned farmland 313 which have one or more apiece. The total number of such farm I klven as 3310, or an averap.e of about CM per town The average number per town is largest in Oxford and Franklin counties, here It Is fifteen and fourteee respectively, and smallest In Aroostook and Hancock, In each of which It is two The average In Androscoggin 1 eight, The total acreage ef thete farm I iti,(it,or 67 7-10 acre per fdrm, and they are valued fur taxation si $i,t6S.?6o, an s'versceof $4 n pet acre. The largest acreage I in Oxford county, 41,410, Somerset coming next wl'.h 31,149, Androscoggin's proportion being 6033. James Blaine, jr., son tf Jamea G P.laiite. got gloriously drunk, took bis shoes ot at a ball in Baltimore, tickled a young lady on her shoulders, and was Cut out 01 the ball room. Mich is tilgu fe. Wo boo by the papers that tho state agricultural college is making an effort to get another appropriation from the statu during this session ot the legisla ture. We wonder w hen this senseless begging Isgoinsf to cease. Monroe cor respondent of Pilot. Probably the oldest' house if the United tatca is a decaying stone dwell ing that stands in Guilford, Conn. It was built in 1610 and is sti i ocrumetL Ia colonial times it did duty occasionally as a fort and was a place of refuge for settlers w hen King Philip w as on the war pain. A prominent Hun Francisco attorney has confessed that ho has made paupers 01 two widows anu tnctr lamiiics by eta- beullng estate funds amounting to up wards of $150,000. Hanging would serve mm right. The Dkmocbat Is Informed that a reti tion ia being circulated in Albany against tne new city charter jermitting ihe bonding of tlie city so that a-bridge and sewers can bo built. In view of the fact that the jfoplo of Albany have already spoken in vtry emphatic ternn on the subject this is ridiculous. We are glad to know only a few are signing it, and most of tlfin tnuat be ashamed ot it. Here's the way a bridge In AlUny would also I nised: "Mrs Jane Pent land, ofilalsey, who is laid up with a sprained knee at Dave Matheny's reai cence across the bridge, undertook to keep track of the amount of travel over the new viaduct a day or two ago. She enumerated fifty-four farm wagons, seventy-six carriages, thirty horsemen and two hundred and niue pedestrians be tween eiv'tit in the morning and six in the evening. If you w inli to see a mad man just go over to T P Lee'a warehouse, where he has about eight men busy repacking ap ples. The trouble is lie bought from several parties without examining every box. V lien be came to examine them to ship he found over eighty boxes of worm eaten and shriveled apples that would not make first-class hog feed. This la on) .thing our fttiit growers should consider of that it is to their interest to eo that th&ir apples are packed proper ly. Grants Pass Courier. Up in Washington them tiro 68,104 mortgages tiled, indicating that it has taken lots ot litem to boom the country. Here is thu wav they nro divided t Adams, 105; Asotin,4S0j Chehalis,l,S,VJ; uhillam, 2i!5; Clark, 2,010; Columbia, 2,04'1; Cowlitx, 520; DourIiiss, 258; Franklin, 20; Gnrfield.2.104 ; Ltlitnd.lSH); Jeirerson, 875; Kinir, 8,t51 : Kitsno, 819; Kittitas, 1,000; Klickitat, 75'.); Lewis, 1,403; Lincoln, l,4ao; Masnn,152; Oka nogan, 23; IVific, 350; Pierce, 7,7 17 j San Juan, 307; Skagit, 1,250: Skamnnia, 74; Snohomish, 1,430; Spokane, 7.017; Stevens. 234; Thurston, 1,165; Wahkia-knni.l'j-i; Walla Walla,3,5i)l ; Whatcom, 1,720; Whitinnn, 0,259; Yakima, 703. . Holmes BuerNSs Collkgr, of Tortland Or., will open SepL 1st. J A Wesco, tho leading penman of the eoast, has become a partner in this school and will make it tho leading business college. Send fora catalogue. , I. diiig Photographers A any Oregon. Wa have bought all thenegativt a made by L W Clark and W H Greeftvtood up to Nov 15th, 1880. I)oplicata cn be had from hem only of aa at reduced iato. VVe hays also about 18,000 ncKttivea mads by our selves, from which duplicates can be had st tike lates. We carry tho only full line of viewt (if this state and do enlarged work st lowoit rites for first class work. We shall be pleated to aee yon at onr Studio in Fromaa's block, next door to Masonio Temple. For hay, oats, atraw or chop sail on Mor m&Blonnt, earner of Bker acd Firal afreet. Deliver to any pxrt of e city without extra oott. FOR DYSPEPSIA and -iver Complaint yoa have a print, guarantee on .very bottle of Shiloh' Vitaliser. ' it never failato cure, Foafcay Si Mason, agents. ExcMentrnt hifch.iii Albany tt Foiyg& Ma son's drug atora cut System Buiidfir, a VBrylxK!y ie using it forCatfurh of the Stomftch, Dynrepaia, Conatipatioo and Im rjnre i iaod. Try is md tell your friends about tt as it tmt " J none abd abboao THCKSDAT. Ptt IWkley, of Oakland. Cal,. a pan eer on th Lsks Ithi.h train, bas su.d ths P Uompsey for 838,000 damages. Bsytoo t'oopis ar anlng to bond thrir town for $75,000 to b od ia putting la water work. Pendleton pat ii a good sys tem for $30,000 E. O. Ths ennoeit last svenipg by ths Ilild- Park eomptny, wa a irreat musiuxl treat. Tbe company is composed of muiian of rarsgenin. J h program wa greatly sp prsmatad by ths sadiane. lion J W Brasflsld I w.trkinj on tli talmidy for ths Yaqulns Soal Rook k Alea llaiiwsyCOi and ws har ho is meeting with su'endid noo" st AU.a by, ths end of th route which h eummones;!. Kopub- liean. A Farmers Atlisne hst Wa omsiiir.ud it Boob Hid in this county. Tiia lHfr sr ; John Wilson, President; II t'ow.ll, Vic. Prwldent; C U t.n, Heon-Ury; A P Blackburn, Troaturer; M T dxirkeep.r, ' ' f Th. nietnhers of the Wild West troop, ia Albtuy during tbe holidtyt, w.i ia Alitsny yerterdiy on choir wsy to Cslttorttis,hy way of Ysqnins Bay. Tb. prvprietvr proo juiio.d Albany tb b.t sin t.twn tt-i ha'l wen in on bis trip through ths vaI'o. Tbs foiluwing United i't-.tfl Sfnator clouted )asierdVi Br 0Hli)Kur,NtfW Hampshire, (fep)i U II Piatt, Cuoiiroilcut, rrplj Teller, Colorsd", (r')l I amiron. t...ulu...!. I tf l I (dent), Vast, Missouri, ( lm)j Jojs.. A' ksi.- SM, t'lem;; tijv Hill, New fork, (dm ) Th ehamoit n skatott. Frank Dolmont. of lymdon, nd J. Hooadeo. of itEt;p. meed for a $5t 0 take at the Olympian rink, Sen rrar.oisco, a dtstaoen t,f two mile. V mont won in 6:13. The f.rat mile wa ma ts in 3:01, betting the wt.rld' raeord of 3:03J Tit-roa -Tat, The County Court room has been full of people tl.l after noon, listening to the evidence in the case of the State agiin.t Rev if I al, which will probably be continued during to-morrow, tt seems to be a case of tit for-tat." When one check ws struck the other wa not turned; but the com pliment wst returned. As the pub'le ha gotten about all the fact it it good to present the Democrat will not attempt to give the evidence In full. In fact would be better tor the church gencrslly tt cuch thing did not occur, or if occur ring were given ss little notoriety s msny other thing. One fact, though, explains the present trouble. The Albany church refused to allow the anil-How man .presiding Elder, Rev Bowcrsox, lo Itold services In the church; hence the Sweet Home church, held by the opposing fac tion, refused to allow the presiding Elder ol the Bowman faction l.i the church. This the witnesses for the prosecution testified to. Each aide, though. I no doubt backed up by higher authority than that received from Oregon. R1DAY. 64 c-r.t. i paid for drsrd p irk. 2t to 3 eaats for hctt va foot, 10 eenU for lara.sad $3 to $4 fur muttoa sheep. Th Willamotta at this city is only 1 foot 9 inches above low wster m.rlt. uo low tor boat to ran with aatr. Qnig a coctra.t t a year ago. Tbs csta-al cat wstistbat wars fftv- lac aev.iai mootlauo alt over. nt to bav all eoltapssd. st least coining it heard of them bow. bt'lh'rntUr. Ilaiins't llstaa. tbs oldest resident on ths Pa) lallup reaarrstiun, died VMterday at th repaud.age of 102 yaars. Kha was knosa by all 'r.a residents oa tb. mservatuHi, and ws rdatad to a majority of them. A Dito from Srtio says ayery man in ths Forks but four signed a patttioo for a new outtty of Santiara . This probably is so ex -aggsratioa. Tb patitioa will b. Ukra to Kalrm so ai to be ther. on next Moods. It is safe to say it will do an good. Mr Shanan. Gon-er, whoa leg ws broken ia tb LakeLsbiah wrack ever two months sgo. is not getting along and is t.ot a bio to wlk. tbongh he gta arjttod tb. Uon.s en era tclioa. Tbs boaea f bl ! do not knit wall from kom eauas. Oretrattiaa; The Stata Tnporto AIHanc. ia session t Sl ji alMtod the f-liiainr oltietr yes terday! President, B.v 8 P Wtlarw, of Sa lem; ke presidaU, W T ltigdmt,.SAlam; J G Booth, ltoebar; Ie.he Butle. Th. Dalles, snd John Luce., of Grant cocuty. Tb Victor ia the name of a journal jast iatnedbytbs V MCA of Albanr, 11 W Young, Seoretat v It onntaint 13 p. It U to issued monthly for 50 o!.s a ear, sad deserve, a liberal patronaee, lbs printing U dou.i by Paisley ft Smdoy in goodatyis. Tb failure of J M Elgin, at Pendktoo, b 14 to tne'lsjMinmaQt of David I'.rowo, whoa, pioperty wts attached bv reasoa tf hi bting 1. of th. Elgon'a aotaa. A forex-loaur would be ditattroo. aud in rdrr to protect himteif td bi.i crditor,Mr Brown ha mad. an s-.igamant t- M J Gratm. who is a' lb. t .iriee for Mr El gin. Brown's ssselta wt.t reach $U,000,nd hi liahtlitie, including lb. aicurity debt. f3j,000. That eity is certainly gett.n iti sbar of heavy tailor,.. Still Lvcreasiko. The interest at the M K Church is increasing from night to night. Kvangelist Connolly with his unique illustrations strikes tho truth home. Thirteen came forward to the altar last night, and some were mado to rejoice that their sins were forgiven Large congregations and the best of or der lias prevailed. To-night services at the usual hour, but no services to-mor row. Everybody welcome. ReligioL's.-Special stirvlce have been conducted at the United Presbyterian church thl week by Rev W W Locan ot Portland, lie preached a very effective sermon last night from Jno. tt 33, "The matter hat come and calleth fur thee." He will preach again this evening and probably remain over Sabbath. Theie Is lo be a meeting ot the session thl even lng for the reception of member. Prsy er meeting! a-e Held at 3 p. m. and service! wilt beheld Saturday and Sabbaths usual. Held. The examination ot the Sweet Home men lor riot, In breaking Into the Evangelical Church there, was completed this morning. I K Wyatt representing the state and Judge Whitney tha defence. Justice Humphrey after hearinu tlt evi dence and remarks of the sttornies ordered the defendants held to uivait ths action of the grand jury,' Rev H I Btitner tinder $500, and Rev McElroy, Geo. Slaven, Rudolph Spring, Samuel Xothinger, sr., and Samtit-I Nothlnger, jr, each under $100 bonds, nil of which will be fin nislu-d. SArtTRDAY. Hoy your grcwer'nt ot Parke,' Ji.-tiV, R.r kraut at C E Brofce'j, 1 Uuliu St I), drupgiats. Fiae gioortea at tijnn & HndrxaauV i Bargain iu library lampi at C K IWw aall's. . '' A bargait joun'nr of ehiidroo ana nu lioos kt .Seal I. - ... Genuine Iowa sorghum c.u draught at C IS Brownell b Delicious crange cidor ou tap .t C E Brownell'. Call at Ilulm DAf.on's New Drug St.i.e for frosh drug. - Cell and got a ptir of bUokcttlhat Saarlt it selling fot lots than coat Tablets, pencils and spongsj. at llalin & Dawson's, French's corner. Smoke ths celebrated llavAoi fillo l 5 oeut cigar at Juliii Joseph'. Donotiail to got a pair of children or mitse hoea from Soar!.' bargain eounfrr. Bargain in choice grooirie can always be eoured of Allen Bros,, Flina Block, R 0 Warner, the fnrnitura dralor of firowusville, ha made an ataigam.Dt. A large atock of wall paper, with lato de lignt, at Fortmiller x Irving'? ,juet received. Frank Campbell and - Bob Shahan have completed their contract on the brewery and it ia now ready for ths machinery. . Keep it ia your mind that Allen Bros pro pose keeping the kind of groceries the public demands. Their stock is a line one. Don't fail to toe onr men' and br.ys' clothing before purchasing elsewhere. We tell the best clothing for,the least money of any house in the vity,'. Look and be con vinced. ' G W Simpson. Geo W Davis, of Shedd, is a eaisdidate for secretary o th. school bo.rd of land om missioners, and a petition being circulat ed in bit behalf. . . - Vheeast side of the Ortgon Lsnd Co' office u being fitted np for tbe Miesea Ba'l. who will moye heir milliDery tora into the I same in fuw days. Yesterday afternoon Johnny Mil.brd and Jimmy Elkfcts were riding horse in tho B'.kins sddition, when both fell f it ti-lt- The Independence Ac Monmouth Railway company havs filed supplementary article of incorporation with the secretary of ntale, tie., iuureteing their cipitsl stock to $100, 000, and also the privilege tf cjitondinj ths nad to JTail Uliy and Ssicm. Lt evening the Kitia Daughter, of the ME Church, preaontod th. traitee of th. church witha tn.ntful .id ver com inn Dion ant of ix t'ircer. The t ws purchased through 11 Htr, the jowelor. and was beaUM.'ulty engraved '-KiDgi l)jU;lit;ra, January, 1801." The Legislature ndiourned la.t evening. and the Littn county member have been going home to aperd Sunday with their coLstltuency, Ihe Albany charter bill was read twice, referred lo the propcr'commltlce. snd returned to the senate, n-aly for ,1 third reading and passage on Monday. I will immediately be putltcd throuu 11, a House, A Good Cjt-'irv Now, According to alj reports received, some of which are exaggerated, the effort to divide Linn county is assuming a serious aspect. One man says S2010U will le Used to lobby the bill through the legislature, the ef fort tor whieli will be made next wees. The reports about enormous minis bring demanded by Allny for bridges and a new court house, to cost Boimsthing ler thnu a million, of course, ore all "fool- Islmess. J,lim is now one of the banner counties of Oregon, and should remain so, 111 tolo. ivven the htaylon him is olF the track. Here it ia: "A report reached us Vediiepay that ?everl tietitlons were being circulated .through Linn Co, asking tho legislature for a division of that county in eutii a manner as that rkio w ill be the county cspitol of the Dewly formed county. It sec-ma Uiat Albany wants a $15(J,ii)C court house antl the people do not witsh to pay great a price, and this, together with tho dis tance from soino parts to the county seat and the aitpiring ambitions of Scioand her real estate and io!it'ic&l men, in the real foundation of the movement." It may bo stated positively that Albany wants no new court house, and only a limited sum for a bridge. As we pay a big chuuk of the taxes, am't we entitled to somc'hing. fo-Morrow. At tho Christian ehureh Sunday school, 10 a m, and prt-achiug at II a 111 and 7:.Wiiii. Morning theme for tbe pulpit. "The New and the Old." hvening theme, " .Money, its value ana Limitations." YPSCE. C-.30 t m Ail are bivitcd to atiend. Strangers are welcome. Preaching services at the Presbyterian church at ll a 111 and 7 :: r in. Subji-ct of the morning sermon, "Christian Pro gress How Made.' The topic of the evening sermon will lie, "The Right Recognition of Privileges " Sabbath school at 12 :15 p in. Y P S C E nt 6 :45 p in. All til Lj inada wt'eome t there services. Revival services will he commenced at the Congregational church next Sunday, conducted by ltev Geo G Hall and Prof Shorey, and continued during the week. The public is invited to be present. Meetings will be continued at the United Presbyterian church during next week. The paetor will preach this even ing on the "Difficulties of a Christian Life." To-morrow at the morning ser vice members w ill I received into the church by profession of their faith and tliine not already lpt:zed will receive that sacrament. Rev W W Loj;an will preach morning and evening. Sabbath sfltixjl at 2:20 p m. prayermeetins: at 4 p 111 and Chikiiau Endeavor st 0 :30 p in. The ti" ftrrlfi'B will be held at the MK church. Sabbath school will meet at 2 :3d p m and adjourn, on necount of the services there at 3 p m. .Epworth league at C :30 p iu. Kvangetist Connolly will still have c!iare'e of the m;ctings next week. tbe nt tr.oiTTsrrt If tho awnings w ith their obstructing posts were torn down and the sidewalks of Albany were relieved of a large amount of boxes, produce, etc.tlie streets would at least present the appearanco ol ! being twenty-uve per cent w iticr. i he attention of the Conncil is called to the important matter. Let us be a city. jaa sat Some times it takes years to build up a corporation. A case in view is that of the O. F. Building Association, block in the same that cost 25 a share twelve or thirteen years ago ia now worth per haps (50 and is paying a handsome divi dend. The building has always been a credit to the city, aud those a-ho agisted in building it deserve their present re ward. Chns Nieke'l, editor of the Jackson ville Times, was lined $25 and cost? at Portland yesterday, for publishing the LouiKiana lotterly advertisement. He said it was dead matter and left in by error of foreman. As Charley has been running the ad. for eight or ten vears it must have ben dead enough by the time ot the clicne to hava begun to smell. 'Tf lands" Unsalable lets. Warranted all wool Fheep. A great falling otf NUijrar. "tine of the fineet" A needle. Children's letters The alphabet, A red-hot policy Fire insurance. "Half seas over" Tho third day odL A Southern staggerer The Virginia reel. A moneyed institution The slot ma chine. Not a well matched team Yale and Princetjn. An upright announcement "Standing room onlv. ' Tho Man Altout Town believes in per severeuce. It accomplishes wonders, and even makes news agents on railroad trains out of Itoolblacks, ft wonderful transformation. A case to tho point is the following mentioned by the Ashland Record : Charley Ineleurotk.whostruck Ashland as a bootblack kid about six years ago, and who will be remembered as falling out of one of ( ) Coolidge's cherry trees and breaking li:3 Ictf, ia tha same accommodating youug mat; w ho runs on the Portland Ashland. r.ui. as news agent, lie has cha:i;,'ed 'wonderfully since then. ... THK -liOLULM E.I1K tSIEAlK, ' lias a lariro and complete line of goods, dolls, doll bujrgii'S, boys wagons', vc octpodea and many other goods which t'ol to lustre up a roniph to niortmeiit, hc-Kidcfl a complete lixic of lamps of every dt-Kcriptioii. China croekery, fancy decorated wure, ' gUssware, bird cages, plush goods, si;t h tin albums, toilet sets, autojiraph books, scrap looks, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried iu n Ba.uaT store, including Roger Bros. 1S47 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, which gives tho best of satis faction, as ia attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rulo . Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a tine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rulo Bazaar, as you will be sure to And. what you wa-nt, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jl'biUS GcAD'vVOIII . IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds it regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother ave cordially nvitedto attend. rreacli Tansy Warcrs. wafers are a sure and si'e i till, klndsof female troubles atov'!' all obstructions to the momi lv no matter what the r use. '(1,1 1 -what every woman" need , m The for a remoi periofl are ji can be ied with safety. For sale t tit Livingstone Chemical CoM also iron v sole agent, J A Gumming, druggist, Bi-. rs bergbi)ckt A ibany, Oregon. r. For Is me back, or id8 chest, o?e ?fci!oh s Porcus Platter. Piieo, i'5 cett?. Tha best ri M.:yr r'is. laid o fl'.e in th? city at Cm tad I TEnrrBAfctK C0LIM.1. EJltsd by Albmy W, C.T, tf Dr Betroth, the great Vienna turgeon, tai: "The colossal increaae ol nerv. ami mind disease in our day I undoubt edly the result, to a great extent, o! the tobacco and alcohol habit, and the strain- lng of the ncrvou tyatem caused by thete poisons, VJ ' MriLcavltt formed tire find WCTU In Italv. nt Naples, Nov aS.with five mem bett, all English. Four more were added bd re the left town, with still then In prospect. Kther-drkking hat become so prevalent In Ireland that the Lord Lieutenant ha ..'heduled ether a poison, to be sold only by qualifiif J chemists. The habit started In Draperttown, snd claim 78,85s (lave. The chairman ol the Liquor Law Cotnmhst.m of South Africa reports pro hibiting Iltpior law In the Orange Free State, Natal and Bechuana!and. It I .i!?d on good authority that the text oflklal bulieilri of the Congo Free State will contain a decree prohibiting the Im portation or tale of !lliiled liquor in the whole Congo Territory. The - native altnatl unanimously as for prohibition, Ther hitve the idea; . one of them ray: "The s'ltht of the canteen tncreate the deire f r driok in the tame way that the tit-lit i a prttiy Umiet In a tnow-cate ofictt iitduci lad!..- to biiv what tttey o!Snrtie would be contented" HMtout," F, M. French k-r ratir-nd tiw.a i.:7 cru-am atieew ju.t ivoi'vwd st (,'ot.iaj ftleycrt t.,!... . Frrh JJew nikce net, en aa'.. st C E BriAi; b'. Htt, jfse'.hs ar.1 U.ys chtthing tt'i fund-hing piMMlt at WSiupt,'s. llsveytitt tw-ti tl, pSrWaui's that T I'ritik baa jast tt-ceivedt They are nice. Ornul redattifn io men's farothttg good for the iic t 30 dy tat W V Rd . J W tteblley, beat boot and b' maker io city, tl,r dewtra north of DHOCKAT office. Tor bf.rirair. in monnnituta, heM-ies ttc. go t Egan & Aehiscn. At laoy, Oregon Yoa .sbmtld ci'liad sea thos Coe U5rry lstiips at C E Urowoell'sbsf-tre biying else where. Tickets for ALL estra tKM'nts, ovot ANY rmte. for erle by VV. l Jettcr, at 8. P. tii ketoGue. For frei? t2its of ail kind, g to Juds.o k SUt jrt, ip j"ite S':hm-r' hverysttbla Order taken and prompt delivery. For cold niht boy ThoKxy woolen mill hlsnketa, cheaf-eat 1a town. Ferrate byO W Siinpvn, affct. Aibtr.y, Urrgc't. aj A fins clit'dsy of childicij scbotd rboesoa table t K r. BrowDtl. a ate gmog rapid ly at I:stti3ti brtcffc Ca l and eeltct a p.-ir ttforo tbty ar. all gone. Keprpay. Thi ia what yon ongnt to bsve, n fact yoo d nat bave it, to enjoy life. Thousands are aeircbing f .t it daily, and nr.onrntng be ta ate they fled it not. Tboataads upon thrusnadt of r,u!'.ars are spent acuoa'dy by our p opl in the hop. Itat they may attaia thtsbxin. Aad v t it may be had by all. W ri:rnU: tbat Electric Bitter, if eted acvoi(!i;g and the cse persisted in, w brin? joa (:ood dieati,m an1 oast tb. dc-mtn Dyi-cpU and icsUU instead Eeprty- Y:s recMnmexd Eiectiic Bitter for j,.pi i -; red all (tiseasea ot Liver, Stumach aid kldr.ey.. Said at 50a sod $1 pw I btlie by 1 oshay & Mason. Crvfjuu. A sa-e cara for the whisky ixbit: Dr ' Liv;ri;4fi.' Artido:. for .tdoi teoera will . cure si'T ane t f tla liquor osbil in from tea to ttV-y da?s, from th. oderale driuker to tbe oiiit.kard. The Antidote e a he given in t copcf CruTr. without the 11 son taking iu The Antidote will act injur. tb hcaltn ia any way. M.-.nQfactared I y tbe Liv:n?stoo Chemical Co , Pcrtlaod, Oregon c r from J A CommuiR, o'.e age , AlbDy.J ;' W. P. Bead ke. tbs beat arsortaient of fasicy g-la intnan. i v. . ; 1 -. ha i:H--;J-,tl tu:d results wlei. :vr'.j? t.-f i ; taken ; it is itler.ssni viffi v.ic to the ttu-te pml ae!$ .er.UyTot jyonsptiy on th Ki.l i;ev3, fjivtr .;iid B'-tit! : !! tliO ! t ;n cfiVciit iv ! , 01.-; tT.ittf, uvau- : , 1.1 . ... 1 .-iit-iT : !;d fevtr: stut ct:r-s IiahitsrJ -tst"3l nti.m. Firi!T of PJir? is the r-:i;V r.r:-wv cr tisd ever , j.Ieasing to t;ia uata anil ao "e io tlw 1 stomach, prompt ia '-l and truly beneficial in its , its i'-Liny excellent qaalitics o i l l 'i U all. Ii h for sale in ui St Lotties bt all leading ,i.. r.-: u-r.r!ir:'rj er;t.VBY THS no SYRUP CO. r.ti. .iiv rortx. p.r iy mm ts susceti!u!ly trarsled witV U eutgosd health. Toraack wealth ereny t covsitMl josltlea In li.'t rsqu.'rs tos ftttl putSMsitm ana eptratioa ef all ths fee .i u'.lltt Mrs nature Its stulowej us with, g These corJItion cannot txlA unless Lhs r phjsical kslnj Is In perfect werklna ordr, aa fltl U !ir.F0S;bl when t. lisr and sp.'csR ar torpid, thacsbstrtieb lng ths sicmtlons, causing lndS6St!o and c'ps?.', alia ell of thai? eeeocs. xia.)ing n irrcrs. tn. HENLEY'S exert i i I8e laausscs over ths lirar, exdlas it health r sctioa. Mi.. . chroalo ergeiuls, snd pre motes ths uii s ttv ai a u rSSITlV.Ti.C-?, if jsis ti ; 1 - i r "SO! t a w Si ?4W m st. m ii in?- ' wnw wuAW SAaa 1 B I'sieKniatism. KearrJffia. rrn 1 a a HEADACHE, And ALL PAUL Tha CMf.irtla Pos'.tlvt asd Ttratir ELECTRIC COUGH CtlUE !Vft3COUS,Cf;'JUP,CCfiSU.1tPT!0lf. j sU Drujjists. . Eaca 25a, CO & SI Of aaslngar & Cc . Prea'a. Lea Anc.ies. Ool. TMs? a in aelnowV7-a tne leniirisr reri1 i.'tirs in V JTOiDAVt.' 3wQbed not A 1 Diiniirt A . . .j i ue omr R.Hi -rt-ri,. Iit,rto t- vi 0. 1 Uf-" t af If-.' A . 3 I P- Ca IJ at iJ JLm 8 its. nuuu l h Cssnst . tactwion ; cures indigestion an contth A pailoa, shsirpsaa ths apptiits, tones as tb etlra nyitsra, and Biskas t.fej worttt &J Ilvins. awiiiWtt awAlj.aSaa: j, S, , iiia,,jtMifcWB1,iijfcg: r