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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1891)
VTrntl wr4nrfn ret-?, IWfct Wt-nt 1 j in ntt rwt'im. Tliwwi!i Inm kit -1 K. Cures UATARnri Khcumtllsm, Neuralgia, Ccrns HIADAOHX. An ALL PAIN. Tl Csllfsrata PmIIt ta Vitlv ELECTRIC COUOII CURt CUKlt COLDt, CKOV. CQIttVHHlO. 811 y All DrofgliU. Eaek Sftc, SO 4 A Ca , fr-. Lev Angetee, OaL rnuai.tty enrad wflhonl futttnf , Burnlne. er M I liny, a Jartcuy palnlaaa Intlnwt ud a ,uran- Md cur la enry aaae, mi matter bow Rn Mmi Th traalmant, Aw SUiduie, al Ir Hoialla . la las a-ralaas diacnrery known to awilletre. 4 mmrn th. Strtelur wtlhuut annt-y I or paia ae we ptuem. DISEASES OF IVIEtll Peculiar to thalr Sex, tn I not iirmc to nama Sana, locltklm nil thaw datioeta tnftnailtee end WeaV emit, wbkh they wnuhl shrink fruia dawUaJvf to their I ami I y phjnaeian, parntanenUy euraa in la, tin than oh evar anoan lo Medietn tafors, by be Hos.Ua "New gratera ol Treatment" llnjunul trv. eafllta-urtrarr aryana ud mkn tukuM aUvn Wbaa poealMa. It M niway bast to eall tut peranoal enaaultatlan it aoaciaJ eaamtnatioa. But lhe a so cannot paiblr .all, eaouhl write, tlaUof their anas luuy. MauKlne esnl By null ar imai, Mini, tree from exposure, to all pert ef Ui Fact He .. A wni. a. Boicii, ar. D. TJksa ew.1 ba a lk.kil..J w w --aa - w i v sea m j a j ita. Corner r'irst and 1'inaitreaU, OTarJ Portland v m : i t . i aiiuaa4 mdi. O to nfktwtwladrefl th l1ln mm It iarf niamarrataai as aiiawi, Taaoulr aua rwnlT kv a.ama)rriB1orni attaa. 1 Maarriba It and hwl aa la rapnaamanJimH to all nnTrm, X. J. blSk.K. V. IX. I acarra. Ii tawai nraatass. aTAJUB at rt MCti, AfCBlt'sl. Revere House: ALBANY, - . 0RE60H CHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR rHl.l ud In fi rat -') atylo. Tablaa aupplled with tba beat ia lb Boarba. y;oe ait) pine apart omnia, turn pl toon t couiuMtfUAi uareiera, Caaeklaktl r-! (.- II. C. VATSOn, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. See la Ike Btrakaa Black. City Meat Market. SHUII2 03,. Prcpriitsri. toep a full line of meats of all kind, la a cool, completely pro tected; and always frean. - Uoburg Lumber. I aall tka kaat lambar in tka culu al dar Paau. kiaales. latha deora and wia- e w anouldiar, ate. Fricai from $5 Is f 22 er thoatand. Tard at Lowaoa. oa the Narrow Gauge. Sae me bclure parehailag avewDcr. W W Caawroap. Adraaa, P O Tal lata, V ACADEMY -OF- Car Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY. - - - OREGON Condnotad by the SiaUt fit. Benedict Taltion In aoloct day tc boot ranzeafVon f&toflO. For terma r lioardlog Sell ol or any prtlct lare app.y atlbe Acadam or id. adawa SiAler Huporloreas, S. W. Paisley, iaaVbaay. Oragaa WHOLESALE DEALER IN- Toljicsa ail Ci'irs. B ANK OF HCIO, ecio, oaioox. orrnaaac rVaaMant ... Vk-a- rVcaitlcot I, 1, i t M..raa, U Bryant . J Usui 4rr Mrina ....O Mar auLBsrc: EOcliw, John Galnei F O amiia. Do f nral banklnf and xebana: nainana. Rlkht drniM laiaatl on Albany, hurt land aal Baa )ORTI.AX H4T1XGM BAJfK, L F roBTLASD. ORKOu. Paid op Hlal..... SarfHua and pn,flLaM eyjut rntaraat aikmad on aarlnn depuait a follow.: On ordinary aarinr book. .... par cant par annum. via hub aa. ll'. D.fa. .... On oartilkaiaa of depoait. For thraa amiith ... For ail month. , For twa montha . per oenl par annum .4 par cant par annum! . t par cent par annum: . S rnr want par annua; t'navu iiirirfu t-t.l . Merit I. P. THOM Vive.PraalunC U. V, KiHATTO.V, Caahiari Urn Co. National Hank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK $109,000. froal,l-nt ...J L COWAS. 'tce-Preaident J M RAIAITOW. v i.r ,, .tto K L'HAUBRItLAIN, Aaattabler....l!;....'. O A ARCHJUOLD. Daacroa,-! L Cowan, J M Ralatmi, Oeo K Cluniyiflalii. W 8 L,M W U U.rlrfa, i A Craw Ir.rd and 0 A Archlbold. TRANSACTS anerl tavnklng hualnaai. PRAW8Ki;i1 liRAKTRon Naw Tork. at. "I 'i v, I Oroffon. LOAN a!0rF.r appto.'d ecirity EE El?EdcxiiU aubteet chat'a. Hank of Orrgoa, ALCAMY, - 3 A.J&Mi-X'A.X. SSO.ono '-'' - - - it ItMYANT Vie Pmi Imif j k, MfE-RKfLL CasMer i, . 'V. ULAIN Sili!. Viii tttrhl? lri frr om V-trV, rtVaridlaon s (! ami all r'layat wit In Ore'.n .ii.J W al!'t;ii, o'Uotlosa ir.t,n favorul le l mi L r ALBANY, Ohl Q lN, Pr.,l.:a,.. Vn-a trtai.(l,st . . t;aabirv. .. .. I; . n, K , K. W. I-A N TBANSACTS A CI tNEKAL banking bueiueea. aocoi;kt3 &trr .uujut to, KK2I1T KICHAS(;B and M rapbia t.aulur. , a Maw Vork, Kan Franciaco, (iiwuo and Pot CiaJ'TKNf dAHEon fa,.wl,la lornut. uiawroaa 4 e Tunas E.W. LKai.a' L K I'.i.aim, L. Fua Udwaid f, tiui. 5vit3F.!icHiNEs.7r:;;v:i:t i s utv wu:. 4 yriiaon Mo , i i L'JltNIIY AT LAW a 1. 1 .. "it - i.s;iais. t;.lf 'i'ili ; "'t. t-,!'.1 S'l f l..-. ! 10:l lU. STRICTURE lToH)AVH.l I TlrCKI" EAST AMD-SOUTH, Bouthern Pacifla RiutQ SHASTA LINE. Rtproat Timt Ipt PortUiul Mf u'b North I a r a L Alhn 1, 8 iH A W;16 a Ar Sua l'ri-l a L I 0 r a Ab ira t atlia tii oiii at fttlltiwliiir attktlnna nurili el H.elmr. K l'urtiaii-1, llTOjnm Cltr, WmhI burn, 8lrm, Albanr, Tiiirout, Nhud.l, Uar uunj, j unoiion (.uy, irvuiif, KugDiia. tuaitn'aa ait, ilt. blillr Portland Ar I 4m U tOra(I.T Albanr I. I 1S: :Jra Ar Uwtl.iiry LrlaaWall ALbamt tx'kU, ii.t Heart TKOAt) ltirnlL r-.rtlaml ArlBoTa ):WIH,' Allmny l,r t:OQ a a Laaaaon aaAxru, M riTi AThany r I V ttii Illia tr thanlt l.r I 4 a TIM a a L Albany Art :Wrn IHH Ar Uibawow Lr 0r a PULLMAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleopliif: Oars. far A tranaaaaUnlin al Awat-4'lnaa Faaaca ra. allactivd la KaprcaaTrala. rt Hi flTl.Ua. LTWKK9 rttKILt.SU) Aa CWKVALLIB, Mail i4tAUl (Ex.ait3uinuijr,) T:uaa I Lv Ar Port ami Corral I la Arl Lv 6 so r a Itun ta.iora airaaat raaia ailt (KAojpt SunJar. lor a I ra IVrtlaiil MoMlnnrllla Arl :10 A a a a I Ar rrhroujvU TlolcetM Ta all r-uiuta EAST, AHO SOUTH. Fai tui. tnlorniatlna rrtar.llh ralra, axara, a aa Onaipan AKat at Al'ianr, . . OKIILLII K KROOSUS tJanat-ar aat O. f, and F. Ar THE YAQUINA UOUTE goo Developunenl Coina,ny' Ktoaio' ahip Una, 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME otn ty any other rc ju. FUr.4laa Inrouph paaMmnr aod reiht lice front PortlanJ and alt palnta a Lt WUlarcoU Valley to ami from (mui t anolaoo. 11. Boa'a make eloaa connaUoii at Albao valne of Lbe Oregon Faolfld 11! 1 road T at, Bi, aWealvar. TIMKBCHKPVt.r ( aioapt 8untara. ) Uava Albany li t) r. a, LaaT. Cumllla 1 :t r, a . Arrl Taqulna, i.M a. a. LJara Taquma. 7;Wt,l Uara CorTa!ll,tU.s,a Antra Albany, 11:1a a. O. A C. tralaa connect a Albany and Oorvallla, The above tralna connect at Taoolua with the Orogoa Dsveioptaant Onmpaoy'a Una or OUNinianlM between Yavjiuna and 8an Franciaco. 81LI.U DAT EN . rasa vaacia. WUlamat'.a Vall.y. Jan Iat;eta; ltb;t7th. faona.i raaKciac fruiaJM ua ValUiy Jau lib ; Uin ; r ; Stat. The Companv nnmivea the ngtit hance aaillun daiea Jthout notice. to K. B. Panaenirers from Portland and ATtllameUe Valley points can make nloae oanectljn with ibe trains of tba Ya-iulna onta at Albany or Corrailta, and If dea- Inaxl lo San Franoiaco nhmtld arrane; to rriv at Yaqulna the evening boforw (ate feaulng. esarr aa4 r.alakl atatra alway Utweat all ' Mly la A R Chapm jn,Frl,-bt aa4 AiA.i, ;. v. uaCK.. U. F. arl r Aran . wral Aa. FOSHAY & MASCiJ. VH.rjla aa aia- Druggists and iiooksellcrs A.. uft John B. Aldeu'a p'jbllca K)o UL'b a 1 1 at pbliaber'a xrlo ami -.Bi1.t' lra n v. i u Conrad Maver. " PKOPm KTf'Ji OK- STAR SAKBUV Corner Broadaltin anil First Sts., DEALER Lt- ! rrwila, tss . Heat rrnllaj. wkweew. Csflre, EU- Cat Jleati, (!eBwarv, FtSCtbfa. Clears. Kp'rta, T. L. a ra J jibing that Is ksf l a a un lad groosT7 ere. Rlgbe p 1 aid for ail.KClDSOFv'RODUCE. Albany IRONWORKS i'aoufaoturent 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAGr y ILL MACHINERY IROH FRONTS Aug ALL KIFOS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IK IR3H B3ASS CASTINGS, rj-xoia! atlAHtl'irt M o Mhing H fls or itia'lijnert PaWns Kade oa Short lHotki M Store, iki'.oficor2r,i far roods Tn tbe r i r, n! lbs inot prlc-a. botft ,0,Y "wU'bji. i Lars on brvi FU.HITU3. STLTES, TINVMIS 'CUf.K3, CHGCKPaYa, ETC., ETC. fn.e ww,, of S K Vounx'H. eiV rVim I. COTTUEB TATK FOR HJtbVj-l harm ft ttjr, near Lows' 01 eirt, i I arrow Weil, to n;M from . Alt in t-ailtlvatlot.. Kaair boiixt nwi li. c for, tof and ao'Dft!c parpetet, V4os mk gr AlrtoaootterfAjruiol Jsurs, Mifir .rm fro.n Lebanci, Ki in nultivatl Mar homa. Hoo I wtr. Unth r wliaai fifnu. Also lioiiaoauiil t urn ! on Vtfsik and JfTwra n atr, A.U a iy, For f tr Ibi er partlfiular oM . V. Umpbreyentec. precinct oc.n lavitv fryina All Aajr tll . UMPUHkTY. " STEEL FS ' ' 1 C SsmTlto Pcac CMt&mr.t palterr Bt fix it Sua a Ni U' J S'laloA l-;ari t. swnt st-paiU jn receipt of lu C'liAOvs. rlZVl & W , LcnG.. , R. N.m,AciDt'R:r. riKo. w. w-iyonT, ' LLlAI.i!aiZaSf4 J'tT. !'' ! t T-. -fir -2r i,1--. v- Attorn oys at. Lar,, 'JVill practice i'l I1 th-r Coucts. oft l b U5e, Proniptatatioii (jivsia t. aihbuaiv- nti nta I to i oar. JH.Vll !"'o.i J 1 1 'is s V l ... t lie Jpcmocrai UUle cnklmll for imoll trtnUeUnre deviteii, kkbruken egg ilielU In bronze, Uh ciy-plu mo! rlikki ranged ?n tnch ti le, CoM water may b lrnk fredy in U fevei txeept hcn lbs fever la connected with lung trouble, a in tuch a cam it mlM chill the patient. . A bill la lo be Introduced In the Mlchl. gan iegbdature providing for tbo election of preildentlftl tloctort by congretolonal dUtricta. ti!.l.J ...UJ Al hat been the cuaiom In the Oregon legitUiure for the laat twenty year a bill haa been liitixxluced to create the office of prcclr.ct aeaor. Uut It ought to pan. The three tanner' alliance men In the flllnolt leglslatore have agreed to tupport A J Sl'recter for the United State Senate Streeter i an old greenbacker and a chronic political malcontent. Ventilation i a provision of nature too oft to abutcil. Every tlecping-room liou!d have it window open an hour every morning, and all tbe bed dulling Uld open to the air, where if pOMiMc, the tun caa sMne upon 'hcui. Mory of Multnomah ha introduced a bill providing that the city of Portland may laaue bonda to the amount of $1,500,000 not exempt t arn taxalton to eecuro Bull Run water. Now let the bill be put through both houtcaon the (Bull) "run." Senator Myera haa Introduced a bill ap propriating $3000 to improve the Soda Ppringa at Sodavlllo in thl county. We ai Informed that the rcur.d have Lccn dedicated to the public and the proposition la to make a publ lc patk and beautify it. The bill ough lo pa. Already many bllla have been lutioluced making approirlatlona for wa;jon toad. The amount called f jr by thote bill I about, There ate wine more to come yet. Then a!to a number of other raid" bill to be Introduced aoon. The people of tbe commonwealth ahould keep a vigilant eye on the movement of the vulture. , , Senator George having charged and Senator Hawtcy admitted that Hartford, with yolea, cnd two repreenta live to the Connecticut legislature, and Ilartland, In the aame county, wiih 300 vote, a aa aend two. It look al if there waa a great deal of auppreaalon In a ay, lem which allows auch procedure, though Senator llawley aj he doe "not know anything fairer or more democratic,' Few public men In America, endowed with quaiitie of Mr Edmunds have ac compllahcd o Utile. A lawter whote cle vation to the bench would have been heart ily approved by hi moat drlermlned to' Itlcal opponent, he content at tli tluic, Irr dlilerating upon the couie oj aenator- ial debate, to rtceire Inatructlon from r ... . ... ,,.iif.f ynanuier anu itnar, ana 10 uc 111 iwiiuc. at a con;rcvi raaliat to find reaaon, ru e or pret-ederit to justify a partltan majority In It attempt jo carry Ihiough cor.grc an obnoaioua meaaure emphatka'ty condemn, ed by the people at the polls. KF.Tt'KMNQ REASON, E W Burdctt, of Maachueit, leader of the Crapo force In 1SS9 in a talk wiih a Beaton Poat reporter about Mr Crapo' possible candidacy nest year and the need of the republican party l i Maaaachuawtta, aaya: "My admiration for the character aid capacity of Mr Crao la a great at ever, and, of courac, nomination would give me much peraonaJ aatiafaction ; but whether he wCI be a candidate I cannot aay. lie certainly will not enter a strug gle for the nomination. But, after ail, the queatlon of candidatca is of leu Importance than the adoption of certain changea In principle and method. I believe that the republican party must inaae a new de parture. While loyrl lo the party, I am hiot aalUf.ed with present condi'lona and want to aee aome changea within the party The recent election unmistakably iudlca led a deepaeated diaaatlaf action on the part of nearly 50,000 republican rf Maachu aettt, and at the nme time a reluctance on heir pjrt to go over to the democrat!; party. Unpleasant a tuch a prospect It from a party atandpolnt, I fear that the nest year or two will find a majority of these dissatisfied voters on the other ldc, unlet a nw departure i taken by the republican party. The democratic leaders recognize and rejol-c in this prospect, and openly boatt, net without reaaon, that if thing continue to go a they have !ately,Maaa chuartta may take ita potition permanent ly in the democratic column." Tbe most expensive drjg is pbytosligminc, two ounces of which would tott nearly $J,ooo, 000. It it a. preperalion ftom the caHthar bran, and bof use in eye dfceasct. The state mine inspector of Indi.ina rrj orts that there arc tcventy-ren coal mines ia the State, ith a'capital of $J,oSt ,000. The out put lait year was 8,676,000 ton i The 1'cnnetsee Supreme Couit dcci.le tlrat a mortgage if not ptop'etty, but simp)) arcuiiiy and that it therefore cannot be taxed. Wooden-spoon making it an extensive ii duttry .In Kunia, about 3n,oco being the an nual product. Tbe story la told of a German, who took tbe bnndt of hi clock to tbe maker to bavo tbena fixed, bror. .no tbey did not keep proper Urn. Of course, the clock -maker demanded tc work, 11 in them lay tbo trouble. JJolls and btotches, pimples snil other eruptions on tlie extet-ior toll of a disordered condition of tbo hUml within. If you have tbrse indicatlooa. be wise ia time, and take Dr. Pieros's Golden Mediesl Discovery. It puts tbe liver and kidneys in food worklntr order, purifies tbo blood, cluantio tbo system from all impuri tlos, from whatever cau axisioir, and tones up tho functions scneraily. "Oolderj Medicrd IHscovcry" checks tho rVbrhtful inroad of Scrofula, and, if taken In time, arrests the mnroli of Connumption of the Luiitr (whlcli 13 Luoir-eorofula), pinii;- nnd cnrit-lios tho blood, tiiereby enriatr nil Bltln and 8os!p Dlgeaais, Ulcers, Bores, bwcli InRfLand kindred aiimnnt. Jt is powerfully tonic as well as alterative, or blood-cleansing:, in Its effects, hence It st rengihena the ej ottiii and restore vitsiity, tbareby diencllin' all those lunprnil, "tired foeliOKs" experienced by the (lobliitated. Especially bus it innni fosted its potency ia curing Tetter, BJt rheurn, Koieins, Eryslpnlns, Boils, Carbunclps. fkirn Eras, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Eu 1m r pod rjinnd. , "' Goldon Medical Discovery" is the only blood and dinar remedy, sold by drUfftriMw, and QiMrnnLrsd by it manufacturers, to do all thut it is claimed to seooinpiiU, or money paid for It will bo promptly refunded. Woar.D's PiKi'KKSAitr WbtucaIj Amocta now, AiHiiufaoturcrs, Ho. Ouii Muia Ulsmi, BuBaio, N.V. I - Aa i" of Tr. P.-ifp's ratflrrii iwoicilv, for aa iiiourabio aso of Citiarrii la tua tfw t. Wmmimmm TELEGRAPH 10 NEWS. Kwd WatvklMg '(. Pink Utuus, Jan. i6.Tbla morning It waa reported on good authority that Gen eral Mite had ordered civilian to keep out of the hoatlla camp, became he In tended to dlMrtn the Indian, even If ho had to ahell their camp to accomplUh hi purpoe, Aojuuiu-urnrrnl lotbln wa atked If Ccnern) Mtlca had Waued audi an order but he would neither admit nor deny that tuch a determination had been decid ed upon, So Ions, he claimed, a the rms were kelnij aurrendercd by the In dlana there waa no necetty to u force. Thl morning about twenty Indiana tame Into the agency tt.der Little Hawk and and aurrendeied thirty-one gun. Optratvre tlrlklwg, itiOM , Jan. 16. The telegraph opcr atora and ttaikm agent on the Chicago, Milwaukee ASM. i'aul roail began vacat ing their poalilona thle morning, and the march waa arpt up until night, when re porta received at the tlrlke committee' headquarter In Chicago indicate that about 500 men bad left theeorryiny'e cm P'"y. . A afallread (ainplrlrd. J ACKSONVH.1.K, Or., fan 16. The fiut train over the Jacktonvillf&Metlford reached Jacktonvltle today amid the greatest deinon- ttratiaiii 01 joy. J D. Howell, one of the contractors, and ell the prominent butineta men of Mcdtord ere on board. Deafened by booming anvllt, stretching wblatle, ringing ucna and tiiouune multitude, the Jackaon vlll & Meitfotd ivcoiporaiora wiioeated the firi trip over the new road. The train re turned to Mcc'fuiU this evening. Wasklagisn. WAtiiiNCTON, Jao 16. In the tenatct tupplemen'.al petition! againtt the pattage the election hill from the ttatet of Arkans California, Deal ware, Ceorgia, M iryl Miaacuai, North Carolina, Virginia and Virginia were received. They include 8000 tignaiurcs. Senator Mltihell preten'.ed an amendine the tundry civil bill, appropriating $$ lor the cambliahimcnt of a fug and light si at the mouth of the Coquitle liver, Oregon, raa)ar far rrealdenl Olymfia, Jan 16 Tbe democrat take a great deal ol interest In the boom Covet nor I'cunoyer, of Oregon, ia teceiviiig & president or vice preaiuent. urecoo a eovernor Is fnvoiite in these pans, and hi ra-clection but June strengthened bi following in thit stale. Rt-pteaentalive Sntvely. of Yakima says if he should happen to be an Oregon del- agate in the democratic national convention in 189 he soutJ consider it bit duty to vote for tennoyer. A 'srsaers I sle. BLTTK, Jan 1 5. Robert Farmer, a tcaru sier who hauls or.- from tbe mines to the smelters, waa the vitt m of a frightful accident !.,.! ! ... .. t - - ... una morning, lie urov wiin uts team 10 in scales st the Colorado concentraUoa at S.oclock to weigh out before going alter his first load. 1 be Montana L nion track crotsea tbe road at the concent ration about fifty feet tomb of I I lis wagon bad beca weighed and he bad left tbe scales and was about to cross the trsck oa bit wsy back 10 the mine for a load when the e'oclock train came along. The log watto tbit.k that the train could not have Urea teea until it wst jutt upon kirn. He attempted lo turn tlis leader ctT thh trick, bat before he could do to tbe wheelers were a tbe rails, with I lie wsgoj after (hem. Tbe place dnan grsJe, si.d toe trsin waa- running at arid pare. wbMUiing st it csme. It was then 10 Utie to do anything else, and tbe far mer Mtempted to jump and lavs bis own bfe. As he jumped tbe engine struck the team and wagon, throwing idem over ia tuch a manner thai one of the wheel of the heavy wagon I'ruck Farmer wiib fiightful force on lb right tide of the head, knocklns him aentlcsa. Ilia tcuil wst fiscturcd and he received other injmlet Ibst wilt piave fatal. Two of tbe Horses were killed. Sot aal al Ike Wwarfa. Washington, Jan 15. Representative Carter expects that the house committee on coinage will report back the senate free coinage bill or a tubstitute. Yet the mat ter is a great tangle. There are two re publicans an J two democrats on the com mittee who favor free coinage. The other member are opposed to It, Including three democrsts. II ihe committee does not report, then an attempt will be made to p a resolution instructing them to re port. Speskrr Reed may refuse torecog ninze a member to make this resolution. KaHkqaake. City or Mexico, Jan. 15 Three earth quake occurred today at I'ara.ln Chlhua bus. The gallery In the convent cl the Sacred Heart gave way, killing tlx persons and wounding nine. ALGitCf, Jan. 15. A severe earthquake throughout an extended region occurred today. 1 he shocks weie very severe at Gouamxa, where Ihe buildings were de molished and many pet tons burled In the ruin. - Halle rkllatepkiral. New OaLBAXR, Jan. 15. Today the talk was still all fight. The general ver dict, briefly summed up, la that Fltztlm- mona 1 a wor.uer and a clatt all by himself and that Jack lJcrnptey is cleverest and gamete man 01 ni incne who haa ever entered Ihe ring. 1 ke 1 raackerens Beds. Piks Ridck Ackncy, Jan. 15. The Indians began to struggle In at noon. They are strung uut alontf White Clay creek for a distance ol two miles, on foot, horse back and In wagon, with a large number ot ponies, borne M them are entering the fricndliss' camp,uher are pltchlr.g tepees on tne wett bans ot White Clay creek. AtsM:ad. Tlx- Rid3a, Jan. 14 At midnight everything is quiet In tiie hostile camp, al though the scout tay torn young bucks are Indulging in a ghost dance. It waa agreed between Miles and the IndUr.s the hostile would leave their present camp and pitch their tepees on the west side of White Clay creek immediately onnotite and lets than half a mile from the agency buildings. It wat alto decided the Indiana would surrender their arms to their re nective chiefs to be turned over to Agent Pierce. Celerads jitle. DiCNVen Cel., Jan. r 14 Thi t xclte mcnt In the lower house of the general atiembryx-f Colrado, at while heat to day. This afternoon an appeal was de manded from the dcUlon of tho speaker, and when he refused to retain It a row be gan. A motion that the chair be declared vacant wa carried by n vole of 39 to 19, The tpeaker then declartd ihe house ad journed, The majority elected Judge White speaker to auccecd Speaker llaona, depoi.ed, but the latter refused to vacate, A new aegeant at-aime wa sworn In, and the house proceeded lo do busineta on the floor of the aatcmbly, while the deposed tpetker, backed by hit defender, kept postetalon of the chair. Each houae ha adjourned to meet to-morrow morning. Ab Exelfiagtbase. McMinnville, Jan 14 An exciting chats secured heir today. Ulysses Benton, a pris oner jr.tled for grand larceny, do!ged the aher iff when sent in'othe courthouts basement for wood, slipped out, hired a horse and cart at a livery stable and under, lath on Ihe road to Sheridan. Tlw herifTent a deputy in purruit. Traveler! comig to town that that road brought ti ling uf tbe race and that thedeputy wnt gaining on hi - man. After a hard race of fourteen milea he n.ade the re capture ana lodged benton in jail. Ol tins Clone, Tacoma, Jan 14. Captain James M. Ath ton, of tioop J!, haa been ordered to held his company in readiness lo move lo the teat of Indian trouble in Onnngan county. , 4lnr i-oeli My dear, said she, when you go out e'.'ro to eend me ome aufcr kraut, You'll find it good at M. & U.'n, V ho also keep that fine Swiss cheese, Cliow cliow, pickles and mackeral "off shore," You'll iind diaplayetl at their front door; Tias, cotfuea, epices md eugars without iand. For cash they are selling cheaper Than any other etand. Tlitir clerks are kind and pleasant, And greet you. with a gmile ; And as for waiting on you Its juet in fir3t-tlaH8 style. Jutt anived a fuii line of ladiei', shil-dreni-, tutu Ld,bry' foot wear at t W aitnpfor3, whicLi ha sold at Jw-Itom HiariTS. ' There will he plenty of silver In circu lation after awhile. 1 he great question In, can the "printer' get tome of it. An Albany eentleman Juat from Salem aya the Legislature pacd rewdutlon of comlolcnce and adjournea unui pioniiay out of aympathv for I)empey, Some of the bill Introduced In the Leg Mature are evidently juat to make a allowing for conttltuencle. Now that Dcmpay wa defeated the Oregnnlan call him the Brooklyn boy. rrevtoualy it waa the Portland uoy. A New York naoer dctr.anda a law tor blddina the marriage of aa'.renc and offer s an amendment that no actret be alio we 1 more than three huband at one and '.he aame time. There are greet many InconaUtcnt thing In tht world. Tongue are gen eral v iunnocd to wairs but in the benate Tonuue didn't wair worth a ctnt. lut plain Joe l.non did me lauinir uiat counted. A few day ago sick man wa confined to hi bed at rairnaven, aay an ex. whereupon hi neighbors made a "bee,' furnished the seed and put in tenly acres ot grain In one day for their afflicted neighbors then collected nionry enoun to pay the tick man's taxes and made the family comfortable with thing thev needed. Thl lathe kind of an I ten it does a person good to read. Men ecnaually seem to have an eternal pick at women on account of their being afraid ot mice. In a recent pic torial paper Is a picture of young woman htpplnr a buritiar, who 011 tiiiiii 01 mouse fainted, and Ihe burglar atole all he plesaed. Of course It Is all exjt'icera tlon. Here la another from the Baker City RevelUtt It I claimed by someone who pretends to know that 150 young women have taken up timber claims In Wathlngton during the patt six month. The Northwest know of three of the 150 who took up claimt but laid them down again. Whyf Cougar and bear were bad, but they could have stood them off and held onto their claim and made a flood thing out of the in, but a mouse got nto their cabl.t and they left, preferiing to com back to town and leach school. Fitaaltntuone, the pugilist, neither drink nor smoke. Dempsey I report ed to have been living fat. There' a evruion for you. The new Faicm Iri.liro wa accented unconditionally, and it it foe out in the Drat freshet the iwophj will have no re course against the contractors Tho statement that 1 11 N Dell and E C Potitland, of the West Shore, had die solved partnerships, published in the (orvalli Times, and copied in the i'saiocKAT, Vinson inform tin paper, wa untrue. The Time will please- re tract or the editor will be called opon to eat ma worn. The pAlein Journal ratted Joe Pinion "the richly rewarded tool of the corrup- iionisis." jh editor wrote the word, "corporation." The type setter prefer red corruption tela, as a result the Jour nal ret r acted. Here lea sample of 'Astoria' style: Lem Ijtn Lang, a sportive Pagan, "blew himself In" againut a brace game of tan Tuesday night and woke up yesterday, lie waa wreck financially, lie gather ed together a few trinket- including a jay stone bracelet and bled himself to the pawn-broker show of Ark Watt. Ark refused to advance tbe amount requested and a row ensued, during which Lorn struck the money lends on the nose. Here the fight ended, Officer Kirl-y gathering Lem In. Mr Miotip, the senator from Idaho w ho has drawn the long term, was at one time a resident of Clackamas county ,ays tbe Orgon City Courier. He came ht-re in 1871 with a head welt filled with edu cation and a surplus of energy, but pen niless, lie secured a school in Beaver creek, and bi clothe Wing shabby, a kind-hearted farmer, since rone to bi long borne, went Mr Hlioup' security for a new suit, putwequeniiy neaiso taught tbe Canensah school. lie proved himself to be a gentleman in every respect. 1. V. C. A. Males. On accoint of the great effort which Is wsing tnaue iry the churches of Albany. to reach the heart of the people, ww deem it expedient to postpone the Y M 0 A concert, which wa to be given on Jan 23rd. Tbe Young "Men's Christian Associa tion appreciate and wish to co-operate with the churches in tbe present effort to proclaim to all men the goodness and merry of God. And while we are loth to disappoint anyone, who may have been expecting a musical treat on the lrd, yet In view of our position and relation to Uod and man, we think it unwise to place before the public anything that would bav a tendency to detract from tbe present interest manifested in relig ious circles. It i true, as tbe Albany public will understand, that sbc tbe purchase of tbe lot on the corner of 2nd and Ferry strwete, for building site, we are in sore need of financial aid. Never theless we cannot afford to lose sight of our real aim and object, hence tbe con cert w hich we proposed to give is indef inately postponedj. We promise, how ever, alt lovers of music an evening of mosicftl t njoyment in the near future. II. W. YoitKo, Secretary. til, COMfC BILK BAEAA, Has rt largo and complete- line of goods, f'ollg, doll buggies, boys' wagons, velocipede and many other goods which go to ttiAke up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such a albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's A B 0 picture books, and ail goods lhat are carried In a ilaxaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We-wish to call tbe attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly tor this t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds w ho have used loth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced bv the Uolden Kule-Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when In Albany. at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will 00 sure to find what you want, ana will he shown over the store and be treated kindly , by rnv clerk. Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. JULIUS UBAQWOUX, A au's cars for tb wbitkv iisbit: Or I ivinxtton'a Antidote for will care any cats of the liquor nabitin from ten to thirty day, from the irnderale dritiker lo ill drunkard. Tba Antidote on heaven in 1 cop of coffee without th knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the healtn in sny way. Manufactured by the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon cr from J A Camming, aole agent, Albany. , . Circulating Library. MrJoeTalt, who organized a circulating library a year ago, and placed iCO books at the "store of C E'. has started out to increase the nuir.ter of bookt by getting new mem ber It only costt $1.50 tu become a member and tach membet ha the right to read all the bookt In the library, Thit Ita very cheap way to secure leading matter. Remember each member hat the riirht to read anv book tn the library or any that may be placed there by increase of membership, C E Browneil la libra rian. Where to Get Tiikm. When wtnting .n organ or plana call on G L Blackmnn he -e you tan select from a first class ttOUa. STATE 1X4.141411 at f, Salrm. Jan, 14. Numrsroui hill were Introduced Incorporating cities, A bill by Butter provided for election of road tuperytsort. A bill Ly McCoy permit ' herding stack by tide of public roads Welch want tea nulls protected. HI lie appropriating $57,000 for wagon roada, !k 1 01,000 in all, were Introduced. McCoy ha a bill on aaemept and laxulon. One ot Watt s bills asks that mothers ap noiiit uuardlans for her children. A bill iittirtratf Insr Alliunv ri hriAitt iU Wlttam. ette was Introduced by Weatherford, who also Introduced bills rigulmlng ihe action ot corporation within the slate and ex empting homesteads from judicial sale A bill by Mile protect Oreoon bird, one by Croat aaki the repeal of the State notiru 01 Horticulture. The following I a synopsis of the recommendations of Governor pennoyer mat jeuiaiaiure enact law lor manage ment of atate reform school and take eharge of deaf-mute school No further tax for state unlveraltv or agricultural school t and abolition of free actiolarahlpt ; only practical farmers and business men on board 01 rreentsol sericulture) coiieue Speedy opening of river. State control of Oregon City locks, Abollah fish catch ing monopolies. A poll lax of $J, an in- come tax on groat receipt of corporation rued saiaric tor county Zothccr and no fee. No wagon road bills, Abollah all cninmUalon. Maximum rate on all railroad find teleirraplt companies. Con trol by cl.lcs of all public services, such as gas, water, etc. .trinirciit law 10 enforce weekly payment of labor. At 4 o'clock the LeuUlature sdjourncJ until Monday at s p m in order to give the state prtnttr time to pt lot the law Intro duced KI4l MTIIK SALKS) It A Rampy, tniHtee, to Wiley T Porter, lots 7 and 8 blk 0,11 ar rlsburg I K F Truax, etux. ta Kdwarc' W Achlson, lot (J It's 3rd add to Albany.. F It Itoscoe, etux. to II 0 Hark- , 50 1200 s,IotsZflhd 7 l'lk CO Albany A C King, ft n to Klinlra Pugh, flacre 14 W 1 1000 00 J a 11 and Nannie Warren to Wni McKinlcy, C7P acres 18 W 1 . . . Cba Kruegar, Fred Freeso 1500 ft al M3.40 acre II w 1 tko Buhl to K T Miller lot 8, 9 50U) and 10 blk 5 lUlaton'a 3rd add to Lebanon S50 Total sales,.... .. Total for tho year ,. f'JSOO ..K),324 f AkABt I noticed In the Dkmoc-nat, of Jan 2nd, In the Oakville Items, where Mr Bam ford had butchered some fine hoga, whose aver- age v.'"1 w? y9H pound. I win say that Mr W H Cummlng, who resides In our part rt the county, on l'c: 34 butch ered hi tine hog the average weight bat ing 43a pou.tds. Mr C ha raised corn and bogt in Hi too, and we think that this tliows that he, too, understand tbe bust, nets, although these hog were fattened on oats. It we do lire In a far-off country we have some things to boast of. Misses Olive and Lula Morgan are ex pected home next week from Siicdd.wt ere they have been visiting their grandparents Mr and Mrs Miller Morgan. There Is to be a dance next Wednesday night at the residence oL Billy Savage. A large crowd and a good time I expected. Mr Berry Mills, of Tangent, wa vUit Ing at Mr Cummlng' last week. Mr J S Caldwell wa quite akk last week, but Is slowly Improving. We understand that Billy McPhcison ha sold hi Interest In the sawmill 10 Mr Wi"i. A Caxa&iax's Wife. OftTHX ftetTNCK gMlttlT, January uih. The large barn owned by Mr Smith was burned 10 the ground on the morning of Jan 6th. The entire contents of the barn, Including a supply of hay, about one thousand buthaia of oats, three or four hundred bushels of wheat, a wagon, cart, several set of harness, mower, rake and other farming implement were burned. There wa about $400 Insurance on the bsm and contents. The cause of tbe fire is unsnown, but was probably the result vi cigarri'.e amoaing. Mrs Smith has been quits tick since ner trip 10 ft aamngUtn. The Sunday Sclioot meets at private residences at present and conalderable in terest 1 manifested In it by the neighbor. George and Emma Vanduvr , of Eu gene, wem vhitlng at Mr Jones' the first 01 last week. The ''boy preacher" from Portland will hold service at the Sommcrville school house Tueiday evening. klt!rerj KJey w - The 1 Wasant flsver. cant! actios aodaaooth ing effeeta i f Kjrap of Figs, whein Head of a laxative sed if the father or mother be costive i.r I im n tba meat gratifying retails followim.' ita n.a. so that it is Lb best fam ily remeoy known sad etary family ahould bays a ltUa. Exeiiesaeat Huns hiah in Albany st Fohy & Ma son's drorf store. t.r System Buildtr, a very 11 is eaii g it for Catarrh of the Stonuun, Dyaiwpsia, Constipation and Im par Mood. Try it md tell your friends about it it o.ust posset t wondtrfal merits Wbu e I apeak wil of IU Kapeaay. This la what you ongnt to have, a fact yon must bave it, to enjoy life. Tboaaanda are searching for it daily, and mourning be eaaae tby find it not. Thousands open tbsaasnd ot dollar are tptnt aonnally by nor neoplo in the hope that they may attain this boon. And vet it may be had by all. We eaarante that Electrio Bitteta, if oied according directions and th use pe runted in, w bring you good digestion and oust th demon Dyaccpi and install irstead Knprpey. W recommend Electiie Bitten for Jyapt .ia aid all diaeate of Liver, Stomach and Kltlceya. Bold at COu end l per bottle by loahay & Mason, drujhiiara. J!AUR!F,I. WHEALDON-BR ANDON.-Cm Jan uary 14, 1891, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr Alex Brandon, by Rev. 11 LBarkley, Mr Beneset Whealdon and Mla Bertte S B.andon both nf Linn county. , HORN, UPIIAM. On Fridav eveninir Tan lGth, ISiir. in Albany, to the wife of'Ed- waruj upuam a girl. BRUCKMAN. On Jan 7th, to the wife of George Bruckman, a girl. KNOX. -To thn wifn nf Rvornf f Tfnrtv Jan 15th, 181)1, a girl. STIMSON. Jan 17,th, 1891, in Albany, to the wife of G W Stimson, a boy. PHELPS. In llalsey, Or, Jan 16th, 1891, to the wife of Ira A Phelps, of the News, a son, O'CONNEIt. On January ICth, 1891, in Albany, to tbe wifo of K. J. O'Con- ner, a boy. HEDGES!. On Wednesday afternoon, Tan. Ia. iSqi. in Albanv. lo the ujIF.. nl Jo. Hedge a girl. - DIED. RTJDi. - At Peoria, on Jan. nth, 1891, Mra. L. A., wife of II L Rudd, aged 63 tears. Funeral services nmnrrA nn Tuesday. Mrs Rndd wa a pioneer of 1851, residing from that time to her death In the tame vicinity. She wa a woman of estimable character, who leaves many relatives and fi lends to mourn her death, HAlGHT. On Wednesday evening Jan. 14U1, 1091, other home near Knox Btitte, of paralysis, Mrs. Rebecca A. Haight, aged 70 year. 3 mos. Mrs. Ilaight was a pioneer of iSiC.cOiiii'ns' here from Fennsj'lvanla, and leaves five chil dren, all grown, among; whom are the Haight Brothers and Mrs S A Dawson. She was a woman of great moral worth and leaves many to mourn her death. Funeral services will take place tomor row, Et the res-tdence f-f the deceased, the remains i.l wtiw'i ' 1 - II93IB AHD ABROAD iticitiitiAy. One hurdred and twetity-rive bill wme intrvducsd ia three days in the state trgiila ture, The conceit that waa adverMted to be givsn by the Y M U Aon tbe 23rd of this month lias bsn indefinitely postponed. Spokane Falls butine mm are malting a demand lir a redaction of rent in that city, the prtiabt ratve bolog txtoriiouste out. The only Linn county resident heard from eltt,, mrkhlpat ln, is Mr Bert Van t!1' "J0 b h seeond olerk.hip 011 at- siaamsbt and taxation provided one is uetd- srt. Dempary was korHiUsd oot yesterday by Fitsininio. s at New Orleans io the thl teeotit round, with g at sias. The latter bad Ma own way. It islo be hoped Dcmpsey now will have (Mod tense enmiiin to leave the ring, as he repeateuly said he w&uld do Sfklial Skiivicbs have been held In tin United IVetbytcrlan church for the last week, and much deep ana ix-articit Interest awakened. This evening a Miott sermon will be preached on "limes of re freshing from the presence of the Lord, after which there will be a prayer and praise setvlce. Rev W W LogMti, of Portland, and Rev J H Niblxk.of Colfax, are expected toon lo aid in uiese aemcse Come and let us seek the Lord with our whole heart. Pastoh, 'HIJMY. An rpidemio if miaaUs is reported at Sweet Home, itoseburg has a Clisutaoiiiu eircls with twsuty-fiv moriil era. John Yates, the man who asaaulud E K Penniutoo sad yooug lllatt, camatoAi hany ytstsrdsy ardgsvn hlmaslf a, fefur being bttnisd lor two or three weeks A enmbsnv with tatVI.UK) stock ia to I e oreanixed for the dvoiiciit i f ili ml well elsimad to bsvs breu diacovtrad at Utb'ard in Marion eonnty. Ilr E O Snil b bt told to T F Hickman for f 20 bis interest in a mibing claim 30Ux I&U0 fast tweinnieg at a atone, running la a nr tree, tbeoee in two other diretiop, a inch will b easily reeognn-aad by al.. Aeeotlsmsn who recently left this eity 1 fr Dr tiokh, Una eonnty, writsi that there is six fast of snow in the moaatstns, between Gstesville sod Dry (iulch lis alto asys there I on fojt of no at Ustee ville. 8len Journal. Tbe Sheriff bss eo'.IecUd tUot f 22.0.W of the eottiaty taxes, about th eiatumary arhount at this time of ths ysar. Wheu tba tax eoliaci Mr com around, peopla ar ati srslly bald op; bat bo more o Ihi wiuter than ssaaJ, Usasl services at the St Paul M K Chan b South, eornttr of 3 1 and Montgomery t. next Sunday. Subject at II a tn, "1'hj true church, which it is, and the Condition, of membership ia it." At 7410 P- m. Vi too f Heaven.' A cordial invitation is (extended to sll . Followina are aome additbmal thing dou hy lha Stat legialatarei A relto by J.aniok ask that U S Senators be elected by th ppl. Wicb teUodttOcd a bill providing tost will b eknowlalird aud recorded. Armstrong a resolution reciting xtravacaoce of preceding hfiaiatara and prevtdtug tr rodacuoo ol clerk aiartes, Ofeonrs it waa defoated Btrrett intre-duot-d a bill rataing as'.sry of members to $7, not to axoead tiiiO. and f 3 for ary 2d miles tavead; tb apeakar to get $10 a day. A bill by Jennies D uvida for jrresttr ears ia bsndling fir aim. On by Hall regu late t'Muis by Hit L aewoialiooa; by Miller and Miuto, tn rafaranoa u It K Com; by Uar field, taxing church prcrty. A Cowsar Abeehtcd. A deputy slier iff irorn Pendleton passed through Al bany this noon with a typical cowboy whom he had arrested on Coo Bay for forgery committed in Umatilla count v. Tbe deputy evidently knew bis man for be wa thoroughly skackled and closely watched. Ixceeakiko t Ixtebeiit. Tbe series of meetings at tbe M E Church are well at tended. Every one appreciate the unique sermon by the Canadian evan gelist. They are good and spiritual and calculated to reach all classes of jx-ople. Rev Connolly will talk to-night from Matt. 27, 21, "What Shall I then do with Christ which is called Jesus." Good singing end a warm welcome to all. A Rides' I'.xi'eriekce. - Tbe good looking St Charles runner this morning wa taking a rule on um Pfeiaer's risky filly, alomr Second street, near Raker. when the animal showed its high breed ing by caracoling and plunging with her rider under the high sidewalk at that point. It was only by the aid of several men that the horse and rider were extri cated from their unpleasant predicament, as neither was at all injured it was con sidered a good joke. Tux BriiDixo A Loan association meet tonight at the Oregon bank. It has now been organized twenty-three weeks. Tbe annual meeting will be held the third inday In February, when the showing will be a very flattering one. riince its organization seventeen residence bave been erected by means of money bor rower! irotn the association. Monthly payment make it easy on members. and yet it compounds the Interest of the money monthly, creating a big income by tbe combination, from money that would otherwise lie idle, which is th secret ot why investment in such associ ations pay both tbe borrower and in vestor. aurUABAT. Buy your grooerios of Parker Bro s. Saner kraut at C E Browneil'e, Cloaka at ooat at W F Rsad'a. Ilulin & Dawson, draggieta, Fi ae groceries at Conn & llendr'csoa's. . Bargains In library lamp at C E Brow nail'. A bargain counter of children ana miaaea hoe at .Soarl. Genuiuo Iowa aorghuat no draught at C E Hrowoell a. Delicious range eider on tap st C E Browntli'. . Gee C Will has juat opened a' fiue nuisio ttoia in Salem. Call at Huhn Don'e New Drug Sto.e for fresh drugs..' Call and get a pVir of blanket r that Sturla it selling fol loan than cost, 300 busba! of s Rd whea wjuttd imma- .liately at Morri tSi Bunt. Tal lets, lrf-uciU and aponget. at Ilulin & Dawson , rvuuhs oorre.-. Smoke the celebrated bfsvans fillu i 5 o-ut cigar at Julia Joseph's.' Do not isil to get a piir of ebildreut ur miset shoe from SearU' bargain 0 muter. D O Moore haa yurubaied the Lelauon photograph galliry, which lie wili run here after. Deaiptey, it ha last beeu learned by a nveiy exuuange, ia tne leu jw t oo r its ni n.rns. The tax levy in Yamhill county h tweu- y-two muia, a majority ot the counties are higher than that ot Lien, The "W M Ho' went down th river last evening. The last previous boat was at Albany on July 29th. Theoitizen meeting for consideriug the report on tbe city charter will ba held at tba Court Hoosa t -night at 7,30 o'clock. Dubois Bros., formerly of the Cheuiekele Hotel, f Salem, have luased the Hoffman Houae at Eugene for five years, and will take charge at onoe. GW Simpson has received hi. fa!!, stock f ttookinette aad aealet jtcketa and three quarter tealet oloakr, and have a complete astortment of all the latett ttylet. Within th pait six or eight week there hay been a dozen, or fifteen deatha from diphtheria In the Thurston neighborhood, six milea east of Eugene. Eugene Register. The N,S Benlley wsntjduwn the river this noon with a amall load. ' It is the in tention to rnn the boats as reaalarlv as nne- sible; but with th water only two feet above the luw mark thia wili probably not be the program. John Yates plead guilty before J Humphrey veaterd&y kfteraoon of on Ht Ji leouinfttnn. cumtnitted at Lyona, and WS8 reoteuced to the county f 3r five day. Don't fail to aee on'r meti'a and' clothing before purchasing elsewhere. We sell the beat clothing forthe least money of sny house in the city, Look and be con vinced. G W Simpson. Surveyor General Byars? says the S!etn Journal, has already let a ci.iitrset f,,r tl.e survey cf we twnsbi n tl ('......-:. V. & L. A.At the JJuilJing & Loon Association, la, evening, Mrs M Farrell borrowed 1 200 at 00 month interest in advance; A If l'help, $300 at 61 months intcrent, anti j M lliiHtfn alxmt f 1300 el 6U months intercut In advance, a total of $2700 loaned. Notice of tho annual meeting appears elsew here. To-Monnow. Servie nt at tbe I'renby- tcrlan church at 11 a in and 7s30 p m. MorniiiK subji-cts Tho Cbristlan Life, its purpose, evening s y otith and old Atfe, Habbatli school at 12,15. Y P H (j V. prayer hietlng at C :45 p m. All will 1 made welcome to these services. Freaebmg in the l irat M JB church at 11 a tn. H 8 at 2:W p tn. Yonn-f Peo ple's meeting at 0 :30 p r. Iievival eer-! vices Ijegin at 7:30 u in, cmduetcd tv lley Jas (Vmnalty, the evangelioU, A ; are invited to theee services.- At tho United Presby terlan flu fch tliere w ill m services at 11 a in and :3l pin. Habbatb school at 2:30 p tn. Ho wdy of Christian Kndravor at 6:30 p tn. During the coming week services wilt be held cuili evening at 7:30 p m, and a prayer met ting 2 :S0 p tn lor all. I'AfTon. The revival service at the P.iitit'iHt ebtireli arc to 1j continued next week. M r CairnH, I he evangelist, left tit is morn ing for M(;Miniivilh, and the pint will be ftMSted on Humlay and during next week bv uis irrother, Key CM Hit), of Portland. Services as follows: Htjtiday, 1 1 in niid 7 :.'i0 i 111. K K at J2;l5pin. Young peiie s tieetinif. :,' . I'ep interi-st lias b"tn awakened. Omr thir ty Imvo applied for n?iil-r-bip. The Jiitfid of fvliowsbip wiii l; given to new ineiitbtrutoni'jrrow. All uru invited. Frr Ime I m V, nr 1 hint, ee I Porous Plaater, Price, 5 c ota. M'r;h s WHY WILL YOU wkh wlwn Kl.ihVs Cuie will give iii.nit diata fe'itf. Price 10 cetita, SO ctl sul $1 , Poshsy & Mcacd, Sgebtr, BHIUHIS CATAUUH IlEMEDY a nnaitive cure fur Catarrh, Ihphthens and fJaiikcr-Moo'.b. I va!ty Ai Msaof, agecti fcllliHS COUGH aid Con-iimption Cur- ta anl'l by aaiwi enats :t-e. it cures 0"inU'H tiiiti. Foehiy it Maao?, agents, flat kirn's Areira jalvr. Tlw beat d ,ln ih aroll f. Cnta.riniSw.Sfirrs V liars. K!iu-n, r-r a-,rm, r- tW, ,'oap ban!. .:hiiblaiia. Otfoa. and all HVIn Kniirti i o 11 vaitcurna liia,ar pv r't'iiiet. 1 1 u mr- Ittvcl U l.. farlov ttfa.;C4 n. or n.'m9f tcf j4 d. I'rica wnU per b-js. Pur m.', by Foaaay snd aiaaoa CATARP.U (X'P.RD. lethh ar.d w breath m-eartd.l-j' Shifch'aCatsnh Rero'iy Price Hi onta. AaasI lyi-ttUr tree, lo thay At Mason, nt. Tho. Kay a-oolea int'.!1.ti.Vct, flannels men's, ynctb's acd boy' clothing, for sal by G W Simpson's, Stent, Albany, Orei-n. For hsv, oat. straw orchr.p z&'.l oa Mor lis & Blount, cjirer of B.ker and First streets. Ilehver ta any put f tbe eity Without extra coat. '-j- P lb Road t a He Caaaet uccsft;!ty trssl4 IKt st foe bssitk. - To reach wtatth er aey eetvts sstftioa I li! reaelrs tb tall seacsssls as4 epsraUaa ef all l ta ! asters bss etcatd st aits. Tkas eeetfltioa cannot exist enlet tb-s Skpucal ssisg t I sr?sct working arSer, s thl i It pen I bis whta th ihrar so tstsss ar torpbj, that elittrjct lc sscrstloet. eautln Ia4lfitl so tfrrseptia. wtifc all ei tbttr accsa. fasying ksrrsrs. PI. HENLEY'S ' Eng!!r Dandstisa lords sxsrt s st . isc laSasat r tb 0f, Ctettst R - baartkj st'.Ioa. rssoirs Us tfcreek; oWifaiabj, as sros-sts tk 1 tscrttkisa 1 ura isd'scrt !ea ss4 csest!- 1 seHoa. sbarsaee afctlr. tea b ! tb eolar ayskta, a4 eaiiss lit werft IMaj. kTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice i I hereby given that tho partnership hrret rfuio existing titwu V If Ko letid, M V, and L C Strestoo under lbs firm naiiiwof Pacific Me Hcal Company baa been this daydiso'vd by niu.uai con aaiit: Kr' tn aud after this date L C SUatton wl I illect all roltard!rg ac count 1 and pay all del ta of said firm. 1 rated at A!bn y, r. this ISsh day cf D3, IS 90. W II KOw LAD. L V SfXATioy. fsIICCP Cocsk. Colds, leBoeara, BrenrhHtJ, lUriLO rioarsanest, V.' Cough, Croup, nrs threat, Aathma. and etry afiectioo of the threat. Lunqs anil Chstt.tndudicz-Cenisuciptlon. Kpcauy sou pcrmaneiu. wuttwa at,, oca a. a-, .a. 4 aI. J. WniTflEYi ikvoi: jt And "9!msollop At ESTi . ND- aVotaiV Eub!iCa OH. G A. WHITiiiEV, Physiciaa aalSarjsoa. Graduate of Bvllevue MocpUavl llidical Jollega Now iork-City. . Dineasea of woma.i a ,p -oialty . ffOlao r.nnaVa Brick, Albauy, Or. If. m a s is;: B..:.2..:.5.::.B.:::B':a;ja ! TUB CJUJVBBATED M SSvllTI! & WESSOSs li ti a, ri TSa E!i; t,,. a, r... a;. ..,,.. j l i ; ...v .,,, vu.u.i n.Hi. ;a. m.,.l(nbtlirvu. T . M ii t. v . ..Uun.titiCT i for IL . -JJr-fJ is btiS6ILlTY. Tr-li-aXrl JV - .5 EXCSUtliiCStt-ci-sv' 13 U W3ntiAS!li and ft 'nV ;AS RS COKVfeUlEKCE In t J J o li LCAOiNu ;.d Stfm, Na ' I V 1 4 li Z-M fofl!!astM'.cd Catsbcce Mil Price tlit tof4 j, CIV1ITH VSSSON, :4 tj srjus'rwiKi.ri, e-i 3r j; r -j y n v- c .! ? fij-!x-"-TOt.-, ,' e"7 fi E if mn mm music stc i Aaxsrta'roa tusjcnaEKATso . II. F. Miller, An-3 the Faror'.te J. BAUER & CO. S PIANOS.' Talaco aiul Eiuiiall .rlouseProof Organs SOLBAOr.KTHrO.1 T'.IK B. &'i Tf ,f "II V V V4i4i IviLlLAitj ' ' f .... .. r"' x v :,' .t '., J '"ifi 1 Ho tu tbo tn 1 !'.' and results wise:. 1 a lftu) of !",' hi Sftlten ; it U j-lcPEnnl :);' r lr;i!i.(;i b the tne find ad. f"::ii!y yd t r Hiijitly on llw Kidnfvs, Ijis '-t wi.' 3'ri'c:, -,ctii-s tbe ry' ?rir -r"tii;');r, iiUyrh crlK bfii'J : -cii'-s r.i'.tl fcvis findcnien liii!;iftinl t : f.'i-wli '.i. i-'yrnn cf lJ-s h tbe? .r: terf "Ay (f 'nXia'i ever Tri- l":'-.w,g i.'r iV.d lui,U- ai.rlco .. 'Uhli i" !. rb;n;ac!i, rion j.t in it- :,'; t;i4 truly ttfmdl&tl in ita ' excfM'Xti rnalitiea u'h it h ?t: Hub ia brrtllca Lv ail I'-rtiiir!"' ' 'i-uyii', i.m.y 2? rw '.Lirozm no sr.vp CO. a vwx, n.r .Crrosifis I'LivutuG Eloi-e, Nav Iloomt; Seal Strtlce; Good Utah, Promptly Hervtd, fur twerUy-fica Cent. Oytlort -'. in -:- U - '- SlyUg. Court ous Trmlmtitt; First clutCook. 1LBASY C3LLEBUT8 IISTITO ALDANY. OREGON 18QQ, IOOI. rir.t Term Opened aesteaaker ltk. !. A full corps of InstrucVirs, ClACSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY,. CCMft'EECIALAKD KQEiiAL CLASSES. Cocrses ot tndy arranged to meet lb' 1 of all gradea of student. S fecial irtauccmtHtt ojered lo ttudtult " from abrtad. ' , . BSr. ELSCKT SCOSDIT T0II SCALES , OF $G6 BIKGHAMTOS HEALTH IS WEALTfrm la I ; . I'R. E. C. WESrS Serra sad Braia Trastnert a ruaranlaad aprciflc .r H yateria, Iiuzinaaa, Ooaral .; cxa, 11 a. licriooa Neursigia, tlemdaeba, Kanaoa ', ; Pmetratka swimJ by the uaa of aionbot ar tubacef. 1 Wakafulnae. Mental iM-jyaaaian, B-teain( a USa r.ub , rwultlrur in insanity and kaadinf; ta atlaarV, in a daaji, pmnatara old ee, barrannaaa, tgaa at r. cau-c4 by oTar-neruaa of tb hrsia Eanb ta. umiaini one aton b's trcstBtaut, 1 a baa , r six baw m Uh t aant by suii prcpaul oa raasiat : j pries. . - WE C.T' t RANTER SIX BOXES TO CCU AWT ram. Wti k aach orcer rarcirad by as lev aut soma. Srerinua4 wita fx wa will aan tba I wnUan cnusnlc to rcfuad tba mans; it Ot. t orent ! nut a cum. uuaranleea aaawaa ongr by J- A. CsD2min, iTayjprt, sola acant, Albany, Or. 1.1. cmiia.) -'vrisarT- r-TtalE.. DH OLTriOXSOT-'CE-.Bf soutca eminent the br-uvora exiatioa; Him of Zaches t Son bss this day dissolved partitertbip, on H. Zaohea, junior mem bor. retiring. All liabi'ltiea and assets will bs carried by John Zachea 8 gaed Deo 17, 1890. Jobt Zaobes, Jonw B Aoqn TTOIt N K-i AT IJV W ALBAST, CKFCOS Caveata, and Trads-Marks obtained, and aUrt out business e inducted for at oderat Fee. Our OfHc I Oppesfls U. S. Patent Office, snd we can sec trs patent ia les Um tbaa tbos remote from W'sahlnsrton. Soud model, drawiug or photo with descrlp. tlon. w e adrise, if patentable or not, frea ot chsrpe. Onr fee not dus till patent ia secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in jom State, county, or town, sent free. Address, e.A.snow&cOa Oppose Patent Office, Washington, D. C hM',n k w' 5 - is ft c "V" i 3f L? :FUNEflAli DIRL'CrOIiS. Arterial Embal.nitip; Dona'.SclentU lcally. . tCCAUlC THIT At MS '"" " '""" tCCAUlK TWIT JtH S THE BEST. 1. M. i'EKav & Ca m JS..... . i Kor 1SS1 wU: be mailed FREE ? . io ail applicant, and to last season', s t -. custoniers. It it better than ever. ; ' , i livery person vsing Garden, f A 'itTver at' Sefds , ; i should aend for it. Adc'rssa , )' '; D. M. rSRSV &CO.. S DETROIT, MICH. ; ! . Larsrei Sceti. sea i ( jie wot id ; tKij iiiXri lit ..Jj "MM tsWaaWSaaaSaaWBaiawaaVaBB Aa.aaMiahaaSS!?'1 .. .a-..l-. , - .-T!?!. f A.